Nantucket Home, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Early Summer 2017

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nantucket HOME Real Estate News & Property Listings compliments of NAREB

nantucket HOME Early Summer 2017

Vol 9 Issue 2

Early Summer 2017 Vol 9

Issue 2

Real Estate News & Property Listings

Real Estate News & Property Listings

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NAREB Member Directory

Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers

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NAREB Welcome

Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers

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Volume 9 • Issue 2 • Early Summer 2017

NAREB Member Directory................................................2 NAREB Welcome.............................................................. 4 Quarterboards: Signs of Nantucket’s Past...................10 Island Spotlight:.............................................................. 48 Broker Directory..............................................................114 Event Highlights............................................................. 110 Sales: Corinne Giffin Editorial: Suzanne Daub

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Real Estate News & Property Listings Current Issue Vol 9 Issue 2 Early Summer 2017 Visit Real Estate

Nantucket Events Home Design & Decorating Landscapers & Lawn Care Build, Repair & Renovate Building Specialties Hardscapes, Gardening & Fences

Design: Louise Martling

Cleaning, Caretaking, Property Managers

Cover Photo: © Greg Hinson/NantucketStock

Green & Eco-Friendly Swimming Pools

Nantucket Home Real Estate News & Property Listings is a publication of the Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers, published four times in 2017 and distributed free on Nantucket and elsewhere. All contents of this magazine, including without limitations the design, advertisements, art, photos, and editorial content, are copyrighted 2017 by Coastal Internet Access, Inc. No portion of this magazine may be copied, reprinted, or reproduced in electronic media without express written permission of CIA, Inc.

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For inquiries about our 2017 publishing schedule and information about advertising, or to tell us what you might like to see in Nantucket Home, please send an email to Suzanne Daub at or call 508-228-9165.

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NANTUCKET by the Numbers

John Kuszpa of Lazy Man Gardens working in his plot at the Walter F. Ballinger Educational Community Farm. Photo by Cary Tozer

In the 1850s, there were more than 100 farms on Nantucket Island; many operated by wives of men who went to sea hunting whales. In a few cases, whalemen returned to Nantucket to discover their wives had made more farming than they had made whaling. By the late 1870s, however, tourism proved more lucrative than either farming or whaling. Today most of the farms on Nantucket are small, with fewer than 5 acres under cultivation. Growers are dedicated and enthusiastic, and many are members of Sustainable Nantucket, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2000 that “is cultivating a healthy Nantucket by building a more locally-based and self-reliant food system on-island and a strong local economy.” They have vibrant educational programs for children and adults; they run the Walter F. Ballinger Educational Community Farm Institute; and their Nantucket Farmers & Artisans Market is celebrating it’s tenth year. Most of the numbers below were gleaned from staff at Sustainable Nantucket and their member farmers. For more information about the organization, visit

Farm Origination


10 acres: 3 3 Nantucket Farms were started in 2013 or after Farms on Nantucket with 5 to 10 acres: 2 6 started between 2001 and 2012 Farms on Nantucket with 2 to 5 acres: 3 7 of the farms started before 2000 Farms on Nantucket with under 2 acres: 8 Farms on Nantucket over

Farm Specialties

Organic Farms


number of certified organic farms (CCOF) on Nantucket:

5 Herbs: 8 Flowers: 8



10 Eggs: 4 Oysters: 7 Honey:

Census of Agriculture in 2007: the land in farms was 615 acres As of last USDA


number of farms certified organic by Bay State Organic Certifiers: number of farms on Nantucket self-identifying as organic:



statistics reported for Nantucket County as of 2014: Average value of agricultural products sold per farm: $205,939 Average total farm production expenses per farm: $118,078 The percentage of farms operated by a family or individual: 69.23% Average age of principal farm operators: 53 years MA State farm

Bartlett’s Flower Field

(not included in the above stats)

Walter F. Ballinger Educational Community Farm

8.5 acres with 4 individual growers Number of Oyster Farms in waters around Nantucket: 7 Milestone Cranberry Bogs: 195 acres has

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Signs of Nantucket’s Past in the Modern Day by Cara Godlesky


antucket homes are known for their weathered gray shingles, “lights” over interior doors, and roofwalks. However, there is another noticeable feature of island homes: many of the houses are named. Above the doorways or front windows of many homes is a quarterboard, a long narrow piece of pinewood with the name of the house carved into it. With a strong historic background, quarterboards are a reminder of Nantucket’s whaling era and nautical past.

Quarterboards in this gallery of the Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum are from vessels that were either active in the waters around Nantucket or wrecked on its shores.

Quarterboards, sometimes called sternboards, were once placed on either side of the bow and the back of a ship. The quarterboards were used to identify and trace ships. This was especially important in the times of pirates and looters. Ships on the open waters could see the names on the quarterboards of incoming vessels and determine if they were friend or foe. Quarterboards were also important if the ships ever wrecked or were going down. If a ship did not have a quarterboard, its legacy could have easily been lost to the sea and forgotten. Quarterboards on a ship have also been compared to racing stripes on a racecar. The greater the decorative design on a ship, the faster it would sell in the market. How quarterboards evolved from a ship’s identification to a common house trend is slightly unclear. Some tales say whaling captains would take the ship’s quarterboard with them once the ship retired from the sea. However, the signs would not always be placed on the outsides of homes as they are today.

Edouard A. Stackpole, a Nantucket historian and previous director of Peter Folger Museum, wrote one of the first articles on quarterboards history on the island in the 1930s. He wrote that he could only see six quarterboards decorating outsides of homes and barns, while the other 65 he studied were placed in the interiors of houses. One of the most famous quarterboards Stackpole studied was from the 1851 ship, British Queen. The British Queen was a ship sailing from Dublin to New York with 226 Irish immigrants aboard seeking refuge from the Potato Famine. The ship wrecked in ice off the coast of Muskeget, and all but two passengers were rescued. Some time later, the quarterboard of the ship washed ashore. It was given to passengers Robert and Julia Mooney, who remained on the island after the shipwreck, vowing to never step foot on a boat again. The quarterboard was once displayed outside until it was moved indoors for preservation. Generations later, the Mooney family still resides on Nantucket with the historic quarterboard passed down through generations. It wasn’t until the 1970s and 80s that this trend of naming houses and hanging quarterboards on the exterior of homes really took off. During this time period, Nantucket’s population grew. According to the U.S Department of Commerce and Bureau of the Census, the island’s official year-round population of 3,774 in 1970 almost doubled in size by 1990. Local estimates put the island’s current year-round population at 18,000. As the population grew, so did the popularity of naming homes with quarterboards. Many of the more recent quarterboards display house names that are tongue-in-cheek, double entendres, have special meaning, or simply express the owners’ love for Nantucket.

A few favorites include: “Orange U Glad” for a house on Orange Street, “The Good Tern,” “Contentment,” “Frantic Atlantic,” “Baggywrinkle,” and “Come Hither” (on Hither Creek, of course). Share your favorite Nantucket house name with us and you’ll be Continued on page 12

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Quarterboards - Continued from page 10

entered to win a prize. See contest rules on NantucketHomeMagazine. “Quarterboards began as a custom,” said Elizabeth “Libby” Oldham, research associate at the Nantucket Historical Association Library. “It became a fad and also become lucrative for the wood carvers.” However, the fad of quarterboards stuck, and now hundreds of homes on the island proudly showcase their quarterboards above their doors. Many of them are hand-carved with elaborate and careful detail. Designs and colors vary, and some are so ornate they are coated with gold leafing.

Photo courtesy of

Master Carver Paul McCarthy starts carving a new quarterboard.

Nantucket Carving and Folk Art is a business on the island that specializes in the creation of custom quarterboards and signs. Each one hand-carved, signed, and dated, these quarterboards are truly pieces of artwork. Paul McCarthy is the Master Carver and partner at Nantucket Carving and Folk Art. Carving now for more than 58 years, he has made seven to eight thousand quarterboards, carrying on this historical legacy of Nantucket’s past. McCarthy prides himself for his classic techniques and is one of the few who makes quarterboards like they were initially created. McCarthy studied the original quarterboards in the Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum: he wanted to keep the traditional aspect alive within his modern day quarterboards. McCarthy’s carving talent is so well-developed and widely respected that he has even made quarterboards for the U.S.S Constitution Museum, for U.S Senator John McCain, and for the Nantucket Whaling Museum. He uses no computers to layout lettering or machinery to carve. He only uses his knives and his hands. “You have to know the wood, whereas today many of these people into wood carving haven’t got a clue because they’re using machines,” said McCarthy. “They can’t feel the wood. We feel the wood.” 12 nantucket HOME

As I sat with McCarthy for the interview, he started walking about the shop, pulled out a long narrow piece of wood, and placed it on his desk where we sat. While we talked, he started sketching a head of a fox and lettering on the slab for a new quarterboard. “People think machines are quicker,” said Jean Petty, sign and quarterboard finisher and partner at Nantucket Carving and Folk Art. “Well, watch this.” In the five minutes that passed while chatting, McCarthy finished his pencil design and carved out a letter with a perfectly smooth finish. His precision with the knife was astounding. “Every day something new comes up,” said McCarthy. “Every day is another challenge to do another project.” Having people like Petty and McCarthy to keep the traditions of Nantucket’s past alive is essential to our community. The island’s history is rich from the whaling era and understanding the events of the past is important to preserve the island’s antiquity we admire. Our grey shingles, roofwalks, and quarterboards are aspects of Nantucket that make our island homes the inimitable places we love today.

Photo courtesy of

Master Carver Paul McCarthy and his partner Jean Petty work on a large custom carving.

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Interior Inspirations: Nantucket by Design by Lindsay Scouras

or many, owning a home on Nantucket is a sign that they have truly “made” it. But once a buyer achieves that goal, the real work begins. An island dwelling is a place of solace, an oasis in which to escape the hectic pace of everyday life. But in a world filled with Pinterest boards and interior designers and an abundance of HGTV specials that all seem to blend together (it may have something to do with an abundance of shiplap), it can be difficult to find one’s unique voice and personality to inject into the design of a new home.

For those looking for inspiration, mark your calendars for Nantucket by Design from August 1 through 5, the Nantucket Historical Association’s (NHA) major summer fundraiser. At the height of Nantucket’s summer season, this week of events celebrates the best in creative and inspirational design with engaging lectures, lively panel discussions, and gatherings both intimate and grand. Expanding on the success of the August Antiques Show and the Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket, Nantucket by Design incorporates many of the previous event’s most popular programs, like the Design Luncheon and the All-Star Design Panel, capped off by an all-out extravaganza at The New Party at the Oldest House, held under a white tent at the NHA’s beloved Oldest House historic property on Sunset Hill. The week kicks off with the exclusive Design VIP Cocktail Party on Tuesday, August 1, in which guests have the opportunity to meet the Design Luncheon’s Keynote Speakers at a private Nantucket

home prior to their appearance on Wednesday, August 2 at the Great Harbor Yacht Club. This year’s Keynote Speakers are Robin Standefer and Stephen Alesch, the internationally-renowned team behind Roman and Williams, known for combining historic pieces with modern design. They are responsible for some of the most unique and evocative restaurants, celebrity abodes, and fabulous hotels around the world, including Hotel Emma in San Antonio, the Ace Hotel in New York and New Orleans, the High Line Hotel in New York, and Nantucket’s own Greydon House, the island’s newest boutique hotel. Roman and Williams have taken home many a prize for their work, including the prestigious 2014 National Design Award for excellence in Interior Design, and are frequently found on Architectural Digest’s Top 100 Designers list. On Thursday, August 3, the festivities return to the downtown area with the 7th Annual All-Star Design Panel at the NHA’s Whaling Museum. This lively panel discussion on the latest design trends will be moderated by Hutton Wilkinson and featuring Gary McBournie, Michelle Nussbaumer, and Richard Mishaan. This event will prove to have no shortage of inspiration for the design-minded, with this year’s panelists having appeared on the pages of Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, House Beautiful, Veranda, Traditional Home, Coastal Living, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Town & Country, Elle, W, Departures Magazine, New York Magazine, Interior Design, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Continued on page 50

Guests mix and mingle at a private Nantucket residence at the Design VIP Cocktail Party. Photo: Lisa Getter

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Interior Inspirations: Nantucket by Design - Continued from page 48 Later that same evening, leadership-level ticket holders will have the opportunity to meet the designers one-on-one at the All-Star Design Private Dinners, intimate soirées hosted at private homes on the island. All-Star Design Panel moderator Hutton Wilkinson was born in Los Angeles and grew up in the architectural offices of his father and grandfather, where he learned the business of building design, interior design, and the history of architecture. When he was seventeen, Wilkinson achieved his dream of working with American design icon Tony Duquette. Photo courtesy of NHA Starting as Duquette’s apprentice, Wilkinson worked his way up to assistant designer, then business partner, and finally purchased Tony Duquette Studios. He is also the owner, designer and creative director of Tony Duquette Fine Jewelry, which specializes in the design and manufacturing of one-of-a-kind pieces using precious and semi-precious stones. Gary McBournie style is inspired by classic American design, infused with bold colors and textures. In the last several years, McBournie’s projects have included homes in Boston, New York City, Los Angeles, Palm Beach, and Nantucket. In 2009, McBournie was inducted into the New England Design Hall of Fame and in 2013, he released his first book Photo: Nathan Coe Living Color: A Designer Works Magic with Traditional Interiors. Richard Mishaan is one of New York’s leading architectural and interior designers, known for his artistic ability to blend collectibles and antiques with art and furnishings. He considers himself a renaissance man with a career that has spanned many of the creative arts including, interior design, fashion, furniture design, and retail. Mishaan has created furniture, lighting and accessory collections for some of the industry’s leading brands, including a line of home products for the Home Shopping Network (HSN). He has published two books, Modern Luxury and Artfully Modern. Acclaimed interior designer Michelle Nussbaumer is consistently 50 nantucket HOME

named among the top designers and tastemakers in the country. With offices based in Dallas and Switzerland, her interiors combine a fearless use of color and reflect an eclectic yet timeless mix of bold patterns and influences from around the world. Nussbaumer’s Dallas showroom Ceylon et Cie is home to her furniture collection Ceylon et Cie Portfolio; her Michelle Nussbaumer Fabric line, a modern interpretation of classic ikats and indigenous patterns and prints; and Rock Candy line of jewel-encrusted boxes and trays. Her design projects are the inspiration behind her newly released book, Wanderlust. Nantucket by Design’s grand finale takes place on Saturday, August 5 at The New Party at the Oldest House, a fabulous party under the tent at the beloved Oldest House, featuring delicious food by Nantucket Catering Company, signature cocktails, live music from the Lester Lanin Orchestra, and much more. For the second year in a row, guests will enjoy the ultimate convergence of history and design, as they explore rooms within in the Oldest House reimagined and redesigned by students from the New York School of Interior Design, using decorative elements from island shops and boutiques. The concept of taking a home built in 1686 (making it the oldest structure on the island still in its original location) and giving it a modern twist with furniture and decor that is livable for today is something that many Nantucket homeowners can relate to. Nantucket by Design l August 1-5, 2017 Tickets at NHA Design Panel: Interior designers discuss the latest trends at the All-Star Design Panel at the Whaling Museum. Photo: Brian Sager Photography

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Specializing in Waterfront and Waterview Properties.

Love Where you Live! Debbie Cleveland Realtor, Broker Associate l 508.277.7522 cell l Licensed in MA & FL

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Nantucket Early Summer Event Highlights Here are some of our favorites and regularly scheduled summer events. For an up-to-date calendar of daily events, visit

Independence Day Celebrations July 3 at 9 pm

Fireworks are shot from a barge off of Jetties Beach. Public transportation to Jetties Beach leaves from outside the Whaling Museum on Broad Street for a minimal fee. Bring a blanket to sit on, the sand can be cool. Rain date is July 5.

July 4 at 9 am

Downtown celebration begins with a sing-a-long with NCMC artists at the top of Main Street; join them in the National Anthem and America the Beautiful. From 10 to 11:45 am there will be face painting, pie eating contests, watermelon eating contests, a dunk tank, a puppet show, a decorated bike contest, and more.

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Nantucket’s famous Water Fight between Town firefighters and the Boynton Lane Reserves. If you’re on Main Street, you will get wet!

July 4 at 5 pm

Reading of the Declaration of Independence at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 11 Orange Street.

July 4 at 10 am

July 4 at 12 noon

Games for ages 6-12, including 3-legged races, potato sack races, wheel barrow races, and tug-of-war at Children’s Beach.

July 4 at 6 pm

Free outdoor concert at Children’s Beach.

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July 4th on Main Street Photo courtesy

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Nantucket Early Summer Event Highlights Nantucket Early Summer Event Highlights - Continued from page 110

Festival Season

Nantucket Film Festival: June 21-26

Nantucket Plein Air Festival: June 13-18

Open to all ages and artists, this outdoor painting festival hosted by the Artists Association of Nantucket is in its sixth year.

Preview screenings, Screenwriters Tribute, ”In Their Shoes,” talks and forums. The festival celebrates screenwriters, storytellers, and filmmakers; stars to be in attendance for 2017 include Ben Stiller, Mariska Hargitay, Chris Matthews.

Strawberry Festival: June 24, 9 am to 3 pm

Pick-your-own strawberries, crafts for children, special tastings, a jam contest, and more all at Bartlett’s Farm.

Yoga Festival: July 7-9

Photos: Josh Gray

Nantucket Comedy Festival: July 12-15

Author Nathaniel Philbrick will be returning to the Nantucket Book Festival 2017. Story Time will be on Saturday. For more information:

Nantucket Book Festival: June 16-18

The Nantucket Book Festival brings authors and readers together in intimate settings around Nantucket for talks, booksignings, and celebrations. Most events are free; for a complete list visit

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The Nantucket Yoga Festival is a community focused celebration that will bring together the very best yoga teachers, wellness experts and healthy living guides. Held at Bartlett’s Farm.

This annual summer event brings top comedic talent to Nantucket to benefit Stand Up & Learn program for island kids. Ladies Night, Friday Night Lights with Jeff Foxworthy, Sneak Peek with Peter Farelly & Brian Regan, the Boston vs. NY Comedy SmACKdown, and more. For details and tickets:

Nantucket Garden Festival: July 18-20

This festival highlights the unique and beautiful garden ecosystems on Nantucket and focuses on the importance of sustainability, conservation & gardening ethics. It celebrates gardening through creative workshops for all ages, garden tours, and family activities.

Nantucket Dance Festival: July 24-29

Stars from the New York City Ballet, Boston Ballet, and Miami City Ballet come to the island for five days of free events and two spectacular ticketed performances. Now in its tenth year, the Nantucket Dance Festival is a major fundraiser for the Nantucket Atheneum.

Nantucket Musical Arts Society has brought world-class artists to Nantucket for 59 years. Meet the artists the Monday before each concert. Tickets at the door or 508-228-1287. During July, you can join NMAS to meet and see in concert:

July 11 - Pianist Fei-Fei Dong July 18 - Tenor Kyle van Schoonhoven July 25 - Violinist Yevgeny Kutik


Live music

every day outdoors at Cisco Brewery: 5 Bartlett Farm Road every night in The Rose & Crown, 23 South Water Street

Photo courtesy:

Live Theatre

White Heron Theatre

Making theatre truly transformative with classical, contemporary, and new plays that speak to audiences in timeless ways.

Theatre Workshop of Nantucket

19 Washington Street

June 23 • 6-8 pm: Wizard of the Whimsical June 30 • 6-8 pm: Up for Interpretation July 1 • 10 am-3 pm: Summer Sidewalk Show in Atheneum Garden

July 14 • 6-8 pm: Summer Small Works Exhibition

A celebration of all things handmade, featuring over 60 local and nationally recognized artisans and highlighting both traditional and modern day techniques: pottery, glass, textiles, folk art, photography, jewelry, sculpture, furniture. This is a benefit for Small Friends on Nantucket. 508-228-6769 l

August 1-5: Nantucket by Design

Nantucket Historical Association celebrates the very best in creative and inspirational design with engaging lectures, lively panel discussions, and intimate & grand gatherings. Featuring Hutton Wilkinson, Michelle Nussbaumer, Gary McBournie, and Richard Mishaan.

Island History

Local live music

Artists Association Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Gallery

July 13-16: The Nantucket Art & Artisan Show

Classics in concert...

Artists Association Exhibits and Events

Live Music

Island Art and Design...

Community theater dedicating to enriching, educating, and challenging artists and audiences of all ages.

July 21 Nantucket Preservation Trust Summer Lecture & Luncheon

featuring a presentation by Brent Hull, preservationist, craftsman, and author, and star of the History Channel show, “Lone Star Restorations.” Attendees will enjoy a lunch to follow at the Chanticleer. For details & reservations, call NPT at 508-228-1387.


Walking Tours focusing on Nantucket History Walk the Old Historic District with a Nantucket Historical Association guide. Enter the Quaker Meeting House & the Hadwen House, and learn about the people, places, and events that transformed Nantucket. Tours depart from the Whaling Museum lobby, rain or shine. Continued on page 120

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Broker Directory

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Broker Directory

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Broker Directory

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Nantucket Early Summer Event Highlights Nantucket Early Summer Event Highlights - Continued from page 113

Nantucket’s Natural World Nantucket Walkabout Guided Wilderness Hikes

Offering natural history walks on Nantucket’s protected lands all over the island. Hikes inform on how, geologically, the island was created by the last glacier, how Nantucket got its unique collection of plants and wildlife, how and when Native Americans and European settlers impacted the island’s natural world, conservation efforts, and what the future may hold for Nantucket.

Maria Mitchell Association

With its Aquarium, Natural Science Museum, Historic Mitchell House, Vestal Street Observatory, and the Loines Observatory, the Maria Mitchell Association offers new exhibits and programs to quench everyone’s thirst for science education and research. for summer schedule

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Marine Ecology Field Trips & Beach Discovery Field Trips

• Early Bird Bird Walks

• Stargazing Nights at the Maria Mitchell Observatory • “Nantucket Nature: an Interactive Series for Families” Image Courtesy of the Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association

Linda Loring Nature Foundation

The Linda Loring Nature Foundation is dedicated to being stewards of the property and fostering learning that promotes environmental literacy. Walking trails, field trips, environmental education programs, and collaborative activities with partner organizations. for summer schedule

Real Estate News & Property Listings

nantucket HOME Real Estate News & Property Listings compliments of NAREB

nantucket HOME Early Summer 2017

Vol 9 Issue 2

Early Summer 2017 Vol 9

Issue 2

Real Estate News & Property Listings

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