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WJCL 2021-22
Table of Contents Historians' Note............... 2 Meet the Officers.............. 3 Pre-State Convention Events.... 5 2022 State Convention.......... 7 Spring Cleanup Service Project. 11 National Classics Week......... 12 End of the Year Celebrations... 13 Pre-Nationals Party............ 15 Credits........................ 17
Salvete omnes! This year Abhinay Reddy and Charlie Hieb had the honor of cooperating as co-historians for Wisconsin. Although we were the ones to actually create this scrapbook, none of this would have been possible without the help of all our WJCL members sending in pictures and videos from all their Latin fun. This year's NJCL theme "Let us go singing all the way" made us think about how every person we met this year made our job so much easier and more rewarding. We hope this scrapbook reminds you of all the people who have made your journey through life a more enjoyable experience. We also hope you enjoy our fun facts on ancient instruments played during classical Latin times along with a few mythological figures associated with music. Gratias vobis agimus! Abhinay Reddy and Charlie Hieb WJCL Co-Historians 2022-2023
Historians' Note Scrapbook Theme: Ancient Classical Music
Meet the Officers
1st VP
2nd VP
Ilia Mikhailenko
Sonia Zacharias
Hena Allaqaband
Thomas O'Byrne
Abigail Horowitz
Elise Yamat
Tech Co.
Krish Sharma
Mona Khosla
The cithara was very similar to the lyre, and there are many stories that say people were moved to tears by its music. It is said to be closely associated with Apollo and invented by Hermes.
Charlie Hieb
Abhinay Reddy
Pre-State Convention Events Mock wedding processions at CMH and Brookfield East
Brookfield East's Saturnalia Celebration with chocolate doormice
The Tympanum resembled the current tambourine with a wooden frame surrounded by an animal frame on one side. The instrument has a special relation to Dionysus so it was commonly played at parties and displayed in art with Dionysus like the one on the right.
Pre-State Convention Events Brookfield Academy coin war fundraiser
Homestead's annual ice cream social
DSHA Christmas Party
2022 State Convention After almost 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were fortunate enough to host a daylong in-person State convention! With this, the General Assembly brought much cheering and excitement from schools around Wisconsin. This also brought back the creative and funny roll calls.
Musica remedium optimum mentis maerentis music is the best cure for a sorrowing mind
Unknown origin
War Machines!
Art and Building Contests!
Certamen Teams!
2022 State
Enjoying lunch and exploring the city
Ready for Toga dinner
Convention Convention dance with DJ
2021-2022 WJCL Officers posing after a successful convention! to the Muse Era
Service Project The Cornu is named after the word for horn which relates to its shape and the fact it is worn around the player's body. The Cornu was used during parades to announce a famous person's arrival.
WJCL members pose in front of their now trash-free road
BA students clean up a road for their service project
National Classics Week Hydra inspired cupcake made by a CMH student
Happy Birthday Rome cake created from BA
BEHS students writing cards to their teachers
End of the Year Celebrations
DSHA saying goodbye to their teacher, Magistra
Catholic Memorial High School Latin students graduating!
Building Roman architecture with pasta and marshmellows
BEHS party featuring an obstacle course!
End of the Year Celebrations Final Latin Class
The last ever Latin class for Madison West High School
The Roman Tuba was a long bronze wind instrument that is very similar to the modern trumpet. Since it is only able to play notes in the harmonic series, it was most used in battle to announce movements and during games at the Colosseum.
Roman Tuba
Pre-Nationals Picnic
Showing great enthusiasm for our Wisconsin chants
Practicing cheers for Spirit at Nats led by 2nd VP Hena
erpe the Muse Eut
Playing cornhole to meet new delegates
metus remedium optimum mentis maerentis for even the fear of death is dispelled by music
Preparing for the exciting trip to Louisiana
Board members pose with their new Ludi jerseys
A friendly game of Spikeball between our delegates
Credits Photos: Abhinay Reddy Charlie Hieb Elise Yamat Sonia Zacharias Hena Allaqaband Historians from: BEHS Latin Club BA Latin Club CMH Latin Club MWHS Latin Club Software: Canva
Design/Graphics: Abhinay Reddy Charlie Hieb