FlightsInStilettos®️ Magazine July 2021

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President and CEO

IN THIS ISSUE: Wrote about her interview with Creative Director, Tijania Goodwin, and the inspiration behind Content Creation X Destination. She also wrote about her interview with the Southeast’s newest nature preserve, Coble’s Landing.

IN THIS ISSUE: Wrote about embarking on her career as a flight attendant, juggling parenthood, and advocacy for health and fitness.

IN THIS ISSUE: Wrote about when former Dallas Cowboys Darryl Clack slipped into a coma brought on by acquiring Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), a life-threatening rare blood disease, changing his life forever.

FlightsInStilettos ® Magazine Welcome to FlightsInStilettos ® magazine. We are excited to present this new, quarterly publication to you and hope that it provides you with trending, thought provoking, life changing, and inspiring content. FlightsInStilettos magazine is an extension of the unique and exquisite travel brand FlightsInStilettos ® founded by Kinyatta E. Gray in 2018. Our goal with FlightsInStilettos ® magazine is to encourage readers to put their best selves forward when traveling and to think about their personal travel style! As we showcase welcoming travel destinations, travelinspired fashion, travel tips, lifestyle, and much more, we are confident that this magazine will instantly become your preferred resource for travel, inspiration and empowerment. We desire to elicit excitement with every issue of FlightsInStilettos ® Magazine, and we welcome your feedback so that we can exceed your expectations. I want to thank our staff and contributors for their expertise, and dedication to this magazine. We hope that from the moment that you open this magazine until you read the last page that you enjoy this publication that we've curated just for you. Kinyatta E. Gray Founder & Editor In Chief FlightsInStilettos ® Magazine













ASK KINYATTA! FlightsInStilettos ® Magazine Founder and EIC Kinyatta E. Gray answers questions regarding relationships, friendships, marriages, and everything in between from ordinary people just like you who are open to her wisdom, sincerity, common sense, and sometimes humorous responses. Question: My ex-boyfriend (child’s father) is in a relationship with another woman and I don’t want my child around his girlfriend. What should I do? S.P., Washington, DC Answer: I can empathize with the fact that he has moved on, and perhaps you have not moved on as fast as you'd like. Examine where those feelings are coming from. Are you trying to control his life? Do you secretly want him back? Has the new girlfriend given you any reason to feel uncomfortable with her being around your child? Next, think of your child. Think about what message this sends to your child if they can't see their dad. I have always believed that the more people that are allowed to love my children, the better. Examine your feelings, put them into the proper perspective and do what's best for your child. Imagine you falling in love again and your child’s father expresses the same thing to you – for no good reason at all. It’s not a great thought when you’ve moved into your new “happy” place. Let Go, Let God and Live. Disclaimer: Kinyatta E. Gray is providing information based on her personal experiences. This column is for entertainment purposes only. Submit your questions for Kinyatta to answer and for a chance to be featured. If you have a question that you want Kinyatta Gray to answer, send your question via email to Due to the high volume of inquiries, FlightsInStilettos Magazine will not provide individual responses. Thank you!





A BEAUTIFUL DESTINATION Tijania Goodwin has been the creative director behind many brand shoots. What came from a random thought grew into a beautiful way to create content for business owners. With her new endeavor, Content Creation X Destination, she takes business owners to various locations to capture unique moments and content to boost their brand visibility and recognition. For this first iteration of Content Creation X Destination, she shares the scenic views from Joshua Tree National Park in California. She also shares with me via Q&A, her ‘why’ and ‘what made this experience memorable’.

Tell me about you and why you’ve chosen the role as a I was doing a live show on Facebook and a close friend of creative director. mine told me she was going to LA to look for new vendors for her brand. I said to myself, I want to go too. Next thing I Goodwin: I am a creative director, brand visionary and knew, I was booking my flight literally while on the live. Little consultant. I am also the Founder & CEO of The Divine did I know, seven more of my friends would do the same. Connections Agency. I assist my clients in discovering brand Once I saw who booked a ticket, I said great things come to identity and purpose through digital marketing. My agency those who collaborate. I was already knowledgeable about achieves this through graphic design and content creation. their brands and knew that we could create something My role as a creative director is something SPECIAL. I love amazing while out in Los Angeles. I knew there had to be a what I do, and I am deeply passionate about it. Being a way for them to get brand content and for me to create a creative director allows me to expand my mind and show my concept that we can do together. That is exactly what we did. clients that there are other ways to showcase their brands. I honestly believe each brand on the trip was able to show We are in a time now where being creative is especially their talent in the best light. important while building a brand/business. Brands have to understand that the key to a successful brand is marketing What was the most requested/suggested destination and brand messaging. submitted from individuals? What inspired the “Content Creation X Destination” concept? Goodwin: As a creative person, I come up with ideas all the time. When I came up with Content Creation X Destination, to be completely honest, it was just a random thought.

Goodwin: Since this was a random trip, while we were away, we decided that we would go to other locations to create content. For example, Vegas, Miami, Aspen, Houston and several Caribbean Islands.

What was the most memorable location for Content Creation X Los Angeles? Goodwin: The most memorable location was definitely the desert. It gave such a vibe and we all enjoyed it; just being in a place we have never been before. The majority of us that went, have not even been to LA to visit. So, this was a memorable trip for all of us involved. Why do you feel business owners should invest in “Content Creation X Destination”? Goodwin: I feel that business owners should invest in this type of trip because one, it allows you to network with other individuals/brands and two, it brings diversity to your content for your business, allowing you to experience something that you have never done before. So why not do it with amazing people who are passionate about their business just like you? TWhat keeps you motivated when creating concepts for photo content? Goodwin: The key to my motivation is always surrounding myself with other positive creatives. It allows me to bounce ideas off of them and just be in a creative space. When I am thinking of new ways to create content, I just look everywhere because inspiration is all over. I even think about random ideas in my sleep. LOL, I always keep a notepad in my bag or notes in my phone when I think of ideas for content. It is honestly the secret to my success. Why do you feel that having unique content is so important? Goodwin: Having unique content is so important because like I said, it diversifies your brand identity and solidifies your brand messaging. It allows your brand to target the correct audience. The worst thing you can do is have a brand that does not attract your potential client or customer. This is why you have to be very strategic when developing content for your brand. It has to be marketable and shareable. What is the biggest challenge you feel that businesses/brands face when creating content? Goodwin: I think the biggest challenge is that they have no clue where to start or they create good content and do not realize they can go further with it. This is why brands hire creative directors or brand strategists to assist them in pushing the envelope. We see things that some brands or business owners do not see. We have the “eye” for it. A lot of content produced in the digital world today is also not highresolution images or good quality video, which can also tarnish a brand as well. So, saving up your dollars to hire a great photographer/ videographer is a plus. You can even barter services with one if you have a valuable product or service they can use as well.

Why is it so important to get out of your own backyard when taking photos for your business/brand? Goodwin: It is important because it gives you a new scenery. It gives your business/brand a new look and feel. It brings a new light on your brand as well. It shows that magic can happen outside of a photo studio or within your neighborhood. Making your brand unique helps you to stand out! Your brand purpose and message can be captured anywhere. You just have to put the time in to make it happen. How did you select the team for your “Content Creation X Destination” concept? Goodwin: When selecting the team for this project, I knew I had to be smart about it. I had already developed a team of individuals who have amazing talents. Knowing the people who you work with is the most important thing. It is also imperative to understand their ethics and how they do business. The majority of my team was on this trip, but I also picked up a brand visual expert who will be developing all the brand visuals for each time we do this project. She actually came on the trip because she said she was interested in knowing how I put my team together. I really appreciate everyone’s individuality. Each person brings a different vibe and personality to the group. We just mesh together and we make MAGIC happen!

Tijania Goodwin (Creative Director/Visionary) @thetijaniaexperience Sherine Tate (Photographer/Videographer) @tatedigital Monique Fairweather (Stylist) @morefined Easter Iverson - Brooks (Makeup Artist) @easteronthebeat Neesh Finney (Trip Brand Visualist/Model) @neeshrose_ Tanikka Hill (Model) @mommymogulbuilder


Chandra Gore has worked with entrepreneurs to help them create foundations for success through her boutique consulting and public relations firm, Chandra Gore Consulting. Quietly making strides with placements for small businesses, entertainment, authors, therapists and motivational speaking clients on local and national news outlets she has been leaving her mark as a publicist in the industry. Launching Conversations with Chan - her personal brand that includes a podcast, online publication and YouTube Interview series. She is also a contributing writer for publications such as Pretty Women Hustle Magazine.

As an award winning Travel Journalist, Renowned Travel Influencer and Content Creator, Jeff Jenkins has made it his mission to make travel more inclusive for all; notably and precisely for Plus size and Black travelers. In between traveling, and by a chance meeting with Jeff, I had an opportunity to explore my curiosity about Chubby Diaries and to learn more about Jeff’s movement that’s building more and more momentum in the travel space, by the minute! The Rundown Jeff Jenkins (a FAMU HBCU) alumna, is on a mission to make travel more inclusive for all (especially Plus size and black travelers). He developed his love for traveling the world because of a program offered at his school named Camp Adventure. Jeff has traveled to over 40 different countries and believes that all people should have the opportunity to travel the world – which is why he started Chubby Diaries. Jenkins says “I didn’t see anyone represented in the travel space that looked like me”. Educate Yourself About Jenkins’s Organization – Chubby Diaries Chubby Diaries is an online platform that helps chubby people travel the world while offering compelling content of venture travel tours and community-based events. “I will leave that there’s an entire group in the travel space that is being marginalized,” says Jenkins. He further adds “Plus size people have a lot of challenges while traveling like the lack of accessibility, comfort and community.’ After Traveling to Over 40 Countries, Jeff Has a Favorite Jenkins: My favorite travel destination is Japan! I love the culture, the traditions and OMG the food! Japan has a special place in my heart because it was one of my first trips internationally as well. I believe that is where I got bit by the travel bug!

Avid Travelers Usually Have that One Thing They Can’t Travel Without, Let’s See What Jeff Says About That Jenkins: I can’t travel without my iPhone and it’s not to check social media! I believe that the iPhone is the single greatest travel tool that anybody could have. It helps me translate when I’m in a country and I can’t speak or read the language. Also, it helps with navigation; it's also how I can visit museums because that is where I have my electronic passes. Yes, Jeff Still Has a Bucket List Jenkins: Right now it’s Antarctica I wanna go ahead and get this bad boy out the way! I have a goal of going to all seven continents and how dope would it be to go to the South Pole! I heard that you can hear your heartbeat when you walk outside because of the lack of noise pollution. Jeff on Group or Solo Travel Jenkins: To be honest, I love groups, but it’s always hard to gather people. Y'all been there when your friends plan something and the closer it gets, the more people start dropping out? My friends and family can't keep up sometimes, so that is why I do a lot of traveling by myself or with my wife. Key Advice for Aspiring Travel Influencers Jenkins: To be honest, it’s a state of mind. That person must commit if they want to be in this profession. I know it sounds cliché, but there are so many people that are wishy-washy or have 1 foot in and another one out. I see that the most successful people are the ones that are consistent and stick around for the long game. Yes, there are those who go viral, but most successful Influencers have been at it for 5-10 years. Jeff’s Major Travel Safety Tip Jenkins: I always register my trip with the State Department. This is a simple safeguard that lets people in our country know that I am in another country and can help if need be. According to Jenkins, These Countries are Most Welcoming to People of Color Jenkins: Columbia, Germany and France are some of the countries that love them some POC although most of the African countries love us even more! Also, when a lot black folks travel, we get mistaken for celebrities all the time, so that is just an extra dose of love. What’s Next in 2021 for Jeff Jenkins and Chubby Diaries Jenkins: Group trips! We have multiple trips planned for this year and you can join us. Also, I have some incredible projects that I can't wait to share with the world! The rest of this year will be me catching up on all the traveling I missed the past year!






Growing up in Jonesboro, Georgia, with a loving family really set a solid foundation for me. I was grateful to have such loving parents and friendships. You can say that this chick lived a city life remixed with a bit of country life. I was a very quiet and reserved young lady who wouldn't step foot on an airplane or car to go anywhere. I was content with staying in the same place with the same people. Anything out of my comfort zone was out of the question. Little did I know I was on my way to having the bumpiest flight of my life. After high school, I attended college for two years, but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with my life. I would get so frustrated because I felt as if everyone had a purpose in life except me. I had no drive, no goals, and no sense of urgency to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Then God stepped in. Who knew that accepting the position as a front desk agent for a small hotel chain would set the foundation for something unimaginable. Every single day there would be a young man stopping by the front desk to explain to me how great of a flight attendant I would be. I would kindly tell him how I hated flying and how my mom was actually a flight attendant for the same airline. Until one day I heard a voice that said "Go for it" Go to the job fair. Surprisingly, I listened and went to the job fair. There were hundreds of people at this job fair when I arrived. I couldn't believe my eyes. I almost turned around and left. I immediately got into the flight attendant's line to apply, but suddenly fear hit me. I got out of the flight attendant line and proceeded to the customer service line. That's when I heard a voice and felt a tap on my shoulder. The lady asked me why I decided to get out of line and walked me to the front of the line. She then says, "You belong in this line. Your life will forever be changed and filled with great friendships and memories. Then, she passed me an employment application and disappeared.

Fast forward, I was hired on the spot and invited to flight attendant training. The rest is history. I've now been a Flight Attendant for 18 years and still counting. I love what I do, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I am forever grateful to that one person who pushed me into the airline industry. We are still good friends to this day, and I'm forever grateful. So let this be a lesson. Whatever that is for you will be for you. Over the next few years, I became a single mom of twin boys, and I didn't know how I was going to make it. I never imagined being a single mom at the age of twenty-five years old. I was overweight, and I immediately fell into depression. I had to take a year off of work to deal with my anxiety and depression. That was until I found my new love, which was working out. I began working out every day, and I would also meditate. I soon realized how doing those things would help me feel better from the inside out. My doctor recommended putting me on depression medications, but I refused. Instead, I began doing my own research on natural healing and ways to cope with depression. After one year of working on my emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being, I began telling people how I "worked" it out. I managed to get out of depression without medications by working out.

In life, every day, we get a chance to be different. A chance to change. A chance to be better. Your past is your past; leave it there. I also found that connecting with positive individuals helped motivate me to be the best woman that I could be. So, I'll tell anyone to get out and travel. This will help mold you into your best self. Eighteen years later, I now reside in Tampa, Florida, with my loving husband and thirteen-year-old twin boys. I'm flying the friendly skies, still enjoying it. When Covid hit, I took some time off work. I continued to pray that we all got through this pandemic and that soon I would have a job to go back to. The pandemic was terrifying. I refused to sit around. Instead, I took the opportunity to follow my dream of becoming a certified Personal Trainer.

I love helping people make that transition to a healthier lifestyle. To be fit on the outside, you must first know how to be fit inside. Mental health is something that we all should be talking about. Earlier this year, I was extremely sick. I was in horrible shape, but I refused to let it take over my mind and body. I was mentally and physically drained. I couldn't talk, walk, or stay awake. At one point, I began to give up. Then, on day seven of being sick, I began to speak life into myself. Sometimes we have to speak life into ourselves. We can be surrounded by people who love and care for us, but it's important to remember that we are responsible for our well-being. You must stay balanced and take care of yourself first. Otherwise, you could find yourself drained, confused, or flat-out frustrated. I managed to fight my negative thoughts mentally and took control of those negative thoughts. Within weeks I slowly began to gain my energy back. Again, this is a prime example of how "I ''worked it out. I recently passed my Florida Real Estate Class exam, so I'll be sitting for my Florida State Real Estate Exam in a few weeks. It's never too late to pursue your dreams. Remember, your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well. So grab a pen and design the life that you love. Then, when you're having a bad day or ever feel stuck, get up and "WORK IT OUT." Contributor Milicent Lawson is a Flight Attendant for a major U.S. airline, personal fitness trainer, fitness advocate, wife and mother. Photo Credit:

Many people are flying to destinations worldwide, while others are taking it slow and traveling to new destinations in the U.S. There are so many hidden gems in the U.S. Think about it. There are 50 states that all boast of their unique culture, cuisine, attractions, and hospitality! One such state is Hawaii. Our feature travel organization in this issue is Aloha Hawaiian Vacations! Kinyatta E. Gray, Editor-In-Chief of FlightsInStilettos Magazine, had the privilege of chatting with Haven Overman, Director of Sales, about what Hawaii offers and why vacationers should consider booking their travel through Aloha Hawaiian Vacations. We love Aloha Hawaiian Vacations because they provide "allinclusive" packages not typically offered in U.S. destinations like you're accustomed to seeing in the Caribbean. That makes this travel company extremely appealing to customers who enjoy having every little detail planned in advance!

Our pre-planned vacations are not "organized tours," giving you the freedom to customize your preferences while having plenty of open time. Let us do the work for you!

HOW HAS TRAVEL CHANGED TO THIS DESTINATION SINCE THE COVID PANDEMIC? Overman: Hawaii began a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arriving residents and visitors in March 2020. They were essentially "closed" to the rest of the world until October 2020, when they allowed returning residents and visitors to bypass the quarantine with a negative COVID test. Especially since the beginning of 2021, Hawaii has seen visitors return in full force, at prepandemic numbers.

WHAT MEASURES HAVE THIS DESTINATION TAKEN TO KEEP TRAVELERS SAFE? TELL US ABOUT YOUR TRAVEL ORGANIZATION. Overman: For over thirty years, we have provided our clients with affordable, high-quality All Inclusive Vacation Packages to the world's premier travel destination - HAWAII.

Overman: From the beginning of the pandemic, Hawaii has taken its residents' and visitors' health and safety extremely seriously. Due to its geographic isolation, they have managed to keep their cases very low. They also currently require a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of arrival. Although no date has been announced, they have said they plan to implement a new program to allow fully vaccinated travelers to bypass the COVID-19 test. Hawaii also has mask mandates and capacity limits currently in place to keep everyone safe.

WHAT ARE THE TOP ATTRACTIONS THAT ARE A “MUST” TO VISIT? Overman: It depends on the island!

Oahu (Waikiki Beach): Diamond Head Pearl Harbor The North-Eastern Shore Maui: Road to Hana Lahaina Town Haleakala Kauai: The Bali-Hai region Hanalei Valley and Town Na Pali Coast (only accessible via sea or air) Hawaii Island (Big Island): Volcanoes National Park Black sand beaches Waipio Valley

DO YOU RECOMMEND HIRING A TRAVEL GUIDE WHEN VISITING THIS DESTINATION? Overman: When you book one of our All-Inclusive Hawaii Vacation Packages, you won't need a travel guide. We arrange everything for you before you ever arrive in Hawaii, so once you are here; all you need to do is have fun! Most of our packages include air, hotel, transfers, meals, and activities, plus tax and gratuities. You will have vouchers for everything, which will tell you where to be and when to be there. We also offer a 24-hour emergency line while you're on your vacation, in case you need us after-hours.


DETERMINATION By Kinyatta E. Gray In hindsight, Tiffany Carter, just like the rest of us, had no idea how much COVID and the resulting global pandemic would impact her life.

Fortunately, the pandemic did not stop her plans at all; in fact, this global crisis allowed Tiffany to focus on what mattered most and she set out to prove to herself that a determined woman is unstoppable. Tiffany managed to achieve an Ed.D. from Drexel University despite the COVID-19 pandemic. As Tiffany prepares for yet another graduation after attaining the highest levels of education, I had an opportunity to meet with Dr. Carter and learn first-hand how she did it. The Rundown Dr. Tiffany Carter currently serves as a Program Manager, responsible for providing innovative leadership and strategic direction in the management of high profile programs within a Federal government agency. In this role, she demonstrates her passion for education, special emphasis programs, inclusive diversity and impacting and empowering others, in the development of leader development programs. Prior to joining the Federal government, Dr. Carter served in higher education as the Associate Director of Admissions at Southeastern University, Assistant Director of Admissions at Trinity University and various positions in the University of Maryland System. Dr. Carter earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Maryland College Park, Master of Science in Organizational Counseling from The Johns Hopkins University and a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership and Management, with a concentration in Human Resource Development, from Drexel University. Ms. Carter is also a certified Association for Talent Development (ATD) Consultant and International Coach Federation - Associate Certified Coach. She enjoys spending time with her husband of 15 years, two children and fur babies, two dogs and a hamster. She loves nature, hiking, grounding and traveling anywhere the ocean awaits. In her spare time, she enjoys reading a good book that enlightens her soul and challenges her thinking to aspire to new levels in life.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Tiffany’s Home and Work Life COVID-19 definitely impacted Tiffany's family and work life -- for the better. She took advantage of the opportunity to spend real quality time with her husband and children. The best part was the ability to pause and get more in tune with herself. Prior to COVID, she did not believe she was existing, but to some degree, she was. She did a great job getting up each day, prepping the kids for school, going to work and returning home. She and her husband would help the kids with their homework and/or projects, get them to their extracurricular activities, cook dinner, then she would take her doctoral classes twice a week for 4-6 hours and the list goes on...just to do it all over again the next day. She and her husband, together, got it DONE. However, when the pandemic hit, everything literally stopped. She felt like she could breathe! Yes, she had to figure out a new schedule, as to what worked best for her children in their new virtual school environment, she and her husband had to work out when each of them would be what she called, the shorthand lunch cooks. Yet over time, she and her husband had more time to teach their children life skills, such as how to cook, do laundry, mow the lawn and more. They still vacationed infrequently, but not the typical beach vacation. Instead, they went camping, even hunkered down in a cabin in Asheville, NC and Chattanooga, TN; went hiking to enjoy the simple things in life- like nature and most importantly, each other.

The moments of quietude enhanced her level of self-awareness, and that was when she became more intentional about setting goals and teaching her children the same. They created vision boards and did creative things together. But, for her, what she truly learned when it came to work-life, was not to let work dictate her life. People often get consumed with work, it just happens. People get so bogged down with busy work, desiring to climb the corporate ladder, and not take time to do things that really make an impact. One can get busy just being busy. So, she began to think about what was important to her like how much did she like her job? She learned how valuable she is and began to think about what is next for her. By working at home, she also learned how to protect her energy and space so that worklife would not seep into her home atmosphere. She learned to keep them separate. She respects her time. When it was time to disconnect, it was time to disconnect and be with her family. She learned how to say no to some things and yes to herself. She put herself first- unapologetically, and discovered newfound peace and joy. Though COVID-19 had a negative impact on the world, it was a blessing she was able to experience positivity. How Tiffany Balanced the Challenges of COVID-19 While Completing her Ed.D. She had learned how to listen to her body, ask for help, and practice gratitude. There were times when she had to take a time out. Being home for the majority of the time, believe it or not, was draining; not having an outlet, being in mommy mode all day, and not having a break to decompress from her workday. Then having to carve out time to complete school assignments, defend her dissertation proposal and conduct her research study last summer - needless to say, it was a lot; however, she had her husband next to her to help her along the way. You see, it was not only the challenges faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, but also in light of the racial tension in the world during the same time. She faced emotional hardships as a woman of color and raising Black children. She took time to be in touch with her raw feelings, cried often; with the help of God, her husband, and friends to unleash, she was able to get back on track, be intentional to continue to pursue what she wanted to accomplishwhich was to make a difference, focusing her research study on a topic that will impact others and complete her Ed.D., in the midst of COVID-19.

Tiffany Convinced Herself to Keep Going Despite Feeling Overwhelmed Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. She often felt like she was unable to give her husband and children 100% of herself. However, she made concerted efforts to be fully present when she was spending time with them. When wife/mom guilt set in, she would let her family know how she felt and wanted to hear how they all felt. Communication was key and helped her work through the guilt of her pursuing her dream. In fact, she slightly delayed completing her degree in order to spend the Christmas holidays with them, and disconnected from schoolwork to enjoy the holidays with her family because to her, time is something you can't get back. So, yes, she sacrificed and found a middle ground that she could live with. To her, it was worth it. She realized that her children were watching her. She had to practice what she preached and show them the way (no pressure, right?). She wanted them to witness what it looked like to pursue a degree, work hard for what you believe in and achieve it. Yes, they saw her cry when she got frustrated at times. Working full-time and meeting competing work demands of instituting a highly visible leader development program, in addition to leading 3 other programs - it was hard to stay on top of everything and not miss a beat. There were times she believed she could not complete the research study, until God reminded her that He had people strategically placed in the workplace and in her personal life to encourage her. God certainly knew what she needed and when she needed it. She was reminded that completing her degree was not only for her, but to help other women of color. She was convinced of her purpose. Tiffany Realizes that Goal-Setting and Visualization is Important Dr. Carter shared with me that goal-setting is one of the many keys to her success and encourages our readers to start with small goals and work toward the bigger goals. Here are some of Dr. Carter’s goals spanning over the next five-years:

1 To be my best self - live on purpose and live out my purpose 2 Be an author 3

Adjunct Professor

4 Start her business

Operate in her gift as a motivational speaker -to empower; speak words of healing, to help individuals get 5 up, go forth and pursue all that life has in store for them.

What Motivates Tiffany Daily

God, herself, family and her faith. She has so much to live for and work to do. Her heart is full with gratitude, with the life she has been gifted. Despite the loss of her mother in 2007, the life she lived and all she deposited into Tiffany, continues to motivate her. She takes time to pause to reflect on a time she lost hope and motivation. In fact, she did not want to go on in life without her mom. She felt like God ripped out her heart when He took her mother to return to Him. However, one night, Tiffany had a dream where her mother appeared. As Tiffany was crouched in the fetal position, she recalled her mom coming from behind her, and wrapped her arms around her waist and lifted her up to her feet and whispered in Tiffany's ear, "You have to keep going. Come on now, Tiffany, get up." She has held on to that particular dream that incessantly serves as a reminder to her that she is her mother's legacy. Her children motivate her because she is responsible to instill things in them to continue her mother's legacy, as well hers and her husband's. She knows that with God, she can and will achieve great things.

If COVID wasn’t a Factor… The Carter family would have traveled to Hawaii in June, 2021. (Let’s hope that they can travel there soon)! Quotes that inspire Dr. Carter “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~Nelson Mandela. “The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money, or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather, a legacy of character and faith.” ~Billy Graham. Dr. Tiffany Carter’s determination and commitment to excellence and achieving her brand of victory serves as a success and “how to not be defeated” model for us all. Photo Credit: Rae Marcel @raemarcel (IG) and @raemarcelphotography (Facebook) Make-up Artist: Kiara Nichole @ki_topurpose (IG) KINYATTA E. GRAY IS A PUBLISHED AUTHOR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF FLIGHTSINSTILETTOS MAGAZINE AND, C.E.O. OF FLIGHTSINSTILETTOS, LLC.


ACROAD TRIP AR COLLISION You've been preparing for a week for your first family road trip since the pandemic. You have checked everything once and twice to ensure that you do not forget your family's travel essentials. You've even remembered to pack everyone's favorite snacks and entertainment for the road trip. The highly anticipated day has finally arrived. You've made it 100 miles into the journey without any requested bathroom breaks! By 150 miles into the road trip, you experience the unthinkable - a non-fatal car collision! Don't worry; while certainly jarring, it's not the end of the world.

4. Take many pictures, both of your vehicle and the other vehicle and the general surrounding area. 5. Call your insurance company to report the incident. If the vehicle is non-drivable, let them know so that they can have your car towed and set up your rental. Additional Collision Repair Advice

Can customers decide where to have their vehicle repaired, or are they required to take their car to the collision repair shop recommended by their Here are five tips and helpful advice by Domonique Broadus, insurance provider? Senior Estimator at Murphy’s Auto Body Shop in Washington, DC, to help you manage this experience with ease and to Broadus: People can decide where they would like to restore your sense of peace and get you back on the road have their vehicle repaired. The insurance company may safely! have you visit a specific shop to have the estimate written, but you are not obligated by any means to have that shop Broadus says: repair your vehicle if it is not your shop of choice. 1. First and foremost, if you are taking a road trip in your vehicle OR a rental, make sure your insurance is up to date What kind of qualifications and certifications should and you have FULL coverage! customers look for when searching for experienced collision repair facilities? 2. In the unfortunate event of an accident, stop/pull over and make sure everyone is okay. Call 911 if necessary. Broadus: I-CAR Gold Class shops are thoroughly vetted through a long and arduous training process. If the shop 3. Calmly collect insurance info, registration, and driver's has this certification, you are likely in good hands. ASE license info from the other driver. Allow them to do the same. certifications are also recommended for any shop DO NOT make any statements admitting fault. performing mechanical repairs.

Domonique Broadus is a Senior Estimator at Murphy's Auto Body Shop, the premier collision repair facility in the DMV. As an estimator, he creates the repair plan for each vehicle - determines which parts are to be repaired or replaced, communicates with insurance companies, and keeps the vehicle owner informed of the repair progress.

Planning a trip is a time-consuming and complicated process. Travel advisors simplify this process for their clients by providing professional consultation services and curating complete travel itineraries that meet their customers needs. They book flights, cruises, rental cars, and hotels, as well as resort stays and events. A great travel advisor will result in you being responsible for what matters most -- packing for your trip, making it to the airport, and enjoying your vacation. However, as a traveler, there are several things that you can do to prepare for your meeting with your preferred travel advisor. Here are the top five things you need to know when meeting with a travel advisor: Know where you want to go and when. A travel advisor will gladly help you when you first know what you want to do! A good travel advisor will send you a travel inquiry form to collect more details about your preference for your vacation. Determine a realistic budget. Your budget will guide the planning and selection process for your dream trip. Many travel advisors offer flexible monthly payment plans and vacation financing for those who qualify. Ask the travel advisor about events & excursions. You'll most likely book these anyway; you may as well book them in advance and save!

Clarify any services the travel advisor charges in advance. In today's market, travel advisors often charge a "research fee" for gathering travel information and presenting clients with a proposal. The fee is usually applied to the traveler's deposit if they book the trip or waived if they book the trip. Some Travel Advisors require compensation for the time expended curating a dream trip for you. Always read all of your paperwork carefully. This is the golden rule of life. No further explanation is needed. Hopefully, these five tips will help you make the most of your time and that of the travel advisor!



Coble’s Landing is the perfect example of a safe space that leaps and bounds outside of the original concept. Owned by Rex and Shawanda Coble of Charlotte, NC; Coble’s Landing is 25 acres of natural, untouched land that has been transformed into the ultimate safe space. Like most families that loved the outdoors, the Coble’s would frequent public areas to hike, fish and enjoy the time, along with their children; however, it became increasingly hard to ignore the disparities within the outdoor community and People of Color.

Can you tell me about the beginning of your business journey? Coble’s Landing: During COVID, I had to close my barbershop because of the health mandates. I began spending a lot of time in my hometown of Anson County. At first, I was looking for a simple house and land in the area that my family is from, then I came across the acreage and believed it could be something big. What have you learned in opening your business? Coble’s Landing: It takes patience, it takes planning and when you are doing something bigger than yourself, people will gravitate towards it.

While the “Nature Gap” was no surprise to the Coble’s, they were not going to allow it to keep the experience from their family. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Rex was forced to take some time off from his successful barbershop in Charlotte and What was the most surprising response you had about your business? had time to spend in his hometown of Burnsville, NC. As he returned to his roots, he saw an opportunity to fill a void. Not Coble’s Landing: People are very surprised when they find out that we are black owned. Nature preserve, hiking trails, less than five minutes from where Rex grew up, was an available mass of land that held every element that the Coble ATV trails, camping….these are some things that haven’t always been associated with the Black community, so family loved about the outdoors. After researching the land and planning out how the space would serve a purpose to the people are very surprised. community, the Cobles purchased the acres in October of Is there a particular moment or memory that stands 2020 owning what would be the first Black-Owned nature preserve in the southeast and the second on the entire east out for you when you opened? Coble’s Landing: Just seeing the excitement on our kids' coast. faces to know that this is theirs and they take pride in Tell me about what makes your destination stand helping out and being part of the development.

out? Coble’s Landing: The energy and vibration because we have created a space of inclusion and acceptance.

What is your business “why”? Coble’s Landing: Uplifting and providing a solution. This land is a resource. It’s going to be a sustainable community. What attracted you to this business? Coble’s Landing: I have always loved nature and doing things outdoors, but I moved to a larger city because of my businesses. During the pandemic I was able to reconnect and see that this was missing for a lot of us.

What would you say to someone considering opening a venue/business similar to yours? Coble’s Landing: You can do it. I don’t want to just be the “only”. If my story inspires another and another, this will become the norm. So the gap can close.

What inspires you? Coble’s Landing: I am inspired by my people, especially the next generation. Every time I achieve something, I know it will make it easier for my kids and their generation. That’s inspiring to me. How did you know when it was time to launch your business? Coble’s Landing: I saw a need. I saw many of us missing that connection to nature and when the land was available, I jumped on it. I think it was divine timing. What is the biggest challenge you feel that black owned businesses face? Coble’s Landing: Lack of knowledge on the process, forms, tax exemptions etc. Again, these are things that sometimes stop a lot of small businesses, especially Black-owned businesses, but I was determined to make it work and learn as I go if I had to. What did you do to try to solve this challenge on your own? Coble’s Landing: I did my own research and asked a lot of questions. The paperwork for a nature preserve or camping space is a lot different than a barbershop. I taught myself about land development, structures, nature-scaping, all of that. I was determined to make this work. A lot of days, it’s just myself and my family there clearing trees and knocking things down.

Contributor Chandra Gore has worked with entrepreneurs to help them create foundations for success through her boutique consulting and public relations firm, Chandra Gore Consulting. Quietly making strides with placements for small businesses, entertainment, authors, therapists and motivational speaking clients on local and national news outlets she has been leaving her mark as a publicist in the industry. Launching Conversations with Chan - her personal brand that includes a podcast, online publication and YouTube Interview series. She is also a contributing writer for publications such as Pretty Women Hustle Magazine.


Mental Illness Is Not a Death Sentence

By Phyllis Caddell

When former Dallas Cowboys Darryl Clack slipped into a coma brought on by acquiring Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), a life-threatening rare blood disease, life as he knew it changed forever. In 2016 while vacationing with his family, a day of fun turned into a nightmare, and TTP was one more illness to add to his list of ailments—months before he acquired TTP, he was dealing with another prognosis. It started in 2006 when he started experiencing headaches. “I visited my doctor and told him about my problems with sleep, memory loss, and issues with focusing, and the outcome was inconclusive,” says Clack. He knew something was wrong, so he saw a specialist. “I needed to figure this out.” After being examined by a neurologist and neuropsychologist, the diagnosis was earlystage dementia. A study published in PLOS Medical Journal concluded that a concussion or other traumatic brain injury increases the risk of developing dementia even 30 years later. Clack sustained his first concussion in the fifth grade along with daily head trauma through contact football. This routine would happen throughout middle and high school. “In college, I experienced more concussions with daily head trauma, and my years in the NFL, the CFL, and the NFL World League would bring on more. If I combine all the hits to my head, it totals about 15 years of head trauma from contact football. As a result, I sustained symptoms that undoubtedly led to dementia.” Several studies have looked at the connection between concussion and depression in high-performance athletes in contact sports. “When diagnosed with depression, I suddenly understood my past behavior.”

Depression is a common and serious health problem that affects millions of people. It is an illness that affects thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical health. According to “The Trust,” about 12% of all men will have at least one significant episode of depression in their lifetime, and there is growing evidence that former professional football players may be at risk for depression. According to the article, “How Connected Are Concussions and Depression?,” the main findings are that those who suffer from multiple concussions have a higher risk of depression. “After retiring from football, I experienced and still experience depression and factors associated with depression such as sleep apnea, chronic pain, anxiety, social withdrawal, mood swings, irritability, and memory loss.” When dealing with depression, doctors want to prescribe antidepressants immediately. “If I can help it, I will not add another pill to my daily regimen. I opted to counter some of my symptoms without prescription meds.” Clack practices the following alternatives:

• Cut back on Caffeine—stimulants keep you awake • Get More Sleep • Get More Vitamin D—getting enough sunshine is key • Spirituality—coming closer to God and reminding myself how grateful I am daily • Exercise—daily low-intensity exercise to include outdoor activity • Cut Out Alcohol—alcohol is a depressant • Diet—eating a well-balanced diet is key • Stay Social—it’s good to make plans with friends and family to laugh, socialize and stay active They say when it rains it pours. Clack, being an optimist, believes that everything happens for a reason. He stood by his beliefs after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress (PTSD). “I took it in stride and like everything else, I would get through it.”

They say when it rains it pours. Clack, being an optimist, believes that everything happens for a reason. He stood by his beliefs after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress (PTSD). “I took it in stride and like everything else, I would get through it.” PTSD is a condition that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a frightening, dangerous, or life-threatening event, such as an unfortunate accident, war, a near-death experience, or a violent crime. In his case, TTP was the event that triggered his PTSD.Symptoms of PTSD can emerge gradually over time, or they can trigger more suddenly by a reminder of an event. Sometimes, symptoms appear within months of the experience, and other times they may take years to manifest. “Within a year of acquiring TTP, my symptoms would appear,” says Clack. After feeling agitated, moody, and emotional, I made an appointment to see my doctor who reviewed my mental state.” Clack remembers having bouts of depression and having a short fuse. “I was overly aggressive and experienced bouts of anger.” After an examination, his doctor suggested he see a psychiatrist. “I was so tired of seeing doctors I gave this situation to God.” Clack focused on prayer and letting God take care of him. “I talked to God about how I was feeling, and I asked Him to continue to help me and heal me through this new diagnosis. My faith is strong, and I believe God heals.” Research shows that most can overcome PTSD; however, there are sometimes lingering effects. Living with PTSD can be an ongoing nightmare of fear, despair, anxiety, and great sadness for some. Depending on the trauma and the individual and the amount of counseling, with time and treatment, most people significantly improve and can enjoy life. TTP, depression, dementia, and PTSD are mental ailments that Darryl Clack lives with every day. He says that since his life-threatening experience; he has a renewed zest for life. “I have a more heightened awareness of the present moment.” He adds, “I thought my life was over, but I realize that having mental illnesses is not a death sentence.” If you or someone you know suffers from a mental illness, get help. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a great place to start.

For more information about Darryl Clack, please visit Darryl has also written a book, Hear My Story Before I Forget, a memoir that chronicles his football career and health journey.

ORCATEK PHOTOGRAPHY - HEADSHOT FOOTBALL PIC – COURTESY OF NFL Phyllis Caddell is the CEO and Founder of PCPR Communications ( located in Los Angeles, CA. She is the author of Do-ItYourself Publicity for Those Too Cheap or Too Broke to Hire A Publicist and an adjunct college instructor. She can be reached at

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