Kaiserslautern American, July 6, 2018

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Just Report It! Continuous evaluation and you, Page 2

DUIs in Germany: Don’t ruin a good time with a bad choice, Page 8

10 AAMDC commemorates Army warrant officers’“Century of Service”, Page 11

Annweiler honors former British king July 27 to 29, Page 17

July 6, 2018 | Volume 42, Number 27

Read the KA also online at KaiserslauternAmerican.com

521 AMOW welcomes new commander by TSgt Jocelyn A. Ford 86 Airlift Wing Public Affairs Col. Bradley Spears assumed command of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing during a change of command ceremony June 28. Maj. Gen. Christopher Bence, U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, presided over the ceremony in which Col. Thomas M. Cooper relinquished command of the 521 AMOW to Col. Spears. “It is a unique opportunity to fly-up in the same organization.” Spears, who previously served as the wing’s vice commander, said in an interview prior to the change of command ceremony. “Moving from Vice Commander to Commander affords the opportunity to provide some stability to the Wing.” Spears now leads the 521 AMOW whose mission is to provide forwarddeployed command and control, aerial

port, and aircraft maintenance support to DoD organic and contracted commercial aircraft executing airlift and air refueling missions throughout the USAFE-AFAFRICA area of responsibility. “Leadership, the act of leading, is underwritten by trust.” Spears said in his interview. “That trust is built by leaders who live by our core values, are highly competent and striving to be better every day, and have the ability to connect with peers, subordinates, and supervisors. Our Wing is successful when all 2,100 Airmen are leaders.” Before officially assuming command of the 521 AMOW, Spears was presented the Legion of Merit, the Air Force’s sixth-highest decoration, for exceptional meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services See change of command, Page 2

Maj. Gen. Christopher J. Bence, commander of the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center, passes the guidon and command of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing to Col. Bradley L. Spears in a ceremony June 28. The 521 AMOW provides forward-deployed command and control, aerial port, and aircraft maintenance support to DoD organic and contracted commercial aircraft executing airlift and air refueling missions throughout the U.S. Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa area of responsibility. Photo by Airman 1st Class Ariel Leighty

Improved AF-WIN tool helps eligible Airmen meet retraining goals by Richard Salomon Air Force Personnel Center

U.S. Airmen learn about the do’s and don’ts of retraining during a retraining seminar at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., March 3, 2016. The Air Force Work Interest Navigator, or AF-WIN, tool helps Airmen who are interested in retraining. Photo by Senior Airman Amanda Morris

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIORANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) — Officials at the Air Force’s Personnel Center recently updated and improved the Air Force Work Interest Navigator, or AF-WIN, tool which helps Airmen who are interested in re-training to identify which Air Force Specialty Codes best fit their strengths and interests. AF-Win is a web-based tool that presents a series of questions to Airmen on functional communities, job contexts and work activities and then creates a customized career fit

report (ranked highest to lowest in terms of fit) on more than 130 enlisted Air Force careers tailored to the Airmen’s interests. “The AF-WIN tool requests Airmen to take a 10-minute survey and serves as an important selfdiscovery tool for Airmen exploring other Air Force career fields,” said Mr. Ken Schwartz, Air Force Testing & Survey Policy chief. “It provides an overall occupational snapshot to help Airmen identify good-fit areas for retraining.” The new AF-WIN version has an improved user interface, more See af-win tool, Page 6

Kaiserslautern American

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July 6, 2018

Just Report It! Continuous evaluation and you

Other areas of concern are: allegiance to the United States, criminal sexual behavior, personal conduct, psychological conditions, outside activities, and the use of Information Technology Systems. Jennifer May, 86th Airlift Wing Information Protection Office chief, said it’s important to understand what does

and doesn’t happen as a result of reporting activities or changes. “Reporting these issues does not automatically mean suspension, nor does your command have the authority to adjudicate locally,” said May. “Self-reporting at the soonest opportunity demonstrates integrity and honesty, which is definitely in the member’s favor.” While this program focuses on upward reporting for individuals, there is also an automated downward reporting aspect. On the automated side of the CEP, social security numbers are randomly vetted through numerous databases to identify potential concerns, such as credit issues and court records. These reports are filtered downward from the DoD CE Validation Cell (CEVC) to the appropriate security office for action. Often, identified issues are not recent, and can cause a lot of work for the member if supporting documentation is not readily available. “As you move through life and your career, things can change, and that’s okay,” explained Erin Benson, 86th Airlift Wing personnel security specialist. “What you need to remember is that you’ve been entrusted with protecting National security, and because of that, it is your job to report certain life events through your leadership or to our office.” Additional information on the reporting process and CEP can be found on the 86 AW Information Protection SharePoint site. For further information on the CEP or reporting requirements, please contact the 86 AW Information Protection Office at 480-6203/4384 or your local leadership. For personnel outside the Air Force, contact your local security office for assistance.

Legion of Merit during his retirement ceremony following the change of command. Headquartered at Ramstein Air Force Base, the 521 AMOW reports to the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center and Air Mobility Command.

The wing is comprised of more than 2,100 U.S. military, civilian, and local national personnel operating from 21 locations across six time zones. The wing includes two groups, 10 squadrons, two detachments and four operating locations.

86th Airlift Wing Information Protection Office Consider this scenario: An Airman received a DUI in July 2016, and after receiving an Article 15 Non-Judicial Punishment, he thought that it was over and done. However, because it was not reported to the security office, it came back to haunt him. In February 2017, he moved on to a new assignment. In that same month, his name was flagged in an automated database and the DUI was reported. Although his clearance was not immediately affected, he arrived at his new base with an open incident report and was left scrambling to gather the documents needed to close it. Luckily, there was a happy ending, but you can see the potential impacts to mission readiness. Just think, what if that was you, but were deploying or going TDY. Would you be able to easily provide the necessary paperwork to resolve the concerns? Now think about this scenario. An Airman began falling severely behind on her financial obligations and ultimately had to short sell her house in Florida. She reported her financial situation to her First Sergeant and the Information Protection (IP) office immediately. The incident was formally documented, and as soon as all actions were completed and she was able to get financially stable, it was closed favorably within a few months. She no longer has to worry about this incident coming back to haunt her at an inopportune time. Historically, if an individual had an active security clearance, they provided documented updates on their personal life on either a five or ten year cycle. Since the inception of the Continuous Evaluation Program (CEP) in 2016, milchange of command from Page 1 and achievements as the wing’s vice commander. Col. Thomas M. Cooper retires from the Air Force after more than 29 years of service. During his tenure as com-

U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jesse Chervinka and Jessie Rhom help a cadet process an Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing, or e-QIP, form Jan. 12, 2013. The e-QIP is a secure website managed designed to automate the common security questionnaires used to process federal background investigations. Photo by Mike Kaplan

itary, civilians, and contractors who have security clearances have been required to immediately self-identify issues or changes in their personal life. The CEP ensures actions or behaviors that affect a person’s trustworthiness, reliability, and loyalty, are reported immediately to the DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility (DoDCAF) for assessment and mitigation. The DoDCAF is the agency that grants your security clearance. Reportable activities/changes include, but are not limited to: • Foreign contacts: Continuing association with a known foreign national that involves bonds of affection, personal or intimate obligations, or any other contact that involves the exchange or personal information. • Financial problems: Filing for bankruptcy, garnishing of wages, eviction for failure to pay rent, inability to meet all your financial obligations, etc. mander, the 521 AMOW supported 104,854 strategic airlift missions, moving more than one million passengers, and nearly 5,000 aeromedical evacuation patients and 360,000 tons of cargo in support of operations and exercises. Cooper was presented with the

• Arrests: Any arrest, regardless if charges were filed, if dismissed or reduced; includes theft, fraud, DUI, domestic violence or abuse, and any other involvement with the legal system such as being sued. • Alcohol/drug involvement: Alcohol abuse, use, possession, or acquisition of illegal substances including marijuana; misuse of prescribed medication, or inappropriate acquisition of prescription and non-prescription medication. • Loss or compromise of information: Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret Information lost due to negligence.

MAsthead The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including insert or supplements, does

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July 6, 2018

Kaiserslautern American

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US, partners complete Saber Strike 18 A U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flies by and “drops ordinance” during a large scale battle scenario in Skrunda, Latvia June 13. The battle was part of Saber Strike 18 and pieced together communication, tactics, and other facets of military operation into one scenario. More than 150 total sorties were flown during Saber Strike to help build communication and partnership between air units and ground units of participating nations.

Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Jimmie D. Pike United States Air Forces in Europe Public Affairs SKRUNDA, Latvia — Saber Strike 18, wrapped up with a large scale battle scenario involving multiple countries in Skrunda, Latvia, June 13. Following Saber Strike’s focus to build stronger partnerships, agility in a dynamic environment, and ready and postured forces, the scenario combined multiple facets of joint-military operation on the battlefield with different nations. “Exercises like this help build relationships,” said Capt. Rihards Zalitis, Latvian armed forces range control officer. “This year we had the (Enhance Forward Presence) Battle Group and many other nations that we get to work with. We see how they work, they see how we work, and it makes us better every day.” Forces that participated included the Spanish, Italian, Canadian and Latvian platoons as the defending force with the objective to delay the attacking forces as long as possible; and U.S. Marines, United Kingdom Royal Marines, Michigan Army National Guard, and Norwegian forces as the attacking force. While the battle scenario was the culminating exercise for Saber Strike 18 in Latvia, it is only a small part of the effort put into Saber Strike. During the timespan of Saber Strike 18, KC-135 Stratotankers flew approximately 32 hours and refueled 99 aircraft between A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, F-16 Fighting Falcons, and B-1 Lancers. The A-10s alone flew 96 sorties since they arrived in Latvia. Altogether the aircraft were used in efforts to finetune the combination of air and ground forces. “This type of training works great,”

said U.S. Air Force Maj. Deryck Castonguay, 171st Air Refueling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker instructor pilot. “It allows us to integrate our people with partners, and to work in other nations to gain experience.” Even though the exercise was finished in Latvia on June 13, other countries that participated in Saber Strike continued training exercises until June 15. One such force included the MQ-9 Reaper aircraft with approximately 20 hours of support during the exercise. The MQ-9 provided close air support, armed overwatch, and an airfield seizure along with its intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions for Saber Strike. Saber Strike is intended to promote regional stability and security, while also strengthening partnership capabilities. The combined training opportunities that it provided greatly improve interoperability among participating NATO allies and key regional partners. “These partnerships would never happen if it wasn’t for big exercises like this,” said U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Chuck Barth, Grayling Air Gunnery Range Joint Terminal Attack Controller instructor. “This is a really good thing for everybody.” In regard to being an opportunity for growth and development of forces, Saber Strike was a huge success. “Saber Strike 18 accomplished everything we set out to do this year,” said Evette Seck, lead U.S. Air Forces in Europe planner for Saber Strike 18. “From building partnerships and integration, to combining the facets of air and ground capabilities for quick precise responses, the participating nations made it happen. This is what Saber Strike brings to the table, and the next iteration should be even better.”

Members of a Canadian platoon fire at opposing forces during an exercise in Skrunda, Latvia, June 13. Canadian forces were teamed with Spanish, Italian, and Latvian platoons to act as a defending force during a battle simulation for Saber Strike 18. Saber Strike included approximately 18,000 participants from 19 countries to continue building on interoperability.

A Latvian MI-17 Helicopter lands during a large scale battle scenario in Skrunda, Latvia, June 13. The helicopter was directed in by Joint Terminal Attack Controllers to pick up simulated injured personnel. The battle was part of Saber Strike 18 and pieced together communication, tactics, and other facets of military operation into one scenario. Saber Strike aims to improve strategic partnerships, ability to operate in the dynamic security environment, and to maintain readiness of forces.

Kaiserslautern American

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KMC Blotter


Compiled by the 569th USFPS and 86th SFS Photo by Schmidt_Alex / Shutterstock.com

June 27 1:29 a.m.: Driving under the influence of a controlled substance in Landstuhl. 3:41 a.m.: Driving under the influence of a controlled substance in Landstuhl. 11:15 a.m.: Larceny of unsecured government property in Otterbach. 1:45 p.m.: Damage to government property on Ramstein Air Base. June 28 9:05 a.m.: Damage and larceny of private property in Kaiserslautern. 4:00 p.m.: Shoplifting at Vogelweh Commissary. June 29 12:39 a.m.: Theft from a secured motor vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 7:40 a.m.: Major traffic accident with injuries in Obermohr. 11:49 a.m.: Failure to report a minor traffic accident in St. Wendel. 3:12 p.m.: Damage to private property on Vogelweh Family Housing. 5:00 p.m.: Theft from unsecured motor vehicle in Weilerbach. 11:03 p.m.: Larceny of secured private property on Ramstein Air Base. June 30 3:14 a.m.: Driving under the influence of alcohol in Kaiserslautern. 4:20 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 4:25 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle

According to the German laws LWaldG (§ 24), fires, (bonfires, grilling, cookers) and open lights (candles, gas lanterns, torches) are forbidden within 100 meters of a forest. Breaking the law can get very expensive, penalties can run up to 50,000 Euros.

LRMC Pharmacy Temporary Hour Change The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center outpatient pharmacy will close at 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, instead of 7 p.m., July 2-16. This is a trial period to help the LRMC team assess efficiencies in an effort to maximize resources during the times more patients visit. If patients need to fill prescriptions after 5 p.m. during the week, they may use the inpatient pharmacy; however, patients are encouraged to get their prescriptions earlier to allow the inpatient pharmacy to focus on inpatient and emergency patients. All hours of operation on the weekends, training holidays, Federal holidays and Sundays will remain the same.

without insurance in Kaiserslautern. 4:38 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 4:50 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle without insurance in Kaiserslautern. 11:55 a.m.: Operating a vehicle with expired USAREUR registration on Ramstein Air Base. 8:16 p.m.: Damage to private property on Ramstein Air Base. July 1 6:30 a.m.: Driving under the influence of alcohol in Kaiserslautern. 9:36 a.m.: Assault in Mackenbach. 4:30 p.m.: Theft from an unsecured motor vehicle in Mannheim. 5:10 p.m.: Mutual assault in Kaiserslautern. 10:20 p.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle resulting in a major traffic accident with injuries in Ramstein-Miesenbach.

Green Dot Training Have you taken your annual Green Dot training? This is a mandated annual training to gain awareness and prevention of interpersonal violence, to include sexual assault, domestic and inter-personal violence, and suicide. You have two choices for your training. If you completed the Green Dot training last year, you only need to take the 2018 GD Refresher training. If you have never taken the training, you need to take the initial training. This year’s theme is “Lots of people X Small behaviors = Big Impact.” Sign up for your training now at the AF Green Dot SharePoint site, or call the Violence Prevention Integrators at 480-1422. Have you had a Green Dot moment? A time when you stopped some type of violence from occurring, or a time that you witnessed something and thought about taking action? The 86th Airlift Wing Violence Prevention Implementers (VPI) would like to hear your Green Dot moment for possible publication in the future. Please send your Green Dot Moment or story to: Glen.corlin@us.af.mil or joseph. black.14@us.af.mil

July 2 9:05 a.m.: Major traffic collision with disabling damages in Kaiserslautern. 10:57 a.m.: Assault in Cologne. 2:58 p.m.: Major traffic collision with disabling damages in Kaiserslautern. 3:22 p.m.: Theft from an unsecured motor vehicle in Queidersbach. 5:35 p.m.: Assault on Ramstein Air Base. 11:56 p.m.: Verbal altercation and communicating a threat on Vogelweh Family Housing. Editor’s note: The purpose of the weekly blotter is to deliver a chronological listing of criminal activity in the KMC. The information contained in the blotter is not indicative of crime trends or the targeting of service members or their dependents. The location and nature of the entries is dependent upon where the crime was reported and not necessarily where the crime took place.

the housing hype Attention Housing Residents! Be Aware of Open Fires!

Photo by Golubovy / Shutterstock.com

Photo by Artazum / Shutterstock.com

June 26 5:02 a.m.: Theft from an unsecured motor vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 7:15 a.m.: Major traffic collision with injuries and disabling damages in Lambsborn. 3:19 p.m.: Damage to private property in Otterberg.

July 6, 2018

Attention Vogelweh Housing Residents! As a reminder, from 2 July 2018 until 24 August 2018, the pedestrian bridge that services Vogelweh Military Housing to Kapaun AS will be inaccessible due to needed maintenance and repair. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Housing Facilities Section at 489-7108 or 0631-536-7108.

New process, new hours The Ramstein Visitor Control Center recently changed processes on issuing passes. The VCC now issues passes with a scannable barcode. These passes are valid for one to three days and may be used at any KMC Air Force or KMC Army installation. Any request longer than three days will require customers to receive a long-term pass. Customers should understand with the new process, waiting times may be longer than usual. The VCC changed its operating hours. It opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m., seven days a week. After hours, customers may still sign in guests at the west gate. The sponsor must be registered in IACS to sign in visitors. Furthermore, ID card holders who forget their ID may also be searched in IACS and be granted base access. For more information, visit ramsteinvisitorcenter.com

Units needed for blood drives The Armed Services Blood Bank Center - Europe is looking for units who would like to host blood drives for the military community. For details, call 06371 94645958 or email colleen.m.urban.civ@mail.mil. KMCC supports readiness At the Kaiserslautern Military community Center Exchange and ShopMyExchange.com, military members and their families can equip themselves with the tools needed to maintain a BE FIT lifestyle, including athletic apparel and footwear; strength training and cardio equipment, and digital fitness devices — tax-free and at an average savings of 20 percent off MSRP. Change of Command The U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz holds a change of command ceremony at 10 a.m. on July 11, at Daenner Kaserne. Col. Jason T. Edwards will assume command of the garrison from Col. Keith E. Igyarto. Edwards comes to USAG RheinlandPfalz following an assignment at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., where he was a National Security Fellow. Igyarto, who took command of the garrison July 6, 2016, will be assigned as the Comptroller for U.S. Army Futures Command in Crystal City, Va. Customers enrolled with Pfalzwerke (electricity) and/or Pfalzgas (gas) If you were unable to provide your annual meter readings during May, please read your meters and submit to the company using the instructions below. Should they not receive meter readings from you, Pfalzwerke/Pfalzgas will be obligated to generate your annual bill(s) based on estimated readings rather than actual usage. Annual meter readings can be provided to the utility company the following ways: » » Online: https://onlineservice. pfalzwerke.de/pw/ publicMeterReadingStart.sap » » Via email (customer name, customer number, German address with picture of meter readings required): customerservice@pfalzwerke.de After submission, the utility company will mail an updated year-end bill with adjusted monthly payments for the new billing cycle to your German mailing address. Point of contact for this information is U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Utility Tax Avoidance Program (UTAP) office at 5419086/9091 or 0611-143-541-9086/9091.

July 6, 2018

Kaiserslautern American

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WIC Overseas lights the way for parents by Senior Airman Devin M. Rumbaugh 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Raising children can be a challenging task for new parents. With the Women, Infants, and Children Overseas program, parents can reach out for multiple facets of assistance and education in raising children. The WIC Overseas program is a Department of Defense nutrition education and supplemental food program offered to eligible active-duty military, DoD contractors and civilians, and their dependents stationed overseas. “The program provides benefits such as free nutritious food, tips on how to prepare balanced meals, nutrition and health screenings, and

referrals to other base organizations that help Kaiserslautern Military Community families lead healthier lives,” said Virginia Johnson, WIC Overseas regional manager. “Our counselors are registered nurses, dietitians and other health professionals with nutrition backgrounds, so they are equipped to answer a wide array of questions related to feeding an infant or child, and maintaining a healthy pregnancy for mothers and their unborn child,” said Johnson. “We also have qualified staff for breastfeeding concerns.” Along with the education and counseling provided for caring for the newborn, WIC Overseas also provides guidance to help families live healthier lifestyles.

“We provide counseling on how to live a healthier life through individualized nutrition and breastfeeding education,” Johnson said. “Participants also receive drafts for the purchase of healthy, nutritious foods which increases the available household income. In addition, the program contributes to military readiness. Johnson said active-duty personnel will be more productive and focused on their mission if they are not worried about the health of their family. To allow participants into the program, WIC Overseas first screens them to verify they qualify for the program. Those eligible to enroll are children 5 years old or younger, pregnant women, breastfeeding women up

to one year, and postpartum women up to six months. To verify eligibility, members can contact the office over the phone for a pre-screening. Members who are prequalified will then set up an appointment for the member’s family to visit the office. “Even if you didn’t qualify in the states, it does not mean you won’t qualify overseas,” Johnson said. “We have different financial guidelines overseas so many families are pleased to learn they can get services here.” For members interested in enrolling in the program or to receive more information on the program, contact the WIC Overseas office at DSN 480-4466, or commercial 06371474466.

Contracting seminar: A problem shared is a problem halved Story and photos by Airman 1st Class D. Blake Browning 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The Air Force Installation Contracting Agency — U.S. Air Forces in Europe Contracting Seminar was called to a close at the Officer’s Club on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, June 20. The two-day seminar pooled together key leaders from approximately eight units across U.S. Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa to tackle problems at the operational level and provide better service to the units they support. “Our purpose is to enable the warfighter,” said U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Richard SainteRose, 700th Contracting Squadron superintendent. “Because of the rules placed on spending government funds, only a warranted contracting officer can obligate those funds. Our job is to get our mission partners the support they need.” The contracting seminar served as a way for leaders to get together and share best practices, innovative ideas, and things that can be done to better fulfill mission requirements. “By taking these ideas and best practices learned at the USAFE contracting conference, we’ll be able to do things better, faster and more efficient for the units we support,” said 1st Lt Kristopher Ball, 700th Contracting Squadron construction flight commander. Some of the topics covered during

the event included the future of contracting and any potential changes to the career field, mission briefs highlighting the challenges and accomplishments of each represented unit, and how to conduct better acquisitions. Additionally, leaders were able to prepare for upcoming contracts that aligned with the European defense initiative and anti-terrorism force protection which are slated to take priority. “By allowing the different commanders and key leaders the time to come together, network and exchange ideas, visions, challenges, we now have new ideas as to how to better serve the 86th Airlift Wing along with its mission partners throughout the KMC,” said Sainte-Rose.

U.S. Air Force Col. Joseph McFall, 3rd Air Force vice commander, speaks during the Air Force Installation Contracting Agency - U.S. Air Forces in Europe Contracting Seminar at the Officer’s Club on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, June 20, 2018. The two-day seminar pooled together key leaders from approximately eight units across the command to tackle problems at the operational level and provide better service to the units they support.

Air Force Installation Contracting Agency - U.S. Air Forces in Europe Contracting Seminar participants pose for a group photo outside the Officer’s Club on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, June 20, 2018. Some of the topics covered during the event included the future of contracting and any potential changes to the career field, mission briefs highlighting the challenges and accomplishments of each represented unit, and how to conduct better acquisitions.

Page 6 af-win tool from Page 1 information about specific career fields, technical training information, specific work activities and improved filters that allow users to sort career fields based on Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB, scores and educational requirements. For example, clicking on the manpower career field’s (3S3X1)

Kaiserslautern American AF-WIN entry brings up information on job tasks such as using and integrating process teams, benchmarking, process mapping, performance measurement, establishing metrics for manpower requirements and more. Although the AF-WIN tool can help Airmen identify potential AFSCs, it does not reflect actual retraining quotas nor an individual’s eligibility for retraining.

The Air Force Work Interest Navigator, or AF-WIN, tool helps Airmen who are interested in retraining. The tool requires Airmen to take a 10-minute survey that provides an overall occupational snapshot to help Airmen identify good-fit areas for retraining. Photo by Staff Sgt. Brandon Shapiro

“Enlisted retraining is a force management program used primarily to balance the enlisted career force across all AFSCs and ensures the sustainability of career fields,” said Mr. Bob Kerr, Air Force Training Requirements chief. “The AF-WIN tool creates a customized career fit report that can help Airmen fine tune their retraining goals while helping the Air Force meet current and future

July 6, 2018 mission needs.” The Air Force Recruiting Service launched a similar version that is geared toward new recruits on AirForce.com. All retraining information, including the AF-WIN tool, is available on the enlisted retraining homepage on myPers using a CAC-enabled, .mil computer. Click “Retraining” from the active-duty enlisted landing page.

With an improved user interface, more information about specific career fields, technical training information, specific work activities and improved filters, the recently updated Air Force Work Interest Navigator, or AF-WIN, tool allows Airmen interested in retraining to tailor their experiences to identify a career field that best fits their strengths and interests. Photo by Billion Photos / Shutterstock.com

July 6, 2018

Kaiserslautern American

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Army Reserve personnel accountability teams support Saber Strike 18 Story and photo by Spc. Daisy Zimmer 221st Public Affairs Detachment SZCZECIN, POLAND — U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers with 406th Human Resource Company, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, will receive active duty and reserve Soldiers arriving at multiple locations across eastern Europe theater to support U.S. Army Europe’s exercise Saber Strike 18. Staff Sgt. Todd Strobel and Spc. Patrick Frank, both with 406 HR CO based out of Kaiserslautern, Germany, comprise a small personnel accountability team (PAT) responsible for entering Soldier data into a U.S. based tracking system immediately when units arrive at local airports. “The PAT mission for Saber Strike is important because we need to maintain 100 percent accountability for all of our service members, wherever they are in theatre,” said Strobel, a human resources non-commissioned officer and native of Prairie Village, Kansas. In addition to accountability, PATs must relay complete and accurate data to the U.S. Army Human Resources Command in order for Soldiers to receive the appropriate pay and entitlements based on status and assignment location. Frank, a personnel accountability team member originally from Linden City, New Jersey, stressed the importance of relaying correct information the first time. When the report gets to [U.S. Army Human Resources Command],

U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Todd Strobel, a human resource non-commissioned officer with 406th Human Resource Company, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, Kaiserslautern, Germany, will receive active duty and reserve Soldiers arriving in theatre to support Saber Strike 18. Saber Strike is a long-standing U.S. Army Europe-led integrated training exercise that helps facilitate cooperation amongst the U.S., Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and 19 other allied and partner nations, June 3-15.

there can be no mistakes, he said. As a multi-national cooperative training exercise with troops constantly moving, Saber Strike relies on PAT accuracy for mission success and individual Soldier well-being. For Frank, that level of competency is important regardless of the size of the exercise. “Personnel accountability is important for every operation,” he said. “It tells myself and everyone higher running the mission that these Soldiers made it safely on the ground

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers with 406th Human Resource Company, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, Kaiserslautern, Germany, will provide personnel accountability teams during their last training exercise before deactivation in support of Saber Strike 18.

and now they’re fit to execute the mission.” 361st CA BDE is the only forward deployed U.S. Army Reserve civil affairs unit in Europe, and therefore the go-to resource to provide civil affairs support for U.S. Army Europe. “Supporting Saber Strike shows NATO members that we can show up and act upon when needed,” said Strobel. “When that call comes, [we] are ready to support the mission, succeed, exceed, and complete.”

361st CA BDE, located in Kaiserslautern, Germany, which is the U.S. Army Reserve’s only forward deployed multifunctional civil affairs unit in Europe providing civil affairs; movement control; human resource; chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological; public affairs and forward engineering support to U.S. Army Europe. Saber Strike is a long-standing U.S. Army Europe-led integrated training exercise that helps facilitate cooperation amongst the U.S., Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and 19 other allied and partner nations, June 3-15.

U.S. Army Reserve Spc. Patrick Frank, a personnel accountability team member with 406th Human Resource Company, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, Kaiserslautern, Germany, will receive active duty and reserve Soldiers arriving in theatre to support Saber Strike 18.

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Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

DUIs in Germany: Don’t ruin a good time with a bad choice by Mary Davis U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Public Affairs Office Barbecues, village festivals and gettogethers where alcohol is served may be a huge part of summertime fun in Germany, but the consequences of driving under the influence afterward can be a sobering reality check. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs not only endangers others, but jeopardizes government civilian careers and disrupts lives, said Robert Leist, U.S. Army Garrison RheinlandPfalz Civilian Misconduct officer. “Government civilian employees and command-sponsored family members are subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the host-nation authorities and the administrative jurisdiction of U.S. forces under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement with established civilian misconduct programs,” Leist explained. “Civilians receiving logistical support also fall under the civilian misconduct jurisdiction. Host-nation authorities maintain criminal jurisdiction, so they will typically assign fines, fees, penalties and determine guilt or innocence. DUIs are normally processed through host-nation criminal court.” According to host-nation DUI laws, violating 0.05 percent blood alcohol concentration or driving under the influence of drugs will result in the following consequences: • First Offense: 500€ fine, two point reduction and one-month driving suspension • Second Offense: 1,000€ fine, two point reduction and a three-month driving suspension • Third Offense: 1,500€ fine, two point reduction and a three-month suspension. • Tougher DUI penalties and fines are

The German police breathalyzer measures breath-alcohol concentration in milligrams per liter (mg/L). The United States measures blood-alcohol levels in grams per 100 milliliters (g/100 mL). Photo by Pixabay.com

issued by host-nation authorities if drivers endanger road traffic or their BAC is greater than 0.109 percent. Although U.S. civilian drivers with DUIs have host-nation penalties and fines to contend with, they will still deal with Army reprimands as well, said Rick Anderson, USAG RP Civilian Misconduct officer. “For certain BACs, German authorities may suspend a license for 90 days, but Army in Europe Regulation 190-1 requires a revocation of one year for the offense,” he said. “Whether you are a government civilian employee, government contractor or family member, if you are affiliated with the U.S. forces and receive logistical support, you must pay the host-nation fines and also abide by AER 190-1 with the revocation of your license, regardless if host-nation authorities only remove driving privi-

German law prohibits people younger than 21 to operate a vehicle with any alcohol in their system. People older than 21 cannot have more than .05 percent in their system under normal circumstances and .03 percent if involved in traffic offenses or accidents. Photo by Pixabay.com

leges for 90 days.” There is a difference between hostnation license suspensions and required U.S. forces license suspensions and revocations, Anderson said. “According to AER 190-1, operation of a vehicle with 0.05 to 0.079 percent BAC will be a mandatory 90-day license suspension; 0.08 percent BAC or higher is a mandatory license revocation with petitioned reinstatement authorized after one year,” Anderson explained. “People who commit a second offense lose their license for five years; a third offense prohibits them from ever possessing a U.S. Forces Certificate of License again.” DUI includes drugs as well. “Recently, we’ve seen U.S. civilian DUIs involving marijuana, which is concerning. As a reminder to all U.S. Forces affiliated civilians and family members, possession of marijuana and driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal here in Germany,” Anderson said. With the tough penalties and fines from host-nation authorities and civilian misconduct, why do people still drink and drive? “People think they can get away with drinking and driving,” said Sgt. Bailey Bourque, USAG RP Directorate of Emergency Services Traffic Management and Collision investigator. “Those who think they can get away with it will eventually get caught and suffer the consequences. We all make choices — we just need to ensure the choices we make are good ones.” Unfortunately DUIs are common, but they are totally preventable. USAG

RP has several resources and support agencies that can assist in addressing the causes of DUIs, alcohol and drug abuse, Bourque said. “These agencies work to mitigate future offenses or help individuals in avoiding an incident altogether through proactive counseling and awareness,” she said. “Some of the resources available include the Army Substance Abuse Program, Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care Program, Employee Assistance Program, Family Advocacy Program, Adolescent Support and Counseling Services and several other organizations to help people struggling with difficult issues.” The key to having fun this summer is making sure your plans are well thought out before going out, Bourque said. “People need to have and use their plans A, B and C,” she said. “Leaders make a plan, implement it and followthrough. If they do that, their subordinates will follow suit.” Leist agreed with Bourque and added, “Impaired decisions are not always the best decisions, so when we see someone making a mistake, we need to have the intestinal fortitude to reach out and help them make the right choice.” So never end a good time, with a bad choice. Don’t drive impaired. For more information, call the USAG RP Civilian Misconduct Office at DSN 541-2221 or civilian at 0611-143541-2221 (Kaiserslautern) or DSN 531-2733 or civilian at 0611-143531-2733 (Baumholder).

July 6, 2018

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Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

“War Machine� Airmen increase mission readiness while gaining new skills at Ramstein

Photos by Staff Sgt. Rayna Padgett 125th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jonathan Mayle, a 125th Fighter Wing Logistics Readiness Squadron traffic management journeyman, inventories bolts while working with an 86th LRS Airman, at Ramstein, June 12. The 125th LRS is participating in a training mission and is learning new job techniques to bring back to their home station.

U.S. Air Force Amn. Haley Brown, a 125th Fighter Wing Logistics Readiness Squadron traffic management apprentice learns how to drive a forklift with assistance from an 86th LRS Airman, at Ramstein, June 12.

U.S. Air Force Amn. Haley Brown, a 125th Fighter Wing Logistics Readiness Squadron traffic management apprentice inventories inbound cargo, at Ramstein, June 12.

U.S. Air Force Senior Amn. Denzell Wilson, a 125th Fighter Wing Logistics Readiness Squadron fuels operator, connects a panograph to refuel at fuel truck, at Ramstein, June 12.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jet Heng, a 125th Fighter Wing Logistics Readiness Squadron, a fuels laboratory technician, checks the quality of fuel for clarity, weight and water, at Ramstein, June 14.

July 6, 2018

Kaiserslautern American

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10 AAMDC hosts US Army warrant officer “Century of Service” commemoration Story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Jason Epperson 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command The 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command hosted the Rheinland-Pfalz 100th U.S. Army Warrant Officer Commemoration at Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Kaiserslautern, Germany on June 29. The centennial celebration included a 2-mile fun run and walk, a commemoration ceremony, command chief warrant officer relinquishment of responsibility ceremony and a call to arms. Chief Warrant Officer 5 David V. Jones, 10 AAMDC command chief warrant officer, said this commemorative event is special because it represents a cohort who bolsters readiness for our Army, joint partners and multinational allies. “The 10 AAMDC hosting this event shows the organizational leadership's willingness to fully embrace the Chief of Staff of the Army directed change,” Jones said. “The role of the U.S. Army warrant officer as approved by the CSA, has grown immensely over the past two decades. The Army has consistently been an organization willing to change, grow and develop and I think 10 AAMDC, by hosting this event, has adopted the 243-year example the Army has set.” Jones said the Army has expanded the role of warrant officers, which now includes double-digit adjectives which can be used to help gauge our cohort's effectiveness to build Army readiness on a daily basis. “Conversely in 2000, when I became a warrant officer, there were less than five adjectives, thus highlighting the tremendous evolution and expansion of Warrant Officer roles and responsibilities from a holistic perspective,” he said. “The single greatest benefit of serving others as a warrant officer today, remains the opportunity to earn elite level expertise coupled with advanced leadership skills as this unique combination continues to save lives and defeat our adversaries from a multidomain battle equation via balancing complex and dynamic battlefield geometry and technological variables.” Col. David E. Shank, 10 AAMDC commander said warrant officers remain extremely critical to the overall ability of our Army and 10 AAMDC to effectively fight tonight. “Like all Army traditions, celebrating the 100th anniversary provides us an opportunity to recognize the importance these tremendous experts and leaders bring to the fight every day,” Shank said.

Chief Warrant Officer 5 David V. Jones, command chief warrant officer, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, passes the officer's saber, a symbol of leadership and responsibility, to Col. David E. Shank, commander, 10 AAMDC during a relinquishment of responsibility ceremony for Jones at Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Germany June 29. The relinquishment of responsibility ceremony concluded the "Century of Service" celebration for U.S. Army warrant officers.

“As stated by the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence Commanding General, Major General Wilson Shoffner, 2018 represents the year of the warrant officer. It seems fitting that this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the cohort and showcase these professional warriors.” Shank said that he is extremely proud of the warrant officers in 10 AAMDC and those he had the distinct privilege to work alongside throughout his career.

“From my days as a second lieutenant in 2nd Infantry Division to now, warrant officers have played an integral part in my Army education and have helped make me a better leader and warrior,” he said. During his relinquishment ceremony Jones thanked his fellow warrant officers he served with during his time with the 10 AAMDC. “I am truly grateful, humbled and honored to have had the remarkable

opportunity to serve shoulder to shoulder with each and every one of you as your very first command chief warrant officer,” Jones said. Jones cited multiple accomplishments the 10 AAMDC warrant officers had accomplished during his tenure including: Department of the Army level Best Supply Support Activity winner, back to back U. S. Army Europe Army Award for Maintenance Excellence Winners, USAREUR Best Warrior Competition Winner, USAREUR General Douglas McArthur Leadership Award Winner, numerous professional military education distinguished honor graduates and Air Defense Artillery branch-level Shipton Award Winner. “These are not my accomplishments, they are yours and I have been very proud to have served with such a talented team of experts, leaders and winners,” he said. Jones said the CSA directed change with formalization of command chief warrant officer billets follows the Army warrant officer 2025 strategy. In 2015, the ADA branch embraced that change when the command chief warrant officer position became a reality and this single change enabled an opportunity. “Three years ago, I was given an opportunity and I had one desired end-state in mind: improve the organization,” Jones said. “However, it was not me; it was you. When it comes to readiness, increasing capacity and capability, being able to fight tonight and win in a complex world versus peer level adversaries who have the ability to execute multi-domain battle effects, that is what you did every day and you did it great.”

Active duty service members, family members and military retirees participated in an early morning 2-mile fun run and walk to highlight the 100th anniversary of the United Stated Army warrant officer cohort hosted by 10 AAMDC at Rhine Ordnance Barracks June 29. The "Century of Service" celebration included a commemoration ceremony followed by a relinquishment of responsibility ceremony for Chief Warrant Officer 5 David V. Jones, command chief warrant officer, 10 AAMDC.

Kaiserslautern American

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July 6, 2018

Mark your calendar July 2018 Events »»The Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir is now conducting a community-wide search for a replacement for the current director who will be PCS’ing this summer. This multi-cultural Choir is looking for an energetic and engaging American or international musical director to lead in English with high technical competence and musical professionalism. Applicants are asked to send their qualifications to contact@sing-rpic.de. Interviews with the Choir will be held in May. The RPIC rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7 pm to 9:15 pm in Kaiserslautern Erzhutten. More information about the Choir can be found on their website, www.sing-rpic.de »»Attention Retirees: The Next Workshop What A Surviving Spouse or Family Member Needs to Know, will be held on July 14 on Ramstein Air Base in building 306A, the USAFEAFRICA Conference Center. The workshop will start at 10 a.m. with a series of briefings. Then starting at 11 a.m., individual counseling appointments will commence. If you wish to attend, register with the 86 AW Retiree Activities Office via e-mail at 86aw.rao@us.af.mil or call at 06371-47-5486. »»The next Retiree Luncheon will be on July 11 at the KMCC Food Court Activity Room, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you wish to attend, please contact the 86 AW Retiree Activities Office via e-mail at 86aw.rao@us.af.mil or call 06371-475486 to sign up. Armstrong’s Club Events Armstrong’s Club is located in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Family Housing. Call 0631-3406-3993 for details. Unless otherwise stated, events have no cover charge and are open to all ID cardholders and their guests, 18 and over.

»»Summer Bash Outdoor Party Join Armstrong’s Club for their Summer Bash on July 14 at 4 p.m. This outdoor party will include bar service and live music Open to all ID cardholders and their guests. Family friendly event. Only ages 18 and older may stay after 8 p.m. Dogs are welcome on a leash. »»Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses Associ­ ation: The KLSA Club gather every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Armstrong Club from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for lunch and social. All contracted, military, and civilian spouses welcome. »»A Taste of Germany: 5 p.m. every Monday at Castello’s Snack Bar inside Armstrong’s Club. Indulge in traditional and delicious German meals for $5 per plate. The meals vary each week; menus are available at www. kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. »»Karaoke Fridays: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every Friday. Show off your singing skills and socialize in a fun environment. »»Latin Saturdays: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every first and third Saturday of the month.

KMC Onstage KMC Onstage is located at Kleber Kaserne, Bldg. 3232, at 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626. KMC Onstage Free Admission for Wounded Soldiers: KMC Onstage offers all programming free of charge to Wounded Warriors and their guests at the Fisher House. Check out the season poster for current programming and contact KMC Onstage for tickets. For Landstuhl patrons, transportation may be arranged. Please contact KMC Onstage before 2 p.m. on Friday if transportation is required for weekend shows.

»»Classic Radio Drama: Two original 1940s sci-fi radio scripts will be performed as if for a studio audience. Actors create the sound effects and character voices for each script. Come be a part of the live, studio audience and watch the stories come to life. Evening performances at the KCAC on Daenner Kaserne, Bldg. 3109, today and Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday matinee offered on Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets are $8. No advance tickets necessary. For more information contact KMC Onstage. Support Groups »»Baby Bumps: Passport to Parenting: Learn all about parenting in this ‘Social and Learn’ series for expecting parents with the New Parent Support Program through Army Community Service. This class meets the last two Wednesdays of each month. Join other expecting moms and dads to socialize and discuss various topics to include: pregnancy, labor & delivery, newborn care, life with a newborn, your growing baby, healthy pregnancy, relationships and support and other topics. For more information contact ACS at 541-9000; 0611-143-541-9000. »»Breastfeeding Support Group: Every Tuesday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Join other moms and dads for this informational class about breastfeeding! The class includes guest speakers such as lactation support from Beth Eastman, IBCLC and New Parent Support Program. Topics include breastfeeding, sleeping and normal newborn behavior. Class meets at RheinlandPfalz Library on Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810. For more information, call ACS at 541-9000; 0611143-541-9000. Kazabra Club Events Kazabra Club is located in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Call 489-7261 or 0631-636-7261 for details. Unless otherwise stated, events have no cover charge and are open to all ID cardholders and their guests, 18 and over.

»» Rhinestone Cowboy: The Rhinestone Cowboy is coming to Kazabra Club to perform a live show! This is a cover band that performs classic country, soul, blues, rock, R&B and some new country. On July 1 from 7 to 10 p.m. come out and listen to some great music. This is a superb live music event with a terrific six-piece band and three incredible high caliber vocalists. They have performed at serval events: MTV World awards (Dublin) MTV

Photo by Canadastock / Shutterstock.com

European awards, the Mobo awards (London) and most of the UK and European Festivals. Brad has been an invited guest vocalist at many Premier UK events. He was the invited Guest singer at the premiere party of ‘Narnia’ (The lion the witch and the wardrobe) at Kensington gardens and has also performed at ‘the Lord of the Rings Premier (London) Starsky and Hutch Premier (London) Granada TV award’s, many Lords Taverner events including the Manchester Utd millennium celebrations at Mere Country club, Elton John’s manager 70th Birthday party celebrations. »» Texas Hold’em and Game Night: 8 p.m. to midnight every Friday. Buy-in is $50. Register and buy in by 7 p.m. Other games available for play include dominoes, cornhole and table pong. »» Country Night: 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Saturdays. There is a $5 cover charge. »» Country and Western Dance Classes: 7:30 p.m. the first Saturday of every month. No cover charge. »» Sunday Bingo: 3 p.m. every Sunday. Doors open at 1 p.m. Bingo packs start at $30. Prizes will be based upon participation. Play the progressive game for a chance to win up to $5,000. Kazabra Club Room Rental: Private rooms and meeting spaces are available for rent and can be modified to accommodate any special event at the Kazabra Club. The rooms are equipped with bar and audio/visual connections. No party is too big or too small! Room rental includes set-up and break-down. For more information, please visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com or contact Kazabra Club.

Outdoor Recreation Army Outdoor Recreation has to offer, contact them at Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2905, 493-4117; 0631-3406-4117 or visit us online at kaiserslautern.armymwr.com Baumholder Outdoor Recreation, Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8167, 485-7182; 06783-6-7182.

»» ATV Tours with Outdoor Recreation: Explore the great outdoors with Baumholder Outdoor Recreation on an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle). An ATV tour is a great way to see beautiful scenery and explore our beautiful home. We’ll ride past the windmill park, visit a castle, and end at a beautiful lake before heading home. Riding with a guide who knows where to go can make the experience even better. Available on select weekends throughout 2018. To operate ATV’s you must be 18 or older, complete an ATV online safety course, and have a valid USAREUR driver’s license. $75 per person. Dates: Sunday & June 24, July 8 & 29, Aug. 19, Sep. 9 & 23, Oct. 14 & 28, Nov. 4 & 18. For more information contact Baumholder Outdoor Recreation, Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8167, 485-7182; 06783-67182. »» Europa Park with Outdoor Recreation: June 23, thrill the family at Europa Park, the largest theme park in Germany. Featuring 15 themed lands, filled with countless rides and attractions, Europa Park is a dream come true to all lovers of

theme parks. If you like low-key adventures for all ages, explore the enchanted forest, ride a monorail, take a boat ride, or visit the miniature world in the brand new Arthur and the Invisibles indoor attraction. Thrill seekers can treat themselves to some of the biggest, highest, and fastest rollercoasters in Europe, the 73-meter-high Silver Star, the catapult-launched Blue Fire, and Wodan, the 60 mile-per-hour wooden coaster. Europa Park also includes a number of water-rides, themed dining and shopping, children specific areas, and enjoyable performances. Adults: $99; Children 3-11: $89; Children under 3: $49. For more information contact Baumholder Outdoor Recreation, Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8167, 485-7182; 06783-6-7182. Exhibitions / Tours »»Guided tours of the Abbey Church in Otterberg, in German, will be offered the first Sunday of each month. Interested participants will meet at 2:30 p.m. at the main entrance of the church. The one-hour-long tour costs €3. »»The Old Smithy in Otterberg, Kirchstrasse, will be open to the public at 4 p.m. every first Saturday of the month. Admission is free. »»The museum in Otterberg, which is located in the tourist information office, Hauptstrasse 54, is open during 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, and 3 to 5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is free. Meetings »»The state initiative “Welcome to Rheinland-Pfalz!” meets for its German-American Stammtisch at 6.30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Paradox restaurant in Ramstein-Miesenbach. The Stammtisch aims at facilitating the local German-American exchange and provides a great opportunity for Americans and locals to meet and get to know each other. The meeting is family friendly. For more details, contact constance@atlantischeakademie.de or call 0631-3661017. »»Ramstein Roadrunners will meet every third Tuesday of the month. Social time begins at 6 p.m., and the meeting starts 7 p.m. Meetings are held at Pizzeria Da Nino, Am Kiefernkopf 20, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach. For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/RamsteinRoadrunners/ »»Ramstein Toastmasters will meet every first, second and third Tuesday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. at the Ramstein South Chapel, Bldg. 2403. Individuals who want to develop their public speaking skills, are welcome to visit the meetings free of charge. Participants can prepare for board interviews, promotional ceremonies or leadership roles. Public speaking skills or aspirations can be advanced and enhanced. For more information, visit ramstein.toastmastersclubs.org or www. facebook.com/ramsteintoastmasters.

Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

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WAs ist los? Cultural highlights Photo by HUANG Zheng/Shutterstock.com

EVENTS »»Kaiserslautern, Old City Fair: live music, food, drinks. July 6 to 8. militaryingermany. com/event/city-2 »»Herxheim am Berg, Wine and Champagne Symposium. July 6 to 8. militaryingermany. com/event/symposium »»St. Martin, Wine Fest Pergola. July 6 to 8 militaryingermany.com/event/pergola »»Schweigen-Rechtenbach, Limitless Wine. July 7 and 8. militaryingermany.com/event/ limitless »»Gau-Bickelheim, Experience Wine: wine fest and guided vineyard tours. July 8. militaryingermany.com/event/wine »»Ruppertsberg, Organic Lamb: roasted lamb. July 10. militaryingermany.com/event/lamb »»Ramstein, Ramstein Summer Nights: live music and food from different cultures. July 6 and 13. militaryingermany.com/event/nights »»Kaiserslautern, Kids Play Date: for children from 6 to 8. July 6. militaryingermany.com/ event/kids »»Kaiserslautern, French Garden Party: bring your own picnic blanket. July 14. militaryingermany.com/event/garden-2 FLEA MARKETS »»Zweibrücken, Herzogplatz, July 21 »»Kaiserslautern, GLOBUS, July 15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. »»Bad Dürkheim, salt-works in Kurpark, Gutleutstrasse 46. Every Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. »»Mainz, Uniparkplatz. Every Saturday, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Performing arts CONCERTS Bremerhof Kaiserslautern For details, visit www.bremerhof-kl.de »»The Rock ’n’ Roll Flamingos: Rockabilly combo. July 12, 7 p.m. Admission is free. »»Central Park Band: Simon and Garfunkel Tribute. July 19, 7 p.m. Admission is free. »»Ernest and The Hemingways: Rock, Soul and Funk. July 26, 7 p.m. Admission is free. »»Volker Klammer Band: Swing, Dixie and Jazz. August 2, 7 p.m. Admission is free. Gartenschau Kaiserslautern For details, visit www.gartenschau-kl.de »»French Garden Party: live music by French Touch. July 14, 6 p.m. Admission costs €7. KulturGUT Bechtolsheim For details, visit www.daskulturgut.de »»Café del Mundo: Dance of Joy. July 13, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €17. All events listed on MilitaryInGermany.com and in print are subject to change without notice. Please check directly with event organizer.

Photo by Alefat / Shutterstock.com

Wine and Champagne Symposium Fri, July 6 »»Herxheim am Berg, city center: Enjoy fine wines, champagnes and culinary delicacies along with live music at Wine and Champagne Symposium in Herxheim am Berg from July 6 to 8. Admission is free. for more information go to militaryingermany.com/event/symposium

»»Hans York and Friends: Folk from the US. July 28, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €18. »»Clive Carroll: “One of the best guitarists of the planet.” August 11, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €16. Volkspark Kaiserslautern For details, visit www.kaiserslautern.de »»Open Air Concert. July 15, 29, August 12, 26, September 9, 11 a.m. Admission is free. Den Atelier Luxembourg For details, visit www.denatelier.lu »»Action Bronson: Rap from the US. July 10, 7 p.m. Tickets cost €37. »»Rufus Wainwright: Singer-Songwriter from Canada. July 14, 7 p.m. Tickets cost €39. »»SOJA: Reggae from the US. July 22, 7 p.m. Tickets cost €25. »»Melody Gardot: Singer-Songwriter from the US. July 30, 7 p.m. Tickets cost €57. PLAYS Galli Theater Wiesbaden For details, go to www.galli-wiesbaden.de »»Little Red Riding Hood: a play for the whole

family, in German. July 7, 8, 29, 4 p.m. Tickets cost €9/€6. »»The Princess and the Pea: a play for the whole family, in German. July 14, 15, 4 p.m. Tickets cost €9/€6. »»Cinderella: a play for the whole family, in German. July 28, 29, 4 p.m. Tickets cost €9/€6. »»Sommerwachtraum: a play by Johannes Galli, in German. July 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, August 8, 10, 11, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €18. Worms, Rathenaustraße 11 www.das-wormser.de »»Last Exit: Hunnenland: A play by Maximilian Lang, in German. July 21 and 22, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €17. »»Gut Gegen Nordwind: A romantic comedy by Daniel Glattauer, in German. July 26 and 28, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €21. »»Die Niere: The Kidney, a comedy by Stefan Vögel. August 4, 5, 8 p.m. Tickets cost €21. SPORTS »»Mehlingen, Brauerei Schnorres: Public

Viewing of all World Cup games and free beer every time Germany scores. »»Kaiserslautern, Café am Markt: Public Viewing of all World Cup games on outdoor and indoor screens. WIne and Village fests »»NW-Mußbach, Eselshautfest. July 6 to 8. »»Pirmasens-Gersbach, Dorffest. July 6 to 8. »»Landau, Landauer Sommer. July 6 to 8. »»DÜW-Leistadt, Weinkerwe. July 6 to 10. »»Gommersheim, Kerwe. July 6 to 10. »»Carlsberg, Kerwe. July 6 to 10. »»Merzalben, Bread Baking Fest (Brotbackfest). July 7. »»Schweigen-Rechtenbach, Grenzenlos Wein/ Sonnenberg. July 7 to 8. »»Höhfröschen, village fest (Dorffest). July 7 to 8. »»Otterstadt, village fest (Heimat- und Karpfenfest). July 7 to 9. »»Ramberg, Bürstenbinderkerwe. July 7 to 10. »»Zellertal, culinary wine walk. July 8. »»Speyer, Brezelfest. July 12 to 17.

More events on: www.MilitaryInGermany.com

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Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

Ramstein’s Haley Deome leaps into the center of the Stuttgart defense to try for control of a ball during the Europeans title match. Photo by Evan Willingham

Season on the brink: Ramstein girls nipped in finals by Thomas Warner Contributing writer

Freshman RHS midfielder Brynne Beauchan (12) surveys her options as Stuttgart’s Trinity Leahy eyes the ball. Photo by Thomas Warner

The 2018 soccer season was one of extreme highs for Ramstein, even if the Lady Royals lost in the championship game. The team went undefeated leading up to the finals and didn’t lose until an overtime shootout. It all sits well with the players and coaches. “The match was just unbelievable. We played the best game we’ve played all season,” winger Aurora Davis said. “I hope nobody on this team feels any regret because we played our hearts out and we left it all out there on that field after an outstanding regular season.” Ramstein was indeed undefeated but had tied Stuttgart 1-1 in the regular season – the only thing that kept their record from being perfect. The Stuttgart team was also undefeated with the one tie, which gave clear indication that these were the top two Division I girls’ soccer teams in Europe. The first half saw more action down on the Stuttgart end but Ramstein junior goalkeeper Morgan Lewis deflected all shots on goal

to maintain the scoreless tie at the intermission. Later, Aurora Davis and other Ramstein shooters began to take aim at the Stuttgart net. “I think that scared us a little and we got a little more hop in our step for the second half,” senior Leisel Mendenhall said. “We honestly weren’t in any real trouble, but we knew if we didn’t come back harder in second half it could be a possible goal for them. We wanted to take some of the pressure off our own goalkeeper.” And just one goal would be all it would take to win this championship battle royale. Since none were scored in regulation, the teams delighted the large crowd in attendance with a dynamic shootout session. Haley Deome and Haylie Scott started the RHS surge with shootout goals and then it was back and forth as Lewis and Stuttgart goalkeeper Sammie Kellogg each stopped some and missed some. After the first five shooters for each team couldn’t break the tie, the rest of the roster opened up to shoot. “These teams were evenly matched and played such a gritty, high-energy game,” said Stuttgart coach Billy

July 6, 2018 Ratcliff. “Ramstein gave us a great game both times we played them and both teams I think consider themselves pretty even. After being in a shootout last year in the championship and falling to Wiesbaden, we practiced PK situations an awful lot in our practices this year. It paid off but I’m sure Ramstein practices for PKs, too.” Ramstein seniors Brittany Cunningham, Gabs Janes, Elizabeth Noel, Baleigh McFall, and Mendenhall graduated knowing there was nothing more to be done. They were supported by a host of underclassmen that will return and push the program to try and create another solid season for 2019. Deome had 12 goals and Madrid, Spain product Rocio Fernandez had

Kaiserslautern American

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nine more but there was production from many others during the season. Janes and Davis combined for 13 goals plus goalkeeper Lewis only allowed four scores during the entire Ramstein regular season. Coaches Katina Campbell and Jason Scott took charge of the team after Ricardo Buitrago had guided the program for 14 years. “This season and how they played in the Europeans tournament was really positive for Ramstein,” said Campbell. “As coaches we are proud of and thankful for all of them and the commitment they made to work hard each day. This group of girls is really fun to be around and fun to coach. They worked extremely hard this season to get to the point they finished at.”

Ramstein players react as they watch the penalty kick shootout during the DODEA championship game. Photo by Thomas Warner

Brittany Cunningham chases a loose ball in the first half of the title game. Photo by Thomas Warner

Ramstein junior forward Aurora Davis shoots good on a penalty kick as Stuttgart sophomore goalkeeper Sammie Kellogg defends during the shootout session of the championship game.

Photo by Evan Willingham

Kaiserslautern American

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July 6, 2018

Sports Shorts Photo by stockphoto-graf/Shutterstock.com

Chakra Energy Systems at Pulaski Massage & Yoga Studio Learn about your chakra energy systems during Pulaski Massage & Yoga Studio’s newest practice. Chakras are energy centers within the body that help regulate all its processes – from organ function to the immune system to emotions. Seven chakras are positioned throughout your body. And each has its own purpose, frequency, color and yoga posture that all work together to create balance for an optimal life. Classes will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday from Oct. 2 through Dec 12. Tuesday classes are 9 to 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday classes are 5:30 to 7 p.m. $10 per class or $80 for 10 classes if registered by Sep. 14 at Outdoor Recreation. For more information, contact Steffanie Paoletti at steffanie.l.currenpaoletti.naf@mail.mil. Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2899, 493-4156; 0631-3406-4156.

Fall Youth Sports Registration Youth sports will be offering soccer, flag football, tackle football, cheerleading, and volleyball. The age for each sport varies from 5-15 years old. (Soccer 5-15, Flag Football 5-15, Cheerleading 5-15, Tackle football 9-15, and Volleyball 8-15) Practices are offered on both Landstuhl and Sembach posts. Registration is open to July 13 or when teams become full. Please note a current sports physical must be on file at time of sign up, no exceptions. Register on WebTrac, in person or over the phone. For more information or to register, please contact Parent Central Services, Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Bldg. 162, 541-9066; 0611-143-541-9066.

Start Smart Soccer Youth Sports will be offering Start Smart Soccer for children ages 3 & 4 during the fall sports season. Start Smart is not a team sport. Start Smart is parent-child interactive program, led by a CYS staff member. Registration is open from today to July 13. Sessions begin in September and are offered on both Landstuhl and Sembach posts. Price is $25 per child. For more information or to register, please

Soccer players needed Soccer players needed The FV Olympia Ramstein Soccer Club is looking for male and female players born in 2003/2004. Practice takes place 5:30 to 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday on the artificial turf pitch at Am Hocht 1 in Ramstein village. For more information contact Stefan Denzer at 015756306179, Jaron Dengel at 0160-93530161, or Harry Kauf at 0152-25831196.

contact Parent Central Services, Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Bldg. 162, 541-9066; 0611-143-5419066.

KMC Ambassadors KMC Ambassadors is looking for a few good coaches. The KMC Ambassadors is a baseball/softball club that supports the entire Kaisers­lautern Military Community with fall developmental baseball/softball training for kids ages 8 to 18 and in-season travel team opportunities across Europe for kids ages 10 to 16. If you have experience playing or coaching baseball and/or softball at a high level and want to help to shape the youth of our community into competitive ball players, … then we are the program for you. For more information, please contact Jay Smith or Stephanie LeClair at KMCAmbassadors@gmail.com or find us on Facebook under KMC Ambassadors. Volleyball coaches needed The VBC Kaiserslautern volleyball club is looking for coaches, and assistant coaches, for their men’s, women’s and youth volleyball teams. If you have or want volleyball coaching experience, and have an interest in volunteering in your German community, we are looking for you. For more information, please contact Sidi Staats at 0176-9674-8380 or sidistaats@ aol.com and visit our website at www.vbc-kl.de. Outdoor Tennis SKIESUnlimited offers tennis lessons for youth from May to Sept. at the Outdoor Tennis Courts on

Vogelweh Armstrong’s Courts. Professional Tennis Coach, Adel Ismail, teaches tennis to beginners through advanced level players to improve every aspect of the game: tennis strokes, strategies, topspin, improving your serve, forehand, backhand, volley, overhead, singles and doubles strategies. Open to ages 6-18. Class types group or private. Guaranteed to improve your child or youth’s game. Open to all branches of service. For more information, contact Parent Central Services, Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Bldg. 162, 541-9066; 0611-143541-9065/9066/9067. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes SKIESUnlimited offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in two different levels: Little Grapplers, ages 5-7; and Bully Busters, 8-13. Little Grapplers teaches basic self-defense techniques while instilling the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu foundational principles of leverage and control. Bully Busters focuses on a set curriculum of non-violent, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu based, self-defense techniques that teach children to “neutralize and negotiate” with bullies. No experience required and you can count on seeing a visible increase in your child’s confidence within a few short weeks. Open to all branches of service. For more information or to register, please contact Parent Central Services, Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Bldg. 162, 541-9066; 0611-143-541-9065/9066/9067.

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July 6, 2018

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Annweiler honors former British king July 27 to 29 by 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Editor’s Note: This article was published in a previous edition of the Kaiserslautern American and the information has been updated to reflect this year’s event. Annweiler at the foot of Trifels Castle will honor Richard the Lionheart of Brittany with a medieval fest July 27 to 29. The event will feature a medieval market, Viking camp, knights’ camp, vendors, jugglers, children’s activities and musical presentations in the historical part of Annweiler. Market activities with more than 80 stands in the streets will begin at 6 p.m. July 27. After the opening parade with participants at 7 p.m., the medieval group Musica Conora will perform on old instruments. Jugglers and artists will entertain the audience. A fire show is scheduled for 10:15 p.m. Vendors will sell clothes, glass and leather items, pottery, jewelry, swords, soap and spices. Craftsmen such as a turner, potter, goldsmith, stonecutter, glass blower, broom maker, weaver and tailor will demonstrate former skills. Medieval food and drinking specialties will include salmon, game, roasted meat specialties, wild potatoes with herb sauce, oriental specialties, pancakes, apple juice, berry wine, mead, beer and liquors. July 28, festivities will continue from 12:30 p.m. to midnight. Again a fire show will be presented at 10:15 p.m. On July 29, the fest will be from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. On both days, children can watch puppet theater perKAISERSLAUTERN



Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm Mühlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

formances, take a ride on a medieval merry-go-round, take part in crafting and face painting and try out archery. Jugglers and magicians will demonstrate their special skills. The knights’ group, Pfalzritter, will perform show fights from 5 to 5:45 p.m. Ticket cost: Friday, adults over the age of 14 is €3. Children 14 and under are free. Saturday and Sunday, adults over the age of 14 in costume are €5, without costume are €7.50 and children 14 and under are free. The English king, Richard, the Lionheart, was a prisoner at Trifels Castle in Annweiler from 1193 to 1194. German Emperor Heinrich VI captured him on his way back from the Holy Land. Richard had to stay in prison until the English paid an incredibly high ransom. Trifels Castle still hous-

es imitations of the former imperial insignia, crown, orb and scepter. Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. February to March 14 on Saturday, Sunday and German holidays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 15 through October 31 daily, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. November 1 though 30 on Saturday, Sunday and German holidays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The castle is closed in December and January. Admission fee is €4.50 for adults and €2.50 for children. Annweiler is located on federal street B10, between Pirmasens and Landau. Parking will be limited. Trains will operate from Kaiserslautern via Pirmasens to Annweiler. For more information about the Richard-LoewenherzFest, visit www.richardloewenherz-fest.com.

Annweiler’s Marktplatz is the stage for the medieval fest honoring Richard the Lionheart July 27 to 29. Medieval groups entertain the audience. Courtesy photo

Kaiserslautern Evangelical

Lutheran Church 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion

Sunday School Following Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. Pastor Joseph Asher www.KELC.eu A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

Kaiserslautern Military CoMMunity Chapel sChedule ARMY POC for Miesau, Landstuhl, and Deanner is the USAG R-P Chaplain’s Office in Bldg 3213 on Kleber Kaserne, DSN 541-2105, CIV 0611143-541-2105.

Buddhist (sGi) Ramstein North Chapel Conference Room (Bldg 1201) Service: 10:30 a.m., 1st Saturday Service: 12:00 p.m., 3rd Thursday at LRMC Chapel For more info: ktownsgibuddhism@gmail.com

Catholic services Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg 3150) Sunday Mass: 12:30 p.m. (all year round) Confession: 11:30-12:15 p.m. Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg 3773) Tue, Wed, Fri: 12:00 p.m. Confession: 11:00-11:45 a.m. Sunday: 09:00 a.m. Confession: 08:00-08:45 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (Bldg 1201) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Confession: 4:00-4:45 p.m. Sundays First Friday Adoration: 6:00 p.m. Vogelweh Chapel (Bldg 2063) Confession: 4:00-4:45 p.m., Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.

episcopal (anglican) (st. albans) Kapaun Chapel (Bldg 2781) Service: 10:30 a.m. Sundays

islamic services Ramstein South Chapel Mosque Area (Bldg 2403) Jummah Prayers: 1:15 p.m. Fridays Daily Prayers: 1:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

AIR FORCE POC for Ramstein North, Ramstein South, Vogelweh, and Kapaun is the USAF Chaplain Corps, Bldg 1201 on Ramstein, DSN 480-6148, CIV 06371-47-6148.

Jewish services

Ramstein South Chapel Jewish Shul Area (Bldg 2403) Shabbat Evening Service: 6:00 p.m. Fridays

orthodox Christian services Kapaun Chapel (Bldg 2781) Divine Liturgy: 9:00 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment

protestant services

Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg 3773) Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg 3150) Chapel Next Worship: Sunday 10:00 a.m. Children’s Church: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11:00 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday Ramstein North Chapel (Bldg 1201) Contemporary Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (Bldg 2403) Traditional with Communion: 9:30 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (Bldg 2063) Gospel Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays. For more info: facebook.com\vogelwehgospelservice or email rvgsfacebook@gmail.com


Kapaun Annex (Bldg 2782) Service: 7:00 p.m. Saturdays

Wisconsin evangelical lutheran synod (Wels) Ramstein South Chapel (Bldg 2403) Service: 4:00 p.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays

Kaiserslautern American

Page 18

July 6, 2018

Community Corner Photo by Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com

Airman & Family Readiness Center For details, call 480-5100 or 06371-47-5100. Bldg. 2120, Ramstein Air Base. All training is held at A&FRC unless stated otherwise.

MONDAY »» No Classes TUESDAY »» Key Spouse Refresher Training; 1 to 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY »» Newcomers Base INTRO: 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Enlisted Club »» Reintegration Briefing: 1 to 2 p.m. »» Pre-Deployment Briefing: 9:30 to 10 a.m. THURSDAY »» Reintegration Briefing: 9 to 10 a.m. »» Pre-Deployment Briefing: 9:30 to 10 a.m. Friday »» No classes Child/Youth For details and to register for KMC Youth Instructional Classes, visit www.86fss.com, select “Family” and click “Instructional Classes” or call 06371-47-6444, Ramstein Youth Programs, or 0631-536-6504, Vogelweh Youth Programs.

Health Promotion TUESDAY »» N/A

WEDNESDAY »» N/A THURSDAY »» BOD POD walk-in: 1 – 3 p.m. Friday »» BOD POD walk-in: 8 – 10 a.m. Family Advocacy To register for classes or for more information, call Family Advocacy at 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370 or register online at https://booknow.appointmentplus.com/9rm3mcns/

» »Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy Services: If you are 18 and over, and are in an abusive relationship, advocates are available to support you. Advocacy services are available 24/7. During duty hours an advocate can be reached at 06371-46-2370 and after hours at 0173-628-4624. Advocates provide supportive services and can assist with safety planning, assessing for imminent harm, connecting with community resources and information on reporting options. ASACS Contact your school ASACS Counselor for more information.

» »Adolescent Support And Counseling

Service is a comprehensive program providing prevention education, and counseling services to 11- to 19 year-old ID card holders in the military community. ASACS’s mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families stationed OCONUS while enhancing military readiness and quality of life. In addition, ASACS offers Life Skills classes that promote health and personal development in the Department of Defense schools. We participate in supportive activities related to military life transitions as well as providing individual, group and family counseling services. ASACS counselors’ offices are located in Department of Defense schools for the convenience of military families. ASACS counseling services are completely confidential. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; however flexible appointment times are available to meet the needs of military families. Military Family Life Consultants » »MFLCs are licensed clinical providers who assist service members and their families with issues they may face throughout the cycle of deployment to reintegrating with their family and community.

The MFLC Program provides short-term, non-medical counseling support for a range of issues including: relationships, crisis intervention, stress management, grief, occupational and other individual and family issues. Psycho-educational presentations focused on issues common to the military family including: reunion/ reintegration, stress/coping, grief/loss and deployment/reintegration. For more information, call 0152-24211233; 0152-02663352; 0176-69333243; or 0151-5674 8179.

Medical Group »» Attention: TRICARE online is available for your convenience. Schedule your own appointments, view the home care website, check lab results, contact the nurse advice line, get medication refills and more. To register or for more information, visit www. tricareonline.com. SARC For Emergency Victim Care during duty hours and after duty hours, call 480-7272 or 06371-47-7272. For administration questions on the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program, call 480-5597 or 06371-47-5597.

Crossword Photo by Jne Valokuvaus/Shutterstock.com

Across 1 Scorch 5 Alphabetical start 9 Throng 14 Fit 15 Eastern royal 16 Artist Matisse 17 Killers 19 Computer printer maker 20 Big lie 21 Go along with 23 “Agnes Grey” author 25 “Odyssey” setting 29 “Four Quartets” poet 30 Carpentry tool 31 Slowing down by degrees, in music 35 Baseball gear 36 Something in writing? 37 The 51st Psalm 42 Available when

summoned 44 Annoys 45 Decent 46 Starlet’s ambition 49 In proportion 50 Pampers 55 North African capital 56 Impermanent 58 Exhilarate 59 Divulged 60 Labyrinth 61 Window parts 62 Piercing tools 63 Exhibition Down 1 Masticate, informally 2 Corned beef dish 3 Furthermore 4 Collect crops 5 Ordnance depot 6 Kid in Kilmarnock

7 Atlanta-based station 8 Put out of commission 9 Cigar 10 Contrition 11 Beginning 12 Penned 13 Flintstones pet 18 Gap 22 Broad beam 24 Conger, e.g. 25 Cold-war weapon: Abbr. 26 Asian cuisine 27 Website statistic 28 Affirm 32 Linguist Chomsky 33 Yawn-provoking 34 Exclusively 38 Money-back deals 39 Departure 40 Annual Henley-onThames event 41 NY time

42 Donny’s family 43 Exigencies 46 “The flowers that bloom in the spring, ___” 47 “Turtle Diary” author 48 Poker challenge 49 Kind of school 51 Lowers, as lights 52 Rachel’s sister 53 Auto maker Ferrari 54 Fret and fume 57 Spat

July 6-12

German Housing Vocabulary List by FindItGuide.com When you are looking for a place to live, there are already some resources for you

to find the ideal location for your new abode in English. There is a good chance you will find something you like through the housing office or FindItGuideProperties.com

where just about everything is in English. But what if you want to use a resource where the advertisement is listed in German? It is likely there will be words that are listed that you

don’t know or do not translate correctly in Google Translate! We have listed some “survival” vocabulary you may run into when looking at a listing

from a German resource. Abst.: Abstand – You might run into this if there was something that needs to be paid by you for things such as a built-in kitchen or rugs.

AB: Altbau – This would refer to an older building. It could even be from the 1800’s or older. DG: Dachgeschoss – This refers to the top floor, or the attic floor. Often this type of floor will have a pitched roof in the layout. EBK: Einbauküche – This refers to kitchens that are already built-in as it is possible that last renter brought their own kitchen cabinets, sink… and took it with them when they left. EG: Erdgeschoss – Refers to the ground floor (coming from the word “Earth”). Kt.: Kaution – We refer to this as the security deposit which you will need to come Read more on last page of Property Section

Photo by Juan Ci/shutterstock.com

Real Estate Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front! Ramstein 2BR Apt, 83sqm, unfurn BIK, new stove, big livrm, 1 full bath, balcony, apt compl new painted, private parking, no pets, Military person preferred, 1 year lease required, rent 500€ + utl Appartment For Rent, newly reno- (Housing approved), deposit vated, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 140 sq me- 700€, avail now, please call ters, fireplace, basement, separa- 06371-58449 or 0170-9120290 te entrance, 67657 Kaiserslautern Germany, €900, 01703444521, kerstefke@t-online.de APTS FOR RENT

Modern Furnished Flat in Center of Landstuhl FOR RENT OR TLA/ TDY, (5MIN to Air Base)!, 3 bd, 1 bth, 125 sq meters, Kaiserstrasse 19 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €1,687, Wifi, TV, washer, dryer, full equiped kitchen and everything else you need in your daily life is included. barisciftci12@goo glemail.com, +4915901081817

Apt 2BR 67681 Sembach, 2 bd, 1 bth, 80sqm, 67681Sembach Deutschland, € 480, June. Walk to 015202922227, Helfstephanie@ Available train&hospital. Fully renovated. googlemail.com Balcony, large windows. 6th floor APTS FOR RENT - 2 BE- elevator & panorama view. AttracDROOMS, 2 bd, 1 bth, 105 sq me- tive, efficient BIK. New baters, Am Wald 20 66851 Haupt- throoms-shower, tub, washerstuhl, €850, 01708667175, micha dryer. Parquet floors. Storage cloel.strauss@wuerttembergische.de sets. INCLUDES- internet, flat-rate telephone, heat, elec, water, Big nice apt in Landstuhl, trash, cable TV, 115sqm, 1st floor, 2 balconies, 4 Garage&storeroom. €1800, rooms, lrg bath with bath and r.schlundt@t-online.de 06131 shower, BIK, 016094507968, 6060 162, American owners. 0176 paul.gutwein@gmail.com 21 6098 13 RODENBACH apt, modernized 2018, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 109 sq me- Hauptstuhl, 3 BR, liv/din rm, bik, ters, balc. Storage Room + cellar, 1,5 bath, laundry, balcony, dbl DSL 400Mbit av., TKS, sat, €640 carport €830 + util. 06372-3866, +util, Tel.01713849371 0175-6003827

Ramstein Jakobstr. 35, 1. Floor, 129 sqm, 3 bd, 1.5 bath, balcony and garage, Jakobstrasse 35, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, €870 plus utility, 0163/ 6369561, quiet area, dirkschoene berger@web.de





4+ BEDROOMS Kreimbach - very nice 174sqm, new build apt, 4BR, BIK, guest WC, beaut view, 20min to RAB, fully furn, all incl, avail now, Eng- 5BR freest. light-flooded and lish speaking 0176-70880039 open House in Niedermohr, 15min to RAB, 5 bd, 2.5 bth, 273 Nice 4bm apartment for rent in sq meters, open parking spots, Landstuhl, close to American Hoslarge garden with open view, stopital LRMC, 815 € + utilities, 4 bd, rage, 66879 Niedermohr Germa2.5 bth, 124 sq meters, Landstuhl ny, €486,000, 0151-12929143, in Germany, phone: +49 fo@merkimmobilien.de 1715810296 (Marion), Email: ver waltung@rcam-kg.de


RENT: Comfortable fully furnished Apartment in the middle of Ramstein, 3 bd, 1 bth, 130 sq meters, Ramstein-Miesenbach Ger- 4 bd, 2.5 bth, 1 sq meters, 1, phomany, €2000, 06371 594 5194, tre ne: 06383 9266059, email: webervor@mitchell-investment.de a-64@gmx.de. mobile-phone 0173 8360166 RENT: Newly Renovated Apartment in downtown Landstuhl, 3 bd, 1 bth, 110 sq meters, €850, 06371 594 5194, george@mitchellinvestment.de

5 bd, 2.5 bth, 240 sq meters, 12 Hirtenweg 67685 Schwedelbach Germany, €380.000, 017672139338, rickruiz22@ gmail.com

Beautiful split level home in Trippstadt, 5 bd, 3 bth, 260 sq meters, 67705 Trippstadt Germany, €380.000, 01783453543kyooshi123@ya hoo.com


FUTURISTIC HOME FOR INDIVIDUALISTS!, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 113 sq meters, Gonsenheim Mainz Germany, €399,000 +49 (0) 176 - 785 89798, kimberly.sullivan@ century21.de

Cosy house with balcony 2 car garage and garden for sale 20 minutes from Landstuhl, 3 bd, 2 bth, Hauptstrasse 73 66509 Rieschweiler Germany 20 minutes from Landstuhl, €100, 06334 984865 Germany or USA 719 694 9315, Broncos62@comcast.net

House for sale in Kaiserslautern Baennjerrueck, 3 bd, 1 bth, 100 sq meters, Badstr. 4 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, €137500, +496359-2098690, raab-ia@t-onli ne.de

DOWNTOWN RAMSTEIN PENTHOUSE, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 115 sq meters, Landstuhler Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, €279,000 0172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@icloud.com

Kaiserslautern, one-fam attached house, 198sqm, 4BR/3.5 bth, garage, bonus rm. Grnd flr can be prof office or guest/teen suite. Top quality build/finish. Alno kitch/granite/2 oven. Terraced yd, 2 balc. Near walk zone, 5 min to A6/63. €379000 Call 017661204301

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SALE: Attractive Single-family Home with balcony and patio Saalstadt, 3 bd, 2 bth, 230 sq meters, 66919 Saalstadt Germany, €339,000.00, 06371 594 5194, ei leen@mitchell-investment.de

SALE: Well-kept home looking for new landlord Imsbach, 6 bd, 2.5 bth, 337 sq meters, 67817 Imsbach Germany, €268,000.00, 06371 594 5194, info@mitchell-in vestment.de

SALE: Modern home with a beautiful view over Glan-Muenchweiler, 4 bd, 3 bth, 219 sq meters, 66907 Glan-Muenchweiler Germany, €439,000.00, 06371 594 5194, info@mitchell-investment.de

Semi-detached house, 3 bd, 2 bth, 166sqm, 66877 RamsteinMiesenbach Germany, Nr. 2222, € 299.000, Kreissparkasse Kusel, Immobiliencenter, Gartenstr. 4, SALE: Peaceful Bavarian-style 66869 Kusel, phone: 06381/911single-family home in Niederstau- 0, mail: immo@ksk-kusel.de fenbach, 7 bd, 3.5 bth, 391 sq meters, Niederstaufenbach Germany, €310,000.00, 06371 594 5194, info@mitchell-investment.de

SALE: renovated single-family home with split levels in Oberarnbach, 4 bd, 2 bth, 200 sq meters, SALE: Cozy country house with 66851 Oberarnbach Germany, sun patio and garden Queiders€359,000.00, 06371 594 5194, ei bach, 3 bd, 2 bth, 149 sq meters, leen@mitchell-investment.de 66851 Queidersbach Germany, €239,000.00, 06371 594 5194, ei SALE: Rural single-family Home with lovely details Kraehenberg, 4 leen@mitchell-investment.de bd, 2 bth, 140 sq meters, 66894 Kraehenberg Germany, €139,000.00, 06371 594 5194, ei leen@mitchell-investment.de

BUSINESS ASSOCIATES FOR REAL ESTATE, FINANCE & INVESTMENT PLANNING Your Quick Stop for Houses and Apartments: www.g-immo.de

Property Search, House Building, we speak English! Finances, Notary Service, No Equity needed!!! … from a single Source Contact us: E-Mail: info@g-immo.de Main Ofce Mackenbach Ralf Eckler Tel.: 06374-992424 Properties and New Houses Jan Pfeiffer Tel.: 0175-2432544 American Partner Terry Kankeltz Tel.: 06303-1235

SALE: Spacious home with Garden and Garage located in Katzweiler, 7 bd, 2.5 bth, 305 sq meters, 67734 Katzweiler Germany, €425,000.00, 06371 594 5194, ei leen@mitchell-investment.de

Semi-detached House Obermohr, 4 bd, 3 bth, 264 sq meters, 7 Lessingstrasse 67663 Kaiserslautern Germany, €314, 015112929143, info@merkimmobili en.de

SALE: Big Home with split levels for sale in Bruecken (Pfalz), 5 bd, 3 bth, 265 sq meters, Bruecken Germany, €335,000.00, 06371 594 5194, eileen@mitchell-invest Penthouse Flat in Wiesbaden, 3 ment.de rm, 2 bth, 153 sq meters, 65191 Wiesbaden Germany, €670,000 +49 (0) 176 - 785 - 89798, kimber ly.sullivan@century21.de

Self Storage UnserLAGER24 UnserLAGER24


SALE: Investment property Characteristic Single-family Home Glan-Muenchweiler, 8 bd, 3 bth, 252 sq meters, 66907 Glan-Muenchweiler Germany, €210,000.00, 06371 594 5194, ei RAMSTEIN 15 MINS NEWLY- leen@mitchell-investment.de BUILT HOME FOR SALE, 3 bd, SALE: Large and versatile proper1.5 bth, 180 sq meters, Waldmohr ty available in Rammelsbach!, 4 Germany, €249.000, 0172 68 55 bd, 2.5 bth, 250 sq meters, Ram976, mre.kmc@icloud.com melsbach Germany, €195,000, 06371 594 5194, eileen@mitchellREDUCED - 5 Bedroom SFH, Owinvestment.de ner is motivated to sell! Asking €625k Custom built 2009, huge SALE: Modern freestanding hogourmet kitchen, geothermal he- me with two car garage and sepaat, Large MBR, walk-in closet, rate apartment Huetschenhausen, step free walk-in shower, 3+car 5 bd, 4 bth, 265 sq meters, 37 Kaigarage, basement, workshop, cu- serstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Gerstom screens Ramstein School many, €370,000.00, 06371 594 District 15 min drive to RAB A 5194, info@mitchell-investment.de must see! hoehnjc@hotmail.com

Large and versatile property available in Rammelsbach!, 4 bd, 2.5 bth, 250 sq meters, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €210000, 06371 594 5194, in fo@mitchell-investment.de

Lovely split-level Home in Trippstadt, 6 bd, 3 bth, 285 sq meters, am nabenberg 16 67705 Trippstadt Germany, €348, 000. kyooshi123@ya For Sale! Historic castle complex 017683453543, in Wetzlar!, 6 bd, 1 bth, 500 sq hoo.com meters, Burgstrasse 11 35586 Newly renovated 2 - room apartWetzlar Germany, €525,000 +49ment with large terrace, 2 bd, 1.5 176-785-89798, kimberly.sulli bth, 72 sq meters, An der Norr van@waf-immobilien.de 65307 Bad Schwalbach Germany, €116,000 +49-176-785-89798, kimberly.sullivan@waf-immobili en.de

Looking for a home?

RAMSTEIN 15 MINS MODERN HOME FOR SALE, 4 bd, 2 bth, 180 sq meters, Waldmohr, €249.000, 0172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@icloud.com

SALE: Exclusive Penthouse in Landstuhl with a beautiful view, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 163 sq meters, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €432, 06371 594 5194, jessi ca@mitchell-investment.de

SALE: Wallhalben house set in an idyllic location with character, 5 bd, 3.5 bth, 190 sq meters, Wallhalben Germany, €175,000, 06371 594 5194, eileen@mitchellinvestment.de Spacious single family home in Mackenbach, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €320000, 06371 594 5194, info@ mitchell-investment.de

Semi-detached house, 3 bd, 2 bth, 166sqm, 66877 RamsteinMiesenbach Germany, Nr. 2221, € 299.000, Kreissparkasse Kusel, Gartenstr. 4, 66869 Kusel, phone 06381-911 0, mail: immo@ksk-ku sel.de Single Family House, 4 bd, 2,5 bth, 165 sq meters, 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €299000, Kreissparkasse Kusel, ImmobilienCenter, Gartenstr. 4, 66869 Kusel, phone: 06381 - 911 0, mail: im mo@ksk-kusel.de Spacious (258 m2) free standing 2 story home in Frankenholz 66450, Available Jun 18. Large garden w/fruit trees, 4-5 BR, 2.5 BTH. spa (sauna w/shower), wintergarden. 2 FP, double garage. Close to large forest and shopping. 25 min. to RAB. €370,000. +49 068268170363 or rtliner@ gmail.com

Photo by saiko3p / Shutterstock.com


5+ BEDROOMS 5 bd, 1.5 bth, 160 sq meters, Koenigsberger Str. 65307 Bad Schwalbach Germany, €1,600, +49-176-785-89798, kimberly.sulli KL-City new FSH w/extra apt, van@waf-immobilien.de 10min walk to downtown, 323sqm, 6BR, 4baths, 1xBIK, 2 For rent: Beautiful two-story houkitchen, 3 x liv/dinrm, garage/park se (available from now), 308sq spot, terr w/garden, €2,625+utl, meters, 6 bd, 2 bth, inside firecall: 0178-8963613 place, large yard, 10 min. from Kaiserslautern, €2.200. Contact Mr. Wolfgang Ruby: wolfgangru Miesau, big duplex, 192sqm + by@aol.com or +491785253089. I basement, 5bed+2rooms, 2 bath, am happy to show you around living, dining, built-in-kitchen, sunroom, laundry, yard, garage, avail and answer your questions after 02.July, housing proved by Freestanding house in Oberstau- mtl. 1490€ +util. call Ado on fenbach, 5 bd, 2.5 bth, 213 sq me- 01726801258 or email: rmimmobili ters, Oberstaufeb, €1,605, en@t-online.de 017670715379, bellonalexander@ yahoo.de FSH in Kaiserslautern, 5BR, 2.5baths, open BIK, liv/dinrm w/ firepl with entrance lrg terrace, 1garage, pets allowed, huge garden, 2 parking spaces, €1950 + util. Call: 0172-7810360

FSH-low energy-329sqm-7 bed 2.5 bath-Ramstein school, 7 bd, 2.5 bth, 329 sqm, 66909 Steinbach am Glan, €-2,470, joa chim.collet@v-d-c.de, 016093992867

RENT: Gorgeous home in Oberstaufenbach available in June!, 4 bd, 2.5 bth, 263 sq meters, available beginning June, €2,600, 06371 594 5194, george@mitchellinvestment.de

RENT: Reichenbach-Steegen Cozy duplex available end of April, 5 bd, 2.5 bth, 232 sq meters, 66879 Reichenbach-Steegen Germany, €1,500, 06371 594 Home in Siegelbach! Central Lo5194, jessica@mitchell-invest cation yet quiet neighborhood!, 4 ment.de bd, 2.5 bth, 180 sq meters, Mackenbach Germany, €1,800, 01709954456, pontiac3800@ya hoo.com

RENT: Single family home in a quiet area of Mackenbach, 5 bd, 3 bth, 240 sq meters, Mackenbach Germany, €2,500, 06371 594 5194, george@mitchell-invest ment.de

3baths, nice fenced in yard, 2 garages, RENT €1,900, call Dieter 01726823232, Dzepezauer@ aol.com

RENT: (026) Obermohr Large Estate Available August, 6 bd, 5 bth, 340 sq meters, Obermohr 66879 Steinwenden Germany, €2,660, 06371 594 5194, george@ mitchell-investment.de

RENT: (001) Newly renovated home located in the middle of Ramstein, 4 bd, 1.5 bth, 190 sq meters, Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, €2,500, 06371 594 5194, ge WOELLSTEIN, 14 rooms, 6BR, 2 orge@mitchell-investment.de bth, 223 sq meters, huge yard, fruit trees, jacuzzi, sauna. 30 min to Sembach 39min. to WiesbadenErbenheim, €1460, w (sewer, trash, garden). rick.mariani@ya hoo.com, GE (0) 671-29848 14 info@siebel-immobilien.de

HOUSES FOR RENT House for rent in 66978 Clausen, 270 square meters, 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, 2 kitchen, 2 living rooms, 1 dining room, cellar, 1 loft, large garden with swimming 4 bd, 2 bth, 160 sq meters, 55765 pool, parking in the yard, 2 car gaBirkenfeld/Niederhambach, rage, pets are welcome, rent: € €1400, ElviBen@gmx.de 1,950.00 + utilities, renovated in 2018, contact: innenausbau- RENT: Brand New Freestanding wenz@t-online.de or 0152 House in Nanzdietschweiler ready 51837026 WhatsApp please to move in middle of May, 5 bd, House, 4 bd, 2.5 bth, Nanz- 2.5 bth, 255 sq meters, €2,800, dietschweiler Germany, €1,280 + 06371 594 5194, george@mitchell200 06383 9266059, weber-a-64@ investment.de


Mansion house very private, 10 bd, 3.5 bth, 350 sq meters, Am Berghang 4 55765 Birkenfeld Germany, €1,950, 01748279244, ed garkorb@web.de

RENT: Bruecken Spacious home Available end of February, 5 bd, 3 bth, 265 sq meters, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €1,900, 06371 594 5194, tre vor@mitchell-investment.de

BANN, FSH, 170sqm, 4BR, 2baths, garage, yard, rent €1260, NO FEE, call Dieter 01726823232, Dzepezauer@aol.com

RAMSTEIN, Maxevillering, 5 min to RAB, Ramstein schools, Mediterranean style Duplex, master BR w/ bath, plus 4 BR, 3 additional baths, living/dining, BIK, garage, 2 balconies, terrace, laundry, SAT TV & fon in all rooms, ca. 235 sqm (2500 sf), avail now. NO PETS. €1800 + util. 0151-65065955 Rehweiler, nice single house, new renovated, sqm 218, 4 bed, 2,5 bath, living-diningroom, laundry, built-in-kitchen, yard, avail. now, listed from housing by mtl. 1460€ + util. Call Ado on 01726801258 or email: rmimmobili en@t-online.de

House for Rent, 4 bd, 2 bth, 200 sq meters, Breslauer Str. 7 66869 Kusel Germany, €1,400, 015209152804, 06381-40322, waitt@myquix.de. House is located in a quiet residential area with a view over the city of Kusel. Large Backyard with terrace. Quick access to the Autobahn without going through the city. 25 minutes to Ramstein, 15 minutes to Baum- RENT: (003) Beautiful newly renovated Home located in Ramsteinholder Miesenbach, 4 bd, 1.5 bth, 195 sq Landstuhl/ Melkerei, 4BR, BIK, 2 meters, Ramstein-Miesenbach 1/2 bath, liv/dinrm, laundry, stora- Germany, €2,500, 06371 594 ge, open fire place, floorheating, 5194, george@mitchell-invest patio, sm garden, rent 1125€+util. ment.de avail now, call 0173-6928742

Steinwenden, Reuschbacherstr. 11, 175sqm, BIK, 5BR, 3livrm, 1.5bath, garage, lrg basement, Nanzdietschweiler, FSH, €800+util, 0631-3579399 or 0152250sqm, 7BR, 3baths, fenced in 37992179 yard, 2 garages, rent €1400, pleaLovely House for Rent !, 4 bd, 1.5 se call Dieter 01726823232, Dzepe bth, 161 sq meters, Karl-Pfaffzauer@aol.com Siedlung 67663 Kaiserslautern Germany, €1,250, wolfgang.tr3@ RENT: (025) Bright and spacious web.de 5 bedroom home located in Ramstein!, 5 bd, 2.5 bth, 240 sq meNice House for rent - Nanzters, Ramstein-Miesenbach Gerdietschweiler, 4 bd, 1.5 bth, 167 many, €2,300, 06371 594 5194, ge sq meters, Kreuzstrasse 66909 orge@mitchell-investment.de Nanzdietschweiler Germany, 01606002886, STELZENBERG, FSH with a se- €1,130, perate appartment, 250sqm, 6BR, susanne_jung@gmx.de

House for Rent - Country Style, 5 bd, 1.5 bth, 160 sq meters, 66894 Bechhofen Germany, €1,180, 06372-8775, Mietkirrhaus@ gmx.de


Duplex House for rent. Beautiful old farmhouse! Between Ramstein and Baumholder area. 15 minutes to Baumholder and 25 minutes after Ramstein AFB. Fast Internet. Now available! 4 balconies, large garage, oil heating, 4 bedrooms, beautiful fitted kitchen, two bathrooms, fireplace! Call 06381 6966 or betina.creutz@ gmx.de for landlords

RENT: Beautiful home located in Mackenbach, 4 bd, 2 bth, 220 sq meters, Mackenbach Germany, €2,500, 06371 594 5194, george@ mitchell-investment.de RENT: Classic German home available soon in Kottweiler, 4 bd, 2 bth, 182 sq meters, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €1,340, 06371 594 5194, geor ge@mitchell-investment.de Semi-detached house in Schwedelbach, 3miles to airbase, 180sqm, 4BR, liv/dinrm, 2 baths, BIK, garage, 1260€ + utl, Phone: 06304-919272

Photo by javarman / Shutterstock.com



RENT: Luxury Home in Homburg Bruchhof for rent, 3 bd, 2.5 bth, 270 sq meters, Homburg Germany, €3,000.00. 06371 594 5194, ge orge@mitchell-investment.de

Sembach - Cosy Duplex, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 156 sq meters, 6 Mittelstrasse 67134 Birkenheide Germany, €1150, 06237 920220, info@ woerthmann.de

RENT: Brand new modern home in Otterberg available now, 4 bd, 3 bth, 280 sq meters, 67697 Otterberg Germany, €3,000, 06371 594 5194, george@mitchell-invest ment.de




3 BEDROOMS 3 bd, 2.5 bth, 176 sq meters, Am Stockacker 67705 Trippstadt Germany, €1,280, besire@live.de, Cell 017628397857 Beautiful home for rent close to everything, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 230 sq meters, Hochheim am Main Germany, €2,765, 0151-52919775, lrsmith60@msn.com

Downtown Kaiserslatuern modern townhouse with 2 CAR GARAGE, 2 bd, 2 bth, 172 sq meters, huge windows, spacious kitchen with granite island and countertops, rooftop terrace, automatic rouladens (roller shutters) and heated floors. 15B Mozartstrasse 67655 Kaiserslautern, €3000/ month, text or call +49(0)171-9592227

Modern furnished House in Center of landstuhl, 1 bd, 1 bth, 100 sq meters, Kaiserstrasse 19 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €1,297, barisciftci12@google mail.com, +4915901081817 Whatsapp and Mobile

TLA / TDY !!!!!1-5 bed luxury apts & houses for TLA/TDY personnel in Ramstein/Mackenbach/Bruck muhlbach.2min to RAB.Short walk to shops/restaurants. 100% equipped, TV, AFN, English satellite, free phone, high speed internet, free calls to USA and Eur.good library and movie selection.Pets welcome.Off street secured parking.Call Jennie 0171-2679282. OR luxuryapts09@yahoo.com 4 bd, 2.5 bth, 180 sq meters, Obere Steige 19A 67685 Schwedelbach Germany, €200, 015112053017, de-weber@web.de, Tel: 0631-3706605, E-Mail: de-weber@web.de Apartment TLA 100 sqm, 1 bd, 1 bth, 100 sq meters, Kaiserstrasse 17 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €75 €95 per day, 004915203896105, sanderfamily4@web.de

Beautiful House Höheinöd Kaiserslautern-Erlenbachvery ni- Best Located TLA TLF Appart193sqm 3BR liv/din rm 2000sqm ce, modern house, 150sqm, liv/ ment on Einsiedlerhof 1 or 2 begarden (like a park), balcony terdinrm, BIK, 2BR, 2 baths, 2 balco- drooms, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 70 sq merace garage 06333-955220 nies and terrace, small yard, floor ters, Kaiserstrasse Kaiserslautern heating, granite floor, for single/ Germany, €57, 01724989707, couple. NO FEE. I'm the owner. boze1@gmx.de Ask for longterm! Ludwigshafen, top brand new duHousing aproved. HIGH-SPEED plex, 225sqm, high configuration Internet, Vogelweh: 10 min, ROB: Brand new fully furnished studio with air conditioner, 3 bed, 2 bath, living-diningroom, built-in-kitchen, 16 min, Pulaski Barracks: 17 min, and 1- & 2-bedroom apartments garage, patio, yard, quiet area, EC Kleber Kaserne-10 min, rent: located in Stuttgart-Moehringen 24,10 KWh, avail now, mthly rent 1107€+utl., deposit: 2214€, avail close to Kelley and Patch Bar1950€+util, call Mr. Becker real 10.05.2018, No garage. parking racks - Credit cards and VAT estate: +49 6359 932622 or e- on street, Adress: ERLENBA- forms accepted - TDY/TLA/TQSA CHER Str. 2A, 67659 Kaiserslau- rates available - No commission mail: info@becker-ivg.de tern-Erlenbach, Call 0631-40776 or deposit - 0711 4101 0150 www.ess.travel or 0157-70759110 RENT: Luxurious fully furnished duplex in Ramstein Available now TLA / TDY in Mackenbach, 1 bd, 3 bd, 1 bth, 150 sq meters, Ram- RENT: Kaiserslautern Downtown 1 bth, 60 sq meters, Beethovenstein-Miesenbach Germany, Apartment, 2 bd, 2 bth, 160 sq weg 18 67686 Mackenbach Ger€2,400 ALL INCLUSIVE, 06371 meters, Kaiserslautern Germany, many, € 850 / month; 48 € / day 594 5194, tiffany@mitchell-invest €2,500, 06371 594 5194, george@ +4915732414957, georg.winter@ mitchell-investment.de ment.de hotmail.de

Brand new TLA Appartment in best location near to all Bases full furnished!, 2 bd, 1 bth, 80 sq meters, Kindsbach, Kaiserslautern, at 59 Euro, ask us for longterm rent! 01724989707, boze1@ gmx.de

TLA-TDYHome Sweet Home in RAMSTEIN: Luxurious, family townhouse w/ 4 queen/2 twin beds, 1 car garage/fenced patio. FREE calls to US, FREE English channels, and Fiber optic Wifi. Brand new supermarket across the street. For information or reservations, please call +49 (0)160 Fully furnished penthouses with 9548 6501or email: hshramstein@ 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms - Downtown gmail.com Stuttgart - Parking, WiFi, Calls to the US, Gym, Housekeeping incluTLF: Luxury furnished 2+ beded - No commission or deposit droom apartment in downtown Credit cards & VAT forms accepLandstuhl, 2 bd, 1 bth, 37 Kaiserted - TDY/TLA/TQSA rates availastrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germable - 0711 4101 0150 ny, Per Diem, 06371 594 5194, www.ess.travel Bonnie@mitchell-investment.de Luxury Apartment 5***** Landstuhl, 5 Min to Aiibase Ramstein, 3 Bedrooms up to 4 Person, Whirlpool, Steamshower, View to the Castle, fully furnished and equipped, for longer rental piriod best Price. Avail Dec, 2017, €100, Call 49 (0)6371-917906 or 015162907695, info@ferienwohnungenpechtel.de for longer rental period- TLF: Luxury furnished 3 bedroom best price, www.ferienwohnun apartment in Historic Landstuhl, 3 bd, 1 bth, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 gen-pechtel.de Landstuhl Germany, €0, 06371 594 5194, Bonnie@mitchell-invest Temporary Housing in Stuttgart - ment.de Fully furnished apartments with 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms located Downtown Stuttgart - Credit cards and VAT forms accepted - TDY/TLA/ TQSA rates available - No commission or deposit - 0711 4101 0150 - www.ess.travel TLA Apartment, 1 bd, 1.5 bth, 120 sq meters, €115 Daily rate, TLF: Luxury furnished 3-bephone: 0174 66 85 63 1, email: Bir droom apartment in downtown gitBohrerZW@gmail.com Landstuhl, 3 bd, 1 bth, 06371 594 5194, Bonnie@mitchell-invest ment.de TLF: Spacious Mackenbach 3 BR Apartment: AVAIL. NOVEMBER, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, 06371 594 5194, bonnie@mitchellinvestment.de TLA/TLF PLUS Car and GPS, 2 bd, 1 bth, 70 sq meters, Oberstaufenbach Germany, €80, Contact Heike, 015165178085, YourHomeawayfromHome2@ gmail.com

Welcome to our new TLA / TDY Home in Weilerbach / Ramstein, 2 bdr, 2 bth, 100 sq meters, IsignyAllee 67685 Weilerbach Germany, €130, klincks.tlahome@gmail.com or 0049-1797891495

All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. The publisher will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

up with before moving into the apartment. In Germany, the “Kaution” must be put in a bank and must earn interest during the time it is in that account.

NB: Neubau – This will usually be newer construction, but can also be as old as the 1950s.




Zwei-Zimmer wohnung – A two room apartment doesn’t mean two bedrooms. This would refer to something like a bedroom and a living room (hence two rooms).

NK: Nebenkosten (Pl) or BK: Betriebskosten –

These are the extra costs you will have outside of the normal rental price such as heating, water, insurances etc. It is also common in Germany to pay the house tax.

OG: Obergeschoss –

This refers to the floor it is on, so 1 OG. would be

on the first floor above the ground floor and so on.

Pr.: Provision – This is the commission the listing agent gets paid. zzgl.: zuzüglich – This is how the word “plus” will be referred to. Photo by Jorda/shutterstock.com

Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

Page 19

at the movies

Now showing


Photo by repbone / Shutterstock.com

Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Dates are subject to change. Please check with your local theater for the most up-todate schedule.

FRIDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D (PG-13) 1415, 1715, 2045 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1400, 2015 The First Purge (R) 1700, 2000, 2030 Bleeding Steel (R) 1115, 1400, 1700 Oceans 8 (PG-13) 1115 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1445, 1745

Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) As Scott Lang balances being both a Super Hero and a father, Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym present an urgent new mission that finds the Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past. Starring: Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Peña Director: Peyton Reed

SATURDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D (PG-13) 1415, 1715, 2030 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1400, 2015 The First Purge (R) 2000, 2045 Bleeding Steel (R) 1115, 1700 Uncle Drew (PG-13) 1115, 1400 Oceans 8 (PG) 1115, 1700 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1445, 1745 SUNDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D (PG-13) 1415 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1400, 1715 The First Purge (R) 1100, 1800 Bleeding Steel (R) 1115, 1400 Uncle Drew (PG-13) 1700 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130, 1700 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1500 MONDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D (PG-13) 1415 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1715 The First Purge (R) 1700, 2000 Bleeding Steel (R) 1115, 1700 Uncle Drew (PG-13) 1400 Oceans 8 (PG-13) 1115, 1400 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1445, 1745

Photo by Marvel Studios

2D TUESDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1415, 1715, 1800 The First Purge (R) 1400, 2000 Uncle Drew (PG-13) 1115 Oceans 8 (PG) 1115, 1700 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130, 1400, 1745 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1445 WEDNESDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D (PG-13) 1415 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1715 The First Purge (R) 1700, 2000 Bleeding Steel (R) 1115, 1700 Uncle Drew (PG-13) 1400 Oceans 8 (PG-13) 1115, 1400 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1445, 1745

Poster by Universal Pictures

Poster by Lionsgate

Poster by Warner Bros.

Poster by Lionsgate

The First Purge (R)

Bleeding Steel (R)

Ocean’s 8 (PG-13)

Uncle Drew (PG-13)

To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the others, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation. Starring: Y’lan Noel, Lex Scott Davis, Joivan Wade Director: Gerard McMurray

Hong Kong police inspector Lin Dong learns that a biochemical invention has been surgically implanted into his missing daughter. With help from a hacker, Lin tries to connect the dots between the device, a sinister army and a strange phenomenon. Starring: Jackie Chan, Callan Mulvey, Tess Haubrich, Na-Na OuYang, Damien Garvey, Kaitlyn Boyé, Michael McHugh, Show Lo, Olga Miller Director: Leo Zhang

Five years, eight months, 12 days and counting — that’s how long Debbie Ocean has been devising the biggest heist of her life. She knows what it’s going to take — a team of the best people in the field, starting with her partner-incrime Lou Miller. Together, they recruit a crew of specialists, including jeweler Amita, street con Constance, suburban mom Tammy, hacker Nine Ball, and fashion designer Rose. Starring: Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway Director: Gary Ross

Harlem, Dax is dealt a series of unfortunate setbacks, including losing his team to his longtime rival. Desperate to win the tournament and the cash prize, Dax stumbles upon the man, the myth, the legend Uncle Drew. The two men embark on a road trip to round up Drew’s old basketball squad and prove that a group of septuagenarians can still win the big one. Starring: Kyrie Irving ,Shaquille O’Neal, Chris Webber, Lisa Leslie Director: Charles Stone III

THURSDAY Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D (PG-13) 1415 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) 1100, 1715 The First Purge (R) 1700, 2000 Bleeding Steel (R) 1115, 1700 Uncle Drew (PG-13) 1400 Oceans 8 (PG-13) 1115, 1400 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 1130 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1445, 1745


For reservations & information call 06371-937037 For all movies and showtimes visit

w w w. b r o a d w a y k i n o . c o m / k m c

Kaiserslautern American

Page 20

July 6, 2018


Eggplant Bell Pepper Pasta

Ingredients (for 4 people)


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bring a large pot of water to boil with salt added. Coarsely dice the eggplant, bell pepper and tomato. These vegetables should be diced in half inch pieces. The garlic, onion and chili should be finely diced. Heat 4 tablespoons olive oil in pan. Add the egg plant and let it roast until it has a nice brown color. Add onion, garlic chili and bell pepper. Add more oil if needed, as eggplant tends to soak up oil. Let that roast on medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes.

Reduce the heat to medium or low and let it simmer for 5 minutes with the lid on. Add pasta to boiling salt water. Cook approximately 9-10 minutes and strain. Pour pasta into the vegetable mixture with a bit of the boiling water. Gently stir.

Rip mozzarella into bite-size pieces. Serve pasta in a deep bowl. Garnish with basil and mozzarella.

n e t u G ! t i t e App


2 eggplants, large 4 red long bell peppers 4 medium tomatoes 2 onions 2 cloves garlic 5-6 tablespoons olive oil 1 ½ tablespoons tomato paste ½ cup dry red wine 1 cup vegetable broth Salt to taste Coarsely ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon sugar 1 pound dry penne pasta 2 balls buffalo mozzarella Basil leaves for garnish

Add diced tomato and tomato paste and let this simmer for 1-2 minutes. Add the red wine and the broth. Season with salt, black pepper and sugar. Then bring this mixture to boil.


e m

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July 6, 2018

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AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

1995 Ford Probe GT$3,250** New battery, clutch, exhaust, timing belt, water pump, axle bearings, heater/water hoses, calipers/pads -- Original owner - well cared for - oil/filter every 3,000 miles -- * Snow tires w/ rims, front end bra, extra oil filters, etc. -robbrunnells1@gmail.com or 06371-405-7585

1997 BMW 316i New Inspection and Priced to Move!!, 4 cyl 4 door '02 Peugeot MUST GO!!!, Kai- 5 spd. manual, 65191 Wiesbaden serslautern Germany, $3000.00, Germany, $1750, 0173-316-0690, email: s_deeon@yahoo.com rosenhefe17@gmail.com '97 Oldsmobile Aurora, 6827 Brusino-Arsizio, €1000.00, kkment 1997 BMW 735i great condition, about 170,000 miles, very reliable, graphics@yahoo.com clean in and out, new tires and 02 BMW M3 CONVERTIBLE, brakes, not trashed out, moving E46, Honolulu, $8,999, 808 232- back to states and need quick sa9898tydocker@yahoo.com le. Call Louis @ 0151 6414 6124 1994 BMW 316i, Mackenbach Germany, $1,200, 0175-756- 2 Litre Opel Vectra, Automatic, 6842, castillohector43@ya Cruise Control, stereo w/CD player, halogen headlights. Silver, hoo.com with black leather interior. New 1997 Audi A6 Quattro EU Spec, summer tires and brakes. Needs Audi A6 quattro green AWD Sea tune up and some body work dan Car, Ramstein Air Base (some rust) but runs great. 500 Eu(RMS) 66877 Ramstein-Miesenros or best offer. US inspection bach Germany, $3,500, kyle.ruther good until 8 August 2016. Muenford.besd@gmail.com zenberg Germany (Giessen area), 2002 VW GOLF VARIANT, phone: 0176-47318879, email: ge $4,200, pinonadrian02@gmail.com lonhann@gmail.com




2000 Ford Transit, Van USAREUR Inspected Camper Cheap, Kaiserslautern Germany, $1700, email: ianandrewriden@gmail.com 2000 jeep wrangler 4cyl German spec (manual), 4x4, Kerzenheim Germany, €5000 or best offer, 015152392631

2005 Kia Picanto; 12 month inspection; power window lock mirror heated seats Thule bike rack Kenwood CD, 66879 Kaiserslautern Germany, $1,995, 01605816149, lp579@aol.com 2005 MINI Cooper "S", US Spec, Manual $7,695-, onlinesales@euro 2001 Mercedes-Benz ML320 peanmotors.org Call: 0176 2273 4MATIC, 67681 Sembach Germa- 0967 ny, $3,300, 017656939194, 2005 Peugeot 1.6 liter ABS brajww78@gmx.de kes low miles $3900.00, mittelbr, 017630110385, 2002 TOYOTA Rav 4 SUV with $3,900, AWD, $8,995-, US SPEC, Manual, stan7339@yahoo.com

Cruise Control, Power Locks, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Power Windows, Perfect Conditi2000 Mercedes C220 (German on, Call:0176 22730967, Email: in spec), c220, Wiesbaden Germafo@europeanmotors.org, Web: ny, $4900, +4915116054662, http://www.europeanmotors.org blackflag_1974@yahoo.com 2003 Volvo C70 Convertible, 2000 Skoda Fabia, good on gas, Erathstrasse 65189 Wiesbaden dependable, dealer maintained, Germany, €3,500, (915) 487-1954, asking $2500 obo, for more info lorenacarrasco@hotmail.com contact Brian at 017631508726, slavix132@gmail.com 2003 VW Sharan Diesel Family and Utility Van, Glan-Muenchwei2000 Volvo S-70, one owner, ex- ler Germany, $5500, email: jm.ko cellent condition, clean interior, re- tecki@gmail.com liable/safe/economical transportation, automatic, 4 door, leather 2004 Audi A3 TDI, Bruchmuelheated seats, front wheel drive, back, $5,600, ponche35@ya sunroof, radio/CD player. hoo.com. 188,500 kilometers, eu$3500.00 Call 015141428969 ro spec, great commuter car. 6 disc CD changer, two door cou2001 Mercedes S500, 132,00 pe, very quick with great fuel effiKM, Kaiserslautern 67657, $5,100 ciency or best offer, +4915120505818, marcusleneus@gmail.com, REDU- 2004 Smart for two City Coupe CED PRICE!!!!!! 55MPG, $3,490, proverbs32127@ googlemail.com 2002 Honda Accord SE, Honda Accord, $1500, phone: 2005 BMW X5 (3.0i/V6), Kaisers016097375731, email: lautern Germany, $7,500, phoenix_rising79@live.com 015129006454, clay.lancaster@ gmail.com 2002 Mazda MPV 2.0L Diesel, 7 seater, Manual 66892 Bruchmu- 2005 Ford Focus Trend, reliable ehlbach-Miesau Germany, $4000 low miles new Air no rust, 66629 OBO, email: colin.w.lyons@ Freisen Germany, $4,500, DSN gmail.com 590-1087, Wiscken18@gmail.com

2005 Toyota Corolla S, $3500, mi ke.pontiff@gmail.com, 123000 miles, gray, manual trans 2006 Chrysler Town & Country Limited (van), Landstuhl Post Germany, $6500.00, phone: 017640425215, email: werjedi@ hotmail.com 2006 Honda Pilot EX-L, 8 Seats, AWD, 3.5L, Auto, Leather/Heated Seats, Miles: 153,000 Kaiserslautern Germany, $6,300 OBO, passed inspection on 7/25 2006 KTM 640 Adventure, US Spec, Vogelweh, $3500, jos hua.sammons@gmail.com 2006 Mitsubishi Shogun Warrior Sport (2006), SUV UK Spec Truck Tow Leather Interior Low Miles, $8, kyle.rutherford.besd@ gmail.com call: 015162666122 2006 Nissan Frontier Truck, 4X4 SE King Cab, Manual Transmission, 79,000 miles, Silver Paint, Clean/non-smoker, Passed Inspection, $9300, email: kirkwinger24@yahoo.com 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, 6.0L, V8, 400HP, 71,591 miles, red, black leather interior, $26,995, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972

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July 6, 2018


2007 Volvo S60 2.5T 108 000 miles $5600, car auto volvo used, $5600.00, phone: 0170-2708502, email: artboughan@hotmail.com

All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 2006 Pontiac G6 Silver. Four door sedan, automatic, very good condition. One owner, only 59k miles, well maintained. New tires, brakes, struts, tune up, etc. Landstuhl LRMC. $6,500. Contact: 017623632497 or alanasciuto@ gmail.com 2006 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, Kaiserslautern FRG, $16,500, 132,000 mi, Porsche Tiptronic, Full Black Leather with full Black Alcantara headliner, Details: One owner. Picked up new at the factory in Leipzig March 2006. Special full leather and carbon fiber trim interior. Windows are factory Thermal/UV protected. Engine cooling system upgrade and new drive shaft installed by Porsche. Audio/ NAVI includes telephone card slot (system works in Europe and the USA). Included are 4 each 20 inch custom rims with high speed tires mounted and 4 each 18 inch rims with winter tires mounted. phone: 0152 5733 5095, email: trfman@ gmail.com 2007 Ford Mustang for sale, 09180 Landstuhl Germany, $9000, 01726743199, eball102002@gmail.com 2007 Honda Accord SE 4D, 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, $5,500, 01703134368 / 01703884907, rowenasean@hot mail.comEngine: 4-Cyl, VTEC, 2.4 LiterTransmission: Manual, 5SpdUS Specs/ 132,000 MilesExterior: Gold Interior: TanOne Owner/ One Mechanic/All Receipts-Work History AvailableAC, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Cruise Control, Power Steering, Tilt Wheel, AM/FM Stereo, CD (Multi Disc), Dual Air Bags, Power Sun RoofFront & Back Floor Guards/ Seat CoversNew Tires, New Rear Brake Rotors & Pads, New Battery, New Front Struts, New Oil PanInspection Good Until April 2019

2008 BMW 328 very low miles, bmw 328 low miles, Kaiserslautern Germany, email: marf10s@hot mail.com. text: 0151 645 10995 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander XLS 6 Cyl 3.0L, $3999, phone: 015161650953, email: dmclaugh24@hotmail.com 2008 VW POLO, Two-door VW Benzin 5-speed non-smoker, €4500, phone: 015142508304, email: stoicbirth@gmail.com 2009 Ford Focus, Kaiserslautern Germany, $7,500, jaymeleemoo re@gmail.com

2007 LEXUS SC430 Coupe/Convertible, $23,925-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather Seats, Power Hard Top, Heated Seats, Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro peanmotors.org

2010 Honda Accord EX-L, With navigation Black 32000 miles Automatic and Good condition, $13000, stacieannp@gmail.com 2010 JEEP Patriot "Sport" 4X4 SUV, $13,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Alloy Wheels, Luggage Rack, Perfect Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@ 2011 BMW 120dA Cabrio, EU, europeanmotors.org, Web:http:// Automatic, Alloy Wheels, Air Conditioning - Automatic, Alarm, www.europeanmotors.org BMW Assist, Leather Sport Stee2010 Mazda 3 Sedan 2.0L Auto- ring Wheel, Multifunction for Steematic USSpec, 86,000 miles, ring Wheel, Full Prep Package 65205 Wiesbaden, Germany; Well Mob.Phone USA/CDN W.Telemamaintained, Has cosmetic dama- tic, Navigation, Smoker's Packages, $4,650 OBO- let's talk!Pho- ge, Through Load System, USB / ne: 0160-96848083, Email:hyangs Audio Interface, Voice Control, Xehim.k@gmail.com non Lights, Armrest, Floormats, 2010 Mercedes B 160 "Blue Effi- Fog Lamps, €16,995. Bavarian ciency", 67,000 miles, 1.6liter gas Motor Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg, engine, 5 spd, AC, PS, PB. Just +49 (0) 931 27885890, wuerz serviced; comes with 4 mounted burg@bavarianmotorcars.com. snow tires. German specification. Find all of our cars on FindItGuiExcellent on the autobahn and in de.com! town, carries lots, great gas milea- 2011 Ford Fusion SEL. NADA ge! $9500OBO. Email Vicki at vi lists for $15,000; selling for mivsm@gmail.com $14,000. 47,000 miles; 6-Speed

2011 MINI Countryman "S" ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass Sunroof, Excellent Condition, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org

2011 Toyota Sienna XLE, family car, Spindelweg 6 66877 Ramstein, $15,400, 01722996978, hansvoneicken@gmail.com

2012 BMW 116i 5-Tuerer F20, EU, Heated Front Seats, Model Designation Deletion, Full Prep Package Mob.Phone USA/CDN W.Telematic, Leather Steering Wheel, €13,490. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Estenfeld, +49 (0) Automatic; Red Candy Metallic 9305 9890570, estenfeld@bava Tinted w/ Charcoal Black Leather rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our upholstery. New all-weather tires cars on FindItGuide.com! and new rear brakes. Contact at mjmapes@yahoo.com or 2012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP, 015232717578 28,470 miles, Blue Metallic,

2009 Mercedes C220 CDI, 6 Moorweg 66882 Huetschenhausen Germany, $11,500, 01624256977, brian.mcnulty@hot mail.com

2010 Mini Cooper Convertible CLEAN & LOW MILEAGE!, mini cooper 2010 car convertible bmw low mileage clean sale, 12 Hirtenweg 67685 Schwedelbach Germa$8,300, 017672139338, 2010 Audi A3 Premium Plus 4DR ny, 2.0T, Pelderweg 67661 Kaisers- rickruiz22@gmail.com 2014 BMW 320i xDrive Sedan, Cream Leather interior, $25,495, lautern Germany, $18,700, 2011 BMW 128I, BMW AUTO, Stuttgart, $24000, finditguide@ contact mark@americanmo bruni777@hotmail.com tors.net, 0176-93136972 Berlin Germany, $12500, phone: shivnarain.com email: esefis 2010 Ford S-Max, Turbo Diesel, +5712551176, fast minivan, 85000 mi, euro her.sae@gmail.com OUR SERVICES: spec, €12499, mike.pontiff@ 2011 Ford Fiesta SE Hatchback,  Exhaust service gmail.com ford fiesta hatchback SE manual  Brake service blue. Good condition. USAEUR 2010 GMC Terrain AWD SUV, Au Glas service to, Leather, NAVI $14,195- Email: Registered unitl May 2019. US  Inspections and maintenance info@europeanmotors.org Call: Spec. Winter tires. Ramstein AB,  Air conditioning service $7000, 2011fordfiestax@ 0176 / 2273 00967  Accident & smart repairs gmail.com 2013 Toyota Sienna, Macken Oil service bach Germany, $17,900, 2014 VW Tiguan, $27000, email: kabatekj@msn.com 01748950821, rednitz@yahoo.de

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2007 Honda Accord SE 4D, 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, $5,500, 01703134368 / 01703884907, rowenasean@hot mail.comEngine: 4-Cyl, VTEC, 2.4 LiterTransmission: Manual, 5SpdUS Specs/ 132,000 MilesExterior: Gold Interior: TanOne Owner/ One Mechanic/All Receipts-Work History AvailableAC, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Cruise Control, Power Steering, Tilt Wheel, AM/FM Stereo, CD (Multi Disc), Dual Air Bags, Power Sun RoofFront & Back Floor Guards/ Seat CoversNew Tires, New Rear Brake Rotors & Pads, New Battery, New Front Struts, New Oil PanInspection Good Until April 2019 2007 Honda Accord SE V6 4door (U.S. spec), $5000, Stuttgart, USAREUR inspection through 15 APR 2017, email: mblees42@aol.com

Page 23

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Kaiserslautern American

Page 24

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2012 Opel Astra, 2012 Opel Astra in good condition only selling because we are moving back to the states., 66879 Niedermohr Germany, $6000, 0151-7242-0036, johna georg@gmail.com

2012 Ford Fusion SEL, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, 2012 TOYOTA Rav4 "Limited" V6 $10800, 015256491762, jimberna SUV with AWD, $24,695-, US kids@yahoo.com SPEC, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Seat, Alloy, Navigation, 2012 GMV Acadia, 3.6L V6 Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, 288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@ Gas, black metallic, grey leather, europeanmotors.org, Web: http:// $24,995, contact mark@american www.europeanmotors.o motors.net, 0176-93136972 2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV, 2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Se- 32,059 miles, automatic, gas, dan, 48,050 miles, automatic, Black Metallic, Black Premium gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather Leather, $29,495, contact mark@ interior, $15,995, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 0176americanmotors.net, 0176- 93136972 93136972 2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L, 2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6, 220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, li210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas, ke new, $34,995, contact mark@ Black Metallic, $24,995, contact americanmotors.net, 0176mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- 93136972 93136972 2013 BMW 114i 3-Tuerer F20, 2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP, EU, 5 Seats, Leather Steering SUV, 16,961 miles, automatic, Wheel, â‚Ź10,832. Bavarian Motor gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg, +49 (0) Grey interior, $15,495, contact 931 27885890, wuerzburg@bava mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our 93136972 cars on FindItGuide.com! 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles, SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972 2012 Mercedes ML350, Fully Loaded, Palladium Silver, Black Leather, $32000, phone: 01703196798, email: nunntc@ att.net 2012 Red VW Tiguan, 67714 Waldfischbach-Burgalben Germany, $15000 OBO, 06333-4129, rob.merhop@gmail.com

t t t t t t

2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L, SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $26,495, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 017693136972


2014 NISSAN MAXIMA SV Low Miles!, Maxima Low Miles Warranty, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $22,900, 01717654502, taxfree cars@ymail.com

2014 AUDI A7 Premium Plus, A7 Quattro Premium Plus Low Miles, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, 2014 BMW 328i Sedan, M-Pack, $$40.900, 01717654502, taxfree Manual, NAVI, HUD, Backup Cam, Surround View, US SPEC, cars@ymail.com Free Home Shipping, 28k mls, US $ 28,995- Visit: www.EUROPEAN MOTORS.org Phone: 0176 / 2273 0967

2014 BMW 114i 3Tg. Sportpaket, EU, Model Designation Deletion, Multifunction for Steering Wheel, Run Flat Tires, Sport Seats, Fog Lamps, â‚Ź13,857. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Estenfeld, +49 (0) 9305 9890570, estenfeld@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2013 Dodge Avenger SXT Automatic, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $10,900, 06371 613 290, torpedo militarysales@gmail.com 2014 BMW 320i Sport, US, Air Conditioning - Automatic, Auto2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6, matic, Cruise Control, HIFI Louds268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black peaker System Professional, leather interior, $25,995, contact Lights Package, Multifunction for mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- Steering Wheel, Power Sun Roof, 93136972 Run Flat Tires, Rain Sensor, Sport Seats, Servotronic, Floormats, 2013 Toyoty Rav4, 2.5L, SUV, Fog Lamps, Satellite Radio Prepa14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red ration, $23,995. Bavarian Motor Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interiCars - BMW - Wuerzburg, +49 (0) or, $22,995, contact mark@ameri 931 27885890, wuerzburg@bava canmotors.net, 0176-93136972 rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Accident Repairs Body Work +21'$ $&85$ Maintenance Warranty - Work www.honda-ecker.de Damage Estimates hauptstuhl@honda-ecker.de Tax Free Mon-FSJ t Sat 0900-1300

July 6, 2018

2014 Subaru Outback 2.5i Premium AWD, US Spec, 45k miles, Great Shape! Front tires 4 months old $22500, 015231748871 (text or call)

2014 BMW X1 2.8i AWD US Spec, $22500, 44k, Cold Wx Package, Moonroof, Great shape! 015231748871 (text or call) 2014 FORD Mustang 5.0 GT/CS Coupe, $28,895-, US SPEC, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, California Special Pack, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@european motors.org, Web: http://www.euro peanmotors.org 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara 4x4 4dr Leather excellent, $32000 best offer, phone: 0151-40475898, email: bambam8107@hot mail.com 2014 PORSCHE BOXSTER S CABRIO, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $57.900, 01717654502, taxfree cars@ymail.com

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2014 Skoda Fabia 1.6 TDiExcellent Condition.Perfect commuter car. Great mileage. Fun to drive. Easy to park.Has valid current TUeV and USAREUR inspections.GPS, ISOFix, Seat Heaters60,000 km / 38,000 miles (all hwy)$8,500 OBOKindsbach, Germanymrkleeen@ gmail.com+49(0)1733016001

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2015 AUDI A3 Premium Plus Quattro S, US, Anti Lock Brake System, Automatic, Cruise Control, HD-Radio, Heated Frontseats, Keyless Entry, Leather Steering Wheel, Navigation, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Power Steering, Power Windows, Satellite Radio, Tilt Steering, Tire Pressure Monitor System, $27,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, +49 (0) 631-414898-10, kai serslautern@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2015 AUDI A3 Premium Plus Quattro, US, Anti Lock Brake System, Automatic, CD Player, Cruise Control, HD-Radio, Heated Front Seats, Keyless Entry, Leather Steering Wheel, Navigation, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Steering, Power Windows, Rain Sensor, Satellite Radio, Tilt Steering, Tire Pressure Monitor System, $26,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, +49 (0) 9662 8779, vilseck@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2015 AUDI A3 Premium Plus, US, Alloy Wheels, Anti Theft System, Armrest, Automatic, Blue Tooth, CD Player, Cruise Control, Cup Holders, Dual Power Front Seats, Floormats, Fog Lamps, Fold Down Rear Seats, Heated Front Seats, Navigation, Panorama Glass Roof, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Steering, Power Windows, Satellite Radio, Xenon Lights, $23,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, +49 (0) 9662 8779, vilseck@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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2015 AUDI Q5 "Premium Plus" Quattro SUV under NADA! $ 34495 onlinesales@europeanmo tors.org CALL: 0176 2273 0967 2015 AUDI Q7 PREMIUM PLUS, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $$40,900, 01717654502, taxfree cars@ymail.com

Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L, SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $21,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972

2015 Audi Q7 TDI Premium Plus, Enkenbach-Alsenborn, $58,000, 2015 Nissan Pathfinder SV 4x4 +4915115334653, brian@brevco Third Row, SUV, Rear, Automatic, services.com $23,599 (S2819). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcarguys.net

2015 BMW 118i M-Sport Paket F20, EU, Air Conditioning - Automatic, Cruise Control, Heated Front Seats, Lights Package, Multifunction for Steering Wheel, Rain Sensor, Run Flat Tires, Sport Seats, Storage Compartment Package, Floormats, Fog Lamps, €22,490. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Estenfeld, +49 (0) 9305 9890570, estenfeld@bavarianmo torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Jeep Renegade Latitude 4D SUV FWD, Front, Automatic, SUV, $19,826 (604032). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 310 60355, ajones@militarycars.com

2016 MERCEDES C450 AMG AWD, Only 9k miles! Factory Warranty, All Options!!Europes Only Certified Pre-Owned Mercedes, Range Rover, Porsche dealer 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 RamsteinMiesenbach Germany, 2015 NISSAN QUEST SL, 7Seats 01717654502, taxfreecars@ DVD Low Miles!, 48 Kindsbacher ymail.com Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $27,900, 01717654502, 2016 Nissan Altima 2.5 SL, Setaxfreecars@ymail.com dan / Saloon, Front, $23,499 2015 RANGE ROVER SPORT SE Certified Pre Owned, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $64,900, 01717654502, taxfreecars@ ymail.com

2016 Range Rover Evogue 4WD SE Premium Certifed, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $43,900, 06371 613 290, torpedomilitarysales@ gmail.com

2015 Ford Edge SEL AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $28,499 (S2947). The Used Car Guys Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ram stein@usedcarguys.net 2015 FORD FUSION "Titanium" Sport Sedan, FULLY LOADED! EMAIL: onlinesales@europeanmo tors.org CALL: 0176 / 2273 0967

2016 Mercedes GLA 250 AWD Certified, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $37,900, 06371 613 290, torpedomilitarysales@gmail.com

Autohaus Darge

Call: 06371-9246-0 20% OFF ON LABOR • PARTS + SERVICE • AC-SERVICE • BODY WORK • TUNE UP • ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER’S PARTS We are located in 66862 Kindsbach, Kaiserstr. 2

2016 Toyota Camry SE, Sedan / Saloon, Front, Automatic, $18,199 (S2893). The Used Car Guys Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, mitch@usedcar guys.net

2017 AUDI A4 Premium Quattro, US, Anti Lock Brake System, Automatic, CD Player, Cruise Control, Fog Lamps, HD-Radio, Heated Front Seats, Keyless Entry, Leather Steering Wheel, Navigation, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Power Steering, Power Windows, Satellite Radio, Tilt Steering, Tinted Windows, Tire Pressure Monitor System, $28,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Kaiserslautern, +49 (0) 631-414898-10, kaiserslautern@ba varianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Volvo V60 Cross Country, 2017 Buick Regal Sport Touring T5AWD Ice White Off black sports 4D Sedan FWD, Front, Automatic, leather Navigation Heated seats Sedan / Saloon, $22,141 Park asssit front and rear free (704004). MAS Military AutoSour(S2917). The Used Car Guys shipping back to the USA, United ce - Ramstein Air Base, KMCC ExRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, States, $36, jason.lappin@t-onli change, Ramstein-Miesenbach, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 ne.de 66877 Germany, 06371 465 308, Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ram 2017 Buick Regal Sport Touring eharris@militarycars.com stein@usedcarguys.net 4D Sedan FWD, Front, Automatic, 2017 Ford Explorer XLT 4D SUV 2016 Nissan Altima S 4D Sedan Sedan / Saloon, $22,366 4WD, AWD/4WD, Automatic, 2.5, Front, Automatic, Sedan / Sa- (704002). MAS Military AutoSour- SUV, $34,660 (704007). MAS Mililoon, $17,651 (604042). MAS Mili- ce - Ramstein Air Base, KMCC Ex- tary AutoSource - Ramstein Air tary AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, change, Ramstein-Miesenbach, Base, KMCC Exchange, Ram34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 66877 Germany, 06371 465 308, stein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germa67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 310 eharris@militarycars.com ny, 06371 465 308, eharris@milita 60355, ajones@militarycars.com rycars.com 2018 Ford Focus SEL, Focus SEL Lowprice new, Harley-David- 2018 Ford Fusion Titanium FWD, 2016 Nissan Altima S 4D Sedan Showroom son Showroom 66877 Ramstein- Harley-Davidson 2.5, Front, Automatic, Sedan / SaMiesenbach Germany, $20,987, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Gerloon, $17,651 (604035). MAS Mili06371 465 308, eharris@military many, $32,207, 0176 6215 2185, tary AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, eharris@militarycars.com cars.com 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 310 WE OFFER: 60355, ajones@militarycars.com ALL CAR SERVICES

2016 BMW M3, US, Air Conditioning - Automatic, Alarm, Cruise Control, Comfort Access, Dual Power Front Seats, Heated Front Seats, Harmon Kardon, Lumbar Support, Lights Package, Navigation, Rain Sensor, Satellite Radio, Storage Compartment Package, Xenon Lights, Auto Dim for exterior & interior review mirror, Adaptive headlights, Floormats, $57,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Grafenwoehr, +49 (0) 9641 9260615, grafenwoehr@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our 2016 Nissan Altima S 4D Sedan 2015 BMW M3, Sedan / Saloon, cars on FindItGuide.com! 2.5, Front, Automatic, Sedan / SaRear, Manual, $54,995 (W0082). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslau- 2016 GOLF TSI SE 4DR, Helenen- loon, $18,001 (604037). MAS Militern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kai- strasse 5 67655 Kaiserslautern tary AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, serslautern, 67661 Germany, Germany, $18, 015124874425, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 310 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ kimmyp58@yahoo.com 60355, ajones@militarycars.com usedcarguys.net

2016 Hyundai Veloster SportsHatch, Sedan / Saloon, Front, Manual, $14,999 (S3012). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, mitch@ usedcarguys.net

Page 25

2018 Ford Fusion SE, Harley-Davidson Showroom 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $25,373, 0176 6215 2185, ehar ris@militarycars.com







Kaiserslautern American

Page 26

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2017 Ford Escape SE, SUV, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $22,999 (S2832). The Used Car Guys Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, mitch@usedcar 2017 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan guys.net / Saloon, Front, Automatic, $18,099 (S2892). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcarguys.net 2017 Ford Explorer XLT XLT4Door SUV 4WD, Front, Automatic, SUV, $34,710 (704008). MAS Military AutoSource - Ramstein Air Base, KMCC Exchange, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 465 308, ehar ris@militarycars.com

2017 Ford Escape SE, SUV, Front, Automatic, $20,299 (S2883). The Used Car Guys Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ram stein@usedcarguys.net


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2017 Ford Fusion SE Hybrid SEDAN 4 DR, Front, Automatic, Sedan / Saloon, $21,016 (704006). MAS Military AutoSource - Ramstein Air Base, KMCC Exchange, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 465 308, ehar ris@militarycars.com

2017 Mercedes-Benz C-Class AMG C43 2D Coupe, AWD/4WD, Automatic, Coupe, $54,407 (704010). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 310 60355, ajo nes@militarycars.com 2018 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk 4x4, Harley-Davidson Showroom 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $36,435, 06371 465 308, eharris@militarycars.com 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo Altitude, Harley-Davidson Showroom 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $41,030, 06371 465 308, 0176 6215 2185 eharris@militarycars.com

July 6, 2018 2018 BMW 320i xDrive Sedan, US, Alarm, Automatic, Air Conditioning - Automatic, Cruise Control, Dual Power Front Seats, Heated Front Seats, HIFI Loudspeaker System Professional, Lights Package, Navigation, Power Sun Roof, Park Distance Control, Rain Sensor, Run Flat Tires, Storage Compartment Package, Servotronic, Floormats, Satellite Radio Preparation, $31,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Grafenwoehr, +49 (0) 9641 9260615, grafenwoehr@ bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 BMW X3 xDrive30i M Sport, US, Alarm, Air Conditioning - Automatic, CD Player, Comfort Access, Dual Power Front Seats, Heads Up Display, Heated Steering Wheel, HIFI Loudspeaker System Professional, Lumbar Support, Leather Sport Steering Wheel, Navigation, Panorama Glass Roof, Park Distance Control, Run Flat Tires, Storage Compartment Package, Sport Seats, Satellite Radio, Floormats, $49,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Ansbach, +49 (0) 981 9700127, ansbach@bavarianmotor 2018 BMW 320i xDrive Sedan, cars.com. Find all of our cars on US, Automatic, Air Conditioning - FindItGuide.com! Automatic, Alarm, Cruise Control, Dual Power Front Seats, HIFI 2018 Volvo XC90 T6 AWD InsLoudspeaker System Professio- cription, SUV, AWD/4WD, Seminal, Heated Front Seats, Lights automatic, $55,425 (1801288). CaPackage, Navigation, Park Distan- pitol Motors - Volvo, 2 Im Haderce Control, Power Sun Roof, Run wald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 GerFlat Tires, Rain Sensor, Servotro- many, 0631 351700, info@capitol nic, Storage Compartment Packa- motors.com ge, Floormats, Satellite Radio Preparation, $31,995. Bavarian Motor 2018 Volvo XC90 T6 AWD MoCars - BMW - Grafenwoehr, +49 mentum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi(0) 9641 9260615, grafenwoehr@ automatic, $51,375 (1800607). Cabavarianmotorcars.com. Find all pitol Motors - Volvo, 2 Im Haderof our cars on FindItGuide.com! wald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Ger2018 Volvo XC90 T6 AWD Ins- many, 0631 351700, info@capitol cription, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi- motors.com automatic, $55,425 (1801146). Capitol Motors - Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, info@capitol motors.com

215/65 R16 -- 4 tires, 2 mounted (like new) on steel wheels, 2 unmounted (new) -- with four steel wheels that fit Honda Odyssey/ CR-V (7J x 16 ET40 rims, M12 x 2nd Owner selling 1995 BMW 1.5 lugs) phone: 01713114717, 320i, Solid transportation reliable email: sav.grill123@gmail.com low mileage, Winnweiler Germany, $2400, phone: 06302-9825977, email: JFF@use.start 4 Fully Mounted 175/70R/14 Winter Tires (2 Nexen EuroWin 700 2 mail.com Nokian W+), Tires Mounted Tires Rims, Roemerstrasse 20A 67701 Schallodenbach Germany, €255, rsimone.012@gmail.com

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Amazing Toyota Minivan (2006 Estima) with tons of features, seats 7, lots of cargo space, in Stuttgart. $6K, +4915216114223, sladewalters[at]yahoo[dot]com Audi Quattro S4, Brionstr 6 67705 67705 Tripp, 21 $, + 49,171 bis 9.524.680, inform@tpskl.de

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Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

Audi 100 V6 Automatic in best condition and new Inspection, Audi automatic V6 inspection, $3000, phone: 015123019073, email: valentin_jentsch@ya hoo.com

BMW 325Ci Convertible 2006 in Monaco Blue with grey leather interior; only 69,000 miles; extras (US shipping). $12,000. See online ad for more details.67681 Sembach Germany, kjaminet@aol.com BMW 325ic C (Cabrio-Convertible), 2006, 71K miles, $9,999 OBO. Monaco Blue, grey leather interior, US-specs, US shipping pre-paid, + more.Sembach Kaserne/Kaiserslautern, Germany.Call/ text private owner: 0176-51207500 BMW X1 for sale, Automatic all wheel drive BMW, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $24500, 0151 294 95 671, dmish ki@yahoo.com

Audi A1 1.6 TDI Sportback Attraction, 63800km, NEW Inspection, full service history, winter & summer tires, Burgherrenstr. 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, €10,500, 01639156544, apardow@hot mail.de Awesome 4X4! 2011 Nissan Navara, Truck 4 x 4 AWD SUV Camping, am nabenberg 16 67705 BMW X3 XDrive 20d, 66450 GerTrippstadt Germany, $13,800, many, 0049 163 6034729, sandra017683453543, kyooshi123@ya ilg@t-online.de hoo.com BMW X5 4 4i 2006 US Specs, Bike Rack: Yakima DoubleDown BMW X5, 55131 Mainz Germany, 2, with Dead Lock rack cable lock $9200.00, cedrick96@aol.com hitch-mount, near Patch Barracks 70563 Stuttgart Germany, $150 BMW, unit 29500 box 11 09096 OBO, phone: 0152-5276-7136, wiesbaden, $2,700, 546-4517, ke vin.townsend3.civ@mail.mil email: kris.w.morris@msn.com

Car for sale, Honda Car Auto SUV, Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $9900, phone: 01711211829, email: dock130@ya hoo.com DODGE DURANGO R/T AWD 2015, 92655 Grafenwoehr Germany, $37,300, dragon_lov@ya hoo.com EUROPES PREMIER PRE OWNED CENTER, 48 Kindsbacher Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, $Priceless, 01717654502, taxfreecars@ ymail.com

Family Car Ford Mondeo Station Wagon V 6 Automatic A/C, family car ford station wagon automatic, $2500, email: lioncars68@ gmail.com

For sale 2006 citroen c3 137,000 km, drives very well Euro Spec, used for local business and local second car for family....just passed TUV inspection also is very clean in and out everything work 100% full service history. Two set of tires (Summer and Winter) if you need more information about this one please call me or text me 01702622938 LOCATION RamBlue 1999 VW Lupo, Manual 5 Citroen C2 VTR Plus Senso Drive stein Germany............, €2,300, Speed Transmission, 155,000 Ki- automatic, Kaiserslautern Germa- 06371466784, stephen.mitchell lometers, Asking 1700 OBO Call ny, €3,500, stger1976@gmx.de cpa@t-online.de 0160-9725-2610

BMW 116i 2005, Climate control Parking sensors front & rear new brakes/battery AM/FM/CD/IPOD Phone Cable Dock. Garage vehicle., 55130 Mainz Germany, 015141874105, larson_josh@ya hoo.com BMW 2015 328XI Wagon Turbo Charged Luxury Line, Wiesbaden Germany, $33500 this is approximately $3200 below NADA, premium, cold weather, and lightning packages, only 29K miles, 015116576891, edies99@ya hoo.com BMW 318i, 2001 BMW 318i sedan, Bruchwiesenstrasse 21 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €2800, phone: 0170-7333610, email: auto-mart@gmx.de

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For sale 2013 Toyota aygo/navigation, lansdtuhl /ramstein 66849 landstuhl, €5,800, nyoks_29@ya hoo.com

Honda Odyssey Summer Tires 2 sets of 2 on OEM rims $80 for all..NOW $60, 2x - Pirelli 225/60 R16 2x - Hankook 215/60 R16, Hainerberg Housing WI 65189 WI, Ford C Max 2006, 65207 Wiesba- $60, phone: 01713114717, email: den Germany, €1500, sav.grill123@gmail.com 015234599169, dsattaway@ Hyundai Tucson 2007 only 86k gmail.com miles, ESC Sunroof multidisc, Ford Fokus 2002 nur 46000kil, Ramstei, $5,200, khsamson@hot schaltung, Brunnenstrasse 58 mail.com 61231 Bad Nauheim Deutschland, € 2.500, 015114099746, INOP RX-8 Grand Touring (Blown Engine Seal), RX8 RX-8 Rotary golzc554@gmail.com Wankel turbine, 66879 Nieder015114099746 mohr Germany, $2500, Quartermaster92Y@hotmail.com Ford S-Max, Eichenweg 7 66882 Huetschenhausen, $17,800, Intake manifold, never used, fora 015124266138, wapelhorst@ civic type R or a Acura AcuraRSX mac.com type S PRC $120, isabell_1_98@ yahoo.comor 017622987498 Hance's European - BMW Repair Dallas, BMW Service Dallas BMW Like New: All Season Tires with Mechanic Dallas Mercedes Ser- Rims, Wiesbaden Germany, $400, vice Dallas, 1850 W Mockingbird alicia.lawrence@gmail.com Ln Dallas TX 75235 USA, phone: 214-352-0815, email: Mazda 6 Sedan, Oberstaufenhanceseuropean1@gmail.com bach Germany, $4999.00, phone: 015783507896, email: HIGHLY DISCOUNTED 2017 mshough_15@yahoo.com Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4, Harley-Davidson Showroom 66877 Mazda Xedos 92, $1,100, 5 gear, Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, blue, 4 door, stereo, A/C, new $43,890, 06371 465 308, 0176 breaks, beige leather seats. 6215 2185 eharris@military 67688 Rodenbach Germany, cars.comContact for more info on isabell_1_98@yahoo.com / all deals 017622987498

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Page 27

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As of September you’ll findtepusp inat Restaurant Weinhaus S a Kaiserslautern, Osterstr.2 German kitchen

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Kaiserslautern American

Page 28

July 6, 2018

Mercedes Elegance, 66849 Landstuhl Germany, $4,000 obo, 015126188675, email: jessica.sim monds@att.net. Car has heated seats, fog lights, and all weather tires

Motorhome - See Europe in Style: Fleetwood Tioga 1996: EU & U.S. specs, Low miles, 31'x100". Sleeps 5/6 people; queen bed; shower & toilet. Fully self-contaiAll ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com ned; AC; lg frig; stove; washer/ dryer. Beautiful, many luxuries. Mercedes 190 E Recaro, Mercedes Recaro cheap, $2300, phone: Must Sell 1999 Mercedes E200, $15k OBO. Call Scott at 06021-3624440, email: hincusil cheap cars must sell mercedes, 01622972951 or sr.livingston@ya Peugeot 306 automatic 4doors, $2200.00, email: frozencyclist@ hoo.com via@gmail.com Peugeot automatic 4 doors, gmail.com email: johnnytino38@ Navi Medion, 117A Koenigstras- $2400, Mercedes C-180 Classic, alleestr OEM BMW Wheels and Tires se 67655 Kaiserslautern Germa- gmail.com 13 66882 Huetschenhausen Ger- from 2011 335I, Wheels Tires ny, $40.00, phone: many, €3,995, 06371 12556, ghpo BMW Rims 335, 66892 Vogel- 017643960244, email: spvendor@ Volvo V40 2 0 Turbo automatic station wagon, Volvo automatic lishuk@gmail.com bach, €500, 015143357217 gmail.com turbo station wagon, $3200, email: Max_max911@yahoo.com OPEL ADAM JAM 2014 (1.2 Liter, Extensive menu including large buffet choices 70Ps, 5 Speed Standard Trans- Volvo V60 Demo Cross Country mission) Mileage: 4,700 Kilome- T5 AWD 2016 : Ice White / Off LUNCH BUFFET noon to 2:30 p.m. ter, 1 Owner, No Wreck History, Black Sport Leather Seats, Bliss MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY Non-Smoker, Dealer Maintained Pack, Keyless DriveActive Dual (Service History Book), Winter Ti- Xenon Lights, Front& Rear Park EVENING BUFFET 5:30 to 10 p.m. res with Rims (Purchased Assist, Cruise Control, Navigation HAPPY HOUR Oct.2015), Color: Rocky Grey, ..250hp/2,5 Liter / 5 CYL. Please GOURMET USAREUR Inspection Expires: Contact : Jason.Lappin@t-onli SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS WORLD Apr 2019, bethmary100@ ne.de/phone 0711-6204885, Cell: 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Restaurant gmail.com 0172-6756002Total Price $36.800,-Mon-Thu 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Opel Omega, €1800 obo, phone: 5:30 - 11 p.m. 015154738180, email: burnslady@ VW golf 4 in good condition, $2500, email: ImperatorX@ya gmail.com Fri-Sat hoo.com


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Opel Tigra Twin Top 1.4 Convertible in TOP Condition, German spec, 70,000 miles, manual, black interior/exterior, chrome rims plus winter tires, parking control, just serviced, Kaiserslautern €5900, call Jasmin: 015773049505, email: jasmin_reichle@yahoo.com



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2003 Triumph Sprint ST 995 Tourer., 65193 Wiesbaden Germany, €2,799 NEG, 015737454419, ian taylor@internode.on.net 2008 Harley-Davidson FAT BOB as good as new - less than 4000 miles! US specs. Color Flat Black. Original HD Sissy bar + luggage Rack, Windvest 14" windscreen. Full service done last summer. 12000$ email: freddyvermeir@hot mail.com, phone: 01709335830 2009 SFTL Deluxe. Beautiful Pearl and Black Harley-Davidson, one owner, with less than 5000 miles. Stage-one kit w/ Vance and Hines Longshot exhaust and detachable sissy bar. $10,000 obo. +15141865926

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MOTORCYCLES 1995 BMW R1100R Motorcycle, 67685 Weilerbach, $2,100, 015253473771, timothyboulay@ hotmail.com


Parking available!

Volvo XC 60 T6 AWD 2016: Ice White / Charcoal Sport Leather Seats, Platinum Pack Climate Pack, Power Tailgate, Active Xenon Headlights, US Navigation, Cruise Control Queue Assist, Collision Warning, Power foldable heated door mirrors, Heated Steering Wheel, Heated Front & Rear Seats, Bliss Blind Spot Information System, 302HP/ 2.0 Liter 4 CYL/ Please Contact: Jason.Lap pin@t-online.de/phone 07116204885, Cell: 0172-6756002, Total Price: $ 42.900,--

WE BUY ALL CARS & TOW YOUR CAR FOR FREE phone: WINTER TIRES-Four 16 Inch Like 01635563333 email: pot@list.ru New Tread Tires mounted on rims. 205-55R - 94V - XL - NOKIYakima GetOut Pro Rooftop Gear AN. Wheels were mounted on a C Bag 13 Cubic Feet", *NEVER 180 Kompressor Mercedes Benz. USED*, €69/obo, text/WhatsApp Tires may fit on other Makes/Mofor picutres 0152-27731438 dels. (5 Lug Bolts) CALL: 01748095206



Volvo XC 60 T5 AWD 2016 : Crystal White Pearl/ Charcoal Leather Seats, Platinum Pack Climate Pack, Laminated Panoramic Roof, Keyless Drive, Navigation, Rear Park Assist Camera, Cruise Control, Lane Departure Warning US Navigation, Active Dual Xenon Headlights, Heated front & Rear Seats Heated Steering Wheel, Park Assist Front & Rear, Blind Spot Information System, much more...250 Hp/2,5 Liters 5 CYL. Please Contact: Jason.Lappin@tonline.de, phone 0711-6204885, Cell: 0172-6756002, Total Price: $ 39.900,--

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WTB: Harley-Davidson, Saarbruecker Allee 65201 Wiesbaden Germany, $neg, email: 2wheelmechanic@web.de

July 6, 2018

Kaiserslautern American

Page 29

Kaiserslautern American

Page 30


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Food Processor Morphy Richards. 700 Watt Motor. Die Cast Body. Constant Speed + Pulse Dial Function. Quiet Operation. DuAll ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com rability. Bowl 2.5ltr. + Mini Chopping Bowl 0.5ltr. 220V. Tool Box with all Attachments. Cord StoraRhineland Breast Cancer Coalitige. Great Working. Like New. on-support for breast cancer patichefsteven2015@gmail.com ents & survivors. Celebrating life & encouraging patients in the KMC via monthly meetings-2nd Tuesdays, 6PM-Pizza Gallerie-Ramstein Community Ctr. Find us on Ice chest for Dekoration or remoFacebook or rbccgroup@ya del as a bar cabinet, Ice chest bar hoo.com cabinet, 68623 Lampertheim Ger-



many, €230, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.comOr best offer

All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Drone, DJI Phantom 4 for sale! Everything you need to fly, Everything is brand new with no defects. Drone is in perfect condition with no crashes. PM me and I can send you more information. Only €1000. +49 162 3070115, nrm257@gmail.com

iPhone 8 64GB, Apple iPhone 8, Kaiserslautern Kaiserslautern 66862 Kaiserslautern Germany, €500, genuineequiments@ya hoo.com

Weber Smokey Joe Kettle Grill --SALE!!!14" 1/2 inches (37 cm) New!!! still in the boxColor: Black..... with silver metal legs, handle is silver metal with a thick rubber grey grip. Air vents on the top and bottom of kettle. Grill Instruction booklet and BBQ Recipe booklet includedd 46 € or US $ equivalent..... price is negotiable email.... primestar5@hotmail.com or call 01775316452Location: Mannheim, Germany

FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

6 antique lead mugs for decoration, Mugs lead decoration, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €60, +49 Vintage twisted wood standing 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.comT Lamp of animal skin/ parchment, hank you! Lamp animal skin parchment, Mini-fridge with freezer 220V, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, 9 Antique leadmugs, Lead mugs +49 6206 56186, 55130 Mainz Germany, $120, €110, antique decoration, 68623 Lamlarson_josh@yahoo.com cricket952@aol.com pertheim Germany, €80, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

Antique clock Karl Lauffer Westminister ca. 1930's, Antique clock Karl Lauffer Westminister 1930's, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €175, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

Mid century ceramic Dachshund from the 60's-70's, Mid century Dachshund ceramic collectibles, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €50, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ aol.comPlease visit our other listings from our estate contents liAttick find! Retro Dog Cheeky quidation saleThank you! Puppy Simba Toys, Collectibles toy Dog Cheeky Puppy Simba Mid century Oil Painting of FloToys, 68623 Lampertheim Germa- wers, Oil painting flower painting ny, €15, +49 6206 56186, md century, 68623 Lampertheim cricket952@aol.com Germany, €30, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com Baby stroller from Hartan, original price was €650, has rain co- Nostalgia Retro Vintage Bathtub ver, bassinette, reversible seat ( Faucetnostalgic, Vintage retro looking towards or away), and has nostalgia bathroom tub bathroom a sleeping bag, 67688 Roden- fixture water faucet, 68623 Lambach Germany, $110, pertheim Germany, €890, +49 isabell_1_98@yahoo.com / 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com 017622987498 Oil painting Monks Signed TauBeer mugs, Lead beer mugs bier ber, 68623 Lampertheim Germastein wroghtiron hanging shelf, ny, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ 68623 Lampertheim Germany, aol.com €99, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ aol.com Old Oil Painting of German Beer drinker and Frame, Oil painting Doll collection, Dolls collectibles, beer drinker German glass stein w 68623 Lampertheim Germany, beer frame, 68623 Lampertheim +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ Germany, €30, +49 6206 56186, aol.com cricket952@aol.com

Meister Anker Wall pendle clock Tempus Fugit Mid Century, Old wall clock pendle clock, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €80, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com



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Old Tin Samurai Fighter on horseback, Samurai fighter on horseback tin figurine, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €100, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

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Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Picture on wooden plaque Big Eyes from the 70's, Picture big eyes 70's picture flower power, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €35, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ aol.com

Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed: Headboard, Footboard and RAILS. Cherry Wood. Very Sturdy. Assembly is easy, no tools required. Made in USA. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Antique dining room set, 1, 67691 Hochspeyer, Germany $1,800, 01712761429, sandhru dolph@t-online.de

Armoire - Dresser, Armoire DresSelling Fender Electric Guitar, ser Kommode Schrank, Ramstein Kaiserslautern Germany, $500, Germany, $200, 063714056251, 015229880270, dawn100976@ya cynsutherland@hotmail.com hoo.com Soviet Russian Mig/Tu95 Cold War Era Fighter/Bomber cockpit clock, $240.00, phone: 01605118998, email: pclement55@yahoo.com Tin Beer Stein Humpen Hunter Bauernstammtisch, Beer stein zinc hunter farmer Stammtisch tin, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €60, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ aol.com Very old Oil Painting fr. N.Gero 89 x 59 cm Cabin in the mountains, Oil painting old N.Gero water mill Cabin mountains picture, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €35, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com Viking Sword. Handle and Blade Engraved on both Sides. Real Steel. With Black Wall Display Mount. Made in Spain. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Vintage Dachshund out of ceramic, Vintage dachshund ceramic, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €50, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ aol.comPlease visit our other listings of our estate content liquidation saleThank you!

Coffee table, 90 Cm X 90 CM wood with dark glass top shelf underneath, 67685 Weilerbach Germany, Free 06374-9372041, robertharrington37@gmail.com

Page 31 Italian Design Chairs, 1 St.-Florian-Strasse 35510 Butzbach Germany, €125, 0603374040, msm.butzbach@gmail.com

Kitchen buffet sideboard, Kitchen sideboard buffet, 68623 Couch / Sofa - Crocodile Look - Lampertheim Germany, €110, +49 SALE, 1 St.-Florian-Strasse 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com Model Moric Sofa Sectional, 35510 Butzbach Germany, $450, Bruchwiesenstrasse 12 66849 0603374040, msm.butzbach@ Leather 3 Piece Suite, Furniture 3 Landstuhl Germany, €595 Euro gmail.com Piece suite leather, 67685 Weiler- with vat form, 063714989710, in bach Germany, $600, fo@kmc-services.com 063749155461, hoo.co.uk


Model Nikki II Sleeper Sofa, Bruchwiesenstrasse 12 66849 Living room Regals/schranks, 1, Landstuhl Germany, €795, 39 Nelkenstrasse 67691 Hochs- 063714989710, info@kmc-ser peyer Germany, $500, vices.de 01712761429, sandhrudolph@t-on line.de Model Nikki Sectional with Sleeper function, Bruchwiesenstrasse Mid Century Teakwood chrome 12 66849 Landstuhl Germany, coat rack, Coatrack teak / chrome €795, 063714989710, info@kmc60-70s style, 68623 Lampertheim services.com Germany, €160, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

Bedroom Set, 1, Hochspeyer, Germany, $300, 01712761429, sandhrudolph@t-online.de

Bread Cabinet or Secretary - Big SALE, 1 St.-Florian-Strasse 35510 Butzbach Germany, $249, 0603374040, msm.butzbach@ Full kitchen for Sale, Full kitchen gmail.com, Any questions? Call Complete, Fritz-Claus-Strasse 27 66894 Martinshoehe Germany, us: 0170-2463463 €1000, 015224472249, maryjho ban@Yahoo.com Camel stool foot stool, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €65, +49 TV stand, 68623 Lampertheim 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com Storage Ottoman Brown. Germany, €35, +49 6206 56186, Gloss Sideboard and more - SA- chefsteven2015@gmail.com cricket952@aol.com Chest of Drawers, Chest chest of LE, 1 St.-Florian-Strasse 35510 Germany, €199, drawers drawer bureau, 68623 Butzbach msm.butzbach@ Lampertheim Germany, €30, +49 0603374040, 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com gmail.com

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All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 2 Rollcontainer drawers out of wood, Drawers wood drawers roll container file, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €55, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

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Kaiserslautern American

Page 32

FURNITURE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

Sofa Sectional, Sectional Sofa Couch, 21 Talstrasse 66882 Huetschenhausen Germany, $400, 016093621, derektenboer@ gmail.com

July 6, 2018

Vintage Retro shelf for bathroom sink, Retro vintage sink shelf glass, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €80, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

JOBS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

*Electrical engineer (m/f) or qualiTable and chairs, Table chairs, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, Wood End Table/ Nightstand Set. fied *Electrician (m/f) with previous applicable experience, Full€80, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ chefsteven2015@gmail.com Time, at BEK, Schulstrasse 20 aol.com 80634, +49 (0)631-30335531, sup Wall Unit - Bar - Ariana, 1 St.-Flo- port@finditguide.com rian-Strasse 35510 Butzbach Germany, €599, 0603374040, DENTAL ASSISTANTS, Full-TiRustic Oak Wall Unit -SALE, 1 msm.butzbach@gmail.comAny St.-Florian-Strasse 35510 Butzme, at Landstuhl American Dentiquestions? Call us: 0170-2463463 stry, Kaiserstrasse 36 66849 Landbach Germany, $399, 0603374040, msm.butzbach@ stuhl Germany, 06371 560-8075, gmail.comAny questions? Call us: info@americandentistry.net Wall Unit - Entertainment Unit 0170-2463463 Bar, 1 St.-Florian-Strasse 35510 Butzbach Germany, €699, Environmental Professional, FullTreviso I Sectional Sofa Bed, 0603374040, msm.butzbach@ Time, at Gryphon Environmental, Shelf/ newspaper stand, remediation tanks storage tanks Bruchwiesenstrasse 12 66849 gmail.com Newspaper stand shelf wood maPOL environmental compliance, Landstuhl Germany, €795, gazine rack, 68623 Lampertheim Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, 063714989710, info@kmc-ser Germany, €25, +49 6206 56186, ryohn@gryphonvices.de Wooden table with extension, Ta- 719-578-3330, cricket952@aol.com ble wooden table extension, env.com Vintage Bathroom Shelf, Vintage 68623 Lampertheim Germany, Shoe cabinet, Shoe cabinet, bathroom shelf cupholder, 68623 €50, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ Food Service Worker - KP in Dining Facility for Smith Barracks 68623 Lampertheim Germany, Lampertheim Germany, €80, +49 aol.comOboThank You! Baumholder. This is a regular Full€35, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@ 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.co and or Part Time position by armOr Best Offer aol.com Wrought Iron Shelf, Wrought iron rangement. Applicants must be shelf, 68623 Lampertheim Germa- able to work flexible hours, 0600ny, €110, +49 6206 56186, 1900, Monday-Sunday and Holicricket952@aol.comThank you for days. Duties: cleaning of the dilooking! The Steins in the last pic- ning facility; peeling, cutting of veture hanging from this shelf are al- getables and fruits; contact Fa. so for sale, please see our other GKD 06205-102599 or send resuarticle me to info@gkd-gerl.de Nice wooden country style Kitchen cabinet, Kitchen cabinet wooden country style, 68623 Lampertheim Germany, €45, +49 6206 56186, cricket952@aol.com

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Full time cleaning position on a team, Full-Time, cleaner janitor housekeeper, 37 Kaiserstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Germany, 06371 594 5194, jessica@mitchell-invest ment.de ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT: Experienced preferred. Please email and send resume to: miknor@t-on line.de Seeking Licensed Hairstylist Beauty Shop at Smith Barracks BaumholderBeauty Shop Smith Barracks Baumholder, Bldg. 8668(by the Power Zone) Baumholder 55774 GermanyCall or email Antoniabeautyshopa@ web.deDSN 546-08010611-143546-08010175-827-5216 Seeking U.S. citizen and Military I.D. card holder to work as a Field Engineer to perform electrical and mechanical repair activities in support of PATRIOT Program. Experience in mechanical and electronic repairs, and a welding certification are desired.To apply, please go to WWW.rayjobs.com, click on "Search Jobs" under the Professional Recruiting section and enter 11522BR in the Requisition ID field. Should you run into issues, please send your questions to po sitionatmiesau@gmail.com

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• Fluency in English. Ability to speak, read and write in the language of the host country at the native level preferred. • Demonstrated ability to lead high-performing teams. Ability to achieve desired results while working collaboratively in a team environment. • Strong interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Ability to interact with USO Leadership, the general public and military audiences at a variety of levels with integrity and professionalism. • Demonstrated ability to exercise sound judgment related to controversial and/or culturally sensitive subjects. Ability to handle confidential information with tact and poise. • Working knowledge of basic business and accounting functions including project management and budgeting. • Demonstrated initiative/self-motivation, with the ability to quickly and easily adapt to changing organizational needs. • Proficiency using computers and electronics equipment. Working knowledge of various software, applications, and programs including but not limited to Microsoft Office Suite. Strong social media skills. • Ability to obtain and maintain proper credentials necessary to access USO Center locations and facilities including but not limited to security, credit and/or background screening, SOFA status, valid driver’s license. • Must be a strong advocate of the USO’s mission. Details • This position is located in Spangdahlem, Germany. Preference will be given to local candidates within commuting distance to the location. • Relocation assistance is not provided for this position. • Resume and Cover Letter are required for full consideration. Please apply online at: http://www.uso.org/careers/ and click on “VIEW OUR JOB OPENINGS”

USO is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status.

Kaiserslautern American

July 6, 2018

PERSONAL All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

Page 33

Single Male, Enkenbach-Alsen- French Bulldog puppy, puppy born, $0, favorite_1@hotmail.com french bulldog, 41 Chapel Street 67714 Waldfischbach-Burgalben Germany, € 1,600, 06,333 / 959,118, vomfrenchkiss@free net.de


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CLEANING AND MOVING SER- Translator / Interpreter Certified VICES, PCS CLEANING, YARD KL, near Vogelweh. Reasonable SERVICE, DELIVERY SERVICE, rates. Call: 0631-54440 TRASH HAULING, GARDENING, MOVING, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR, Kaiserslautern Germany, €1, 0172-919-3355, movingandja Unique Pet portraits, portrait pet nitoralservices@gmail.com cat dog gift, Kaiserslautern GerAll ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com many, €100, 015757832931, hoy Translation needed?, Landstuhl tishart@gmail.com Germany, €0, isabel-b@gmx.net LOOKING FOR TAYLOR ACOUSTIC, Kaiserslautern Germany, Moving Service, 10 Robert- $1000, OBO 015229880270, Bosch-Strasse 66877 Ramstein- dawn100976@yahoo.com Miesenbach Germany, €1, 06371 All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 9288408, info@unserlager24.de



Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walkthrough and inspection of the clean house. Arabic language teacher, 23 Richard-Wagner-Strasse 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, €20, 015771035531, alafraa2000@ gmail.com

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July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018

Kaiserslautern American

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