Eusoff Hall Year Book AY15/16 Part1

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EH YEARBOOK 2015/2016



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MESSAGE As the Academic Year comes to a close, I would like to thank the 28th JCRC for having done a fantastic job! They were a committed, responsible and visionary team who held the common good of hall residents close to their hearts. They helped organized a successful Gathering of Eusoff Leaders where this year’s goals were to improve on the Hall’s Orientation program and the Hall Point System – both of which yielded good results. This year the Hall implemented the first and only Peer Assisted Learning Program (PAL) at NUS. PAL is a peer-led learning support program among students whereby senior Student Facilitators who have successfully completed a similar learning journey facilitate small groups of mentees with similar areas of academic interests to interact, dialogue and provide peer learning so as to make students become co-responsible for each other. It was introduced with the aim of encouraging residents to manage a better balance between studies and social/co-curricular activities. I would like to thank the JCRC for supporting and helping with the launch of PAL. Kudos to the 17 Student Facilitators (SFs) for their time and ingenuity in coming up with effective and creative work-plans for their groups. I would also like to thank the mentees - 76 in the first semester and 62 in the second semester - who helped make PAL into a success. Feedback from both mentees and SFs shows that PAL was highly successful. 3

The grand finale for the Academic Year was the Eusoff Awards Dinner which was held at The Fairmont Hotel. The Eusoff Awards, a JCRC led initiative, was instituted because the Hall deems public recognition of achievements as important for student morale and instructional growth. An awards ceremony is a powerful means to encourage and motivate students to strive for excellence as well as to promote an appreciative, reflective and instructional culture at the hall. The grandness of this year’s dinner made this event an even more memorable and unforgettable one for all Eusoffians. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all CCA Heads in the various talent groups. You were the people who made Eusoff into a vibrant, inspiring and inclusive hall. I know that each of you have made much sacrifice and I would like to thank you for your commitment and hard work. Another important group of people whose work I highly value are the Block Heads and Level Heads. They are the foot soldiers on the ground, the people who look after residents at the blocks. Without them, hall life would not have been as smooth and enriching as it is each year. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all Eusoffians who have, in one way or another, big or small , lend a helping hand towards enriching residential life at Eusoff and making the hall a happy and safe home for all of us over Academic Year 2015/16. Finally, my thanks goes to the hall office staff led by Ms. Rashidah for their ever steadfast support and excellent work. Likewise, my appreciation to all the Resident Fellows for their commitment and assistance throughout the year. As we bid farewell to our graduating seniors, I would like to take the opportunity to wish them the very best in their careers. Please keep in touch and continue to make contributions to the hall in any capacity that they can.

Master A/P Goh Beng Lan


RESIDENT FELLOWS Block A Dr. Jason Blake Cohen

Block B Mr Mark Teng Mah Kiong

Block C Dr. Lee Chian Chau

Block D A/ Prof. Qiu Anqi

Block E Dr. Muhammad Arafat bin Mohamad



(Left to Right)

Top Row: Professor Kirpal Singh, Mrs Elsie Foh, Mr Francis Xavier, Mrs Helen Chew Middle Row: Dr Robert Goh Ee Kiat, Mrs Tan Suan Imm, Ms Lim Bee Lum, Mr Gregory Vijayendran Bottom Row: Mr Colin Ong, Mr Andrew Kwan, Ms Saw Phaik Hwa 6

HALL OFFICE Ms Rashidah Salleh Hall Manager

Ms Nisha Alex

Finance & Administration Executive

Ms Maryann Quek Sze Yin

Teaching & Student Affairs Executive

Ms Jalilah Bibi D/O Haniffa Kunju

Management Assistant Officer

Ms Vivien Ng Guek Ngo Hall Secretary

Ms Abidah Yusop

Management Assistant Officer

Mr Azrin Bin Pardi Specialist Associate






One year flew by so quickly that it’s coming to an end! It has been a rollercoaster journey. Penning this letter has actually made me reflect upon my JCRC journey for the past one year. I am very grateful to all my peers and for all the opportunities that Eusoff has given me. Stepping up onto the role of the President has allowed me to serve our residents and give back to Eusoff for all that Eusoff has given to me for the past 3 years. I have worked with many Eusoffians during this tenure and their dedication and hall spirit inspire me to work even harder to make this hall a better place for everyone to live in. I will like to take this opportunity to thank my 28th JCRC for all the hard work and dedication that they have put in for the past one year. It is a steep learning curve for many of us, but I believe we emerged out stronger than ever. We are very ambitious and although some of our initiatives are still unstable, it has certainly paved the way for the future of Eusoff. 28th JCRC wouldn’t be complete without any of you and all of you deserve a good rest after this! To Wafir, I really admire you a lot. Despite being the least experienced, you are unfazed by everything that comes your way. Thanks for being so reliable and you have a unique way of getting things done with your happy go lucky nature. Jia Wei, thanks for being so ever reliable that I don’t have to worry about any finance stuffs. It’s not definitely daunting task to take up but you managed to conquer it. Kullatep, thanks for stepping up as the Social Service Director when we need one. Despite not having much experience, you’re always willing to listen and offer a helping hand. Yao Xing, you really deserve the 7-eleven award! For being there 24/7 and for taking up tasks without hesitation, 11

“WE ARE A SMALL COMMUNITY THAT FORMS TIGHTLY KNITTED BONDS WITH EACH OTHER” you really show me what it means to lead via our own actions. Sharleen, thanks for all the midnight oil that you have burnt and sacrificed to bring our sports scene to greater heights. Your unwavering cause towards IHG certainly aspires us to put in even more efforts for one another. Joanne, thanks for upholding our cultural scenes in Eusoff. You are always very clear on what you are doing and heading towards to, I will miss all your blunt comments during meeting! And Phoebe, no words can express the amount of gratitude that I have towards you. From stepping up as the Hon Gen Secretary when you don’t have to, to taking the initiative to find out more and handling all the tedious administrative works, you really amazed with your work ethics. Lastly, special mentions to my fellow vice presidents, Joel and Yang Sheng, for having my back throughout this journey. There are a lot of decision making and both of you will always be there to provide alternative views and reassure me. Thanks Joel for being so trustworthy and I know that anything that is passed down to you will be under great hands. Thanks Yang Sheng for being so proactive and especially towards external parties. Thank you both for always supporting me and guiding the JCRC towards our goal. It is indeed my privilege to be able to work with all 9 of you and I look forward to future collaborations! One question that I have come across very often is that “What makes Eusoff Hall so special?” There is a lot of free play in Eusoff, and we constantly face hard decisions as a leader or even as a member. Eusoff empowers individuals and with that it comes with responsibility. It is a place where we can challenge ourselves, and we will be amazed at the amount of things that we can accomplish which we have never imagined before. On top of that, we are a small community that forms tightly knitted bonds with each other. Even after graduation, we have alumni coming back and it felt like they have never left us at all. We are a family, regardless whether we are an undergraduate or alumni. This is what makes Eusoff Hall so special, one that speaks of excellence and harmony. Thank you Eusoffians for giving me this opportunity to lead you all. It is my privilege and honour to be able to serve all of you. I am deeply appreciative for the constant motivation and encouragement that you all have provided me. I hope that Eusoff Hall will continue to grow and be a force to reckon with in the upcoming years.



Eusoff Hall has never been just a roof over our heads. To me and many others out there, Eusoff is our home, and there’s never a limit to how much you’re willing to contribute to make your home a better place. My motivation to run for the position of Vice-President a year back can be summed into a phrase: “Eusoff changed me for the better, and I want to change Eusoff for the better”. Looking back, this journey has definitely been humbling, enriching and fulfilling. The vision of the 28th was One Eusoff, a home to be proud of. We wanted every student who walked through the portals of Eusoff Hall to be able to enjoy and be proud of Eusoff, where they feel a sense of belonging to the hall, that this is their home. This may look easy, but to achieve this for all 485 residents isn’t an easy task. We always believe that with the right people, half the battle is won. We started by imposing stringent criteria on prospective freshmen whom we pick for exposure camp and subsequently the actual intake, followed by changing the entire EHOC system to provide a better platform for seniors and freshman to bond. Walking around hall at night at 1 or 2am and seeing freshmen and seniors bonding over supper, bbq or just making a hell lot of noise along the corridors, you somehow know you’ve succeeded. Our main task after EHOC would then be to fix the points system, which was important in determining that only seniors whom have contributed significantly enough to hall would get to stay. There were many different ideas across all ranks, from the SCRC to the JCRC to leaders and the JCR, which gave rise to many heated debates, but I’m glad that after approximately 2 months of debate we managed to come to a conclusion which was accepted by all. Looking back, this points system has indeed work for this year and I sincerely thank everyone who has played a part in this. I’m sure that the 29th JCRC would carry on strengthening this system. 13

“EUSOFF IS OUR HOME” These laid the foundation for our year which made it easy for us to tackle other issues such as Budget, GEL, TEA and many others which I would not go into detail for this write up to keep within the word limit. As you can see, the journey of being a JCRC member isn’t an easy one, and there are many people I would like to thank for without them, there’re no way I would be able to achieve such success over the year. Firstly, I would like to thank Master, the RFs and the hall office for their constant overwhelming support in whatever we do. They are always there to provide the necessary resources and guidance to us to ensure that we’re on the right track to achieve success. A very big thank you too to Girvan and Xin Tian for managing DP so well such that there isn’t much for me to worry about as an ex-officio. I was quite worried at the start and had to always make sure that DP would have enough money to sustain itself, and that the quality of our signature production wouldn’t go down, but you two made my worries unfounded. That level of quality on showday itself is a testimony to the capabilities of you two and the sheer hardwork of every single eusoffian that took part in it under your leadership. I would also like to thank my fellow C blockers for always being there to provide morale support and ideas whenever I’m feeling lost or unmotivated, and always being the one who will never say no to accompany me for supper when I work late into the nights. Of course, to my fellow JCRC members, thank you so much for walking this journey with me. We knew right from the start that this isn’t going to be easy, but we pulled through it and manage to achieve so much along the way. Each and everyone of you put in your 110% effort into our work which resulted in us coming so far. To my roomie & president, all our tears, sweat and blood has finally paid off. Staying up all night till the sunrise discussing policies or how should we go around solving certain issues isn’t something that I would do again, but I’m glad that we did that. And of course, last by not least, thank you Eusoffians for giving me this chance to serve you. I hope our team has done you proud. All the best to the 29th JCRC to bring Eusoff to greater heights! Eusoff to the Fore!




“MY BLOOD RUNS YELLOW, AND I BELIEVE EVERYONE ELSE TOO.” The Vice-President journey was a hectic yet fruitful one. It is by managing the demands of the position that I grew the most. Being in this position I had the prized opportunity to meet and interact with fellow leaders of the Hall and external corporate leaders. This was truly enriching to observe and encounter different working styles. It was also an eyeopener as I was exposed to a lot more perspectives regarding various issues. On the JCRC front, things went pretty smoothly this year, largely in part due to the collective leadership in the Committee which complemented one another in planning and management. Communication was at its best and I really applaud everyone for their hard work and dedication despite facing impossible odds from all sources. Nothing is impossible. The job scope of a Vice-President is very much based on what he himself defines it to be. I chose to take up the challenge of clinching sponsorships because I simply love meeting people. It is a tough job to begin with, because we did not have a strong foundation in working with sponsors. In fact, we are the only Hall without a Sponsorship/Marketing Committee. Still, as the Chinese saying goes, 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香 自苦寒来, some things I “die die” must do. Fancy a chance in meeting the bosses of corporate giants like Sheng Siong and Garnier? Do the right thing: step up and run for the next JCRC to bring Eusoff to greater heights. My blood runs yellow, and I believe everyone else too. May we put our hearts together and win the Championship in the next year. WE HARD YOU SOFT, WE HEART EUSOFF!






My decision to take up a position in Hall that requires such heavy commitment had been a difficult and apprehensive one back then. On hindsight, it should have been an easy decision, for I have no regrets today. I am thankful for the opportunities the Hall had given me through the past three years, from cultural performances to volunteering, and I am more than glad to be able to give back to Hall. It had been a very fulfilling and humbling experience. Being in the JCRC has been an eye-opener as it allowed me to understand many issues beyond a student’s perspectives. I also had the privilege of interacting with fellow leaders in Hall and it was truly enriching to learn from the multiple working styles. It was especially inspiring to witness leaders from their respective domains – cultural, committees and sports - working together for the common goal of making Eusoff a better place for its residents. I would like to thank my fellow JCRC members for accepting me so readily when I hopped onboard later than all. Thank you each and every for being so sincere and dedicated to work with. A team made up of diverse and unique individuals, I am very honored to have been part of it. To the tough times when our discussions became debates and meetings went late into the night, I am thankful we were comfortable and open-minded enough to voice out our opinions with one another. Most importantly, we were able to embrace our differences and keep the big picture in sight. I am especially proud of the team for working through our differences and supporting each other through difficult times. Thank you all for making my JCRC journey a really enjoyable and meaningful one.


“A TEAM MADE UP OF DIVERSE AND UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS, I AM VERY HONORED TO HAVE BEEN PART OF IT.” The two committees under my portfolio, Auditors and Elections, had done great administrative work and prepared the foundation for the functioning of Hall activities the next academic Year. I admire the auditors for their diligent auditing on all inventories in Hall and I am certain their work will provide great support for committees to plan their budgets in the coming year. The elections committee had also done great in promoting the residents’ interest in the elections process this round with a record high attendance and have ensured the leadership selection to be a rigorous and fair one. I am filled with gratitude towards the Heads and committee members for not only doing their tasks on time, but for doing them well. To the juniors who may often find yourselves stuck at the cross junction of life decisions, I strongly encourage you to be bold and take a step out of your comfort zone to try new things in Hall. I always believe that you will never know what there is for you if you never try and our Hall is a place with plenty of opportunities for everyone. Many whom have “been there, done that” would agree that Hall is a place where failures are cushioned and potentials groomed. Hall is not just a place to stay but also a place for us to learn and grow as a person.




Serving as a member in the 28th JCRC was something that I did not imagine myself doing in the 3rd year of my NUS schooling life. It was definitely a year filled with ups and downs and much uncertainties along the way. The main reason why I was able to tide through all those times was truly due to the undying support that I had from the 28th JCRC members − Jianler, Joel, Yangsheng, Phoebe, Jiawei, Sharleen, Wafir, Tep and Yaoxing. It was an honor to be able to work with such a great team of people who brought much fun and laughter despite some of the daunting tasks that we had throughout the year. Thank you all for guiding me along throughout this academic year and helping me solve issues that would have been made impossible without all your help. Thank you guys for putting your faith in me and for being ever so willing to work with me. Of course, my sincere gratitude also to all my cultural heads − Kai Ling, Henry, Joshua, Shu Ning, Daryll, Debbie, Caitlin− who had invested so much time and effort to lead their respective dance groups to greater heights. I am humbled by the amount of work that you guys put into each and every cultural group that you guys headed, be it in the new initiatives that you guys have brought in or the improvement of the existing plans. The amount of pride, willingness to serve and the desire to achieve more for your members that you guys exude is inspiring to watch. Thank you guys for all your commitment to your groups and for not giving up on me, but continuing to work with me even when things are not exactly smooth sailing. Thank you guys for helping me to achieve the goal that I set for my term as a 28th JCRC member, to improve the standards


“HALL IS A PLACE FOR YOU TO LEARN AND THE PEOPLE THAT YOU FOUND HERE ARE WHAT MATTER MOST� and cohesion amongst cultural groups and letting more people know about what the cultural groups of Eusoff Hall are able to achieve. I would like to especially thank Caitlin for leading CEMC and working hand in hand with me to spread the word about what Eusoff cultural groups are capable of, both within and outside of Eusoff. It has been an extremely fulfilling year with all of you that I have worked with and I am beyond grateful for all the guidance and inspiration that you guys have provided that moved me along through this trying year. It is definitely a year that I will remember for a long time and something that I will think of fondly in the future. To my fellow Eusoffians, at the end of the day, hall is a place for you to learn and the people that you found here are what matter most, so why not make your best out of it, try new things and do not be afraid of failing. Lastly, to my fellow 28th JCRC members and cultural heads, I cannot thank you guys enough for having me around and working with me despite my (sometimes) retarded ways, it has truly been a pleasure working with you guys.




This year has been a long, tough year filled with many challenges. We may not have won back the overall IHG championship title, but I am proud to say that with the efforts of the whole Eusoff, we retained the women’s title while achieving an overall score of 127 points. To me, what makes Eusoff really stand out from the other halls is the way we stand as a hall through the journey of IHG. From weekly training during the semester to intensive training in December, from friendlies against other teams to actual IHG matches, Eusoffians never fight alone. While our athletes spend countless hours training and fighting on court, regardless of what the outcome is, we know that there is always a family standing along side us. I hope that this IHG experience had been memorable for everyone, whether you were fighting your best on court or cheering your hearts out. Beyond that, I hope that Eusoffians will continue to grow and develop as sportsmen with many opportunities that the hall provides. There are many ways to win IHG, but we need to pride ourselves in winning the right way. This IHG, we have shown other halls that Eusoffians are not to be taken lightly and that we have what it takes to be a champion. Above all, I would like to thank the various groups of people who have stood by me in this journey, making these achievements possible. To SMC, which worked hard through the entire academic year to provide Eusoffians with an enriched IHG experience, through match reports, logistics, deconflicting training


“REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE OUTCOME IS, WE KNOW THAT THERE IS ALWAYS A FAMILY STANDING ALONG SIDE US. � schedules, planning events, sponsorships and publicity. None of these would have happened if it were not for you all, thank you. To my 28th JCRC, thank you for being so understanding, by supporting and helping me during tough times. To all captains and team managers, thank you for all your hard work in executing and facilitating trainings and bringing Eusoffians to where we are today. Last but not least, to the yellow army of supporters, thank you for your never-ending support. IHG was never just about the sportsmen, as it takes so much effort and so many more people just for IHG to be successful and for us to achieve what we aim to achieve. Eusoffians are champions not because of the trophy, but because we train and play like one.



At the beginning of the first semester of the academic year, I joined JCRC with a mentality of trying to give positive contribution as much as possible to Eusoff Hall as well as gain more experiences working with different committees and people. I did not expect the academic year to be as tough and busy as it has turned out to be. However, I chose not to give in to the hardship and continue walking forward. As Social Services Director and a part of JCRC, I have gained many new experiences through working with different types of people as well as learnt more things related to committee management. Working with Eusoff Expeditions has been a new experience in my stay in Eusoff Hall. At the beginning, many problems have arisen. However, thanks to the three heads of Eusoff Expeditions; Clarence, Dayna and Julian, I managed to learn more things regarding ways to approach different types of committees as well as working with different types of people. Moreover, in my opinion, Eusoff Expeditions has been the most efficient committee under my portfolio. The members managed to reach their expected values for every single fundraising event that they have done as well as successfully brought about the new initiative of local voluntary service which involves interaction with foreign workers in their dormitories. However, I have to apologize to this committee as I feel that I did not manage to give as much time and support to this committee as my other two committees under my portfolio. Eusoff Voluntary Corps (EVC) has also allowed me to experience working with different types of people and managing committees with different structures. Similar to Eusoff Expeditions at the start, EVC was a committee which I had never experienced working with before. At first, I had problems understanding the structure of


“I NEED TO THANK 28TH JCRC FOR ALL THE FUN AND VALUABLE EXPERIENCES THAT WE HAVE GONE THROUGH TOGETHER. � the committee as many changes had been made to it before I joined JCRC as a Social Services Director. However, with help from Joel and the four heads of EVC three wings; Cheryl, Zhixi, Qiqi and Hui Ting, I managed to understand and carry out my duty even though sometimes problems arose. For Joel and the four heads, I would like to thank you for your help and contributions in managing EVC. Green Committee managed to fulfil the main role of promoting green concept among the Eusoffians as depicted by the new initiative of terrarium making sessions organized by the Green Committee head, Bryon. The event was planned for one day participation but more sessions had to be organized to cater for more people afterwards as the demand was higher than expected. Moreover, Bryon also managed to organize other events such as Inter-block Recycling Competition as well as Day camp in March; which involved both Eusoffians as well as external parties. I would like to thank Bryon for managing Green Committee well and continue promoting environmentally friendly campaign to Eusoff Hall. Other than working with committees under my portfolio, working with the members of 28th JCRC also helped me to learn many different things such as deciding between micro and macro management for different tasks, as well as critical thinking and decision making, etc. I need to thank 28th JCRC for all the fun and valuable experiences that we have gone through together. Lastly, I would like to thank the previous Social Service Director, Syuhaidah for guiding me as well as Eusoff Hall for allowing me to experience organizing the 3rd Combined Hall Blood Donation Drive which, in my opinion, has been the biggest thing that I have ever done in Eusoff Hall. It has been a wonderful journey and I feel much honored serving Eusoff Hall as Social Services Director and a part of 28th JCRC.



It has been a long journey. From the very beginning when I had considered running for the position. At that point of time, there were many doubts. Am I the best candidate? Could there be someone who could do a better job than me? But sometimes, living is taking that leap of faith. While I may not have been the most qualified candidate for the position, it was always possible to learn, to improve, to experience and learn the unknown. As long as you are willing to. Along the way, at every single step I took. More questions filled my mind. Was I doing it right? Could I have done better? And thus, I was definitely glad to be surrounded by a JCRC committee that provided a strong support, helping along and sharing the burden together. Also, there are other people that played an important role too. Thanks to my predeccesor, the 27th Finance Director Jia Jing who had taught me well, Maryann and Hall office staff that had helped immensely. taking me through during times of uncertainty. And not to forget my Finance Committee that has been there for me every week to assist me in all the tedious work. And lastly thank you all treasurers and heads that had cooperated with me. While the corrections and enquiries I had chased after may have seemed minor, it was definitely important and you guys had tended to it as soon as you could. I hope that in this year the committees and residents had been able to put down Finances as one many headaches that you might had.


“EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF MY EUSOFF LIFE HAS BEEN INCREDIBLE.” Words are insufficient to describe the rollercoaster ride that I have been through this year. Every single moment of my Eusoff life has been incredible. Getting to know people, working with people, spending time with friends. Looking back, there were certainly no regrets joining the JCRC and being able to serve the residents. Or maybe there is only one tiny “what if ”; of not being able to do more for the hall. As I am penning these last few words, I am also going to be embarking on a new journey very soon. Facing new challenges with the knowledge and skills that I have gained from my time in Eusoff. But, what about you? Would you be merely taking away fond memories from your stay here, or are you going to Leave a Legacy.



After staying in Eusoff for three years, it is my turn to tell people that Eusoff is a wonderful place to stay. To be frank, I did not always think in that way. My understanding of the word “Eusoff ” significantly changed in my three years living here. I chose Eusoff because my roomie chose it. Eusoff meant an accommodation to me in my first year. I joined a few CCAs, but only those with lower workload. It turned out that I could not secure a stay. Fortunately, I was saved by Master’s List. I decided to do my best to serve the committee and return my force to hall. And that was when everything began to change. Working with different committees provided me chances to explore myself as well as showcase life in hall and people in hall. I have to say, they are all very kind people and I did learn a lot from them, from big things like how to lead a committee or how to cooperate with each other to get jobs done more efficiently, to small things like how to start a conversation, share ideas and then make friends. Slowly, I began to treat Eusoff as my home not only as I am an international student and I stay here but also as my friends are here and I am making new friends here every day. But I realized there was more I could do to serve the hall than being a committee head. And when the time came, I ran for Media Director. In this one-year-long journey, I learnt a lot from other JCRC members. Ten of us used to focus on different perspectives of hall activities. We saw the same thing from different angles.


“SLOWLY, I BEGAN TO TREAT EUSOFF AS MY HOME� Sometimes, it leads to misunderstanding and conflict. Fortunately, we always try our best to explain to the rest and hear their points of view. Slowly, I learnt more about other committees, instead of technical committees only. And when the time comes to make a choice, we can maximize the benefits to all committees. I would never say JCRC is an easy job. But at the end of the year, you will agree it is worth it to put in so much time and effort. And you will feel proud to be part of wonder and appreciate the choice to run for it because of the generous and patient friends you made afterwards.



People have asked me, “Eh printer guy! If you had known that your term would have been like this, would you still have run for SAD?” My answer would have been a straight up NO. But after looking back on the year, I changed my mind. The past year has been a challenging one, having to balancing DP, Floorball and JCRC. But I have always told myself to put the residents before myself, be it at 2am when the printer breaks down, or at any time of the day when someone makes a random request about the mail. I hope that I have showed just how much my fellow Eusoffians mean to me, because having to put my fellow residents before self is my perspective of the job of a Student Affairs Director. My apologies for not fulfilling every single request though, if not I should become a Personal Affairs Director instead right! Jokes aside, it has been a fulfilling journey, one that allowed me to discover the person I truly am. I have grown a lot from my term as the Student Affairs Director. Sure, people might know me as the printer guy, the mail guy, the door guy, the gym guy… and the list goes on. I guess it is their way of showing their appreciation by giving me these “honourable” titles, and this appreciation goes both ways. I really appreciate you guys for approaching me whenever you need help, because I know at the end of the day, I’ve done my job as the SAD; to be approachable. There were definitely times when I was unable to help, and to those who I was not able to, I am deeply sorry. On a happier note, I think I’ve made a lot of friends in hall! The 28th JCRC has arguably implemented and changed a lot of things from last year, and it was a success in a sense that nothing went 29

“IT WASN’T SMOOTH SAILING BUT I WAS GLAD TO GO THROUGH THESE TOUGH WAVES WITH YOU ALL.” horribly wrong! Sure, there were some bumps along the way, but Jian Ler made sure that the Hall didn’t sink. And, not only did it not sink, it has seen excellence that many have not witnessed or experienced in a while. Well at least for me anyways. From almost clinching the elusive IHG Champion title to a very successful Dance Production and an activitypacked year, I would say it has been a great year. With all that being said, it was an honour and pleasure to have worked under Mr President Lee Jian Ler. To my blockheads, Leong Hui, Yilin, Vivian, Jasmine and Ryan, thank you for all your hardwork and dedication given to your respective blocks. I know I wouldn’t have to worry much about the five of you, because you guys showed me how capable you are even before the start of the Academic Year. To my SPT heads, Felix and Ver, thank you for your dedication in everything you do for SPT. I know that managing a self-funded committee that deals with hall-wide activities is not easy, and the fact that the events ran so successfully warms my heart dearly. To my SRC head, Chesster, thank you for your time and effort in the committee. A welfare committee has always been under-appreciated, and managing a committee with the motivation of only providing the best welfare to the residents is really commendable. To Ms Rashidah and the Hall Office team, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! Honestly, my term would have been a disaster without the help from the hall office. And so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being so understanding, and for accommodating to my many requests. Finally, special thanks to the 28th JCRC, for without the rest of you we wouldn’t be where we are today. To Jianler, Joel, Yangsheng, Phoebe, Jiawei, Sharleen, Joanne, Yaoxing and Kullatep, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It wasn’t smooth sailing but I was glad to go through these tough waves with you all. I wouldn’t have asked anyone else to occupy your respective positions. I don’t say it much, but I appreciate each and every one of your time, effort and dedication to this great hall. Thanks for tolerating my nonsense and joining in with my nonsense as well. LOVE YALL! 30




Every year, awards are given out at The Eusoff Awards held in April.



Deirdre Tan Yi Le Lim Jia Hwee Liu Hanzhi

Lee Xin Tian Lim Shu Ning Phan Yi-Wen



Chan Huan Jun Kiral Lin Tan Jo Lin

Alan Er Rui Siang Kenneth Phang Khor Ting Fang




Arun Kumar Ho Zheng Yong Justin Nadar Rifqi Alkhatib

Ching Sue Mae Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Joey Tang Khor Ting Fang




Lim Jing Wen Lim Jun An Lim Jia Hwee Vivian Liew Wen Qi Phan Yi-Wen Girvan Poh Jun Heng Tran Trung Nguyen Joel Lee Jin Wee Lee Jian Ler Phoebe Yip Yun Ying Joanne Lee Chee Lam Yao Xing Tan Jo Lin Sharleen Chin Jia Wen

Deirdre Tan Yi Le Liu Hanzhi Lee Jun Yi Clarence Chew Ren Jie Martin Lew Teck Chuen Henry Lau Mun Han Bryon Au Sheng Cong Alissa Lim Yufeng Ryan De Cotta Lee Xin Tian Cheryl Lee Zhen Yi Jasmine Poh Lay Hui Wafir Hidayat Kullatep Trakooltham Seng Jia Wei


FULL COLOUR AWARD Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Lim Wenmin, Brenda Tan Yi Zheng Jocelyn Woon Ling Melissa Tok Xue Min Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Tan Xin Ying Felina Chen Xueqi Loh Jia Min Crystal Louise Goh Zi Ning Chia Shing Eng Ngugen Tu Anh Tran Trung Nguyen Nguyen Thani Duong Ong Zhi Hao Lee Jun Yi Yow Shi Min Klarissa Ng Si Boon Nicole Esther Mei Ambrose Lim Jing Wen Keira Kwek Yee Ying Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Ching Sue Mae


Hu Weijie Lee Jin Wee Arun Kumar Arun Kumar Ho Yong Cheng Lee Jian Ler Deirdre Tan Yi Le Lai Tao Yee Lim Yu Ru Ang Chong Yee Sean Lee You Toh Yong Sheng Lee Wan Zhen Ho Zheng Yong Justin Nadar Teo Kai Zhi Jonathan Ong Junjie Melvin Justin Nadar Tan Zhi Yi Tan Ji Xian Jolene Chua Qi San Tan Ching Thong

Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Squash Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Floorball Floorball Floorball Basketball Touch Rugby Touch Rugby Softball


Softball Softball Softball Handball Handball Road Relay Table Tennis Ultimate Frisbee Ultimate Frisbee Swim Table Tennis Floorball Handball Touch Rugby Basketball Basketball Ultimate Frisbee Handball Tennis Softball Tennis Tennis

HALF COLOUR AWARD Soccer Ching Sue Mae Soccer Eunice Lim Xuan Soccer Ong Li Fang Soccer Priscilla Lim Xin Yi Volleyball Wong Wei Rong Timothy Volleyball Tay Yong Jing Joshua Volleyball Goh Ze Yang Justin Volleyball Tan Wenxiang Squash Ang Zheng Li Netball Khor Ting Fang Nicholas Chua Boon Leong Badminton Badminton Chua Leslie Volleyball Teo Hui Yuh Volleyball Claire Teo Wen Qi Soccer Leow Shao Siong Andrew Soccer Nicholas Yong Chung Wai Soccer Lim Julian Squash Tahmid Nasif Squash Koh Jun Wei Squash Andrew Chua Ruiming Floorball Seng Yee Wei, Sabrina Floorball Tan Jo Lin Floorball Ang Zheng Li Basketball Jamie Ng Lee Shuen Basketball Thng Kai Ting Brenda Basketball Carren Teo Kai Qin Touch Rugby Ong Li Fang Swim Jesslyn Yap Xiao Jin Swim Yen Mei Yi Softball Lim Yi Mei Cheryl Softball Ho Xiu Lun

Handball Jason Fong Kit Siong Road Relay Leng Kenn Siang Road Relay Tiffany Tan Ge Ru Table Tennis Cheam Xiao En Ultimate Frisbee Amos Lim Boon Hao Ultimate Frisbee Janel Lau Yi Ning Ultimate Frisbee Emily Kwek Li Rong Ultimate Frisbee Foong Yi Zhuan Ultimate Frisbee Tan Yi Zheng Jocelyn Swim Bryan See Tow Swim Lim Jun Da Raimie Farid Tang Yee Ming Table Tennis Table Tennis Ng Joo Yuan Floorball Ong Jia Hong Floorball Lim Bing Zhi Floorball Ho Sheng Jun Handball Zheng Qiqi Handball Ching Sue Mae Handball Sharlene Chan Si Ling Handball Khor Ting Fang Handball Seow Wen Qi Tennis Damian Chong Cheng Keong Touch Rugby Yau Yu Hong Nicholas Touch Rugby Ng You Hao Basketball Lee Lai Sheng Basketball Terry Tan Soon Lee Touch Rugby Matthew Tjoeng Rui Zhi Swim Joceleen Chin Jia Rui Swim Niam Jen Yang Table Tennis Liu Hanzhi Squash Dickson Lai Suleiman



Cheah Dawn Jacelyn Tan Hui Ying Foong Yizhuan Monica Baey Beiermann Joey Ng Jing Yuan Wang Jun Jie Tan Liting Gladys Liu Xiaoqi Melissa Leong Jia Fang Lau Jun Ming Wayne Xu Shengchee Lye Pei Xuan Yu Wencan Zhang Zhirui Ang Zheng Li Tiffany Tan Ge Ru Woo Hsien Bing Joseph Teng Wee Loong Joel Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Mark Chan Wei Shuen Yee Kai Ying Audrey Tang Yoke Peng Kwek Yee Ying Woon Ling Melissa Noel Ong Zi Xiang Alan Er Rui Siang Tan Li Xian Daniel Wang Huiqi Lee Wen Xin Kullatep Trakooltham Yao Xing Ong Hung Hui Tan Liting Gladys Phang Kenneth Au Sheng Cong Bryon Wang Shimeng Yang Yanqiliu Toh Yong Sheng Liu Hanzhi Pang Xing Ting

Hall Promotion Board Hall Promotion Board Special Projects Team Special Projects Team Hall Management Committee Green Committee Green Committee Green Committee Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Cultural Events Management Committee Hall Awareness Board Hall Awareness Board Hall Awareness Board Hall Awareness Board Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (Programmes) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (Programmes) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (Programmes)



Nguyen Thanh Dat Lim Jun Da Lui Wei Wen Kenneth Pang En Howe Sean Joshua Chin Jun Lin Lin Yihua Wang Shenghao Xia Yiping Yeo Ai Yuan Kevin Chang Kay Wai, Shawn Amanda Chia Jia Ying Sarah Faizah Bte Reduan Hu Weijie Ang Chong Yee

Band Band Band Band Band Choir Choir Choir Eusoff Dance Club Eusoff Dance Club Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG)



Woo Kai Mun Dennis

Melissa Leong Jia Fang Teng Woon Lin Melissa Siriwatwimol Natchamol Lim Xin Yi Prischelle Faith Ng Ming En Ong Hung Hui Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Lim Jun Da Tan Jen-U Jacelyn Lau Cheah Yee

Soccer (Team Manager)

Volleyball Zhang Xin Volleyball Lin Youxuan Kiral Volleyball Clinton Soon Wei Yu Squash Rachel Chong Ray En Volleyball Ong Lee Ting Volleyball Brenda Leong Wen Qi Volleyball Lye Pei Xuan Volleyball Wang Huiqi Volleyball Jubilee Lim Volleyball Jhoann Miyajima Volleyball Yong Le’schane Volleyball Lee Wen Xin Mahdhir Amat Volleyball (Team Manager) Soccer Bui Doan Huy Soccer Toh Yong Sheng Soccer Linus Low Jie Soccer Arun S/O Ganasarajah Soccer Nguyen Thanh Dat Soccer Gautham Rajadanran Soccer Mahdhir B Amat Tugiman Squash Huo Yonghao Deepakrishna S/O Tangarajan Squash Floorball Lim Yufeng Alissa Floorball Carren Teo Kai Qin Floorball Shi Yu Jie Floorball Celeste Chia Xue Qi Floorball Tan Jo Lin Floorball Cheryl Tare Floorball Cindy Hia Xin Hui Floorball Cheah Dawn Floorball Antonia Devina Floorball Lee Mei Huey Harriet Floorball Jesslyn Yap Xiao Jin Floorball Joevina Ong Xin Yi Floorball Goh Zi Ning Louise

Floorball Floorball Floorball Floorball Floorball Basketball Basketball Softball Softball

Handball (Team Manager)

Ho Zheng Yong Xu Sheng Chee Yee Kai Ying Leng Kenn Siang Chan Meaghan Chong Cheng Keong Damian

Track Track Track Track Track Swim (Team Manager)

Tay Yu Jie Mun Le Yuan Jiang Yisong Kullatep Trakooltham Song Kai Jamie Ng Lee Shuen Tan Hui Ying, Jacelyn Chan Wan Wen Rochelle Eunice Lim Xuan Carren Teo Kai Qin Clara Poon Yiying Lim Jing Wen Ong Hung Hui Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Lim Xin Yi Sharleen Chin Jia Wen Tan Jo Lin Toh Shao Xuan


Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball Handball


Lim Jia Hwee Yong Zhun Hung Gao Yizhe Deirdre Tan Yi Le Xu Jiana Lim Shu Ning Yang Yuelin Xiao Yuxin Phang Kenneth Zheng Yongjia Lin Weihong Cheam Xiao En Nguyen Dinh Viet Anh Henry Lau Mun Han Joshua Kwa Zhi Yong Lim Liang Rong Derek Donald Surendran S/O Jayasundar Lim Shu Ning Shan Mengdi Gao Yizhe Liang Chao Caitlin Foo Liu Hanzhi Fu Shih Ting Tan Wen Xiang Veronica Lum Yen Yue Tan Jit Min Felix Phaan Yi Lin

EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks Acapella Acapella Band Band Band Band Choir Choir Choir Choir Cultural Events Management Committee Special Projects Team Social Relations Committee Social Relations Committee Special Projects Team Special Projects Team Hall Management Committee



Thng Kai Ting Brenda Clarence Chew Ren Jie Julian Lim Ho Zi Yun Dayna Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Au Sheng Cong Bryon Sarah Tong Ren Xuan Wang Jun Jie Png Ying Ying Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Naresh Kant S/O Loganathan Chua Rou Hui Lim Jia Hwee Gao Yizhe Poh Jun Heng, Girvan Lee Xin Tian Lin Youxuan Kiral Phan Yi-Wen Lim Jun An Tahmid Nasif Raimie Farid Tang Yee Ming Daryll Ng Juin Wei Lew Teck Chuen Martin Deirdre Tan Yi Le De Cotta Ryan Gerard Lim Jia Hwee Teh Qun You De Cotta Ryan Gerard

Hall Management Committee Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Green Committee Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Eusoff Hall Dance Production Eusoff Hall Dance Production Eusoff Hall Dance Production Eusoff Hall Dance Production Eusoff Hall Dance Production Eusoff Hall Dance Production Hall Awareness Board Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (Programmes) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee



Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Ong Jia Hong Chan Zhi Yi Chen Sidai Song Kai Lew Teck Chuen Martin Liang Chao Xu Yiming Ren Siqi Phan Thi Nhu Mai Chong Sher Ney Yu Wencan Alan Er Rui Siang Do Thi Bich Hue Yen Mei Yi Chan Zhi Hao Chong Sher Ney He Buwei Chia Xin Ying Song Kai Lim Jun An Woo Hsien Bing Joseph Valerie Koh Hui Le Goh Siak Heng Eugene See Tow Ting Hao, Bryan Tan Wen Xiang Liew Wen Qi Vivian De Cotta Ryan Gerard Chu Hui Ting

Hall Promotion Board Hall Promotion Board Hall Promotion Board EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks EusoffWorks Acapella Acapella Band Band Choir Choir Choir Choir Eusoff Dance Club Hall Management Committee Hall Management Committee Hall Management Committee Hall Management Committee Hall Management Committee Hall Management Committee Hall Management Committee Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Salvation Army)



Liang Zhixhi Wang Qiqi Justin Ong Lee Wan Zhen Lee Jun Yi Jolene Tan Li Xuan Rianna Tisha Mostafa Poh Yang Jun Kok Si Yu Kevin Yeong Yu Heng Toh Teck Wei Lee Jun Yi Mohamed Rifqi B Mohamed R A Henry Lau Mun Han Tan Huijie Jolyn Elitz Lee Rui Ting Cindy Hia Xin Hui Tan Yi Zheng Jocelyn Lim Jing Wen Mohamed Rifqi Louise Goh Zi Ning Liam Ting Wei Lee Jun Yi Niam Jen Yang Jasmine Poh Lay Hui Lim Jun An Poh Yang Jun Toh Yong Sheng

Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Expeditions Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Hall Awareness Board Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (Programmes) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (Programmes) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (FLAG) Eusoff Hall Orientation Committee (RAG) Hall Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee Sports Management Committee


CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION Au Sheng Cong Bryon Foo Ying Li Caitlin Lim Min Cheryl Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Toh Teck Wei Clarence Chew Ren Jie Daryll Ng Juin Wei Ho Zi Yun Dayna Ong Yi Ying Tan Jit Min Felix Gary Wong Kiat Ming Poh Jun Heng, Girvan Henry Lau Mun Han Chu Hui Ting Joshua Kwa Zhi Yong Lim Julian Liang Zhixi Lim Shu Ning Lin Weihong Tang Kai Ling Terry Tan Soon Lee Veronica Lum Yen Yeu Wang Qiqi Lee Xin Tian Toh Yong Sheng Zheng Yongjia Daniel Yip Siu On Carren Teo Kai Qin Chan Zhi Hao (Gideon) Chng Wei Sheng Dickson Lai Suleiman Foo Ying Li Caitlin Eugene Teo Junkai Joshua Kwa Zhi Yong Justin Ong Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Lim Jing Wen

Head of Green Committee Head of Cultural Events Management Committee Head of Hall Awareness Board Head of Eusoff Voluntary Corps (MINDS) Head of Social Relations Committee Head of Expeditions Head of Eusoff Dance Club Head of Expeditions Head of Eusoff Dance Club Head of Special Projects Team Head of Elections Producer of Dance Production Head of Flag Committee Head of Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Salvation Army) Head of Band Head of Expeditions Head of Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Elderly Service) Head of Choir Head of EusoffWorks Head of Acapella Head of RAG (Programmes) Head of Special Projects Team Head of Eusoff Voluntary Corps (Salvation Army) Producer of Dance Production Head of Sports Management Committee Head of EusoffWorks Head of Elections Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator


CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION Liu Hanzhi Shannen Tan Wei Ting Tang Siyi Yen Mei Yi (Jannie) Gary Wong Kiat Ming Lim Jia Jing Ravi Kumar Soh Wee Siang Bryan Tan Yan Qing Teo Kai Zhi Jonathan Eunice Lim Xuan Justin Nadar Tan Jo Lin Lim Jing Wen Ravi Kumar Vijaya Kumar Esther Mei Ambrose Nguyen Le Minh Dat Audrey Tang Yoke Peng Lee Jun Yi Tiffany Tan Ge Ru Clarence Chew Ren Jie Lim Yufeng Alissa Dickson Lai Suleiman Ang Zheng Li Niam Jen Yang Joceleen Chin Jia Rui Raimie Farid Tang Yee Ming Liu Hanzhi Chan Zhi Yi Chua Qi San Tay Yu Jie Lim Hsin Ying Gracia Ang Jason Lee Zhen Yi Cheryl Ong Junjie Melvin Tan Ji Xian Jolene Liam Ting Wei

Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Student Facilitator Captain of Badminton (M) Captain of Badminton (F) Captain of Basketball (F) Captain of Basketball (F) Captain of Handball (M) Captain of Handball (F) Captain of Handball (F) Captain of Floorball (M) Captain of Floorball (F) Captain of Sepak Takraw Captain of Netball Captain of Road Relay (M) Captain of Road Relay (F) Captain of Soccer (M) Captain of Soccer (F) Captain of Squash (M) Captain of Squash (F) Captain of Swim (M) Captain of Swim (F) Captain of Table Tennis (M) Captain of Table Tennis (F) Captain of Tennis (M) Captain of Tennis (F) Captian of Touch Rugby (M) Captian of Touch Rugby (F) Captain of Volleyball (M) Captain of Volleyball (F) Captain of Ultimate Frisbee Captain of Softball Captain of Track




EHOC 2015 Integrating a new batch of freshmen into Eusoff Hall





Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To orientate incoming freshmen to Eusoff Hall’s grounds, facilities and personnel 2. To provide opportunities for freshmen to discover and develop essential Eusoffian skills and values 3. To have an enjoyable and meaningful camp as a beginning for another great year in Eusoff Who is in charge of this event: EHOC Programmes (Headed by Rifqi & Xing Ting) Venue of event: Eusoff Hall & Sentosa Palawan Beach Target Audience: All incoming freshmen + Senior facilitators Description of Event: EHOC is one of the most memorable events all Eusoffians go through, as it represents their first step into Eusoff Hall. EHOC 15/16 marked the first year where the orientation groups were split up according to the five different residential blocks, with the aim of stronger intra-block bonds of friendship culminating a greater Eusoff spirit as a whole. Incoming freshmen, with the guidance and support of senior facilitators, went through four days of fun activities to discover what it means to be a Eusoffian and what they can achieve and gain from their stay in this great hall.

22/07/2015 52

FLAG 2015

Fundraising for MINDS Clementi Training and Developmental Centre






Aim/Mission of Event: To raise funds for Eusoff Hall’s beneficiary, MINDS Clementi, through efforts of Eusoffians and donations from the public. Who is in charge of this event: Eusoff Hall Flag Team Venue of event: Nationwide Target Audience: General Public Description of Event: Eusoff Hall Flag Day is part of the NUS annual Flag Day event. On this day, Eusoffians will head out at the break of dawn to all over Singapore to canvass for donations from the public for our beneficiaries, MINDS Clementi Training and Developmental Centre. The funds raised will go to offsetting their operation costs and to purchasing new equipment for the centre.

04/08/2015 56

RAG 2015 A collaboration between Eusoff and Temasek Hall




RAG 2015

Aim/Mission of Event: To carry out Rag 2016 (both float and dance) with quality and efficiency, and creating memories along the way Who is in charge of this event: Rag Committee Venue of event: Singapore Floating Platform Target Audience: General Public Turn up rate: Good Description of Event: The Actual Rag performance was part of the 3 days SG50 celebration. Other than performances by NUS student bodies, there were special guest performances as well. Eusoff and Temasek Hall once again came together to put a show at the Marina Bay Floating Platform titled Ehmerald Cithy (our own reference to EH and TH!). The three-month journey to actual show day was a lengthy one, but looking back it was one filled with nostalgia coupled with many ups-and-downs. From five-day work weeks which stretched to six-day work weeks, the last few nights leading up to rag day with everyone up in the wee hours of the morning making final preparations - the committee was busy making adjustments to the floats and the dancers were adding glitter to their costumes - and the whole area a minefield of glitter, paint, tools and props. “To think that our entire rag performance began with discussions and little sketches on white paper, we did come a long way for our final performance. I still recall those long discussions and brainstorming sessions about everything from how to decorate the floats, make the costumes and to even less trivial stuff like what to have for lunch each day. Amidst the chaos and routine that filled each day, we have unforgettable moments that provided us the respite we need to push through the entire period. Eventually, we had a good rag performance, a float parade that we are very proud of and a breath-taking dance performance. Other than the beautifully choreographed dance moves, the synchronised light show definitely stole the show that night. Although we received a Silver Award in the end, we know the take-aways (memories and friendships) is GOLD. Withdrawal symptoms from Post-Rag is real!�

07/08/2015 60


Gathering of Eusoff Leaders



GEL Camp “I believe GEL camp this year was successful in inculcating a sense of purpose and meaning in student leaders to begin their leadership journey in AY15/16. Many reflected that the misconceptions regarding the SCRC and JCRC has been resolved, and the gaped between the student body and the JCRC/SCRC has been bridged. Many student leaders also gained a deeper understanding of other committee and has a bigger picture how various committees work to bring excellence to Eusoff Hall. Bonding within the leaders group was also achieved. Many also have a sensed of the direction that the hall is heading towards.� 63

Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To unify and inculcate responsible and accountable leadership among student leaders of Eusoff Hall, all working towards a common vision of the hall. 2. To share across CCAs and establish an equitable, transparent Hall CCA Point System and bring all leaders in line for accountable implementation. 3. To review and build strategy for student recruitment – which will involve review of Open Hall and Orientation programs so as to establish EH’s niche as a hall with purposeful learning program via CCA and academic/instructed programs Who is in charge of this event : JCRC Venue of event: Lotus Desaru Beach Resort Target Audience: Eusoffians Turn up rate: Excellent Description of Event: GEL camp was held in Lotus Desaru beach resort this year during the weekend of week 4. Student leaders from Eusoff hall were gathered there and many topics were being discussed. There were heated arguments when leaders related to the points system, and a fair and equitable points system was established. The Gap between the JCRC/SCRC was also bridged by having a Q&A session, where the SCRC answered all the concerns that the leaders have such as budget and hall funds allocation. Practices of exemplary leadership were also shared to aid these leaders in their leadership Journey. Lastly, leaders came together to form an identity for the Hall which will guide our direction towards future orientation and exposure programs. Above work, leaders also had the chance to bond over arcade and sea sports, or the chit chatting session at night in their apartments, and of course the scrumptious buffets that were being catered. Process of event: 1. Sharing of Vision and Point Systems of various CCAs (prepared prior to GEL) 2. Leadership course and sharing of the 5 practice of exemplary leadership model. 3. Meet the SCRC session. 4. Feedback on the direction of Orientation/Exposure camp.

04/09/2015 64

CULTURAL NIGHT R(EH)VOLUTION: featuring performances by our different cultural groups


HT 2015




Aim/Mission of Event: To showcase the artistic talents of Eusoffians as cultural groups, blocks and individuals Who is in charge of this event: CEMC Venue of event: LT13 Target Audience: All hall residents and staff Turn up rate: Excellent Description of Event: R(EH)VOLUTION is an annual cultural concert which features performances by our different cultural groups and competitions at block and open category levels. The event aims to instill a sense of appreciation and pride towards the cultural scene in Eusoff as well as enable Eusoffians to explore and pursue their artistic endeavours in a safe and inclusive environment. Indeed, performances by Eusoff Bands, Eusoff Dancers, block performances, and other groups of Eusoffians proved our bunch to be a talented and diverse one. Further Comments: The event is CEMC’s new initiative which combines previous years’ Talent Night and Cultural Week into a single cohesive cultural concert. This provide a new platform for all cultural groups to showcase their talents to Eusoffians.

14/10/2015 68

EVC FUNDRAISING Initiatives by Eusoff Volunteer Corp


G 70




EVC Wash for a Cause Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To raise funds to organize events for beneficiaries supported by EVC 2. To also strengthen bonds within EVC members Who is in charge of the event: Lee Zhen Yi, Cheryl (Head of EVC MINDS), Wang Qiqi (Co-Head of EVC Elderly Service), Liang Zhixi (Co-Head of EVC Elderly Service), Chu Hui Ting (Head of EVC Salvation Army) Date and time of the event: 15th and 16th March, 8am to 8pm Venue of the event: Eusoff and Temasek Halls’ carparks Target Audience: NUS students and staff who used the Eusoff and Temasek carparks Description of Event: Eusoff Voluntary Corps (EVC) conducted the car washing fundraising event to provide carwashing services as well as raise donations for the benefits of the beneficiaries from the three EVC wings. Publicity was done throughout NUS, but more emphasis was placed on the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, since they were more likely to park at Eusoff and Temasek carparks.

15/03/2016 72

EVC Grant a Wish Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To raise awareness for our cause and beneficiaries – minds, salvation army and elderly service 2. To bring happiness to our beneficiaries by fulfilling their Christmas wishes 3. To promote the spirit of volunteering in NUS Who is in charge of the event: Lee Zhen Yi, Cheryl (Head of EVC MINDS), Wang Qiqi (Co-Head of EVC Elderly Service), Liang Zhixi (Co-Head of EVC Elderly Service), Chu Hui Ting (Head of EVC Salvation Army) Date and time of the event: Weeks 8 to 11 Adoption of the wishes was done in Week 8 from 5th to 9th October at Central Library and University Town from 9am to 5pm and at Eusoff Dining Hall from 6.30pm to 8pm. The collection of the gifts was done in Week 11 from 26th to 27th October at University Town from 9am to 5pm. Venue of the event: Central Library, University Town and Eusoff Dining Hall Target Audience: NUS students and staff Description of Event: The NUS population was invited to fulfil the wishes. A few weeks after the adoption of the wishes of their respective beneficiaries, collated by each EVC wing. EVC members collected the gifts and presented them to the respective beneficiaries. The beneficiaries include 25 elderly, 65 MINDS clients and 25 children from Salvation Army, a total 115 wishes granted. Turn up rate: The event was so successful that most of the wishes were adopted by the end of first day of the event.

05/10/2015 73

EVC Spread the Love Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To raise awareness of Eusoff Volunteer Corps work in the community in helping the underprivileged. 2. To raise fund for EVC’s Chinese New Year event for the elderly and operational cost across all 3 Wings. 3. To strengthen bonds within EVC Members. Who is in charge of the event: Lee Zhen Yi, Cheryl (Head of EVC MINDS), Wang Qiqi (Co-Head of EVC Elderly Service), Liang Zhixi (Co-Head of EVC Elderly Service), Chu Hui Ting (Head of EVC Salvation Army) Date and time of the event: 10th to 12th February, 15th to 17th February Venue of the event: University Town and Central Library Target Audience: NUS students and staff Description of Event: In conjunction with Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year, Eusoff Volunteer Corps (EVC) conducted the Spread the Love project to raise funds and raise awareness for the underprivileged in Singapore. Funds were raised by means of pledging, where students and staff of NUS can pledge any amount of money out of their own goodwill in exchange for a token of appreciation, which will be either a bookmark, a thank you card, a red packet with sweets or a Gerbera. The money raised from this project went into funding our Chinese New Year celebration for our elderly beneficiaries, and any excess was used to fund our weekly services across all three wings.

10/02/2016 74

DANCE PRODUCTIO A platform for residents to both pursue and develop cultural and production interests





Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To fuse dance and drama into a seamless performance 2. To achieve more than 90% of ticket sales 3. To improve DP through in the technical areas of sets, wardrobes and lights 4. To develop a more innovative and efficient committee structure and system 5. To work cohesively both within and across committees thereby providing a good support network for each other Who is in charge of this event: Girvan Poh & Lee Xin Tian Venue of Event: University Culture Centre Hall Target Audience: Eusoffians and general public Description of Event: Dance Production aspires to be a more cohesive, efficient and innovative production team that strives to achieve core values of Harmony and Excellence, continuing the legacy of our Dance Production as a platform for residents to both pursue and develop cultural and production interests. An annual event, Eusoff Hall Dance Production acts as a platform for residents to both pursue and develop cultural and production interests. The work of more than 170 students with varying degrees of production experience culminates in one night, supported by Eusoff residents and their family and friends.

05/02/2016 78


Witnessing the crowning of Eusoff Hall King and Queen






Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To celebrate and conclude the end of both Inter-Hall games as well as Dance Production 2. To serve as a platform for Eusoffians to get together and have fun 3. To increase intra-hall bonding Who is in charge of this event: SPT (Headed by: Veron & Felix) Venue of event: Zouk Target Audience: Hall residents Description of Event: Eusoff Bash is an annual event where Eusoffians gather together to witness the crowning of Eusoff Hall King and Queen. This event wraps up the InterHall Games and Dance Production season for the semester with a spectacular program line-up and after-party. This year, pageant contestants, judged by VIPS like the previous Hall King, worked hard to put up an entertaining show and stole the crowd’s hearts (and votes). The fun-loving crowd ended the night with the after-party and danced the night away.

18/02/2016 82

HALL AWARENESS Promoting and celebrating hall heritage






Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To spread word about the new committee, Hall Awareness Board 2. To promote and celebrate hall heritage Who is in charge of this event : Hall Awareness Board Venue of event: Eusoff Hall Target Audience: All hall residents Description of Event: A three-day long campaign to spread heritage awareness about Eusoff Hall, Hall Awareness Week kick-started with CAMHAW, the Instagram competition encouraging Eusoffians to share their special moment in their Eusoff journey. A heritage-themed treasure hunt saw bits of interesting trivia about our hall scattered around the residence, initiating the educational week. The sports-carnival themed day, with innovative parodies of sports sparking the participants’ interest, united Eusoffians with a single thread of similarity – their inherently competitive fighting spirit. Finale night, unofficially known as HAWt Stuff, ended HAB’s first hall event with an evening of food and trivia games, and a prize presentation. The (fake) campfire night, the first of its kind, was made memorable with the Family Feud: Eusoff Edition segment and Picrades, showing the fond memories that Eusoffians share, be it of their Vice-President, their ‘Dinner Auntie’ or a fellow Eusoffian. The pioneer Hall Awareness Week was so celebrated that HAB even received CAMHAW photo submissions from Eusoffians away on SEP, a heartwarming gesture that showed us that while they may be overseas, their hearts were still with Eusoff. Further Comments: Hall Awareness Board was established in 2015/ 2016, with the Hall Awareness Week being their first hall event. The success of this event is taken as a huge first step in the long plan of documenting and celebrating our Eusoff legacy with current and alumni Eusoffians.

10/03/2016 86

NUS OPEN DAY: EU Attracting like-minded freshmen to join the Eusoff Family






Aim/Mission of Event: 1. To reach out to potential freshmen 2. To promote Eusoff’s Exposure Camp 3. To give a guided tour of Eusoff to introduce our facilities to potential residents Who is in charge of this event: JCRC and HPB Venue of event: NUS UTOWN, Eusoff Hall Target Audience: Public Turn up rate: Good Description of Event: NUS Open Day is an annual event organised for prospective university freshmen. With a myriad of activities and exhibition items, the Open House has always managed to attract a large crowd, giving our hall an opportunity to attract likeminded freshmen to join the Eusoff Family. Eusoff’s Hall Promotion Board had been tasked to promote our hall through this platform. Through initiatives such as the promotional video and Eusoff Flash Mob, along with the participation of our mascot Ehre the Eagle, the attention of the masses was captured successfully, proving our outreach to be successful. Eusoff’s performing arts represents – A Capella and Choir, also put up performances in Utown to welcome freshmen to Eusoff Hall and our performing arts scene. Back at Eusoff Hall, Eusoff’s Hall Awareness Board worked alongside the JCRC committee to guide visitors around our residential area and facilities, giving them a visual understanding of life as a Eusoffian. Booths in the function hall were also set up to address any points of concern, while Eusoff Bands welcomed visitors with their wonderful performances.

12/03/2016 90


Building a foundation for community service projects in Indonesia, Laos and Cambodia




Hall Module In its third year running, the hall module – Engaging the Natural Environment in ASEAN, - saw its highest class enrolment of 32 students from three NUS Halls of Residence: Eusoff Hall, Temasek Hall and King Edward VII Hall. The module (GEH1041/GEK1066) was first introduced in the AY2013/2014 and initially read by 22 Eusoffians as part of a growing pedagogical emphasis on purposeful learning at the university. This credit bearing module that is offered in the second semester of each AY, aims at bringing together classroom and experiential learning while serving as an anchor in providing academic content on country knowledge, service learning debates and environmental issues in Southeast Asia. The module was designed as a foundation to community service projects in Indonesia, Laos and Cambodia while providing added dimensions of sharpening writing, presentation and local language skills among students through workshops administered by the Centre for English Language Communication and language instructors. This year, language workshops on basic Indonesian, Khmer, and Laotian were conducted to arm students with conversational command of these languages for their projects.



Peer-led learning support among students


Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Program The Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Program was implemented this AY2015/2016 in order to encourage residents to manage a better balance between studies and social/co-curricular activities. PAL is a concept to develop peer-led learning support among students whereby fellow-students who have successfully completed a similar learning journey can help facilitate communities of students with similar areas of academic interests to interact, dialogue and think together to form peer support leaning groups and share empowerment, responsibility, meaning and knowledge and become co-responsible for one another. PAL groups were facilitated by 17 student peers (Student Facilitators) to allow for equal sharing and non-judgemental negotiation of meanings and understanding; students could ask questions without being afraid. Importantly, PAL groups have helped students to better identify their own learning needs. In semester 1, 76 freshmen signed up and discussions groups were formed for them along faculty and module lines. In semester 2, there were 62 freshmen – with 50 who continued on with the program from semester 1. The feedback included comments on self-improvement of study habits to developing a healthier time management as well as better management of the university academic culture, hall commitments and social relationships. The program was a success this year thanks to the strong support by the 28th JCRC in addition to the contributions and dedication of 17 SFs in these two semesters – Carren Teo Kai Qin, Gideon Chan Zhi Hao, Chng Wei Sheng, Caitlin Foo Ying Li, Gary Wong Kiat Ming, Joshua Kwa Zhi Yong, Justin Ong, Lim Jia Jing, Lim Jing Wen, Liu Hanzhi, Ravi Kumar, Shannen Tan Wei Ting, Tang Siyi, Jannie Yen Mei Yi, Dickson Lai Suleiman, Eugene Teo Junkai, and Cheryl Lee Zhen Yi.








Simon and Bryan fighting for the point Fiery Ice Queen Pris is a must-watch!


Tze Lin serving in one of her best matches Yanru never fails to give her all!


PLAYERS (F) Chan Si Ling Sharlene Choong Tze Lin Chow Qian Ling Emily Kwek Li Rong Guo Yan Ru Jacelyn Lau Cheah Yee Loh Wei Ting Priscilla Lim Tan Yan Qing Yong Shu Jia “Here’s a major shoutout to all my female warriors! IHG hasn’t been the best for us, but we sure exceeded all expectations. We are portrayed as weak and meek sheeps, but we sure emerged ferocious and victorious. I am immensely proud of every single one of you. Thank you all for the precious memories and the chance given to lead this A-Team!”


PLAYERS (M) Bryan Soh Wee Siang Lim Jue Jun Simon Nicholas Chua Boon Leong Chua Leslie Zheng Yong Jia Li Ziyi Lee Wei Han Daryl Duong Duh Thanh

“Badminton. The fastest racquet sport in the world, where you have little time to react, and even less to think of your next shot. This IHG, the badminton team embodied all that is we call the Eusoff spirit. Against giants such as RH and TH, our players rose up to the occasion and fought hard. Although we ultimately lost to them, we sure gave them a fight they will never forget. Every year, EHBT comes back stronger than before, and you can expect more smashing action in the next IHG. Eusoff all the way!”






Winning never felt so good! A huddle after training


Friendly with NTU Hall 8 A relaxing mask session before finals


PLAYERS (F) Carren Teo Kai Qin Pei Jia Ying Ching Sue Mae Lim Yi Jieh Edna Lim Jing Wen Png Yingying Eunice Lim Xuan Poh Lay Hui Jasmine Brenda Leong Wen Qi Alethea Ng Kai Ti Seow Wen Qi Ong Hung Hui Jamie Ng Lee Shuen Khor Ting Fang Thng Kai Ting Brenda Dear team, It had been such a rollercoaster season. The 2-3 trainings every week, our insane suicides-with-a-twist, the sibei awesome funny basketball camp and not forgetting our IHG journey, it had been a very short yet sweet journey especially with all of you here fighting with me. Although we didn’t attain our goal of gold, we reached many milestones together which I think is more important. (we won TH in prelims! But ok‌ more importantly,) We put aside our differences and played our hearts out as one team. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me such a mind-blowing spine-tingling awe-inspiring tearsinducing sweat-pouring season. 113

PLAYERS (M) Toh You Xiang Alvin Aaron Koh Xu Qing Tan Zeng Zhi Ke Qiu Guang Justin Nadar Teh Qun You (Alan) Kullatep Trakooltham Low Shu Wei (Bobby) Chng Wei Sheng Wang Junjie Henry Lau Mun Han

Terry Tan Soon Lee Peh Zhun Sen Jason Fong Kit Siong Loh Shiah Leei Ngo Kah Hang Teo Kai Zhi, Jonathan Lee Lai Sheng Goh Wei Lie Hideyuki Kanazawa Woo Hsien Bing Joseph

“The IHG journey of the Eusoff Basketball Men’s Team was one that was arduous, challenging yet fulfilling and memorable. Not having a coach this year made the team even closer. Individuals of the team led each other in different ways regardless of seniority, authority or capability. Everyone had 1 common goal: Win. There were ups and downs during the IHG season, such as dominating TH in the first game, getting our sweet revenge against RH and finally, crashing out in Semis to Sheares. We came close, but it wasn’t enough. The loss spurred us on, to comeback stronger, to achieve what we didn’t this year. We did not lose, we just have not won.”






Teamwork makes the dream work! Best group hug of IHG


Joy in training, joy in sweat! Presenting the Floorball males of Eusoff Hall!


PLAYERS (F) Tan Jo Lin Alissa Lim Esther Mei Ambrose Carren Teo Klarissa Yow Cheryl Tare Lim Sing Hui Priscilla Natchamol Siriwatwimol Devina Antonia Melissa Teng Ng Si Boon Nicole

Louise Goh Prischelle Faith Ng Melissa Leong Jia Fang Cindy Hia Xin Hui Harriet Lee Cheah Dawn Bridgette Shi Yu Jie Celeste Chia Joevina Ong Jesslyn Yap Sabrina Seng

“Under the guidance of Renji and Ah Pek, the Eusoff Floorball Women Team’s stickwork and game sense improved exponentially in barely a few months. Nevertheless, to excel in a sport, we knew we had to be a team. And a team we became. With our eyes set on gold and hearts aligned as one, trainings were no longer merely mundane motions. Instead, our sticks now swung in synchrony, and every bead of sweat strung the team tighter. Our souls soared with unending fiery as we fought as one, crashing the doubts of naysayers. One can not be prouder.” 121

PLAYERS (M) Yun Sol Arun Mohamed Rifqi Ravi Kumar Muhammad Haikal Kullatep Trakooltham Lim Jue Qun Simon Woo Kai Mun Dennis Wafir Hidayat Wang Jun Jie Joshua Chin Jun Lin Toh Yong Sheng Justin Goh Gary Wong Kiat Ming

Tan Li Xian Daniel Joshua Tay Poh Yang Jun Ryan De Cotta Lim Bing Zhi Mark Chan Ong Jia Hong Qu Zhewei Kenny Yong Clarence Chew Madhir Amat Ho Sheng Jun Tan Jit Min Felix Chua Jie Wei Brandon

“Eusoff floorball has been undeservedly banished to the bottom of the table for 2 consecutive years. All that changed when Eusoff rose above the challenges in the group stage and secured a spot in the semi-finals. In a nail-biting game that had spectators at the edge of their stools, Eusoff had to bow to a dramatic defeat despite an unbelievable comeback. Those who were there would certainly attest to the immense determination and courage the team showed in the face of a great enemy. Though we may have lost the game but we are far from defeated!� 122



At IHG first carnival Champions!


Foong running to defend a player from Raffles Hall Janel jumping to defend


PLAYERS Teoh Zhi Hao Eugene Teo Lim Yu Ru Lim Wen Qing Jacelyn Sean Pang Eng Howe Jocelyn Tan Amos Lim Boon Hao Sharlene Chan Nicholas Foo Kenan Long Daryll Ng Foong Yi Zhuan Melvin Ong Chan Zhi Yi Ong Wee Koon Daniel Kevin Yeo Xu Sheng Chee Tay Tyn Long Harriet Lee Cheah Dawn Lionel Goh Emily Kwek Lee Wei Han Daryl Lai Tao Yee Kevin Yeong Kenneth Lui Josiah Hong Goh Jing Xuan Janel Lau 127

“The Eusoff Hall Ultimate Frisbee 15/16 team trained rain or shine with the objective of defending the title following their success in the previous 14/15 season. It was never easy facing rival halls with experienced school team players, but our players fought hard with strength and determination to edge out on goal difference in an eventual 3-way tie with TH and RH, successfully defending the championship! These hungry beasts will definitely be eyeing their 3rd consecutive victory in the following season so ALL THE BEST TO EUSOFF ULTIMATE FRISBEE!�


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