Investigación Cualitativa Portafolio

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Universidad Técnica de Ambato Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Carrera Pedagogia de los Idiomas Nacionales Y Extranjeros


“Investigacion Cualitativa” Tercer Semestre Marzo-Agosto 2019


Investigacion Cualitativa Tercer Semestre

Marzo - Agosto 2019

Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato .............................................................................................3 Misión ....................................................................................................................................3 Visión .....................................................................................................................................3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación .....................................................................3 Misión ....................................................................................................................................3 Visión .....................................................................................................................................3 Perfil de Egreso ......................................................................................................................4 1. Trabajo Colaborativo .......................................................................................................8 2. Trabajo Práctico ............................................................................................................13 3. Trabajo Autónomo ........................................................................................................17 4. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................61 5. Prácticas Preprofesionales.............................................................................................70 6. Reflexión .......................................................................................................................72

Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión “Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.”

Visión “La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos.”


Programa Analítico 7GLkB592G4wzhNGVNbLiDncKpzQ?e=DEPAbK

Guías PAE -ISo1QB6A-3acGC6S9rekyT7fZrcQ?e=6X8hk4

Perfil de Egreso Perfil de Egreso Es de suma importancia determinar cuál es el rol del perfil de egreso en las instituciones de educación superior y su relación con la sociedad. (Hawes, 2007) establece lo siguiente con respecto al perfil de egreso. El Perfil de Egreso se concibe como una declaración formal que hace la institución frente a la sociedad y frente a sí misma, en la cual compromete la formación de una identidad profesional dada, señalando con claridad los compromisos formativos que contrae y que constituyen el carácter identitario de la profesión en el marco de la institución, a la vez que especifica los principales ámbitos de realización de la profesión y sus competencias clave asociadas. (p. 2) Tomando en cuenta el punto de vista del autor, se puede establecer claramente la relación del perfil de egreso y su rol activo para enfrentar compromisos con la sociedad. Las instituciones de educación superior en el Ecuador tienen como objetivo principal el de mejorar la calidad educativa. Esta calidad educativa solo se podría medir en la pertinencia de los resultados de aprendizaje de los graduados y su correspondencia con las necesidades actuales y prospectivas de la sociedad. Sin duda el perfil de egreso debe establecer relación con las demandas de la sociedad, consecuentemente este perfil debe incluir las competencias que el egresado debe desarrollar a lo largo de su trayectoria de aprendizaje. (Hawes) acota que “el perfil de egreso describe los dominios de competencias (…) que caracterizan al egresado de una profesión, y que expresan un nivel de habilitación básica respecto de las competencias a partir de los desempeños evidenciados durante el proceso formativo del estudiante”. (p. 2) En otras palabras, el proceso formativo debe estar enmarcado en el perfil de egreso e integrado a las demandas de la misma en la sociedad actual y prospectiva. Finalmente, el perfil de egreso es la declaratoria de los resultados de aprendizaje descritos en los itinerario o trayectorias de aprendizaje. Estos resultados de aprendizaje deben ser concretados en las asignaturas y sus interdisciplinariedad que se hacen tangibles en la malla curricular. De la misma forma (Hawes, 2007) menciona que “los criterios (…) en el proceso de construcción curricular, desde la definición del perfil del egresado pasando por la organización de los módulos o cursos, hasta la definición del plan de formación representado gráficamente por la “malla curricular”. (p.4) Según (García, Pérez, Medellín, & Salazar, 2014) los elementos del perfil de egreso son cinco. El siguiente gráfico despliega claramente estos cinco elementos. Autora: Ruth Infante Fecha: 02-22-2015 Los conocimientos Los conocimientos según el Reglamento de Régimen Académico artículo 28 del capitulo III, están organizados en cinco campos de formación. Autora: Ruth Infante Fecha: 01-04-2015 En el campo de los fundamentos teóricos los conocimientos se organizan Habilidades Las habilidades son parte esencial del perfil de egreso por lo que es primordial establecerlas de manera coherente y que ayuden a cumplir con la relación de las demandas de la sociedad y el perfil. (Caroline, Pabón-Nofal, & García, 2014) acotan que se puede entender una habilidad como un conjunto de procedimientos aprendidos

que los estudiantes competentes realizan automáticamente y que, por lo tanto, son aplicadas inconscientemente. (p. 1) Es decir que este conjunto de procedimiento estarán muy bien identificadas y desarrolladas para realizar competentemente las actividades de la profesión. Estas habilidades que debe desarrollar el estudiante durante su trayectoria de aprendizaje deben ser realizadas de manera inconsciente. Además (Caroline, PabónNofal, & García, 2014) cita a (Sloboda; 1987) quien establece que “las habilidades son rutinas cognitivas existentes y empleadas para facilitar la adquisición y producción del conocimiento. Las habilidades presentan una diferencia de otras destrezas por ejemplo: “fluidez, rapidez, automaticidad, simultaneidad y conocimiento”. Las características de las habilidades permitirán el desarrollo de las actividades de la profesión, las mismas que se concretan en su automaticidad y funcionalidad. Tipos de habilidades: Autora: Ruth Infante Fecha: 02-22-2015 Actividades Las actividades se caracterizan por ser un grupo de acciones organizadas en una planificación enmarcada en los objetivos de aprendizaje y sus resultados. A estas actividades se complementan las habilidades y sus procedimientos. Así como también estos procedimientos inconscientemente realizados están determinados por el tipo de actividad seleccionada para alcanzar los objetivos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el caso de las actividades que cumple el docente en general (CES, 2015) establece que están enfocadas en cuatro aspectos: a. Cognoscitivos: conocimiento, sus aprendizajes y el desarrollo del pensamiento. b. Funcionales: las habilidades técnicas de la profesión o del “oficio” c. Interaccionales: habilidades sociales, culturales, comunicativas y organizativas d. Aprendizajes: desarrollo del proyecto de vida, liderazgo, identidad ciudadana, e intervención para realidades complejas y multidimensionales. Tomando en cuenta estos cuatro aspectos de gran relevancia, los docentes en educación debería establecer claramente que actividades son parte del quehacer diario de su profesión y sobretodo que actividades han dado respuesta inmediata a problemas del contexto de la profesión. Seguido a esto, es relevante mencionar que el perfil genérico del docente según el Ministerio de Educación se basa en los siguientes elementos: Identidad Profesional, Gestión de la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, Saberes y Destrezas Profesionales y Disciplinares. Estos elementos provocan escenarios de aprendizaje, los mismos que tienen sus actividades debidamente establecidas para el cumplimiento del perfil de egreso y sobre todo para dar relajar tensiones nacionales, regionales y locales. Las actividades que determinan el rol del docente líder, con transcendencia y pensamiento sistémico son simétricamente enlazadas a las aptitudes y sus indicadores. Aptitudes Las aptitudes también son componentes característicos en la construcción del perfil de egreso puesto que estas aptitudes constituyen parte integral de los docentes. Las aptitudes además determinan la eficacia y efectividad del desempeño profesional dentro de una comunidad de aprendizaje. De acuerdo a (Aragón & Silva, 2002) “En su origen aptitud significa apto, apropiado, adecuado, de tal manera que la definición de alguna aptitud particular tiene que ser dependiente de la situación. (p. 40) Por lo tanto, la aptitud o aptitudes están presentes al momento de participar, intervenir, seleccionar, mediar y crear sin importar las situaciones que se presenten en el accionar habitual del docente como ser humano integral y como miembro de una comunidad. Capacidades

No basta con el conocimiento, habilidades, actitudes y aptitudes, es necesario establecer las capacidades, en otras palabras, lo que el docente debe ser capaz de hacer. (Otero, 2011) propone la siguiente pregunta con respecto a la capacidad y competencia “¿podría decirse que las competencias y capacidades son términos sinónimos? Nuestra respuesta es está: ambos términos cumplen una función similar en el debate sobre la definición sobre los aprendizajes básicos, definen las intensiones educativas, pero difieren and su estructura”. (p. 67) (CES, 2015) cita a Ángel Pérez Gómez quien establece que el desarrollo de capacidades y de las competencias que requieren los docentes en la era digital, responde a una nueva racionalidad, cuya integralidad se concentra en: a. Capacidad para utilizar y comunicar de manera disciplinada crítica y creativa el conocimiento. b. Vivir y convivir en grupos humanos cada vez más heterogéneos. c. Capacidad para pensar, vivir y actuar con autonomía. Además el autor antes mencionado hace referencia a las capacidades cognitivas, sociales, y aquellas relacionadas a la autonomía. Si se impulsa la integralidad del docente, específicamente del docente de idiomas, las capacidades que integran su accionar están declaradas en el Cambridge English Teaching Framework (CEFT). CEFT esta organizado en cuatro niveles de competencia Autora: Ruth Infante Fecha: 05-03-2015 Cada uno de estos niveles están basados en cuatro categorías: aprendizaje y sujeto que aprende; conocimiento de la lengua y consciencia para enseñar; enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación; desarrollo profesional y valores. Dado de esta forma, las capacidades del docente del idioma inglés se enmarcan en estas cuatro categorías que a la vez están relacionadas con la propuesta curricular para las carrera de educación presentadas por el Consejo de Educación Superior (CES).

1. Trabajo Colaborativo





“Investigación Cualitativa” Tercer Semestre “A” EVIDENCIA DEL SEGUNDO PARCIAL AMBATO – ECUADOR Marzo-Agosto 2019

1. Trabajo Prรกctico



GUIA PAE 1 AMBATO – ECUADOR Marzo-Agosto 2019

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF AMBATO Name: Erika MariĂąo Topic: Characteristics and history of qualitative rsearch Qualitative research is mainly exploratory method. Provides information about the problem, helps develop ideas or hypotheses for possible quantitative research through opinions, characteristics of the problem. The fields in which qualitative research can be applied are education, law, geography, medicine, social sciences, everything depends on our problem. It is very important the ethical aspects of qualitative research such as: right to be informed, confidentiality, honesty, respect, reciprocity, advanced results and reciprocity; these demonstrate the quality of research and the professionalism of the researcher. The methods that can be used are the following: ethnography, exploratory, theory based, phenomenology, documentary; These methods allow us to carry out our research according to the results we want to obtain. The simple size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfil a given quota. Some important dates in 1970-1980 was the application of qualitative research in other disciplines. In1980-1990 applied new methods of qualitative research. Qualitative research is very important for society helps solve different problems that can be given and involves the human being. It is an investigation that all people can use, they should only do it correctly

BibliografĂ­a Gill, R. (8 de marzo de 2014). Slide Share. Recuperado el junio de 2019, de Brirosa. (18 de junio de 2011). Slide Share. Recuperado el junio de 2019, de



GUIA PAE 2 AMBATO – ECUADOR Marzo-Agosto 2019

Universidad Tecnica de Ambato Name: Erika MariĂąo GuĂ­a 2

Topic: Qualitative Research Methods It is very important to know how to correctly choose which qualitative research method should be used to obtain excellent results in the research

Grounded Theory It is a Systematic methodology in the social sciences that involves the construction of theories through methodical collection and data analysis. It should explain how the main concern of the research participants is continually resolved. Adapts readily to studies of topics identify the situated nature of knowledge. It has a flexible technique and simultaneously performs data collection and processing.

Phenomenology Phenomenology is a qualitative research method that is used to describe how human beings experience manage a certain phenomenon. It analyzes the human experiences, feelings, and responses to a particular situation. It tries to understand how people experience a particular situation or phenomenon and to describe the life styles of a group of people in a subjective way. Describe the experience from their own view point. Small samples sizes, often 10 or less participants, are common in phenomenological studies. It is appropriate to collect the data through conversations and interviews but, some studies may collect data by the observation.

Case Study It is the study of a social unit of society, like: a person, family group, institution, community or event. The main objective of this method to find out the influencing factors of a social unit and the relationship between these factors and a social unit. The sample to be studied is small. It is qualitative as well as

quantitative. It takes much time from the beginning to the end. The researcher is directly participant of the study. The participant observation permit us to collect the data and also the survey or interview. The possible instruments are personal documents, diaries, memories, autobiographies, letters of the researcher depending on the case.

Ethnography It is a method where researchers observe and/or interact with a study’s participants in their real-life environment. It aims to understand the problem of the community and therefore design a solution to it. It is used to understand as much as possible about an entire society. Some cases are completeness of observations, in data collection or analysis. A good researcher knows which method he should choose to carry out the research and satisfy and fulfill all that was raised in the research

BibliografĂ­a Gill, R. (8 de marzo de 2014). Slide Share. Recuperado el junio de 2019, de




Marzo-Agosto 2019

Universidad Tecnica de Ambato Name: Erika Mariño

Guia 3 PROCESS AND PHASES OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH All qualitative research must follow a systematic process that is very important to fulfill all the phases that they have, since this allows us to carry out our research. It is very important that the researcher take into account the following phases that should be used for qualitative research. Preparatory phase is the initial phase should be divided into reflective and design the research puts all your knowledge and experiences. Second stage the field work the researcher has access to the field also to the data collection. Third phase is the analytical phase here should be made the data reduction, the disposition and transformation of data obtained at the end the results are obtained and the conclusions are verified. The last phase would be the informative phase where a report should be prepared and this results in the researcher's report. It is important to know each process that should go in the chapters such as the research problem where the problem is posed, the contextualization where macro and meso macro enters to carry out the research, the critical analysis of our research, the formulation of the problem with its respective question and its tree of the problem where it is explained in detail, the justification also the objectives that must be fulfilled in the investigation that are the general and the specific. Then follows the theoretical framework where the background of the research should be located, as well as the philosophical and legal bases. Here the fundamental categories are important because you must establish the dependent variables independent of our research topic after making the hypothesis. The methodology of the research is important because in this part it is explained what is the research focus, the modality, the type or the level of research, as well as the population and shows that it was taken in the research.The analysis and interpretation of results is essential for the investigation of our project in the end should be made the conclusions and recommendations. To be a good researcher we must know and know how to correctly use the phases and procedures to carry out an investigation.

BibliografĂ­a Brirosa. (18 de junio de 2011). Slide Share. Recuperado el junio de 2019, de



GUIA PAE 4 AMBATO – ECUADOR Marzo-Agosto 2019

Techniques and Instruments for data collection and analysis.

Data collection refers to the use of a wide variety of techniques and tools that can be used by the analyst to develop information systems, which can be the interview, the survey, the questionnaire, the observation, the flow diagram Research does not make sense without the techniques of data collection. These techniques lead to verification of the problem posed. Each type of research will determine the techniques to be used and each technique establishes its tools, instruments or means that will be used. All that the researcher is going to do has his support in the technique of observation. Although you use different methods, your methodological data collection framework focuses on the technique of observation and the success or failure of the research will depend on which one you used.Throughout the research process, both to conform the theoretical framework, and in the methodological framework; in the theoretical we depend more on the bibliographical query. In the methodological for being the operative work of shredding and scrutinizing the variables requires the management of more detailed, specific and diversified instruments. The collection of qualitative data is exploratory in nature, implies an in-depth analysis and investigation. The methods of qualitative data collection are mainly focused on obtaining ideas, These are the methods of qualitative data collection. Individual interviews: One of the most used data collection instruments for qualitative research, mainly due to its personal approach. The interviewer or researcher collects data directly from the interviewee individually. Focus groups: This takes place in a group discussion environment. The group is limited to 6-10 people and a moderator is assigned to lead the ongoing discussion. Case studies: In this method, the data is collected through an in-depth analysis of case studies. The versatility of this method is demonstrated in how it can be used to analyze both simple and complex topics. It is very important to know how to correctly use data collection techniques in order to carry out our research and obtain positive results for our investigation. You must choose carefully so as not to have any problem

Bibliografía Aguiar, M. d. (2016). Saber Metodología. Obtenido de Técnicas e Instrumentos de Recolección de Datos:

2. Trabajo Autรณnomo

Universidad Técnica de Ambato Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y la Educación Pedagogía en Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Investigación Cualitativa

Names: Alexandra Llerena David López Misshelle Macias Erika Mariño Lizbeth Medina Date: June 9th, 2019 Level: Third ¨A¨

2019 Ambato-Ecuador

CHAPTER I 1. THE PROBLEM 1.1 TOPIC The direct method in the English teaching-learning process in basic level at “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez� 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT 1.2.1 Contextualization Worldwide the teaching of the English language has taken considerable changes based on the methodology, pedagogy and didactics, these changes accommodate the midnineteenth century with the use of the translation method (Grammar translation), based on the grammatical structure of the English language and translation without obtaining good results. Consecutive emphasis was placed on the development of oral skills, reading and writing. Currently teachers use a mixture of techniques, approaches and methods according to the needs and demands presented in each class, achieving a better level of knowledge in the English language.

In Ecuador, the methodology applied in the teaching of English has not been widely practiced since there are many students who have finished the basic cycle and have not get the knowledge correctly which affects the learning process, since now the English language is indispensable. It is worth mentioning that the English language has become the universal language. This language is an axiomatic necessity, taking into account that in many cases those who do not master this language would be in disadvantaged situations. Tungurahua is a province with a high level of education; however, the English teaching is almost as difficult as in other cities. It happens because the direct method is not taking into count with the real importance. The direct method would permit a better assimilation of the language, this method encourage children to make their best effort to speak, to read or to write, otherwise, there will be difficulties to assimilate the content. It is customary for the teachers not to correct the student’s mistakes as much as it is necessary specially in speaking, they usually let them to repeat as they can.

At Unidad Educativa “Luis A. Martinez” teachers are not very interested in a meaningful learning and they do not want to lose time planning a class because students are not interested in learning a different language. Teachers prefer to apply other methods that are less complex. In elementary (2BGU) the teachers almost always using direct method, teacher produce the vocabulary and the students repeat the words. Students learn by repetition. 1.2.2 Critical Analysis Graphic № 1: Problem Tree

Students do not participate and practice the speaking skill.


Students do not link the theme of the class with the planned activities.

They do not pay attention and get disinterested to the teacher explanation.

The students are not focused in the objective of the class.

Lack of cognitive strategies in the application of the direct method in the PROBLEM




English teaching-learning process at 3 BGU level at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez in the period September 2018- July 2019.

Teachers do not encourage students to learn the language.

The use of inappropriate techniques to develop the classes.

Students do not matter about the subject.

Teacher does not link the objectives of the class with the learning outcome.

Authors: Macias M. et all (2019) Relationship cause-effect Through critical analysis, it was determined that teachers do not encourage students to learn the language, which is the main reason why students do not participate and do not practice the ability to speak. It is essential for students to have and assume the motivation of the teacher, to have an attachment and interest in the language to learn.

Therefore, the lack of comfort to the students can limit their skills and participation in the ability to speak the English language. As well as, the use of inappropriate techniques to develop the classes manifests the need for the application of the direct method when seeing that the students do not link the subject of the class with the planned activities. If the students do not understand what is the objective of the class, they will not be interested in the activities. Even if they practice the activities, the knowledge will not be meaningful. On the other hand, the students do not contribute on the subject, which clearly exposes the high degree of value of the implementation of the direct method, since the students do not pay attention and are disinterested in the teacher's explanation. It happens because the teacher does not encourage the students all the students to practice and participate in the classroom. There are only five or less students that always participate. From another point of view, the teacher does not link the objectives of the class with the result of the learning, resulting in the students not being focused on the objective of the class. When the objectives are not clarified by the teacher, students may get confuse with the activities; therefore, at the end of the class they do not know what they learnt and what is the purpose of that class. 1.2.3 Prognosis In case the lack of cognitive strategies in the application of the direct method in the teaching-learning process continues, the English language will remain considered as a minor subject and the development and evolution of the language in education will not be encouraged. Another indicator is that due to the lack of practice, elaboration and organization in English class hours, it is evident that the way of teaching in this subject must change and adapt to the needs of the learners. If not, the students will not be focused on the objective of the class and will affect the process of learning and using English. On the other hand, if the limited application of cognitive strategies within learning were solved through a correct application of these, students would pay attention and there would be interest in the explanation of the teacher, while allowing students to participate

and practice the skill of speak, being an improvement and in a big way it would allow a development in the apprentices and a command of the English language. 1.2.4 Formulation of the Problem How does the application of the direct method influence the English teaching-learning process at 3 BGU level at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez in the period September 2018- July 2019? 1.2.5 Questions guidelines What are the techniques and strategies of the direct method applied in the English teaching -learning process at 3 BGU level at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez in the period September 2018- July 2019? What are the aspects of the direct method the English teaching -learning process at 3 BGU level at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez in the period September 2018- July 2019.? 1.2.6. Delimitation of the Research Object The present investigation is delimited in the following areas: Field: Education Area: English Language Teaching Aspect: Strategies and techniques of the direct method in the English teaching-learning process. Spatial delimitation: Unidad Educativa Luis A. MartĂ­nez of Ambato, Tungurahua province. Temporal delimitation: This problem will be studied in the academic period September 2018 - July 2019. 1.3. Justification

The subject investigated captures the interest of teachers of the English language since it is based on the importance of applying a methodology focused on the direct method in the teaching-learning process. Knowing that this method have a good methodology and strategies for teaching the language in a good way. This work is important because it serves as a tool to improve the quality of English language teaching correctly, by improving the application of a methodology that focuses on the direct method. This research work will determine some aspects of the direct method that would get better results in student’s learning. For the benefit of the students and teachers of the English area of the Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez the theory of this research work is exclusively of the educational and methodological field for teaching that language. Teachers will have the results of this research work because they are the main actors of the investigation process. The originality of this research proposes a transformation in the application of educational methodology, to reach the high levels of proficiency in the English language and the information presented in this paper describes the direct method and its impact on the development of the teaching-learning process. In conclusion, it can be said that this project was feasible to execute it because the subject researched had human resources and bibliographic material that was accessible to carry out the study of the problem and because in this research project there was interest in knowing everything about the subject, and predisposition on the part of the teachers; as well as the students 1.4. Objectives 1.4.1. General Objective To determine the influence of the direct method and the teaching-learning process at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez.

1.4.2. Specific Objectives •

Identify strategies and techniques of the direct method that are applied in the English teaching-learning process.


Define the direct method in the English teaching-learning process.

CHAPTER II 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Investigative Background The first biography considered scientific is that of G. Tiedemann (1764) written about his son, collected since born until he reaches the age of two and a half years. During the 19th century, other authors help with their observations; the researchers are: Debesse (1972); Kessen (1970), the authors name Pestalozzi, who made a diary about his son, published in 1828; Kussmaul, a German surgeon investigated the neonates. In this way, you arrive to the nineteenth century, with the publication of Preyer (1882) of the "first classic of psychology of the child". Another researcher is J.M. Baldwin and his "Mental Development of the Child and the Race "(1906) where he wrote what was observed in his children. Baldwin and Binet, influence the theory of Jean Piaget. The researcher Baldwin collects the knowledge of adaptation by assimilation, accommodation and circular reflection analysis of children. It is important to say that through the mediation of Baldwin, comes the influence of Spencer's philosophy of evolution (Castilla, 2013).. Piaget thus begins his theories and manages to launch his discoveries from biological, logical and psychological points of view. The groups all in their genetic epistemology, understanding this as the investigation of theintelligence. For the aforementioned in the twentieth century Piaget's theory in the constructivist approach (1956) showed the birth of the theory of intelligence, early cognitive development and his proposal that the object is something that is built in the first months. Defends that language is a manifestation of the thought that is being built. As the child evolves it is shown when, the children go through stages specific according to their intellect and ability to perceive mature relationships. These stages of child development occur in a fixed order in all

children. However,the psychological age may vary slightly from one child to another. Some time later the direct method was born in Germany and in France around 1900 and its creators were Berlitz and Sauze. It is called direct method because it tries to establish a direct connection between the foreign word and associate speech forms with actions, objects, gestures and situations, without the help of the mother tongue, as it is the natural way in which individuals learn any language. This method places great emphasis on the correct pronunciation of the language that is being learned. As Celce-Murcia said: "This (Direrect Method) is a reaction to the focus of grammar and translation and its failure to create students who could use the foreign language they had been studying "(1991, p.6). In the libraries of “Universidad Técnica de Ambato,” some thesis were found. They were consider as guides to elaborate this research work. “LAS TÉCNICAS DEL MÉTODO DIRECTO (THE DIRECT METHOD) Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE SIGNIFICATIVO EN EL IDIOMA INGLÉS DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL 2DO AÑO DE BACHILLERATO DEL COLEGIO TÉCNICO 12 DE NOVIEMBRE DE LA CIUDAD DE PÍLLARO, PROVINCIA DE TUNGURAHUA”. (Unapucha, 2014) This researcher has considered that in the learning of a new language (English), it is important the use of the direct method is important since it unitizes diverse techniques for the adequate teaching of the language. “EL MÉTODO DIRECTO Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA DESTREZA ORAL (SPEAKING) EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL DÉCIMO GRADO DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PEDRO FERMÍN CEVALLOS DE LA CIUDAD DE AMBATO, PROVINCIA TUNGURAHUA” (V, 2014) This project has focused on the direct method, as an essential and important tool in the learning-teaching process to improve the development of oral skills because it allows students to acquire the English language naturally and inductively. 2.2 PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS This research project is influenced by empiricism, which is a philosophical theory that emphasizes the role of experience, linked to sensory perception, in the formation of

knowledge. For the most extreme empiricism, experience is the basis of all knowledge, not only in its origin but also in its content. 2.2.1 Ontological Due to the experience in the teaching field, the direct method allows the student to better grasp the subject presented on the basis of different techniques and strategies such as dramatizations, games, dialogues, question-answers, interviews, discussions, conversations and materials such as visual elements, drawings, letters , posters; they will allow group learning as individuals that will develop more intelligence. The students do not take sufficient interest and acceptance to the subject because the methodology applied is not appropriate. 2.2.2 Epistemological As students of the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educaciรณn this research work is based on the study of the direct method in the teaching-learning process based on the 3BGU students of the Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez in order to analyze the methods that teachers use in classes. 2.2.3 Axiological This work considers human values such as responsibility and solidarity to help teachers apply the direct method in teaching the English language. The value of responsibility in this work involves doing research according to the guidelines of the institution where the problem is to be studied, as well as maintaining the format of the research model of the Technical University of Ambato. 2.2.4 Methodological Foundations The teaching-learning process depends on the effectiveness of it, the teacher must commit to be able to achieve it; Beginning with the application of methods, techniques and strategies, associated with the systematics of the teaching of the subjects, that

motivate and maintain active values and intellectual, physical and moral qualities of the students, propitiating an inductive and natural learning. 2.3 LEGAL FRAMEWORK The following research work is legally supported in the following articles expressed in the Organic Law of Education of the Republic of Ecuador: Chapter II: Principles and Ends Art. 3 [ends] b) Develop the physical, intellectual, creative and critical capacity of the student, respecting their personal identity so that they contribute actively to the moral, political, social, cultural and economic transformation of the country. e) Stimulate the spirit of research, the creative and responsible activity in the work, the principle of human solidarity and the sense of social cooperation.

2.4 FUNDAMENTAL CATEGORIES Variable Inclusion Chart

Graphic N°2 Authors: Llerena A. et al (2019)

2.5. THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE APPROACHES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING An approach is a way of looking at teaching and learning. Underlying any language teaching approach is a theoretical view of what language is, and of how it can be learnt. An approach gives rise to methods, the way of teaching something, which use classroom activities or techniques to help learners learn. Reflexion IMPORTANCE The approaches that will be presented here have overarching assumptions and philosophies that they’re based on. In short, they are what they are because of a set of beliefs held by their proponents. The different teaching approaches in this post can be classified into four theoretical orientations: structural, cognitive, psychological and functional. Let’s look at each perspective briefly. CHARACTERISTIC Structural Structural approaches believe that language can be reduced to a learnable set of building blocks. There are rules, known as grammar and syntax, that govern how to combine these basic elements. These rules can be memorized to achieve a high level of proficiency in a language. Some proponents would even go so far as saying that there’s a predetermined sequence in which a language should be learned. Grammar textbooks are the most commonly used material in this category. Cognitive The cognitive perspective in learning a language puts the learner smack in the center of everything. Cognitive approaches look to answer questions like: How can a language be effectively learned? How does one make a set of vocabulary words memorable and get them embedded in the long-term memory? According to this kind of approach, the techniques, strategies and even the sequence of lessons are learner-led and can’t be predetermined. Learning a language is a conscious, rational, information-processing event.

Psychological Here, language learning is seen through issues like learner motivation and predisposition, a location’s conduciveness to learning, teacher-student dynamics, stress levels, etc. Is the teacher supportive enough to the students? Is the classroom dynamic facilitating or inhibiting the acquisition of the language? Many of the insights in this category are borrowed from counseling and social psychology. Functional/Communicative Functional approaches often emphasize spoken language over written language, and profess that language isn’t a set of grammar rules but rather a tool for communication. This has tremendous implications for the types of activities or the materials employed. Anything that lies outside the ambit of passing on meaningful information is just unneeded complication. Communicative approaches often eschew grammar textbooks in exchange for speaking drills and question-and-answer interactions where students get a feel for what speaking the language in conversation is really like. Now that we know the four broad categories that the approaches are based on, next we’ll discuss the approaches that can animate the events that happen inside the classroom. Keep in mind that each activity may not fall neatly into one category. It may blend two or more of these categories. In fact, you might adopt one approach and add elements of unrelated categories to it! Bottom line, don’t become strict about how these approaches are employed in the classroom, just be aware of what they are and how they’re best used. METHODS IN LANGUAGES TEACHING CONCEPT A method is an application of an approach in the context of language teaching. An example of a method is the grammar-translation method. This method employs the memorization of various grammar rules and the translation of second language material to the student’s native language. Students were able to develop the intellectual capacity to understand the new language through a deductive process of acquiring the rules of the language.The purpose is not to critique this method but to show how it was derived

from the approach that the mind needs to be trained through intellectual exercises to be able to accomplish something. IMPORTANCE There are three teaching methods that dominate the business of language instruction: the Direct Method, the Grammar-Translation Method, and the Audio-Lingual Method. Deciding which is the best method is difficult because each has strengths and weaknesses, and the nature of a student’s goals will determine which is best for that student. Although many language-training sources may speak about exclusive or unique approaches, with few exceptions they are using one of these three methods. We conducted extensive research on the subject of teaching methods for our online language training programs. Here is a description of the three primary language teaching methods along with our analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each one CHARACTERISTIC The Grammar-Translation method requires the learner to spend a lot of time understanding the language structure. Listening and speaking suffer because of this. Understanding the structure is helpful in reading and particularly in writing. Grammar and vocabulary are emphasized throughout. This is the method of choice when the student’s goal is to achieve a high level of writing and reading ability in a foreign language, versus speaking and listening. The Audio-Lingual Method also allows the learner to communicate quickly but within the limited range that the repetition allows. It improves comprehension only if the speaker uses phrases that the learner has studied. Reading is limited, and an understanding of how to use the language is very limited. This is the method that is used when a live trainer is not available. THE DIRECT METHOD CONCEPT The Direct Method is also known as the Oral or Natural method. It’s based on the active involvement of the student in both speaking and listening to the new language in realistic everyday situations. The process consists of a gradual acquisition of grammatical structure and vocabulary. The learner is encouraged to think in the target language rather than translate. He or she hears and uses the language before seeing it written.

IMPORTANCE Gives the student the ability to communicate quickly because she is encouraged to be creative during practice. It gives, by far, the widest range of capability to understand what another person says to you and in developing your capability to speak. This is the method of choice for instruction with a live trainer and where speaking and listening are most important. CHARACTERISTICS The main characteristics of the direct method are: Only the language that is being learned (English) is spoken throughout the class. The phrases and vocabulary should refer only to the everyday. Questions and answers between teachers and students are used tolearn to converse The grammar must be learned inductively. The new vocabulary is learned through objects, demonstrations, and photos; the most ambiguous vocabulary is taught through the association of ideas. Emphasis on pronunciation and correct grammar. The value of speaking and listening is emphasized. 2.6. THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONCEPT It is one of the West Germanic languages that was born in the inhabitants of the north of modern Germany, who emigrated to the territory of present England. Nowadays it is one of the most important languages worldwide. Because of its influence, it is widely used in business and international diplomacy. IMPORTANCE Learning English is very necessary because in almost all fields of knowledge this language is used. Practically it can be said that it is the universal language that has had an impact on non-Anglo-Saxon countries and that affects various areas and professions. Its acquisition is no longer a luxury, but a necessity since the one who has it has a certain degree of advantage to obtain a better salary. Within the globalized world in which we live, it is a communication tool between people from other countries. It is unquestionable that English has become the global

language of communication. English is the official language, or has a statussignificant, in some 75 nations around the world. CHARACTERISTICS English has absorbed important features of the Germanic languages and French, and a high percentage of its lexicon has been restructured on the basis of the Latin culture. Current English contains a very extensive vocabulary. The Oxford English Dictionary contains more than 250,000 different words, without taking into account many scientific, technical and jargon terms. English has typical characteristics of the languages of Europe. The name shows difference between singular and plural. In modern English unlike the old name does not make distinctions of gender or case. Case differences are restricted in modern English to the pronoun. ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS CONCEPT Combined processes where an educator assesses learning needs, establishes specific learning objectives, develops teaching and learning strategies, implements plan of work and evaluates the outcomes of the instruction. In other words the real action time or period of imparting knowledge. IMPORTANCE In teaching learning process, the teacher should determine teaching method that is suitable with the material. The teacher should also use suitable media to teach the material. A good class management will help the teacher control class situation. Those three elements will help students understand the material easily. In teaching-learning process at SMP N 1 Cepogo Boyolali, the English teachers were not only using English language effectively in communicating with the students, but they are also using Indonesian in teaching. CHARACTERISTICS Components of English teaching-learning Process. To support the process of teaching and learning run well, English teaching-learning needs some components. They are as

follows: Teaching Objective. In teaching-learning process, there is an objective of teaching, namely instructional objective. According to Sardiman (1996:68) instructional objective or the objective of teaching is the teaching situation (the application of approach, method, and technique in the classroom) that is used to determine the result achieved. If the results of the objective of teaching do not coincide with the objective, the teaching is at least partially unsuccessful. 2.7 HYPOTHESIS The application of the direct method does affect the English teaching-learning process in students of level 3 BGU at Luis A. Martínez Educational Unit. The application of the direct method does not affect the English teaching-learning process in students of level 3 BGU at Luis A. Martínez Educational Unit. 2.8 THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE VARIABLE Independent variable: Direct method Dependent variable: English teaching-learning process

CHAPTER III 3. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH 3.1. Investigative Approach This investigative work has qualitative and quantitative approach; qualitative because its objective is to describe the qualities of use direct method in the teaching-learning process to students at the “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez” in Ambato. Also, it is a quantitative approach because the problem is interpreted by statistics data. This research

is field because it was developed in the same place where I collect the information through observation and observations cards based on research. To complement this research it is field because, we were present in the place of the facts collecting real data at “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martínez” in Ambato city. 3.2. MODALITY OF THE RESEARCH 3.2.1. Field research This research is field because it was developed in the same place where I collect the information through observation and observations cards based on research. To complement this research it is field because, we were present in the place of the facts collecting real data at “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martínez” in Ambato city. 3.2.2. Bibliographic research - documentary This research is of bibliographic-documentary nature because the theory and study problem are properly supported in academic articles, books, magazines, internet and the general library. Once the learning strategies used for the direct method in students of basic level at “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martínez”. We proceeded to the analysis of the data from the correlation of the variables “teaching learning process” establishing the cause and effect of the problem, but with direct reference to reality. 3.3 RESEARCH LEVELS The present investigative work according to its development, content, form, objective will be determined in the following: 3.3.1 Exploratory level The Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martínez Agropecuaria was visited to directly and realistically verify the lack of inclusion of the direct method and obtain a clear idea of the influence on the development of the English language. The existence of these related variables in my research topic were verified: Independent variable: Direct Method and dependent Variable: Teaching Learning Process. 3.3.2 Descriptive level

The behavioral characteristics of the authorities, teachers and students were identified through observation, dialogue and surveys that were done to the students. The information was classified within each of the variables to know the majority behavior of those involved with respect to the direct method and its influence on the development of English language. 3.4 POPULATION AND SAMPLE 3.4.1. Population The research carried out has 100 students of the 1st BGU of the Luis "A. MartĂ­nez" Educational Unit of the city of Ambato, as well as 4 teachers of that level who provided the necessary information on the elements of the direct pedagogical model that are applied in the English class in the process of teaching the English language. 3.4.2. Sample The sample used for the study was: Table 1: Population and sample Population












Source from: The direct method in the teaching-learning process Authors: Llerena A. et al (2019)

3.5. OPERATIONALIZATION OF VARIABLES 3.5.1. Independent variable:…………... Table: 1 Conceptualization




Techniques and instrument

Teaching strategies : The

Do you apply real life tasks, or

teaching strategies refer to


simulated tasks that provide learners

the structure, system,


with opportunities to connect directly

methods, techniques,


procedures and processes


with real life?

that the teacher uses to help


Do you administer role-plays or

the students' learning also


conversation models to develop

help identify the different

communication among students?

learning methods available to enable them to develop

Use of target

Do you and your students use only

the correct strategy to deal


English during all the class?

with the identified target group Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Observation card

Source: Operationalization of variables

3.5.1. Dependent variable Table: 2 Conceptualization




Techniques and instrument

English Teaching-learning

Do you apply any kind of activities to

process: is outcome-based


make your students learn?

education to develop the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and habits of students. On the other hand, The purpose of the

Teachinglearning characteristics

Do students follow the instructions of Learning

the teacher to get knowledge?

Observation card

teaching-learning process is to be student-focused.

Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019) Source: Operationalization of variables


Do students use English in their daily life?


3.6 INFORMATION COLLECTION Basic questions 1. - For what?

Explanation To achieve the objectives set within of the research project.

2. - From what people or objects?

The research objects will be the teachers of the English area and the students of first of high school of the institution.

3. - On what aspects?

On the direct method and the development of English language skills in the teaching-learning process.

Researchers: Alexandra Llerena, David Lopez, Lizbeth 4. - Who?

5. - When?

Medina, Erika Mariño and Misshell Macías

First quinquimestre of school year 20182019

6. - Where?

In the Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez of the city of Ambato, province of Tungurahua.

7. - ¿ How often?

Just one time.

8. - What collection techniques?

The observation.

9. - With what? observation cards.


3.7 INFORMATION COLLECTION PLAN For the elaboration of this research project, the survey has been taken as a technique and as an instrument for observation cards in order to obtain real information about the use of the direct method. The questions were based on the information written in the operationalization of the two variables. The application of the observation cards to the students 1er BGU of the Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez from of Ambato city The use of 10 observation card items was preceded jointly. 3.7. INFORMATION PROCESSING PLAN Once the survey material was applied to the teachers and students, the following process was continued: • Tabulation of the results obtained in the questions of the observation sheets made in the Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez. • Representation of values obtained in the surveys. • Analysis and quantitative interpretation of the data obtained.

CHAPTER IV 4. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 4.1 SURVEY APPLIED TO OBSERVERS Through all the information obtained through the observation cards made on the basis of the students of the 1st BGU of the Unidad Educativa “Luis A. Martinez”, a processing was executed manually, also using a computer package for the realization of the statistical graphs and respective percentage calculations. Each item of the observation cards was analyzed and interpreted the results in which it was evidenced and all the information was ordered to interpret the answers to the study questions and then a meaningful explanation of the facts was given. it was derived from the statistical data. The data collected from the observation cards was then presented in an orderly manner, with the objective of interesting the community about the direct method in the teaching-learning process of the English language applied to the students of the 1st BGU of the Unidad Educativa “Luis A. Martinez” city of Ambato, province of Tungurahua; requesting the observers to respond with absolute sincerity so that the information obtained is as reliable and accurate as possible.

1. RESULTS Question 1: Students are allowed to participate actively in the classroom. Table 1: Students participate actively in the classroom. Alternative


Percentage %













Source from: Observation Card 2 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 1: Students participate actively in the classroom.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency


porcentage %

Source from: Observation Card 2 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation According to the graphic 1 the 100% of observers agreed that sometimes students participate in the classroom. Based on these results, it is important that the teacher encourages students to participate more that they usually do to get a better development of the direct method, and the teaching-learning process.

Question 2: The teacher is who facilitates / enables knowledge. Table 2: Teacher facilitates knowledge Alternative


Percentage %













Source from: Observation Card 2 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 2: Teacher facilitates knowledge

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency


porcentage %

Source from: Observation Card 2 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation According to the graphic 2 the 60% of observers agreed that sometimes the teachers facilitate the knowledge for students, on the other hand, the 40% does not agreed and says that: the teacher is never whom facilitates the knowledge. Based on these results, it is important that the teacher facilitates the knowledge and adapt it to the students’ needs to improve the quality of the learned content in this way, the direct method will be applied easier in the teachinglearning process.

Question 3: The teacher does organize group work. Table 3: Teacher organize group work Alternative


Percentage %













Source from: Observation Card 2 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 3: Teacher organize group work.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


sometimes frecuency


porcentage %

Source from: Observation Card 2 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation According to the graphic 3 the 60% of observers agreed that sometimes the teachers organize students in groups, however, the 40% does and says that: the teachers never organize them in that way. Based on these results, it is important that it is good that teachers plan this kind of activities very often because it helps students to apply the language fluency using the direct method without problems in the teaching-learning process. Question 4: The teacher-student relationship is a two way street. Table 4: Teacher-student relationship Alternative


Percentage %













Source from: Observation Card 3 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 4: Teacher-student relationship 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency porcentage %


Source from: Observation Card 3 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation According to the graphic 4 the 60% of observers agreed that most of the time the relationship between students and teachers is a two way street even the 40% says that their relationship is not a two way street. With these results we conclude that the teachers must have a good relationship with their students, but both have to be respectful. In this way students will be interested in participate when the teacher ask for it and improving the development of the teaching-learning process. Question 5: The teacher does help students understand the subject. Table 5: Teacher helps students understand the subject Alternatives


Percentage %













Source from: Observation Card 3 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 5: Teacher helps students understand the subject 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency porcentage %


Source from: Observation Card 3 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation From the results obtained, it was observed that 3 of the observers corresponding to 60% affirmed that in the observed classes the teacher helps to understand the topic. While 2 practitioners equivalent to 40% assure that the teacher never helps the students to understand the subject. For this reason, it is evident that the teacher is the guide and facilitator in the learning process.

Question 6: Significant learning is encouraged in the classroom. Table 6: Significant learning in the classroom Alternative Frequency Percentage % Always












Source from: Observation Card 3 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 6: Significant learning in the classroom 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency porcentage %


Source from: Observation Card 3 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation According to the data obtained in question 6, it was evidenced that 5 observers with an equivalent of 100% affirmed that sometimes learning is significant in the classroom. For this reason and according to the analysis, it is clear to see that all student interns believe that meaningful learning in the classroom should be increased.

Question 7: The teacher does use charts and/or visual aids to help students retain the information that has been acquired. Table 7: Teacher helps students retain the information Alternative Frequency Percentage % Always












Source from: Observation Card 4

Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 7: Teacher helps students retain the information 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency


porcentage %

Source from: Observation Card 4 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation Based on the results obtained in this question, it was observed that 3 observers equivalent to 60% affirmed that sometimes the teacher uses pictures and / or visual aids to help the students to retain the information that has been acquired. While 2 students with a significant 40% of the practitioners stated that the teacher never uses pictures and / or visual aids to help students retain the information that has been acquired. In accordance with this question, it is observed that the help given by the teacher is of great significance in the learning process. Question 8: The teacher does use Kinesthetic teaching so students can learn. Table 8: Teacher use Kinesthetic teaching Alternatives Frequency Percentage % Always












Source from: Observation Card 4 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Graphic 8: Teacher use Kinesthetic teaching

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 always

sometimes frecuency porcentage %


Source from: Observation Card 4 Authors: Llerena, A. et al (2019)

Analysis and Interpretation In agreement with the results obtained in the present question, it was observed that 3 observers or 60% of the practitioners answered this question with one sometimes the teacher uses the kinesthetic teaching so that the students can learn. Meanwhile, 40% that equals 2 practitioners declared that the teacher never uses kinesthetic teaching so that students can learn. In relation to the analysis of results it was observed that for a better understanding and understanding the teacher must use the kinesthetic teaching. 4.2. VERIFICATION OF HYPOTHESIS For the present research project, which takes as its theme: "Determine the aspects of the direct method in the teaching-learning process." in students of the 1st BGU that will belong to the "Unidad Educativa Luis" A. Martínez "from of Ambato city •

Question 2 Teacher facilitates knowledge?

Question 5 Teacher helps students understand the subject?

Question 6 Significant learning in the classroom?

Question 7 Teacher helps students retain the information?

The hypothesis verification process to be applied is the following: •

Frequency Matrix Observation.

Expected frequency matrix.

Approach of the Hypothesis.

Decision rule.


4.2.1. Matriz de frecuencias observadas Table: observed frequencies categories Question 2 Teacher facilitates

























knowledge? Question 5 Teacher helps students understand the subject? Question 6 Significant learning in the classroom? Question 7 Teacher helps students retain the information? Subtotals

Source from: Observation Cards Authors: Macias. M. et al (2019)

4.2.1. Matrix of observed frequencies Table: Expected frequency Categories

Question 2 Teacher facilitates

























knowledge? Question 5 Teacher helps students understand the subject? Question 6 Significant learning in the classroom? Question 7 Teacher helps students retain the information? Subtotals Source: Observation Cards Authors: Macias. M. et al (2019) 4.2.3 Hypothesis statement Logical model Null Hypothesis H0: The use of the direct method strategy does not affect the teaching-learning process of English at the basic level of “Unidad Educativa Luis. A Martìnez” in Ambato city. Alternative hypothesis H1: The use of the direct method strategy if it affects the teaching-learning process of English at the basic level of "Unidad Educativa Luis". A Martínez in the city of Ambato. Mathematical model. H0: O = E H1: O ≠ E Statistical Model ! 2 = ∑(" − #) 2


Decision rule


1 – 0.95 = 0.05; α 0.05

gl = Degrees of freedom

$% = (& − ')(( − ')

f = rows of the table

)* = (3 − 1)(4 − 1)

$% = + c = columns of the

table gl = (2)(3) $% = + The null hypothesis is admitted if the value of X calculated results in a number less than X tabulated, with a level of significance of 0.05 and 6 degrees of freedom. X2 (x tabulated) 12,5616. 4.3. CALCULUS DE X2C FO 3 3 0 0 2 2 5 3 0 0 0 2 20

FE 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 17.0

(O-E)2/E 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.3333333333 0.3333333333 1.3333333333 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 4.5 9.999999999 10.0


Determinación de CHI cuadrado

4.3.2. Conclusion The resultant of the calculated CHI2 (10.0) is smaller than that resulting from the tabulated CHI2, (12.5916) as a consequence, the alternative hypothesis is discarded and the null hypothesis that says: The use of the strategy of the direct method does not affect the teachinglearning process of English at the basic level of "Unidad Educativa Luis". A MartĂ­nez in the city of Ambato.

CHAPTER V 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1. CONCLUSIONS 1. There are various methods and approaches, which are being used in the process of language teaching and learning. Direct Method classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught. It is specially focus on oral communication where student’s skills are built up around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students. Finally, grammar is taught inductively, it means that students infer rules and vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures to get meaningful learning. 2. The purpose of this research was to provide a contemporary portrait of learning and teaching a second language, identify trends and important problems, show where these trends and problems come from and apply different strategies. The teaching and learning in the language classroom are mainly aimed at teachers of languages with or without experience since they could be very useful for teachers to explore on their own.

5.2 RECOMMENDATION 1. According to the investigation, this method works well for meaningful learning. In Luis, A. Martinez high school this method does not work very well because students are not truly interested in learning other language. It would be great to apply this method since the first years of education to make more than learning an acquisition of language that is better. 2. Teachers should incorporate ideas into their own teaching practice so that students can distinguish the teaching-learning process, the theoretical and empirical foundations, teachers should reflect on topics related to teaching and learning languages based on your own experience. A teacher should to ability to infer what their students need.

3. Componente Teรณrico





Marzo-Agosto 2019

INVESTIGACION CUALITATIVA Nombre: Fecha: 1.- Complete: Que son las hipótesis Dentro de la investigación científica? Las hipótesis son __________________________ acerca de las relaciones entre dos o más variables y se apoyan en conocimientos organizados y sistematizados. A) Proposiciones tentativas B) Propuestas Estadísticas C) Números 2.- Escoja la respuesta correcta. Variable es: A) es una propiedad que puede variar (adquirir diversos valores) B) una opción C) un objeto 3.- EJEMPLOS DE VARIABLES 1 Sexo 2 Edad 3 Ingresos 4………….. 4.- Escoja Verdadero o falso ¿CÓMO SE RELACIONAN LAS HIPÓTESIS, LAS PREGUNTAS Y LOS OBJETIVOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN? Las hipótesis comúnmente surgen de los objetivos y preguntas de investigación, una vez que éstas han sido reevaluadas a raíz de la revisión de la literatura. A) Verdadero B) Falso 5.-Complete Existen diversas formas de clasificar las hipótesis: A) hipótesis de investigación, B) hipótesis nulas hipótesis alternativas C) hipótesis estadísticas. 6.- Escoja verdadero (V) o falso (F). Que constituyen las hipótesis nulas. ( F ) La influencia conjunta de todas las variables independientes sobre la dependiente o dependientes. ( F ) La integración, la comunicación instrumental y la comunicación formal incrementan la satisfacción laboral. ( V ) Proposiciones acerca de la relación entre variables solamente que sirven para refutar o negar lo que afirma la hipótesis de investigación. 7.- Que son las hipótesis alternativas. A) Como su nombre lo indica, son posibilidades 'alternativas " ante las hipótesis de investigación nula. B) La influencia conjunta de todas las variables independientes sobre la dependiente o dependientes. C) La integración, la comunicación instrumental y la comunicación formal incrementan la satisfacción laboral. D) Proposiciones acerca de la relación entre variables solamente que sirven para refutar o negar lo que afirma la hipótesis de investigación. 8.- ¿Qué es el muestreo probabilístico? A) Es un proceso en el que se conoce la probabilidad que tiene cada elemento de integrar la muestra. B) Es un proceso en el que se desconoce la probabilidad que tiene cada elemento de integrar la muestra C) Es aquel que utiliza un sistema para la selección de la muestra. 9.- Seleccione los tipos de muestreo probabilístico. A) Muestreo aleatorio simple, muestreo sistemático, muestreo estratificado, muestreo por conglomerados o áreas B) Muestreo sistemático, Muestreo estratificado, Muestreo por conglomerados o áreas, por cuotas C) Muestreo estratificado, Muestreo por conglomerados o áreas, por cuotas, por conveniencia 10.- Escoja verdadero o falso. Muestreo Aleatorio Simple es: Es el que le permite al investigador conformar una muestra de forma que cada elemento de la población o universo no tenga la misma probabilidad de ser seleccionado. A) Verdadero B) Falso 11.-¿Qué significa N y n en estadística? A) n es la población y N es la muestra B) N es la población y n es la muestra C) no existe ninguna diferencia 12.- Escoja 2 ventajas del muestreo sistemático. A) Se recomienda cuando la población es numerosa. B) Se recomienda cuando la población es pequeña.

B) Cuando se puede disponer de un listado de los elementos de la población. D) Cuando no se puede disponer de un listado de los elementos de la población. 13 .- ¿Qué significa plantear un problema de investigación? A) Afinar bien la idea de investigación y describiendo nuestra realidad problemática. B) Hacerse preguntas sobre la realidad problemática C) Afinar bien la idea de investigación de los antecedentes de estudio. 14.- ¿Por qué resulta conveniente que un problema sea planteado en forma de pregunta? A) Por qué debe cumplir con el formato de la universidad para su ejecución. B) Porque una pregunta exige una respuesta que es la hipótesis y orienta hacia una método para contestarla. C) Porque la ciencia siempre busca resolver problemas y por ende se debe comprobar las hipótesis. 15.- ¿Qué partes tiene la justificación, según Hernandez (1995)? A) Práctica, teórica y legal B) Teórica, practica y metodológica C) Teórica, práctica y pedagógica. 16.- ¿Qué significa análisis de factibilidad de la investigación? A) Que la muestra de estudio sea de tamaño grande. B) Que sea una investigación que apasione, resuelva un problema y sea actualizado. C) Que aporte a la ciencia, que apasione al investigador y que tenga acceso a la muestra. 17.- ¿Qué diferencias existen entre el objetivo general y los específicos en un método correlacional? A) Que el general responde a la problemática general y los específicos a los problemas derivados o específicos. B) Que el general abarca solamente las variables de estudio y los específicos solo las dimensiones. C) Que ambos son respuestas a las preguntas de investigación 18.- ¿Cuál es el criterio para construir el objetivo general y los específicos? A) Convertir las preguntas de investigación en propósitos alcanzables y deseables, en forma de proposición. B) Convertir las peguntas de investigación en afirmaciones de pronóstico. C) Formular nuevas preguntas de investigación relacionados al problema general. 19.- ¿Qué es un antecedente de investigación y cuál es su importancia? A) Son estudios previos al nuestro de manera empírica, es importante para responder las hipótesis. B) Son estudios de investigación relacionados con nuestro tema, su importancia radica que da sustento teórico a la investigación. C) Son estudios experimentales relacionados a nuestro tema, son importantes para corroborar con nuestros resultados. 20.- ¿Qué elementos conforma el marco teórico? A) Antecedentes, justificación y definición de términos. B) Bases teóricas, antecedentes y definición de términos. C) Antecedentes, bases teóricas y limitaciones de la investigación.





Marzo-Agosto 2019



1. ¿Qué importancia tiene las bases teóricas en su tesis? a) Son el sustento teórico de nuestra investigación. b) Son el estudio de los antecedentes. c) Son el sustento de nuestros resultados de investigación. 2. ¿En qué consiste el proceso de operacionalizacion de una variable? a) Pasar de un concepto teórico a lo empírico, es decir algo verificable y observable y medible. b) Desdoblar la variable en dimensiones, indicadores e ítems para su medición. c) A y B 3. ¿Por qué se debe operacionalizar una variable? a) Para poder medirla y cuantificarla. b) Para poder interpretarla a juicio del investigador. c) Para comprenderla mejor. 4. ¿Qué significa dimensionar una variable? a) Pasar de un concepto teórico a una realidad empírica observable. b) Desglosar una variable en elementos específicos que sean medibles y observables. c) A y B 5. ¿Qué es una definición operacional? a) Es una definición que nos induce como se medirá la variable. b) Es una definición conceptual de la variable. c) Es una definición del propio investigador. 6. ¿Cuál es el tipo de investigación de su proyecto integrador? a) Básica b) Aplicada c) Tecnológica 7. ¿De qué depende elegir un diseño para la investigación? a) De los objetivo a alcanzar en la investigación b) De las bases teóricas de la investigación c) De los antecedentes de estudio

8. ¿Qué técnicas se usa para la selección de la muestra probabilística? a) Azarosa (al azar) b) Sorteo c) A y B 9. ¿Qué es una muestra NO probabilística? a) Es una muestra elegida por sorteo b) Es una muestra elegida por conveniencia del investigador c) Es una muestra homogénea. 10. ¿Por qué es importante la medición en una investigación cuantitativa? a) Para responder a los objetivos de la investigación b) Para responder las pregunta de investigación. c) A y B.

4. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS)

5. Prรกcticas Preprofesionales

6. Reflexiรณn

Qualitative Research is related to the Graduate Profile, Internships and the educational model of the university, all this allows us to develop the field of research. Egress profile allows us to cover with all the needs of society and what an English teacher must disburse at any educational level that is teaching the English language. In the internships I had a great relationship with the qualitative research syllable since it allowed me to carry out the knowledge project. Thanks to that I was able to develop it as normal and get the information I needed about the pedagogical models The educational model of the university has the syllable of qualitative research which is paramount because it allows us to develop as researchers and learn more about the realization, collection and analysis of data to perform qualitative research just as we learned that a qualitative research is an investigation Basic and that it is very fundamental to follow all the steps to carry out an investigation just as we must choose what technique and method we are going to occupy taking into account that it can be by case study, interviewing technique, account or focus groups etc. among others. The researcher must decide how he wants to conduct his research Everything I learned will help me to develop in the field of research and will allow me to carry out research where I can learn about the problems presented by the educational system as well as find the solution of these

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