January Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE Signature Events Pg. 12

STUDENT LEADERSHIP NETWORK SLN Participates in Health Day Pg. 15

ANNUAL DINNER Thursday, January 23 Pg. 18

Connection JANUARY 2020






Brian Eiseman .....................................................................Chair Val Weigel ..................................................................Vice Chair Kevin Strege .................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ..................................................................Treasurer Molly Herrington ....................................................... Past Chair


Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Scott Davis .........................................................City of Mandan Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington .........................................................Individual Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Mary Masters .......................................Office Support Specialist Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Rebecca Rattei ................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Lyndsey Scheurer .................................. Communications & ED Cathryn Sprynczynatyk ................... Communications Specialist Joan Trygg ...........................Membership Engagement Director 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 • www.bismarckmandan.com

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei rrattei@bmcedc.com

Advertising Christine Nelson cnelson@bmcedc.com

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new year brings both new challenges and new opportunities, both of which the Chamber EDC is ready for because we’re rolling out our new strategic plan! Last spring, we engaged JM Strategies to help us gather feedback from our members that would help form the basis for our strategic plan. We surveyed our membership, held focus groups with both members and non-members alike, held a day-long planning session with our Board and even conducted some one-on-one interviews. All of that feedback was then consolidated, presented to our leadership and used to develop a plan that includes four goals focused on: business advocacy, economic development, our membership and operational excellence. More importantly, the Strategic Plan doubles as our value proposition to you, our members. With the plan in hand, you know exactly what your membership dollars go to support. One such effort that your membership supports is coming up quick and that’s our 2020 Job Shadow Week. One of our signature workforce development efforts, Job Shadow Week is one week across Bismarck-Mandan where we aim to place high school and college students in as many two and four-hour job shadows as possible so that they can get a better sense of what career field they wish to pursue after graduation. If you’re interested in participating as either an employer or a student, contact Chamber EDC Workforce Development Coordinator Jaime Sabot at 701-223-5660 or jsabot@bmcedc.com. Finally, don’t forget about the Chamber EDC’s 2020 Annual Dinner scheduled for Thursday, January 23 at the Bismarck Event Center. This year’s keynote speakers is Rhonda Kallman, co-founder of Samuel Adams and Boston Brewing Co. Make sure to reserve your table or buy your tickets by calling 701-223-5660 or visit www.bismarckmandan.com. Again, 2020 presents new challenges and new opportunities, but we’re ready for them!

Brian Ritter, President, Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC

twitter.com/bismancedc facebook.com/bismancedc @bismancedc

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QUALITY OF LIFE IN BISMARCK-MANDAN By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk We know Bismarck-Mandan is a great place to live. It turns out the rest of the country knows that, too. Every year our community and our state receive national accolades on our quality of life. The Connection magazine dug into some of Bismarck-Mandan and North Dakota’s national rankings.

#4 Top State for Opportunity In the aftermath of the 2008 Recession, North Dakota and its energy industry emerged as a land of opportunity. But opportunities in North Dakota didn’t just come from the oil boom. North Dakota ranked No. 4 in opportunity in the 2019 U.S. News & World Report ranking of best states. The ranking for opportunity is a compilation of three subcategories: • Economic Opportunity: No. 9 • Affordability: No. 11 • Equality: No. 33 Altogether, there are 12 metrics that were compared to reach the No. 4 ranking in opportunity. North Dakota did best in the metrics for low food insecurity and housing affordability. The measure of low food insecurity came from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The share of North Dakota’s population that is food insecure is only 9 percent, which is third best in the nation.

North Dakota’s housing affordability ranks sixth in the nation, which comes from Moody’s Analytics based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The subcategory of economic opportunity was determined by the metrics of food insecurity, poverty rate, household income, and the Gini Index, which is a commonly used measure of inequality. The affordability subcategory come from data on housing affordability and a broader cost-ofliving metric. The subcategory of equality came from metrics on employment gap by gender and education gap by race. North Dakota ranked No. 5 in infrastructure in the U.S. News & World Report ranking of best states. U.S. News & World Report defined its infrastructure rankings as measuring a state’s energy, internet, and transportation. • Energy: No. 5 • Internet Access: No. 11 • Transportation: No. 13 North Dakota’s energy ranking was based on metrics for cost of electricity, power grid reliability, and renewable energy. North Dakota is in the top 10 for both power grid reliability and renewable energy. Two metrics determined how a state ranked for internet access: overall broadband access and access to ultrafast broadband. North Dakota ranks No. 8 in access to ultrafast broadband internet, based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Bismarck-Mandan was ranked No. 6 Best Place to Raise a Family by WalletHub.

Photo Credit: City of Mandan

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CONNECTION | FEATURE North Dakota ranked only No. 36 in overall broadband access. This metric was determined by data from the Federal Communications Commission, which measured the percent of households with broadband internet subscriptions. However, Deidre McPhillips, Senior Data Editor at U.S. News & World Report, said there are many states clustered in the middle for overall broadband access. The subcategory of transportation was based on metrics for commute times, road North Dakota ranked No. 4 in opportunity and No. 5 in infrastructure according to quality, bridge quality, and public transit U.S. News & World Report. usage. North Dakota stood out as the No. 1 state for commute times. The average travel time to work in North Dakota is 16.5 Bismarck-Mandan was in the top five for average commute minutes, which McPhillips said is significantly lower than time, water quality, number of childcare workers, and cost many other states. The national average commute time is of living. Other things that gave Bismarck-Mandan a high 26.9 minutes. Also notable is road quality in North Dakota. ranking were the cost of living and the low share of families The state ranks No. 5 for roads considered to be in poor receiving food stamps. condition. In North Dakota, 7 percent of the roads are in poor condition compared to a national average of 23 “We also accounted for childcare,” Gonzalez said. “Bismarck’s main strengths here were daycare quality and percent of roads in poor condition. having the largest number of childcare workers per total number of children under 14 years.” “In our best states ranking we have eight broad categories,” McPhillips said. “The way we determine how In the opinion of Bismarck City Administrator Keith much scores affect the overall ranking is through a survey Hunke, “opportunity” is one of the top factors for a family of U.S. residents across the country. According to U.S. residents, infrastructure and opportunity are the fourth and considering where to put down roots. fifth most important rankings to them. They have a pretty “I think of opportunity or lack of opportunity,” Hunke high ranking in the overall ranking for best states.” said, “all of those things either you have or don’t have that influence your quality of life. Opportunity to live in a safe and clean community; opportunity of various housing #6 Best Place to Raise a Family options, whether it’s a rental or owning your own home. One thing that is critical is access to a good school system, To determine the best place to raise a family, analysts from whether it’s public or private.” WalletHub compared 47 metrics in the categories of socioeconomics, affordability, education and child care, healthy In 2019, the City of Mandan conducted a survey of and safety, and family fun. WalletHub analysts compared residents and non-residents. Residents were asked the the 150 most-populated cities in the United States plus question, “Why do you choose to live in Mandan?” The No. at least two of the most populated cities in each state. 1 answer was community size followed by strong sense of Bismarck-Mandan ranked No. 6 among 182 cities analyzed community, hometown feel, recreation, affordability, being in 2019. a safe community, and quality of schools. Again, one of the factors that contributed to BismarckMandan landing in the top 10 was the short commute times. The mean travel time to work in Bismarck-Mandan is only about 15 minutes.

When Mandan residents were asked to rank factors in their community, the most important was being a safe community followed by quality of schools, small town atmosphere, and sense of community.

“Another thing worth mentioning is that Bismarck has the best water quality out of all the cities we analyzed,” said WalletHub Analyst Jill Gonzalez. “When it comes to safety, we found that the city has one of the smallest numbers of driving fatalities per capita.”

“(Non-residents) would find it to be a great place to raise a family,” said Ellen Huber, Mandan’s Business Development Director, “in particular if they are looking for that starter home. They can find perhaps more square footage or affordability for their dollar.”

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#3 Best Place for Women

North Dakota was ranked No. 3 Best State for Women by WalletHub.

In a separate study, WalletHub ranked North Dakota the No. 3 Best State for Women. “North Dakota ranked particularly high in terms of women’s economic and social wellbeing,” Gonzalez said. “The state has one of the smallest unemployment rates for women, a low share of women living in poverty, as well as a small percentage of women who couldn’t afford a doctor’s visit due to costs.” In addition, North Dakota ranked high for number, revenue and employment growth of women-owned firms. Other factors that contributed to the state’s high ranking were women’s life expectancy, and the low prevalence of stalking victimization among women.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

#1 Best Place for Teachers

North Dakota tied for first place in lowest unemployment rate for women according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. North Dakota tied with five other states — Hawaii, Nebraska, Colorado, Minnesota, and Iowa. North Dakota has the third-highest high school graduation rate for women according to the National Center for Education Statistics. By contrast, North Dakota ranked near the bottom — 44th — for the share of women-owned businesses, which is 15.97 percent.

School system is another area where North Dakota ranks high. WalletHub’s 2019 ranking of Best States for Teachers put North Dakota at No. 1.

Professor Daphne Pedersen, Chair of the Sociology Department at University of North Dakota, was interviewed by WalletHub about North Dakota being in the top five best states for women. She also spoke with the Connection magazine about the ranking.

Some of the metrics in which North Dakota scored well include the 10-year change in teacher salaries, public school enrollment growth, the pupil-teacher ratio, the presence of an annual teacher evaluation requirement, the presence of a teacher effectiveness requirement, teacher safety, and average commute time.

“The top factor is economic stability, particularly for women,” Pedersen said. “That matters for both women and families. Job opportunities, career growth, and advancement are all important factors for those choosing a place to live. “North Dakota has a very low unemployment rate relative to the rest of the nation. Many of these jobs pay better than minimum wage. In many ways, North Dakota is a family-friendly state. Some of the factors that make it family friendly are access to job opportunities and a good public school system.”

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“Some of the factors that contributed to North Dakota being the best state for teachers include the third highest growth in teacher salaries over the past 10 years — almost 25 percent, the third highest public school enrollment growth — almost 2 percent, and a small share of uncertified teachers,” Gonzalez said.

North Dakota tied for 49th in highest projected competition, or most teachers per student in 2026. “North Dakota is projected to have one of the largest numbers of teachers by 2026,” Gonzalez said. “In itself this is an indication that the state is currently drawing more and more teachers due to its favorable conditions.”


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North Dakota was ranked No. 1 Best State for Teachers by WalletHub.

Mike Bitz, Superintendent of Mandan Public Schools, said the administration tries to make their system a great place for teachers to work. “We’ve tried to create that culture where our teachers feel valued and respected,” Bitz said. “Our parents are very supportive. Our communities are very supportive of our schools. That makes Mandan a good place to live and work.” The U.S. Census in 2020 should bring in another round of national accolades for the State of North Dakota and the Bismarck-Mandan metropolitan statistical area.

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CHAMBER EDC ANNOUNCES 2020-2022 STRATEGIC PLAN Upon completion of the merger of the BismarckMandan Chamber of Commerce and Bismarck-Mandan Development Association (BMDA), leaders of the newly formed Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC set out to quantify the value proposition of the new organization in the form of a strategic plan.

MISSION STATEMENT: Advocating for business. Fostering economic growth. Shaping the future of our community. 1. SERVE AS AN ADVOCATE FOR BUSINESS

In order do that, local consultant JM Strategies was engaged to gather feedback from Chamber EDC members, area leaders and even those who weren’t affiliated with the organization to determine what was important to the community. That feedback was compiled, reported back to the Chamber EDC and then addressed through the goals & objectives contained in the recently completed 2020 – 2022 Strategic Plan.

• Be an Information Source for Membership and Community through Communication and Education

To learn more about the 2020-2022 strategic plan, please contact the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.

• Enhance Chamber EDC Education and Experience Opportunities for Future Leaders

• Represent Members through Collaboration and an Effective Advocacy Strategy at the State & Local Level • Be an Active Voice for Business on Federal Policy • Utilize the Strength of Membership to Guide Chamber EDC Priorities and Drive Engagement

2. POSITION BISMARCK-MANDAN AS A DESTINATION FOR BUSINESS & TALENT • Enhanced Business Development Efforts • Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development. • Expanded Talent Attraction & Workforce Development Efforts • Rural Area Focus 3. RECRUIT & RETAIN CHAMBER EDC MEMBERS

• Communicate the Chamber EDC’s Value Proposition • Recruit & Retain Members • Provide Services & Programs Relevant to Our Members • Increase Engagement with New Audiences

4. OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE • Organizational Efficiency • Strengthen the Chamber EDC’s Risk Profile • Be an Information Resource


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• Foster Greater Engagement



Established in 2014 at the Northern Plains Commerce Centre (NPCC), Bobcat has now invested more than $43 million in the 200,000 square-foot Acceleration Center, including the original building and land cost, $28 million for new construction and the aforementioned $600,000 for interior upgrades. As a major hub for engineering research and development of compact equipment, Doosan Bobcat has filed approximately 25 percent of all patents filed during its 60 years of operation in the last five years at the center.

Photo Credit: Doosan Bobcat

Doosan Bobcat (Bobcat), a global leader in the compact equipment industry, recently announced a new $600,000 investment in its Bismarck-based Acceleration Center. The investment will advance new technology, expand space for software lab and test engineering areas.

Doosan Bobcat recently announced a new $600,000 investment in its Bismarck-based Acceleration Center.

“We are truly pushing the boundaries of engineering and product development,” said Troy Kraft, senior vice president of global engineering. “Since we first opened our doors, we have been able to expand the scope of the Acceleration Center in ways we never imagined – from world-class research and innovation to economic development and career opportunities in Bismarck.” In addition to an open office environment, the Acceleration Center features a 35,000 square-foot indoor testing arena and a 100,000 square-foot technology and testing lab. The facility has been the home for developing Doosan Bobcat equipment, including R-Series loaders, R2-Series compact excavators, small articulated loaders and Bobcat MaxControl Remote Operation. “We have made significant progress in product and technology advances since we started here five years ago,” said Matthew Sagaser, director of the Acceleration Center. “In that time, we have also served as a regional economic and social driver creating jobs, supporting economic growth and inspiring future innovators through our STEM programs.”

Over the last five years, Doosan Bobcat has added nearly 950 jobs at the Acceleration Center and the nearby manufacturing facility in Bismarck, becoming one of the area’s top 10 largest employers and bringing the company’s employment in the community to an all-time high. These jobs bring income to area businesses and support local government services and infrastructure through taxes. In addition, last year there were more than 155 events at the Acceleration Center which were attended by more than 2,300 out-of-town employees, customers, dealers, students, innovators and visitors traveling to the Bismarck area. This includes 70 Doosan Bobcat trainings with nearly 1,100 employees who utilized area hotels, restaurants and other businesses. The Acceleration Center has also developed and supported diverse STEM programs to foster the next generation of talent, with their annual STEM events during National Engineering Week, Computer Science Day and National Manufacturing Week, their Doosan Discovery Grants, and by offering 150 co-op/internship opportunities to area college students each year. “We look forward to the continued development of technology and products to exceed our customers’ expectations,” said Sagaser. “This is a great thing for our company and for the people of Bismarck, who together is helping Doosan Bobcat be an industry leader in compact equipment.”

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ANNUAL DINNER THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2020 BISMARCK EVENT CENTER, HALL B 5:30PM - SOCIAL | 6:30PM - DINNER | 7:00PM PROGRAM The 2020 Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Annual Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2020 at the Bismarck Event Center, Hall B. This year's event will begin with a general social hour at 5:30pm and dinner will be served promptly by 6:30pm. Rhonda Kallman, Co-Founder of The Boston Beer Co. & Founder/CEO of Boston Harbor Distillery, will be the featured keynote at the 2020 Annual Dinner! In the highly competitive beer industry, pioneer Rhonda Kallman stands alone. Rhonda Kallman always had whiskey in her blood—she took her first taste from her father’s whiskey and ginger at a very early age. At the young age of 24, Kallman cofounded the Boston Beer Company (BBC)—brewer of Samuel Adams—which quickly became most successful craft brewery in the world. As the Founding Partner and Executive Vice President of BBC for 15 years, Kallman knows how to build a successful organization—one that is the most successful craft beer company in the world that now has a $3 billion market cap. One of Draft Magazine’s "Top 10 Innovators" in the beer industry, Kallman helped build Boston Beer’s innovative infrastructure and create the most admired and best-trained sales force in the industry. With $200+ million in revenues, Kallman utilized unique go-to-market strategies that capitalized on the power of sales, promotion and marketing. An acclaimed professional speaker, Kallman delivers inspiration and motivation to a myriad of audiences focusing on entrepreneurial business, team building and strategy. Kallman brings the same commitment and tenacity to her talks as she does to her work. This is an enjoyable evening for outstanding entertainment, fine dining, awards, recognition and a wonderful opportunity to network and showcase your business with nearly 1000 business members, guests, co-workers and VIP clients. A sophisticated black-tie (optional) is encouraged. TICKETS — RESERVE ONLINE AT WWW.BISMARCKMANDAN.COM $75.00 - Chamber EDC Members $85.00 - General Admission. Sponsorship opportunities are still available and are a fantastic way to be recognized at one of our largest premier events.

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Tickets may be reserved until January 17, 2020. Reservations are required to be placed before the event.




SILVER SPONSORS: Consulate General of Canada Dakota Community Bank & Trust Eide Bailly, LLP Environmental Services, Ltd.

Huck Financial Indigo Signworks Jerome Distributing, Inc. Knife River Corporation - North Dakota MDU Resources Group

TABLE SPONSORS: Amy Hullet - Century 21 Morrison Bank of North Dakota Bartlett & West Inc Basin Electric Power Cooperative Baymont Inn & Suites Bismarck Cancer Center Bismarck Event Center Bismarck Sign Co Bismarck State College Bremer Bank Capital City Construction, Inc. Capital Credit Union Capital Electric Cooperative CHI St. Alexius Health

Cloverdale Foods Company Marathon Petroleum Consolidated Construction Company Midco CornerStone Bank Moore Engineering Crowley Fleck PLLP Nardini Fire Equipment Dakota Appraisal & Consulting National Information Solutions Cooperative Dakota Home Care Northwest Tire Inc. EMC Insurance Odney First International Bank & Trust Plains Commerce Bank First Western Bank & Trust Railway Credit Union Gate City Bank Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs KFYR-TV Stariton Bank Kirkwood Bank & Trust U.S. Bank KLJ United Tribes Technical College Kraus-Anderson Construction Company University of Mary Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Assoc. Wells Fargo Bank

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Signature Events has been a member of the Chamber EDC since 2016.

Renee Murrish SIGNATURE EVENTS Q: Briefly tell us the history behind Signature Events. A: Planning events has always been my passion and a part of my corporate job positions since 1999. In May of 2014 taking that leap of opening my own event planning business has been challenging, yet very rewarding, has tested my patience to the highest degree, and yet has been such a fulfilling and successful adventure. The true definition of the event planning concept was not in this area so my work was cut out for me. At the time the Idea Center was gracious and listened to my ideas and my business plan and put me in contact with one of the premiere event decorators in the area and I was blessed that they chose to take a chance on me to plan a few of their high-end weddings. I spend a lot of time just talking with people, educating people, and people became clients. In 2016, I was approached to partner up with a venue, Harvest Catering & Events, in Mandan, to manage their venue and teach their staff how to put on great events and create a great wedding, corporate meetings, friends and family venue and help make their venue successful…and the venue is just that!

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MEMBER SINCE 2016 In 2017, Signature Events was approached to purchase and continue the great Dream Day Bridal Show, was also known as the I Do Bridal Show and Y93 Bridal Show, and this has been a great avenue to continue to education and provide a great experience where couples, family, and friends can enjoy an afternoon of fun, education, games, visit with talented professionals who love showcasing their talents. Also, in late 2017, our family welcomed baby #2 and Signature Events started to evolve slightly in a different direction. In 2018, I no longer took as many off-site or out of town events. I realized that in business you have to be flexible…because in real life things change, I learned to be ok with change…with change the outcome generally is way better in the end and in my case it was so true! In mid-2018, Signature Events was asked to manage the catering side of Harvest Catering & Events and of course we excepted and we became the General Manager of the venue and continue to help them expand.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE Q: Tell us about yourself and your role within your organization. A: Hello, my name is Renee Murrish and I am the owner and founder of Signature Events. I am an Event Specialist and I Manage Venues. I have an amazing supportive husband and two wonderful children. My passion is event planning and have a degree in business management. Q: How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Signature Events? A: I am excited for the growth of Bismarck and Mandan. For Signature Events, it creates more needs for new venues and looking forward to continuing to grow our current clients venue portfolio and take on more venues and continue our passion for teaching event planning and managing venues to success. Q: What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Nothing excites me more than when a University of Mary student wants to job shadow! Event planners are starting to pop up, and the concept of having an event planner has continued to grow in our area …and this makes me so happy! Fun Fact: Having an event planner at your event really allows you to be a guest at your own event. Q: Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: Since the event planning concept is still growing… we can only keep growing! We still battle the misconception that a planner is a decorator and it continues to gives me great opportunity to pass along some great education about what a planner truly is. Q: What does the future of Signature Events look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: I am excited for the growth as a whole in our area, being a part of training great staff at venues, help venues continue to be successful, be able to continue to provide a great educational Bridal Show for up coming couples, and continue to personally take on a few clients private events a year. Family is very important to me and my top priority is to keep my family top priority….without my family I am not my best. Q: Signature Events became a member in 2016, why do you continue to renew each year? A: Being a Chamber EDC member has been great for me ESPECIALLY in the early years, I was able to share my business, learn from others, and create business relationships. My only wish is that I could be apart of more events they put on. Keep up the great work Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. Q: What should other Chamber EDC members know about Signature Events that may assist them? A: I am here to help …. You have an event and need advice….or venue space… give me a call I would love to help.


FEBRUARY 8, 2020 SI X T E E N 03 M A IN E V E N T S

Make plans to attend the 7th annual Masks in the Moonlight Charity Ball! This exciting event features an evening of mystery, intrigue, and fun. Enjoy dinner, dancing, a live and silent auction and more.

All proceeds benefit the Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation. Fo r mo r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t Sa r a a t 7 0 1 - 2 2 2 - 61 1 9 B I S M A R C KCA N C ER CEN TE RF O UN D A T I O N . C O M

Follow us on facebook.com/SignatureEvents.Mandan.ND

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LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN: SERVING AND PROTECTING THE COMMUNITY HUMAN SERVICES DAY The class met at HIT, Inc. for Human Services Day on Nov. 20. CEO Mike Remboldt welcomed the class to HIT, Inc. and explained the services offered. HIT, Inc. serves a variety of clients including those with intellectual disabilities and those with traumatic brain injuries. Clients of HIT, Inc. also work for area employers, and Remboldt said this can help with workforce shortages. Leah Hargrove of Global Neighbors spoke on the challenges faced by new Americans in the BismarckLeadership Bismarck-Mandan tours HIT Inc. for Human Services Day on Nov. 20. Mandan community. Jena Gullo, Missouri Slope Areawide United Way, OUR MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: spoke on how United Way works with the problem of Presenting homelessness in our community. Sponsor: SERVE & PROTECT DAY Burleigh-Morton Detention Center hosted the class for Serve & Protect Day on Dec. 4. Serve & Protect Day includes law enforcement, military, fire, ambulance, and other emergency services. Sgt. Elliot Carvell, Burleigh County Sheriff's Department, gave a working dog demonstration with K9 Dex. Carvell demonstrated Dex's drug sniffing abilities with marijuana planted in the room. Maj. Waylon Tomac, North Dakota National Guard, spoke on how the Civil Support Team would respond to chemical or biological threats in North Dakota. Dan Schaefer, Operations Chief of Metro Area Ambulance Service, spoke on responding to opioid overdoses in the Bismarck-Mandan metro area.

Gold Sponsor: Program Sponsors:

BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®

Human Services Day co-chairs: Amber Haman - HIT Inc. Deidre Hillman - N.D. Women's Business Center Annette Martel - Dickinson State University Service & Protect Day co-chairs: Robyn Krile - Lincoln Police Chief Col. Greg McDonald – North Dakota National Guard Scott Ritter - Aspen Group, LLP Lunch Sponsors: HIT, Inc. - (Human Services Day) Aspen Group Real Estate Services - (Serve & Protect Day)

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CHAMBER EDC STUDENT LEADERSHIP NETWORK CONNECTS WITH INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS LEADERS The Bismarck-Mandan Student Leadership Network has been busy the last two montHigh School as they have met with community businesses and leaders to find out not only what is going on in our community but how to be better prepared when looking to their future. November’s Issue Day was Financial Literacy; which was held at American Bank Center. The students had the opportunity to meet with an ask questions of Kevin Dykema, Bismarck Regional President, Justin Weninger, Business Banking Officer and Luke Leno, Trust Officer. Topics included: Budgeting, Credit and Investing. December’s Health Issue Day was in conjunction Student Leadership Network joined Leadership Bismarck-Mandan for Health Day on Dec. 18. with Leadership Bismarck Mandan and hosted at CHI. St. Alexius Health’s Technology and Education Center. Students had the chance to The 2019-2020 Student Leadership Network members are hear from representatives from Sanford, CHI St. Alexius as follows: Health and the ND Board of Pharmacy during a panel JUNIORS discussion on the ND Opioid Epidemic and Opioid • Elizabeth Allen, Mandan High School Stewardship. The students also heard from a second panel • Emily Bourgois, Century High School of representatives on Mental Health and Addiction. The • Symantha Cunningham, Mandan High School panel included representatives from ND Department of • Micah Schlittenhardt, Legacy High School Human Resources, Heartview Foundation, Face it Together, • Braxtyn Schmaltz, Legacy High School and Bismarck Burleigh Public Health. • Grace Vetter, St. Mary’s Central High School January will bring a session on Business and Economic Development and will be hosted by National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC). A big thank you to all of the presenters and hosts, who have taken the time out of their busy schedules to spend time with the Student Leadership Network. Presenting Sponsors: Program Sponsors:

SENIORS • Dylan Beck, Senior, Legacy High School • Sage Blickensderfer, Senior, Century High School • Lauren Leidenix, St. Mary’s Central High School • Bre Madler, Bismarck High School • Jaelyn Pickett, Dakota Adventist Academy • Sherman Quanbeck, Shiloh Christian School • Thane Rector, Mandan High School • Sierra Schlenker, Dakota Adventist Academy • Mayson Sheldon, Mandan High School

BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®

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ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM IS AROUND THE CORNER Find out what elements are driving our local, regional and national economy at this year's Economic Outlook Forum presented by Starion Bank.


On Tuesday, March 24th from 7:00am - 11:30am at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, join fellow Chamber EDC members as we hear first hand from experts and local professional from various industries what challenges we have endured in 2019 and what to be mindful of in 2020. Cost to attend the Economic Outlook Forum is $40.00 for Chamber EDC Members and $50.00 for General Admission. You can register online at www.bismarckmandan.com/events/calendar. It's not too early to reserve your table for this informational event. Please contact Ryan at rparsons@bmcedc.com or Christine at cnelson@bmcedc.com, or call 701-223-5660 to find out more details. Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsor:

Lemonade Day will be on June 20, 2020.

As the New Year brings much excitement, the Chamber EDC is looking forward to the 3rd Annual Lemonade Day. On June 20, 2020, Bismarck–Mandan will welcome young entrepreneurs and their Lemonade stands. In 2019 the Bismarck-Mandan area registered over 650 of the community’s youth. The average stand netted a total revenue of $229.47 with an average profit of $153.90. From there, each stands owner decided to share or save their earnings. Lemonade Day provides elementary and middle school children the opportunity to create, own and operate their own business through a lemonade stand. Ultimately, the event teaches students how to set a goal, make a plan, work the plan and to take action to achieve success. Please contact Christine Nelson, cnelson@bmcedc.com, for more information or to register the next great entrepreneur!

16 4 Connection



Christmas has come and gone and so has the holiday season, but we are still reminiscing about the wonderful Chamber EDC Holiday Mixer presented by Eide Chrysler - Dodge - Jeep - Ram. The evening was filled with festive booth and holiday cheer. Decadent food by Lady J's Catering and The Walrus was provided and was a hit among the attendees. The evening was also filled with three ensembles from the Central Dakota Children's Choir directed by Teri Fay and Dawn Hagerott. Thank you to all our sponsors who helped make this evening a success. This event would not be possible without all of your dedication and festive spirit.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event! We hope that you were able to walk away having met new people and maybe even a door prize or two. Save the date for the 2020 Chamber EDC Holiday Mixer on Tuesday, December 8th. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year from your local Chamber EDC!

There is a lot to consider when implementing the revenue recognition standard, but Eide Bailly can help you ensure compliance.


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Connection 3 17




Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020 Location: Rough Rider Industries 3100 Railroad Avenue, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend


Date: Thursday, January 23, 2020 Location: Bismarck Event Center, Hall B 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck Time: 5:30PM - 8:00PM Admission: $75.00 for a Chamber EDC Member $85.00 for General Admission Presenting Sponsors: CHRYSLER I DODGE I JEEP I RAM

Mark January 16, 2020 on your calendar and participate in a chance of a lifetime! This Bismarck Mandan Chamber Membership Mixer will be hosted by Rough Rider Industries inside the North Dakota State Penitentiary. Come see where license plates are created - tours will be provided of Rough Rider Industries and the Penitentiary. This is a unique opportunity and we ask to keep the following information in mind: 1. Registration for this event is encouraged and can be completed online by going to bismarckmandan. com/events/calendar. Registration helps ensure the continued safe and secure operation of our maximum custody facility. The first 20 registrants will receive a free memento courtesy of Rough Rider Industries. 2. Please arrive no later than 5:45 pm if you plan on participating in any tour events. 3. A photo ID is required and you can expect processing/screening similar to airport security. 4. Electronics and cell phones of any kind, to include smart watches, will be prohibited. Parking is limited, carpooling may be helpful.

18 4 Connection

The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC’s premier event is around the corner! Join us on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at the Bismarck Event Center. This event is a fantastic way to network and mingle with the community. We are excited to announce this year’s Annual Dinner keynote: Rhonda Kallman, co-founder of Samuel Adams and Boston Brewing Co. Recognized in 1990 by the Institute for Brewing Studies as the “Pioneering Woman in the Beer Industry,� Kallman has broken down countless barriers and established a whole new set of opportunities for women in business. It’s never too early to mark your calendar and plan your evening out with us! Reserve your table by calling 701223-5660 or email rparsons@bmcedc.com. Individual tickets can be purchased online at www.bismarckmandan. com.




Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Are you interested in learning how to make the most out of your membership? Save the Date and join us at the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC to hear from Chamber EDC staff about our programs, benefits, committees, and other opportunities on how to maximize your membership. Whether you are a brand new member, a long-time member or just want to learn more about membership this is the event for you!


Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020 Location: EMC Insurance 1838 Interstate Ave, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend Save the date for our February Membership Mixer hosted by EMC Insurance at their location at 1838 Interstate Ave in Bismarck. Mixers are FREE for Chamber EDC members to attend. Please consider attending and bringing your colleagues. RSVPs are appreciate by going online to www.bismarckmandan.com/events/calendar.

Please RSVP by either contacting the Chamber EDC at 701223-5660 or by emailing Ross at rfrohlich@bmcedc.com.


www.nrgtechservices.com (701) 250-9400 local IT support • networking security & monitoring backup disaster recovery • managed services provider for 28 years

Connection 3 19


HESS CORPORATION ANNOUNCES $250,000 GRANT FOR GATEWAY TO SCIENCE Brent Lohnes, North Dakota General Manager for Hess Corporation, announced the company’s support of Gateway to Science’s in the amount of $250,000. A $200,000 capital campaign contribution will help develop and sponsor a landmark oil and gas exhibit in the Transforming Energy section of the new science center gallery. Gateway to Science broke ground for its new building in October and work has begun on the site with an anticipated opening date in 2021. "We greatly appreciate Hess Corporation's support of the Transforming Energy section in the new science center,” said Executive Director Beth Demke. “Investment by industry is important for Gateway to Science to connect students with career pathways." The Gateway to Science on the Go program will receive $50,000 in support from Hess Corporation. The outreach programming brings hands-on STEM activities to schools and community organizations throughout North Dakota

and neighboring states. A set of Hess Toy Trucks and STEM education kits will be incorporated into the educational programs.

Gateway to Science received $250,000 from Hess Corp.

“Hess is proud to support Gateway to Science – North Dakota’s hands on science center. We know our grant will help promote STEM education, especially in ways that get children and youth thinking about future careers in the science and engineering.” said Lohnes. “The establishment of a new energy exhibit and the development of new STEM programs will be a huge asset to North Dakota and Hess is proud to be able to support these worthwhile initiatives





20 4 Connection

Save time and money by recruiting for all your staffing needs at one time. Reserve your booth space for $175 at bismarckstate.edu/jobfair. CSV-021-1119

FEBRUARY 20, 2020 4-6:30 P.M.

Meet Potential Employees!



Dacotah Speedway Promotions and Advertising Director, Jane Link, presented the Bismarck Cancer Center with a check for nearly $2,000 in October.

BISMARCK BEACON WELCOMES NEW RESIDENTS Our community is looking for innovative methods to welcome new residents flocking to BismarckMandan to fill more than two thousand open jobs, which is a goal of the event series: Bismarck Beacon “Plugged In”. Returning or new residents frequently ask, “How do I plug into Bismarck-Mandan socially?” Bismarck Beacon “Plugged In” is a free TedX style event where multiple organizations present social opportunities for employees including: sports/recreation, arts, volunteering, family/kids events, and more.

Dacotah Speedway, in conjunction with the BismarckMandan Stock Car Association, presented a donation check to the Bismarck Cancer Center for nearly $2,000 in late October.

"Our community's social offerings and connections are just as important to the recruitment and retention process as the job description, sometimes even more important," Kate Herzog, President of the Downtown Bismarck Community Foundation

In August, Dacotah Speedway hosted it’s 11th Annual Drive to Survive Night. Fans who purchased a special Drive to Survive t-shirt or hat got free admission into the races that night. T-shirts and hats were sold throughout the season and all proceeds raised went directly back to the Bismarck Cancer Center.

Recent experience has shown that if new or returning residents can establish social networks and opportunities, they’re more likely to stay in Bismarck-Mandan. Consequently, the community will grow and we’ll begin to permanently fill many open jobs.

“Dacotah Speedway is proud to make a positive impact in our community,” said Dacotah Speedway Promotion and Advertising Director, Jane Link. “I think everyone knows someone who has been impacted by cancer and we are honored to partner with the Bismarck Cancer Center on Drive to Survive. Each year, it blows me away how generously our fans and drivers give back to this great cause.”

The Downtown Bismarck Community Foundation's next edition of Bismarck Beacon is Friday, January 31 at Dakota Stage Theater, with breakfast starting at 8:30 AM and the program running from 9:00 – 10:00 AM. For more information or to register, visit: https://downtownbismarck.com.

In the past 11 years, Dacotah Speedway has raised over $30,000 for the Bismarck Cancer Center.

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The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program has named Bismarck State College as one of 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America's community colleges. Based on strong and improving in student outcomes—including in learning, completion rates, employment rates and earnings, and equity—15 percent of community colleges nationwide have been invited to apply for the Aspen Prize. “BSC is delighted that this objective selection by a national institution has raised us to the level where they’ve asked us to apply for this recognition. Just getting this far is an honor,” says BSC President Larry C. Skogen.


Checking Accounts

The 150 community colleges named today as eligible to compete for the 2021 Aspen Prize were selected from a pool of nearly 1,000 public two-year colleges nationwide using publicly available data on student outcomes. Located in 39 states in urban, rural, and suburban areas, serving as few as 500 students and as many as 75,000 students, these colleges represent the diversity and depth of the community college sector. Data shows that over the last two years, student retention, graduation rates, and degree completion have improved at the top tier of 150 Aspen Prize-eligible colleges. “Community colleges play a vital role in developing talent and enabling social mobility across the country, and it’s critical for them to get better at what they do,” said Josh Wyner, executive director of the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program. “We’re pleased to see evidence that these institutions are improving, that more are delivering on their promise. We’re also pleased to play a role in honoring outstanding community colleges and sharing what works to ensure great outcomes for students—through graduation and beyond.” The top ten finalists for the 2021 Aspen Prize will be named in May 2020. The Aspen Institute will then conduct site visits to each of the finalists and collect additional quantitative data, including employment and earnings data. A distinguished jury will make award decisions in spring 2021. Previous winners of the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence are: Miami Dade College (Florida) and Indian River State College (Florida), 2019; Lake Area Technical College (South Dakota), 2017; Santa Fe College (Florida), 2015; Santa Barbara City College (California) and Walla Walla Community College (Washington), 2013; Valencia College (Florida), 2011.

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22 4 Connection



City of Mandan is launching five video clips with the theme “My Mandan.�

Mandan will be releasing five new video clips in the weeks ahead. The videos showcase young citizens and a few places in the community where they like to shop, eat and otherwise gather with friends and family for entertainment.

“The new video series adds to an online library that invites area residents and visitors to fully explore Mandan’s unique stores, restaurants and fun things to do,� says Laurie Leingang, chair of the Mandan Tomorrow – Leadership, Pride and Image Committee, which provides guidance on a community marketing program. For a couple years, the committee has been guiding a grassroots promotion to engage community members and visitors in telling their own “My Mandan� story. Members of the public share photos and video clips with a #MyMandan tag on social media platforms showing experiences in favorite stores, restaurants and attractions in Mandan. The first of the new youth-oriented video clips was released today with others to follow each week before the end of 2019. Check for weekly releases at www.cityofmandan.com/thingstodo. Videos also will be posted on Made in Mandan social media including Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

Connection 3 23


Thank You Sponsors!






ND BOOTH SPONSORS: Arvig Media National Day Calendar Bain Agency ND Association of Rural Electrop Coop. The Banquet ND Departmet of Transportation BEK Communications Network Center, Inc. Bismarck Airport New Vision Security Bismarck Cancer Center ND Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association Northland Health Center Bismarck Parks & Recreation Northwest Tire Burleigh County Senior Adults Program Office Depot Capital Credit Union Performance Equipment CBIZ Insurance Pizza Ranch Dakota Adventist Academy Prairie Public Broadcasting Direct Travel/Satrom Travel Pride Inc. EAPC Probitas Promotions Expressway Suites Profile by Sanford Gate City Bank Sam’s Club KFYR TV Stonehome Brewing Company Laughing Sun Brewing Co. University of Mary Make A Wish Foundation United Tribes Technical College Marco Vibra Hospital of Central Dakotas Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center Zimmerman Law

24 4 Connection

MARCO HONORED FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE WITH ELITE DEALER AWARD Marco was named an Elite Dealer by ENX Magazine – an award given to top-performing office technology dealerships nationwide. The recognition acknowledges Marco’s commitment to customer satisfaction, quality service and cutting-edge technologies. Marco was one of the 137 companies on the Elite Dealer list that will be featured in the December issue of ENX Magazine. Companies honored range from sub-$3 million performers to $300 million-plus firms across the country. In addition to offering outstanding support and solutions to customers, Marco was recognized for its willingness to partner with clients in a manner that is mutually beneficial. “Even with the consolidation that is taking place in the industry, our list of Elite Dealers continues to grow,” said Susan Neimes, managing editor of ENX Magazine and ENX The Week In Imaging. “And despite the challenges all dealers face, it is heartening to see these companies improve through investments in training, customer education, facilities enhancements and new growth opportunities. Their tales paint a bold and exciting future for the office technology space.” This is the seventh consecutive time Marco was named to the Elite Dealer list. A consistency that speaks to Marco’s dedication and expertise in the industry. “Marco strives to remain a company that is not only a technology leader, but also puts customers first with unrivaled service and support,” said Steve Gau, president of copier division at Marco. “We are honored to be recognized again as an Elite Dealer. An award that speaks to Marco’s professionalism and excellence in the field.”


UNIVERSITY OF MARY ANNOUNCED ITS PLANS TO NAME SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AFTER SAINT GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA The University of Mary announced its plans to name its School of Health Sciences after Saint Gianna Beretta Molla. North Dakota’s only private, Catholic university made the announcement this evening, fittingly, on All Saints’ Day, amongst hundreds of friends, supporters and benefactors during its annual 2019 Candlelight Gala in Founders Hall at the Lumen Vitae University Center (LVUC) on campus. The family of St. Gianna gave University of Mary permission to name the School of Health Sciences for their mother, who Pope John Paul canonized as a saint on May 16, 2004. The Holy Father offered this new, beloved, lay saint to the Church as a model of virtue, holiness, motherhood, professionalism and devotion. While medicine became her mission and career after World War II, Molla, an Italian pediatrician, also chose marriage as her vocation. She once again embraced both as gifts from God and dedicated herself to forming a truly Christian family. Molla became pregnant with their fourth child. Near the end of her second month of pregnancy, Molla was struck with unbearable pain. Doctors discovered she was carrying both a baby and a tumor after developing fibroma in her uterus. Calling upon what her Catholic faith taught her, Molla believed every human life was a gift from God, something sacred to be respected and protected from conception to natural death. She opted for the removal of only the fibroma in order to preserve her child’s life, while at the same time realizing she may lose her life. “If you must decide between me and the child, do not hesitate: choose the child. I insist on it. Save the baby,” Gianna Beretta expressed to her husband, Pietro, and family members. On April 21, 1962, the baby was successfully delivered by Caesarean section. However, after many attempts by her doctors to save both lives, Gianna passed away from septic peritonitis a week after the baby was born. Today, that baby, is Gianna Emanuela Molla, who is now herself a medical doctor. Emanuela is on University of Mary’s campus this weekend attending the Gala on behalf of her family and to personally give approval to name the School of Health Sciences in honor of their mother.

University of Mary announced its plans to name its School of Health Sciences after Saint Gianna Beretta Molla.

Dr. Glenda Reemts, who is chair of the University of Mary’s Department of Nursing and the number one ranked nursing program in the nation out of 2,061 programs by Mountain Measurements, said at the Gala event, “The naming of our school after St. Gianna beautifully emulates the sanctity of human life. The importance of the dignity of the human person runs deep within our school and within the hearts of our students.” The naming of the School of Health Sciences in honor of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla will happen once a fundraising goal is met. This evening’s Gala officially launched the fundraising effort to fund the newly-named school.

University of Mary’s School of Health Sciences faculty members joined Emanuela, University of Mary President Monsignor James Shea, and honored guests for the announcement.

Connection 3 25



2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: IS SUICIDE BECOMING A WORKPLACE CRISIS? A: Suicide in the workplace is on a

troubling rise. In 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries reported an all-time high of 291 workplace suicides since the census began in 1992. This trend is consistent with the overall number of suicides in the U.S., which has increased by about 41 percent from 1999 to 2017. Workplace suicide is most common among white men. Those at the highest risk are the self-employed and those who are ages 54 and older. Management and professional specialty jobs have the highest number of workplace suicides and suicide risk is the greatest among farming, forestry and fishing occupations. Resources to combat workplace suicide include employee assistance programs and health insurance plans that provide coverage for behavioral health and substance abuse treatment. If you know someone who is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at (800) 273-8255.

26 4 Connection


304 E Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-255-4400


1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501


Q: WHO WOULD BE INCLUDED Q: HOW CAN A TRUST DEPARTON MY CHILD’S APPLIED MENT PROTECT AGAINST ELDER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (ABA) ABUSE? TEAM AT ANNE CARLSEN? A: Banks are good about noticing when something is not right and are able to A: Your child’s ABA team is made up of stop someone from withdrawing money when they know that it is not legitimate. Of course, they can’t catch scams every time. The customer might just go to an ATM, send an ACH, or use their debit card. In those instances, there is not someone there to ask questions and steer the customer in the right direction. For those customers that have a Trust account with a Corporate Trustee like a Bank’s Trust Department, however, they actually have another layer of protection. The Trust Department has a responsibility to protect the funds in the Trust and to make sure that the funds are managed in accordance with the Trust Document. Typically, the purpose of the Trust is to provide for a current beneficiary now and a future beneficiary at some later time. In those cases, the Trustee needs to make sure that there will be funds available for the future beneficiary while also providing for the current beneficiary’s needs. They do this by asking a lot of questions and making sure that every withdrawal is appropriate. This process can help reduce the amount of times funds are withdrawn and lost to scams.

qualified people filling two important roles. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) is a professional who holds at least a master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis, Education, or Psychology, has completed 1500 supervised experience hours, has passed the national BCBA exam and holds ND Licensure. Your BCBA administers assessments to determine your child’s current skill level, writes skill acquisition curriculum, provides parent training and oversees the implementation of behavior analytic programming by a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT). The RBT is a paraprofessional who practices under the ongoing supervision of a BCBA. An RBT is at least 18 years old, holds a minimum of a high school diploma, and passes a background check. Additionally, an RBT has completed a 40-hour training in ABA principles and techniques, has passed a competency assessment administered by a BCBA and has passed the national RBT exam. Your team of RBTs are responsible for providing direct ABA services that have been designed by your BCBA. Please contact Anne Carlsen Behavioral Health Services at 701-751-2315 for more information on ABA services or employment.



500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100





529 Marilyn Drive, Mandan, ND 58554 701-214-1633

701 E Rosser Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-9500

Q: WHAT ARE SOME THINGS I Q: I AM A 22 YEAR OLD FEMALE Q: WHAT ARE TIPS TO IMPROVE SHOULD AVOID DOING WHEN COLLEGE STUDENT AND I REMY SLEEP? LOOKING TO PURCHASE A CENTLY HAD MY YEARLY EXAM A: Adding adequate sleep to your list of New Year’s resolutions is a great idea. HOME? WITH MY OBGYN. SHE SAID Sleep does far more than keep you alert A: Do not change jobs - During the THAT I HAVE PRECANCEROUS in that morning meeting. Sleep helps your CELLS. DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE mortgage approval process do not change body recharge, helps prevent weight gain, jobs until the keys are firmly in your hands. heart disease and keeps you healthier CANCER? This means AFTER CLOSING. Job consisoverall. tency and salary are important factors that A: Cervical cancer is one of the cancers where there seems to be a step-progression. Normal cells in the cervix that change over time can lead to a progression of cancer. The interesting thing with cervical cancer is that the process takes a long time, so screening for the disease helps dramatically. There’s a period of time where you can detect it early. This is why your yearly checkups are essential and it’s important to realize precancerous conditions are very treatable.

mortgage lenders take into consideration and are usually weary of issuing loans to borrowers in unstable circumstances.

Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. You are more likely to get HPV if you or your partner have had sex with several others. Cervical cancer can be prevented through the HPV vaccine, as it protects against the HPV that most often causes cervical cancer. It is given in a series of shots and is recommended for boys and girls older than 11. Other safety precautions: don’t smoke, use condoms during sex, and limit your number of sexual partners.

Do not allow any new credit inquiries after the mortgage loan approval - The presence of any new credit inquiries is a major red flag. One of the major factors in the loan approval is your DTI and changes in your DTI may cause a mortgage lender to question your ability to make a mortgage payment.

Don’t make large purchases - A big money purchase can quickly alter your credit score by changing your debt to income ratio (DTI). Major purchases include a car, furniture, jewelry, etc. I’m sure that new car would to look great in the garage of your home, but it’s not going to have the same appeal to your mortgage lender.

Creating a solid sleep pattern should include adjusting your bedroom environment (light, noise, temperature) so that you are comfortable before you lie down. If you’re unable to fall asleep, don’t force it. Get up, go to another room and read, or find another relaxing activity until you feel sleepy again. Also avoid prolonged use of lighted electronic devices like phones and e-books. To get into a routine set an alarm clock and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sleep only as much as necessary to feel rested. Employing these tips will keep you well-rested and send you into the New Year with more vitality and energy.

Connection 3 27

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES STAVIG Trevor Stavig, FNP, gastroenterology and hepatology, recently joined Sanford Clinic in Bismarck. As a Trevor Stavig gastroenterology and hepatology nurse practitioner, Stavig treats conditions affecting the gastrointestinal system. Stavig graduated from NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health in Bismarck and received his Doctor of Nursing Practice from North Dakota State University in Fargo.

BEHELER JOINS MABU AS A COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Jessica Beheler recently joined Agency MABU as a Jessica Beheler communications manager. She will work with MABU’s account and project managers to develop strategic marketing and communications plans. An enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Beheler has more than 10 years of mass media and public relations experience throughout the United States in mainly tribal government, CENTURY21 ANNOUNCES NEW education, health and non-profit type "HOME" IN BISMARCK settings. At CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty, we A graduate of Bismarck State College are excited to announce that we will have a and Minnesota State University Moorhead, new "home" in late 2020. Dirt was moved she holds a bachelor’s degree in mass in late October for the new office that will communications. be centrally located in north Bismarck at 1142 W Turnpike near Dan’s, Captain BISMARCK-MANDAN BOARD OF Jacks, and Home2 Suites in Bismarck. REALTORS INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS With our same core values, relentless agents, and the new modern building with The Bismarck Mandan Board of smart technologies we look forward to Realtors has installed new officers and making your real estate dreams a reality. directors. Taking office in December were Darren Schmidt (Oaktree Realtors), President; Joy Nelson (Alliance Real EVANSON JOINS BNC Estate), President-Elect; Jeff White NATIONAL BANK (White House Realty), Vice President; BNC National Bank Desri Neether (NextHome Legendary has expanded its Bismarck Properties), Past President. Directors Business Banking staff. are Rochelle Eick (Bianco Realty), Jeni John Evanson recently Grunseth (Trademark Realty), Jennifer joined BNC as a Senior John Evanson Hatzenbuhler (Century 21 Morrison Realty), Commercial Lender. Heidi Hilzendeger (NextHome Legendary Evanson has worked in Properties), Mary Ohlhauser (Century 21 the financial industry for over 20 years, Morrison Realty), Justin Sackman (Bianco including experience in lending and Realty); and state directors Jamie McLean management. Evanson’ s office is located (Integra Realty Group) and Kristin Oban at BNC’s downtown Bismarck branch. (Century 21 Morrison Realty). The Realtor of the Year Award was ALLIANCE REAL ESTATE given to Mary Shelkey-Miller (Hometown WELCOMES FLOM Realty) to recognize her service to the Bismarck Mandan Board of Realtors, her Gail Flom has 7½ community involvement, and business years of real estate accomplishments. Gina Hruby (North experience and we are Dakota Guaranty & Title) received the excited to have her join us at Alliance Real Estate. Affiliate of the Year Award in recognition Gail Flom of her support and participation in Realtor She is ready to help you with all of your real estate association activities, support of various community organizations, and business needs from buying a first home, moving accomplishments. up, new construction, or selling. The President’s Distinguished Service Award went to Mike Bohrer (Venture Real Estate) in recognition of his leadership in chairing a special web site advisory group.

CHI ST. ALEXIUS HEALTH WELCOMES DONOVAN CHI St. Alexius Health welcomes Terri Donovan as VP of Operational Finance/Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Terri Donovan Terri has nearly 20 years’ of experience leveraging research and analyzing current health care trends to implement proactive strategies through effective financial stewardship, communication and collaborative leadership. She will work closely with operational and clinical leaders in the alignment of strategic direction, mission and values. BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top six "REALTORS® of the Month" for November: Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, Amy Asche, Judy Maslowski, Darcy Fettig and Nate Seifert . These six REALTORS® had the highest sales totals at Bianco Realty in November 2019. SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES HOSPITALISTS Edith Okoye, MD, and Renae Welhouse, NP, hospitalist recently joined Sanford Health in Dr. Edith Okoye Bismarck. Dr. Okoye treats acute medical illnesses and acute worsening of chronic conditions in hospitalized patients. She graduated from the American University of the Caribbean School of Dr. Renae Welhouse Medicine in St. Maarten and completed her residency from Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr. Welhouse graduated from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and received her Master’s degree from Maryville University in St. Louis.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at rrattei@bmcedc.com.

28 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS ANNE CARLSEN HIRES BETH THUNE AS VICE PRESIDENT, WEST REGION Anne Carlsen Center, a non-profit organization providing individuals with Beth Thune developmental disabilities or delays with services and supports has hired Beth Thune as Vice President of their West Region. In her role, she will oversee Anne Carlsen services in Bismarck, Minot and all of western North Dakota. Thune received a Master of Science degree in speech language pathology from the University of North Dakota and a Master of Management from the University of Mary. She practiced hospital-based speech language pathology for many years, oversaw therapy services as director of rehabilitation services and was the director of patient experience for an integrated healthcare system. Most recently, she served as a regional advisor in the patient experience industry. She has expertise in patient experience improvement initiatives, employee and medical care professional engagement, service excellence and direct patient care.

HUMAN SERVICES NAMES STOLT CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER The North Dakota Department of Human Services has selected Sara Stolt as its Chief Sara Stolt Operating Officer (COO). As COO, Stolt will be part of the department’s executive and senior leadership teams and will be responsible for overseeing the social service redesign process authorized in 2019 Senate Bill 2124. This includes program and process review of all DHS programs to assure that operations are carried out in a consistent, effective and efficient manner following legislative intent. Stolt joined the department in February 2019 as transformation manager. She worked primarily with DHS colleagues, the North Dakota Association of Counties and county social service leaders to support the transition from a county to a human service zone administrative structure and to develop pilot programs redesigning child welfare processes, child care licensing, and other service areas to achieve efficiencies and better outcomes for clients.

SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES NURSE PRACTITIONER Megan Fettig, FNP, cardiology, has joined the Sanford Heart team in Bismarck. As a nurse Megan Fettig practitioner, Fettig helps patients manage acute and chronic cardiovascular disease and disorders including heart failure, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy and heart rhythm abnormalities. Fettig received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nursing from the University of Mary in Bismarck.

JANUARY LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at www.freetv.org.

Thurs, 2nd 5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment Mon, 6th 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission Tues, 7th 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission Wed, 8th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission

Tues, 21st 1:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Wed, 22nd Mon, 27th

5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission

Thurs, 9th

5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Mon, 13th

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board*

Tues, 28th

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Tues, 14th Thurs, 16th

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board

Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Mandan City Commission Burleigh County Commission* Mandan School Board

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission*

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at www.freetv.org. * Delayed Playback

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RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.



Denis and Adele Reed and store manager Aaron Ova celebrate Grand Opening of their new Mandan location at 504 West Main in Mandan. Phone: 701-663-4797. Member.

Dr. Sandee, Tressa Miller and Dr. Phillip celebrate the grand opening of their new business located at 535 S 7th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-222-6382.



Kat Socks, Author, celebrates the launch of her book, Pickles the Dog, A Christmas Tradition. Phone: 701-527-7322.

Cary and Judy Hoffman, Owners, celebrate with staff on becoming Chamber EDC members, located at 1425 Lasalle Drive in Bismarck. Phone: 701-400-4651. Member.



Jason Frank and Patrick Koski, Owners, celebrate with staff on becoming Chamber EDC members, located at 113 S 5th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-222-2140. Member.

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Kristin Hermanson along with staff and dignitaries celebrate the office opening for the 2020 Census located at 1721 Burlington Drive in Bismarck. Phone: 701-561-5500. Member.

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at www.bismarckmandan.com. Peace Garden Hemp Company 717 E Main Ave Bismarck, ND Lonna Brooks (701) 595-1632 Peace Garden Hemp sells North Dakota grown and processed hemp seed food products. Gizmonics 7850 Hwy 1804 S Bismarck, ND Evan Anderson (701) 202-7203 Providing product consulting and prototyping to individuals and businesses. We guide you down the long and twisting path that is new product development.

Black Lions 200 W Main Street, Ste #202 Mandan, ND Garrett Hooker (315) 777-5668 Beer parlor, craft beer & wine. Family and veteran owned. Primrose Retirement Community of Bismarck 1144 College Drive Bismarck, ND Renee Welk (701) 354-2224 Primrose Retirement Communities, you'll find a warm and inviting environment in which our community offers you freedom of home-style living with the specialized care and attention you need.

Fronteer Payroll Services, Inc. 4007 State Street Bismarck, ND Jason Dockter (701) 258-9848 Payroll service, employee leasing, bookkeeping Knutson Realty 4207 Boulder Ridge Rd, Ste #220 Bismarck, ND Cam Knutson (701) 220-4124 Knutson Realty is a real estate brokerage and development company focused on new development in North Dakota. Blind Ambition 3200 Impala Lane Bismarck, ND Jere Rogers (701) 770-1378 Custom blinds for home or business. Free consultations and install. COUNTRY Financial 1401 Skyline Blvd, Suite 270 Bismarck, ND Lynette Wohl (701) 354-6452 Insurance & financial services.

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Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503



UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS JANUARY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: ROUGH RIDER INDUSTRIES Date: January 16, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Rough Riders Industries – 3100 Railroad Ave, Bismarck


CHAMBER EDC ANNUAL DINNER Date: January 23, 2020 • Time: 5:30pm - 9:00pm Location: Bismarck Event Center, Hall B – 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck CHAMBER EDC 101: MAXIMIZING YOUR MEMBERSHIP Date: February 11, 2020 • Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck FEBRUARY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: EMC INSURANCE CO Date: February 20, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: EMC Insurance Co – 1838 Interstate Ave, Bismarck


JOB SHADOW WEEK Date: February 24 - February 28, 2020 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: March 24, 2020 • Time: 7:00am - 11:30am Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck


THU RSDA Y, JA NU ARY 23, 2020 B ISM A RC K E V E NT C EN T ER, H AL L B 5:30 P M - SOCIAL 6 :30 P M - DIN N ER 7 :0 0 P M - P RO GRAM

CHAMBER MEMBERS: $75.00 GENERAL ADMISSION: $85.00 www.bismarckmandan.com

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