Jornal 3: The details of our opening ceremony

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MOVEMENT “Globalization and Regionalism” - FACAMP MODEL UNITED NATIONS - 3rd Edition - September 05th of 2014

The details of our opening ceremony Photo from: Jose Alan Rodrigues

Check out everything that went on last night!

Participants getting excited with the begging of FAMUN 2014

Our committees’ first official day! Photo from: Rodrigo Jourdain

Photo from: Yan Domingos

Photo from: Yan Domingos

Highlights from the cocktail

Delegates from GabArgentina and ILO

FAMUN’s Secretariat during the cocktail

Shangri-La Dialogue during the first session


FAMUN’s Opening Ceremony Photo from: Bianca Pereira


he opening ceremony, that set the beginning of FAMUN 2014, received the presence of FACAMP faculty members and the secretariat of the simulation. In this context, the event was divided in three moments: the institutional dais, the academic dais and the opening declaration. Initially, Professor Roberta Machado, the academic coordinator of FAMUN; Professor Alessandro Ortuso, the coordinator of the course of International Relations; and the student Isabela Sousa, the Secretary-General, thanked everyone for participating and welcomed all the delegates. Following, the academic debate, composed by Professor Patrícia Rinaldi, the academic coordinator of FAMUN; Professor Edilson Adão, who is Professor at FACAMP; and Professor Luis Gonzaga Belluzzo, founder and Director of FACAMP, started the discussion talking about the characteristics of the theme of the event - Globalization and Regionalism. Professor Edilson talked about the Middle East and its instabilities, describing that the origin of the conflict dates the World War I. In that way, it was demonstrated that to consider current events and take decisions about the present, we always have to take in consideration the history and past decisions. Afterwards, Professor Belluzzo continued the debate, presenting the most important aspects of globalization.

By Tereza Chagas

Academic dais during the opening ceremony

Regarding this matter, he described that this process started to gain importance since the 1970s and that it has resulted in many institutions and attempts of regional agreements, such as the European Union, the North America Free Trade Agreement and the BRICS (acronym for the supra-regional cooperation among Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Besides, Professor Belluzzo talked about how globalization is leaded by a group of transnational companies that control the international economy nowadays and that the global competition is responsible for the location of these companies, many times regardless the development of national States. When the academic discussion was finished, Professor Patrícia congratulated FAMUN’s directors, assistantdirectors and faculty advisors for the publication of the book “Globalização e Regionalismo”. Finally, the secretariat declared open the works of FAMUN 2014. Shortly after this, the delegates, professors and organizers went to the cocktail, integrating everyone on the initial mark of the event.

Enjoy the best of our region! By Carla Bonetti The diversity of flavors, rhythms and cultures, combined with countrified accent, fascinate those who enjoy the best and simple in the inner of São Paulo. Come with us to enjoy the tastes, sounds and rhythms that mark and enchant our region! We also invite all participants to show their hidden abilities on our talent show!

Find out how “caipira“ you are! Check out our cheeky Quiz on FAMUN’s Facebook page and find out if you are a real “caipira”. The link is: <>


GabArgentina By Letícia Basílio Después de una contextualización de la crisis actual, las cuestiones relacionadas al desempleo y la necesidad de inversión en la industria permearon las primeras discusiones. Sin embargo, los ministros concentraron la mayor parte del debate en el tema crucial de la tasa de cambio. Sobre este punto, los ministros quedaron divididos entre mantener el tipo de cambio fijo o aprobar el cambio flotante, decisión que necesita ser tomada con urgencia para que las demás medidas sean criadas. ILO By Raquel Mastrodi Early today, delegates had a videoconference with Humberto Villasmil Prieto, one of ILO’s directors specialized in labor law. He presented some of ILO’s particularities, such as its creation, which was previous to the UN itself, and its tripartite structure, involving governments, employers and employees. He also highlighted ILO’s normative competences, which allow it to create international rules. PSC-AU By Tereza Chagas At the first session, the delegates were in disagreement about what matter was the most important to start the debate. South Sudan accused the government of Sudan of not wanting to deal with its actions and simplifying the discussion by wanting to focus on the desertification, ignoring what they could change immediately: the bombing attacks. Alternatively, the delegate of Ethiopia supported Sudan and clarified that the lack of resources is causing the tensions and, therefore, the conflict in Darfur. SLD By Leonardo Faria The main point discussed by the Ministers of Defense was the juridical question. Japan, UK, France, Vietnam, China, Russia and some others focused on the International Law issue. It is essential to emphasize

Photo from: Bianca Pereira

A glance in committees’ first day

USSOCOM during simulation

that, although they are paying attention on the juridical question, none of them have focused yet on the political question. STF By Carla Bonetti Os ministros discutiram a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade sobre o decreto que assegura terras aos descendentes de quilombolas. O ministro Barbosa defendeu os direitos quilombolas às terras, se baseando no fato de que elas são seu único meio de sobrevivência e que, através dela, os quilombolas conseguiram se desenvolver autonomamente. Por outro lado, o ministro Luis Roberto Barroso relembrou que dar aos quilombolas a totalidade das terras à que têm direito poderia significar desapropriar terras de pequenos e médios proprietários, que também têm a terra como único meio de subsistência, o que é proibido. USSOCOM By Carla Bonetti The members exposed their opinion about the situation in Syria. The importance of peace, freedom and democracy were reminded and they strengthened the influence that the union of all American and allies forces has to support countries that pass through a war. The director of Israel Secret Intelligence Service recalled that it is fundamental to keep in mind the goals and the strategies of a possible mission.

Thank you, delegate! Secretary General: “And the name for that is ride!” – internal joke… Movement Team: “Knock, knock. Does anyone have a pearl to share?” – By Raquel. “Knock, knock. Does anyone have a pearl to share?” – By Jóice. “Knock, knock. Does anyone have a pearl to share?” – By Júlia. #desespero #queremospérolas



Campinas under the perspective of History of Art By Leonardo Faria

September 5th 19h15 - Transfer FACAMP/Hotel 20h - Regional Party September 6th 7h40 - City Tour with Renato Brolezzi

Photo from: Patrícia Rinaldi


Helpful Phone

Numbers FACAMP (19) 3754-8500 Hotel Barão do Café (19) 3287 5245




FAMUN participants during last year’s tour

ccording to Renato Brolezzi, professor of Art History at FACAMP, the city is the center of the western civilization process, therefore, it is essential to comprehend how it was built up historically. In this sense, intending to offer to participants a greater understanding of Campinas development under a historical perspective, the professor will make a tour downtown. It will help us to recover the real sense of the public space, which is treated only as a passage place nowadays. In 2013 FAMUN, the tour was a success and received a huge acceptation from the delegates, which creates an even higher expectation for the event this year. So, come to the City Tour with the legendary Renato Brolezzi!

To all the FAMUN girls: “Man, I feel like a woman” To Carol Rosso from FAMUN Rangers: “Happy birthday to you” To Letícia Basílio: “I can’t smile without you” To Angélica Moraes: “Do I wanna know” To Yan Domingues: “Anaconda” To Larissa Milani: “Angie” (The Rolling Stones)

Movement Team Editors Patrícia Rinaldi Roberta Machado Coordination Jóice Domeniconi Júlia Landers Rodrigo Jourdain Design Daniela Fecchio Gabriela Biondi Renata Zani Team Carla Bonetti


Leonardo Faria Letícia Basílio Luiz H. Santos Raquel Mastrodi Tereza Chagas Yan Domingos Photography Bianca Pereira José Alan de Souza Text Review Marina Magalhães Patricia Coy

Photo from: Patrícia Rinaldi

To Galera from SJC: “Vamos a la playa”

Professor Renato Brolezzi

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