Molini d'Italia Settembre 2019

Page 11


Basta attacchi all’import di grano No more attacks on wheat imports

di Cosimo De Sortis Presidente di Italmopa

Le diffamazioni danneggiano tutto il food made in Italy, non solo i molini Defamation damages all made-in-Italy food, not just our mills

With the arrival in Italy of grains from abroad harvested this year, there have been reports of their alleged contamination by substances that could put consumers’ health at risk. News disclosed before the necessary analyses were carried out, which are mandatory by law! News that have been later proved wrong by laboratory results. Italmopa says: that is enough! Imports are necessary to meet industrial needs and for qualitative reasons. In fact, a part of Italian wheat production, for climatic

reasons among others, does not always have the characteristics required for flour and semolina production compliant with statutory standards. Moreover, mills often spend more on foreign wheat because it is of better quality. As to food safety, foreign raw materials are subject to constant and strict controls both by Italian public supervisory and control authorities and by the mills, as part of their relevant self-control plans, according to the Haccp principles. Therefore, food safety is really a top priority.


on l’arrivo in Italia dei grani esteri raccolti quest’anno - in particolare in Canada - si è scatenato un vortice di notizie sulla loro presunta contaminazione da alcune sostanze che potrebbero mettere a rischio la salute dei consumatori. Tali notizie sono state divulgate ancor prima che fossero eseguite le doverose, necessarie analisi obbligatorie per legge, per poi essere smentite dai risultati di laboratorio. Italmopa dice basta! A fronte di questa dilagante attività di disinformazione, la nostra Associazione ha più volte sottolineato come questi annunci, tesi unicamente a screditare in maniera strumentale l’import di grano, abbiano effetti negativi soprattutto sul

September  SETTEMBRE 2019


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