Bulletin2014 10oct&nov

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Help Decorate

, Sunday r5 Octobe . .m 11:00 a Come one, come all! Are you cra y? Do you like to climb the ladder? Come and help us make our BZ sukkah into a fes ve place. All ages are welcome! Snacks will be served. RSVP to Jason at jason@bzcongrega on.com.

the Sukkah!

Shabbat Dinner Oct. 10 in the Sukkah Friday, 5:45 pm Services at 5:45 PM followed by a delicious dinner of Mable’s always-popular BBQ chicken as we eat under the schach by 6:45. Join us as we dwell in the sukkah as a community! Please RSVP by Oct. 7 to Marcia at 894-8900 or marcia@bzcongrega on.com. Adults-$12, Youth ages 8 to 13-$5, Children ages 2 to 8-$3, Children under age 2-free

Sukkot Around Chattanooga

Sunday, October 12 Times, loca#ons TBA Join our congrega on as we offer a variety of different programming around our community in different sukkot for different ages. There will be a program for our Happy Hour Havurah (20’s and 30’s) and Hazak (55 plus). Contact the synagogue office to join the fun!

Women About Women Tuesday Oct. 14 at 7:00 pm Join the women of B’nai Zion in the sukkah for a lively discussion and light refreshments. In the spirit of Ushpizot, honoring sacred guests, please bring a picture and/or a story of a woman who greatly inspired or impacted your life. There is no cost for this program, but please RSVP to Marcia at 8948900 or Marcia@bzcongrega on.com

Micah Hodes See Page 6 for Simchat Torah events!

Shabbat, November 8 at 9:30 a.m. Kiddush Luncheon to follow services

B’nai Zion Congregation 114 McBrien Road Chattanooga TN 37411 423.894.8900 Fax: 423.894.8902 shul@bzcongregation.com Rabbi Susan Tendler rabbi@bzcongregation.com Director of Congregational Learning Jason Cathcart jason@bzcongregation.com President Steven Sherman BZPRES@comcast.net

423. 316.9712 Vice Presidents Dr. Bill Hillner Jordan Parker Fern Shire Treasurer Scott Israel Secretary Susan Leininger Board Members Dr. Robin Balser Isaac Barukh Murray Berger David Binder Irene Cohen Rob Cowan David Fairchild Isidore Frumin Dr. Norman Galen Sherry Gilbert Jerry Kleinstub Joe Kodsi Matt Kodsi Lauren Lebovitz Bea Lurie Helen Pregulman Rachel Privett Jackie Rosenfeld Marty Scheinberg Phyllis Schwarz Ruth Votava Eliza Lebovitz (youth rep.)

B’nai Zion Voice is published 11 times a year by B’nai Zion Congregation, 114 McBrien Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411. Submission Deadline: the 8th of the month preceding publication: shul@bzcongregation.com Editorial Committee: Joyce Thomas, Editor Deborah Wint Marcia Menuskin Lester Votava

2 BZ Voice

October-November 2014

Message from Our President by Steven Sherman

Teshuva and Memories During the period of the High Holy Days we perform “teshuva,” repentance, (Hebrew: which literally means "return"), a way of atoning for sin. Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is the day of fasting during which judgment for the year is sealed. Therefore, we try our hardest to make certain that we have performed teshuva before the end of the day on Yom Kippur. As a small boy I attended services at Congregation Sons of Israel in Lakewood, New Jersey. The original Orthodox synagogue, located at 4th and Park Avenue, is still standing and active, although a newer building was constructed many, many years ago. As is the Orthodox tradition, the men sat downstairs in the sanctuary and the women sat in the upper balcony, overlooking the sanctuary. Sitting on the long, hard, wooden benches with no cushions caused many to become restless. During the long service it would not be unusual for ‘kibbitzing’ to break out. When it got out of hand the Rabbi would shoot a scowling look around the sanctuary. If need be, he would clap his hand on his well-used siddur to quiet the congregation. There was no air conditioning; not even a fan to move the heavy air around the sanctuary. I recall a man who carried a bottle of smelling salts. If someone had the audacity to drift off, as often happened during the service, they were rudely awakened by their first sniff of the pungent odor. I remember my uncles donning their robes and ascended the bimah where they joined the other members of the all-male synagogue choir. Their chanting of the Jewish liturgy for the High Holy Days, I admitted years later, was moving and inspirational, not to mention very good. There was only one shofar blower, but the sound of the shofar’s notes reverberated throughout the old building. It was an aweinspiring moment for everyone in attendance. I was always impatient for services to end because I knew there was a slice of homemade honey cake, challah with raisins, and teiglach (Yiddish: a traditional Lithuanian sweet) waiting to be enjoyed. I recall that during the services there was one constant refrain, teshuva. This recollection of celebrating holidays with my extended family, the special holiday foods, which always seemed to taste, well, better during the holidays, are cherished memories. Time does not stand still, however, and there are new memories to be made. So, I invite you to join me and your fellow congregants at B’nai Zion where you, too, can create memories, reflect on the past year, and perform your own rite of Teshuva. And, not to worry, you will not be rudely awakened by someone with a bottle of smelling salts. Rabbi Tendler and Cantor Buhr are preparing an inspirational and spiritually rewarding service that will keep everyone fully engaged, and Jason Cathcart has a well-trained cadre of shofar blowers. On behalf of B’nai Zion’s Board of Trustees, I wish you a Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday). L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu: May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE! B'nai Zion and the Church of the Nazarene are teaming up to make a difference and change the lives of local families—we invite you to be that change! The week of November 24-30, we will be hosting families currently experiencing homelessness at the Church (the former JCC). We are looking for volunteers to sponsor or cook meals, serve meals, and/or plan and facilitate an evening program. For more details or to express interest, please contact Ruth Votava mommabear@aol.com or Rabbi Tendler rabbi@bzcongregation.com.

Message from Our Rabbi by Rabbi Susan Tendler Sukkot is the festival in which we celebrate our joy! As funny as that sounds, it is true—we are obligated to be happy during this weeklong festival of Thanksgiving. On Passover it is our liberation and freedom, on Shavuot we celebrate the giving of the Torah and on Sukkot—joy! During temple times an elaborate water drawing rite occurred each day of Sukkot known as Simchat Beit Hashoavah in the priests went to the pool of Siloah near Jerusalem to fill a golden flask. Based on Isaiah's promise "With joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation" (12:3), Shofar blasts and merriment greeted their arrival at the Temple's Water Gate. They then ascended and poured the water so that it flowed over the altar simultaneously with wine from another bowl. The Talmud recorded that "one who had never witnessed the Rejoicing at the Place of the Water Drawing had never seen true joy in his life.” In fact the mention of the mechitza—the “traditional” separation between men and women comes from this discussion. It seems that the days were so exciting perhaps like Mardi Gras or Carnival in which things might have often gotten out of hand you might say, and so the Talmud says the separate section was created to retain some amount of decorum—it just is not clear if this was only for the Festival of Sukkot due to the heightened frolicking or for all times. This month I was struck as I learned that Whiskey comes from the Gaelic word “Uisge Beatha,” which means “water of life.” That phonetically became “usky,” and eventually was pronounced as “whiskey.” Combining all of these waters of life (after all we have mayiim chayim (living waters necessary to fill the mikvah, the ritual bath for transitions), Simchat Beit Hashoavah, the festive ceremony of water, and water of life! I was taken by the idea of celebrating the festival in which we rejoice at the Torah (responsibly) with water of life. Join me on Thursday, October 17th in the Sukkah, 5-6pm, for a l’chayim, rejoicing together as we say “L’Chayim! To life with the waters of life!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Approximately 200,000 women each year in the United States alone are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 1 in 9 American women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. In 1994, the first gene associated with breast cancer — BRCA1 (for BReast CAncer1) was identified on chromosome 17. A year later, a second gene associated with breast cancer — BRCA2 — was discovered on chromosome 13. Children of parents with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene mutation. In 1995 and 1996, studies of DNA samples revealed that Ashkenazi Jews are 10 times more likely to have mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA 2 genes than the general population in other words About 1 in 40 people of Ashkenazi Jewish decent have a BRCA mutation. My dear friend Carin Simon (shown here with her father Eric), whose mother Joan is a breast cancer survivor. In 2003 Carin tested positive for the BRCA1 genetic mutation running through her father’s side. She wrote, “My decision to test for the gene came after my paternal aunt, a breast cancer survivor, previously diagnosed at age 43, told my father about the newly discovered BRCA genetic mutation. Their mother (my grandmother) had tragically lost her battle to breast cancer at age 49 after fighting the disease for 4 years. My dad was 14 years old at the time. I remember sitting in the office of the genetics counselor with my husband Mike by my side. The counselor explained what it means to have the BRCA genetic mutation. Most important to know is that those with the BRCA1 genetic mutation have an 85% - 90% chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer and 50% chance of getting ovarian cancer in their lifetime.” Men with these mutations also have a greater risk of developing breast, prostate, and other cancers. Please consider getting screened for this gene. There are resources within the Jewish community that can help! Also, I know it is Fall Break for many, but please consider joining me and my family in the Making Strides walk in Coolidge Park on Sunday, October 5th at 2 pm, as we pray with our feet (in the words of Abraham Joshua Heschel) that each step brings us closer to a cancer free world!

BZ Voice

October-November 2014


Message from Our Director of Congregational Learning by Jason Cathcart

Simchat Torah increases our Joy When making a list of my favorite Jewish Holidays, I shared before that Sukkot is at the top of my list. (Feel free to look back to last years Sukkot-time B'nai Zion Voice). However, another favorite of mine has always been Simchat Torah. The festive atmosphere always multiplies my level of happiness. I've always loved the singing, dancing and the Hakafot. Every year when we dance with the sifrei Torah, I feel the joy of the people around me. I've also always really appreciated the timing of Simchat Torah. It is a joyous celebration that comes at the very end of the Tishrei Holidays. By the time we start Simchat Torah, our spirituality has been charged and recharged by the new year, a soul cleansing fast and a 7-day outdoor festival. With Simchat Torah we get to let our hair down and just be happy. Of course our recent BZ tradition of handing out candies to children of all ages also helps to increase our cheer. This year, Beit Sefer Ivri will move it's regular Wednesday classes to Thursday night, October 16 in order to get in on all the Simchat Torah fun. You can find all the details at the bottom of this page. I look forward to seeing everyone at our big B'nai Zion Simchat Torah party for some big fun!

October/November BSI at a Glance 10/1

Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim, Bagrut & Confirmation


Yom Kippur Junior Congregation


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Simchat Torah School: Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim, Bagrut & Confirmation


Junior Congregation


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Junior Congregation


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim


Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim, Bagrut & Confirmation


Junior Congregation


Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim & Kochavim

Join us for

Beit Sefer Ivri on Simchat Torah October 16, 5 - 6 PM Join us for our special Thursday BSI Simchat Torah celebration. We will have stations for all ages including food, crafts & fun. After our rotation we will join the BZ celebration of Simchat Torah including dinner, dancing, singing and more fun!

4 BZ Voice

October-November 2014

CJCRS in October: 19, 26 & November: 2, 9, CJCRS meets at B’nai Zion from 16, 23 9:30am to 12pm.

Hebrew word of the month:

Adult Education Judaism in Depth: Unlock Doors Sunday mornings: Oct. 5, 19, 26 & Nov. 2, 9, 16 9:309:30-10:45 a.m. @ BZ Interested in Conversion? Never celebrated your bar or bat mitzvah? Perhaps you just want to know more…Then this is the course for you! Beginning this month, Rabbi Tendler and Jason Cathcart will begin a long term Judaism class that is open to the entire community. , Please send Rabbi Tendler an email to express your interest and to find out more (rabbi@bzcongregation.com).

Lessons Of Leadership Timeless, Jewish, and Effective Thursday, Nov. 6: 12 PM

CHOOSY joins

Beginning again in November, join us the first Thursday of the month for an invigorating discussion of how the stories of Moshe and today’s leaders can influence our personal model of leadership. There will be two classes for your convenience: East Brainerd – Barnes & Noble at Hamilton Place Downtown – The office of Ross Sadoff & Innovative Financial Group, LLC: 735 Broad Street, Suite 900 Please bring your own dairy or parve bag lunch.

Lunch & Learn Saturday, Nov. 1 7:30 p.m. @ AT&T Field Join USY as we build our Choosy Box City, lead Havdallah for the community, raise awareness for homelessness in Chattanooga, participate in the Camp Out activities and much more! Please RSVP to Jason: (Jason@bzcongregation.com) or Rachel Dzik, USY President: (racheledzik@gmail.com). USY is for 9th—12th graders.

Thursday, Oct. 23 & Nov. 13 Noon @ BZ Join us for invigorating conversations with Rabbi Tendler. RSVP to Marcia with your lunch preference (tuna or egg salad). Cost is $5.

Questions about Adult education? Contact Jason Cathcart at Jason@bzcongregation.com. BZ Voice

October-November 2014


Beit Sefer Ivri on Simchat Torah October 16, 5 - 6 PM Join us for our special Thursday BSI Simchat Torah celebration. Our rotation will lead us into the BZ celebration of Simchat Torah including dinner, dancing, singing and fun!

The Rabbi’s Tisch in the Sukkah A Pre Simchat Torah Event October 16, 5 - 6 PM Join Rabbi Tendler for a L’Chaim and a final chance to be in the Sukkah for 5775. RSVP to Jason You must be 21 or older to attend this event

Dinner and Simchat Torah festivities October 16, beginning at 6:00 PM Join us for our fabulous Soup, Salad and Pasta bar dinner. As we come to the end of the Torah, we will begin all over again. Likewise, it is traditional to sing, dance and circle with the Torah. Wear your special color for our hakafot: Executive Committee - Orange Board members - Blue Education committee - Pink Volunteers - Purple Chevra Kaddisha - Red USY’ers/BSI & CJCRS Student - Yellow BSI & CJCRS Teachers-Green

Featuring our annual candy parade for children of all ages! Dinner cost: Adults-$10, Youth ages 8 to 13-$5, Children ages 2 to 8-$3, Children under age 2-free

Simchat Torah Services, Friday morning: Oct. 17 at 9:30 AM We give the honor of the last aliyah in the Torah as a special honor called Chattan/Kallat Torah, literally the groom/bride of the Torah, and we do the same with the first aliyah in the new cycle, called Chattan/Kallat Bereshit, literally the groom/bride of Genesis. This year, we are proud to name Shelton Goldblatt as our Chattan Torah and Joyce Thomas as our Kallat Bereshit. Join us to celebrate their contributions to our community at

6 BZ Voice

October-November 2014

Jewish Gift Micah Hodes Micah Hodes is the son of Andy and Melody Hodes and brother of Jonah Hodes. He is the grandson of Alvin and Elizabeth (z'l) Hodes of Chattanooga and Audrey Minns (z'l) of New York City and later, Chattanooga. Micah is a 7th grader at East Hamilton Middle School. He gets excellent grades, is in the Advanced Studies program, is a member of the Junior National Honor Society and serves on the Student Honor Court. He also plays clarinet in the East Hamilton Middle School Band. This summer Micah attended the URJ 6-Points Sci-Tech Academy in Boston, the first Jewish Science and Technology camp in the country. His major was Robotics and he also enjoyed taking chemistry and physics as electives. Previously, Micah attended Camp Ramah Darom. Micah enjoys going on family vacations. His favorites were a cruise to Mexico a few years ago and our trip this past summer to Boston and Vermont. Micah particularly enjoys playing Minecraft and flying/creating spaceships on his computer’s Kerbal Space Program and riding his bike. Micah follows his family’s footsteps of working to help others. For his Bar Mitzvah project Micah participated in the B’nai Zion Synagogue/First Church of the Nazarene Family Promise week where he helped prepare and serve a hot meal for homeless families. Last December Micah co-chaired the B’nai Zion Christmas luncheon at Memorial Hospital for the families of those patients confined to Intensive Care for the holiday. Previously Micah has volunteered at the Grateful Gobbler Walk for the homeless on Thanksgiving Day.

Voucher Program A preschool gift especially for your family

Beginning in September 2014, children enrolled at Aleph Bet Children’s Center may be eligible for a gift voucher of up to $1,200 per year. Parents with young children will have access to a special initiative that emphasizes the benefits of Jewish engagement during the early childhood years. By offering a financial gift to reduce the cost of attending a Jewish preschool, the program encourages families to embrace their Jewish heritage and integrate Jewish values and experiences into the lives of their young children. By design, the program is simple: families apply to receive support to decrease tuition expenses. The vouchers, available annually for families whose accounts are in good standing, are $360 for a child enrolled two days per week, $600 for three days per week, and $1,200 for children enrolled daily throughout the year. The gift voucher is paid directly to Aleph Bet each month. To qualify as eligible, a family must have a child who is accepted and enrolled at Aleph Bet Children’s Center and must have at least one parent or guardian identifying as Jewish. Additionally, every family must complete an annual survey and reapply each year to continue receiving the award. The program has a lifetime maximum benefit of $5,000 per family. The gift voucher program was established in Chattanooga by the Lebovitz Family Charitable Trust to inspire the continuation of strong, vibrant Jewish communities, the program highlights the importance of connecting youngsters to their Jewish identity at an early age. To learn more about the program or to apply for a gift voucher, contact Vicki Cathcart, director of the Aleph Bet Children’s Center at 423-893-5486. If you are interested donating to this program, please contact committee members Amy Snetman at 892-0036 or David Fairchild at 596-7215. We hope you will join the Lebovitz Family Charitable Trust in supporting Jewish education in Chattanooga!

BZ Voice

October-November 2014





~ October 2014 ~ Wed





10 Sukkot (Cont.)

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)



11a Sukkot Around Chattanooga-Young Adults and Families 4p Sukkot Around Chattanooga



9 Sukkot

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)

OFFICE CLOSED 9:30a Sukkot Day 1 Services

11 Sukkot (Cont.) OFFICE CLOSED 9:45a Shabbat Services 9:30a Sukkot Day 2 Services 5:45p Family Friday Night Services & Dinner

13 Columbus Day/ Sukkot (Cont.)

14 Sukkot (Cont.)

15 Sukkot (Cont.)

16 Shmini Atzeret

17 Simchat Torah


OFFICE CLOSED 9:30a Shemini Atzeret/ Yizkor Services 5p BSI (Hebrew School) 6p Simchat Torah Dinner & Services

OFFICE CLOSED 9:30a Simchat Torah Services 5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services







5:45p Minyan

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)

12p Lunch & Learn

5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services




31 Halloween

5:45p Minyan

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)

11a Sisterhood Book Club Barnes & Noble

5:45p Minyan


9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)

4 Yom Kippur 10a HHD Childcare Kol Nidre 6:30p Erev Yom Kippur/ (Infant-Pre K & K-2 grade) Kol Nidre Services 10a Yom Kippur Services 11a HHD Jr. Congregation (2-7 grade) 5:45p Yom Kippur Mincha 6:45p Yom Kippur Neilah 7:45p Maariv 8p Break the Fast

5:45p Minyan 6:30p Board Meeting

9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)




9:30a BLT 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library) 11a Decorate the Sukkah

12 Sukkot (Cont.)


5:45p Minyan 6:30p SisterhoodWomen about Women

We were well prepared for High Holy Days this year! The Men’s Club assisted in moving our siddurim and chamash out of the sanctuary and distributing our machzorim to all of the seats. Special thanks to Roy Rosenfeld, Gary Lander, George Fine, David Navas, Murray Berger, Ruth and Lester Votava.

A shofar-blowing workshop started the season with a blast!

8 BZ Voice

October-November 2014




~ November 2014 ~ Wed




1 9:45a Shabbat Services



9:30a BLT 9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library) 3p Ramah Darom Recruitment Event



9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)



9:30a CJCRS 9:30a Judaism In Depth Class (BZ Library)

4 Election Day


5:45p Minyan 6:30p Board Meeting

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)

11 Veterans' Day


5:45p Minyan

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)



5:45p Minyan

4:30p BSI (Hebrew School)




5:45p Minyan

9:30a Bar Mitzvah of Micah Hodes 9:45a Shabbat Services




12p Lunch & Learn

5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services




5:45p Minyan

9:45a Shabbat Services





27 Thanksgiving



9:30a CJCRS

Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene)

Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene) 5:45p Minyan

Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene)

Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene) OFFICE CLOSED

Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene) OFFICE CLOSED 5:45p Minyan

Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene) 9:45a Shabbat Services

30 Family Promise Week in partnership with the Church of the Nazerene (partnership with the Church of the Nazerene)

Did you know you can donate to B’nai Zion at no cost to you by ordering through the Amazon Smile program? Go to http://smile.amazon.com/ and search Bnai Zion Congregation (no apostraphe in B’nai!). The Smile website has all the same products as the regular amazon.com site. Oh, and while you’re there, you might order an extra copy of Alison Lebovitz’s Am I There Yet and DW’s Carolina Mourning Dove! Dove

BZ Voice

October-November 2014


Under The Chuppah Mazel tov to Allison Lenore Rhodes and Gustavo Adolfo Centeno Perez who were married on July 6, 2014 in Chattanooga, TN. Rabbi Susan Tendler, Rabbi Josef Davidson, former Rabbi at Bnai Zion and Rabbi David Nelson, Allison's uncle, officiated at the ceremony.

A Note from Noa (Israeli Shlicha) Dear Friends, In January I am mounting an exhibit here at the JCC, and I need your help! The subject of the exhibit is - “Israel for me”. How can you participate? I need people from our community, all ages, to answer the question “What is Israel to me?”. Your answer can be reflected by photo / object / words/creatively or any way that you think expresses your feelings. Your contribution will be presented with a photograph of you and a few words about your entry. Do you want to join me and be part of this? Haven’t been to Israel but have strong feelings about the country? Join in any way. Contact with me!! Noa (Israeli Shlicha) Office – 423-493-0270 ext 31 Cell - 423-385-0098 Email – Israel@jewishchattanooga.com

10 BZ Voice

October-November 2014

60-year Reunion for Hebrew School This elegantly dressed little girl is our own Trudy Gault (Trivers) at a Hebrew School program sixty years ago. A Reunion weekend for the Chattanooga Hebrew Academy & B’nai Zion Hebrew School is planned at the Jewish Cultural Center, November 14-16. Contact information: Jonathan Dzik JFDzik326@aol.com Gary Lander gdlander@gmail.com Joel Susman jds104@epbfi.com Trudy Trivers ttrivers@comcast.net Lynn Hochman lynnhochman@comcast.net

BZ Family Anniversaries 10/4 10/21 10/24 11/7 11/9 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/14 11/17 11/27 11/27 11/30

Jeffrey S. & Donna Alper Gerald and Judy Kleinstub Robert and Carolyn Palermo Michael and Jan Hanan Julius and Esther Greenwald Robert and Faith Goldberg Jason and Vicki Cathcart Michael and Lynne Herman Dr. William and Susan Hillner Rabbi Susan Tendler & Ross Sadoff George and Christie Fine William and Cherie Wise Kevin & Judith Spiegel Norton and Terry Wheeler Isaac and Lindsay Barukh

New Members B’nai Zion Welcomes You!

Birthdays 10/1 10/3 10/6 10/6 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/10 10/14 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/18 10/19 10/19 10/20 10/22 10/27 10/27 10/28 10/28 10/30 10/31 10/31 11/1 11/2 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/7 11/8 11/10

Howard Schwartz Dorothy Dubrow Emily Eichenthal Kenan Speal Daniella Cohen Lawrence Mack Rebecca Privett Susan Hillner Dr. Norman Galen Dr. Bruce Backer Esther Prebul Greenwald Zachary Beker Nathan Pearlman Alan Lebovitz David Scheinberg Jeffrey Alper Melody Hodes Dr. Alan Stein Bonnie Marcus Dr. Sheldon Gelburd Shelton Goldblatt Carolyn Palermo Ivan Deitch Micah Hodes Judith Sachsman George Fine Marjorie Goldberg Robert Brook Tom Trivers Julia Lowy Rabbi Susan Tendler Michael Hanan Joshua Agudo Claire Binder Max Cowan

11/10 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/17 11/18 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/22 11/23 11/27 11/27

Jacqueline Scheinberg Edward Brody Sharon Plainstein Paul Stahl Dr. Jeffrey Balser Marshall Center Zev Greenberg Sheila Breitbart Hallie McFadden Eron Epstein Paula Jarman Cynthia Sirota Mildred Berson Aaron Parker David Binder Aspen Dressler McKenzie Goff Joseph Kodsi Paulina Belknap Murray Berger Madeline Israel Howard Kaplan

Tikkun Olam: Devin Kodsi’s Mitzvah Project To create a Bar Mitzvah project that will improve my community and make the world a better place, I looked back on the good things in my own life. I realized that music has played a large role in my personal growth. This started in Elementary School and then continued with the Chattanooga Boys Choir. In both of these, I have been fortunate enough to have talented directors, instruments, and sheet music to study. Due to funding limitations, many schools in our community are not so fortunate. I have chosen for my Bar Mitzvah Project to raise money that will be used to provide music supplies to these schools and therefore share the positive influence that music has had on my life. In place of a gift, I will be accepting donations for this cause. — Devin Kodsi, Address: PMB 354, 711 Signal Mountain Road, Chattanooga, TN 37405

BZ Voice

October-November 2014


Contributions IN MEMORY In Memory of Sue Cohn Dr. Marty, Jackie, David, Katie Scheinberg In Memory of Jerome Abramson Dr. Marty and Jackie Scheinberg

MAZEL TOV Amelia Allen Congratulations on Receiving The Lion of Judah Award Barbara Oxenhandler Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (K) Sylvia Wygoda Amy & Gene Boulware In Honor of Your 25th Wedding Anniversary Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Mollye K. Norman Barbara Oxenhandler Barry Parker and Flossie Weill Harold and Yuppie Shavin Lynn Hochman In Honor of Your 75th Birthday Amelia & Owen Allen (K) Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow Millie & Gary Lander Anita Levine Barbara Oxenhandler Lil & Arvin Reingold Jo Ann & Maish Richelson Judy Richelson Harriet & Alan Ruderman Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs Gitta Stein Sylvia Wygoda & Lois Wygoda Klezmer Devin Kodsi In Honor of Your Bar Mitzvah Helen Pregulman Dr. Matt & Angela Kodsi In Honor of Devin's Mar Mitzvah Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Drs. Matt, Angela, & Jessica Kodsi In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Your Son and Brother Amelia & Owen Allen (K) Drs. Matt and Angela Kodsi In Honor of Devin's Bar Mitzvah Helen Pregulman Joe & Marilee Kodsi In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Your Grandson, Devin Kodsi Amelia & Owen Allen (K) Helen Pregulman 12 BZ Voice

October-November 2014

SPECIAL FUNDS [B] Babysitting [CE] Louis & Rose Chawkin Ed. Fund [Ed] Education [E] Enhancement [H] Hanan Family Scholarship [K] Kiddush [KE] Kitchen Equipment [R] Rabbi's Discretionary You can make billable contributions to B’nai Zion using our online submission form at www.bnaizioncongregation.com Of course, you can still email contributions to shul@bzcongregation.com. Or call 894.8900

Lil & Arvin Reingold Phyllis Schwarz, Rick & Lon Jacobs Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Ruth & Lester Votava Jerry Sear Dr. Marty and Jackie Scheinberg Cherie Wise Lynn & Colman Hochman Sylvia Wygoda Amelia & Owen Allen (K)

Dr. Dennis & Susan Matzkin In Honor of Kalli's Bat Mitzvah Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Dr. Dennis & Susan Matzin, Kalli Agudo In Honor of Kalli's Bat Mitzvah Colman & Lynn Hochman Helen Pregulman David Navas In Honor of Your Conversion/1st Aliyah Lynn & Colman Hochman Dr. Alan,Charlotte,& Marla Jacobson Millie & Gary Lander Marcia & Jay Menuskin (H) Rabbi Shaul & Rosie Perlstein In Honor of the Birth of Your Baby Boy Dr. Marty, Jackie, David, Katie Scheinberg Cassie Rose In Honor of Your Conversion Lynn & Colman Hochman


SPEEDY RECOVERY Marilyn Goler Ruth & Lester Votava Sheryl Hill Amelia & Owen Allen (K) Lynn & Colman Hochman Barbara Oxenhandler Alan Jarman Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Marcia Menuskin Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Miriam Richelson Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow Miriam Richelson Lynn & Colman Hochman Dr. Alan,Charlotte,& Marla Jacobson Millie & Gary Lander Marcia & Jay Menuskin Helen Pregulman

SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION B'nai Zion Babysitting Fund Jeffrey & Malia Rothenberg (B)

Hyman Baras Sam F. Baras Jack Baras Sam Baras Florence Korn Block Deborah Alper Dave Brandman Colman & Lynn Hochman Pearl Contor Sam F. Baras Dora Frumin Isidore Frumin Ida Brandman Gault Trudy & Tom Trivers Goldie Frank Greenspan Sam F. Baras Louis Herman Michael & Lynne Herman Lorraine Zudie Block Leventhal Deborah Alper Margaret Theresa Palermo Robert & Carolyn Palermo Julius Parker Barry Parker & Flossie Weill (B) Hal Rind Mary Rind Sidney Rudolph Claire & Jim Creim Leo Shavin Yuppie & Harold Shavin Alvin & Clara Shoenig Alan & Missy Shoenig (R)


Honoring Our Gabbaim A Gala Dinner Program honoring all of our B'nai Zion Gabbayim is planned for Saturday, December 6. Please help us honor them with contribu#ons in our tribute book.

The Federation board has approved the Jewish Archives of Chattanooga as a division of the Federation. The purpose of this is to improve funding and reach a broader spectrum of the Chattanooga Jewish community. A professional videographer is available and there is a plan to do five oral history videos in 2014 and approximately 15 in 2015. For more information about the archives, contact Max Brener at 9westover@gmail.com

Our five gabbayim include Reuben Dubrow, Howard Gropper, Joel Susman, Lester Votava, and Lester Cohen. Tribute Contribu#ons for ads and/or special messages in honor of the gabbayim: $500 – full page $300- half page $100 - ¼ page (tall)/business card (wide $36 - Single line lis#ng with your name or company name. Will read "In Honor of the Gabbaim." Contact Lynn Hochman lynnhochman@comcast.net 423.328.3689

For ad graphics and text: Deborah Wint shul@bzcongrega#on.com 423.468.9570

Chairs Kevin Rose & Jason Shuman


BZ Voice

October-November 2014


Yahrzeit List *Memorialized on our memorial plaques.

TISHRI/OCTOBER OCTOBER 1 Filomena Cesario 7 7 1 Alijah B. Koblentz* 8 2 Abraham Lewis Gordon* 2 Donald Gravestock 8 8 2 Hyman Kugler 8 2 Ray (Rachel) Myers Sear* 8 2 Eva Witt Siskin* 9 3 Hannah Dubrow* 9 3 Robert Garry* 10 4 Esar Horowitz* 10 4 Esther Parker* 10 4 Nachum Zev Parker* Sylvia Reznick Slovis 10 4 10 4 Shea Thomas 11 5 Ralph Philip Abelman* 11 5 Yeshaya Brandman Lena A. Witt 11 5 12 6 Bennie Friedman* 12 6 Ethel Parker Irving Polsky 12 6 12 6 Mollie Simon Schneider* Jack Dubrof* 13 7 13 7 Sidney Edelstein 14 8 Hannah Morris Blacker* 14 8 Joe Krisch Annie Gertrude Sherman* 14 8 15 9 Cecelia Binder* Leah Polsky* 15 9 15 9 Hyman Rosenfeld* Pearl Dubrof Sayers* 15 9 Sol Sobel* 15 9 15 9 William Sturzer 16 10 Steven Michael Baras* 16 10 Louis Dubrof* 16 10 William Fagenbaum 16 10 Abe Levin 16 10 Rose Tubb Saluk* 16 10 Louis Morton Schneider 16 10 Max Silverman* 16 10 Ida Stein* 17 11 William Elman* 17 11 Dorothy Kohn Fanburg* 17 11 Sarah Rebeka Frumin* 17 11 Marvin N. Leventhal* 17 11 Elchonin Reevin* 17 11 Fannie Slate* 18 12 Belle Levin 18 12 Lee Levine 18 12 Rose Rubin* 18 12 Sam C. Trotz* 14 BZ Voice

October-November 2014

19 13 Sam Boriski* 19 13 Yehuda Rubnitz 20 14 Shep Belz 20 14 Louis Cash* 20 14 Ethel Fine* 21 15 Lotta Alper* 21 15 Annie Dubrow Epstein* 21 15 Joel Len Hanan* 21 15 Harry Kaplowitz* 22 16 Fannie R. Brown* 22 16 Sarah Cohen 22 16 Aaron Ginsburg 22 16 Valerie Jean Goldberg 22 16 Frances Rose Zion 23 17 Eva Chill 23 17 Jennie Hecklin Cohen 23 17 Rosa Deitch* 23 17 Josephine Morris* 24 18 M. J. Hank Hochman* 24 18 Jerome I. Olins* 24 18 Sol Parker* 25 19 Alex Morris Alper* 25 19 Abraham B. Karsinsky* 25 19 Ida Levine* 25 19 Minnie Fine Sherman* 26 20 Mack Backer* 26 20 Isadore Hershfield* 27 21 Esther Radin* 27 21 Marvin Siskin* 27 21 Ben Winkler 28 22 Isadore Collins 28 22 Moses Deitch* 28 22 Jacob Raider* 29 23 Jack Jamieson* 29 23 Isadore Shapiro* 29 23 Joseph H. Weitzner* 30 24 Sara Forman* 30 24 Irving Goldsmith* 30 24 Anna Goldstein* 30 24 Carol D. Krosin 30 24 George Magrill* 30 24 Betty Tyber HESHVAN/OCTOBER OCTOBER 1 25 Abraham Joseph Alper* 1 25 Lena Barshay* 1 25 Philip D. Hodes 2 26 Freda Cure 3 27 Nada Rubin Ginsburg 3 27 Phillip Krosin 3 27 Dora B. Leventhal* 3 27 Richard Ivan Phillips*

4 28 Hattie Friedman Edelstein* 4 28 Esther Friedman* 4 28 Koppel Lichtenberg 4 28 Celia Press* 4 28 Abe Shoenig* 4 28 Morris Sir* 5 29 Ida P. Barnett* 29 Nathan Hofferman* 5 6 30 Dora Brody* 6 30 Charles S. Contor* 6 30 Leba Lebovitz* 6 30 Dr. Samuel Herman Long* 31 Chaie Blumberg* 7 7 31 Gussie Brandman* 31 Henry Greenberg* 7 7 31 Joseph Mack 7 31 Mort Rosenthal 31 Oscar Rothenberg 7 7 31 Louis Shankman* NOVEMBER HESHVAN/NOVEMBER 8 1 Dora Kopetovske* 8 1 Alex Max Pearlman* 8 1 Edith Prebul* 8 1 Bessie Roseman 9 2 Elizabeth F. Hodes Berel Laskin* 9 2 10 3 Goldie Fanburg Cohen* 10 3 Rose Epstein Cohen* 10 3 Milton Collins 10 3 Louis Hollander 10 3 Jennie Olman Jaffe* 10 3 Rachel Okin* Lillian (Liffy) Freedman* 11 4 11 4 Dora Jacobs Jamieson 11 4 Hillel Aaron Winer* 12 5 Harry Lembeck 13 6 Charles Baras* 13 6 George Friedman* 13 6 Rosa Adel Haiman 13 6 Nadine Ellen Felt Lovett* 13 6 Marion Sussman 14 7 Myrna Dressler Bercovici* 14 7 Abe H. Goldstein* Stanley Erwin Lang* 14 7 14 7 Lillian Belz Pliner 14 7 Rose Scharf Romeo 14 7 Rose Scharf* 15 8 Oscar Ball 15 8 Bertha K. Feldman* 15 8 Max Gordon 15 8 Minnie Cloogman Weinstein*

16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28

9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21

Doris Rosenfeld Abraham E. Schweidelson* Sam J. Framer Kitty Friedman Estelle Edelstein Levin* Harry Miller Pauline Osovsky* Evan Scott Prigoff* Eva Robinson* Harry H. Winer* Sema Frumin Arnold M. Kohn Dora Kreisman* Terry C. Rodgers Evelyn Treuhold Nathan Cloogman* Leon Dubrow Benjamin Galen Oscar Insler Tessie Levy Sophie Roseman Teibe Silverman* Ben Fishel Herbert Hillner Max Hochman Carlos Lamport Bunny Meltzer Joseph A. Brown* Rae Goldberg Marjorie Herman Shayne S. Koch* Audrey Minns Mildred Backer* Solomon Frumin* Rae Raider Wygoda Matthew Cook Lou Effron Hanna Hirshout Helen B. Press* Jacob Susman* C. Harold Alper, MD* Sam Rosenberg Sam Baras* Louis Brandman* Gladys Cohen Morris A. Hodes* Hyman Balk* Sara Pressman* Esther Annie Sir* Nathan Fott* Norman Laskin*

28 21 Karen Lewin 28 21 Jane Matzkin 28 21 Irwin Simms 28 21 Louis A. Winer* 29 22 Irving Karpe* 29 22 Katherine Sherman* KISLEV/NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 23 Rose Deitch* 1 1 23 Annie Hanan 23 Gussie Katchen* 1 2 24 Bernie Dubrow 2 24 Henry Snyder 2 24 Rebecca Wise* 3 25 Lena Zion Alper* 3 25 Pauline Berger* 3 25 Harry H. Brown* 3 25 Max Cowan 3 25 Meyer Goldstein* 3 25 Hyman Winer* 3 25 Rachel Winer* 4 26 Ester B. Deitch* 4 26 David Horowitz* 4 26 Vera E. Lehrman 4 26 Philip Prigoff* 4 26 Harry Rose 27 William "Bill" Klein 5 5 27 Zelda Menuskin* 5 27 Mollie Radin 6 28 George Edelstein 6 28 Scholem Edelstein* 6 28 William Goldsmith* 6 28 Rae Rosenthal 6 28 David Rudoff* 6 28 Louis Silverman* 6 28 Mildred "Mollie" Siskin* 6 28 Stanley A. Speal, PHD* 6 28 Bryna Wise* 7 29 Anna (Annie) Siskin* 8 30 Albert Abramowitz 8 30 Bella Chawkin* 8 30 Sam Goldstein* 8 30 Ben Zion Hasden* 8 30 Lena Jacobs 30 Benjamin Levine* 8

B.L.T. Monthly Bagels, Lox and TeďŹ llin Minyan Sunday, October 5 and November 2 at 9:30 a.m. Come for the praying and stay for the food!

Commemorate a loved one on our Yahrzeit plaques. Contact the office for more information.

BZ Voice

October-November 2014


B’nai Zion Congregation


114 McBrien Road Chattanooga, TN 37411


Friday October 4 Kol Nidre 6:30 pm ► Kol Nidre services Saturday October 5 Yom Kippur/Yizkor 10:00 am ► Yom Kippur Service 5:45 pm ► Yom Kippur Mincha 6:45 pm ► Yom Kippur Neilah 7:45 pm ► Ma'ariv 7:59 pm ► Havdallah 8:00 pm ► Break The Fast Thursday, October 9 Sukkot Day One 9:30 am ► Sukkot Services/Child Care Friday, October 10 Sukkot Day One 9:30 am ► Sukkot Services/Child Care Thursday, October 16 Shemini Atzeret 9:30 am ► Shemini Atzeret Services Thursday, October 16 Erev Simchat Torah 6:00 pm ► Dinner & Celebration Friday, October 17 Simchat Torah 9:30 am ► Simchat Torah Services





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B’NAI ZION SYNAGOGUE Minyan Schedule October 2014 TUE.

WEEK 1 FRI. Oct. 3

TUE. Oct. 7 *Zac Beker *Claire Binder *D/B Binder L/G Cohen Kol Nidre G/J Fine No Minyan Call M/J Hanan Victor Hanan List Sheryl Hill A/A Lebovitz T/R Levin John Lewis

WEEK 2 FRI. Oct. 10

Family Dinner No Minyan Call List

WEEK 4 TUE. Oct. 21 FRI. Oct. 24 *C/L Hochman *G/A Boulware *Irv Ginsburg *M/S Shapiro L/G Cohen *Gayle Shavin M/J Hanan *H/Y Shavin *Louise Spector Sheryl Hill Bill Cordell W/S Hillner N/P Hofferman T/E Cohen Rick Jacobs Michael Dzik E/V Epstein M/A Kodsi J/M Menuskin G/J Fine

J/R Parker R/B Marcus J/M Menuskin B/C Schultz M/S Shapiro H/Y Shavin Michael Spector K/J Spiegel Paul Stahl Meryl Stark H/D Trotz B/C Wise WEEK 5 TUE. Oct. 28 FRI. Oct. 31 *N/P Hofferman *L/V Chill *Scott Israel *L/G Cohen *A/A Lebovitz *A/M Hodes *C/B Lebovitz J/D Alper *M/L Lebovitz M/A Berger *L/J Mack A/M Berke *T/T Trivers D/B Binder O/A Allen J/V Cathcart Debbie Alper David Fairchild M/K Berke Isidore Frumin

J/R Parker Rachel Privett H/Y Shavin R/P Siskin K/J Spiegel R/J Rosenfeld R/P Siskin Paul Stahl H/D Trotz Mitchell Wilson S/E Winer

Ronnie Berke J/B Bohn L/I Cohen R/D Dubrow D/B Eichenthal H/Y Gropper Rick Jacobs R/B Marcus Rachel Privett M/J Richelson J/F Shire

I/M Goldberg G/M Lander C/B Lebovitz D/S Matzkin B/S Schulman M/J Scheinberg N/S Slovis Michael Spector Meryl Stark L/R Votava B/C Wise

Niki Goff Shelton Goldblatt C/L Hochman A/P Jarman D/S Leininger John Lewis David Navas A/L Reingold Howard Schwartz C/C Smith David Speal

TUE. Oct. 14 *Zac Beker *Claire Binder *L/V Chill *Irv Ginsburg *M/J Hanan *Vic Hanan *Rachel Privett O/A Allen Debbie Alper M/K Berke J/B Bohn

WEEK 3 FRI. Oct. 17

Simchat Torah No Minyan Call List

L/I Cohen R/D Dubrow D/B Eichenthal G/C Fine H/Y Gropper Rick Jacobs A/C Jacobson David Navas M/J Richelson J/G Susman J/F Shire Mitchell Wilson

*denotes yahrzeit observed

B’NAI ZION SYNAGOGUE Minyan Schedule November 2014 WEEK 1 TUE. Nov. 4 FRI. Nov. 7 *C/B Lebovitz J/D Alper *R/J Rosenfeld M/A Berger *Phyllis Schwarz A/M Berke O/A Allen D/B Binder Debbie Alper J/V Cathcart M/K Berke David Fairchild Ronnie Berke Isidore Frumin J/B Bohn Niki Goff L/I Cohen Shelton Goldblatt R/D Dubrow C/L Hochman D/B Eichenthal A/P Jarman

WEEK 2 TUE. Nov. 11 FRI. Nov. 14 *R/D Dubrow *Dedorah Alper *J/D Alper *N/W Galen *L/V Chill *W/S Hillner *Izzy Frumin *C/L Hochman *R/F Goldberg *M/C Insler *M/L Herman *G/M Lander *C/L Hochman D/B Binder *A/M Hodes L/G Cohen G/J Fine *M/J Richelson *J/G Susman M/J Hanan G/A Boulware Victor Hanan

G/C Fine C/B Lebovitz H/Y Gropper D/S Leininger Rick Jacobs John Lewis David Navas R/B Marcus Barb Oxenhandler M/S Shapiro Rachel Privett A/L Reingold M/J Richelson Howard Schwartz B/S Schulman J/F Shire R/P Siskin Robert Shelsky Meryl Stark Rachel Zoldessy J/G Susman C/C Smith Mitchell Wilson David Speal WEEK 4 TUE. Nov. 25 FRI. Nov. 28 *L/I Cohen *Zac Beker *J/M Menuskin *Claire Binder *K/C Rose *R/F Goldberg *David Speal *Helen Pregulman *J/G Susman *H/D Trotz L/G Cohen G/A Boulware M/L Fisher Bill Cordell Sheryl Hill T/E Cohen W/S Hillner Michael Dzik N/P Hofferman E/V Epstein Rick Jacobs G/J Fine

Bill Cordell Sheryl Hill T/E Cohen A/A Lebovitz Michael Dzik T/R Levin E/V Epstein J/R Parker I/M Goldberg J/M Menuskin W/S Hillner B/C Schultz N/P Hofferman H/Y Shavin Michael Spector Scott Israel C/B Lebovitz K/J Spiegel D/S Matzkin Paul Stahl M/J Scheinberg H/D Trotz S/E Winer B/C Wise WEEK 5 TUE. FRI.

M/A Kodsi David Navas J/R Parker Rachel Privett M/S Shapiro R/P Siskin K/J Spiegel R/J Rosenfeld Paul Stahl H/D Trotz S/E Winer

I/M Goldberg Scott Israel G/M Lander D/S Matzkin B/S Schulman M/J Scheinberg M/S Simms N/S Slovis Michael Spector L/R Votava B/C Wise

TUE. Nov. 18 *C/L Hochman *A/M Hodes *D/S Leininger *D/S Matzkin *Gayle Shavin *H/Y Shavin *M/S Simms O/A Allen M/K Berke Ronnie Berke J/B Bohn L/I Cohen R/D Dubrow D/B Eichenthal G/C Fine H/Y Gropper Rick Jacobs A/C Jacobson R/B Marcus R/C Palermo M/J Richelson J/F Shire Mitchell Wilson

WEEK 3 FRI. Nov. 21 *R/J Cowan *M/J Hanan *Vic Hanan *D/P Israel *Rachel Privett J/D Alper M/A Berger A/M Berke J/V Cathcart M/L Fisher N/W Galen Irv Ginsburg Niki Goff Shelton Goldblatt M/L Herman A/P Jarman John Lewis C/J Rhodes Howard Schwartz N/S Slovis C/C Smith David Speal Meryl Stark

*denotes yahrzeit observed

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