Jornal 6: 'Cause I've had the time of my life

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MOVEMENT “Globalization and Regionalism” - FACAMP MODEL UNITED NATIONS - 6th Edition - September 08th of 2014

‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life Photo from: Giuliano Bragantini

And there’s no stopping us right now

FAMUN 2014 team

Photo from: Giuliano Bragantini

Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

And the Oscar goes to… 4 letters, one word: LOVE

Fabrício, Rodrigo and Delaíde

Renato and Carolina

Secretariat, Academic Coordinators and Cerimonialist


By Júlia Landers

Photo from: Bianca Pereira

It’s always hard to say goodbye

Applauses for you!


Photo from: Jóice Domeniconi

rom the moment the ceremonialist pronounced good night, everybody already knew: it was FAMUN’s last moments. As professor Roberta Machado said, “hashtag chateado”. The good part is that the memories of those four days will remain, as well as all the learning and experience! It is always good to know that there are many opportunities to cultivate this taste for venturing into the simulations’ world, so the ceremony had an exclusive time for the promotion of other models. We also had a lot of clapping during the special thanks to FACAMP’s staff and to FAMUN’s crucial teams: personnel from crisis, social events, cultural events, staff and, obviously, from Brazil’s best press ever! They were all essential to the execution of such a beautiful FAMUN. Speeches of great emotion took over the place, from the organizing professors to the secretariat. Handkerchiefs were not needed, but several people were seen emotive by the beautiful words of thanks and of encouragement about risking and flying high in life. The heart beating, however, was during the so expected awards! One after another, the directors went up to the stage reaffirming how all delegates exceeded their expectations! Most committees awarded three delegates for best performance, but many were mentioned as prominent participants! The other announced awards were for best large and small delegations and best cultural activities presentation. Finally, the secretariat slammed the gavel together, ending not only the ceremony, but FAMUN itself. And with pain in the soul, the last claps were listened. Bring it on FAMUN 2015!

Our favorite crowd


Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Peace and Security Council of the African Union

Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

International Labour Organization Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Gabinete del Ministerio de Economía Argentina

Shangri-La Dialogue Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

We are the champions, my friends…

Best large delegation - UFRGS

United States Special Operations Command Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Photo from: José Alan Rodrigues

Supremo Tribunal Federal

Awarded delegates: cultural activity and best delegations


Committees’ conclusions GabArgentina Por Letícia Basílio Los ministros y el presidente argentino elaboraron un plan económico en el cual se adoptó un cambio flotante administrado. El difícil problema de inflación fue resuelto por medio de un sistema de gatillo salarial. Además, el plan pretende reducir la tasa de interés y propone más un conjunto de medidas para atraer la inversión en diversos sectores del país. ILO By Raquel Mastrodi The committee successfully submitted documents for both topics of discussion. Regarding the promotion of decent work, countries were also divided into regions and one will have access to a certain percentage of the resources of a fund in order to tackle their main issues. Concerning structural and technological unemployment, the document presented by the states representatives included short-term and long-term resolutions. PSC- AU By Tereza Chagas Delegates voted the final document by consensus. One of the matters included was that, due to the withdrawal of Rwanda’s troops of UNAMID, the other African countries increased their human and material support. It was decided that Sudan should compromise to held simultaneous and interconnected conferences with rebels groups and the Janjaweed. SLD By Leonardo Faria The Ministers of Defense from Asia-Pacific countries signed an agreement in order to solve the problems in the region. They focused on cooperative development, which enables the establishment of peace and stability in Asia-Pacific. They exalted the importance of regional diplomacy in future debates and reserved the right of any country to pursue bilateral solutions. The importance of joint transparent exercises was recognized and the adoption of open economic and security cooperation was agreed. The intention was to avoid inflicting restrictions to specific countries in future initiatives. STF Por Carla Bonetti Os ministros do STF alcançaram resultado exitoso no que se refere a ADI 3.239 sobre o Decreto 4.887/03, o qual foi exposto como parcialmente inconstitucional (artigos 13 e 14, especificamente). A decisão dos ministros consagra tanto o direito das minorias quanto o direito à propriedade: garante o direito dos quilombolas de possuírem os títulos das terras que ocupam e o dos proprietários de não terem desapropriadas as terras adquiridas por títulos de posse e propriedade. USSOCOM By Carla Bonetti The Command realized operations which demanded hours of discussion and difficulties imposed by enemies. However, through the merger of all the American powers, military equipment and allied forces, it was possible to reach success: an important captain was rescued and an assault on the enemy installation was conducted.

I’m glad you came! By Raquel Mastrodi The FAMUN 2014 Team would like to use this space to express its deepest appreciation and gratefulness to everyone that made this wonderful event possible. We thank the Secretariat, FACAMP’s coordinators and directors, Renata Zani and our editors. Our biggest thanks goes to our very own team of reporters, photographers, designers and press directors, because Movement would not be the same without you. We thank the participation, patience and dedication of all people involved in this project and we hope that everyone is very pleased!


Movement Team Editors: Patrícia Rinaldi and Roberta Machado; Coordination: Jóice Domeniconi, Júlia Landers and Rodrigo Jourdain; Design: Daniela Fecchio, Gabriela Biondi and Renata Zani; Team: Carla Bonetti,Leonardo Faria, Letícia Basílio, Luiz H. Santos, Raquel Mastrodi, Tereza Chagas and Yan Domingos; Photography: Bianca Pereira, José Alan de Souza; Text Review: Marina Magalhães and Patricia Coy

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