Portafolio English Writing

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Universidad Técnica de Ambato Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Carrera Pedagogia de los Idiomas Nacionales Y Extranjeros

PORTAFOLIO ESTUDIANTIL English Writing Segundo Semestre Septiembre 2018 – Febrero 2019 Aaaaa


English writing

Segundo Semestre

Septiembre 2018 – Febrero 2019

Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato .............................................................................................3 Misión ....................................................................................................................................3 Visión.....................................................................................................................................3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación ...................................................................3 Misión ....................................................................................................................................3 Visión.....................................................................................................................................3 Sílabo .....................................................................................................................................4 Programa Analítico.................................................................................................................4 Guías PAE..............................................................................................................................4 1. Trabajo Colaborativo.......................................................................................................6 2. Trabajo Práctico ............................................................................................................11 3. Trabajo Autónomo ........................................................................................................30 4. Componente Teórico .....................................................................................................37 5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................45 6. Prácticas Preprofesionales .............................................................................................48 7. Reflexión.......................................................................................................................51


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión “Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.”

Visión “La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos. ”.


Sílabo https://utaedumy.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/personal/lparra_uta_edu_ec/Documents/PORTAFOLIO%20ESTUDI ANTIL%20SEPT.%202018%20FEB.2019/ENGLISH%20WRITING%20A/SILABO,%20PR O.%20ANALITICO,%20FORMATO%20PORTAFOLIO/ENGLISH%20WRITING.pdf?csf= 1&e=hYzflc

Programa Analítico https://utaedumy.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/personal/lparra_uta_edu_ec/Documents/PORTAFOLIO%20ESTUDI ANTIL%20SEPT.%202018%20FEB.2019/ENGLISH%20WRITING%20A/SILABO,%20PR O.%20ANALITICO,%20FORMATO%20PORTAFOLIO/PROGRAMA%20ANALITICO% 20ENGLISH%20WRITING.pdf?csf=1&e=QeuPZZ

Guías PAE https://utaedumy.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/personal/lparra_uta_edu_ec/Documents/PORTAFOLIO%20ESTUDI ANTIL%20SEPT.%202018%20FEB.2019/ENGLISH%20WRITING%20A/GUIAS%20PRA CTICAS%202019.pdf?csf=1&e=CqPtLS


Perfil de Egreso El futuro profesional de la Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros podrá desempeñar los siguientes roles: v Profesor/a de Inglés en instituciones educativas a nivel de Educación Inicial, Educación General Básica y Bachillerato. v Profesor/a de inglés en el nivel técnico y tecnológico de la Educación Superior. v Tutor/a académico/a en las instituciones educativas. v Profesor/a de inglés en institutos y academias de idiomas extranjeros. v Tutor/a de inglés en fundaciones y centros para tareas dirigidas.


1. Trabajo Colaborativo


Evidence of the First Partial



Evidence of the Second Partial



2.Trabajo Prรกctico


Guía Práctica Nro.01


Universidad Técnica Ambato English Writing Second Semester “A” Name: Erika Mariño Data: October 23rd ,2018

v Write a paragraph of about 100 words. Talk about one of your accomplishment in your life Writing Process Step 1: Make a list v I climbed the Chimborazo volcano. v My course won first place in the cheer dance contest. v I got the fifteenth best average of one hundred and fifty

Step 2: Brainstorming. v v v v v v

Use warm and comfortable clothes. bring extra clothes. not be sick of the heart. perform exercise. bring chocolate for the weather. bring hot drinks.

Step 3: Organize the ideas. I climbed the Chimborazo volcano in 2011 with my family and it was a wonderful experience.


Step 4: Paragraph Topic: Climb the Chimborazo volcano with my family I climbed the Chimborazo volcano in 2011 with my family and it was a wonderful experience. [First, we travel to the volcano Chimborazo in the morning.] We started to walk the path of the volcano and watched birds and rabbits. It is very important to have a good physical condition to avoid any disease of the heart. [Second, I got warm and comfortable clothes to not feel cold.] I met other people in the volcano. [In addition, it is very important to bring hot drinks and chocolate because of the climate.] It is very important to carry everything you need to enjoy the trip. # of words 100. Topic sentence: G S: [


Transitions: Concluding sentence:



Guías Práctica Nro.02


Universidad Técnica Ambato English Writing “A” Second “A” Name: Erika Mariño Data: October 30th ,2018 v Describe the picture in a paragraph of 100 words Writing Process Step 1: Make a list Places v The Swiss Alps v Chimborazo volcano v Niagara Falls v Yellowstone Park Step 2: Cluster.

Step 3: Topic Sentence The Swiss alps occupies one of the important and wonderful geological cusps of the world.


Step 4: Paragraph

Topic: The Swiss Alps The Swiss alps occupies one of the important and wonderful geological cusps of the world. First, [The Swiss Alps are located in in Europe in the country of Switzerland.] They are a wonderful place. The Swiss Alps have a variety of animals, flowers and plants. Second, [the climate in The Swiss Alps depends on the season.] In the winter it is very cold and you should wear warm and comfortable clothes. In the summer some days are sunny but the breeze is cold. the Swiss Alps can breathe pure air. In additional, [the tourists in the Swiss Alps can climb the mountain, ski, observe the landscape, walk through the meadows and take pictures.] The physical health is very important to be able to perform activities that involve physical effort. The Swiss Alps is a very relaxing and fun place to be with family and friends.

# of words 100. Topic sentence: G S: [


Transitions: Concluding sentence:


Guías Práctica Nro.03


Universidad Técnica Ambato English Writing Second Semester “A” Name: Erika Mariño Data: November 9th ,2018 v Write a reason paragraph of 120 words about your favorite hobby Step 1: Chart My favorite hobbies

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

Listening to music Learn new words Reading a book

Can to imagine the story

Climbing the mountains and the volcanoes

observe the landscape

Learn new expressions

Make friends

Relax and do sports

Step 2: Definition v I enjoy climbing the mountains and the volcanoes for three reasons v people enjoy climbing mountains and volcanoes for three reasons v Climbing the mountains and volcanoes is enjoyable for three reasons Step 3: Outline I enjoy climbing the mountains and the volcanoes for three reasons I. The mountains and volcanoes observe different landscapes A. Observe the animals and plants. B. Can take pictures. II. In the places other people are known A. met new friends


B. meet people who live in our country and in other countries III. Climbing the mountains and volcanoes is very fun A. Help improve health Step 4: Paragraph Topic: Climb the mountains and the volcanoes I enjoy climbing the mountains and the volcanoes for three reasons. I believe it's very interesting to do this physical activity.[First, I can observe the mountains and the volcanoes observe different landscapes.] In this landscape observe different animals, plants and can take pictures.[Second, you can met different people.] I met new friends who live in our country and in other countries. [Finally, climbing mountains and volcanoes is very fun.] This helps improve health. I can get wonderful memories and enjoy nature.

# of words 120. Topic sentence: G S: [


Transitions: Concluding sentence:


Guías Práctica Nro.04


Universidad Técnica Ambato English Writing Second Semester “A” Name: Erika Mariño Data: December 4th, 2018 v Describe the effect of dropping out school (abandoning school). Write at least do words. Effect Paragraph

Step 1: Outline People drop out of school has three negative effects I.

The people don't have money. A. People have to work in class time. B. People steal from other people. C. People are not happy


People do not get the job A. People do not know how to do the job


People live on the street A. They do not have a house B. They do not eat

Paragraph People drop out of school has three negative effects. The main effect, [people do not have.] money. While, the people are in classes, some people have to work in class. People steal from other people and they are not happy at any time. Second effect, [people do not get work because of lack of knowledge.] Another effect, [ people live on the street.] they do not


have a home and they do not eat it, it produces a lot of illnesses, as well as additions like alcohol, drugs, etc. In conclusion we must study to be better every day. # of words 100. Topic sentence: G S: [


Transitions: Signal words: Concluding sentence:


Guías Práctica Nro.05


Universidad Técnica Ambato English Writing Second Semester “A” Name: Erika Mariño Date: January 15th , 2019 v Write an opinion paragraph about improving the quality of life in your city. You may want to suggestion or solution about :

Parking lots Opinion paragraph

Step 1: Outline Baños city must have parking at holiday season I.

Baños has a lot of traffic on vacations and it means that you can not drive or leave the car in a parking lot. A. If the authorities build more parking, tourists can enjoy our city more easily

II. You can get benefits. A. This will help avoid accidents or pollution and you could walk calmly people visit businesses, and tourist places walking or cycling. B. it's very good for your health and you save gas.


III. Cleaner and tourist city. A. Baños was an ecological city that takes care of health without worrying about transportation.

Step 2: Paragraph

Topic: Baños a city without traffic Baños city must have parking at holiday season. I live in Baños city. First, this place has a lot of traffic on vacations and it means that you can not drive or leave the car in a parking lot


If the authorities build more parking, tourists can enjoy our city more easily. Second, this will help avoid accidents or pollution and you could walk calmly. People can visit businesses, and tourist places walking or cycling. it's very good for your health and you save gas. Third, BaĂąos Should be an ecological city that takes care of health without worrying about transportation because they were in the well-kept parking lots and people enjoyed the city. BaĂąos is a city with great tourist potential the authorities should implement more parking lots to avoid traffic and pollution.

Topic sentence: General statement: Details: [ Modal verbs: Transitions: Concluding sentence:



Guías Práctica Nro.06


Universidad Técnica Ambato English Writing Second Semester “A” Name: Erika Mariño Date: January v Write the essay

Essay Topic: Baños a city without traffic

Baños city is considered a tourist place especially on holidays. You can enjoy different outdoor activities, from extreme sports, hiking trails and the city. [The city has a population of 12,995 people. In my opinion the city of restrooms should have more parking in the holiday season. ] Traffic exists during the holidays and causes congestion in the small streets of the tourist city. This means that you will not be able to drive or leave the car in the streets. [People can not walk on the sidewalks or cross the streets easily due to the amount of cars that exist at the time of vacation. this is so wrong. ]

Accidents or pollution can be avoided if the authorities implement some plan on where cars can be left so that people can visit businesses and tourist places on foot or by bicycle. It is very good for your health and you save gas. [The city has places available where you can build parking lots. ]


BaĂąos is a city with great tourist potential, authorities and residents should implement more parking to avoid traffic and pollution. This would allow you to drive or walk more easily and avoid some problems.

Topic sentence: General statement: Details: [ Concluding sentence:




3.Trabajo Autรณnomo


Evidence of the First Partial




Evidence of the Second Partial




4. Componente Teรณrico


Evidence of the First Partial






Evidence of the Second Partial



5.Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS)




6. Prรกcticas Preprofesionale s






I liked the syllabus English writing for three reasons. First, I can remember the grammar learned years ago. This allowed me to understand some readings because I can get new vocabulary. Second, I learned to make several paragraphs. This allowed me to write my internship and other paragraphs more easily. This syllabus English Writing reinforces the ability of the English language that is the writing. Third, the Educational Model of the University focuses on the training of the student as an excellent professional since each career has subjects that are very fundamental. All this allows the future professional to learn in an appropriate way. Syllabus English Writing is very important because it allows us to express ourselves through writing

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