Endz 2 Endz Magazine: Issue 9

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Digital connoisseur, Jason DaPonte, started The Swarm, a venture that continuously breaks barriers creatively in our digital world of development. Since its birth, The Swarm has been positively influential in digital media and has been at the productive helm in the construction of interactive apps, documentaries, and workshops that are popular within the industry. Jason also offers industry advice to new digital business start-ups, and still finds time to mentor our budding Endz2Endz team. He shares some invaluable advice with us on how to be a successful entrepreneur. With creativity on par with the sharpness of our digital age, Jason explains what is next in line for The Swarm. E2E: How did the initial business idea of The Swarm come about? The Swarm is a company I started after leaving 8.5 years working in digital content at the BBC. The BBC really turned me on to the potential of creativity in digital media and I wanted to build my own company where I could lead on that type of work in my own way, outside a huge corporation. E2E: What is ‘The Swarm’ about? We produce and design digital content for the television, arts and culture sectors. We work on everything from online strategies for tv documentaries to mobile applications to games to websites and social media projects. Endz2Endz is also a project that we mentor – and that we love. We’re about making the next generation of content that audiences will consume. E2E: Which entrepreneur inspires you? I think anyone who’s started a company deserves great admiration. I don’t tend to look up to ‘celebrity’ entrepreneurs – but more people around me who are a step or two ahead of me. I think I get the inspiration from seeing people trying to solve the problem that I’ll have to solve next.

end of the month – and when you’re running a business, you can’t lose site of that. I think my favourite project so far has been TubeTap – an app we made that helps Londoners get refunds when the Tube makes them late (http://www.tubetap.co.uk). E2E: Have you any advice for entrepreneurs who’re just starting out? Be prepared to work hard and be ready to deliver. You can talk a lot of talk about a great idea but you have to hustle to make it happen. Also, network as much as you can. Even if it doesn’t seem like it right now, the people you meet on your journey may come in helpful one day – and remember, it’s as important to help everyone you can, so they help you when you need it. How can people get in contact with you? Website: www.entertheswarm.com Facebook: www. facebook.com/entertheswarm Twitter: @jasondaponte

E2E: What has been your favorite outcome in your business? Well, income for a start! I always have to make sure I can make ends meet at the Interviewed by Tyrone Smiley



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