Nantucket Home, Vol 9, Issue 4, Fall 2017

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nantucket HOME Real Estate News & Property Listings compliments of NAREB

nantucket HOME Fall 2017

Vol 9 Issue 4

Fall 2017

Vol 9

Issue 4

Real Estate News & Property Listings

Real Estate News & Property Listings

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NAREB Member Directory

Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers

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NAREB Welcome

Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers

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Volume 9 • Issue 4 • Fall 2017

NAREB Member Directory........................................................ 2 NAREB Welcome....................................................................... 4 Real Estate by the Numbers..................................................... 8 Alternative Energy Options on Nantucket.............................10 Nantucket Inspired Wreaths & Holiday Decorations.............. 103 Broker Directory......................................................................128 Fall and Holiday Event Highlights........................................132

Sales: Corinne Giffin Editorial: Suzanne Daub Design: Louise Martling Cover Photo: Barbara Elder Nantucket Home Real Estate News & Property Listings is a publication of the Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), published four times a year. The print version is distributed free on Nantucket & elsewhere; the digital version is at All contents of this magazine, including without limitations the design, advertisements, photos, and editorial content, are copyrighted 2017 by Coastal Internet Access, Inc (CIA, Inc.). No portion of this magazine may be copied, reprinted, or reproduced in any form without express written permission of CIA, Inc.

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Real Estate News & Property Listings Current Issue Vol 9 Issue 4 Fall 2017 Visit Real Estate

Nantucket Events Home Design & Decorating Landscapers & Lawn Care Build, Repair & Renovate Building Specialties Hardscapes, Gardening & Fences Cleaning, Caretaking, Property Managers Green & Eco-Friendly Swimming Pools

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For inquiries about our publishing schedule and details on advertising or to tell us what you would like to see in Nantucket Home, please send an email to Suzanne Daub at or call 508-228-9165.

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REAL ESTATE by the Numbers Numbers below were calculated from 1/1/17 to 7/31/17. The best month for closings on Nantucket during this time period was June 2017. Buyers of Nantucket real estate have come from California, Canada, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Monaco, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, United Kingdom, Utah, Virginia, and Washington DC, with the majority of buyers from Massachusetts. Statistics provided by Nantucket Comparable Sales Service.

Number of properties sold:

Total Dollar Volume:





*includes dollar volume from August 2017

(Does not include properties in the housing convenant program, condos, co-ops)

207 were homes, * and 39 were vacant lots

Of that, Average purchase sale price:

$1,862,000 $1,930,000 HOUSES $755,000 LOTS


90% All properties sold at an average of 90% of the list price


Average time on the market: MONTHS


Highest dollar sale:

$14,000,000 HOUSE $2,500,000 LOT (ROUNDED)

May 2016



May 2017


July 2017

Total Sales 33

July 2016

Lowest dollar sale:

Total Sales 19

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Total Dollar Volume

Total Dollar Volume


Total Sales 24

Total Dollar Volume


Total Sales 33

Total Dollar Volume

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Alternative Energy Options on Nantucket by Sanibel Chai


antucket’s energy consumption is growing at five times the rate of the rest of the communities in Massachusetts. At present, two undersea cables run from the mainland to Nantucket providing power to the island, but if our consumption continues to increase at the current rate, the two cables may not provide sufficient power. Installing a third cable will be costly: roughly $75 to $100 million. Installation will also be disruptive to island residents, which is why postponing and possibly eliminating the need for an additional cable is a pressing issue for all who call Nantucket home. With the growing need for more energy, businesses owners and residents are exploring alternative ways to generate power. When it comes to alternative energy sourcing, Bartlett’s Farm is an island leader. A responsible business, the farm has experimented with both wind and solar power in hopes of finding ways to fulfill their energy consumption. From 2008-2011, the farm experimented with wind power. The windmill proved not to suit the farm’s needs, and they began to look into solar energy. On July 5, 2017, their new solar array came online. The array is able to power the entire electrical energy needs of the farm stand, outbuildings, employee housing, and greenhouses (fans, motors, furnaces). One drawback to solar is that, at present, there is not a reliable, practical, and affordable way to store solar energy for later use. This means

Cotuit Solar installing a solar system on Nantucket. Photo by Cary Hazlegrove

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that solar energy is only available so long as the sun is out and the weather cooperates. Technology has been developed to store solar energy using batteries, but these innovations are expensive and their reliability has yet to be proven, though Tesla’s Powerwall unit is promising. In the meantime, excess solar energy produced by an array goes back into the grid for consumption by others. The owner of the solar array is compensated based on the amount of excess energy produced, which is measured by a bi-directional meter that tracks the net import or export of electricity. Solar arrays require maintenance. According to John Bartlett of Bartlett’s farm, parts of the array will eventually need to be replaced. Solar panels make electricity in DC voltage and use an inverter to converts the DC to AC power for use. Bartlett explained that “The inverters have a 10-year lifespan” and “The panels do degrade over time and produce less energy…[it takes] about twenty years,” before they need to be replaced altogether. Solar arrays from most reputable companies come with a lifetime guarantee. While it is important for businesses to take steps to reduce their carbon footprint, it is also imperative that private citizens consider the impact of their residential energy consumption. The Town of Nantucket is offering incentives to encourage the use of solar energy on island. Their Solar Rebate Program is available to anyone considering installing solar energy in their primary, residential property located on Nantucket. The goal of the rebate program is to make solar systems more affordable for residents, thereby increasing the likelihood of more people adopting this alternative energy source.

With the growing need for more energy, businesses owners and residents are exploring alternative ways to generate power.

Town of Nantucket Energy Coordinator Lauren Sinatra explains, “We are excited to... offer a local solar rebate program to Nantucket residents, which will provide a number of key benefits to both individual homeowners and the Nantucket community. The Solar Rebate is designed to absorb some of the premium costs of installing solar-PV systems on Nantucket, and align payback periods with those achieved off-island. It is our hope this incentive will encourage more local residents to invest in renewable energy.” The rebates offered go up to $2,500 to cover a portion of installation. The town’s involvement with this program underscores the fact that switching to alternative energy is a collective goal aimed at benefiting everyone on Nantucket. For details on this local rebate, visit There are several companies on Nantucket who sell and install solar systems, plus some on the Cape who service our island. Zach Dusseau at ACK Smart told us that in addition to the local solar rebate, both residential and commercial solar installations are Continued on page 12

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Alternative Energy Options - Continued from page 10 eligible for a Federal Investment Tax Credit of 30%, calculated from the total installed costs of the system. Residential installations at the owner’s primary residence in Massachusetts receive an additional state credit of 15% off the installed costs, but this is capped at $1,000. In theory, you can receive rebates from the Town of Nantucket, the State of Massachusetts, and the federal government. A small solar power system can cost in the range of $15,000. According to Dusseau, the average US home consumes more than 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. To offset this, a homeowner would need an 8kW system, which he prices in the $35,000 range. Dusseau explained that placement of the solar array can be tricky on some properties. If your property faces a public way “the project will be looked at much more critically than say a ground based array placed off the structure.” In terms of the ideal circumstances to install a solar array: “South facing roofs at roughly a 30 degree pitch are optimal, and system efficiencies decrease as you move east/west and raise or lower the pitch.” Determining placement of a solar array is not the only step in the installation process that can take some time. Length of time for approval from the Historic District Commission and other permitting bodies varies. “The process can take two to four months from agreement to producing energy with engineering, permitting, and approvals taking one to two months, and installation and inspections after that. Some projects require additional design time to come up with an appropriate layout for HDC approval, while other projects may require a new roof or additional structural supports to maintain safety and longevity. Solar is not the only alternative energy source making waves on Nantucket. A new technology from Genbright and Ice Energy employs alternative energy to reduce the energy you spend on air conditioning. The innovation is called Ice Bear 20 and was granted a cool $1.5 million by the state with the express hope of delaying the third cable. Ice Bear 20 works with ductless mini split and ducted air handler systems by creating ice from tap water at times when energy use is low in a building. Once energy use goes back up to peak, the Ice Bear 20 battery turns off the AC compressor and uses the ice it created earlier to provide cooling. Cooling uses up to 40% of a building’s peak energy use, but Ice Bear 20 hopes to bring down this percentage. The results have shown a 95% reduction in peak

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cooling electricity use, which converts to roughly 40% savings on the cooling portion of your energy bill. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) awarded Genbright and Ice Energy a contract to provide more than 200 Ice Bear 20s to Nantucket residents at little to no cost. The Ice Bears are expected to deliver more than 1 megawatt of peak demand reduction—the equivalent of one year of electricity demand load growth on Nantucket. A unique feature of the Ice Bear 20, which recently achieved a world record efficiency rating, is its ability to efficiently cool a home with its ice battery at any time of day. For details about the program designed for Nantucket, visit “We are proud and excited for Nantucket to be chosen to serve as a demonstration location for this innovative energy storage project, and to be a model for other areas experiencing peak load constraints,” said Sinatra. “A targeted energy efficiency campaign is already playing an important role on the island to manage electricity demand, and we are confident that new and emerging technologies, such as Ice Energy’s thermal storage unit, will further result in critical peak load reductions and significant energy-cost savings for Nantucket’s year-round and seasonal residents.” While making the transition to alternative energy is not always a simple process, it is a change with wide-reaching effects. The potential need for a third cable is enough to encourage Nantucket residents to consider how they can reduce their energy consumption. With rebate programs offered at a national, state, and local levels, solar may be a good fit for many households and businesses. Those interested in a more targeted option, may consider the Ice Bear 20. For homeowners not ready to install an alternative energy system, a call to Mass Save for a free energy assessment can be a first step to reducing energy use. During the assessment, Mass Save will install EnergyStar LED light bulbs, advanced power strips, low-flow shower heads, and faucet aerators—all free of charge. After their visit, they give homeowners a report on how to improve a home’s energy efficiency, and they may offer discount coupons on other energy saving options. Appointments are available for assessments on Nantucket in mid-October and in mid-November, and can be arranged by calling Mass Save at 1-866-527-7283.

Bartlett Farm Solar Panels


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Nantucket Inspired

Wreaths & H oliday D ecorations by Cara Godlesky

s summer slips away and fall and winter approach, it is time to put away the umbrellas and flip-flops and pick up the pumpkins and Christmas trees. This year, instead of stressing over designing elaborate ensembles for each holiday, keep it simple and showcase the natural beauty of Nantucket. Wreaths are staple for fall and winter holidays. For alternatives to an evergreen wreath, use materials from Nantucket landscapes and local products.

Cranberry Wreath

Nantucket’s Milestone and Windswept Cranberry Bogs boast over 230 acres of cultivated land and produce more than two million pounds of cranberries a year. Head out to the bogs during the annual Cranberry Festival in October and buy enough to create a homemade cranberry wreath. Purchase a plastic foam wreath, red ribbon or fabric, and wire. Wrap the wreath in the red fabric (or ribbon), taking care to make sure all the white foam is hidden. Once the fabric is in place, hot glue the berries to the fabric as close together as possible. Go around the entire wreath and fill all the spaces with cranberries. Once the wreath is completely filled with berries, take the remaining ribbon or fabric, create a bow and glue it to the front of the wreath. Use the wire to form a hook or a loop to hang the wreath.

Bittersweet Wreath

Bittersweet vine is an invasive plant native to Eastern Asia and found widely across Nantucket and New England. In late fall and winter, the vines have yellow-green flowers that become orange-red berries. The vine can be harvested and turned into a simple but elegant wreath. Cut long pieces of the vine, about four feet in length. Select the pieces of cut vine with the most colorful berries. Bend the ends of each piece into a circle to form the base shape of the wreath. Continue to wrap and twist the vines around themselves, following the base shape. After multiple pieces are twisted, you’ll see the form of your wreath. Once the wreath has reached the desired thickness, tuck in the end piece within the other layers of the vine. You may get a piece of neutral colored wire to fasten the end down. Use another piece of wire to create a loop to hang the wreath.

Additions to the Classic Wreath

Give your classic green wreath a makeover by adding some Nantucket treasures that you found during a stroll on the beach or in the woods. Pinecones, shells, feathers, dried flowers, milkweed pods, and even dried seaweed can be wrapped into the greenery or glued on to add interesting details. You can also purchase starfish to tuck into the wreath. For an unconventional nautical look, Continued on page 121

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Nantucket Inspired Wreaths and Holiday Decorations — Continued from page 103

Photo: Joseph Arvay


Votives make pretty accents on dining room tables, mantels, or in bedrooms and can be filled to reflect the season. They can be used year-round and reused time and time again.

Colorful Flint Corn Votives

Colorful flint and calico corn kernels can be bought and filled in around candles in a clear votives. Choose from multicolored kernels, or focus on orange and red warm tones or deep blues and purples, depending on your style and home décor. For a softer look, you can buy beeswax candles to use in the votives instead of stark white candles. Explore different combinations of colored candles and layer the kernels to create a pattern in the votive.

Cranberry Votives

Filling a votive with ruby red native cranberries will bring a bright pop of color to a room. If the color is too strong, fill the votives with layers of sand and seashells and alternate cranberries between the other objects. Or fill the votive with sand and place cranberries on only the top layer.

As the December holiday season begins, getting the family together to decorate the house or a Christmas tree can be a fun activity for adults and children. If you are spending the holidays on Nantucket, let your little one have the honor of placing a starfish at the top of the tree this year. For more island-themed decorations, here are some suggestions for crafts made from locally sourced objects.

Decorating with Scallops

Family scallop season starts October 1 (commercial season on November 1), but if you don’t want to go scalloping to gather shells, then you can raid the giant scallop shell pile. Once at Jetties Beach, but now moved out to Madaket, the shell pile grows as the scalloping season progresses. It’s a bit smelly, but the pile is a great place to collect shells for holiday crafts. Look for shells roughly the same size, either from what you harvested or what you found on the beaches or in the scallop pile. Clean the shells by dipping them in a mixture of bleach and water or use toothpaste by smearing it over the shell and then scrubbing it off after about five hours. Once the shells are cleaned, you can rub them with mineral oil to give them a pretty shine and bring out their colors. You can also spray them with satin finish polyurethane for added shine; just give the shells plenty of time to dry before using them in crafts.

Scallop Shell Lights

Find a reliable strand of tiny white Christmas tree lights, and test them to make sure all the lights work. Pair two similar sized shells and hot glue them together with a bulb in the middle, forming the shape of a whole scallop. Repeat till all the bulbs are tucked into shells. When the lights are plugged in, the shells will cast off a warm glow. These lights are beautiful strung on a Christmas tree or draped across a mantle.

Scallop Shell Angels

To transform scallop shells into ocean angel ornaments, hold each cleaned and treated shell so the circular, ridged edge is facing down and the flat edge with the two points is at the top. To make the angel, ribbon, wooden beads, and a hot glue gun are needed. Make a large bow from the ribbon and hot glue it behind the two pointed edges of the shell. This becomes the angel’s wings. Glue the round wooden bead on top of the flat edge of the shell, between the two points, to form the head of the angel. Take another piece of ribbon and create a large loop and glue it to the concave, backside of the shell so the angel can hang on a tree for the holidays. For additional details, draw a face on the angel, add glitter or feathers, or twist a piece of shimmering pipe cleaner into a halo.


purchase spray snow in a can and use it to turn the wreath white; then add seashells to bring the feelings of a snowy Nantucket beach into your home.

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Nantucket nspired W reaths andDecorations Holiday D-ecorations — Continued Fall and WinterINantucket and Nautical Continued from page 116

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Sand and Shell Ornaments and Wishes

Clear glass bulbs have endless possibilities: you can pop off the metal cap and fill the inside with a variety of natural materials to fit any style or décor. As milkweed plants die in the fall, their pods open and release the seeds and fluffy white milkweed floss (which children like to catch, wish on, then release). The floss and seeds look pretty in the clear ornaments, and you can give “wishes” to your friends and family. Remember to leave some pods in the area where you are collecting to insure the plants continue to propagate and thrive there: a good rule of thumb is to take 1/3 and leave 2/3. The clear bulbs can also be filled with sand mixed with glitter and tiny seashells you collect around Nantucket for a miniature beach scene.


Don’t just focus on the interior of your home for the holidays. The exterior of the house can be easily decorated with a colorful arrangement of squashes, pumpkins of different sizes, corn stalks, and potted mums. You can find everything you need at Bartlett’s Farm. For something a little different, use creamy white Lumina pumpkins. Leave them plain or paint them. With skin thinner than traditional orange pumpkins, Luminas are easier to carve. A strand of the scallop lights you made would add a nice touch to a porch display.

Photo: Wendy Akeson

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Broker Directory

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Broker Directory

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Broker Directory

Broker Directory

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Nantucket Autumn & Holiday Event Highlights Here are some of our favorite autumn and holiday events. For a complete and up-to-date calendar of events, visit

Celebrating the Arts

“Imagination at Sea”: September 30 to October 8 Nantucket Arts Council’s annual Arts Festival spotlights the broad array of arts and culture on Nantucket Island. Art exhibits, musical and theatrical performances, talks and lectures, films, and the Artists Association’s ever-popular Wet Paint/Fresh Works events will be held at various locations in the Nantucket Cultural District. For Arts Fest events, visit

Live Music

Almost Every Day at Cisco Brewers... Nantucket’s famous winery-brewery-distillery is also one of the island’s favorite spots for live music year-round. Every day of the week they feature live bands, some local, some regional, all offering great music for dancing or for listening while you relax with friends. Check out for times and who’s playing.


Ladies’ Night • Saturday, November 2 from 5 to 8 pm Local artisans, craftspeople, and merchants gather at Bartlett’s Farm for a holiday show and sale that this year will benefit the Elizabeth Morcone de Souza Memorial Fund. Tickets to an early entry Sunflower Hour from 5-6 pm will be sold for $50; these participants will receive an extra gift and get first dibs on the sale and the Buy It Now option on the silent auction. Suggested donation for the main event from 6-8 pm is $20 at the door.

Christmas Stroll Weekend Holiday House Tour The House Tour features a small group of Nantucket homes on display within the historic core district. Each home is spectacularly decorated for the holidays by a professional decorator, or in some cases the home owner, and strollers are allowed to tour the first floor of each home. Homes range from the truly historic to the historically updated. Proceeds benefit Friends of the Nantucket Public Schools. Details at


November 17-December 3;

The Sound of Music by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Tickets at Featuring some of the most beloved songs of all time, “The Sound of Music,” “My Favorite Things,” “Edelweiss,” “Do-Re-Mi,” and “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” The Sound of Music is holiday magic for the whole family.

November 18-December 10 It’s a Wonderful Life: a radio play by White Heron Theatre Tickets at This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers suicide one fateful Christmas Eve. 132 nantucket HOME


Nantucket Autumn & Holiday Event Highlights Autumn & Holiday Festivals & Fun

Festival of Wreaths: Preview November 21; Show November 22 & 24-26

Cranberry Harvest Festival: October 7 • 11am to 4pm Watch the berries being harvested, learn about the history of cranberry farming on Nantucket, participate in the family activities, or just kick back and enjoy the music and the spectacular autumn scenery of one of the most unique and beautiful places on our island. Don’t forget to bring home a pound or two of Nantucket cranberries for the holidays. Rain or shine at Milestone Cranberry Bog; free event, parking $20 a car.

NantucketGrownTM Food Festival: October 12-15 Hosted by Sustainable Nantucket, this event highlights local growers, fishermen, brewers, beekeepers, farmers, and chefs with tours, classes, storytelling, tastings, walks, and parties.

Halloween Downtown on Nantucket: October 31 at 4pm Adults and children are invited to don their Halloween costumes and gather on Main Street to join the parade, trick-or-treat together, and enjoy some old-fashioned fun with live music and plenty of candy. Main Street will be closed for this event.

The Festival of Wreaths is the NHA’s kickoff celebration for the holiday season. This community event features an array of wreaths beautifully crafted by local businesses, non-profits, schools, and organizations that are displayed during the week of Thanksgiving (closed Thanksgiving Day). Visitors can bid on their favorite wreaths in a silent auction to benefit the NHA’s year-round outreach efforts. From traditionally-decorated greens to unconventional materials, all of the Festival of Wreaths entries capture the creativity of Nantucketers. Continued on page 136

Debbie Cleveland Your Nantucket ~ Vero Beach Connection

Specializing in Waterfront and Waterview Properties.


Love Where you Live! Debbie Cleveland Realtor, Broker Associate l 508.277.7522 cell l Licensed in MA & FL

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Craig Hawkins, Broker

Bernadette Meyer, Broker

508-228-1881, ext. 119

C: 508-680-4748

IN TOWN GEM 3 BRs, 3+ bathrooms, walk to town, turnkey Town | $1,625,000

PRIVATE ESTATE 8 BRs, 9+ bathrooms, pool house, pool, hot tub, 3-bay garage, 14 acres Quidnet | $15,995,000

SENSATIONAL IN CISCO 6 BRs, 7+ bathrooms, high-end construction, path to the beach Cisco | $6,950,000

ACREAGE AND VIEWS 5 BRs, 5+ bathrooms, Polpis Harbor Views, 5 acres, pool to be installed 2017 Wauwinet | $5,975,000

CUSTOM HOME HOME SWEET HOME 5 BRs, 6+ bathrooms, pool house, w/ garage, pool, abutting open space 4 BRs, 2 bathrooms, oversized yard, expansion potential Shawkemo | $8,350,000 Miacomet | $799,000 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity.

LOVELY ON LILY 4 BRs, 3+ bathrooms, renovated with central a/c Town | $2,695,000

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Nantucket Autumn & Holiday Event Highlights Continued from page 133

Nantucket Noel & Nantucket Christmas Stroll: November 24 - December 31 Nantucket Noel begins Thanksgiving weekend with the annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Caroling Friday, November 24. Main Street (closed to traffic) teems with well wishers who gather in anxious expectation as the countdown begins and over 150 trees come alive in a blaze of light with caroling filling the air. Nantucket Christmas Stroll Weekend takes place this year from December 1-3 with most of the activities on Saturday, December 2. For a complete listing of events, visit and

Festival of Trees: Preview Party: November 30 Display: December 1-24 & 26-31 The Festival of Trees is the Nantucket Historical Association’s holiday tradition that begins during Stroll weekend. The Whaling Museum is transformed into a festive winter wonderland for the month of December, featuring Christmas trees decorated and designed by artists, merchants, members of nonprofit organizations, and children. Photo:

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Real Estate News & Property Listings

nantucket HOME Real Estate News & Property Listings compliments of NAREB

nantucket HOME Fall 2017

Vol 9 Issue 4

Fall 2017

Vol 9

Issue 4

Real Estate News & Property Listings

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