Branton & Auckley Arrow June 2018

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Learn More with Thorne Camera Club Following successful courses for beginner and improving photographers last year, another course will run this summer aimed at further improvement in photography. Whether you use a compact camera, a bridge or DSLR, even a mobile phone, you can learn to take better pictures, and the course intends to help people do so. You do not need to be a member of the club to join the course, Glynn, course tutor last year, is looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces in Room 5 at the Methodist Church on alternate Saturdays from May 19th at 10am, five sessions for £25.00. Places are limited so please contact or 07463821182. It’s been busy at the Club, with some excellent speakers, competitions and tutorials as well as the 5th AGM. There was just one resignation from the committee, otherwise the officers remain the same as previously with one vacancy. The club entered its 6th year with a membership of 47. The Summer Outings Programme is complete, but getting booked up, with a trip on the Humber in ‘Amy Howson’ and a visit to ‘Geoff’s Garden’ proving very popular. Members, guests and potential new members are welcome on some outings. Contact the club please. A visit from Oliver Wright, recently returned from 6 months in Sweden and Finland, was a real treat. Excellent macro work showed insects as you’ve never seen them, in super close-up, and amazing images of the frozen North and the Northern Lights. A very relaxed speaker, he welcomed questions from the audience. The current President of the YPU, Alan Stopher CPAGB, also visited as he wanted to meet as many members as possible in his presidential term. He showed some excellent photographs as well as explaining the work of the Yorkshire Photographic Union. Chris Hartley from Wath, one of few lady judges, came for the competition, theme ‘Inanimate Objects’. A wide range of subjects, around 60 in all, made the judges task more difficult; she remarked on the high standard, which shows how members have improved. Her winners were: Michael Jackson with ‘Former Bloom’ Jean Goodburne, ‘From Times Gone By’ and Norman Pugh’s ‘Davy Lamp’ ( Theme) and in the Open Section; Lynda Rhodes’ ‘Tunnel’ Lynda Ulyett’s ‘Gothic Beauty’ and Jean Goodburne’s ‘Nuthatch’. Highly Commended were: David Ulyett, Lynda Ulyett(2), Daniel O’Shea, Jackie Woodward, Stephen Wall, Lynda Rhodes(2), Bill Mitchell, Terry Gunnill. With Jean Goodburne, Margaret Patrick, John Marshall LRPS(2), Jackie Woodward, Trevor Holt(3), Colin Jarvis (2), Stephen Wall and Bill Mitchell ( 2) Commended. We hope everyone has a lovely Summer, taking lots of photos, enjoying the outdoors, and looking forward to the Autumn Programme which begins on September 17th 2018, usual time and place. See you there.

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