Yearbook 1415 part1

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Anthem Our Motto - Excellence and Harmony To strive for the best, as well as to live in harmony with those around them.

The Open Book The unquenchable thirst in every Eusoffian for knowledge and academic achievement.

The Colors The heart of every Eusoffian, Painted maroon with courage,

Eusoff our great hall thee we praise Swelling forth our mighty chorus We will strive through all our days Fight to keep the torch ablaze Lit by those who went before us Now we know thou art deserving As our seniors knew of yore Of our loyalty unswerving Eusoff to the fore

Gold with magnificence, And white with sincerity.

The Eagle The indomitable spirit of all Eusoffians. The ceaseless pursuit of excellence and harmony.

The Vanda Miss Joachim Orchid (National flower of Singapore) Loyalty, dignity, integrity, and honor to the hall and nation, coupled with the balance of harmony, beauty and grace.

Eusoff in years to come our best Still we’ll keep thee onward fighting True to thee through every test Winning ‘neath thy badge and crest Thus our love for thee expressing Time will show thou art deserving As the years roll by still more With our loyalty unswerving Eusoff to the fore

contents 11




















hall admin

Hall Admin

master’s message As like the past year, this was yet another hectic year at Eusoff. Eusoffians worked hard, played hard and bonded as they worked towards common goals in the year-round events, beginning from Orientation, Rag and Flag, IHG, Dance Production, Chingay, the various inter-hall cultural events, as well as the various service projects by EVC and Expeditions. Everyone gave the best of themselves and lived up to the Eusoff tradition of excellence and harmony. This year Eusoffians also contributed towards two new developments in hall: a hall module which complements the Eusoff Expedition, and a series of Eusoff Conversations. The hall module gave an opportunity for reflection on what service learning means, and facilitated the students to become more aware of wider historical, social and environmental factors that had shaped Cambodia as a country as they prepared for their destination. The Eusoff Conversations was a cosy dinner discussion series that students signed up for, held at the Blue Oyster, where they could enjoy conversing over a range of interesting issues. The year round activities would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of JCRC leaders, the various committees (heads and members), block and level heads, and all individuals who stepped up to their various responsibilities. As Master, I would like to convey my gratitude to all Eusoffians who have, in one way or another, big or small, lent a hand in making the hall a vibrant and happy home to all of us. As we bid farewell to our graduating seniors, I would like to take the opportunity to wish them success in their careers. I hope that they will keep in touch and continue to make contriutions to the hall in any capacity that they can. I also encourage all graduating seniors to sign up for membership with the Eusoff Alumni Association. A/Prof Goh Beng Lan Master, Eusoff Hall

Eusoffians worked hard, played hard 12


Hall Admin

resident fellows

Dr Jason Blake Cohen Resident Fellow of Block A

Mr Mark Teng Mah Kiong Resident Fellow of Block B

senior common room committee

Dr Lee Chian Chau Resident Fellow of Block C

Top row from left: Professor Kirpal Singh, Mrs Elsie Foh, Mr Francis Xavier, Mrs Helen Chew, Dr Robert Goh Ee Kiat Bottom row from left: Mrs Tan Suan Imm, Ms Lim Bee Lum, Mr Gregory Vijayendran, Mr Colin Ong, Mr Andrew Kwan, Ms Saw Phaik Hwa A/Prof. Qiu Anqi Resident Fellow of Block D

Dr. Muhammad Arafat Bin Mohamad Resident Fellow of Block E 14


Hall Admin

hall office

Ms Rashidah Salleh Hall Manager

Ms Nisha Alex Finance & Administration Executive

Ms Maryann Quek Sze Yin Teaching & Student Affairs Executive

Ms Jalilah Bibi D/O Haniffa Kunju Management Assistant Officer

Ms Vivien Ng Guek Ngo Hall Secretary

Ms Abidah Yusop Management Assistant Officer

Mr Azrin Bin Pardi Specialist Associate

Mdm Wong Geok Lin Office Support Officer



EUSOFF CALENDaR 14/15 Events

JUNE 2014

1-3 Exposure S(EH)VEN Camp

july 2014

21 Eusoff Matriculation fair| 23-25 Orientation X-M(EH)N

aug 2014

5 Welcome Formal & Commencement Dinner | 6 Flag Day | 8 Rag Day | 13 JCRC Rally |

sept 2014

1-13 IHG Trials / DP Auditions | 8 Mid Autumn Festival Celebration | 10-11 CCA Fair |

oct 2014

9 Talent Night | 10 Eusoff Night Cycling | 20-23 Cultural Week | 29 Dramafest

nov 2014

10 Appreciation Dinner for A/Prof Victor Tan & A/Prof Jeff Obbard

dec 2014

12 DP Piecing 1 | 20 DP Piecing 2

19-28 Inter-Block Games | 27 Special Supper | 28 Eusoff Annual General Meeting

12-14 Gathering of Eusoff Leaders Camp | 16 27th JCRC Investiture Formal Dinner


jan 2015

10 DP Piecing 3 | 13 Inter-Hall Games Opening Ceremony | 18 DP Piecing 4 |

feb 2015

11 Inter-Hall Games Closing Ceremony | 16 Eusoff Bash | 26 Amplitude |

mar 2015

19-23 JCRC President Nomination | 21 Eusoff Fiesta | 24 JCRC President Rally |

apr 2015

1 Dance Uncensored | 1 JCRC Rally | 5-8 28th JCRC Voting | 2 The Eusoff Awards Dinner |

24 DP Piecing 5 | 20 CCA Fair | 27-29 DP Bump-in | 30 Dance Production

27-28 Chingay

25-27 JCRC Presidential Voting | 28-31 JCRC Nominations | 31 Dance Uncensored

15 Room Bidding


Eusoff Exposure: CAMP s(EH)VEN Events

The very first Eusoff experience for freshmen who are considering a stay on campus, Eusoff Exposure camp is a highly popular event which is not easy to sign up for.



orientation: x-M(EH)n Events

The main orientation camp of Eusoff, one that brings together all freshmen and seniors through various fun and exciting mass bonding activities. This year the theme was X-M(eh)n, with references to Marvel’s X-Men superheroes.



RAG & FLAG Events

Rag is a traditional event of Eusoff Hall as well as NUS. Every year many students come together to put up a performance to pay gratitude to public upon a successful Flag Day. Closely tied with Rag is Flag, the annual NUS’s collection of donation for various beneficiaries throughout Singapore. Eusoff Hall’s beneficiary is Clementi MINDS who we have been working with for the past few years.




29 28




The annual Gathering of Eusoff Leaders, an event for all committee heads and captains in Eusoff to come together and share our visions for the rest of the year. This year GEL was held at a resort in Malaysia where we had awesome buffets and even paint-ball!






Fancy a ride into Singapore’s night and visit various places of good food and scenery? Organized by the Special Projects Team, Night Cycling always has overwhelming signups as it is a once in a lifetime experience.

Think you have a voice that can rival Jason Mraz or Celine Dion? Want to show off dance moves or some magic tricks? Talent night is an avenue for talented Eusoffians to compete and simply have fun performing. There are both block and individual performances with lucrative prizes to be won!



blood donation drive


Events 34



Dance Uncensored is the combined dance performance put up by all six halls of NUS. Similar to other years Eusoff once again emerges as the powerhouse with various stellar performances that send the audiences screaming.



dance production Events

The theme for this year’s dance production is Redemption Row. Four prisoners on Death Row with their stories to share. Who is to judge if these criminals deserve to die but the young councilor? Darkness will unfold and memories will be evoked as the house curtains open.



the eusoff awards (tea) Events 40


eusoff fiesta

eusoff bash


The annual contest to find out the most popular freshman and freshwoman in Eusoff! Contestants from all 5 blocks will participate as pairs and they will have to show off chemistry with their partner in order to win over the votes of judges and the audiences.



Appreciation formal dinner Events

No good story ever began with a wise decision. ~ Chan Huan Jun, 27th JCRC President






Chan Huan Jun 27th JCRC

It has been a rather strange year as president. I genuinely never saw myself writing this.

this should be sufficient motivation to keep us hungry for it in the year ahead. As we move over to the cultural

In fact, it was not so long ago that I was sitting at my desk running a fine-toothed comb

scene, this year’s production saw itself overcoming various monetary constraints to deliver yet another breath-taking

through the previous year’s iteration of this yearbook. Not out of interest, mind, but really

performance. I see new blood flooding into the ranks of the Eusoff Band in a very big way and I take this to be a sign

because I derive a sort of slightly twisted pleasure from spotting grammatical mistakes in

of good things to come.

official publications. But here I am today, relinquishing the comfortable seat of the critic in exchange for the slightly less pleasant stool of the content producer.

As the residences on campus begin to undergo various renovation programs, the incoming JCRC will find itself

As I write this, I realize that the previous sentence serves as a pretty good summary of my

remains highly desirable for the student body at large as the premier hall of residence. As most of you have no doubt

life. This is not the first time that I have moved from one end of the occupational spectrum to another. After all, I wouldn’t be raising any eyebrows were I to say that I have never been the sort of person to cleave to the mold of the archetypal figure of authority. Nonetheless, I do not think I would have done things any differently had I been offered a chance to hop into a time machine; this has been a strangely tumultuous year, which is to say, it has been a year at once both similar, and different from all the other years that have gone before. The previous sentence should make it amply apparent to you that I, like any politician worth his salt, have learnt the art of saying very little with a lot. From the annual Inter-Hall Games (IHG) to our Dance Production (DP), Eusoffians have yet again been faced with a series of unique obstacles and problems. These problems and

faced with the unenviable burden to not only conserve what’s left of our hall culture, but also ensure Eusoff Hall heard over the past year, we at Eusoff dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of Excellence and Harmony*. Sometimes, though, we lose our way. And words can only do so much to get us back on the straight and narrow. What matters most is that at the end of the day, you eventually drag your battered and somewhat damaged body back on the right track as you continue to strive towards your personal brand of excellence. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure. Regards, Chan Huan Jun

obstacles tend to vary from year to year, but nonetheless, it gives me great pleasure to see

27th Junior Common Room Committee

my fellow students overcome the constraints of time and injury to rise to the occasion. Our


girls did the hall proud by bringing the IHG Girls’ Championship Title back to its rightful place in Eusoff. We might not have become the overall champions this year, but I do think 48

*To varying degrees at varying times. 49

Vice President

mervyn wee 27th JCRC

Looking back on the term over which I have served, there are significant things that come

I am especially grateful to Jia Jing, who was always there when I needed help. For the Eusoff Awards, she single-

to my mind that I would like to pen down.

handedly deserves the credit for half of the event’s success. She came up with the ideas for the most well received part of the event, collaborated with sponsors to carry them out, and made a last-minute trip the night before the event

There were 2 events that I oversaw, Dance Production and The Eusoff Awards. For Dance

to secure logistics that were vital to Wthat part of the event. If it was not for her dedication and creative input, The

Production, this was the year that a major source of funding was withdrawn from us, and

Eusoff Awards would not have been the success that it was. It is truly my honour to have been able to work with her

there was a dire need to raise funds to match the sudden shortfall. Even though the issue of

and I express my gratitude and appreciation for the support she has shown to me, and the service she has shown to

funding was fully out of my control, as I look back now, I felt that I could have been more

Eusoff over one year.

empathetic to those who were affected by the withdrawal of funding. In my haste to come up with plans to make up for the shortfall, I neglected to understand how those around me

Special mention also goes to Gejing, who was unwaveringly responsible, and on more than one occasion reminded

felt about the situation. For this, I extend my sincere apologies and I will keep this lesson

me about things that I had forgotten. I could always count on her to carry things out in an organized and meticulous

in my heart.

manner; I never had any reason to worry about anything when I was working with her. I am truly grateful and lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Gejing. It is my regret that we were not able to be closer, and I hope that I

As for The Eusoff Awards, I am glad that it was a success. It was an event that I had spent

will have the chance to work with her again in the future.

a lot of time and effort on, and to see it pay off in such a big way was gratifying to say the least. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that this is only the second year that

As I leave Eusoff, I will not forget the support and kindness that had been shown to me and I will treasure them

is has been held at the Guild House, and it is by no means a trend that we need to continue.


In previous years, it had been held at the function hall, and that should still remain an option should it be financially unfeasible to have it at the Guild House year after year. For the 27th JCRC, what I liked most about us was that it was comprised of idealistic people willing to go the extra mile to do things for the sake of doing things well.



Honorary General Secretary

Cheryl Ko Hui Ling 27th JCRC

Being part of the JCRC was never my plan, yet, in the blink of an eye, my term as the

This year, the Archives and Secretariat committee were merged to form the Eusoff Heritage Committee (EHC),

Honorary General Secretary is coming to an end. Any organisation’s secretary’s role is

which Ka Woon headed. With a passion for conservation and the hall’s rich history, I am grateful to Ka Woon and

never easy, and this one is no exception. Having to balance between academics and the

her team for taking on the challenge of educating present Eusoffians on our hall’s glorious past. In order to be able

immense amount of administrative work is no easy feat, but I am glad to have survived.

to reach out to the masses, EHC has created a Facebook page that posts interesting snippets of the past whenever

As the academic year ends, thanks to the various groups within hall that I have worked


with are in order. First and foremost, to the 27th JCRC, I am honoured to have had the opportunity to serve alongside eight other diverse individuals. It was a tough year for us

What a year! Headed by Gary Wong, AY2014/15 saw the Elections Committee having to manage multiple contested

all, starting off with an incomplete team, but I am glad that we managed to pull through

posts in both the JCRC and Block Head elections, a phenomenon never experienced by residents in recent years.

together. The JCRC experience with this random mix of individuals would be one that I

This year’s elections had also drawn in a never-before seen voter count, to which credits mostly goes to the Elections

would remember in time to come.

committee for innovative incentives and publicity ideas. Kudos to Gary and his team for conscientiously ensuring that the entire election process ran smoothly!

To the SCRC and office staff, thank you for the support given and help rendered. While we might not always see eye to eye on the highly controversial issues, it is comforting to know

All good things must come to an end, and my role as the 27th JCRC’s Honorary General Secretary must, too. To the

that the SCRC and office staff will always be there to give us support and sound advice

newly elected 28th JCRC, all the best – it will be a challenging year ahead, but it will be worth the ride. A new batch

whenever it is sought.

of Eusoffians beckons, and I would like to urge each and every Eusoffian to push their boundaries and explore the uncharted territories. Take pride in what you do, and be humble with your achievements.

The work of committees under my portfolio is largely administrative, and plays a supportive role to all other hall activities. Led by Qiqi, the Auditors have further improved

And above all, Excellence and Harmony.

their auditing systems, taking on a slightly more decentralised approach towards the entire auditing process. I am thankful for Qiqi and her meticulous team for being able to continue with the standardisation of records, including a collective record drive that is shared by both the Finance committee and Auditors.



Performing Arts Director

Afiqah Binti Zainai 27th JCRC

Serving as a member of the 27th JCRC was a culmination of the many fulfilling experiences

last minute. It was a huge ask, in light of how much you already had on your plate. I could not have had anyone better

I had in Eusoff Hall. Having been a member of the hall’s A Cappella, Band and Dance

for the role.

groups in my first three years, it was truly an honour to take on the role of Performing Arts Director in my final year. It was a daunting task, one that I approached with slight

I recalled how initially, we were all worried about recruiting enough talent to sustain the various cultural groups.

apprehension, but in retrospect it was a wonderful decision.

We are indeed very lucky to have many outstanding individuals amongst the new batch of Eusoffians. Their heart and energy rejuvenated Eusoff ’s culture scene, and inspired others among them to strive for better. For those who

None of this would have been possible without the support of the 27th JCRC – Huan

discovered new joy and fulfilment in the arts, I am glad Eusoff provided you with opportunities to venture into new

Jun, Mervyn, Cheryl, Jia Jing, Gejing, Yang Sheng, Arun and Syu. As a fourth year senior

pursuits. It was a pleasure to have shared a stage with all of you, and it is now on you to bring Eusoff performing arts

returning from exchange, few would have been granted this opportunity. Amanda Chia,

to greater heights.

the preceding PAD, was more than gracious in encouraging me and assuaging my doubts. I’m grateful to my fellow JCRC members for believing in me and showing me the ropes.

I am blessed to have four and a half years of memories in hall. A place I called home for the entirety of my university

Few of you have worked with me prior to this but your faith in me helped me tide over

life; every year was more fulfilling than the last. I never thought I would form such a strong attachment to these

any difficult and challenging issues I faced during my term. The journey was not always

hallowed halls of red bricks and chalked-up walls. Thank you Eusoff, may others find themselves here as I did.

smooth sailing, but we sure had a lot of laughs along the way. I took on this role hoping to provide nurturing avenues for anybody and everybody to pursue their passion in the arts. In the same vein, I wanted to encourage the cultural groups to raise their standards and strive for greater internal and external exposure through more performing opportunities. The culture heads deserve all the credit for their groups’ respective accomplishments – Sue Yi, Suren, Victor, Chin Siang, Amanda Ng, Girvan, Yi-Wen, Jason and Umi – their passion and dedication inspired me throughout the year. Thank you all for being so committed, and not letting the painfully arduous administrative tasks bog you down. I especially want to thank Joanne for stepping up to lead CEMC at the 54


Sports Director

Arun Kumar 27th JCRC

Winning in sports, no matter how big or small is one of the most thrilling experiences

The sight of every single Eusoffian fighting and cheering for each other for the entire period of IHG proved that no

in life. Similarly, losing is the exact opposite. Regardless of our sports background, these

matter what, we will always fight the hardest. This also proved to me that every year we are getting stronger and it

things remain core of our human nature. However, as we pick up sports, work on our

won’t be long before we win it back and call ourselves champions again.

talents and skills, we start learning the ways of winning and avoiding defeat, and this is the time when we truly identify our character and what kind of sportsperson we are going to

Sports is the part of our lives where we forget about everything and the only thing that lays bare is our character. How

be. Often we aspire to be like our idols, like the champions.

we approach the game, how we treat our teammates and opponents and what kind of sportsmanship do we express. All of this goes down to our core values, beliefs and principles. These are the most attractive things about a human

A champion as many would define is someone who defines the spirit of the sport, someone

and these are the things that help us create relationships forged in blood and sweat.

who has, no matter faced with whatever amount of difficulties, remained passionate and fought hard through and through. A champion is someone who will eventually triumph

Over the past year, through many of my interactions with the captains and sportspeople in Eusoff, I have managed

no matter how much defeat he or she had to face. And when a champion triumphs, they

to gain better insight into our sports culture. This is the culture where we come together as one team to teach and

triumph in spirit too. That is how they always inspire us.

learn from each other. The culture which pushes us hard for excellence, to always realize our potential and beyond. We don’t settle for mediocracy, not for the things that we are passionate about. What has truly inspired me though is

One of the best parts of my life here in Eusoff has been having the opportunity to meet

that while we always aim to be the best and even when we become the best, we do so with complete respect for the

many people of these qualities. There are too many to name but it’s all of these people who

sports and humility towards our opponents. These are the characteristics that make champions inspiring, the reason

have inspired me and these people are the ones who have fought hard when our team,

why we want to be like them.

Eusoff was facing worst of the times. Most of the times we prevailed, but in recent times we fell short. In spite of the result, I have been honored to represent Eusoff alongside these

Today I can see a bright future for Eusoff. We are stronger than before and we have the experience. We are at the


verge of beginning a new legacy. However, nothing worth having comes easy, so we have to continue to realize our potential and work hard for it. I know Eusoff always will. I have been honored to be a part of this team and to lead

When I ran for the Sports Director position, my main intent was to bring back the title.

such an exceptional brand of sportsmen and sportswomen. Eusoff will always remain a special place in our hearts

In the end, we fell a little short of that but I gained a lot more during the process as I

and I would like to thank every single person who has been a part of this journey over the past three years.

saw us fight through possibly our weakest period in sports. Yes we had lost a big amount of experienced and talented players the previous year. But that did not stop us from training hard and when it came down to the actual day, I saw every player put in their best. 56


Social Services Director

Nurul Syuhaidah Bte Senin 27th JCRC

At the start of my term in office, I was told that the one year I had signed up for would be tough,

our wishes having been adopted and fundraising success that allowed us to plan for more events for our beneficiaries. Thank

demanding and you would often find yourself questioning why you had joined JCRC in the first

you Yi-Wen, Jia Hwee and Bella for being such selfless heads and for giving your all into making EVC even better today.

place. Yes, the job was tough and demanding, but I never once regretted the decision to join it. Looking back, a year of service had passed so quickly, I am saddened to depart from a role I

Green Committee: It was delightful to see such dedicated members in Green Committee who gave back to Eusoff as well as the

was truly passionate about and to no longer work alongside an amazing team. Not only did it

outside community. From the success of our internal Inter-block Recycling competition to the external Collection Drive to

give me an opportunity to hone my leadership skills, it also allowed me to make changes and

the December Day Camp, it humbled me to see such hardworking members who were passionate for their cause. Awareness

improvements to the committees I truly cared about.

is key in tackling any problem and Green Comm had done well in making our second home a more environmental-friendly place to live in. Thank you Kullatep and Hans for being such admirable heads.

Eusoff Expeditions: Expeditions has always had a special place in my heart. Having been a member myself in my first year, the friendships made and the experiences I went through are things that

EVC @NUS110: This year, EVC was invited to be part of NUS’ 110th anniversary celebrations at Taman Jurong Community

will stick with me for a long time. This year, Expeditions had grand plans to raise more money than

Club on 1st February. Not only did it mark the strong establishment of EVC, but also put Eusoff Hall on a pedestal in regards

previous years so as to be able to build more toilets, distribute more water filters and even build a

to our success on the social services front. It was one of my most rewarding experiences as an SSD to be able to hear praises

brand new kindergarten in Prey Veng, Cambodia. With four fundraising events under their belt

and support from distinguished guests for Eusoff Hall and its social services.

this year, I am heartened to see my motivated, disciplined and often overworked members giving their 100% for a community other than their own. Thank you Natasha, Zhi Hao and Yi Zhang for

Thank you to the 27th JCRC for being the best team I can ask for to lead an entire Hall with. You guys are a truly irreplaceable

being such motivated and visionary heads to carry this team.


Eusoff Voluntary Corps (EVC): Having been the Junior Programme Manager for Salvation Army

Thank you Eusoff for your undying support for the social services committees and being so selfless with your donations and

in my first year, EVC was one of the primary reasons that motivated me to run for SSD. I wanted

enthusiastic sign-ups for the second year of the Combined Halls Blood Donation Drive. It has been an honour serving you

to give back and help make the service for EVC members a rewarding and memorable one - in

as the Social Services Director and to see a Hall with an abundance of compassion.

return for their selfless volunteerism every single week. With even more events and activities in our program this year, it is indeed a joy to see such active participation of the members for such a meaningful cause. In addition, our Grant-A-Wish project was an immense success, with all of 58


Finance Director

Lim Jia Jing 27th JCRC

“In NUS, Halls are the best place to learn and grow�. This was what my friends told me

Although experiences and commitments in Hall are important, eventually, we are still students. Having several

before I entered National University of Singapore.

commitments in Eusoff Hall has forced me to manage and prioritize my time better. It has helped me to improve

True enough. It is indeed a place for people to learn. Eusoff Hall has exposed me to

as an individual as I was constantly reflecting on my decisions and trying to find ways to spend my time efficiently.

activities and experiences that I have never tried before. Joining sports teams, volunteering in community events, organizing events and taking up leadership positions. These are the things that I have never thought to try in the University before I joined Eusoff Hall. It was a last minute decision to be part of the JCRC team, partly because I had been shunning all the leadership opportunities that has been offered to me. The decision was made as I wanted to work along with like-minded people, people who are enthusiastic to hall and has contributed to Eusoff in their own ways to make Eusoff Hall a better place. Being the Finance Director was full of challenges, to put it bluntly, it was one hell of roller coaster ride. I will not deny that I have learned much from this experience as it allowed me to understand the finance procedures that has been put in place, which are relevant to the working world, it is definitely not something they will teach you in school. Besides the technical side of the Finance Director’s jobscope, I have also learned a lot about myself and my working style.



Media Director

Wang Gejing 27th JCRC

As an international student, Eusoff Hall, to me, is far more than merely a place to live. This is a place I called “home”. My whole undergraduate life is inseparably interconnected with this place. It is a home far away from home. It is a place for us to success, to fail, to experience. It is a place for us to laugh, to cry, to enjoy. It is a place for us to excel, to love, to harmonize. It is so hard to imagine how my university life would be without Eusoff Hall. It is a great honour to be elected to serve my fellow Eusoffians for the past academic year. I could still recall the first day when I stepped into Eusoff Hall, JCRC seemed to be a group of extraordinary and reachless people. I have never thought about I would step up to take the leadership position after two year’s stay in Eusoff. I can never overstate how much Eusoff Hall has changed me in various ways and shaped me into another person during my stay in hall, and will continue influencing me in my future life and career. It enables many of us to exceed our limit, to change our mind set, to mingle with others and to break through boundaries. After receiving so much from Eusoff, I knew that it was time for me to give back. My two year’s serve in EusoffWorks’s main committee has prepared me with the necessary technical skills and soft skills. It was time for me to make use of the knowledge and experience I obtained, and to pass them on. It was time to step up, and to do as much as I could do. I would never forget my vision: to promote mutual understanding in hall and to enhance the presence of media support committees. This is a vision that can hardly be achieved in just one year’s time, and we still have a quite long way to go. I might only be able to influence this limited batches of friends and juniors around me. Nevertheless, the seeds have been planted. Eusoffians will never stop our pursuit of excellence and harmony. How time flies. In this one-year journey, there were ups and downs. Nonetheless, when I look back, I do not regret joining. It is a learning journey and I did learn a lot. I became more broadminded to accept different perspectives. Moreover, I was able to learn from the others. While I was trying to apply my knowledge and experience, I was also able to understand more about other people’s way of dealing with things. It also enabled me to look at things from other points of views. Those are going to be valuable treasures for the rest of my life. As I always consider my role of Media Director as a facilitator, I would like my fellow committee heads to take their own initiatives, and I am only the one to facilitate them. Together, we made things happen. 62

This year, an important decision was made to digitize our Hall Yearbook. This is one more step to adapt to the expanding age of online media and digital content. Another change is the proposal of Junior IT Officer to regularize the management of Eusoff Hall IT infrastructure. Although the implementation of the proposal is still in progress, I hope that this new role would help to better serve my fellow Eusoffians in the future. The smooth running of all these events in the past academic year would not have been possible without the supports from the talents of AudioWorks, EusoffWorks and Publications. On this note, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the hard work done by each and every member of the aforementioned committees. I would also like to express my special thanks to my portfolio committee heads. I am nobody without your understanding and support. Yao Xing, thank you for your dedication and hard work. Your patience and efficiency are always the best support. Thank you for being available 24/7 and ready to fulfill any last-minute requests. Also, thank you so much for taking the initiative and stepping up for the Media Director role next year. I can never think about a better candidate. I have full faith in you to bring our media support committees to a greater high. All the best wishes to your work next year. Siyi and Shenghao, thank you for raising the bar for EusoffWorks. Thank you for all your innovative ideas and initiatives. Despite all the initial doubts and concerns about this co-head system, you have proven that your skill sets indeed complemented each other and you are able to bring EW up to higher standard. Thanks Siyi for being my best friend and always giving me supports. Thanks Shenghao for assuming this responsibility as EW head. I passed EW to two of you with my trust, and you cared for EW with your hearts. Huizhong, thank you for looking after Publications for two years. Your experience and capability provided me full confidence in Publications. Thank you for your support to digitize the Yearbook. I believe this is going to be the start of a new chapter. Let us see how far the story can go. Also, thanks to Nam for taking care of Publications when Huizhong was not around in Semester 1 due to her SEP. Your patience and hard work was the key to the smooth running of Publications. Special thanks to my fellow 27th JCRC members. We are so different in terms of personalities, nationalities, working styles and many other aspects, but we hold the same value to bring Eusoff to the fore. To many people, our diversity might be “weird” to some extent. However, it is this “weirdness” enabled us to think out of the box and produce unexpected results. I am so glad that I got to work with such a group of awesome leaders. Thank you for all your inspirations, understanding and supports. It is my greatest luck to have known you all. It was indeed a fulfilling journey and I have learnt so much with humility. Thank you Eusoff, and Eusoff to the fore! 63

Student Affairs Director

Yang Sheng

The year 2014/2015 has seen many convivial activities organized by our very own Eusoff 27th JCRC

Hall committees. Alongside sports and cultural groups, it’s the people that drives these activities who have made our Hall Life more enriching. Organizing ad-hoc activities such as Night Cycling, Eusoff Fiesta, Mooncake Festival, or perennial activities like monthly Special Suppers and conducting random online surveys, I hope the year has seen much improvement in the channels of communication between the resident body and the JCRC. Although they say “opposites attract”, there is greater truth to be found in friends sharing similar interests and ways. Just think of the labels “E4 Seniors” or “B Block Malaysians”, and the alternating sessions between mahjong and book-cramming in our awesome multipurpose lounge. I express my sincerest gratitude to my Block Heads who have rendered me with great support. “Student Affairs” is a broad and daunting area of work. Feedback regarding areas of improvement has been pouring in incessantly and indiscriminately since Day One. Results are slow but certainly underway, thus I wish to extend a my gratitude to all Eusoffians for spurring me on to ensure a fruitful and glitch-free year for enhancing our “Student Affairs”, together my committee members. The range of service granted to Eusoffians by these amazing people has gone a long way to ensure the welfare and satisfaction of the residents. I too hope the future committees can reflect and build upon this mantle of service above self. In excellence and harmony, as one family, Eusoff is the way. 64







gary wong kiat ming tran hoang nam lin weihong

lee xin tian afiqah zainal siaw kai min





ro oki es

of the year

of the year

Tey Yi Shun Ching Meng Hang Afiqah Zainal

Rochelle Chan wan wen Toh Shao Xuan Dennis Woo kai mun Jasmine Poh lay hui Henry Lau mun han




sportsmen of the year

of the year

Ho Zheng Yong Desmond Chan Arun Kumar Rana

Melinda Chan yong ern Rachel Ho rui xia Rochelle Chan wan wen







service award

service award

Chan Huan Jun Tham Wan Yi Tan You Chen Sylvia Lim jia yi Afiqah Zainal Yang Sheng Arun Kumar Siaw Kai Min Tan Bao Fang Yang Jieshen Desmond Chan yong hao Wang Shenghao Kiral Lin youxuan Casey Tan

Alan Teh qun you Joyce Sern jia yee lim Jia jing NURUL SYUHAIDAH BTE SENIN Yao Xing lim Jia Hwee Amanda Ng wei ling Joanne Lee chee lam Lai Tao Yee Natasha michiko yokoyama Daryll Ng juin wei Tran Hoang Nguyen Brandon Ang jun jie Eunice Lim xuan Ravi kumar



full colour award


Arun Kumar Lim Jue Qun Simon Lo Cheuk Hin Terence Zheng Yongjia Athena Ong Yi Ying Chan Yong Ern Melinda Esther Mei Ambrose Julia Thong Wen May Ng Si Boon Nicole Tan Bao Fang Chan Yong Ern Melinda Ho Rui Xia Rachel Lim Jing Wen Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Sharleen Chin Jia Wen Tan Jo Lin Chang Wen Jia Sharleen Chin Jia Wen Ho Rui Xia Rachel Lim Yufeng Alissa Chan Yong Ern Melinda Ho Rui Xia Rachel Kwan Pey Ee Cherly Lim Yufeng Alissa Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Arun Kumar Ching Meng Hang Lee Jin Wee Lim Jia Yi Sylvia Lim Xin Er Rebecca Tan You Chen

Tey Yi Shun Hui Hui Rong Crystal Tang Qing Wei Joey Chong Renjean Li Yahui Sean Lee You Zhuang Wei Ming Bui Doan Huy Cao Luu Quang Hoang The Huan Ngo Tung Nguyen Dang Khoa Nguyen Thai Duong Do Tran Luong Isaac Cheong Zikang Jarrod Sim Cheng Jie Ngo Tung Tang Qing Wei Joey Huang Yixin Magdalene Lim Jia Yi Sylvia Lim Xin Er Rebecca Lim Yu Xiang Amos Lim Yufeng Alissa Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Tan Bao Fang Tang Qing Wei Joey Ho Zheng Yong Chan Yong Ern Melinda Lua Yi Ling Teo Kailing

Badminton Badminton Badminton Badminton Floorball Floorball Floorball Floorball Floorball Floorball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Netball Netball Road Relay Road Relay Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball


Softball Squash Squash Swim Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Takraw Takraw Takraw Takraw Takraw Takraw Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Track Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball

half colour award Chiang Jun Chao Badminton Chong Shu Jia Badminton Chow Qian Ling Badminton Hong Junxi Badminton Kunal Kiran Kekre Badminton Lim Yong Liang Badminton Soh Wee Siang Bryan Badminton Tan Yan Qing Badminton Eunice Lim Xuan Basketball Teo Kai Zhi Jonathan Basketball Justin Nadar Basketball Lim Jing Wen Basketball Amelia Ng Jing Jing Floorball Antonio Devina Floorball Carren Teo Kai Qin Floorball Chan Yong Hao Desmond Floorball Cindy Hia Xin Hui Floorball Clarence Chew Ren Jie Floorball De Cotta Ryan Gerard Floorball Gary Wong Kiat Ming Floorball Goh Wei Jie Floorball Goh Zi Ning Louise Floorball Mohamed Rifqi B Mohamed R A Floorball Muhamad Haikal B Rosman Floorball Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Floorball Ravi Kumar Floorball Siriwatwimol Ntchamol Floorball Toh Yong Sheng Floorball Yow Shi Min Klarissa Floorball Yun Sol Floorball Daryll Ng Juin Wei Frisbee Hong Rui Josiah Frisbee Chua Weijie Frisbee Lai Tao Yee Frisbee Lee Min Ci Nicole Frisbee Lim Kiang Yong Frisbee Lim Yu Ru Frisbee Ong Junjie Melvin Frisbee Surendran S/O Jayasundar Frisbee Arun Kumar Handball Carren Teo Kai Qin Handball Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Handball Ho Yong Cheng Handball Justin Nadar Handball

Lee Wan Zhen Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Ravi Kumar Teo Wee Shiuan Teoh Zhi Hao Toh Shao Xuan Audrey Tang Yoke Peng Carren Teo Kai Qin Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Toh Shao Xuan Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Chua Rou Hui Lee Jun Yi Tiong Jia En Andrew Chua Ruiming Bui Doan Huy Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Clarence Chew Ren Jie Lee Jun Yi Lim Wenmin, Brenda Lin Youxuan Kiral Nguyen Dang Khoa Nguyen Tu Anh Roy Tan Park Sung Tan Yi Zheng Jocelyn Teo Wee Shiuan Teoh Zhi Hao Toh Yong Sheng Tran Trung Nguyen Woon Ling Melissa Ching Sue Mae Goh Wei Jie Henry Lau Mun Han Lim Heng Tan Ji Xian Jolene Tan Zhi Peng Toh Yi Zhang Yow Shi Min Klarissa Esther Mei Ambrose Hazel Tan Jia Yu Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Tey Yi Shun Yang Jieshen 77

Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Netball Netball Netball Netball Road Relay Road Relay `Road Relay Road Relay Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball Squash Squash Squash Squash Squash

Ang Chong Yee Swim Niam Jen Yang Swim Sharleen Chin Jia Wen Swim Deirdre Tan Yi Le Table Tennis Gary Wong Kiat Ming Takraw Goh Wei Jie Takraw Kullatep Trakoolthan Takraw Lin Youxuan Kiral Takraw Muhamad Haikal B Rosman Takraw Nguyen Le Minh Dat Takraw Nguyen Tu Anh Takraw Ong Zhi Hao Takraw Arun Kumar Tennis Chan Yong Hao Desmond Tennis Chua Qi San Tennis Lum Jun Rong Tennis Tan Ching Thong Tennis Seow Wee Beng Tennis Shaun Low Fang-Jie Tennis Tan Zhi Yi Tennis Ho Zheng Yong Touch Rugby Jacinth Grace Leong Mei En Touch Rugby Kwek Yee Ying Touch Rugby Lee Jay Lynn Brenda Touch Rugby Lim Hsin Ying Gracia Touch Rugby Tan Shi Yuan Touch Rugby Tay Yu Jie Touch Rugby Teng Woon Lin Melissa Touch Rugby Toh Shao Xuan Touch Rugby Yee Kai Ying Touch Rugby Ang Jason Volleyball Antonio Devina Volleyball Athena Ong Yi Ying Volleyball Chia Shing Eng Volleyball Clinton Soon Wei Yu Volleyball Felina Chen Xueqi Volleyball Goh Zi Ning Louise Volleyball Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Volleyball Loh Jia Min Crystal Volleyball Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Volleyball Tan Xin Ying Volleyball Tan Yan Qing Volleyball

certificate of commendation


Chong Ren Jean Daniel Ng Dan Yi Li Lam Nguyen Liang Chao Liu Junling Peh Zhun Sen Teh Yu Kiat Desmond Wong Shen Nan Chu Yuan Gui Ge Rou Lim Min Cheryl Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Ang Jason Casey Tan Foo Ying Li Caitlin Joanne Lee Che Lam Kelly Tan Siang Ting Phaan Yi Lin Phoebe Yip Yun Ying Siriwatwimol Natchamol Tan Jie-Xin Genevieve Tan Xin Joanna Tang Heng Yang Teo Lyn Le Arielle Catherine Yu Siew Yi Zhang Mowei Amadea Tan Shi Le Casey Tan Cheryl Tare Gary Wong Kiat Ming Loo Xuan Chen Phan Yi-Wen Quek Wee Ren Kenneth Yeap Jun Rong Duan Yanjuan Lee Min Ci Nicole

Elixer Li Lu Elixer Xiang Shang Elixer Yi Qiang Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Chen Chia Chi Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Denglan Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Kenneth Chan Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Lim Ee Hwee Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Lin Weihong Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Xu Chen Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Service Zheng Yongjia Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Crystal Loh Jia Min Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Justin Ong Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Lee Wan Zhen Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Loh Yu Gui Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Samantha Chan Wei Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Wang Shimeng Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Felicia Chan Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Joel Lee Jin Wee Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Lim Ee Hwee Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Lim Jia Hwee Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Neo Jie Xin Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Tan Zhi Peng Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Vicky Tan Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Wang Haina Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Wang Shenghao Green Committee Gui Ge Rou Green Committee Jannie Yen Mei Yi Green Committee Tan Yu Feng Hall Promotion Board Dickson Lai Suleiman Hall Promotion Board Niam Jen Yang Hall Promotion Board Tan Kuan Loong, Aaron Hall Promotion Board Terry Tan Soon Lee Road Relay Ho Zheng Yong Road Relay Ng You Hao Dance Production Wee Yan Ru Mervyn

A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella Choir Choir Choir D Block Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Production Dance Production Dance Production Dance Production Dance Production Dance Production Dance Production Dance Production Elixer Elixer 78

merit award (gold) A Capella Haw Sue Yi A Capella Siaw Kai Min A Capella Yang Jieshen Band Chan Zhi Hao Band Henry Lau Mun Han Band Lim Shu Yi, Clarice Band Yen Mei Yi Band Joshua Kwa Zhi Yong Band Lee Xin Tian Band Surendran Jayasundar Chingay Liang Chao Chingay Meng Deren Choir Chua Chin Siang Choir Lim Ka Woon Choir Siaw Kai Min Joanne Lee Chee Lam Cultural Events Management Committee D Block Tan Kuan Loong, Aaron Dance Desiree Marie Lee Zhi Fen Dance Ng Wei Ling Amanda Dance Poh Jun Heng, Girvan Dance Lee Xin Tian Dance Production Daniel Yip Siu On Dance Production Joyce Sern Jia Yee Dance Production Liew Wen Qi Vivian Elixer Liang Zhixi Elixer Umi Amirah Bte Marzuki Eusoff Heritage Committee Lim Ka Woon

Alan Tey Qun You Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Services Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Services Lim Jia Hwee Eusoff Voluntary Corps - MINDS Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Chu Hui Ting Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Phan Yi-Wen EusoffWorks Wang Shenghao EusoffWorks Lin Weihong EusoffWorks Lei Mingyu EusoffWorks Lin Fanshi EusoffWorks Zheng Yongjia EusoffWorks Gao Yizhe EusoffWorks Xu Yiming EusoffWorks Meng Deren Expeditions Phoebe Yip Yun Ying Expeditions Natasha Michiko Yokoyama Expeditions Ong Zhi Hao Expeditions Toh Yi Zhang Expeditions Xiao Xiao Expeditions Brenda Joan Lim Expeditions Lee Jin Wee Joel Expeditions Magdalene Huang Yixin Expeditions Simon Lim Jue Qun Green Committee Kullatep Trakooltham Hall Promotion Board Ang Huili Hall Promotion Board Vicky Tan Hui Chi Special Projects Team Veronica Lum Yen Yeu


merit award (silver)


Cheam Xiao En Lim Min Cheryl Lim Shu Ning Nguyen Dinh Viet Anh Shan Mengdi Tang Kai Ling Yen Mei Yi Henry Hee Bih Yau Lim Liang Rong Derek Donald Nathaniel Asher Yim Sean Pang Eng Howe Tan Bao Yu Chan Yong Hao Desmond Cheam Xiao En Colin Xie Dayna Ho Lee Jin Wee He Buwei Liang Chao Lim Shu Ning Shan Mengdi Amadea Tan Shi Le Chew Shang Kai Chia Shing Eng Daryll Ng Juin Wei Mah Id Tun Timothy Merlyn Koh Yu Ping Nguyen Thanh Binh Wong Shen Nan Amanda See Zi-Hui

Dance Production Chan Wei Liang Kenneth Dance Production Lai Tao Yee Dance Production Lee Xin Tian Dance Production Ng Xin Yi Carissa Dance Production Tan Joo Hwee Laura Dance Production Tey Yishun Dance Production Weng Yixiang E Block De Cotta Ryan Gerard E Block Tahmid Nasif Elections Committee Gary Wong Kiat Ming Elixer Xu Jiana Elixer Deng Lan Elixer Fan Shimeng Elixer Xu Yiming Elixer Chen Linye Elixer Henry Lau Mun Han Elixer Lin Weihong Elixer Pham Ngoc Minh Chau Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Services Liang Zhixi Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Salvation Army Huang Jinjing Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Services Wang Qiqi Eusoff Voluntary Corps - Elderly Services Zhang Jiayu EusoffWorks Chua Chin Siang EusoffWorks Sun Yuxuan EusoffWorks Han Xiangyu EusoffWorks Liang Chao EusoffWorks Qiu Xiaqing EusoffWorks Martin Lew EusoffWorks Chu Yuan EusoffWorks Deng Lan

A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella A Capella Band Band Band Band Band Band Band C Block C Block C Block Choir Choir Choir Choir Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Production


merit award (silver) Gao Chuxi Gao Zhenyu Huang Bohan Lim Shu Ning Tang Heyang Tang Ning Tang Siyi Wang Huang Xiao Yuxin Xu Chen Xu Jiana Yang Yuelin Yao Xing Zhang Jiayu Zhang Ji Chua Rou Hui Soh Rolynn Audrey Tang Yoke Peng Cheryl Lee Zheng Yi Clarence Chew Ren Jie Dennis Woo Kai Mun Nguyen Dang Khoa Lee Jian Ler Lim Julian Naresh Kant Melinda Chan Yong Ern Chua Wei Jie Debbie Ong Yi Jing Phan Thi Nhu Mai Ravi Kumar

Seng Jia Wei Ho Zheng Yong Joanne Lee Chee Lam De Cotta Ryan Gerard Toh Yong Sheng

EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Green Committee Green Committee Green Committee Green Committee


Green Committee Hall Promotion Board Hall Promotion Board Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee

Performing Arts

a cappella Chair: Vice Chair:

Haw Sue Yi Taking up the position of A Cappella chair was a challenge initially, as many talented seniors had graduated the previous year and we were suddenly faced with a shortage of Cheam Xiao En members.Â

Secretary & Treasurer: Lim

Shu Ning

However, the new members more than made up for it with their never-ending passion and hard work that they put into their practising and singing.

Performing Arts

The highlight of the first semester was Cultural Night, where we performed Disney songs in front of Eusoffians during dinner time. It was an important performance - the first exposure for many of the new members. In semester two, we sang for Amplitude as well as NUS Open Day, which provided a good closure for the 14/15 academic year. Personally, I am extremely proud of how far this group has come, and it has been a pleasure watching us progress and improve with every performance. I would like to extend a special thank you to the graduating seniors: Afiqah, Kai Min, and Jie Shen. Their patience and guidance have helped us tremendously, and they will be sorely missed. I look forward to A Cappella breaking down new barriers and achieving new heights in the future. Keep the fire burning and sing on!



Performing Arts

87 86

band Heads:

Surendran Jayasundar victor

band leaders:

henry lau joshua kwa jannie yen

Performing Arts 88


choir Head: Vice Head: Conductors:

Chua Chin Siang Eusoff Choir has always been a place which provides Eusoffians a platform to sing their hearts out. Many members may not have the necessary vocal skills and music background Gan Hui Shi when they first joined, but with guidance from seniors and multiple performances, we Lim Ka Woon mature as a choir. Siaw Kai Min This academic year, we performed in the yearly combined halls concert, ‘Amplitude’, giving a lively presentation of the Hindi song ‘Jai Ho’, and the soothing classic, ‘Somewhere Over Shan Mengdi the Rainbow’, in line with the theme ‘Films’. Our bright Indian costumes started the show He Buwei with a splash of colours!

Performing Arts

Sectional Leaders:

Lim Shu Ning Having performed for MDIS the past few years, Eusoff Choir was again invited this year, but decided to focus instead on the intra-hall Culture Night, which afforded us more Lim Min Cheryl freedom and creativity in our performance. We sang two numbers from Disney’s ‘Frozen’ Liang Chao in the dining hall, to the delight of many Eusoffians.

Yan Xiangqi Our love for singing continues outside of the semester, especially during Christmas season! Unlike previous years where we caroled at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, last December we Secretary & Treasurer: Chu Yuan caroled at the Grand Park City Hotel in City Hall on Christmas Eve and Day. Logistics:

Continuing the initiative from the last academic year, we also spread the Christmas joy to oncology and geriatric wards in NUH as part of our community service. Music should be enjoyed by everyone! We are blessed to be able to bring some warmth to the less fortunate with our voices. Eusoff Choir is made up of a fun-loving group of people from different nationalities and music backgrounds. We share the latest pop hits, have karaoke sessions and suppers together. “Where words fail, music speaks.” Music has brought us together despite our differences, and through our singing, Eusoff Choir hopes to share our love for music and connect with our audience at the emotional level. May Eusoff choir continue to bring out the best in us and bond us closer!



Performing Arts

93 92

dramafest phan yi-wen Dramafest is a Eusoff-organised event for every hall to showcase their theatrical combined effort. The annual show brings to the stage both theatre veterans and new birds in a series jason fong kit siong of short plays branching across many different forms of theatre across many different Treasurer: phan zheng jun genres - from straight outlandish to those that tug at your heartstrings. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for this event that only comes by every Semester 1! Be sure to grab the members: yang sheng very limited seats available and treat yourself to a night of fun, laughter and mirth! And the best thing of all? It’s free! edmund tan heads:

terence lo Performing Arts

evangeline kwok zheng minlu amanda see



elixir head: vice heads:

umi amirah “When you can’t feel anything else, you can always feel the beat.” That is Elixer’s motto for the year 14/15. chen linye

liang zhi xi Elixer is a place where anyone can join, as long as one has a passion for percussion. It is a place where we discover hidden talents among our Eusoffians and enjoy music with each secretary: pham ngoc minh chao and every slap on those drums. treasurer:

Performing Arts

lin wei hong This year, we have a few notable achievements. We have successfully performed ‘The Circle of Life’ from the Lion King during Eusoff ’s Talent Night and have stolen the limelight during our 2nd annual Combined Hall Ensemble Concert with our homegrown instructor, Joel Shen’s, own compositions. We even closed another NUS Concert, InFusion in the second semster, with a bang. We sincerely hope everyone has enjoyed our performances and we look forward to more avenues to make your day in the future.




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