BUTFF2022 program booklet

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partners Sponsors&


3 BUT: the 17th edition What is BUTFF? Theme of 2022: EYE FOR AN EYE BUT TickesAfterpartysquare&Overall info GuestsBUT-ArtMap- BUTFF 2022 Awards - BUTFF 2022 Music Program Poets & ShortsMoviesSundaySaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayPerformanceA-Z filmsscheduleSpecialsINfo DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION IN THIS BOOKLET (TIMES & SPOTS) REMAINS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR THE MOST-MOSTMOST UPDATED VERSION, SEE THE PROGRAM ON OUR WEBSITE: BUTFF.NL 54-6037-5224-2919-2314-1610-116-95461626313173132333435



In your hands lies the booklet of our newest, already 17th, BUT Film Festival edition, the dedicated work of producers, organisers, programmers, writers, promotors, software engineers, funding specialists, financial wizards, constructors, bartenders, carpenters, technicians, designers, presentors, interviewers, and networkers - most of whom are volunteers who believe in the power of stubborn, DIY craftsmanship.

Proud as peacocks with long feathers on our BUTt, we present you with a richer programme than we were able to provide for the past two years. Gone are the absurd, ever-changing restrictions - this year, we welcome back performances, live music, poetry, festival guests, filmmakers, actors, signing sessions, and a market. BUTFF also spilled across the street into a new screening room. This year, we stick our nosy noses deep into the main theme: EYE FOR AN EYE. Revenge on screen has a female side in raperevenge films and a male aspect in vigilante movies. And welcome to our main guests, POLYANNA MCINTOSH and ROBERT BRONZI. Finally, of course, we hope all our visitors - from closeby and afar - have a pleasant stay in the always “gezellig” city of Breda! Alex Diehl - festival director


what BUTFF?is

BUTFF is the Dutch film festival for B-movies, Underground & Trash Films! For five days, Breda is home to films packed with violence, absurdity, creativity, and corny stuff!

B-movies (low-budget movies) are created as a by-product of the Hollywood studio system and have developed into their own genre/ type. Underground films are controversial films, often linked to a scene or a city, that push the limits of the permissible. Trash films are cheap,

We are looking for visitors who... : At BUT Film Festival, we screen exclusively B-movies, Underground & Trash films, or, in other words, BUT films. Their quality does not depend on expensive special effects, high-end acting, or a slick story, but rather on the unconventional. They may surprise you in terms of form, technique, or content. Alongside screening BUT films, we invite you to immerse yourself in all things weird with our complementary music, performance, and poetry programme. In short, there’s no place where you can experience the (not-so-)average BUT films the way you do at our festival! do not immediately start screaming at the sight of a drop of blood, can appreciate creativity to the absurd, can perfectly combine conviviality with watching films! xxx



Thriller: A Cruel Picture | Bo Arne Vibenius | 1973 | Sweden

6 Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth... In this world, reason goes out the window as soon as injustice occurs. This time BUTFF will dive into the genres in which revenge and retribution are the driving forces. Whether it’s superheroes standing up for lay-mortals when Johnny Law fails or a townsman “cleaning” the streets after his family is assaulted, the law is taken into private hands. Initially peace-loving persons turn into lean, mean, fighting machines that won’t stop until the dish is finally served cold. But by then, the damage has already been done, and the endless spiral of revenge and retaliation subsequently provides the spectacle that we as BUT-film viewers enjoy so much. Payback time! God does not have to judge because we will do that ourselves, as we are judge, jury, and executioner. Rapists, terrorists, slave owners, Nazis, pedophiles, cult leaders, drugdealers, pimps, crimelords, annoying neighbors, crying babies, spoiled brats, people who double park - not in my neighborhood! This populist wet dream aside, the eye also lends itself to explore optic metaphors and silly puns that pervade the films. So keep an eye out for this year’s program as you won’t believe your own eyes and won’t be able to take ‘em off our screens. You know you had it coming!

The Woman | Lucky McKee | 2011 | USA | starring Pollyanna McIntosh AN EYE

FEMALE REVENGE Emancipatory or misogynic? This question will be central during our exploration of the remarkable genre of female revenge films, in which women who fell victim to (sexual) violence mercilessly retaliate. The so-called ‘rape-revenge’ film has spawned a number of cult classics in which the female character plays a role that is at best ambiguous. How do we look back on this legacy in 2022? And how has the genre developed over time? A Gun for Jennifer | Todd Morris | 1997 | USA Baise-Moi | Virginie Despentes, Coralie | 2000 | France I Spit on Your Grave | Steve R. Monroe | 2011 | USA I’ll Never Die Alone | Adrián García Bogliano | 2008 | Argentina/Spain

Ms. 45 - Angel of Vengeance | Abel Ferrara | 1981 | USA Revenge | Coralie Fargeat | 2017 | Belgium/France Revenge Ride | Melanie Aitkenhead | 2020 | USA | starring Pollyanna McIntosh


will explore the BUT side of this popular

The Hard


Patriarchal men who arm themselves in civilian militias to fight injustice and street crime is a theme of all times. Yet, in terms of film, it remains the populist American genre par excellence.

You’re Not A Real

Until You’ve Been Shot

The city of New York at the end of the twentieth century, with its suburbs like Brooklyn, plays a special part. The archetype here is, of course, Charles Bronson, the solid man who wears a mustache and takes matters into his own hands. As stated on the (satirical) Times: Punk By Charles Bronson In The ‘70s. This year, we macho

topic. The Black Gestapo | Lee Frost | 1975 | USA Cellat | Memduh Ün | 1975 | Turkey Deadbeat at Dawn | Jim van Bebber | 1988 | USA Death Kiss | Rene Perez | 2018 | USA | starring Robert Bronzi Death Wish | Michael Winner | 1974 | USA Death Wish 2 | Michael Winner | 1982 | USA | 16mm Escape from Death Block 13 | Gary Jones | 2021 | USA | starring Robert Bronzi The Exterminator | James Glickenhaus | 1980 | USA New York Ninja | John Liu, Kurtis Spieler | 2021 / 1984 | USA Rolling Vengeance | Steven Hilliard Stern | 1987 | Canada Streetlaw | Enzo G. Castellari | 1974 | Italy Vigilante | William Lustig | 1982 | USA 2022:EYE

Within the overarching theme, there are again a number of fixed subtheme programs that contribute in different ways to BUTFF’s diversity and your fun.



Jack the St.Ripper | George Nevada | 2021 | Italy Knife + Heart | Yann Gonzales | 2018 | France


We’re extending ‘The Invasion of the Horny Pink Flamingos’, introduced last year, due to its great success. As part of the Pink Flamingos subtheme, we highlight a number of LGBT+ films. Really, we’re just bringing extra attention to films that have always been part of our selection. By doing so, we want to emphasize inclusiveness and welcome an even wider and more diverse audience. After all, BUTFF accepts everyone, as long as you’re a weirdo.


Saturday at BUTFF is known as the ‘Bloody Belgium day’ for several years now. Flemish programmers present a retrospective on the Belgian BUT cinema and welcome special Belgian guests and visitors. This year, we selected two new movies made during the COVID period. ‘Duyster’, a documentary about Antwerp’s 17th century executioner, is the first Flemish Found Footage Film, shot fully in the City of Antwerp. The film has already won awards at different festivals and now it comes to conquer BUTFF. ‘Hotel Poseidon’ is a psychedelic movie trip, shot only in the City of Malines. It is written and directed by the Belgian equivalent of David Lynch - Stef Lernous. See full movie descriptions at “Films A-Z”, starting on page 37. Duyster | Thomas Vanbrabant & Jordi Ostir | 2021 | Belgium Hotel Poseidon | Stefan Lernous | 2021 | Belgium

An important and popular part of the festival are the short films, better known as the shorts. We program them before featurelength films as well as in short film blocks, which consist almost entirely of films we received via submissions. The short blocks are a high dose of BUT-worthy film productions in which anything from high art (video art & experimental films) to low art (banal sleaze & blood) mixes within the length of a regular film. This gives a bird’s eye view of what is going on among the contemporary BUT filmmakers.


Revenge Ride | Melanie Aitkenhead | 2020 | USA | starring Pollyanna McIntosh

BUTFF SHORTS MARATHON Sun. 4-9 | 15:00 – 21:00 | Bank15 BUT Obviously,LIGHTtheBUTFF is the most fun when you are with a lot of friends. In other words: fill up the car and drive away! Unfortunately, someone is always the dupe, for that’s the BOB ( Dutch for “the one who hasn’t drunk any alcoholic beverages and therefore serves as the designated driver”). To prevent that after a few films, this person doesn’t dare to drive home anymore, we put together a BUT Light selection. This selection is not too heavy or intense and (almost) free of blood. Okay, at most at a limit of 2%. But don’t worry: at the beginning of the evening, a bit of devilish delight doesn’t hurt at all.

9 SHORT BLOCK 1: HELL HATH NO FURY Thu. 1-9 | 20:30 | BANK15 Sun. 4-9 | 15:00 | BANK15 SHORT BLOCK 2: A DISH BEST SERVED COLD Fri. 2-9 | 20:00 | KWA room Sun. 4-9 | 17:00 | BANK15 SHORT BLOCK 3: TWO GRAVES Sat. 3-9 | 20:00 | KWA room Sun. 4-9 | 19:00 | BANK15

You can see which films are included in each Short Block on pages 54-60. & Look out for shorts before feature films.

SHORTS MARATHON If you missed out on your chance to see the BUTFF shorts in any of the blocks, come see ALL of them on a relaxed Sunday evening. There’s something for everyone in this pleasantly exhausting marathon session: over-the-top gore, absurd humor, alienating trash, unrestrained creativity, and a large dose of films with a heightened BUT factor. In other words: all the news BUT has to offer in terms of shorts in one place.

Alien Artist | Hoya Seiyo | 2022 | Japan Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People | Cesar Cabral | 2021 | Brazil Jacinto | Javi Camino | 2021 | Spain Operation Luchador | Alain Vézina 2021 | Canada



If you know, you know. Our tattoo master Bastian Teeuwen will be around, so look out for him. His colorful and wild creations will inflict temporary pain and result in lifelong satisfaction, just like BUT films do.


GettingFOODCATERINGhungry from watching all that blood, murder, and terror? No worries, every day a different caterer will keep meals varied and your hunger satisfied. In a hurry to see a movie? Make a quick stop at our super sandwich bar.

ThisBEERyear our main sponsor, KWAbrewery, did its utmost best to surprise us with a fitting beer style. KWA brewery presents “Blind Date” as the BUTbeer of 2022. A smooth pale ale with a small bitter touch, ain’t that life…

ForWINEwine lovers, we have a special selection of Italian delicacies from CIUCCA. The Italian-Dutch team caters wine at culinary and cultural events. They only work with small families farming organic food and wine producers from Italy.

In-between the screenings, we offer a unique side program at the BUT square. The agenda varies daily but always tries to creatively stimulate your sensors and senses. This includes music and poetry performances, art exhibitions, meet and greets, a market, and so on, so browse forward for more info!

Now updated and probably not better: The CCCP or Cinematig Crack Cinema Program! We will serve you video compilations of plain weird stuff. Forget eye aids, this will be a visual plague in a new variant. Television typhus on the big white screen. Call your mother off for your weekly session because you will spend two evenings staring at pixelpus on the BUTsquare. but square

BUTFF doesn’t shun commerce and trade, as long as it is BUTrelated. In addition to the trusted Zeno shop from Zeno Pictures, which will be available throughout the festival, there will be room again on Saturday, and perhaps also on Sunday, for the BUT film and music market. Posters, clothing, Blu-rays, DVDs, CDs, vinyl, books, magazines, merchandise, and more B-movie and underground-related objects, both new and used, will lure you to the stalls. Delve deeper into the weirdness and spiciness that the underground world of film and music making can offer. To spoil you even more, the signing session with our guests will take place during the market. Come, buy, and let your purchase be signed!


BUT Market Sat. 3-9| 12:00 to 18:00h | BUT squareSigning session Sat. 3-9 | 16:00 to 18:00h | BUT square BUTtv Our gonzo journalists from the anarchist festival channel BUTtv are back! This time with a special work-learning trajectory for up-and-coming audiovisual talents, led by Dutch filmmaker Tom Elswijk. The BUTtv team will provide us with the latest news and best impressions directly from and during the festival. Follow their videos on our Youtube channel @buttelevision.



After completing her Bachelor of Design at St.

Curated and supported by KOP. As a ‘kick-starter for art and design talent’, Breda’s KOP focuses on mentoring programmes for its own art projects and as a co-producer, whereby they enter into partnerships specifically in the area of talent development.

Joost school of Art and Design, Veerkamp continually worked on commissioned and autonomous visual and conceptual projects. With her intuitive methods Veerkamp is always searching for the dialogue between the aesthetic and the overwhelming. “Should art be beautiful or make an impression?”





Anouk has always been fascinated by classic film noir movies. The iconic black and white shots and the suggestive character of these movies sparks her imagination. What film lover does not know the iconic hitchcock shower curtain scene? In this series she states that revenge is an emotion everybody is confronted with at a certain point in their lives. An odd emotion that is not so odd. Veerkamp imagines these feelings as abstract still lives that take your emotions and reflect your thoughts back at you. In this project Veerkamp uses a mixture of media; photography combined with painting and computer/photo manipuYoulation.can see her work on a small and intimate scale and simultaneously experience it at an overwhelming size. The shear size of the works makes you feel like the 2d canvases are sculptures towering over you.

Proudly introducing Pollyanna McIntosh as our main guest for the female revenge edition of BUTFF 2022. The tall Scottswoman is best known for her role as Anne ‘Jadis’ in “The Walking Dead”, or her acting in the series “Vikings”. She made her first appearance in “The Acid House”, a culty film in the slipstream of “Trainspotting”. Yet, our festival has been following and adoring McIntosh for some years for her roles as revenge woman, in “The Woman” and “Darlin’” (BUTFF 2019). Also, we will present a recent film, her biker-movie “Revenge Ride”, from 2020. Finally, straight from our own archives comes a 35mm copy of “Headspace”, a film we showed in 2008 and released on DVD. McIntosh plays a small role there. The special guest will introduce the movies in which she stars by herself and follow up with a Q&A with the audience. She will also participate in the signing session on Saturday at the BUTsquare.


Jordi Ostir & Thomas Vanbrabant (directors Duyster)

Cinema | 35mm Let Us Prey (2014) | Sat. 3-9 | 17:30 | KWA room

Kasper Juhl (director The Deer House)

François Gaillard (director 13 Notes En Rouge)

Javi Camino (director Jacinto)

David Brückner (director The Wolf)


Revenge Room The Woman (2011) | Fri. 2-9 | 22:00 |

Revenge Room

Revenge Ride (2020) | Sat. 3-9 | 15:00 |


Headspace (2005) | Fri. 2-9 | 19:15 | Chassé

Cosmotropia (director Acid Babylon 2)

Dikke Dennis (actor The Norah Zone / Baklap)


Death Kiss (2018) | Fri. 2-9 | 20:00 | Revenge EscapeRoom from Death Block 13 (2021) | Sat. 3-9 | 17:00 | BANK15

Norbert Pfaffenbichler (director 2551.01) Reinert Kill (director Pandemonic) Shazzula (actor Acid Babylon 2) Tom Elswijk (director Baklap) And more…(?) You can catch some of the guests during the signing session on Saturday at the BUTsquare.

ROBERT Hungarian-bornBRONZIperformer

Robert Bronzi is our main guest for the vigilante edition of BUTFF 2022. Bronzi is a world-traveled actor and professional horseman with a love for the Wild West and classic American film. Bronzi has worked as a carpenter, horsetrainer, musician, and former military service member. A jack of all trades, he’s a professionally trained actor at the Maria Mezey Theatre School in Budapest as well as a stuntman, acrobat, and Judo Player. With a film resume-building, Bronzi has honed his craft in live performances and Wild West theme shows, including “Fort Bravo” in Almeria, Spain, “Port Aventura” in Costa Dorada, Spain, or “Rancho Texas Park” in the Canary Islands. Robert’s film count also includes feature films, such as “The Seven Gallant”, “Death Kiss”, “Escape From Death Block 13”. Most recently, he has signed to play The Dago in an upcoming comedy feature “Mat Rats”. Bronzi will introduce two of his films that we will be screening at BUTFF 2022. You can also catch him at the BUTsquare on Saturday for a signing session.

Thu. 1-9 | 20:00 | Revenge Room

A guest with a big heart for our festival, Vanessa Morgan will introduce “A Gun for Jennifer” and maybe a couple more! Morgan is the editor of the movie reference guides ‘When Animals Attack: The 70 Best Horror Movies with Killer Animals’, ‘Strange Blood: 71 Essays on Offbeat and Underrated Vampire Movies’, and ‘Evil Seeds: The Ultimate Movie Guide to Villainous Children’. She also published one cat book (Avalon) and four supernatural thrillers (Drowned Sorrow, The Strangers Outside, A Good Man, and Clowders). Three of her stories have been turned into movies. She has written for myriad Belgian magazines and newspapers, and introduces movie screenings at several European film festivals. She is also a programmer for the Offscreen Film Festival in Belgium.

A special edition of VHS Night of Error. This year, Juul Barnard will present a Vigilante-themed compilation on Thursday evening, before the film “Rolling Vengeance”. Night of Error pays tribute to the glory days of the VHS format. In the 80s and 90s, video stores were full of action, adventure, horror movies, and karate spectacle. Night of Error embarked on a scavenger hunt through thrift stores and attic collections in search of the most absurd VHS titles, over-the-top trailers, and remarkable fragments.



Sat. 3-9 | 22:00 | Chassé Cinema Sun. 4-9 | 11:00 | Revenge Room Sun. 4-9 | 17:30 | Revenge Room



BUTtiful ACTING AWARD Awarded by the BUTFF 2022 veteran organizers. Formerly known as ‘the lifetime achievement award’ and ‘groundbreaker award’, this is our prize to honor the cinematographic achievements of our main guests.

The Deer House (2022) - Kasper Juhl, Denmark Dog - Apocalypse (2022) - Federico Alotto, Italy Jacinto (2021) - Javi Camino, Spain Pandemonic (2021) - Reinert Kiil, Norway Hard Times - Ibba Almanacs, USA Mondo Domino - Suki, France Part Forever - Alan Chung-An Ou, Taiwan Welcome to Candy’s - Sabine Crossen, France but awards

BUTest PERFORMANCE AWARD Awarded by BUT’s poets & performance programmers Marijke Hooghwinkel and Nick J. Swarth.


BUTtest SHORT AWARD Awarded by the jury. Nominated films: BUTtest FEATURE AWARD Awarded by the jury. Nominated films: Every year, we hand out several Awards to celebrate the best director, the best feature film, the best short film, and the best student film. We also give out a special award to a personality whose accomplishments stand out in our genres. This year, we have new awards designed by Marc Heijmans.

Awarded by the BUTFF 2022 veteran organizers. Celebrating the upcoming BUT talent.

13 Notes En Rouge (2022) - François Gaillard, France 2551.01 (2021) - Norbert Pfaffenbichler, Austria Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes (2021) - Kevin Kopacka, Germany





DAS DING What started off with a cassette label ‘Tear Apart Tapes’ in the 80’s turned to a lifetime of playing, designing, and producing for Das Ding. A few years ago, the famed imprint Minimal Wave brought great attention to his early work. Das Ding’s live-set is always expanding, shrinking, and evolving. The BUTclub set will consist of improvised modular jams. Being one of the most exciting live sets in the country and a key figure of the Real Dutch Underground, Das Ding is an act no dancer or dedicated electronica freak can miss.

This Italian DJ and producer has been living in Amsterdam since 2015. On top of his DJ and live performance career, Jack Fresia teaches music production at Deep House Academy and, since 2019, heads the Modular Side Music label. His love for the underground sounds is present in everything he does, so expect a focus on dark and evolving ambiences in synthetic landscapes from his modular rig! 1-9

THURSDAY BUTclub Pier15 skatepark and BUTFF present an evening full of modular madness, as two tycoons of the underground electronic sound will make you sweat in BUTclub’s boiler room!

| 20:30 | Theatre Room


20 4815CDSpeelhuislaan–THEDRINKBESTIT’SBEER,THEDAMNINWORLD.JackNicholson.173ABredawww.brackbreda.nlinfo@brackbreda.nl



The band consists of five members: Jesse Jansen on vocals, Enzo van der Sterren on lead guitar, Tim Posthumus on rhythm guitar, Abe Stadhouders on drums, and Percy Joosen on bass.

Black Metal


FormedIMPUREin2021, Impure is a fresh Dutch black/death metal band based in Breda. Impure combines their unique sound with inspirations from old school black and death metal bands (like Marduk, Dissection, Asphyx, Dismember). With the creative storytelling through guitar solos, memorable riffs, harsh vocals, devastating bass, and loud fast paced drums, Impure is born.

summer of 2020, Neroth is a Dutch band where black metal and classical vocals merge into one huge atmosphere. Their music is inspired by bands such as Mgła, Dissection, Dark Funeral, and many other black metal bands. However, the clean and classical female vocals that Neroth applies do not fit into the typical black metal genre. On June 10, 2022, Neroth released their debut EP titled Nocturnal Woods. Based in Eindhoven, the band currently consists of 4 members: Ian Declan (guitar), Christian Muller (guitar), Percy Joosen (bass), Abe Stadhouders (drums), and Floor Vandenbrande (vocals).


contrasts. Serotonin summits and strung-out canyons. The empty and the grandiose. The beautiful and the appalling. Formed in 2015, Noctambulist are an atmospheric post-black metal outfit from Tilburg. Housemates J.D. Kaye, Sam C.A., and Mitchell Scheerder set out to create a hardhitting, melancholic style of black metal that draws inspiration from other genres such as post-rock, shoegaze, new wave, and post-punk. After defining their sound and completing the line up with guitarists Tristan Tabbers and Stef Heesakkers, the band is ready to release their first full-length album Noctambulist I: SiksaElegieën.SIKSAisa

Polish slang word for a naive and sexually attractive young woman, and the band name adopted by two artists — spoken word poet and punk singer Alex Freixeit and bassist Buri — who have become adept at making certain sections of society uncomfortable. Siksa duo is the most divisive Polish artist in recent memory, whose radical and brutally honest performances are smashing the patriarchy one gig at a time. Coming from punk, literary and theatrical backgrounds, Siksa’s shows dissect the European consciousness. Siksa is a girl on a mission. The duo played more than 250 shows in Poland and across Europe (UK, France, Greece, Estonia, Norway, Belarus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Sweden) at music venues, squats, contemporary art galleries, on both big and DIY festivals.




Various amateur musicians and nonmusicians compete with the ‘musical’ sound… or is it a wave of sounds? Or the wall of sound that we eventually run into? See for yourself on Sunday evening. Because this Female Monsterband signals the end of this year’s festival.


The first social-housing punk band of the 21st century is coming to incite the masses about the state of the world. Buurtbeheer arrives from Oud-Charlois, Rot-ter-dam. Fueled by vigilante B-films, their songs chronicle war veterans, housing problems, and the general Rotterdam-Zuid malaise. Last May, they released their debut-EP on the Smikkelbaard-label called ‘Een Orgie van Geweld’ / ‘An Orgy of Violence’. The band consists of Jacco Wanneer (singer), Yo Kolina (drums), and Sebatosh (bass guitar).

WOENSDAG2431-08 | 20:00 | Openingsact | BUT square OUR ANNUAL FESTIVALHOST MC BUTHEAD = NU: Rev. Charlie Butlight SWAGEMAKERS SWARTH

Swagemakers (viool) & Swarth (stem) repeteren nooit. Ze gaan gewoon aan de slag en laten zich inspireren door waar ze zijn, wat ze zien, wat ze ruiken en voelen. Ze slaan de bodem van onder je taart, maar voegen tenslotte meer ingrediënten toe dan ze wegnemen. Gij hebt gehoord, dat gezegd is: Oog om oog en tand om tand. Maar ik zeg u, dat gij den boze niet wederstaat; zo wie u op de rechterwang slaat, keert hem ook de andere toe; En zo iemand met u rechten wil, en uw rok nemen, laat hem ook de mantel; En zo wie u zal dwingen een mijl te gaan, gaat met hem twee mijlen. Voorwaar, in zeventien jaar BUT zijn we echt wel meer dan twee mijlen met jullie opgelopen, beminde aanbidders van BUT. En ook dit jaar lopen we weer gezellig een blokje met jullie op. Verheug u op woordbloedende bekjes, door merg en been snijdende performances en sloten dodelijk verderf op het filmdoek. En zoals de Heilige Schrift zegt: indien er een dodelijk verderf zal zijn, zo zult gij geven ziel voor ziel, oog voor oog, tand voor tand, hand voor hand, voet voor voet. Oh, en brand voor brand, wond voor wond, buil voor buil. Beminde aanbidders van BUT, wij rekenen op jullie. Was getekend, Rev. Charlie Butlight PerformancepoetsPerformance&&


MICHON VAN DER HEIJDEN “Woorden van een ongelukkige volwassen vrouw, op zoek naar verlossing, ze rekt aardig mee, sprak haar Tinder bio ooit. Nu spreekt ze in het echt. Wat een gelul.”


Het is ook iets wat hij van plan is om te gebruiken op weg naar ervaringsdeskundigheid op het gebied van psychoses. Hij heeft op 15 april zijn podiumdebuut gemaakt bij woordenaars 2022. [Het podium van Nick J. Swarth en Daan Taks in Tilburg.] en hij is nog steeds volop bezig op zoveel mogelijk manieren de missie die hij heeft tot een goede vorm te ontwikkelen. Zo heeft hij aan het 1m2 podium deelgenomen waarna hij gevraagd is de naar de gouden bal in Eindhoven te komen. Voor een voordracht deze ervaringen hebben ervoor gezorgd dat hij een stuk verder gegroeid is en enthousiast het BUT FILM FESTIVAL in gaat.

GEORGE VAN LOON Zijn naam is George van Loon. Hij begon met teksten schrijven en rappen omdat hij zichzelf daar altijd goed in kwijt kon. Ook in de periode dat hij eigenlijk helemaal niet kon communiceren.


RICK KEWAL GADEMAN Zijn naam is Rick Kewal Gademann. Hij is zanger, dichter en een visuele vogel. Hij klimt geregeld de pen in, want bij de woorden voelt hij zich comfortabel en thuis. Je kunt uiteraard poëzie, maar ook liedjes, korte verhalen en langere verhalen verwachten.

Binnen zijn fotografie reist hij het liefst mee met de gevoelige beelden. Beelden die hem vooral inspireren en op een eigenaardige wijze raken. Hij zoekt naar poëzie, maar vaak vindt de poëzie hem nog voordat hij hier erg in heeft. “Poëzie en ik zijn inmiddels kompanen” aldus Kewal. Daarnaast is hij de oprichter en organisator van het Kunstcollectief Rauw. Vanuit Rauw treden zij met twee belangrijke pijlers naar buiten: het Arnhemse poëziepodium Grab Them By The Poëzie en de kunstroute Sur la Route.

JESSICA VAN DEURSEN Jessica van Deursen is beeldend kunstenaar en performance artist. Haar werk gaat over de vraag hoe je je leven levenslustig kunt leven. De laatste jaren richt zij zich als gevolg van onze snel veranderende wereld die het persoonlijke leven steeds meer beïnvloeden, op het ontwerpen van alternatieve, duurzame, meer autonome, en meer vervullende levensstijlen. Deze experimenten die soms wel een jaar duren, test ze als performances eerst uit op zichzelf. Daarnaast schrijft ze blogs om verslag te doen van haar ontdekkingen, zodat je vanuit huis met haar mee kunt DaisyDAISYdoen.DARKPARKDarkparkisthemusic-producing second self of the Belgian multi-media experimentalist Femke Fredrix. Her sonic world is inspired by her love for clubbing, cabaret, and industrial noise. For BUTFF 2022, she has prepared a XS-birdlike-intervention.



Programmeur van deze performance-dag op uitnodiging van de performance programma organisatie is Mike Anna. Samenstelling performance programma met studenten- en jonge performers in twee tijdsloten. Een line-up van (oud-) studenten van St. Joost vormt samen een performance programma op vrijdag 2 September. Deze jonge performers nemen het publiek mee in hun belevingswerelden die balanceren tussen academische, formele studie en leipe, sicke BUTshit. De normaliteit wrekend, is hun eigenzinnigheid een doorn in het oog voor de Bureaucratische Fanfare der Cultuur Gentrificatie. Maar laten we eerlijk zijn: daar doen we het toch voor?


Programmeur van deze performance-dag op uitnodiging van de performance programma organisatie is Mike Anna. Samenstelling performance programma met studenten- en jonge performers in twee tijdsloten. Een line-up van (oud-) studenten van St. Joost vormt samen een performance programma op vrijdag 2 September. Deze jonge performers nemen het publiek mee in hun belevingswerelden die balanceren tussen academische, formele studie en leipe, sicke BUTshit. De normaliteit wrekend, is hun eigenzinnigheid een doorn in het oog voor de Bureaucratische Fanfare der Cultuur Gentrificatie. Maar laten we eerlijk zijn: daar doen we het toch voor?



Een performance die Lisa Chudalla uitvoert is telkens weer een uitdaging om naar te kijken. Voorlopig Laat Lisa ons nog in het ongewisse.

2-9 | 16:30 - 17:30 & 19:00 - 20:00 | BUT square


ELENI PLOUMI Eleni Ploumi (Greece) is a performer and choreographer based in Tilburg, NL. She graduated from the Bachelor of Choreography at Fontys Dance Academy (2016) and has been working with various dance companies as well as developing her own choreographic work since. In 2020, she joined DansBrabant via PLAN Talentontwikkeling Brabant. As a dancemaker, Ploumi always performs in her own creations, strongly inclining towards performance art. Her work is characterized by intense physical activity combined with theatrical elements.

| BUT square

MAJA BOLIER Fever Dream Collective is a group of various artists and performers from different backgrounds. Although the players change and fluctuate, the core of the Fever Dream comes from the mind-melts of artists Jonny Mehrez and Maja Irene Bolier. Distorted sensuality meets absurdity, the fragmentation of the body, the upheaval of the form. The feeling of being there meets the longing of not being. The performance is about control but also the loss of it. What would happen if we let all our identities run wild to do as they please? Confusion meets play, a glorious cacophony with dark undertones. We invite the audience to participate in different ways, turning spectators into performers. Will they succumb to chaos? Will they lose themselves in the Fever Dream?


zondag294-9 | 16:30 - 17:30 |

BUT square BART VAN HAREN Zacht streelt de wind de treurwilg, een kleine man met een puntig

“knocking on my mind” is a work developed especially for the BUTFF 2022, in which obsession and de(con)struction reside.

Twee tribe members van the dutch bushmen clan maken hun opwachting tijdens het BUTFF. Het BUTFF als tijdelijke habitat, ter viering van hun vogelvrijheid. Hoe zal dit haar beloop krijgen?

De dutch bushmen, zijn performers, die de vrijheid van het mens zijn met hun verbeeldingen bezingen en vieren op de hen kenmerkende en karakteristieke wijze. Hun site specific aanpak maakt veel mogelijk, maar niets is zeker. For life is a great myth, let’s celebrate it!


mutsje komt bij de bast tevoorschijn. Luidkeels en half verwilderd roept hij een gezegde in een taal die men al lang niet meer spreekt: Carmina Cælo Possunt Deducere Lunam!

30 www.zeezuiper.beer BIER IN BALANS

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Een JAARABONNEMENT op Schokkend Nieuws (6 nummers) kost SLECHTS €35,Wacht niet langer: sluit je abonnement af op SCHOKKENDNIEUWS.NL en bezoek de website iedere dag voor nieuws, recensies en ons archief van meer dan 3000 filmbesprekingen. MENT T €35 fp GENOMEN!EENHADNOUMAARABONNEMENTSCHOKKENDNIEUWS

Fri. 2-9 | 17:30 | KWA room

Fri. 2-9 | 22:00 | KWA room Sat. 3-9 | 11:00 | BANK15 Acid Babylon 2: The VirginSpring of Dracula (2021) Cosmotropia de Xam, Germany, 64 min, English, horror/music. An experimental approach to vampirism rituals. The vampires need the blood of a virgin to reincarnate the force of the virgin spring. This movie was filmed on the original filming locations of wellknown films.

Fri. 2-9 | 22:00 | BANK15 Sat. 3-9 | 11:00 | BANK15 2551.01 (2021) Norbert Pfaffenbichler, Austria, 64 min, no dialogue, horror/underground. A hundred years after Chaplin filmed his first feature film, The Kid, Norbert Pfaffenbichler offers an experimental punk-style interpretation, which the filmmaker himself has defined as a dystopian slapstick film.


13 Notes En Rouge (2022) François Gaillard, France, 80 min, French, horror. After a drunken evening, Charlotte wakes up in the middle of the night on her bed. While she has no memory of the last few hours, she hears her roommate being violently attacked in her room. Unable to rescue her, Charlotte finds herself alone with the intruder.


Sun. 4-9 | 11:00 | KWA room Annular Eclipse (2021) Chi Zhang, China, 100 min, Mandarin, science fiction. In 2030, memory transplant technology is maturing and immortality seems possible for humans. A man, however, destroys the new technology in the process of looking for his lost memories.

Sun. 4-9 | 13:00 | BANK15

Fri. 2-9 | 15:00 | Chassé Cinema Autumnal Sleeps (2019) Michael Higgins, Ireland, 75 min, English, drama. Dr. Epstein subjects his adopted children, Pete and Re-Pete, along with his darling flapper, Baby Dee, to his various scientific tasks. Things take a decidedly strange turn when Epstein makes a deal with some shifty-looking vagabonds.

After Blue (Dirty Paradise) (2021) Bertrand Mandico, France, 130 min, French/English/Polish, fantasy. In a distant future, on a savage planet, the lonely teenager Roxy frees a criminal buried in the sand.

Sat. 3-9 | 19:30 | Chassé Cinema Alien Artist (2022) Hoya Seiyo, Japan, 97 min, Japanese, thriller. Will destruction or regeneration be the destination of those living in a degenerate world where truth is mixed with lies?

Thu. 1-9 | 13:00 | Revenge Room

Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People (2021) Cesar Cabral, Brazil, 90 min, Portuguese, animation. Bob Spit, a comic book character, lives in a post-apocalyptic desert inside the mind of his creator, the legendary Brazilian cartoonist Angeli. When Angeli decides to kill off Bob, the old punk leaves this wasteland and faces his creator.

Sat. 3-9 | 22:00 | Chassé Cinema

Sun. 4-9 | 20:00 | Revenge Room

The Black Gestapo (1975) Lee Frost, USA, 90 min, English, crime. When the locals are put under increasing pressure by the mafia thugs, Ahmed’s second-in-command Colonel Kojah asks for permission to start a protection squad to take more direct action. Ahmed fears this protection squad will just turn into a vigilante mob, and his prediction soon proves correct.

39 Baise-Moi (2000) Virginie Despentes, Coralie, France, 77 min, French, thriller. Manu and Nadine lose their last tenuous relationship with the mainstream society when Manu gets raped and Nadine sees her only friend being shot. After a chance encounter, they embark on an explosive journey of sex and murder.

Sat. 3-9 | 17:45 | Chassé Cinema Broadcast Signal Intrusion(2021) Jacob Gentry, USA, 104 min, English, mystery. In the late 90s, a video archivist unearths a series of sinister pirate broadcasts and becomes obsessed with uncovering the dark conspiracy behind them.

Thu. 1-9 | 17:15 | Chassé Cinema Brute Corps (1971) Jerry Jameson, USA, 87 min, English, action, 16mm. The free-spirited hippie chick Terry and laidback ‘nam draft dodger Kevin are hitchhiking around small, sleepy towns on the Mexican border. All is love and flowers until they stumble upon a vicious mercenary band on the way to a conflict in Central America, whose main goal seems to be intimidation of the locals and sexually assaulting women.

40 Buckle Up a.k.a. Baklap (2021) Tom Elswijk, Netherlands, 50 min, Dutch, action. Berry has lost everything but his sister finds him a job at a taxi company. When his new boss Ivo finds out about Berry’s shady past, Ivo devises a bizarre experiment that results in an intense chase through the streets of Eindhoven (Netherlands).

Sun. 4-9 | 15:15 | Chassé Cinema

Sun. 4-9 | 17:30 | KWA room Cellat (1975) Memduh Ün, Turkey, 83 min, Turkish, action. Cellat is a Turkish knock-off of the American Death Wish and follows it qua story, but with its own particular flavour. Architect seeks revenge and becomes vigilante after group of hoodlums break into his apartment and rape his wife and sister.

Sat. 3-9 | 11:00 | Revenge Room Crabs! (2021) Pierce Berolzheimer, USA, 80 min, English, comedy, horror. Get ready for shellshock! It’s the ZOMBEAVERS meets GODZILLA hybrid you always craved in the creature feature of the year.

Death Kiss (2018) Rene Perez, USA, 88 min, English, live action. A mysterious vigilante (played by Robert Bronzi - the clone of Charles Bronson and this year’s BUTFF guest) moves to a city infested with crime and terror, taking the law into his own hands to protect a young mother and her child. Robert Bronzi will introduce the screening.

Deadbeat at Dawn (1988) Jim van Bebber, USA, 80 min, English, crime. Goose leaves the gang life behind after pleas from his girlfriend. But it isn’t long before he’s pulled back into the world of violence. Sun. 4-9 | 13:00 | Revenge Room

Crimes of the Future (2022) David Cronenberg, Canada/UK/Greece, 107 min, English, science fiction. Humans adapt to a synthetic environment with new transformations and mutations. Saul Tenser, celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avantgarde performances with his partner Caprice. Thu. 1-9 | 14:45 | Chassé Cinema

Thu. 1-9 | 22:00 | Chassé Cinema Fri. 2-9 | 17:15 | Chassé Cinema

Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes (2021) Kevin Kopacka, Germany, 73 min, German/English, horror. The story of a disruptive couple in a ‘60s gothic setting. The first half delivers a psychodrama of their toxic relationship in a surreal castle where space and time seem to have their own rules. A nightmarish fever dream shot on 35 mm.


Fri. 2-9 | 20:00 | Revenge Room

Demon Seed (1977) Donald Cammell, USA, 94 min, English, science-fiction, 16mm. A scientist creates Proteus, an organic supercomputer with artificial intelligence which becomes obsessed with human beings, and in particular the creator’s wife.

The Deer House (2022) Kasper Juhl, Denmark, 68 min, Danish, horror. A group of filmmakers realizes that their surroundings are way more horrifying than the horror film they’re trying to write.

42 Death Wish 2 (1982) Michael Winner, USA, 89 min, English, crime, 16mm. Kersey, an ex-architect and professional vigilante, learns that his old friend has died after a brutal beating by a gang of thugs. Will Kersey be able to avenge his friend’s death?

Fri. 2-9 | 14:00 | KWA room Sat. 3-9 | 13:00 | Revenge Room

Sun. 4-9 | 13:00 | Chassé Cinema Death Wish (1974) Michael Winner, USA, 93 min, English, crime. A New York City architect becomes a one-man vigilante squad after his wife is murdered by street punks. In self-defense, the vengeful man kills muggers on the mean streets after dark. Fri. 2-9 | 17:30 | Revenge Room

Sun. 4-9 | 17:30 | Chassé Cinema

Thu. 1-9 | 14:00 | KWA room Duyster (2021) Thomas Vanbrabant & Jordi Ostir, Belgium, 81 min, Dutch, horror. Three students film a documentary about Johannes Duyster, Antwerp’s 17th century executioner. This is their found footage. Sat. 3-9 | 15:00 | KWA room Escape from DeathBlock 13 (2021) Gary Jones, USA, 104 min, English, live action. Seething with revenge after discovering the truth behind his brother’s death, Mick’s rage ignites an explosive riot as he makes a daring escape from death block 13. This movie stars our festival guest Robert Bronzi, who will introduce the screening. Sat. 3-9 | 17:00 | BANK15

43 Desert Shadows (2022) Tyler Bourns, USA, 94 min, English, horror. After the death of their father, two brothers decide to embark on a hunting trip to get closer to each other. But they get more than they bargained for when they become the prey of a deadly creature that has roamed the desert for centuries.

Sat. 3-9 | 13:00 | Chassé Cinema Dog - Apocalypse (2022) Federico Alotto, Italy, 80 min, English, drama. In 2023, unidentifiable radiation left 99.5% of the world’s female population sterile. Humanity’s fate is now divided into two paths: extinction or the beginning of a new dawn.

Fri. 2-9 | 21:30 | Chassé Cinema

Todd Morris, USA, 85 min, English, crime. A woman comes to New York City from Ohio to escape an abusive husband and gets entangled with murderous female vigilantes who prey on abusive men.

Headspace (2005)

The adolescent Izzy only has one friend: her mother, a woman full of secrets, with whom she shares a primitive rock band. Izzy starts venturing to the city and discovers that her family has a past related to witchcraft.

John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser, USA, 86 min, English, horror.

Sun. 4-9 | 19:30 | Chassé Cinema

Jesús Franco, Belgium/France, 105 min, German, horror, 16mm.

After his war buddy is left paralysed by Alex’s nightmare begins when he meets Harry, a mysterious artist and chessmaster. Fri. 2-9 | 19:15 | Chassé Cinema

Female Vampire (1973)


Sun. 4-9 | 17:30 | Revenge Room

Hellbender (2021)

Andrew van den Houten, USA, 89 min, English, horror, 35mm.

The Exterminator (1980)

James Glickenhaus, USA, 108 min, English, live action. After his war buddy is left paralysed by a New York gang, a Vietnam vet sets out to rid the streets of crime by becoming a vigilante. Fri. 2-9 | 11:30 | Revenge Room

A Gun for Jennifer (1997)

A mute noblewoman’s vampiric heritage compels her to drain the life force from all of her lovers.

Fri. 2-9 | 17:30 |

Thu. 1-9 | 22:00 | KWA room

Thu. 1-9 | 14:30 | BANK15

The History of Metal and Horror (2021) Mike Schiff, USA, 101 min, English, documentary. A documentary that explores the history of heavy metal music, horror films, and how the two genres have merged together over time.

I’ll Never Die Alone (2008) Adrián García Bogliano, Argentina/Spain, 86 min, Spanish, thriller. A violent thriller set in the outback of the remote La Plata region. A pounding story of revenge for rape, mercilessly carried out by a group of women intent on pursuing their attackers to the bitter end.

BANK15 Hotel Poseidon (2021) Stefan Lernous, Belgium, 90 min, Dutch, horror. A day in the life of the reluctant hotel owner Dave, a man troubled by nightmares, his neighbor, his friends, and love.

Sat. 3-9 | 13:00 | KWA room I Spit on Your Grave (2011) Steve R. Monroe, USA, 107 min, English, thriller. Novelist Jennifer Hills travels from New York City to Louisiana to work on her next book. That night, four men sneak into her cabin to taunt and assault her. A remake that surpasses the original and is one of the toughest watches.

Sun. 4-9 | 13:00 | KWA room Jack the St.Ripper (2021) George Nevada, Italy, 84 min, English, horror. “Half Neon, Half Demon, All Horror”. After a man gets rejected from a local dance squad due to his physical attributes, the studio members start dying one-by-one from the hands of a masked maniac. Thu. 1-9 | 17:30 | Revenge Room

JACINTO is a nine-year-old child trapped in the body of a man near his forties. He lives in a decaying and abandoned small village in the middle of the mountains along with his parents and his dearest pig. It’s been a long time since he spoke.


Fri. 2-9 | 20:00 |

La Noche de la Bestia (2020) Mauricio Leiva Cock, Columbia/Mexico, 70 min, Spanish, documentary. Using some of Iron Maiden’s most famous tracks, Mauricio Leiva-Cock follows two young metalheads coasting aimlessly through Bogota’s alleys on the day of Iron Maiden’s first-ever concert in Colombia. Fri. 2-9 | 13:00 | BANK15

46 Jacinto (2021) Javi Camino, Spain, 95 min, Galician, English, horror.

Les Savoirs Oubliés (2021) Jean de Boutiny, France, 43 min, French, horror. A man wakes up in a tank with his arms and legs amputated. A story of suffering, curse, gore, souls, and demons. Sun. 4-9 | 11:30 | BANK15

47 Let Us Prey (2014) Brian O’Malley, UK/Ireland, 92 min, English, horror. Held in a remote police station, a mysterious stranger takes over the minds and souls of everyone inside. This movie stars our festival guest Pollyanna McIntosh, who will introduce the screening Sat. 3-9 | 17:30 | KWA room

Lucifer’s Satanic Daughter(2021) Chandler Thistle, Australia, 104 min, English, horror. A group of stoners drive to their vacation home with a van full of Black Sabbath cd’s, weed, bongs, acid, and other goodies. Once the party starts, an evil witch is summoned after Ricky sacrifices his friend to Satan. Drug-fueled madness, murder, and mayhem follows.

Fri. 2-9 | 15:00 | BANK15

The Long Dark Trail (2021) Nick Psinakis, Kevin Ignatius, USA, 78 min, English, horror. After two impoverished teenage brothers escape their abusive father, they embark on a treacherous and haunted journey in the hope of finding their estranged mother who has joined a sadistic cult. Thu. 1-9 | 15:00 | Revenge Room

Lullaby Story (2021) David Stojan, Mexico, 68 min, English, horror. A young model falls victim to a sadistic cult of sexual slavery, snuff tapes, and black magic. Sat. 3-9 | 22:00 | KWA room


The Norah Zone (2021) Bart van Dekken, Netherlands, 38 min, Dutch, science-fiction. Norah is looking for Salina, who has been kidnapped by the psychopathic cannibal Fat Dennis. After meeting the mysterious Leonid, a dangerous search in the ruins of the Norah Zone follows.


Sun. 4-9 | 17:30 | KWA room

Revenge Room Night Caller (2022) Chad Ferrin, USA, 84 min, English, horror. Telephone psychic Clementine Carter is pulled into a complex web of mystery when she receives a call from a serial killer. Sun. 4-9 | 15:00 | KWA room

Sun. 4-9 | 11:00 |

Revenge Room

New York Ninja(2021/1984) John Liu, Kurtis Spieler, USA, 93 min, English, live action. Originally shot in 1984 and not finished until 2021, New York Ninja tells the story of a sound technician at a news station, who becomes a vigilante ninja in New York City after his pregnant wife is murdered. Sat. 3-9 | 22:00 |

Ms. 45 - Angel of Vengeance (1981) Abel Ferrara, USA, 81 min, English, crime. After being attacked and raped twice in one day, a shy and mute seamstress wanders the New York streets with her attacker’s gun, blowing away any man who tries to pick her up.


Operation Luchador (2021) Alain Vézina, Canada, 80 min, English/ French/German, comedy. Inspired by the spirit of classic mockumentaries such as Woody Allen’s ZELIG and Peter Jackson’s FORGOTTEN SILVER, the film takes viewers on a unique version of the fight against the Third Reich, joyfully erasing the border between fiction and reality for the viewers who, taken on this unique ride, can’t help but ask: did this really happen?.

Sat. 3-9 | 20:00 | BANK15

Sat. 3-9 | 22:00 | BANK15

Pandemonic (2021) Reinert Kiil, Norway, 91 min, English, science fiction. The movie that never got made is a story about a man who is willing to risk anything for the next rush. Even his testicles. Fri. 2-9 | 11:30 | KWA room Sat. 3-9 | 15:00 | BANK15 Parallel (2021) Daiki Tanaka, Japan, 82 min, Japanese, live action. While Mai hides her trauma and the killer hides his true self, they gradually grow closer and are strongly attracted to each other by an invisible “something”.

PussyCake (2021) Pablo Parés, Argentina, 82 min, Spanish /English, horror. A struggling all-female rock band catches the attention of horrors from beyond our reality. Wed. 31-8 | 21:00 | KWA room, Revenge Room Sun. 4-9 | 15:00 | Revenge Room

Thu. 1-9 | 19:15 | Chassé Cinema

Sat. 3-9 | 17:30 | Theatre room

Steven Hilliard Stern, Canada, 92 min, English, thriller. A truck driver builds a special, eight-ton monster truck to get revenge against the rednecks who killed his family.

Rolling Vengeance (1987)

Thu. 1-9 | 20:00 | Revenge Room

Sat. 3-9 | 15:15 | Chassé Cinema

Revenge Ride (2020) Melanie Aitkenhead, USA, 73 min, English, action. An all-female motorcycle gang members look after each other as they patrol the streets in a small town. This movie stars our festival guest Pollyanna McIntosh, who will introduce the screening.

50 Revenge (2017) Coralie Fargeat, Belgium/France, 109 min, French/English, action.

The Sadness (2021) Rob Jabbaz, Taiwan, 99 min, Mandarin, horror. A young couple tries to reunite in a city ravaged by a plague that turns its victims into deranged, bloodthirsty sadists.

Jen’s romantic getaway with her wealthy (married) boyfriend is disrupted when his friends arrive for an impromptu hunting trip.

Sat. 3-9 | 15:00 | Revenge Room

Siksa: Stabat Mater Dolorosa (2018) Siksa, Poland, 61 min, Polish, horror/music. A nostalgic invitation to a dancing story about a girl returning to her childhood, when she dressed up as different women using her mother’s wardrobe, and all the roles she played were to please herself.

51 Stjer (2021) Janko Krist, Netherlands, 124 min, Frisian, comedy. Stjer is the first real Frisian-language blockbuster. A serial killer is hunting down Frisian artists. Emiel, singer of the famous band De Hunekop, has to find the killer before he is next.

Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973) Bo Arne Vibenius, Sweden, 104 min, Swedish, thriller. A young woman, rendered mute after a childhood sexual assault, is trained to seek violent revenge on those who kidnapped and forced her into prostitution. Sat. 3-9 | 20:00 | Revenge Room

Fri. 2-9 | 14:00 | Revenge Room

Vampire Nymphets (2021)

Thu. 1-9 | 17:30 | KWA room

Thu. 1-9 | 17:30 | BANK15 Street Law (1974) Enzo G. Castellari, Italy, 105 min, Italian, crime. Carlo Antonelli, an engineer from Genoa, gets mugged and decides to take justice into his own hands. At first, the muggers seem to get the upper hand, but then Carlo is helped by Tommy, a young robber who takes his side.

David Stojan, Mexico, 60 min, English, horror. In a city ruled by the underworld, a religious fanatic teenager is kidnapped by a gang of vampires and taken to a cursed land.

Sat. 3-9 | 17:30 | Revenge Room

Fri. 2-9 | 22:00 | Revenge Room

Thu. 1-9 | 22:15 | BANK15 Sat. 3-9 | 13:00 | BANK15

The Woman (2011) Lucky McKee, USA, 101 min, English, horror. When a successful country lawyer captures and attempts to “civilize” the last remaining member of a violent clan that has roamed the Northeast coast for decades, he puts the lives of his family in jeopardy. This movie stars our festival guest Pollyanna McIntosh, who will introduce the screening.

Vigilante (1982) William Lustig, USA, 90 min, English, action. New York City factory worker Eddie Marino is a solid citizen and regular guy until the day a sadistic street gang brutally assaults his wife and murders his child.

The Wolf (2021) David Brückner, Germany, 83 min, German, horror. On her last day of work, a theatre student finds herself the target of a crazy killer who brings the deadly wolf from Grimm’s dark fairy tales to life to slaughter all seven theatre employees like little goats.

53 HET BASTION SINDS 1982 zondag KWAzaal 17.30 uur: Baklap + The Norah Zone + De Huisbaas Hetishiergeenhotel!! een film van | met | door Bastionbewoners

54 Asmodeus 10 min - Eric Falardeau - Canada A man invokes three woman-like incarnations of the demon of lust. Welcome to Candy’s 15 min - Sabine Crossen - France A story of true love… and violence. Bug Love 5 min - Pedro Martins, Diana LimaPortugal An entomologist finds a way to fulfill his ultimate Doctordesire.Holiday 9 min - Charlotte van Winden – The Netherlands A story about the rise & fall of a Flemish neurosurgeon and his humanoid creation. Conquistador 4 min - Lucas Delesvaux - France An artist can’t find inspiration. Fortunately, she might be able to steal some humanoid creation. She Whistles 12 min - Thirza Cuthand - Canada Never whistle when the Northern Lights are out. Thu. 1-9 | 20:30 | BANK15 Sun. 4-9 | 15:00 | BANK15 shorts SHORT BLOCK 1: HELL HATH NO FURY “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

55 Dystopia 7 min - Laura Ugolini - Norway The ultimate self-made women want to create the perfect man. Meat 7 min - Lander Castro, David Caíña, Kevin Iglesias - Spain A mother wakes up at night due to strange noises coming from her daughter’s bedroom. Hard Times 11 min - Ibba Almanacs - USA It’s not easy, getting laid after a zombie apocalypse! SHORT BLOCK 2: A DISH BEST SERVED COLD Fri. 2-9 | 20:00 | KWA room Sun. 4-9 | 17:00 | BANK15 “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” Macronomicon 5 min - Alex Shevchenko - Ukraine Find out what happened in this cabin in the Mengselswoods. 8 min - Elwin Rijken –The Netherlands This aromatherapy will make you feel like a new person! Mondo Domino 6 min - Suki - France Escalation: the movie. Deep Learning Death 15 min - Torsen Fleisch - Germany The story of a father, his son, and their AI. SERVED

7 min - Julien Giovani - Italy

Whatever you do, always use your head! Is it me?


Amazon Woman 4 min - Anna Vasof - Austria

Three robbers run across a problem when the only person who knows the combination to a safe suffers from a strange condition.

The Everlasting Club 9 min - Joy Wilkinson - The Netherlands

A group of women want to join a club that promises everlasting glory. Now Or Never 6 min - Nikita Ryutin - Russia

In a world where your home is a prison, no one can resist the system. Except for one guy in a yellow shirt.

A humorous stop motion thriller following one woman’s fight with urban fly-tipping. If Hitchcock made “The Birds” with mattresses instead of crows, it would look something like this.

A documentary about a woman who handles her body dysmorphia by creating outrageous outfits. Werkstatt 17 min - Dietrich Pollak - Germany

10 min - Chris McGill - United Kingdom

3 min - Gemma Rigg – United Kingdom

A morbid mystery unfolds when an ex-inmate starts his new job in a shady car repair Mattricideshop.

Slap me to sleep


9 min - Jan van Gorkum - The Netherlands

A short story about a unique history textbook written with only one of the letters from the Displacementalphabet.

Birds whose legs break off 7 min - Dirk Verschure - Germany

A man looks for his Shooter. A Modern History ofRussia 1 min - Tanya Polianska - Ukraine

Shiny New World

When Doug tells his mother he got an internship so that she gives him money to keep his weed plants, he doesn’t realize where his lie will drag him.

10 min - Sam McGrath – United Kingdom

17 min - Théo Jules Côte-Willems - France

When a mysterious disease strikes the bird world, practically everything goes to Parthell.

7 min - Mobin Ghaderi - Iran

Forever 12 min - Alan Chung-An Ou - Taiwan

58 Sat. 3-9 | 20:00 | KWA room Sun. 4-9 | 19:00 | BANK15 SHORT BLOCK 3: TWO GRAVES “When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy and one for yourself.”

What happens after the movie is over?

Sucking Diesel

A man is driving at night when he notices a Doguesrefrigerator.

A woman has a difficult time when she tries to say goodbye to her deceased sister.

Jeroen Bernard & Frits Hokke, Netherlands, 11 min, Dutch, horror. A story of the toxic relationship between landlord and tenants. Sun. 4-9 | 17:30 | KWA room Kakerlak (2021) Kasper Juhl, Denmark, 27 min, Danish, underground. A cockroach begins to haunt Silas’ mind and consciousness, which makes him terrorize his girlfriend and his sister, until he desperately tries to heal himself with an exorcism. Fri. 2-9 | 14:00 | KWA room Sat. 3-9 | 13:00 | Revenge Room Little Tailor (2021) Léo Dazin, France, 17 min, French, underground. “What is that smell?” “Corpses.”


De Huisbaas (2021)

Sun. 4-9 | 11:30 | BANK15 Invisibilia 13 min - Ruben de Goeij - The Netherlands A man gets trapped in a toilet booth where he accidentally overhears an Satanicargument. Opus Death 12 min - Erik Gatby - Spain A priest borrows a guitar to sing praise to the Lord.


Orion Belt The Space Opera (2022) B.B. van Haren, Netherlands, 17 min, English, science fiction. Fantastic Space Opera, full of fun and adventure. Includes the eternal battle against good and evil!

Wed. 31-8 | 21:00 | KWA room, Revenge Room Sun. 4-9 | 15:00 | Revenge Room

The Pussy with an Uzi (2021) Esa Jussila, Finland, 7 min, Finnish/ English, neo-noir. The horniest cat on the block gets more than he bargained for as he delves into the seedy underground of a big city in a feverish search for love...

Red Cap F30.2 (2020) Jakub Vrbik, Matéj Sláma, Czech Republic, 13 min, Czech, science fiction. A man gets lost in a Mad Max-type world. Fri. 2-9 | 22:00 | KWA room The Twins (2022) Michelle Tang, USA, 5 min, English, animation. What makes you the better twin? Sat. 3-9 | 20:00 | BANK15

Thu. 1-9 | 14:00 | KWA room Pasaia (2021) Xantí Rodríguez, Spain, 9 min, underground. A thin line separates life from death. Gotzon, between shots of whiskey and surrounded by the particular fauna of his usual bar, travels through the sinister passages that connect them. Sat. 3-9 | 22:00 | KWA room




Spettro Family Expect anything: horror/italo disco, a grand guignol, a 100% punk attitude or maybe nothing like this at all - you never know. What we do know is that Stefano Iannone a.k.a. Spettro Family has been running the Vade Retro label for almost six years. Anyone interested in black romance and Italian horror cinema will definitely like it. His music is a blend of 70’s and 80’s influenced synth tunes with samples that create a post-industrial atmosphere.


Fri. 2-9 | 23:45 | 45 min

Mater Suspiria Vision & Shazulla - Acid Babylon Live Experience special collaboration of MATER SUSPIRIA VISION and SHAZULLA, these pioneers of the witch house genre and visual aesthetics will give us a one-time experience

Sat. 3-9 | 23:45 | 45 min afterparty

Every night during BUTFF: after party at Café Het Hijgend Hert The venue is open each day from 15:00 till 2:00 hrs Afterparties starts around 22:30 hrs.

62 Beware: we are doing online ticket sales only. We are NOT selling tickets at the box office. Tickets can be ordered online via: www.butff.nl/tickets-butff-2022Info:www.butff.nl|Facebook:BUT film festival | Program app: tsmqr.com Letterboxd: BUTfilmfestival | Instagram: @butfilmfestival PASSEPARTOUT AND DAYPASS HOLDERS WILL NEED TO MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR SCREENINGS & EVENTS. INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE: WWW.BUTFF.NL/HOW-MAKE-RESERVATIONS Single tickets for specific screenings: PASSE-PARTOUT Entrance to all films & music all festival long. BUTFF 2022 Passe-Partout: DAYPASS Entrance to all films & music for a whole day. WEDNESDAY (Opening Night!) + THURSDAY, Aug 31 & Sept 1: FRIDAY Sept 2: SATURDAY Sept 3: SUNDAY Sept 4: SPECIAL EVENTS BUTFF 2022 Opening Night (Aug 31 - 19:00): BUTclub with Das Ding and Jack Fresia (Sep 1 - 20:00): Metal Night with Impure, Neroth and Noctambulist (Sep 2 - 20:00): Siksa film + concert (Sep 3 - 17:30): Siksa concert (Sep 3 - 21:00): The box office at our festival location Nieuwe Veste is open from 31th Aug. till 4th Sep. 2022: Wed: 19:00 till 22:00 h Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun: 10:30 till 22:00 h Please bear in mind that we sell online tickets only. FESTIVAL LOCATIONS • Nieuwe Veste, St. Janstraat 18, 4811 ZM breda • Chassé Cinema, Claudius Prinsenlaan 8, 4811 DK breda • BANK15, St. Janstraat 11, 4811 ZK Breda € 8.50 € 80.00 € 27.50 € 27.50 € 27.50 € 27.50 € €€10.007.5010.00€8.50€5.00 tickets

63 map F1. Nieuwe Veste F2. Chassé Cinema F3. BANK15 A. But (serviceentrancesquareSt.Janstraatdesk,info,art) B. Café ‘t Hijgend Hert Butff hangoutAfterparty spoorstraat emmastraat willemstraatstationspleindelpratsingelacademiesingel willemstraat seeligsingel jfkennedylaan catharinastraatkasteelpleinvismarktstr.cingelstr. annastraat veemarktstraatmolenstraat vlaszak boschstraatpasbaan sophiastraat claudiusnwe.prinsenlaanterheijdenstraatmauritsstraatpasbaanoudevest kloosterpleinhavermarktbrugstraatwaterstr. karrestraatgrotemarkt. torenstraat P Breda CS trein & bus station kma terrein VALKENBERGPARK Café 't Hijgend Hert PasbaanChasse ParkeerplaatsCinemaVlaszakst.Janstraat P P Pfiets Pfiets Pfiets A F1 F2 B spoorlaan speelhuislaan Nieuwe Veste F3 BANK15

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