Working Mama May/June 2023

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My Story: Becoming a Confident Leader

How to choose the best primer for your make-up routine

May/June 2023 | Issue 015
Your Mom Tribe


Empowering working moms to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.


Working Mama provides a platform for working moms to connect, learn and grow. Through our magazine, events, and online community, we aim to empower working moms to achieve success in their careers and personal lives while also prioritizing their families.



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Work-Life Balance






+27 71 871 6601



Elize Fisher


Candace Feinberg

Staff Writers

Jihaan Abrahams

Johanne Kabiwa

Nabila Mayet

Nadia Horn

Nayan Rath


Graphic Designer

Elize Fisher


Meraki Property Solutions

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~ You can be a good mom and a working mom. You are allowed to both.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 04 06 08 10 Letter From The Editor Cover Story: Jihaan Abrahams #HerWorkingMamaStory Beauty: How to choose the best primer for your make-up routine My Story: Becoming a Confident Leader Special Feature: “What were you thinking?” A Mama Feature Story Fitness: Let’s Get Pfysical 14 Wellness: It takes a Village-Finding Your Mom Tribe 18 Recipes:Death by Chocolate Cookies 19 Travel: 7 Reasons To Go to Turkey 20 Special Feature: Understanding Sexual Assault and Its Impact 23 Author Stories 30 Book Reviews
Photo by Karolina Grabowska


Hello Readers!!

As the editor of Working Mama Magazine, I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to our latest issue. This month, we have some incredible content that I know you’re going to love.

Our cover feature is Jihaan Abrahams, a fitness trainer, full-time professional, and single mom of two young adults. Her story is sure to inspire and motivate all of our readers. Plus, Jihaan also wrote an article for us on 10 ways to beat the winter blues. With the colder months approaching, her tips are just what we need to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally.

In our beauty section, Johanne Kabiwa shares her expertise on choosing the best primer for your makeup routine. I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use some help in that area!

We also have an international coach, Joyan Chan sharing her insights on how she became a confident leader, as well as an article from Nabila Mayet on finding your mom tribe. And let’s not forget the mouth-watering recipes - they’re perfect for busy moms who want to provide nutritious and delicious meals for their families without spending hours in the kitchen.

There’s so much more in this issue, but I don’t want to give it all away! Thank you for reading Working Mama Magazine, and I hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Sincerely yours,



full-time and single mom with two young adults still living at home.

What does day-to-day look like and how do you juggle it?

My day-to-day is crazy. I’m up at 4:00 am and start teaching fitness classes at 5:30 am till 7:30 am then my day job begins at 8 am till 5 pm and then another fitness class from 6 pm till 7 pm.

Do you work because you want to, need to, or some combination of both? Why do you work?

There was a very sad moment in my life that turned my entire life around and to this day it plays back like it happened yesterday.

My daughter was 1 year and a few months and my son were a 9-month-old baby and we were faced with very harsh but realistic moments. We had nothing to eat except 1 wheat bix in a box. I split that between my two kids and put them to bed and prayed to God that they would just sleep.

That night I sat and watched my kids as they slept and wept uncontrollably, thinking that I’m heading for 22 and was about to become a single mom with two very little kids.

Staff Writer
Photo by Jihaan Abrahams

As I sat on the floor in the room that evening, I decided that I didn’t care that I was going to be the first divorcee in our family nor did I care that I was raised to “You made your bed now sleep in it” all that mattered was, what I wanted for my life and my kids.

I came from a background of being a professional dancer and was always traveling. This life I was living was not reflecting who I really was. That night I swore that not my kids nor myself would be in a position where I couldn’t feed them or give them the best that I could. Then at 2:00 am I packed up my kids and walked down Spine Road to my parent’s house. I decided it was just us and I am enough for them. With my son strapped to my chest and my daughter on the side of my hip I walked that road my daughter looked at me and said, “Mommy I walk.” My heart broke because I didn’t know if we would make it or if something would happen to us. I looked at her and said no Mommy got you and carried both my kids and made it safely by the grace of God to my parents.

. My now late parents took me and the kids in with open arms and were at our beck and call from then on. I started working in a call centre and had a second job in a retail store. from there I started working double shifts in the call centre and my parents helped with my kids. We got to a point where my dad would cover all my costs and I covered all the costs for the kids and we just kept moving forward.

I made a home for kids and myself in the southern suburbs and today I look at them all grown up and I still remember the evening I took them and left. We argue all the time as they are 22 and 23 now and to this day, I thank God for blessing me with these two humans and trusting me to have the strength to keep pushing through. To this day I still tell my kids whatever happens I’ve got this…

May/Jun Issue


Prepping your skin with the right primer can help to smooth out imperfections and prolong the wear of your makeup. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, there is a primer out there that will work for you.” -

As working mums, we understand the constant time crush. That’s why we want to share our tips for looking and feeling your best on the go.

Whether you’re rushing to drop the kids off at school or running late for a meeting, it is tempting to quickly apply makeup and leave. But if you really want your makeup to last throughout the day, you need to choose the right products for your sin type and understand how much effort they require.

According to Dermalogica, there are 5 skin types: balanced, oily, dry, combination and sensitive skin. To figure out your skin type, you can do this by looking at your pores in natural light, or by testing different products on different parts of your face and seeing which ones work best for you, or asking your local beautician in any of the beauty store.

Invest in a good primer

Pro Tip: It’s essential to patch-test any new products especially if you will be using them on a regular basis. This can help you identify any potential allergic reactions or skin irritations before they become more serious.

As the name suggests, a primer is used to prime or prep the skin before applying your foundation. It acts like a barrier between your skin and your make-up. Usually overlooked but once included in the day to day make-up routine it can totally improve the overall outcome and longevity of your look!

Photo by Johanne Kabiwa

1. Oily skin

Your skin produces excess oil that may cause breakouts at any age. We recommend Maybelline Baby Skin Primer or NYX Pore Filler.

2. Dry skin

When it comes to dry skin, your skin produces too little oil and the skin may appear or feel rough, itchy, or flaky. Try LA Girl Pro Prop High-definition primer or Revlon hydrate and illuminate!

3. Combination skin

As the name suggests, you have a combination of an oily T-zone and dry facial region. And we suggest using an oily skin primer for your T-zone and a dry skin primer for the outer area of the face.

4. Normal skin

Priming will solely depend on the overall dewy or matte make-up look you want to achieve. Try Yardley illuminating primer or Maybelline Master prime.

5. Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is typically more prone to allergic reactions and skin irritation. It is essential to consider prime with natural ingredients, we recommend, Maybelline Studio Master Prime or Palladio skin detox clarifying Primer.

Remember true beauty starts from within. Take care of yourself inside and outside for an all-round glow. Own it ladies!

Do you have any beauty related question? Please email us at

May/Jun Issue
Photo by Johanne Kabiwa

My Story of Becoming a Confident Leader

I wish I could tell you I was always the confidence queen, but the truth is, I wasn’t. When I was struggling with depression and lack of purpose, I never thought I would be where I am today - a confident leader in my industry. But everything changes when I received my greatest calling to share my stories.

Instead of waiting for someone to rescue me, I became my own catalyst for change.


serve, crystal clear messaging, visibility, expert-positioning, storytelling, showing up consistently, and working on my mindset EVERYDAY.

On this journey, we all have to pivot, persist, or feel doubts and we all could use a little more self-confidence. Self-confidence is easy to spot but hard to develop. Let me share my top 4 confidence tips to help you become the most authentically confident version of yourself.

1. Stop caring what people think

One of the biggest fears that holds people back is the fear of other people’s judgement. Especially when it comes to putting yourself out there and sharing who you are.

However, constantly seeking others approval or thinking what other people think (which we will never know), only robs us of our selfconfidence.

You have to recognize that how others see you really don’t matter, but how you see yourself is EVERYTHING.

As long as you love yourself enough to walk in your purpose, do what’s true to you, and take aligned actions to keep showing up for

7 May/Jun Issue

yourself and your clients, you will learn to start listening to your own intuition, and stop worrying about other people’s judgment.

2. Say yes to the next version of yourself

When I first started showing up, I immediately knew that I wanted to be a public speaker to inspire and empower others, and I now often find myself speaking in front of hundreds of people! Because I embraced “saying yes,” in the first year, I kept making videos and speaking in front of camera even there was no audience, I filmed myself and put it out there, again and again. Soon, I started attracting speaking opportunities, and I accepted every speaking engagement that came my way.

Saying yes means having faith in the person you’re becoming and showing up as that version of yourself each day. It’s giving yourself permission to attract the life you want to live and live the life you want to attract.

3. Develop your own style of visibility

Visibility and confidence isn’t always about being in the spotlight or the loudest person in a room. Being visible looks different to each person because visibility isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Your job is to figure out what works for you and create your own style of visibility, whether it’s public speaking, being creative with reels, writing blogs or making videos.

The idea is to bring your own energy, style and personality to everything you do and create and it’s going to help your business stand out. It will up-level your own brand of confidence and allow you to find and connect with clients with ease, confidence and joy. You need aligned visibility strategies, not following cookie-cutter approach.

4. Celebrate every small wins

When was the last time you celebrated yourself? Many of us were taught not to celebrate ourselves.



I/G: @joyan.chan


May/Jun Issue 9

Let’s Get Physical

Winter is coming and the “BRRR” Its cold!” is on its way. But don’t let the chill be your excuse to stay in bed all day!

10 Ways to Beat

Winter Blues: Stay Active and Inspired!


Exercise in a group

Round up the kids, friends or even your neighbours for social support and accountability.


Enlist in a workout routine

for either the morning or evening and have your workout clothes ready and waiting.

Preparation is half the battle won.


Make it a goal to keep active during winter

Start small. Getting dressed and walking to the living room will get you going. Once you are there start with simple stretches and progress from there including sit-ups, lunges, bicycles for the abs and high knee raises or leg extensions on the sofa as you progress

Jihaan Abrahams
Photo by Andrea

Focus on the mental health benefits

Physical activity reduces anxiety, depression, and negative moods and improves selfesteem.

Watch what you’re eating

As we all know the cold makes us lethargic, so we tend not to work out frequently. Keep your energy levels up by eating fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, nuts/ oilseeds, and whole grains. Apart from these some spices also have anti-microbial properties that protect us from colds and infections

Turmeric in a glass of water and some lemon juice

Rosemary Sage, Basil, Thyme Cloves

04 05
Photo by Karolina Grabowska
11 May/Jun Issue
Andrea Piacquadio:

06 Plan for the rainy days

Use everyday household furniture to carry out some effective workouts! Do a few basic squats by sitting down on the couch and standing up again. Standing at the back of the sofa place your hands on the back and lean forward and do a few pushups. Placing your hands on the sofa or chair dipping down and doing a few triceps dips.


Set the alarm for training

Set your workout alarm for training in the morning or evening, if waking up at 6 am to get the kids ready for school set the alarm for 5 am for some me time. This will allow you to wake up and get in a few stretches and a few movements before the crazy morning begins. By taking the time to work out your morning will have an easier flow and you will be warmed up and ready to go.

Photo by Anna Shvets:

Have a realistic goal in mind

Having a goal will help you stay committed and consistent. “Summer bodies are made in Winter.

“If you want to come out of winter just mainlining or losing weight that’s a great start. Training in summer for summer doesn’t always give you the desired results, so start your training in winter for summer. 09

Exercise during lunch breaks if you’re a working mom

Walk up and down the stairs at work if you’re in an office. Stand against a wall and do calf raises. Carry a resistance band in your bag and pop it out and work on resistance training. 10

Water, Water, Water

Drinking plenty of water is essential to ensure that you are not dehydrated during winter when the air is dry and urine production increases.

13 May/Jun Issue

were you thinking?”

A Working Mama Feature Story

A 41-year-old single mom started a business in the service industry, even though she was stuck in her past. We all have a history that leads us to start businesses, but the real challenge is learning from it and moving on. Here’s what Yolande Muir, owner of Anchor Business Assist had to say about her journey to entrepreneurship.

Don’t underestimate the hardships of starting a business, the sacrifices you’ll make, and the patience you’ll need to start from scratch. Being a solo female entrepreneur can be tough, but staying determined and having a growth mindset can help you find a supportive community ready to walk with you. I discovered this on my own when I started my business.

In the back of my mind, I knew I would change business for women like me, making the backstory of South African women part of the past and helping our country build dreams. Anchor Business Assist went through many changes before finding its purpose, which excited me and ignited my passion. My business improved, and I became the woman I had dreamed of, with a business that inspired me to use my best abilities.I developed my lessons step by step, knowing I was the strength holding my business together. With a solid foundation, I could move to higher levels and face tougher obstacles.

Doors opened for me every day, giving me freedom and connections to other women. This motivated me to overcome loneliness and believe in the life I deserved. Now, I am thrilled to collaborate with Working Mama Magazine on a big project that needs your help.

In less than 6 months, I plan to start a road trip in the Western Cape, visiting as many places as possible to meet local women in business. My mission is to speak with at least 100 women across South Africa, sharing inspiration and building a supportive community of women sparking change. The best part is exchanging gifts with hosts and guests along the way while promoting local businesses.

Through this adventure, I will face my fear of loneliness and embrace the support of a caring community.

Follow Anchor Business Assist on Instagram @

May/Jun Issue 15 May/Jun Issue


Finding mom friends or what is known as a mom tribe is an essential part of surviving motherhood. Our lives are on the fast track, and it may not always be easy to find a group of like-minded mothers to connect with and talk to. Radio Broadcaster, entrepreneur, and mom Nonala Tose Dagada believe “We all need an authentic support structure in our lives no matter where in life we find ourselves.”

Working mothers need support now more than ever. In many homes, mothers are still the primary caregivers to the children, the diary-keeper, chef, and driver, and shouldering this extra load is beginning to get quite heavy.

There is a saying about how moms can lift a car off their children if the situation ever arises, while this may be true, the question remains whether moms should bear the weight of being the sole support and calm for their children? Yes, while a mom can ensure her home life, work life, social life and every other part of life is in order but at what cost? It comes at an exorbitant price: their mental health and overall sanity. Nonala says the African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child” can be expanded to “it takes a global village to raise a child.”

Photo by Ivan Andriavani =
Photo by Joel Muniz =

She emphasises that many factors contribute to raising exceptional children, and as a firm believer in God, she knows that her children were meant to shine their own light in the world, with many people playing a role in igniting that flame. For African mothers, Ubuntu means that every child is everyone’s child, and Nonala values the mamas who go out of their way to help her when her hands are full.

Moms deal with enough as it is - and at some point, they too need a place to be themselves, to vent, and to chat with like-minded moms who share in their stresses. It is for this reason that Nonala founded Mamafluencers, a platform that originated during the COVID-19 pandemic to offer mental health support to professional mothers. The aim of the platform is to help moms navigate the challenges of motherhood.

Initially focused on helping mothers cope with the new world of work, Nonala realised the importance of normalising the presence of children during online meetings. While completing her Honors Degree in Psychology, a lecturer encouraged her to investigate what the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) does with support groups and to expand the purpose of Mamafluencers to address the need for mental health support among mothers.

The platform aims to provide an authentic support structure for mothers, recognizing that the absence of such support can have a significant impact on mental health.

17 May/Jun Issue

Why join a mother’s group?

Parenting is not only one of the most important jobs a mother can do but it can be argued that it is also the toughest. Some days parenting can feel like you’re in a warzone with no weapons and it is for these times when you’re feeling stuck, burnt out and out of options that a mom group will help you regain your sanity and show that you’re not alone. A mother’s group is a good platform to share feelings, ideas and sometimes just to vent!

You are not alone!

Whether you have a tantruming toddler or a troubled teen - a support group will help you realise that you are not alone. It provides an open, honest, non-judgmental space to talk about the stresses of motherhood, work and everything in between. By realising that other moms are going through similar hardships you can stop believing that you’re a “bad mom,” or that your child is “bad.”

There are no perfect parents or children - and by coming together and sharing ideas, struggles in a secure space you can rest assured that you and your child will be just fine - mistakes and all.

Photo by Andrew Neel =


When you have a lot on your plate it can be overwhelming and could also lead to burn out or a mental breakdown. As such taking the time to focus on you is a very important form of self-care.

Networking Opportunities

A big advantage of joining a parenting group is that it is a place to network, share ideas, generate leads and referrals whether work or home related.

How to find a moms group

Talk to other parents at the playground or grocery store and ask if they know of any good groups.

If you have special needs or concerns, try contacting organisations like SADAG that cater to your situation. Whether you’re parenting multiples, have postpartum depression, raising a child on your own, or caring for a preemie, these groups may be able to refer you to a specialised local or online group.

Connect with other moms online

If you can’t find like-minded mothers where you live, or you just enjoy getting support and advice from others online, try a community like those created by SADAG. Women can join Mamafluencers by sending a WhatsApp message to 072 441 9870, and a link to the application form will be provided. The vetting process is crucial to maintain a safe space for professional mothers to discuss their experiences and seek support.

The creation of support groups for mental health, specifically targeted towards mothers in influential spaces is of utmost importance. Reach out to institutions like SADAG for more information on how to lead a support group. Let’s hold each other’s hands in the pursuit of good mental health.

19 May/Jun Issue

Death By Chocolate Cookies

You can say goodbye to doublechocolate and triple-chocolate cookies. The Death by Chocolate cookies is made with four types of chocolate, giving them their next level of chocolatey goodness. Using room-temperature eggs is often suggested for baking because the eggs will incorporate into the softened butter easier. This results in a smooth, uniform batter.

Recipe makes 5 dozen cookies.


1 cup salted butter divided

28 g unsweet baking chocolate

¾ cups granulated sugar

¾ cups brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 large eggs

¼ tsp salt

3 tbsp unsweet cocoa powder

1 tsp baking soda

2 + ¼ cups all-purpose flour

½ cup dark chocolate chips*

½ cup white chocolate chips

Place 2 tablespoons of butter and the baking chocolate in a microwave - safe bowl and microwave in 20-second increments, stirring in between, until melted.

While the baking chocolate is being melted, cream together the butter and sugars in a large bowl (or in the bowl of a stand mixer). Once blended, add in the melted chocolate and butter mixture and stir until combined.

Stir in the vanilla extract and eggs, then slowly stir in the salt, cocoa powder, baking soda, and flour until a dough is formed. Gently stir in the white chocolate and dark chocolate chips until evenly distributed.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it into the refrigerator to chill. Chill the chocolate chip cookie dough for at least 30 minutes. The dough can also be chilled overnight if that is best for your schedule.

When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 180°C. Scoop 1 tablespoon-sized portion of chilled dough and place 5 cm apart on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until slightly browned and just set.

Allow the cookies to cool for a few minutes on the baking sheet and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy while warm, and store cooled cookies in an air-tight container.

Recipe and photography from Our Love Language Is Food

7 Reasons to go to Türkiye

Türkiye has made a strong recovery after the recent earthquake, and now tourists can once again explore this stunning and historically rich nation. Travel writer Nadia Horn shares her top picks to give you a taste of what the country has to offer...

1. The beautiful province of Cappadocia - People lived in caves many moons ago. Stay in a traditional cave hotel to experience the way people used to live. Enjoy stunning vistas on an early morning sunrise or sunset hot air balloon trip.

2. To fully experience Türkiye, you must try all types of their delicious Turkish delights, from the traditional to those with a lemony taste. Along with baklava, home-made Turkish ice cream, and olives, many other dishes offer a perfect treat for gastronomists.

3. Sweet Turkish Tea - just what the Doctor ordered whilst you wait for your Bosporus cruise departure.

4. Create memories that which last a lifetime! Book the evening 3-Hour Bosphorus cruise and enjoy an overnight night cruise including dinner and a traditional belly dancing show .

5. Did you know that you can ski in Türkiye? Bursa is the area where ski enthusiasts flock from December to February. Most suitable for both first-time and seasoned skiers.

6. Shopping. Bargaining is a MUST-Do and spectacular handspun carpets, hand spun carpets, shoes, clothes, handbags, linen, towels, perfumes, spices and other items can readily be found in all provinces throughout Türkiye.

7. Türkiye has 16 UNESCO World Heritage sites and Ephesus counts as one of them. Historians start packing and traveling to Turkey!

Top tip!

Türkiye is a destination that which you will visit again and again. You will discover hidden gems. Return to the “old” way and take a map or use your app on the phone. Purchase public transport tickets for the Tram and discover the Taksim area on foot. The metro rail is also an excellent way to discover both the Grand and Spice Bazaar and many other areas in Istanbul.

We have various itineraries for group, individual, and family travel. Antalya, Bodrum, and Kusadasi are excellent areas for honeymooners and water sports enthusiasts. Turkey is a year-round destination to travel to. Until next time…….

Selena Travel Agency

Instagram: selenatravelza



Tell us about your book.

It’s part autobiography and my story of my husband’s illness, diagnosis, and subsequent passing. I share my journey of grieving him and having to pick up the pieces of my life that were shattered not only by his passing but also by other devastating life events that took me into a spiral of pain, hurt, and loss not only through death. I write about Finding Me as a single mom in a “new normal” and having to find my voice again and become all I could possibly dream of becoming.

A training and development practitioner at heart. She facilitated in the corporate and public sector space for almost 2 decades. She is currently managing an Education Foundation which funds Tertiary bursaries to the employees of the company she works for. A proud mom of four young adults and a grandmother to an energetic 6-year-old granddaughter. She loves reading and walking on the beach or in nature and love encouraging people and helping them.

What inspired you to write this book?

I’ve always loved books. Reading took me to places I longed to visit and people I would have loved to meet and have a conversation with. It was always a dream I had to write a book. My experience of the events that led to my husband’s illness, death, and my grief and subsequent “rise” from the mourning made me want to help others in their grief journey. I journaled throughout this time and these journals became the basis of some of the chapters in my book.

South African Author: Lezelle Scholtz Grieving You, Finding Me

What can people learn from reading your book?

Firstly, grieving is very, very difficult and awkward. However, it’s a passage in time, a season that will get better if you are intentional about getting better. Second, it’s about digging deep and finding the strength inside of you that’s been there all the while. the strength to even just face a new day. Third, it’s about the importance of valuing and treasuring your relationship with your spouse, children, extended family, and friends. Not taking any waking moment for granted. Lastly, it’s about a dream coming true. I wrote a book, my book! Something that was just a starry-eyed wondering became a reality and, in the process, my story is helping others.

How has writing this book changed your life?

I am a better person for having written this book. It took me on a journey of healing and highlighting areas in my life that I needed to change in order to become a better person. It has increased my confidence 100% as I did something that was a dream just a few years before this.

What words of wisdom would you like to give the aspiring authors?

Your story must be told! Start writing everything that you are thinking about right now. A mind map is a good place to start as you think of the flow of the chapters. Your story could be about something you’re passionate about, a life-changing experience you might have had, etc. Once you start, I promise you will not stop. Don’t be scared to put it out there. People love stories about people!! Where can we buy this book?

Directly from me. Readers can email me:

May/Jun Issue

Let’s Go to TROUBLE... 10 troubles that can take you to your SUCCESS.

Abhisek Pattanaik, an Occupational Therapist and allied healthcare professional, was born in 1995 in a small village in Odisha, India. He earned his degree from Utkal University, Odisha, and completed his postgraduate studies at West Bengal University of Health Sciences. A multifaceted individual, Abhisek is a healthcare practitioner, artist, writer, and photographer. Though he has written short stories and poems for years, this will be his first published work on a public platform. He maintains interests in reading books, listening to music, cooking, traveling, and spending time with nature.

Tell us about your book.

This book explores self-transformation and the process of evolv ing from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Change can be difficult because we often overvalue what we have w hile undervaluing what we may gain by letting go. Reading this book will help you overcome these misconceptions.

What inspired you to write this book?

Honestly, my journey towards personal success inspired me to write and hopefully inspire others in turn.

What can people learn from reading your book?

Readers will learn how to cope with challenging situations and develop themselves into successful individuals.


How has writing this book changed your life?

Writing this book has brought immense joy to me, allowing me to gain recognition for my work and contribute positively to the lives of others.

What words of wisdom would you like to give the aspiring authors? Pursue your passions and don’t worry about others’ opinions. If your work positively impacts even one person’s life, consider your writing goals achieved.

Where can we buy this book?

You can purchase the book on Amazon using the link below.

25 May/Jun Issue

Beyond Code: A Practical Guide for Data Scientists, Analysts & Engineers

10 Critical Strategies to Balance

Technical & Soft Skills for an Impactful Career

Tezan Sahu is a Bestselling Author and an Applied Scientist at Microsoft. With a B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering and a Minor degree in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Tezan has a unique perspective on the world of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. His passion for solving complex problems with creativity and innovation has led to the development of cutting-edge products that solve real-world problems. Beyond his work at Microsoft, Tezan is a lover of the arts, including painting and singing. He has conducted 3 solo painting exhibitions and owns a YouTube channel where he uploads covers for some of his favourite songs regularly.

Tell us about your book.

We are amid a data science renaissance. Understanding the technical, business, and ethical dimensions of data science work is critical. While technical pr oficiency is unquestionably important, soft skills are equally important for long-term success. Today’s data science professionals, therefore, need to invest in skills “beyond just coding”. This comprehensive guide is not your typical data science book. In this short yet power-packed guide, I share a slew of practical tips and actionable strategies for going beyond technical skills and developing the “soft” skills and mindset required to navigate the challenges of this fast-paced industry. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started as a data scientist, data analyst, data engineer, software developer, or program manager, this practical guide has something for you!

What inspired you to write this book?

Over the years, both while studying and during my early years of exposure to the industry through Microsoft, I’ve focused a lot on developing the right mindset and skill set (technical and beyond)


What can people learn from reading your book?

Here are some of the key learnings that people will derive from my book:

- Learn to diversify the depth and breadth of their technical expertise

- Understand the nuances of a customer-obsessed & data-driven mindset

- Unleash their creativity and embrace a growth mindset

- Master the art of communication through data storytelling

- Enhance productivity and adapt effectively to the rapidly changing landscapes

- Build a powerful personal brand and grow a healthy professional network

- Rise to the occasion & think like a modern leader

How has writing this book changed your life?

Bestselling Author. I am overjoyed to now be known as a published author. It has greatly boosted my confidence and reputation. It’s humbling to see my friends and colleagues request and discuss my book. I am grateful to everyone who encouraged me, both directly and indirectly, to embark on this journey of book writing, as well as to everyone who has supported me along the way.

Hopefully, this is just the beginning of many more books to come.

What words of wisdom would you like to give the aspiring authors?

Everyone has a story (in fact, multiple) to tell, and one of the best ways to share it with the world is through writing a book. Writing about something you’re passionate about never feels like an additional task - it’s more like a blissful escape from the daily grind. Consistency is the master key that unlocks the door to success, whether it’s writing or life in general. Once you decide to write something, set aside time each day to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes. It’s never too early, nor too late! /

May/Jun Issue

Feel to heal

11 Things I Wish I knew About Breast Cancer & Screening

A resilient 2-time cancer survivor, she’s a passionate entrepreneur and business consultant with over 15 years of experience. Her journey inspired her to write “Feel To Heal” and empower unheard women’s voices. She’s dedicated to building an inclusive community for all cancer survivors and fighters.

Tell us about your book.

Real Women, Real Stories

Feel To Heal has been written to provide information about breast cancer to women. It tells compelling and real stories about young women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer or genetic mutations leading to breast cancer. The stories included in the book talk about prevention, risk, relationships, intimacy,

family history, and survivorship, bringing home the idea that young women can be personally affected by breast cancer. The book aims to inspire young women to learn about their risk for breast cancer, take charge and talk with their healthcare provider about their risk, and live a breasthealthy lifestyle.

Feel To Heal will give readers an insight into the candid, unfiltered feelings of the author and circumstantial incidents around her and the people around her. The feelings, reactions, and reciprocations are all-natural, making the book reading an informative and enjoyable journey.

What inspired you to write this book?

When I started looking up articles and references for BRCA Cancer survivors, I realised there was not ample information or material available online specifically in India. It’s still a lesser-spoken topic in India and I realised someone needs to speak. While I was attending the support group sessions, I realised the taboo we face in India and how women barely speak about their experience, struggle, mental trauma, and their recovery journey. That’s what inspired me to write the book after I attended Jatin’s session - I realised I had a story of my own self that needs to be heard, read and spoken about.

What can people learn from reading your book?

Encourage young women to learn about their family history of breast and ovarian cancer.


Educate young women on the risk factors for breast cancer befor e the age of 45. Inspire young women to talk to their healthcare provider if they think they may be at a higher risk for breast cancer. Encourage young women to live a healthy lifestyle and be aware of their own breast health. Encourage self-love, self-healing, and seeking help as and when needed.

How has writing this book changed your life?

I have become less self-critical of my looks, and I have taken up my journey of being an author full-time. I am getting more consultant work and has given me a ll new confidence.

What words of wisdom would you like to give the aspiring authors?

Never give up and write something that reflects you and your jou rney and leave a legacy behind you. Writing is therapeutic and rewarding.

Where can we buy this book?

This book is available on amazon. Copy link below:

Calm Your Child’s Anger: 10 Effective Techniques for Anger Management

Having impacted numerous parents and children through her counseling sessions and workshops, Latha Tater’s mission is to continue positively influencing lives in the future. Her vision involves equipping as many individuals as possible with tools and techniques for effective mental health management. In her free time, she enjoys reading, dancing, traveling, listening to music, and spending quality time with loved ones. Her life’s purpose revolves around making a difference in many lives and being recognized for her work.

May/Jun Issue

Tell us about your book.

This book offers 10 effective strategies for managing your child’s anger in a constructive manner. It is particularly beneficial for parents with children aged 3–16 years. The book provides tools and techniques to assist your child in managing their anger positively and effectively.

What inspired you to write this book?

I conducted both online and offline workshops on anger management for parents and children, resulting in positive behavioural changes and receiving excellent feedback. This motivated me to write a book on this topic to share my knowledge and expertise with a broader audience.

What can readers learn from this book?

By reading this book, parents will learn how to: build emotional awareness in children understand the root causes of their child’s anger, recognize early warning signs of their child’s anger, assist their child with effective calm-down techniques, engage their child in fun activities to promote healthy anger management techniques, enhance self-worth and instill positive values in children that help manage anger constructively, and develop a strong relationship with their child.

How has writing this book changed your life?

The process of consolidating my knowledge and experience into a book boosted my own selfesteem and confidence. I received excellent

reviews from readers, which elevated my personal brand presence. As a result, I was able to expand my business further. Writing this book helped me gain credibility within my field and allowed me to confidently share my thoughts with a larger audience without fearing judgment.

What words of wisdom would you like to give the aspiring authors?

Believe in yourself, believe in your inner power, and believe in your work. Let go of inner fears and take a step forward and share your experiences with a larger audience by writing a book.

Where can we buy this book?

This book is available on amazon. Copy link below:

Book Reviews

Grieving You, Finding Me

Lezelle Scholtz

Reviewed by Elize Fisher

This book is about the authors’s journey of grieving her husband’s passing and finding herself again. This book offers valuable lessons on intentional healing, finding strength, cherishing relationships, and pursuing one’s dreams. It is an inspirational and must-read book for anyone going through a difficult time.


Let’s Go to Trouble…10 Troubles that can take you to your SUCCESS

Abhisek Pattanaik

Reviewed by Elize Fisher #1


A valuable book exploring self-transformation and practical coping strategies for challenging situations. Presents 10 types of troubles as catalysts for personal growth. An excellent resource for embracing change and pursuing personal growth.

Beyond Code: A Practical Guide for Data Scientists, Analysts & Engineers

Tezan Sahu

Reviewed by Elize Fisher


A must-read for success in data science. Comprehensive guide covering technical and soft skills. Practical tips for navigating industry challenges. Diversify expertise, master data storytelling, and grow a professional network. Relevant for all levels of experience.

Calm Your Child’s Anger

Latha Tater

Reviewed by Elize Fisher

Highly recommended book for parents with children aged 3-16. Offers practical tools to manage a child’s anger constructively. Provides 10 effective strategies for positive emotion management. Beneficial guidance for parents seeking to support their children effectively.

Feel to heal

Mohana Gupta (MessyCrazyMo)

Reviewed by Elize Fisher

A recommended book addressing key breast cancer topics: prevention, risk, relationships, intimacy, family history, and survivorship. Reallife stories offer valuable insights—informative and inspiring resource for those affected, promoting hope and resilience.

May/Jun Issue

Women’s Empowerment

Photo by = simon maage
Why is empowering girls and women so important?
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