Next Generation Speakers Magazine - July 2020

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July 2020

Next Generation Speakers

Dr. Traci Ward

The Reflection in the Mirror Be Kind: Watch What You Say To It

Inside This Issue:

10 Ways To Monetize Your Experience and Expertise

Also: Don’t Ignore The Spider

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Editor’s Note... In this month issue of NGS Magazine Dr. Traci Ward shows us the importance of being kind to ourselves and how rejection does not have to define us! We are also starting a series addressing Systemic Racism in our country and how we can fix what’s broken. #BlackLiversMatter And Dr. James Williams is back with another PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE We have more content and more useful information coming your way so stay tuned! Please share this out with all of your networks to help us reach the masses! Email: Text: 251-753-6299

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...............................Grab Your Goodie Bag

...............................................Editors Notes

............................Don’t Ignore The Spider

....................The Reflection in the Mirror Be Kind: Watch What You Say to It!! ......................Prescription For Excellence

...........................................Free Your Land

...........Bialogue: A New Communication Paradigm ...............................Next Level Leadership Summit Podcast

I just want to know one thing, Who’s Got Next? Cicone C. A. Prince NGS Magazine Editor

Cover Photo Credit: Courtesy 3

Don’t Ignore The Spider... The death of George Floyd occurred at a time when the world was standing still. Covid-19 had pushed paused on any aspect of our lives and we had little distractions that would keep us from seeing something that happens all too often. We never have witnessed the slow, methodical murder of someone caught on video with no regard for the consequences. His death, although it hasn’t been the only one, stood out in the minds of everyone who stomached and watched that 8:46 video. Again, this is not the first time things of this caliber have happened and neither is it the first time it has been caught on video. The reason that this has sparked protest around the world has been because there was no other noise to drown out the cry of this man calling for his mother who, I’m told, had been dead for two years at the time of his death. Emotions are beyond raw and a conversation has to be had. “Systematic Racism” has been a trending topic on most social media posts, internet talk shows, broadcast television, and satellite programming. It has dominated the news and be the subject of many blogs, newspaper editorials, and round table discussions. But one of the most profound post I saw read:

Talking About The System And Not Talking About Its Maker Is Like Talking About The Web And... Ignoring The Spider!

~Bro. Bedford 4

When I read that statement, I was shaken to my core! The reason it shook me was because of the profound truth wrapped up in it. Being the visual person that I am, I immediately pictured a web but I could not picture just one spider. I pictured several different spiders working together for the slow and methodical destruction of a race of people to hold fast to the seat of power that they occupy. I saw a spider in the banking industry that spun a web in the 1930s called “Red Lining” that disenfranchised people of color from getting equal funding for homeownership. I saw this same spider create threads that keep people of color from getting the same home equity when it came to selling their home. I looked again and saw another spider in the employment area of the web displaying willful discrimination against people of color. This was done through discriminatory hiring practices that left well-qualified people of color without sustainable wages to care for their families and invest in their future. Yet another spider spun a web of social disenfranchisement by painting a picture of people of color as lazy and looking for a handout. This was done through the media, television, newspapers, magazines, and even movies. Still another spider spun a string of webs that disproportionately incarcerated people of color through our legal system with unfair sentencing, extended jail times for the same offense committed by others. And let’s not forget the “War on Drugs” which has been proven to be a war on Hippies and black people. I could go on and on about the web but what I want us to do is to not forget the spider. I saw another spider checking the web of discriminatory hiring practices. This was done by overlooking well-qualified people of color to hire those that looked like them. They may have passed up on their next Superstar employee for the sake of keeping the status quo. Some people don’t believe in “Systemic Racism” they think that everything should be handled on a case by case bases. This thinking keeps focusing on the Web, the System that has been out in place. It fails to address the Global Systemic Racism that continues to paint with broad strokes that people of color are inferior to other races of people. Everything within people of color screams they have more to offer, from their intellect to their compassion to their artist performance and athleticism, people of color have proven that when the playing field is level they succeed. So to address the system, we have to address the system makers. Next month we will look indepth at how that can be done. 5

~Cicone Prince

The Reflection in the Mirror Be Kind: Watch What You Say To It!! “The most important opinion you have is the one you have of yourself, and the most significant things you say all day are those things you say to yourself.” ~Unknown


hen you look in the mirror, what do you see? What is it you look for? Do you admire the reflection looking back at you? Do you smile at her and admire her smile, her blemishes, her curves and natural beauty. Do you appreciate his bold eyes, the mustache, the dimples on his face and maybe even his thigh, or do you look at all of the things that you wish were different; or tell yourself, “If I ever win the lottery, look out plastic surgeon because here I come!” So many times in our lives, we’ve focused on the imperfections about the way we look and what we believe to be “things that are wrong”, both physically and emotionally. Where did it all begin, you ask? For so many of us these ideas were “programmed” into our minds at a very young age. Most of the views of how we see ourselves came from other sources in our lives, be it an aunt who always commented on how chubby you’d gotten over the summer or the grandmother that registered her opinion of the fact that you were just too thin for her liking. Rejection often comes in many forms and negative self-talk from others is often the horse it rides in on. Beliefs often are the catalyst and foundation of how we see ourselves and how we think others perceive us, as well. We tend to form our “truths” based off of someone else’s approval; or, more than not, one’s disapproval. I often refer to the analogy that Dr. Shad Helmstetter uses in his book, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself. He likens the mind to a computer hard drive that has been programmed with years of negative information. And, as with any hard drive, it only understands and recognizes the data that’s been programmed into it. It then becomes the source that we use to gauge our opinions, and it’s the source in which the images of how we see ourselves are formed. In turn, we pass it on. 6

So, for many of us, there has been a lot of negative downloading that has taken place and it’s no wonder we tend to be critical in our thinking when it comes to ourselves. Did you know that only 4% of the women in the U.S. consider themselves beautiful? An One in 10 men think they are handsonme? Be it your self-image, your physical features, or your performance on the job, we all have had areas where we didn’t feel that we measured up. What do you believe? For me, it wasn’t until I was an adult and began my journey of self-redevelopment that I discovered just how long ago my negative programming began. Even though it began in my childhood, it carried over into my teenage years and on into my adult life. One incident that stands out in my mind was when I learned that the first 3 years of my life were spent with my grandmother. I discovered much later in life why(that’s another story for anther day), but for many years as a young girl I wondered why I wasn’t good enough for my mom to keep me, why didn’t she love me enough, and why couldn’t I have stayed with her. After going to live with my mom, I was about 7 years old when I was touched inappropriately by my babysitter’s neighbor. I carried the secret for many years, because the person that violated me told me he would kill all of my family if I ever breathed a word. The horrible experience was something I wore for many years believing that, again, I wasn’t good enough and that somehow this horrific experience was in some way my fault. Why wasn’t I good enough to be protected from someone with such bad behavior? These experiences began to lay the foundation of a negative image of myself. Soon, the seeds of negative self-talk began to take root and it wasn’t long before I began to accept that somehow I didn’t deserve to be loved. This warped sense of reality had me on a fast track of seeking what I thought was love; and because of my misinterpretation of what love was and feelings of rejection from childhood, these beliefs manifested and carried over into failed relationship after failed relationship because I didn’t know my self-worth. I wasn’t having healthy conversations with myself but instead I was having very abusive conversations about never being enough. I began relationships based on the feeling that because someone showed an interest in me and wanted to spend time with me, it meant that they love and cared for me. When that relationship failed, the negative self- talk intensified. Again, I would tell myself, I wasn’t enough. 7

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Often times, we allow the experiences of our past to shape and mold how we live life. Negative experiences have a scarring effect and set us up to believe that we don’t deserve more or can’t have more. According to scientists, we have about 60,000 thoughts a day (one thought per second). And what’s even more startling is that of those 60,000 thoughts, 95% are the same thoughts we had yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Leading behavioral researchers have told us that about 77% of our thoughts are negative and work against us in some form, and are counterproductive. The mirror has often been seen as the reflection for correction, using it to look for anything that would need to be fixed or adjusted. I would like to suggest that the negative self-talk has you looking at the wrong reflection. The inner negative self-talk should be the focus of correction. How encouraging to know that, no matter how much negative self-talk may exist in your mind, it is never too late to replace, correct, or “reprogram”. I co-wrote a book, Live Your BEST Life: Stories of Triumph. I’m inspired by my fellow co-author and friend Demetra Moore’s story as she shares how she had to fight against the negative self-talk of being a failure after she watched her business that she’d worked so hard to build from the ground up crumble to pieces. She talks about the feelings of despair and the agony of failing before her family, her friends, and the whole world. One of the keys to her success today was that she had to quiet the negative chatter that would show up in her darkest moments day after day until she learned how to fight back. I encourage you to go to my website and order the book. Every story is one of how we triumphed over obstacles that could have knocked us out of the race of life. If you want strategies for overcoming your hurdles and struggles in life, it’s another read that’s sure to please and help you as you journey through to success! One of the most important keys to overcoming negative self-doubt is to first recognize it when it occurs. For many, the choice to change the way we think is short-lived because it requires an amount of discipline that many will not want to commit to doing. Just as we can with a computer hard drive, we can reprogram our mind’s “hard drive” to reduce and eventually eliminate negative self-talk. Some of the advantages of eliminating negative self-talk are that it creates positive energy and opens the channel of creativity and the ability to produce fresh and new ideas. 8

When you find yourself having negative self-talk, immediately redirect your thinking. Be kind to yourself. Her are some of the most commonly used negative self-talk phrases are listed below on the left. On the right are phrases that can replace the negative selftalk. “I can’t seem to stay organized.” “I am developing organizational skills.” “That’s Impossible.” “It’s Possible.” “I don’t ever seem to have enough time.” “I will schedule my time better.” “I get so depressed.” “Sometimes I’m unhappy.” “I never seem to get anyplace on time.” “I will manage my time better.” What are some negative self-talk phrases and replacements that you will work to change? 1. __________________ ______________________ 2. __________________ ______________________ 3. __________________ ______________________

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10 Ways To Monetize Your Experience and Expertise It’s now half-time in 2020! Summer is among us, and the uncertainty that comes with it. As COVID-19 continues to rear it’s ugly head, sustainment of our lives lies hanging in the balance. However, I can tell you that resilience certainly pays off. After receiving an offer letter as an Adjunct Assistant Professor beginning in late August, I began to think of ways to further monetize other areas of my gifts and talents. Already working full-time remotely, I said to myself, Why stop here? There are so many ways to monetize your experience. I can think of no other example than Next Generation Speakers Magazine’s founder Cicone Prince who is demonstrating what monetizing your gifts and talents looks like. Aside from his successful engineering career, Prince runs and operates his own podcast, is creator/organizer of his annual leadership summit, a sought after speaker, and did I already mention he is founder of this dynamic magazine you are now reading. Yep, you guessed it -- all paid opportunities. To that, I say, “Let’s go with “Multiple Streams of Income for $1000 please Alex?” While I’m sure Prince can provide many more tips that has contributed to his incrfedible success, I believe 10 tips are a good benchmark. In my research, I came across Esther Snippe’s 10 ways that will get you started in maximizing and monetizing your expertise ( During this outbreak, mapping out a plan and preparing for the unforeseeable future would certainly be time well spent. 1. Offer consulting Share your knowledge, expertise, and experience with other individuals, organizations and businesses that need guidance, for a price. Consulting expert Tim Berry explains that “It takes four times the resources to find a new client than to keep existing clients.” Repeat business is the key to making money with consulting, so make sure that you deliver on what you say you will, don’t over promise, and do a noteworthy job. Read more on consulting • How to start a consulting business [Entrepreneur] • 5 Tips for building a killer consulting business [] • Consulting Start-Up: How to start a consulting business fast [uDemy]


2. Write a book A key way to add more value to the message you are giving your audience, increase your income, gain credibility, and establish yourself as a thought leader, is to write a book. You can take your message, and spend the time to turn it into into a professional-quality ebook, paperback, or hardback. Self-publishing is becoming easier and easier (which is not to say it is easy— just easier), and have a book that you can make profit from that you can sell from your website, and promote through free speaking events, is an effective way of adding to your earnings. Read more on writing a book and self publishing • Thinking of writing a book? Here’s what you need to know [Nick Morgan] • How to self publish a book in 2018 [Chandler Bolt] • The ultimate 10 step guide to plan and write your book [Write to Done] • How to self publish a book [LifeHacker] 3. Train your audience Often, a 20-40 minute talk is not enough time to fully explore your insights, and rarely enough time to give you audience the tools to be able to take your message and ideas and practically apply it. By setting up training sessions, you can dive deeper into your work, and explore the “how to apply this” much more effectively Whether you plan a training day, week-long seminar, half-day workshop, or webinar— organizing your own event can bring in more revenue and help establish you as an expert in your industry. You can use free talks to promote your training sessions, explaining that they are ideal for audience who want to get into the material more fully. Read more on offering training • How to create an effective training program: 8 steps to success [Jeffrey Dalto] • Pricing strategies that work for training courses [Course Sales] • Seminar Planning Checklist [Rob Hard] 4. Sell your message Add to your profit by creating a resource that your audience can use to continue learning about your message, topic or industry that you sell on your website. Resources could include: • video recording of your talk • ebook, • full how-to guide with checklists and explanations • a white paper, • or some other type of resource like a tool or app 11

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Some audience members will be very inspired and informed by your talk—but might forget your points afterwards. They might want to back over what you said, and having a video or other resource they can access at any time is ideal. Some audience members are often willing to buy the recording or resource. These are also ideal for wider audiences who might not be able to get to your live talk because they live very far away or are too busy to go to the conference. Continue exploring how to monetize your content • How to monetize your videos...without YouTube [Forbes] • 8 Steps to create and sell an ebook on your website [Jo Gifford] • A guide to online shopping carts [Entrepreneur] 5. Create an online course The beauty of an online course is that you don’t need to be present after you have set up the course, so it can potentially make money for you while you are traveling, sleeping or live speaking at an event, while your audience works through your content at their own pace. There are many resources to help you create an online course, and a lot of flexibility for how many sessions you offer, whether you use media or not, how automated or hands-on the process is. Read more on offering online training courses: • How to create an awesome online course [Udemy] • Creating your own online course? Avoid these mistakes! [Huffington Post] • Sell Courses On Your Own Website - No Coding Required! [Udemy] 6. Get paid to be a guest for interviews, webinar hosts, discussion panels, and blog posts If you are sharing your message and expertise: get paid for it. Whether you are writing a guest post for an industry blog or website, are a guest on a discussion panel or interview (either live or a podcast), always ask for compensation for your time and insights. There can be a lot of factors involved in how much you get paid, like how large the audience is, how valuable your insights are to the audience, and whether the blog/podcast/panel is high profile, or not-for-profit. If you need some ideas on how to negotiate fees, please see this article “A guide to negotiating your speaking fee” Continue reading: • The ultimate guide to getting booked as a guest on ANY podcast [Joe Fairless] • A formula for speaking fees [The Nerdary] • Exposure will kill you: Knowing your worth as a speaker and setting your fee [Bob Bevard] 7. Promote an affiliate product, website or service This is a pretty simple way of adding to your revenue, and can be very helpful to your audience, while helping companies, organizations or individuals from your network. An affiliate product is something that you have not create, can can be anything from a book, to a website, to a consulting service. 12

When someone you have recommended the service to decides to make a purchase, you can make a commission. Just be very careful to be transparent about your association, however, or it could hurt your credibility. Make sure you find a program or service that you’d like to promote, and is helpful to your audience, even if you weren’t earning money from it. Learning more about affiliate marketing • Affiliate marketing made simple: A Step-by-Step Guide [Neil Patel] • 4 myths about affiliate marketing you need to know [Forbes] • Beginner’s guide to understanding how Amazon Affiliate works [Alvin Lau] 8. Advertise on your website If your website or blog is getting a good amount of traffic, monetize it. You will need 500 to 1000 unique visitors per day to your site before you can start to make real money, so in the initial stages of building your website or blog, focus more heavily on creating good content and driving traffic before thinking about advertising. The idea is very simple, your website has some free space, and you lease out that space to different advertiser to market their products and service on your website. While that might seem a bit intimidating (because of course, you wouldn’t want ads that are inappropriate) with services like Google Adsense, much of the risk is reduced. Google Adsense is one of the most popular ways to monetize your website traffic, and is very easy to integrate, here are a handful of helpful articles to explore more deeply. Look into Google AdSense and advertising on your website • Making money from your website using advertising [Yaro Starak] • How to make money with Google Ads [Paul Suggett] • 4 Easy Ways to Get Advertisers on Your Site [Entrepreneur] 9. Add “Hire me” page on your website The “Hire me” option can open doors to a variety of different opportunities. Instead of speaking, training, consulting, or hosting—there might be other kinds of opportunities you haven’t thought of. By creating an open door for opportunities, and clearly stating that your are looking for new projects, you can potential stumble (or rather, get contacted for) on some fascinating and interesting things and new ways of adding to your revenue. On the hire me page, make sure to include • What services you currently offer, including freelance work • Samples and a portfolio • Testimonials • Very clear contact information 13

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continued from page 13 10. Offer professional speaking coaching and speech writing If you know how to speak and write great talks— use your skills to teach others by becoming a speaking coach and/or a speech writer. To coach new speakers, you can use your way with words and knowledge of speech flow to help a speaker form their content in an effective and interesting way. Work with them as they practice their talk, guiding them on how to make it more impactful. To help others with their speech writing, talk to the speaker about what content they need to cover, then help them craft the content in a way that is targeted for the audience and purposes, while writing in the “voice” of the speaker. Let’s Get After It! Email - Cell - 301-806-8614 Webstore - Twitter @jjwilliamsphd LinkedIn - PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE With Dr. James J. Williams SCHOLAR | AUTHOR | SPEAKER | VETERAN | SUCCESS EXPERT



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