BUT Daily 2022 - Thursday edition (01/09)

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THURSDAY | 01-09-2022 BUT DAILY #2 | BREDA


Zoek het doek, vind een band.

Ze is niet hier voor de female revenge maar moet het kort houden en wil bedanken. De nieuwe veste komt tot leven, de spleet kneep. De band but. Kruimeldieven op oorlogspad een bar met ogen beklad. De cake was lekker. Tast toe! Goede voerbereiding is niet overbrodig. Een videotheek als dekmantel voor de rattenvangst. Gore koffie kost meer, wij worden geframed en hebben er een beeld bij. Het doek is zoek maar Fred heeft het uren geleden gevonden. Wat deed het toen achter de bar?Wij rapen het doek op, binden het vast. Wij laten het doek stijgen om aan de wereld te tonen. Alles verloopt positief grensoverschrijdend. Martelkoffie roeren wordt door stevigheid bemoeilijkt en chagrijnen zijn ook leuk. Waar zit de pleeknop? meestal op de stortbak. Willem piest taaie rubbers met beklemmend effect. Het doek moet stijgen. Verboden het doek te betreden. Hoi scherm waar gaat dat naartoe? Scheef trekkend scherm maar de jas past, de fiets belt en bestek rammelt. Iedereen blijft staan rond het scherm en houdt het met bevende hand vast. Ik heb er een beeld bij. De snor valt maar het bevalt niet. Alles opnieuw in moedertaal. Tel het volk op vervoersmiddel, onderscheid zoals wij het gewend mogen zijn. De shorts dame draagt geen shorts en je moet hard blazen op de heteroversie. De Veerman gaat op Camp. Afgestudeerde illustratoren hangen in trappenhuizen dat was het dan wel, tijd om naar een poes te kijken en cake te eten. Een uzikat heeft zijn natuurlijke driften en geeft daar belangeloos gehoor aan. Daarna is er voor ieder wat wilds….

Opening speech by Reverend Charlie Butlight

Beloved worshippers of the one and only BUT! You have heard that it was said: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. In modern day English: But I tell you, don’t resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. If anyone sues you to take away your coat, let him have your cloak also. Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Otherwise, the revenge will never end. Because what is man? Man is the most vengeful creature of all. And why? Because he was born unsolicited! Because he didn’t ask for existence, but got it thrown into his lap all the same. Born unsolicited, he takes revenge on the entire planet. How? By doing stuff! Every living being is busy being there. Nothing more, nothing less. It leaves a handful of offspring and a cadaver. Not so man. Man must assert himself. Man has to prove himself. THAT is man’s revenge for being born. And every year we celebrate that revenge again at the BUT Film Festival, dear brothers, sisters and everyone in between. Look forward to word-bleeding poets, bone-cutting performances and deadly destruction on the screen. Verily, in seventeen years of BUT, we have indeed walked more than two miles with ye, dear worshippers of BUT. And this year we will again have a nice walk with ye. And as the Holy BUT program booklet says: if there will be deadly destruction, thou shalt pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. Oh, and burn for burn, wound for wound, bump for bump. Beloved worshipers of BUT, BUT is counting on you.

Ster of Sterf De Friese moordcomedy Stjer is geregisseerd door Janko Krist, hieronder leest u een Friestalig ‘petear’ met hem. U kunt dit het beste na 12 uur ‘s nachts lezen, mocht u willen begrijpen wat er staat. Fia syn staazje by Omrop Fryslân kaam Janko Krist yn de tv-wrâld telâne. Hy makke ferskate programma’s lykas Hea, de Fryske ferzje fan man bijt hond. Yn Fryslân hat er telefyzje meitsjen leard. Draaie en montearre wiene deistige beuzichheden, der moast alle dagen in item makke wurde. Dêrnei waard er ZZP-er en gie er yn Hilversum oan it wurk foar de KRO, dêr ‘t er in soad programma’s makke hat. Hy miste lykwols altyd de frijheid om te dwaan wat er sels woe. Janko hie fia Omrop Fryslân dêr ‘t er wurke oan in programma, Emiel Stoffers de sjonger fan de Hûnekop kennen leard. Dy woe doe fuort al in film meitsje mei Janko. ‘’Jonge, witst hoefolle wurk oft dat is, dat gean we echt net dwaan.’’ sei Janko doe noch. Mar doe kaam Corona. ‘’As ZZP-er hie ik allegearre heale projeksjes, ik wie op syk nei wat aardichs en sa kaam ik wer by Emiel terjochte.’’ Stjer giet oer in searjemoardner dy ‘t alle Fryske artietsten deamakket. ‘’Bekende artysten dy ‘t fermoarde wurde is ek in suksesfolle formule, as se allegear deageane is dat in hiel leuk konsept.’’ Emiel woe earst in Amsterdamned eftige film meitsje, mar doe ‘t Janko mei Emiel begûn te harsenskrabjen, makken se inoar oan it laitsjen. ‘’We fûnen it sa grappich, alle domme dingen dy ‘t we seine koene we yn de film stopje, it moast in comedy wurde!’’ ‘’Ik wist neat fan film meitsjen, regie die ik by de tv, ûnderweis, mar dat is hiel wat oars ’’ Emiel hie ek gjin ferstân fan filmmeitsjen en se hiene ek gjin jild, it wie eins in hiel nuver projekt. Se besleaten om it simpel te hâlden, in simpel ferhaaltsje mei in soad grappen en moarden. “Ik haw doe in hiel soad boeken lêzen en in hiel soad YouTube filmkes sjoen, foar ynspiraasje woene we hiel graach Flodder en Naked Gun eftige vibes, dêr binne Emiel en ik ek mei opgroeid. Police Academy fûn ik ek leuk.‘’ Stjer hat yn Fryslân suksesfol yn de bioskoop gedraait. By Pathé waarden de bierkes it krat ferkocht. Janko wol no fierder mei filmmeitsjen, mar wol net bûn wêze oan jild, hy ferdjippet him no yn films mei Microbudzjet. Hy wol him fokusje op it gangstergenre. ‘’Frijheid is foar my it belangrykste, dwaan wat ik fucking wol. Geweldich’’ As minsken sels ek in film meitsje wolle hat Janko in hiele goeie tip: ‘’Gewoan dwan, helje wat pistoalen en gean.’’

FILM Vandaag

Knife + Heart (2019)

Dog - Apocalypse (2022)

Yann Gonzales Anne is a producer of cheap gay porn, which is a profession you secretly want, just admit it. When Lois, her editor and companion, leaves her, she attempts to get her back by shooting an ambitious film yet with her flamboyant sidekick, Archibald. Surprisingly enough, things spiral from there.

Federico Alotto Handmaid’s Tale in reverse. It’s 2023 - terrifyingly close - and unidentifiable radiation left 99.5% of the world’s female population sterile. The fate of the remaining 0.5% is all but uncertain but it encloses the fate of all humanity. Will it be extinction or is there a chance of a new dawn?

20:00, Nieuwe Veste

14:00, Nieuwe Veste

Crabs! (2021)

Pierre Berolzheimer What’s cute, underwater, sometimes even fluffy? Well, not those crabs. If you liked Zombeavers and secretly (or not) love Godzilla, get ready for this comedy horror. We promise it will get you out of your shell. 17:15, Chasse Cinema

The Wolf (2022)

David Brueckner Do you find the Grimm brothers’ fairytales creepy? Then brace yourself for this. An acting student finds herself the target of a crazy killer who personifies the deadly wolf to slaughter employees like little goats. And it’s the poor girl’s last day of work! 22:00, Bank15

Music Tonight, we will flow into modular madness with electronic performances by Jack Fresia and Das Ding, organized in collaboration with Pier15.

Das Ding What started off with a cassette label ‘Tear Apart Tapes’ in the 80s turned into a lifetime of playing, designing, and producing for Das Ding. A few years ago, the famed imprint Minimal Wave brought great attention to his early work. Das Ding’s live-set is always expanding, shrinking, and evolving. The BUTclub set will consist of improvised modular jams. Being one of the most exciting live sets in the country and a key figure of the Real Dutch Underground, Das Ding is an act no dancer or dedicated electronica freak can miss.

Jack Fresia This Italian DJ and producer has been living in Amsterdam since 2015. On top of his DJ and live performance career, Jack Fresia teaches music production at Deep House Academy and, since 2019, heads the Modular Side Music label. His love for underground sounds is present in everything he does, so expect a focus on dark and evolving ambiences in synthetic landscapes from his modular rig!

Ryan’s ramblings The Big Payback

Once there was a Slovenian farmer who was approached by a fairy-like figure who offered him a deal: “I will do whatever you want to you. Just remember, whatever it is, I will do twice as much to your neighbour.” The farmer thought for a moment and replied: “Take one of my eyes!”.* The farmer’s reply captures the attitude of most people and the conventional mode in which our society operates, namely resentment. Moreover, this notion is even used against us by the rich to simultaneously justify their privileges and rationalise the denial of those same privileges to the poorer classes as, on this account, the masses revolt not because their cause is just, but because they resent the rich. Although it’s true that an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind**, the pertinent question remains; why shouldn’t we eat the rich?! If the future of humanity is a test of whether it’s possible to supersede resentment as the foremost historical force***, then in order to find out, shouldn’t we get rid of that bunch of billionaire bastards first? If so, then surely the problem remains; how? Even the ability to autonomously control our own lives seems minimal at best. Nevertheless, at least for now, we might as well start to fuel our imagination with some revenge

Tips from BUTFF’s Artistic Director Finding your way through our jammed-full film programme can be difficult or rather random, since most films have not reached red carpet fame or have not been released previously. These next lines might help you navigate through the numerous features and shorts. The icons might help, indicating the sub-programme: celluloid retrospective, Bloody Belgium, music film program, vigilante, female revenge or pink flamingoo. If diving deeper into the underground rocks your boat, check out the films of David Strojan (Vampire Nymphets and Lullaby Story, plus his short films FANTASIES). Enjoy! and binge watch BUT till your eyes are red and your butt hurts! Look for the full programme and film summaries on Butff.nl.

fantasies. It’s okay to dip your toes in the populist wet dreams that are represented by the vigilante films once in a while, as there must be something very cathartic about these types of movies.**** But let us not forget who our enemy is. The best way to get rid of the rich is to make them pay — literally. They will own little — like us — and they will be happy.***** Or at least, we will have transformed our collective neurotic misery into ordinary unhappiness. Thus, resentment should definitely be outmoded, but when it comes to the rich, we should turn a blind eye. * I borrowed this nice little parable straight from rockstar philosopher Slavoj Zizek’s repertoire. Hence, it’s a Slovenian farmer. ** Gandhi mate, remember Gandhi. *** Peter Sloterdijk’s Nietzsche’s Apostle (2000, p.59). **** A good introduction will be VHS Night of Error’s compilation program presented tonight by Juul Barnard before Rolling Vengeance. ***** Alluding here ofcourse to the notorious slogan accompanying the wild speculations surrounding what has come to be known as ‘The Great Reset’: “You will own nothing and you will be happy”.

performance For performances, we will analyse the boundaries of psychic and psychotic and what it means to be truly human.

Jessica van Deursen She is a visual artist and performer who explores the boundaries of the visual arts. Not only does she defy the line between art and her daily life, she also tests her own mental and physical limits. In doing so, she asks herself how she can maintain control over her life, to what extent others have influence over it and what role art can play in this.

George van Loon. He started writing lyrics and rapping because he was always good at it. Even during the period when he was actually unable to communicate at all. It’s also something he plans to use on the road to experiential expertise in the field of psychosis.

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