WAMM October 2016 Newsletter

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CAN’T YOU DO ANY THING RIGHT? CONTACT INFORMATION:  WAMM, P.O. Box 2028 Waukesha, WI 53187  Phone: (262) 347-7172  E-Mail: Either Brian or Debbie @WAMMGhana.com  Website: WAMMGhana.com  Facebook: WAMMGhana  Twitter: @WAMMGhana

PLEASE PRAY WITH US:  Praise the Lord, Nehemiah is now truly being comforted by Yahweh.  Praise the Lord Nyamekye is home and, barring unforeseen circumstances, Mercy soon will be  Pray for the Berkley’s as they adjust to two new members of their rather large family.

I hope you have never heard these words said to you. And even more, I hope you have never said them to anyone else, especially a child. But when it comes to fundraising, I am afraid they can be said about me. Let me explain. A few months ago I was asked by a group of interested people what my long-term dreams were for WAMM-Ghana. One of the things I mentioned was that I would love to buy and develop a piece of property for HOMe so we didn’t have to rent anymore. The very next day I was approached with an offer of a substantial donation and the suggestion that maybe we could set up a matching-fund drive. The donor was willing to match up to $120,000.00 for any donations we could muster for a building fund. I had never done this kind of thing before, but I told him I would give it a try. And so WAMM is holding its first matching-fund fundraiser. But I have to admit, I am not doing it right. You see, the idea is that our part is to solicit funds after which the donor would match those funds. But our trip to Ghana this summer presented us with a piece of land that seemed perfect for our needs. The problem was that it was in an area where land doesn’t stay

on the market for long. Also the price was good and it is close to two decent hospitals (very important when caring for special needs children). This meant we had to act quickly. When I shared this with our donor, a check was generated and sent to us. So now, in my bumbling attempts to conduct a matching-funds fund raiser, I find I am already $90,000 behind. Apparently neither of us fully understand how this is supposed to work. But we thank the Lord this donor was willing to think outside the box. So we need your help. Will you help us match the funds this individual has offered to WAMM (not just the $90,000 already sent, but the full $120,000) so we can not only own the land but begin developing it?

This is your opportunity to make an eternal investment—to become a stakeholder in this ministry that promises eternal dividends (see the picture below). Your investment is guaranteed unparalleled security and amazing returns (see Luke 12:33). Accompanying this newsletter you should find 2 brochures. One explains more about the wisdom of considering eternal investments as part of your investment portfolio. The other explains more about our matching funds drive. So please, would you consider taking part in this matching funds program as a way of storing up treasures in heaven and helping the orphaned and atrisk children of Ghana? There is a form on the next page that will help you do just that.

We are Your Dividends


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WHAT AN AMAZING WEEKEND Sorry this newsletter is getting out a bit late, but I wanted to wait until this weekend passed so I could enclose some pictures. Debbie and I traveled to Michigan on the 30th of September so we could help my parents celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Congrats mom and dad. While we were there, one of our board members who is also one of our adoptive parents arranged a reunion of sorts. We were able to spend Friday evening with all five of the children from HOMe who now make Michigan their home. What a joy it was to see our precious not-so-little ones again and to see the progress they have made since leaving our care. Praise the Lord and thank you parents for allowing us be part of your families for this special night.

SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES I would like to . . .

 Make an Eternal Investment in WAMM by participating in the matching-funds Fund Raiser for the Property for HOMe  Sponsor a Baby Bed at HOMe  Help Bring the McIntyre’s support up to 100%, insuring their continued involvement in WAMM  Partner with WAMM in planting mercy-ministering churches in Ghana With a . . .

 One-Time Gift of $_____________________________________  Monthly Gift of $_____________________________________  Annual Gift of $_____________________________________ Please fill out this form and mail it with your name and address to West African Mercy Ministries, P.O. Box 2028, Waukesha, WI 53187 Or Check out our Paypal option on the Website: WAMMGhana.org

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