DEO Sept-Oct 23

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PerfectFitOrtho is revolutionizing orthodontics to bring more same-store growth to general practitioners.  p20
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Graham Garrison


Pete Mercer


Jenna Hughes


Laura Gantert


Brent Cashman


Josey Sewell, DEO

Rachel Shipley, DEO

Hilda Gonzalez, DEO

Cassidy Parker-Knight, DEO


Jake Puhl


Amy Cochran 619.886.5842

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The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Dentist Entrepreneur Organization, LLC, DEO Dental Media, LLC, or DEO Magazine. Also, the information in this publication is meant to give readers general information that they may find of interest. It is not intended to substitute for compliance, audit, advisory, tax, legal, or other professional advice. Readers should consult with appropriate professionals before making a decision to use any of the material presented in this publication.

Please note: The acceptance of advertising or products mentioned by contributing authors does not constitute endorsement by the publishers. Publishers cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of an opinion expressed by contributing authors.

DENTIST ENTREPRENEUR ORGANIZATION • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 1 Contents > September/October • 2023 The Perfect Fit PerfectFitOrtho’s revolutionary clear aligner solution allows general practices to tap into a new stream of revenue while enhancing relationships with their patient base. > pg 20 DEO Magazine is published six times a year by DEO Dental Media LLC, 501 Congress Avenue, Suite 150, Austin, TX, 78701. Copyright 2023 by DEO Dental Media LLC All
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From the Publisher Go Big and Go Bold 2 The Secret to Successfully Integrating New Technology: Change Management How a tool for helping individuals deal with the five stages of grief can be used by leaders to facilitate their teams’ acceptance and adoption of new technology 4 Across the Country, Legislative Wins Create a Bright Future for the Dental Industry 10 Taking Advantage of AI Philip Toh discusses the use of AI technology at the Smilist and how the technology has the potential to revolutionize the industry 12 Leveraging ChatGPT in the Dental Group Setting Two leading dental entrepreneurs share their experiences using AI/ChatGPT to cut overhead costs, improve workflows and even increase profit margins 16 Beyond the Microphone Unlock the secrets to building a thriving dental organization with DEO’s Growth Secrets Podcast 28 Systems Will Set You Free Why robust operational systems are instrumental to – and at the heart of –every sustainably successfully growing dental company 30 Innovative Whitening System Offers a New Way to Generate Revenue … … while offering a better, more convenient way for patients to receive professional whitening solutions 34 Revolutionizing Oral Care: Building Better Habits with quip Combining innovation and technology for healthier smiles 36 The™ 3D Printing Solution Delivers a Simple, Intuitive 3D Printing Experience Print crystal-clear appliances with the™ 3D Printing Solution 37 Using AI to Increase Case Acceptance and Generate Revenue 38 Increase Access to Complete Care Get more “Yes” with a proven fee presentation and payment solution 39 New Tech Can Save You 30 Hours a Week Dealing With Insurance Dental Intelligence Insurance saves you time and sanity with eligibility verification and unlimited claim validation 40 What Your Text Messages Can Teach You About Your Dental Patients How to use Weave’s message analytics to understand what resonates best with your dental patients 42 Accessible Patient Financing Through Sunbit 44 Vendor Resource Guide 2023 47

Go Big and Go Bold

You’ve heard the saying that fortune favors the bold. Never has that been more apparent than with the adoption of new technologies in the dental industry. This is not a time to stand pat. Rising overhead costs will be magnified at scale on the group dentistry level. Advancements in AI and technology will be the counter to this and will be the savior of your margins in this new, expensive norm. Those who learn, adapt, and adopt this new technology will thrive.

But where do you begin? Well, in this issue, we profile the best practices, products, technology, and companies to help you navigate out of the uncertainty and into success. For instance, in our cover story, the PerfectFitOrtho’s founders share how they came up with an innovative clear aligner solution that promises to both generate more revenue for dental practitioners and save patients time by reducing office visits. Talk about win-win!

Also in this issue, Josey Sewell provides a unique take on technology that you may not have thought of before – change management and the adoption of tech within the dental group setting. She makes the case for how a tool that helps individuals deal with the five stages of grief can be used by leaders to facilitate their teams’ acceptance and adoption of new technology. In another article, Philip Toh, the Co-founder and President of “the Smilist,” shares some ways that AI and other advanced technologies can be best utilized to better deliver patient experiences. While this issue highlights the best in technology and solutions,

we also wanted to let you in on a little secret ... we’ve been working on a completely new format for next year’s DEO Growth Summit that we believe will make it one of the most powerful dental conferences you’ll attend in 2024. For starters, we’re adding an exclusive pre-event workshop that you won’t want to miss, plus the entire weekend we’re packing in more, more, MORE! More learning, engagement, networking, innovation, celebration, and entertainment than ever before!

Speaking of events, make sure you sign up for our VIRTUAL Bottom Line Boot Camp coming up November 10-11, 2023. We’ll cover the systems and formulas that the DEO has used to help hundreds of Dental Practices, Groups, and DSOs refine every line item of their P&L – and add multiples of profit to their Bottom Lines. We’ll also preview the big things we have in store for our annual Growth Summit in Orlando, Florida next June.


> Scan the QR code below to register for the DEO's Bottom Line Bootcamp


The Secret to Successfully Integrating New Technology: Change Management

How a tool for helping individuals deal with the five stages of grief can be used by leaders to facilitate their teams’ acceptance and adoption of new technology.

Denial Anger


Acceptance Depression

The practice of dentistry looks completely different today than it did 20 years ago thanks to advancements in technology. While technology is meant (at least in theory) to make our lives simpler, easier, and more effective, we all know how daunting and challenging it can be to get our team members excited about new technology, and even harder to change their workflows and gain necessary adoption to see the return on investment.


The companies that sell us the technology, software and fancy toys are always trying to assure us that onboarding is simple and easy: “Training and adoption are not a problem,” they’ll say. “You will be up and running in no time and will see a massive return on the investment. It’s going to be great, your team will love it.”

The reality is, implementation of any type of new technology or software often takes ten times longer and is ten times harder than any salesperson will admit. I’m not blaming sales professionals, they just don’t live in the complexity of the day to day dental environment, and can’t truly see all of the hurdles we might face when it comes to getting new tech to agree with existing tech, technical (or lack of) expertise in our existing team, availability from our team to work with the vendor partner, and the greatest obstacle of all – the willingness and readiness of our team to embrace change.

Since this issue of DEO Magazine is all about tech, I thought it would be pertinent to discuss the most important part of selecting and implementing technology in your business – managing change.

Organizations frequently find themselves at the crossroads of change, often driven by the adoption of new technologies. Navigating these transitions successfully requires not only a robust implementation strategy but also a deep understanding of the human aspect of change. The Kubler-Ross Change Curve, originally developed to describe the stages of grief, has been adapted to explain how

individuals and teams react to change in various contexts, including the introduction of new technology. In this article, we explore how leaders can leverage the Kubler-Ross Change Curve to facilitate teams’ acceptance and adoption of new technology.

Understanding the Kubler-Ross Change Curve

The Kubler-Ross Change Curve encompasses five stages that individuals typically progress through when confronted with change: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. These stages are not necessarily linear; individuals may move back and forth between them as they come to terms with the change. When applied to technology adoption, these stages provide insights into the emotional responses that teams may exhibit, and how leaders can address them effectively.

1 Denial – Acknowledging the Status Quo

In the Denial stage, individuals and teams may resist the idea of adopting new technology, clinging to familiarity and the comfort of existing processes. To help teams overcome this initial resistance, leaders should communicate the rationale behind the change, emphasizing the benefits it brings to both individual members and the organization as a whole. Open and transparent communication about the necessity of the technology shift can dispel doubts and encourage an open-minded approach.

2 Anger – Expressing Frustration

As teams move from Denial to Anger, they might exhibit resistance and frustration, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges associated with learning and adapting to new technology.

3 Bargaining – Seeking Middle Ground

The Bargaining stage involves an attempt to find a compromise between the past and the present. Team members might try to negotiate for the use of old processes alongside the new technology.

4 Depression – Confronting Realities

During the Depression stage, teams may experience a dip in morale as they grapple with the challenges of adapting to the new technology.

5 Acceptance – Embracing the Change

The final stage, Acceptance, marks the point where teams come to terms with the new technology and begin to see its value.

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There are a few things to keep in mind regarding the change curve. First, this is a natural process that human beings experience when change is required of them. Don’t feel frustrated or angry at your team. Believe it or not, they are not trying to push your buttons or poke holes in your plans. This is a natural process that everyone feels to different depths and duration. Give the team space and be patient.

of tolerance and love (or hate) for change. You may have a doctor/owner who is an entrepreneur that is comfortable with risk and is constantly finding new ways to innovate. The dental team is primarily composed of individuals who find security in consistency and sameness. You need to understand the makeup of the team to know how to appropriately support them.

> Visualize the Future: Paint a vivid picture of what the future will look like with the new technology in place. Showcasing success stories from other teams or organizations that have successfully adopted similar technologies can help in dispelling doubts.

> Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve team members in the decision-making process. Allow them to provide input and share their concerns. This fosters a sense of ownership and empowers them to be a part of the change.

2 Anger –Expressing Frustration

Second, as a leader or a decision maker, you have likely already processed the change and are in the acceptance phase before the team even knows the decision or change is coming.

Third, the number of changes required at any given time will compound on the team. It’s one thing to change the practice management software; it’s a lot harder if you are changing the PMS, adding a new phone service, implementing clinical AI, or training on a new process. Leaders have the responsibility to appropriately assess and determine how much change a team can take.

Finally, we are all hard wired differently and have various levels

Successful strategies

Overcoming the challenges associated with the stages of the Kubler-Ross Change Curve requires a thoughtful and proactive approach. Here are some strategies that leaders can implement to guide teams through each stage:

1 Denial –Acknowledging the Status Quo

> Clear Communication: Provide clear and comprehensive information about the reasons for the technology change. Explain how it aligns with the organization’s goals and how it will benefit both individuals and the team as a whole.

> Active Listening: Provide a safe space for team members to express their frustrations. Listen actively and be empathetic to their concerns without dismissing them. Acknowledge their feelings and validate their emotions.

> Address Concerns: Address specific concerns head-on. Provide explanations and solutions for challenges they are facing, and demonstrate a willingness to address any gaps in support or resources.

> Training and Support: Offer comprehensive training sessions and resources to help team members build confidence in using the new technology. Provide access to tutorials, workshops, and expert assistance to alleviate feelings of frustration stemming from lack of knowledge.

Organizations frequently find themselves at the crossroads of change, often driven by the adoption of new technologies. Navigating these transitions successfully requires not only a robust implementation strategy but also a deep understanding of the human aspect of change.

3 Bargaining –Seeking Middle Ground

> Open Dialogue: Encourage open discussions about the advantages and limitations of blending old processes with the new technology. Facilitate conversations that explore potential synergies while also highlighting the potential drawbacks of such an approach.

> Highlight Efficiency Gains: Showcase how fully embracing the new technology can lead to greater efficiency, reduced errors, and improved outcomes compared to using a hybrid approach. Highlight the benefits of a streamlined workflow.

> Negotiate Gradual Transition: While advocating for complete adoption, offer a gradual transition plan that allows teams to ease into using the new technology. This can help reduce the sense of disruption and facilitate a smoother adjustment.

4 Depression –Confronting Realities

> Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate small wins achieved through the use of the new technology. Recognize individual and team achievements, and highlight how their efforts are contributing to the larger picture.

> Provide Emotional Support: Offer emotional support to team members who may be feeling overwhelmed or demotivated. Share stories of overcoming challenges and emphasize that the learning curve is a natural part of the process.

> Continuous Learning: Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and growth. Offer opportunities for skill development and improvement, such as advanced training sessions or mentorship programs.

5 Acceptance –Embracing the Change

> Showcase Success: Continue to share success stories and examples of positive outcomes resulting from the new technology. These stories can inspire others and reinforce the benefits of embracing change.

> Create Champions: Identify and highlight individuals who have fully embraced the new technology and are experiencing its benefits. These “champions” can serve as role models and mentors for others.

> Feedback and Improvement: Maintain an open feedback loop.

Encourage team members to provide feedback on the technology’s functionality and user experience. Act on their suggestions to demonstrate that the organization values their input.

Change is an inevitable part of technological advancement, and successfully integrating new technology into a dental organization requires addressing not just logistical challenges but also the emotional responses of the teams involved. By recognizing and addressing the stages of the Kubler-Ross Change Curve, leaders can create a supportive environment that enables teams to navigate through resistance, frustration, and uncertainty, ultimately reaching a state of acceptance and enthusiasm for the new technology. This holistic approach to change management sets the stage for a smoother transition, improved adoption rates, and enhanced overall organizational resilience in the face of technological innovation.


Across the Country, Legislative Wins Create a Bright Future for the Dental Industry

Addressing the shortage of dental professionals in states nationwide is one of the ADSO’s top priorities. This year, we’ve worked with industry partners to pass the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact in Iowa and Washington, and the bill is currently making its way through the Pennsylvania legislature and is expected to be introduced in Wisconsin soon. This key legislation will improve public access to dental care by streamlining the licensure process for dentists and dental hygienists when relocating from participating states. Once seven states enact the legislation – a goal we anticipate surpassing in 2024 –the compact goes live, removing barriers for dental professionals seeking to move states to meet the existing demand for dental services.

In state legislatures nationwide, lawmakers have recognized the need for reforms to ensure a vibrant and thriving dental industry that can provide quality, affordable, and accessible care to all who need it. During the 2023 legislative sessions, our industry came together to achieve tremendous success in multiple states that will help address workforce challenges, reduce patient costs, and institute better practices for insurers. With many state legislatures in recess, the Association of Dental Support Organizations (ADSO) looks back on these victories and plans for what’s to come.

License portability removes undue burdens on dental professionals aiming to move to states and continue practicing dentistry. The ADSO is extremely proud of our successes thus far, and we will continue to prioritize passing the compact in more states in 2024 while also pursuing Universal Licensure.

Payer reform is another area of focus for the ADSO and our industry partners to ensure better outcomes for dental professionals and the patients we serve. Our efforts to


pass the historic Dental Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) ballot initiative in Massachusetts will reduce patient costs and has spurred action to pursue similar legislation nationwide. This year, the ADSO helped pass legislation addressing this issue in Colorado and Nevada, and we will continue to pursue MLR in additional states in the next legislative session.

The 2023 legislative sessions also brought about needed Assignment of Benefits (AOB) legislation, which requires that a dental plan honor a patient’s request to send their reimbursement dollars directly to providers. With the passage of an AOB law in Arkansas, and introduction of similar

legislation in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the ADSO is proud to have spurred momentum on this issue.

Other payer reforms were also passed in Illinois, Minnesota, and Missouri relating to virtual credit card protections and network leasing, through which dental plans must provide dentists payment options that don’t incur a fee and allow dentists to opt out of leased networks without a penalty.

As our industry undergoes an unprecedented period of transformation, the ADSO is proud of our successes in overcoming the issues facing dental professionals. As we look ahead to next year, we will continue collaborating with our dental organization partners to create better outcomes for dental professionals and patients that will define the coming decades of dental care.

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License portability removes undue burdens on dental professionals aiming to move to states and continue practicing dentistry.

Taking Advantage of AI

Philip Toh discusses the use of AI technology at the Smilist and how the technology has the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Artificial intelligence (AI), or technology’s ability to complete tasks that traditionally require human intelligence, is revolutionizing the way businesses approach daily tasks and challenges. So, what exactly is AI, and how are dental support organizations (DSO) taking advantage of the technology?

AI algorithms can learn, process, and understand new information similar to the way the human brain does. For example, using computer vision on already existing visuals, such as X-rays, AI can help dentists identify abnormalities that may only be partially visible to the human eye. The technology can analyze patient dental records, inform diagnoses, and advise the development of treatment plans. AI is also beneficial


to dental practices because it has the ability to perform operational responsibilities and assist in automating day-to-day tasks.

Philip Toh, the Co-founder and President of “the Smilist,” has researched ways that AI and other advanced technologies can be best utilized to better deliver patient experiences. The Smilist was founded in 2014 and has grown to over 65 locations across the Northeast, including in the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Delaware.

Toh, in his current role as President, works to modernize the Smilist practices and promote better

patient outcomes and experiences through technology.

“There are a lot of technologies that are now available in the marketplace. Sometimes in business, we focus on the urgent needs, but not necessarily the important needs. In my position, I get the opportunity to focus on identifying these technologies, how we can adopt them, and how we can deliver better clinical care and run a better business,” said Toh.

Predictable, affordable dental care

The Smilist is a comprehensive family dentistry practice that offers

patients services including routine teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, dental implants, tooth extractions, sleep apnea solutions, Invisalign, and braces.

At the Smilist, dentists and staff take advantage of technology and AI to assist with both clinical care and operational tasks. In terms of clinical care, technology can assist with digital impressions, 3D printing and milling. Examples of operational tasks include patient engagement, patient payments, insurance, and appointment scheduling.

“AI is most commonly thought of in dentistry as a tool that can be used to assist dentists to read

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X-rays. AI can in fact inform clinicians by analyzing and identifying certain abnormalities in patient X-rays. It also translates clinical findings for patients so that it is easy to understand. This allows dentists to plan their day and anticipate potential challenges,” said Toh. “The other aspect that AI can assist with is creating underlying data. With our consolidated single practice management system, we’re able to do all sorts of analytics, such as treatment, outcomes, insurance, payment, and appointment information to improve the way we deliver our services.”

Integrating the latest technological advances into clinical and business processes allows the Smilist to stay up to date on current industry trends and stand out from competitors. Automation allows staff to more effectively complete tasks, and as a result, staff can focus more on creating positive patient interactions.

Implementing AI technology will without a doubt change business processes and culture because of its ability to streamline and simplify existing workflows. Dentists are used to certain ways of completing tasks, and some individuals may have reservations about what modernization through AI could mean for their job security.

“One of the worries with AI technology is that people anticipate that the technology may replace them and their job. The primary challenge is having people understand that technology is complementary. It makes dentists and staff more efficient instead of replacing the human aspect of business. In reality, it’s a tool that enables

people to focus on what they love and drop what they don’t,” said Toh.

AI and the dental industry

Before dental support organizations consider implementing AI technology into their practice, they should determine the cost-effectiveness, the dependability, and the applicability of certain models and decide if it will work for the needs of their practice.

AI is beneficial, as it can recognize a wide range of dental conditions, improve dental care by reinforcing dentist’s work, and reaffirms

a dentist’s confidence when making treatment decisions. The technology can also assist dentists on the operational side and assist them in creating a clearer picture of their business needs, revenue streams, and patient populations.

“AI will continue to be able to do more and raise people to the top of their license by giving them more confidence,” said Toh. “Making everyone more efficient will free up time to see more patients enabling greater patient access that many patients otherwise wouldn’t have.”

As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence in

dentistry will become increasingly commonplace. The capabilities of AI will continue to improve as the systems develop, and the technology will continue to assist dentists with navigating industry challenges.

“I’m super excited about the future of AI. We don’t want to be left behind, and as an organization continue to be at the forefront of technology and how it will help us run better dental practices,” said Toh. “For us culturally as an organization, technology will continue to be a key part of delivering exceptional patient experiences.”

Philip Toh
AI is beneficial, as it can recognize a wide range of dental conditions, improve dental care by reinforcing dentist’s work, and reaffirms a dentist’s confidence when making treatment decisions.

Leveraging ChatGPT in the Dental Group Setting

Two leading dental entrepreneurs share their experiences using AI/ChatGPT to cut overhead costs, improve workflows and even increase profit margins.

Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Right now, artificial intelligence (AI) and the ChatGPT chatbot are the hot topics that business leaders are talking about across industries, including dentistry. Indeed, dentists and dental support organizations have the potential to gain leverage using AI tools such as ChatGPT.

The ChatGPT chatbot is an AI tool that allows users to have humanlike conversations in its chat feature. The program can assist users with Dr.

Yooson Kim Dr. Chris Martin

tasks, answer questions, compose writing, and much more by typing in a simple prompt.

In a recent DEO Summit session, DEO Partner Emmet Scott interviewed two dental entrepreneurs to get their insights on ChatGPT and how the technology can be used throughout the dental industry.

Dr. Yooson Kim is the founder and CEO of Pennsylvania-based Family Dentistry Group and New Concept Dental Partners. Dr. Kim started with a single practice that grew to be a multi-location practice. “I want to navigate the new technological changes within the industry and leverage what’s out there,

becoming one of the early adapters,” Dr. Kim said.

Dr. Chris Martin is the CEO and co-founder of Village Dental Family and Sedation Care. He has been a clinician for 27 years and loves dentistry. He and his wife co-founded the practice. Dr. Martin led as the office went from four chairs to 15 chairs, and is now at 46 chairs. All their offices are about 15 minutes apart. “I honestly believe that with AI, we are on the precipice of something incredible that can really streamline the process of taking a vision and translating it into structure for our team members,” Dr. Martin said.


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The following were ways that the two leaders have used ChatGPT in their businesses.

Complete simple tasks

ChatGPT has the ability to write manuals, protocols, and training steps for you, said Dr. Kim. “It makes things tighter around the office, showing dentists things they might be missing on a day-to-day basis. It can also complete marketing tasks for a business, such as writing content and assisting with rebuilding your company’s core values.”

Make videos and recordings

Dr. Chris Martin said AI can be utilized to make videos, transcribe

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audio recordings, and create things like onboarding protocols. “We have almost 300 videos for our office built with QR codes using AI and ChatGPT technology.”

Drafting correspondence

Dr. Martin said his office recently used ChatGPT to handle a rather “smelly” situation with the facility owner. When their building’s sewer line broke, everything in the office smelled terrible, and customers in the office were not having the best experience possible. “My team was looking to me for the answers,” said Dr. Martin. “I used ChatGPT to draft a letter to my landlord about fixing the issue that was causing the smell. ChatGPT helped us draft a nice and professional, but firm, letter to the landlord. It calmed me down and helped me to take the first step in solving the issue for my staff. The next morning, my landlord and plumbers showed up to fix the

issue. I felt like a better leader for remaining calm and utilizing technology and tools at hand throughout the experience.

Getting the words right

Dr. Kim said ChatGPT was able to assist in crafting a delicate HR-related letter. “An example of our practice utilizing ChatGPT is when writing a termination letter for an employee,” she said. “We asked ChatGPT to draft a simple, mindfully worded termination letter for an individual. We wanted to ensure that what needed to be said was said right away. ChatGPT produced a letter quickly, and we edited it to make sure it is personal. It’s very easy and quick, it didn’t take more than five minutes.”

Tactical conversations

AI and ChatGPT can be used as tactical tools, Dr. Martin said. “When I get emotional, I fire up ChatGPT and have a conversation with it. It even

Proceed with caution

Like any tool, ChatGPT has its limitations, especially as the technology is in its preliminary stages of development.

“The Pandora’s box of AI is without a doubt open, Dr. Kim said. “ChatGPT has amazing capabilities and can scan all the available information out there,” she said. “Don’t rely on it for legal or regulatory information. As dentists, we also must be sure we are not putting personal health information into ChatGPT. It’s overall an amazing resource. As long as we wield the powers of ChatGPT responsibly, I think AI can give us wings.”

Dr. Kim said it’s also important for dental organization leaders to be up front with employees on the use of the technology. “If we’re bringing in AI, staff want to be reassured that their job isn’t at risk, and that all employees will be able to work together with AI technology and coexist with it.”

has transcribable voice recognition. I use it and just start talking. For example, I vent as if I am talking to a coworker. It is cathartic and allows me to practice what I want to say before having professional conversations.”

Cultivate relationships

Dr. Kim said she and her team want to have a relationship with each patient and be able to connect patients with our team members. “Team members and staff can use AI as a tool to create relationships and work on other things that you are trying to build within a business.”

Refine soft skills

Dr. Martin’s team has something they call a conversation planner in their group that helps dentists to develop soft skills. ChatGPT is also a tool that can be used to help dentists gain those skills. “It can give dentists a script for having difficult professional conversations,” he said. “Those are real-time tactical things that other dentists can use. Just get the app and try it – you’ll be surprised at how you change your language after using ChatGPT.”

Bridging language barriers

Dr. Kim said ChatGPT works well for foreign language clients. “We have tried to use other platforms in the past, but they don’t quite do what you need them to,” she said. “ChatGPT can convey what a patient is saying through avatars and emotions. It allows us as dentists to explain procedures such as root canals or whatever is needed with a differential diagnosis in a way foreign language patients can understand and feel supported.”


The AI Revolution in Dental Revenue Cycle Management

Blending automation with offshore solutions for optimal efficiency.

The dental industry and the processes associated with billing to insurances have been going through a not so quiet revolution lately. Everywhere you turn, there’s a new RCM software utilizing AI to help automate the Revenue Cycle Management processes of your dental group. Managing the list of these tools and identifying the best ones for your group is almost a full-time job in itself.

RCM process is still a far-fetched dream. Despite the advancements, there are still barriers presented that make it impossible to fully automate the RCM process. Patient interactions, intricate billing scenarios, and specific insurance negotiations often require human judgment, empathy, and a personal touch.

Moreover, the dental industry is evolving rapidly, with new treatments, billing codes, and insurance policies coming into play. Keeping AI systems updated with these changes is a challenge in itself. This is where the blend of technology and human expertise becomes crucial.

The Offshore Advantage with SupportDDS

To bridge the gap where AI falls short, dental practices are increasingly turning to offshore solutions. Companies like SupportDDS offer dental practices the advantage of hiring highly skilled team members from overseas. These offshore teams, while being cost-effective, bring a depth of experience in handling intricate RCM processes that AI isn’t yet primed to manage.

The AI Impact on RCM

Artificial Intelligence, with its computational prowess and predictive analytics, has paved the way for improved efficiency and cost reductions in the RCM process. With a lot of tools available on the market today, we are able to streamline and automate a lot of the verification process. We can now gather EOBs once scattered across many web portal logins into a single platform. We can even automate the sending of patient bills.

AI is empowering dental practices to streamline operations, reduce errors, and enhance patient experience.

Yet, A Full Automation is Still a Dream

While AI has proven to be a boon in the dental RCM process, expecting it to replace the entire

By leveraging offshore teams, dental practices can achieve a dual benefit. Firstly, they can cut down labor costs significantly, given the wage differentials between countries. Secondly, these teams can work in tandem with AI systems, ensuring that while repetitive tasks are automated, the complex ones are handled with care.

For instance, while an AI system can auto-generate a patient bill based on treatments rendered, an offshore team member can manage patient queries, disputes, or payment plans with a personal touch. This hybrid model ensures not just efficiency but also elevates the overall patient experience.

In Conclusion

The future of dental RCM is not just about AI or offshore solutions; it’s about the seamless integration of both. By partnering with companies like SupportDDS and integrating AI, dentists can ensure they are well-positioned for the future, combining cutting-edge technology with the timeless value of human touch.

Tanner Applegate is the founder of Unify Dental and is a consultant in the Dental Industry.


The Perfect Fit

PerfectFitOrtho’s revolutionary clear aligner solution allows general practices to tap into a new stream of revenue while enhancing relationships with their patient base.

Adding a specialty to your dental group practice can be a significant challenge, no matter how great the need or how long the practice has been open. Practices that don’t currently have specialties like orthodontics can have trouble with treating patients who need that specialized care. When general dentists can’t treat specialty cases within their own practice, that referral to another specialty practice is lost revenue for the general practice.


PerfectFitOrtho is a dental tech company actively working to reshape the landscape of orthodontics and clear aligners. Founded in early 2023 by Dr. Ilan Abramowitz, an orthodontist with nearly 20 years of experience, and Jay Hogan, an Army veteran who has managed a number of dental specialty practices, PerfectFitOrtho partners with dental practices and DSOs to provide a clear aligner treatment solution that can bring in more revenue for the dental practitioners and save the patient time by reducing office visits. They work with general dentists to facilitate a turn-key solution that benefits everyone involved, while forging a new path in an untapped market.

With a partnership like PerfectFitOrtho, referring patients to orthodontists outside of your office will be a thing of the past. Not only will you be able to focus on your own same-store growth, but you will also increase your revenue and take better care of your patients by keeping them in-house.

Building a disruptor

The original idea for PerfectFitOrtho started in 2018 when Dr. Abramowitz decided to test out a DIY aligner brand treatment on himself to get a better idea of what the patients who choose that option go through – the good, the bad and the ugly.

He decided to formulate a plan for how trained professionals could fix this process in ways that the DIY companies can’t, including the necessary components like attachments, rubber bands, and an orthodontic specialist monitoring the whole treatment. After putting some

ideas together, he began having discussions with Hogan, who would eventually become the co-founder of PerfectFitOrtho along with Dr. Abramowitz.

“When COVID hit, I had the time to put it all together and find a way to create a company that could actually deliver that service,” Dr. Abramowitz said. He and Hogan built up a clientele of doctors that were interested in providing this service with the most advanced and acceptable treatment plan possible.

Like with most new ventures, they began to identify and work out the kinks – improving cooperation amongst the patients and collaboration on how to train doctors and staff to provide this service.

Dr. Abramowitz said, “With my ortho background and the mentors I am fortunate enough to collaborate with, I am able to treat any case with aligners. I can provide the treatment modalities that are needed to make adjustments and develop better treatment options for doctors that don’t have that background.”

How the PerfectFitOrtho solution works

The most obvious benefit to building a partnership with PerfectFitOrtho is the simplicity of it. There is no required equipment that your practice needs to install and learn how to implement, nor is there an upfront financial investment to get started. It’s a simple partnership designed to improve the workflow for the dentist and increase the number of patients who choose to do aligner treatment within their practice.

The traditional process of ordering clear aligners for patients requires the general dentist to submit a prescription to a company that fabricates aligners. Their lab will work up the case based on the dentist’s specifications and will then send it back to the general dentist for revision or approval.

Hogan said, “The challenge is that a lot of general dentists don’t do aligner cases because they are not comfortable with how that process works. More often than not, they will

Dr. Ilan Abramowitz Jay Hogan

not do the cases because they do not have that orthodontic support.”

Practices and DSOs that partner with PerfectFitOrtho do not have to worry about that process. PerfectFitOrtho sets up every case with the aligner manufacturer and then submits it back to the general dentist only when ready for final approval. After the doctor approves the case and the aligners are delivered, the team at PerfectFitOrtho will virtually monitor those patients on a weekly basis.

“The patients scan their teeth with an app on their phone, and we can more quickly identify aligner fit and hygiene – all the normal

things that we would be reviewing in a practice every six to eight weeks we do from home, so that the patient only has to come into the practice when it’s necessary,” Hogan explained.

Dr. Abramowitz said, “They are doing their appointments virtually,

and then their dentist and the PerfectFitOrtho orthodontist gets to see it. There’s a collaborative approach for the dentist where they can be involved as much as they want to be. If they don’t have time to check in on the treatment progress, the orthodontist is monitoring the patient’s

By working with the general dentists to monitor patients on a weekly basis and generating the sale of an aligner treatment with the patient, PerfectFitOrtho is taking massive workloads off the shoulders of the doctors.

progress. No matter what, as long as they are taking their scans, the patients get as many doctors as they need, checking in every single week.”

PerfectFitOrtho is aligner agnostic, ensuring that doctors and patients can still partner with aligner brands that they know and trust. With four orthodontists on staff, they are able to provide national coverage for the DSOs and practices that they partner with.

Disrupting the industry

Like Amazon or Uber, PerfectFitOrtho is creating a disruption in an industry that needs innovators and out-of-the-box thinkers to create that tension between what has always been done and the future of the industry. Without it, change is impossible. PerfectFitOrtho is working to carve a new niche in the dental world, while improving the workloads of every general dentist they partner with.

By working with the general dentists to monitor patients on a weekly basis and generating the sale of an aligner treatment with the patient, PerfectFitOrtho is taking massive workloads off the shoulders of the doctors. They can continue to focus on giving great general care to their patients without sacrificing time in the chair or outsourcing the patient to another location.

The biggest challenge that PerfectFitOrtho has had to overcome is introducing a revolutionary product into the current market. That requires lots of education before acceptance. Hogan likened this experience to selling candy bars, saying, “It’s easy to sell candy bars

Same-store growth involves taking what you currently have and making the most out of it – in this case it’s all about tapping into a new stream of revenue with a patient base that you already have.

because everyone knows what that is. With what we are doing, we are introducing a product that people didn’t realize existed.”

Specialized dentistry is hard enough, especially in a general setting. Hogan said, “We surveyed 100 general dentists in the United States and asked, ‘How many of your patients come into your practice needing orthodontic treatment?’ The average was about 85%. We asked the same doctors, ‘How many of those patients do you present treatment plans to?’ Less than 20%.”

As for the revenue piece, PerfectFitOrtho is designed to bring in an extra stream of revenue that general dentistry can’t usually tap into. “We bill our practices a flat fee per patient, $750 plus the lab fee. That’s it. The treatment is priced at $5,500 … With us they make $3,500 per case on average.”

Establishing true partnerships with DSOs

Finding partnerships that do not require a lot of back and forth throughout the process is almost unthinkable, but PerfectFitOrtho is working to be a true partner with DSOs and general practices. For instance, general dentists are

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Turnover with specialist doctors, especially when they’ve just gotten out of school, can make the dynamic of care with a practice uncertain.

not usually handling aligner treatment cases for themselves – without the experience and education in orthodontics, many of them are uncomfortable with diagnosing and treating patients who need aligners. Additionally, this kind of partnership helps to perpetuate continuity

of care within a practice. Turnover with specialist doctors, especially when they’ve just gotten out of school, can make the dynamic of care with a practice uncertain. PerfectFitOrtho can act as a constant orthodontist presence, a sort of “set it and forget it” kind of situation

that improves and perpetuates continuity of care. Hogan said, “We are still the same people that are going to be setting up and monitoring those cases weekly.”

With PerfectFitOrtho, general dentists have an outsourced orthodontic partner to help treat and monitor these cases, while these dentists can focus on what they do best. “The patients are getting the ultimate value because they get to stay with their general dentist instead of going somewhere else; but they get to see an orthodontist virtually every week. Most orthodontists in the United States can’t say that now, but every general dentist that we work with can,” Hogan said.

This kind of partnership also helps DSOs and general practices to facilitate better same-store growth processes. Same-store growth involves taking what you currently have and making the most out of it – in this case it’s all about tapping into a new stream of revenue with a patient base that you already have.

“We’re providing an ultimate way to boost revenue for general dentists because they can sell these cases and start more treatment, but they don’t have to see the patients nearly as much. They don’t have to give up that chair time,” Hogan said.

Scan the QR Code above to Learn More.

iTero Element Plus Series

A fast1, accurate2, and open system that seamlessly integrates with your lab and chairside workflows

iTero™ NIRI technology (Near Infra-Red imaging demonstrated 96% accuracy in detecting dential interproximal caries when compared to bite-wing x-ray (BMX)3

Invisalign® Outcome Simulator Pro: Help drive Invisalign case acceptance with realistic in-face visualization of your patient’s potential future smile.

Auto-Upload feature: Submit Invisalign cases and save up to 10 minutes per case.

a multisite clinical study conducted in real-world settings comparing iTero NIRI technology (Near Infra-red imaging) of the iTero Element 5D to bite-wing x-rays (BWX) (n= 3,502 posterior proximal tooth surfaces out of 5,796 proximal surfaces in 102 patients) as a tool in aiding in detection and diagnosis of interproximal dentinal caries above the gingiva; Accuracy means the % agreement between the diagnoses from the BWX and NIRI, calculated as [Total agreements] / [Total surfaces] % = [56 (true positive) + 3338 (true negative)] / 3502 = 96.9%. Data on file at Align Technology, as of February 10, 2021.

4 Based on a survey in August, 2021 of n = 39 doctors who participated in a global limited market release, working with iTero Element 5D imaging systems for an average period of 1.5 months, representing both GPs and Orthos in NA, EU, APAC, and LATAM who were presented with a level of agreement scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree with the following statement: “Submitting Invisalign cases leveraging iTero Element 5D system auto-upload functionality is faster than the conventional Invisalign case submission process (including manual capture and upload of intraoral photographs)” and then asked to estimate the amount of time saved in minutes per case. 10 minutes was the median of all responses. Data on file at Align Technology, as of October 6, 2022.

© 2023 Align Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Invisalignw iTero iTero Element, iTero Element 5D Plus, the iTero logo, among others, are trademarks and/or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. | A014967 Rev-A Empower your practice with iTero scanners Discover the advanced scanning capabilities of the 1 Patient scans can be completed in as little as 60 seconds with the same accuracy and reliability that you have come to expect from iTero Element scanners. Actual scan times depend on individual experience. 2 Accuracy defined as a combination of trueness and precision tested on different substrates, under different lighting conditions, for crown preparation and full-arch scanning. Based on the results of 12 peer-reviewed papers 2018-2020. Data on file at Align Technology, as of November 20, 2020. 3 Based on

Beyond the Microphone

Unlock the secrets to building a thriving dental organization with DEO’s Growth Secrets Podcast.


their success and extracting the tactics and tools they used along the way that can be incorporated by all listeners. In each episode, guests share their wisdom and insights in never-before-told stories that dig deeper into the challenges, failures, and triumphs that leaders face as they strive to build thriving organizations.

EP 174: Innovation in Ortho

In this episode, Emmett hosts Jay Hogan, Founder, PerfectFitOrtho, and Dr. Ilan Abramowitz, Founder, PerfectFitOrtho. The trio examine innovative ways to increase revenue and drive down costs in today’s dental practices, as well as the inherent challenges of being an entrepreneur, the economy, and much more. Their conversion goes deep into orthodontics and innovation, specifically how incorporating this specialty into your dental company may be easier than you think. The orthodontics space has more opportunities than ever before, and a dental entrepreneur can often deliver this additional care without any equipment or upfront investment. (Sponsored by PerfectFitOrtho)

EP 175: Perio Opportunities to Increase Revenue

In this episode Emmet talks with Liz Nies, RDH, DSO Liaison and Team Trainer, Perio Protect to highlight perio opportunities that provide more care and value to patients while offering additional revenue streams. Additionally, they cover ways to mitigate rising labor costs; perio disease, and its issues, with an overview of products to help; how innovative products can help hygienists collaborate with patients for better perio care outcomes; and much more. (Sponsored by Perio Protect)

EP 176: Overcoming the Cost Barrier Early in the Patient Journey

In this episode, Emmet hosts Shirley Mishak, VP of National

Scott, DEO Partner and host, interviews a diverse line-up of dental industry leaders, revealing the secrets behind Listen On: Jay Hogan Dr. Ilan Abramowitz Liz Nies Shirley Mishak

Accounts for Dental for CareCredit, to discuss why offering ease of payment/financing options is a simple way to take better care of your patients. It’s also a win-win for your dental company, and can increase your profitability. Shirley and Emmet overview the integral part that patient financing can play in any successful dental practice for case acceptance, patient flow, patient recare, and more. With today’s integrative and adaptive software and tech, it’s easier than ever to incorporate patient finance options into the software platforms your dental company already uses. Listen in to understand the benefits patient financing offers your business and why it is a must-have to scale your dental business. (Sponsored by CareCredit)

EP 177: Vendors as Collaborative Partners: Supporting a Growing Dental Company’s Organizational Needs

Guest host, Dr. Eric J. Roman, DEO Partner, talks with Mike Alessio, General Manager, Danaren Dental Laboratory, and Scott Stapleton, VP of Business Development, Bonadent, to discuss how dental industry vendors can be more than just dental company suppliers, taking on an integrated partner role in driving growth and supporting organizational needs. This is especially true for a dental company’s relationship with its dental lab. They discuss the evolution of the lab industry and - how similar to dental companies - dental labs are also consolidating. Dr. Roman, Mike, and Scott address how vendor relationships are affected when a dental company starts scaling. When a dental lab supports multiple locations or doctors, complexities and issues can increase as well as opportunities, thus the need for alignment and integrated partnership. Challenges therein and solutions are discussed. (Sponsored by Danaren Dental Laboratory)

EP 178: The 4 Stages of High Achieving Leaders

Join Emmet as he breaks down the 4 stages of highachieving leaders. He gives this framework so you can

benchmark yourself or a team member and forge a path to get to the next level. He explains the qualities and work approach for each level: 1. reactive stars, 2. superstars, 3. universe (or galaxy), and 4. creator. Emmet offers insight into how entrepreneurs can use this framework to level up their leadership development of themselves and their team to successfully grow their businesses and achieve goals.

EP 179: 3 Things You Need to Scale Your Dental Organization

In this episode, Emmet reflects on what successful dental organizations have in common. He discusses the DEO Growth 30 (the 30 foundational things that you need in order to grow a thriving dental group) and highlights 3 of them. 1: Prioritization is key to moving from entrepreneur to executive. 2. Having a well-defined org chart is key for a cohesive team, healthy culture, defining responsibilities, etc. 3. Timely and accurate P&L statements are a must-have reference for making the right decisions to scale. Emmet dives deep into each of these, illustrating how they function in a thriving, growing dental group.

EP 180: Fueling DSO Growth with AI: Strategies for Scalability and Success

In this episode, Emmet hosts Adam McDaniel, Segment Manager, Henry Schein One, and Florian Hillen, Founder & CEO, VideaHealth, to discuss AI and how it can boost dental company growth. They discuss AI’s capabilities, the opportunities it offers, and contingencies to be aware of. Emmet, Adam, and Florian break down whether AI can really leverage value between the team and the patient and likewise for associates and standard of care. They cover many other tech/AI topics such as integrating software, simplifying daily tasks, using AI for research and marketing, and much more. (Sponsored by Henry Schein One).

Florian Hillen Adam McDaniel Scott Stapleton Mike Alessio

Systems Will Set You Free

Why robust operational systems are instrumental to – and at the heart of – every successfully growing dental company.

Behind the quality patient care of any successful dental company lies a well-oiled machine that keeps the gears of the business turning smoothly – operational systems. Where patient care is paramount and competition is fierce, the difference between a thriving dental company and one that merely survives often comes down to the implementation of effective operational systems.


Key ingredients for growth

Dentistry isn’t just about treating patients. It’s also a business, and like any business, it requires well-structured systems to thrive and grow. Systems are the guiding framework that ensures consistency, accountability, and efficiency across all aspects of your dental company. From patient appointment scheduling, inventory management, staff training to financial planning, operational systems provide the infrastructure that allows your dental business to function seamlessly and scale.

Operational systems are more than just mechanisms; they are catalysts for growth. With the right

systems in place, your team is empowered to work smarter, not harder. Consider, for example, systems that standardize customer service responses, opening the office, dental assistant setup, and new patient intake. These systems, when followed, can free up time and resources, allow your team to

“do more with less,” and focus on bigger picture strategic decisions for business growth.


“People first, then systems” is an important DEO philosophy. While at first glance this seems counter to the adage that “systems will set you free,”

By embracing systems, dental companies can establish a culture of efficiency where tasks are streamlined, resources are optimized, and the focus shifts from day-to-day firefighting to strategic planning.

> Operations

these seemingly disparate philosophies actually support each other. Because to hire, onboard, and retain great people, you need to have great systems in place to help your team to work together, thrive day to day, and work toward a common growth vision.

Here are just some of the must-have, people-first systems DEO suggests are necessary for running a thriving dental company:

> Hiring procedures

> Onboarding procedures

> Standardized job descriptions

> PTO submission protocol

> Annual total compensation document to employees

> Staff performance reviews

> Office policy manual

> OSHA/WISHA compliance checklist

> Weekly 1:1 meetings standardization

> Work type personality assessments

> Leader training

> Cross-train staff

> Training and orientation procedures

The right systems will help your employees do their jobs efficiently, with accountability, and purpose.

Handpicked operational systems

“People” systems are just one area among many operational systems areas that make up a complete well-run dental company: systems for patient communication, clinical care standards, finance, workplace safety, customer service, etc., must also be in place.

By embracing systems, dental companies can establish a culture

of efficiency where tasks are streamlined, resources are optimized, and the focus shifts from day-to-day firefighting to strategic planning.

DEO has hand-picked a 110+ list of critical operational systems from experience working with thousands of successful dental leaders. For the complete list and more information, download the [CHECKLIST] 110+ Operational Systems Every Growing Dental Group / DSO Needs To Implement. Scan the QR code to receive your complimentary copy.

Harness the strategic power of operational systems and set your dental company on a trajectory of successful growth.


Innovative Whitening System Offers a New Way to Generate Revenue …

… while offering a better, more convenient way for patients to receive professional whitening solutions.

Generate more revenue with less expenditure

Almost every dentist would love to find a new way to increase the revenue their practice generates while keeping additional overhead low. There are countless ways to tackle this challenge including marketing to acquire new patients, shortening chair times, upgrading practice management software and more. However, many of these come with considerable time or financial

investments. One of the quickest, most cost-effective opportunities for revenue growth is to offer additional services that patients can elect while already in your chair. Whitening is an easy upgrade that most patients either already have experience with or are open to considering, and through the innovative VivaStyle whitening program by Ivoclar there is a completely new way for practices to offer this revenue driving service – with no extra work or chair time.

A program for practices, products for patients

The whitening trend is not slowing down. According to a report conducted by Grand View Research, the 2021 global teeth whitening market size was estimated at USD 6.9 billion, which is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.0% from 2022 to 2030. With the VivaStyle Whitening program dentists can start to grow their whitening


sales both inside and outside their practices, while offering a better, more convenient way for patients to receive professional whitening solutions. The VivaStyle Professional Take Home Teeth Whitening system is comprised of 3 solutions designed to meet dental patients’ preferences and lifestyles:

> The VivaStyle LED Whitening System consists of a whitening pen paired with an LED light to give patients a fast, 15 minutes a day, treatment with little to no sensitivity reported in clinical evaluations*.

> VivaStyle Take Home Whitening System (Paste and Gel) – a unique 3 step process that activates, whitens, and conditions teeth for comprehensive and safe treatment with optimal results of up to 10 shades in 10 days*

> VivaStyle Whitening Strips – a simplified 1-step solution for those patients on the go with a 91% clinical approval rating*

VivaStyle Whitening dental offices will have the ability to inventory professional whitening products to grow sales inside the practice while also receiving additional tools and resources to help drive interest to existing and potential patients. Alternatively, the VivaStyle affiliate program allows practices to leverage a turnkey e-commerce platform to generate additional income from each purchase made by patients, at their convenience.

Making the sale

With so many whitening choices available OTC (Over the Counter) to patients, a proactive approach with a little education will go a long way. Consider how whitening could work in tandem with treatments you are already performing such as fillings, veneers, or crowns. Remember most patients are already familiar with what teeth whitening is, so your job is to explain why clinically proven, professional whitening is their best choice. Inquiring about the patient’s general life updates is another terrific way to learn about whitening opportunities. Upcoming

* Dental Advisor Volume 39, Number 5, September-October 2022

weddings, birthdays, graduations, and even vacations are inspiring reasons for many people to want to look and feel their best.

Learn how the VivaStyle Whitening Program can bring back sales through your practice today.


Revolutionizing Oral Care: Building Better Habits with quip

Combining innovation and technology for healthier smiles.

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, revolutionizing one’s oral care routine has never been easier. Thanks to quip’s latest oral health innovations, the Smart Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush and Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser, it has never been easier for patients to build better oral care habits.

An innovative oral care companion

The ultimate solution for streamlining your patients’ oral care routine is with the quip ADA accepted Smart Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush. This toothbrush features soft, roundtipped nylon bristles, a built-in tongue scraper, and a multi-use mirror mount for added convenience, all powered by a charge that can last up to 3 months.

The two-minute timer with 30-second pulses ensures that each quadrant of the mouth receives the attention it deserves, while simultaneously sending sonic vibrations at 15,000 rpm to provide a gentle clean. For optimal results, the modified Stillman or Bass brushing techniques are recommended.

quip’s technology enhances the brushing experience to a new level. With built-in smartmotor auto-tracking, this toothbrush allows patients to develop better habits by providing

real-time feedback through the quip app on duration (how long and how often they brush), brush intensity (back and forth brush acceleration), coverage (top vs. bottom teeth), and number of strokes per minute. Utilizing the app during dental visits becomes an invaluable tool for monitoring and tracking patients’ brushing progress (unlike manual brush users).

A randomized controlled pilot study evaluated the ability of quip’s electric toothbrush, along with two other leading powered toothbrushes and a manual toothbrush, to reduce plaque and gingival indices after 4 weeks of home use (Assessing clinical effectiveness of a novel powered toothbrush -a randomized controlled pilot study, 2020, Data on file). The results demonstrated that all three powered toothbrushes significantly lowered plaque levels over the course of the study, and quip users experienced greater improvements in their gingival index compared to the other groups (2020).

A comprehensive clean

The quip Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser is a powerful addition to your patients’ oral care routines. quip sought to help patients maintain a healthy mouth by building better daily flossing habits with a sleek and compact water flosser design. The 360-degree rotating tip effortlessly reaches every surface for a complete clean. The customizable dual pressure modes, gentle and deep clean, allow patients to tailor their flossing experience for thorough cleaning.

The Water Flosser goes beyond the capabilities of traditional flossing, as it is proven to remove up to 99% of plaque, making it an invaluable addition, particularly beneficial for patients with braces, implants, or bridges. While traditional flossing remains essential, incorporating the Water Flosser can significantly improve your patients’ oral hygiene and contribute to their overall dental health.

Embrace the future of oral care

Both products represent the future of oral care, by making it easier than ever for your patients to achieve healthier smiles while building better habits. These products bring together smart technology, affordability and a user-friendly design to make oral care more accessible for everyone.

Assessing clinical effectiveness of a novel powered toothbrush: A randomized controlled pilot study. (2020). Data on file.

The™ 3D Printing Solution Delivers a Simple, Intuitive 3D Printing Experience

Print crystal-clear appliances with the™ 3D Printing Solution.

Glidewell has broadened its portfolio of digital solutions by partnering with LuxCreo, a leading 3D printer manufacturer, to introduce the™ 3D Printing Solution. This co-branded dental 3D printer combines the innovation of LuxCreo with the userfriendly workflow of to empower clinicians with the ability to fabricate models, nightguards, aligners, and surgical guides.

Optimized by Glidewell

The 3D Printing Solution functions as a compact, office-ready version of the same LuxCreo hardware and AI-backed software used at Glidewell to create thousands of appliances every year. About the same size as a large microwave, easily fits into any office and pairs seamlessly with other products, allowing doctors to offer more comprehensive treatment options to their patients.

“Clinicians are looking for simplified, low-labor workflows,” said Robert Brenneise, senior vice president of sales, marketing and education at Glidewell. “That’s why we’re committed to delivering products that are user-friendly, affordably priced and backed by manufacturer-direct support.

Streamline your workflow

With the streamlined process of the 3D Printing Solution, taking control of your restorative 3D printing has never been easier –just confirm design, load, print and finish with minimal post-processing required. With a range of resins developed and used by Glidewell, dental professionals can create a variety of appliances in a smooth, easy workflow. Additional indications, including dentures, retainers and crowns, are currently in development at Glidewell. However, is also compatible with most other popular resins available on the market.

Print crystal-clear appliances

The requires minimal post-processing compared to other 3D-printing technologies and can directly print clear appliances with LuxCreo Digital Polishing™.

Historically, clear appliances is usually a difficult and time-consuming process. After the printing stage the device must be polished several times to achieve a see-through appearance. In contrast, the FDA-class II, 510(k) cleared direct-print clear aligner workflow of the fastprint. io 3D Printing Solution empowers doctors to make clear appliances direct from the printer with no manual polishing required. Thanks to the revolutionary additive technology of LuxCreo Digital Polishing, doctors can skip the time, skill, and labor that is usually required for post-processing and deliver reliable results for every patient.

The 3D Printing Solution will be available exclusively through Glidewell in a bundle that includes the 3D printer, starter kit, and wash and cure units for $16,990. Bundle options that include the™ Scanning Solution and™ In-Office Mill are also available. To learn more about the 3D Printing Solution, visit or call 844-683-2063. For more information about LuxCreo, visit or contact Fin Watterson at Fin.Watterson or 415-565-9304.


Using AI to Increase Case Acceptance and Generate Revenue

Artificial intelligence is the future, and the future is here. Organizations in every industry are looking for ways to simplify processes and improve outcomes for their customers and their own bottom lines. Artificial intelligence, even in its early stages, can be a powerful tool to optimize business practices, especially in the dental industry. VideaHealth uses artificial intelligence to improve treatment acceptance and build trust with your patients.

VideaHealth recently conducted a case study to test the efficacy of their artificial intelligence solution for the dental industry. Lumio Dental adopted VideaHealth’s artificial intelligence solution in an effort to improve clinical standards, detect gum disease sooner and build patient trust.

Why Lumio Dental chose VideaHealth

Lumio Dental recently experienced some growth, folding in new practices to expand its brand and potential reach. Like so many others, Lumio Dental faced challenges with keeping a consistent level of care across its multi-site model. One of the significant obstacles they were struggling with was an inconsistent identification of restorative treatment candidates and major variations in the rate of periodontal procedures from location to location.

In the past, Lumio used periodic chart audits to address issues with quality control, a manual process that was not easy to scale and had significant limitations to the

workflow. Dental artificial intelligence gave the team at Lumio an opportunity to detect potential diagnoses earlier, improve diagnostic processes, and provide better patient care. They chose VideaHealth because of its commitment to the success of its customers and continuous innovation in the area of artificial intelligence.

In 2022, VideaHealth facilitated the implementation of its artificial intelligence solution into Lumio’s five practices. To get a better understanding of how VideaHealth was impacting Lumio, VideaHealth analyzed the full Practice Management System datasets for three months after the implementation period.

The results and impact of dental artificial intelligence

Throughout Lumio Dental’s five practices, the patients diagnosed and treated with VideaAI experienced an increase in net treatment product per patient for restorative and periodontal procedures. Case identification increased significantly over a six-month period,

across all five locations – 6% for crowns, 26% for fillings, and 21% for periodontal procedures. Both dentists and hygienists found VideaAI a helpful tool to explain a diagnosis and suggest treatment options for restorative and periodontal cases.

Dentists saw an increase in treatment acceptance because of the implementation of artificial intelligence. With the use of artificial intelligence, dentists can identify 31% more caries. Additionally, the visual ad-hoc aid for patients enhanced case acceptance rates for restorative and periodontal procedures.

Dr. Will Argana, DMD, Fountainview Dental in Raytown said, “We have easier treatment acceptance and more confident diagnosis. Patients are really able to understand better what we are looking at when we say, ‘You have three cavities since your last visit.’ They can see it and take more accountability for maintaining their oral health.”

Overall, VideaHealth was able to impact all five Lumio Dental practices through change management, case acceptance, diagnosis rate, preventive dental care and profitability. The successful integration of VideaAI VideaHealth and the

outcomes generated for

Lumio Dental shows the transformative power of artificial intelligence in the dental space.


Increase Access to Complete Care

Get more “Yes” with a proven fee presentation and payment solution.

In today’s dynamic dental market, managing a practice requires a multifaceted approach to address patient needs, comfort, and economic constraints. Treatment acceptance in most dental practices is only 35% or less, primarily due to financial barriers. To overcome this, it’s crucial to identify and eliminate unnecessary barriers and adopt inventive methods to enhance how patient’s accept treatment. Here are 5 actionable strategies, leveraging AcceptCare, a cutting-edge fee presentation and payment solution designed to enhance the patient experience and transform dental practice operations.

Step 1: Streamlined Fee Discussions

Traditional financial conversations often solely focus on treatment cost, deterring patients. The key to success lies in eliminating uncomfortable fee discussions. A digital fee presentation and payment solution can play a pivotal role. By presenting all available payment options in a unified and user-friendly manner, practices can facilitate clearer fee discussions and guide patients towards affordability.

Step 2: Open-Choice Payment Options

Step two to maximizing case acceptance is to present every option available, including pay-in-full, monthly short term plans, and financing from a

single device, then giving your patients the power to choose how they want to pay. This open-choice concept is proven to get more ‘YES!’ and increase comprehensive treatment acceptance.

Step 3: Simplified Financing

Navigating patient financing options can be frustrating. The solution is simple: one application links to multiple lenders, offering guaranteed loan offers regardless of credit. If a third-party lender doesn’t cover the full treatment cost, Compassionate Finance, a leading in-house financing company, steps in to provide full or partial offers for complete care approval. AcceptCare’s proven platform extends beyond traditional lenders, increasing patients’ chances of accepting care.

Step 4: Automated Reminders

Establishing an automated system for reminding patients about pending treatment plans or loan applications is crucial to your case acceptance strategy. AcceptCare sends custom reminders via text and email, prompting patients to review, accept, and pay for

their treatment plans conveniently from the comfort of their homes. This automated follow-up is proven to work, with over 32% of patients accepting treatment 0-7 days post consult.

Step No. 5: Accurate Case Acceptance Analysis

To improve case acceptance, it is essential to have a clear understanding of where your practice stands. Many practices struggle with tracking acceptance rates effectively. Utilizing technology that syncs with practice management software enables accurate measurement of case acceptance metrics. Advanced reporting and analytics tools offer insights that guide targeted strategies for improvement.

Incorporating these methods amplifies case acceptance rates, elevates patient satisfaction, and fosters the holistic health of your practice and your patients. Visit today to embark on a journey towards maximizing treatment acceptance and practice success.


New Tech Can Save You 30 Hours a Week Dealing With Insurance

Dental Intelligence Insurance saves you time and sanity with eligibility verification and unlimited claim validation.

“Will my insurance cover this?” If you accept insurance, your front desk hears that question every day. Patients think the answer should be simple, but with countless carriers, policies, deductibles, plans, and copays, it can take dozens of hours a week to get accurate answers. Dental Intelligence Insurance is changing that situation forever.

Dental Intelligence Insurance

Eligibility Verification makes every eligibility check near-instant, so you can quickly give your patients peace of mind and spend more time providing care. It also allows you

to cut out redundant and outdated software, further reducing costs.

Dental Intelligence Claims Processing comes with unlimited claims AND attachments, so you no longer have to pay every time you submit

and re-submit claims. Every claim is pre-scanned for proper X12 formatting, which means faster, more precise processing that takes the guesswork out of the equation, especially for new team members. It also means fewer claims get rejected, so you eliminate double work and can spend your time more efficiently.

And Dental Intelligence is so much more than just Insurance; it’s the only end-to-end practice performance solution in the dental market. Our unparalleled Analytics show you exactly where your practice stands, and our smart Engagement tools help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. It’s the industry’s easiest way to grow and give your practice the power to Practice Smarter.™

See it in action for yourself at

Our unparalleled Analytics show you exactly where your practice stands, and our smart Engagement tools help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently.
Warlington Auburn Sunnydale Springfield Cedar View Fayette Production 5% From prior month $5,010,104 Williams Dental Lamar, CO View all Openings New Patient Returning Patient Reason for visit: Next Opening: Today at 8:20am Patient Emergency - Tooth Pain Payments received $10,241 Patient Chat Laura Williams Hi there Laura!... 9:00 AM 8:45 AM Jun 29 We will see you then! Hi Danielle! Just a friendly... Zach Hernandez Danielle Perkins Individual & Multi-location Reporting Provider Pulse Call Insight Cloud-based Access Smart Schedule Patient Finder Follow Ups Accurate, Actionable Data Forms & Consents Reminders & Confirmations Automated Recalls Virtual Check-In Payments Online Scheduling Patient Loyalty Program Automation that Scales Morning Huddle Team Chat LiveOps® Mobile App 2-Way Communication Mass Communication Voicemail Drops Improved Visibility and Communication
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What Your Text Messages Can Teach You About Your Dental Patients

How to use Weave’s message analytics to understand what resonates best with your dental patients.

Between keeping patients healthy, keeping staff happy, and running their businesses smoothly, it’s safe to say dentists have a lot to keep track of. With all that responsibility, it’s easy to let patient communication take a backseat. But staying in touch with your patients is essential for building relationships and keeping them coming back to your practice.

That’s where tools like Weave’s Message Analytics come in: It’s a powerful way for dentists to track their patient communication and make sure they’re always on the ball. Message Analytics lets dentists see how often they’re sending messages to their patients, what time of day they’re getting the most responses, and the types of messages being sent by the office. They can even see how their messaging compares to other dentists to identify areas of improvement. This information can help dentists make sure they’re communicating with their patients in a way that helps them connect with patients and generate results. If a dentist sees that their patients are more likely to respond to messages about upcoming appointments on a certain day of the week, they can schedule reminders to always go out that day.

In addition, Weave’s Phone Analytics platform has been upgraded to provide businesses with an even more user-friendly way to track their phone interactions with customers. The new feature provides businesses with advanced filtering options, enabling them to get deeper insights into their customer data based on location and time. The platform

also offers a robust data visualization tool, making it easier for businesses to analyze phone interactions and identify trends.

“By providing our customers with tools to analyze their customer communication data, we are setting them up to succeed,” said Branden Neish, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Weave. “With Message Analytics and updates to Phone Analytics, our customers now have access to actionable, easy-to-understand data that directly affects their bottom line. Weave is committed to providing practices with tools to manage all their communications channels in one place, and these new features will further enable businesses to optimize and better understand their customer interactions.”

Weave’s analytics tools can provide you with the data you need to make informed decisions about your patient communication, helping you improve your marketing campaigns, create better patient experiences, and grow your business.

About Weave: Weave is the all-in-one customer communication and engagement platform for small- and medium-sized businesses. From the first phone call to the final invoice and every touchpoint in between, Weave connects the entire customer journey. Weave’s software solutions transform how local businesses attract, communicate with and engage customers to grow their business. Weave has set the bar for Utah startup achievement & work culture. In the past year, Weave has been named a G2 leader in Patient Engagement, Optometry, Dental Practice Management and Patient Relationship Management software. To learn more, visit


Accessible Patient Financing Through Sunbit

For many dental patients, coming into the office for care can result in increased stress over how to pay for necessary treatment or procedures. But delaying oral care can cause patients increased long-term health impacts and pain, and therefore finances should not be a reason that patients delay or forgo care.

Sunbit is a technology company that helps patients pay-over-time for dental-related expenses. The company’s services help patients from all walks of life who need care receive the treatment they need without worrying about the upfront cost. Unfortunately, patients with low FICO scores often have fewer financing options and lesser access to credit. Without reliable resources, patients are often unable to pay for dental services they need, leading them to settle for partial treatment or no treatment at all.

Areo Dental Group believes that each patient should have access to the smile they deserve. The Illinois-based

dental group has implemented Sunbit financing in its practices to allow patients to receive the care they need regardless of their financial situation.

“The biggest barrier to starting treatment for patients is financing. With Sunbit, we have been able to approve more patients and get them the smile they deserve,” said Caitlin Maehr, Director of Operations, Areo Dental Group. “Sunbit removes barriers and gives patients accurate and clear options. They have certainly been a partner in helping Areo Dental Group reach new heights, and we intend to partner with them well into the future.”

Seamless, fast financing

The Sunbit program allows patients to finance dental procedures with any cost that ranges from $50 to $20,000. Patients can choose to repay the cost of the procedure monthly over the course of 6 to 72 months (six years). There are no application fees, late fees, balloon interest, or prepayment penalties for patients. The

application process takes 30 seconds without a hard credit check and is completely digital.

The benefit of Sunbit technology to dentists is that they can streamline their patient financing options by providing a single technology solution that enables care for more patients. The service has an approval rate over 85%, allowing the technology to be confidently offered to everyone.

Using Sunbit’s financing services over the last year, Areo Dental Group treated 551 more patients, had an 88% patient approval rate, and generated over $775,000 in additional revenue.

“The seamless and easy approval process through Sunbit allows dentists to spend minimal time discussing financing and spend time instead helping patients. At Areo Dental Group, the Sunbit partnership has allowed many more patients to receive the care they need,” said Maehr. “We receive countless photos and reviews from patients who leave our offices confident, happy, and excited to enjoy an improved quality of life because we were able to move forward with treatment.”

Many dental groups have taken note of Sunbit’s unique value in the industry. The technology company is onboarding more than 500 dental practices monthly and has been named an Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Company for the last two years.

*Account openings and payment activity are reported to a major credit bureau. Loans are made by Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc., dba TAB Bank, which determines qualifications for and terms of credit. Caitlin Maehr
The Smile Now, Pay-over-time technology built for dental groups. Lightning-fast financing that approves over 85% of your patients. “Sunbit has changed the way we do business.”
Visit for more information. Loans are made by TAB Bank.
Dr. Michael Riccobene

CE Zoom’s Ultimate CE Tracker (Our mom says it’s the best)

Revolutionizing education in dentistry through technology-driven learning.

Dentistry today is tech-driven more than ever. Staying updated is vital for top-notch patient care. CE Zoom’s cutting-edge “Ultimate CE Tracker” revolutionizes dental education in this digital age.

The Ultimate CE Tracker: Pioneering Dental Education with Technology

This cloud-based solution simplifies CE tracking for dental professionals. Its intuitive interface eliminates manual tracking and paperwork, making CE management a breeze.

Key Features and Benefits:

1 Streamlined CE Management: Say goodbye to paperwork and email hassle. The Ultimate CE Tracker provides a centralized hub for all CE activities. Access CE history, upcoming courses, and state/license credit requirements effortlessly.

2 Real-Time Compliance

Tracking: The platform’s intelligent tracking system informs professionals of their CE requirements. Timely reminders and notifications prevent accidental non-compliance and failed audits.

3 Curated Courses: Tailored to individual states, licenses, interests, and specialty areas, CE Zoom offers courses that align with career goals, while tracking requirements

and compliance. This saves countless hours by ensuring that the CE courses taken will count for each specific license.

4 Seamless Integration with CE Providers: Through collaboration with a vast network of CE providers, CE Zoom provides an array of accredited courses. Professionals can easily discover and enroll in courses that fit schedules and learning preferences.

practices with opportunities for growth and enhanced performance.

> Enhanced Patient Care: With the latest knowledge and skills, dental professionals utilizing the Ultimate CE Tracker can provide superior patient care and increase patient satisfaction.

> Staff Development and Retention: The Ultimate CE Tracker aids in staff development and compliance while creating a positive work atmosphere that attracts and retains top talent.

> Data-Driven Decision Making: CE Zoom’s analytical capabilities offer insights into individual and team CE progress. Dental practices can utilize this data to pinpoint areas for improvement, and align strategic goals with professional development initiatives.

Shaping the Future of Dentistry Through Technology

Leveraging Technology for Growth

The impact of the Ultimate CE Tracker extends beyond individual professional development, presenting dental

Dentistry evolves with technology. CE Zoom’s Ultimate CE Tracker is a prime example of innovation in continuing education. Embrace technology and enhance your practice with the Ultimate CE Tracker.

Schedule a call if you’d like to know more about our mom’s favorite CE Tracker:


The Dental Vendor Directory


Discover + Source + Connect

We believe the secret to building a thriving dental organization is to establish and cultivate strong relationships with the vendors you choose to work with. The Dental Vendor Directory is a curated list of vendors that comprise some of the most trusted and innovative leaders in the dental industry.

Unlocking benefits

Unlocking benefits

While the process may feel daunting, investing the time to source and select the right vendor to partner with is crucial to your operations. As vendors learn and understand your unique needs, they become an extension of your business and collaborate with you to create superior solutions that directly affect efficiency and productivity, and ultimately your bottom line.

Directory navigation

Each company is organized alphabetically by category so that you can easily find the product or service you’re looking for.

Whether you’re looking for practice management tools, the latest technologies, marketing support, or financial advice — use this directory as the starting point to guide you through the decision making process.

Note: All information provided is submitted directly from each company listed. The Vendor Directory is an educational tool that should be followed up with due diligence, research, and direct contact with each company to ensure the products are aligned with your business goals and objectives.

This resource is also available in a PDF format online, and can be downloaded at


A/R Management


(866) 964-4727

Abella™ is the leading patient A/R solution for dentists and DSOs that guarantees to collect more money, faster by automating the invoicing and collections process. Abella’s automation includes finding open patient balances, invoicing via text and email, managing the collections and posting payments back to PMS, saving practices valuable time and money. Provide your patients with a superior click-to-pay experience from any device and multiple pay options to increase collection rates and accelerate practice cash flow. With Abella, you are guaranteed to collect 35% or more of your patient A/R in 90 days or your money back! We are the only patient A/R solution in dentistry with proven + guaranteed results. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying Abella. Let’s get you paid!

A/R Management


(650) 621-7700

BILL (NYSE: BILL) is a leader in financial automation software for small and midsize businesses (SMBs). As a champion of SMBs, we are dedicated to automating the future of finance, offering solutions that simplify and control financial workflows including payables, receivables, and spend and expense management. BILL connects businesses to a network of millions of members, so they can pay or get paid faster. BILL also helps dental organizations stay HIPAA compliant by safeguarding ePHI in AP and AR workflows. We are a trusted partner of leading U.S. financial institutions, accounting firms, and accounting software providers. For more information, visit or

Save time, increase efficiency, and elevate patient care with Overjet’s AI-powered X-ray analysis and clinical insights. Overjet is the only AI technology that is FDA-cleared to detect calculus, detect and outline dental decay for ages 12+, and quantify bone level measurements. Plus, the instant analysis of 18 months of patient records helps identify potential treatment needs, insurance coding discrepancies, and more insights.

Your doctors are busy. Overjet makes their job easier from preparing for the day to diagnosing to treatment presentation. To see how Overjet’s AI will benefit your practices and patients, please visit

CAD/CAM Technology

Glidewell (888) 683-2063

At Glidewell, we believe digital technology should improve your workflow without disrupting it. For dentists ready to bring their lab chairside and offer same-visit restorations, Glidewell proudly offers the™ InOffice Solution. With the In-Office Solution, one can deliver fully sintered BruxZir NOW crowns and bridges while eliminating the need for oven time and significantly reducing the lab bill. Combining (1) AI-powered, one click designs; (2) reliable training and support directly from Glidewell; and (3) the flexibility to pair with the intraoral scanner of one’s choice or with the™ Scanning Solution for a seamless connection to Glidewell, the In-Office Solution makes digital dentistry easy, accessible, and affordable. Download our free ebook to learn how clinicians like yourself are succeeding with!

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A.I. Overjet

Clear Aligners

Align Technology Inc.

(984) 833-5700

Align Technology designs and manufactures the Invisalign® System, the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, iTero™ intraoral scanners and services, and exocad™ CAD/CAM software. These technology building blocks enable enhanced digital orthodontic and restorative workflows to improve patient outcomes and practice efficiencies for over 239 thousand doctor customers and are key to accessing Align’s 500 million consumer market opportunity worldwide. Over the past 25 years, Align has helped doctors treat over 14.5 million patients with the Invisalign System and is driving the evolution in digital dentistry through the Align Digital Platform™, our integrated suite of unique, proprietary technologies and services delivered as a seamless, end-to-end solution for patients and consumers, orthodontists and GP dentists, and lab/partners. Visit for more information.

Consulting Services

Aligned Dental Partners

(941) 203-3954

Aligned Dental Partners offers consulting services to dental groups looking to expand their platform, acquire new locations, and increase enterprise value. They maintain a doctor-owned, doctor-led model and provide tailored solutions to help clinicians drive growth while maintaining the highest standards of care. Aligned Dental Partners assists with identifying, underwriting, and executing mergers and acquisitions to expand groups, advise on organizational and operational structures, and build & improve infrastructure for effective multi-location management. Aligned Dental Partners helps its clients understand and grow their EBITDA and train management teams on techniques to grow and scale their businesses. By providing a range of customized services, Aligned Dental Partners can help dental groups achieve their growth and profitability goals while focusing on clinical care and fulfilling the vision of the owner.

Continuing Education

CE Zoom

(210) 360-1623

CE Zoom is like your own personal tooth fairy, but instead of leaving cash under your pillow, we simplify your CE management! Our platform is stacked with courses more extensive than a crocodile’s smile and CE tracking more precise than a root canal. We’ve got everything you need, from registration to attendance tracking, all in one place. And if you’re a company or DSO, we’ve got you covered with in-house CE options and employee progress monitoring. Our mission is to make CE management a breeze for dental professionals and companies alike, so you can focus on the important things, like perfecting your flossing technique. And we promise to keep things light and fun, because who said CE has to be boring? Contact us at to get started!

Data Analytics Software

Dental Intelligence

(801) 717-2777

Dental Intelligence is the only end-to-end practice performance solution in the dental market. We help practices increase production, number of visits, and collections while decreasing overhead using actionable insights and automation. From Analytics, to Patient Engagement, and even Insurance, Dental Intelligence gives you everything you need to grow faster and Practice Smarter.

Schedule a demo today!


Data Analytics Software

Practice by Numbers

(866) 216-8416

Practice by Numbers is a software solution designed to help dental practices, groups, and organizations to consolidate, streamline, and improve their day-to-day operations. We offer a full suite of Analytics, Patient Communication, Reputation Management, Online Scheduling, Online Payments, Digital Forms, Insurance Verification, and more…all in a single platform. Schedule a demo today to learn how Practice by Numbers can add transparency, accountability, and scalability into the things you do each and every day.

Founded by Dentists - Built for Dentists.

Dental Insurance Billing


(800) 407-0106

Meet Medusind. And you’ll stay with Medusind

Dental Insurance Billing

eAssist Dental Solutions


Is dental insurance giving you a headache? Find relief with eAssist Dental Solutions, a Henry Schein company. Our end-to-end services provide the solution to all your insurance collection problems. Dental billing specialists on the eAssist platform submit clean claims, work aging, post payments and adjustments, update patient ledgers, appeal denials, and more. By outsourcing your billing department through eAssist, your staff will no longer waste time babysitting claims and dealing with insurance companies. Instead, they can focus on what matters most: patient care. As a result, you will finally have peace of mind knowing that you are collecting 100% of what’s rightfully owed to your office. You’ll also notice an increase in office staff efficiency, your collections ratio, and ultimately your revenue. Ready to relieve your insurance headache? Schedule a consultation at

As the nation’s leader in Dental Billing solutions, Medusind has been providing the highest quality dental billing and insurance verification services to the industry since 2002. Integrating seamlessly with any existing practice management software, Medusind can provide only the billing services a practice needs, or end-to-end dental billing services that include Insurance Verification, Provider Credentialing, Fee Schedule Maintenance, Payments and Denial Management, Accounts Receivable Follow-up, and Accounts Payable Outsourcing. As the nation’s premiere Dental Insurance Eligibility Verification company, Medusind eliminates outbound insurance verification and claims statusing calls that keep office staff on the phone or in front of their computer, and gives them more time to focus on interacting with patients. Our proprietary QuickVerify ™ technology, combined with the knowledge of our experienced staff, delivers timely and accurate eligibility and benefits information that reduces costs and speeds cashflow. Medusind billing professionals are a big reason so many of our clients have been with us for so long. They possess deep knowledge of best practices and procedures that help avoid claim denials and payment delays. They’re available whenever they’re needed, providing hands-on support that ensures accurate information about providers, patients, etc. prior to claim submissions. Find out more. Go to Or call us at 800-407-0106.

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Dental Laboratory


(877) 337-7800

DDS Lab is a cutting-edge dental laboratory that excels in providing top-tier dental solutions. With a commitment to innovation and precision, DDS Lab offers a comprehensive range of services that cater to the evolving needs of dental professionals and patients. Specializing in prosthetics, their expertise spans from crafting lifelike crowns, bridges, and dentures to producing advanced implant restorations. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, including CAD/CAM systems and 3D printing, DDS Lab ensures the highest level of accuracy and aesthetics in their products. Their team of skilled dental technicians and engineers collaborate closely to deliver custom-made solutions tailored to each patient’s unique requirements. Committed to quality, efficiency, and personalized care, DDS Lab stands as a trusted partner in the dental field, dedicated to enhancing smiles and improving patients’ lives through their exceptional dental services.

Dental Laboratory

National Dentex Labs

(833) 299-0696

National Dentex Labs (“NDX”) is a leading provider of dental prosthetics and restorative dentistry products. Using the most advanced dental restoration techniques and technologies, NDX offers dentures, crowns & bridges, implants, surgical guides, appliances, and orthodontics, as well as headache and sleep therapy products. Since 2015, NDX has aggressively expanded its national footprint to meet the demands of a rapidly changing marketplace and deliver best-in-class restorative solutions to dentists, specialists and DSOs throughout North America. With a network of more than 50 full-service labs across the U.S., NDX is committed to providing top-quality products and highly personalized service. For more information, please visit

Dental Marketing

Lasso MD

(801) 842-1950

Lasso’s mission is to repair the dependence healthcare practices have on outsourced services, starting with the least trustworthy vertical: dental marketing. Lasso MD has enabled quality, affordable, and transparent marketing to hundreds of dental practices across 44 states. Lasso has a very unique offering in our content features including video and has an average 7X for return on investment. What makes you unique from your competitors? Lasso is open and transparent in everything we do. No hidden fees and it’s our mission to do right by dentistry. We have some unique software tools that are not only helping streamline your marketing and delivering powerful content through our video and other services. We have an ROI dashboard that integrated with the PMS of the practice to give actual dollar amounts on the production Lasso brings to each practice.

Dental Marketing

Patient NEWS

(888) 305-9170

As other practices pull back, now is the time to invest in growth. The latest ADA HPI report reveals more dentists not getting enough new patients, inhibiting schedules. And, due to the value new patients contribute, the production gap is widening. Proven digital & direct mail marketing with complete results visibility through Practice ZEBRA software will get YOU results now.

> 25% ahead – variance between our client’s production recovery & the average dental office (-9% below pre-covid)

> 250% higher – variance between the average dental office production & our client’s average practice production ($1.625 million)

> 6:1 ROI – average results within the first year!

Celebrating 30 years, contact us to book a consultation!


Dental Software

Henry Schein One (800) 336-8749

Henry Schein One is a leading provider of dental technology solutions for dental practices and dental service organizations (DSOs) of all sizes. As the world’s largest software and services company for the dental industry, our team understands the unique needs, challenges and opportunities facing DSOs. With a comprehensive suite of solutions, deep industry expertise and commitment to innovation, Henry Schein One can help DSOs stay ahead of the curve and deliver the best possible patient outcomes.

Our suite of products including multisite focused practice management systems Dentrix Ascend, Dentrix Enterprise, and our state-of-the-art practice data analytics platform, Jarvis Analytics have been designed to help DSOs improve their operations, streamline their workflows and enhance patient care.

Dentrix Ascend is cloud-based practice management software that helps DSOs manage their operations more efficiently and effectively, helping them grow seamlessly and manage all sites universally, from any location, at any time. This cloud-based software makes it easy for DSOs to expand their business and manage an unlimited number of providers and locations, consistently and efficiently.

Dentrix Enterprise is practice management software designed specifically for multi-location dental practices. This solution is fully customizable and scalable to optimize operations and workflows helping to centralize operations, streamline data and maximize efficiencies across locations. Dentrix Enterprise offers DSOs a wide range of features and capabilities enhance patient care across organizations.

Jarvis Analytics is a business intelligence platform that helps DSOs make data-driven decisions. Jarvis provides actionable insights to increase ROI, based on proven results in growing critical practice metrics, so DSOs can reach performance goals. This solution gives DSOs the power to gain valuable insights into operations and identify opportunities for improvement. Jarvis Analytics integrates with Dentrix Ascend and other practice management software to provide DSOs with real-time access to key performance metric.

Henry Schein One is a trusted partner for DSOs that are looking to improve their operations, streamline workflows and enhance patient care. Our commitment to innovation and our deep industry expertise lends itself to DSO success and sets us apart. In addition, Henry Schein One products are fully customizable and scalable, allowing DSOs to tailor their technology solutions to meet their unique needs.

If you’re a DSO looking to improve your operations, workflows and patient care, contact us today to learn more about our suite of dental technology solutions. Our team of experts can help you find the right solutions to meet your unique needs and improve your operations.

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Dental Software


(617) 299-1871

VideaHealth is the dental AI platform trusted by the world’s leading DSOs and dental clinicians. With FDA clearances for detecting potential signs of caries and measuring radiographic bone levels, VideaHealth is proven to improve diagnostic accuracy, clinical consistency, and treatment planning. Our unique approach combines best-in-class AI capabilities with unparalleled white-glove customer support, ensuring measurable ROI for DSOs and seamless adoption for clinicians. VideaHealth focuses exclusively on empowering DSOs with the tools they need to deliver consistent, high-quality care across all their practices. As your dental AI partner, VideaHealth helps you elevate patient care, build trust between provider and patient, and grow practice efficiencies.

Dental Support Organization

Dental Care Alliance

Established in 1991 by a dentist, DCA’s mission is to advance the practice of dentistry by partnering with and supporting dental professionals to create a lifetime of healthy smiles. DCA currently supports over 400 allied practices and more than 900 dentists across 22 states. DCA’s allied practices represent all dental specialties and treat patients under more than 150 brand names. Our team possesses the perfect blend of clinical and operational leadership and experience allowing providers to focus on what matters most: the patients. DCA is committed to improving the health of our patients and the communities we serve. Go further with an ally.

Financial Services


(855) 206-SAVE (7283)

Ramp is an all-in-one corporate card and spend management platform that simplifies business spend, bill payments, and expense management. Ramp automatically applies your practice’s expense policy to every card swipe, blocking unwanted spend before it happens. With deep integrations and streamlined mobile receipt submissions, the average receipt is collected and matched in Ramp just 32 minutes after the transaction goes through. You’ll close your books 8x faster with accounting automation that imports your invoices via picture, applies smart coding rules, updates your general ledger, sends invoices for approvals, and more—freeing your time up for more strategic work, like what to reallocate your capital to after adding 4% back to your bottom line with Ramp’s savings insights, vendor intelligence, and partner perks. Time is money—save both with Ramp today.

Financial Services

Skytale Group

(469) 513-4046

Skytale Group is a full-service advisory firm offering strategic consulting and sell-side M&A services. We are committed to helping growth-minded entrepreneurs in the dental industry decipher their business by equipping them with the advice, information, and perspective needed to achieve their vision. Our team of financial professionals and C-level executives have hands-on experience in the dental industry and are dedicated to helping you unlock the potential of your dental practice or DSO. Using tailored strategies designed through the intersection of business intelligence and your personal goals, Skytale helps guide your business from where it is now to where you want it to be. Are you ready to grow, scale, or sell your dental practice or DSO? Contact us for a complimentary consultation. (469) 513-4046


Insurance Negotiations

Five Lakes Dental Practice Solutions

(877) 955-2537

Since 2010, Five Lakes has helped dental offices develop, implement, and manage a PPO participation strategy. This includes PPO and Market Analysis, PPO negotiations, optimizations, and credentialing. We work with startups, acquisitions, large groups, and private practices. We serve all specialties as well as General Dentistry. We have the experience, solutions, and resources – and we like nothing better than working side by side with our clients and seeing them grow. Helping dental practices grow is what we love to do. We’d love to hear from you!

Law Firm


The dental industry is undergoing a great evolution and consolidation, and the industry-leading Dykema DSO team has been there from the very beginning. As one of the first DSO-focused legal practices in the United States, Dykema’s national team provides first-class counsel with demonstrated accomplishments and proven experience covering the entirety of the unique business and legal needs of Dental Service Organizations. We work with clients on a wide array of sophisticated matters including mergers and acquisitions, patient finance, government investigations and regulatory litigation, tax, real estate, employment law, brand protection, corporate compliance and more. Whether you have a business opportunity or you face a legal obstacle, you need an experienced team that knows the dental industry to help guide you toward success. Visit to learn how we can help.

IT Services

Medix Dental IT

(877) 885-1010

Medix Dental IT offers technology solutions exclusively to dental and dental specialty practices nationally for the past 20+ years. The company’s structure is designed to act as a strategic and scalable IT partner for each of its clients. With innovative services, Medix Dental IT works with dental operations ranging from single-location practices to DSOs with over 150 locations. Proactively approaching IT, the company offers services that range from general support to leadership-level technology guidance. As a result, clients benefit from reduced downtime, increased practice profitability, protection against cyber threats, and streamlined technology that improves overall practice efficiency. For more information visit,

Law Firm

Holland & Knight LLP

Holland & Knight is a global law firm with approximately 2,000 lawyers and other professionals in 34 offices across the U.S. and internationally, providing representation in healthcare, litigation, business, real estate and governmental law. Holland & Knight recently announced the expansion of the firm’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry Group, a cross-disciplinary team of more than 400 experienced attorneys covering virtually every segment of the healthcare industry. Holland & Knight attorneys focus on healthcare matters ranging from business, regulatory compliance and real estate to litigation, government enforcement and public policy issues. Following the firm’s March 1 combination with Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, Holland & Knight now boasts the largest healthcare law practice in the United States, according to data submitted to Modern Healthcare. For more, scan this QR code:

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(800) 247-3368

BISCO strives to inspire better dentistry by developing best-in-class dental products, educating and sharing our knowledge and research with the dental community, and supporting our customers’ needs as their go-to restorative dental experts. Our goal is to make our customers’ life easier by helping dentists perform their best dentistry. We place tremendous value on offering award-winning products that provide reliable solutions for every clinical need. We are the science behind the smile. BISCO develops and manufactures all products in the USA. Products are virtually made-to-order, ensuring materials are always fresh and will function at peak performance. Our highly trained staff is always available for technical support. We are always here to help!


Dentsply Sirona

(844) 848-0137

With Dentsply Sirona, we’ve got you covered. Our portfolio of unmatched brands and technologies allows caring for your patients to be your top priority, helping you care for them is ours. Supported by over 600 scientists and researchers, we bring you technology forward, innovative solutions. Dentsply Sirona offers training and support to help dentists and dental professionals get the most out of their products and technologies achieving the best possible outcomes for patients. Every year, thousands of dental professionals from across the country gather at Dentsply Sirona World for an engaging, educational and exciting experience! Enjoy three days of DS World 2023 while enjoying the best Las Vegas has to offer at the MGM Grand. Featuring a wide range of high-quality clinical education and unparalleled entertainment, this is an unforgettable event you won’t want to miss. Join us and register now for The Ultimate Experience in Digital Dentistry!


NSK America Corp.

(847) 843-7664

NSK is the world’s largest manufacturer of rotary instruments for the dental profession which includes air-driven and electric handpieces, specialty handpieces (endo, surgical, hygiene), electric motors and handpiece maintenance systems. We are a pioneer in infection control with patented technologies in our handpieces and micromotors that reduce aerosols and contamination of the air and water lines. The newest addition to our handpiece family is our Z95L Switch 1:5 increasing handpiece that reduces aerosols with the flip of a switch! To find your local representative, please visit


Straumann Group

(800) 448-8168

In close and long-term collaboration with leading clinics, research institutes, universities, networks and communities, we develop, manufacture and supply dental implants, instruments, prosthetics, biomaterials and digital solutions for dental professionals. Our products are used in tooth preservation, regeneration, restoration, replacement and orthodontics. All treatment steps, the complete dental workflows, hardware, software and the customer and patient journey are either digitally supported or fully digitized and completely integrated.




(800) 533-6825

Ivoclar is dedicated to supporting your DSO. As your partners we will work with you to grow your practice through unique clinically proven solutions, exclusive pricing opportunities, and world class education for both you and your patients. You will work directly with our specialized team of clinical restorative experts who are well versed in the unique opportunities and challenges you encounter as a DSO. We will review your individual workflow requirements and do our utmost to reconcile high efficiency with superior esthetics. Through events, networking opportunities, immersive training, and much more you will have the opportunity to learn from and work with global opinion leaders and industry innovators. We will collaborate on the implementation of best practices, which can be found both inside and outside of our industry. Together, we will work to deliver best-in-class, best-in-service treatments to your patients, now and into the future.

We believe that providing ongoing education for dental professionals is one of the best ways to ensure an outstanding patient experience, with the highest quality treatments. Our Ivoclar Academy offers you a one-stop educational resource center. It provides the cutting edge in-person learning you trust, partnered with contemporary virtual education from dental experts from across the globe. As our partners you have access to exclusive training and education opportunities through a personal Ivoclar Academy DSO Education specialist. One person dedicated solely to supporting you, with clinical experience and expertise. This specialist can assist you with creating customized programs, tailored to your practices needs both online and in person.

Partnering with Ivoclar gives you access to unparalleled products, knowledge, and expertise that taps into a century of unrelenting innovation. 2023 marks our 100th year of supporting dentists, dental technicians, and dental hygienists both professionally and personally in fulfilling their passion and purpose to ensure that people have the best possible oral health and quality of life. Over our 100-year existence, we have come up with numerous world-class innovations, some of which have left an indelible mark on the dental industry. Perhaps the most disruptive technology to have been developed was that of IPS Empress, the world’s first press ceramic system, and then again later IPS e.max all-ceramic, together with all the associated materials and equipment. It paved the way for esthetic dentistry and completely changed the way in which dentists and dental technicians work together and treat their patients. As a family run business and one of the world’s leading-edge dental companies we are inspired by the knowledge that together we grow better. We share one mission: Making People Smile.

To learn more about the ways partnering with Ivoclar can benefit your practice, along with the competitive pricing and exclusive product lines we offer you, visit or e-mail us at We look forward to leading the way together with you.

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 • DENTIST ENTREPRENEUR ORGANIZATION dentalgrouppractice com 58 DEO : The Dental Venor Directory 2024

Membership Plans


(919) 706-1961

With insurance write-offs going up even as costs increase, PPOs are evolving from a thorn in our side to a full-on briar patch. More dental practices are thinking about dropping PPOs, but are rightly concerned about losing patients. To mitigate those losses, many successful practices are implementing membership plans. We know there are a lot of membership plan software companies out there, with new ones popping up seemingly every month. But there’s only one DentalHQ. A pioneer of membership plan automation, DentalHQ has been driving innovation and lighting the path for those pop-ups to follow since 2017. We built our platform to be shockingly simple. We’ve done all the hard work so you don’t have to. Automate your membership plan with DentalHQ and watch uninsured patient attrition drop by 60%, case acceptance increase by 2.5x, and revenue from uninsured patients grow by 3, 4, even 5x. Request a personalized demo at

Membership Plans


(844) 965-5337

Kleer’s dental membership plan platform enables group practices to quickly design, implement, and professionally manage a successful membership plan across locations. Kleer integrates directly with practice management software to unleash unprecedented automation, growth, and performance. Over 7,000 dentists and 300 groups and DSOs use Kleer’s best-in-class platform, designed for scale and group practice success. For more information or to request a 1:1 consultation visit

Membership Plans


(877) 545-4188

What makes you unique from your competitors? Why should they choose your product/service over others in the marketplace? Since 2015, as the leading dental membership plan administrator on the market, Membersy has been changing the way patients access quality dental care. Proudly partnered with 8 of the 10 largest DSOs, among many others, Membersy is expanding access to affordable care for over 1 million members and counting, through Membersy-powered dental membership plans. Membersy provides practices and DSOs with the tools, technology, and support they need to build, implement, and grow a successful and profitable membership plan, while connecting cash-paying patients with the quality care they need, at a price they can afford. For more information, or to learn how Membersy can transform your practice, visit

Patient Communication Software

Rectangle Health

(800) 337-3630

Rectangle Health simplifies the business side of healthcare, allowing dental providers and DSOs to deliver the best possible care for their patients. Our advanced and scalable technology increases patient payments, improves communications with patients, eases financial conversations, and supports HIPAA and OSHA compliance at the practice.


Patient Communication Software


(800) 995-8444

Solutionreach has been at the forefront of dental patient communication for over 23 years, helping DSOs of all sizes transform patient experiences and maximize staff productivity with its easy-to-use patient communications and retention platform. With digital tools like appointment reminders, two-way texting, digital intake, online reputation management, and more, Solutionreach provides an all-in-one multi-location solution to connect with patients through personalized touchpoints at every step of the care journey. Our solution has more than 400 PM/EHR integrations and has supported over 50,000 customer installations. To learn more about how we can work together to transform patient engagement, visit

Patient Communication Software


(408) 898-9660

Superpower your front desk with the power of AI. Taking calls and scheduling patients takes up a lot of your staff’s time. TrueLark not only books appointments directly into your PMS or booking platform, it can reschedule appointments and answer frequent questions. Give patients the option to book appointments at any hour of the day by text or on your website. For those that prefer to call, if it’s after hours or your team is too busy to answer, TrueLark responds immediately and is able to book one or multiple appointments quickly, maximizing revenue. Delight your patients and ease the burden on your staff by providing excellent, around the clock service. To see how easy it is to elevate patient communications, book a TrueLark demo.

Patient Communication Software


(888) 579-5668

Weave is the best all-in-one communication and engagement platform for dental practices. From the first time a new patient calls your office to the final invoice and every touchpoint in between, Weave connects the entire patient journey. Let our software solutions revolutionize how you attract, communicate with, and engage your patients.

Patient Financing Care Credit

(800) 300-3046, option 5

Cost remains one of the top barriers to treatment acceptance. Letting all patients know they may be able to pay over time with the CareCredit credit card, often with promotional financing, may help those with an out-ofpocket cost or gap between the cost of care and their benefits schedule immediate care. It’s financing simplified.

#1: Ask all patients, “Do you have the CareCredit credit card?” 12.7+ million people nationwide have CareCredit. Some of them may be your patients and may prefer to use CareCredit.

#2: Recommend patients see if they prequalify for the CareCredit credit card – without impacting their credit score – by scanning your custom link QR code or at

To enroll or for more information, visit or call 800-300-3046, option 5.

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 • DENTIST ENTREPRENEUR ORGANIZATION dentalgrouppractice com 60 DEO : The Dental Venor Directory 2024

Patient Financing

FinMkt, Inc.

(917) 979-6259

Imagine being able to provide patients with a stress-free payment option that takes only minutes to complete. By partnering with FinFi, you can offer your patients an online application that won’t affect their credit score. They’ll receive a text or email invitation to prequalify, making the entire process simple and painless. Once payment is submitted, you get paid in full without the hassle of paperwork or payment plan management. FinFi’s multi-lender waterfall means that patients across the credit spectrum can afford the treatment they need. With back-office accounting support and fully customizable options, 7-day-a-week support, and competitive rates and fees, FinFi is the perfect partner to keep your practice running smoothly. Questions? Email or visit us at

Patient Financing


(855) 678-6248

Sunbit builds financial technology for real life. Our technology eases the stress of paying for life’s expenses by giving people more options on how and when they pay. Sunbit offers a point-of-sale payment option available at more than 18,000 service locations, including auto dealership service centers, optical practices, dentist offices, veterinary clinics, and specialty healthcare services. With a simple, quick application process that approves almost 90% of patients, your practices can provide more care and generate more production with Sunbit. Sunbit was included on the 2022 Inc. 5000 list. The financial technology company has also been named as a Most Loved Workplace®, Best Point of Sale Company, A N.A. Deloitte Technology Fast 500 company and as a Top Fintech Startup by CB Insights. Loans are made by Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc., dba TAB Bank, which determines qualifications for and terms of credit. Visit to learn more.

Practice Broker

McLerran & Associates

(512) 900-7989

McLerran & Associates is the industry leader in sellside advisory for large practice owners who are seeking a DSO affiliation or private equity partner. Our process is designed to educate you regarding the EBITDA/market value of your practice and the options available in today’s marketplace. From there, we create a highly competitive environment among multiple DSOs and/or Private Equity Firms to provide you the optionality and leverage necessary to find the right partner for your practice and negotiate the most favorable valuation and deal terms possible. By following our proven DSO affiliation process, we are proud to say that our clients typically achieve a 25% increase in their valuation and far better deal terms than they would have received by attempting to navigate the process on their own.

Practice Broker

TUSK Partners

(704) 302-1043

TUSK Partners (“TUSK”) provides M&A Advisory services in the dental industry. TUSK has completed over $800M of transactions across all specialties. With an in-depth understanding of the marketplace and access to 100’s of buyers nationwide, we help our clients confidently pursue M&A transactions that maximize their long-term value. With our 50+ years of dental industry experience, our team leverages our backgrounds in investment banking, leadership positions inside of the nation’s leading DSOs and private equity groups to maximize the value of our client’s businesses. TUSK conducts complimentary practice valuations to dentists wanting to know the TRUE value of their business. For more information, visit


Practice Management Software

Curve Dental

(888) 910-HERO

Curve Dental helps DSOs and multi-location practices increase profitability with an all-in-one solution that provides everything they need on a single platform which eliminates costly 3rd-party software. Its extremely userfriendly interface expands your hiring pool because any team member can use Curve regardless of their practice management experience or proximity to the office. Curve’s deep level reporting and dashboards track KPIs by individual location and provider or across everywhere. Customers gain the insights to address the three drivers of business growth; patient flow, diagnosed treatment, and treatment planning. Curve’s expertise in change management expedites data conversion, implementation, and adoption, and supports customers with 24/7/365 support. All at a better total cost of ownership than any other cloud-based or server-based solution in the market.

Practice Management Software

Planet DDS

(800) 861-5098

Real Estate Leaders Real Estate

(407) 984-6604

Leaders Real Estate is a national brokerage that specializes in:

> Dental analytics for de novos

> Lease Management

> Sale Leasebacks

> Site relocations

By using a host of analytics to visualize and map areas based on how they score for a given sector, they can help dental practices stack the deck in their favor by identifying the best location. They will be giving away a FREE demographic/opportunity analysis for de novos worth $5,000 to anyone who mentions this article. With over 1,000 transactions, Leaders can help practices find the highest concentrations of their target demographic. They have helped practices save over $350,000 by negotiating their leases and renewals. Plus, they work nation-wide, making it easy to maintain a single point of contact.

Planet DDS is the leading provider of cloud-enabled dental software solutions serving over 10,000 practices in North America with over 60,000 users. The company delivers a complete platform of solutions for dental practices, including Denticon Practice Management, Apteryx XVWeb Cloud Imaging, Cloud 9 and Legwork Patient Acquisition. Planet DDS is committed to creating value for its dental practice clients by solving the most urgent challenges facing today’s dental practices in North America.

Planet DDS was the first provider of a cloud-based dental practice management solution. Since 2003, we’ve been in constant pursuit of developing innovative products that help dental practices maximize their full potential. It’s no wonder why Planet DDS solutions are trusted by over 50% of the top 25 DSOs in the country.

Unique to our solution is our expertise in implementing, converting, and training to ensure a smooth process through every step of your journey. Of their experience, our clients have shared, “Every team has delivered…and everything has gone smoothly because of that.” More about our client’s experience onboarding with Planet DDS. Our solutions also foster growth for DSOs through the ability to scale, standardize, and centralize. Read about how our solutions helped one DSO scale from 2 locations to 110+. Read our recent reviews on G2 to hear from our clients.

Contact us to learn about our solutions.

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 • DENTIST ENTREPRENEUR ORGANIZATION dentalgrouppractice com 62 DEO : The Dental Venor Directory 2024

Staffing Solutions


(940) 757-0022

SupportDDS provides dental-certified, dedicated and highly educated virtual/remote team members. You have a dedicated person whom you select and they work only for you! Our team members speak the Queen’s English and are engaging and easy to understand with no long-term contracts.

“Your systems - Your Way!”

Our team members make you more efficient with the following:

> Revenue Cycle Management

> Insurance Verification

> Director of First Impressions

> Recare/Reactivations

> Scheduling/Phone Support

> Phone Support and Scheduling

> Social Media Management

> Referral Management

> Bi-Lingual Spanish Speaking available

> Additional duties as assigned

Dental outsourcing can elevate your in-office team and improve productivity and efficiency while removing the hassle of recruiting, hiring, onboarding, HR, payroll, and benefits while saving you up to 70%.

We are a Christian-based organization dedicated to providing employment to the people of Africa and Central America while donating 51% of our profits to ministries around the globe.

Schedule a discovery call today on


Revenue Cycle Management


(855) 777-0801

InsideDesk is a Revenue Cycle Management platform designed to help DSOs and multi-location groups maximize their realized revenue at scale. Our software leverages advanced technologies and data analytics, to assist dental practices in preventing revenue leakage, maximize claim collection and increase user productivity. Our platform provides billers and their teams with the tools to be more efficient utilizing automation, identification of claim issues, and collaborative workflows. By pulling PMS, Payor and User data into a centralized platform, InsideDesk allows for simplification of claims follow-up as well as daily reporting. Our platform offers insights and measures the effectiveness of various aspects of the office, regional, or enterprise level, including user performance, denial management, and claims submission.

Revenue Cycle Management


(213) 645-2813

Zuub is a comprehensive RCM platform designed to simplify the revenue cycle processes of dental practices and boost revenue through advanced features such as automated insurance verification, patient statements, and accounts receivable. Additionally, it offers treatment planning and patient financing options to help dental practices cater to their patients’ needs more efficiently. By utilizing Zuub, dental practices can minimize claims errors, expedite the collection of outstanding balances, and free up staff from administrative tasks to concentrate on delivering high-quality patient care. Learn more about Zuub’s Revenue Cycle Management platform and how it helps thousands of practices automate and maximize their revenue by visiting



(610) 927-7184

At quip, we make better oral health habits more simple, accessible, and enjoyable for every mouth. For providers, this means helping you welcome more patients, retain existing ones, and guide compliance in between checkups. Personal care products. Our ADA-Accepted Sonic Electric Toothbrushes (Smart and Rechargeable too!) are loved by 10 million mouths. For a complete routine, we also offer Refillable Floss String and Picks, Water Flossers, Mouthwash, and Sugar-Free Gum. Digital oral care companion. 94% of customers say they’re more likely to brush 2 full minutes since switching to quip.* The free quip app makes it even easier by tracking brush, floss, and rinse routines and coaching better behavior with reward incentives and access to care via teledentistry services.

*Based on a quip 2022 census survey.

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 • DENTIST ENTREPRENEUR ORGANIZATION dentalgrouppractice com 64 DEO : The Dental Venor Directory 2024


Products that offer proven PERFORMANCE for Group Practice Needs! A MANAGEMENT TEAM WITH OVER 65 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: John O’Neill 47 Years of Experience The Preferred Group Practice Partner for Clinical and Supply Overhead SOLUTIONS • VOCO offers a full range of competitively-priced restorative, preventive, CAD/CAM materials and more • Reduce supply costs with products that provide crossover indications • Award-winning products that deliver proven results to maximize patient quality care • Simplified procedures to drive clinician satisfaction with innovative products • Deliver added value to your team through VOCO’s extensive and customizable continuing education options VOCO · 1285 Rosemont Drive · Indian Land, SC 29707 · · Call 1-888-658-2584 TO IMPROVE PATIENT AND CLINICIAN SATISFACTION! THE LEADER IN PRODUCT SOLUTIONS FOR GROUP PRACTICES Request a Meeting! Brian Curley 17 Years of Experience PRECISION INNOVATION EXCELLENCE

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