Cru Magazine 2013-04

Page 16


Cru Speech

Acidity &Wine Part 1:

the chemistry and microbiology 酸度與葡萄酒 第一部份:化學與微生物學 English Text : Han Tao Lau Translation : Joe Lo

A few months ago, the Australian wine industry mourned the passing of one of

幾個月前,澳洲葡萄酒界為一位偉大葡萄酒先驅Ray Beckwith博士的離世

its greatest pioneers – Dr Ray Beckwith. One of Dr Beckwith’s most important

作出了沉痛的哀悼。 Beckwith 博士其中一項最重要的發現,是關於葡萄酒

discoveries was the link between acidity and microbial stability in wines. What


better way therefore to celebrate his life than to explore the concept of acidity in


wine? What exactly is the role of acidity in preventing wine spoilage, and apart


from this, why is acidity so often talked about in wine?


While I have no wish to make this article seem like a high school chemistry


lesson, nonetheless, it is important to clarify some of the key concepts


relating to acidity in wines.

其中有兩項數據是我們必須注意的—酸鹼值( pH )及可滴定酸度/總酸

There are two measurements related to acidity that winemakers look at in


particular – pH and titratable / total acidity (TA). pH是一種用作量度氫離子(H+)的數值,亦可以粗略解釋為溶液之中氫離子 pH is a measurement of the activity of the hydrogen ion (H+). It can be


roughly defined as as the power or concentration of H+ in a solution.


Values for pH range from 0 to 14, with low pH values being acidic, values near 7 being neutral, while higher pH values are described as being alkaline


or basic. In wine, pH values usually range from 3-4.

萄酒或葡萄汁之中含有的酸性高低。在歐洲地區 TA 是以每公升所含多少克 硫酸作計算單位( g/L );通常在新世界,包括澳洲則多數會以酒石酸作

Titratable acidity and total acidity are roughly interchangeable terms, used


to give a measurement of the acids present in grape juice or wine. In most


of Europe, TA is expressed in grams per litre (g/L) as sulfuric acid. In much

在。硫酸比酒石酸的酸度強烈得多, TA 值為 4.2g/L 的硫酸已經相等於 TA 值

of the new world, including Australia, it is expressed as tartaric acid. To


me, expressing this value in tartaric acid really makes a lot more sense, not just because I work in Australia, but because tartaric acid is the most

那為甚麼 pH 和 TA 兩者的量度同樣需要呢?為甚麼不只用其中一種?首先,

common acid found in grapes and wine. Sulfuric acid is a stronger acid

在釀酒學上, pH 和 TA 是葡萄酒味道中兩種完全不同的量度法, TA 可以被

than tartaric, so a TA of 4.2g/L expressed as sulfuric acid would equate

視為一種直接量度酒中實際酸度或酸性味道的方法。當酒的 pH 值低時,酒

roughly to a TA of 7g/L expressed as tartaric acid. In wines, TA is usually in

的味道會較酸;但事實上若其 pH 高、同時 TA 亦高的話,酒的味道同樣會偏

the range of 5-10 g/L expressed as tartaric acid.


So why is it important to measure both pH and TA? Would it not suffice to


圓潤和黏口,但若果酒在這個情況下沒有足夠的實際酸度時(也就是 TA )

use just one of these measurements? Firstly, from an organoleptic point of view, pH and TA are very different indicators of how a wine tastes. TA can

另外, pH 亦會影響紅酒的酒色。低 pH 值會令酒偏向深紅色;而高 pH 值則

be seen as a more direct indicator of the actual acid taste, or sourness, of


wine. While wines with a low pH tend to taste more acidic, in actual fact, wines with a high pH can still taste quite acidic if they have a high TA. The

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28/3/13 6:07 PM

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