Next Generation Speakers Magazine - March 2023

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Next Generation Speakers March 2023 NGS Also Inside This Issue: The Butterfly Effect Inspire For Success Prescription For Excellence How to Introduce a Speaker: 12 Essential Tips for Success Co-Sign Your Significance What Are You Doing While In The Waiting Room? S.H.I.F.T Dr. Louisa Akaiso Changing Africa One Tribe At A Time 4 th Anniversary Issue!

Editor’s Note...

This edition of Next Generation Speaker Magazine is monumental on two levels! First, this is our 4 Year Anniversary and where has the time gone? Second, March is Women’s History Month and we are doing it BIG!

This month we are showcasing Dr. Louisa Akaiso who is moving the content of Africa one village at a time! The work that she’s doing is beyond belief and can not be fully covered in this edition. However, we will showcase just some of the fantastic things she’s doing.

Dr. James J. Williams is back with another Prescription For Excellence as he shows us “How to Introduce a Speaker: 12 Essential Tips for Success”

The Global Butterfly Princess, Dr. La Donya Yvette, shows us how to “Inspire For Success” in this month’s The Butterfly Effect.

In this month’s Co-Sign Your Significance segment, Shona Dennis M. Div. asks the question What Are You Doing While In The Waiting Room?

And we are resharing our 5-part series called S.H.I.F.T.

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Text: 251-753-6299

Cicone C. A. Prince NGS Magazine Chief Editor Dr. James J. Williams Contributing Editor Dr. La Donya Yvette Contributing Columnist Holistic life Educator Shona M. Dennis M.Div Contributing Columnist Contents 2 3 4 8 10 20 30 32 Table of Changing Africa One Tribe At A Time Editor’s Notes ....................................The Butterfly Effect GLOW Dallas ......................................................S.H.I.F.T. ..................................It’s Time To H.E.A.L. Cover Photo Credit: Courtesy ..........................Preciption For Excellence Co-Sign Your Significance 3

Dr. Louisa Akaiso

Changing Africa One Tribe At A Time

You are multifaceted and multidimensional, how are you able to define your many parts?

Well, I am a lady who is driven by a desire to make a difference in people’s lives and see them reach their full potential, and I take advantage of every opportunity to do so. In my life, I’ve learned that you can’t tackle a lot of problems until you consistently build capacity. When it comes to reaching your full potential, you need to develop your leadership capacity, learn emotional management, image building and presence, and so many other things, which is why I try to be multi-dimensional. And at the heart of it all is a desire to assist individuals and organizations in reaching their greatest potential and transcending the ordinary.

What does being a civility leader and trainer entail?

A civility leader is someone who, first and foremost, embodies the virtues of respect, politeness, and courtesy and actively assists others in developing these virtues in themselves through coaching and training. It all starts with you, as a civility leader and trainer. We have many trained Civility leaders who are committed to spreading this message since it is something the world really needs right now, and I am grateful to be working on this with one of my Mentors, Dr. Clyde Rivers.

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How are you empowering women and girls to drive change and develop leadership platforms using civility?

Oh, this is a question I always enjoy answering. Women and girls, you see, are the ideal vehicles for spreading the message of civility. The African Woman, in particular, is a natural peacemaker, caregiver, and lover. I’ve always been interested in women’s empowerment, but my desire for the African girl and woman has recently grown stronger. An empowered African woman in economic and political leadership recognizes the value of treating others with honor, courtesy, and respect in order to influence them for good. This is why I started the Women Who Win Africa organization.

With over 15 years of practice, empowering people, how has your experiences shaped you and your work?

Wow! It has shaped me in several ways. 15 years of actively undertaking this work has not been easy, but it has also been enjoyable. It has helped me appreciate the blessings I have in my husband and children more. With my frequent travel and several meetings every day, all I’ve had from them has been support, which not many women in this field have, so I don’t want to take that for granted. In addition, I’ve realized that there is still work to be done. The harvest is plenty, but laborers are few. That is why my current focus is on training leaders who will train other leaders. In addition, I am involved throughout strategic partnerships with local and international organizations in Africa and around the world. God has recently directed my attention to the empowerment of African women. You know how you’ve been involved in so many things for so long, but suddenly God stops you and gives you a new direction with a whole new plan; that’s where I’m at right now.

You run a women-focused organisation that advances development and transformation in Africa, how are you achieving your aim?

It’s been success after success. As I have stated, our primary goal is to train and support women to make meaningful change in Africa.

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How to Introduce a Speaker: 12 Essential Tips for Success

Speech introductions are often an afterthought, hastily thrown together at the last second by someone with little knowledge of the speaker, their speech, or the value for the audience. And yet, speech introductions are critical to the success of a speech.

This article gives you a series of practical tips for how to introduce a speaker to position them with the best possible chance to succeed.

1. Answer three core questions.

When you are introducing a speaker, your primary goal is to prepare the audience and get them excited for what they are about to hear.

To do this, you must answer these three core questions:

• What is the topic?

• Why is this topic important for this audience?

• Why is the speaker qualified to deliver this talk?

By addressing these three questions, you’ve given the audience a motivation for listening (the topic is important to them), and you’ve reinforced the speaker’s credibility.

2. Prepare and practice adequately.

“While a strong speech opening is vital, nothing helps establish a speaker’s credibility more than a carefully-crafted and well-delivered introduction.”

At all costs, avoid thoughts such as “Oh, I don’t need to prepare… I’m just introducing a speaker.”

Thoughts like that lead to stumbling, bumbling, off-the-cuff introductions which undermine your credibility and the credibility of the speaker.


You should write out (and edit) the full introduction, check it with the speaker, and practice it several times.

3. Memorize it, or minimize your notes.

Try to memorize the introduction; speaking without notes will add to your authority, and the audience will put more weight in your recommendation (that is, to listen to this speaker).

If you are unable to memorize the entire introduction, then use as few notes as you can. Be sure you can you deliver the last sentence of your introduction without notes as this will maximize momentum for the speaker.

4. Be positive and enthusiastic.

The audience takes cues from you. If you seem disinterested, they will be disinterested. If you are (genuinely) positive and enthusiastic, they will be too. Your choice of words, voice, gestures, and facial expressions should all convey enthusiasm.

So, how do you ensure you are enthusiastic?

5. Get to know the speaker.

It is difficult to get the audience excited about the speaker if you aren’t excited yourself.

If the speaker is previously unknown to you — for example, suppose you’ve volunteered to introduce speakers at a large industry event — your introduction may lack sincerity. So, get to know the speaker. Google them. Talk with them. Ask others about them. Research the speaker and their expertise until you are excited by the opportunity to introduce them.

6. Eliminate pronunciation blunders.

A sure way to undermine your own credibility and that of the speaker is to mispronounce their name, the title of their presentation, or any other key terms.

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The Butterfly Effect

Inspire For Success

“For I know the plans that I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11.

It’s a celebration! “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!”Audrey Hepburn

This quote stands true as we also celebrate Women’s Month 2021 and are reminded of all the accomplishments and contributions women have made by being bold and by being heard. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences brings conversations to the table advocating equality and recognizing that we are women on the rise by leveraging our unique perspectives as we bring strength not only to our families, but also to the communities we serve and generations to come.

Diversity and inclusion play an intricate part of how we as individuals treat each other and support one another with love. Diversity, therefore, includes the traditional focus around race and gender but also includes the diversity of thoughts, ideas, backgrounds, and experiences. Inclusion is a culture of kindness that leverages everyone’s unique perspective, strengths and talents that contributes to their ultimate potential.

It is such a time as this that as we support each other and collaborate, we also allow for our shared interests, common goals, characteristics and life experiences an opportunity where we can foster relationships and grow together. And by doing so, we can share among these common interests:

• Support and enhance professional development within our circle of influence

• Contribute ideas to promote better life experiences

• Help make a positive impact to each other and the communities we serve by raising awareness of social issues that may exist and promoting positive change

In other words,… getting Involved is that special ingredient that we bring to the table. One thing for sure is that women are more PowHERful, confident, ambitious and successful now more than ever before.


This message of inspiration is to encourage everyone to live their best life. Begin where you are. No more hiding in plain sight. Map out your message as this is the blueprint for your success. Move forward in faith with joy and fulfillment. When inspiration comes from the heart, that is where we are most impactful. Do not wait for the world to recognize your greatness, live it and live it out loud! Let the world catch up to you.

As I reflect on my own personal journey to becoming, I must share that it has been a beautiful one as living an inspired life has been a result of resolve and unwavering faith. It is important to know that growth cannot go without being challenged. It is a link of strength that shall not be broken. If I may be completely transparent, I once encountered feelings of doubt and worry in the fact that my dream is so big that is literally scares me. I will be the first to admit that I had placed too much focus on the “How” I am going to do this? “What” will people say and think of me? Rather than focusing on the “Why” I am supposed to do this. And “Who” I will do a disservice to if I don’t pursue my purpose. It’s amazing how sometimes we can literally talk ourselves out of something. I have learned to Push through it all.

Pursuing your dream and your purpose can be daunting to say the least. Trust me, I know; I totally get it! But here’s the deal… Deep down inside you know in your heart that you are meant for something big. That you were created to make a difference in the world to make an impact and to serve to some capacity, even though right now you may be feeling differently. I’m here to tell you, there is a great purpose for your life.

So the question remains- what are you missing? Well, you’re missing the simple fact of believing that you are destined for greatness, believing that you are the change and believing that you are enough! Truth be told, people are just waiting on you to show up- because you have what they need that will change the narrative of the way they see themselves or their situation. So it will be forever true that it starts with you! I had to learn this lesson myself. What am I waiting for? And questioned myself, what am I missing?

The bottom line is what you really can be missing is for you to just T.R.Y.; Trust your Radical Yes!

• Yes, I am worthy

• Yes, I am enough

• Yes, I deserve abundance

• Yes, to all of those things that you were created to do and be

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Have you ever wondered what sets others apart from the rest? Well let me tell you… It is tenacity and grit! As we take this time to recognize and applaud all who have taken their rightful place as a leader, entrepreneur, visionary or dreamer, we can appreciate that there are many facets of endured strength.

They say everything comes in three’s. Everyday we are being challenged by one thing or another. However, praying and asking God for wisdom regarding everyday life is a key ingredient for victory and successful change in your life.

Second ingredient is faith; which means looking forward and directing your vision into the future rather than looking back at the past. Faith is not required to look back into yesterday. Faith is required to look forward to the next minute, hour, and year. Focus forward in faith. This is our seasoning for the healing of mind, body and spirit.

Third ingredient is love. Love is powerful. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is a many-splendored thing. Self-love is the most important love that we can have in our lives. If we care for and love ourselves, then we are able to share love with others. If we allow love to simmer in our spirit, we allow healing in our heart.

So as we incorporate wisdom, faith and love as our recipe for change, we will see situations being resolved and our lives will be forever changed. It starts with all of us. Together we can make a difference. It is said to be the change you wish to see, which can impact and revolutionize the world in terms of business and personal growth.

You have absolutely everything it takes to pursue your dream and create positive impact in the lives of others. We all have a divine gift tailor-made just for us- for greatness. It is important to realize that your greatest potential is achievable and within your reach.

Life in general can be challenging to say the least. However, once you show up for yourself and begin to pursue your purpose, everything will fall into place. Adopting an attitude of action is the jump start to putting things in motion.

Here are some steps to consider that I have found helpful on my journey to make a difference and create change and how to maximize growth within business and personal development.

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So far, we have The African Ambassador to the United Nations as our matron. We conducted the LiftHerUp literacy outreach in Abuja last April, when we donated school uniforms and covered the girls’ school expenses for three terms. We are just about to confirm and inaugurate our country directors across Africa. Impact-driven engagement is our mission. We want to raise women who make a difference in their neighborhoods, states, and country, not just make noise on social media. We have designed a model in which you will be compelled to be a change driver in your environment once you join our academy. It’s impossible to escape this in the Women Who Win Africa system. We also offer financial incentives to women who work in several African countries.

Tell us about your other initiatives promoting civility and leadership development for women and girls?

As I previously stated, we recently completed the #LifeHerUp girl child literacy campaign in Abuja and have plans to take the program to Cameroon and other African countries. That is our foundation level program because effective 21st century leadership requires education. There is International Civility For The Girl Child Day, which is observed annually October 13th. This effort is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 5. We also have the LeadHerShip Academy, a curriculum-based training and mentorship institution that offers courses for women who wish to improve their political, leadership, and business skills. Another initiative is the Her Shoe Initiative. It is for women who have overcome adversity to rise above the poverty line. We bring them together to share their stories in order to inspire others by becoming active mentors who will teach the girls what worked for them and what didn’t, as well as how they overcame cultural hurdles and expectations to succeed. As a result, the girls learn legitimate means of livelihood at a young age.

What has kept you going? What motivates and inspires you?

God sustains me. If I did something because of my strength or ambition, it would crumble quickly. There are some ideas and inspirations that I know can only come from God.

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You are the Expert:

Remember, the gift is yours! It is also wise to further study your industry or your niche. Explore your creativity. The world is waiting on you. Be resilient.

Be Productive:

What and how much you get done are important for business and personal growth. Time management is a successful habit to master in order to produce great results not only in your business, but in your personal life as well. Not only should you live a balanced life, but a harmonious one!

Be Indispensable:

How well do you assert yourself? Knowing what your strengths are will definitely give you the leverage that you need to produce at a higher level. Be yourself but make yourself stand out from the rest and capitalize on your uniqueness. Be a catalyst for change.

Build Networking Relationships:

Taking advantage of the gift of collaboration is the key to building strong business and personal relationships. Forming partnerships and supporting others is a great way to gain new opportunities for growth. It’s a win-win situation! Collaboration is the new currency. Your network is your networth!

So as we take a moment to recognize the greatness we see in others, I also wish to celebrate You! Go be great in the world. I wish you all indescribable peace.

I’m just a girl who decided to go for it, who is on my journey to becoming the best version of myself daily by using my God-given gifts to inspire others to believe in themselves and confidently go after their dreams. I truly believe that when you know who you are and whose you are, without the limiting beliefs or self-doubt, you can build any form of success you desire upon that foundation… one inspiration at a time.

“A confident woman is an empowered woman humbled by Grace.” – La Donya Yvette

La Donya Yvette is the Founder/CEO of iWIN Global Enterprise., an inspirational movement all about G.I.R.L. PowHER and Living an Inspired Life. She is a Published Author, Writer, creator of Butterfly Beauty Blog, Inspirational Speaker, Master Your Mindset Coach, Certified Dreamsteerer Academe’ Instructor, Contributing Writer for MizCEO Magazine for the Entrepreneurial Woman, the Breathe Now Magazine, and the Entrepreneur Platform Magazine. She is also Your Voice of Inspiration!

Website: (iWIN Global - Influential Women Inspire Network)

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Email: (G.I.R.L. PowHER - Gladiators Inspire Remarkable Ladies) (Butterfly Beauty Blog) Donya Yvette

Dr. La Donya Yvette The Clarity Coach

What Are You Doing While In The Waiting Room?

People in waiting rooms are queued up based on various methods in different types of waiting rooms. In hospital emergency department waiting areas, patients are triaged by a nurse, and they are seen by the doctor depending on the severity of their medical condition. In the waiting rooms of clinics, hospitals, emergency departments and urgent care clinics, humanity comes together as equals.

And for every minute that one waits, one also stops engaging in anything but the wait. Having a health issue, whatever it is, even if there is no issue, brings us to the basic truth that we are each human, vulnerable to wear and tear in need of CARE. That our differences have been reduced and we are on the same plane of assistance.


Each one of has been born into trouble (Job :14), drama, and trauma and continues to experience it on a daily basis. Like the waiting room in the hospital, some sit and wait, some play games, write in a journal, catch up on reading, listen to a podcast, and some sleep.

The truth common to us all is that no-one wants to be there. The seats are uncomfortable regardless of design, there are feelings of distress, stress, and fear. The waiting is part of the moment, treatment, and an insult in the process. There isn’t much privacy and confidentiality. Life has us all in some form of waiting room.


PROBLEMS, AND CONDITIONS, that need to be seen or heard by professional hands? These issues are holding you back in some way?

Many of us don’t realize that we have a purpose in life, God has a plan for our life and we must continue moving forward. There will be times when the storms come, the wind blows, and the weight of life gets heavy. What will you do? How do you cope?


What happens when your situation is on the bottom of the triage list? Everyone else is moving ahead of your pain and problems.

What happens when you hear the virtual message everyone hates to hear “we know that your time is valuable please continue to HOLD?

Has anyone wondered how do we design the waiting room experience to minimize stress, anticipation, expectation, and fear of surprise? How do we design our life for a better experience in dealing, coping with, and waiting for our NEXT STEPS in any situation?

The bible tells us if we have to wait:

• Wait on the lord, meaning in prayer, seeking, and standing firm on what God has spoken to you. (Ps27:14) while moving forward

• Cast all our cares and anxiety upon the Lord (1 Pt5:7)

• The lord is a present help in times of trouble (Ps:46)

• You’ve been at this mountain long enough (Deut 1:6/John 5:3-6)

• God Almighty neither sleeps nor slumbers (Ps:121)

While in the waiting room of life, there is no time to sit, soak, and sour. It is time to always have an awareness, be awakened, and have accountability to our life on a holistic level. There is no earthly problem that heaven can’t hear about or heal. 21

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He has given us the passion, and indeed the command, to make disciples in all nations; disciples of transformation, disciples who grow to become nation-builders. I am also motivated by several African women who have accomplished great things. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Miriam Makeba, Winnie Mandela, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, and many more. I believe in the African woman and just want the honor of assisting her in finding her voice and realizing her full potential.

With your goal to transform and raise African women leaders, what challenges have you been confronted with and how are you able to surmount them?

To be candid, I won’t even call them challenges. I’ve had more blessings and miracles than obstacles. Things are moving at a breakneck pace that I hope we can keep up with. We have received a great deal of support and interest from African countries. Over 100 ladies applied to serve for free during our previous outreach. People from other African countries have actually begged me to cooperate with them. I’m sometimes terrified to open Whatsapp. So my goal is to construct a winning team that will bring this vision to life, as well as to effectively harness the numerous opportunities that are opening up for us. My challenge is to figure out how to design an efficient framework. And thankfully, we have started work on that.

How can women better position themselves for leadership opportunities?

First, you need to have a heart to serve. Service is the bedrock upon which leadership is built. You should not seek leadership only to be dubbed a boss. You also don’t need a position to serve, so start by making an effect even if you don’t have one. Second, you must build capacity. The C in WWWA’s EPIC values stands for capacity. You simply must be capable of producing excellent results for your town, state, country, or company. Allow your exceptional works to be unmistakable. Then we must demand and accept a seat at the leadership table. You’ll be on the menu if you’re not at the table. Finally, let us be true helpmates for the males. I think that many women are still perplexed by the complexities of that responsibility.

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Luckily, this is easily avoided through practice and by confirming the correct pronunciation with the speaker well before the presentation. (Don’t wait until you are delivering the introduction to ask them — this looks amateurish.)

“A sure way to undermine your own credibility and that of the speaker is to mispronounce their name, the title of their presentation, or any other key terms.”

7. Be accurate.

Being accurate is as important as correct pronunciation, perhaps more so. Make sure you know the precise years, facts, or details.

If you make factual errors, many speakers will feel an irresistible compulsion to correct you. This is a lousy way for them to begin their speech, and will almost certainly kill their momentum.

8. Don’t alter the speech title.

Many speakers craft their presentation title very carefully, and the words matter to them. The title may be a phrase they want the audience to remember, it may reflect language used on accompanying slides, or it may be a humorous play on words.

Don’t change it under any circumstances. (And, of course, know how to pronounce it.)

9. Should you attempt humor?

In most circumstances, no. Your objective is to get the audience excited about the topic and the speaker, and this is not the time to tell humorous anecdotes about the speaker. Save those for a roast!

There are exceptions (as there are to all public speaking advice), and you’ll have to use your judgment. If this speech is part of a longer event, and the preceding talk has been particularly sad or low on energy, then it may help continued from page 9


to lift the spirits of the audience. If you need to do this, do it early in your introduction, and then move on to the more thought-provoking content leading to your climax.

10. Don’t give an outline of the speech.

Avoid undermining the speaker by giving too many details about the speech, telling anecdotes from their speech, or making promises about details in their presentation. It is the speaker’s job to decide how and when they reveal their outline. Keep your introduction at a high level, unless they have specifically asked you to do otherwise.

11. Stick to relevant expertise of the speaker.

One very common mistake is to recite a lengthy list of biographical details (education, awards, former job titles, publications, etc.) which may or may not be relevant to the topic being presented. This is especially common at academic conferences.

For example, avoid introductions such as:

Our speaker grew up in Cleveland and graduated at the top of her mechanical engineering class at Carnegie Mellon University. She went on to earn a Master’s Degree from Duke University, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard.

She is a member of the Automotive Engineers Association, and a twotime recipient of the Stone Award for Distinguished Linguistics Research. She was previously the Director of Research at Hasbro, and is currently the CEO for the Miami Dolphins.

Her talk today is entitled “How to Build Authentic Shaker Furniture.”

A much better introduction would touch on how many years the speaker had been building shaker furniture, whether she had been trained or selftaught, and that she had written a book on this topic.

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Okay, maybe that example was a bit extreme. But, even if the speaker has a lengthy list of biographical details that are related to her talk, there’s no need to recite them all. Pick a small number (about three) that are most relevant — usually the most recent details.

12. Don’t overdo it.

Long introductions filled with biographical details are bad for two main reasons:

• Long introductions are boring. Nobody attends an event to listen to the introducer go on and on.

• Long introductions are pompous. Reciting dozens of professional accolades gives the impression that the speaker cares only about himself and his ego.

Keep your introduction just long enough to accomplish your goals: [1] what’s the topic, [2] why does it matter, and [3] why is the speaker credible?

I’m a big fan of short introductions in just about all situations. Sixty or ninety seconds is usually ample time. For really long presentations (e.g. keynote addresses lasting an hour or more), then two or three minutes may be warranted.

The opinions expressed here by Next Generation Speakers Magazine columnists are their own, not those of the magazine itself.

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With Dr. James J. Williams



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Help mate does not imply inferiority or insignificance; rather, it implies that males on their own are incapable of providing transformational leadership. We are the salt that adds flavor to their lives. It’s not a competition, but rather a collaboration, and we can persuade males that they need us at the table. In Africa, it may take some time, but it is occurring. Rwanda is a case in point. It is the first country in the world to have a female majority in parliament, with 61.3% in the Lower House and 38.5% in the Upper House today.

We are in a political era, what role are you playing to increase and empower women?

For the time being, we are primarily concerned with advocacy and enlightenment in Nigeria and throughout Africa. We intend to launch an online campaign for the Nigerian elections soon. We are not stopping there, but are also establishing additional structures to support female political actors. The elections in Kenya and Angola are also scheduled for August of this year; maybe, we will be able to empower more women before then.

How can we get more women to become successful and rise to the top as you have done? What tips do you have for younger women?

There are numerous suggestions I could make. But let me just link them to WWWA’s EPIC Values. If you want to be an EPIC Woman, you must first become ENLIGHTENED. Ignorance is a disease that must be eradicated at all costs. Learn about what’s going on inside and outside of you, in politics, the economy, your organization, and so on. Second, you should GET INVOLVED. Don’t just sit in the audience; take a seat at the leadership table. Seeking service-based leadership is admirable. Then create IMPACT. Every day, get out of bed with the goal to make a difference in someone’s life. Finally, keep increasing CAPACITY. Learn new skills and strive to be the best at what you do.


How are you able to combine you many portfolios as a speaker, author, trainer, life coach, and family woman and still be at your best?

As I previously stated, God has provided me with a supportive family. It hasn’t been easy. I respect my husband because he provides me with support that I could only dream of. If I had my way, I’d probably be relaxing at home and saving myself all these headaches, but I dare not with him. My children also provide me with a lot of strength. Fortunately for me, they’ve grown up and it’s no longer as demanding as it once was. But at the end of the day, all I want to do is go home and relax with them over a nice cuisine.


S. H. I. F. T.

If we are truthful, we can all say that we have taken more classes, been to more seminars, and watched more videos than we have Implemented. It is easy to just absorb information, we can almost do that in our sleep.

So why is it so easy for us to take in information but it seems to be hard for us to put it into practice? Most of the time it has to do with information overload. We don’t have a plan for the information that we get. Most of us don’t know what it is that we need. This leads us to get all we can and then can all you get.

For us to make a S.H.I.F.T. in our life we have to be willing to take the information that we have been given and put it into practice. I remember a fellow Coach telling me that he had a potential client that shared with him about their displeasure from working with another Coach. After they finished talking about how much money they paid and how much time was spent he asked them a simple question. The question was, “How much of what they taught you have you implemented?” Their mouth just flew open and they were stopped in their tracks.

So many of us fall into the same category because we have a boatload of knowledge but very little to show for it.


For us to see the change that we want, at some point we have to take action. We have to put some feet to our faith and do it even if we are afraid. I’m reminded of the 1980’s cartoon G. I. Joe always ending with a moral of each story and they would recap the episode with a quick illustration and then the young children that they were teaching would say, “Now we know.” And the G. I. Joe’s agent would say that “Knowing is half the battle.” A lot of us know, we just need to do it!

What have you learned that you have yet to implement? What have you been exposed to that you have not done? What information are you sitting on?

If this pandemic has taught us anything it should be that we have to take action to see the change that we desire. I want to encourage you to put into practice those things that you have learned and do it now because tomorrow’s not promised.

Your dreams don’t have an expiration date but we do.

Next month we are going to look at how Fostering and developing our goals will get you closer than you are right now.

Also, if you missed Study and Heed click the links below: Study Heed

Cicone Prince

discovery guide to healing your Inner Child. This book has been years in the making, and Cicone recently realized that introducing you to yourself was could not be complete without the introduction to your Inner Child. So many of us have been fighting our Inner Child, pacifying our Inner Child, or even worse, ignoring our Inner Child. Cicone wants to walk you through a process of making Peace with your Inner Child in order to help you develop into a person that can thrive in any environment and then teach others to do the same.

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