Feb 2016 Newsletter

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AND SO IT CONTINUES The good news is that no cancer was detected. The bad news is that nothing was found that would cause her symptoms which means more tests and another cancelled trip to Ghana for Debbie. It also means I find myself in Ghana alone again.

CONTACT INFORMATION:  WAMM, P.O. Box 2028 Waukesha, WI 53187  Phone: (262) 347-7172  E-Mail: Either Brian or Debbie @WAMMGhana.com  Website: WAMMGhana.com  Facebook: WAMMGhana

Well, it has happened again. Just as we were about to leave for Ghana, meddlesome doctors got in the way. Debbie was having some minor medical issues so she went to the doctor earlier than anticipated.

Please pray for Debbie and the disappointment she is feeling concerning her inability to travel at this time. Debbie came across this verse in her quiet time a couple of weeks ago, just as we were

being told she would have to stay home: The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. Psalm 16:5 Please pray that God will amaze us with the “lot” he holds for us. We also ask you to pray that both Debbie’s work related to HOMe and my work related to church planting will get accomplished while I travel again without my spouse (and without Jessi).

 Twitter: @WAMMGhana

AGBOGBLOSHIE OUTREACH MINISTRY PLEASE PRAY WITH US:  Praise the Lord for some new supporters. for the McIntyres and for WAMM. Since Jan. 1. Our support shortage is getting smaller.  We continue to wait for the one document that is holding up our two pending adoptions.  Pray for additional sponsors for HOMe’s baby bed sponsorship program.

Did you know that in addition to his responsibilities at HOMe, Pastor William has begun an outreach ministry to the slum children of the Agbogbloshie area of Accra?

gan this ministry about 2 years ago with 17 children.

By his report “Over Five hundred school pupils hear the word of God every Wednesday during their worship time . . . Most of these children are now taking Bible correspondence courses from Source of Light Ministries.”

Over the Christmas holidays, William and Priscilla organized an “Annual Christmas party . . . at Achimota in the Fountain of Life Mission Church. We transported the children from the slum to the church for a change of environment, a time to hear the message of Christmas, eat, drink and have fun. We had over 600 children in attendance.”

This is even more amazing when you consider that he be-

One amazing event happened on the way home from the

Christmas party. A young girl began having an asthmatic attack on the bus requiring them to stop the bus, put her in a taxi and drive her to a local hospital. After 4 hours of treatment she was sent back home. According to the doctors, had she had this attack in her home, she would have most likely died since her family has no money to seek treatment. God is so amazingly good. Take a look at page 2 for pictures of this wonderful day for the children and for the gospel.


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SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES If you would like to . . .

 Help create & maintain ministries in Ghana such as HOMe, a future Women’s Shelter, WAMM’s Guest House, etc.  Help sponsor a Baby Bed at HOMe  Help Bring the McIntyre’s support up to 100%, insuring their continued involvement in WAMM  Partner with WAMM in planting mercy-ministering churches in Ghana With a . . .

 One-Time Gift of $_____________________________________  Monthly Gift of $_____________________________________  Annual Gift of $_____________________________________ Please fill out this form and mail it with your name and address to West African Mercy Ministries, P.O. Box 2028, Waukesha, WI 53187 Or Check out our Paypal option on the Website: WAMMGhana.org

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Brian In Ghana


Brian In Ghana

Brian In Ghana

Brian In Ghana

Brian In Ghana

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