Working Mama January/March 2024

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January/March 2024

Embracing CHANGE A guide for working moms to start the New Year Fresh!



A Heartfelt Tale of Transformation



Quick & Effective Exercises for Busy Moms

Tshego Gaelae

Th e a r t of fine wining and dining in South Africa

Cover Story

Jan/Mar 2024 Digital Issue 018 | Print Issue 03 Publisher WorkingMamaZA

Editor-in-chief Elize Fisher

Design & Production Visualcreme

Contributors Elize Fisher Nayan Rath Candice Warner Sally Wade Nadia Horn Johanne Kabiwa Nabila Mayet Cassim


Administration/Sales WorkingMamaZa (Pty) Ltd

Get in touch (+27) 71 871 6601 @workingmama_za

Working Mama Magazine is published 4 times a year by WorkingMamaZa ©2023 Edgemead Printed in Cape Town

2 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024



Dear Working Mama Community,


appy New Year! As we step into 2024, I'm delighted to introduce the January/March edition of Working Mama Magazine. This new year symbolises fresh starts, and we've compiled a collection of articles to motivate, advise, and empower you on the exciting journey ahead. Get inspired by the stories of women who've triumphed over challenges, pursued their passions, and created positive change. Our cover story features Tshego Gaelae, Mrs. South Africa 2024, sharing her inspiring journey beyond the glitz of crowns. Brace yourself for the moving narrative of transformation in "Bringing Dreams to Life," urging you to pursue aspirations and convert dreams into reality, irrespective of obstacles. For multitasking moms, discover "Fit in 15," a fitness guide tailored to your busy schedule, and streamline your beauty routine with expert tips on multitasking products. Secure your family's financial future with informed decisions. Our parenting and childcare section provides tips to instil vital money management skills in your kids, along with insights into offshore investments and financial emigration. Savour the rich culinary experiences of South Africa, exploring the finest wine and dining establishments, and learn to relish each moment even in your hectic schedule. Or break from routine and embark on the ultimate summer adventure, from the pyramids of Egypt to the vibrant streets of Dubai, the picturesque landscapes of South Africa, and the exotic beauty of Thailand. We've curated a guide to unforgettable family vacations. As we commence this new year, may the pages of Working Mama Magazine be your source of inspiration, guidance, and connection. Cheers to a year filled with growth, joy, and success. Wishing you a fantastic 2024!

Elize Fisher Editor-in-Chief, Working Mama Magazine

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Cover Story

Contributors CONTRIBUTORS Sally Wade: Founder of Sally Wade Coaching, a dedicated Leadership and Executive Coach Meet Sally Wade, who has a mission to empower working mothers. Drawing from her own experience as a working mom of twin 4-year-old girls, Sally brings a unique perspective. Her goal is clear: help you discover your brilliance and achieve intentional success in both career and motherhood. With over two decades in the corporate world, Sally has risen from the frontlines to executive leadership, making her a guide who understands professional intricacies and the joys of motherhood. Sally's coaching focuses on nurturing self-awareness, aligning core values with ambitions, and harmonising roles for working moms. In a fast-paced world, she offers unwavering support, insights, and advocacy. Sally ensures you reach professional heights while finding fulfilment in all aspects of life. Together, unlock your potential, define triumph, and flourish with intention and authenticity.

Candice Lynn Warner: Author, Connection Therapist & Inspirational Speaker She carries the firm belief, that every person deserves to experience the transformative power of genuine connection. By weaving together her years of experience, compassionate approach, and profound understanding of human relationships, she creates a safe space for individuals to explore their inner selves, heal past wounds, and establish strong, resilient connections that enrich the lives of teenagers and adults. As a Connection-Focused Therapist, she emphasises the importance of understanding the impact we all have on each other and the importance of disconfirming beliefs and assumptions we have each made about our ability to feel safe, secure, and resilient in an ever-changing world.

Johanne Kabiwa driven, devoted mum and wife. And a finalist in the prestigious Mrs Pretoria-Tshwane competition. She has achieved a master's degree and owns a successful beauty business that specialises in magnetic lashes and hair growth products. Johanne's biggest accomplishment is having her products featured in a well-known retail store that supports South African beauty brands. Johanne is also passionate about mental health and self-care. She believes that taking care of oneself is essential for overall well-being. Through her business platform, she actively promotes and advocates for mental health awareness and encourages self-care practices. Johanne understands that true beauty is more than just physical appearance; it also involves mental and emotional wellness. Aside from her entrepreneurial endeavours and dedication to mental health, Johanne finds joy in reading books to expand her knowledge and perspective. She also enjoys expressing her creativity through cooking and baking. With her diverse interests, achievements, and commitment to mental health and self-care, Johanne strives to make a positive impact on others' lives, fostering a culture of self-love and well-being.

Elize Fisher: Founder of WorkingMamaZA (Pty) Ltd and Editor-in-Chief of Working Mama Magazine She is a published Author and Certified Life Coach specialising in women's empowerment. Having started her career in Human Resources with a local government in Gauteng, Elize faced challenges in balancing career progression with the responsibilities of a growing family. Recognising the lack of resources for working moms, she took the initiative and launched Working Mama Magazine after relocating to Cape Town. This platform aims to provide advice and inspiration for both professional and personal aspects of working moms' lives. Elize has cultivated a community of like-minded women through the magazine, offering insights on career growth, parenting, health, and wellness. Her dedication has created a supportive space with valuable content, events, and networking opportunities, empowering working moms to achieve their goals.

Nadia Horn: Travel advisor Born and raised in the beautiful Boland region of the Western Cape, I was inspired to travel by travel documentaries since childhood I am celebrating 20 years in the travel industry in December 2021. A leap of faith led me to open Selena Travel in 2012. Honestly speaking, Covid is hard on all of us, but amid this epidemic, I realised my writing skills. As a travel content writer for online magazines, I highlight various attractions and businesses across the country. Did you know I know how to work a grocery till? (Before the introduction of scanning) I worked weekends, public holidays, and holidays while I studied travel and tourism. Volunteered and then worked part-time at Paarl Tourism, part-time at Paarl Museum, and finally in various travel agencies. Avid reader, swimmer, and snorkelling enthusiast. At heart, I am a humanitarian. It brings me great joy to uplift and assists those in need. I am involved in various social enhancement organisations. My motto: People First and then Travel.

Nayan Rath, a Certified Associate of IIB, Counsellor in CBT & REBT, DMIT & MBA, Content Writer, and a POSH Consultant, now working as an Educator, Parental & Relationship Coach. Author of a few parenting guides— a dynamic Mom, exFaculty cum Banker, who seamlessly weave her diverse journey into a tapestry of emotional wisdom. She is a passionate writer! coauthored 20+ Books & published 3 Solo Books which have hit no.1 Best Seller Rank in Amazon Kindle. She has been honoured with the Most Popular Author by TUS Writer Award 2022. Writing keeps her preoccupied emotionally after a long operational career. She seamlessly stitched delicate threads of parenting & relationship with classroom insights, financial acumen, and emotional understanding. Her analytical pen offers unique perspectives to raising Alpha kids with a message ‘Every emotional investment is a valuable asset in the bank of family bonds’.

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Nabila Mayet Cassim Johannesburg-based, published writer comes with over a decade of experience. Effective communication has become an important part of her journey as her passion lies in merging people and ideas with well-crafted words. Nabila dabbles in life coaching which plays into her propensity for helping people achieve their goals and mental health awareness.

Contents CONTENTS 06

Table of contents COVER STORY

06 Mrs. South Africa 2024: Tshego Gaelae Beyond Crowns

PARENTING & CHILDCARE 10 Embrace Changes! Celebrate Little Wins! 12 Navigating Back-to-School Transitions for a Smooth New Year 14 Embracing Change A Guide for Working Moms to Start the New Year Fresh

HEALTH & WELL-BEING 18 Fit in 15 - Quick & Effective Exercises for Busy Moms

20 KZN- Women Leading the Way 21 Working Mama Chronicles: Alicia Rose Wilson's Evolution from Teacher to Renowned Baker 22 Embracing Life's Symphony: Marlene ReddyRibeiro's Inspiring Journey

AUTHOR STORIES 25 Anu Garg - Free Fifties 26 Jessie Grace - Remembory Part 1 27 Mansha Imam - The art of eternal happiness 28 Michael Pereira - Soul Stories 29 Saisha Arora - The power of inner alignment 30 Shea Karssing - Freelance like a boss 31 Sri Jagadeesh - Peaceful Warrior

LIFESTYLE & LEISURE 32 Discover the Ultimate Summer Adventure: Egypt, Dubai, South Africa, Thailand 36 Book Reviews



FINANCIAL PLANNING 38 10 tips to nurture financial literacy in your kids during the school holidays 40 Invested offshore or financially emigrated

BEAUTY & FASHION 42 Beauty in a flash: Simplifying Working mom's routine with 5 Multi-Tasking Products



45 Tech-Wise- South African Moms' Guide to a Productive New Year

FOOD 46 A guide: The art of fine wining & dining in South Africa 48 Recipe - 3 Ingredient Date Balls 49 Recipe - Refreshing Cucumber-Mint Salad: A South African Summer Essential



50 Dove Self-Esteem Project Confidence Kit 52 Elite Beauty SA's First Workshop on Mental Health with Support from Remarkable Women-Owned Businesses 54 Bringing Dreams to Life: A Heartfelt Tale of Transformation

BOOK RECOMMENDATION 55 Freelance Like A Boss

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 05

Cover Story

Cover Story

Mrs South Africa 2024

Tshego Gaelae

Beyond Crowns

Embracing Authenticity, Intentionality, and the Pursuit of Dreams By Elize Fisher

06 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

"I am truly excited about reigniting my own goals and passions that I had put to bed. I am a dream chaser, and I want other dream chasers to look at me and see that it's possible!"

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 07

Cover Story

Cover Story

"I am truly excited about reigniting my own goals and passions that I had put to bed. I am a dream chaser, and I want other dream chasers to look at me and see that it's possible!" Remaining true to herself is paramount for Tshego. She emphasises, "It's important for me to remain as human as possible and not to idolise the role of Mrs. South Africa because that takes away any opportunity to relate to like-minded individuals." For Tshego, the power lies in the similarities within our unique stories. She believes that sharing these common threads provides pockets of inspiration and empowerment. "If she could, so can I!" becomes the motivating mantra that resonates through her narrative. As she looks forward to the future, Tshego envisions branching out to set up her consultancy and sharing her skills and knowledge with young attorneys. Her network of accomplished women is a source of continuous learning and growth. In wrapping up our glimpse into Tshego Gaelae's life, one thing becomes abundantly clear: hers is a journey fuelled by purpose, passion, and an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact. Tshego is not just Mrs. South Africa 2024; she is a testament to the possibilities that unfold when authenticity, intentionality, and the pursuit of dreams converge. Closing our conversation, Tshego leaves us with these words of wisdom: Meet Tshego Gaelae, a 33-year-old dynamo from Centurion, Gauteng. As an Admitted Attorney and the recently crowned Mrs South Africa 2024 at Emperors Palace. Her story is one of purpose, resilience, and a commitment to positive change.

Beyond her corporate role, Tshego is a content creator, focusing on legally educational content through her YouTube page, 'My Lawyer's Corner.' She believes in the transformative power of knowledge, highlighting the idea that knowledge leads to improved performance.

"Focus on the goal ahead and break it down into smaller, traceable, and attainable steps. Having someone who keeps you accountable helps. If not, documenting the journey is a good way of keeping track and holding yourself accountable to your goals."

One of the key aspects of her approach to life is the intentional balancing act between her roles as a wife, mom, and Mrs. South Africa. With amendable prioritising and healthy boundaries, she navigates these responsibilities seamlessly.

Tshego Gaelae's journey is not just hers alone; it's an invitation for others to dream, pursue, and know that, indeed, it is possible.

Her authenticity shines through as she expresses her excitement about the doors of opportunity that winning Mrs. South Africa opens.

Photo credits: Amorie Pearson, Amorie Arts & Brendan Croft of Croft Studios

In her own words, she shares, "I am very intentional about showing up in whatever role or capacity I am serving." This intentionality has shaped her journey, marked by a harmonious blend of professional excellence, family commitment, and a dedication to social justice. Tshego, working as a Group BBBEE and IR Manager for an ICT company, found inspiration for her legal career through her love for people and a desire to contribute to positive societal changes. Climbing the corporate ladder to sit at the management helm of a crucial department is one of her proudest achievements.

08 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

"I am very intentional about showing up in whatever role or capacity I am serving."

The crowning of the new Mrs. South Africa 2024 took place on Friday, 17 November 2023, a prestigious event held at Emperors Palace.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 09

Cover Story

Parenting & Childcare

Embrace Change!

Celebrate Little Wins! By Nayan Rath

10 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024


ith a twinkle in my eyes and a tingle in my heart, the enthusiastic Mom in me is ready to kick start a new beginning to be more present and patient in 2024. Parenting is my Love story that never ends. As a mother of two and a full-time corporate, I have tried integrating some positive changes as a New Year's resolution. It will be for a happier version of my kids and me. It's not about doing more but doing better.

Unplug me more as a woman. I promise to give the most to be a good mom and save some of "me" to share with my Super-Duper Husband. I will show my children a good example of a healthy marriage with the 'Art of listening more and talking less.' To help them feel secure, confident, and blessed.

what we model. We can't say, 'Do what I say, not what I do’. If I keep the dining table full of untidy utensils, can I reprimand my kids for spreading toys all over the floor? I should stop yelling at them at the drop of a hat to help them keep calm. Remember, when we do one thing and command another, we convey an unwritten message that our rules are negotiable.

Be respectful towards their needs. The feeling behind the child's bizarre behaviour is a red flag exhibiting their internal turmoil that needs to be handled with care. Once addressed, the behaviour will change. Lead them by loving example, redirect preemptively, and set limits empathetically without harsh punishment ("I see how mad and sad you are. But no hitting sweety; it pinches. Use your words to tell your sister how you feel.. I'll help….") The most vital is to remain connected with the child when he feels low.

Reschedule time with kids and yourself. Children need their attention basket filled to be acknowledged one way or the other. Most whining, clinging, interrupting, and fighting with siblings are behaviours for attention, albeit negative attention. No matter how old they become, they need parents even though their freaking hormone doesn't accept them. End of the day, being available for them gives us a quiet space to talk. A great way to establish a much-needed connection so that they feel trusted and share things they might not otherwise share. The quality time needs to be kid-centric, maybe a cosy tea party, Lego building, or dressing up Daddy (allow the kids to choose and oblige them with power buckets full). We can sum it up as: 'Wow! I enjoyed the special time together. Would love to have it again'. To help our kids feel our warmth of commitment.

Delegate and assign ageappropriate household chores. Reassigning the spread of household responsibilities instead of having it all on one person (you know who!) is a better choice to share both work and fun. Try keeping a chore jar with slips of paper for kids to pick and choose. Studies show kiddos always thrive when they feel needed and capable, be it simple works like folding dried cloths, putting cutlery in the drawer, or even small help in the kitchen. The sooner we point out what they can help with, the less pushback we will receive in the future. Once they can handle their small responsibilities, make it official and add them to the daily routine. Then, they won't giggle out of their new duty and try to finish them without feeling pressured.

Be the change you want to see Often, kids know the world in black and white through their parents. We may not like it, but they pay much attention to what we do, not what we say. Kids learn

Nurture kids with Positive Affirmations for Parenting Bliss! Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 11

Navigating Back-to-School

Transitions for a Smooth New Year By Sally Wade

12 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

These times of transition can represent some rough seas, for a short while anyway. It’s tempting to think of these times as merely logistical challenges. The truth is making sure you have the correct school times and that your child knows their teacher and where their classroom is are only part of this transition. Managing this transition is also about ensuring that both you and your children adapt smoothly to the changes that come with the new school year. While your focus may be on your children, don’t forget that this is also a transition for you. Along with changing routines and balancing responsibilities, this change is also about finding opportunities for personal development and family bonding. As working moms, this phase demands a special kind of superpower - the ability to gracefully straddle the worlds of work and family without sacrificing yourself.

Let’s look at how you can create a harmonious balance between the demands of work and family during this year's back-to-school season.



Working moms juggle multiple roles – parent, partner, and professional being the most demanding. Simultaneously, we're dealing with the effect of this shift on the emotions and energy of our children and our own. These transitions represent a season of change, and change can be challenging.What you need to remember is that it's not possible to do everything at the same time with the same intensity. If you hope to survive this season, adjust your focus and balance, at least in the short term.

As a working mom, it's easy to forget about self-care, but it's essential for maintaining your well-being. Make deposits into your energy bank for you to have the reserves to handle these challenging shifts. Dealing with an overtired and overwhelmed child can be difficult when you're feeling stressed, overstimulated, and exhausted.

Here are some suggestions on how to maintain that balance during this transition: 1. Actively choose to scale back on your work commitments where possible. 2. If your workplace allows it, explore flexible work arrangements like remote work or adjusted hours to accommodate school drop-offs and pickups. 3. Enlist the support of your spouse, family members, or trusted friends for childcare and transportation. Sharing responsibilities lightens the load. 4. Open and honest communication with your employer is crucial. Discuss any work-related challenges that may arise during this and seek solutions together. Remember that these are just temporary adjustments to your attention that will help smooth out the bumps.



The weeks leading up to the new school year can be a whirlwind for working moms. Here are three things you can do:

Managing the changes from new routines can be demanding. Expect that there may be changes you will need to make to your plan, and anticipate to pivot.

1. Prioritise what needs to get done: List the tasks that need to be done and evaluate them. The easiest way is to divide them into categories based on urgency and importance. Next, determine what will get done, by whom, and when, and decide what won't. Finally, look to your support system and delegate where possible. 2. Organise a family calendar: Create a family calendar that includes school events, extracurricular activities, work commitments, and personal time to help you keep track of all the moving parts in your life. 3. Get the kids involved: Involve your children in back-toschool preparations. It's a fantastic opportunity to teach them responsibility and organisation. They can help choose school supplies, pack lunches, and set up routines.

Here are some things to consider: 1. Establish Routines: Consistency is your best friend. Create daily routines that include designated study time, chores, and quality family meals to foster a sense of stability. 2. Family Bonding: Make the most of time spend with your children. Use the school pickup or dinnertime to connect, ask about their day, and engage in meaningful conversations. 3. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that you can't do it all. It's okay to say no to some commitments and prioritise what truly matters to you and your family.

Parenting & Childcare


ew Year’s Eve is a memory, and the start of the academic year is approaching. A new school year begins as the calendar turns, the typical whirlwind of shopping for school supplies, sorting out uniforms, and booking haircuts sets in. And let’s not forget soothing the mounting first-day jitters for our children. All this can seem like a highwire act, especially if managing work and career commitments simultaneously.

Here are some things to remember: 1. Prioritise 'Me Time': Set aside moments for self-care, even for just a few minutes. Could you leave work 10 minutes early and use that time to gather your thoughts before you leave work? This rejuvenation will help you stay energised and positive. 2. Lean on Support Groups: Join local or online working moms' support groups. Sharing experiences and tips with others who understand your challenges can be incredibly empowering. 3. Be Kind to Yourself: Remember that you're doing your best and can ask for help when needed. Don't be too hard on yourself. Acknowledge your achievements along the way. The truth is that once self-care and looking after your well-being falls off your list, it can be hard to get back into those habits. As a working mom, the back-to-school transition is just one of the many facets of your dynamic life. A plan in place will ensure that you manage and thrive during this time, creating a positive and nurturing environment for you and your family. The key is to find a balance that works for you, prioritise self-care, and lean on your support network. Your journey may be challenging, but it's also rewarding. So, embrace the backto-school season, and know you have the resilience and strength to navigate it successfully. Lets welcome the change and create solid foundations for your family and career.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 13

Embracing Change: A Guide for Working Moms to Start the New Year Fresh By Candice Warner

14 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Parenting & Childcare


s the dawn of a new year unfolds, working moms often find themselves standing at the intersection of ambition and obligation, navigating the delicate balance between professional pursuits and the ever-demanding realm of family life. The journey of a working mother is a tapestry woven with the threads of dedication, resilience, and unwavering love. As the calendar resets, it becomes an opportune moment for these incredible women to not only reflect on the chapters of the past year but also to script new narratives of change and fresh beginnings. I mean we’ve barely just passed through what felt like year-end fatigue and habitual burnout.

Did you know that one of the most common forms of work in South Africa today is contingent work? In the contemporary landscape of employment, the challenges faced by working mothers engaged in contingent work are both intricate and demanding. Juggling the responsibilities of parenthood with the uncertainties inherent in contingent employment poses a unique set of complexities. Contingent work, often characterised by temporary or part-time arrangements, lacks the stability and benefits associated with traditional full-time positions. For working mothers, this instability can translate into financial uncertainty and difficulty in planning for the future. The absence of comprehensive benefits, such as healthcare and paid leave, further amplifies the burden on these mothers, who must navigate their professional and familial responsibilities without the safety nets provided by more conventional employment. Take, for instance, the gig economy. The gig economy, a prevalent form of contingent work, introduces a layer of isolation for working mothers. Many gigs are solitary pursuits, limiting the opportunities for social interaction and support found in traditional workplace settings. This isolation can contribute to feelings of loneliness and exacerbate the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Working moms often find themselves caught in the delicate dance between professional responsibilities and nurturing a thriving family. It's a dynamic equilibrium that demands adaptability, resilience, and a keen awareness of one's own needs and ambitions. As we explore the avenues of starting afresh in the new year, we'll delve into the intricate art of balancing these realms, setting realistic goals, fostering self-care, and cultivating a mindset that allows for both structured planning and the freedom to adapt to the unpredictable nature of life. As the new year unfolds, I am certain you have found yourself juggling numerous responsibilities. Balancing work, family, and personal wellbeing can be challenging, but it's essential to embrace change and welcome new beginnings. Let’s explore practical tips for working moms to start the new year with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Here are some tips on how you can begin this new year with a fresh perspective:

1. Reflect on Achievements: I’d like you to take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments from the past year. Acknowledge your efforts, both personally and professionally. Celebrate the milestones, no matter how small, and use them as motivation for the upcoming year.

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2. Set Realistic Goals:

6. Embrace Flexibility:

Establish clear, achievable goals for the year ahead. Break them down into manageable tasks and prioritise them based on importance. Setting realistic objectives will help you stay focused and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Life is unpredictable, and plans may need to adapt. Embrace flexibility and be open to adjusting your schedule when necessary. This mindset can reduce stress and make it easier to navigate unexpected challenges.

3. Prioritise Self-Care:

7. Foster Work-Life Integration:

Remember that self-care is not selfish. Make time for activities that rejuvenate and nourish your mind and body. Whether it's scheduling regular exercise, enjoying a hobby, or simply taking quiet moments for yourself, self-care is crucial for overall well-being.

Strive for work-life integration rather than a perfect balance. Integrate work and family life in a way that feels sustainable and fulfilling for you. Set boundaries when needed and communicate openly with your employer about flexible work arrangements.

4. Organise Your Schedule:

8. Learn to Say No:

Efficient time management is key for working moms. Use calendars and planners to organise your schedule, including work commitments, family activities, and personal time. This will help you identify areas where adjustments can be made to create a more balanced life.

It's essential to recognise your limits. Learn to say no to additional commitments that may overwhelm you. Prioritise your well-being and focus on the activities that align with your goals and values.

5. Delegate and Seek Support: Recognise that it's okay to seek support and delegate tasks. Share responsibilities with your partner, or family members, or consider hiring help if possible. A support system can alleviate the pressure and allow you to focus on your priorities.

16 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Starting the new year fresh as a working mom involves a combination of reflection, goal-setting, self-care, and flexibility. By embracing change and new beginnings, you can navigate the challenges of balancing work and family life while fostering personal growth and fulfilment. Remember that each day is an opportunity for a fresh start, and by incorporating these strategies, working moms can approach the new year with resilience and optimism.

We offer Magnetic false lashes & Organic Shea Butter Available online and in store Menlyn Mall at Edenvinne @elitebeautybyjohanne.k

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 17

Health & Well-being


Qu ic k a nd E f f e c t i v e Exercises for Busy Moms By Staff Writer

As a working mom, finding time for yourself can be a challenging task, especially when juggling a career, family, and countless other responsibilities. However, prioritising your health and fitness is essential for overall well-being. This year, let us kickstart your journey to a healthier you with quick and efficient 15-minute exercises that you can easily incorporate into your busy schedule. No more excuses – it's time to make your health a priority!

1 2 3 4

Jumpstart with Jumping Jacks - 2 min Begin your workout with a burst of energy by doing jumping jacks. It's a full-body exercise that gets your heart pumping and muscles engaged.

Sculpt with Squats - 2 min Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and squat down as if sitting back in a chair. Repeat for 2 minutes.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Cardio - 3 min Choose any cardio exercise you enjoy, such as running in place, high knees, or mountain climbers. Alternate between 30 seconds of intense effort and 30 seconds of rest for 3 minutes.

Lunge it out - 2 min Lunges are excellent for toning your legs and glutes. Take a step forward with one leg, lower your body, and push back up. Repeat on both legs for 2 minutes.

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Plank Power - 2 min Strengthen your core with a plank. Hold the position with a straight back for 2 minutes. If it's too challenging, start with shorter intervals and gradually increase.

Quick Cardio Blast - 2 min Choose another cardio exercise (jump rope, high knees, or jogging in place) and go all out for 2 minutes to boost your heart rate.

Push-Ups for Upper Body Strength -2 min Strengthen your arms, chest, and shoulders with push-ups. Modify as needed, but aim for continuous movement for 2 minutes.

Dance Break - 1 min Put on your favourite song and dance like nobody's watching. Not only is it fun, but it's also a great way to burn calories and uplift your mood.

Health Tips: Hydration is Key: Drink water throughout the day, aiming for at least eight glasses. Proper hydration aids digestion, supports metabolism and boosts energy levels. Balanced Meals: Prioritise a balanced diet with a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. It provides sustained energy and essential nutrients. Timing Matters: Perform these exercises at a time that suits your schedule, whether in the morning, during a lunch break, or in the evening. Before transitioning to a more intense routine, allow your body a few weeks to adapt to these 15-minute sessions. Combining quick and efficient exercises with good hydration and balanced nutrition, you're setting the stage for a successful fitness journey. Easing into the new year, remember that small, consistent efforts yield significant results. Cheers to a healthier, happier you in 2024!

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 19

Cover Story

Inspiring Stories


Women Leading the Way By Nabila Mayet Cassim

According to the National Department of Trade and Industry (2020), of the total number employed in the South African manufacturing sector, women made up less than 25%. The sector provided chances for additional job creation and increased female participation due to the 13% GDP contribution.

Subashani Naidoo, Mallows and Jellies Plant Manager

Thiroshnee Govender Candy Factory Quality Manager

Sherley Monyemorathoe Candy Plant Manager

Subashani Naidoo has managed the Mallows and Jellies Plant since Feb 2023, producing popular products like Mallows, Maynards, and Jelly Tots. The sole provider for her three young children (at the time), Subashani began her career at Tiger Brands as a casual worker in 1989, later securing a permanent role as an Operator. Over the years, she achieved milestones, including being the first woman to drive a pallet jack and receiving a bursary for studying Production Management. Tiger Brands supported her education in Business Administration and Supply Chain Management. Despite the male-driven manufacturing sector, Subashani felt encouraged to learn and grow. She progressed from Operator to Supervisor and then Production Manager. Fifteen years ago, she was influential in establishing the Jelly Tots plant in East London after Tiger Brands' acquisition. Currently, as Mallows and Jellies Plant Manager, Subashani oversees a team of nine, focusing on quality, safety, cost, production, optimisation, and logistics. Managing Tiger Brands Snacks and Treats division brings joy, but Subashani emphasises the responsibility of maintaining high standards.

As Quality Manager at Tiger Brands' Candy factory in Mobeni, KwaZulu Natal, Thiroshnee Govender ensures strict safety and quality standards. She leads a team of managers and oversees the entire production process, ensuring compliance with food safety requirements and maintaining hygiene standards. Born in Chatsworth, Durban, Thiroshnee holds a Bachelor of Technology in Food Technology. She joined Tiger Brands in 2008 as a Laboratory Manager, later transitioning to roles like Process Optimisation Engineer and Site Quality Lead. Thiroshnee emphasises the importance of consistent quality and food safety, conducting rigorous tests before products reach shelves. In 2021, she earned an MBA, focusing on quality effectiveness at Tiger Brands' Snacks and Treats sites. Thiroshnee credits her achievements to her family's values of respect, honesty, helpfulness, and kindness, which she carries into her workplace interactions.

Sherley, the first girl-child in her Bochum, Limpopo province school to excel in maths and science, holds a Chemical Engineering degree. Breaking barriers, she became the first woman in a 100year-old food company to join its production division. In 2023, she joined Tiger Brands as Candy Plant Manager, overseeing 300+ employees and producing 1400+ tons of candy monthly. Sherley manages manufacturing, people, machinery, and plant compliance. As a woman in a manufacturing environment, Sherley says she is sometimes met with disbelief by others. "I think it's because I'm so tiny, and the industry is use to older males in a similar position.” However, Sherley does not let this attitude deter her, attributing her open-door policy at work to building trust amongst coworkers and her peers to discuss challenges openly. Sherley emphasises determination and a 'can-do' mindset for success in manufacturing. She is pursuing an LLB degree and encourages continuous skill development and mentorship for women entering the industry.

20 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Women Manufacturing Leaders Bring a Little Sweetness into Everyday Lives

Working Mama Chronicles

Working Mama Chronicles

Alicia Rose Wilson's Evolution from Teacher to Renowned Baker By Elize Fisher


ecoming an entrepreneur after age 50 might sound like a daunting task for many - for Alicia Rose Wilson, it was a sweet twist of fate. This exclusive interview reveals the life of Alicia, the mastermind behind 'Rose Bakes.' This baker's journey from humble beginnings to becoming one of the top bakers is truly inspiring. Born and raised in Bridgetown, Athlone, Alicia's life unexpectedly turned in 2020. Facing retrenchment from her job as a flight attendant, she found herself at a crossroads. Instead of succumbing to uncertainty, Alicia turned her long-time baking hobby into a full-fledged business. Her early life, growing up as the youngest of three daughters, laid the foundation for her love of baking. The kitchen became her sanctuary, and the joy of creating delectable treats soon evolved from a hobby into a passion. Transitioning from a high-flying career to the world of cakes and icing wasn't without its challenges. Alicia's journey involved mastering the art of cake decoration, navigating the intricacies of online marketing, and learning to overcome the hurdles of entrepreneurship. However, the challenges only fuelled Alicia's determination. 'Rose Bakes' soon gained recognition, with Alicia having the honour of baking for corporate giants like Craig Whittle Accounting (CWA) on multiple occasions. Achieving perfection became Alicia's mission after seeing customers return for more and seeing the priceless expressions on their faces after receiving their custom cakes. Beyond corporate success, Alicia found fulfilment in giving back to her community. In October, she raised funds through baking to support Breast Cancer Awareness, aligning her business with a worthy cause. Balancing the demands of a thriving business with personal responsibilities is no small feat. Alicia's secret lies in finding moments of solace amid the hustle. Whether it's spending time with loved ones, enjoying a good movie, or treating herself to a spa day. "Taking breaks and unwinding is important," she says. In her advice to fellow working mothers and budding entrepreneurs, Alicia advocates for facing fears head-on. She encourages others to live their dreams, disregarding negative opinions and staying true to their aspirations. Alicia's resilience and perseverance, anchored in her faith, have been the pillars supporting her journey.

Motivation, for Alicia, stems from a deep understanding of why she chose this path. Pushed to her limits and discovering her strength, she highlights the significance of adapting to a harsh environment. Loving what she does propels her forward, making each setback an opportunity to push through and succeed. Looking ahead, Alicia envisions 'Rose Bakes' rather than just a business but also a connector of people. The joy her cakes bring to events, from parties to weddings, is a source of immense pleasure. The fact that people place their confidence in her culinary creations gives Alicia a sense of satisfaction that goes beyond the realm of business. Alicia Rose Wilson's story is a testament to the transformative power of passion, resilience, and unwavering faith. From the challenges of career transition to the triumphs of entrepreneurship, her journey should inspire anyone daring to pursue their dreams.

/Mar 2024 | WMM 21

Inspiring Stories

Cover Story

Embracing Life's Symphony Marlene Reddy-Ribeiro's Inspiring Journey By Elize Fisher

Within life's intricate journey, Marlene ReddyRibeiro, the Chief Operating Officer of Mrs. South Africa Pty Ltd, emerges as a notable figure, seamlessly blending the roles of corporate leader, former pageant participant, and devoted mother. Her story is a testament to resilience, balance, and the pursuit of personal and professional fulfilment. Marlene's story begins with an academic journey that saw her transition from a science graduate to a role in Human Resources. However, her venture into the pageantry industry opened unexpected doors, leading her to the prestigious position of Chief Operating Officer at Mrs South Africa Pty Ltd.

22 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Balancing the demands of a corporate career, part-time modelling, and motherhood is not easy - but for Marlene, it's a melody of roles that she navigates with purpose and grace.

Reflecting on her path, Marlene candidly shares her experience with postnatal depression, a silent struggle that many working mothers can relate to. Returning to work fulltime, supported by her family, became crucial in overcoming this challenge. One of the pinnacle moments in Marlene's career was her appointment as Chief Operating Officer at Mrs South Africa Pty Ltd. This achievement is not just a professional milestone but a recognition of her dedication and hard work. Marlene's built her success on strategic approaches prioritising work-life integration over the elusive balance. Meticulous diary management, clear boundaries between work and family time, and a focus on self-care are the cornerstones of her strategy.

"Self-care is key! You cannot give 110% to your job, spouse, or child if you are at 50%," she stresses. Highlighting the importance of setting boundaries, Marlene keeps work and family life separate by having two distinct cellphones and limiting her time on social media. "Limit social media: Don't spend hours wishing to have someone else's life. Be happy with your own and practice gratitude," she advises. The significance of self-care is paramount in Marlene's approach. "Whether that be travel or just a pedicure, it makes me feel refreshed and energised, with energy for everyone,"

she shares, underlining the importance of investing time in personal well-being. Building a support network is another vital aspect of Marlene's success. "Ask for help. You sometimes have to delegate authority to your parents, spouse, or other family members. Discuss and negotiate what works for your family," she suggests, acknowledging that seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move towards achieving balance. Marlene's journey offers invaluable wisdom for working mothers and entrepreneurs starting their paths. "Be kind to yourself... breathe, and don't forget to enjoy your children now," she advises, recognising the fleeting nature of time with loved ones. Her persistence and resilience in the face of setbacks are commendable. "I am generally a persistent and quite a resilient person. Even if I get bogged down, the next morning, I am thinking of the solutions," she shares. Seeking counsel from her husband and trusted circle provides perspective and clarity in challenging moments. Looking ahead, Marlene envisions furthering her studies, aiming to complete her Master's in Psychology. Her dream moonlighting gig involves a part-time role in Sports Psychology or Sports, fuelled by her passion for rugby. Finally, Marlene Reddy-Ribeiro's journey is an inspiring tale of embracing life's symphony, skilfully combining various roles with determination. Her story encourages those navigating the intricate melodies of career, motherhood, and personal growth.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 23

Author Stories

24 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

An Odyssey of Self-Discovery

Free Fifties

In a world where the narrative of self-love and empowerment often centres around the youth, Anu Garg steps forward to redefine the journey of self-discovery, especially for women in their fifties. An accomplished writer, adventurer, and digital nomad, Anu takes us on a captivating voyage through her latest creation, "Free Fifties: A Guided Journey of Self-healing, Self-reflection, and Self-love for women above 50." From Rhymes to Reflections Anu Garg's love for writing stems from childhood when she wrote rhymed poems for her father. Her journey evolved from a young adult riding on a righteous poetic horse to win poetry competitions to a dedicated mother who transitioned from a career in management to nurturing her children. Venturing into journalism, Anu chased dreams of meeting Shahrukh Khan, only to find herself enamoured with the power of storytelling. In 2012, she embarked on a new chapter in Singapore, contributing as a journalist, editor, and content strategist for various platforms. About the Book Unlocking the #FreeFifties Phase "Free Fifties" isn't just a collection of poems and prose; it's a transformative guide. The book has two sections — the "conversations with myself" and the liberating #FreeFifties phase. Anu's raw and introspective writing invites readers to dive into their memories, forgive themselves, and embrace the journey of self-love. The book goes beyond mere words, offering curated guided writing exercises that encourage the exploration of self-love, healing, and celebration.

Inspiration Behind the Book A Half-Century Wake-Up Call. Turning fifty became a pivotal moment for Anu. It was a juncture demanding introspection, prompting her to question achievements and set goals for the next innings. The intense conversations with herself during this period birthed the poems and prose in #FreeFifties, creating a cleansing process of selfreflection and self-love.

This book is available on Amazon.

A guided journey of self-healing, self-reflection, and self-love for women above 50

Learnings from "Free Fifties" Empowering Through Words and Exercises. This book is a powerful tool for readers, offering solutions to prioritise happiness, cultivate self-compassion, and become one's best friend. With exercises and prompts, Anu catalyses a healing journey, helping readers let go of regrets and guilt, prioritise themselves, and welcome their fifties with confidence, joy, and love.

Impact and Reviews: From Poetry to Self-Help. What started as a poetry book evolved into a self-help masterpiece. Anu Garg's creation has touched the lives of women and men alike, earning praise for its transformative impact. Reviews echo sentiments of rediscovery, acceptance, and the crafting of new paths.

Words of Wisdom Believe in Your Story. Anu's advice to aspiring authors is rooted in self-belief. She encourages them to gather the courage to share their unique perspectives, find the right coach, and become part of a supportive author's community. As Anu's journey attests, the process might be intimidating, but the rewards are profound.

We can conclude that "Free Fifties" isn't just a book; it's a gift of self-discovery and empowerment. Anu Garg, through her poetic soul and reflective prose, invites readers on a liberating odyssey, proving that the journey of self-love knows no age. As you turn the pages of "Free Fifties," you embark on a transformative journey that resonates with the essence of life, joy, and the unyielding spirit of embracing the best versions of oneself.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 25

Author Stories

My personal journey of grief and self-discovery

A Contemporary Fiction Drama | Life of Rene | Realistic fiction story of a protagonist with relatable social and personal problems In the vast world of literature, emerging voices often create stories that resonate with readers deeply. One such aspiring author, Jessie Grace, has written her first eBook, "Remembory: Part One." This contemporary fiction drama explores real-life social and personal problems through the lens of protagonist Rene. Meet Jessie Grace Jessie Grace, a multifaceted individual, is not just an author but a dedicated mother, artist, content writer, and an experienced professional in mathematics, education, and project management. With a gold medal in Packaging Science and Technology and a diploma in Materials Management, Jessie brings a wealth of diverse experiences to her writing. Her foray into the literary field was by a desire to touch the hearts of over 100,000 readers and secure a place among National and International bestselling authors. About the Book "Remembory: Part One" introduces us to Rene, a Psychotherapist grappling with the weight of her past. The story unfolds as Rene navigates the complexities of her life, resisting opening up to even the most supportive friends and family. The narrative promises a realistic portrayal of human experiences, devoid of unnecessary embellishments, and focus on the protagonist's journey before and after a tragic occurrence. What Inspired the Book Jessie Grace's inspiration to write "Remembory" stemmed from a personal journey of grief and selfdiscovery. The sudden passing of her father in 2021 prompted her to channel her emotions into storytelling. The idea took root during a workshop with Jatin Gupta, and propelled Jessie into selfpublishing. The book's inception, marked by a vision and a symbolic yellow-black butterfly, reflects the cosmic alignment that guided Jessie in bringing her vision to life. 26 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

This book is available on Amazon.

Remembory: Part One

Learning from "Remembory" The book reminds readers to let go of past burdens, encouraging readers to embrace a brighter future. Jessie imparts valuable lessons about setting boundaries, overcoming challenges, and cutting out toxic influences. With Rene's life as a lens, readers are encouraged to reflect on their relationships, resonating with the raw and unfiltered depiction of life's struggles. Life-changing Impact of Writing The act of penning "Remembory" has transformed Jessie's life. Beyond the tangible achievement of publishing on Amazon, the process has infused her with a newfound confidence and a sense of accomplishment. As a content writer and painter, adding the title of "author" to her repertoire has elevated her self-image and garnered respect from those around her. Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Authors Jessie advise aspiring authors: “Don't let dreams rust away within you. Actively pursue your aspirations, for you never know how your story might impact others.” Steadfastly committed, she encourages authors to embark on their journeys, trusting that the universe will conspire to unveil pathways toward realising their dreams. Finally Through Rene's journey, readers are invited to explore the complexities of life, finding solace and inspiration in the unfiltered portrayal of human resilience. As Jessie continues her quest to captivate hearts and minds, "Remembory" beckons readers to embark on a compelling journey of self-discovery and redemption.

For those seeking a life of purpose and fulfilment

13 magical ways to live a 'Forever Happy Life' In a world dominated by societal expectations and predefined norms, one woman is on a mission to disrupt the status quo and lead a revolution toward eternal happiness. Mansha Imam, an Indian author, actor, and happiness coach, has not only conquered the literary realm with her book, "The Art of Eternal Happiness: 13 Magical Ways to Live a 'Forever Happy Life'" but has also emerged as an inspiration for those seeking a life of purpose and fulfilment. About Mansha Imam Mansha Imam's life is a testament to her commitment to happiness and self-discovery. An avid traveller, a cultural explorer, and a lover of global cuisines, Mansha embody the spirit of curiosity and resilience. Always donning a learner's hat, she thrives on embracing new challenges with a contagious smile. Her vision is simple yet profound: to assist one million individuals in breaking free from societal norms and redefining their lives for optimum fulfilment. About the Book "The Art of Eternal Happiness" is not just a book; it is a guide to reclaiming your life and reshaping it according to your authentic self. This Amazon #1 Bestseller is a compelling call to challenge the norms, question societal expectations, and begin a transformative journey of selfdiscovery. The book presents 13 magical ways to live a forever happy life, encouraging readers to unlearn, think critically, transcend social frameworks, and embrace new quests. What Inspired Mansha to Write this Book Driven by a deep understanding of human psychology and a keen observation of societal behaviour, Mansha Imam recognised a distressing trend—the erosion of the quality of life over time. Social conditioning, she believes, has trapped people in a template that robs them of independent thinking. Despite living in the most comfortable era, happiness remains elusive. Mansha

This book is available on Amazon.


unveils the elephant in the room: people have attached happiness to the wrong things, and it's time for a paradigm shift. What Readers Can Learn Mansha's book serves as wisdom for individuals of all ages and life stages. It provides a perspective shift and practical tools to craft a happier and more meaningful life. The key lies in breaking away from societal templates and redesigning life to align with personal goals. Readers are encouraged to take control of their lives, sparking a ripple effect of positive change. Impact on Mansha's Life The journey of writing this empowering book has been overwhelming and challenging for Mansha Imam. However, the overarching desire to guide people through life's madness has been the guiding light. In addition to reinforcing her credibility as a life skills expert, the book contributed to her mission of reaching one million people and improving their quality of life. Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Authors Mansha encourages aspiring authors to follow their hearts despite the challenges. She advocates for the power of sharing one's story, believing that every individual narrative has the potential to inspire and create positive change. Lastly Mansha Imam is not just an author; she is a guide, a mentor, and a living testament to the art of crafting joy in a world filled with possibilities. "The Art of Eternal Happiness" is more than just a book; it's a movement, an invitation to challenge the norm and commence a quest for eternal happiness.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 27

Author Stories

A reservoir of inspiration

Soul Stories

Journeys of the Soul

A Life Coach's Calling: Michael Pereira's Journey Before diving into the depths of "Soul Stories," it's essential to understand the driving force behind the man who wrote these stories. Michael Pereira, found himself on a unique journey of self-discovery and empowerment. His professional background gave him the tools to guide individuals toward a more fulfilling life. It was his personal experiences that powered the creation of this remarkable book. Unveiling 'Soul Stories': Journeys of the Soul, Volume 1 "Soul Stories" is not just a compilation of tales; but a reservoir of inspiration carefully curated by Michael Pereira. The first volume, a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and courage, invites readers on a journey of self-reflection. Each of the 60 stories intricately linked serves as a reminder that obstacles are mere stepping stones on the path to personal growth. Igniting Passion and Motivation The origins of "Soul Stories" lie in Michael's observation of the daily struggles endured by countless individuals. Whether navigating through crowded train commutes, seeking recognition in workplaces, or coping with the stresses of life, these stories aim to be a guiding light. The purpose is clear: to inspire those who feels depleted by life's chaos to regain their passion and motivation. Lessons from 'Soul Stories': A Source of Empowerment "Soul Stories: Journeys of the Soul" is unique because it teaches important lessons. Along the way, readers will learn about self-awareness, creating relationships, accepting change, being resilient, striking a work-life balance, being mindful, and expressing gratitude. Each story is a powerful tool, offering insights into overcoming challenges and finding purpose.

28 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

This book is available on Amazon.

In the bustling field of self-help literature is a ray of motivation and empowerment in the form of Michael Pereira's "Soul Stories: Journeys of the Soul." Michael, a seasoned Life Coach and Soft Skills Trainer, reveals a collection that will convert readers in this six-volume series that aims to rekindle their passion. Let's uncover the moving story that inspired the author of this uplifting masterpiece.

A Life Transformed: Michael Pereira's Personal Journey Writing "Soul Stories" marked an artistic and altering path for Michael Pereira. The process prompted deep self-reflection, fostering empathy and connection with others. Sharing these inspiring stories brought a strong sense of purpose and fulfilment. Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Authors In the spirit of mentorship, Michael Pereira shares his wisdom with aspiring authors: “Embrace your unique voice, commit to consistent practice, and view failure as an opportunity for growth. Read widely to fuel creativity, persist through challenges, and connect with the writing community for support.” Michael highlights the power of belief in oneself and encourages aspiring authors to find fulfilment in their writing process, urging them never to give up on their dreams of making a meaningful impact through their words. A Journey Worth Taking Through this odyssey of inspiration, Michael Pereira invites readers to start their own journeys of self-discovery, resilience, and fulfilment. The stories within these pages are not just tales—they are beacons of hope, encouraging all to navigate life's obstacles with strength and purpose.

A guide to understanding oneself

The Power of Inner Alignment Some people stand out as bright stars in the complex network of life. Saisha Arora, an Ascension Mindset Coach and Intuitive Energy worker, is undeniably one such luminary. With a spiritual journey of over 18 years, Saisha has devoted herself to guiding others toward inner alignment and reimagining their lives. Her book, "The Power of Inner Alignment," includes valuable insights and provides the keys to figuring out how to decipher life's matrix and realise one's actual potential. The Author's Journey Saisha's odyssey into the areas of spirituality began early, but it was in September 2002 that her life took a turn. The appearance of her Master marked the beginning of a seismic shift, challenging her to navigate life's adversities and discover a world of blessings and bliss. Driven by a deep sense of purpose, Saisha embraced her role as an Ascension Mindset Coach, helping individuals break free from life's challenges and lead abundant lives. About the Book "The Power of Inner Alignment" is a guide to understanding oneself and the world in which one lives. This book teaches you how to reinvent, revitalise, and relaunch your network of dynamic allies. It aims to empower individuals to create success stories by breaking free from the illusions surrounding them. Saisha's words resonate, urging readers to open the gates of magnificence within themselves. The Inspiration Behind the Book Saisha's inspiration to write down her observations stemmed from her soul's desire to reshape perspectives, especially from the unwavering support of her husband and those who found solace in her work. Encouraged to share her wisdom with a broader audience, she created a guide that could touch lives and offer a path to those who believe there is more to life.

This book is available on Amazon.

Create Your Own Success Story

understanding the intricate mix of feelings within oneself. Saisha encourages readers to forge a deep, subtle connection with their true selves, a connection that holds the key to unlocking their potential and determining the direction of their lives. Through her teachings, Saisha offers an approach to life that goes beyond the surface and digs into the core of human existence. The Impact on the Author's Life Writing this book wasn't just a creative attempt for Saisha; it was an experience that made her acutely aware of her existence. It highlighted the importance of her life as a human being and the capacity to touch lives in the shortest time possible. In the process, Saisha again fell in love with her life purpose, reinforcing the power of inner alignment. Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Authors To those aspiring to share their wisdom with the world, Saisha offers a simple yet powerful piece of advice: "Holding back your thoughts may not help anyone, but writing is a definite way of helping at least one person – yourself. Unfold your beautiful creation by letting your thoughts flow onto paper, and doing so, you may touch and change lives.”

What Readers Can Learn "The Power of Inner Alignment" is a roadmap to

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 29

Author Stories

FREELANCE LIKE A BOSS Unlocking Freelance Success: Shea Karssing's Journey and Guide Within the broad field of freelance, where independence collides with creativity and ambition Shea Karssing stands out as a leading force. Hailing from the picturesque KZN Midlands in South Africa, Shea is not just a freelance writer but also the visionary author behind "Freelance Like a Boss," a groundbreaking guide that has reshaped the way freelancers approach their careers. A Journey to Freelance Mastery Six years ago, Shea took the bold leap into full-time freelancing, bidding farewell to the conventional grind of a side hustle. Armed with a journalism degree from Rhodes University, she embarked on a journey with determination, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to continuous learning. As a freelance writer, Shea epitomises the spirit of versatility and adaptability that freelancers often need. From the challenges of wearing multiple hats to the joy of waking up every day as her boss, Shea's journey reflects the dynamic nature of the freelance lifestyle. "Freelance Like a Boss": A Blueprint for Success At the heart of Shea's impact on the freelance community lies her book, "Freelance Like a Boss," Positioned as South Africa's first comprehensive guide to freelancing. Through this literary masterpiece, Shea extends a helping hand to in-house employees feeling stifled and freelancers grappling with frustration, guiding them to create successful, sustainable businesses. With lists of pros and cons coupled with personal experiences, the book offers a realistic and relatable peek into the freelance world. Shea's irreverent insights cover everything from identifying marketable skills and setting up a business structure to navigating contracts, handling legalities, and mastering the art of time management.

30 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

The Inspiration Behind the Pen But what inspired Shea Karssing to pen down this comprehensive guide? It was her unwavering belief in the transformative power of the freelance economy. Living in South Africa, a country ripe for entrepreneurial growth, Shea saw an opportunity to empower individuals to create lives of financial freedom and flexibility. For those contemplating freelancing or seeking inspiration, Shea hopes her book provides the necessary tools to shape the life they aspire to live. In her own words, the book is a cheat sheet and a fast-forward button for anyone on their freelance journey. Life-Changing Lessons and Transformations For Shea, writing "Freelance Like a Boss" wasn't just about imparting knowledge to others; it was a transformative experience for her. The process of writing helped her recognise valuable changes to implement in her own business. It also opened doors for her to advocate for the freelance profession and assist others in building their ventures. She finds true happiness in receiving messages from individuals whose lives has benefited from her book. It is a testament to the real-world applicability of the lessons shared within its pages. Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Authors For those aspiring to embark on their writing journey, Shea's straightforward advice - just get started. The hardest part is staring at that empty page, so take the first step. Your words don't need to be poetic from the beginning, but you can't edit a blank page. Where to Find "Freelance Like a Boss" "Freelance Like a Boss" is available from Loot, Takealot, Wordsworth Books, Graffiti Books, Amazon, Exclusive Books, Bargain Books, and more. Connecting with Shea Karssing Beyond the pages of her book, you can connect with Shea on LinkedIn. As a freelance friend, she's always ready for a chat and share her insights and experiences in the ever-evolving world of freelancing.

Catering to the needs of busy professionals

Beginners 15-minute yoga for stress relief, focus In the fast-paced world, where stress and chaos often reign supreme, finding moments of tranquillity becomes essential for our well-being. Sri Jagadeesh, an Automotive Software Professional turned author, has set out on a quest to use his book to help people find inner peace, "Peaceful Warrior: Beginners 15-Minute Yoga for Stress Relief and Focus." About the Book The Peaceful Warrior is a 15-minute step-by-step starter yoga guide tailored for beginners. The book includes breathing exercises or pranayama, safety tips and pictured final yoga poses. It is a lifesaver for yoga and fitness enthusiasts, catering to the needs of busy professionals seeking a quick yet effective escape from the demands of their daily lives. The Inspiration Behind the Book For many aspiring authors, it begins with overcoming fears and self-doubts. Jatin, a source of inspiration and support, played an important role in Sri Jagadeesh's writing career. With support and direction, the dream of becoming an author became a reality. The seed planted by Jatin blossomed into The Peaceful Warrior, a testament to the power of mentorship and encouragement. What Readers Can Learn The book offers a gateway for those new to yoga, providing step-by-step instructions and poses that demystify this ancient practice. More importantly, it addresses the needs of busy professionals, offering a feasible 15-minute daily routine that promises stress relief and enhanced focus. In a world where time is a precious commodity, The Peaceful Warrior is a valuable resource for individuals seeking balance between their hectic schedules.

This book is available on Amazon.

Peaceful Warrior

Life-Changing Impact The journey of writing this book has not only resulted in a valuable resource for others but has deeply impacted Sri Jagadeesh's life. The author's announcement of achieving Amazon's best-seller status attests to the book's success and favourable reviews. Beyond accolades, becoming an author has boosted Sri Jagadeesh's reputation and recognition in society, reinforcing the idea that doing good deeds leads to personal development. Words of Wisdom As an author who has successfully navigated the challenges of writing and publishing, Sri Jagadeesh offers the following wisdom to aspiring authors: "Don't give up. Help the people with your writings." This simple yet profound advice encapsulates the essence of his journey, emphasising the potential of sharing one's experiences and knowledge.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 31

Lifestyle & Leisure

Discover the Ultimate Summer Adventure: Egypt, Dubai, South Africa, Thailand By Nadia Horn

Are you ready for a summer filled with adventure, culture, and natural beauty? Join us on an extraordinary journey to Egypt, Dubai, Cape Town, and Thailand, and for an extra dose of excitement, experience the thrill of quad biking amidst Cape Town's stunning landscapes. This summer, make lasting memories in four incredible destinations and kick your adventure up a notch with the exhilaration of quad biking.

Why choose this Summer Adventure? Diverse Experiences: This itinerary offers a perfect blend of history, modernity, natural beauty, and tropical paradise, catering to every traveller’s interests. Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the rich cultures of four distinct regions, each with unique traditions and heritage. Breathtaking Landscapes: Witness aweinspiring landscapes, from the Sahara Desert to the lush jungles of Thailand. Unforgettable Memories: Create memories that will last a lifetime as you explore, adventure, and relax in these extraordinary destinations, including the thrilling experience of quad biking in Cape Town.

32 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Don't miss the opportunity to make this summer your most memorable one yet. Let Egypt, Dubai, Cape Town, and Thailand enchant you with their beauty, culture, and thrilling adventures. Book your summer travel now and embark on a journey of a lifetime, where every moment is an opportunity for discovery and excitement. Your summer of thrills and unforgettable experiences begins here!

Egypt: Unveil Ancient Mysteries

Begin your adventure in Egypt, where you'll unravel the secrets of the ancient world. Explore the legendary Pyramids of Giza and the enigmatic Sphinx. Cruise along the timeless Nile River, visiting magnificent temples, verdant oases, and bustling markets. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Cairo, where history, tradition, and modernity coexist.

Dubai: Where Dreams Come True

Fly to Dubai, the city of the future, where innovation meets luxury. Soar to the skies at the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building. Indulge in retail therapy at worldclass shopping malls and traditional souks, where treasures abound. Experience the thrill of desert safaris, breathtaking views, and world-class dining in this global metropolis.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 33

Cover Story

Cape Town: Coastal Adventure

The next stop is Cape Town, where natural beauty takes centre stage. Conquer Table Mountain, with its breathtaking panoramic views. Immerse yourself in history at Robben Island and embrace the city's rich cultural heritage in Bo-Kaap. And for an adrenaline-pumping adventure, hop on a quad bike to explore the mesmerising dunes of Atlantis Dunes, just outside the city.

Thailand: Tropical Bliss Reckons

Conclude your journey in Thailand, where tropical paradise awaits. Dive into the bustling streets of Bangkok, a city that never sleeps. Island-hop through the emerald waters of Phuket, Krabi, and Koh Samui, each offering its unique charm. Savor delectable Thai cuisine, from street food stalls to fine dining, in a culinary journey you'll never forget.

34 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Imagine being a first-time writer and submitting an article to the Working Mama Magazine Wondered if your article would be accepted. Well, it is, and it's headed for our print magazine! Imagine the pride of featuring in a globally recognised media outlet - a real confidence boost. At Working Mama Magazine, we're all about spotlighting accomplished women in various fields. Your expertise, regardless of its scale or your journey's stage, is valued here. You can hold your work in print; just submit your article to Working Mama Magazine and get your own print copy. Join other remarkable women in sharing insights and stories. Your story deserves the spotlight!

Upcoming Quarterly Themes Apr/Jun 2024 Renewal: Nurturing Self-Care and Personal Growth. The Art of Self-Care, Strategies for Rejuvenating Mind, Body, and Spirit and Renewing Your Career.

Jul/Sep 2024 Exploring Adventure with Family and Career Traveling with Kids, Adventure-Ready and Budget-Friendly Escapes.

Oct/Dec 2024 Fulfilling Holidays: Navigating the Joy of the Season Stress-Free Exam Prep, Maintaining Mental and Physical WellBeing During the Holidays and Holiday Cheer on a Budget.

Submit your article today!

Cover Story

Lifestyle & Leisure

Book Reviews By Elize Fisher

"Free Fifties" by Anu Garg is a touching and

enlightening book that speaks to readers of all ages and delivers a compelling message of empowerment and self-discovery. Anu's candid and insightful writing, blending poetry and prose, takes readers through her reflections, divided into two sections: intimate conversations with herself and the liberating #FreeFifties phase. What sets the book apart is the inclusion of guided writing exercises, providing practical tools for healing and growth. Inspired by her introspection at turning fifty, Garg's authenticity adds a genuine touch to the narrative, making it more than just a collection of writings. The impact is evident in reader testimonials, reflecting the book's role as a catalyst for positive change, fostering rediscovery, acceptance, and the forging of new paths. "Free Fifties" is a valuable guide for anyone on a universal and timeless journey of self-love.

The Art of Eternal Happiness: 13 Magical Ways to Live A 'Forever Happy Life' The book "The Art of Eternal Happiness: 13 Magical Ways to Live a 'Forever Happy Life'" by happiness coach, author, and Indian actress Mansha Imam is a life-changing manual. Imam's Amazon #1 Bestseller reflects her mission to help one million people break free from societal norms. Grounded in Imam's keen observation of human psychology, the book encourages breaking free from societal templates to create a life aligned with personal goals. Imam's journey, marked by resilience and a contagious smile, resonates in her impactful words.

36 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Soul Stories: Journeys of the Soul by Michael Pereira Among self-help books, "Soul Stories: Journeys of the Soul" by Michael Pereira is a shining example of inspiration. As a seasoned Life Coach and Soft Skills Trainer, Pereira brings a unique blend of professional insight and personal experiences to curate a converting collection. In the six-volume series, each of the 60 carefully selected stories is a powerful reminder that resilience, faith, and determination can overcome any obstacle. The book's origin lies in Pereira's observation of individuals navigating the chaos of daily life, and its purpose is clear—to reignite passion and motivation in those who may feel overwhelmed. What sets this collection apart is its ability to impart valuable lessons in self-discovery, embracing change, and building meaningful relationships, making it a must-read for those seeking inspiration and fulfilment.

Remembory: Part One" by Jessie Grace

Peaceful Warrior by Sri Jagadeesh

This book introduces readers to a compelling contemporary fiction drama, skilfully exploring the reallife social and personal challenges the protagonist, Rene, faces. Jessie, an aspiring author with a diverse background in mathematics, education, and project management, brings a unique perspective to her debut eBook. The story unfolds realistically, free from unnecessary embellishments, as it follows Rene, a psychotherapist, through her complicated past and present. Inspired by personal grief, Jessie's narrative captivates with its relatable portrayal of human resilience, urging readers to let go of the past, set boundaries, and navigate personal relationships.

"Peaceful Warrior: Beginners 15-Minute Yoga for Stress Relief and Focus" by Sri Jagadeesh is a treasure on wellness. As an automotive software professional turned author, Jagadeesh seamlessly guides beginners into a concise, yet comprehensive 15-minute routine designed for busy professionals. The book provides step-by-step instructions for yoga poses and pranayama, catering to the specific needs of those grappling with stress and time constraints. As an Amazon bestseller, "Peaceful Warrior" is more than a guidebook - it is a companion for readers seeking tranquillity amid their hectic lives, affirming the power of a few mindful minutes a day.

The Power of Inner Alignment by Saisha Arora The ultimate self-help guide. Saisha's rich background as an Ascension Mindset Coach and Intuitive Energy worker for over 18 years infuses the book with profound insights and wisdom. The narrative of her spiritual journey, starting with the appearance of her Master in 2002, adds a personal touch that resonates deeply with readers. The book serves as a roadmap to self-discovery, offering fundamental keys to decode the matrix of life and redefine one's energetic support system. She shares the secret codes and perspectives to break free from the illusions surrounding us. "The Power of Inner Alignment" is an invitation for reimagining life and unlocking one's true potential.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 37

tips to nurture financial literacy in your kids during the school holidays A guide to money management & responsibility

Start early: Lay the foundation!


n a world that's becoming increasingly interconnected and financially complex, instilling financial literacy in children has never been more crucial. As parents, we bear the responsibility of equipping our kids with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the financial landscape they'll encounter in adulthood. Now is an opportune time to embark on this essential journey of teaching our children about money management and financial responsibility

38 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

The journey to financial literacy begins at an early age. Introduce basic concepts like saving, spending, and sharing in a way that's relatable to your child's daily life. A good example would be to use clear jars to represent different categories, allowing them to physically see money being allocated for different purposes.

Make learning fun: Educational games and activities Engage your children in games and activities that make learning about money enjoyable. There are board games or digital apps specifically designed for financial education that can be both entertaining and educational. These experiences create a positive association with money management.

Set an example: Lead by doing Children often learn by observing the behaviour of those around them. Demonstrate responsible financial habits in your own life. Discuss your budgeting strategies and explain the decision-making process behind certain purchases. This real-world exposure helps them understand the value of money.

Teach budgeting: The basics of income and expenses Guide your children in understanding the concept of budgeting. Discuss the difference between needs and wants and help them create a simple budget for their allowances or money received as gifts. Emphasise the importance of saving for future goals.

Encourage entrepreneurship: Learn by doing Support your child's entrepreneurial spirit. Whether it's a small lemonade stand, a craft sale, or a pet-sitting service, these ventures teach valuable lessons about earning money, managing expenses, and the satisfaction of hard work.

As parents, our role in shaping our children's financial future is instrumental. By incorporating these tips and utilising available resources, we can empower our kids with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions and navigate the complexities of the financial world. Invest time in this critical aspect of their education, setting the foundation for a financially savvy future.

Open a savings account: Handson experience Consider opening a savings account for your child. Involve them in the process, explaining how interest works and encouraging regular deposits. This hands-on experience fosters a sense of responsibility and introduces them to the banking system.

Discuss money matters: Open communication Create an environment where your children feel comfortable discussing money matters. Answer their questions openly and honestly. As they grow older, include them in family discussions about major financial decisions, helping them understand the broader financial landscape.

Velmah Nzembela Head: Group Corporate Affairs and Chief Marketing Officer Velmah has over 20 years of experience in marketing and communications, having worked in FMCG, banking, and insurance industries. She joined Assupol in 2011-2013 and again in March 2018 as Head of Corporate Affairs. Her qualifications include NDip Marketing, BTech Marketing, MBA.

Utilise online resources: Technology as a teaching tool Take advantage of the numerous online resources dedicated to financial literacy for children. Websites, apps, and interactive tools can provide additional support in reinforcing key concepts and making learning engaging.

Explore financial literacy programs: Community involvement Check if there are financial literacy programs or workshops available in your community. Some organisations offer workshops specifically designed for children, providing interactive learning experiences outside the home.

Reward financial responsibility: Positive reinforcement Acknowledge and reward your child's efforts in practicing financial responsibility. This positive reinforcement creates a connection between responsible financial behaviour and positive outcomes, reinforcing good habits.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 39

Cover Story


f you’re in the final stages of your working career and looking forward to retirement, you’ll have some important choices to make. Do you stay in your current home or downsize? And if you do downsize, should you look for a flat or townhouse or should you move to a retirement village before it’s too late? Should you stay in the same town or city you’ve built a life in, or should you buy a house in that small seaside village you fell in love with a couple of years ago? Perhaps most importantly, however, how can you best ensure that your money’s doing everything it can for you? The last of those questions is important for all retirees, but it’s especially critical if you hold most of your wealth offshore. Maybe that’s because, like so many South Africans, you’ve invested heavily offshore. Or maybe it’s because you’ve physically and financially emigrated in the past but are set on retiring in South Africa. Either way, you’re probably going to regularly be moving reasonably large sums of money from an offshore account to a South African one. It’s something that can be frustrating and complex, especially if you choose the wrong international payments provider. If, on the other hand, you choose a partner that prioritises customer service and transparency, then you’re much more likely to have a smooth experience when bringing money across to South Africa.

Good customer service is critical Anyone who’s ever transferred money internationally knows that even comparatively small transfers can come with a fair amount of paperwork and regulatory compliance measures.

40 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Both of those things are magnified when you’re dealing with the amounts that a retiree may need to transfer. As weak as the rand is, you still need a fair number of pounds, dollars, or euros to buy that dream beach house or even just to live off for a few months. Now, you could try and take care of all that yourself. But if you try to do so through a bank or traditional payment provider, chances are you’ll get frustrated very quickly. You’ll inevitably spend hours on the phone being pushed from pillar to post by an institution that sees you as nothing more than a number. Chances are, you’re also going to have to go through this process multiple times. If you’re still working, that’s not really where you want your focus to be, especially if you’re finishing up projects that you believe will define your working legacy. And if you’re retired, wouldn’t you rather be doing all the things you didn’t have time for when you were working than sitting on the phone with your bank? That’s not the only reason not to use them when bringing retirement-related funds into South Africa either. Many banks are notoriously bad at disclosing exactly how much you’ll have to pay them every time you exchange foreign currency. That, in turn, means you can end up paying more on a transaction than you were expecting or even should have. Over time, those extra amounts can add up, cutting into your ability to go on a dream holiday or buy your grandchild an amazing 18th Birthday present.

How to get the most out of your SA retirement

Find a provider with the right focus So, if not your bank, then who should you turn to when it comes to meeting your currency exchange needs? Ideally, you should look for an international payment provider that places a premium on customer service and transparency. When it comes to customer service, you want a provider that makes currency exchange as simple as possible. That means that the onboarding process should be predominantly automated, quick, and seamless. But it also means that you should be assigned a dedicated account manager who not only knows the ins and outs of your finances but also has in-depth knowledge of the currency exchange space. But that provider should also demonstrate transparency in its pricing. After all, what business can honestly claim that it cares about its customers if it’s unable to show that it’s charging them a fair price for its offering? Easing the stress of international payments Given that your retirement is supposed to be more relaxing than your working life, the last thing you need is currency exchange difficulties. No matter why you need to bring money across to help fund that retirement, it should be simple, seamless, and stress-free. With the right international payment provider, it can be.

Harry Scherzer, CEO, FutureForex Harry is a qualified Actuary with a strong financial and risk management background who has built multiple successful enterprises and has become a well-known figure in the local finance and forex space. A niche combination of technical ability from his Actuarial background, along with his strong interpersonal skills gained during his tenure as a Business Development Director are the perfect engine to drive Future Forex’s growth while steering the team’s focus in the right direction. Being responsible for our growth, Harry heads up Future Forex’s business development and strategic oversight while also taking a hands-on approach to building close relationships with our clients and partners.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 41


Invested offshore or financially emigrated?

Cover Story

Beauty in a flash:

Simplifying Working mom's routine with

Facesheet Mask a facesheet mask Treat yourself to and pampering ng ati en for a rejuv s are a quick and session. Sheet maskost hydration and effective way to bo in. Use this as a promote radiant skin between your self-care moment busy schedule.

5 Multi-Tasking Products By Johanne Kabiwa

Discovering beauty products that seamlessly combine convenience and radiance is like crafting a masterpiece within the time constraints of a working mom's hectic schedule. Michelle Obama beautifully captures this sentiment, acknowledging the challenges and the desire for a beauty routine that complements the fast-paced life of a working mother. Being a working mom is an inherently demanding role, leaving little room for elaborate beauty rituals. Nevertheless, the yearning to look and feel fabulous persists. The secret is to use multitasking beauty products that effortlessly blend efficiency with glamour, catering to a mom's busy lifestyle while enhancing her natural beauty.

Try the Skin Republic double-action Brightening Vitamin C, Collagen Face Mask Sheet, and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Recovery Mask.

Here are six multitasking beauty products designed to simplify your routine and enhance your natural radiance effortlessly:

Multip and C urpose Lip heek S tains: Embra che ce effic

ien ek of colotints that prcy in using u r . With t ovide a na lip and applic h t guaranation, these eir quick anural flush just a tee that a multifunctio d simple color swipe away little shine nal gems need that lasts a . They give is always produ for separall day, so t a hint of cts—p h erfect te lip an ere's no d che for the ek busy la dy.

We recommend the Body Shop sheer touch Lip & Cheek tint and the Foschini All Woman Cheek & Lip tint.

42 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

lettes: All-in-One Face Pa

auty routine with Streamline your beof face palettes. the convenience the simplify palettes These combining by s es oc pr n applicatio d highlighter in a blush, bronzer, anreducing the need compact package, ucts. It will save for separate prodovide a pleasing you time and pr ftly highlighting colour scheme, so your best features.

We recommend the Essence Blush and Highlighter Palette and the Kulture Powder Blush Palette.

F: s with SP lm a B p i lip of tinted ing Tinted L nificance ask

the sig multit Embraceith SPF. These , a touch of w e r s a c lm one ba offer lip on all in wonders nd sun protecti om who is s colour, a Ideal for the m ese balmnt ti product.on the move, th e tl b u s a always s hydrated, add ield against keep lip sh look, and sh roviding a for a fre UV rays, p for lip care. harmful ensive solution compreh

Try out the Seba Med SPF30 Lip Defense and the Aquafor Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Repairs and Protects for very dry skin.

Duo Brow


encil Explore the co n ve n ie nce of a du eyebrow m al fine-tip bro akeup tool that com -ended bines a w p e n cil with a sp Use the pe oo shape the e ncil end to precisely filie brush. ye ll hairs to cre brows, simulating indin and at e a n atural, well- ividual effect. On th d blends and e other end, the spooefined lie grooms the any harsh lin brows, soft brush e s an d e distribution nsuring an ening e design mak of colour. This two-in ven convenient es the Duo Brow Pe -one achieving p and versatile tool, id ncil a erfectly gro eal for om eyebrows. ed and defined

We recommend the Revolution Duo Brow Pencil and the Essence Wow! What a brow pencil!

These beauty tips help working moms cultivate confidence and brightness while saving time in the hectic daily grind. Mastering the art of efficient beauty allows every woman to shine, even within the hustle and bustle of her everyday life. Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 43

Cover Story

44 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Tech & Productivity

Tech-Wise: Moms' Guide to a Productive New Year

By Elize Fisher

s the new year unfolds, working moms are ready to tackle fresh challenges and set ambitious goals. Balancing work, family, and personal growth can be overwhelming, but with the right tech-savvy strategies, the journey becomes manageable and empowering. Let's explore practical tips, tools, and apps to supercharge mom’s productivity in the upcoming year.

organise and prioritise your to-do list. These platforms offer intuitive interfaces for creating, managing, and completing tasks. Break down projects into smaller tasks, set deadlines, and utilise features like labels and tags to streamline your workflow efficiently.

needs, saving time and reducing errors. Automation can be customised to suit your needs, whether email responses, social media posts, or data entry.

3. Note-Taking Apps:

For remote work and family commitments, leverage virtual collaboration tools such as Zoom for Business or Microsoft Teams. These platforms facilitate efficient communication, virtual meetings, and collaboration with colleagues, ensuring seamless connectivity.

1. Master Your Calendar with Friendly Apps:

4. Time Blocking:


Embrace solutions for digital calendar management. Apps such as and FamilyWall provide seamless scheduling and reminder features. Sync your work, family commitments, and personal goals in one central place, ensuring an organised and efficient daily routine.`

2. Task Management Tools: Consider tools like ClickUp or Asana to

Opt for digital note-taking apps like Google Keep or Microsoft OneNote. These platforms allow you to jot down ideas, make checklists, and capture voice notes on the go. With accessibility across devices, you'll never miss a crucial detail or brilliant idea, keeping you organised and on top of your game.

Adopt the time-blocking technique using apps like Clockwise or HourSack. Allocate specific time blocks for different activities. This method will help you maintain efficiency and balance various aspects of your life effectively.

5. Automate: Identify repetitive tasks and automate them using tools like Zapier. The platform allows you to create workflows that suit your business and personal

6. Virtual Collaboration Tools:

7. Mindfulness Apps: Make mental health a priority with these applications. Apps like Calm or Headspace offer guided meditation sessions, breathing exercises, and stress management tools. Taking short breaks to engage with these apps can refresh your mind and enhance focus, contributing to overall productivity. By incorporating these practical tips and utilising relevant solutions, you can handle the challenges of balancing work and family life with newfound efficiency.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 45

Cover Story


A guide:

The art of fine wining and dining in South Africa

South Africa is a culinary haven. Five South African chefs - some of whom have now opened their fine dining establishments locally- have been awarded the globally coveted Michelin star. And if the secret to what makes fine dining were to be revealed by chefs at the country’s most adventurous establishments, they would certainly say that in some part, it is to view fine dining as an art. 46 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

This is an art that takes into consideration factors such as what kind of flavours to group together, what textures different ingredients on a plate will present, and the nuanced tastes that different wine cultivars will add to a particular dish. From Asian fusion and classic French to Japanese and Continental fare, our shores are scattered with a diversity of top-tiered restaurants to enjoy. In 2022, Eat Out voted Durban’s Living Room at Summer Hill Guest House as their Top Restaurant for

2022. A Cape Town restaurant, Le Colombe, which serves modern French-meets-Asian cuisine, ranks 56th in the global rankings. And in Cape Town, Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront’s Tobago’s will be hosting ‘The Art of Fine Wining and Dining’ - a culinary exploration into fine dining - in October. South Africa is also one of the most successful wine regions in the world, and establishments would be remiss not to pair our country’s top wines with their food creations.

1. What sets fine dining apart from normal dining

most likely experience beautiful decor, comfortable seating, and well-thoughtout lighting. The establishment might have great views or beautiful architecture. For most people, fine dining is a unique and special experience, so guests will want every detail of their meal to be a memorable one.

Fine dining isn’t particularly attributed to a type of food. There are, for example, fine dining establishments known for their sophisticated approach to plating and presenting, while others have received recognition for their extravagant takes on what would otherwise be standard pub fare - known as gastro pub food. The difference between a normal pub and a gastro pub is often down to the ingredients selected for a dish. For example, a normal steak and chips lunch can be transformed by using wagyu steaks, foraged truffles, or bubble and squeak with a fine dining twist. Multiplecourse menus are also standard at many fine dining establishments, with a meal featuring, for example, an amuse bouche, a starter, another amuse bouche, mains, and a dessert. One would also typically see smaller-sized dishes - with the portion size belying the flavoursome tastes included on the tiny plate - as well as

pairings with wines that have been carefully selected to match each of the main ingredients in a dish.

2. Wine & beverage pairing Wine pairing takes careful consideration and curation. Chefs often sit down with the restaurant's sommelier and even team members from a wine farm to discuss the intricacies of a particular cultivar. Certain steps will be taken when considering pairing, such as ensuring that the wine is more acidic and flavourful than the dish it is paired with. This is to not drown out the notes of the wine if it is paired with a dish featuring stronger flavours. For example, an earthy Pinot Noir might be paired with a Beef Bourguignon or a deliciously fresh MCC with something salty, such as oysters.

3. Bespoke experiences At most fine dining establishments, guests will

4. Attention to detail Attention to detail by trained staff is an important aspect of fine dining experiences. Waiters are trained by cue to know when a patron needs a refill of their glass, when the next course needs to be served, and when a meal has reached its completion. Staff also go through training to thoroughly understand the wines and dishes being served. Chefs and entire teams are aware of the need to delight guests with beautiful plating and great service. “The art of fine dining is a culinary tradition celebrated by chefs and restaurants at South Africa’s finest establishments, and for each fine dining experience, guests are promised an evening in which their senses are sure

to be delighted. After all, fine dining goes beyond delivering a superlative plate of food, to creating an unforgettable experience,” says Clinton Thom, General Manager of Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront. “Having establishments that offer fine dining is an important part of any city’s restaurant mix, as it allows patrons the choice of an upmarket experience, provides job opportunities to skilled chefs, waiters, sommeliers, and more, and creates a market for sophisticated ingredients and food products, often sourced locally in the area of the restaurant,” concludes Thom. If you look at a city such as Tokyo, where people love to eat out, and which has the most Michelin-starred restaurants in the world - it has 203 eateries that have earned at least one star - the role of its diners undoubtedly also plays an integral part. Ultimately, by booking fine dining experiences, patrons aren’t only assured of being able to indulge in a gastronomic delight, but they’re also playing a vital part in supporting the local hospitality industry and fuelling its growth.

Suraya Pandor is a communications professional focusing on the tourism, technology, finance, and blue-chip industries. Currently, she is a Senior Account Manager at Irvine Partners.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 47


3 ingredient

date balls I

thought to give a quick healthy snack recipe this month as it is getting warmer, and this is a nice snack for both children and adult lunch boxes. Snacking is something that so many people struggle with an we often just need that energy boost in between meals to keep us going. Instead of turning to snack s that are high in fats and sugar with not much nutritional value, this is a great alternative. Remember to always portion with caution.

Ingredients: ½ cup peanut butter 12 pitted dates (soak for about an hour before) 1 cup oats

Instructions: 1. Blend all the above ingredients together in a blender. 2. Roll into balls 3. Freeze And enjoy!

48 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Carla is an experienced dietitian with a passion for food and health. She has been practicing for almost 16 years and is known for her determination and visionary mindset. Carla focuses on the connection between food and health, educating clients on the best methods to link the two. She applies nutritional principles to help clients improve their health and manage diseases related to lifestyle. Carla takes a holistic approach, considering clients' cultural, financial, and spiritual backgrounds. Her motto, "making friends with food, aims to guide clients away from food guilt and towards a healthier relationship with food”. Carla offers services such as developing a healthy relationship with food, weight maintenance or loss, understanding the importance of nutrition, holistic health, and managing diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Additionally, Carla enjoys spending time with her teenage son, outdoor activities, reading, and exploring the art of food photography.

Refreshing CucumberMint Salad: A South African Summer Essential


hen the South African sun begins to shine brighter and our days grow longer, we know that the bounty of summer is upon us. The blend of indigenous and globally inspired cuisine in South Africa makes summer dishes even more exciting. One such dish, perfect for a South African braai or a relaxed Sunday lunch, is the Cucumber-Mint Salad. This salad pays homage to the freshness of the season while subtly nodding to our diverse culinary heritage.

Ingredients: • 2 large cucumbers thinly sliced. • 1/4 cup fresh spearmint leaves (found in local SA gardens) finely chopped. • 1/4 cup red onion thinly sliced. • 2 tablespoons of local olive oil (such as from the Cape Winelands). • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (or even try naartjie juice for a local twist). • 1 teaspoon honey (local fynbos honey would be perfect) or syrup. • Salt, to taste (perhaps a touch of sea salt). • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste. • 1/4 cup feta cheese (or try a local cheese like Fairview's feta), crumbled. • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds or even sunflower seeds for a local touch

Instructions: 1. Preparation: Wash the cucumbers, ensuring they're clean. Slice them thinly using a sharp knife. Do the same with the red onion and chop up the spearmint leaves.


2. Dressing: In a small bowl, blend the olive oil, lemon or naartjie juice, and honey or syrup. Mix them well to form a dressing. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

• Rooibos-infused vinegar could be an interesting addition to your dressing for a unique South African flavor.

3. Combining the Salad: Take a salad bowl and toss in the cucumbers, red onion, and mint. Drizzle your dressing over these ingredients, ensuring they're generously coated. 4. The Final Touch: Add feta cheese to the salad for a creamy texture and a salty edge. If you've chosen to use seeds, toast them lightly in a pan for a couple of minutes until they take on a golden hue, then sprinkle over your salad. 5. Serving: This salad pairs wonderfully with grilled boerewors or chicken at a braai. You could also enjoy it on its own as a refreshing snack.

• For an authentic SA twist, add some diced watermelon or biltong shavings to your salad.

• Sliced avocado pear (when in season) would also make a creamy and delicious addition.

In the heart of summer, beneath the African sun, nothing refreshes the palate quite like the Cucumber-Mint Salad. Whether you're by the coast, in the bustling city, or in the serene countryside, this dish brings the vibrant spirit of a South African summer right to your plate. Cheers to sun-soaked days and the joy of fresh, local flavors!

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 49

Cover Story

Community & Resources

Dove Self-Esteem Project Confidence Kit

Can you provide an overview of the Dove Self-Esteem Project Confidence Kit's progress and integration into the South African schools’ Life Orientation Curriculum in 2023? The Dove Self-Esteem Project was established in 2004 to help the next generation develop a positive relationship with the way they look so they are not held back by appearance-related anxiety and can realise their full potential. We have developed Confident Me, a workshop based on the learnings within the confidence kit which comprises a set of evidence-based resources for teachers and schools, aimed at 11 to 17-year-olds. The success of these workshops has been a testament to how the Dove Self Esteem project confidence kit is a necessary tool that is needed at school to help equip learners due to this the Confidence kit was then featured on the Life Orientation curriculum. In 2016, a study found that a significant percentage of South African women had a negative view of their bodies. How does the Confidence Kit address this issue specifically for young girls, and what impact has it had on their self-esteem and body image? Dove has a long-standing commitment to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. young people should always be reminded to appreciate all the things that their body can do as opposed to just what it looks like. The Dove Self-Esteem Project tools are incredibly transformational, arming young people with protective skills to confidently stand up to these pressures. Dove has been on a mission to encourage anyone with children in their life to share these proven resources and help more young people feel more confident in their skin. Dove has partnered with leading experts in the fields of psychology, health, and body image to create a program of evidence-based resources, including parenting advice, to help young people form healthy friendships, overcome body image issues, and be their best selves. Importantly, this work has been proven to make a positive difference. Dove has monitored and measured its impact throughout, with independent studies reporting on the short- and long-term boost in body image, and mood that participants feel after joining a workshop or using the online tools. Beyond the students, the Confidence Kit also extends its benefits to parents, caregivers, and teachers. Could you share more about the resources and support that these key influencers receive to help children build and maintain positive self-esteem? For parents, we have articles and activities to help them understand the key issues and tackle low body confidence. And if you’re an aunt, grandparent, or just someone who cares about a young person, try our Mindful Me activity guide for a mindful approach to fighting low selfesteem. •A secret code for your mother-daughter relationship •Help for parents | The Dove Self-Esteem Project •Self-esteem school resources Confident Me – five sessions Self-esteem workshops (

50 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024

Masechaba, as the spokesperson for the Dove Self-Esteem Project, how have you personally witnessed the positive impact of the Confidence Kit on students, and what stories stand out to you as examples of its success? The best thing about this project for me is being able to visit different cities and educate the learners about positive beauty. But you know what's even better? The way the kids get into it—how they're open and ready to hear each other out. In the workshop we did in Stellenbosch recently, some students even talked about realising that their self-worth is all in their minds because they now know that what matters is how they see themselves which helps them, shut out the negativity. That hit home for me because ultimately the end goal is for them to believe in themselves and that they are beautiful and worthy.

Could you elaborate on the practical aspects of how the DSEP Confidence Kit works in schools? How is it integrated into the education system, and what kind of tools does it provide to students to enhance their selfesteem and resilience? The confidence kit has now been included in the Life Orientation school syllabus it focuses on aspects such as the self-esteem workshops addresses key topics, including the impact of society, and professional and social media on appearance ideals, and gives strategies to boost confidence with students. Over five 45–60-minute sessions, through class discussions, small-group activities, engaging videos, and activity worksheets, the workshop covers: • Unrealistic appearance ideals. • The impact of social media, celebrity culture and advertising. • How to reduce appearance-focused conversations and comparisons. • Body activism and positive behaviour change.

The collaboration with the Department of Education is a crucial aspect of this initiative. Can you shed light on how this partnership has influenced the learning environment in South African schools and why it is considered a game-changer for education in the country? Dove has since partnered with the Department of Basic Education in celebration of International Day of the Girl Child. During these workshops we unpack ways in which parents, guardians, and teachers alike can assist young people with self-esteem issues, while practically demonstrating the program, interacting with one another, and sharing self-esteem journeys using the confidence kit. Students who participate in the Confident Me workshops experience improved self-esteem, have a more positive self-image, and feel more confident to participate in social and academic activities, Partnerships like the one we now share with the Department, have enabled us to educate over 300 000 South African learners with self-esteem education to date.

In what ways does the Confidence Kit align with or complement the broader Life Orientation Curriculum, and how does it contribute to the holistic development of students beyond just addressing self-esteem issues? The Confidence Kit is a conversation guide filled with self-esteem-boosting activities and resources to help one identify key issues affecting children in their lives – and help them reach their full potential. Life Orientation curriculum involves exploring oneself in connection to others and society. It unpacks understanding and developing knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills related to the individual, the surroundings, responsible citizenship, maintaining a healthy and productive lifestyle, recreation, physical activity, and career decisions. The Confidence Kit is a great complementary resource within this curriculum because it focuses on assisting teachers in better understating the mindset of young people through engaging workshops and identifying ways to explore better mechanisms for young people. It allows young people to identify their full potential which leads to them performing better at school and achieving their goals from a young age.

Given the alarming statistics in 2021 about the negative feelings South African girls have about their appearance, what are the long-term goals and aspirations of the Dove Self-Esteem Project in continuing to address and alleviate this issue? Dove's work in promoting positive self-esteem isn't limited to the classroom. It's a call to action for parents, caregivers, and educators. We believe that empowering young girls with a strong sense of self-worth can break this cycle, helping us achieve our global goal of reaching a quarter of a billion individuals by 2030.

Looking ahead, what plans does the Dove Self-Esteem Project have for expanding its reach or enhancing its impact on youth well-being and body image positivity in South Africa and possibly beyond? With the 2030 goal set to reach a quarter of a billion. South Africa’s contribution is ensuring that the Dove Self-Esteem Project reaches every relevant South African classroom to equip the girl children with the necessary skills to build and maintain a positive image and self-esteem and this can only be done with the continuation of our collaboration with the Department of Basic Education as well as reaching out to as many parents and guidance as possible.

Masechaba Sekhitla Khawula

Brand Manager: Dove South Africa Unilever A naturally curious, strategic, and creative marketeer with a passion for people, consumer insights and brand story-telling. +10 years of progressive marketing experience in sponsorship, brand management, project management, experiential marketing, purposeful marketing and driving brand growth. Using my love for marketing to help brands live out their purpose and deepen the connections between brands and the needs and aspirations of our society.

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 51

Cover Story

Community & Resources

Empowering Beauty & Self-Care: Elite Beauty SA's First Workshop on Mental Health with Support from Remarkable Women-Owned Businesses By Johanne Kabiwa


lite Beauty SA orchestrated an event focusing on selfcare and mental well-being in a world where motherhood and the daily grind often overshadow these essential aspects. This intimate workshop, hosted at the elegant Kleinkaap boutique hotel in Centurion, brought together a group of ten remarkable women, each in pursuit of not only outer beauty but also inner peace.

mental health, was inspiring. Her insights highlighted how it is quite normal not to feel okay sometimes. A reminder that embracing vulnerability and seeking help is a sign of strength rather than weakness. The therapist's words resonated deeply with the attendees, reminding them how crucial it is to pay attention and tend to their mental wellbeing.

The event, which took place on October 14th, was serendipitously timed with World Mental Health Day, celebrated globally on October 10th. A clear indication that the organisers at Elite Beauty SA were aware of the growing need to address the often-neglected junction of beauty, self-care, and mental health.

Following this enlightening discussion, Johanne Kabiwa took the stage, captivating the audience with her expertise on self-care in relation to mental health. She shared practical tips and techniques for nurturing oneself, emphasising that caring for your mental health should be an integral part of one's daily routine, much like brushing your teeth or eating a healthy meal.

A professional mental health therapist from Vista Clinic gave the opening remarks for the occasion. Her introductory speech, which explored the subtleties of

The event was a holistic journey rather than a series of insightful talks. After nurturing their minds and spirits, attendees had the opportunity to enhance their outer beauty. Elite Beauty SA, known for its innovative approach to cosmetics, delivered a magnetic lashes application demonstration. Their experts showcased how a simple beauty enhancement can boost confidence and selfesteem. What made the event exceptional is the collaborative effort of remarkable women-owned businesses that understood the importance of mental health and self-care. Among these extraordinary contributors were: Khanyi Cosmetics: They offered a wide range of products suitable for all skin types, such as mild cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturisers enriched with premium natural ingredients. Their philosophy is making skincare a delightful and effortless experience, with products crafted to enhance confidence and radiance in daily life. Khanyi Cosmetics' involvement supports the idea that cosmetic products can be a positive tool for self-esteem and mental well-being. The Time Factory: Focusing on assisting people in overcoming challenges and achieving goals, no matter how minor. Witnessing success is what drives them. Retha, the head coach, is committed to ensuring her clients succeed. RocQ_ceuticals: With their focus on supporting specialist beauty and health shops and leading retailers throughout their supplements range, Premium Collagen with Verisol, Bovine Type I &II, Marine Type Collagen, and organic Pea Protein supplements.

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Chelsea Da Gama, a dating navigation strategist and Personal Development Coach, is a certified Life Coach focusing on personal development, women empowerment, navigating relationships, and motivation. Her mission is to connect people to the best of themselves and help them overcome their self-limiting beliefs. Bella Forge: This women-owned business has always emphasised supporting other women-owned businesses. They are a gift shop specialising in curated baskets and personalised goodies. Their support for the event underlines their commitment to encouraging women to be authentic, and embracing the importance of mental health. The Diet Doctor: A business that recognises the profound connection between nutrition and mental health. Contributing to the event was The Diet Doctor, who stressed the value of a nutritious diet in nourishing the mind and body. The Kleinkaap boutique hotel provided the perfect setting for this revolutionary event, bringing like-minded women together to celebrate self-love, empowerment, and resilience. It was an intimate event with a profound impact, reiterating the message that beauty is about embracing one's true self, both inside and out. Elite Beauty SA's inaugural workshop on beauty, self-care, and mental health was a brilliant example of how we can all come together to support each other, learn from one another, and redefine our understanding of beauty. It's an event that will be remembered for its inspirational talks, its call to self-care, and its commitment to nurturing not just appearances but the heart and mind as well. Stay tuned for more details about their upcoming event as these remarkable women-owned businesses continue to inspire and empower women to prioritise mental health, self-care, and celebration of inner and outer beauty. Social Media Pages: Facebook&Instagram - @elitebeautybyjohanne.k

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Cover Story

Community & Resources

Bringing Dreams to Life: A Heartfelt Tale of Transformation reams have the power to inspire, motivate, and bring about positive change in the world. For as long as I can remember, I harboured a dream of making a significant difference in the life of a less fortunate individual. Little did I know that my journey would evolve into something extraordinary, touching not just one life but creating a ripple effect of hope and transformation.


When I began my running journey, I saw the opportunity to make a meaningful impact. I decided to give my journey a purpose, and #tishrunningwithpurpose was born. The dream, however, was more specific—I envisioned blessing the life of one deserving girl who had faced adversity with resilience and courage. As a former student of Crestway High in the Steenberg area, I reached out to schools in the community. Lavender Hill High responded, and I requested they nominate one girl from each matric class. The criteria were simple—write a motivational letter. The responses flooded in, each letter a witness to the courage and determination of these young girls. Emotions overwhelmed me, and the desire to help them all was intense. However, practicality dictated that I focus on one girl to ensure the success of my mission. Elizabeth Martheze emerged as the chosen one. Her heartfelt letter detailed a life filled with challenges, yet she approached each hurdle with unwavering determination. Elizabeth's words echoed in my mind: "This is a big surprise for me because I have asked God if He can send someone on my path to help me." Her story included overcoming hardships such as studying on empty stomachs and persevering through nights without electricity. Her sacrifice for her daughter's future, expressed in the decision to forgo a matric ball due to financial constraints, resonated deeply with me. Meeting Elizabeth in person, along with her beautiful daughter, solidified my commitment. I turned to social media to seek sponsors, a decision proven to be the catalyst for an incredible show of support. The responses on Facebook and Instagram reinforced my belief that social media may be a force for positive change. The day, eagerly anticipated, finally arrived on December 7, 2023. Elizabeth's dream of a matric ball became a reality. The joy of accompanying her to pamper sessions, watch her treated like a queen, and helping her realise her dreams was an indescribable and fulfilling experience. As I reflect on #tishrunningwithpurpose, I am grateful for the sponsors (see below), the community, and the incredible power of social media. Through small acts of kindness, we can collectively make a profound impact, one dream at a time. Elizabeth's story serves as a reminder that dreams, no matter how seemingly distant, can become a reality with compassion and determination. Sponsors: Dress: Makeup/Nail/Lashes Hair extensions Accessories Photographer Snacks The ride

Fabian Be-dazzle (Kenilworth) Be-dazzle Kelly Creations JHB Joe Webb Jodi /A&C Events and things Keenan KB’s Evoque Transfers

My name is Leatitia Gradwell I am a mother, wife, founder of Faith Forever Apparel and a Pharmaceutical Sales administrator. Adidas marathon runner, running in my purpose. I run to uplift my community. A Versus Athlete I believe we rise by lifting others.

54 WMM | Jan/Mar 2024


BOOK Freelance Like A Boss: How to escape the 9–5 and take control of your life by Shea Karssing If you want to start freelancing but don’t know where to start, this book is here to turn YOU into a home-office hotshot, starting TODAY. Are you feeling stuck and limited in your profession? Are you waiting for the next bonus, the next promotion, the next public holiday, the next best thing? Are you feeling burntout, underpaid, and generally gatvol and need an alternative way to work? What if you could become your own boss? Had the freedom to choose when and where you work? Could work towards your dreams instead of someone else’s? Could travel/spend time with your kids/tend to your garden at any time you damn well please? Didn’t have to take leave to go to the dentist? In Freelance Like a Boss, Shea Karssing helps stunted inhouse employees and frustrated freelancers create successful, sustainable businesses that will give them greater flexibility and earning potential. Peppered with pros and cons lists and personal anecdotes, the book presents relatable, honest, and sometimes irreverent insights into the freelance world. Do you want to know how to identify marketable skills, let go of excuses, set up a business structure, negotiate contracts and other legalities, pay the correct tax, set boundaries, manage your time, establish the correct pricing structure, and much, much more? Then wait no longer – this book is for YOU!

Jan/Mar 2024 | WMM 55

Cover Story

Working Mama Magazine ... you’re more than Just a mom.

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