2023 Otsego Plainwell Chamber Directory

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2023-2024 VISITOR’S GUIDE & BUSINESS DIRECTORY Otsego Plainwell A R E A C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E EVENTS THINGS TO DO SHOPPING DINING www.otsegoplainwellnow.org W e l c o m e t o
(269) 685-9557 7 (269) 375-6476 PLAINWELL KALAMAZOO 1 (269) 962-5749 SPRINGFIELD www.steensmalawn.com S N O W P L O W S JOYFU LLY SE RVI NG WEST M IC H IGAN! • 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU •
1 www otsegoplainwellnow org CONTENTS Welcome to Otsego/Plainwell . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Board Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Director Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Getting Here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Business & Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13 History 14-15 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17 Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19 Libraries 21 Veteran Memorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Useful Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Member Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-36 Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce 135 E Allegan • Otsego, MI 49078 Visit our website for office hours www.otsegoplainwellnow.org 269-694-6880 email: otsegoplainwellnow@gmail com Photos Courtesy of: Becky Martin Photography (cover & Four Roses Cafe), Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce, City of Otsego, City of Plainwell, Otsego Public Schools, Plainwell Community Schools, Otsego District Library, Ransom District Library, and Otsego Historical Society Editorial content provided by Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce Publication produced by Community Shoppers Guide for the Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce Ginger Titus CFP®, AAMS ™ Financial Advisor 711 E Allegan St Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-1548 By appointment only Morgan Yaw CFP®, AAMS ™ Financial Advisor 101 S Main St Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-1181 By appointment only edwardjones.com Member SIPC Complimentary investment review. Matt Goodwin Financial Advisor 711 E Allegan St Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-1548 By appointment only David Rowe Financial Advisor 113 E. Allegan St. Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-2280 By appointment only

Welcome to Otsego/Plainwell

Thank-you for picking up our Otsego-Plainwell Chamber of Commerce Visitor ’s Guide. This is a great reference tool filled with useful information about businesses in our communities as well as our communities in general This guide aides in our mission to support businesses and encourage strong partnerships in Plainwell and Otsego - two cities, one community!

Within these pages is useful information about the variety of business products and services our communities can provide to you as well as our calendar of Chamber and community events for you to review. We encourage business and community members to engage in activities to assist in strengthening the ties that connect and build our communities There are activities planned to fit all types of businesses, individuals, and families In addition, you can find a Directory of Chamber Members who support the Chamber of Commerce in Otsego-Plainwell We encourage all local community members and visitors to visit these members, support local businesses and patronize our community and government organizations.

The Otsego-Plainwell Chamber of Commerce continues to grow and provide more and more benefits to our chamber members and communities The Chamber offers networking opportunities, monthly meetings, social events, educational events as well as supporting our communities with festivals and large community events as well.

Otsego and Plainwell are wonderful places to do business and choose to live As the Chamber President I want to welcome you to our communities and encourage you to visit our website otsegoplainwellnow.org for more information and to review our calendar Our chamber has a full-time director so feel free to reach out to our office with any questions you may have

We look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve our businesses, communities and any need you may have

2023-2024 Chamber of Commerce Board President


2023-2024 Chamber of Commerce Board Members




3 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
Michelle Morton Coldwell Banker Sneller Real Estate E.J. Hart Hart’s Jewelry Tom Holmes Modern Woodmen of America Patti Herm Patti Herm School of Dance Susan Christopher Parker Hannifin Hydraulic Pumps & Systems Division PRESIDENT Ginger Titus Edward Jones VICE PRESIDENT Ron Jaeck Miller-Schuring Agency SECRETARY Michelle Krcatovich West Michigan Works TREASURER Mike Kimble Mike Kimble CPA Barb Bechtel Barbed Wire Cafe Brian Perry Tavares Industries Clarissa McDonald Preferred Insurance Services, LLC Jim Szilagyi Lynx Golf Course Steve Tyre Plainwell Ace Hardware Matt Montange Plainwell Community Schools Jeff Haase Otsego Public Schools Dave Rayman City of Otsego

Executive Director - Welcome

On behalf of our OtsegoPlainwell Area Chamber of Commerce Welcome! My name is Jenny Boerman, and I became the Executive Director in June of 2018. I was raised in Plainwell and graduated from Plainwell H.S in 1997, then headed not too far to the south to Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo There I received a Bachelor Degree in Tourism, and minor in Business in 2002 I came to the Chamber with experience in marketing, event planning, sales and business operation management Partnered with experience, I have a drive to promote the best interests of a city, and the businesses and organizations that are working hard to build prosperity into its

community I am enthusiastic about Otsego and Plainwell, not because it’s where I grew up and where I live now, but also because I love the small town charm and the friendly people here

Our Chamber is currently 225 members strong A year of membership brings opportunities to expand your business or organization, and grow our strength and unity in the community All regions do benefit where its businesses and community groups come together in partnership with their local chamber According to the Shapiro Group, 49% of consumers are more likely to think favorably of a local business if it is a member of a local Chamber, and 80% are more likely to purchase a product or service from a Chamber member Membership will foster invaluable business connections through networking opportunities such as our “After Hours Business Mixers” and our Lunch & Learns. The Chamber promotes your business and the Otsego-Plainwell communities on our website, through social media, hosting events, and organizing festivals.

So, join us! I’d love to tell you more about our Chamber and how we can help your business grow!

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to support businesses and encourage strong leadership in the Otsego and Plainwell communities. Through networking, training and community events, we are committed to working together for the success and economic growth of our cities ”

4 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
Jenny Boer man Executive Director Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce
Four Roses The ultimate casual fine dining experience. Exquisite food, fun atmosphere and top-notch service. Come dine with us today. 663 10th Street, Plainwell ✬ (269)685-1077 ✬ www FourRosesCafe com Sales • Repair • Estates • Gold Buyer H a r t ’ s J e w e l r y T he Fine st ! H a r t ’ s J e w e l r y T he Fine st ! Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm; Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm, Closed Sunday and Monday 124 N. Main St, Plainwell ( 2 6 9 ) 6 8 5 - 5 2 7 4 www HartsJewelry org Engagement ...to Vintage! Something for everyone! Fine Jewelry, Watches, & more!

Otsego by The Numbers

Plainwell by The Numbers

5 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org Getting Here
Latitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42.46N Longitude 85 70W Land Area 2 01 Sq Mi Elevation 710 Ft 2020 Census Population . . . . . . .4,120 84.4% High School or Higher Educated
Latitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42.44N Longitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85.64W Land Area 2 07 Sq Mi Elevation 720 Ft 2020 Census Population . . . . . . .3,799 91.4% High School or Higher Educated Otsego is situated on M-89 about 3 miles west of Plainwell and 10 miles north of Kalamazoo Plainwell is located on M-89 just east of its junction with US 131, about 3 miles east of Otsego and 10 miles north of Kalamazoo. M o n t h l y a v e r a g e t e m p e r a t u r e f o r J u l y i s 8 2 d e g r e e s M o n t h l y a v e r a g e t e m p e r a t u r e f o r J a n u a r y i s 1 6 d e g r e e s . T h e m o s t m o n t h l y p r e c i p i t a t i o n o c c u r s i n S e p t e m b e r w i t h 4 . 3 ” . A i r q u a l i t y i n d e x i s 2 1 % b e t t e r t h a n t h e national average Pollution index is 64% better than the national average Local Weather 144 S. Main St. • Plainwell 269-685-5866 Our Realtors Live and Work Here In Our Community! COMPLETE LIST OF ALL AREA OPEN HOUSES & OUR CURRENT LISTINGS AT: www.homesbycornell.com Local R EAL ESTATE Exper tise in Your Area Since 1972! Sara Smith (616) 558-9580 RENE, E-PRO Kendra Sweeting (269) 760-4127 Wendy Conner 492-5172 Broker SFR ABR, GRI, CRS Nancy Whitney 720-1473 Assoc Broker, SFR, ABR, GRI, CRS, E-Pro Sue Cornell 694-4129 Assoc Broker, SFR, GRI, RAM, ABR RayLene Hubbard (269) 743-9069
6 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org COMING SPRING 2025 TO GUN LAKE CASINO Gun Lake Casino is a premier gaming and entertainment destination located just south of Grand Rapids. GLC features exquisite dining choices, a wide array of entertainment amenities, and a spacious gaming area. Coming Spring 2025, a $300-million 252-room 4-diamond hotel and resort, with a state-of-the-art glass atrium complex creating a year-round indoor space unique to Michigan and unlike any other in the gaming industry. e expansion features a full-service spa, multiple swimming pools, meeting space, and additional dining options. 1123 129th Ave, Wayland, MI 49348 | GunLakeCasino.com 2023 Gun Lake Tribal Gaming Authority. All right reserved. Other restrictions may apply. COMING GUN L T AKE CASINO O LAKE industr with a state-of-the-ar ea. Coming S cious gaming ar C featur GL un pr G . e expansion featur y y. t cr pring 252-r quisite enter es ex emier enter es a full-ser . ound M ear-r eating a y t oom 4-diamond hotel and r tainment spa tainment G vice spa, multiple ichigan t,esorrand 1123 129th A ayland, G W e, v 1 123 unLakeC a yland, asino.com u nLakeC

F e b r u a r y

Chocolate Stroll


M a r c h

Art Hop


A p r i l

Spring Soiree Shopping Event


Easter Egg Hunt

Plainwell and Otsego

Spring Farmers Market

Plainwell - Saturdays

M a y

Memorial Day Parades

Plainwell & Otsego

Farmers Markets

Otsego - Saturdays May - September

Plainwell - Thursdays May - September

Concerts in the Bandshell

Plainwell - May - August

J u n e

Island City Festival


J u l y

Chamber Golf Outing

Au g u s t

Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament


Sidewalk Sales


Lyrics on the Lawn

Otsego - Librar y

S e p t e m b e r

Creative Arts Festival


Art Thing

Otsego - Subject to change


c t o b e r

Pumpkins in the Park


Arts & Eats

Plainwell and Otsego

Trail for Treaters


Chamber Annual Dinner

N o v e m b e r

Ladies, Leaves & Laughter


Shop Small Saturday

Plainwell and Otsego

Indoor Farmers Market

Plainwell - Saturdays Nov - Dec

D e c e m b e r

Hometown Christmas


Christmas Parades

Plainwell and Otsego

Cards in the Park

Plainwell and Otsego

Light Up the Night/Tree Lighting


Shop the Merry Mile


Outdoor Ice Rinks

Plainwell and Otsego


- Lunch & Learns

- After Hours Business Mixers

- Ribbon Cuttings

www.otsegoplainwellnow.org - Calendar of Events
our website for updates and more information otsegoplainwellnow.org. Events are subject to change.
Ongoing Events
O t s e g o & P l a i n w e l l - C o m m u n i t y f u n ! Schedule online at: www.pattiherm.com Professional Instruction in Classical Ballet Tap • Jazz Lyrical • Hip Hop Preschool Dance - ages 3 thru adultCall (269) 694-4565 or (269) 694-5721 P a t t i H e r m S c h o o l o f D a n c e 719 E Allegan Street, Otsego, Michigan 41 Years in the Otsego/Plainwell Area!

Business & Industry - Otsego/Plainwell

Our Otsego/Plainwell business owners take great pride in offering exceptional customer service with high quality products and services, while building long term relationships in the community. We often hear from our visitors and regular patrons that our business owners are “ very friendly and very welcoming". We are proud that Otsego/Plainwell has earned this great reputation.

The Otsego/Plainwell business communities include a wide variety of small town, family-owned and corporate-friendly businesses The area currently has grocery, clothing, resale shops, beauty salons, flower shops, glass services, electrical, photography, motorcycle and printing businesses who call the Otsego or Plainwell area home We have automobile repair, new and used automobile and RV dealerships, insurance, financial advisors, banks and two funeral homes Amish furniture, restaurants, bars, medical facilities, dentists and chiropractic services all round out our area businesses

Plainwell is home to 171 businesses: 133 Commercial, of which 62 are located in our Central Business District. There are 38

Industrial Businesses housed in our Industrial Park, with over 600 employees. Our Industrial Park businesses range from one of the busiest Amazon toy distribution centers to manufacturing products for aerospace, automotive and medical, to the development of industrial ovens, and packaging supplier for major companies, just to name a few. The majority of these businesses ship internationally, as far as Australia as well as here in the U.S.

Our top 5 Plainwell employers include Plainwell Community Schools, Ascension Health (Borgess/Pipp), Life Care Center, and HyTech Spring and Machining Corp


Yo u r We l d i n g S u p p l y H e a d q u a r t e r s ALL YOUR SUPPLIES IN ONE STOP! • Welding Wire • Rods • Regulators • Welding Helmets/Masks and much more! Specializing in hard to find fasteners! Nuts, Bolts, Hoses, Abrasives, Brass Fittings & more!! Open to the Public: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Been here over 45 Years! TAN K EXCHANGE FOR WELDI NG & CUT TI NG GASES B R A V E B R A V E I N D U S T R I A L I N D U S T R I A L FA S T E N E R FA S T E N E R 687 N. 16th St. • Otsego (269)694-9491 www.bravefastener.com Milling • Welding & Fab • Cut & Drill Rig & Move • Machining • Fabrication Shop 141 N. Farmer Street • Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-3211 www.millassist.com

Business & Industry - Otsego/Plainwell

Otsego is home to 110 businesses; 95 Commercial & 15 Industrial Parker Hannifin Corporation makes many brass fittings, connectors, pneumatics-producing control devices and gauges for air-pressurized devices, and hydraulics-producing pumps and motors for a variety of needs Otsego is known for its long history of paper making on the Kalamazoo River Otsego Paper, Inc (USG) manufactures the heavy-gauge paper that covers its Sheetrock wallboard

Other well-known manufacturers in Otsego include Tengam Engineering Inc., a family-owned and operated company which produces bonded magnets used in electric motors, pumps, and sensors for the automotive, medical, aerospace, appliance and defense industries; Peloton Inc., an engineering company offering custom machine design, system integration, and more; Safari Circuits, Inc. specializing in manufacturing of electronic circuit boards and wire assemblies; and Mill Assist, a local machine shop that provides custom products and repair work including milling, welding, and fabrication, cut, drill, rig and

more FEMA Corporation specializes in manifold systems, spool valves and component manufacturing and Prime Solution is a liquid/solid separation dewatering system

Sheetrock Brand® Building Products

9 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
Proud Suppor ter Of Our Community OTSEGO
10 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org

Otsego’s Vision is “Expect Excellence” and we believe that all students can excel. We are focused on creating well-rounded individuals who are college, career and community ready

Otsego Public Schools educates more than 2300 students in three elementary schools, one middle school, one high school and an alternative high school Otsego is also home to a unique naturebased preschool building, Learn ‘ n Grow Early Childhood Education Center, and began its own virtual school, Otsego Virtual Academy, in the fall of 2021.

At Otsego, relationships come first. The culture and climate throughout the district is one of caring, concern and compassion. We know that building strong relationships with the individual student strength h i educational experience performance All staff are trained Capturing Kids’ Hearts, a nationa program that aims to help students achieve a higher level of learning through the simple concept of caring. Four of our buildings were named National Showcase Schools for 2022-23.

Along with the core subjects, our students have the opportunity to take a number of electives. At the elementary, all students take art, music, technology, Spanish, health and physical education each week. Those options continue into middle school along with engineering, STEM, choir and band and expand even further in high school OHS students can also explore AP courses, dual enrollment in college, Early College and Tech Center programming In addition, there are dozens of extra-curricular activities that embrace a variety of student interests across all grade levels from art and robotics to writing and physical activity

Our community is an integral part of an Otsego education. Students participate in, and initiate community service activities at each grade level collecting food, toys, donating blood and raising money for various causes.

tsego, we are committed to ur child’s education and uccess! Expect Excellence

Research is a driving force behind our teaching methods and educational strategies that, we feel, sets our students apart Innovative language and literacy programs along with increased physical activity programs are direct implementations of that research. Otsego is consistently among the top area schools in student achievement ranking above the state average. Otsego has received five Excellence in Education awards from the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB.)

Technology is strategic and focused at Otsego Otsego is a 1:1 technology district implementing a device for each student; teachers find new ways to engage our students in their courses with technology As trends change, we seek ways to incorporate new tools in our students’ learning Otsego offers a variety of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) opportunities in and out of the classroom.


Education - Otsego
12 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org

Plainwell Community Schools strives to be the place where every parent wants their child to be and every student loves being. Our district provides an innovative educational system with strong values; whose students are skilled in communication, problem solving, and creative and critical thinking. Our graduates are involved citizens, prepared for success in a complex and ever-changing world.

environmental laboratory for student learning. Cooper Elementary is also located off the main campus, in Cooper Township which is located on the southern tip of the district in Kalamazoo County.

In addition to its six school buildings, the district also provides an Early Childhood Education Center and maintains Hicks Gymnasium for community use. Community Education offices, Renaissance High School and PCS Adult Education are located at the newly renovated Plainwell Community Center off M-89 just outside of downtown Renaissance High School is an award-winning Alternative High School and Adult Education facility where students from all walks of life access a high-quality education through social-emotionally aligned programs for teens and adults of any age to get a diploma or equivalent Students at Renaissance can access curriculum 24/7 via an online platform and receive learning fully on-site, fully at-a-distance or through a hybrid learning program Renaissance is also home to an award-winning softball team and weight-lifting team who compete against many other alternative programs around the state

At PCS, we provide all students with a core curriculum developed from the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations and th Michigan High School Content Expectatio This curriculum defines what students should know and be able to do in the disciplines of mathematics, science, studies and English Language Arts. Also, a solid curriculum provided for all students in other critical areas such as music, the arts, physical education, health, technology, world languages, character education and career and employability skills

In addition to its Middle School STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum, Plainwell Community Schools launched Project Lead the Way (PLTW) at the High Scho in 2016 An extension of the STEM Curriculum, the high sc students who elect to take PLTW courses choose either a bio science or engineering track Both elective programs offer a different approach to learning Through activity, project and problem-based curriculum, they give students a chance to apply what they know, identify problems, find unique solutions and lead their own learning

Plainwell High School has been nationally ranked since 2013 and most recently was named to the Washington Post’s list of America’s Most Challenging High Schools. Additionally, Cooper Elementary has been named a Michigan Reward School placing it in the Top 5% of all Michigan elementary schools.

Our athletic department takes great pride in producing well-rounded athletes, many of whom strive to go on to play in college and at the professional level Most recently, in the Class of 2023, PHS had thirteen student-athletes that committed to playing sports at the college level In addition, there are two notable standout graduates - Jack Conklin, ’12, Offensive Tackle for the Cleveland Browns and Mallory Comerford, ’15, Gold Medal World Championship Swimmer – Trojan pride!

Our main campus at Plainwell Community Schools is home to our Class B High School, Middle School, Starr Elementary, Performing Arts Center, Pool Complex, Athletic Stadium and our Administrative Offices In Fall 2022, PCS broke ground on our new athletic and pool facility, which is scheduled to be the new home to Trojan swim/dive and indoor athletics in August 2024

Located off the main campus are two additional elementary school buildings. Gilkey Elementary stands on 90 acres bordering the Kalamazoo River. A large portion of this acreage has been developed as an outdoor


The district also boasts a 750-seat Performing Arts Center that showcases the district’s band and choral programs along with many shows from the three elementary schools and community groups.

Thanks to the generous members of the Plainwell community, in 2019 a 49million-dollar bond was passed so that Plainwell continue to keep our facilities date and provide a great rning atmosphere. Projects nclude renovations of our Community Center, an addition and renovations to our Middle School, renovations of all Elementary playgrounds, a ew pool and competition facility and the addition of air ning in all facilities throughout the district We are excited for the opportunities these changes will provide for Plainwell students, families, staff and community members

PCS strives to provide the absolute best educational experience possible for all students. The mission of Plainwell Community Schools is to engage, inspire, and empower every student every day. The “Work Hard and Be Nice to People” philosophy is displayed throughout the district as a reminder and for inspiration to our students, staff and families to maintain a positive learning environment for all that attend Plainwell Community Schools.

Education - Plainwell

History - Plainwell

in 1852 The City was plotted in 1863 and incorporated as a village in 1869 The first railroad arrived in 1868 and Plainwell became a city in 1934 In 2019, Plainwell celebrated our sesquicentennial.

Plainwell is located on the eastern edge of Allegan County. With its location close to Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, Plainwell is well situated within a region that has enjoyed a more stable economic atmosphere than many other Michigan communities.

Plainwell is known as the “Island City” because the downtown is completely surrounded by the Kalamazoo River and the Plainwell, MIll Race, which provides a beautiful unique setting that makes our town a beautiful quaint small town

Plainwell was established on the Plank Road (today’s Main Street) that was built between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids

The mill race was constructed across the bend in the Kalamazoo River in 1856, thus surrounding the city with water The power afforded by the river and the mill race attracted industry, including the Michigan Paper Company, later known as the Plainwell Paper Company. The paper mill was a major area employer from its opening in 1887 until it shuttered its doors in 2000 The City took ownership of the mill at that time and has facilitated redevelopment over the last several years on the property.

A premier Southwest Michigan Wedding Venue offering full weekend weddings on our spacious grounds. We provide beautiful ceremony sites among seasonal flower gardens or wooded backdrops, receptions in the event barn, lodging in the historic home for the wedding party and a secluded riverside honeymoon suite for the happy couple, all while conveniently located in downtown Plainwell. 414 N Sherwood Avenue, Plainwell, MI 49080

Photo courtesy of Alex Selent
s h er w o o d ga r d en s . n et I 2 6 9. 5 1 2 . 58 5 7

Otsego is a welcoming small-town community nestled along the Kalamazoo River, with a healthy commercial and industrial base complemented with excellent schools, beautiful parks and friendly residents

History - Otsego

bank of the Kalamazoo River near what is now the downtown block on West Allegan Street. The first school was built in 1833 and the streets were platted the same year by New York developer Horace Comstock, who built the town’s first hotel, saw mill and grain mill The power of the river downtown attracted industrial activity and soon the town was a thriving place of business and center of activity in southeast Allegan County.

Otsego’s fascinating history can be examined closer by visiting the Otsego Area Historical Museum at 218 North Farmer Street in the former 1907 Water Works Building. The museum provides permanent and rotating historical exhibits, downtown walking tours, and a Historic Happenings program on the second Thursday of each month Call 269 692-3775 for more information

Founded in 1831 by Samuel Foster, Otsego’s namesake was the New York county of the same name famous for its natural beauty and its status as the residence of writer James Fennimore Cooper.

Foster arrived with his family from Vermont and built a simple log house on the south

15 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
t s e g o , M i c h i g a n F o u n d e d i n 1 8 3 1 110 W. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-377-6645 (near Mezzo Coffee House) Hours: Wed-Sat 11am-3pm Sondra K Phillips Owner, Certified Interior Design Services (NCIDQ) sondra@skpdesign com • Full-Service Interior Design • Hourly Consultations • Window Treatments • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Wallcoverings • Fabric • Furnishings • Lighting • Framing • Retail Shopping • Consignment Shopping • Unique Gifts • Custom Gift Baskets • Regional Art R E S I D E N T I A L I N T E R I O R D E S I G N S E RV I C E S C O M M E R I C A L I N T E R I O R D E S I G N S E RV I C E S skpdesign.com
16 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org 1 2 4 3 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 13 29 20 21 2224252627 28 30 23 19 18 16 17 15 14 47 49 48 50 51 53 52 54 45 44 43 46 42 38 41 39 40 S2S4 S 3S 5 33234 353336 7 31 36B|36A S1 T 2T4 T 3T 5T T6 1 Public Parking Public Parking Sun Theater Lot N M A I N S T S M A I N S T E BRIDGE ST CITY OF Plainwell 12 55 we Plainwell T 1T3T5 2T4T6 223 2 4526 2227 543 555 9 37 3 33533 3 A4 B66|3 3 M-89 3332 8 4 S1S2 3 4 3S S4 terThea Parking S5


––––––––––––––THE PLACE TO BE –––––––––––––––––

17 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org 1. FOR SALE 2. VACANT - FOR LEASE/SALE 3. CLOSED 4. VACANT LOT 5. McDonald Productions 6. The Creative Vintage Cove 7. The Creative Vintage Cove 8. Otsego Hair Depot 9. NOT AVAILABLE 10. The Creative Vintage Cove Classroom 11. Preferred Insurance Services 12. West Michigan Glass 13. Our Table Family Restaurant 14. Otsego City Hall 15. Otsego Fire Department 16.Alano Club 17.Bob’s TrueValue Storage 18.Bob’s True Value Storage 19.VACANT 20aHarvest In Home 20bHarvest 10:2 21.Mannie’s Pizza & Subs 22.Acorn Health 23.Bob’s True Value Hardware 24.NOT AVAILABLE 25aTurn It Around 25bBecky Martin Photography 26.Smart & Simple Discounts 27.Casa Real Mexican Restaurant 28.Raven Tattoo 29.McCarty Law Office 30.OnStaff 31.Brookside Cove Massage 32.St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry 33.FOR SALE 34.Otsego Barber Shop 35.Judy’s Restaurant 36.VACANT - FOR SALE 37.SKP Design Amazing Interiors 38.Real Hardwood Floors 39. Mezzo Coffee House 40. Mezzo Coffee House 41.Otsego Health & Fitness 42.Mac’s Place 43.Community Shoppers Guide 44.Spay/Neuter Express 45.VFW Post 3030 469/8 Tattoo Collective 47.The House Light Healing Center 48.VACANT 49.Five Star Realty 50.Seven East Salon 51.Edward Jones - Tim Andrus 52.Lock Master Security 53.Maude’s Tap House 54.Liquid Note Brewing 55.Liquid Note Brewing 56.Liquid Note Brewing 57.Liquid Note Brewing 58.Otsego - Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce 59.Masonic Temple 60.Winkel Funeral Home 61.Otsego Post Office 62.Otsego Police Station 63.Otsego Museum 64.Braden’s Closet
W. Orleans W. Allegan E. Allegan P P P E. Orleans Court P P P P 8 1110 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 22 23 24 25 29 30 32 33 313435363738394049 48 45 6364 62 61 60 46 51525354555758 59 56 41 43 44 21 P 28 27 42 50 26 47 37 48 11 24 36 39-40 44 18 33 46 25b 25a 6 7 2 4 5 19
EST 1831
117 E. Orleans Street Otsego, MI 49078 (269) 692-3391
Pavilion A r t G a r d e n 1 3 9 •Cornhole •Ladder Ball •6 Hole Disc Golf •Art by Riverfront 20b 20a

Recreation - Otsego

The Otsego community offers many special ways to enjoy the beautiful seasons of Michigan. From picnics and family gatherings in the many parks to scenic views while golfing or skiing at Bittersweet Ski Resort, there is something for all to enjoy.

Brookside Park, located on East Allegan Street along the Kalamazoo River, features a gazebo, picnic tables, a covered pavilion, and overnight RV camping at no charge. The playground equipment and restrooms make this a great spot for picnics and gatherings.

Memorial Park, located on South Farmer Street, is dedicated to the many local military veterans who have served our country Memorial Park offers pickleball, volleyball and basketball courts, six ball diamonds, a large football area for younger players, a children’s play structure and a large pavilion

Northside Park is located on Watson Road. Known as Castle Park to locals, it offers a large wooden play castle, restrooms and two covered family picnic areas. An 80’x100’ skateboard area accommodates in-line skaters or skateboarders.

On the river is a kayak launch and public boat launch. An ice rink is located under the T.O.P. pavilion by the historical museum, offering the opportunity to ice skate, play hockey and host winter festivals Picnic tables, a river walk with art, 6 hole disc golf course, cornhole, and ladder ball are in the same location.

The variety of activities offered at our parks highlights the importance Otsego places on being family friendly. Come enjoy nature in the city and listen to the rustle of birds and the rush of the river

18 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
GOLF ◗ EVENTS ◗ GRILL 900 Lincoln Rd. (M-89) • Otsego (269)694-5969 Events d i n A l l e g a n C o u n t y ’ s B e s t G o l f - 5 MINUTES WEST OF US131A l l e g a n C o u n t y ’ s B e s t G o l f LYNXGC.com • Weddings • Rehearsals • Reunions • Golf Outings • Graduation Parties • Anniversary Dinners • Private Parties New Outdoor Pavilion for 2024

Plainwell features seven bridges and seven parks, each with their unique identity and amenities.

Enjoy a picnic, watch the river roll by, or put your canoe or kayak in the waters of the mighty Kalamazoo River at Fannie Pell, Sherwood, or Darrow Parks Take the kids to the playgrounds at Hicks, Kenyon, Sherwood, or Thurl Cook Parks. Sherwood Park is an all season park and offers an ice rink in the winter. Thurl Cook now offers an amazing Dog Park & 5 Pickleball courts. The Pavilions, bandshell, sports fields and gazebo can all be reserved for a small fee

Gather the team for a game of softball, catch, or soccer at Plainwell’s Kenyon Park. Enjoy the many flavors of Plainwell with a treat from Plainwell Ice Cream or Dean’s Ice Cream while strolling on our Riverwalk Park


Island City TEA & SPICE

111 N. Main St., Plainwell 269-685-3161

Open Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm


Home of Cathy Green Pottery

and other fine artists, including metal, jewelry, paper and fabric art

Island City Tea & Spice offers you the freshest teas and spices at a really great price. Stop in to see us.

Recreation - Plainwell

Contributions through the Flower Program support the maintenance and planting of all the flowers and plant beds in our parks, on our bridges, and other green spaces.

The River to River trail plan was completed in 2018 and analyzes potential non-motorized trail routes from Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids The segment of the River to River trail that will run through the City of Plainwell includes two sections for a total of 1.5 miles of 35 total miles of trail. The former paper mill site is to the immediate west of the Mill Race, Fannie Pell, and Riverwalk Parks This 36-acre site is a potential development parcel to expand public space within the downtown. Although not formally a City park, this publicly held property is anticipated to include a Central Park that will include recreational elements as part of any future reconstruction. The City has reserved land extending along the riverbank for the extension of the riverfront trail system and conceptual designs of the site provide a central gathering place with waterfront views internal to the site

You’ll see why Plainwell is ranked one of the Seven Wonders of Southwest Michigan!

Custom Framing at a reasonable price.



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Libraries - Plainwell/Otsego

Ransom District Public Library

180 South Sherwood Ave., Plainwell

Ransom District Library (RDL) can be found as has been true for fifty years at 180 South Sherwood Avenue in Plainwell, by the beautiful K a l a m a z o o R i v e r . R e c e n t l y w e h a v e m o v e d i n t o a b r a n d n e w, 2 0 , 0 0 0 square foot facility on the same historic site. RDL continues to offer superb library services seven days a week, now in a contemporary building that i n c l u d e s s o u n d - p r o o f e d m e e t i n g r o o m s , a d e d i c a t e d t e e n s p a c e , a n e x p a n d e d a n d e n h a n c e d C h i l d r e n ’s L i b r a r y w i t h i n t e r a c t i v e d i s p l a y s , a glassed-in reading room on the river, a media lab, and much more. Visitors to Ransom District Library will find the updated library that our community deserves, one dedicated to offering the finest library materials alongside opportunities to create, observe, and do. A Library of Experiences.

Visitors will continue to discover excellent collections of books in print and audio, DVDs, magazines, and newspapers in the new Ransom District Library They will also find the same friendly and dynamic staff dedicated to helping everyone in the community with whatever their needs may be. Public computers continue to be available for public use, along with added l a p t o p s a n d t a b l e t s s o t h a t e v e r y o n e c a n e n j o y W i F i t h r o u g h o u t t h e building Visitors still also have the opportunity to schedule appointments for technology help, including how to access wonderful digital collections of ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and music with just a library card.

When stopping by, visitors should look for the always fresh supply of new and best-selling books, movies, and TV shows waiting on the “new arrivals” shelves And when the extensive collection is missing a particular item, it can be requested through inter-library loan, selected from libraries throughout the state of Michigan! Staff will be happy to help place the order, or show how it can be done from home

F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , l i t e r a t u r e , m u s i c , p r o g r a m s , i n t e r n e t a c c e s s , computers, community, and more, there is always something new and exciting at Ransom District Library!

Otsego District Public Library

401 Dix Street, Otsego

The Otsego District Public Library ( O D P L ) i s a b e a u t i f u l f u l ls e r v i c e p u b l i c l i b r a r y l o c a t e d a t 4 0 1 D i x S t r e e t T h e l i b r a r y o f f e r s o v e r 56,000 items to checkout, including: large collections of books, DVDs, g r a p h i c n o v e l s , m a g a z i n e s , n e w s p a p e r s , a u d i o b o o k s , a u d i b l e p i c t u r e b o o k s , a n d R i s i n g R e a d e r A c t i v i t y k i t s I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e l i b r a r y ’s collections, resident patrons have access to digital collections on Libby and Hoopla. Ancestry, Digital Newspaper archives and old Otsego Public S c h o o l s y e a r b o o k s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n t h e l i b r a r y. Pa t r o n s c a n a l s o a c c e s s materials from other libraries across the state of Michigan using Melcat interlibrary loan service

T h e l i b r a r y ’s 1 8 , 4 0 0 s q u a r e f o o t f a c i l i t y, ( e s t . 2 0 0 9 ) b o a s t s m a n y unique spaces for patrons to enjoy. ODPL offers technology services that i n c l u d e p u b l i c c o m p u t e r s , W i f i , f a x i n g , s c a n n i n g t o e m a i l , p r i n t i n g , copying and much more. The Michigan History Room provides patrons with unique resources of local and Michigan history. The Twice Told Tales Friends Used Bookstore offers visitors great used books for a dollar and less The library also houses an incredible children’s area

R e c e n t a d d i t i o n s t o t h e l i b r a r y ’s c o l l e c t i o n s a n d s e r v i c e s i n c l u d e : circulating wifi hotspots, digital library card signup, after hours pickup lockers, a drive-up window, Book Packs to Go, Rising Reader Activity Kits, and Vox Books (audible picture books)!

Library Programs, when available, are listed in the library’s newsletter on the library website: www otsegolibrary org

Whatever you are looking for, stop in to the Otsego District Public Library – there’s something for everyone at YOUR library!


Open: Mon - Thurs 10am-9pm; Fri & Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 1pm-5pm www.ransomlibrary.org

Innovate. Interact. Inspire.
(269)694-9690 Open: Mon , Tues
9am-6pm, Wed , Thurs 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-3pm www.otsegolibrary.org

Veteran’s Memorial - Otsego/Plainwell

OTSEGO - Memorial Park is located at the southeast corner of Dix and Farmer Streets. This park is dedicated to the many local military veterans who have served our country

This park is used for many athletic events and contains six ball diamonds, basketball courts, a sand volleyball court, shuffleboard courts, a pickleball court, a large children’s play structure, picnic pavilion, two concession stands and a Rocket Football area

PLAINWELL - Located in Sherwood Park with the murmur of the Kalamazoo River in the background, the Greater Plainwell Veterans’ Memorial is a place of quiet reflection and respect. It was dedicated on November 11, 2009 and is sponsored by Plainwell Memorial Post 9377 – Veterans of Foreign Wars

OTSEGO ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ PLAINWELL ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩
EMPLOYERS : we can help you Contact us at business@westmiworks.org
Photo by Chuck Lynema

Worship -

At The Master’s Feet 814 21st St , Otsego (269)694-6897

Centro Familiar Casa de Dios 131 S Main St , Plainwell (989)278-9149

City on a Hill 317 12th Street, Plainwell (269)657-5679

Doster Community Church 12145 Doster Rd., Plainwell (269)664-4811

Encounter Church 202 S Sherwood Ave , Plainwell (269)685-8618

FaithWay Church 181 10th Street, Plainwell (269)397-2190

First Baptist Church 247 E. Allegan St., Otsego (269)694-4160

First Baptist Church 404 W Bridge St , Plainwell (269)685-8888

First Congregational Church 120 W. Morrell St., Otsego (269)694-6085

First Presbyterian Church 303 E Bridge St , Plainwell (269)685-5990

First United Methodist Church 200 Park St , Plainwell (269)685-5113

Friendship Wesleyan Church 1285 102nd Ave , Plainwell (269)685-9491

Harvest 10:2 103 W. Allegan St., Otsego (269)254-3411

Hope Lutheran Church 290 12th, Plainwell (269)685-1348

Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall 280 Starr Rd , Plainwell (269)685-6860

Lighthouse Baptist Church 12220 Cressey Rd , Plainwell (269)664-3229

North Point Church 571 N 10th St , Plainwell (269)204-6483

Orangeville Baptist Church 6921 Marsh Rd , Plainwell (269)664-4377

Otsego Church of God 112 Kalamazoo St , Otsego (269)694-9481

Otsego United Methodist Church 223 E Allegan, Otsego (269)694-2939

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St , Otsego (269)694-6104

Resurgence Church 315 Watson Rd , Otsego (269)694-3000

River of Life Church 605 W Allegan St , Otsego (616)293-0855

St. Margaret Catholic Church 766 S. Farmer St., Otsego (269)694-6311

Seventh Day Adventist 218 S. Farmer St., Otsego (269)694-4775

Trowbridge Community Church 355 26th St , Otsego (269)673-5502

Watson Bible Church 1626 116th Ave., Otsego (269)672-2166

(for mer ly Celebrate Recover y) at Resurgence Church is a Chr ist-centered 12-step recover y program that addresses depression, co-dependency, addiction and other hur ts and habits


Otsego/Plainwell 315 WATSON ROAD, OTSEGO (269) 692-3000 RESURGENCE CHURCH C E L E B R AT E R E S T O R AT I O N T U E S D A Y S 7 : 0 0 P M
ALL ARE WELCOME! www.resurgencechurchmi.com S U N D AY W O R S H I P S E R V I C E 1 0 : 0 0 A M
Winkel Funeral Home, Inc. Benjamin & Amy Pobocik - owners207 E. Allegan Street • Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-2721 www.winkelfuneralhome.com friendshipwesleyan.org Transformed Lives Power ful People 1285 102nd Ave Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-9491
24 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org 1290 M-89 • Plainwell 700 W. Superior St. • Wayland www.salvinosristorante.com Open 7 Days a Week for Lunch & Dinner! Come in to watch your favorite sports on our 24 T v s! Monday Night Special 4:00pm-8:00pm 1/ 2 OFF PASTA Valid with drink purchase Tuesday Night Special 4:00pm-8:00pm BUY 1, GET 1 BURRITO Valid with drink purchase Of equal or lesser value Pizza • Stromboli • Homemade Pasta • Steak & Seafood • Full Dinner Menu • Daily Specials • Great Drinks - PLAINWELLTAKE OUT: 269-685-4888 Ristorante: 269-685-4800 - WAYLANDTAKE OUT: 269-792-6211 Ristorante: 269-792-8000 544 E. Morrell Street, Otsego 269-694-4261 Cor ner of M-89 & Morrell • Across from HQ Floor ing S C R E E N P R I N T I N G • E M B RO I D E RY • E N G R AV I N G NOW OFFE R I NG ON LI N E TEAM STOR ES! email: bnctrophy@gmail.com Open: Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:30pm Company/Corporate Apparel, Accessories ...and more! NOW OFFE R I NG ON LI N E TEAM STOR ES! Yo u r H o m e t ow n F L O O R I N G S t o r e ! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERICAL DISCOUNT FLOORING 599 Alle gan St., Otsego (269) 692-3167 Open: Mon , Tues , Fr i 8:30am-4pm, Wed & Thurs 8:30am-5pm Closed Sat & Sun New Construction Customers, by appointment only Over 100 Rolls of Car pet in stock! Vinyl & Car pet Remnants! G r e a t S e l e c t i o n ! F R E E E s t i m a t e s ! Custom installation by exper ienced crews F R E E D e s i g n C o n s u l t a t i o n s e r v i c e s email: hqfloor ing@sbcglobal.net C A R P E T • V I N Y L • L A M I N AT E • H A R DWO O D • C E R A M I C • LV T www.hqdiscountflooring.com FA M I LY OW N E D !



Otsego Area Historical Society (269)692-3775


Otsego City Hall • (269)692-3391

www cityofotsego org


Otsego Community Education • (269)694-7930


Otsego District Public Library • (269)694-9690

www otsegolibrary org

Otsego Fire Department • (Business calls) (269)692-3391

www cityofotsego org

Otsego Police Department • (Business calls) (269)692-6111

www cityofotsego org

Otsego Post Office • (269)694-2868

Otsego Public Schools • (269)694-7900

www otsegops org

Otsego Township • (269)694-9434


Useful Information Plainwell


Plainwell Arts Council • (269)685-8911

www plainwellartscouncil com

Plainwell City Hall • (269)685-6821


Plainwell Community Education • (269)685-9531

plainwellschools org

Plainwell Community Schools • (269)685-5823

www plainwellschools org

Plainwell Municipal Airport • (269)685-6268


Plainwell Post Office • (269)685-8661

Plainwell Public Safety • (Police/Fire) (Business calls) (269)685-9858


Ransom District Library • (269)685-8024

www ransomlibrary org

Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce (269)694-6880 • www.otsegoplainwellnow.org


Our Vision: Ensure every learner, school, and community thrives. alleganaesa.org 269-512-7700 learner ision:V , ,

Chamber Directory


Bay Pointe Inn

11456 Marsh Road

Shelbyville MI 49344



The Bellflower

4700 W. D Avenue

Kalamazoo MI 49009


thebellflowerkzoo com

Pineapple Cottage

122 W Hill Street

Plainwell, MI 49080


jroggow1972@gmail com

Plainwell Comfort Inn

622 Allegan (131 & M-89)

Plainwell, MI 49080



Sherwood Gardens

414 North Sherwood Avenue

Plainwell, MI 49080


sherwoodgardens net



Mike Kimble, CPA*

211 E Bannister/Ste A-11

Plainwell, MI 49080


Mjkimble1@sbcglobal net


Star Accounting Service

144 S Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080


Like us on Facebook


Timothy Hutchens CPA, PC*

1259 M-89 West

Plainwell, MI 49080


tkhcpa com



McCarty Law Offices, PLC

200 W. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


mccartylawoffices net

McEwen Law Office

550 Lincoln Road

Otsego, MI 49078


mcewenlawoffices com


Auto Body USA

720 Helen Street

Otsego, MI 49078


autobodyusa biz


Automotive Specialty* Accessories Inc.

79 10th Street Plainwell, MI 49080


asatrucks com


AutoWest of Plainwell

1208 M-89

Plainwell, MI 49080



Car Zone Inc.

1370 East M-89

Otsego, MI 49078


CarZoneSales com

H&H Auto Body, LLC

745 N. Main Street

Plainwell, MI 49080



J's Towing 433 12th Street Plainwelll, MI 49080 616-826-8827

jstowingllc com

Jay’s Garage 720 Lincoln Road Otsego, MI 49078


Like us on Facebook

*VIP Chamber Member JAMES MIKEL MCEWEN ATTORNEY AT LAW 550 Lincoln Road, Otsego, MI 49078 (269) 692-3665 Fax: (269) 692-3586 Toll Free: 877-2MCEWEN (877-262-3936) McEwen Law Office handles a variety of legal matters, including criminal defense & family law matters. w ww. mcew enlawoffices.com BUSINESS & PERSONAL T A X S E R V I C E • Accounting Services • Business Start Ups • Consulting, Financial & Management • Computer Accounting Services • Tax Filing, Planning & Preparation Committed to your financial success. It's our goal to simplify your financial questions and provide you with great advice for any situation. 211 E. Bannister Street Trestle Bridge Building Suite A-11 Plainwell • 685-1256 Mike Kimble Certified Public Accountant

M89 Auto Center LLC

1277 Lincoln Rd

Allegan, MI 49010



Martin Transmission 565 Lincoln Road

Otsego, MI 49078



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Midway Chevrolet*

381 12th Street

Plainwell, MI 269-685-6871

midwayplainwell com


Pillars Auto Glass

486 105th Ave Plainwell, MI 49080


www pillarsautoglass pro

Pro Automotive Services

1211 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080



Ric & Stan’s Carwash, Inc. 920 Dix Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-216-4542 acleancar.com


Advia Credit Union 825 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080 844-238-4228

clambert@adviacu org

Arbor Financial Credit Union 390 Oaks Crossing Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-9587 arborfcu org

Commonwealth Financial 102 N Main Street, Suite A Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-6533 mike@wmichaelsanders com

Edward Jones/David Rowe 113 E Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-2280 edwardjones com

Edward Jones/Ginger Titus 711 East Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-1548 edwardjones com

Edward Jones/Morgan Yaw 101 South Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-1181 edwardjones.com

Edward Jones/Tim Andrus 113 E. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-2280 edwardjones.com

Fifth Third Bank 1282 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-9581 53.com

Fireside Financial Partners 352 12th Street/Suite 12 Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-5000 firesidefinancialpartners.com

Honor Credit Union 1283 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-6300 honorcu com

Majestic Financial 220 S. Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-443-2160


Modern Woodmen

117 S. Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-225-1050 reps.modernwoodmen.org/tholmes


Allegan Chamber of Commerce 231 Trowbridge Street, Ste B Allegan, MI 49010


alleganchamber com

Otsego Plainwell Chamber of Commerce

135 E Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078



South Haven Chamber of Commerce

606 Phillips Street South Haven, MI 49090

269-637-5171 southhavenmi.com

Wayland Chamber of Commerce 117 S Main, Ste 6 Wayland, MI 49348




City on a Hill 317 12th Street

Plainwell, MI 49080


mark immink@gmail com

First Congregational Church 120 W. Morrell Street

Otsego, MI 49078



Friendship Wesleyan Church 1285 102nd Avenue

Plainwell, MI 49080



Otsego United Methodist Church

223 E. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


otsegomethodistchurch com

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S. Wilmott Street

Otsego, MI 49078



Resurgence Church 315 Watson Road Otsego, MI 49078




Chamber Directory
*VIP Chamber Member WORLD CLASS ELECTRONICS 411 Washing ton Street • Otsego, M I 49078 2 6 9 - 6 9 4 - 9 4 7 1 KAUHALE Otsego “ W h e n y o u ’ r e h e r e y o u ’ r e Home” 700 Eley St , Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-1621
kauhalehealth com

Chamber Directory


A&E Electrical Contractors 255 Helen Ave. Suite A Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-1221 financial.ae@outlook.com

Alamo Dirt Works* 7923 Owen Dr. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 269-217-5410 Like us on Facebook

Allegan Upholstery 1753 106th Ave. Otsego, MI 49078 269-286-3235 https://alleganupholstery.business.site/

Boniface Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 961 124th Avenue Shelbyville, MI 49344 269-672-7914 bonifaceheating.com

Gordon Water Systems 618 E. Crosstown Pkwy Kalamazoo, MI 49001 269-382-0068 gordonwater.com

Howe Patio & Windows 150 10th Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-9567 howepatio.com

HQ Flooring 599 E. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-3167 hqdiscountflooring.com

Hutcherson Construction LLC 66 10th Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-0900 exteriorsbyhutcherson.com

Matt Rogers Plumbing* PO Box 350 Otsego, MI 49078 269-217-5410 mattrogersplumbing.com

Midwest Dialtone 16681 148th Ave Spring Lake, MI 49456 616-844-4444


Pest Pros of Michigan 5068 S. Sprinkle Road Portage, MI 49002 269-568-5167 pestprosmi.com

Plumber’s Portable Toilets 710 Industrial Drive Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-9563 plumbersportabletoilets.com

Property Revolution, LLC 720 Brookside Dr. Otsego, MI 49078 269-208-4004 mypropertyrevolution.com

Randyman Electric LLC 196 Whitney Way Plainwell, MI 49080 269-998-2227

Rod Benson Concrete, LLC 930 7th Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-217-7427


SERVPRO of Allegan/Barry Co. 607 N. Eastern Avenue Allegan, MI 49010



S K P Design LLC 110 W. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078



Steve’s Excavation 951 20th Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-672-5826 stevesexcavation.com

TC Technologies Otsego, MI 49078 269-568-8062 tctechnologies.us

28 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
*VIP Chamber Member • Leaking Fixtures • Water Heaters • Drain Cleaning • Water Softeners • Water Conditioners • Garbage Disposals • Sump Pump System • Residential • Light Commercial • Sewer Connection • Water Service • Site Work • Driveways • Land Clearing • Drain Field Repair • Yard Leveling • Demolition • And much more • Drain Clog Assessment • Drain Cleaning • Hydro Jetting • Video Inspection • No-Dig Sewer Repair • Septic Tank Location mattrogersplumbing.com Over 29 Years Experience! Give us a call ...WE DO IT ALL! Residential / Commercial SERVICE & REPAIRS 269-217-5410 matt@mattrogersplumbing.com Give us a call ...WE DO IT ALL! Residential / Commercial SERVICE & REPAIRS 269-217-5410 matt@mattrogersplumbing.com LICENSED & INSURED alamodirtworks.com Honest. Efficient. Reliable. Quality. Call or Text Us Today! (616) 315-2777 917 E. Allegan Street • Martin, MI 49070 email: info@mypropertyrevolution.com Roofing l Siding l Decks l Fences A locally owned and operated exterior home service company you can trust. Faithfully serving the Otsego, Plainwell, Allegan, and surrounding areas, since 2017! Complimentary Estimates!

Total Property Management

954 E. Bridge Street

Plainwell, MI 49080


www tpmgroupinc com

VanDam & Kruisinga

7858 Ravine Road

Kalamazoo, MI 49009

269-276-9922 vktcall com

West Michigan Glass Concepts

116 E Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-762-3480 samedaywindowrepair com

Wightman 1670 Lincoln Road

Allegan, MI 49010

269-673-8465 gowightman.com


Patti Herm School of Dance 719 E Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-4565 pattiherm.com


OnStaff USA

134 W. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078

269-692-2478 onstaffusa com

West Michigan Works!

Allegan Service Center

3255 122nd Ave. Allegan, MI 49010


westmichworks org


Allegan County Fair

150 Allegan County Fair Dr Allegan, MI 49010

888-673-6501 allegancountyfair.com

Bittersweet Ski Resort 600 River Rd Otsego, MI 49078


www skibittersweet com

Gun Lake Casino 1123 129th Avenue Wayland, MI 49348

269-509-2310 gunlakecasino com

Island City Festival

151 N Main St Plainwell, MI 49080 islandcityfest.org

Kalamazoo Speedway

7656 Ravine Road Kalamazoo, MI 49009



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Lynx Golf Course * 900 Lincoln Road Otsego, MI 49078




M-89 Cinema

392 Oaks Crossing Plainwell, MI 49080

269-685-2121 mooretheatres.com

Chamber Directory

The Rogue Advanced Tool Co, LLC

123 South Fair Street

Otsego, MI 49078


rogueaviation@gmail com



Avink McCowen Secord Funeral Homes*

120 South Woodhams St Plainwell, MI 49080



Winkel Funeral Home

207 E Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


winkelfuneralhome com


Love's Travel Stops

7900 Adobe Rd

Alamo, MI 49009 269-903-0294

WESCO 551 W. Allegan Street

Plainwell, MI 49080

269-685-6678 gowesco com


Aric Nesbitt State Senator

201 Townsend Street, Ste 6100 Lansing, MI 48933 517-373-0793

senatoraricnesbitt com

City of Otsego

117 E. Orleans Street

Otsego, MI 49078


cityofotsego org

City of Plainwell

211 N. Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080


plainwell org

Lakeshore Advantage

201 W Washington Ave

Loft 401 Zeeland, MI 49464

616-772-5226 ext. 203 lakeshoreadvantage com

Matt Hall

State Representative 100 N Capital Ave Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-1784

matthall@house mi gov

Mrs. Michigan United States 2022

109 S. Fair Street

Otsego, MI 49078 269-998-6347

mrsmichiganunitedstates2022@gmail com


Arcadia Center for OT

131 N Main St , Ste 5 Plainwell, MI 49080



Fit Body Boot Camp 380 Oaks Crossing Suite A&B Plainwell, MI 49080


www fitbodybootcamp com/10239 -plainwell-mi/


*VIP Chamber Member West Michigan Glass Concepts LLC Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (269) 694-1611 116 E Allegan St., Downtown Otsego www.samedaywindowrepair.com email: sales@samedaywindowrepair com Custom Insulated Glass Units Same Day Replacement www.onstaffusa.com to complete an online application. 34 W. Allegan St., Otsego (269) 692-2478 Recruiting firm with professional, technical and temporar y divisions. G R EAT JOBS I N SOUTHWEST M IC H IGAN!

Chamber Directory


399 Oaks Crossing Plainwell, MI 49080


plainwell@fitstop24fitness com

Island Heat Tanning

1221 M-89 Suite 400 Plainwell, MI 49080

269-225-1020 www islandheattan com

Otsego Health & Fitness

111 N. Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-692-3054 otsegofitness com


Brave Industrial Fastener Inc.

687 N 16th Street

Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-9491 bravefastner com

Consumers Energy

3030 M-40

Hamilton, MI 49419



Drug & Laboratory Disposal, Inc.

331 Broad Street Plainwell, MI 49080

269-685-9824 did-inc.com

HyTech Spring & Machine Corp

950 Lincoln Pkwy Plainwell, MI 49080

269-685-1768 hytechspring com


801 S Main St Wayland, MI 49348 www.itc-holdings.com


JBS Beef 11 11th Street Plainwell, MI 49080

269-685-2519 jbssa.com

McPherson Plastics Inc.

1347 E M-89 Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-9487 mcpherson-plastics.com

Millassist Services Inc.

141 N Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-692-3211 millassist.com

Nobis Group, LLC

422 Acorn Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-998-1225 ben@nobisagri com

Parker Hannifin Corporation

300 Parker Drive Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-2508 parker.com

Parker Hannifin, Hydraulic Pumps & Systems Division

100 Parker Dr. Otsego, MI 49078

269-482-4046 parker com

Peloton, Inc.

595 E Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-9702 pelotoninc.com

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Prime Solution

610 S Platt Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-6666 psirotary.com


Safari Circuits, Inc.

411 Washington Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-9471 safaricircuits com


320 North Farmer St Otsego, MI 49078

269-692-6141 USG.com

VDI Manufacturing

951 Industrial Parkway Plainwell, MI 49080


cvanhaun@vdimanufacturing com


Farm Bureau Insurance/ Michael Clark



Ken Bleeker Agency, Inc.

1617 Main Street Martin, MI 49070



Miller Schuring Agency

9848 Portage Road

Portage, MI 49002


www millerschuring com

Mitten Insurance Agency

900 Dix Street, Suite 200

Otsego, MI 49078


tobye@mittenins com


*VIP Chamber Member -Fr i 8am-8pm, Sat. 8am-10pm 24/7 ACCESS AVAILABLE! www.otsegofitness.com Downtown Otsego 111 N. Farmer Street, Otsego • (269) 692-3054 Otsego Family Dentistry Since 1992 338 W. Allegan Street • Otsego MI 49078 269-694-2074 Schedule an appointment today! www.OtsegoFamilyDentistry.com • State-Of-The-Art Technology • Stress Free Environment • We Process All Insurance Claims GENERAL DENTISTRY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Dr. Michael Merda


Nulty Insurance*

354 W. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


nulty com


Preferred Insurance Services

120 E. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


preferredinsurance biz


United Insurance

1131 W Superior Street

Wayland, MI 49348




Steensma Lawn & Power Equipment

361 12th Street

Plainwell, MI 49080


steensmalawn com

Total Property Management

954 E Bridge Street Plainwell, MI 49080

269- 217-7167

www tpmgroupinc com


Ransom Public Library

180 S Sherman Ave Plainwell, MI 49080


ransomlibrary org

Otsego District Library

401 Dix Street

Otsego, MI 49078


www otsegolibrary org


Cronen Signs

515 E. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


cronensigns@att net

I Hemp Marketing LLC

559 Lincoln Rd Otsego, MI 49078


ihempmarketing@gmail com

Jiffy Print

381 W. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


jiffyprintotsego com

MCS Marketing

2385 Wilshere Drive, Suite A Jenison, MI 49428




Community Shoppers Guide

117 N. Farmer Street PO Box 168

Otsego, MI 49078


communityshoppersguide net

Chamber Directory

Jethro FM 98.9 & AM 980 http://www.jethro.fm/ 616-248-9947

scott@wygr net

Union Enterprise PO Box 189

Allegan, MI 49010


allegannews com


706 E Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


wqxc.com, wzuu.com


Albrecht Chiropractic Clinic

304 Dix Street

Otsego, MI 49078


westmichiganspinaldecompression com

Allegan Ascension Borgess Hospital

555 Linn Street

Allegan, MI 49010


www Ascension org

Great Lakes Dentures and Implants

380 Oaks Crossing Suites C & D Plainwell, MI 49080



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Hiemstra Optical*

102 N Main Street

Plainwell, MI 49080


hiemstraoptical com


KC Orthodontics

352 12th St , Suite 1

Plainwell, MI 49080



Otsego Family Dentistry

338 W. Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


otsegofamilydentistry com

Saunders Chiropractic Clinic

231 Trowbridge Street, Unit 2 Allegan, MI 49010



Wings of Hope Hospice

530 Linn St Allegan, MI 49010


wingsofhopehospice com


Clark Institute, The 7150 Kalamazoo Avenue SE Suite 2

Caledonia, MI 49316



Plainwell Counseling Center

Cheryl Parente-Roggow

319 Park Street Plainwell, MI 49080





Chamber Directory


Allegan Co. Community Foundation

112 Locust St Allegan, MI 49010

269-673-8344 alleganfoundation.org

Allegan County Transportation Allegan, MI 49010 (269) 673-4229 allegancounty.org/transportation

Allegan County United Way 650 Grand Street Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-6545 acuw.org

ARC of Allegan County/ Beyond Bones, The 219 Hubbard St. Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-8841 www arcallegan org

Bridges of Hope/ Allegan County

108 E Grant Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-204-6041 Bridgesofhopeallegancounty.org

Christian Neighbors

282 N 12th St Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-4166 Christianneighbors org

Clean Water for the World 269-342-1354 cleanwaterfortheworld.org

Community Action of Allegan County 323 Water St. Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-5472 communityactionallegan.org

Fidelity #513 Masonic Lodge 135 E. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078

Friends of the Plainwell Veterans’ Memorial 319 Park St Plainwell, MI 49080 friendsofthegreater plainwellveteransmemorial.org

Goodwill Industries

1346 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080 269-692-6009 goodwillswmi.org

Kiwanis - Michigan District k12 site kiwanis org

LEMA Institute 120 W. Morrell St. Otsego, MI 49078 269-225-1036 lemainstitute.org

Otsego Area Historical Society 218 N. Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-3775 otsegohistory.org

Otsego Public Schools Foundation PO Box 251 Otsego, MI 49078 269-343-6614 opsfoundation org

Safe Harbor Children's Advocacy Center 402 Trowbridge Street Allegan, MI 49010 269- 673-3791 www.safeharborcac.org

St. Vincent de Paul Pantry 134A W Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-9005 stvincentdepaulministry.org

VFW Post #3030 124 N Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078


Like us on Facebook

Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance P O Box 124 Douglas, MI 49406 269-455-5247



Renewed Animal Wellness 720 N Main St Plainwell, MI 49080 269-623-2681


Spay Neuter Express 1623 110th Avenue Otsego, MI 49078 616-897-8865



Becky Martin Photography Otsego, MI 616- 795-1980

www beckymartin photography

Otsego Video Solutions Otsego, MI 269-350-3432

www otsegovideosolutions com

Rex Roscoe Photography Wayland, MI 951-250-2928

www.facebook.com/RexRoscoe Photography


*VIP Chamber Member


Ryan Potter Realtor of Amplified Real Estate

1004 Valentine Rd. Hastings, MI 49058


facebook com/RyanPotterRealtor

Atwood Properties Group

101 E Allegan Street

Otsego, MI 49078


atwoodproperties@gmail com

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

1289 M-89

Plainwell, MI 49080



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Coldwell Banker Sneller* Real Estate

209 Hubbard Street

Allegan, MI 49010


snellerrealestate com


Cornell & Associates

144 S Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080


homesbycornell com

Devon Title

800 East Allegan St

Otsego, MI 49078



GVC Mortgage 352 12th Street Plainwell, MI 49080



Jaqua Realtors/Amy Hamilton

302 South Main St

Plainwell, MI 49080


Jaqua com



1243 Hwy M89

Plainwell, MI 49080


applebees com

Barbed Wire Cafe 140 S. Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080


barbedwirecafe com

BC Pizza

396 Oaks Crossing Plainwell, MI 49080 269-204-6612

bc pizza

Biggby Coffee 1307 M-89 E Plainwell, MI 49080 269-204-6700

biggby com

Captain Cook Catering 2127 Jefferson Road Otsego, MI 49078


Brinncj@gmail com

Culvers of Otsego 1369 E. M-89 Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-3800

Doster Country Store 10 106th Ave Plainwell, MI 49080 269-664-4700


Four Roses Cafe 663 10th Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-1077


Hau'oli Shave Ice 132 W. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-366-2329

Judy's Restaurant 120 W Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-692-6118

See us on Facebook!

Kernel Popperz Kettle Corn LLC 22130 47th Street Bloomingdale, MI 49076

33 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
Chamber Directory
269-569-1977 See us on Facebook! *VIP Chamber Member Are you thinking of buying or selling your home? @2023 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC All Rights Reser ved Coldwel Banker® and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered ser vice marks owned by Coldwe l Banker Real Estate LLC Co dwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully suppor ts the princ ples of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Oppor tunity Act Each office is ndependently owned and operated 209 Hubbard Street, Allegan l 269-355-1919 snellerrealestate.com A Women & Veteran owned business.
Kristina Reynolds Realtor Debbie
CLPS Randy Sneller
Luke Olmstead Realtor For expert Advice, call one of our trusted local Agents today! Ashley Gauthier Realtor, ABR, SRS PSA
Craig van Melle Realtor, SRES , RECS , PSA
Heather Realtor, SFR Scott Dangremond Realtor Brad van Melle Realtor Russell-Lamber t Associate Broker, ABR Sneller Broker-Owner, GRI, SRS
Realtor, PSA

Chamber Directory

KONA ICE of West Kalamazoo

1719 Signal Point Circle

Allegan, MI 49010


www kona-ice com/localsite/kona-ice-of-west-kalamazoo

Liquid Note Brewing

119 East Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078



Mac's Place 113 N Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078


See us on Facebook!

Mannie's Pizza & Subs 108 Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078


manniespizza com

Maude’s Taphouse 117 East Allegan St Otsego, MI 49078


Maudestaphouse com

Mezzo Coffee House 100 W Allegan Otsego, MI 49078



Old Mill Brewpub & Grill

717 E. Bridge Street Plainwell, MI 49080


oldmillbrew com

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––River Road Foods*

615 E. Bridge Street Plainwell, MI 49080 503-307-2786



Salvino’s Ristorante

1290 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080


269-685-4888/Take Out salvinosristorante com

SW's Donut Mill 409 Naomi Street Plainwell, MI 49080


swdonuts com

Taqueria San Francisco Bar & Grill 618 Allegan Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-274-9174

taqueriasanfranciscomi com


The Appliance Patch 403 Oaks Crossing Plainwell, MI 49080 appliancepatchotsego@gmail com

Another Man’s Treasure 120 N Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 just2artists@yahoo com facebook com/anothermanstreasure

B&C Trophy 544 E. Morrell Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-4261

bnctrophy@gmail com

Bridge Street Gallery & Cathy Green Stoneware Pottery 14370 Doster Road Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-3161 cathygreenpottery com

Creative Vintage Cove 128 E Allegan St , Ste B Otsego, MI 49078


creatvtgcove@gmail com

Doster Country Store 10 106th Ave Plainwell, MI 49080


dcspizza22@gmail com

Dragonfly Quilting & Art 119 N Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080


Like us on Facebook

Envy of Plainwell 151 N Main St Plainwell, MI 49080


See us on Facebook!

Fortress of Solitude LLC 131 S Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080



Chamber Member
G o
o r ns int . ert n
above & beyond to convert transactions into relationships.
oing abo
co nd t obey ve nvert ctioansatr nshipselatio

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Goin Postal LLC *

409 Oaks Crossing Plainwell, MI 49080




Hart’s Jewelry*

124 N. Main Street

Plainwell, MI 49080


hartsjewelry org


Love's Travel Stops

7900 Adobe Road Kalamazoo, MI 49009




11786 Ford Point Dr

Plainwell, MI, 49080 323-868-9719



1195 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080



Otsego Antique Mall

114 W Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-6440


115 N Main Street Plainwell ,MI 49080 269-589-2855 mypassiflora com

The Petal Company

108 W. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-7080 petal-company com

Plainwell Ace Hardware

135 N Anderson St Plainwell, MI 49080


www.facebook.com/PlainwellAce Hardware/

Plainwell Flowers

113 S Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-8055


T-Mobile 1175 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080 616-318-7775



Allegan Area Educational Service Agency 310 Thomas St Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-2161

alleganaesa org

Otsego Public Schools 540 Washington Street Otsego, MI 49078


otsegops org

Plainwell Community Schools 600 School Drive Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-5823

plainwellschools org


Chamber Directory *VIP Chamber Member Your Hometown Hardware Store! PLAINWELL 135 N. Anderson St. • 269-225-1061 Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm; Sunday 10am-5pm • Lawnmowers • Gr ills & Supplies • Propane Refill • Full line of Yeti • Giftware • Paint & Supplies • Fishing Equipment • Tools & Hardware • Fishing License • Live Bait • Docks and more! our 2nd location! 105 S Phelps Street Decatur, MI 49045 269-423-8818 Ace is the place that’s here to help. Family owned & operated. WE CARRY THE BEST BRANDS! 79 10th Street • Plainwell (269) 685-2189 essor ies SALES & SERVICE HEADQUARTERS Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday Closed www.asatrucks.com ASA offers a large line of products including: • Bedliners & Bed Rugs • Floor Liners • Nerf Bars • Running Boards • Hitches • LED Lighting • Truck Bed Covers • Seat Covers • Remote Star ts AND MUCH MORE!! GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! konaiceofwestkalamazoo @konaiceofwestkalamazoo FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!


Kauhale 700 Eley Street

Otsego, MI 49078



Life Care Center of Plainwell

320 Brigham Street Plainwell, MI 49080



Stanford Adult Care Lodge 409 Naomi Street Plainwell, MI 49080




Endless Destinations 6858 N. 6th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49009 616-813-5018


Go Seas the Day, LLC 253 W. Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 269-548-7817

goseasthedayllc@gmail com

36 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
*VIP Chamber Member 745 N Main St , Plainwell (269) 6 8 5 - 5 8 3 2 YOUR COLLISION REPAIR PROFESSIONALS Hometown Ser vice! OU R P ROF ESSIONAL STAF F IS R EADY TO SERVE YOU! Locally owned & operated! STATE LICENSED & CERTIFIED MECHANICS YOU CHOOSE THE REPAIR SHOP...Not Your Insurance Company! CALL THE EXPERTS We Guarantee All Insurance Work! Stop by for a FREE Estimate HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm, Fridays 8am-12pm & 1pm-4pm - ESTIMATES BY APPOINTMENTQuality & Professional Auto Body Repairs! The Creative Vintage Cove 128 E. Allegan St., (Suite B), Otsego • 694-1243 Your local store where you will find Handmade Greeting Cards & a good selection of...New to Vintage Items! We also carry handmade items by ourselves & other local artisans. Make-n-Take Greeting Card Kits & Greeting Card Classes! Great selection of Leanin' Tree Products! Complimentary Gift-Bagging where possible for in-store purchases! We offer Christmas Gift-Wrapping service for items purchased outside of the store for $2 per item - where possible Please Call for Store Hours (269) 694-1243 R A N D Y M A N ELECTRIC Inc. For all your electrical needs. 269-998-2227 Randy Stone L I C E N S E D & I N S U R E D
Chamber Directory
37 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org 720 Lincoln Rd. (M89) • Otsego 269-720-7756 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm We Specializ e In Fixing What They Say Can’t Be Done! Family/Locally owned and operated by Jay Ennis “Like” Us on Facebook Community Shoppers Guide 117 N. Farmer Street • Otsego, MI 49078 269-694-9431 email: info@communityshoppersguide net fax: 269-694-9145 ~Since 1945 www.communityshoppersguide.net Advertising & Design Classifieds • Display Ads • Websites Logos • Business Cards • Labels • Rubber/Self-inking Stamps • Forms• Brochures • Promotional Materials • Invitations • Menus • Post Cards ...and more!
38 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org 2023 NIGHT OF RECOGNITION AWARDS

Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Winners

Plainwell Community Schools

Nicole Faupel - and -

Thai Nguyen

Otsego Public Schools

Sydney Holland - and -

Cooper Eastman

39 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
Congratulations 2023
40 www.otsegoplainwellnow.org
Chuck Kinnane 269-217-4624 Brad Boone 269-207-5691 Gar y Sausaman 269-217-4658 Kelly Kivell 269-355-2315 Brandy Blanchard 269-806-2495 Brandy William 269-532-997 Seth Dugan 269-217-5129 Dan Smigiel 269-779-2660 © 2023 BHH Affiliates, LLC An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc ® Equal Housing Opportunity Come on in, we’d love to show you your new home! Michigan Real Estate Dan Walker 616-994-3035 Plainwell Office • 1289 M-89 Plainwell, MI 49080 • (269) 685-3686

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