April 2018 Newsletter

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April 2018 Issue 92

News from the Blazeys Trustees joined together to pray

of the response cards will come in God's time.

and thank our Heavenly Father

Prayer Points:

for His goodness shown to us at all times. As I sat down to write the newsletter today, I received a newsletter from Australia. Yolanda and Andrew Blazey continue

Check out these highlights from their report: We praise God that on the 5th of March, West African Mercy Ministries of Australia (WAMMA) celebrated its 1st Anniversary. The Board of

Here I Am!


to work toward returning to Ghana to work with us.

We thank God that on Sunday the 11th of March, we were able to present West African Mercy Ministries Australia (WAMMA) at Werribee Baptist Church (the Blazeys’ home/sending church). We thank Pastor Stan and the Elders for making this possible. We also thank the many people that have responded by generously supporting us in giving for God's kingdom. We pray that the rest

Inside this issue:

1. Pray for wisdom and guidance as we pursue the Father’s will regarding our return to Ghana this year 2018. 2. Please pray with us for baby Michael as further medical decisions are made regarding his second surgery. 3. Pray that God will meet the needs for the new buildings. 4. Pray for our support to come in quickly. Serving Christ with you! God Bless. Andrew and Yolanda

Keep Praying With Us . . .

News from the Blazeys


 For our Clear Title Document and building permit (pg. 2).

Further Update on Baby Michael


The Illusive Piece of Paper


 For Adoptive Homes and Families for our children.

Abena and James: School Update


 That God might allow the Blazeys to be in Ghana by summer’s end.

They Could Not!


 For our additional building project needs.

The Mission of Our Mission


Contact Information


 For the Blazeys’ support (article above).

 For the resources needed for our Summer

Travels and for a trip to Australia to meet the WAMM-Australia Team and the Blazey’s sending church.

Further Update on Baby Michael Our little Michael remains in the hospital after his first surgery. They are awaiting one final “all clear” regarding the fever and infection that was present after his first surgery. Our prayer is that he will receive this report very soon and his shunt surgery can take place in the coming week. If that happens, he is expected to have a 3-day recovery before he is allowed to return home to HOMe. Please be in special prayer for Nadia. She is the worker who has been staying with Michael at the hospital. This has

been nearly non-stop. She sleeps in a chair near his bed. She is responsible for his daily, nonmedical care, including getting his food, feeding and changing him. It has been a long stint for her as well. Recently she has been experiencing some chest pains. Please pray for her health, her stamina and her encouragement. And please continue to pray for Michael, that his fever/infection will remain at bay, that he will be able to have

the second surgery, and mostly that God will bring relief/healing to this little guy.

The Illusive Piece of Paper

This is the piece of paper we are asking God to grant us. And these are the people we are asking him to motivate to give it to us. We have money in hand to break ground on the first of our children’s homes, but to do so without this piece of paper in hand is a not a wise move,

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especially in a county where land issues are so messy. And so we wait on the Lord and wait on the powers that be at the Lands Commission. Please pray for patience and confidence that even in this, God’s timing is best. And pray that we will be able to do this.


Abena and James: School Update Our concern for James was his physical “limitations”. James uses a walker and finds mobility a bit difficult. But the reports we are getting is that he doesn’t even like to use his walker any more.

I can’t tell you how much these pictures thrill our hearts. To see Abena and James thriving in school just brings such joy to Debbie and me. If you remember, last summer we were praying we could find a school that would take these two.

We also thought he would have trouble fitting in, being accepted by the other children. But his teacher has told us that they had to make a rule for the rest of the school that they couldn’t come into the class to take James out to play. The other students have really taken to James. We praise the Lord. In Isaiah 58:9 God promises those that extend mercy that they will here him say “Hear I Am!” These pictures certainly help us to “hear” that promise come true.

Abena was our reserved little one, almost afraid of her own shadow and look at her now (especially to the far right). Is that the posture of a frightened little girl?

Thank You Jesus!

They Could Not! As I write this newsletter it is Good Friday (and incidentally two of my children’s birthdays). In the background I can hear Sandi Patti singing— I know it’s old school, but so am I. The song that is playing is entitled They Could Not! I love the words in the last verse, words speaking of Jesus: And when at last they took from him A P R I L 20 1 8

What willingly He gave Could they keep Him in the grave? They could not, They could not Praise God, they could not! Do those words blow your mind? They took from him only what he allowed them to take, only what he wanted them to take, only what he gladly gave. But they couldn’t keep him down. In fact, they had really only cooperated

with his plan all along. Jesus won. And those that intended to do him harm, had really played right into his hand. Praise God they could not do anything but exactly what God intended. Please pray that we all remember this to be true and that when it seems like things are going crazy (like with title documents), God remains in charge, accomplishing just what he chooses. Page 3

The Mission of Our Mission Glorifying God Through The Extension of His Mercy is the mission of West African Mercy Ministries. We believe that glorifying our God should be the mission of every believer (1 Corinthians 10:31) and we are convinced that God’s preferred means for his glory to be seen is through the display of West African Mercy Ministries P.O. Box 2028 Waukesha, WI 53187

his grace and mercy. When Moses requested to see God’s glory, God’s answer included, “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will

Phone: (262) 347-7172 E-mail: Brian@WAMMGhana.com

show mercy” (Exodus 33:19). Moses was not allowed to see God’s physical glory due to his fallen, human condition. But that did not prevent God from showing his glory. It simply meant that he had to choose a different way.

Pure Worship!

That is what we mean when we say God’s preferred (chosen) means for his glory to be seen is through the display of his grace and mercy. If this is true, what better way can there be for you and me to glorify God than to cooperate with him in the extension of his mercy? That is why

We’re on the Web

WAMM exists and it is why we seek to offer everyday believers an opportu-


nity to involve themselves in glorifying God.

Support Opportunities If you would like to . . .

 Help create & maintain ministries in Ghana such as HOMe, WAMM’s Women’s Shelter, WAMM’s Guest House, etc.  Sponsor a Baby Bed at HOMe  Help Bring the McIntyre’s support up to 100%, insuring their continued involvement in WAMM  Partner with WAMM in planting mercy-ministering churches in Ghana With a . . .

 One-Time Gift of $_____________________________________  Monthly Gift of $_____________________________________  Annual Gift of $_____________________________________ Please fill out this form and mail it with your name and address to West African Mercy Ministries, P.O. Box 2028, Waukesha, WI 53187

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