A Skip Away

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A Skip Away Kamrin Locklear 10.16.19 English IV


It was 1:04. The bell rang to go to 4th period. As I readjusted and rubbed my eyes from the nap I don't remember intending to take, I remember my two best friends and I, Nate and Jaedyn, planned on skipping 4th period that day. I got out of my chair and walked out of the doors of my 10th grade math class for the last time. We all had different third periods, so we met up at the back of the school, the place where we usually sneak out. Nate and I were there first; we had to wait on Jaedyn, who is never ever on time, ever. She walked up smiling. “ Hi guys!” she said excitedly. This routine was an at least once a week type of thing, so we all jumped the fence behind our school and started jogging towards the railroad tracks in the woods a couple hundred feet away.


We started making our way down the tracks towards Nate’s house to do things kids do. It seems like we were walking forever. Nate was walking in front Jaedyn and me as we talked about random things. Something told me look up and when I did, I didn’t see Nate. He was just a few steps in front of us. I thought he was just messing with me and my girl. I yelled,” Nathan stop playing!” I got nothing in return. I've always been the type of person to look down as I walk, and that's what I was doing. I looked down and there was a hole under the railroad which didn't make much sense to me at the time; to this day it doesn’t. Nate was a light skinned guy with curly hair. I looked in and saw curls. The opening to this hole was very narrow but inside the hole was gigantic. I jumped in, Jaedyn followed. We both had small frames so we slid right in as well as Nate. Just like it didn't make sense how there was a hole under the railroad, it didn't make sense why we jumped in. I looked up and didn't see sunlight shining through the hole where we jumped in but oddly, I could still see. The air around us was wet, it was mid September, so it wasn't too warm, it was muggy. We had no way to tell time. We just walked, it was like an underground hallway. It was bizarre we never heard a train. Jaedyn was freaking out because that was her way of telling time for a lot of us country kids, we knew the trains came through this area around noon, half past three and a quarter past four. We heard nothing. Nate and Jaedyn just kept saying “Where are the trains?” See the thing about this story is that I'm 28. I still remember every detail so vividly, terrifyingly vivid.

I promised to never mention it because I’ve only shared this experience twice, in 12 years. It just weighs so heavily on me, I have to share. After the 2nd day of being in the underground pit, things started to change. After the small school snacks and water bottles we had were gone. Jaedyn was the first one to start losing it. Time passed and Nate was losing it as well, after the third or fourth day I lost track of the days completely. We stopped walking after the third day. None of us were sleeping either, I couldn't see myself but I seen Jaedyn’s features were changing drastically, Nate as well. I'm sure the same of myself. In due time we all stopped talking to each other, complete silence. This one detail i'm not really sure of but, Jaedyn committed one of the quickest and quietest suicides I imagine to be possible. I'm not sure how, all I heard was her body hit the floor and I saw blood around her small body and it was dying her blond hair red. For some reason, I just didn’t care. I stayed leaning on the wall and readjusted my focus. Then I heard it, it was like some type of slurping. Nate was eating Jaedyn. Her intestines were hanging out her body and Nate's face was covered in blood. I still didn't have it in me to even care. I walked off. When I walked back in the direction of the madness i seen Nate blue in the face with what I thought to be Jaedyn’s intestines wrapped around his neck. I ran and ran and ran until i seen the slightest bit of sunlight. I couldn't reach it. I walked back and i grabbed Jaedyn by the arm and Nate by his arm. I dragged them for ages back to light, I stacked one on top of the other and used their bodies as a step stool and jumped and I grabbed hold of the ground above me. I made the hole bigger with my free hand and pulled myself up and out.

I didn't see a train track or anything. I walked until I saw a town, somebody immediately recognized me. I was confused i'll admit. I was all over the news and in the papers. A missing 16 year old girl. The police wanted to speak with me and I still don't understand which part of my story didn't add up. Maybe it was the blood from around my mouth or skin stuck under my nails or the human meat still in my teeth.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrws7esKHlAhVQjK0KHUdhB64Qjhx6BAgB EAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F427912402073285680%2F&psig=AOvVaw2UeNRgvVUwZuhYcl3-383S &ust=1571335954914919

According to the Judge I murdered Jaedyn and I choked Nate to death with her insides. They also said I lured them to the location of their deaths and commited two counts of premeditated murder. As I write this from the confined walls of this mental house I still wonder how they thought I even fit with these psychos. I’m too smart.

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