Caribbean American Weekly - Issue 186

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Nov 16-29, 2023



Editorial credit: lev radin /

Who's Profiting from Guns, Gangs and Violence: A Call to Arms Against the Surge of Gang Violence

Hochul Signs Bill Giving Prosecutors More Power to Halt Deed Theft Evictions ....3


here has been a surge in gang violence and gun violence in Latin America and the Caribbean, leading to a high level of murders and heightened fear in many countries. The figures are alarming not only for the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) but also for all continued on page 4

New Report Reveals Systemic Barriers for Haitian Refugees ....13

Global Diabetes Cases on Pace to Soar to 1.3 Billion People in the Next 3 decades, New Study Finds

Sesame Flyers International, Inc: A Discussion with Executive Director Curtis Nelson ....15



he number of people living with diabetes worldwide is on pace to more than double in the next three decades, for a total of 1.3 billion people by 2050. That is one of the key findings from our study on the global continued on page 17

INSIDE: PROTECT YOUR LEGACY - Estate Planning Guide ....9 to 12

The Devastation of Arleigh Louison’s Immigration Fraud ....5

How to Attract a Scorpio Man ....16

Navigating the Digital Divide: Parental Involvement ....6

Remarks by Dr. Carla N. Barnett, Secretary-General, (CARICOM) for the Opening Ceremony of the Accra Reparations Conference ....2

Paralegal Orientation on Dec 4. Register at


CARIBBEAN SPECIAL REPORT Caribbean Consulates Anguilla 845 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel: 212-745-0200 Antigua & Barbuda 305 East 47th Street, Suite 6A New York, N.Y. 10020 Tel: 212-541-4117 The Bahamas 231 East 46th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-421-6420 Barbados 820 Second Avenue, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-551-4325 Belize 675 Third Avenue, Suite 1911 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-593-0999 Dominica 685 Third Avenue, 11th Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-949-0853 Dominican Republic 1500 Broadway, Suite 410 New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel: 212-599-8478 Grenada 685 Third Avenue, Suite 1101 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-599-0301 Guyana 308 West 38th Street New York, N.Y. 10018 Tel: 212-947-5119 Haiti 555 5th Ave 3rd Floor New York, NY 10017 Tel: 212-697-9767 Jamaica 767 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-935-9000 Martinique 444 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel: 212-838-6887 Montserrat 845 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel: 212-745-0200 Panama 1212 Avenue of the Americas, 20th Floor New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel: 212-840-2450 St. Kitts & Nevis 414 East 75th Street, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10021 Tel: 212-535-5521 St. Lucia 630 Third Avenue, 7th Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-697-9360 St. Maarten 675 Third Avenue, Suite 1807 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 800-786-2278 St. Vincent & The Grenadines 801 Second Avenue, 4th Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-687-4981 Trinidad & Tobago 125 Maiden Lane, 4th Floor New York, N.Y. 10038 Tel: 212-682-7272 For more Consulate information go to


Remarks by Dr. Carla N. Barnett, Secretary-General, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) for the Opening Ceremony of the Accra Reparations Conference


am pleased to join the Accra Reparations Conference and bring warm and fraternal greetings from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), through this message. This is an important gathering of policymakers, reparations advocates, experts and civil society activists from Africa, CARICOM and the wider African diaspora to advance the agenda for reparatory justice. CARICOM Heads of Governments took the historic decision in 2013, to pursue reparations from Europe for the crimes against humanity of native genocide, the trans-Atlantic trade in enslaved Africans and chattel enslavement in the Region. This decision by CARICOM laid the foundation for the rebirth of a global movement for reparatory justice which has been championed by the strong and focused advocacy of the CARICOM Reparations Commission, chaired by Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, respected Caribbean historian and global thought leader on the imperative to pursue reparations. In CARICOM, our Member State, Haiti, was forced to pay for its freedom twice, first through the successful slave resistance and rebellion which created the first free republic in the western hemisphere in 1804 and the second time through the ignominy of being forced to borrow significant monies from French and American banks to pay reparations to former slaveowners for loss of property – being the very former slaves who had already won their freedom in the Haitian Revolution – and repaying this debt well into the twentieth century. The crimes committed against humanity are indisputable and the debt has not yet been paid for systemic exploitation, extraction of wealth, pain and suffering, apartheid, Jim Crow and psychological harm, leading to persistent poverty among African-descended people across the globe and the genocide of native peoples which accompanied colonization. To address this cruel history the descendants of the victims are due just restitution, compensation and guarantees of non-repetition. Reparatory justice for the Caribbean Community is a priority for our Heads of Government, who agree that collaboration with Africa on reparations is critical to moving this agenda further forward. They have expressed their full support for the convening of the Accra Reparations Conference as a strategic and prime opportunity to forge a common, collaborative agenda between the Caribbean and Africa on reparations. It is in this context that we welcomed

Dr. Carla N. Barnett, CARICOM Secretary-General Photo courtesy: CARICOM

the update that the African Union is also seeking to develop a common position on reparations and a roadmap for future collaboration with the African diaspora on reparatory justice. The Accra Reparations Conference is, therefore, timely to facilitate dialogue on the reparations agenda. Recent meetings of our Heads of Government have tabled important proposals for cooperation with the African Union on reparations. They would welcome collaboration to co-sponsor a resolution on reparations at the United Nations, to signal our joint commitment and our position that reparatory justice ought to receive due consideration by the United Nations. CARICOM Heads of Government propose to seek an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice, through the United Nations General Assembly. We invite the African Union to join us in this campaign. We are also working to have reparations included on the agenda of key meetings of intergovernmental bodies. We hope that we can establish appropriate mechanisms to facilitate cooperation on reparations between CARICOM and Africa, including the proposed joint CARICOM-African Union committee of legal experts. CARICOM welcomes the establishment and excellent advocacy, consultative and research initiatives of the UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, and looks forward to deepening collaboration with this body, which includes two distinguished CARICOM representatives. CARICOM-Africa cooperation has increased in several areas following the First CARICOM-Africa Summit of Heads of Government held in September 2021. AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forums have been held in Barbados and Guyana in 2022 and 2023, respectively. The AU-ECOSOCC Study Tour on Reparations was held in Barbados in July 2023. The Caribbean

Community has also participated in the Reparations and Racial Healing Summit in August 2022 in Ghana and welcomes the increased focus on the return of stolen cultural property to both the Caribbean and Africa. I would like to pay special tribute to our host, the Government of Ghana and especially to President Akufo-Addo for his leadership, powerful advocacy and commitment to the cause of reparatory justice for our respective peoples. Mr President, your public expressions of support, solidarity and vision are highly valued by CARICOM. I am confident that the Accra Reparations Conference will be a success under your leadership. Excellencies, distinguished participants, we are at an important inflection point in the global movement for reparatory justice, arguably one of the most important human rights movements of our time. There have been important developments, such as the recent apologies from the Government of the Netherlands, the Church of England and prominent families in the United Kingdom, and the establishment of funding mechanisms for repair programmes. We now have legal luminaries, economists and other experts undertaking the important work of costing the damage and further mapping out the compelling case we have for reparatory justice. It is therefore critical that we seize the moment, and ensure that CARICOM, Africa and others from the diaspora speak with one voice to advance the just and strong call for reparations for the crimes against humanity of native genocide, the trans-Atlantic trade in enslaved Africans and chattel enslavement, all of which were core aspects of European colonization which resulted in deeply embedded and continuing structures of racism and discrimination. I wish you all a successful conference and look forward to fruitful outcomes of your deliberations.l




Hochul Signs Bill Giving Prosecutors More Power to Halt Deed Theft Evictions

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. —Hosea 4:6 Publisher I.Q. INC. Managing Editor & Editor-in-Chief

Pearl Phillip


Legal Advisor Brian Figeroux, Esq.


ew York State is moving to combat deed theft. Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday signed into law a bill that aims to give prosecutors more latitude to go after fraudulent real estate transactions — and keep homeowners in their homes. Sponsored by Sen. Brian Kavanagh (DManhattan/Brooklyn) and Assemblymember Helene Weinstein and co-authored by Attorney General Letitia James’ office, the law aims to defend New York homeowners who might be victims of deed theft. “We are empowering homeowners and law enforcement to fight back against deed theft and keeping families, homes, and communities intact,” Hochul said in a statement. Deed theft happens when the title to a home is stolen without the homeowner’s approval or knowledge. It can involve forgery, fraud or other tricks. Scammers often target older and nonwhite New Yorkers — especially in gentrifying neighborhoods — and may take advantage of precarious situations, such as the threat of foreclosure. Victims may lose their homes and see a chief source of generational wealth stripped away, which can perpetuate the racial wealth gap. Over the last decade, at least 3,500 complaints of deed theft have been filed in New York City, according to the New York City Sheriff’s Office. Most of the complaints originate in Brooklyn and Queens. “The reforms made through this new law will help protect New Yorkers and better enable them to combat those who try and steal their deeds, their wealth and their American Dream,” said James in a statement. A spokesperson for the Bronx District Attorney’s office said the protections “will serve our victims well as we prosecute the case.” But the new law does not close all the loopholes that enable a type of real estate speculation that targets the estates of


Graphic & Website Designers Praim Samsoondar Kenrick Williams Feature Writers Linda Nwoke Victoria Falk Governor Hochul. Editorial credit: lev radin /

homeowners who die without wills, as THE CITY has previously reported. What the Law Does and Doesn’t Do The law allows the Attorney General and district attorneys to pause housing court eviction proceedings for homeowners who are entangled in ownership or title possession disputes — a provision that could prevent homeowners from being forced out of their homes. Prosecutors can flag properties where they believe deed theft may have occurred in order to prevent further transactions. The law provides a wider basis allowing both district attorneys and the Attorney General to move to void fraudulent documents that dictate interests in the property. The law also creates a legal presumption of fraudulent deed transfer in civil disputes over ownership if an involved party has a previous deed-related fraud conviction. Plus, the law extends certain provisions of the state Home Equity Theft Prevention Act. The Act allows homeowners whose properties are in foreclosure or on the city tax lien sale list to cancel contracts to sell their homes. Now, so can homeowners that have active utility liens. Financial distress such as liens or foreclosures can draw the attention of investors and scammers. K. Scott Kohanowski, general counsel at the Center for New York City Neighborhoods, said the provisions of the law are important to crack down on deed theft. “Deed theft is so prevalent in New York City, and it’s constantly changing, con-

stantly morphing,” Kohanowski told THE CITY. “Law enforcement definitely needs more tools to be able to investigate these crimes, and we need more resources in civil legal services to protect homeowners.” Still, some lawmakers have expressed interest in going beyond the provisions in the new law to address a particular type of real estate investment scheme brought to light by THE CITY in an extensive investigative series. In these schemes, which some describe as predatory, investors go after homes of deceased owners in neighborhoods where property values have skyrocketed. These properties legally belong to a patchwork of often far-flung heirs, to whom the investors make below-market-value offers in order to acquire shares of the property. Then the investors go to court either to demand a sale of the home, forcing out family members who still live there, or to evict longtime tenants. The goal is to flip the property for many times what the investors paid for the deeds. That business model is able to flourish because of a lack of government authority in shepherding assets of deceased homeowners and lack of government oversight that allows deed-related paperwork to make it through the system without much vetting, as THE CITY has reported. And nothing compels the disclosure of a property’s estimated market value in deed sales, leaving unwitting heirs to agree to sell their interests for a fraction of the worth. l

Contributors Jennine Estes Tarsha Gibbons Janet Howard Mary Campbell JR Holguin Chris Tobias Email Telephone 718-771-0988 Website

Article first published in THE CITY on Nov 15, 2023. Reprinted with permission.


DIASPORA CONCERNS Guns, Gangs and Violence/ continued from page 1 other countries in the Americas, including the United States of America and Canada. The situation has become so alarming that I was prompted, in my capacity as President of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), to hold a Special Meeting on this matter on November 1, 2023. Representatives of 22 countries spoke, painting a worrying picture from both humanitarian and security standpoints. The consensus from the meeting was undeniable: this is a challenge too vast for any single country to tackle in isolation. However, El Salvador claims that its aggressive measures, including jailing 71,000 gang members (about 2% of its population) have brought a great sense of security to a society that had been terrorized by gang violence for decades. Human rights bodies have criticized the administration of President Nayib Bukele, claiming that some of its stringent measure violate human rights law. The experience in El Salvador is indicative of the tension between strong law enforcement measures to curb the criminal activity of armed gangs and international humanitarian law which demands that, at all times, individuals be guaranteed the enjoyment of fundamental rights and liberties. How humanitarian law, in respect of uprooting criminal gangs, meshes with the call for a military force to remove over 60 gangs that are tormenting the

country, is one of the paradoxes from which some governments have shied away. In any event, the panel of experts, who vividly described the scale of the problem of guns, gangs and violence, left no doubt about three things: gangs and guns are in the hands of organized criminal enterprises which operate across borders; the infiltration of guns, mostly from the United States of America (US) is fueling homicides including assassinations; and national law enforcement agencies lack the capacity to cope with the problem by themselves. Such conditions partly explain the expansion of gang and criminal activity throughout the Americas. But it is not the full explanation; other factors contribute. Among these are disillusioned, disenchanted and desperate young people who are lured into gangs as a way of getting money and asserting themselves. The presentation by Trinidad and Tobago’s Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Reginald Armour, to the OAS meeting was as startling as it was


revealing. For example, he pointed out that “in Jamaica, approximately 70% of the violence is related to criminal organizations, despite the Government's drastic measures to combat gangs, by the implementation of ‘Gang Suppression’ laws and States of Emergency, repeated military and police operations and the arrest of 149 gang leaders.” He observed that “these gangs continue to evolve with new leaders and a ready supply of illicit firearms originating from the United States.” Mr. Armour also disclosed that “in Trinidad and Tobago, the combination of firearms and the fragmentation of competing gangs has increased the murder rate, with 614 homicides recorded in 2022.” This situation in not unique to Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, the two most populous states of CARICOM, apart from Haiti. In 2022, official figures showed that 5 CARICOM countries were among the top 10 nations in the world with the highest national murder rates per 100,00 people. The 5 countries were:

Jamaica, St Lucia, Belize, Dominica and Guyana in that order. Of the other 5 countries, 4 were Latin American: Honduras, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. At the OAS meeting, Romain Le Cour Grandmaison, a senior expert at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, pointed out that, “the proportion of firearms involved in national homicides increased from 15% in 1997 to 70% in 2021”. He said that now, around 50 people are murdered with firearms every day. A similar point about the relation between firearms and violence, particularly murder was made by other speakers, including Maria Eugenia Mata of the Ministry of Public Security of Costa Rica. According to an article from The Economist, “in previously safe countries, murder rates are hitting record levels, including Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Chile. The article calls it the new narconetwork: a cocktail of drugs, guns, and migration is fuelling gang violence across the region.” The Caribbean and Latin America, therefore, lying next to each geographically with many of them bordering the Caribbean sea, have a common problem and a collective responsibility to their peoples to work together to address it effectively. Undoubtedly, national efforts are underway, yet law enforcement agencies grapple with being underfunded and understaffed. Many are also in need of training and equipment. The OAS continued on page 5




Arleigh Louison is Dead. The Pain and Devastation of His Immigration Fraud Lives On.


ederal law enforcement agents arrested Arleigh Louison on July 18, 2019. He was indicted in Vermont on 12 counts of making false statements and submitting over 1,800 fraudulent immigration applications to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). “A federal grand jury returned a 12count indictment against Arleigh Louison, 53, of Brooklyn, New York, charging him with running an immigration fraud scheme that included the filing of false statements with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, including over 1,800 fraudulent applications for over 1,000 petitioners within the last four years. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) agents arrested Louison in Brooklyn, New York, and executed a federal search warrant at his office,” said the U.S. Department of Justice press release. Pain and Arleigh Louison Figeroux spoke on the pain and the devastation from Louison's fraud: "So, one of the pains that people suffer, a lot of people in Kings County, especially from

the Caribbean, is the pain that they have after Arleigh Louison, who is now deceased. He defrauded people by submitting fraudulent immigration applications on their behalf. There were lies in those applications that persons were abused by their spouses, children, or others, which did not qualify them for immigration benefits." Figeroux continued, "So, Arleigh Louison knew that you had pain. He was a notary, not a lawyer. Louison preyed on that pain and filed those fraudulent applications because he knew you would make bad decisions. You would sign those forms even though you didn't know what was written on the documents, which is what many persons who Arleigh Louison defrauded said.

Problems for Victims/Clients Louison has since passed. However, he has left a carnage of victims facing deportation and a myriad of immigration issues. What does this mean? Since Arleigh Louison was arrested for immigration fraud, the files of all his clients will be reviewed by the Immigration & Customs Enforcement agents (ICE). Additionally, every single client will be served a Notice to Appear (NTA) and be interviewed by ICE agents with the sole purpose of seeking admission to initiate deportation proceedings. The NTA is the first step taken by the American government to remove an immigrant from the country. If you were a client of Louison, it is imperative that you consult with an AILA attorney and do not meet with ICE alone. You should also seek the advice of more than one counsel. Get a case evaluation. ASK THE LAWYER – call 855-7688845 or visit to schedule an appointment.l

Guns, Gangs and Violence/ continued from page 4 Secretariat has done a great body of work that assesses strengths and weaknesses within these security forces, and it has expertise that should be utilized to improve national capacity. In the face of such stark realities – where firearms, gangs, and transnational crime erode the fabric of our societies – the call for action has never been more pressing. We stand at a crossroads where the only path forward is one of unity, collaboration, and unwavering resolve. It is not just about enhancing law enforcement capabilities; it is about forging an unbreakable chain of solidarity across the Americas. The OAS is well-placed to spearhead this initiative, transforming policy recommendations into concrete measures: from tightening firearm export controls in the United States to fostering regional intelligence-sharing protocols, from expanding support for community programs that address the root causes of gang recruitment to bolstering judicial systems that can withstand the corruption and influence of organized crime. OAS member states should commit to a mobilizing the necessary political will and financial resources to implement such a plan. The time for concerted action is now; the cost of delay is simply too great.l Sir Ronald Michael Sanders KCMG KCN AM is currently Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America and the Organization of American States since 2015.




Navigating the Digital Divide: Parental Involvement in Managing Children's Online Activity under 8 is 1,175; those aged between 8 and 12 record an average of 2,261 clicks daily, and teens aged 13 and 18 record an average of 3,197 clicks per day. From the appeal of social media to the immersive world of online gaming and the promises of educational platforms, each digital product poses challenges and opportunities.



e are in the information age, characterized by technological leaps and interconnected virtual landscapes. For parents, it can be a blessing or a curse, as they either play an active role in guiding their children through the digital realm or pay the price of having society raise their children. Thus, there is an interplay between parenting nowadays and the possibilities of the digital age. It requires them to curate content that fosters curiosity and causes age-appropriate exposure that leads to digital literacy. There is a growing prevalence of social media, online gaming, and educational platforms being designed daily, creating a complex digital landscape that enriches and challenges many children's lives. For instance, screens have become an integral part of daily routines. Many parents need help understanding, monitoring, and guiding their children through the vast online world.

The Digital Playground and Children's Online Behavior In this digital journey, every parent must understand the online behavior of many children beyond safeguarding them from risks and unveiling the immense potential for growth and connection. The delicate balance requires parents to be vigilant guardians and encourage companions on digital adventures. According to data from the Children's

Media Use and Technology Report (2021), conducted by Common Sense Media, the average usage of screens and clicks by children shows that children under eight years spend between 2 hours and 19 minutes per day; those aged 8–12 spend 4 hours and 44 minutes per day; and teenagers between 13 and 18 spend 7 hours and 22 minutes per day. The report also found that the average number of clicks per day for children

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Reviewing Digital Platforms: Pros and Cons Social Media Platforms Social media is typically a platform for self-expression and relationships; however, it also introduces children to cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and the world of online predators. Yet, it provides a space for creativity, communication, and self-discovery. Additionally, it offers a sense of community, support, and avenues for positive self-expression. However, the constant comparison, pressure to conform, and unending quest for validation pose a significant challenge to the mental health of young minds. Online Gaming Platforms Beyond the pixels and high scores often associated with online gaming, it also provides a social experience that fosters friendship and competition among the audience. Yet, within these virtual realms, gaming communities can harbor toxicity, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content. It's a world where friendship and danger often coexist. Besides, gaming can also become addictive, and parents must strive to strike a balance between allowing their children to indulge in the joy of gaming and instilling a sense of responsibility. They have to set limits, encourage healthy competition, and guard against allowing them to engage in digital escapism, which ultimately leads to acts of irresponsibility. Educational Platforms Educational platforms are often interactive and provide engaging learning experiences. They also offer a sense of community, support, and avenues for positive self-expression; however, accessing this content poses concerns about screen time and the quality of the content, which can be detrimental to the child's health. The Need for Parental Control Through Apps Undoubtedly, with its boundless opportunities, the online world presents unimaginable dangers that can affect a child's well-being. Thus, it demands a proactive approach and commitment from responsible parents. One solution is for parents to turn to parental control apps as powerful allies in protecting their children online. These continued on page 7



FAMILY MATTERS Navigating the Digital Divide continued from page 6 apps go beyond screen time restrictions and offer features to tailor digital defense strategies based on a child's age and needs. Many parents can find peace of mind when their kids are online through a combination of features, adaptive protection, or customization. Discovering the right parental control apps offers transparency, allowing parents to monitor online activities, receive alerts for potential risks, and even track their child's location. It has the potential to foster trust and open communication, strengthening the parent-child bond in the digital space. They contain vital features and functions that provide content filters, time management tools, customization options, app restrictions, and location tracking. The tools offer a suite of features to develop a secure online environment for children and allow parents to balance protection and independence. The option creates a safe digital environment without stifling exploration. Furthermore, the adaptive or customization features in the apps evolve as children grow, ensuring that the digital safety net remains attuned to changing needs. This adaptability is crucial in addressing the varying levels of maturity

PartyRentals for All Occasions and curiosity displayed by children of different ages. Types of Parental Control Apps There are several parental control apps, each boasting a unique set of features. In 2023, Statista reported that over 1,000 parental control apps were available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Popular options include Qustodio, Kaspersky Safe Kids, Norton Family, OurPact, Screen Time, Family Link, and Microsoft Family Safety. These apps offer app blocking, web filtering, screen time limits, location tracking, text and call monitoring, and activity reports. While parental control apps can help manage children's screen time and online activity, it's important to acknowledge their imperfections, as children may find ways to bypass controls. The continuous growth of these apps indicates a ris-

ing demand among parents to leverage technology for monitoring and regulating their children's digital experiences. Navigating this landscape requires a careful evaluation of the family's specific needs. Therefore, it is pertinent that parents consider factors such as user-friendliness, compatibility with devices, and the extent of customization offered to tailor the experience to their child's age and maturity level. Regardless of the numerous advantages, parents must select the proper app that meets their unique situation. It’s essential to recognize that no parental control app is flawless. In line with many top voices in the sector, the importance of parental vigilance, especially the need for parents to actively monitor their children's online activities, even with the support of a top-rated app, should be emphasized. l

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4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home BY EQUITY SMART REALTY INC


ost home sellers dream of a stress-free sale in which they simply list their property, immediately find a qualified buyer, collect the check and hand over the keys. If only it were that simple! In reality, selling a home includes many moving parts — some that you can control, and some that are out of your hands. Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger where you said something that you regret? If you are placing your house or condo on the market, you're eventually going to end up having to chat with potential buyers. Yes, your real estate agent is likely to do most of the talking. However, you will still have to deal with buyers that want to grill you about the home's history, condition and more. With that in mind, let's have a look at four things you should never say to someone who is interested in buying your home. “We're Not Accepting Offers Less Than…" A good way to kill your sale and have a buyer walk away is to set a price floor on bids and offers. Even if the amount you are asking for is reasonable, many buyers

will pass because they are offended that they're being forced to bid above a certain price. Unless otherwise advised by your agent, it is best to let buyers feel in control of the offer process. You can always counter-offer later. "Our House Has Been On The Market For…" Stating how long your house has been on the market is rarely a good look. No matter how short or long the listing period has gone on for, buyers don't need to know this. Moreover, if your home has been on the market for months, knowing that may scare potential buyers off. "We've Always Meant To Renovate That…" If you were going to fix, improve or even clean something in your home, you probably would have done it before inviting potential buyers in. Your goal is to present the house you do have in the best pos-

sible light. Try to avoid pointing out areas that a buyer is going to need to renovate or invest in later. "We Need To Close The Sale By…" The last thing you want to do is look desperate to close the sale and move on. Buyers and their agents are going to be looking for signs of weakness which will allow them to submit low-ball offers for your home. If you let on that you have to sell or move by some deadline, you can rest assured that you are not going to get as much when you sell.

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Guidance There you have it — four of the (many) things you should not say to potential buyers of your home. For more tips and advice about selling your home, contact our professional real estate team today. We are happy to help. Call us 888-6706791.l


Nov 2023



Estate Planning Guide Getting Your Financial House in Order: The Three Essential Elements of an Estate Plan BY PEARL PHILLIP



f there is one gift you can give to those you love, it is getting your financial house in order. A comprehensive estate plan is vitally important, yet many put it off until it is too late. You may not realize you already have an estate plan, but it differs from what you intended. If you fail to create a comprehensive plan for your estate and assets, the state will do it for you - and the people you love may not be happy with the results. Why not make this the year you finally create that estate plan? It may not be a pleasant subject, but life and death are unpredictable. Knowing that you have a written plan for your estate will give you and the people you love the peace of mind, and here are the essential elements that the plan should include. A Written Will A written will is the cornerstone of any comprehensive estate plan and is generally the best place to start. If you do not yet have a will in place, contact an attorney and get one put together. You will want to prepare for the meeting with the attorney, bringing as much documentation as possible about your assets and their desired disposition. If you are working with an estate planning law firm, you can complete the other elements of your plan when drawing up

Study Finds 1 in 4 Americans Recognize a Greater Need For Estate Planning Due to

your will, simplifying the process and reducing the time the whole thing takes. A Durable Power of Attorney The next essential element of your estate plan is the durable power of attorney. You may not want to think about it, but deciding who can make decisions for you if you become disabled is very important, both for your well-being and that of your overburdened family members. Once the durable power of attorney is in place, the person you name will be empowered to make critical decisions if you become disabled or cannot communicate. Hopefully, this part of your estate plan will never kick into place, but having it established will help you breathe easier. A Living Will The third and final part of your compre-

hensive estate plan is a living will, which is vitally important. Medical advances have allowed patients to live longer, but not always better, lives, and it is crucial to think about what you want the medical authorities to do - and not do. Would you want to be kept alive on a ventilator? Do you prefer robust life support or a more natural approach to death? Again these are not pleasant subjects, but they are important. The purpose of the living will is to lay out your wishes, removing any ambiguity and making it easier for your loved ones to make critical decisions on your behalf. A comprehensive written estate plan is essential in preparing for your future. You might not want to think about it, but the estate plan you create will need to go into effect someday, and the sooner you lay it all out, the sooner you can get on with living your life to the fullest. p, a leading senior living referral service and the nation’s top site for senior care reviews, published its annual Wills & Estate Planning Study that explores the prevalence of estate planning in the U.S. and the reasons Americans do or do not engage in this end-of-life planning process. In the 2023 survey, responses from over 2,400 American adults indicated that only 34% have a will – albeit an increase of 3% since 2022 and 6% since 2020. The study, which highlights the differences in attitudes towards estate planning among various age, socioeconomic and racial groups, found that inflation has had a disproportionately larger impact on younger Americans’ views of estate planning. While 54% of young Americans (ages 18 to 34) say inflation changed their views on estate planning, only 32% of Americans ages 55 and older say their views changed. Likewise, 35% of Black Americans say inflation changed their views on estate planning, compared to only 27% of Hispanic Americans and 25% of White Americans. Overall, 26% of all American adults now see a greater need to establish an estate plan due to inflation. While many see a greater need for endof-life planning, certain demographics continued on page 4


Nov 2023



Health Care Directives: What You Need to Know


hen you become too frail or sick to make your own decisions on end-of-life health care, the emotional strain is passed on to your family or loved ones. Not only can this cause incredible stress, but the avenue they take may not be the route you had in mind. Be open and honest about your final wishes. Don’t procrastinate when creating an advance care plan. Age isn’t the only factor that should be considered. A medical crisis that leaves you too ill to make your own decisions could strike at any time. Emergency Treatment Without a solid health care directive in place, family members may be tasked with making difficult decisions for your treatment. Here are a few common instances you must have clear and legal instructions regarding, as suggested by the National Institute on Aging: • CPR: If your heart begins beating with an abnormal rhythm, it can be life- threatening. Discuss with your family your opinions about resuscitation so they can determine if CPR should be administered.

Choosing an Estate Attorney

O • Ventilator: When you are unable to breathe on your own, a ventilator can be used to keep you alive. It usually includes a tube which is connected to your trachea to ensure you’re receiving enough oxygen. • Comfort Care: Deciding how to keep you comfortable while suffering is another factor you should have clear instructions for. Consider instances like limiting medical testing, spiritual and emotional counseling, and pain medication.

Compensation for Victims & Families of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

If your loved one was neglected or abused in a Nursing Home or assisted living facility, financial compensation may be available.

Call 855-768-8845 for a consultation One in six residents in nursing homes and community facilties were neglected last year resulting in thousands of families experiencing trauma, mental illness, medical emergencies, and even death. Nursing home abuse and neglect is real. Has your loved one experienced any of these or other types of abuse? •Bedsores •Improper Treatment/Medication •Choking/Death •Malnutrition/Dehydration •Falls •Respiratory Illness •Fractured Bones •Sexual Abuse •Infections •Sexual Assault

Experience matters. The lawyer you hire does make a difference. Schedule a consultation now. Get compensation for your loved one’s suffering. Call 855-768-8845 or visit

Types of Facilities Visit different facilities to make the decision on where you will stay if you become disabled to the point you can’t take care of yourself. It’s important to have a plan for different stages of life. Here are a few to consider: If you require minimal assistance to live your day-to-day life, an assisted living community is a great option. You have the freedom to reside in your own space yet receive help in areas like laundry services, prepared meals and personal care. A nursing home is a better option when you need constant assistance from medical professionals. Here, you can receive 24-hour supervision and help with daily necessities like bathing, grooming and medical management. In-home care is a great option for someone who wants to stay at home while receiving the same benefits as an assisted-living facility. While it can be expensive to call on medical professionals to come to your home, it is a very comfortable option for those needing help. What Happens If You Do Not Have An Advance Directive? If you do not have an advance directive and you are unable to make decisions on your own, the state laws where you live will determine who may make medical decisions on your behalf. This is typically your spouse, your parents if they are available, or your children if they are adults. If you are unmarried and have not named your partner as your proxy, it’s possible they could be excluded from decision-making. If you have no family members, some states allow a close friend who is familiar with your values to help. Or they may assign a physician to represent your best interests. Legal Help Think of your advance directives as living documents that you review at least once each year and update if a major life event occurs. If you have questions regarding health care directives, call the experienced professionals at the Law Office of Figeroux & Associates. To schedule an appointment, call 855-768-8845 or visit

rganizing your estate can be overwhelming without the help of an expert. With the assistance of an estate planning attorney, you can discuss your vision for your assets before death. Don’t risk creating a plan that doesn’t specify your decisions to the exact details. When searching for a specialized attorney, it’s important to chat with a few different experts in your area. Make sure you feel comfortable in their office as the discussions of finances and final wishes can be intimate. Once you find several attorneys to interview for the role, here are some questions you should ask before deciding: How Long Have They Been Practicing Estate Planning Law? Many general attorneys will advertise that estate planning is a part of their practice. They can be a great help when creating legal documents like a will, health care directives and power of attorney. However, if your financial situation is more complicated, an experienced estate planning lawyer will have better knowledge of the ever-changing laws and knows how to protect your legacy. You should also know how long they have been in practice. Someone who has extensive experience in the industry has likely discovered flaws in previous cases and has learned how to correct them. Ensuring your final wishes are in good hands is great peace of mind for both you and your loved ones. Do They Regularly Update Plans? To stay on top of your estate, find an attorney who offers an updating and maintenance program. The service may cost more, but they will contact you throughout the year and discuss new techniques, life-changing events which may impact your plans and alterations to laws. Working with a lawyer who stays in contact with you about your estate plan ensures your documents will be up-todate when they’re needed. How Do They Charge? Estate planning is necessary to prepare your family before your death. Ask about the fees the attorney charges. During the interview, find out if the fee is a fixed rate or hourly. You don’t want to be surprised with unexpected fees. Ready to start your estate planning? call the experienced professionals at the Law Office of Figeroux & Associates. To schedule an appointment, call 855-7688845 or visit p


Nov 2023



Planning Succession for Your Business


uccession planning involves creating a plan for someone to either own or run your business after you retire, become disabled, or die. In simple terms, succession planning is the process of passing control of the business to others. Here are some steps to take for succession planning: Find Successor If you are passing the business to a family member, you may consider transferring ownership through your estate planning process. Often, however, new management comes from your pool of existing employees. If you have a larger business (such as an LLC or a corporation), succession planning involves preparing people for management and leadership roles in order to replace you or other managers when the time arises. Finding your replacement is difficult so plan ahead, it is best to start early. Leaders are not always easy to find and it takes time to mentor someone into a management role. You will need to identify potential successors in your family or among employees. You can hire from outside the company, but it’s helpful to groom someone already in your business, over a period of time, so the transition to

leaves, a current employee should be ready to step into the vacated role. As the need arises, with good succession planning, employees or family members are ready for new leadership roles. Ease Tax Exposure Tax exposure arises when one generation gives way to the next generation in a closely-held family business. In this case, succession planning and estate planning become intertwined by the family. Multiple types of taxes must be considered when planning this type of succession, including: •Income tax •Gift tax •Generation-skipping tax •Estate tax new leadership will be smooth. Train Successor Once you have successors identified, deliberately create a training plan to ensure that everyone involved has time to learn the skills, gather the information, and practice the leadership roles critical to the future success of the business. Whether you are transferring a business to a family member or you are promoting

employees into leadership roles, you need to plan ahead. A succession plan takes into consideration the development of future leaders’ skills and abilities. The plan should deliver a return on your business’s training investment by providing for your successors’ advancement while simultaneously ensuring your successors don’t leave your business. Even if someone

Start family succession planning sooner, rather than later, because starting sooner will give you more flexibility with your planning. Consult an attorney and an accountant about putting the proper estate documents in place, especially for succession planning in a family business.p Source:


Nov 2023



Planning for a Disabled Child


state pre-planning should be an important part of everyone’s financial regimen, but this process becomes even more important when you have a child with disabilities. A lot of factors go into creating a uniquely designed plan, depending on their unique personal challenges and whether they are a minor or adult. The goal is to help your special-needs child continue to lead an enriching, happy life even in your absence. A Lifetime of Care The larger goal of special-needs planning is to preserve public aid while also supplementing your child’s care. There are additional benefits to taking care of this right away: If plans are put in place while you’re still alive, the estate avoids probate. Others interested parties, like their grandparents, can contribute to a trust. Named co-trustees can also get hands-on experience in helping with childcare and administering the guardianship. Depending on the child’s capability, this money-management program may be critically important since it will be the only future path to protecting eligibility for benefits. It will provide additional funds for a broader scope of care and create a financial resource should benefits

child. Many public-aid options are designed to be resource dependent, meaning recipients aren’t eligible if they have access to a certain amount of money. These trusts allow for an inheritance without endangering aid provided by Medicaid, SSI or other government programs because assets held in trust are not directly available to the child. Funds from life-insurance policies, IRAs and retirement plans can also be directed to the trust, and the child still has access to other programs.

become restricted or end all together. Special-Needs Trust Children are at particular risk if they are unable to live independently after the death of a parent of guardian. A specialneeds trust can ensure that they are provided with needed resources and care over the course of their lifetime. Parents or guardians should name the trust as a beneficiary in their will, according to the American Bar Association, instead of the

Designating a Caretaker Beyond the obvious financial considerations, parents and guardians must select a designated caretaker to look after their special-needs child — or to manage their care, if the child is in an assisted-living environment. Work with an attorney who specializes in estate planning in order to create both a trust and this succession plan, since states have differing regulations and laws regarding who may serve as a legal guardian.p

Greater Need for Estate Planning/ continued from page 1 are less likely to have an estate plan than in years past. Hispanic Americans are the least likely racial demographic to have a will, with only 23% saying they have an estate plan in 2023 – this is a decrease of 17% since 2022 and 39% since 2021. Additionally, findings show that young adults are nearly as likely as middle-aged adults to have a will—26% of Americans ages 18 to 34 said they have a will, compared to 27% of Americans ages 35 to 54. “Inflation is causing the public to think more about their financial futures, and for many people, this means that they are thinking about end-of-life planning,” says Jim Rosenthal, CEO of “Yet we haven’t seen a significant uptick in estate planning, with too many people simply putting off this crucial piece of financial planning. More education is needed to help Americans understand the importance of estate planning — and the consequences for their loved ones if they fail to do so.” The survey asked respondents without wills what would motivate them to create one — 41% said they are waiting until they have a health crisis, and 1 in 4 said nothing would motivate them to plan their estate. When those who do have a will were asked what prompted them to create one, 28% say retirement, 26% say death of a loved one, and 22% say family expansion. p

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New Report Reveals Systemic Barriers for Haitian Refugees Seeking Employment and Stability in the U.S. •Humanitarian parole for Haitians was massively curtailed under the Trump administration, a trend which continued under the Biden administration, making it impossible for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to access or fully utilize their EAD.

Editorial credit: Ringo Chiu /


EW YORK: Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees and TakeRoot Justice released a new report, “Humanitarian Parole Crisis: How Racist Policies and Practices Deny Haitian Refugees Work Authorization.” The report finds that U.S. immigration policies and practices create barriers for Haitian refugees by granting them insufficient humanitarian parole periods, which, coupled with substantial delays in processing work authorization applications, prevent people from accessing the legal employment to which they are entitled. The report and executive summary, based on interviews conducted by Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees and TakeRoot Justice, find that grants of humanitarian parole for Haitian asylum seekers were shortened during the Trump and Biden administrations. Humanitarian parole allows individuals to enter the U.S. for a temporary period based on urgent humanitarian reasons.

The parole allows refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to apply for a critical lifeline: the Employment Authorization Document (EAD), also known as a work permit, so they can support themselves and their families as they pursue a more permanent immigration status. However, shortened humanitarian parole terms coupled with substantial systemic backlogs in processing employment authorization documents have resulted in a system that fails those who need it.

•A dramatic backlog in processing EAD applications means that even Haitians with relatively longer parole terms are still left without meaningful access to employment authorization. Haitian refugees, asylum seekers and migrants have been granted humanitarian parole periods that were effectively meaningless because they provided insufficient time to apply for employment authorization, let alone to work. Interviews with impacted Haitians and legal service providers further revealed: •Humanitarian parole, and the associated ability to apply for employment authorization, is critical in the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants.

•The curtailment of humanitarian parole, together with delayed processing of EADs, was received as a deliberate attempt to strip people of their right to work, and a manifestation of antiHaitianism and anti-Black racism at large. •The system of granting humanitarian parole, as well as other immigration continued on page 14



IMMIGRATION America’s Voice Reacts to Biden Campaign Going “On Offense” Against Chilling Trump Immigration Vision

Haitian Refugees/ continued from page 13 processes, has become opaque and confusing even to those who are closely monitoring the system. This leaves refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, legal professionals, advocates, Haitian community organizations and Black immigration organizations at large with limited recourse and unable to assist their clients effectively and equitably. •The substantial delays in processing employment authorizations, coupled with shortened humanitarian parole periods, are devastating for Haitians who are desperate to work with dignity to support their families. “Our report reveals the shockingly brief humanitarian parole periods that have been granted to Haitian asylum seekers by the U.S. government. Some parole periods have been as short as two weeks. Others have been up to a year. Neither of these is sufficient because they expire during the protracted processing of Employment Authorization Documents. The shorter periods expire before Haitians can even reach their intended destinations,” said Ninaj Raoul, executive director of Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees. “This situation leads to denials of work permits for those that need it the most. In contrast, Ukrainian refugees, who were granted one-year


President Biden. Editorial credit: Gints Ivuskans /

paroles, had EADs in hand within six to eight weeks of applying. Our work and this report are focused on fighting for an equitable process for all, where work permits are quickly expedited so that people can live and work with dignity.” “The interviews illuminate the lasting legacy of racist immigration policies and practices towards Haitians, many of which were originally designed to deter Haitian migration and facilitate their deportation,” said Irene Linares, senior research and policy coordinator at TakeRoot Justice. “The Biden administration should partner with Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees and other Black immigrant advocacy groups to immediately implement the report’s policy recommendations.”l

ashington, DC: As CBS News reports, the Biden campaign is planning to go “on the offensive on immigration, decrying ‘scary’ Trump plans.” The news follows a New York Times deep-dive detailing chilling immigration plans that Donald Trump and Stephen Miller promise, as Trump attempts to whitewash the cruelty and failures of his first term. Even by Trump standards, the former president has escalated his dangerous rhetoric and threats in recent weeks, including stating that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” and labeling political opponents “vermin,” echoing “dictators Hitler, Mussolini,” as the Washington Post assessed. As the CBS News article notes: “President Biden’s 2024 campaign is staging a public messaging offensive on immigration policy to condemn proposals by former President Donald Trump that it says will trample on the U.S. Constitution, American values and the rights of immigrants …” According to Vanessa Cárdenas,

Executive Director of America’s Voice: “The Biden campaign is making it clear that the anti-democratic, anti-immigrant plans of the proposed Trump second term are a menace to all of us. From promised deportation camps to his defense of family separation to his dehumanizing white nationalist language, a Trump second term would not just be devastating for immigrant communities, but would inflict massive damage on our democracy and what presidential candidate Joe Biden called ‘the soul of America.’ The sum total of Trump’s rhetoric and policy outlines isn’t a plan for managing immigration, but a strategy to undermine our democracy and redefine who we are as a nation. Voters rejected Trumpism before, including recoiling against the chaos and cruelty and broader extremism it represented. The stakes are even higher now. Trump is escalating, or perhaps devolving, and Democrats should make it clear why their approach is more rational, achievable and in line with who we aspire to be as a nation.”l




Sesame Flyers International, Inc: A Discussion with Executive Director Curtis Nelson BY LINDA NWOKE


esame Flyers International, Inc., (SFI) is 40 years old, a milestone that reflects not only the passage of time but also the enduring commitment of its founders to preserving and celebrating the cultural identity of Trinidadian immigrants in the United States. Joseph Charles and other visionaries, like Winston Munroe and his family, founded Sesame Flyers out of a profound desire to bridge the gap between the old world and the new. These were some of the explanations given by the organization's Executive Director, Curtis Nelson, in an interview with our Editor-in-Chief, Pearl Phillip, and host of the People, Power & Politics Radio Show and Podcast. He explained that as immigrants from Trinidad settled in New York, many gradually lost touch with their cultural roots. Such cultural drift, especially among the younger generation, sparked the founders' determination to ensure that the heritage and traditions of Trinidad remained an integral part of their lives. He further explained that the name "Sesame" is rooted in the memories of the founders' childhood, traced back to Trinidad. It was the name of a dead-end street where local children played and was affectionately dubbed "Sesame Street." Upon migrating to the United States, the founders aimed to recreate the cherished space. They named their organization "Sesame Street Flyers" due to frequent flights between Trinidad and New York. However, the iconic "Sesame Street" was already an established entity, prompting them to drop the "Street" and become "Sesame Flyers International." "Sesame started in Pittsburgh, Trinidad. It was a dead-end street all the kids used to play on, and they nicknamed it Sesame Street. And so, when the founders moved from Trinidad, they wanted to recreate that space and call it Sesame Street Flyers because they flew back and forth between Trinidad and New York," says Nelson. Reaction to Donation by New York City Department of Cultural Affairs In a significant milestone for Sesame Flyers International, the organization was granted $2 million in capital investments from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. The grant is their first city-funded capital project and makes way for a substantial renovation and expansion of their facility in Flatbush, Brooklyn. The announcement caused excitement and marked a pivotal moment for the organization's growth and cultural impact. According to Nelson, "We purchased a building back in 1989, a 1931 building on Church Avenue, right in the heart of East Flatbush and now Little Caribbean. But the building, the heart of the first community center we ran and our headquarters, is in disrepair, and it needed some upgrading." The 2 million investments will continue

Curtis Nelson, Executive Director, Sesame Flyers International. Photo courtesy: SFI

to contribute to the cultural landscape of Brooklyn by increasing the organization's reach in Community Programs. The organization operates beyond its Church Avenue location. Over the years, the organization has effectively utilized city funding to operate community centers across East Flatbush and Canarsie. They currently manage two Beacon Schools in Winthrop and Bildersee Beacon campuses and have a presence at PS 219 and Clarkson Compass School. With contracts from the Department of Youth and Community Development, New York State Children and Families, and support from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, they have also established a foster care prevention program with the Administration for Children's Services. Sesame Flyers' extensive community engagement remains a testament to their commitment to serving the youth and families of the region. Plans for the Art Cultural Hub Project in Brooklyn Nelson revealed that the expansion project will enhance its community offerings regarding the Sesame Flyers Building project. He explained that the existing two-story building on Church Avenue would undergo a significant transformation, with a full basement and a third floor, to create more usable space for a wide range of community activities, including meetings, office use, steelpan, and dance practices. According to him, the goal is to provide a welcoming and flexible hub for various organizations to bolster their community programming. "The building had some conditions that needed upgrading so that we could be safe and meet modern requirements. We look forward to opening up the community space to more organizations to have free and usable space within the community to support their programming," he added. Impact of the Project on the Identity and Sense of Community for Residents While there are numerous advantages associated with the expansion project, one significant impact is that it will bridge the cultural gap in East Flatbush. In this location, specific Caribbean cultural centers are scarce. SFI will continue to serve as a beacon of Caribbean culture with dedicated

ambassadors who will continue strengthening community connections with those who appreciate celebrating their Caribbean heritage. Nelson explained that beyond their core work, they've cultivated strong partnerships with other cultural organizations in the area, particularly those focused on Caribbean culture. Over the years, their notable consistent success in Labor Day costume productions on Eastern Parkway has solidified their place as an integral part of the community, fostering cultural pride and connections. "Every year, we have a record of being one of the most successful mass bands in New York City, having gotten the title for Labor Day costumes for 13 years," he responds. Strategies for Getting Capital Money When asked how they secured the capital funding for the organization, the executive director responds that they aim to set an example and encourage other organizations to secure capital funding for community development. He insisted that their deep roots in East Flatbush positioned them as a committed and unwavering contributor to the community's growth. In addition, they honed their ability to manage city contracts and navigate the city procurement process, making them a valuable resource for capital investments. In his view, their success demonstrates the significance of qualifications and dedication in accessing such funding sources. "Our founders had the foresight to purchase a property, giving us roots in the community,” he explains. "We can write and manage city contracts, know how to navigate the city procurement process, and have the ability to apply for these funding sources; it needs a considerable number of qualifications," says Nelson. Notably, their process for securing funding includes demonstrating a reputable track record of financial management and having evidence of delivering quality programs using previous city contracts. He stated that their ability to manage city funds and deliver commitments inspired confidence among funding sources. They also showcased their commitment to bank loans, proving their investment in the project. They also engaged a qualified architect who developed a viable plan, which was crucial in conveying their vision to the city's Department of Cultural Affairs for approval, thus paving the way for their funding success. Funding, Long-Term Sustainability, and Socio-economic Vibrancy of the Caribbean Community in Brooklyn The Executive Director insists that property capitalism, or ownership, remains a cornerstone of the economy. The funding solidifies their deep community roots and commitment. It will enable them to expand their capacity to serve the neighborhood and set a valuable example for other organizations on acquiring and investing in property with city support.

In advice to other Caribbean cultural organizations, he related their growth to their unwavering commitment to expanding their capacity, such as bringing in staff and securing funding, with influential figures like Assemblyman Nick Perry providing guidance. He revealed that Assemblyman Perry played a pivotal role in mentoring the organization and creating a blueprint for success in the nonprofit sector, emphasizing the importance of a robust administration. "Fortunately, we have some good godfathers and godmothers. One of our godfathers is Assemblyman Nick Perry. Well, he was an assemblyman. He's now the ambassador to Jamaica. We committed to not just running programs but supporting the programs through a strong administration that can implement and execute contractual obligations that will allow us to facilitate programming and community service." Yet despite the successful funding, he acknowledged that while nonprofits like Sesame Flyers International are fortunate to secure government contracts for their programs, a hidden challenge lies in fundraising. Thus, while there is the myth that government funding fully covers project costs, it often needs to catch up, leaving nonprofits with a funding gap. Operational costs like legal fees and administration are only sometimes covered, adding financial pressure on nonprofits to raise the extra funds required for effective program implementation. Furthermore, another critical challenge nonprofits face with government funding is the delay in receiving allocated funds. Nelson stated that despite budget approvals on July 1, it could take 3 to 5 months or even longer for contract finalization and money to become available. Additionally, city council discretionary funds often require nonprofits to front the costs and seek reimbursement, adding financial strain during this waiting period. There is also the challenge of finding available funds to match government allocations, which involves waiting, applying, and often spending the organization's money upfront before reimbursement, highlighting the importance of a robust fundraising operation. However, fundraising within the community can be challenging, as there is a transactional expectation among donors. Overcoming this challenge and educating the community about the necessity of additional funding beyond government grants is crucial for the nonprofit's sustainability. "So donating is something we must work on getting our community to form the habit of. Community members must understand that the government is giving the organization only some money. And if you don't raise the money, you will be in a hole," says Nelson. He also shared various platforms to connect and stay informed about their program, such as their website,, Instagram, and Facebook under the same name. l




How to Attract a Scorpio Man 3.Keep him guessing and interested to learn more about what makes you tick.



t’s Scorpion season. The mysterious Scorpio man, born between October 23 and November 21, is an enigma wrapped in layers of intensity. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, and Mars, the planet of passion, Scorpio men are best known for their depth, magnetism, loyalty, and deep emotions. Attracting a Scorpio man is a tantalizing challenge. Before you attempt to attract a Scorpio man, it's crucial to understand what makes him tick: Passion and Intensity: Scorpio men are known for their passionate and intense nature. They seek deep emotional connections and are drawn to those who can match the strength of their emotions. Mystery: Scorpios have a penchant for mystery and intrigue. They are naturally drawn to individuals who keep them guessing and make them feel excited. Loyalty: Once a Scorpio man commits, he is fiercely loyal. Trust is a sacred bond for him, and he values honesty and loyalty above all else.

Independence: Scorpio men are attracted to confident and self-assured individuals. They appreciate those who have their own passions and interests and detest shallow or weak people. Resilience: Scorpios are strong, resilient individuals. They admire people who can face challenges head-on and emerge stronger. Tips to Attract a Scorpio Man So, you've fallen for a Scorpio man. These men are notoriously difficult to seduce, but there are some great ways to catch his attention. 1. Embrace Mystery Scorpio men are intrigued by the unknown. To capture his attention: 1.Maintain an air of mystery. 2.Share your thoughts and feelings gradually, allowing him to unravel your layers over time.

2. Be Confident and Independent Confidence is like a magnetic force for Scorpio men. Show him that you are selfassured, have your interests, and are comfortable in your skin. Scorpio men admire people who don't rely solely on others for validation. 3. Demonstrate Loyalty Scorpio men place immense value on loyalty and trust, and the fastest way to turn him off is to lie, cheat, or be otherwise deceptive. Show your honesty, and never betray his trust. Once he knows he can confide in you, he'll open up and create a deep connection. 4.Engage in Intellectual Conversations Scorpio men are attracted to intelligent, insightful partners with whom they can talk about the deeper side of life. Don't play stupid with this man — you'll only turn him off. Instead, showcase your intelligence, be bold, and tackle complex topics. 5. Show Respect for His Independence Respect your Scorpio man's need for independence. Scorpio men value their

personal space and time. Encourage his pursuits and passions and allow him time alone, and he'll appreciate your support. 6. Be Passionate Scorpio men don't just appreciate their independence — they appreciate it in their partners, too. Embrace your passions and interests. Show your enthusiasm and zest for life. Let him see the fire in your soul, and he'll be drawn to your zeal. 7. Flaunt Your Resilience Life's challenges are no match for a Scorpio's resilience. Share stories of your triumphs and challenges, demonstrating your strength and ability to bounce back. 8. Be Patient and Understanding Scorpio men can be complex and guarded. Be patient and understanding as he opens up, and don't push him to share too much too soon. Your support and patience will earn his admiration and affection. Attracting a Scorpio man is a journey that requires patience, authenticity, and a hint of mystery, but it's worth it — once your Scorpio is hooked, you'll be rewarded with a loyal and passionate partner. l


HEALTH Global Diabetes/ continued from page 1 burden of diabetes recently published in The Lancet. We analyzed and synthesized all available epidemiological data on diabetes burden — defined as health decline due to diabetes captured through the number of cases, disease severity and deaths. Our study included more than 27,000 data sources to produce estimates of diabetes prevalence, disability and deaths for 204 countries and territories from 1990 through 2021. Using a modeling tool that takes into account sociodemographic factors and obesity, we projected diabetes prevalence out to 2050. We also estimated the proportion of diabetes disability and death attributable to specific risk factors related to obesity, diet, physical activity, environment or occupation, tobacco use and alcohol use. This analysis is part of the larger Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study, which has quantified health decline due to hundreds of diseases, injuries and risk factors since 1990. Thousands of health experts and researchers around the world both contribute to and use estimates from this study, which is continually updated. Our team projected that every country is expected to experience an increase in diabetes cases by 2050. In the regions that are expected to be hardest hit – including North Africa and the Middle East and Pacific island nations – there are countries where as many as 1 in 5 people could be living with diabetes in 2050 if current trends continue. Among older adults in these regions, diabetes prevalence is expected to be even higher. While both type 1 and type 2 diabetes

17 NOVEMBER IS DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH Aging and obesity are likely to be the two primary drivers of the expected rise in diabetes. People living with diabetes are at significantly higher risk of developing and dying from other major diseases, including ischemic heart disease and stroke, and from complications such as vision loss and foot ulcers.

are characterized by high levels of blood sugar, also known as glucose, type 2 is a largely preventable disease that occurs due to gradual insulin resistance and is commonly diagnosed among adults. Type 1, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease where the body cannot produce insulin and typically develops during childhood or adolescence. The vast majority of new diabetes cases in the next three decades are projected to be type 2. We expect the two primary drivers will be aging populations and increases in obesity. In 2021, obesity was the most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes, accounting for more than half of disability and death from the disease. Why it matters People living with diabetes are at significantly higher risk of developing and dying from other major diseases, including ischemic heart disease and stroke, and from complications such as vision loss and foot ulcers. This compounds the stress of diabetes on health care systems, requiring more comprehensive screening

and management. However, a study found that fewer than 1 in 10 people with diabetes in low- and middle-income countries have access to comprehensive diabetes treatment. Based on an abundance of research, the two primary drivers of the expected rise in diabetes cases will be aging and obesity. As people age, their bodies’ ability to regulate blood sugar levels changes. In addition, studies indicate that obesity rates will continue to rise. No program has yet shown sustainable and population-level reductions in obesity. To reverse this trend in obesity rates, an approach that targets both the behavioral and structural factors related to maintaining a healthy diet and getting enough physical activity will be needed.

Research shows that there are many complex social and economic dynamics at play when it comes to trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Low income, low education level and living in urban areas are all associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Studies also show that type 2 diabetes disproportionately affects Indigenous populations across the world, largely owing to colonization and resulting disruptions to traditional ways of life. The rapid increase in the number of people living with diabetes that we project in our study doesn’t have to become a reality. Understanding how these trends are tied in with how people live is the first step toward changing the course of this disease over the coming decades.l

What other research is being done Our study reports on diabetes trends and risk factors over time by age, sex and geography. However, there are other factors that offer clues to why diabetes disproportionately afflicts certain populations.

Lauryn Stafford is a Fellow in Health Metrics Sciences, University of Washington. Liane Ong is a Lead Research Scientist at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington

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7 Signs You Should Contact a Premises Liability Lawyer strong cases. If you've been in this situation, why not hire a good lawyer to negotiate for you? An attorney will develop a strong litigation and negotiation strategy based on your unique case. They'll find the optimal context for negotiations, work diligently to maximize settlement opportunities during discovery, and win you a far bigger payday.



f you've been injured on another person's property, you'll face medical bills, lost wages, and various other costs, not to mention the stress and pain of the experience. If you're seeking compensation, hiring a good lawyer significantly boosts your likelihood of winning and walking away with a fair settlement. The following are seven clear indications that you should immediately find a premises liability lawyer. 1. You're Unsure of Your Legal Rights With detailed legal awareness, it's easier to know whether or not you have a strong case. In some accidents, the victim clearly lacks all culpability, such as a rotten tree branch or ceiling falling on you. But in other cases, liability might be less precise. In a slip-and-fall accident, for example, you must prove that your negligence didn't contribute to the injury. This is even the case if the property owner fails to fix or warn you of hazardous conditions. A premises liability attorney can put your

6. You're Taking Your Claim to Court The majority of personal injury cases never make it to court. The insurance company usually agrees to pay a settlement long before a judge and jury are required. But about five percent of cases are decided in the courthouse. doubts to rest and inform you exactly how firm your legal footing really is. 2. You Don't Know What Damages To Claim Claimants are also often unsure of exactly what damages they can claim following an accident. According to a study by the Insurance Research Council, this is

one reason why people who hire a personal injury lawyer win three and a half times more money in compensation than claimants who try to negotiate alone. Alongside existing and ongoing medical bills, you can claim damages for diminished capacity to earn in the future. Your attorney can call an expert financial witness to prove this if needed. You can also claim damages for pain and suffering, mental anguish, damaged property, and more. Your attorney will lay out all your options and help you maximize your compensation. 3. You Haven't Gathered Enough Evidence One of the chief services a premises liability attorney carries out is gathering enough evidence for a super-strong case. When working alone, claimants often neglect to collect invaluable evidence early on, such as photos of the hazardous conditions that caused the accident. It's always best to hire help as early as possible. But even if you're hiring a lawyer weeks or months later, they can still investigate and collect a great deal of evidence. For example, they can collect records of previous accidents at the property, building maintenance records, building codes, incident reports, witness testimonies, and more. 4. You Need Expert Witnesses Experienced premises liability attorneys have local networks of expert witnesses who can further bolster your claim. These include flooring experts, building engineers, building safety inspectors, and accident reconstruction experts to prove the property owner's liability. Medical experts can help establish the extent of your injuries, and vocational or forensic financial experts can prove your lost wages and impaired ability to work. 5. You're Unsure How to Negotiate Insurance companies are delighted to find an individual trying to negotiate without a lawyer. They're skilled at disputing damages and convincing claimants that their case has little value. Without experience, such negotiations are an uphill struggle, even in seemingly

Find a Trial-Ready Premises Liability Lawyer Going to court is an intimidating prospect for many claimants. But if the insurance company is playing hardball, you might have no choice but to file a lawsuit. And this certainly isn't something you want to do without a lawyer by your side. Ideally, you should find an attorney with a proven track record of trying and winning similar court cases to yours. Your attorney should also be familiar with the local laws as they differ from state to state. It also helps if they're familiar with your city's local courthouses and judges. 7. You Need Moral Support Lastly, dealing with a premises liability claim can be a long and lonely journey. It's stressful and exhausting to navigate such an unfamiliar legal landscape, especially when you're still recovering from your injury. An attorney can give you the support you need to make it through. Having someone knowledgeable, qualified, and experienced fighting your corner is a relief. For some claimants, this is the most valuable boon of all. If you're experiencing these issues, consider finding a premises liability attorney today. The sooner your legal representation begins, the better your chance of winning fair financial compensation and putting it all behind you. Legal Assistance Contact the Personal Injury Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates. Once you make that choice, one of our attorneys will carefully evaluate your situation to determine whether or not you have a case. If it's determined that you do have a case, we will guide you throughout the entire process to get any money that you might be entitled to. The Personal Injury Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates will go after the maximum settlement for you. No Settlement – No Fee! The Lawyer you hire does make a difference! Contact us today. Call 855-768-8845 or visit to schedule an appointment.l


Caribbean American Weekly -Nov 16-29, 2023 PAGE 19


Caribbean American Weekly - Nov 16-29, 2023 PAGE 20


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