#SaveFreshers Guide Bocconi 2016/17 | B.lab

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Contents 5 Welcome to Bocconi 6 B.lab 7 Unilab 9 10 Tips 11 Classrooms 12 Representatives 13 Schools 14 Sport 15 Faculty council and Isu 17 Honor Code 18 Dorms 19 Exchange and stages 20 Media center 21 Student associations 23 Big Events Bocconi 24 Living in Milan 25 Ristoranti 26 Relax 27 Trasports 28 Happy hour 29 Nightlife 30 Big Events Milano 32 Health care 33 Numeri Rappresentanti 34 Autori Salvamatricole SAVEFRESHERS 2016/2017




Welcome to Bocconi


o all the newbies here in Bocconi, a very warm welcome! Once walked through the doors of the historic building in Via Sarfatti, you will find yourself in a brand new world. You will see students that quickly walk through classes, or that are searching for a study-place in Velodromo, or that are simply chatting during their pauses in Aula Fumo. Don’t you worry: in just a few weeks all these different places will be well-known to you and you will think of Bocconi as your second home. We all have walked in your shoes: the fear for the new city, the exams that will come, the rapid-pace rhythm of lectures, the people you will meet. But sooner than you would have ever hoped you will get used to all these new aspects and you will face all the new experiences as a fascinating and formative challenges. But, before revealing you all the secrets on this new reality through this guide “Salvamatricole”, let us introduce ourselves. B.lab is a representative group, funded in 2001 in order to be a point of reference for any student’s question or need. We like to be the lab where ideas are found in order to always improve our fantastic athenaeum. Our mottos are BelieveInYourself and #Befree, as we strongly believe in the value of independence. In collaboration with the University, we organize all different kinds of events: conferences, debates, playful events and much more. Moreover, once a week –every week!- we hold open meetings: there is no need to subscribe. If you want to know more, keep in touch with our facebook page: it will be a pleasure for us to introduce you to the amazing world that is now waiting for you. It has been a pleasure meeting you! We wish you to enjoy the reading and a year full of satisfactions with us! See you soon. Francesco Capuzzi Valeria Cosmai




The B.lab staff


lab it’s the historical group of bocconi students representatives, as well as the biggest and the most dynamic. You won’t ever get bored in Blab: once we achieved our goal, we know how to be passionate in order to reach another goal, more ambitious and coherent with our motto: free and independent representation, constantly active. No wonder many people have called us the group of records/ records group: not only we have the majority of students representatives elected to University bodies but also, in 2013 we were able to have elected a bocconi student



for the fist time in CNSU, which is the national council for university students, it’s in Rome and works with the Ministry of Education. The experience in CNSU turned out to be rewarding and challenging and thanks to the support of Bocconi students, in 2016, another “blabbino” got elected: Mario Moschetta. Our colleagues never failed to show their extraordinary support every year towards Blab in our university, and this support is made of over ten years of active representation, paying attention to problems and ideas of our colleagues, a never ending commitment in the various councils and towards the dean and (consigliere delegato). We will tell you about the results that makes us so proud and motivated towards goals that are decided by all members of blab, during the weekly meetings: goals that need the will to get involved of any of us and any of you. Things to do are countless and it

is never enough: besides representation, we also like to entertain, doing reunions and revise exams sessions or debates for all students. This is how we conceive parties with hundreds of people such as Blab2thepark, weekend at the mountains like Skilab, conferences, company visits , institutional visits , revise sessions of the most difficult subjects, with our summaries that makes exams less scary. Being part of Blab means become embroiled in an independent and dynamic student life, where rules comes from ideas. Joining this group means making a unique experience that not only will enrich your cv and you’ll acquire new skills but also will give you something which makes the difference: making university life worth to be remembered. Don’t you believe me? Give it a try and see you at our next meeting! Giulia Bifano

UniLab Svolta Studenti

Unilab’s staff


nilab – Svoltastudenti is a network of student’s unions who share with B.lab the DNA of autentich indipendence and non ideological approach for representation that you’ll learn to know well. Founded 4 years ago, it involves Bocconi, Cattolica, Iulm, Università Statale, Politecnico di Milano and Insubria; it permitted to Angelo Antinoro – with a little bit of madness and a lot of passion – to became the

first Bocconi student to be elected at the National Council of University Student and to Unilab to elect 2 representatives at the debut. Working at the CNSU is never easy, is more difficult that working in Bocconi and that’s the reason we spended soul and body in this project and last year we had it all to continue to generate positive impact on the

University world and we elected 2 more councilors, the first is me from Bocconi and the second is Domenico Stranieri from Università Cattolica. For the next 3 year we’ll spend all our forces to extend some of the project that deserves to became good national practices and to remove that limitis that reduce the offer of our University. We do not like neither easy target nor backroom deals. We do not do this to witness but we do this to generate significant impact. We are a group of friends. And there is a virtue that distingue us: nobody for the external can call us to impose his idiocies. In October there will be the first National Congress and if you like the world of representatives and you want to be part of this change follow our fanpage on Facebook and come visit us in our meeting. We’ll wait for you! Mario Moschetta SAVEFRESHERS 2016/2017




10 Tips “The ten tips you need to start your life in Bocconi in the best way possible”


Attendance I’m always late, so I won’t tell you that being in your class at 08:45 (almost) everyday it’s easy: you might have spent the night dancing, studying or doing other “nocturnal activities”... You’ll often get up early with the amount of happiness of the Hunger Games tributes, but trust me when I tell you that attendance is important: both for understending what you’re studying and networking with your classmates.


Study I’m not that good at planning my study schedule, but please try to study day by day and avoid final rushes: bad for your health and for your relation(ship)s. Try your best

to find the perfect way to study: some people “love” waking up super-early, others tend to study late at night, you may like to do it alone or in group (still talking about studying)… find your way!


Exams, office hours and more My only advice (a part from studying) is quite clear: you need a registration for each exam, don’t forget about it. If you have any doubt, professors and assistants are available during office hours. You’ll have the chance to check how your exam has been corrected: you’re more than welcome to check the correction, but please avoid the drama and be polite.




Honor Code and The Student Ombudsman People will talk about the honor code a lot and you’ll have to sign it 2849 times, pay attention to all the things you can’t do, because there might be bad consequences. If you experience any kind of unpleasant episode feel free to contact your representatives and the The Student Ombudsman (“Garante degli studenti). Please don’t cheat… or at least don’t get caught while cheating!


Important Deadlines I know it’s tremendously boring, but please don’t forget the deadlines for payments (every extra day = you have to pay more) so pay attention! Don’t forget about the “24 CFU” (each exam gives you 10/8/6/4 CFU)… you need to reach the number of 24 CFU by the end of the exam session of July. (No need to panic, it’s not that difficult)


Badge Your badge the password

is like for the

Gryffindor Tower: you need it to access the library and the bunker, you need it to use MyPrint and you have to show it during written and oral exams. Try not to lose it, of course you can replace it… and no worries about the photo on it: almost everyone look ugly!


Social-ize Okay, this might seem a stupid advice, but you should try to check your online agenda you@B and your university email account as frequently as you can: timetables, events and important communication will be sent to you via you@b or email, get used to both of them! Other thing: maybe you are quite a social influencer or maybe you hate Facebook and don’t even have an Instagram account, but social networks will help you a lot! You’ll find specific groups for your class and more generic ones where people share notes, slides, share their experiences and ask questions. I don’t want you to waste your time trying to be the next

fashion blogger always online, but using facebook wisely will make your life in Bocconi easier.


Discovering Milan Okay, this point has nothing to do with university life… but you are in Milan, you can’t study all the time! Take your time to visit one of the most exciting cities in Europe: fashion, design, history, clubs, food… everythng will be around you for the next 3 years, go out and discover Milan. (and you can play PokémonGo too, I know you were thinking about it)


Outside the classroom Okay, we are all in Bocconi for its unique academic offer, but what about other activities? You’ll have the chance to learn new languages or how to speak in public and deal with stress, we’re also the only Italian university with more than 100 associations… if you have any kind of interest you’ll probably find the perfect association (or you might create a new one)!


Live it It’s the most obvious and useless advice, but try to live your next years in Bocconi at your best! Everything will be new, exciting, complicated and unique, so take a 2 seconds break every now and then, enjoy the view and good luck! Matteo di Maio





ell, you might get lost among the many classrooms but don’t worry: we all go through it at least once! This is the reason why we want to help you with a brief guide that will make easier your journey around the campus.






The first number stays for the floor; the second is for the classroom


Leoni (via Sarfatti, 25)

Ground floor, aisle on the left


Leoni (via Sarfatti, 25)

The first number stays for the floor; the second is for the classroom; aisle on the left


Leoni (via Sarfatti, 25)

Ground floor, central aisle

Notari, Zappa Manfredini, Perego Maggiore

Leoni (via Sarfatti, 25)

Ground flooe First floor Second floor Central aisle

Professors’ offices They are located in roengten avenue and although it could seem complicated to understand which floor and position, an example will clear up your mind: if you’re looking for office C2-07, you need to know that the first number stays for the floor, the second is for the aisle (they are indicated just outside of the elevators), and the last numbers stays for the room. Places to study Bocconi University offer a wage range of places where you may study individually

or in groups. Let’s start from the library. During the exams period it’s open everyday til midnight, so it become soon very crowded! Try to arrive early if you want to find a sit. The are some rooms for workgroups at the first floor, which can be booked on the site. After the library, if you turn right you find Aula Azzurra, better known as Bunker: during the finals’ period it is open everyday from 8am to 4am. There two study rooms at Leoni/Lions’ building, one in the ground floor and the other in the first floor, near the stairs on the right.

Printing The cheapest way to print is without any doubt through University. If you wish to print or photocopy you can go in one of the computer skills/ informatics room, which are in the Lions’ building. Moreover, there are some print machines around the university’s corners, you simply need to charge with cash your badge or you can do it online or through the machines in the library and you can print wi-fi. Francesco Capuzzi Manuel Sturba SAVEFRESHERS 2016/2017




eing a representative in Bocconi University is a one way journey that starts from the very first day! In fact, just after the first couple of weeks, you will elect your class representatives through the online agenda. You will have some days to candidate, then the names of the candidates will be made available/showed off, next you will have a couple of days to choose who to vote (max 2 names). No surprise that first year elections will be like a “closed/hidden box”, since you barely know your classmates, but don’t worry! First impressions matter and last, so always be positive and show that you want to commit and that you know how to do it: you will reach an outstanding result for sure! Class representatives’ role is fundamental: he/she will interact with the professors due to the class’ requests and cope with eventual problems, that’s why



it is essential that your class representative knows how to dialogue properly with the class and the professors. Commitment, daily presence and diplomacy are essential features/ characteristics: always bare in mind that your class representative voices the class’ will only and not problems or personal opinions! The class representatives of the economics bachelors, masters, integrated Master of Arts in law, elect their course’ representatives: they voice their classmates/colleagues’ instances, they have a sit at the school council of their course ( obviously together with the teachers of that course), and make proposals, amendments and adjustments, in order to improve didatics/teaching of their course. Giovanna Fragalà Matteo Di Maio



LEAM, CLEF, CLES, CLEACC, BIEM, BIEF, BIG, BEMACS: in one word? Undergraduate School. We are not going to go over the study plans that have already been explained hundreds of times over the orientation meetings, we will only give you some essential advice for your next 3 years. Few, but fundamental, are the things you have to keep in mind. Midterms: always give them a try, especially if they are the first ones! You have nothing to lose. Review of program choice: are you afraid of having chosen the wrong path for you? No worries! After the first year and a half, you will be able to change your course of studies. For more info, ask the One-stop service center! Exchange Program: it is never too early to think about it. Start making up your mind on where you want to go, so that you can figure out what GPA you should try to achieve. Internship: Why? Because it can be recognized as curricular, meaning that you will have one less elective during your third year, it empowers your CV, and most important, it can be a great experience that makes you grow. Graduate: You just arrived at Bocconi and probably it will seem rushed to worry about the fourth and fifth year. However do not forget that at the end of your three-year undergrad degree, you all have the opportunity to continue with a graduate program. What is the most important thing to know? For you there are only two ways to access the Bocconi Graduate School: Type

When to apply

Minimum requirements


Early session

Early January III year

By 31/07 II year: at least 110 educational credits and weighted average>=28/30

Academic Curriculum (Mainly the average)

Student Career Session

Late April III year

By application deadline: at least 120educational credits

Academic Curriculum:exams, curricular internships,international exchange,years ofenrolmentin the university system

Law: Bocconi University is not only about economics: in 1999 it was introduced the very first integrated master of arts in law, aka CLMG (you’ll get used to all the acronysm used in Bocconi). The Integrated master Of Arts In Law stands out as a unicum in the Italian panorama as it aims to mix the classic law subjects with a solid economic background. Once the first three years are passed, you’ll get the chance to shape personally your last two years, by choosing one of the following Majors: “Forense”, the most traditional one which deals with advocacy and litigation; “Impresa”, focuses on business law issues and it is the most characteristic of Bocconi University; last but not least “International Track”, that deals with international and public law issues; most of the courses are taught in English and it is the most innovative major, always in evolution. Monica Bonetti, Irene Paternoster, Manuel Sturba SAVEFRESHERS 2016/2017




f you love sport, there’s no better place than/ Bocconi it’s the perfect place: those who want to pursue their favourite sport or to begin a new activity, can perfectly combine sport activities with studying. Bocconi Uni deems essential to support sport alongside studying as an instrument of health, socialisation and construction of personal ambitions/values. It is the Bocconi Sport Team association that handles and promote amateur and agonistic sport activities. It is located in Bocconi avenue 12, into Pensionato Bocconi building. Here you can collect all the necessary info or you can contact ASD Bocconi sport team through its email address: bocconisporteam@ unibocconi.it. The representatives’ collaboration, Luca Orlando and Tommaso Vitiello is constantly active and whether you a have any doubt, you can contact them through their fb profiles. To sum up, there are 9 agonistic activities( basketball, football, tennis, swimming, water-polo, volleyball, rugby, lacrosse, sailing) and as well amateur



“If you want to be updated with all the sporting activities or events (such as Bocconi Run) just click on fb Bocconi Sport Team: that’s the easiest way to keep in contact and enjoy your sport experience in Bocconi Uni!” ones (mountaineering, athletics, skiing, riding/equitation). For agonistic sports, some teams participate to the federal championships, others to tournaments UISP or CUS. If you want to be updated with all the sporting activities or events (such as Bocconi Run) just click on fb Bocconi Sport Team: that’s the easiest way to keep in contact and enjoy your sport experience in Bocconi Uni! Sport it’s not only practice but also culture and this is the reason why university is always keen on offer new opportunitues: cultural moments, face to face interacts, in which you can reflect and capitalise your experiences, values, economics and managerial c o m p e t e n c e s developed in sport/

sporting area. Since the last academic year there’s a new committee, Bocconi Sport on Campus, with the main task of promoting sport culture in Bocconi University. Nowadays, countless sport events have been organised : just to cite some of them, the event organised for the Olympiads candidacy of Rome 2024 or those with great national sport heroes such as Javier Zanetti, Demetrio Albertini, Massimiliano Rosolino. Bocconi University has introduced among the optional courses, one dedicated to Sport Management in order to deepen the knowledge of sport/sporting cultures. Initiatives for sport lovers will continue also during the next months, with extraordinary events already from September!

Luca Orlando

Faculty council - ISU Faculty council


Among the most prominent boards, there are the Faculty Council and ISU. We will describe them briefly. Academic council In this organ, the most prominent topics of the academic world are discussed. Moreover, this is the place where communications about news of university life, new structures and new courses take place. At the moment, four of the students’ representatives that have a sit in this board are belong to Blab Bocconi

ISU It’s a directors board with various competences: in particular, it deals with scholarships, housing but also events and other cultural activities. In this board, as well, two of the students’ representatives belong to Blab Bocconi.

Alexandre Rouco Roberto Montaruli



Honor code


ndependence, ethics, transparency, freedom of speech, equality, valorization of diversity, meritocracy, attention to personal skills development, professionalism, strive for quality and social responsibility are the pillars on which the Bocconi community is based. The Honor Code was born from these: we are talking about the code of behavior for both students and professors part of Bocconi. This code of rules, which you accept at the beginning of your first year through your You@B, has to be underwritten also at the beginning of every written exam you will take. The reason for this is to make the students aware of the behavioral rules and

eventual disciplinary sanctions and consequences related to breaking them. The Disciplinary Board has to verify whether the rules have effectively been broken and starts the sanctioning process if a person is found guilty. The Board is composed of the Graduate, Undergraduate and Law Dean, the director of the Academic Affairs division,

the director of ISU Bocconi and two of the five student representatives elected for the Faculty Council, which is an academic body that meets up monthly. Once the student is summoned, it is possible for him to defend himself in loco explaining his version of facts. After this, the Board takes a decision and sends to the Academic Council a proposal for action to be taken. Attention: a disciplinary sanction more serious than a warning precludes any benefits (e.g. scholarships, housing, etc.) for the right to study. The aim of our activity is to protect the students’ interests and take care of the most relevant issues coming up. We hope not to meet you during one of our committees! Roberto Montaruli Mario Moschetta





occoni has 7 different dorms locations available to students, which in total guarantee 1400 slots. All rooms come with a bed, a desk, a closet, a safety box, wi-fi, heating, air conditioning and bedding. Room cleaning and bedding change happen once a week. In every dorm there is a coin-laundry and one (or more) study areas.


esidenza Bocconi Via Bocconi 12 iterally 2 steps away from the Velodromo, the “Pensionato” consists in 2 buildings with 5 floors each. Every floor has 2 kitchens and 25 single rooms with either a private or shared bathroom. The Pensionato also offers a gym (but you have to pay for it), soccer field and a recreation room.


esidenza Arcobaleno Via Fraschini 3 Approximately 15 mins by tram away from Bocconi, Arcobaleno is where most international students stay. The rooms are all single rooms, and the bathroom can be either private or shared. Kitchens are in common areas on 3 out of the 5 floors.





esidenza Dubini Via Vittore Buzzi 7 The main difference if compared to other dorms is that the building is made of apartments: therefore, every student will be in a 4 people flat arranged with 2 bathrooms, 4 rooms and a kitchen with a common area. Every room comes with a bed, a desk and a closet, while the bathroom is shared with one of your flatmates. Dubini also has a TV room with gym equipment in it, as well as table tennis and table football. avotte Via Giovenale 4 It is the smallest one among the Bocconi dorms, with only 96 rooms each with a bed, a desk, a closet and a small fridge. It is only 4 minutes walking away from Bocconi. The first floor is a common area to study. There is also a free gym inside for residents.


padolini Via Spadolini 12/A Spadolini, one among the newest ones, boasts a garden within its walls. There are 3or 4-people flats with single rooms and shared bathrooms, as well as 16 1-person flats. There are also: parking lots (underground), gym, study room and Tv room with game consoles, table football and table tennis.

sonzo Viale Isonzo 23 It is definitely the most modern building. It is divided into 2 areas: the first, called “torre” (tower, in English), has 10 floors with 4-people flats, each with 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms and a common area; the second instead has 4 floors with 10 single rooms and a shared kitchen on each floor. There is also a TV room, underground pay and display parking, a gym and a garden. It is 12 minutes on foot from Bocconi and close to the subway M3. ligny Viale Bligny 22 It is the new dorms building located 2 steps away from Bocconi. It has approx. 200 rooms, which can be either single rooms (with a private or shared bathroom) on one floor with a shared kitchen, or part of a 4-people flat with 2 bathrooms, kitchen and a common area. There is also a get-together area and Wi-Fi in the whole building.

Daniela Costa





Exchange and stage


he very first days at Bocconi are really hard to forget, an overwhelming stream of new people, places, topics, expectations. Even if you are likely to get used to the new habits in a month, everything around will remain confused for so long you would just hire a graduand in order to ask him all the questions roaming in your head. “My roommate told me that first year students can now have a curricular internship, is it true?” “A friend of mine is leaving for the Exchange in a week! It’s so cool, I’ll apply for it as soon as possible!” Order. An internship is an on-field experience with the main purpose of entering the world of work. If authorized before its beginning, validated at the end and coherent with the study plan, you will be recognised 6 credits, alternatively attainable with an elective during your last year, and 1 Graduation point, which is not cumulative with the one assigned for the participation in the Exchange Program. Students usually have their curricular internship during the summer between 2nd and 3rd academic year, but since 2016 it can be carried out from the end of the first year, provided that the student has earned all of the first year credits. While the possibility of having an internship might affect the decisions you have to make sooner, you will not have to worry about the Exchange until the end of the third semester. Applications will have to be completed by the end of Febraury of the second year. You can find many information on the Bocconi

website, included the destinations, the exams recognised and the stories of the students that spent a semester abroad. It is really important to be prepared for the application: in order to be selected, you have to demonstrate you have reached at least a B2 (c1?) level in English, taking the Bocconi exam or an international certification. Moreover, should you be selected for a University in a country where a different langauge is spoken, you will have to reach at least a B1 level before leaving. Matteo Sturla



Media Center


n its educational path, Bocconi University offers the opportunity to express and develop the best of the students creativity and to bust their initiative. The Media Center is probably the best option where students can express them-selves. Radio Bocconi, Bocconi TV and Tra i Leoni are proudly run by students with the head-office located right on the ground floor of the Pensionato Bocconi. Radio Bocconi is the official web radio of the campus (www.radiobocconi.it). The Radio operates on-air for 15 hours a day (also in the gym), during which speakers announce daily news, sports and play current music hits. Save the date with the “RB Day”: an entire day of music and events at university! Bocconi TV, a production and a channel (on Youtube as “BocconiTV”), creates different programs every week and month. Such programs vary from web series to entertainment, music and fashion, professors and special guest speakers interviews, news and Sport Frame. In the year of 1998 the patriarch of the Media Center “Tra i Leoni”



Radio Bocconi

was created, a monthly journal of the University, accessible in both paper copy and online on www. traileoni.it. Students working on the journal are very concerned about what happens in and outside the university, by collecting opinions, doing research programs, writing columns about economics, politics, satire and general culture, and much more.

The current directors, which can be contacted for further informations, are Ilaria De Luca for Radio Bocconi, Chiara Terrasi Borghesan for Bocconi Tv and Federica Torriero for Tra i Leoni. So, what are you waiting for to express yourself ? Media Centre’s guys are waiting for you! Ludovica Desimone

Student associations


nce you step in Bocconi campus you have the feeling like it’s a parallel universe, full of colours, emotions and experiences; Associations stands for opportunities. Nowadays there are more than 40 active associations and almost one hundred in total; every year there’s a wider range of choice in order to satisfy each area of interest. Everyone can freely choose which association is more suitable to his/her passions and ambitions. However, bare in mind that students associations are not meant to be just some random extracurricular activity: but they represent a unique chance for personal growth, to improve, work and career opportunities but also a way to test yourself and learn how to organise your time and develop your cv. Most of the best experiences and nicest persons ever are hidden in students associations, which together with the campus, organize many various events, going from economics, law, to politics, from culture to sport ect. The possibility to enter in this magical world is available from the very beginning: during

What If you don’t find what you were looking for? Well, you can create and build your own reality/ association. welcome days, students associations members will be waiting for you in the welcome lounge; This is the perfect chance to get to know the association, how it works, ,to talk with the members whom they satisfy every curiosity. What If you don’t find what you were looking for? Well, you can create and build your own reality/association. Don’t let your insecurities win/ have the best, and don’t

waste this incredible opportunity to get to know a piece of Bocconi reality. So what are you waiting for? Association = opportunities

Giuseppe Sarno



SIAMO APERTI orario continuato fino alle ORE 21

TAKE away


Il piacere di gustarti un piatto genuino cucinato con esperienza, amore e passione con ingredienti Made in Italy !!! 22


Big Events in Bocconi


e all know that in Milan there are events you simply can not lose, that is to say the events of

our Uni! Among amazing guests, parties in evening dresses and black ties as well as discos among the classes of Velodromo you just can not get boared! (Exam period excluded, obviously) Here you can find the 3 main events for which every year both students and professors get excited. Inauguration of the Academic Year Once a year, outstanding figures such as Draghi, Lagarde or Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, gladden us with their speech. This year we will have the incredible opportunity to host Fabiola Giannotti, directress of CERN. Nevertheless, harry up to subscribe as there are just a limited number of available seats! Where: Aula Magna Roentgen When: November/December

How to subscribe: from the form available on the agenda The Christmas Ball This is an event organized by the student representatives. Food, alcohol, music, fency dresses and chocolate fountains.. Can you find a better way to greet from your fellow students before the Christmas holidays rather than this? Also in this case, the places are limited, there are 1.000 tickets available at Egea, which all go sold out in just a few hours! Where: Foyer Aula Magna Roentgen When: Mid December How to subscribe: Tickets available at Egea. RB Day Every Spring Radio Bocconi organizes a day rich in music, events and friends. It is a day entirely dedicated to live performances full of guests and surprises. Then it ends with an epic dj-set in Velodromo, together with Ferdinando Bocconi. Where: ground floor Velodromo When: April How to subscribe: tickets available at Egea or mobile app Giuliana La Ferla



Living in Milan


ilan is a city of culture and arts that deserves being discovered. Museums, expositions and many different events will get you dragged into this vibrant reality. Here you can find some ideas from where to start your cultural adventure. Museo del ‘900: the main museum about 20thcentury Italian art. Both the temporary and the permanent exhibitions are an insight into the international modern art, with a focus on the Italian artists. You will find masterpieces by Klee, Boccioni and Modigliani, to name but a few. The avantgarde style of the museum has its acme with the terrace and the breath-taking view of Piazza Duomo you can appreciate from it. MUDEC: the main purpose of the Museum of Cultures is promoting the many different customs and traditions of the peoples in the world. It is not just a cultural location, but also a great place for meeting and chilling, with the Bistrot, the restaurant and the café inside the Museum. PAC: one of the rare exposition spaces for contemporary art, the



Gallery only offers temporary exhibitions in order to keep pace with national and international trends. The Gallery often organizes events, both educational with artists and recreational with festivals and concerts. Palazzo Reale: once the City hall, the Royal Palace is

of the main 20thcentury artists, such as the incredibly famous Il Bacio (The Kiss) by Hayez. The Pinacoteca is a magic place that brings you back to the past, with its stunning library and the botanic garden. Fondazione Prada: with its endless floor area (18,900

Una visione di Milano dall’alto

nowadays a main important cultural centre. It is the cultural honeypot of Milan, together with La Rotonda della Besana, Palazzo della Ragione e Palazzo dell’Arengario, the building that hosts Museo del ‘900. Pinacoteca di Brera: one of the most famous museums in Italy, it is primarily focused on paintings from Veneto and Lombardy. Moreover, you will find an expositive path from Prehistory to Contemporary art, with some masterpieces

square metres), the new home of the Foundation by Rem Koolkhaas heads towards a revolution in the concept of arts. Halfway between a museum and a playground, it offers different exhibitions, expositive paths, recreational areas, sophisticated spaces and much much entertainment. Free entrance the first Sunday of every month.

Annalisa Risi Claudia Roma



eing an offsite student means learning how to cook. Whether you want to try to attend Masterchef or just want to try a the Milanese restaurants, here is some advice on places to try right away! If you’re in the mood for a burger, try Ham Holy Burger just a short walk from the university at Viale Bligny 39, a hamburger joint with a wide range of choices that you order using an iPad. On the topic of meat, Coq Nice Chicken at Viale Bligny 19 is completely devoted to barbeque chicken and offers various options for marinades and flavors. You can order grilled

chicken marinated and flavored, as whole or half size, and in the form of burgers or popcorn chicken (crispy chicken nuggets with sauces). If you want pizza, try Rossopomodoro at Viale Sabotino 19, where you will experience the classic Neapolitan atmosphere: the original pizza of Naples, the traditional Neapolitan stir-fry, and many more options are among the dishes offered by this great locale. Another essential restaurant to try is Il Porteno, where enthusiasts of Argentine cuisine will find juicy grilled beef, pork, and veal cooked with care. All sushi lovers should try

Iyo, a restaurant that boasts 1 Michelin star and the top ranking for Japanese cuisine in Milan on TripAdvisor. For those who don’t want to miss a special treat proper of Milan nightlife, the choice would be the tramrestaurant ATMosfera, where menus are updated regularly by renowned chefs who are always on boead and wine lists contain selected quality brands to combine with the food. During dinner the tram will go through the most beautiful places in Milan! Valeria Cosmai Edoardo Enea Alfredo Hassan

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Relax Porta Romana’s thermal baths After the usual disco-night after the exams (if you are still alive) there’s no better alternative than a day spent at the spa. For sure the better one are at Porta Romana, next to the University, the relax is guaranteed. Here everything you need to know: From Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 00.30; Saturday, Sunday and other nonworking days from 08.30 to 00.30. Piazzale Medaglie d’Oro, 2 angolo Via Filippetti Metro| M3 yellow line – stop Porta Romana Tram| line 9 or 29 Bus| line 62 or 77 The Daily ticket costs 45€ on working days and 50€ on non-working days. Piazza Gae Aulenti Piazza Gae Aulenti is in the most modern part of Milan, a gem in the building complex at Porta garibaldi. At night you can find here aperitifs, events and parties while during the day is the perfect place to have a relaxing walk. You can easily get there by foot because it is a pedestrian area, these are the 5 different ways you can follow: -from north through a pedestrian street that links it to via Gaetano de Castilla, where you can find the Bosco 26


Verticale - from east thanks to a stairway (also with elevators) that communicates with viale Luigi Sturzo and an underground passage that gets to Milano Porta Garibaldi Station -from West through a boardwalk that, passing via Melchiorre Gioia, links it to piazza Alvara Alto; -from south by a pedestrian bridge that passes via Gaspare Rosales going to via Vincenzo Capelli and Corso Como -trough Porta Nuova Gardens, a big park symbol of the urban requalification of the area once degraded Cimitero monumentale (Monumental Cemetery) For art lovers the Monumental Cemetery is a must-see, is the burial-place of the famous Alessandro Manzoni, Carlo Cattaneo, Giorgio Gaber. Among the mausoleums, charactherised by different architectural styles you will also find Bocconi’s one… Mother Bocconi never leaves us therefore. The entrance is free, it’s open every day from 8 to 18 except from Monday, it is located in Piazza Monumentale. How to get there: Bus: line 94 stop P.ta Volta Tram: line 2, 4, 33 stop Farini, 10 stop Monumentale, 12,14 stop Bramante Metro: M2 stop Garibaldi, M5

stop Monumentale Orto Botanico di Brera (Brera Botanical Garden) Proper relax needs spring flower fragrance and autumn color; you can find both at Brera Botanical Garden, one of the greatest green areas of our city. There are many educational paths, different for each season and you will find school of fine art students painting beautiful pictures Free entrance Till 31 March: MondaySaturday 9.30-16.30 From 1 April to 31 October: Monday-Saturday 10.0018.00 MUDEC Born from the recovery of the Ansaldo factory industrial complex, Mudec is the place where cultures and communities meet. Inside the buildings there are different spaces that offers many exhibitions and services on a total space of 17.000 m². The exhibition area of the museum at the first floor develops around a central covered square and collects both works from the permanent collection and big temporary exhibitions. Alessandra Cordani Fabio Traverso



uddently finding yourself in such a big city as Milan may take you some time before you will be able to orient yourself properly. Fortunately, ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi, Milan Transport Enterprise) offers a very efficient service that will be able to get you everywhere. The underground is the most used mean of transport by the people living in Milan and it quickly links the main interest sites of the city: to this day it is composed by 4 active lines, while one is still under construction. A really vast tramline net adds to the metro, there are 3 main lines a Bocconi student must know: Line 9: it takes you to University if you live in the eastern part of the city and from there it gets to Navigli in 2 stops; Line 90: it runs the ring road and takes you to University if you live in the southern part of the city; Line 24: it directly connects the University with the Duomo and some of the Residences. To use the public transport services you will need a ticket: for the urban fare area it costs 1,50€ for the single ride; there are also monthly tickets for 22,00€ and yearlong tickets for 200,00€ thanks to student’s reduction. If -as me- you will have to take the public transport almost daily, then it will be best for you to buy a year-long ticket since you will stay in Milan at least from September till the second half of June. You will also want to take some time when you will go to get your subscription card since waiting times are quite long at ATM points between September and October.

Once you get your card you will be able to charge it on the internet, in every newsstand/ATM point in the Underground stations or through the ATM app. The one ride city section ticket can also be bought sending a SMS with “ATM” as the text to 48444 (fantastic, isn’t it?). As a last tip we suggest you to download the ATM app, useful to calculate itineraries using public transports and to get to new places. Also moving in Milan with a car it’s not as difficult as it may seem, thanks to the car-sharing services available. Among those there is Car2go that places at your disposal 450 Smart ForTwo at 0,29€ per minute. Alternatively you can use Enjoy, which is cheaper as it costs 0,25€ per minute. Note that to access both of the services your driving license must be at least one year old. Another car-sharing service is GuidaMi, which is the only one that allows you to drive on fast tracks, with GuidaMi you can also rent different models of cars. Finally, if you want to escape from Milan during weekends, TRENORD’S “FREE TIME” program will let you reach Lombardy’s most beautiful places. There are lots of destinations at reduced prices if you like nature, art cities, museums or theme parks! For example, you can easy get to Gardaland theme park, Iseo Lake and many other interesting cities such as Bergamo, Brescia or Pavia. You can’t miss Mantova, Italian Culture Capital for 2016 for which Trenord offers special tickets and discounts for groups! Mario D. Russo, Angela Esposito, Simona Miosi SAVEFRESHERS 2016/2017


An Happy Hour with Fernando


he relation between Milan and aperitif is rooted in the ‘800: legend has it the entrepreneur and senator Ferdinando Bocconi, the founder of our University, was used to celebrate between a spritz and a fried pizza, between a mojito and a bruschetta his entrepreneurial success. And after 23.00? A table at the Old, obviously! Despite we are laughing at the image of Ferdinando in a disco, and It also make our responsibilities lighter, I’m sorry to tell that nothing of what I said before is true and that the time you will invest in happy hour, instead of staying in the library, won’t be forgot by Ferdinando (neither by your parents). Here you’ll find a list of the most interesting and cheapest places around Bocconi:



Loop (Via Sarfatti, 1) Loop is the perfect place if you want a good espresso but also to sit down and have a good lunch. The food and the cocktails are fantastic. The place is quite big and you can also sit outside. The staff is very kind, is one of the main places where Bocconi students go Exotic (Viale Bligny, 21) Well-finished and fashioned has a really good buffet where you can find everything from first courses to desserts. With its big-screen it’s perfect for a night with friends not spending too much Reef Café (Viale Bligny, 24) Reef Café it’s ideal for who is running out of time but does still want to eat something good. It’s small

but very popular and the prices are right. Cheezy Weezy (Via Ferdinando Bocconi, 5) Very nice and popular space where you can sit inside or outside, good for coffee breaks between lessons or for fast aperitifs. The quality of the food is unquestionable! Venti136 (Via Guglielmo Rontgen, 2) Dulcis in fundo Venti136, one of the most popular place near the University campus. Perfect for a lunch break with a rich offer and good prices, good for a tasty aperitif or the traditional “open wine”. Kind staff it’s ideal if you like to stay comfortable near the university.

Tommaso Vitiello

Night Life

For those who are never tired, not even after hours and hours of studying, and for those that do not fear the 8.45 classes the day afterwards, Milan offers endless occasions to party with your friends till late at night (or early morning!). Every day you can find something open and every night has “its own” place: the week starts on Tuesday with the club that has become one of the best nights ever, and not only for the Bocconians: the Gattopardo cafè. Among the most “hystorical” clubs for Bocconi students we can definitely recall the ones close to Parco Sempione, Old Fashion Café and Just Cavalli on Wednesday night, while Thursday is often a battle between Divina and The Club. The week end

with the Notox night on Saturday at Santa Tecla. For those who prefer a “classier” atmosphere, there is Armani Privè and Byblos, while for those who just want to go for an easy night but still a lot of fun there are Magazzini Generali, Le Banque or Alcatraz. Open all week long are the clubs in Corso Como, such as Hollywood, Eleven, Loola Paloosa and Toqueville. For something “indie” and more alternative, check out the Rocket. To conclude, for those who miss the past hits and want to have a revival night, il Patuscino in the heart of Brera is definitely the perfect choice. To sum it up: the nightlife in Milan will never stop to surprise you! Moreover, Bocconi University is located very close to the

Navigli area and the Colonne di San Lorenzo, which are the favourite predrinking locations for students before heading to the clubs, or just to have a chilled beer on a weekday. The pubs in the Colonne area are usually very small: usually you just buy something and then you drink it either outside or sitting on the floor in front of the Basilica di San Lorenzo Maggiore. Among the best places in the Navigli area we have to highlight La Fontanella, famous pub that since always welcomes thousands of Bocconians. To conclude, one more advice: check out Nottingham Forrest, that will for sure surprise you with its very original cocktails! Roberto Montaruli



BIG EVENTS IN MILAN In this paragraph you’ll find a short introduction about the most famous events in Milan, with some important informations that could help your entertainment during the university experience!

Fashion week What: It’s a week completely dedicated to the fashion and luxury runways from lots of designers, the center is over wounded of people coming from all over world wearing extravagant outfits! Where: Various locations, especially in the city center. When: a/w from 21st to 27th September 2016, s/s from 22nd to 28th February 2017

When: From 4th to 9th April 2017

Oh Bej! Oh Bej! What: Tipical Christmas markets which show artisanal products, heritage goods and various tipical foods! Where: S.Ambrogio Square in west Milan. When: from 7th December (s.Ambrogio day) until the following Sunday.

Fuori Salone What: An ensemble of events focused on design. Usually is access free. Together with the SALONE DEL MOBILE defines the Milan design week, the most important design event worldwide. Where: Different areas of Milan 30


Stramilano What: Milan turns closed to traffic to allow thousand athletes from all around the world to challenge in one of the following running paths: 10 kilometers

(open to everyone) or STRAMILANO half marathon 21,097 kilometers (reserved to recognized athletes). Where: Milan city centre When: 19 March 2017

Scala theater opening

Radio Italia Live What: The most famous concert of Milan, that hosts the biggest names of the Italian music. Where: Duomo square, Milano When: in June

New year’s eve concert

What: Madama butterfly, opening show of the most famous opera season in the world! Where: Scala theatre, Filodrammatici street, Milan When: 7th December 2016

Wired Next Fest What: An innovation festival which shows the new discoveries in economics or science, lots of eminent subject matter experts expose their point of view as realtors. Where: Public gardens Indro Montanelli, Porta Venezia When: in May

What: A concert with the participation of various djs, musicians, singers, comic actors of various genres. Where: Duomo Square, Milan When: 31st December until midnight.

Estathe Market Sound What: An ensemble of events, concerts and shows with the collaborations of a lots of Italian and foreign artists. Where: Cesare Lombroso street, Mercati Generali Milan When: Summer Time

Giulia Gargiulo Samuele Vegna



HEALT CARE After moving to a new city, one could face a series of difficulties, such as the need of health care. Here there are some useful informations for all students about the health care services provided by Lombardia region.

For Italian students the following is available:

- Medical care service with an extra charge available 24h a day

In order to change your family doctor, go to the office of the medical center of residence and ask for the temporary cancellation. With this cancellation document, go to the medical centre office in Milan, with your health insurance card, identity card and a document attesting your enrollment at the university. Go to any medical clinic agreed upon the ASL and ask for a visit, by paying a fee of 16,50â‚Ź

The closest centre to Bocconi is: Croce Rossa, via Pucci 7 tel.02 3883

In case of emergency: - Emergency number: 112 - Free service for emergency medical care is available The closest centre for emergency medical assistance to Bocconi University is located in: Corso Italia, 52 Milano Tel: 02/8578.3420 -2649 Hours of operation: mon-fri 8.00- 20.00 sat and pre-holidays 10.00-20.00 sun and holidays 8.00-20.00 To note: Who does not live close to University, you can find out your district and the nearest



- The closest first medical aid (pronto soccorso) is the Policlinico, via Francesco Sforza 35, tel.0255033209 - The nursing service offered by Bocconi University at the Pensionato Bocconi (via Bocconi 12) For international students: Useful sites: Bocconi University- Health care: http://www.unibocconi.it ASL Milano http://www.asl.milano.it/ITA/Homepage. aspx Annalisa Risi


University Board BIFANO Giulia | +39 3420107835 - 1594399@ studbocconi.it National Board Of University Students (CNSU) MOSCHETTA Mario | +39 3485714055 mario.moschetta@studbocconi.it

Faculty Council MASCOLO Alessio |+39 3923257426 1644095@studbocconi.it MONTARULI Roberto | +39 3280250742 1666932@studbocconi.it PECORELLA Pierluigi | +39 3477197886 1605120@studbocconi.it MOSCHETTA Mario | +39 3485714055 mario.moschetta@studbocconi.it

1590116@studbocconi.it TARRICONE Tamara | +39 3464176562 1606961@studbocconi.it

Law School Council DI MAIO Matteo | +39 3347090850 1740281@studbocconi.it STURBA Manuel | +39 3384703344 1742808@studbocconi.it


Department Councils


Accounting - NISOLI Benedetta Anna Maria | +39 3479129140 - 1712579@studbocconi.it


ISU Board Of Directors COSTA Daniela | +39 3332048782 - 1796341@ studbocconi.it ROUCO Alexandre | +39 3336025295 1744614@stubocconi.it

Undergraduate School Council FAMA Francesco Maria|+39 3396290314 1704170@studbocconi.it PATERNOSTER Irene | +39 3496562215 1713676@studbocconi.it

Graduate School Council

Institutional Analisys and Public Management - DEBENEDETTI Nicolò |+39 3476462388 1737006@studbocconi.it Finance - SORTINO Matteo|+39 3343376321 1746593@studbocconi.it Management - LELLA Alessandra 3926853012 - 1705904@studbocconi.it


“Angelo Sraffa” Deparment of Law - COSMAI Valeria Elisa | +39 3460064979 1705474@studbocconi.it

University Sport Commitee ORLANDO Luca Pio | +39 3477435710 1707298@studbocconi.it VITIELLO Tommaso | +39 3347085939 1789247@studbocconi.it

BONETTI Monica | +39 3206008304 SAVEFRESHERS 2016/2017


REDAZIONE Caporedattori Benedetta Nisoli Manuele Sturba

Autori Giulia Bifano Monica Bonetti Francesco Capuzzi Alessandra Cordani Valeria Cosmai Daniela Costa Matteo Di Maio Edoardo Enea Angela Esposito Giovanna FragalĂ Giulia Gargiulo Alfredo Hassan Giuliana La Ferla Simona Miosi Roberto Montaruli Mario Moschetta Luca Orlando Irene Paternoster Annalisa Risi Claudia Roma Alex Rouco Mario Russo 34


Giuseppe Sarno Manuel Sturba Matteo Sturla Fabio Traverso Samuele Vegna Tommaso Vitiello Carlotta Zola

Traduttori Monica Bonetti Ludovica Desimone Edoardo Enea Giovanna FragalĂ

Giovanni Muraro Benedetta Nisoli Gloria Romano Irene Paternoster Enrico Spampinato Margherita Sponza Matteo Sturla

Grafica Claudio Pezzella

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