Bulletin2014 12dec

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Highlights include: 11:00 a.m. Sisterhood Book Club 11:00 a.m. Chanukah Story me for children 12:00 p.m. Special Lunch & Learn 4:30 p.m. Beit Sefer Ivri classes at Barnes and Noble 5:00 p.m. Parents’ Tisch with Cheesecake 6:00 p.m. Chanukah Menorah ligh ng and singing For more informa on, contact Rabbi Tendler at rabbi@bzcongrega on.com. Plus, earn money for BZ by using our Book Fair ID 11478120, when shopping in-store or online! Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support BZ online from 12/3/14 to 12/10/14

WRAP GIFTS AT BARNES & NOBLE TO BENEFIT BZ! Please donate 2 hours of your me and help BZ earn FREE $$$!!! To sign up for a 2 hour shi7, contact Cherie Wise for details chrw1213@gmail.com or 400-9811.

Honoring Howard Gropper Dr. Reuben Dubrow Lester Cohen Joel Susman Lester Votava


Benjamin Hillner Shabbat, December 13 at 9:30 a.m. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow Services

B’nai Zion Congregation 114 McBrien Road Chattanooga TN 37411 423.894.8900 Fax: 423.894.8902 shul@bzcongregation.com Rabbi Susan Tendler rabbi@bzcongregation.com Director of Congregational Learning Jason Cathcart jason@bzcongregation.com President Steven Sherman BZPRES@comcast.net

423. 316.9712 Vice Presidents Dr. Bill Hillner Jordan Parker Fern Shire Treasurer Scott Israel Secretary Susan Leininger Board Members Dr. Robin Balser Isaac Barukh Murray Berger David Binder Irene Cohen Rob Cowan David Fairchild Isidore Frumin Dr. Norman Galen Sherry Gilbert Jerry Kleinstub Joe Kodsi Matt Kodsi Lauren Lebovitz Bea Lurie Helen Pregulman Rachel Privett Jackie Rosenfeld Marty Scheinberg Phyllis Schwarz Ruth Votava Eliza Lebovitz (youth rep.)

B’nai Zion Voice is published 11 times a year by B’nai Zion Congregation, 114 McBrien Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411. Submission Deadline: the 8th of the month preceding publication: shul@bzcongregation.com Editorial Committee: David Fairchild, Editor Deborah Wint Marcia Menuskin Lester Votava

2 BZ Voice

December 2014

Message from Our President by Steven Sherman

It's Just a Menorah, Right? Sivivon, sov, sov, sov Chanukah, hu chag tov Chanukah, hu chag tov Sivivon, sov, sov, sov! Oh, hello! Yes, please, come in. No, I am not that busy. I am sorting through my Chanukah decorations. It's a miracle that I am able to find the box every year! You like the Chanukah music? It's a CD, helps me get into the spirit of the holiday. Oh, this old Menorah, it belonged to my parents. They used it for many years and then miraculously it was passed on down to me; and, well, here it is. Yes, it's a bit tarnished, a little bent, dinged in some places. I have a hard time getting all the candle drippings off of it. Still, it holds memories of a different time. When I look at it I picture my grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and family all gathered around the Menorah as the blessings were recited and the candles lit. I can still smell the aroma of latkes cooking in my Mother's kitchen, the sweet taste of donuts, Chanukah songs, dreidels spinning, Chanukah gelt, and how can I ever forget all the presents! This Menorah has traveled with me overseas, on occasion. Now, somewhere in these boxes I still have pictures of my children, when they were small, lighting the candles on this very Menorah. Hmm, memories; but it is just a Menorah, right? Well, someday I will pass it on down to the next generation. It will be a miracle to have it lit in one of their homes. But isn't that what this season is all about...miracles? Now I have this new Menorah which occupies a prominent place during the holiday. Yes, different times, and new memories. Oh, you have to leave. You need to get started on your own Chanukah preparations. Well, thanks for stopping by. Yes, we will need to get together over the holiday for some latkes and donuts. Oh, before you go let me ask you one thing, what memories does your Menorah hold for you? Happy Chanukah! Sivivon, sov, sov, sov Chanukah, hu chag tov Chanukah, hu chag tov Sivivon, sov, sov, sov!

Chanukah Friday Night Services and Dinner Friday, Dec. 19: 5:45 p.m. We’re bringing FUN to Friday nights! Snacks for everyone at 5:30PM, services at 5:45, dinner of stuffed cabbage and latkes by 6:30. Promises to be a fun family Friday night! You don’t have to be a family to join in the ruach. Please RSVP by Dec. 11 to Marcia at 894-8900 or bzmarcia@gmail.com. Adults-$12, Youth ages 8 to 13-$7, Children ages 2 to 7-$4, Children under age 2-free

Message from Our Rabbi by Rabbi Susan Tendler

Holiday or HolyDay? This year, Thanksgivikkah seems like a distant memory and yet, the lessons of combining light and gratitude are forged in my mind as I begin to consider the season ahead. Judaism teaches us each and every day, each and every action contains the potential to be mundane or holy—the choice is ours. So too, with our festivals. Surely our family rituals are sacred; the question is whether or not we can infuse them with sanctity. Let’s start with Thanksgiving. I recently did an activity with my children of tracing their fingers and creating a turkey out of their handprints. I asked each to name four “things” they were thankful for—God, family, friends, and being joyful made their lists. I realized that this short activity would frame our month and our holiday. After all, Thanksgiving is all about… football! Just joking! Yes, it makes people uncomfortable at times to speak of their gratitude, and yet isn’t Thanksgiving all about identifying the comforts of our lives—those people, those things, and those aspects of our lives which we may not acknowledge often, but keep us going, make our lives worthwhile, more comfortable, and bring us joy. Is there some way of incorporating into your celebrations a place for thankfulness? I am including a prayer written by my colleague, Rabbi Naomi Levy for Thanksgiving (www.rabbinicalassembly.org has a number of other resources to enhance your meals): A Prayer for the Thanksgiving Feast For the laughter of the children, For my own life breath, For the abundance of food on this table, For the ones who prepared this sumptuous feast, For the roof over our heads, The clothes on our backs, For our health, And our wealth of blessings, For this opportunity to celebrate with family and friends, For the freedom to pray these words Without fear, In any language, In any faith, In this great country, Whose landscape is as vast and beautiful as her inhabitants. Thank You, God, for giving us all these. Amen. This tension of identifying our comfort/discomfort brings me to Family Promise. Our synagogue is partnering with the Church of the Nazerene to host homeless families for the week of Thanksgiving and the week that follows. I imagine few experiences could motivate us to recognize our blessings as undertaking such a worthwhile endeavor. In fact, with the season ahead and its connectedness, it reminds me of the practice of for one night of Chanukah, in lieu of gifts, shopping for toys for those who are less fortunate. This year I want to encourage you to seek meaning through service—by serving others and connecting with others. Please, get involved in our Family Promise endeavor; everyone who has participated has said that the experience changed their lives. And to deepen (or elevate—whichever direction you are going) the experience even further, I want to challenge you to join me in taking the Food Stamp Challenge.

“In taking the Food Stamp Challenge, you will personally experience the challenges of hunger in the United States – challenges that the 1 in 7 Americans who use food stamps, including nearly 25% a quarter of all American children, face daily. This is a time for education and understanding; a time to say “enough.” When you take the Food Stamp Challenge, you will join hundreds of others across the country, including religious leaders, elected officials, celebrities, and other concerned community activists, to build the public and political will to end hunger in the United States.” (from JCPA) The official Jewish Community Food Stamp Challenge will take place: Monday, December 1 through Sunday December 7, 2014. However, if you cannot participate on these specific dates, we encourage you to schedule your Food Stamp Challenge before the new year. May the year ahead be filled with light, warmth and the security of blessings for all of human kind! Participation Guidelines 1. Keep to the budget -- only $29.40 on food and beverages for the week of the Challenge. That's only $4.20 per day or

$1.40 per meal. 2. Everything needs to be included in the budget, including fast food and dining out. Avoid accepting free food from friends, family, or at work, including food at receptions or coffee in the office. 3. Stick to the food you buy for the Challenge. Do not eat food you already own (this does not include spices and condiments). 4. Multiply your impact. Set your fundraising goal for anti-poverty efforts and reach out to your network. 5. Challenge three friends to join the Food Stamp Challenge and post pictures of your meals on Facebook and tweet about your experience with #FoodStampChallenge.

Note: You may find it difficult to complete the Challenge due to schedule or the limited budget. It will still be important and worthwhile to track your experiences.

BZ Voice

December 2014


Message from Our Director of Congregational Learning December BSI at a Glance

by Jason Cathcart

Chanukah – Tell it over and over again Chanukah is a holiday that has undergone many changes since the tragedy during the 2nd Century BCE. We all know the original story: Antiochus and the Syrian-Greeks desecrated the Temple and Judah Maccabee and his brothers lead a successful revolt against the Syrian-Greek army. Judah organized the cleaning and rededication of the Temple, but only one jar of pure and kosher oil could be found. Since it would take eight days to retrieve more oil, they burned the one jar in the meantime. The miracle was that the oil burned for all eight days and God’s presence in that place was great. Here is where we get the 9 branched Chanukah Menorah. Today Chanukah celebrations are infused with fried delicacies (sufganiyot from Israel and latkes from everywhere) presents for our children, family and loved ones, dreidel games, chocolate gelt, community celebrations and more. I keep coming back to the miracle. All Jewish holidays are infused with God in one way or another. Have we modernized Chanukah so much that we forget to remember what the holiday is really all about? How many times have you forgotten to light the Chanukiah but still made a point to give or receive gifts? The Fesitval of Lights is all about the candles. The Maccabees had the courage to light their commitment. We take the time to place the light of God in our lives. Candles act as a lighthouse to lead us back to the things important to all of us. This Chanukah remember the importance of the candles. Take some time with your family to watch them burn. • Think of the other important times we light candles (Shabbat, Holidays, Yahrzeits, etc) and what those candles mean to our people. • Notice all of the light and warmth that is given off. How can we put the same light and warmth back into the world? • Gaze into the flame and imagine what you want for the future of Judaism. All of our dreams and hopes can be found inside those candles. I wish you and your families a ‫שׂ ֵמ ַח‬ ָ ‫( חָנוּכַּה‬Happy Chanukah) and hope to light candles with you sometime during the holiday.

4 BZ Voice

December 2014


Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim—BSI @ Barnes and Noble (see below)


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim - BSI & Congregational Chanukah Candle Lighting (see opposite page)

Our Third Annual

BSI at Barnes & Noble December 3 Chanukah activities, games, crafts for all the students. A special student Chanukah concert will conclude the evening at 6 PM. Plan on doing your Chanukah shopping and earn money for BZ at the same time. Plus, earn money for BZ by using our Book fair code, 11478120, when shopping in-store (Dec. 3-5) or online (Dec. 3-10)!

CJCRS in December 7, 14 CJCRS meets at B’nai Zion from 9:30am to 12pm.

Hebrew word of the month:

BSI and Congregational Chanukah Candle lighting Wednesday, December 17 6:00 p.m. Bring your own menorah and help us light up the lobby with the glowing lights of our chanukiyot. Candle lighting, singing and snacks for all! We can’t wait for you to join us.

Adult Education Lessons Of Leadership Timeless, Jewish, and Effective Thursday, Dec. 4: 12 PM Join us the first Thursday of the month for an invigorating discussion of how the stories of Moshe and today’s leaders can influence our personal model of leadership. There will be two classes for your convenience: East Brainerd – Barnes & Noble at Hamilton Place Downtown – Waterside Pavillion at Miller Plaza

Please bring your own dairy or parve bag lunch.

Lunch & Learn Thursday, Dec. 11 Noon @ BZ Join us for invigorating conversations with Rabbi Tendler. RSVP to Marcia with your lunch preference (tuna or egg salad). Cost is $5.

Questions about Adult education? Contact Jason Cathcart at Jason@bzcongregation.com. BZ Voice

December 2014


Benjamin Hillner is the son of Matthew and Shannon Pickett, and big brother to Joshua Hillner and Avery Kate Pickett. He is the grandson of Dr. William and Susan Hillner of Chattanooga, Andrew and Jean Smith of Knoxville, and Melinda Pickett of Chattanooga. Ben is an 8th grader at Ringgold Middle School. He enjoys playing the tuba and is a proud member of the competitive and talented Ringgold Middle School band. He has a natural talent for music and often plays by ear. He looks forward to continuing his musical journey with the Ringgold High School Marching Tiger Band next year. Ben has attended summer sessions at both Camp Ramah Darom and Camp Coleman. The camp experience

holds a special place in his heart and he hopes to attend again in the future. Ben and his family also enjoy vacationing at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. Ben has a knack for Disney Park trivia and even aspires to be a “Disney Imagineer,” hoping to dream up designs for their newest rides and attractions. Ben’s other hobbies include antiques, vinyl records, and classic music. He enjoys music from the 1950’s and 1960’s, including artists such as the Everly Brothers, Bobby Vee, Buddy Holly, and the King of Rock ‘n Roll – Elvis Presley. Ben’s Bar Mitzvah project will center around Neve Michael Children’s Village in Pardes Hanna, Israel. Neve Michael serves over 250 children aged 418 and provides them with shelter, food, counseling, and most importantly, love and compassion. Neve Michael offers stability for these children, many of whom have been abused or traumatized by circumstances outside of their control. Ben hopes to raise both money and awareness for this worthy cause.

Did you know you can donate to B’nai Zion at no cost to you by ordering through the Amazon Smile program? Go to http://smile.amazon.com/ and search Bnai Zion Congregation (no apostraphe in B’nai!). The Smile website has all the same products as the regular amazon.com site. Oh, and while you’re there, you might order an extra copy of Alison Lebovitz’s Am I There Yet and DW’s Carolina Mourning Dove! Dove

6 BZ Voice

December 2014

B.L.T. Monthly Bagels, Lox and Tefillin Minyan Sunday, December 14 9:30 a.m. Come for the praying and stay for the food!

BZ Family Anniversaries 12/2 12/9 12/21 12/20 12/26 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/29 12/30

B'nai Zion welcomes newborn members! Left to right: Ellen "Ellie" Cecelia Hill, daughter of Cara Weiner and J.R. Hill; Eliza Lynh Rose, daughter of Kevin and Cassie Rose. Dean Avraham Cohen, son of Tal and Erin Cohen on the Welcome to our newest members, voted in at our most recent board meeting-the Rose family--David, Patty, Alex, and Katie Rose, and Marcie Mott! We are so thrilled to have you as part of our family! Mazel tov to Pris and Robert Siskin, proud grandparents of a healthy n ew b or n grandson, Brady Flaster Siskin! Mazel tov to Alan Lebovitz our very own Iron Man! Alan finished this grueling course in 11:41:39 (swim 46:55, bike 06:07:16, run 04:37:19) Mazel tov to Rob Cowan who finished in the New York City in an impressive 04:34:49! And equally impressive -- Rob was recently appointed judge in Dalton and will commence this honorable role on January 1st! Mazel tov to Rob Lowe who finished the Chickamauga marathon in 3:58:47 at a pace of 9:07! Kol ha Kavod! Mazel tov to Levi Lebovitz, our 3rd annual Shofar Idol winner.

Larry and Joyce Mack Arvin and Lil Reingold Harold and Yuppie Shavin David and Paula Israel Murray and Ada Berger Marvin and Kandy Berke Dr. Marty and Jackie Scheinberg Trudy and Tom Trivers Sanford and Elaine Winer Matthew Lauer & Laura Fisher

Birthdays 12/1 Jonathan Sachsman 12/4 Kandy Berke 12/5 David Eichenthal 12/5 Norton Wheeler 12/6 Janice Rhodes 12/6 Harold Shavin 12/8 Amanda Boulware 12/8 Samuel Wyner 12/9 Dr. Angela Kodsi 12/10 Ellen Manaker 12/10 Sande Schulman 12/11 Jennifer Waxenberg 12/12 Valerie Epstein 12/14 Victor Hanan 12/15 Sara Cohen 12/15 Julie Prebul Digman 12/15 Faith Goldberg 12/15 David Leininger 12/15 David Speal 12/16 Shehan McFadden 12/17 Rose Chawkin 12/18 Meagon Stowe 12/20 Seth Balser 12/20 Dr. Bill Cordell 12/20 Stefani Johnson 12/21 Baras Lebovitz 12/23 Daniella Cathcart 12/23 Samara Cathcart 12/23 Dennis Matzkin 12/24 Daniella Sadoff 12/27 Samuel Balser 12/27 Rita Brook 12/28 Benjamin Hillner 12/29 Hannah Boulware 12/30 Sylvia Slovis

Mazel Tov to Phillip Sadowitz for becoming Student of the Week at Central High School!

BZ Voice

December 2014


Contributions IN MEMORY In Memory of Jerry Abramson Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs Mother of Sheila Breitbart Dr. Alan, Charlotte & Marla Jacobson Judy Richelson In Memory of Paul Wheeler Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow Marjorie & Issi Goldberg Lynn & Colman Hochman Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Millie & Gary Lander Susan & David Leininger Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Pris & Robert Siskin Ruth & Lester Votava In Memory of Mildred Little, Aunt of Deborah Wint Ruth & Lester Votava MAZEL TOV Amelia Allen Congratulations on Receiving The Lion of Judah Award Dr. Alan, Charlotte & Marla Jacobson Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) David & Brenda Hodges Binder Mazel Tov on Your Anniversary Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Tal & Erin Cohen In Honor of New Son, Dean Cohen Adam Gerson Shelton Goldblatt In Honor of the Simchat Torah Aliyah Dr. Alan, Charlotte & Marla Jacobson Howard & Yetta Gropper In Honor of Your Anniversary Sheila Breitbart Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Helen Pregulman Lynn Hochman In Honor of Your Birthday Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Mollye K. Norman Barry Parker & Flossie Weill ( R) Lynn & Colman Hochman Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year Barbara Lang Andy & Melody Hodes In Honor of Micah's Bar Mitzvah Owen & Amelia Allen (K) Lynn & Colman Hochman Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) 8 BZ Voice

December 2014

SPECIAL FUNDS [B] Babysitting [CE] Louis & Rose Chawkin Ed. Fund [Ed] Education [E] Enhancement [H] Hanan Family Scholarship [K] Kiddush [KE] Kitchen Equipment [R] Rabbi's Discretionary You can make billable contributions to B’nai Zion using our online submission form at www.bnaizioncongregation.com Of course, you can still email contributions to shul@bzcongregation.com. Or call 894.8900 Judy & Jerry Kleinstub Mazel Tov on Your Grandaughter's Bat Mitzvah Lynn & Colman Hochman Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Drs. Matthew & Angela Kodsi Mazel Tov on Devin's Bar Mitzvah Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (H) Pris & Robert Siskin Howard&Yetta Gropper Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Joseph & Marilee Kodsi Mazel Tov on Your Grandson Devin's Bar Mitzvah Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) Pris & Robert Siskin The Kodsi Family Mazel Tov on Devin's Bar Mitzvah Jordan & Rebecca Parker Gary & Millie Lander Mazel Tov on Your Anniversary Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Susan Leininger In Honor of the Simchat Torah Aliyah Dr. Alan, Charlotte & Marla Jacobson David Eichenthal & Bea Lurie Mazel Tov on Your Anniversary Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Bea Lurie & David Eichenthal In Honor of Bea's Election to the National Board of Girls, Inc. Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) The Matzkin-Agudo Family Mazel Tov on Kalli's Bat Mitzvah Jordan & Rebecca Parker David Navas Mazel Tov on Your Conversion Jordan & Rebecca Parker

David Navas On Becoming a Member of the B'nai Zion Family Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (H) Helen Pregulman From our Family to Yours - Wishing You a Happy New Year Shelton Goldblatt & Family Dr. Clayton & Janice Rhodes Mazel Tov on Your Anniversary Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Kevin & Cassie Rose Congratulations on the Birth of Your Daughter Lynn & Colman Hochman Shelley & Martin Simms Roy & Jackie Rosenfeld Mazel Tov on Your Anniversary Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Pris & Robert Siskin In Honor of Your New Grandson Charles & Betty Lebovitz Robert & Pris Siskin Mazel Tov on the Birth of Your Grandson Lynn & Colman Hochman Herman & Dorothy Trotz In Honor of the Marriage of Your Granddaughter, Alissa Beker, to David Selby Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B)

SPEEDY RECOVERY Amy Boulware Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Norman & Peggy Hofferman Gitta Stein Gail Dressler Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Niki Goff Susan & David Leininger Ruth &Lester Votava Jordan & Rebecca Parker Esther & Julius Greenwald for Daughter, Joyce Sylvia Saloshin & Gene Kleiman Dr. Alan Jacobson Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Joe Kodsi Dr. Reuben &Dot Dubrow Izzie Frumin Lynn & Colman Hochman Norman & Peggy Hofferman Dr. Alan, Charlotte & Marla Jacobson Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Barbara Oxenhandler Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs

Jay Menuskin Betty & Charles Lebovitz Alan Richelson Lil & Arvin Reingold Miriam Richelson Dr. Bruce &Merle Backer Dr. Stanley & Gail Dressler Izzie Frumin Shelton Goldblatt & Family Julius &Esther Greenwald Howard &Yetta Gropper Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Betty & Charles B. Lebovitz Susan & David Leininger Mollye K. Norman Howard Schwartz Sheila & Gerry Sear Yuppie & Harold Shavin

THANK YOU/IN APPRECIATION Bonnie Stoloff Thank you for participating in our Ketubah signing Gene & Amy Boulware Rabbi Susan Tendler Thank you for participating in our Ketubah signing Gene & Amy Boulware Fern Shire Helen Pregulman

YAHRZEIT CONTRIBUTIONS Mack Backer Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Mildred Backer Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Hyman Balk Susan & David Leininger Charles Baras Charles & Betty Lebovitz Steven Michael Baras Sam Baras Shep Belz Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Cecila Binder Claire Binder & Family (R ) Sarah Cohen Claire Binder & Family (R ) Myrna Dressler Berkovici Dr. Stanley & Gail Dressler Ben Fried Gail Susman Solomon Frumin Isidore Frumin

Robert Garry Cecile Parris Sara Greenberg Paul & Joy Greenberg Annie Hanan Victor Hanan (H) Joel Len Hanan Victor Hanan Marjorie Herman Lynn Herman Hank Hochman Colman & Lynn Hochman Max Hochman Colman & Lynn Hochman Morris Hodes Alvin Hodes Larry/Sandy Zuckerman Rose Kress Mollye K. Norman Norman Laskin Martha Berman Leba Lebovitz Charles & Betty Lebovitz Belle Levin Yetta & Howard Gropper Karen Lewin Dennis & Susan Matzkin Jane Matzkin Dennis & Susan Matzkin Zelda Menuskin Jay & Marcia Menuskin Jerome Norman Mollye K. Norman Lillian Belz Pliner Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Abe Prebul Esther & Julius Greenwald Joe & Nancy Prebul Edith Prebul Joe & Nancy Prebul Jacob Raider Colman & Lynn Hochman Sophie Roseman Larry & Sandy Zuckerman Sam Rosenberg Colman & Lynn Hochman Rae Rosenthal Gail Susman Ray Myers Sear Gerald & Sheila Sear Minnie Sherman Reene Weinstein Irwin Simms Dr. Martin & Shelly Simms Anna Siskin Claire Binder (E ) Helen Pregulman

Eva Siskin Claire Binder & Family (R ) Ida Stein Esther& Julius Greenwald Jacob Susman Goldie Zinamon (E)

A special thank you to Susan Leininger, Joyce Thomas, Jay and Marcia Menuskin for your work on behalf of and in support of B'nai Zion over these many years.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY B’nai Zion Office Manager B’nai Zion Synagogue, Chattanooga, TN, is seeking a P/T Office Manager, 29 hours/week. The position requires an individual with excellent interpersonal skills who can coordinate the daily operations of the Synagogue. The individual selected will also manage the Kitchen Staff, Maintenance Staff, Contract Staff, Publication/Technology Tech, Volunteer Manager, Bulletin Manager, and provide other administrative needs on an ad hoc basis in support of B’nai Zion’s professional staff. Please submit your resume to: shul@bzcongregation.com.

BZ Voice

December 2014


BZ Calendar ~ December 2014 ~ Sun





9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)



Visiting Artist: Mordechai Rosenstein 9:30a BLT 9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)











5:45p Minyan 6:30p Board Meeting

Barnes & Noble Day 11a Kids' Storytime, Sisterhood Book Club 12p Lunch and Learn at B&N (B&N) 4:30p BSI at Barnes&Noble 5p Parents Tisch 6p Chanukah Menorah Lighting at B&N (B&N)

12:00p Lessons of Leadership— Barnes&Noble and Miller Plaza

5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services 6:30p Honor our Gabbai’im Dinner






5:45p Minyan

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)

Visiting Artist: Mordechai Visiting Artist: Mordechai Visiting Artist: Rosenstein Rosenstein Mordechai Rosenstein 9:30a Bar Mitzvah of 12p Lunch & Learn 5:45p Minyan Ben Hillner 7-9p Wine & Cheese

16 Hanukkah

17 Hanukkah (Cont.) 18 Hanukkah (Cont.) 19 Hanukkah (Cont.) 20 Hanukkah (Cont.)

5:45p Minyan

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School) 6p BSI and Congregational Chanukah Candlelighting

5:45p Family Friday 9:45a Shabbat Services Night Services & Dinner

21 Hanukkah (Cont.) 22 Hanukkah (Cont.) 23 Hanukkah (Cont.) 24 Hanukkah (Cont.) 25



9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)

5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services

5:45p Minyan


3-5p Hazak Chanukah Program





11:30a Exec Board Mtg 5:45p Minyan

Save These Dates! MARCH 1-3 Annual AIPAC Policy Conference Join Rabbi Tendler and our B’nai Zion delegation in Washington, D.C., Sunday-Tuesday, March 1-3, 2015, for the annual AIPAC Policy Conference, the largest gathering of the pro-Israel movement.

10 BZ Voice

December 2014

Yahrzeit List *Memorialized on our memorial plaques.

KISLEV/DECEMBER DECEMBER 9 1 Bess Villensky Hodes 1 Jenny Sher 9 9 1 Harry Trotz* 10 2 Sam Polsky* 11 3 Selma H. Brandman* 11 3 Hannah Kolodkin* 11 3 Morris Joseph Marder 12 4 Abraham Moses Koblentz* 12 4 Nathan Pearlman* 12 4 Nancy Rudolph* 12 4 Jacob Scharf* 13 5 Isaac Chazen* 13 5 Rachel Chazen* 13 5 Arthur Chernick 13 5 Fannie Keysmacher Cohen* 13 5 Fannie Fagenbaun 13 5 Jennie Gitter 14 6 Hyman L. "Truck" Collins 14 6 Wolf Gordon* 14 6 Joseph A. Koplan* 14 6 Eva Magrill* 14 6 Michael Rosenberg* 14 6 Rhonda Silverman* 15 7 Sarah Baron Kolodkin* 15 7 Mervin Pregulman* 15 7 Harold Shoenig 16 8 Sol Dubrow* 16 8 Sara Greenberg* 16 8 Sara Gordon Radin* 16 8 Marvin I. Spector* 16 8 Leah Stein 16 8 Joseph D. Stock 16 8 Harry Sulman* 17 9 David (Shlomo) Block 17 9 Ella Tyber Chunowitz 17 9 Annie Robinson Friedman* 17 9 Max Pressman* 17 9 Ernest Sloan 18 10 Sadye L. Cohen 18 10 Sol Dubrov* 18 10 Rose Fott* 18 10 Naomi Friedman* 18 10 Edwin Kirzner 18 10 Esther Levy 18 10 Rabbi Joseph Shapiro 18 10 May Streiter 19 11 Sylvia K. Framer 19 11 Nettie Friedman* 19 11 Isaac Garry* 19 11 Minnie Horowitz* 19 11 Abe Kleinstub 19 11 Ben Margolin* 19 11 Samuel Pressman* 20 12 Jake Cohen 20 12 Rachel Halevi Cooper*

20 12 Rose Marion Goldstein* 20 12 Louis Shavin* 20 12 Victor Sher 20 12 Jacob Tyber* 21 13 Marion Baron 21 13 Jennie Bell 21 13 Jennie Goldstein Kushner 21 13 Saul Shore* 22 14 Ben Dubrow* 22 14 Mike Feldman 22 14 Minnie Frank 22 14 Verlin Pierce 22 14 Aaron J. Sacks* 22 14 Isadore Saluk* 22 14 Alice Slabosky* 23 15 Harry Maurice Edelstein* 23 15 Gertrude Lampert 23 15 Charles L. Pearlman* 23 15 Lena "Lubbie" Perlman* 23 15 Samuel M. Stock* 23 15 Esther Trotz* 24 16 Maxine Block Alper 24 16 Faye Sheila Hyman* 24 16 Mildred Fried Irvine* 24 16 Libbye Sayers Jenno* 24 16 Dr. Jacob L. Lembeck 24 16 Ette Beila Maisel* 24 16 Elizabeth B. Rind* 24 16 Susan Sachsman 25 17 Louis I. Miller 26 18 Max Apler* 26 18 Mary Franklin Bohn* 26 18 Mourad El-Kodsi* 26 18 Isadore Levin* 26 18 Joseph Samuel Shavin* 27 19 Isaac Fox* 27 19 Lebe Goldstein* 27 19 Louis Roseman 28 20 Polly Aronson 28 20 Abraham Berke* 28 20 Francine Shore Grossman 28 20 Clara Kugler 28 20 Lawrence Levine 28 20 Phillip Margolin* 29 21 Dorothy A. Jacobs* 29 21 Ester Kerr 29 21 Max Magril* 29 21 Mollie Ross* 29 21 Flora Fine Shinbaum 29 21 Steven Yehoshua Votava* 30 22 Anna Hyman* 30 22 Joseph Slabosky* 30 22 Herbert Bruce Tabb* TEVET/DECEMBER DECEMBER 1 23 Herman Berger 1 23 Morris Katzov

1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9

23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 30 31 31 31

Marcus A. Sherman* Ella Shier Spector* Rose Denby Winer* Robert Andrew Bonder* Joseph H. Brickman* Annie Dubrof* Morris Ellis Nathan Fanburg* Bertha Karr* Michael Kraft Al Rhodes Samuel Soloff* Louis Glazer Fannie Lebovitz* Belle Fott Dreban* Harry Epstein* Leah S. Freeman* Harrison Myers Ettie Lebovitz Wolff* Sara Dubrow Theo Fried Pincus Kronenberg* Anna Cohen Rebecca Dolob* Leo Feinstein* Dr. Alec Ulin Shirley Marcus* Pia Beret Cash* Eska Maisel* Sam Slabosky*

Sending cards for the upcoming season? Consider ordering through cards for causes and click on B'nai Zion; BZ will receive a check for 20% of your total. www.cardsforcauses.com

BZ Voice

December 2014


B’nai Zion Congregation 114 McBrien Road Chattanooga, TN 37411



B’nai Zion welcomes…

Mordechai Rosenstein Interna onally known ar st

December 11-14, 2014 Join Mordechai as he spends Shabbat with our community here at B’nai Zion. There will be opportuni es to learn with him, listen to him and, of course, see his amazing art. Please check your email or call the office for details of his visit.

Since 1979, Mordechai Rosenstein started crea0ng Jewish Art and pu3ng it up in people’s homes, synagogues, and agencies throughout the world. In addi0on, he had the opportunity to visit many different organiza0ons and wanted to make sure that the walls of office buildings are covered with Jewish Art. From his studio in his home in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, Mordechai creates myriad of pieces u0lizing vibrant colors and flowing lines that transform the art of Hebrew calligraphy into a modern day feast for the eyes.





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B’NAI ZION SYNAGOGUE Minyan Schedule December 2014 WEEK 1



TUE. Dec 2

FRI. Dec. 5

TUE. Dec. 9

FRI. Dec. 12

TUE. Dec. 16

FRI. Dec. 19

*H/D Trotz

*M/S Shapiro *Helen Pregulman

*Louise Spector *Jackie Kirzner *R/D Streiter

*J/D Alper *Deborah Alper *L/I Cohen *D/J Sachsman

D/B Binder David Fairchild A/L Reingold Howard Schwartz B/S Schulman R/P Siskin A/A Lebovitz O/A Allen Scott Israel

L/G Cohen G/J Fine T/R Levin J/M Menuskin Isidore Frumin Niki Goff Shelton Goldblatt Meryl Stark C/L Hochman

*G/J Kleinstub *Ida Bell *R/D Dubrow *Joyce Thomas *J/B Bohn

*J/B Bohn *J/M Kodsi *J/G Susman *Gayle Shavin *H/Y Shavin *Sheryl Hill *Anita Levine *Victor Hanan *M/J Hanan *Rachel Privett *P/R Stowe *L/R Votava *I/M Goldberg

Debbie Alper M/K Berke Ronnie Berke D/B Eichenthal H/Y Gropper Rick Jacobs Barb Oxenhandler Meryl Stark R/J Rosenfeld John Lewis Irv Ginsburg A/P Jarman D/S Leininger

G/C Fine A/C Jacobson R/C Palermo M/J Richelson J/F Shire Mitchell Wilson H/D Trotz N/S Slovis

Family Friday Night Dinner



TUE. Dec. 23

FRI. Dec. 26

TUE. Dec. 30

*G/S Sear *C/J Rhodes

*C/B Lebovitz *R/A Snetmen *L/I Cohen

*R/B Marcus

L/G Cohen M/L Fisher W/S Hillner N/P Hofferman M/A Kodsi David Navas M/S Simms N/W Galen A/P Jarman C/C Smith

G/A Boulware Bill Cordell T/E Cohen W/S Hillner N/P Hofferman S/E Winer A/M Berke J/V Cathcart

E/V Epstein G/J Fine I/M Goldberg Scott Israel G/M Lander D/S Matzkin B/S Schulman M/J Scheinberg N/S Slovis B/C Wise

Michael Spector K/J Spiegel Paul Stahl B/C Wise Rachel Zoldessy J/R Parker David Speal Michael Dzik J/D Alper M/A Berger

p — 423.643.1290

*denotes yahrzeit observed *the Minyan Schedule is currently being completed by Laura Israel. If you have any special requests for scheduling, please notify her at lauraisrael@live.com

f — 423.643.1224

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