Cru Magazine 2013-10

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Passion for Wine and Life

2013 OCT



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Cover Story

panel Tasting

Truely Relaxing Wine Route of Sicily

Daily Bubbles from Italy



18/10/13 6:34 PM

Richness, Cashmere-Soft Tannins, Subtle depict the best wine. Vinvautz depicts the best wine cellar.

Le Meilleur Choix 6-166 bottles available

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Vinvautz is now available at electrical appliances chain stores and major department stores Gilman Galleries Shop 709-711, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (852) 2881 0055 B2-3, Basement, Starhouse Plaza, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon (852) 2730 6747 Shop 357-358, HomeSquare, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin (852) 2699 0345

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17/10/13 6:17 PM

Plan your visit 500 wine producers from 25 countries 即刻安排您的参观行程 来自25个国家的500家 酒类生产商

Online Visitor Registration is live

Please visit to register online and plan your trip RIGHT NOW Supported by 支持单位:

Organized by 主办单位:



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中国 上海市仙霞路318-322号 鑫达大厦2402室 200336 电话: 传真: 电子邮件: 联系人: 支祯珍

23/8/13 4:01 PM 3/9/13 6:25

TABLE OF CONTENTS #034 October 2013




Cru Speech

Hotel Life

012 Deductive Tasting 推理式品酒

070 A Timeless Old Favourite 永遠的九香

014 Winery Water 016 Cru


018 Cru



Cru Panel Tasting

044 Your daily bubbles from Italy 意大利的每天氣泡酒

Cru Special


072 Art and Culture at HAJI 文化藝術在夏至

Cru Special Supplement

020 Ode of Bourgogne 勃艮第之美妙樂章


Cru Preview 022 Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair 香港國際展覽

Art Life


ProWine China 2013 特刊

Cru World of Wines 058 World Heritage Site: Saint Émilion 文化遺產 : Saint-Émilion小鎮

Cru Spirit 062 Gold 黃金

Cru Review


Cru Cover Story 031

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Histories does not make life Harder - Sicily 歷史不沉重,然而卻悠閑得很 —意大利西西里島


064 Annual Dinner 066 Grand Voyage of Morrison Bowmore Distillers Launch

18/10/13 10:50 AM

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10/9/13 12:22 PM

Letters from the Editor 發現新大陸!? 喝酒多年(當然不能跟讀著的前輩們相比),但有如發現新大陸的感覺還 是時常能感受到。或許大家都「努力」在喝著一整套的2010波爾多Grand

Cru Classé,還是把Vosne-Romanée的每塊田每塊Cru一同品嚐著,比較 著,是不是有點沉悶呢。這月將會再參與葡萄酒的評審工作,使我異常興 奮,為的不是一天一百多款的酒釀,而是想從中發現些「新大陸」。

我相信總有些在身邊擦身而過,而自己又忽略了的葡萄酒,無可否認誰也 喜歡名師釀造的葡萄酒,或系出名門的酒釀。我們常把眼光放得很高、也 很遠,但是這樣的高瞻遠望所為的又是什麼呢?那些 Fine Wine是否都沒 有讓我們失望過嗎?每次我遇到新相識的釀酒師都會很留意他們的一舉一 動,那份粉絲般的仰慕輕望,倒不如像個學生般請教請教,不能說像個偵探,但也能從他的談吐舉止,感受到他們所釀造的酒所為何事,因何而釀,等等等等。 說到這,已經不需要理會他是來自那裡,在什麼地方釀酒,也不需要知道他是否出自名門。就讓我們在舌尖上感受那點感動吧。

蒙瓶也罷,不蒙瓶也罷,喝酒講求客觀,卻也存在主觀。這問題之前也曾談論過了,我不反對不蒙瓶試酒,但也相信蒙瓶品試。有人覺得矛盾,我卻覺得可信, 因為即使蒙瓶品試也要「貓紙」,說的不是品牌認知,而是需要以我對產區、品種的知識、經驗去判斷那瓶酒的實力,你總不能以勃艮第的標準去評鑑一杯波 爾多吧。尤其是對喝酒經驗不多的初哥,要他們蒙瓶試飲其實是沒有什麼得著的,反而一邊喝著,望著酒標,明白那瓶葡萄酒是來自那個產區、那片葡萄園,用 什麼品種的葡萄,更能了解酒的特性,也是一種最好的學習方式,當然要 抱著不能把大品牌便是好酒的概念去品評,因為絕佳的酒莊也有遇上天災 失手的時候,不可能每一年都是完美的,認識到這上酒莊的優點、缺點, 更能了解所謂的名莊。就讓大家去做一個葡萄酒評審吧,有興趣的多參與 我們舉辦的品酒活動,建立自己的品味,至少為自己做一個葡萄酒「品評 家」,當然我們舉辦的會包括以上兩種方式。要發現新大陸,絕不困難, 這也是喝葡萄酒,甚至所有酒釀的樂趣呢。至少我是這樣認為的,葡萄酒 的世界絕對遠遠超出我們的想像力。 Eddie Chui Editorial Director

Editorial Director : Eddie Chui

Publisher : Cru Media Limited

Tasting Editor : Francois Luck

Address : 22&23/F, Fung Sang Trading Building, 54 Bonham

Creative Director : Jenkin Ma

Strand West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Designer : Louise Pak

Tel : (852) 3568 9100

Photographer : Alvin Luk

Fax : (852) 3568 9101

Advisor : Asif Bajwa, Dennis Yong

E-mail :

Business Director : Nicholas Siu

Website :

Sales & Marketing Manager : Kieth Chan

Facebook Fan Page :

Assistant Marketing Executive : Lexus Loo Printer : KiLi Printing & Production Co. (852) 3595 0196 Distrbution Service : Blackstone Concepts (852) 3481 0518 All rights reserved 版權所有,翻印必究

ISSN 2221016-4

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19/10/13 8:19 PM

DRESS CODE: Ladies: Fascinator Hat Gentlemen: Formal hat


S W E E T T O P B O R DE A U X 30th October 2013


Join us to taste over 30 Premium Sweet Wines from Bordeaux , and experience 3 extraordinary sweet with professional guidance in Master Class.

Chateau d’ Yquem Chateau Coutet Chateau Climens

HK$580/Session Session 1 : 6:30 – 7:30pm / Session 2 : 8:00 – 9:00pm

* Max no. of pax is 18 per session. No change of session will be accepted upon confirmation of payment.


Joi n the tasti ng session to taste over 30 Premium Sweet Wi nes from Bordeau x

HK$380 6:00 – 9:00pm

AZURE RESTAURANT SLASH BAR 29/F, Hotel LKF, 33 Wyndham Street,Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong

R.S.V.P :


tel : 2351-0318 // rsv p@cru-magazi The event is on first-come-first-served basis, reservation will be confirmed once the payment is settled on specific date. Please contact us for more details. Media Parter :

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19/10/13 8:57 PM


Michel Bettane Michel Bettane began his wine journalism career over 30 years ago. He published The Great Guide to The Best Wines of France in 1996 andl is one of the guest speakers at the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Fair. He’s also a panel member at the Tokyo International Wine Challenge, the London Decanter Wine Competition, the San Francisco Wine Fair, the South African Wine Trophy and the Canberra Australian National Wine Competition. 米歇爾.貝塔納從事其葡萄酒評論事業已有 30 年光景,亦曾於 1996 年出版了「法國葡 萄酒專業酒評指南」。他目前是香港國際葡 萄酒與烈酒博覽會的客席講師,更身兼日本 東京國際葡萄酒挑戰賽、英國倫敦國際葡萄 酒競賽、舊金山葡萄酒品嘗大會、南非葡萄 酒盃及的堪培拉澳大利亞國家葡萄酒大賽的 評委。

Christopher Ng An an author, a movie and comics writer, food and wine lover, and a member of the Greater China Wine Critics Association, Christopher is a big fan of the Premier League Chelsea. Recently published the fiction ‘Mecha of the Dead’ and movie script ‘Butterfly Lovers’. His articles can be found in ‘Zip’ and ‘Men’s Uno’, etc. 作家、電影及漫畫編劇,愛好美酒美食,大 中華酒評人協會會員,英超車路士擁護者。 最近期的文字作品有《機械屍人》,電影 劇本有《武俠梁祝》。酒評見於《 Zip 》及 《Men’s Uno》等等。

Contributors033-2.indd 1

Thierry Desseauve Thierry Desseauve became the Chief Editor of a leading French wine magazine in 1989 and co-wrote the renowned publication The Great Guide to The Best Wines of France in 1996 with Michel. Thierry has been an internationally acclaimed wine critic and writer for over 20 years. Around the world, winemakers acknowledge his natural talent for describing the potential, quality, style and consistency of a “terroir”. 蒂埃裡.德索沃於 1989年成為法國葡萄酒雜 誌的主編,並於 1996 年與米歇爾.貝塔納 (Michel Bettane)合著一本介紹法國餐酒和 釀酒廠的指南,內容非常豐富。這位經驗老 到的葡萄酒作家和品酒師, 20年來受到各界 推崇。來自世界各地,從老一輩至新一派的 釀酒師,都一致認定他對潛質、質素、風格 與風土特性的描述,極具天賦能力。

Ronald Ip One of the top stylists and fashion designers in Hong Kong, since the 80’s Ronald was the stylist and image consultant of many top artists and singers. He fell in love with fashion design since he was little, combining traditional Shanghai tailoring technique with modern fashion designs with his creativity, emphasizing traditional tailoring details and sophistication. 著名本地時裝設計師葉華添是香港的殿堂級 形 象 達 人 , 自 80 年 代 起 一 直 為 當 紅 藝 人 及 歌手擔任形象設計。自小對時裝設計感興 趣, Ronald 把傳統上海洋服精細的手工注入 現代時裝潮流元素,以創新的手法強調傳統手 藝對細節的精緻表達。

Han Tao Lau Han Tao was born in Hong Kong and graduated from the University of Adelaide’s winemaking program. He has been making wine in Australia since 2002, and also has winemaking experience in St Emilion (France) and the Pfalz (Germany). He was recently named as the Dux (top participant) of the Australian Wine Research Institute’s 2011 Advanced Wine Assessment Course. He has been based in the Yarra Valley for the past 7 years, where he is now the winemaker for Long Gully Estate, at the same time making his own low-intervention wines, called “Chuan”.

Ian Symonds Ian has twelve years of experience in wine education, holds the WSET Diploma, is a WSET Certified Educator; an Official Burgundy Wines Instructor; an International Bordeaux Wine Educator; a Court of Master Sommelier ‘Certified Sommelier’ (CS); a Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW), Certified Specialist of Spirits (CSS); an AWRI Advanced Wine Assessment Course graduate and has been a tutor on the WSET Certified Educator courses held in Hong Kong. Ian is a jury member for the Hong Kong “Everyday Bordeaux” selection held by SOPEXA.

劉涵濤在香港出生,於澳洲University of Adelaide畢業的釀酒師,2011年獲得澳洲 葡萄酒研究所高級評酒課程的最佳表現獎。 自 2002 年起,曾於澳洲的南澳,維多利亞 省,法國波爾多St. Emilion和德國Pfalz不同酒 莊參與釀酒工作。過去七年在維多利亞省的 亞拉河谷工作,現為Long Gully Estate的釀酒 師,亦同時用自然,低干預式的釀酒方法製 造自己的葡萄酒,「傳」。

Ian 擁有 20 年教授葡萄酒經驗,考獲 WSET

Synchro Synchro is the synchronized alternative pen-name of a well-known local published writer. The use of this name is, not unlike Les Forts is to Latour and Carruades to Lafite, to cultivate younger vines for a fresher approach to produce an output specifically of subjective reviews of hotels, cruise ships, food, and wine, in different new-found terriors. Thus Synchro is unemployed of his own choice, and travels the world with all his disposable time, and his travel stories are to be read here.

高等證書後成為認可葡萄酒導師,亦是認 可勃艮地葡萄酒導師、國際波爾多葡萄酒導 師、Court of Master Sommelier Certified Sommelier CS、Certified Specialist of Spirits CSS、Certified Specialist of Wine CSW、AWRI Advanced Wine Assessment Course,亦是香港 WSET認可導師。更是香 港法國食品協會「每天波爾多 2010」的評審 團成員。

Dorothy Ma A girl born in the 80’s who has worked in some record companies and advertisment companies, Dorothy is a full time marketing executive and part time blogger. She believes there are no ugly women in the world, only lazy ones. 80 後女生,曾在唱片公司及廣告公司工作, 正職市場推廣,副業寫博客。深信沒有醜的 女人,只有懶惰的,所以最愛試不同的美容產 品,讓自己變得更有自信、漂亮。

單高是香港某著作等身作家的同步筆名,用此 筆名一如Les Forts之於拉圖及Carruades之於 Lafite,企圖用較嫩的葡萄樹在新發掘的不同 的土壤上,生產出另一系列專講嘗試世界著名 酒店、郵輪、美食,及美酒的個人感受以饗讀 者。單高自選以無業遊民為業,可用的時間悉 數用於全球性的旅遊之上。

17/10/13 6:32 PM

T a s t i n g

Rebecca Leung Rebecca is an independent wine educator and wine journalist who writes her own wine blog “Wine is Beautiful” and has regular columns in Hong Kong Economic Journal, Cup, WineNow, Headline Daily, Sing Tao Daily and The Corporate Grocer & Caterer. Also a columnist for Review Asia Magazine, Taster. com and She hosts an online wine programme for HK Economic, and a radio wine show for San Francisco’s  Singtao  Chinese Radio. Rebecca travels frequently to wine countries, and has been a wine judge in various international wine competitions. 梁 淑 意 持 有 WSET Diploma 葡 萄 酒及烈酒文憑, 現為WSET國際 認可導師,擁有自己的品酒網誌 《Wine is Beautiful醉美麗》,並在 多家報章雜誌包括:《茶杯雜誌》、 《信報》、《酒經月刊》、《頭條 日報》、《星島日報》及《譽源雜 誌》等撰寫專欄,亦是網上品酒節目 《信報視聽頻道-美酒主義》及三藩 市灣區星島中文電台《品酒室》節目 主持人。

Houghton Lee Having trained for a year, Houghton was  awarded  the  Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) from the Society of Wine Educators in 2009 and is the Vice President now. He is one of the local wine columnists and is the author of the Vineyards of Greater China (Published by Wan Li Book Co., Ltd). Houghton由2008年起開始接觸葡萄 酒,2009年已考獲Society of Wine Educators 資格,並成為香港首批 CSW,並為該會的副會長。他的文 章散見於本地葡萄酒媒體,並著有 探訪中國葡萄酒莊》一書(萬里機構 出版)。

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Jean-Charles Viens “For me, wine is all about pleasure, and each time I open a bottle, it is with the same trepidation and excitement as if I was about to set on a new adventure in far away places,” Jean-Charles Viens recalls. He completed the WSET Diploma (Merit), is now the Tutor at Berry Bros & Rudd “The Fine Wine Center,” and is studying to become a Master of Wine. 「對我來說,每次開酒都是一件愉 快的事情,因為這就好像要經歷一 段新的旅程,充滿期盼。」 JeanCharles Viens 。他完成 WSET 文 憑後,現為 Berry Bros. & Rudd 的 葡 萄 酒 導 師 , 也 在 www. 發表文章。 他現為成為 Master of Wine 而繼續 進修。

Micky Chan Mr. Micky Chan is wine educator, consultant and international wine judge. He is one of the founder of Hong Kong Wine Academy, holds the WSET® Diploma in Wines and Spirits, Associate Member of Institute of Wine & Spirit and Certified WSET Educator. Micky身兼葡萄酒導師、酒業顧問及 國際評判,並擁有多年的教學經驗。 同時亦是香港葡萄酒教學中心創辦人 之一,持有英國葡萄酒及烈酒教育基 金會文憑、英國葡萄酒及烈酒學會會 員及英國葡萄酒及烈酒教育課程認証 導師資格,對教導英國葡萄酒及烈酒 教育甚有心得。

Nigel Chan Nigel had been studying in Paris where he entered into the wine world. He has been working with different wine merchants, including Altaya, CitySuper and Watson’s Wine Cellar. He contributed articles regularly in the Capital magazine and is the guest tutor of the wine club of the Hong Kong Baptist University, formerly Wine Head of Hotel Icon. Nigel said he is not a heavy drinker but he likes to get slightly drunk. He likes ChambolleMusigny  from  Burgundy  and classic Barolo from Italy. Nigel曾留學於巴黎,亦因此與葡萄 酒結下不解之緣,他先後任職於不 同酒商,包括 Altaya 、 City’Super 和 Watson’s Wine Cellar ,並當上 《 Capital 》雜誌業餘專欄作家和香 港浸會大學葡萄酒學會客席助教,曾 任 Hotel Icon 葡萄酒總監。Nigel自 我形容為酒量不佳但喜歡適度酗酒, 特別鍾愛法國勃艮第的ChambolleMusigny和意大利的舊派Barolo。

P a n e l

Mabel Lai Mabel is the first Certified Wine Educator from the Society of Wine Educators in China. Also a holder of the Diploma in Wines and Spirits by WSET, Associate of the Institute of Wine and Spirit and WSET Certified Educator. Other qualification includes CSW, CSS and Wine Fundamentals Certificate Level 2 by ISG. She has been teaching WSET courses since 2008, and presents wine show or columnist in various medias. As one of the founders of Hong Kong Wine Academy, she is also a judge member of Hong Kong Wine Judges Association. Mabel 是大中華區首位美國葡萄酒 教育協會認可的葡萄酒導師,亦持 有英國葡萄酒及烈酒學會的院士和 WSET文憑、美國CSW、CSS和二 級國際侍酒師等專業資格。 Mabel 自 2008 年起任教各級 WSET 課程, 也擔任葡萄酒節目或專訪嘉賓如 New Monday ,鳳凰衛視,瑪麗嘉 兒,味道及新假期等。除了香港葡 萄酒教育中心創辦人之一,Mabel亦 是香港葡萄酒評審協會之評審會員。

Hood Hon Hood holds a Diploma in the WSET and is an Associate of the Institute of Wine and Spirit. As a Certified Specialist of Wine and Certified Specialist  of  Spirits  from  the Society of Wine Educators, Hoon has been tasting and teaching in Hong Kong for the last 20 years. He is also almost the first Japanese Sake Sommeliers in Hong Kong. 現為WSET導師的Hood擁有葡萄酒 及烈酒基金會( WSET )的文憑資 格,亦為英國葡萄酒及烈酒學會院 士,並擁有美國葡萄酒教育協會的葡 萄酒及烈酒專家資格、世界侍酒大師 協會認證品酒師和二級國際侍酒師資 格。Hood在香港教授葡萄酒已經有 20 年經驗,亦是香港首批日本清酒 品酒師。

Jennifer Luk Jennifer is a wine educator and event organizer, hosting Hong Kong’s only ‘Wine Tasting in the Dark’ .She teaches at HKU SPACE, School of Continuing and Professional Studies (The CUHK) and HKMA. She has attained Sommelier  certification  from Court of Master Sommelier and Advanced Certificate from WSETT. Awarded the Wine Australia Travel Scholarship in 2010, as the only representative from China to attend the masterclass in Australia.

Tersina Shieh Tersina graduated with distinction in Plumpton College UK with its Winemaking Certificate Course, and the year after she also managed to acquire the WSET Level 5 certificate. Ever since 2003 she has worked in many wineries including Bookers in the UK, Adega do Cantor in Portugal, Ashanti and Thelema in South Africa to name a few She now acts as the General Manager to Independent Wine Centre.

Jordan Choy Certificated  Bordeaux  Lecturer (L’ecole du vin de Bordeaux), Lecturer of Hong Kong Wine Institute, Editor of “Oriental Daily”, and “The Sun” newspaper, Jordan has written thousands of food and wine reviews. As the assessor for major wine events, including “Everyday  Bordeaux  2010” organized by the The Bordeaux Wine Council (CIVB) and Sopexa. He also contributed to Ming Pao, “Wine Magazine” as a wine columnist.

Jennifer是一位葡萄酒導師,同為一 為活動策劃人。由她主持的「暗中品 酒」更是香港唯一於完全黑暗的環境 品試葡萄酒。現任教於香港大學專業 進修學院、香港中文大學專業進修學 院、香港管理專業協會。持有侍酒師 大師協會初級品酒師證書和WSET高 級證書。 2010 年更榮獲「澳洲葡萄 酒之旅獎學金」,成為中國/香港的 代表,遠赴澳洲深造葡萄酒學。

Tersina曾於英國Plumpton College

法國波爾多葡萄酒認證導師(L’ecole du vin de Bordeaux),香港葡萄酒

的葡萄酒釀製高級文憑課程以優異 成績畢業,翌年更考獲 WSET 第五 級 榮 譽 文 憑 。 自 2003 年 起 一 直 在 世界各地的許多酒莊工作,由英國 Bookers和葡萄牙Adega do Cantor 的小型精品酒莊、以至南非 Ashanti 及 Thelema 的大型酒莊都有她的足 跡。現為Independent Wine Centre 的總經理。

學會導師,曾任東方日報及太陽報飲 食版編輯,撰寫飲食評論不計其數。 為各大葡萄酒活動擔任評審,包括波 爾多葡萄酒業管理局及Sopexa主辦 之「每天波爾多 2010 」。曾為《明 報》、《Wine葡萄酒》的專欄作者。

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Zachary Yu Zac has been very interested in the Food and Beverage industry since his youth. His career goal is to merge great wine, delicious dishes, and enjoyment in F&B. With training in different aspects of the catering industry, Zac is experenced and knowledgable in Hong Kong’s unique food culture. After years of work, he became a passionate F&B guy, immersing himself in the food and wine world with great pleasure. Now he is the sommelier of Langham Place and calls himself “Wine Guy.” For him, this is the perfect job because he enjoys every moment of his work. Zac自小對餐飲業有著濃厚的興趣, 立志在糅合了醇酒、美食和「疲 勞」的餐飲業中發展,並接受不同 崗位的訓練,親身體驗和學習餐飲 業的獨有秩序和文化,對餐飲業漸 漸由興趣變為熱愛,把飲食世界完 全融入於自己的生活當中。Zac現於 朗豪酒店任職品酒師,既能發揮其 個人所長,亦可寓工作於娛樂。

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Jordi Chan With more than 10 years in the F&B industry, he’s currently working as Education & Training Manager in ASC Fine Wines Company and was the Head Sommelier in The Mira Hong Kong, Sommelier of Gaddi’s in The Peninsula Hong Kong and Verandah of The Repulse Bay before. Jordi has won awards including the Grand Prize of Hong Kong Best Sommelier Competition in 2010. He also serves as a private instructor for wine seminars and wine courses. 超過10年飲食業界的工作經 驗 , J o rd i 現 為 A S C   F i n e   W i n e 藏酒軒的教育及培訓經理。他 曾 於 The Mira Hong Kong 擔 任 Head Sommelier,亦曾是半島酒店 Gaddi’s和淺水灣影灣園Verandah的 品酒師。 Jordi 亦曾獲得多項葡萄酒 相關的獎項,包括 2010年度的品酒 師大賽獲得大獎及 2009年度的最佳 表現獎、及2010年度的Penfolds香 港品酒師大賽奪得亞軍,亦有參與專 棡欄寫作及葡萄酒教育工作等。

Tit Ng Tit Ng is a member of the Hong Kong  Sommelier  Association and the Hong Kong and China Bartender  Association.  He  is also a member of the jury panel of Asia Hotel & Catering Times Magazine, Wine Spectator Best E x c e l l e n t   W i n e   L i s t   Aw a rd s 2008  and  2009,  also  the California  Grapes  International Inc.,  and  the  Firstgrowthasia. com. He became the sommelier of the Intercontinental Hong Kong Hotel in 2007 He won the 1995 Beefeater Cocktail Competition and was awarded the Penfolds Australian Wine Scholarship. Tit 是香港品酒師協會及香港中國調 酒師協會的會員,亦是Asia Hotel & Catering Times Magazine、Wine Spectator Best Excellent Wine List Awards 2008 & 2009、California Grapes  International  Inc.及 Firstgrowthasia.com評酒小組成員 之一,自 2007 起於香港洲際酒店任 職品酒師。曾於1995年度Beefeater 雞尾酒大賽中贏得冠軍,更於 2006

Alan Liu Alan is the sommelier and bar manager of the American Club. He has also worked at the HK Yacht Club and at the French Window restaurant as a sommelier. A master at foodpairing, he won the HK Best Sommelier Competition in 2007 and was the 1st runnerup of Penfolds Best Sommelier Competition. He was also the youngest sommelier to become the Best Sommelier of the Year 2008. In 2010, he was the 2nd runner-up of the Best Sommelier Greater China Competition. Alan曾經擔任香港遊艇會的品酒師兼

Wallace Lo One of the youngest sommeliers in Hong Kong, Wallace obtained the Level 3 certificate from the Wine & Spirit Education Trust when he was just 21. Interested in developing his palate from any early age, Wallace first worked as a barista, after studying International Hospitality Management as well as Hotels and Catering. Within a few years, he was named Assistant Sommelier at “The French Window”. As Hotel ICON’s sommelier, Wallace has a platform to educate diners on the diversity of wine. “I want to challenge the local mindset that only expensive wines are good.”

助理餐飲經理,以及中環國際金融中 心The French Window的品酒師, 現為美國會的酒吧經理及品酒師,對 葡萄酒與美食的搭配有特別深入的研 究。Alan在2007年同時奪得香港最 佳品酒師大賽和奔富香港最佳品酒師 大賽亞軍,並於 2008年榮獲香港最 佳品酒師殊榮,是歷屆獲此獎項的最 年輕品酒師,前途無限。 2010年奪 得大中華品酒師大賽季軍。

香港最年輕侍酒師之一,Wallace於 21歲時已完成了WSET課程的Level 3 。早年已對發掘不同味道有著濃厚 興趣的Wallace攻讀酒店及餐飲業後 就香港著名高級餐廳任職。幾年間已 被The French Window聘請為侍酒師 助理。現於HOTEL ICON任職侍酒師 的Wallace曾說道:「作為一名侍酒 師,我希望改變本地人認為貴酒就是 好的心理。」

Mathieu Pouchan With parents hailing from prominent wine regions in France – his mother from Rhone Valley and father from Bordeaux–Mathieu has worked in the legendary La Tour D’Argent, regarded as a culinary landmark in Paris. Working under the tutelage of Mr Ridgway, Mathieu honed his craft. He later moved to La Tour d’Argent’s in Japan, where his love of Asia began. Today, he is Chief Sommelier for etc wine shops.

Katrina Lau Katrina joined the food and catering industry in 2006 and is now assisting bartending job in Hotel Nikko Hong Kong. She fell in love with wines and has started to indulge herself in wine tasting since 2011. In the Best Sommelier Greater China Competition 2011, Katrina did not only become one of the top five winners in Hong Kong, but became the 2nd runner-up in the competition. She is regarded as one of the budding young sommeliers.


Benny Chung B e n n y   C h u n g   i s   t h e   P ro j e c t Manager-Sommelier at Shangri-La Group, he worked in Hong Kong Golf Club, Ritz Carlton, Island Shangri-La, and Sevva for over 9 years. He was awarded as a Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) by the Society of Wine Educators. He also holds an Advanced WSET qualification and a Certified Court of Master Sommelier. He is the only Sommelier in Hong Kong to hold these three prestigious qualifications simultaneously.

Gon Leung Gon studied Hotel Management in Switzerland and previously worked at the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong and the Royal Garden Hotel. He is now working in H One as a sommelier who specializes in food and wine matching with his unique perception. He worked in the RitzCarlton Hotel seven years ago and began his wine journey since then. During his study and work, he learnt about wine and was able to taste a great variety of wines.

Kevin Yu Kevin spent 17 years in the field of F&B. including InterContinental Hotel Hong Kong, Aspasia and the Drawing Room, where he gained invaluable experience and wine knowlege. Kevin was also trained as a sommelier gained in depth knowledge of wine from different countries and different regions. He is now the Restaurant Manager and Sommelier of the Drawing Room and expert in Italian wine, familiar with all the classic matches of Italian food and wine.

Gon曾留學於瑞士,修讀酒店管理課 Benny任職香格里拉酒店集團飲食部 項目經理,熱愛葡萄酒。過去九年也 曾於香港高爾夫球會、麗嘉酒店、 香格里拉酒店及 Sevva 餐廳工作。 已取得Certified Specialist of Wine 資格,同時擁有 WSET 高級文憑及 Court of Master Sommelier認證。 他是香港唯一擁有這三項證書的品 酒師。

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程,回港後先後於麗嘉酒店及帝苑酒 店工作,現為餐廳H One的品酒師, 憑著多年的經驗和熱誠對美酒佳餚的 搭配特別有心得。Gon於大約七年前 於麗嘉酒店工作的時候愛上葡萄酒, 也在學習上、工作上不斷加深認識 及接觸葡萄酒,越來越被這種神之水 滴所吸引。

Kevin 曾於香港的高級餐廳工作達 17年之久,當中包括香港洲際酒 店、Aspasia及The Drawing Room 等。期間,Kevin除了在工作中不斷 汲取經驗外,更修畢多個葡萄酒課 程,成為一位出色的品酒師,對世界 各國各地區的葡萄酒都有深入的了 解。他現為The Drawing Room的餐 廳經理及品酒師,對意大利葡萄酒尤 其熟悉,當然對意大利菜跟葡萄酒的 配搭非常認識。

天生與葡萄酒結下不解之緣,母親 來自隆河谷、父親的家族則來自波 爾多,曾於巴黎的餐飲地標La Tour D’Argent 餐廳工作,亦讓 Mathieu 在 Ridgway 的指導下磨練出非凡的 品酒技藝。後來Mathieu遠赴日本的 La Tour D’Argent工作,自此愛上亞 洲,現為etc wine shops 斟‧酎擔任 首席侍酒師。

Katrina於2006年加入飲食業,現正 於香港日航酒店工作,主要協助侍酒 工作。由 2011年才開始學習品酒的 她,已立志參加 2011年大中華最佳 品酒師比賽,不但成功進入香港區五 強,最後更一鳴驚人奪得季軍,被譽 為前途無限的新晉品酒師之一。

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Sam Chong Sam is a Hong Kong Sommelier Association certified sommelier and works at Hotel Nikko Hong Kong. He was the Hong Kong Best Sommelier 2nd runner-up in 2009 and the champion of the Best Sommelier Greater China Competition 2010. 香港專業品酒師協會認可品酒師,現 職於香港日航酒店的品酒師,曾榮獲 2009年度香港專業品酒師大賽季軍 及2010年度大中華區最佳品酒師大 賽冠軍,被譽為本地最具潛質的年輕 品酒師之一。

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Annabel Jackson Annabel has been involved in the wine industry for more than 20 years, working as a PR and event organiser, writer and journalist, and as an educator. She teaches Wine Studies to hospitality management undergrads at IFT in Macau, at HKU for CEDARS, and also does corporate training on request. Annabel已在酒界超過20年時間,由 公關到宴會搞手,到作家與記者、導 師,她的學生包括澳門 IFT 酒店管理 學士課程、 CEDARS的 HKU、以及 私人公司培訓的學員。

Ming Ng Ming has worked in the Food and Beverage career for over 10 years, he is a recognized sommelier and previously worked in Gaddi’s at The Peninsula Hong Kong, Grand Cru (Cova Group), Le Parisien, and Harvey Nichols. He is currently working at Bo Innovation.

Stephano Bassanese Stephano has worked as a manager in some of the finest Italian restaurants in Hong Kong like Cinecitta and Angelini. He is now General Manager of Domani Ristorante. Originally from Friuli, he grew up in hospitality with his family business.

從事飲食業十多年,Ming曾於 半 島 酒 店 G a d d i ’s 餐 廳 工 作 , 曾 為 G r a n d   C r u ( C o v a   G ro u p ) 、Le Parisien和Harvey Nichols的品 酒師。現任Bo Innovation品酒師。

來自意大利 Friuli ,長大於餐飲世家 的Staphano曾於多間香港頂級意大 利餐廳如Cinecitta和Angelini等任職 餐廳經理,現為Domani Ristorante 總經理。

Ringo Lam Ringo studied in Australia and worked in F&B field for many years already. Has been worded at Whisk in the Mira and Tuscany by H & Megu before she joined the Upper House Hotel as Sommelier, and as the Sommelier of Shangri-la Hotel Kowloon.

Alan Wong Alan Wong is an experienced senior journalist dedicated to finding great food and wines. He is taking the WSET Level 4 at the moment, and is a leading member of the Hong Kong Wine Merchants Association.

Andy Au Andy is Assistant Sommelier at the 2-Michelin star restaurant SPOON by Alain Ducasse. In 2012, he was awarded Champion at the Greater China Sommelier Competition.

資深新聞工作者,葡萄酒愛好者, 正修讀WSET Level 4課程。現為葡 萄酒商會餐飲文化發展委員會主席。


Vincent Yuen Vincent is the Assistant Beverage Manager for The Langham Place Hotel. A veteran of Hong Kong’s F&B industry, he is a tireless promoter of wines and always shows great passion in sharing both new wine discoveries and old favourites.

Vincent Kwong Vincent has been working in the F&B buisines in Hong Kong for years, serving most recently in a variety of high-end Cantonese restaurants like Paradise Pavillon, and he is now Manager and Sommelier of Amo Eno in IFC.

Ocean Hui Ocean has worked in some of the most prestigious and interesting wine importers and restaurants in Hong Kong including agnes b. le Pain Grille, Berry Bros. & Rudd, Eminent Wines, and now Amo Eno as their Operations Manager.

Vincent在香港餐飲界工作多年,曾 於城中某些高級中菜食府如Paradise Pavillon工作,現為Amo Eno的經理 兼品酒師。

Ocean 曾 於 城 中 多 間 葡 萄 酒 進 口 商及餐廳工作,包括 agnes b. le Pain Grille,Berry Bros. & Rudd和 Eminent Wines,現為Amo Eno的 Operation Manager。

Vincent是香港朗豪酒店的Assistant Beverage Manager。於香港飲食業 界多年,Vincent對新酒舊酒都一樣 充滿熱情。

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Andy 是Alain Ducasse旗下米芝蓮二 星餐廳SPOON的助理品酒師。他剛

曾於澳洲留學,Ringo擁有多年 餐 飲 業 界 經 驗 。 曾 於 The  Mira 的 Whisk及Tuscany by H & Megu及 Upper House酒店任職品酒師,現 為九龍香格里拉大酒店之品酒師。

Noble Law Noble is a certified Sommelier of the Court of Sommelier; Certified Specialist of Wine of the Society of Wine Educator and holder of the Advance Certificated from the WSET. Noble是Court of Sommelier 的認證 品酒師;葡萄酒教育者協會的專業認 證葡萄酒專家,亦持有WSET的進階 葡萄酒證書。

Andy She Andy is now the Sommelier of Renaissance Harbour View Hong Kong Hotel. He had also worked at Cuisine Cuisine and The French Window, Langham Hotel as Sommelier. In 2013, He was qualified Senior Sommelier level and being the committee of HKSA. Andy是香港萬麗海景酒店的品酒師, 曾任職國金軒、The French Window及 尖沙咀朗廷酒店的品酒師。2013年考 獲香港專業品酒師協會認可的資深品 酒師會員資格及擔任協會委員.

Taka Tam Taka has worked in Food and Beverage career for over 7 years. He was a sommelier in the Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Megu Japanese Restaurant, Intercontinental Hong Kong, The Mira Hong Kong and Miyabi. He is currently the sommelier in the Il Miliones. Taka已從事飲食業超過7年,曾是置 地文華東方酒店、Megu、Miyabi、 洲際酒店和The Mira的品酒師,現為 意大利餐廳Il Milione的品酒師。

Jeffrey Leung Jeffrey is a recognized member and sommelier of the Hong Kong Sommelier Association. Having worked in the F&B industry for many years, Jeffrey now is a sommelier of Bordeaux etc wine cellar. Jeffrey是香港專業品酒師協會認可會 員及品酒師,從事多年飲食界相關行 業,經驗豐富,現職於大型著名酒窖 斟酌當品酒師。抱著遠大的抱負與信 念推廣葡萄酒,希望越來越多人欣賞 葡萄酒文化。

Don Kwok Holder of Advanced Certificate of WSET and Certificate of Advanced French Wine from Sopexa, Don has worked in Domani, RitzCarlton Hotel Hong Kong and Sheraton Hong Kong Hotels, currently the sommelier of Cépage. 擁有WSET進階證書和Sopexa Advanced法國葡萄酒證書,Don曾 於Domani,香港麗思卡頓酒店和香 港喜來登酒店工作,現於一星米芝蓮 餐廳Cépage任職侍酒師。

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Kurt Wong Kurt is now working as the Head Sommelier of Fook Lam Moon. In the past 8 years, he has been working in different five-starred hotels including InterContinental Hong Kong, Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong and The Marco Polo HK Hotel. He has acquired professional qualitification for years including WSET, and is a member of the HK Sommelier Association. Kurt現為福臨門集團的Head Sommelier。在過去八年,曾於不同的五星級酒店工作,包 括:香港洲際酒店、香港麗嘉酒店及馬哥孛羅香港酒店等。他也取得WSET葡萄酒專業資 格,也是香港專業品酒師協會會員。

Danny Ng Danny is a recognized member of Hong Kong Sommelier Association. He is now the Assistant Chief Sommelier/ Assistant Bar Manager of American Club. He had worked at St. Betty as Sommelier. Also, he had worked in “Church St. Enotica” Italian one Hat Restaurant in Melbourne Australia for a year, where he entered into the world of wines and fell in love with Australian wines. He is studying the WSET Diploma Level 4. 作 為 香 港 品 酒 師 協 會 認 可 會 員 , Danny持 有 香 港 葡 萄 酒 教 育 中 心 第 三 級 , 現 於 美 國 會 任 職 助 理 品 酒 師 , 亦 曾 於 Betty’s  Kitchen 任 職 品 酒 師 。 曾 於 澳 洲 墨 爾 本 「 Church St. Enotica」意大利餐廳工作一年,亦是他認識葡萄酒和鍾情於澳洲葡萄酒的 地方。Danny現正修讀WSET文憑第四級。

Joey Tsang Joey developed her interest in wine since studying her bachelor degree in catering management. After graduation, she undertook an internship at the Renaissance hotel in the US. She has been working at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Langham Place Mongkok, China Club and Hip Cellar. As a senior member of the HKSA, she also has an certificated Specialist of Wine, Joey is now the Sommelier of No.1 Waitanyuen cellar in Shanghai. Joey對葡萄酒的興趣來自修讀的餐飲管理學士學位課 程,畢業後於美國 Renaissance Hotel實習,曾在香港君悅酒店、旺角朗豪酒店、中國會及 Hip Cellar工作,考獲CSW證書的Joey亦為香港專業品酒師協會高級品酒師之一。現於上海 外灘源壹號酒窖任職侍酒師。

Vincent Chue Vincent Chue received fomal wine training and acquired the Advanced WSET certification for a long ltime. He is also a skillful bartender and got good results in some international competition. Now he is the F&B Manager of the Spanish restaurant Fofo by el Willy and is familiar with arities of Spanish food and wine. Vincent很早便已經接受正式的葡萄酒訓練,並取得WSET的進階證書,同時亦為調酒高手的 Vincent亦曾獲得多個國際調酒大賽獎項。現為西班牙餐廳Fofo by el Willy餐飲經理,對西班 牙酒釀及菜式尤其熟悉。

Casy Chau Recognized as Senior Sommelier of the Hong Kong Sommelier Association. Casy has worked as Group Sommelier of Regal Hotels International, Sommelier of Indochine Lan Kwai Fong Entertainments, Assistant Sommelier of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Vintage Cellar Hand of Leasingham Wines and Houghton Wines, also the author of the wine and travelling lifestyle book “Wine Me”. Casy是香港專業品酒師協會認可高級品酒師,曾擔任富豪國際酒店集團及蘭桂坊餐娛概念集 團品酒師、香港遊艇會助理品酒師及Leasingham Wines和Houghton Wines酒窖員工,著有 葡萄酒、旅遊及品味生活書籍《Wine Me》。

私人酒窖服務 存酒公倉服務 寄賣葡萄酒服務 葡萄酒代收服務 客戶專用車位

溫度濕度控制 iPhone視頻監察 4重出入保安程序 雙門鎖開關設計 CHUBB保安監控 Tel.: 2687 1387 Email: Unit 8, 15/F., Wah Wai Centre, 38-40 Au Pui Wan Street, Fotan, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

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Cru Speech

Deductive Tasting 推理式品酒

English Text : Ian Symonds // Translation : Eddie Chui

The Court of Master Sommelier’s qualifications have rapidly become the de

在世界各地,由The Court of Master Sommelier頒發的品酒師認證越來越受到

facto standard for sommeliers worldwide. Certified, Advanced and Master

重視及認可。三個級別,Certified、Advanced及Master Sommelier級別分別

Sommeliers with their distinctive oval pins and not just a bunch of grapes


are top wine professionals. The qualifications are recognized globally and


with the recent release of the film ‘Somm’ on iTunes we can all watch the

Master Sommelier (MS)資格的過程及為了那紅色的襟章,而他們都是真正的

four candidates featured – no they are not actors – work for the famous

學員。作為這部電影其中一位的指導,Geoff Kruth MS在七月中曾經來港。要成

Master Sommelier (MS) diploma and red pin. Geoff Kruth MS is one of


the tutors in this film and was in Hong Kong in July. Getting to be an MS

那便是紫色襟章的Certified Sommelier。這是在2000年起開始發推行的課程,是

is not easy, the first step is the ‘Introductory’ course and exam; then the

為出一步取得Advanced Sommelier資格的參加條件。若果成功考取了這第二級

first qualification with the word ‘sommelier’ in it, the ‘Certified Sommelier’


and a purple pin. This level was introduced in the early 2000’s and is the


pre-requisite to be invited to take the ‘Advanced Sommelier’ course and


exam for the green pin. I always think that when wine examination bodies


shift in a new level they really ought to make those who drifted through

Sommelier。在澳門,便只有區內唯一一位MS,Yohann Jousselin MS於今年

earlier re-sit but life is as it is and there are a few green pins that ought


to be purple ‘Certified’ pins! Lu Yang is I believe our only true Advanced Sommelier in Hong Kong, he sat and passed the exam at first attempt in

Geoff Kruth MS完成休假途經香港的時候,透過美國Guild of Sommeliers組織

the UK this year. In Macau we have our only resident MS in this region in


Yohann Jousselin MS who moved here from the UK, also this year.

定期收到一些本地的活動邀請。我留意這個組織已有一段時間,因此參加了Geoff 這個名為Deductive Tasting的品酒會。

Geoff Kruth MS came through Hong Kong on his way home from a holiday having organized an advanced tasting session here through the US based

我們首先收到一份是Court  of  Master  Sommeliers 所使用的盲品筆記表

Guild of Sommeliers some weeks previously. Those who subscribe to


this site will find a wealth of wine education in its content and get future


invitations to sessions run locally. I have followed this site for some time and most certainly booked a seat at Geoff’s ‘Deductive Tasting’ session.

Botrytis; pyrazines; terpenes; rotundone; new oak; rasination; high VA;

We were given a simple handout with the now famous tasting grid

Brettanomyces; oxidation; phenolic bitterness; lees contact; carbonic

approach to ‘blind’ tasting that the Court uses. Geoff would rather not use

(maceration) and optionally thiols.

the word ‘blind’ he prefers ‘deductive’ because on the reverse of the page was another simple list:

看起來好像雞尾酒的成份表一樣,但其實是用來幫助一班受過正統葡萄酒訓練的人 士去在盲品中找出或收窄葡萄品種的範圍。而且能指出葡萄以外,還有所使用的釀

Botrytis; pyrazines; terpenes; rotundone; new oak; rasination; high VA;

Cru Speech_Ian symonds.indd 1


18/10/13 6:08 PM


Michael Broadbent said many years ago that a glance at a label was worth a hundred years of tasting experience! Michael Broadbent多年前曾說過望著酒標喝酒,是需要經過 百年的品酒經驗才能得到相同的結果。

Brettanomyces; oxidation; phenolic bitterness; lees contact; carbonic (maceration) and optionally thiols. This reads like a list of ingredients for a truly awful cocktail but is in truth a list of characteristics that help a formally educated wine geek narrow down the field of possible grapes used in a wine. This all above and beyond the fruit and winemaking recognition technique most programs use. The small group of us that attended are still in some amazement that with this list and (let me suggest at least WSET Level 3) wine knowledge ‘deduction’ becomes a more obvious route to getting better at what Jancis Robinson has called that ‘silly game of blind tasting’. However silly though, most serious wine examinations require some form of recognition of wines without seeing the bottle. Michael Broadbent said many years ago that a glance at a label was worth a hundred years of tasting experience! 有WSET Level 3),但都沈醉於這種被Jancis Robinson認為是無趣的「盲品猜

I will be writing a lot more about these deductive tasting characters in a


future edition. Let me just say that when we tasted our wines that day in the


usual fast paced way of the sommelier exams the hits were more than the



misses! We had fairly typical wines but with the few minutes of instruction, the opportunity to taste in a small group and the wines in pairs the answers


seemed to be staring us in the face, or nose and mouth to be precise.

酒師考試所需的節奏來認酒,但成功率十分高。當然那些酒都是很常見的品種,但 我們在短暫的指引下,在小組中以一對對的酒款試飲時,卻能輕鬆從香氣及味道找

NZ Sauvignon Blanc; Argentinian Torrontes; Chablis 1er cru; Alsace


Pinot Gris; St Joseph (Rhone); Rioja (2003); Chilean Carmenere and a Barolo 2009.

新西蘭Sauvignon Blanc;阿根廷 Torrontes;Chablis 1er cru;Alsace Pinot

Gris;St Joseph (Rhone);Rioja (2003);智利Carmenere及Barolo 2009. This may have been a list to give us confidence and if so it worked very well, but I also hope it is the fore-runner of more sessions like this as we


most certainly need more and more education in this superb style.


If you have the chance please watch ‘Somm’, it’s on my iPad and has


become an inspiration to be better!


Cru Speech_Ian symonds.indd 2

18/10/13 6:08 PM


Cru Speech

Winery Water English Text : Han Tao Lau Translation : Joe Lo

Australia is the driest continent on earth with a highly successful wine


industry, but it may surprise many readers just how much water is


required to sustain this industry despite the climatic conditions. 在這裡的酒莊,估計平均每噸葡萄被壓榨的時候便需要 1000 至 3000 升

It has been estimated that in wineries, approximately 1000-3000L

水,即是說每 0.75 升的葡萄酒釀造過程便需要約 1 至 3.5 升水,而且還不包

of water is used for each tonne of grapes crushed. To put this into


context, it means that for every 0.75L bottle of wine made, between 1-3.5L of water would have been used in the production process, and


this does not even include water used for irrigation in vineyards!

無疑是最大量的用水,加上用作維持釀酒設備如儲酒缸、桶,和地板的清 潔,以免污染到酒質。而釀酒用水則是用作實質的釀製工序上,例如準備

The volume of water used by wineries can be divided into two main


types – cleaning water and process water. Cleaning water is the by far the bigger category, and is used to keep winemaking equipment,


storage tanks, barrels and floors clean to prevent contamination to


wine. Process water is the water used for actual winemaking tasks,


for example in preparing filter pads, refrigeration plants, and dissolving


chemicals that need to be added to wine.


To cope with this high water demand, most wineries in Australia


harvest their rainwater. There are many benefits to this – aside from


cost, rainwater is also free from minerals and ions, such chlorine,


which can lead to the formation of taint compounds such as TCA,


i.e. the main compound responsible for cork taint. To save on clean rainwater, some wineries will also use water collected in dams to wash


down surfaces that do not come into direct contact with wine, such


as winery floors.

中,其實都是靠使用某些細菌來分解某些物質來使之純淨,可是來自酒 莊的廢水卻往往能夠輕易地殺死這些用作分解之用的細菌。酒莊的廢水一

Naturally, the amount of water that goes into the winemaking process


must come out at some point, and therefore, another important


consideration is that of wastewater. Both the volume and state of


winery wastewater can vary greatly depending on the time of the year and the processes from which it is generated. The greatest amount of

清潔酒莊用水中的細菌只能在酸鹼度 5.5 至 8.5 左右,可是酒莊一般的廢水

wastewater is generated during vintage time, ie the 3-4 month period

酸鹼值都會比較極端,因為葡萄汁和酒都傾向比較高酸度,大概是 3 至 4

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17/10/13 6:35 PM


For every 0.75L bottle of wine made, between 1-3.5L of water would have been used in the production process, and this does not even include water used for irrigation in vineyards! 每0.75升的葡萄酒釀造過程便需要約1至3.5升水,而且還 不包括用於葡萄園的灌溉用水!

of harvest and grape processing, usually in the region of 80% of the

So if winery wastewater cannot be disposed of in conventional

annual wastewater volume for small wineries, and about 50% for larger

sewerage systems, what then happens to it? Provided that this


wastewater is correctly treated, it can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as irrigation of grapevines and for general hosing

Because of the large volumes of wastewater generated in the

down of winery floors. Some larger wineries also have tree plantations

winemaking process as well as its composition, this wastewater

which are irrigated with treated winery wastewater. Not only is it good

has to be treated, as it is not just a simple matter of flushing it

for aesthetic, grounds keeping purposes, tree plantations can also be

all down into a conventional sewerage system. The reason is that

useful for sequestering carbon, which can be important for wineries

sewerage treatment systems rely on different bacteria to turn

conscious of their carbon footprint.

wastewater into a state that as closely resembles pure water as possible, and the normal composition of winery wastewater can

Anyone who first starts working in an Australian winery is usually

easily kill this bacteria population. Winery wastewater tends to be

warned at the induction about the need to conserve water. It goes a

quite high in organic matter (i.e. material containing carbon). Some

long way to explaining why in Australia, at the end of a long, hard day,

of the bacteria responsible for breaking down organic matter require

most winemakers choose to drink beer, rather than water!

oxygen to survive, while others can still be active in the absence of oxygen, but would generate foul odours such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell) under such conditions. As such, aeration of winery wastewater prior to disposal is quite critical.

度,所比酒莊的廢水都比較高酸,而且需以鹼性溶液來稀釋,使水中的細 菌能夠生存。

The bacteria responsible in cleaning up winery wastewater are also only able to survive in certain bands of pH, usually in the range of


5.5-8.5, but winery wastewater can vary between extreme pH values.


Because grape juice and wine tends to be highly acidic, usually in the


range of 3-4, winery wastewater is therefore usually also acidic and


it is often necessary for it to be neutralised with alkaline solutions in order for the wastewater treatment bacteria to survive.

但當酒莊的廢水不能被一般污水處理系統棄置的時候該怎麼辦?就當這些 廢水都已經過適當的處理,這些水仍然是可以有很多用途的,例如用作葡

On the other hand, when wines have been stored in a tank for an


extended period, crystals derived from tartaric acid can form on


the walls of these tanks. In order to clean these deposits, highly alkaline caustic solutions are often used to dissolve these crystals,


thus generating wastewater with a high pH. This wastewater would


therefore also need to be neutralised, usually with citric acid.


Cru Speech_HanTao.indd 2

17/10/13 6:35 PM




Matetic Syrah 2009

Berry’s Own Selection Littlemill, Lowland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 1992

Enoteca HK // 2526 2008

Northeast Wines & Spirits Ltd. // 2573 5733

BB&R (HK) Ltd. // 2511 2811

Champagne Nominé -Renard Brut Club Millésimé 2008




When I tried the Brut Blanc de Blancs of

Chilean wines are usually big fruit bombs.

Berry Bros. & Rudd is now officially releasing

Nominé-Renard during our panel tasting

But the wines from Matetic are much more

a series of Berry’s Own Selection whiskies,

last year, it is really a gem reasonably

elegant with subtle fruit. The family own a

including blended and single malt whiskies

priced. This time we have the Brut Club

10,000 hectares property in Rosario Valley,

from different areas like Speyside, Highland,

Millésimé 2008 which is also exciting. It is

part of the San Antonio Valley but only

Lowland, Islay and Campbeltown, etc. Many

only produced in the best year with high

planted 120 hectares of vineyards. The

of these are rare and selected carefully from

proportion of 80% Chardonnay, opulent

biodynamic vineyards produce some of the

many distilleries. Like this 1992 single cask

with great minerality but yet balanced

best Syrah from Chile. Only 200 cases are

Littlemill single malt, which is very rare as

champagne. Nominé-Renard is a member

produced. It’s a cool-climate style Syrah

the distillery ceased production in 1992.

of Club Trésors de Champagne with other

with subtle fruit, well balanced wine with

Now we are having even more selection of

dedicated family champagne producers.

good depth and smooth tannin finishing.

whiskies in HK.



Berry Bros. & Rudd剛在香港正式推出一系列的

Nominé-Renard的Blanc de Blancs深深吸引

Matetic 的酒釀相對較內斂,更加討好。酒莊

Berry’s Own Selection威士忌,包括由不同地


在 San Antonio Valley 的 Rosario Valley 擁有


份香檳,Brut Club Millésimé 2008。只在最

10,000 公頃的土地,只有 120 公頃被開闢為葡

及 Campbeltown 等地的單麥威士忌,不少是

好的年份釀造,使用高達80% Chardonnay ,




最好的Syrah 之一。這款限量的Matetic Syrah

這款 1992 年來自 Lowland 的 Littemill 單麥威士

有緻。 Nominé-Renard 是 Club Trésors de


忌,便十分稀有,因為這所 Littlemill 蒸餾所正



正於 1992 年停產。這樣我們又有更多威士忌可




Cru Favourites.indd 1

18/10/13 6:16 PM




Castello Banfi Poggio Alle Mura Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2007

Glenfarclas Single Malt Whisky 25Yrs

MHD HK // 2976 1888

The Wine Gallery

Fine Vintage (Far East) Ltd. // 2896 6108

by ASC Fine Wines // 2526 2020

Cheval des Andes 2007




This bottle coming from Argentina is made by

This wine is made from Sangiovese of

Situated in Speyside region, this malt

a winery established by the famed Château

isolated clones of Banfi. The vineyard is 20

distillery remains as an family-owned one

Cheval Blanc from Bordeaux, with the name

years old, situated at the hillside of Poggio

since 1865, when purchased by John Grant.

Cheval des Andes, at about 15 years ago.

alle Mura Castle in Montalcino. This Riserva

After almost 150 years, it is now operated

They are aiming to produce Grand Cru of

wine spends 3 years of aging in oak and

by the sixth generations. With great visions

Argentina or the new world, by combining

bottle, but then is only released when they

they keep a high amount of old casks

the technique of assemblage from Bordeaux

are starting to be ready for enjoyment. This

which provide flexibility and quality during

with the old vine Malbec and other varieties

is also the first vintage of Riserva made

blending. Like this 25 years old single malt

from the highland in Argentina. This 2007

in this vineyard, meaning the grapes are

whisky, it comes with complex aroma of nut,

vintages shows a different style comparing

ready to produce a long-aging wine. She

honey and smokiness, not peaty, with a

to other Malbec based wines, with more

is powerful and intense, but with a finish of

long, intense but smooth finishing.

noble elegance inherited from Europe.

velvety tannin. Great potential.


以在Montalcino的Poggio alle Mura Castle山

由位於Speyside 地區精品單麥威士忌蒸餾所釀

Château Cheval Blanc於15年前成立的酒莊釀


造的,自1865年由John Grant買下來後,150

造,因此取名Cheval des Andes。他們的目標









至新世界的Grand Cru。這瓶2007年以Malbec


少 25 年醞釀的單麥威士忌,酒體變得更豐厚,







Cru Favourites.indd 2

19/10/13 8:24 PM



Corner 2013


ProWine China 2013 is arriving Shanghai

全國最大型葡萄酒展之一, ProWine China 2013來到上海


roWine China, one of the largest wine exhibition in China, is coming back to Shanghai on 13-15 November 2013. It gathers all the professionals from the importers, distributors, retailers, sommeliers and managers from the F&B sector for this wonderful fair. There are over 500 exhibitors this year for the ProWine China 2013.

全球最大的酒業展覽會之一ProWine China 2013將於2013年11月 13至15日假上海舉行,一眾國際葡萄酒與烈酒業業內人士包括各 國內外進口商、經銷商、零售商、餐飲業經理及侍酒師等將會齊 齊雲集於上海,參與是次有達全球500家參展商的ProWine China 2013。

Representatives from all over the world, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Urugary and USA, that is more than 26 countries. The biggest pavilion is France, with more than 80 booths, followed by Argentina and Spain with 70 and 56 respectively. Other major exhibitors are from Italy and Portugal, together with 36 corporations from China. For spirits, a total of 50 wineries from France, Italy, Mexico, Russia and South Africa, will shows their spirit products in the exhibition as well.

今年度ProWine China將有來自阿根廷、澳洲、奧地利、保加利 亞、加拿大、智利、中國、克羅地亞、法國、格魯吉亞、德國、 希臘、匈牙利、意大利、墨西哥、摩爾多瓦、荷蘭、波蘭、葡萄 牙、俄羅斯、南非、西班牙、瑞士、英國、烏拉圭和美國,共26 個國家展台。當中以法國國家展台共80家參展商最為龐大,其次 為阿根廷及西班牙,分別有共70及56家參展商參展,其後為葡萄 牙及意大利,而中國企業也不遑多讓,共有36家中國企業參展。

Besides the exhibiton, highlights of ProWine China also includes events and tasting seminars in the Wine Masterclass Area and the Wine Theatre areas, showcasing recent topics in wine trade, and also the wine and food matching workshops. It is a very good opportunity for trade development and wine culture development among traders and professionals. As the biggest exhibiting country, UbiFrance will be leading with more than 15 masterclasses to provide the latest information about French wines for merchants, retailers and caterers. The German Wines Institute will also organizing seminars on German wine and Chinese food pairing presented by Debra Meiburg MW. We all look forwards to this ever growing wine exhibition in Shanghai.

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而烈酒方面,陣容雖沒葡萄酒業界般龐大,但亦有來自法國、 意大利、墨西哥、俄羅斯和南非等50多家參展商展出名地的烈酒 產品。 ProWine China 2013作為今年度葡萄酒及烈酒業界的聚焦展覽盛 薈,自然少不了各式各樣精彩豐富的活動,大會及各參展商都會 於一連三日的會場中舉辦一連串的主題葡萄酒品鑒研討會、葡萄 酒搭配食物技巧等,為參加展會的業內人士能夠更有效地作出訊 息交流以及從中增加貿易發展機會。作為展會中最大規模的國家 展台,法國企業界將由UBIFRANCE代表,舉行15堂葡萄酒大師 班課程,為一眾希望了解更多關於法國佳釀的進口商、經銷商、 零售商等提供最資訊性的第一手資料。另外,德國葡萄酒協會亦 將聯同葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg MW介紹葡萄酒與中國美食搭配 的奧妙。

18/10/13 7:00 PM



Corner 2013


Naturally Clicquot is contributing to ecology Naturally Clicquot 為保護生態出一分力


euve Clicquot Champagne vineyards located along the comprehensive use of environmentally friendly farming practices, this year’s Veuve Clicquot were also focus on ecological protection as a design, the use of simple materials such as potato starch and can be recycled hundred percent recycled paper made​​ from bio-degradation temperature packing boxes. Conceived by French designer Cédric Ragot pure white box “Naturally Clicquot” is not only easy to carry, but also set strong, lightweight, and environmental protection in one. This limited edition Naturally Clicquot is available from August 23 in champagne etc, Lyndhurst Terrace, Central exclusively.

Veuve Clicquot位於香檳區的葡萄園一向採用環保的綜合耕作 法,今年Veuve Clicquot亦以保護生態作為設計重點,使用最簡 單的原材料如馬鈴薯澱粉和可循環的再造紙製成百分百可生物 降解的恆溫包裝盒。由法國設計師Cédric Ragot構思的純白色 包裝盒「Naturally Clicquot」不僅便於攜帶,更集堅固、輕巧 及環保於一身。 此 限 量 版 N a t u r a l l y  C l i c q u o t 將 於 8 月 2 3 日 起 於 中 環 擺 花 街 的 champagne etc獨家發售 。

Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2013 is back! 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 2013

3日舉行。在摩天高樓和維港 美景包圍下,這個曾獲Forbes Traveler.com評選為年度十大 國際美酒佳餚節的盛事,除了 帶來醇厚佳釀與精緻美食,還 有豐富的娛樂節目,以及全新 的「品味館」,給您超棒的視 聽和味覺享受。


very year, the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board is always highlight of the month in town. This year the venu is relocated to the New Central Harbourfront which is even more convenient to go. The festival last from 31 October to 3 November, with guests encircled by the sparkly architecture of Hong Kong’s downtown and overlooking Victoria Harbour, was listed as the Forbes Traveler top 10 list of international food and wine festivals.

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Over 200 producers will offer superb wines for tasting across six handy zones, so it’s easy to find what you’re after, or simply roll gently from one to the other. Expect to see representatives from Europe, Australasia, Africa, the USA and more. Sample fine wines and delicacies from Europe in the Country Pavilion; find awardwinning wines in the “A-Lister Zone”; uncover new producers, chateaux and products in the “Discovery Zone”; stock up on popular tipples in the “Everyday Wine Zone”; have cause for celebration with champagnes,

cocktails and more in the “Party Wine Zone”; and top your day off with premium wines in the “Riedel Grand Tasting Pavilion” and the brand new “Tasting Room”, a new premium area where you can enjoy wine pairing dinners with master chefs, wine and food appreciation master classes and talks from prestigious industry experts. 每年十月尾,都是年度的美酒 佳餚盛會的焦點都落在由旅遊 發展局舉辦的香港美酒佳餚巡 禮。今年的場地由西九龍海 旁移師至鄰近金鐘地鐵的中 環新海濱於10月31日至11月

酒類攤位以六個主題劃分, 讓您逛得輕鬆,自由穿梭, 更容易找到合意美酒。到「國 家展區」品嚐來自法國、義大 利及格魯吉亞的佳釀及美食; 在「名釀匯」,您會找到得獎 的優質佳釀;「美酒新發現」 展出首次引入香港的美酒和新 產品,驚喜處處;「人氣美 酒」有大眾化的酒品;「派對 美酒」則有節慶聚會必備的美 酒,包括香檳、雞尾酒、冰 酒、rosé及葡萄汽酒等。今 年,「Riedel尊尚名酒區」將 會帶來更尊貴的美酒體驗。在 名酒區裡,您可以悠閒地品嚐 頂尖酒釀、參加由名人帶領的 品酒班。而全新的「品味館」 會送上美酒佳餚饗宴,值得 期待。

17/10/13 6:39 PM


Cru Special

Text : Eddie Chui

The ODE of BOURGOGNE 勃艮第的美妙樂章

When you are listening to a beautiful piece of string quartet, a glass of Burgundy is the greatest companion. They show the same elegance, with the melody playing smoothly and expressive at the same time. Domaine Chanson shares the same French name meaning “Song” to play with the most fascinating music of Burgundy with their wines. Since it was bought by Champagne Bollinger, which is also represented in Hong Kong by Jebsen Fine Wines, they have invested a lot in quality. Now this historical domaine is managed by Gilles de Courcel and the viticulture and vinification being taken care of by Jean Pierre Confuron, both are veteran Burgundians. The goal is to simply aiming at top quality wines as they own a lot of vineyards, with majority of 1er Cru and Grand Cru around Beaune. They only make wines from these own vineyards and from grapes sourced from selected plots with top quality growers. This ensures the quality of the grapes as the basic philosophy of making good wines in Chanson is: “Good wines only come from high quality grapes.” They also own a unique Bastion Cellar where wine aging and malolactic fermentation in oak barrels taking place. This sixteen century cellar is surrounded by wall of 10 metres thick to keep a constant temperature for keeping over 3,000 barrels of wines. The wines could be aged or fermented at low temperature, resulting in wines with more freshness, purity and fragrance. They prevent batonnage as possible and only rack the wines by gravity. No fining nor filtration will be utilized at bottling. All these measures are taken to ensure these dedicate wines are not interfered to express their natural character of the terroir. Having owned a large number of vineyards, they have some monopole like the famed Clos des Fèves 1er Cru Monopole. This is also one of the bottles of Chanson that impresses me most. The 2009 vintage I had before is full-bodied as a Bourgogne but still shows great elegance. She comes with attractive nose and palate of refreshing black fruit, accompanied by firm but smooth tannin, with a touch of spiciness and lengthy finishing. Great potential to age for 10 to 15 years more. For food pairing, I remember a remarkable pairing of this wine with the signature dish of braised whole Yoshihama Abalone at Fok Lam Moon, during a dinner by Domaine Chanson and Jebsen Fine Wines. Let the Bourgogne sing!

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Enquiry: Jebsen Fine Wines Website: Tel: 2926 2312 (Victor Rabot) / email: 3180 3424 (Vanessa Chui) / email:

18/10/13 6:06 PM

Cru Special


坐下來聽著美妙的弦樂四重奏,最適合伴著一杯美妙的勃艮第美酒,她跟弦樂同樣纖細優 雅,時而抑揚頓挫,鏗鏘有韵。而莊名剛好同是「樂曲」的Domaine Chanson正好代表著 勃艮第的美妙樂韻。 自從被同屬捷成洋酒代理的Champagne Bollinger收購後,這最早成立之一的勃艮第莊園便 不斷進步,現由Gilles de Courcel打理,而釀酒及葡萄園的管理則交由著名的Jean Pierre

Confuron全權負責。目標當然是以釀造最好的勃艮第葡萄酒為前題。其實Chanson本身擁 有不少優秀的葡萄園,大部分都是一級田(1er Cru)或特級田(Grand Cru),而且他們 只會以自己種植的葡萄或合作多年的優秀葡萄農釀造Domaine Chanson的酒,以確保葡萄 的品質,因為Chanson的哲學是:「優秀葡萄酒的基本是優質的果實。」 釀酒方面,最得天獨厚的當然是他們名為Bastion Cellar的酒窖,所有的橡木桶都是存放在 這裡陳年或進行乳酸發酵。由於由厚達10米的石牆包圍著,溫度得以保持平均,這十六世紀 的酒窖存放著3,000多桶葡萄酒。這能讓葡萄酒在橡木桶內低溫下慢慢熟成,保持著酒的純 淨、鮮美及香氣。而且他們盡量避免攪動桶內的酒渣,換桶時也只會使用人手及地心吸力, 葡萄酒裝瓶時也不會過濾或澄清。為的是盡量減少對這些纖細的酒釀進行干擾,從而讓她們 展現出所屬Terroir的個性。 跟不少擁有較多莊園的酒莊一樣, Chanson 在勃艮第也擁有一些獨有的葡萄園我們稱為

Monopole,當中最出名的要算是一級田Clos des Fèves 1er Cru。這也是筆者最印象深刻 的一瓶Domaine Chanson之一。葡萄園位於Beaune最好的葡萄園的中心位置,在山坡的 中遊位置。喝過2009年的酒釀,酒體優雅,帶輕盈清新的黑漿果香,入口酒體以勃艮第來說 算豐厚,富結構而帶柔滑的單寧,收結帶點香辛的味道,但仍能感受到她能再陳年10至15 年。記得在一次由福臨門及Domaine Chanson合辦的晚宴上,品酒師以此款酒釀來配上原 隻吉品乾鮑,可說是中菜跟勃艮第葡萄酒的極致。就讓這美妙的勃艮第繼續歌唱吧!

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Cru Preview

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Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair 2013 Asia’s Premier Wine & Spirits Fair 香港國際美酒展2013 亞洲矚目美酒盛會 Asia’s Premier wine event The annual remarkable wine event – HKTDC Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair – is making a triumphant return for its sixth year running. As Hong Kong’s largest and most important event, the 2013 fair is going to provide international wine industry players with more diverse and challenging trading opportunities. Taking place at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 7-9 November 2013, the 2013 fair is of the largest scale ever - more than 1,000 exhibitors from nearly 40 countries and regions. As the wine hub in Asia, Hong Kong is truly the best platform for both Old World and New World wine producers to access different potential markets. Spain will be the fair’s partner country. Through the inaugural partnership with the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) Spain Trade and Investment, links between the Asian wine markets and this centuries-old wine-making country will certainly be enhanced. 亞洲矚目美酒盛會 一年一度由香港貿易發展局舉辦的香港國際美酒展今年已是第六屆,作為香港 最大型及最重要的酒類展覽會,為業界提供更多的機會展示產品或尋找商機。 於2013年11月7至9日舉行,今屆將是歷來最大型的一次,合共近四十個國家 及地區,總數超過一千名展商參加。不論是來自新世界或舊世界的酒莊,都可 以踏足這個最令人期待的新興市場,亞洲的葡萄酒中心。大會更與西班牙對外 貿易發展局(Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade ( ICEX ) Spain Trade and

Investment)合作,邀請西班牙成為今屆美酒展的夥伴國家,從而加強亞洲 葡萄酒市場和西班牙之間的聯繫。

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Spain as the Partner Country

西班牙 為是次展覽夥伴國

Organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council and supported by


Hong Kong Food Council, the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits


Fair has always received enthusiastic support from global wine producers.


Spain’s history of vine-growing and wine-making spans several centuries.

長達數千年,根據International Organization of Wine and Vine (OIV) 的報

According to the International Organisation of Wine and Vine (OIV), global


production of wine in 2011 was about 266 million hectolitres (hl), of which


Spain contributed 13%, ranking it as the third largest wine producer, after


France and Italy. In Hong Kong and Asian markets, Spanish wines are

示:香港進口西班牙葡萄酒190 萬升(排行第五),總價860萬美元(排行第八)

gaining popularity and market share: in the first six months of 2013, Hong


Kong imported 19,000 hl of Spanish wine (ranked 5th), to the value of USD


8.6 million (ranked 8th), showing significant increases of 33% and 51% in volume and value respectively compared to the same period last year.


With Spain as partner country for the 2013 edition, buyers and visitors will


enjoy a stronger presence of Spanish companies and a greater variety of


Spanish wines.


The well-received zone Liquor & Beverage Products will keep visitors’ senses busy. Other zones include Wine Accessories & Equipment, Wine Education, Fine Wine Investment & Logistics, Wine Services and Wine Storage & Logistics will give visitors multiple rewarding options for supplies sourcing, one-stop services and investment advice during the 3-day exhibition.

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Country Pavilions are highlights Close to 30 pavilions will participate, including Spain, this year’s Partner Country, which will bring more than 90 exhibitors to the fair. France and Italy, the two largest pavilions, will feature a combined total of more than 300 exhibitors. Several pavilions new to the fair will also take part: the Chinese mainland’s Penglai Vine and Wine Bureau, Japan’s Kagoshima Prefectural Government and Niigata Sake Brewers Association, Wines of Turkey and the US’s North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. This edition, joined for the first time by wineries from Jordan, Lithuania,

組織地區展館 面向世界市場

Montenegro and Morocco. Local companies such as Jointek Fine Wines

今屆美酒展邀請了西班牙作為夥伴國家,雲集超過 90家西班牙參展商呈獻地

(Hong Kong) Limited, Milon Wine (Hong Kong) Company Limited and

區展館。今屆美酒展亦獲得海外參展商的踴躍參與,組成近 30個展館,法國

Telford International Company Limited will continue to participate in the


wine fair.


耳其的Wines of Turkey及美國的North Carolina Department of Agriculture &

Supported by the favourable wine trading environment with zero import

Consumer Services。另外,也有來自約旦、立陶宛、黑山共和國和摩洛哥的

duties and tariff-free treatment under CEPA, coupled with a pool of wine


experts and well-developed distribution facilities and service, Hong Kong is


regarded as an ideal wine trading platform. Comparing 2012 trade figures

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with 2008 in which the Hong Kong government first removed the wine


import duties, Hong Kong’s wine imports had shot up by 181 % to USD 1


billion, and total exports had simultaneously increased by 158% to reach

平台。自2008年香港政府決定免收酒稅,葡萄酒入口總值於2012年已達 10億

USD 227 million. This revealed that the significance of demand in Asian


markets and the advantages of choosing Hong Kong as a trading hub.


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A wide range of events Nearly 60 events will enable participants to gather information of the latest market developments. The Wine Industry Conference under the theme “Driving Growth: Global Wine Industry Trends.” by keynote speaker, Li Demei, Vice General Secretary of China Wine Association; Associate Professor of Wine Tasting and Enology, Beijing Agriculture College as well as three panel speakers: Lisa Perrotti-Brown MW, Editor in Chief, “The Wine


Advocate” and; Maureen Downey, Owner and Founder


of Chai Consulting; Ferran Centelles, Collaborator of www.jancisrobinson.


com for Spanish Wine, Co-founder of Outlook Wine, The Barcelona Wine

萄酒分會副秘書長李德美先生,另外三位會議講者包括:《Wine Advocate》

School and Selection Panelist for Spanish retail website www.wineissocial.

及eRobertParker.com總編輯、美國葡萄酒大師Lisa Perrotti-Brown、Chai


Consulting持有人及創辦人 Maureen Downey;及為 www.jancisrobinson.

Other events such as the Asia Top Sommelier Summit, wine tasting


sessions, master classes, cocktail demonstrations etc. Last day of the fair


com主評西班牙葡萄酒的合作者、Barcelona Wine School及Outlook Wine創

is open to public, wine lovers are welcome to visit the fair and join wine tasting, cocktail demonstration and fine wine tasting sessions to enrich


personal experience in wine appreciation.

研討會及國泰航空香港國際美酒品評大賽頒獎典禮等,打造全面的酒類貿易及 交流平台。美酒展最後一天歡迎喜愛美酒的市民憑票入場,到超過千個展位盡



Four years ago Debra Meiburg MW had the bold idea to create a wine


competition across Asia that would unify the region in identifying wines that are suitable for the Asian palate. As European awards often rated the appeal


of wines based on Western tastes, Debra felt extra effort was needed to

五年前Debra Meiburg MW作了一個大膽的構思,創立了一個為亞洲口味而設

promote a widening array of different wines to the East. Partnering with


the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, she co-developed the Cathay

於是 Debra 便想到,要把更多的酒款從這個渠道推廣至東方人的世界中。

Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition.


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Exploring the World With close to 1800 wines to try over three days, the wines were split into a multitude of flights where Hong Kong’s wine loving public had a chance to converse with the judges from the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong IWSC, as five to eight judges, donned in their iconic lab coats, circulated nightly to help educate participants on the available wines. Each day there were completely different wines, encouraging partakers to visit on each day. As daunting as the event was, “Test Your Palate” has been wildly popular and entertaining throughout the years, proving that though judging isn’t as fun as it often seems, tasting definitely is. 探索世界 一連三日的大賽中葡萄酒數量接近1800款,不同的酒款被劃分成不同的 組別,讓香港一眾愛酒人士都可以一同品評這些HKIWSC的參賽酒款。 每組五至八位評酒員會穿上他們的白色實驗室長袍,每晚在會場內協助 關於葡萄酒的教育工作,每天都要把該日的酒款逐一品評。而近兩年來

Test Your Palate品酒會的名氣日漸升高,證明葡萄酒品評其實並不如看 見般有趣,反而試酒一直以來都是有趣的。

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The wines were selected from all over the world, where importers or their

many of them come from different cultures, there is much to share.

wineries would ask to send in wine. There are many foreign wineries also sending in samples, and Debra was pleasantly surprised for example, at the

Food For Thought

amount of Russian wines being sent in, and she even admitted there were

It was important for Debra to get younger and more open minded judges

many she didn’t recognize!

because she wanted people who “knew more than just Bordeaux,” a tongue-in-cheek prod at the image of Asia’s older wine community, who

Open Expertise

are known for their love of mainly iconic wines from the region. She also

As for the format of the judging, while participants could see the wines, the

wanted people who were passionate about gastronomy, as one of the more

judges themselves could only see the region, the variety, but not the label,

unique aspects of the IWSC is the food-matching segment on the final day.

so that there could be some existing context to consider. “If we were tasting

Every judge decided on pairings by having a tiny bite of a dish, and a tiny sip

a Vin Santos, an Italian dessert wine with an oxidative and nutty style, it is

of wine. They then proceed to spit both out, which Debra said with a laugh,

something we will take into consideration,” said Debra. “Oxidation in say a

can be quite unpleasant, and at the end of the day each judge tries 1 dish

Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand though, would be a flaw, and we would

with around 100 different wines, an incredible feat of endurance.

have to downgrade the wine.” To draw the attention and support from the public, there will be a new event There are 25 such judges from 18 cities across Asia, and Debra’s

in conjunction with the HKIWSC this year – “Test your Palate” Wine Tasting

requirement was that almost without exception, they should be both

Event. Starting at 6 in three evenings in a row, more than 300 bottles of

Asian-born or Asian-based, as she wanted the team to “select wines

entry wines and spirits will be available on the tables for you to taste. You

that represent the taste of the region, as there isn’t really a point bringing

can try the wines the judges tasted for the day and can even try your hand

English judges for Asian palates.” Encouraging the judges, many of whom

at figuring out who the medal winners are by giving votes. It is a wonderful

are educators, MW candidates, wine writers, or sommeliers themselves,

learning experience to taste the large varieties of wines, ranging from the

would also build up expertise for up and coming talent. During this event,

region, style, grape varieties, age etc. Don’t miss the chance of pleasing

the judges also learn about the dynamics of cultural food matching, and as

your palate with the brilliant wines and spirits.

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為了要引起公眾的興趣及關注,他們更舉行了一個新的活動,名為「 Test



過300枝的參賽葡萄酒及烈酒,你可以試一下評分,估一下那一枝是獎牌、獎 杯的得主。能夠一次過品嚐這麼多不同產地、不同風格、不同品種的葡萄酒。 愛酒的你不妨試一下你的葡萄酒味蕾,跟大師們有多少差距呢。 參賽的葡萄酒來自世界各地,入口商和酒莊都要求把酒送來參賽。而這麼多的 外國酒莊踴躍參與,Debra都直言感到十分意外,有一些來自俄羅斯的葡萄酒 送來參賽時,就連 Debra 都說不認識這些酒款呢! 專業評審 就整個品評的形式來說,公眾參與者都可以看到酒瓶的樣子,反而評委們只能 看見酒的來源地和葡萄品種,但不能看見瓶身標籤,但仍然能夠就著來源地和 品種作推敲。「若果我們試的是Vin Santos意大利甜品酒,一些氧化味道和果 仁氣息最絕對合理的;可是如果是一款來自新西蘭的Sauvignon Blanc出現這 些味道的話卻是不能接受的。」

年青形象 對於 Debra來說,集合多些年輕而思想開放的評審員是十分重要的,因為她


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18/10/13 12:02 PM

4th Nov 2013 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.

Langham Place, Mongkok Hong Kong 555 Shanghai Street, Mongkok

Come to join the Sweat Bordeaux Party, and discover the aromatic and elegant Sauternes, Cadillac, Loupiac, and CĂŠrons, pair with cheese and ham. Enjoy the unforgettable evening with us!


T: 2351-0318 E:

TICKET PRICE: HK$200 (Early Bird) HK$280 (At the Door)



The event is on first-come-first-served basis, reservation will be confirmed once the payment is settled on specific date. Please contact us for more details.

Black and Gold

Partners :

SWEET Bordeaux 02.indd 1

Media Partner :

19/10/13 9:18 PM


而卻悠閑 然 , 重 沉 不 歷史 —意大利西西



Images: Joe Lo Chinese Text & die Chui Translation: Ed Oli gionale Vini e Re to itu Ist ks: Special Than


e R o u t eThe famous German poet Goethe once described Sicily, “without Sicily, Italy can n i W g n i x a l Re not be comprehended perfectly, the only place you can find the beauty of Italy.” of Sicily This is, indeed very true in some way, as the most densely populated Island in the Mediterranean area, Sicily have become a colony of Greece in the early eighth century AD, in 241 BC she was incorporated as a province of the Roman Empire. Subsequently they experienced the rule under Vandals, Byzantium and Norman, as the Kingdom of Sicily in 1442, but shortly after another splitting it was being ruled by the Spanish. Until 1861 she was finally incorporated into Italy. With such an “colorful” history over changes of rulers, Sicily has a fascinating natural cultural development, indeed, this land was once inhabited by the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, and Spaniards and others, leaving an indelible footprint here, their culture has already deeply engraved in here.

德國著名詩人歌德曾經這樣形容西西里:「沒有西西里,意大利跟本不能被完美地詮 釋,只有在這裡你才可以找到意大利的美麗之源。」這的句話說得一點也不為過, 作為地中海面積最大、人口最稠密的島嶼,西西里早於公元八世紀便已經成為希臘 的殖民地、公元前241年又被併入為羅馬帝國的其中一個省份、其後經歷過汪達爾人

Vandals、拜占庭人Byzantium和諾曼第人Norman的統治,1442年併入西西里王國 後不久又分裂,改為西班牙統治,直至1861年才併入意大利。 從這樣豐富多彩的歷史之中一路走來,西西里自然擁有非一般迷人的人文風景,的 確,曾經在這片土地上居住過的希臘人、古羅馬人、拜占庭人、阿拉伯人、諾曼人和 西班牙人等都有在這裡留下不可磨滅的足跡,他們的文化早已經深深地刻在這裡。

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Noto – The Baroque architectural town 03

The ancient Greeks and Romans arrived at Sicily and established important colonies, leaving a lot of Greek temple and theatre, Renaissance and Baroque styles, and other historical sites. Located in the southeastern Sicily, Val di Noto is a famous Sicilian Baroque architecture town. In the seventeenth century it was razed by an earthquake, after that the Spanish government decided to move the whole town to one kilometre further in order to rebuild everything. They utilized local white limestone Huayan as building material, united the style of everybuilding in carved ornate baroque architectural style. This beautiful ancient city of Noto, was also included in the list of UNESCO World heritage Site in 2002 by the United Nations UNESCO. Traveling one kilometer from the city center of Noto, we visited a traditional Sicilian country house architecture winery, called Zisola, which was built in 1080. The Mazzei family from Tuscany found this beautiful winery in 2003. At that time it was still planted mainly citrus


groves instead of vine. The Mazzei family likes the location which is not far from the coast, with oceaen breezes, it produce very great temperature difference between day and night. Today the Zisola winery has a total of 58 hectares of vineyards divided into 21 different plots, the sandy soil surrounding the manor is still planted with the citrus, lemon and almond trees that were here for years. 巴洛克建築小鎮Noto 最初到踄的古希臘人和古羅馬人在西西里建立了重要的殖民地,留下了不少希臘神廟和劇場、文 藝復興和巴洛克風格等歷史遺蹟。位於西西里東南部的Val di Noto便是著名的西西里巴洛克式建 築小鎮,十七世紀末遭到大地震而夷為平地,於是當時由西班牙政府決定移地一公里闢地重建, 以當地白色的石灰華岩作為建材,統一以精雕華美的巴洛克式建築風格拓建新城,令整個經過混 血殖民的西西里島,出現了絕無僅有、統一建築型式的城鎮,此美麗的Noto古城更在2002年被聯 合國教科文組織劃入世界文化遺產。 距離Noto 市中心約一公里,我們探訪了一間建於1080 年、屬於傳統西西里式鄉村別墅建築的酒 莊—Zisola。這所美麗的酒莊是Mazzei家族在2003年的時候由托斯卡尼來到西西里創立的,當 時這裡仍然是一個普通的柑橘園, Mazzei家就是看中了它距離海岸不遠的地理位置,海風吹拂而 且日夜溫差大,就決定在這裡建立葡萄園,今日的Zisola共有58公頃的21片不同葡萄園,而沙質



01/以西西里巴洛克式風格建於十七世紀的La Chiesa Madre di San Nicolò天主教堂,1990年的地震破壞令這座古老建築遺產於1996年時曾經倒塌,經修復後於2007年重開 // 02&03/ Noto被列入為世界文化遺 產,雖然遊客多了,但仍可以在古城的每一個角落找到當地人日常生活的足跡,如樹下乘涼的老人和在雕像旁嬉戲的小孩 // 04/ 盛產血橙的西西里島上隨處可見賣橙的攤檔 // 05/ 西西里著名的彩繪瓷器

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Different from Tuscany, vineyards in Tuscany is dominated by local grape variety, Nero d’Avola, and small amounts of Syrah, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. As the Sicilian summer is too sunny and hot, these varieties is more suitable to be planted here comparing to Sangovese. Besides, the growers will leave the big canopy on the vines to avoid excessive sunlight and over-ripe, they will follow the ancient Romans to use bush training, to let every vine to absorb nutrients and sunlight more evenly, in order to have a more concentrated fruitiness in the wines. 與 托 斯 卡 尼 不 同 , 這 裡 種 植 的 主 要 是 西 西 里 原 生 品 種 N e ro   d ’ Av o l a , 以 及 少 量 的 Zisola C.da Zisola – 96017 Noto SR Tel. 0931 831678

Syrah、Cabernet Franc和Petit Verdot,由於西西里的夏季陽光實在太過猛烈,而且與種 植Sangovese相比,這裡種植的這些品種都不需要過多的日照,所以西西里的葡萄農都會 將葡萄樹上的大部份葉片保留,避免果實吸收過多的日照而導致過熟,他們又會使用古羅 馬人帶來的灌木引枝法Bush training,將每株葡萄藤獨立種植,令整棵葡萄樹都能夠吸收 到平均的養份和陽光,令酒釀擁有更集中的葡萄果香。

01/ 西西里傳統鄉村別墅式建築的Zisola酒莊 // 02/ 莊主正在展示以灌木引枝法種植的葡萄樹 // 03/ 葡萄園的周圍種滿了檸檬樹,另外還有橄欖、杏仁等 // 04/ Zisola亦有生產品質不錯的橄欖油,入口順滑,沒有 意大利北部那種辛辣的口感 // 05/ 2008年的Noto Rosso酒色深遂明亮,擁有豐富的漿果味道,相當不錯

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Siracusa – The ancient city Siracusa is another important historical city with is about 30 kilometers to the northeast of Noto. It is located in the east coast of Sicily, and is an important port of the Mediterranean, it has been a major strategic base during war. Nowaday, a lot of ancient Greece and Roman theatre ruins, medieval baroque mansion remained in 01

the city, like an Sicilian cultural melting pot. When the Arabian was ruling Sicily, they brought important commodities such as citrus, lemon, pistachio, etc., which have since become well-known products of Sicily. Pupillo winery, which is just a few kilometres from the famous ruins of the Siracusa Stadium, has long been planted with a variety of citrus fruit. It remained the same after the owner’s great-grandfather the property. Until six years ago, the owner of Pupillo started planting vines to make wine, with Siracusa region’s native grape varieties of Moscato Blanco. The owner told us that many people think Moscato Blanco is coming from Piedmonte, but in fact Moscato Blanco is a local Siracusa species, that was later taken to Piedmonte and being planted. Pupillo Podere 27, made with Moscato Blanco, shows dry body and refreshing, fruity and rich, but the variety is not shown on the label, daughter of the woner explained that many people think is the sweet Moscato, and therefore, they do not want people to have any impression by varieties, so they do not show that on the label. Their annual production is about eighty thousand bottles, the main production includes Moscato and Nero d’Avola wine, but they also produce some international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon. 歷史重鎮Siracusa 距離Noto東北面約30多公里處的Siracusa是西西里著名的歷史重鎮,正正靠著西西里東 岸的Siracusa作為地中海的重要港口、歷史上的兵家必爭之地,今日座落著不少古希臘和 古羅馬劇院遺蹟、中世紀巴洛克式豪宅,說是西西里的文化大溶爐實在當之無愧。當年阿 拉伯人統治西西里,亦帶來了豐富的物產如柑橘、檸檬、開心果等,從此成為西西里的著 名土產。 03

位於Siracusa 著名古羅馬競技場遺址幾公里處的Pupillo 酒莊從很久以前便一直種植著各 種柑橘果實,直到莊主的曾祖父購下了莊園後亦如是。直至六年前Pupillo莊主才開始種植 釀酒葡萄,包括Siracusa地區的原生葡萄品種Moscato Blanco。莊主伯伯告訴我們,很 多人都以為Moscato Blanco來自Piedmonte,但事實上Moscato Blanco是不折不扣的 Pupillo C.da Targia 96100 Siracusa Tel. 0931 494029

Siracusa品種,是後來才被人帶到Piedmonte種植的。由Moscato Blanco釀造的Pupillo Podere 27入口乾身清爽、果香豐富,但細看之下酒標並沒有標示其釀製的品種,莊主的 女兒解釋,很多人都以為Moscato就是甜身的酒,他們不想讓這種先入為主的印象影響, 所以選擇不標示其葡萄品種。Pupillo 的葡萄酒年產量約為八萬瓶,主力生產Moscato 和

Nero d’Avola等酒款,亦有生產一些國際品種如Cabernet Sauvignon等。 01/ 位於Siracusa的古羅馬競技場遺址Anfiteatro Romano,是西元前二世紀古羅馬人用來鬥獸用的,到十六世紀時西班牙人則用作採石場 // 02/ 迴音效果非常好的「狄奧尼西歐之耳」Orecchio di Dionisi巨石洞 穴,即使在洞裡輕聲細語,洞口外都能聽得一清二楚,才到洞穴口就聽到裡面有人唱起義大利歌劇,確實是迴腸盪氣 // 03/ 除了佔大部份的意大利遊客外,還有很多學校團體來參觀,周圍也是小朋友

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01/ 位於Siracusa離岸不遠的Pupillo酒莊,從外牆看像城堡一樣 // 02/ Pupillo仍然保留著從前用作踩葡萄的地方,由高至低讓葡萄逐級流到最底層的發酵池內 // 03/ Pupillo家族酒莊莊主與女兒 // 04/ 由Moscato Blanco釀造的Pupillo Podere 27入口乾身清爽、果香豐富

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01/從對面山上眺望Vittoria氣勢磅礡的老城區 // 02/ Feudo Arancio佔地2000公頃的葡萄園,海洋就是位於西南方(圖左)位置不遠處 // 03/ 沐浴於陽光下,喝一口Grillo,此情此景多麼美好 04/ 地板瓷磚都是人手逐片彩繪的 // 05/ Feudo Arancio古羅馬式別墅大門前的小庭園 // 06/ 熱情好客的年青西西里釀酒師

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Vittoria - Hometown of wine After leaving Noto and Siracusa we went east, passing pieces of dry hills and fields on the way. In this June day it seemed a bit desolate. Sicily has a warm dry summer, and most of the land is composed of sandy soil, therefore the impression of the weather is rather dry all year. After passing fields on the hillsides that were planted with olive tree, we arrived at Vittoria finally. so they feel more arid . In passing along the slopes are neatly planted rows of olive trees , and an olive tree in a field of view , we arrived at the famous Vittoria. Vittoria has the same hot sun, the wall of the buildings are lacking the Baroque style we saw 01

earlier, with less baroque decorative sculpture of light and shadow. These beautiful buildings belongs to Feudi Arancio, which is aRoman -style villas locating adjascent to endless vineyards, with a total area of 2,000 hectares, consists of mainly sandy soil, facing southwest breezes from the ocean, this warm Mediterranean climate it the best for local white grapes. They bought the winery in 2003, after renovation, the 2000 hectares of vineyard is divided into blocks for each variety to produce single varietal wines, such as local Nero d’Avola, Grillo, and some international varieties like Syrah, Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. 02

Enjoying their flagship Nero d’Avola wine on the balcony of the villa is really great. With a brilliant colour and rich wild redberry on the palate; the white Fillo wine come with exotic tropical fruit notes of mango, papaya and white blossom, which is a definite match for seafood. Sicilian winemaker told us that the vineyard can reach 43 to 45 degrees Celsius in the summer, so the harvest time has to be very precise, unlike other regions, when the colour of the white grape has turned, it means that grapes are over-ripe, therefore, they harvest earlier than most regions. Feudi Arancio also makes a blend local and international varieties with Nero d’Avola and Cabernet Sauvignon, which is aged in French oak barrelling called Cantodoro, its fruit and structures are very good; another white wine called Dalila is a blend of stainless matured Grillo and French oak aged Viognier, it brings out both fresh and fruity with good depth and balance. 葡萄酒鄉Vittoria 離開Noto和Siracusa後往東走,一路上極目遠望都是一片片乾燥的山坡和田野,在這六月天時 顯得有點荒涼。西西里的夏季溫暖乾燥,加上大部份田野都屬於偏沙質土壤,所以便更顯乾旱 的感覺。在沿路經過的山坡上都整齊地種滿一行行的橄欖樹,在一片又一片的橄欖樹田的景色 中,我們來到了鼎鼎大名的 Vittoria。

Vittoria的陽光同樣熾熱,但身旁的建築物都少了點巴洛克風格,外牆上都不見了巴洛克式裝 飾雕塑的光影。一問之下,原來位於身旁這幢美麗的建築物是屬於Feudi Arancio的古羅馬式 建築別墅,別墅所在的位置就正正面向著一望無際的葡萄園,一共2000公頃的土地上主要為 沙質土壤,面向西南方吹來的海風,這種溫暖的地中海氣候便最適合當地的白葡萄生長。他 們在2003年買入酒莊後著手翻新和重整,將2000公頃的土地仔細劃分為一塊塊單一品種種植 區,以生產100%單一品種的酒,例如本地常見的Nero d’Avola、Grillo,以及一些國際品種如

Syrah、Chardonnay、Merlot和Cabernet Sauvignon。 一邊在別墅陽臺上享受著風光明媚,一邊品嚐著他們的旗艦酒款Nero d’Avola,酒色深遂明 亮,帶有豐富的野莓紅果香;白酒款Grillo則含有相當濃郁的熱帶氣息、芒果、木瓜和白花等味 道,絕對是美味海鮮的完美配搭,消暑更是一流。原籍西西里的釀酒師告訴我們,葡萄園的夏 天氣溫隨時都可以達到攝氏43-45度,所以收成的時間要掌握得非常准確,不像其他地區,如 果這裡的白葡萄在收成時已經轉色的話,就表示葡萄已經過熟了,所以他們都會比一般地區的 Feudi Arancio C.da Portella Misilbesi 92017 Sambuca di Sicila AG Tel. 0925 579081

收成時間提早。 除了單一本地品種的酒款外,Feudi Arancio亦釀製了兩款非常不錯的本地及國際品種混釀:以

Nero d’Avola混合Cabernet Sauvignon釀製,使用法國橡木桶熟成的Cantodoro,其果香和結 構都非常出色;另外白酒款Dalila則以不銹鋼酒桶熟成的Grillo和使用法國橡木桶熟成的Viognier 混釀,帶出既新鮮的果香之款亦帶有一定的深度與平衡。

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Frappato – just an supporting actor? Vittoria mentioned above is so famous because it is the only DOCG wine region in Sicily. Before 2005, Cerasuolo di Vittoria is just another ordinary DOC region. But during the 80’s and 90’s, the wine quality improved so much that in 2005 it was upgraded to the DOCG classification. Cerasuolo di Vittoria required a 50-70% of Nero d’Avola in its blend and another 30-50% of Frappato. Nero d’Avola is grow in this center of the Mediterranean, with abundant sunshine, soil that is rich in minerals and a little graphite. The wine is dark coloured and with good acidity and structure; on the other hand, Frappato is more refreshing and lighter, dominated with red fruit like fresh cherry flavor. Although it is often used to blend with Nero d’Avola, the fragrant Frappato is a very popular wine for local people, it is easy to drink as an daily wine pairing with any food. Paolo Calí is another winery in Vittoria, they made Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG wines and two 100% Frappato wines: Mandragola Frappato Vittoria DOC and Osa Frappato Rosato IGT Sicilia, both are very floral, light but with tannins that is a bit higher, on the palate it is a bit more bitter with much mineral notes. Speaking of mineral flavor, the owner took us to the vineyard at the back of the property, and explained to us that it has a great influence from the ocean. It is just a few kilometers away from the ocean, and you can find footprints of creatures form the ocean in the sandy soil. Sandy soil here could be as deep as 7 meters, therefore,


management of vines and irrigation is very important. sometimes besides pruning the leaves, they also need to trim the roots. It is hard job considering the ground temperature at 80-90 degrees Celsius during the hottest days, everyone has to stop working after 10am as it will be too hot!

Frappato只是配角嗎? 上文提及到Vittoria 的名字響噹噹,那是為什麼呢?因為這裡是西西里唯一被劃分為DOCG 的一個 產酒區,在2005年以前Cerasuolo di Vittoria還只是一個普通的DOC地區,但由於Vittoria在上世 紀 80 至 90 年代時,葡萄酒質量獲得了很大的提升,於是在 2005 年的時候獲得 DOCG 優質法定產 區的稱號。Cerasuolo di Vittoria的法定釀酒葡萄和混釀比例是50-70% Nero d’Avola及30-50%

Frappato。 Nero d’Avola在這個位於地中海中心、日照充沛的地方生長,土壤含有豐富礦物質而且 伴有少量石墨,使釀製出來的酒色色澤濃郁、酸度堅實;而Frappato則比較輕盈清爽得多,釀出富 新鮮櫻桃香味的酒。縱使常被用作混釀Nero d’Avola的品種,但其實花香濃濃的Frappato在西西里


南部人家的日常生活中卻是不可缺少的,它的酒質輕爽容易入口,作為日常餐酒,或者佐以不同食 物種類都十分不錯。

Paolo Calí—另一個位於Vittoria的酒莊,他們在釀造Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG酒款的同時亦 有釀製兩款100%Frappato的酒款:Mandragola Frappato Vittoria DOC及Osa Frappato Rosato



烈。說起礦物味道,莊主二話不說便帶我們到院子後的葡萄園,甫踏出院子便一腳是沙,莊主也就 笑著解釋,這裡十分接近海,距離大約只有十公里,葡萄園的沙地上還可以找到貝殼之類的海洋生 物足跡呢。葡萄園的沙質土足足深達七米,所以就算每株葡萄都以灌木引枝法來劃分好,灌溉也絕 不可少,澆水的時候會令根部外露,所以在人手修剪藤葉的時候也同時需要修剪根部,可是在地面 溫度高達攝氏80-90度的大熱天,全人手操作的員工們最遲早上十點便要停止葡萄園的工作,因為 03


01/ 莊主Paolo Calí正在展示葡萄園沙土中混雜的小貝殼 // 02/ 葡萄園的灌溉系統 // 03/ 在美麗的莊園中享用莊主家人為我們準備的午餐,配上Frappato,入口清新

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Mt. Etna – the living volcano Leave the blazing southern Sicily, we arrived at Mount Etna. With an altitude of 3,346 meters Mount Etna is Europe’s largest and highest, and the most active volcano. The peak is covered by snow all year. It is one of the world famous active volcano, and also the region where it is the most densely populated region. Etna eruption in history has repeated regularly and has destroyed the nearby town. But people still live nearby because of the rich resources. The volcanic ash and soil provide some fertile soil which is good for agricultural activities. At an altitude below 900 meters, most of the land are explored for plantings. Temperature is much lower comparing to the south, when you are at the vineyards of Mount Etna, you feel cool breeze from the mountain, and the sun is just warm and comfortable. Paolo Calí C.da Salmé SP Vittoria – Pedalino Km 2+500 Via del Frappato di Vittoria 97019 Vittoria RG Tel. 0925 288143

Many of the vineyards is by the hillsides, on the historic volcanic soil accumulated years after years, mixed with old sandy soil and limestone soil. The subsoil consists of oceanic limestone soil and clay . Because of the great terroir, local people started planting vines and making wines for a long time. As early as 1968, Etna has become the first DOC wine producing area in Italy. 活火山Mt. Etna

Recommend Winery in Vittoria: Terre di Giurfo Via Palestro, 53-97019 Vittoria RG Tel. 338 9087276

離開熱辣辣的西西里南部,我們來到了西西里島上的必遊之地— Etna 。海拔 3,346 米的

Mt. Etna是全歐洲最大最高,而且最活躍的火山,山頂終年積雪,也是世界上著名的活火 山之一,火山區的周圍更是西西里人口最稠密的地區之一。Etna在歷史上曾經多次噴發, 亦曾經無情地摧毀附近的市鎮,可是住在附近的民居仍然死守家園,因為火山爆發後火山 灰鋪積下的土壤不僅肥沃,而且為農業生產提供有利的條件,在海拔900米以下的地區大多 都已被開墾種植。 來到Mt. Etna,沒有了南部的炎熱,身處海拔幾百米的葡萄園中,感受的是清涼的山風、

Recommend Winery in Vittoria: Maggio Vini Strada Comunale Marangio, 35 Vittoria Regusa Tel. 0932 984311

就連陽光也變得溫暖可人。這裡的葡萄園依山而建,植根在世代累積的火山灰土壤之上, 靠地表的上層除了火山灰外,混和的多屬古老砂岩和石灰岩、而底層則是海成泥炭岩與黏 土,葡萄園中的土都是黑黑的、有點沙亦有點黏。正因為這裡的土壤結構和氣候條件都相 當複雜的關係,當地人很早以前就已經在這裡種地和釀酒,早於1968年Etna已經成為西西 里的首個DOC產酒區。

01/ 由海拔約700米的Cantine Russo望上不斷噴出白煙的火山口 // 02/ 除光禿禿的高大櫸木倒下外,隨處更可見動物的白骨 // 03/ 整個西西里東南部包括Catania、Siracusa等地都可以買到來自Etna的火山紀念 品 04/ 熔岩流經之處的樹木都通通都有著被燒過的痕跡 // 05/ 上Mt.Etna遊覽最好是僱用越野車,方便在森林中通行 //

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Because it is located at the volcanic area, different directions and altitudes created regional microclimates, Cantine Russo was established in 1860 by the northeast of Etna around foothill. They are located in 700m where the winery located with some vineyards, with some vineyards up to 1000 meters high. According to the owner, during the winter, vineyards at 1000 meters are all covered with snow. Besides, active volcano will sometimes eject ashes like an overwhelming ash rain, but will bring more activity to soil minerals, iron, the original clay soils was brought with minerals from 02


time to time. Etna is such an unique area in Sicily. Although planting such as Nero d’Avola, Inzola and other common grapes are found here. The most Etna Rosso is a blend of local grapes of: over 80% of Nerello Mascalese with 20% Nerello Cappuccio for most blends. Because of the minerals, Etna Rosso tastes a little bit of chocolate with red and black berry notes, filling up with complex minerals and unique flavours.

由於是火山區的關係,東南西北各個區域、海拔高度的不同也造就了這裡的區域性小氣候, 早座落於Etna東北面山腳的Cantine Russo在1860年已經成立,由酒莊大樓所在的海拔700 米處始建立葡萄園,直上到1000米高的地方。據莊主伯伯所說,在這裡的冬季,海拔1000 米高的葡萄園也就是長期下雪的,最特別的是活火山的頻繁活動會令火山口不時噴出如雨下 04

的火山灰,在鋪天蓋地的火山灰雨下,雖然令整個地區都像矇上一層灰,可是也同時為泥土 帶來更多活性礦物質、鐵質,令多年前原來的黏土土壤都蓋上了一層厚厚的火山泥,也為葡 萄樹不斷帶來新的礦物養份。 座落在 Etna 這個獨特的地區,可以說是與西西里其他地區都很不一樣的地方,雖然也有

Cantine Rosso Via Corvo C.da Feudo di Mezzo – Passopisciaro 95020 Castiglione di Sicilia CT Tel. 095 939650

種植如 Nero  d’Avola 、 Inzola 等島上常見的品種,但著名的 Etna  Rosso 卻有其特別的 混釀品種:法定 80% 以上的 Nerello Mascalese 加入 Nerello Cappuccio ,所以每逢看 到 Etna Rosso 的酒標,混釀比例通常都是 80% 和 20% 的 Nerello Mascalese 和 Nerello

Cappuccio。因為礦物質極度豐富的關係,Etna Rosso除了一點點朱古力和紅黑漿果味道 外,便是大量的複雜礦物氣息,風味異常獨特。

01/ 親切慈祥的莊主伯伯Mr. Russo熱心地跟我介紹Etna與酒莊 // 02/ 80% Nerello Mascelese及20% Nerello Cappuccio混釀的Etna Rosso酒款Krasì 2007 // 03/ 莊主的女兒Gina Russo一展廚藝 // 04/ 火 山泥土都是黑黑的,加上一點點黏土性質

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Vineyard at the Heaven Leaving Cantine Russo, we arrived at the Baron di Villagranda at the south of the volcano, built along the hillside, everything has to be done by hand in this beautiful vineyard. The vines are also planted in very high density of 7,000 vines per hectare, in organic way. It is protected from the influence from the active volcano because of its location. Only bursts of loud noise will be heard during eruption. In the rumble of eruption in the hundreds of meters above sea level, the closer you get to the crater zone, it became more desolate. A 1900m, you will only see wildflowers and the smoke coming from the volcano or smells of sulphur. It does not erupt, but boiling for months. It is a site to attract tourists during eruption or becoming active.


天堂上的葡萄園 03

離開Cantine Russo後,我們來到位於火山南面的Baron di Villagranda擁有像天堂般美麗 的葡萄園,因為是依山而建的關係,所有日常的園區操作也只能靠人手,所以葡萄與葡 萄之間都種得較為緊密,約一公頃的土地已種有7000株葡萄樹,而且酒款都是全有機釀 製。雖然座落於隨時爆發的火山區中,但正因為Baron di Villagranda葡萄園的所在位置

Barone di Villagrande Via del Bosco, 25 95010 Milo CT Tel. 095 7082175

是一處峽谷之中,所以之前的火山爆發也沒有影響太大,只是爆發時就遠遠聽到陣陣的 巨響。 海拔幾百米高尚且能聽到爆發的隆隆中巨響,愈接近火山口的地帶就愈荒涼,像海拔

1900米左右以上就是滿滿的火山堆積物和零散的櫸木和野花,而遠遠看到的火山口也是 長年冒煙,站在火山區中,偶爾也會聞到一陣陣隨風而來的硫磺氣味。它雖然表面沒有 噴發,可是內部卻是年年月月都在沸騰之中,每當爆發時也吸引世界各地的遊客,做成 Recommend Winery in Etna: Planeta Tel. 091 327965


01/ 像天堂般的Barone di Villagrande葡萄園 // 02/ 葡萄樹齡達70年的老藤 // 03/ Barone di Villagrande都是使用Etna本地粟子樹木桶來熟成葡萄酒,他們在Etna伐木是需要牌照的,然後才製作成600毫升和 300毫升的木桶

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Gems below your feet In the world of wines, perhaps Sicily is not as famous as northern Italy, but they also have a long winemaking history. In the past two decades revolutionary changes in the industry has made winemakers and owners recognizing the potential of the wines here, and is a grift by God. If Italy is a boot, then Sicily will be the jewel on the toe, which maybe easily overlooked. 03


Regardless of history, with the culture, geography, and natural environment, Sicily has extremely strong local characters. Sicily is an exciting place for people to discover and explore more stories and the beauties.

腳下的一顆寶石 在葡萄酒的世界中,或許西西里並沒有意大利北部般出名,可是其釀酒歷史之久 遠也是不遑多讓,在過去的二十年其實西西里的釀酒業發生了可謂革命性的變 化,不是說釀酒技術突飛猛進甚麼的,而是島上的釀酒師和莊主開始有了信心, 知道原來自己手中一直擁有的並不是普通的東西,而是上天賜予的寶藏。如果意 大利是一隻靴,那西西里島就是鞋尖上的一塊寶石,它珍貴,可是一不留神便會 錯過。無論歷史、人文、地理、自然環境,西西里都擁有極其濃烈的地域色彩。 它的歷史悠久、難得並不沉重;它的經濟並不發達,但也樂得悠閑。西西里讓前 往的人樂不思蜀,亦沒有其他地方能與之比擬,每走前一步,都可以發掘到更多 05


01/ Catania天主教堂外閑坐的伯伯們在曬著日光浴 La Cattedrale di Catania // 02/ Modica的 Palazzo S.Domenico內 // 03/ 通宵打魚回來的小伙子興奮地向我展示他捕獲的大魚 // 04/ 連絲襪都賣得這麼風 情萬種 // 05/ Catania露天市場,人人都掛著一臉笑容 //

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Your daily bubbles from Italy 來自意大利的每天氣泡酒 Text: Eddie Chui // Images: Alvin Luk // Special Thanks: Hip Cellar

Champagne from France is always our first choice for celebration, but the prices of champagnes are somehow really high that is not for daily consumption. Especially during summer and spring, everyone is looking for some bubbles that could be really refreshing, in this case, Prosecco from Italy will be a great choice. 法國的香檳總是大家在節日慶祝的首選,但一瓶美味的香檳價值不 菲,不是每天都能飲用。尤其在春夏之時,要每天享受清新愉快的 氣泡酒,來自意大利的Prosecco是個不錯的選擇。

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Prosecco is made primarily in the district of Valdobbiadene


Prosecco主要產於意大利北部 Veneto省,在鄰近 Conegliano市的

near the town of Conegliano in the region of Veneto, northern


Italy. Prosecco has quickly become one of the most successful


sparkling wine types made today. Prosecco 也是葡萄品種,但因為跟她的地區名稱容易混淆,所以 Prosecco is also the name of the grape, but because of the easy

近年已有法例規定要以 Glera代替。 Prosecco一向是帶纖細的香氣

confusion with the geographical name of the region, it is now


by law that it has to be named as Glera, that is used to make


this sparkling wine and many of the best examples are 100%


Glera. As this is a grape that is prized for its delicate flavors and


aromatics, the wine itself is not made in the classic method made famous in the Champagne district of France. Rather, the Charmat

現在不幸地 Charmat方法好像是用來釀造下等的氣泡酒,例如你在

method of sparkling wine is used to make Prosecco as the classic


Champagne method would mean aging the wine for several years


before release, robbing the wine of its freshness.

2008年,Prosecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene、Prosecco di

Conegliano及Prosecco di Valdobbiadene被提升至DOC級別,而 Now while the Charmat method is used to make some pretty awful


sparkling wine (think of the worst stuff you’ve ever had to gulp at a wedding reception), in this case the producers of Prosecco use this method to create some truly charming wines that are usually enjoyed within a year of the vintage, although the best can age for several years. Until the 2008 vintage Prosecco was protected as a DOC within Italy, as Prosecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, Prosecco di Conegliano and Prosecco di Valdobbiadene. From 2009, this has been promoted to DOCG status.

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From Left: Vincent Chue, Ian Symonds, Mabel Lai, Kelvin Cheng, Noble Law, Jordi Chan, Hood Hon

Scoring system 100 point system / 100分系統 points awarded

year of tasting

best potential year to taste




88 2013


D – drink now 現在享用 A – suitable to drink now, but will improve with time可享用,但陳年會更佳 K – allow more maturing time before enjoying應再陳年一段時間才享用

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Perfect or nearly perfect wine without any flaws, reaching the highest standards in every aspect, and leaving the drinker wanting more. 接近完美、沒有瑕疵的酒,各方面達到最高水準,讓人再三回味。


Outstanding wine in every aspect, precise and alluring


Outstanding wine with character, reflects terroir


Good quality wine with character, reflects terroir, but not outstanding.


Simple and straightforward wine, but with minimal character.


Dull or flat wine without character


Faulty or unacceptable wine

出眾的酒,各方面表現出色,鮮明具吸引力 。 品質優良的酒,有個性,能顯示產區風格並表現突出。 品質優良的酒,有個性,能顯示產區風格並,但表現並不突出。 簡單,直接的酒,但未能突個性。 不對眼,沒有個性,沉悶的酒。 有問題,不能接受的酒

18/10/13 6:24 PM


Villa Sandi, Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore di Cartizze DOCG, Vigna La Rivetta Brut 93 2013


Sino Vantage Asia Ltd. // 2581 9129 //





Devoted to wine culture for many generations, the Moretti Polegato family, owner of the Villa, have fostered this ancient tradition by making Villa Sandi the headquarters of the winery, and by promoting grape growing in the area on a modern basis. The Villa Sandi vineyards Vigna La Rivetta lies in the heart of the 106.8 hectares of the Cartizze area, between the hamlets of Santo Stefano and San Pietro di Barbozza, in the municipality of Valdobbiadene. Moretti Polegato家族多年來每一代人都醉心葡萄酒事業,擁有著Villa Sandi莊園,讓這 古老的莊園成為酒莊的基地,而又以最現代化的方式種植葡萄。她106.8頃的葡萄園Vigna

La Rivetta位於Cartizze地區的心臟位置,在Valdobbiadene最著名的地區Santo Sefano 及San Pietro di Barbozza之間。

Kelvin Cheng

Clear with bright, straw light gold colour. Intense aroma with citrus fruits, and a touch of lychee and white peach. Sweet ripe pear and honey on the palate. Smooth and freshing, balance acidity with alcohol and structure. Excellent Finish. 清晰而明亮的淺金黃色,香氣帶濃郁的柑橘果香,帶陣陣荔枝發 白桃氣息。入口帶香甜的梨及蜜糖味。順滑、清爽,酸度平衡, 收結完美。

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Casa Bianca Prosecco DOC Brut Treviso 92 2013


Fine Vintage (Far East) Ltd // 2896 6108 //



1906 Family Manin started to plant its first Prosecco vines in a sunny valley of the Montello’s hills and founded the Azienda Agricola “Casa Bianca”. The estate takes its name from the wonderful white house situated in the highest hill of the property, an amazing place that overlooks all the vineyards. The great tradition of Casa Bianca’s sparkling wine takes its origin in this marvelous area. 1906年Manin家族開始在陽光豐富的Montello山坡上種植第一棵Prosecco葡萄,創辦了 Azienda Agricola “Casa Bianca”公司。莊園以那位於山上的白色大屋而命名。從那 裡可以眺望到所有的葡萄園。而偉大的Casa Bianca傳統得以在這得天獨厚的土地上釀造 優質氣泡酒。

Jordi Chan

Clear lemon colour, with fresh melon and citrus aromas. Lovely crispy wine with green apple, a hint of cucumber on the palate. Fresh and balance. 潔淨的檸檬黃色酒體,帶鮮蜜瓜及柑橘香氣。可愛而清爽的味 道,帶青蘋果、青瓜的味道。平衡而鮮美。

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Masottina’s began in 1946, with Epifanio Dal Bianco, and now his firstborn Adriano. Adriano and his brothers, animated by a silent and industrious passion, have always believed in the viticultural potential of their land. Masottina’s 130 hectares of owned and managed land, half of which lie within the historical Conegliano Valdobbiadene Denomination of Area, are cultivated with pride, care, and agronomical rigour. Masottina於1946年由Epifanio Dal Bianco創辦,現由兒子Adriano掌舵。Adriano及他 的兄弟對這地充滿熱誠,希望把葡萄園的潛力發揮出來。在130頃的葡萄園是位於最具歷 史的Conegliano Valdobbiadene法定產區,以他們的驕傲、悉心種植著。

Ian Symonds Very Pale Lemon in colour, simple aromas of pear, blossom, white flower. Refreshing palate but with hint of soft fruits. Pleasant finish. 淡黃色,簡單的梨子及白花香氣。口感鮮美,帶點果香,收結討好。


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Masottina Prosecco Superiore di Conegliao Valdobbiandene DOCG Extra Dry 2012 90 2015


Valdivia Ltd. // 2555 7431 //

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Bottega Prosecco DOC Brut Millesimato 2011 90 2013


Telford International Company Ltd // 2722 5066 //

Mabel Lai Pale lemon colour, with a very delicate nose. A hint of lemon, smokes and truffle as well. Well balance with mild acidity and fine bubbles on the palate. A very good aperitif. 淡黃色,細緻的香味,帶點檸檬、煙燻及松露的香。入口平衡帶中酸度, 氣泡細緻,是款不錯的餐前酒。


Col de’Salici Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Extra Dry 2011 90 2013


Links Concept Company Ltd. // 2802 2818 //

Ian Symonds

Pale Lemon in colour, a light aroma of fresh apples and pears, crispy and clean palate, with pears and a hint of green melon, short but pleasant finish. 淡檸檬黃色,輕盈的香氣,蘋果及梨子,清爽的口感。帶梨子及青蜜瓜。收結 較短,但討好。

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Astoria Prosecco Superiore di Valdobbiadene DOCG, “Casa Vittorino” Brut Millesimato 89 2015


Liquid Assets Ltd. // 2893 1074 //

Mabel Lai Pale Lemon colour, green apple and white flower on the nose, elegant bubbles with good acidity, a lot of white peach and hint of almond on the finish. 淡檸檬黃色,青蘋果及白花香,優雅的氣泡,良好酸度,充滿白桃及杏仁香 的收結。


Perlage “Animae” Prosecco Superiore di Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG Brut NV 88 2013


Experia Limited // 3551 1222 //

Ian Symonds Pale Lemon colour, green apple and floral aroma, fine bubbles load with white peach on the palate, finish is more rich and good length. 淡檸檬黃色,帶青蘋果及花香,氣泡細緻,入口帶白桃收結豐厚悠長。

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Silvano Follador Prosecco Dosaggio Zero DOCG 2010 88 2013


12 Bottles Company Ltd. // 2546 7628 //

Jordi Chan Structured Prosecco with good mid palate, richness of white peach and hint of green apple, finishing a bit dry.

具結構的Prosecco,中段口感良好,帶豐富的白桃及陣陣的青蘋果香,收結 較乾身。


Mionetto Sergio 86 2013


Jebsen Fine Wines // 3180 3424 //

Hood Hon

Pale lemon green core with some slow bubbles. Elegant fresh pear, cream soda nose. Off dry with ample acidity. Moderate clean finish. Easy to understand. 淡檸檬綠色,氣泡細緻。帶優雅而清新的梨子、忌廉梳打的味道。帶點甜而又 有充足的酸度。中等變結,易飲。

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Mionetto Sergio Rosé 86 2013



Jebsen Fine Wines // 3180 3424 //

Kelvin Cheng Bright straw pink in colour. High intensity with red fruits aromas include ripe cherries, red berries and peach and honey. Off dry with sweet ripen red fruits on the palate. Easy to drink for hot summer. 明亮的淡粉紅色。香味豐富,帶紅果如成熟的櫻桃、紅莓、桃子及蜜糖香。入口 半甜,以甜美的成熟紅果為主。夏天的最佳氣泡酒。


Piera di Piera Blue Pearl Prosecco DOC 86 2013


Apex Cellar Limited // 2311 9118 //

Vincent Chue

Clear pale Lemon colour. Lime, stone fruits and lychee on the nose. A very easy to drink wine with lots of fresh fruits. Good for family and friends gathering. 淡檸檬黃色,帶青檸、核果及荔枝的香味。易飲,帶許多新鮮的果香味。家庭或朋友眾會的 最佳配搭。

ColSaliz DOC Prosecco Treviso Dry “Servo Suo” 86 2013



Liquid Assets Ltd. // 2893 1074 //

Noble Law Pale lemon colour and very active bubbles. Full of apple and honey on the nose. Ripe fruits and honey on the palate, medium sweetness. Smooth bubbles and long finish. 淡檸檬黃色,氣泡活躍,帶蘋果及蜜糖的香氣,入口充滿成熟的果香,帶少許甜味, 氣泡順滑而收結悠長。

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Piera Martellozzo I Cjamps Prosecco DOC


85 2013


Apex Cellar Limited // 2311 9118 //

Noble Law

Pale lemon colour. Some peach, guava and a bit of toffee on the nose. Nice acidity with a sweetness of ripe fruits. Very long finish. 淡檸檬黃色,帶桃子、石榴及點點拖肥的香氣。酸度良好,帶成熟果香的甜味。收結悠長。

Canti Prosecco Brut NV 85 2013



Telford International Company Ltd. // 2722 5066 //

Jordi Chan Greenish yellow in colour. Green apple, banana and hint of zest on the nose. Crispy with good acidity, easy finish. 帶青的黃色,以青蘋果為主,也有香蕉、果皮的香氣。清爽怡人,酸度良好,易飲。


Canevari Prosecco Spumante Veneto 84 2013


Max Scene International Limited // 2856 0308 //

Vincent Chue Pale yellow in colour.

Green apple, simple, crispy with good acidity, easy

drinking and short finish. 淡黃色,青蘋果,簡單清爽,帶良好酸度,易飲而收結較短。

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19/10/13 8:41 PM



Conclusion Of course, we cannot drink Prosecco and expect a champagne in our glasses. They have different grape varieties and are made so differently, champagne are more rich and concentrated, with longer aging in bottles, which really make the difference. A typical prosecco will be light and refreshing, with fragrant aroma and pleasant taste for most people. It is the best sparkling wine for summer when you can drink it daily. There are also outstanding ones which you will be so desperate to have them by your meal every day. I am addicted to the floral fragrance of certain Prosecco, that is surely a good “medication” after a day of busy work. It is so charming like the Piera Martellozzo, which is simple but very easy to drink for everyone. We also like the richer Masottina DOCG Prosecco 2012, which is more complex, giving you more depth and creaminess. Among the pricy bubbles like champagnes, Prosecco is somehow a good value alternative which is made for daily consumption. It is worth a try even it is not expensive and you are used to drinking only champagnes. It gives you something you will never find in champagnes as well. 我們享用Prosecco的時候,當然不能抱著喝香檳的心態去喝,畢竟葡萄品種及釀造方法不同,香檳較厚重的口感,加上經過瓶 中的熟成,風格有很大的差異。典型的Prosecco以輕盈的口感,清新的風格及口味讓人享用。在炎夏及初春絕對是最佳的日常 氣泡酒,當然有些突出的酒款,是可以讓人再三回味的。 我對香味吸引的Prosecco特別鍾情,因為那種淡淡的幽香,在整天忙碌工作過後,簡單直接,讓人精神煥發。當中的Villa Sandi酒款便帶這種花香撲鼻的感覺。另外我們也喜歡Masottina的DOCG 2012酒款,有點遠離Prosecco給人的一般印象,帶多 點份量及深度。 在一眾價格、成本高昂的香檳當中,Prosecco無疑是很高物值的氣泡酒,在悠閒的下午,是最能讓大家精神為之一振。喝得多 香檳也不妨試一下這些酒釀,不要因為價格低廉便看不上眼,我們覺得她的個性也是香檳不能帶給你的。

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18/10/13 6:26 PM

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AD-Links Concept Ad.indd 1

17/10/13 5:53 PM

The World of

Wines Every issue in The World of Wines we examine wineries around the world, exploring incredible bottles and the winemakers behind every successful brand. In this issue’s The World of Wines, we will travel to St. Emilion, one of the most beautiful wine region in the world. 每期的葡萄酒世界我們都走遍世界各地,發掘精彩的酒釀及故事跟大家分享。 今期我們走訪美麗的葡萄酒產區St. Emilion,她也是世界文化遺產之一。

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The World of


World Heritage Site Saint-Émilion 文化遺產 : Saint-Émilion小鎮 Chinese text & Images: Mabel Lai // Translation: Eddie Chui

This time we will be away from any wineries for a while to look at the


beautiful towns and their cultures. Saint-Émilion is a town established


since the Middle Age. Its name came from a missionary called Émilion,


who settled there and started to grow grapes asides from preaching and


started to make wine. He is believed to be first one to make wine there.


This town is located in the Right Bank of Bordeaux, the north highland


across the River Dorgogne. Besides vineyards and wineries, there is a lot

列入為聯合國文化遺產(UNESCO World Heritage Site)。


of historical properties in the town worth visiting. In 1999, Saint-Émilion was listed as one of the World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.


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The World of


The Town


The whole town of Saint-Émilion is built on the limestone rock

整個 Saint-Émilion 小鎮建造於石灰岩石 (limestone rock) 上,小鎮上有着

highland and the small houses are built alongside each others and


they are crossing along the streets in an irregular way. You can also

路穿插着,最大特色是這些小路都被鵝卵石 (cobblestone) 覆蓋着令小路

find that the street is covered with cobblestones in various size


which is rough to walk on. But it remains the look of the past and


with the aging shops along the village, building a great scene when overlooking from the top of the town.

四合院 這四合院是屬於修道院其中的一部份建築,內裏有一個長方型空地,空地



Cloisters are part of the Monastery, with an rectangular open area in


the middle composed of a small lawn nicely gardened. The hallway


alongside the open area makes the cloister feels holly with all the beautifully crafted pillars along. Walking in the hallway along the garden in the middle makes an peaceful experience.


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The World of


King’s Tower


In 1199, the King of England declared Saint-Émilion as an

在1199年, 大英帝國宣佈Saint-Émilion為一個獨立自治區, 而當其

Independent region. And the city was ruled by the mayor and


a Jurade of 12 members. The Jurade is the centre of laws and

治。 Jurade 自始之後有着重要的決策能力包括監管當時對經濟有着重大貢

administration, controlling the direction of city politically and


economically. They will supervise the winemaking, sales of wines

行監控。直至現在 Jurade 有個傳統的儀式,就是每逢六月及九月份第三個

and even the harvest of grapes. Until now they are highly respected

星期日 Jurade 的所有成員便會穿著紅色的長袍步行至 King’s Tower ,並走

and traditional ceremonies will be held on the third Sunday of June


and September. All the members of the Jurade will be on their


crimson robes and walk to the King’s Tower. They will climb up to the rooftop and declare the results about the year’s wine quality standards in June. In September, they will declare the start of the harvest season. These are the period that the town becomes the most crowded of visistors.


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The World of


Bell Tower of Monolithic Church


This could be regarded as the sign of the town, and is an important

這個鍾樓亦是世界文化遺產之一,他樓高 68 米,一共有 196 級樓梯,如果

listed historic property. With a height of 68 metres of 196 steps,

可以一口氣到達頂層,便可俯瞰整個 Saint-Émilion 小鎮的美景,圍繞着鍾

you could reach the highest point in Saint-Émilion, overlooking the


whole town. There are restaurants surrounding the Church with

甜美, 最好有杯波爾多不甜乾白酒伴佐。

some tasty mussels cooked with herbs, best to be paired with a dry white wines from Bordeaux.

多爾多涅河 遊過 Saint-Émilion 小鎮後相信差不多到黃昏時份,離開前一定要到多爾多

Dordogne River


After a day spending in Saint-Émilion, you must go by the River


Dorgogne to see the fantastic sunset, with ducklings on the river and birds flying along the river, finishing a day of a fascinating journey in Saint-Émilion.


17/10/13 9:45 PM


Cru Spirit

Gold 黃金

“Form is substance brought to the surface.” Victor Hugo “外在是本質賦予的表象”— 維克多.雨果

Text: Eddie Chui

Hennessy X.O has just released the new Exclusive Collection. Since the creation of the Henessy X.O by Maurice Hennessy in 1870, the lengenary decanter design was finally created by Marquis Gérald de Geoffre in 1947 and become the symbol of execellent Cognac. After 140 years the sixth Exclusive Collection continues to be inspiring for collectors. It is encased in a faceted box reminiscent of a mineral carved over time by the elements, the surface of the carafe, cloaked in gilded lacquer, elegantly veils the precious cognac lying within. 軒 尼 詩 X.O 剛 推 出 了 全 新 的 限 量 版 , 自 1870 年 代 面 世 後 , 於 1947 年 由

Maurice Hennessy的侄子 Marquis Gérald de Geoffre為軒尼詩 X.O設計了現 在無人不懂,獨一無異的酒瓶,經過 140年,這次第六代限量珍藏版延續 了創新的步伐,詮釋百年經典。富現代感的幾何圖型切割的酒座,放上擁 有動人曲線,閃耀著流金光澤的酒瓶。展現著瓶中的極品干邑。

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18/10/13 6:11 PM

AD_Piper.indd 1

17/10/13 5:52 PM


Cru Review Annual Party

Last month the online wineshop, which is operated

由Links Concept開設的 WineShopAsia.com網上酒窖剛於月初於中國會舉

by Links Concept has held an annual party at The China Club. Before the


dinner, a wine tasting section was held by representatives from different


wineries, who came far from different regions, like the Louis Latour from

有:勃艮第的著名生產商 Louis Latour 、葡萄牙的 Dow’s 、阿爾薩斯的 Paul

Burgundy, Dow’s Port from Portugal, Domaine Paul Blanck from Alsace,

Blanck;隆河區的 Paul Jaboulet Aine;還有其他由 Links Concept代理酒

Paul Jaboulet Aine from Rhône. Besides Links Concept also showcase

莊,包括意大利Antinori、澳洲Mitolo、法國香檳Louis Roederer、Billecart-

wines they represent, like wines by the Antinori family in Italy, Mitolo from

Salmon,法國Les Jamelles葡萄酒等等。少不了的當然還有豐富的抽獎,包

Australia, Champagne Louis Roederer and Champagne Billecart-Salmon,

括Louis Roderer的頂級香檳Cristal及Antinori的Tignanello酒釀。各款葡萄酒

and Les Jamelles wines from France, etc. It was ended with a grand


lucky draw featuring prizes like the Cristal Champagne and Tignanello by


Antinori, etc. It was also a great experience to pair these wines with the traditional Chinese food by The China Club. We are looking forwards to the next dinner or tasting event by, stayed tuned.


17/10/13 9:47 PM


Cru Review


17/10/13 9:47 PM


Cru Review

Grand Voyage of Morrison Bowmore Distillers Launch

Last Month, Asia Euro Wines & Spirits (H.K.) Ltd (“Asia Euro”) has became

歐亞洋酒(香港)有限公司在今年 7 月 1 日取得了蘇格蘭三個威士忌品牌的

the distributor of 3 Scotch Single Malt Whisky in HK and Macau, including:

香港代理權,將Bowmore、Auchentoshan及Glen Garioch這三款不同風格

Bowmore, Auchentoshan and Glen Garioch. They have a great party at

的單一純麥威士忌帶給香港酒友。在灣仔Quarterdeck Club舉行了名為Grand

The Quarterdeck Club in Wan Chai, celebrating with Mr Gordon Dundas,

Voyage of Morrison Bowore Distillers Launch派對,特意邀請了酒廠的品牌

Brand Ambassador for Europe and Asia for Morrison Bowmore Distillers

大使Mr. Gordon Dundas,以及黃德斌先生(Mr. Kenny Wong)與官恩娜小

Ltd (MBD), celebrities Ms Ella Koon and Mr Kenny Wong as guests of

姐(Ms Ella Koon)等嘉賓,從中環乘遊艇到灣仔分域碼頭,參加這盛宴。

honour to the ceremony. They took a yacht ride from Central to the pier besides the restaurant to join The Grand Voyage of Morrison Bowmore


Distillers Launch.

的小食、生蠔,以至雪茄配襯。而品牌大使Gordon也為大家介紹了Bowmore 、Auchentoshan及Glen Garioch三間酒廠的威士忌,還特意為Kenny與Ella

Different whiskies from the 3 Distilleries were served with different canapés,


oysters and then some cigars as well. Gordon also introduced the difference of the 3 distilleries and demonstrate some cocktails togehter with Ella and Kenny with the 3 whiskies. It is a different style of enjoying whisky besides the traditional straight, on the rock and with water.


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Cru Review


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AD-Jeeves.indd 1

17/10/13 6:14 PM


CruLifestyle As the fashion capitals of the world change and evolve rapidly with different trends and idols, we have to adapt quickly. At Cru Lifestyle, we search for the latest ideas around the world for colourful restaurants and cuisines, bright fashions and playthings, and elegant hotels.


Cru Lifestyle這裡,我們每一期都會為大家送上多姿多彩的餐廳美食資訊、時尚玩 物、以及世界各地的一級酒店介紹。

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17/10/13 7:32 PM

Hotel Life


Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel A Timeless Old Favourite 永遠的九香 Text: Jonathan Li

The Kowloon Shangri-la is one of the older grande dames among Hong Kong hotels and one that is among my favourites since its opening. While recent openings are more in focus so to speak, no new hotel can beat this old favourite in comfort and service, as well as in value for money. 九龍香格里拉酒店是一間香港「有歷史性」的大酒店,自開幕以來就一直是我的至愛之一。新酒店也許較出鋒頭,但沒有任 何酒店能在舒適度,服務質量,和性價比(物值)上勝過「九香」。

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18/10/13 6:10 PM

Hotel Life


688 really spacious rooms are decorated in a traditional style to

no less. A new chef has brought to it a new innovative menu. The

a high standard, with amenities that include a very useful trouser

Lobby Lounge also serves my favourite high tea of Hong Kong,

press in my Horizon floor room, in addition to luxurious standards

with its deep sofas not arm chairs for homely comfort. No doubt

such as Nespresso coffee, ironing, all-in-one office machine, and

the Kowloon Shangri-la is a great Hong Kong address for me.

fast free internet. But it is the attention to details that impresses me greatly, such that shoe-trees are provided. My room overlooking


Wanchai waterfront provides the best harbour view I have seen,


as the huge bay window virtually opens on the water.

A curved


bathroom wall hiding the wardrobe and minibar amenities breaks


the monotonous usual square of a hotel room, all adding to a most


comfortable stay.


It pays to stay at Horizon Club because it offers much. Great


breakfast is served in that you are not only enjoying an extensive


buffet but also individual-cooked choices including congee,


noodles or a Japanese set. Dinner snacks are in reality a full meal. 我一直是中餐廳香宮的客人,這間一直擁有米芝連二星的餐廳換上新廚師,

I have been a customer of the Chinese restaurant Shang Palace


for a long time and this Michelin 2* restaurant still impresses me


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18/10/13 6:10 PM

Art Life



rt and Culture at HAJI

文化與藝術在夏至 Text by Mini 夏至Photos by michaelmichaelmichael, HAJI Team. Hair ( Mini ) by Pius Yiu 姚派 ( )

HAJI Gallery presents LeeLeeLee… Hong Kong Is Still Alive art exhibition 《李李李…香港未死》藝術展 by Lemon Lee, Matt Lee, and Michael Lee

Not sure, not yet, not known, the word begins with ‘not’ gives us lots of possibilities. Three Artists, the LeeLeeLee, promote the “why not” theory at their group exhibition. Lemon Lee, who has exhibited his debut photography show at HAJI Gallery, Michael Lee, who is the owner of HAJI Gallery and exhibited his works at many exhibitions before, with a new blood, Matt Lee, exhibit their

Opening: Oct 03 (Thursday), 2013 Exhibition Period: Oct 03 – Oct 16 2013 Venue: HAJI Gallery. G/F, 12-14 Lok Ku Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 開幕 : 2013年10月3日 (星期四) 展期 : 2013年10月3日–10月16日 地點 : HAJI Gallery. 香港上環樂古道12-14號地下

works at HAJI Gallery from Oct 03 – Oct 16, 2013. “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous.”— Queen Victoria. This famous quote ‘not only’ reflects the truth, The LeeLeeLee believe that this art exhibition may keep Hong Kong alive. 未來未死未知未必未然…未,存在很多可能性。 三位姓李的藝術家,以《李李李…香港未死》為大題,創作藝術作品及展 出攝影作品。人活著不單靠食物,我們有沒有真正活過?藝術可以把不同 界別的人連線起來,維多利亞女皇曾經說過:「要小心藝術家,因為他們 可以混合社會不同階級的人,所以是最危險的。」未只…這句名句,可反 映藝術可能是讓人活著的必需品,當大眾認為藝術都不關我的事的同時, 藝術無時無刻都影響著你你你的生活。

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17/10/13 7:20 PM

Art Life


HAJI Gallery G/F, 12-14 Lok Ku Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. HAJI Tel : 2891-1964

Subjective Objects | HK HAJI Gallery 特約靳埭強策展《香港物誌》藝展 Curated by Doctor Kan Tai Keung, this art exhibition is all about Hong Kong. Nine artists make use of some selected objects to express their feeling towards Hong Kong. Which object touched you the most? The Piggy bank painted by Kan Tai Keung reflected the money saving childhood? Stanley Wong’s Casserole , Jar, ball and the bowl ? How about Freeman Lau’s female and male chairs installation art? Rex Chan’s remake of cinema tickets and ferry tickets? Benny Au’s paper cards, which bring us to the memories of traditional children card games? Do you like paper sculpture, dim sum and mah jong, hand cutted by Chau So Hing? Clement Yick’s water-color painting remind us the old Hong Kong? Hung Keung’s flying envelopes? Margaret Chu’s Ripped Room Rabbit (sub-divided flats rabbit)? Which generation belongs to you? What is Hong Kong to you? 靳埭強策展,關與香港,以物為題的藝術展。香港有什麼物件,既代表香港,又觸 動你的?是不是靳埭強所創作的八隻豬仔錢罌《多福篇》,有沒有另你想起儲蓄的 童年?是又一山人的《西瓜波遇上青花米通》,以砂煲碗來建築的燭台嗎?是劉小 康以男女性別的椅子裝置,對望一張灣仔的照片?是陳漢標再畫舊傳票,舊戲飛的 情懷嗎?是區德誠的公仔紙藝術,見証簡單的傳統童年玩意?是周素卿的紙雕,用 紙張,手雕點心燒賣和麻將?是易達華的水彩畫,繪出香港人情?是洪強的凌空信 封的訊息?定還是朱卓慧的立體劏房兔,反映切實的現在?不同年代的香港都藏在 小小的畫廊內,你的香港屬於哪個年代?

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17/10/13 7:20 PM

Cru Suppliers A







J C/0 M/100 Y/60 K/40








Supplier Page034.indd 1

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State-of-the-Art Wine Cellars




The terroir The soil is poor, composed of limestone, sandstone and Upper Cretaceous marine shale. The sea air from the Bay of Bandol compensates for the terroir’s acidity and low rainfall. Tasting notes Garnet robe. A complex nose with red fruit, wild strawberry, leather and spice notes – as well as a hint of liquorice freshness. A lively bite and rounded tannins contribute to a suave overall effect in the mouth.

Grape varieties Mourvèdre 80% + Grenache 20%

Links Concept Company limited Address: 18/F, The Sun’s Group Centre,200 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai Tel: (852) 2802 2818 //

Supplier Page034.indd 2

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Distribution List Hotels & Club Houses The Repulse Bay Hong Kong 109 Repulse Bay Road, HK 淺水灣淺水灣道109號 The Luxe Manor 39 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN, HK 九龍尖沙咀金巴利道39號 Garden East G/F, 222 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, HK 灣仔皇后大道東222號地下 Grand Hyatt HK 1 Habour Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔港灣道1號 Hotel Nikko Hong Kong 72 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN, HK 尖沙咀東麼地道72號 Hotel Icon 17 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, KLN, HK 九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道17號 Hullett House 2 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀廣東道2號 Hyatt Regency Hong Kong 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀河內道18號 Island Shangri-La Hong Kong Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road, Central, HK 香港中區法院道太古廣場

JW Marriott Hong Kong Pacific Place, 88 Queensay, Admiralty, HK 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場 Langham Place Mongkok, Hong Kong 555 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, KLN 旺角上海街555號 Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 5 Connaught Road, Central, HK 中環干諾道中5號 Regal Hong Kong Hotel 88 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣怡和街88號富豪香港酒店 Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Tower 20 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道20號 The Mira 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道118號 W Hong Kong 1 Austin Road West, KLN 西九龍柯士甸道西1號

The Landmark Mandarin Oriental 15 Queen’s Road Central, The Landmark, Central, HK 中環皇后大道中15號置地廣場 The Excelsior Hong Kong 281 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣告士打道281號 The City View 23 Waterloo Road, KLN 九龍窩打老道23號 The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, KLN 九龍柯士甸道西環球貿易廣場 Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel 5/F, Harbour City, KLN, HK 九龍尖沙咀海港城5樓 Hotel LKF 33 Wyndham Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, HK 中環蘭桂芳雲咸街33號 Hotel Panorama 8A Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 九龍尖沙咀赫德道8號A

Intercontinental Hong Kong 18 Salisbury Road, KLN 九龍梳士巴利道18號

Hong Kong Skycity Marriott Hotel 1 Sky City Road East, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, HK 新界大嶼山天城東路1號

Intercontinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong 70 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, KLN 九龍尖沙咀東麼地道70號

Novotel Hong Kong Century 238 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔謝菲道238號

The Peninsula Hong Kong Salisbury Road, KLN 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道

Renaissance Hotel 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔港灣道1號

Regal Kowloon Hotel 71 Mody Road, TST, KLN 尖沙咀麼地道71號 Conrad Hong Kong Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, HK 金鐘皇后大道88號太古廣場 Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel 1 Castle Peak Road, Gold Coast, HK 香港青山道1號 Chinese Recreation Club, Hong Kong (CRC) 123 Tung Lo Wan Road, Tai Hang, HK 大坑銅鑼灣道123號 Kowloon Cricket Club 10 Cox’s Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 覺士道10號九龍木球會 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Kellett Island, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣奇力島 The American Club 48-49/F, Exchange Square Two, Central, HK 中環交易廣場第二座48-49樓 The China Club 13/F, The Old Bank of China Building, Central, HK 中環德輔道中2A中國銀行大廈13樓-14樓 The Hong Kong Golf Club 19 Island Road, Deep Water Bay, HK 深水灣香島道19號

Bars & Restaurants agnes b. Café Shop 1 & 2A, Fashion Walk, 2-4 Kingston Street, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣京士頓街2-4號1-2A舖

The latest Italian dining concept brings authentic regional tastes from Italy, serving this best-loved cuisine in a relaxed and rustic setting, with stunning harbour views. Nestled within the Hong Kong Arts Centre, it offers a new dining experience that rolls artistic vibe and impeccable hospitality into one. It has been awarded the seal Ospitalità Italiana, a certificate recognizing Assaggio’s authentic Italian cuisine and recommended by the Michelin Guides.

Address: 6/F Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2877 3999 Website:

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Café Siam is one of the city’s most established Thai restaurants and the only Michelin-recognized establishment in Hong Kong, Café Siam is a tranquil respite from the hustle & bustle of Lan Kwai Fong.

Address: 2/F – 3/F, The Plaza, 21 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2851 4803 Website:

Agnes b. Café Shop 2402K, level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tism Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀海港城港威商場二階2402K號鋪 Ambrosia (Osyter Bar & Grill) Shop 2802, 28/F, iSquare, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道63號國際廣場28樓2802號舖 Angel’s Share 2/F, Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Road, Central, HK 中環蘇豪荷李活道23號金珀苑2樓 Backstage Live Restaurant 1/F, 52-54 Willington Street, Central, HK 中環威靈頓街52-54號1樓 Bar Aedes 14 Yuen Yuen Street, Happy Valley, HK 跑馬地源遠街14號 Barg 1/F, 3 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣耀華街3號百樂中心1樓 Bo Innovation Shop 13, 2/F, J Residence, 60 Johnston Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔莊士敦道60號 J Senses 2樓13號舖 Café Gray Deluxe Hong Kong Level 49, The Upper House, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, HK 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場49樓 CÉPAGE / Vinum Fine Wines 23 Wing Fung Street, Wanchai, HK 灣仔永豐街23號舖 Capelli G/F, 53 Peel Street, Central, HK 中環卑利街53號地下

Chezles Copains French Restaurant G/F, 117 Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung, NT 西貢白沙灣 117 號地下 Cuisine Cuisine 3/F, The Mira, 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道118號The Mira 3樓 DG Café and Wine Cellar Limited 2 Creasy Road, Jardine’s Lookout, HK 銅鑼灣渣甸山祈禮士道2號地下 Domani Level 4, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, HK 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場4樓平台 Golden Bauhinia Cantonese Restaurant HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Centre, Wanchai, HK 灣仔金紫荊廣場 Elite Concepts – 1/5 nuevo G/F, 9 Star Street, Wanchai, HK 灣仔星街9號地下 Elite Concepts – cinecittà 2/F, Cosmo Hotel, Mongkok, 88 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KLN 旺角大角咀道88號麗悅酒店2樓 Finds 1/F, The Luxe Manor, 39 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀金巴利道39號帝樂文娜公館1樓 FoFo by el Willy 20/F, M88, 2-8 Willington Street, Central, HK 中環威靈頓街2-8號M88 20樓 G Bar Shop 4009, Podium Level Floor, IFC Mall, Central, HK 中環國際金融中心商場4樓4009舖

Gold by Harlan Goldstein Level 2, LKF Tower, 37 Wyndham Street, Central, HK 中環雲咸街37號蘭桂坊酒店2樓 H One Shop 4008, Podium Level Floor, IFC Mall, Central, HK 中環國際金融中心商場4樓4008舖 Habibi Room 3323, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Hoi Pong Road, Aberdeen, HK 香港仔田灣海旁道7號興偉中心3233號 Harbour City – BLT Burger 301, L3, Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀海運大廈商場3樓301號舖

Indochine 4/F, The Plaza, 21 D’Aguilar Street, Central, HK 中環蘭桂坊德己立街21號4樓 Intercontinental Hong Kong – Steak House Steak House, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號, STEAK HOUSE Island Tang Shop 222, The Galleria, 9 Queen’s Road, Central, HK 中環皇后大道中9號嘉軒廣場222舖 Jimmy’s Kitchen C & C1, G/F, 29 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀亞厘士道29號九龍大廈地下C及C1舖

Harbour City – BLT Steak 62, G/F, Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀海運大廈商場地下62號舖

Juliette’s Wine Bar Shop B, G/F & 1/F, Kin Wah House, 176-178 Tung Lo Wan Road, Tai Hang, HK 天后銅鑼灣道176-178號1樓及地下B舖

Harbour City – HABITU Ristorante 63-63A, G/F, Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀海運大廈商場地下63及63A號舖

Jumbo Kingdom Shum Wan Pier Drive, Wong Chuk Hang, HK 香港仔黃竹坑深灣碼頭徑

Harbour City – The Quarterdeck Kowloon 531, G/F, Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀海運大廈商場地下531號舖

Kee Club 6/F, 32 Willington Street, Central, HK 中環威靈頓街32號6樓

Hip Holiday 7/F, Parekh House, 63 Wyndham Street, Central, HK 中環雲咸街63號巴力大廈7樓

L’atelier de Joel Robuchon Shop 401, 4/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road, Central, HK 中環皇后大道西15號置地廣場401舖

Home Bar & Lounge 23/F, Continental Diamond Plaza, 525 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道525號恆和鑽石大廈23樓

Lawry’s The Prime Rib Hong Kong 4/F, The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園1期4樓

Hyde Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrance, Central, HK 中環擺花街1號中環大廈2-3樓

Le Mieux Bistro 1/F, 83 Wan Chai Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔灣仔道83號1樓

Domani Ristorante’s menu combines the best of the cutting-edge and the traditional in the world of Italian cuisine. With regular visiting guest chefs and winemakers from overseas, and a highly trained team of Italian chefs here at home, the restaurant caters to guests who believe that the geography and culture behind each dish play an essential part in the fine dining experience. Address : Level 4, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty Tel : 2111-1197 Email : Website :

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With over 40 years of experience. Jeeves of Belgravia serves leading international fashion houses, the Royal Family of England and all those stylish individuals who care for their garments and accessories. Looking for a top quality Fashion dry cleaner in Hong Kong? The choice is simple: Jeeves of Belgravia. Email: Website: Facebook: Customer service hotline: 2973 0071 Collection and delivery hotline: 2552 7557

Madison (HK) Room 1204, 12/F, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣禮頓道77號禮頓中心12樓1204室

Rice Paper Shop P413-418, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causewy Bay, HK 銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心4樓P413-418

The Drawing Room JIA Boutique Hotel, 1-5 Irving Street, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣伊榮街1-5號

French Chamber 21/F, On Hing Building, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central, HK 中環安慶泰1號安慶大廈21樓

Miyabi Japanese Fine Dining 18/F, The One, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 18樓

Ruth’s Chris Steak House G/F, Empire Centre, 68 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀麼地道68號帝國中心地下G4號舖

The French Window Shop 3101-07, 3/F, IFC Mall, Central, HK 中環國際金融中心商場3樓3101-07號

Hair Corner 9/F, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心9樓

NanHai No.1 (eyebar) 30/F, iSquare, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道63號國際廣場30樓

Sevva 25/F, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Road, Causeway Bay, HK 中環遮打道10號太子大廈25樓

O³ 5/F, Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing, Island East, Quarry Bay, HK 太古城道18號太古城中心5樓 North Carolina Grill Restaurant & Bar 7/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street, Central, HK 中環蘭桂坊雲咸街33號LKF Tower7樓 Oyster Cube Restaurant Shop C1, G/F, Seabright Plaza, 9-23 Shell Street, North Point, HK 北角蜆殼街9-23號秀明中心地下C1舖 Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restsurant Shop 313, 3/F, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK 尖沙咀河內道18號K11, 3樓313舖 Pata Negra House Shop E, G/F, Tung Cheung Building, 1 Second Street, Hong Kong 西環西營盤第二街1-11號東祥大廈地下 Red (pure) 4/F, Two IFC, 8 Finance Street, Central, HK 中環港景街8號國際金融中心商場二期4樓

St. George Hullett House 1/F, Main Building, 2A Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀廣東道2號A, Main Building 1樓 Steik World Meats Shop 314, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館314舖 Sun Tong Lok Chinese Cuisine 4/F, Miramar Shopping Centre, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華商場4樓D號舖 Tapeo 19 Hollywood Road, Central HK 中環蘇豪荷李活道19號 Tastings Wine Bar B/F, 27-29 Wellington Street, Central, HK 中環威靈頓街27-29號元益大廈地庫 The Box Shop 4010, Podium Level Floor, IFC Mall, Central, HK 中環國際金融中心商場4樓4010舖

The Peak Lookout 121 Peak Road, The Peak, Hong Kong 香港山頂道121 號 Whizk Innovation Tele: 3487 1715 WooLooMooLoo 31/F & Rooftop, The Hennessy, 256 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔軒尼詩道256號The Hennessy 31樓及頂樓 Level 21, The One, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 21樓 Yellow Door Kitchen 6/F, 37 Cochrane Street, Central, HK 中環閣麟街37號祥興商業大廈6樓 Zuma Level 5 & 6, the Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road, Central, HK 中環皇后大道中15號置地廣場5樓及6樓

Lifestyle & Luxury Stores Christie’s Hong Kong Limited 22/F, Alexandra House, 18 Chater Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 中環遮打道18號歷山大廈22樓 Elegant Watch & Jewellry Shop C, G/F, Wheelock House, 20 Pedder Street, Central, HK 中環畢打街20號會德豐大廈地下C舖

Harvey Nichols The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road, Central, HK 中環皇后大道中15號置地廣場 Harvey Nichols Sopexa Hong Kong Room 2001, 20/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, HK 灣仔皇后大道東 183號合和中心20樓 2001室 HK Wine Judges Association Unit 1502, Perfect Comm Bldg, 20 Austin Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀柯士甸道20號保發商業大廈15樓1502室 Reddot Optic Shop 3, Basement, Woodhouse, 36-44 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 36-44號活方商場地庫3號鋪 Gilman Galleries G/F, 1 Gilman Street, Central, HK 中環機利文街52號地下 Shop 203, Level 2, Grand Central Plaza, Shatin, NT 沙田新城市中央廣場 L2 203號鋪 Shop 313B, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK 尖沙咀海洋中心313B鋪 Shop 710-711, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, HK 灣仔皇后大道東183 號合和中心710-711室

Messina, named after a city in Sicily, features the finest cuisine from southern Italy. Diners can enjoy a few drinks before their meal at the bar located near the entrance, with window-side tables overlooking Victoria Harbour.





In  December  2012,  Messina  received  a  “Particularly  Pleasant” recommendation in the MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau 2013.



Messina 以 意 大 利 西 西 里 一 個 城 市 命 名 , 主 打 意 國 南 部 美 饌 。 進 餐 前 不 妨在入口處的酒吧淺嚐美酒,倚窗座位可飽覽璀璨維港美景。去年12 月, Messina 獲得米芝蓮「上佳餐廳」推介。



Address: 5/F, Harbourfront Landmark, 11 Wan Hoi St, Hung Hom Tel: 3746 2733 Website:

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17/10/13 7:25 PM

Zeitgeist [tsīt-ˌgīst, ˈzīt-], the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. Loft [ˈlȯft], an upper room or floor. When combined, it became an intellectual and innovative wine boutique, specializing in the finest and rare California cult wines. Our philosophy is to share our passion with the most unique experiences to the people who love wine.

Wine Shops & Cellars 96 Bonham - The Wine Shop Ground Floor, No. 96 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, HK 香港上環文咸東街96號地下 Apex Cellar Limited 10-11 UG South Seas Centre, 75 Mody Rd., Tsimshatsui East,Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍尖沙咀東麼地道75號南洋中心 地下高層10-11號 ASC Fine Wines Unit 1804, 18/F, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣禮頓道77號禮頓中心18樓1804室 Angeleno Wine Merchant Suite 2205, Metro Center Phase II, 21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, KLN, HK 九龍灣臨興街21號美羅中心2期2205室

Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited 2/F, 5 Lan Fong Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣蘭芳道5號2樓 Delish 1401A, Block B, Seaview Estate, 2-8 Watson Road, North Point, HK 香港北角海景大廈屈臣道2-8號1401A, B座

Lions Cellar 1/F, 518 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣謝斐道518號1樓

Grande Passione Ltd. 605 Yu Yuet Lai Building, 43-55 Wyndham Street, Central, HK 中環雲咸街43-55號余悅禮行605號

Maxscene Wineshop Unit 611-612, 6 Floor, Hewlett Centre 54 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong M & J Vineyards (HK) Ltd. Room C, 12/F, Shing Lee Com Building, 6-12 Wing Kut Street, Central, HK 中環永吉街6-12號誠利商業大廈12樓C室

GDV Fine Wines Shop B1, G/F, 313 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔洛克道313號B1地鋪

Mayfair Fine Wines (HK) Co., Ltd. Shop 1C, 1/F, Entertainment Building, 30 Queen’s Road Central, HK 中環皇后大道中30號娛樂行1樓C舖

G/F, 73 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環威靈頓街73號地鋪

Merit Wine Boutique Unit 2, 2/F, Metro Centre 2, 21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, KLN 九龍灣臨興街21 號美羅中心2期2樓2室

G/F, 50 Kimberley Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀金巴利道50號地鋪

Monsieur CHATTÉ 121 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, HK 香港上環文咸東街121號地下

Bordeaux etc G01, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道77號禮頓中心G01號舖

Hong Kong Wine Vault 5-6/F, 52 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, HK 黃竹坑黃竹坑道52號合隆工業大廈5-6樓

Burgundy etc Unit 404,4/f Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環畢打街12號畢打行4樓404號

Horizon Cellars Wine & Spirit Merchants 1012 Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau, HK 鴨利洲利榮街2號新海怡廣場10樓1012室

Champagne etc G/F, 19 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環擺花街19號地下

Independent Wine Centre (IWC) 1603 Skyline Centre, 71-77 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, HK 香港上環永樂街 71-77 號 嘉匯商業中心 1603 室

Collezione La Cave Unit 12B, 2/F, Block A, Shatin Industrial Centre, Room 202, Yip Fung Industrial Building, 5-7 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin, HK D’Aguilar Street, Central, HK MM Advertising - ISSUE (July 2013) - 2-18 210x85mm - OP-V3.pdf 1 沙田源順圍5﹣7號沙田工業中心A座2樓12B室 香港德己笠街2-18號業豐大廈202室

Odd 750 Factory C, 10/F, Block II, Camelpaint Building, No.62, Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, KLN 九龍觀塘開源道62號駱駝漆大廈2座10樓C室


Ponti Food & Wine Cellar Shop B1001, B1/F, Miramar Shopping Centre, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華商場地下B1001號 Shop B2, B1F Alexandra House, 18 Chater Road, Central, HK 中環遮打道18號歷山大廈地下一樓B2鋪 Ground PM Floor, 3 Yuen Yuen Street, Happy Valley, HK 5:44 跑馬地源遠街3號地下

Shop 356, 3/F., Phase 2, Telford Plaza, Kowloon Bay, KLN 九龍灣德福廣場二期3樓356號鋪 Spanish Wine Club Unit 03-04, 22/F, Chuang’s Enterprises Building, 382 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, HK 香港灣仔駱克道382號莊士企業大廈22樓03-04室 The 8 Estate Winery Unit 302, 3/F, Harbour Industrial Center, 10 Lee Hing Street, Ap Lei Chow, HK 香港鴨脷洲利興街10號港灣工貿中心3樓302室 Vintelligence Unit 2, G/F, Tai Yip Building, 141 Johnston Road, Wanchai, HK 灣仔莊士敦道141號大業大廈地下2號 Vinvautz Galleries Shop B2, Basement, Star House Plaza, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行廣場地下層B2-3號鋪 voi_la! Shop 103, 1/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, HK 灣仔港灣道26號華潤大廈1樓103室 Shop G01A, G/F, Man Yee Building, No.68 Des Voeux Road Central, Central. 中環德輔道中68號萬宜大廈地下G01A舖 G/F, 6 Humphreys Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀堪富利士道6號地下 Shop 3B, 1/F, Crocodile Center, 79 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong 觀塘開源道79號鱷魚恤中心1樓3B舖 Shop 1B, G/F, Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan, 28 Des Voeux Road West 上環德輔道西28號宜必思香港中上環酒店1B號舖









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17/10/13 7:25 PM

Cru magazine special subscription offer Dynasty Medium Dry White Wine Muscat is a grape variety that was already known to the Romans who called it “apianae” in reference to its honey smell in the vineyard that attracted bees. Its nose is

Georges Duboeuf Moulin a Vent Prestige 2005 Ruby-red color with aromas of blueberry,

seductive, suggesting a flowery first approach for those

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round mouth turns well, and aging in oak casks gives particular distinction to this wine.

The palate is harmonious and layered, starting with a

Distinguished and harmonious.

sweet honeyed touch leading to crispness highlighting the presence of citrus and tropical fruits such as ripe pineapple and some hints of lychee. The finish is dry for a light body, leaving a very pleasant impression in the mouth.

Acclaims: Wine Spectator 90 pts Decanter World Wine Awards – Regional Trophy Price : $450

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