A Deal with the Devil

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A Deal with the Devil “Roy Blackman, One of Bozeman’s finest detectives has gone missing this afternoon.” The television played.

Gary Kowalski, His right hand man was on the case to figure out what had happened to his partner. He had to go with what he had and started with his first leads. Gary had realized that Roy had been acting a bit strange the day before, He seemed.. Unusual, Pale in the face and seemingly lifeless. Like he was being constantly antagonized by something. Gary knew something had to be wrong, He just couldn’t figure out what. Later that day, Kowalski and a few other police officers received a call about a body located just outside of town deep in the woods beside a river. They arrived on scene and they were greeted by a Trapper. “Howdy Sir.” Said the Trapper. “How’s it going today sir? Why do you not seem disturbed at all if you supposedly found a body?” Said Kowalski. “Ahhh, I see this type of stuff all the time, Not humans of course. I trap animals for a living and lets just say things get a little messy sometime.” He said. “Well, Let me show you where I located this unfortunate soul.” Kowalski followed the man about 200 yards and just about that time he smelled something rancid. “Ugh, What’s

that smell?” Kowalski exclaimed. Well.. I’ma guessing we’re here Officer.” Said the Trapper.

Kowalski seen one of the

most horrid

sights he had ever seen in

his entire 22

years of working with the

force. His

partner.. Dismembered

with weird

markings on parts of him,

They were like nothing he’s ever seen. The Deputies began marking off the area as well as the surrounding area while Detective Kowalski was hard at work, He was determined to figure out what had happened to his bestfriend, His partner. He started searching the area for any immediate clues, Footprints, Weapons, Etcetera. Nothing. It was so strange for this to be. “No tire tracks or anything besides Roy’s own footprints There’s no way he could’ve done this to himself.” Kowalski stated. While the deputies were hard at work, Kowalski examined his partners body. He took a few pictures of the markings that had been carved into his poor partner, They seem a little familiar to him from stuff he’s seen from movies and books. Kowalski’s eyes lit up like a lightbulb, He had an idea. There was an old wise man at the top of one of Montana’s many mountains. Kowalski left the scene and quickly

headed there.

An hour later as Kowalski arrived, He ran to the hut where the man supposedly lived, He banged on the door multiple times and eventually the door swung open. It was a frail old man with hair as white as snow. “How may I help you?” Said the man. “I’m sorry to come knocking so rudely but I need your help.” Said Kowalski. “My friend.. He’s dead..” He said. The man looked in shock and said “come in, come in.” Kowalski entered. Kowalski immediately pulled out his phone and began showing the man the pictures. “Oh no.. Oh no.” Exclaimed the frail old man. “You should not have come here..”said the man. “What? Why? WHY?” Shouted Kowalski. “Your friend.. He couldn’t escape.. Even if he tried, He could not.” Said the man. “What do these markings mean?” Kowalski demanded. “Your friend was a fool… But so are you. You should not have come here. Your friend accepted a challenge. One he could not complete, He paid the price for his mistakes.” The Hut began to shake, “What is happening??” Kowalski shouted. “You’re next” said the old man. End-

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