Jólablað 2022

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Christmas 2022

We are so fortunate to be surrounded by extraordinary women that inspire us. They are musicians, entrepreneurs, marketing geniouses, lawyers, inspiring models and artists.

We asked them some questions many of us have been dying to know the answers to!

And ofcourse the Christmas Handbook is also packed full with amazing holiday looks and gift ideas for everyone.

Christmas 2022
At Hildur Yeoman we seek to empower women and we believe everything is possible!

Fanney is wearing the Twisted Top in Dark Gem velvet from Hildur Yeoma.


Position/work: Marketing; Social Media Specialist at BIOEFFECT.

Many of us know Fanney, she has been very prominent to invite people to follow her life on instagram for some time now. This autumn she started a new career path in the marketing team for the Icelandic beauty cosmetics brand, BIOEFFECT.

Congratulations on the new job! They are really lucky to have you! So this is a dream job for many women around us, and we know many of them would want to ask you these questions. What kind of education or experience do you recommend for people that would want to work in this field?

Thank you so much! I am super proud and happy to be a part of the BIOEFFECT team. I had tried for many years to find out what I really wanted to do. The past years I have gath ered some valuable experiences. I have worked as a stewardess, had 2 children and taken care of all kinds of projects through my social media platforms. In the beginning of 2022 I signed up for a Mini MBA education in Akademias. It is a short and summarised course, completely in tune with modern day marketing. I graduated last spring from that course as a certified Digital Marketing Expert. Not only did it add to my expertise regarding social media, but it also gave me the magnificent driving force I have been looking for in the past! As a result I was so lucky to get a job at BIOEFFECT.

1. Necklace from Éliou, 38.900kr 2. Shower Steamer from Miss Patisserie, 2.900kr

Top from Ottolinger, 34.900 kr

Earrings from Éliou, 27.900 kr

Shoes from Miista, 34.900 kr

Hair Clip from Sui Ava, 2.900 kr

Bag from Coperni, 74.900 kr

Top from Hildur Yeoman, 39.900 kr

Shoes from Miista, 34.900 kr

1. 2. 3. 4.
Fanney is wearing the Moss Sky sweater in white and the Hidden velvet trousers from Hildur Yeoman,

Are you working on any exciting projects now?

There is always a lot going on in the marketing business and a lot to do at BIOEFFECT. We are planning the next year and next campaigns. It is very promising!

We are feeling festive, What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any favourite Christmas traditions? I love all things having to do with Christmas. I find it super cosy and warm. All the quality fam ily time, the advent and the Christmas decorations. There is no single Christmas tradition that stands out for me, but I love decorating the house and the tree with the kids, and experience the excitement through them! The advent is my favourite part of the holidays with candles and christmas tunes.

What’s the song you play to get you into the Christmas spirit?

I am an old soul when it comes to music and I love all the good old Christmas songs that I grew up listening to. Þú komst með jólin til mín and in fact most of all the Christmas songs by Björgvin Halldórsson.

You have been known for some time for your beautiful style, which many women look up to. What are you excited to wear for the holidays?

Thank you! Isn’t sequin the classic answer? I love to dress up with sequins and especially over the holidays!

You can follow Fanney on her instagram account @fanneyingvars Fanney is wearing the Wave dress from Dark Gem from Hildur Yeoman. Fanney is wearing the Hidden dress from Hildur Yeoman.



Position/work: Musician

Congratulations on all the success with your new album it looks like you are having such a special moment in your career. I would love to know. What have been the best moments so far? Thank you! There have been so many electrifying moments so far - I think selling out my first headline tour including concerts with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra were really meaningful to me. I also released my debut album, Everything I Know About Love!

It’s been such a joy to witness your tour through social media. We love how personal and fun your instagram is. But for those who have not been watching, can you tell them a bit about yourself, Where did you grow up and have you always been so enthusiastic about music? Social media is one of my favorite mediums to connect with fans and show them bits of my life beyond the music! I grew up in Reykjavík and I’m half Icelandic and half Chinese. I come from a family of classical musicians so I started playing cello and piano when I was quite young! I fell in love with jazz music as I grew older and moved to the US to attend college and started experimenting with and releasing my own music there. I now live in Los Angeles!

Make up artist: Ísak Helgason

is wearing the Black Treasure Sequin set from Hildur Yeoman.

Can you tell us what exciting things you are working on now?

Right now I just wrapped up my US + Europe tour so I’m taking a little time to rest and I’m focusing all my energy into writing and composing!

Throughout your career you have probably met some very inspiring people on the way. Who are the ones that have inspired you the most and why? This is a classic answer but I think my mother has to be my biggest inspiration. She moved to Iceland in the 80’s to play violin in the Iceland Symphony and has always pushed me to pursue my wildest music dreams. Every time I feel overwhelmed with moving so far away from home or jumping into an industry that can often seem a bit scary, I think of my mother.

For those who have dreams and ambitions for a career in music, what is your advice to them?

My best advice is to find yourself a unique angle. Look for something within you that audiences can connect with and don’t be afraid of using social media!

1. Dress from House of Sunny, 20.900 kr. 2. Mermaid from Christmas Ornaments, 2.900 kr. 3. Bathbomb from Miss Patisserie, 2.900 kr. 4. Bag from Silfen, 11.900kr 5. Earrings from Vanessa Mooney, 12.900kr 6. Shoes from Y/Project 7. Hair Clip from Sui Ava, 2.900 kr. 8. Top from Hildur Yeoman 29.900kr. 9. Perfume from Bon Perfumeur, 9.900kr 10. Candles from Hildur Yeoman, 990-2.500kr. 11. Top from Résumé, 13.900 kr 12. Tarot spil, 4.900kr 13. Cacao Tea from Cosmic Dealer, 3.900kr

1. 2. 3.
6. 8.
10. 13. 12. 9. 11.
Laufey is wearing the One Shoulder dress in Hidden Sequin from Hildur Yeoman. Laufey is wearing the Black Treasure Sequin set from Hildur Yeoman and a vegan fur jacket from Jakke.

Laufey is wearing the Victoria dress from House of Sunny.

We are feeling festive. What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any favorite Christmas traditions? I’m flying home to Iceland for Christmas! The most important part of the holidays for me is be ing with my family. My family lives all over the world and Christmas is always a time that we get to be in one place together. I love Icelandic Christmas traditions and foods. I’m mostly looking forward to baking and going for snowy walks.

We love your new Christmas song. It’s beautiful and ofcourse already on our playlist. What’s the song you play to get you in the Christmas spirit?

I love all the Christmas oldies. Ella Fitzgerald, Bing Crosby and the Icelandic icon Haukur Morth ens. Also have a soft spot for Charlie Brown Christmas.

Dressing up for New Years is so much fun. Do you go all in when dressing up for New Years?

Oh yes! It’s the best night of the year for dressing up. When all the sparkles and glitter and fun colors come out. Enchanting!

Do you have anything special to say to 2022 or something that you hope for in 2023? Oo yes. I had the opportunity to do so many cool things in 2022 and it was all so exciting and new to me. I hope that in 2023 I can keep that same excitement for all the little things!

Mosha is wearing the Wrap dress in


Position/work: editor and entrepreneur

Please tell us a bit about yourself, what is your background and how did you get into fashion and journalism?

I am a fashion and culture journalist for various outlets. I also run a fashion news channel on TikTok called NEWSFASH. Moreover, I am the co-founder of Therma Kōta, a family business specializing in outerwear and shearling, inspired by our Scandinavian background and upbringing in the North.

You have Icelandic roots, tell us a bit about that?

I am proudly western Icelandic. My grandmother is from Husavik and while I grew up in Toronto, Canada, our family has remained deeply connected to Iceland and also Sweden, where my grandfather was from. I had a very Nordic upbringing: lots of liqorice, skyr, and hardfiskur; saunas, and freezing cold swims.

Black Sparkle from Hildur Yeoman.
1. 2. 5. 6. 7.
9. 10. 11. 12.
1. Necklace from Éliou, 32.900 kr 2. Earrings from Éliou, 39.900 kr 3. Sweater from American Vintage, 28.900 kr 4. Chocolate from Cosmic Dealer, 1.900 kr 5. Top from Coperni, 58.900 kr 6. Bag from Coperni, 94.900 kr 7. Perfume from Bon Pefumeur, 9.900 kr 8. Top from Hildur Yeoman, 34.900 kr 9. Limelight Flare from Christmas Ornaments, 3.900 kr 10. Tea from Cosmic Dealer, 3.900 kr 11. Vegan fur from Jakke, 64.900 kr 12. Shoes from Miista, 31.900 kr

Mosha is wearing the Sequin top and trousers in white from Hildur Yeoman.

What are your proudest career moments?

Hmm I am not sure I‘ve had one yet. I’m always thinking about what’s next and tend to be pretty tough on myself. But I did love recently getting to edit tour diaries with Björk and Kaleo’s Jökull Juliussson for Vogue Scandinavia. I also will forever love Vogue Cool Girl’s Guide to Reyk javik I made with my besta Icelandic systir Saga Sig, which is how I met Hildur! All good things usually lead back to Saga in one way or another.

What exciting things are you working on now?

More Scandi stories for Vogue! Some beautiful homes and destinations coming soon and I am trying to find my own home in Iceland while I am at it.

You have probably met some very inspiring people on the way. Who are the ones that have inspired you the most and why?

I am very inspired by strong Icelandic women who do it all: Chanel Björk, Dora Julia, Edda Gudmundsdottir, Gulla Jonsdottir, Sædis Kólbrun, Andrea Maack, Erna Bergman, Shoplifter, and of course Hildur and Saga. First Lady Eliza Reid, who is also an inspiring friend, would agree they are all extraordinary women, or like Eliza would say; “Sprakkar”.

Mosha is wearing the Black Treasure dress from Hildur Yeoman.

New Year’s eve is a huge celebration in Iceland where we watch or blow up fire works, sing and party all night. What are your plans for new years this year? I hope to be in Iceland but we shall see! New Year’s Eve is actually my anniversary. We were married in Reykjavik and rang in the new year atop the Gamla Bio with snowflakes and fire works. Pure magic.

Dressing up for New Years is so much fun. Do you go all in when dressing up for New Years? Are there any special Mosha´s Do’s and don’ts for this evening.

We know you to be a bit of an expert on glamorous occasions. Yes! I usually wear Yeoman in fact, such as a sequin set or something jersey. I like to dress in a fun and glam way that sets the tone for the year, but still be comfortable as the holidays can be a bit exhausting with all the hosting and socializing. I need to dance it out as the clock strikes midnight, so I like a platform. Basically I dress like my mom at Studio ‘54 in the ‘70s.

I started to become less self-critical and more present in 2022. My wish for 2023 is to contin ue to live fully in the moment. I feel so lucky to be healthy, in love, and inspired by the world around me.

Do you have anything special to say to 2022 or something that you hope for in 2023?
1. Barn Owl from Christmas Ornaments, 3.900 kr 2. Bag from Silfen, 11.900 kr 3. Dress from Hildur Yeoman, 65.900 kr 4. Earrings from Éliou, 26.900 kr 5. Sweater from Hildur Yeoman, 48.900 kr 6. Rings from Vanessa
7.900 kr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Make up artist: Ísak Helgason Photographer: Saga Sig Molly is wearing the Siren Dress in Moss Sky.


Position/work: Model / Textile worker

Well, I am from a very small town in Upstate NY.

I guess the real story is that; prior to the influencer days I was working at a mini golf course scooping ice cream. I had just graduated high school and was planning my depressing journey even more up state to the middle of nowhere when I started clicking on hashtags on Instagram. One of them led me to my now mother agents, Jeff and Mary Clarke at Mother model. They liked one of my photos and were somehow moved to think I had some sort of potential from a small picture on Instagram. I flew out to the St. Louis Missouri and stayed with these strangers from the internet. The next week they sent me to meet with Ford models in NYC, I think I signed the next day. It was all a bit surreal. They had put me on the curve division and prior to this day I didn’t realize they needed to put people on different marketing boards. This really opened my eyes.

Do you feel the industry has changed a lot since you started?

There have been major shifts in the industry. Opportunities have absolutely come up during the ten years I’ve been working that would have never been accepted by society as a whole only 15 years ago. There is obviously a certain stigma that comes with the plus industry or really anyone that’s not a white size 0. Respectfully. The doors for self-expression and support have opened and I’d say there is a lot of genuine people in the industry rallying very hard to change the minds of the people at the top. But with the biggest steps forward it feels at times we’ve taken a huge step backwards. I do feel though that we’re slowly making great progress with diversi ty on all levels. The next generation is hungry for change and its inspiring to follow and be a part of it.

Please tell us a bit about yourself, what is your background and how did you get into fashion and modeling?
We love how you and many other amazing ladies have in recent years been influential for body positivity and how you have been part of the revolution to change the industry so there is room for women of all sizes.

You have probably met some very inspiring people on the way. Who are the ones that have inspired you the most and why?

I find inspiration in people who stay themselves through the process of creating. For most of my career I never fully understood who I was to myself or to others. I struggled finding the beauty so many people saw. I had been working with photographer Ethan James Green one day on a shoot and had never seen myself the way he saw me. His energy- his creativity- his ability to let you find yourself and to find you through a lens was so refreshing to me. It all clicked after I worked with him. To just relax into the art and fulfill both our creative passions was so inspiring to me. I also have to throw in the icon, that is- Hildur Yeoman. Meeting her was so refreshing, her energy and passion for obscure patterns and fabric was inspiring. Being able to work with her in person was so light and fun. It’s so important to me to work with people that really show themselves through their work and shooting this campaign was so true to who Hildur is to me, exuberant and playful, which is what you feel when you wear her clothing. It’s fun. It’s alive and I can’t stop looking and won dering what is this I’m looking at!

Do you have anything special to say to 2022

or something that you hope for in 2023?

It’s so cheesy but – be an explorer of yourself. Whether it resonates with you physically, emotionally or spiri tually. I’m learning it’s so important to explore. Explore anything you feel necessary even if its uncomfortable. I love the term “Shakti” It’s about embracing a dynamic energy. It can be applied to so many aspects of life and it’s just taught me as a woman it’s hard to find power and hold onto it. We were put on this earth to create, not only life- but to create art, dance, music, clothes whatever it is you love. embrace it… create it. Be with yourself – embrace your shakti and transcend into who you feel is your best self.

1. Top from Hildur Yeoman, 34.900 kr 2. Ring from Justine Clenquet, 7.900 kr 3. Socks from Hildur Yeoman, 5.500 kr 4. Earrings from Justine Clenquet, 14.900 kr 5. Beanie from Hildur Yeoman, 9.900 kr 6. Candles from Hildur Yeoman, 990-1.500 kr 7. Shoes from Miista, 42.900 kr 8. Sweater from American Vintage, 24.900 kr 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 5.
Make up artist: Ísak Helgason Photographer: Saga Sig Molly is wearing the Blue Cyrstal Swimsuit.

Ágústa is wearing the Wave dress in Dark Gem from Hildur Yeoman.


Position/work: Director, Artist & Model

Can you tell us a bit about yourself, were did you grow up and how did you end up in artschool, was it always your plan to be an artist?

Hiii, My name is Agusta Yr, I grew up in between Reykjavik, Iceland & Miami, Florida. I’ve always been very creative and was never sure where to take my creativity initially other than loving taking photos. It wasn’t really until I started spending my summers with my aunt, Anna Palma in NYC, (who’s an amazing photographer) when I realised I loved image making and wanted to study it.

What does a “normal” day look like for you? I know 2 days probably never look the same in your field of work.

Yea no day is the same, some days are on the go, on set and others at home or at a cafe an swering emails, making pitches or editing videos. I do try and nurture my creativity everyday whether its as small as drawing with crayons, painting, making up a fake pitch to work around with etc. It helps keep me on my toes.

Is your work different then what you imagined it would be when you were studying?

Hmm, I guess yes when I first started school I wanted to be a photographer only but now having shifted towards video and 3D - don’t get me wrong I still take photos on the daily - I do find moving image more challenging and I don’t necessarily like to stick to one medium - if it works it works.

What exciting things are you working on now?

A lot of this & that, starting to get back into making my own personal work again which has been great since the past few years I’ve been really focused on client work. So getting back into my own stuff has been a great change of pace and mindset.

1. Top from Hildur Yeoman, 29.900 kr 2. Kerti, 1.500-4.500 kr 3. Earring from Justine Clenquet, 16.900 kr 4. Wool socks from Hildur Yeoman, 6.500 kr 5. Kristal soaps 4.200 kr 1. 2. 4. 5.

You have probably met some very inspiring people on the way. Who are the ones that have inspired you the most and why?

Wow its so hard to choose just one, so many people especially women in my family have had a major impact on my life, work and who I am as a person, my mother, grandmothers, aunts and more. They have taught me to be strong and to persevere through anything and everything that may come my way.

We are feeling festive, What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any favorite Christmas traditions or are you a total Grinch when it comes to this holiday?

I love Christmas, giving fun gifts is so much fun and juts being able to spend time with friends and family is so fun. I love all the Icelandic traditions, especially the 13 Santa boys. It’s my favourite thing to tell people about.

What´s the song you play to get you in the christmas spirit?

Last Christmas - Wham

Dressing up for New Years is so much fun. Do you go all in when dressing up for New Years?

I love New Years but have never really been big on dressing up too much, we’ll see how I feel this year.

Do you have anything special to say to 2022 or something that you hope for in 2023?

Goodbye 2022 you brought lots of new adventures and lessons & hello to you 2023, I know you’ll be bountiful and fun, bring on the adventure.


is wearing the Wave dress in Dark Gem from Hildur Yeoman.



is a jewlery designer living from Lille, France.

Congratulations on all the success with your brand.

I have been a fan of your creations for a long time but it looks like that now you are having a special moment in your career.

I would love to know.

What are your proudest career moments?

Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m proud to have built a strong community of customers. I’m so happy to travel all around the world and see our community growing in every country.

This year we organized our first New York pop up store and it was a special moment for me to meet all our US customers.

What does a “normal” day look like for you? I know 2 days probably never look the same in your field of work.

Each day is very different as I need to manage lots of things. I make some accounting, some appointments with our suppliers and my fav day is when I make some re search to create new designs.

Justine wearing the Black Sparkle top from Hildur Yeoman.

What are your favorite things in the design process and how is your work different then what you imagined it would be when you were studying?

Did you always plan to start your own business? My favorite part of the creation is when I start a collection.

I love to collect old books, magazines or fanzines. I love to travel to find some inspiration from vintage stores or flea markets.

I launched my brand when I was a student so I never planned to start my own business. It came very naturally and spontaneously. Even though there are more people working for the brand, it’s very important for me to keep the spontaneity and the creativity I have since I started.

What exciting things are you working on now?

I’m super excited for our new projects next year. We are working on expanding our accessories range and I can’t wait to present our new prod ucts to the customers!

I’m a total sucker for christmas and have started to partake in many festive traditions here in Reykjavik. What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any favorite Christmas traditions or are you a total Grinch when it comes to this holiday? I’m not really a fan of Christmas, but I love to make gifts for my friends and family. I love to cook and spend some time with the people I love.

Dressing up for New Years is so much fun. Do you go all in when dressing up for New Years?

Personally I don’t love to celebrate a special day and I don’t love to be obliged to do some thing for New Years Eve. I think I will be at home and cooking with some friends ;)

1. Cut Out Knit Jumper frá Coperni, 58.900 kr 2. Earring from Justine
3. Earring from
4. Shoes from
5. Necklace from
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Justine, Clenquet, 7.900 kr
Miista, 34.900 kr
Justine Clenquet,


Position/work: Musician

Congratulations on your new single! It has been so much fun watching your band Dream wife on your music journey.

You are such an amazing performer, Tell us a bit about yourself, I know you come from a very artistic family, have you always been enthusiastic about performance and music? Thank you kindly. Yes my family they’re all quite a fun, sensitive, loud, joyful and sincere bunch of people. I’ve been very blessed to grow up around people that are passionate about their chosen art form and they’ve taught me that whatever you wanna do in this life might as well just go for it ey? And above all always remain curious.

What exciting things are you working on now?

My band Dream Wife just released a new single called Leech and I spent most of last month working on the video and production around it, and it was really wonderful seeing it all come to life.

Rakel Mjöll is wearing a vegan fur jacket from Jakke.

You have probably met some very inspiring people on the way.

Who are the ones that have inspired you the most and why?

My band Dream Wife has been very lucky to support incredible musicians globally and yes I’ve met many inspiring people but I’m just gonna say that my grandma is probably one of the most inspiring people that I’ve ever met. When I was a teenager preparing to sing live she would of ten asked me to sing for her first and she told me once a golden lesson which is that if you the performer don’t see what you’re singing about then the audience wont see it. See this song to believe in the song, see the message so others can believe in the message. It’s as simple as that. Same goes for RuPaul if you don’t love yourself, how you gonna love somebody else, can I get an amen.

I´m a total sucker for christmas and have started to partake in many festive traditions here in Reykjavik.

What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any favorite Christmas traditions? My favourite thing about Christmas is coming together and celebrating in song. When I was a teenager in Reykjavik I was always in choirs and when we started singing the Christmas songs in the programs, it was the best time and I love going to church at midnight on the 24th, just listening to the choir and partake. In London me and some friends have start ed going to the Christmas carols on Columbia Road market in East London and we started out as a small bunch and now it’s quite a lot of us that partake in this, it’s absolutely hilarious there’s nothing holy about it but it feels like going back into time, to a London a few centuries back.

Rakel Mjöll is the Hidden Swimsuit and Black Trousers with a Slit from Hildur Yeoman.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

New Year’s eve is a huge celebration in Iceland where we watch or blow up fireworks, sing and party all night. What are your plans for new years this year?

Well it feels like this is the first New Year’s Eve in a few years where we can actually celebrate and go all out and that is most definitely what I will be doing. I plan on dancing till 6 am on the dancefloor and I’m usually one in bed by midnight but not this time. The outfit choice on New Year’s Eve is crucial because we get to dress up and be the most extra version of ourselves so why not go all the way.

What’s the song you play to get you in the Christmas spirit? The classic album Kósý Jól by Kósý.

Dressing up for New Years is so much fun. Do you go all in when dressing up for New Years?

Every year, I think ‘what would a drag queen in the finale of rupaul’s drag race do’ and I lead with that.

Do you have anything special to say to 2022 or something that you hope for in 2023? Here’s to unexpected adventures and lots of laughter. Cheers.

1. Hair Clip from Sui Ava, 2.900 kr 2. Corset top from House of Sunny, 14.900 kr 3. Earrings from Justine Clenquet, 10.900 kr 4. Ring from Justine Clenquet, 7.900 kr 5. Perfume from Bon Perfeumer, 9.900 kr 6. Top from Hildur Yeoman, 39.900 kr 7. Seal Pup from Christmas Ornaments, 2.900 kr 8. Shoes from Miista, 34.900 kr

Rakel Mjöll is wearing the Goddess Dress from Hildur Yeoman.

Claudia is wearing the Allure dress in Hidden from Hildur Yeoman.


Profession: Attorney

We have been admiring Claudia from a far for some time now. She looks like the kind of lawyer we would want to be, the one fighting injustice in the world

We would love to know, how do you pick your cases?

As a human rights lawyer, it is often hard to choose which cases are worthy of my time and attention and which ones aren’t. I try to focus on the ones that pose the most challenge but will have the most impact be it individual and/societal. I typically ask myself, if you would decline representation in this case, what will be the most likely outcome for this individual or legal per son? Once I’ve answered this question, I go from there.

I also work on cases that have nothing to do with human rights issues, but that I think are exciting and will have positive social impact. My work also involves assisting individuals and/or companies to bring their expert knowledge and innovative ideas to Iceland, which benefits the Icelandic society and economy.

When I started law school, I was very certain I would specialise in business law. As a matter of fact, at age 15, when I still lived in my home country, Jamaica I purchased a book on business Law. Obviously, I knew little of the subject, but I intended to become a lawyer prac ticing in that area of law, so I might as well start familiarising myself with the subject early.

I still have this book in my private library at my office.

As it turns out, life is what happens to you while you‘re busy making other plans. In 2011, I went through the divorce process, which I came to learn can be quite different for a woman of foreign origin and a native woman. This is mainly due challenges posed by the language barrier, little family support and not being aware of their rights.

That experience significantly shaped me and the issues I care about. This led me to explore human rights law and issues relating to minority rights, immigration, and refugee law.

Did you always plan to start your own business?

Yes and no. My objective was always to make a positive impact on society and in people’s lives. At this stage, I felt starting my own business was the best way to achieve that objective without placing unnecessary burden on others.

How is your work different then what you imagined it would be when you were studying?
Claudia is wearing the Wing dress in Blue Crystal from Hildur Yeoman.


2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

We are getting festive, starting to decorate and plan the party season ahead. What are your favorite Christmas traditions?

I moved to Iceland a few days before Christmas in December 2001. I thought it was quite dif ferent from the Christmas I was accustomed to back in my home country, Jamaica. I recall being invited to eat fermented skate, which the smell alone was enough to make me sick.

Oddly enough, I found myself a couple years later being unable to enjoy Christmas without partaking in the fermented skate feast on 23 December. This has become a tradition for me. My children and husband have banned me from eating it at the house. In addition to that, I enjoy relaxing at home watching Christmas movies and reading over the holidays.

Throughout the years I‘ve also hosted a Jamaican Christmas party where I invite my Icelandic and international friends to enjoy a wide selection of Jamaican cuisines.

We love your style, such a confident boss babe look, always with some glamour. Dressing up for New Years is so much fun. Do you go all in when dressing up for New Years?

“I make a lot of fuss about dressing up for the holidays. I’ve been this way since I was a child. My grandmother often referred to me as “dress puss” in my younger years, which offended me greatly. Looking back, I think she was right, Claudia said, laughing.”

Every year I try to have a theme colour. I have yet to decide this year‘s theme colour, but I‘m sure it will be a fun colour.

1. Sweater from American Vintage, 22.900 kr kr 2. Bag from Silfen, 13.900 kr 3. Chocolate from Cosmic Dealer, 1.900 kr 4. Hairclip from Sui Ava, 3.900 kr 5. Wool socks from Hildur Yeoman, 6.500 kr 6. Earrings from Vanessa Mooney, 11.900 kr 7. Top from Hildur Yeoman, 34.900 kr

Do you ever make a new years resolution?

Yes, almost every year and I’m sure many can relate, though I do not necessarily follow them.

I must say however that these resolutions are not necessarily pointless as I find them to be somewhat of a guidance on how I operate in different aspects of my life throughout the year. I remain constantly aware of my intended goals and may or may not make decisions based sub consciously on those resolutions.

Do you have anything special to say to 2022 or something that you hope for in 2023?

This has been by far the most eventful year of my life. I‘ve grown immensely both personally and professionally from my wanted and unwanted experiences throughout the year. There have certainly been some challenges but each one I believe has fuelled my desire to be of service to others, to live healthily and happily.

I‘m excited for 2023. I look forward to continued growth, peace, and happiness.

Claudia is wearing a sweater from American Vintage with a matching scarf, and the Sequin trousers in White from Hildur Yeoman.


Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I grew up in Reykjavik and went to the Reykjavik Junior College before I studied medicine in the University of Iceland. Recently I took a break fom the medicine world to pursue other interest of mine, so for the past months I have been studying fine arts.

When did you start practicing soccer, and when did you realize you were good at it and could go far?

I started playing soccer when I was 5 years old. During my first years of soccer I occasionally got awards at my club for my diligence and punctuality but at some point I started receiving awards for being the best player – I guess that‘s the moment I realised I was good at this.

The Women’s national soccer team looks like it has such an amazing energy about it. How was it playing with the National soccer team. It‘s very empowering to be a part of the women’s national soccer team. There are so many strong and independent women part of that group, competitive with ambitions to excel. It has always given me energy to be a part of that kind of environment.

Elín Metta is wearing Victorian Top in Dark Gem and Black Sparkle trousers from Hildur Yeoman

What were the proudest moments of your soccer career?

There are some games that are more memorable than others, many goals and wins come to mind but I think what I am most proud of is when I meet younger players that want to talk and seek advice from me.

You recently changed fields, went from studying to be a doctor to going to art university, how exciting!

Is art school what you expected ?

I didn‘t really know what to expect going to art school, I just knew I was curious enough to go there. So far I love it! Now I am working on a final exhibition from our first years in BA in fine arts.

We are feeling festive, What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any favorite Christmas traditions or are you a total Grinch when it comes to this holiday?

I have rather simple plans for christmas, I am going to spend time with the people I love. I really do enjoy having a Christmas dinner with my family and spending quality time together. Apart from that I don‘t have any specific traditions and I don‘t think it‘s a must to stay in Iceland during Christmas.

Do you have anything special to say to 2022 or something that you hope for in 2023?

2022 was the year where I learned so many new things, I had all kinds of adventures and I had to embrace listening to my gut and follow my instincts. I hope I will be able to get better at this next year and enjoy new adventures with all my people. I am really looking forward to 2023.

from Vanessa Mooney 9.900 kr

4. Grey
5. Ring
8. Top
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Necklace from Vanessa Mooney 12.900 kr
Top from Coperni, 29.900 kr
Beauty Set from Miss Patisserie, 8.900 kr
Himalayan Kitty from Christmas Ornament 3.900 kr
Earrings from Vanessa Mooney, 12.900 kr
Blouse from Résume, 13.900 kr
from Hildur Yeoman 29.900 kr
Elín Metta is wearing a bodysuit from Coperni and Moss Sky velvet trousers from Hilfur Yeoman Elín Metta is wearing Moss Sky dress from Hildur Yeoman


01. desember, thursday 11-18

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30. desember, friday 11-18

31. desember, saturday 10-13

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