Bulletin2015 03mar

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MARCH 2015 • ADAR / NISAN 5775



Women About Women Tuesday, March 10: 6:30 p.m. The Pottery Place (103 Cherokee Blvd.) We’ll be making Miriam’s Cups for our seder tables at $20 per person. Please RSVP! office@bzcongregation.com

Community Seder—Saturday, April 4 “Let all who are hungry, come and eat” 6:15 pm Arrival and welcome; “Seder” begins at 6:30 pm. Ea ng dinner by 6:45. Our spiritual and meaningful seder will be led by Rabbi Tendler. Children’s program led by Jason Cathcart, Dir. of Congrega onal Learning. Adults $36 (nonmembers $45); Children ages 13-18 $15 Children age 12 & under $10 RSVP by March 27 to office@bzcongrega on.com

Clean the Kitchen for Pesach Sunday, March 22: 9:30 a.m. Join members of the Men’s Club for the annual cleaning of the BZ Kitchen for Pesach!

B’nai Zion Office Hours Tuesday – Friday

Selling Hametz for Pesach—form on page 9

11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Rabbinic Assembly Pesach Guide is available

Any addi onal me, by appointment only.

online at www.tinyurl.com/ngl89x9. Copies available at BZ.

Featuring the Purim version of the song “Time Warp!” Warp

Menu Spinach Triangles Bagel Pizzas Deviled Eggs Salad Bar

Wednesday, March 4 Megillah Reading promptly at 5:45 pm. Costume Contest Singing! Food and Fun! Family friendly, come one, come all! Dinner $7 Children age 5 & under— Free RSVP office@bzcongregation.com

Hummus with Pita Chips & Crudité Hamantaschen (Baked by BSI classes) Root Beer/Coke Floats

B’nai Zion Congregation 114 McBrien Road Chattanooga TN 37411 423.894.8900 Fax: 423.894.8902 shul@bzcongregation.com

Message from Our President

Rabbi Susan Tendler rabbi@bzcongregation.com

How many of you are familiar with Texas A&M’s 12th Man? This is a reference to the noise level of the Aggie fans at their home stadium as the fans cheer on the home team during a football game. The noise level is a challenge to visiting teams who have to contend with the fan’s exuberance if they want to compete. In the Jewish religion we have the Home of the 10th Man or Woman, which reminds me of a story:

Director of Congregational Learning Jason Cathcart jason@bzcongregation.com President Steven Sherman BZPRES@comcast.net

423. 316.9712 Vice Presidents Dr. Bill Hillner Jordan Parker Fern Shire Treasurer Scott Israel Secretary Susan Leininger Board Members Dr. Robin Balser Isaac Barukh Murray Berger David Binder Irene Cohen Rob Cowan David Fairchild Isidore Frumin Dr. Norman Galen Sherry Gilbert Jerry Kleinstub Joe Kodsi Matt Kodsi Lauren Lebovitz Bea Lurie Helen Pregulman Rachel Privett Jackie Rosenfeld Marty Scheinberg Phyllis Schwarz Ruth Votava Eliza Lebovitz (youth rep.)

by Steven Sherman

“Also a Minyan Man”

“What is your business?” asked the judge of the witness, a little bearded elderly Jewish man. “I’m a Minyan-man.” “What’s that?” asked the judge. “When there are nine persons in the synagogue and I join them, there are ten,” answered the elderly man. “What kind of talk is that?” snapped the judge, impatiently. “When there are nine persons in a room, and I join them, there are also ten.” A look of delight appeared on the elderly Jew’s face. Bending over towards the judge he asked in a confidential whisper, “Ah, you are also Jewish?” You probably have read recently, or have heard via the grapevine, that the date and time for B’nai Zion’s Minyan service has changed from Tuesday to Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM. This was done for two reasons: • To enable parents of the Wednesday, Hebrew School students to attend Minyan with their children; and • To enable B’nai Zion’s teachers to take advantage of the Minyan service as an additional teaching aid. Parents who participate in the Minyan service with their children are helping reinforce the teachings and importance of prayer. By attending the Minyan service, the parent is demonstrating to his/her children the importance of this treasured Jewish practice of prayer. Attending this brief service provides all of us with an opportunity to perform a true Mitzvah, a good deed, and who doesn’t need one of those on our ledger? There are those in our community who come to synagogue for the Minyan service to remember loved ones through the Kaddish prayer, seeking comfort and solace. So, your presence and that of your children helps support those during their time of emotional need. And who does not enjoy seeing our youngest members, our future generation, at a service? So, while we all can’t be or maybe don’t want to be Texas Aggies and part of the 12th Man, we can be part of the 10th Man Team by being a “Minyan-man or woman.” The next time you come to pick-up your children at Hebrew School I hope that you set aside a few minutes from your busy day to participate in this special Mitzvah, and attend Minyan with your children.

B’nai Zion Voice is published 11 times a year by B’nai Zion Congregation, 114 McBrien Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411. Submission Deadline: the 8th of the month preceding publication: shul@bzcongregation.com Editorial Committee: David Fairchild, Editor Deborah Wint Susan Matzkin Lester Votava

2 BZ Voice

March 2015

Have you received your yellow candle? Yom HaShoah April 16, 2015 27 Nisan 5775

Message from Our Rabbi by Rabbi Susan Tendler The festival of freedom? How the burden of cleaning can lead to redemption. The Torah tells us that our ancestors left Egypt in such haste that there was no time for the bread to rise and therefore: “Seven days, no leaven is to be found in your houses. Whoever eats food with chametz in it is to be cut off from the community of Isra’el — it doesn’t matter whether he is a foreigner or a citizen of the land. 20 Eat nothing with chametz in it. Wherever you live, eat matzah… Matzahis to be eaten throughout the seven days; neither chametz nor leavening agents are to be seen with you throughout your territory. On that day you are to tell your son, ‘It is because of what HASHEM did for me when I left Egypt.” Jewish law therefore prohibits a Jewish person from owning, eating, seeing, or deriving any benefit from anything made out of five major grains (wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye) (Exodus 12:19, 13:7) on Passover. For years, people got rid of any trace of these grains, i.e. chametz, before the holiday began. And while this is certainly the source of spring-cleaning, spring-cleaning does not even begin to describe the intensity. After all, for observant Jews, this cleaning marathon is as central to Passover as matzah. Virtually every surface--refrigerator, dishwasher, drawers--can contain chametz, not to mention under and behind, and therefore is subject to scouring. "One crumb can make everything nonkosher," said Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, director of kosher supervision for the Chicago Rabbinical Council, "which is why people go a little crazy." Then the special dishes, silverware, pots and pans--even stoves--reserved for just this one week a year are hauled out of storage.

Sound like the path to freedom? I must say, that each year, somewhere along the line, I do find a sense of deep appreciation. When else would I move my refrigerator to be disgusted by the accumulation? And then laugh as I consider what it would look like if I did not move it each year. As well, come Purim, I try to stop buying chametz and make a game of figuring out how to reduce the amount I own as much as possible. I appreciate the urge to sort through the food that accumulated during the year and unburden myself of it all. And this is the crux of it all (or shall I say the crust of it all???)! In the end it’s not really all about your house, it’s about the spiritual cleaning within. It’s about getting to a spiritual cleanliness and lack of burden. It’s about renewal and simplicity. As the birds start to sing and the farmer’s market opens, our tradition encourages us to look around us, and eat more simply from the earth— fresh vegetables, eggs, potatoes, and such. Whether you keep “kosher” (fit) all year round or not, Passover is different for all these reasons and more. The preparation heightens our own anticipation and experience. As I often say, nothing meaningful was ever easy. To feel free, to experience redemption is momentous and therefore cannot come out of nowhere or we would lack appreciation. And so we prepare. Some do spring cleaning. Some remove their chametz from their main pantry. Some change dishes. Some avoid eating “chametz” and prepare special foods. Everyone finds their own place on the continuum. That said, I urge each of you this year, in preparation, to consider selling your chametz, to give up ownership of it for the duration of the festival, figuratively and literally. Originally, this loophole pertained to those who sold or traded food or later liquor, to avoid financial duress when it came to Passover. As early as the third century CE , if a person didn't want to

throw out or could not use us all of his/ her chametz before Passover, it could be sold to a non-Jew, provided the sale was a real sale (even if it was intended to be bought back at the end of the festival). Back then, the chametz was physically removed from the property but it became a practical nightmare and so today we leave it in a specified place in our homes so that we can come to a place that the chametz isn't yours, and the individual buying it must really think that (s)he can consume it. This understanding, this letting go, is a central part of having a chag kasher v’sameach (happy and fit holiday) as we traditionally greet each other. So strong is our tradition’s belief in this concept that any chametz not sold, even if kosher becomes automatically not kosher if not sold during the holiday. Please fill out the “Selling Hametz for Pesach” form on page 9 and allow me to sell your chametz this holiday season. And while you are at it, consider fulfilling another mitzvah known as "Maot Chitim", providing the poor with the funds to celebrate the holiday. Any donations (as small as a dollar) will go to providing seder meals for those who cannot afford seder for themselves. And on that note, if you would like to attend our seder but find it financially prohibitive, PLEASE let me know, so I can quietly and discreetly, apply some of these funds to remove that burden. Wishing you all a chag kasher v’sameach! A wonderful, freeing and kosher holiday!

Volunteers needed for the front office. We need people who can commit to volunteering on a weekly basis. We also need volunteers for occasional special projects. Please contact Amy Snetman at snetwoman@gmail.com

BZ Voice

March 2015


Message from Our Director of Congregational Learning March BSI at a Glance

by Jason Cathcart

Visitors are great, any time of the year One of the things I love about working in this congregation is that we do an amazing job welcoming visitors. We learn about the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests) early in the Torah from Abraham. When he encounters visitors wandering through the desert, Abraham invites them into his home, helps them get clean and refreshed and feeds them. What a beautiful thing that Abraham does. What a role model for our own behavior when welcoming visitors into our community and our congregational home.


Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Junior Congregation (Grades 3-6)


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim

On March 13 & 14, we’ll welcome 27 students (8-12th grade) and 5 staff from Adat Shalom Synagogue in Farmington Hills, Michigan. As part of their Hebrew High School program, the students will be visiting the Children’s Holocaust Memorial in Whitwell, TN and then spending Shabbat here at B’nai Zion. A group of students from this school participated in this same trip in 2007. The impact our congregation made on them was significant and they are very excited to be coming back to B’nai Zion. We are looking for several community members to house the students for Shabbat. We'll be providing meals (Friday night dinner, Saturday lunch & dinner), but would love a chance for them to interact with some Chattanooga and B'nai Zion families. If you would be willing to host 2 or more teens, please let me know as soon as possible. I hope you will welcome them and share your experiences of southern Jewish living.


Super-Sized Shabbat: incl. Mini Minyan, Junior Congregation & Bagrut (See below)


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim

4 BZ Voice

March 2015

Join us for our new Shabbat Morning program on

March 21: Mini-Minyan - 10:30 to 11:15 AM (for Pre-K to 2nd grade) Junior Congregation - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 3rd to 6th grade) Bagrut—10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 8th to 10th grade) We will celebrate Shabbat through tefillah, hands-on learning, study and games!

CJCRS in March 1, 8*, 15, 22 CJCRS meets at B’nai Zion from 9:30am to 12pm. *Don’t attend CJCRS? Be sure to come to the Community Purim Carnival, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. It will be a blast!

Hebrew word of the month: Ashrei and Kiddush Society Want to learn the Ashrei? Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online! This is a self guided program for all Beit Sefer Ivri Students. Contact Jason Cathcart for materials and information. Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.

This spring's convention will be held in Charleston, SC at Synagogue Emanu-El from March 13 to 15. More than 75 USY'ers from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee will participate in this great event. Applications are available from Jason Cathcart.

Don’t miss it!

Adult Education Lunch & Learn Thursday, Mar. 12 & 26 Noon @ BZ Join us for invigorating conversations with Rabbi Tendler. RSVP to Susan with your lunch preference (tuna or egg salad). Cost is $5. Questions about Adult education? Contact Jason Cathcart at Jason@bzcongregation.com. BZ Voice

March 2015


Let’s make rugelach !

Women About Women

Passover Grocery Items! Upcoming Chattanooga Passover Delivery Thursday March 12th Order Deadline: THIS COMING SUNDAY, March 1st

Friday, March 13 at 5:45 p.m. $14 per adult; $10 per child Children age 5 & under— under—Free

30 USY visitors coming! Come and make them feel welcome!

RSVP office@bzcongregation.com Menu: Shake & Bake Chicken Breasts Baked Potato/Sweet Potato Bar Asian Salad (fresh spinach & mixed greens, mandarin oranges, dried cranberries, crispy noodles & sesame dressing) Desserts: Cookies, Pineapple UpsideUpsidedown Cake, Fresh Fruit 6 BZ Voice

March 2015

$25 per bracket, up to 5 brackets per participant Prizes for First, Second, & Third Place Participants!

To register:

http://tinyurl.com/lkpu3sn Password: 1818 or contact Tal Cohen at Tal.cohen@hotmail.com

BZ Family Anniversaries

Mazel tov to Jason Cathcart, our Director of Congregational Learning, on earning his Master's Degree in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Jason has been engaged in this program for the past 4 years! We are proud of him on this major accomplishment! Mazel tov to Judy Richelson on the bar mitzvah of her grandson, Austin Gross at B'nai Aviv in Weston, FL on February 7. Austin is the son of Myrna and Bruce Gross and the grandson of Judy Richelson and the late Alvin Richelson, z''l, and of Sherrie and Max Gross of Cooper City, Florida. Mazel tov to Amanda Boulware who recently was accepted to Goldsmiths, University of London for a program towards a Masters’ of Science in Music, Mind and Brain. We are very excited for you and look forward to continuing to track you and your family across the globe! Speaking of joy and happiness, who doesn't love babies! Amidst the cold, we had a wonderful reason to smile today-- Ross's sister, Michelle (Malka) just gave birth to a healthy baby boy at Hadassah hospital (Ein Kerem) in Jerusalem! Mazel tov to Michelle and her husband Yosef! We look forward to sharing pictures of the newest member of our family. As a congregation we mourn the death of Barbara Bohn, z’’l who, with her husband, Jerry Bohn, was a long time member of B’nai Zion. Mazel Tov to our Super Bowl Winners! Sheila Breitbart, Dana Waxler, Bill Hillner, Mark Shapiro, Bob Brook, Bruce Backer, and Ed Warwick. Also, a great, big THANK YOU to: Howard Gropper & Marcia Menuskin as co-chairs who carefully arranged the boards with John Lewis and Ruth Votava, Jason Shuman, Irv Ginsburg, Issi Goldberg, and Lester Votava who helped cook the food that Roy Rosenfeld graciously shopped for. Alan Lebovitz and Scott Israel arranged the screen for us all to watch on! As well, there were countless volunteers who solicited people for the boards, put their time and energy into the day at large or came early to grill the dogs and set out the food. To each and everyone of you who helped make the day happen, through volunteering or coming to participate-- thank you! It would not have been the same without you!

Shabbat, March 14 at 9:45 Hayden Brooke Haber is the daughter of Ashley Bresler, and graddaughter of Mindy Haber and the late Herbie Haber, z’’l.

3/2 3/4 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/15 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/29 3/30

Dr. Todd and Rebecca Levin Colman and Lynn Hochman Michael and Lauren Lebovitz Scott and Laura Israel Robert and Doris Streiter Dr. David and Judith Sachsman Dr. Barry and Sande Schulman Howard and Myrna Kaplan Cara Weiner & James Hill Alan and Alison Lebovitz Dr. Stanley and Gail Dressler

Birthdays 3/2 Levi Lebovitz 3/2 Alan Shavin 3/4 Israel Goldberg 3/4 Scott Israel 3/7 Jason Shuman 3/8 Julie Cowan 3/8 Sanford Winer 3/9 Robert Cowan 3/9 Dr. David Rose 3/10 Doris Streiter 3/12 Martin Fanburg 3/12 Shelley Simms 3/14 Laura Israel 3/15 Heidi Manaker 3/15 Louise Spector 3/16 Eli Binder 3/17 Danielle Simms 3/18 Eva Waxenberg 3/20 Scott Norman 3/20 Dr. Mitchell Wilson 3/21 Ellie Ulin 3/22 Amy Boulware 3/22 Matthew Lauer 3/26 David Fairchild 3/27 Barbara Bohn 3/27 Sarah Brook 3/28 Tal Cohen 3/28 Harvey Weiss 3/29 Daniel Belknap 3/29 Zachary Israel 3/30 Dr. Keith Dressler 3/31 Andrew Berke 3/31 Orly Berke

BZ Voice

March 2015


Contributions IN MEMORY In Memory of Bill White Judy Richelson & Family In Memory of Dr. Alan Jacobson Myrna Abramson Amelia & Owen Allen (KE) Merle & Bruce Backer Robin Balser (H) Raul, Wendy, Zac, Hannah Beker (Ed) Sheila Breitbart Bob & Rita Brook Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow Izzie Frumin Sheldon Gelburd Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Norman & Peggy Hofferman Scott & Laura Israel James & Teresa Johnston Joseph & Marilee Kodsi Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Mollye Norman Barbara Oxenhandler Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (H) Lil & Arvin Reingold Judy Richelson Maish & JoAnn Richelson Miriam Richelson Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs Yuppie & Harold Shavin Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Marion Shuman Pris & Robert Siskin Sheila Taratoot Herman & Dorothy Trotz Tillie & Albert Tenenbaum Elaine & Sanford Winer Sylvia Wygoda In Memory of Dr. Jake Epstein Charlotte & Marla Jacobson In Memory of Lena Kopkin Mott Izzie Frumin Ted & Ethel Kopkin (R) Mollye Norman In Memory of Mildred Berson Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Norman & Peggy Hofferman Mollye Norman Helen Pregulman Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs (Ed) Gerald & Sheila Sear Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Pris & Robert Siskin Herman & Dorothy Trotz Ruth & Lester Votava Elaine & Sanford Winer

8 BZ Voice

March 2015

SPECIAL FUNDS [B] Babysitting [CE] Louis & Rose Chawkin Ed. Fund [Ed] Education [E] Enhancement [H] Hanan Family Scholarship [K] Kiddush [KE] Kitchen Equipment [R] Rabbi's Discretionary You can make billable contributions to B’nai Zion using our online submission form at www.bnaizioncongregation.com Of course, you can still email contributions to shul@bzcongregation.com. Or call 894.8900 In Memory of Milton Silver, Father of Beth Lowe Amelia & Owen Allen (KE) Robin Balser (H) Claire Binder Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Colman & Lynn Hochman Alan & Alison Lebovitz Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Pris & Robert Siskin Ruth & Lester Votava In Memory of Patricia Payne, Mother of David Fairchild Robin Balser Claire Binder Irene & Lester Cohen Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Lynn & Colman Hochman Joseph & Marilee Kodsi BSI Alan & Alison Lebovitz Susan & Dennis Matzkin, Kalli Agudo Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Barbara Oxenhandler Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (E) Pris & Robert Siskin Ruth & Lester Votava In Memory of Raja Binen-Lurie, Stepmother of Bea Lurie Amelia & Owen Allen (KE) Raul, Wendy, Zac, Hannah Beker (Ed) Claire Binder Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Colman & Lynn Hochman Alan & Alison Lebovitz Helen Pregulman Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Pris & Robert Siskin Ruth & Lester Votava

In Memory of Zelig Fruman, Brother of Izzie Frumin Irv Ginsburg Shelton Goldblatt Lynn & Colman Hochman Norman & Peggy Hofferman Jay & Marcia Menuskin Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (H) Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs Pris & Robert Siskin Ruth & Lester Votava Sylvia Wygoda

MAZEL TOV Michael Dzik Mazel Tov on Rebecca's becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lynn & Colman Hochman Rebecca Dzik Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Gerald & Sheila Sear Michael Dzik & Paula Londe Mazel Tov on your Engagement The Matzkin Family Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) Ethan Goldblatt Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah Robin Balser (H) Raul, Wendy, Zac, Hannah Beker (Ed) Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Alan & Alison Lebovitz Judy Richelson & Family Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs Gerald & Sheila Sear Reuben & Dot Dubrow Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) Shelton Goldblatt Mazel Tov on Ethan's Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Lynn & Colman Hochman Sheryl Hill In Honor of your Birthday Irv Ginsburg Lynn & Colman Hochman Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Sylvia Wygoda Marcia Menuskin Mazel Tov on your Retirement Gerald & Sheila Sear Norman & Sylvia Slovis Mazel Tov on Adam's Engagement Jay & Marcia Menuskin (H) Morris Solomon In Honor of your 70th Birthday Judy Richelson & Family



Amy Boulware The Matzkin Family Irv Ginsburg The Matzkin Family Izzie Frumin Yetta Gropper Barbara Oxenhandler Judy Kleinstub Marcia& Jay Menuskin (H) Jay Menuskin Amelia & Owen Allen (KE) Izzie Frumin Peggy & Norman Hofferman Barbara Oxenhandler Gerald & Sheila Sear Miriam Richelson Amelia & Owen Allen (KE) Louise Spector Amelia & Owen Allen (KE) Mable Willingham Lynn & Colman Hochman Harold & Yuppie Shavin (H) Ruth & Lester Votava

Marcia Menuskin In Appreciation of all you have done to support me Susan Matzkin Carolyn Sherman Thanks for providing & maintaining the kiddush cart cover! Your B'nai Zion Family Stanley Cohen Our Thoughts, Prayers & Love are with you Lois, Sylvia & Mark Wygoda

YAHRZEIT CONTRIBUTIONS Sam Bloch Howard Schwartz Ann Busch Isadore Frumin Bessie Coltan Bob &Doris Streiter Abe Fay Dr. Stanley & Gail Dressler

Jacob Goodstein Jay & Marcia Menuskin Philip Lampert Ellen & Manny Doyne Simon Menuskin Jay & Marcia Menuskin Ben Mott Marcie Mott Robert Garry Paris Cecile Garry Parris Mildred Sacks Jerry & Barbara Bohn (R) Helen Schwartz Howard Schwartz Harry David Sear Gerald & Sheila Sear Harold & Yuppie Shavin Alena Stahl Paul Stahl Minnie Temerson Helen Pregulman

Selling Hametz for Pesach We are not always able to destroy or rid a house of all Hametz. The rabbis ordained that a symbolic sale is made of all Hametz to a non-Jew. The Hametz is then “no longer in our possession.” It is customary to make a contribution to the congregation for a Passover charity. Rabbi Tendler may be designated as your agent by filling out the authorization forms. You can cut the form out at the bottom of this page or find the forms at www.bnaizioncongregation.com/hametz. Pesach ends at 8:49 p.m. (Hametz will be purchased by 9:30 p.m.) Note: If possible, all hametz – food not acceptable during Pesah (Passover), or materials containing such unacceptable food – should be destroyed or given away before the holiday begins. Should this be impossible, the hametz may be stored in such a way that we are sure not to use it during the holiday and its actual ownership is transferred to a non-Jew until the holiday ends. Please complete the form below and return no later than March 31. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, the undersigned do here by make and appoint Rabbi Susan Tendler my true and lawful representative to act in my place and stead, for me and in my name and in my behalf, to sell all hametz owned and possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly, as stated in the Torah and defined by the sages of Israel (e.g., hametz; hashash hametz – suspect hametz; and all kinds of ta’arovet hametz – hametz mixtures); also, hametz that tends to harden and to adhere to the surface of pans, pots, or other cooking or eating utensils, of whatsoever nature, and to lease all places wherein the aforementioned hametz owned or possessed by me may be found, especially in the premises located at (your address) _______________________________________________________________________. Rabbi Tendler has the full authority and power to sell said hametz and to lease said place or places where in said hametz may be found, upon terms and conditions as discretion dictates. Rabbi Tendler has the full power and authority to assign or appoint a substitute or substitutes to act in my behalf with all the same powers and authority that I have invested in the rabbi, and I do hereby ratify and confirm all that Rabbi Tendler or a rabbinic substitute lawfully does or causes to be done by virtue of these presents. And to this I hereby affix my signature on this _____________________ day of __________, in the year 2015. Name _______________________________________________

Signature __________________________________________

BZ Voice

March 2015


Yahrzeit List *Memorialized on our memorial plaques.

ADAR/MARCH ADAR/ Faye Abramowitz 10 1 10 1 Myron Abramowitz 10 1 Eugenia Kreisman Blumberg* 10 1 Sam Dubrovsky 10 1 Marilyn B. Jacobs* 10 1 Barney Kaplan* 10 1 Helen Katchen* 10 1 Sarah Freda Pearlman* 10 1 Ida Perlman 10 1 Israel Prince 10 1 Charles A. Wolff* 11 2 Ada Winer Abelson 11 2 Reuben Cohen 11 2 Jacob Daneman 11 2 Yetta Goldblatt 11 2 Norma Lee Okin Greenberg 11 2 Robert Karpe 11 2 Heandie Levin 11 2 Barnett E. Miller 11 2 Robert Ruderman 11 2 Bernard Shavin* 12 3 Yetta Katzor Chawkin* 12 3 Herb Goldstein 12 3 Aaron Harry Perlman* 12 3 Henry Abe Rosenbloom* 12 3 Wolf Ulin* 12 3 Samuel Coleman Weber* 13 4 Ann Shavin Lasner* 13 4 Rose Pliskin Perchik* 13 4 Donald Schulman 13 4 Bryna Schwartz* 13 4 Moses Isaac Simmons 14 5 Joyce Bonder* 14 5 Rebecca Rose Pollackov 14 5 Pearl Rosenbloom 14 5 Morey Joseph Wheeler 15 6 Ellyah Cohen 15 6 Ida "Skeedie" Deitch 15 6 Belle Dresner 15 6 Julius Miller 15 6 Philip Zinaman* 16 7 Sam Baron* 16 7 Morris Margolis 16 7 Walter Norwick 16 7 Ruth Waxman 17 8 Max Contor 17 8 Reuben Korn* 17 8 Ida Rose Lesser 17 8 Samuel L. Leventhal* 17 8 Leo Rind* 17 8 Bertha Dora Shavin* 17 8 Sam P. Siskin* 17 8 Allan Sykes 17 8 Bessie Tanenbaum* 18 9 Bessie Baras* 18 9 Anna Kolodkin Bush* 10 BZ Voice

March 2015

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

S. Frank David* Fred Fields* Fany Frogel* Israel Boruch Ginsburg* Gussie Morris* Isaac Pearlman* David Toser Samson Jacob Berman* Max Brener* Fannie Winer Center Harry Cure* Sylvia Frumin* Murray Marcus* David "Duvy" Richelson* Isaac Slovis Wolf Witt* Jacob M. Alper* Leona Beilenson Hannah Mae Cure Esther Lena Hite* William Hoge Irvine* Woolf Leavy Shinbaum* Abraham Deitch* Dorothy Dreebin* Fannie Rebecca Mennen Sidney Perlberg* Erma Ross Samuel Schreiner* Anne Sir* Ida Slate* A. Chester Bonder* Morris Hanan Bertha Shavin Phillips* H. Blumberg* Zaki El-Kodsi* Rabbi Israel Gerstein* David Harry Hecklin* Paul Karasoff Libba Sayers* Judah Sulman* David Dzik* Dr. James Fanburg* David Moses Goldstein* Bernard Kronenberg* Sara Lipps Polsky Abraham Schwartz* Frances Daneman Ginsberg* Natalie Jamieson* Mose Sacks* Solomon Sacks* Mitzi Goldfarb* Dorothy Jen Johnson Israel Joseph Kaplan* Jacob Levin* Bertha Ginsburg Menus Amos S. Robinson* Shirley Rothenberg

27 18 Charles Brener* 27 18 Pearl L. Nash 27 18 Earl Asher Prigoff* 27 18 Adolph Rudoff* 28 19 Mary Franklin Brown 28 19 Abe B. Cohen* 28 19 Zlotta Dubrov* 28 19 Esther Goldblatt 28 19 Louis Goldstein* 28 19 Edward Daniel Reisman 28 19 Alfred Rose 28 19 Rachel Sobel 29 20 Fela Green 29 20 Sadye Pearlman 29 20 Fannye Perlman 29 20 Morris Pustelnick* 29 20 Arthur Smolien* 29 20 Lena Sugarman* NISAN/MARCH NISAN/ 1 21 Nellie Benkovitz* 1 21 Louis Bogo* 1 21 Khaya Basha Epstein* 1 21 Louis Koblentz* 1 21 Hannah Rebecca Schlomowitz* 1 21 Annie Soloff* 1 21 Bernice F. Jacobson Wheeler 2 22 Philip I. Hite* 2 22 Mamie Slabosky* 3 23 Bernard Ross 3 23 Hyman Shavin* 3 23 Leah Stone Tenenbaum* 3 23 Rose Toser 4 24 Harry Berke* 4 24 Michael Brouner* 4 24 Samuel Goldberg* 4 24 Isadore Oscar Wender 4 24 Morris (Moishe) Wolovnick* 5 25 Pearl Collins 5 25 Abraham Goldberg 5 25 Rachel Hoffman* 5 25 Annie Winer Mendelsohn* 5 25 Ceil Ethel Miller* 5 25 Rosa S. Slabosky* 6 26 Morris Abelson* 6 26 Flora P. Goldsmith* 6 26 Adolph Simon Ochs* 6 26 Hyman Steinman* 6 26 Abe Wender 7 27 Harry Winer* 8 28 Irene Wender Alper* 8 28 Sophie Friedman* 8 28 Abraham Louis Frizler* 8 28 Miriam Morris 8 28 Hymie Pressman* 8 28 Aaron Sayers 9 29 Libbie Bunimowitz* 9 29 Fannie Dubrow*

BZ Calendar ~ March 2015 ~ Sun




9:30a BLT 9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)



9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library) 10:30a CJCRS Community Purim Carnival





6:30p Board Meeting



29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

4:30p BSI (Hebrew 11a Sisterhood Book Club at Barnes&Noble School) (Barnes&Noble) 5:45p Purim Celebration & Megillah Reading

5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services 10a Junior Congregation




12p Lunch & Learn

5:45p Family Friday 9:45a Shabbat Night Service & Dinner Services—Baby Naming (Haber) Detroit Visitors Kiddush Lunch

17 St. Patrick's Day 18




5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services 10a Super Sized Shabbat


Abe Eisen Donna Tabb Gelbwachs Goldie Kellman William Sher Barnet Milgrom* Haskell Selman Friedman* Harry Hite* Rose Kolodkin Abraham Levy Fanny Reingold* Abe Shugerman* Rose Milgrom Weintraub*





4:30p BSI (Hebrew School) 6p Minyan

12p Lunch & Learn

5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services


NISAN/MARCH Yahrzeits, continued NISAN/ 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11



4:30p BSI (Hebrew School) 6p Minyan





9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Clean Kitchen for Pesach 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)



5 Purim

6:30p Sisterhood 4:30p BSI (Hebrew Women about Women- School) Miriam's Cup 6p Minyan

9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)




Sisterhood Cherie Wise and Harriet Ruderman, Book Club Chairs Thursday, March 5, 11:00 am at Barnes & Noble Book: Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult Thursday, April 16, 11:00 am at Barmes & Noble Book: All the Light We Cannot See: a Novel by Anthony Doerr

BZ Voice

March 2015


B’nai Zion Congregation 114 McBrien Road Chattanooga, TN 37411



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B’NAI ZION SYNAGOGUE Minyan Schedule—March 2015 WEEK 1 WED. March 4 FRI. March 6 *R/F Goldberg *J/F Shire *Howard *Jerry Bohn Schwartz *J/V Cathcart *Gayle Shavin *S/E Winer *H/Y Shavin *Michael Bonder *B/S Schulman *A/H Ruderman Marion Shuman Ivan Deitch S/D Jaffe M/S Shapiro Helen A/M Hodes Pregulman Alvin Hodes R/P Siskin David Fairchild N/P Hofferman Meryl Stark Mary Spector R/J Rosenfeld C/L Hochman John Lewis G/S Sear Irv Ginsburg D/S Speal A/P Jarman Kenan Speal D/S Leininger L/G Cohen M/L Spector M/S Simms Sadie Morgan N/W Galen Jason Shuman C/L Hochman Debbie Alper P/H McFadden

WEEK 2 WED. March 11 FRI. March 13 *A/A Lebovitz *Gayle Shavin *C/B Lebovitz *H/Y Shavin *O/A Allen *M/J Hanan M/J Richelson *Rachel Privett *Judy Richelson *Victor Hanan *Miriam Richelson *Michael Dzik *Claire Binder *J/G Susman *Barb Oxenhandler *Howard Schwartz *L/I Cohen *J/M Kodsi *R/B Marcus *Rochelle Prigoff *N/S Slovis *Jackie Kirzner *D/S Gilbert *Marshall Center S/G Dressler C/J Rhodes Scott Israel Ida Bell Alan Richelson G/J Kleinstub Anne Richelson T/E Cohen P/R Stowe Anita Levine Harvey Weiss Phyllis Schwartz D/B Binder J/F Dzik R/A Snetmen B Parker/F Weill J/R Parker B/R Brook

*WEEK 4 WED. March 25 FRI. March 27 *Jackie Kirzner *Elizabeth *L/I Cohen Monson *I/M Goldberg *R/D Dubrow *L/R Votava *I/M Goldberg *Jerry Bohn R/D Streiter *Miriam Richelson D/S Speal Kenan Speal *Alan Richelson T/T Trivers *Anne Richelson I/L Barukh *A/L Reingold Sylvia Wygoda K/J Spiegel Marcie Mott M/A Berger N/P Hofferman H/Y Gropper L/J Mack S/C Sherman C/L Hochman M/A Kodsi B/C Sirota W/S Hillner E/H Brody Louise Spector B/C Wise T/R Levin Shelton Goldblatt Niki Goff


p — 423.643.1290

WEEK 3 WED. March 18 FRI. March 20 *Sylvia Saloshin *L/I Cohen *Jerry Bohn *Paul Stahl *J/M Kodsi *H/D Trotz * G/A Boulware Mitchell Wilson T/T Trivers G/M Lander Zac Beker Martin Fanburg Mary Spector K/C Rose E/V Epstein Meryl Stark I/L Barukh J/M Menuskin M/J Scheinberg D/S Matzkin Sheila Breitbart Rachel Sadowitz J/D Alper R/J Cowan D/J Sachsman R/B Lowe G/C Fine M/L Lebovitz Charlotte Bill Cordell Jacobson Isidore Frumin R/C Palermo D/P Israel M/K Berke B/M Backer Ronnie Berke David Navas A/M Berke D/B Eichenthal Sheryl Hill Rick Jacobs Rachel Zoldessy

*denotes yahrzeit observed *the Minyan Schedule is currently being completed by Laura Israel. If you have any special requests for scheduling, please notify her at lauraisrael@live.com

f — 423.643.1224

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