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With Deep Gratitude, We Close 2024 and Anticipate Greater Heights Pg. 3

PWH® ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATES AND CHAIR AWARDS: Active PWH® Members Continue to Improve Member Benefits and Support the Industry Pg. 4-7


Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters in Today’s Workplace Pg. 8-9


The 2025 PWH® Leadership Summit is headed to Frisco, Texas! Pg. 10-11


PWH® Helps MTMC Connect with Valued Industry Partners

Pg. 12-13


Pg. 14-15


What to Expect with the New U.S. Presidential Administration

Pg. 16


Pg. 17-19


Pg. 20

PWH® Connect Journal

Staff and Volunteers


Natalie Martin Director, Creative Services, NDC


Beth Clifford Director of Marketing, Infusion Systems, Amsino


Rachel Bailey, PhD

Penwan Communication Inc.


Brent Cashman Graphic Designer, BOCdesign, Inc.


Michelle Rydberg Executive Director, PWH®


PWH® is an organization dedicated to ongoing professional leadership development in healthcare businesses. We are a member organization providing a national voice and progressive leadership for women in healthcare products manufacturing and delivery industries. Our goal is to reach all women in our industry and empower them in their personal and professional lives. We are also committed to integrated leadership development and gender equity for all individuals within the industries we serve. Vision – To create a culturally inclusive healthcare industry equally led by women.

Midmark Corporation hosted the PWH® Board Meeting in August.

With Deep Gratitude, We Close 2024 and Anticipate Greater Heights

Where did this year go? It feels like only yesterday we were setting our 2024 goals and working on tactics to make our dreams come true. Now we find ourselves in the whirlwind of wrapping them up, being held accountable to our wins and our losses.

This year has brought significant challenges in our medical industry, from staffing shortages, price increases, surprise shortages, as well as devastating storms that left communities (our members and customers) struggling to recover. Our hearts go out to everyone working tirelessly to rebuild and restore their lives. Meanwhile, we’re also racing against the clock to meet deadlines, close out projects and wrap up our fiscal or calendar year ends. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, there’s a shared excitement as we look forward to the holidays, eager to spend cherished time with family and friends.

As always, we owe a special thank you to our PWH® Corporate Partners and PWH® Leadership Summit Sponsors who make our organization stronger. This year’s Summit sponsors helped us break records! Our Corporate Partners, who support us day in and day out, help us provide top-notch PWH® programming to our members.

Registration is now open for our 2025 PWH® Leadership Summit. It will be held March 31st to April 2nd in Frisco, Texas, just outside Dallas, an easy flight to arrive and immerse yourself in amazing leadership programming.

Our PWH® programming continues yearlong. We’ll wrap up with a final Member Touchpoint in December and our annual HIDA Year in Review webinar. (Check for details).

Our unique mentoring programs support professional development year-round too. The PWH® Mentoring Committee facilitates one-on-one mentoring, situational mentoring and our ever-popular mentoring circles. Please consider becoming a mentor. While helping your mentee, you’ll end up with valuable lessons and experiences of your own leadership. Thanks to several new mentees who signed up just after our virtual Annual Member meeting.

To every volunteer, thank you for your dedication and hard work. Your contributions make our organization what it is today, and I am incredibly grateful for the trust you’ve placed in me. Thank you for making this journey unforgettable and for making our organization such a remarkable community.

As I pass the baton to our next leader, Ashleigh McLaughlin, I am honored and filled with humility, pride and comfort. I know that our organization will not only be in great hands, but it will also grow to even greater heights. This journey has taught me so much about leadership, stewardship and the value of supporting each member’s aspirations. Watching all of you grow has been a true privilege.

In your

Allison Therwhanger

Active PWH® Members Continue to Improve Member Benefits and Support the Industry

In 2024, PWH® celebrated 20 years of Empowering Women to Lead and Succeed! As active members continue to improve member benefits and leadership resources for the industry, loyal Corporate Partners help the organization deliver its mission. In August this year, Midmark Corporation hosted the annual PWH® Board Meeting in Versailles, Ohio. Because of Midmark’s generous support, members of the PWH® Board were able to meet in-person to collaboratively plan inspiring programming for the future and celebrate this year’s achievements.

The PWH® Board met in Versailles, Ohio in August, hosted by Midmark Corporation.

At the meeting, outgoing PWH® Chair Allison Therwhanger recognized two PWH® active members for their outstanding service to PWH® in 2024. The awards went to Missy Simons, Vice Chair of Webinars for the PWH® Professional Development Committee, Corporate Account Executive at Midmark and to Jen O’Reilly, Chair of the PWH® Corporate Partners Committee, Vice President, National Accounts at B. Braun Medical.

“Missy stepped up and ran her programs effortlessly while supporting her fellow PDC members,” said Therwhanger. “Jen stepped up and took on the Chair of the CPC without hesitation and was ready for the challenge.”

Indeed, O’Reilly is leading her committee to enhance the value of PWH® Corporate Partnerships. In 2024, PWH® celebrated partnerships with 24 industry organizations. Simons is also helping to enhance the value of professional development programming offered by her committee. “Professional development can vary by member. The Webinar Subcommittee is committed to providing a variety of topics to help add valuable content to help PWH® members grow during their professional journey.”

Webinars are free for members but also open to nonmembers. “The content varies from professional development, industry insights and cultural inclusivity and diversity. All topics support the Mission of PWH®,” said Simons.

All PWH® Chairs and their dedicated committee members work hard all year to support the mission of PWH® and provide value to PWH® members and the industry. The Annual Member Meeting was held virtually on October 23, 2004. The meeting allowed PWH® Chairs to share updates and achievements made this year with membership.

Incoming PWH® Chair Ashleigh McLaughlin and PWH® Secretary Laura Reline bring value to PWH® and independent distributors.

Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee

Committee Chair: Sabrina Smith

> In 2024 the CID published a whitepaper providing benchmarks on industry organizations’ commitment to making all their employees feel valued. The whitepaper, “Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare – Shaping the Future of Leadership,” is available on the PWH® website

> The CID provides various website resources to support inclusion and belonging and posts monthly blogs and quarterly articles to educate members and industry representatives on terms and processes that help all of us perform at an optimal level and feel like we belong

Corporate Partners Committee

Committee Chair: Jennifer O’Reilly

The CPC provides PWH® Corporate Partners with ToolKits and the following benefits:

> Annual business review with membership and professional development stats for your organization

> PWH® liaison to help achieve membership and professional development goals

> Succession planning and diversity/ inclusion guide

> All Professional Development Webinars complimentary for your PWH® members

> Access to PWH® formal mentoring program for all of your PWH® members

> Reduced fee available to PWH members for live professional development venues

> Recognition in PWH® e-newsletter and the PWH® Connect Journal

> Recognition on PWH® website

> Recognition at PWH® national events

> Complimentary PWH® memberships and reduced fee for additional PWH® Corporate memberships

> Recognition in PWH® advertisements

The annual PWH® Chair Award went to Jen O’Reilly, Chair of the PWH® Corporate Partners Committee and Vice President, National Accounts at B. Braun Medical
The annual PWH® Chair Award went to Missy Simons, Vice Chair of Webinars for the PWH® Professional Development Committee and Corporate Account Executive at Midmark
Midmark hosted the annual Board Meeting and a Regional Meeting in Versailles, Ohio. PWH® Leaders from l to r: Vicky Lyle, Sue Hulsmeyer, Allison Therwhanger and Jenny Collopy.

Leadership Summit Committee

Committee Chair: April Shomper

> 2024 PWH® Leadership Summit had a record 263 attendees

> The 2025 PWH ®Leadership Summit takes place in Frisco, Texas, March 31st through April 1st

Marketing Committee

Committee Chair: Natalie Martin

> The Marketing Committee supports all PWH® events and programming, keeps PWH® on brand and shares our message with the industry

Membership Committee

Committee Chair: Jessica Wells

> 255 New members in 2024

> 70 Members serving on committees

> Monthly Member Touchpoints – 1st Thursdays at 4 p.m. ET

> Bi-monthly Coffee Chats – 3rd Thursdays of Even Months at 11 a.m. ET

> Bi-monthly Cocktail Hour Chat – 3rd Thursdays of Odd Months at 5:30 p.m. ET

Mentoring Committee

Committee Chair: Khaki Weber

> 42 Individual Mentoring Matches and 3 Situational Matches in 2024

> Held two rounds of Mentoring Circles with 114 Attendees

Mentors Needed!

Are you a good role model? A strong job performer with great interpersonal and communication skills? Do you have a deep breadth of knowledge and experience in the healthcare industry?

Professional Development Committee

Committee Chair: Jessica Lucio

> PWH® is committed to providing continuing education programs for both women and men in our pursuit of creating leaders

> We offer a variety of opportunities including virtual, instructor-led courses and monthly webinars

Strategic Oversight Committee

Committee Chair: Janis Dezso

> In 2024, the CPC welcomed over 2,000 attendees to attend 12 Webinars, 2 Professional Development Courses and a variety of Coffee/Cocktail and Member Chats

> The SOC is currently focused on supporting greater collaboration and inter-committee connections to enhance our organizational communication and member benefits

Technology Committee

Committee Chair: Eryn Veronesi

Website Optimization:

> Improved webinar registration process - now live!

> Personalization on websitein progress!

> Improved member login areacoming soon!

> Improved member logout processcoming soon!

> Improved renewal processcoming soon!

The PWH® Board meets twice a year to plan PWH® programming and inspire each other.

Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters in Today’s Workplace

Rather than lose valuable talent to conventional practices, understand strategies of equity so you can boost all your team members’ potential.

In the modern workplace, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) have become cornerstones of creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Yet, one common area of confusion that arises in DEIB conversations is the distinction between equality and equity. Understanding this difference is vital for creating a workplace that truly supports the diverse needs of all employees.

Below we define the terms “equality” and “equity.” Next, we provide a specific workplace example to explain how an approach based on equity not only leads to a greater sense of belonging for employees, but it can also support best outcomes for organizational goals.

What is Equality?

Equality is about providing the same resources, opportunities and support to all individuals. This approach assumes that everyone starts from the same place and has the same needs. In essence, equality aims to create fairness by treating everyone the same way, regardless of individual circumstances.

In practice, equality might look like offering identical equipment, resources or benefits packages to every employee in a company. While this approach ensures that everyone is treated similarly, it doesn’t account for the unique barriers, backgrounds or experiences that individuals may bring with them.

What is Equity?

Equity, on the other hand, takes into consideration the individual needs, backgrounds and starting points of employees. Rather than providing the same resources to everyone, equity aims to allocate resources and

Members of the PWH® CID Committee led a session at the 2024 PWH® Leadership Summit that helped explain The Power of Diversity. Left to right: Sabrina Smith, Chair of the PWH® CID Committee and Associate Director, Downstream Marketing for ECRI; Ashlee Perez-Gerrie Vice Chair of Content for the CID Committee and Manager, Marketing and Communications for Premier; Joe Machicote, Active Member of the CID Committee and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for Premier

opportunities based on individual requirements, which may vary from person to person. This approach acknowledges that a one-size-fits-all strategy often fails to address the unique challenges faced by diverse individuals.

In the context of DEIB, equity strives to ensure fair treatment by understanding and addressing the systemic inequalities and personal circumstances that influence an employee’s success. Equity is about fairness, not sameness.

Equality vs. Equity: A Workplace Example

Let’s imagine a workplace scenario where employees are being offered resources for professional development. An organization committed to equality might provide the same annual stipend for training and development to every employee. In this approach, each employee has equal access to resources, ensuring that everyone is treated the same. However, this method fails to recognize that some employees might face additional barriers that make accessing or benefiting from these opportunities more challenging.

Now, imagine an organization committed to equity. Instead of allocating identical training stipends, the company assesses each employee’s unique needs. They recognize that certain employees might require more support based on factors such as career stage, access to educational opportunities or financial needs. As a result, they offer additional support, such as flexible schedules, extra coaching or mentorship opportunities for employees who might benefit from them more. An equitable approach enables all employees to make meaningful use of an organization’s resources, fostering a more inclusive environment.

The following example demonstrates how the organization can provide equitable training based on the unique needs of an employee.

Maya is a single mother of two young children who attend daycare during the day. She is eager to participate in the company’s new training program, which offers valuable skills development. However, Maya faces challenges that some of her colleagues don’t. She can't attend training sessions after standard working hours due to daycare limitations, and paying for the training upfront isn’t financially feasible for her.

Recognizing Maya’s unique situation, her organization takes the following equitable steps to support her:

1. Flexible Scheduling: Instead of expecting Maya to stay late, her manager arranges for her training to take place during regular work hours. If sessions are scheduled after hours, they are recorded so Maya can access them at her convenience.

2. Direct Payment Option: Understanding her financial constraints, the company waives the upfront payment requirement for Maya. The company covers the cost directly rather than have Maya pay first and wait for reimbursement.

3. Additional Coaching and Mentorship: Since Maya is managing a busy personal schedule, the company offers her extra coaching sessions during work hours to ensure she has the support needed to apply her new skills effectively.

Through these tailored accommodations, Maya receives the support she needs to succeed in the training program

without the additional burdens that her circumstances could create. This approach helps ensure she has the same opportunity for growth and advancement as her colleagues, fostering an inclusive, equitable workplace.

Why Equity Leads to a Stronger Sense of Belonging

When organizations embrace equity and equality, they build a workplace culture where employees feel understood and valued for their unique experiences. Equity-driven practices foster an environment where people feel truly included and able to contribute their best, knowing that the organization cares about their specific needs and challenges.

In the end, while equality is a wellintentioned goal, equity is what truly helps individuals thrive by recognizing that each person’s path to success is different. This distinction is the foundation of a strong, inclusive and belonging-centered culture that not only values diversity but actively supports it at every level.

Sabrina Smith is Chair of the PWH® Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee and Associate Director of Downstream Marketing for ECRI.

The 2025 PWH® Leadership Summit is headed to Frisco, Texas! Frisco is a hub of modern innovation and growth, offers a vibrant and cutting-edge environment, making it the ideal location to inspire and empower industry leaders at this year’s leadership conference.

All leaders are welcome! Open to women & men from all career levels – Aspiring Leaders to C-Suite Executives. Gain actionable takeaways through our PWH Leadership Insights (TED-style talks), empowering keynote speakers, engaging panel discussions, workshops & breakout sessions that cover a host of topics around pressing leadership issues

Agenda At-A-Glance

Monday, March 31

2:30 – 3:15 pm New Member / New Attendee Meet & Greet

3:30 – 4:45 pm Opening Keynote: Erin Diehl

4:45 – 6:00 pm Kickoff Reception

6:30 pm Dinner on Your Own – Dine Around The Star

Tuesday, April 1

8:30 – 10:45 am Opening Remarks, Leadership Insights & PWH Leadership Awards

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Leadership Workshops

12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 pm Leadership Workshops

2:00 – 4:00 pm Breakout Sessions

4:00 – 5:00 pm Quick Pass & Pour: Speed Networking

6:30 – 9:00 pm Networking Dinner

Wednesday, April 2

8:15 – 9:15 am Leadership Panel

9:30 – 11:00 am Closing Keynote: Manley Feinberg

11:00 am Closing Remarks

All times listed are Central Standard Time. Schedule subject to change.

Thank You 2025 Sponsors!

The Empathetic

Leader: Leading Yourself & Others

Erin Diehl, Business Improv Edutainer, Failfluencer, and Professional Zoombie

Leadership is defined by actions, not titles, and YOU are the key to keeping people engaged, retained, and attracting top talent. Studies show that positive energy leads to higher engagement, lower turnover, and improved employee well-being. A leader’s energy, whether good or bad, has a ripple effect throughout the organization.

Erin Diehl uses her research, enthusiasm, and improv training to foster self-love, empathy, and inner peace. Discover how to harness these traits to create positive energy and empathetic leadership.This interactive keynote combines play, improv, and experiential learning to promote a culture of positivity and abundance.

Leadership Learning Objectives:

• Move from limiting beliefs (scarcity statements) into more enriching thoughts (abundance statements) on a consistent basis

• Realize that your thoughts affect your words, and that your words and tone affect everyone around you

• Create and implement your i.D.i.e.h.l. Day

Erin “Big” Diehl is a Business Improv Edutainer, Failfluencer, and Professional Zoombie. Through a series of unrelated dares, Erin created improve it!, an improv-infused talent development company for the new generation of work. She is the proud host of The improve it! Podcast, a Top 1% Global Podcast, which helps develop leaders and teams through play, improv and experiential learning, and first time author of the Amazon Best Seller & Top New Release: I See You! A Leader’s Guide to Energizing Your Team Through Radical Empathy. Among her many accolades, Erin is most proud of successfully coercing over 39,000 professionals to chicken dance.

Build Breakthrough Momentum in the Storm of Chaos

Feinberg, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author & Expert Mountain Climber

This dynamic keynote inspires participants to step up in a new way to overcome resistance and reach higher than ever by cultivating Exponential Commitment™ in themselves and those around them. Participants will learn essential Vertical Lessons for deepening their commitment, building momentum, and achieving breakthroughs in even the most challenging circumstances.

Leaders will take away:

• Actionable insights on what it takes to gain clarity and see through the chaos every day

• 3 steps to build and rebuild momentum, even when they get knocked off route

• A daily process to keep them focused and fully committed to their key initiatives

Manley’s 11 years of leadership influence contributed to a workplace culture that landed Build-A-Bear Workshop on the FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For® List four years in a row. Manley served two terms as the president of the St. Louis chapter of the National Speakers Association. On a personal note, Manley likes to sleep on the side of mountains. Who doesn’t? Even more shocking is that his wife has been encouraging that for more than three decades, and his two kids still kiss him on the cheek in front of their friends.

PWH® Helps MTMC Connect with Valued Industry Partners

MTMC Mission

To provide our clients a distinct advantage through sales advocacy and innovation that empowers them to grow market share and achieve their business goals while partnering with healthcare buyers to deliver efficiencies and better position them to compete.

For Our Team

By fostering an innovative culture to empower an entrepreneurial spirit

For Health Systems

By educating care teams on products & services that positively impact quality of care

For the Supply Chain

By increasing procurement efficiencies to decrease the cost of acquisition

For Manufacturers

By implementing a national footprint and leveraging our proven end-user access

Company Name: MTMC (MedTechMedCare)

Location: Marstons Mills, Mass.

Year Established: 1980

Number of Employees: 160

Number of PWH® Members: 12

Internal PWH® Champion: Shannon Igo, Area Vice President (East), MTMC

Leadership Team

Jack Moran – Managing Partner

Dennis Snedden – Managing Partner

Mike McCabe – Vice President National Sales

Dan Moran – Vice President Supplier relations

Shannon Igo – Director of Sales East

Kayla Witsoe – Director of Sales West

For Distribution

By cultivating trusted relationships and providing product expertise

MTMC Vision and Principles

To work in the best interest of our customers, team and community we serve in order to advance, advocate for and to help them achieve their full potential.

We win together

Accountable and credible

We secure growth

We embrace change

MTMC Services

MTMC is a national outsourced sales solution supporting our supplier partners in the continuum of care. MTMC provides an exemplary nationwide sales team solution, meeting the emerging needs of leading healthcare manufacturers and end users. In 2023, average IDNs spent $1M with MTMC. On average, MTMC represents 17 suppliers to an IDN.

MTMC Top Initiatives for 2024-25

Add more resources to our sales team, clinical team and corporate account team.

Why MTMC Became a PWH® Corporate Partner

The PWH® reputation speaks for itself in the industry! MTMC continues to invest in bringing talented your women to their sales force and the timing seemed

perfect. We have continued to expand our partnership as the years have progressed. We have had a front row seat to see how much time and passion is invested in this special organization.

PWH® has not only helped our reps with professional development, but the organization has also connected us with valued partners in our everyday business.

MTMC has recognized tremendous value in being a member of MTMC. In addition, being a corporate partner has been a sound investment. PWH® does an outstanding job of highlighting their corporate sponsors at all their events throughout the year.

Unique Ways MTMC Supports PWH®

MTMC has been a corporate partner of PWH ® for the last four years. Each

year, we are more and more impressed with the quality and thought put into the content they continue to provide members. From the coffee chats with peers, webinars with top industry thought leaders and individual and peer mentoring circles. Our MTMC reps have been involved at various levels throughout the years and found value in all of these programs.

The Value PWH® Brings to MTMC

It’s hard to put into words how much value PWH ® has brought our members in the last few years. We have reps whose Peer Mentoring Circles ended over a year ago, and they still meet informally once a quarter because the conversations and friendship has been withstanding!

It has forced us as an organization to step back and look at our internal processes as well. In the coming year we will be putting together a more detailed onboarding process for our new reps that will include a portion of peer mentoring.

Each Friday we share the highlights of the week for our sales team in a newsletter and most weeks content from our PWH® webinars makes its way to that email.

And last but finally not least the PWH ® Leadership Summit has been a top-notch experience for the last three years we have attended. From its keynote speakers, the breakout sessions, hearing from industry leaders and meeting PWH ® members from across the country, the Summit provides an impactful few days. We carry that momentum with us throughout the remainder of the year!



PWH® Chair

Innovia Medical

Vice President, Innovia Corporate Sales


PWH® Past Chair

Owens & Minor

Vice President, Industry Associations


PWH® Chair Elect and Treasurer

IMCO, Inc.

Chief Financial Officer



NDC, Inc.

Vice President, Supplier Management


Leadership Summit Committee Chair


Sr. Director, Events Strategy & Planning


Marketing Committee Chair

NDC, Inc.

Director, Creative Services


Membership Committee Chair


Sr. Director, Member Experience


Mentoring Committee Chair

Weber & Associates Consulting, Inc. Partner


Corporate Partners Committee Chair

B. Braun Medical

Vice President, National Accounts


Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee Chair


Associate Director, Downstream Marketing


Professional Development Committee Chair


Sr. Director, Business Learning


Strategic Oversight Committee Chair

J. Dez Strategies, Inc



Technology Committee Chair

NDC, Inc.

Business Development Manager, Marketing Sales & Service





PWH® Board Advisor


Suzanne Lord, Strategic Oversight Chair



PWH® Board Advisor

Senior Vice President, Sourcing Operations

Preferred Solutions, Inc.



PWH® Board Advisor

Bovie Medical Vice President of Sales



PWH® Board Advisor

PWH® Board Advisor

McKesson President, Extended Care Sales

McKesson Medical-Surgical President, McKesson Canada


PWH® Board Advisor

Midmark Corporation


PWH® Board Advisor


PWH® Board Advisor



Chief Strategy Officer


PWH® Board Advisor

Midmark Corporation Chair, Board of Directors

Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational Leadership Development

Jennifer O’Reilly, Chair

Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Partner Optimization

Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy & Brand Guidelines

Katie Educate, Vice Chair Distribution & Manufacturer Engagement

Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison


Sabrina Smith, Chair


Sabrina Smith, Vice Chair of Education, Research & Special Projects

Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair

Ashlee Rose Perez-Gerrie, Vice Chair of Content & Communication

Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement

Shannon Trahan, Vice Chair Market Intelligence


Eryn Marx, Vice Chair PR & Marketing

Natalie Martin, Chair


Beth Clifford, Vice Chair PWH® Marketing

Heather Davis, Regional Connections Committee Chair

Kristy Spairana, Vice Chair of Summit Marketing

Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events

Maxine Milazzo, Vice Chair Social Media

OPEN, Vice Chair PDC Liason

Jennifer Eiselein, Vice Chair Digital Marketing



Elizabeth Day-Curi , Corporate Partners Committee Chair

Jessica Wells, Chair

Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners

Katarina Ivkovic, Vice Chair New Member Engagement

Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution

Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Networking Events

Laura Reline, Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing

Ashley Miller, Vice Chair New Member Recruitment & Onboarding

Carmel Veron, Vice Chair Sales GPO

Suzy Carlino, Vice Chair PR & Marketing


Khaki Weber, Chair


Jamie Terran, Vice Chair Group Mentoring & Mentee Support

Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Committee Chair

Shellene Baines, Vice Chair Recruiting & Mentor Support

Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Summit Programming

Maria Moeller, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring

Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars

OPEN, Vice Chair Education & Innovation


Jessica Lucio, Chair




PWH® Board Advisor


Missy Simons, Vice Chair Webinars

Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair

Lisa Ramsey, Vice Chair Education & Innovation

Susan Hunter-Vinson , Vice Chair Individual Mentoring

PWH® Board Advisor

Midmark Corporation Chair, Board of Directors


PWH® Chair

Healthcare Solutions Group


Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring


April Shomper, Chair

Shelley Bache, Vice Chair PR & Marketing


PWH® Board Advisor


PWH® Past Chair

DUKAL Corporation

DUKAL Corporation

Vice President, Marketing & Channel Management

Vice President, Marketing & Channel Management


PWH® Chair Elect

Brasseler Medical

Senior Director, Marketing

Michelle Clouse, Vice Chair Content


Erin Hyatt, Vice Chair Hospitality

Membership Committee Chair

Natalie Martin, Marketing Liaison

B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Product Manager | Surgical Specialty Products


Janis Dezso, Chair

Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison



Mentoring Committee Chair

Eryn Veronesi, Chair

Owens & Minor Operating VP, Service Line Strategy

Martha Braxton, Vice Chair Technology Initiatives

Megan Quevedo, Vice Chair Technology Implementation


Professional Development Committee Chair

Midmark Corporation

What to Expect with the New U.S. Presidential Administration

The 2024 elections brought significant changes, with former President Donald Trump’s return to office and dozens of new lawmakers in Congress. These electoral and policy shifts will be front and center as Washington faces new legislative and regulatory issues in the coming months. Below provides some context for changes in Washington for 2025.

New Presidential Administration

During the campaign, President Trump advocated for higher tariffs and curbing regulations across a variety of industries. Addressing pharmaceutical shortages and bringing drug manufacturing to the United States has also been a priority for President Trump. He plans to restore his Executive Order (EO) on Essential Medicines which, “sought to ensure sufficient and reliable, long-term domestic production of essential medications, minimizing potential shortages by reducing our dependence on foreign manufacturers.”

New Medical Professionals in Congress

Three incoming members of Congress are themselves professional women working in healthcare. Congresswoman Kelly Morrison (D-MN) has been a practicing OB-GYN for over 20 years. Congresswoman Sherri Biggs (R-SC) is a nurse practitioner and veteran of the Air National Guard, where she served as medical crew director on

five combat missions in Afghanistan. Congresswoman Maxine Dexter (D-OR) is a pulmonary and critical care physician at Kaiser Permanente in Portland.

New Focus on Tax Policy

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, known in Washington as the “Trump tax cuts,” are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. Congress will debate whether targeted tax breaks and deductions for individuals will continue and whether the corporate tax rate will remain at 21 percent. HIDA is already monitoring tax policy to advocate for the best interests of the medical supply chain.

New Opportunities for Advocacy

Every election is different, and the makeup of every government in

Washington is different. Over the last five years, partisan control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and White House have switched control between each political party, some more than once.

Therefore, the need to advocate for the medical supply chain on a bipartisan basis remains constant. HIDA serves as the voice for healthcare industry distributors on legislative and regulatory issues. Our annual Washington Summit gives healthcare distribution leaders an opportunity to engage in-person with members of Congress and their staff. If you would like to participate in HIDA’s legislative advocacy campaigns, please contact me at

New Members since June 21, 2024

Jessica Adams Edina Specialty Surgery Center

Zainab Ahmed Premier Inc.

Sarah Aickin Innovia Medical

Judith Alkire Western Governors University

Karla Alvarado Halyard Healthcare

Modupe Asekun Shabach Services LLC

Melanie Avendano One Beat Medical

Bambi Bauer Premier Inc.

Emily Berning Midmark Corporation

Madeleine Biondolillo Premier Inc.

Amanda Bodden Premier inc.

Ingrid Boyers Premier Inc.

Leigh Bresnahan McKesson

Marta Brodt B. Braun Medical

Emily Bruce Premier Inc.

Arielle Buckner Premier Inc.

Kelsey Budd Virtual Mgr

Sally Calderin CME Corporation

Justine Carmody Premier Inc.

Christina Cecil-McDonald McKesson Corporation

Elizabeth Chabner BFFL CO dba Masthead

Jenny Collopy The Christ Hospital Health Network

Molly Conner TR Equipment AB

Hannah Crosby Premier Inc.

Meg Cross Procter & Gamble

Jenna Cuddeback Premier Inc.

Lateefah Cusack Premier Inc.

Andria Davis VCU Health

Carissa DeGregorio CME Corporation

Kimberly Denault Owens & Minor

Sayantoni Dey Shrivastava Premier Inc.

Rehana Dharani Korn Ferry

Julie Dillard Medical Wholesale

Margaret Donnell McKesson Corporation

Chelsea Douglas Midmark Corporation

Jenny Duncan Essity

Jean Epperson CME Corporation

Christa Erpenbeck Procter & Gamble

Katie Faust B. Braun Medical

Melissa Ferrell CME Corporation

Andrea Fletcher Sodexo

Cathy Fortney Premier Inc.

Dana Frank O&M Halyard

Kate Gatterdam Premier Inc

Isabel Gomez Premier Inc.

Pamela Gordon Halyard Healthcare

Kristina Gray Willis Knighton Health

Rachel Guffy B. Braun Medical

Mahima Guhilot Premier Inc.

Amy Gutman AdventHealth Tough Love MD

Kyle Harchick STERIS

Christine Harrington Premier Inc.

Brooke Harris McKesson Corporation

Amanda Hausmann BJC Health System

Sophie Hefter Premier Inc.

Emily Heilbrunn Premier Inc.

Amanda Hermann Premier Inc

Ashley Holmes Premier Inc.

Jody Horak Apria

Jennifer Houff Optum

Elizabeth Howey Premier Inc.

Kylie Hutson Amsino

Jessi Irwin BD

Jacquelyn Ivankovic Premier Inc.

Sarah Johnston CME Corporation

Alyson Kamlani Bionix

Amanda Karakonstantis Drive

Yvette Kaunismaki Memor Health

Shrishti Kharel Apria Healthcare

Angel Klevenhagen Owens & Minor

Mackenzie Kurtz Premier Inc.

Lauren LaBelle Premier Inc.

Anahi Landa B. Braun Medical

Nicholas Lang Medline Industries

Trina Lang Owens & Minor

Victoria Lawrence CME Corporation

TuLinh Le Premier Inc.

Chandra Linquist Midmark Corporation

Kalie Littlefield Medline Industries

Robyn Locke TIDI Products

Patti Lopez Henry Schein

Deanna Lowe-Gooding Premier Inc.

Leah Lucas Premier Inc.

Kassidy Lytle B. Braun Medical

Ariana Macias McKesson Corporation

Courtney Mangini Premier Inc.

Liz Marshall Premier Inc.

Susan Martin Midmark Corporation

Mary Marvar Procter & Gamble Pampers

Dawn Maupin Premier Inc.

Stephanie Maynor McKesson Corporation

Dena McCormick Premier Inc.

Angela McGough Stryker

Tami McGraw Premier Inc.

Portia McGriff Premier Inc.

Katelyn Meeks SMI

Melanie Meliza Vizient Inc.

Jamie Meyers Vizient Inc.

Sami Michaelis Midmark Corporation

Dianna Miller CME Corporation

Imani Mitchell Premier Inc.

Carla Morris Premier Inc.

Mary Ann Moss Abbott

Boitumelo Mudumela Davhadumela Trading Pty Ltd

Sabrina Mutchler Apria Healthcare

Corynn Myres Franciscan Alliance

Elizabeth Natale Drive DeVillbiss Healthcare

Janice Neer Premier Continuum of Care

Jen Neurohr Premier Inc.

Ashtyn Neuwirth Premier Inc.

Emily Noel Vizient Inc.

Bridget O'Connor Mass Surgical

Mary Beth Oddis Cleveland Clinic

Lisa Pagano B. Braun Medical

Trisha Peace Kaiser Permanente

Patricia Petrone-Toth Johnson & Johnson

Candace Phlipot Midmark Corporation

Kami Phlipot Midmark Corporation

Sarah Quinn CME Corporation

Savannah Radogna B. Braun Medical

Rebecca Reynolds

Ally Richter MTMC

Jesenia Riddick Owens & Minor

Melissa Riddle Byram Healthcare

Rani Riley Apria

Lisa Risser Jevan Consulting

Karen Sease Midmark Corporation

Nichole Sellers Premier Inc.

Jessica Serrano Byram Healthcare

Heidi Shenk Ambiki

Kristen Shiffli Apria

Polly Siegman Owens & Minor

Rachel Sieja Epredia

Nancy Silva Premier Inc.

Amy Smith

Madison Smith Premier Inc.

Victoria Smith Stryker

Cydney Smith NDC Inc.

Mallory Smith Premier Inc.

Madison Stephens Premier Inc.

Carrie Stone Apria Healthcare

Angela Sykeny-Nichols Sarnova

Brook Thacker B. Braun Medical

Jacqueline Thompson Premier Inc.

Tammy Tilghman Owens & Minor

Dorothy Trapp Premier Inc.

Jennifer Treglia Johnson & Johnson

Mariah Turner CME Corporation

Holly Van Kuren Premier Inc.

Jennifer Vazquez CME Corporation

Deandra Vigliarolo Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare

Amy Vizanko Hamilton Medical

Kylee Vowell Premier Inc.

Chelsea Wagner Premier Inc

DeAndra Walker Premier Inc.

Addie Walsh B. Braun Medical

Doreen Warren B. Braun Medical

Sydney Westfall Premier Inc.

Payton Willingham Premier Inc.

Nayquan Wilson Premier Inc.

Stephanie Yim Premier Inc.

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