July 2016 newsletter

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A M!

JULY 2016

CONTACT INFORMATION:  WAMM, P.O. Box 2028 Waukesha, WI 53187  Phone: (262) 347-7172  E-Mail: Either Brian or Debbie @WAMMGhana.com  Website: WAMMGhana.com  Facebook: WAMMGhana  Twitter: @WAMMGhana

PRAY FOR OUR SUMMER TRIP It is our hope and prayer that Saturday, July 2 will see all three of us able to board the airplane together for our summer trip to Ghana. As you know, each of the four trips last year and the earlier one this year did not happen the way we had planned. Debbie and I have been in in Ghana for a total of just over six months since the first of January 2015, not one day of that time were we both in country at the same time. We really are hoping and praying that this year is different. And we ask you to pray that way with us as well.

One of the main reasons Debbie is excited to be going is that there are currently two babies at HOMe that don’t have her finger prints on them yet. Last month I shared with you about little Nehemiah (pictured to the left). He is back at HOMe and his condition continues to deteriorate. We are praying for him as follows: 1)


PLEASE PRAY WITH US:  Please keep praying for Nehemiah, his condition continues to deteriorate  Please pray that Nyamekye and Mercy will receive their visas soon.  Health for the staff and children at HOMe.  Please pray for a safe and beneficial trip this summer.

The second of the new babies is this little girl named Yaa Yaa.


That God, in his infinite might and unparalleled mercy might yet choose to heal this little boy. If God chooses to take him to heaven, we pray that the willingness of the HOMe staff to care for this “hopeless” case might abound to God’s glory and give us opportunity to share Christ with incredulous onlookers. That if Nehemiah is to be taken home, God would choose to do so while we are in Ghana so we can help shoulder that burden with the Dekus.

Is that a smile or what? Needless to say Debbie can’t wait to put her fingerprints all over this sweet little face. Yaa Yaa was left at a hospital by a mother who was unable to provide the necessary care for her, especially medical care. We are currently having her medical condition assessed since she has trouble sitting or standing as well as one would expect from a child of her age. Please be in prayer for Yaa Yaa, for her transition at HOMe, for her health., and for our trip this summer.


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A SUBSTANTIAL GIFT In the June newsletter I wrote an article concerning what we were hoping to accomplish on our Summer “Vacation”. One of the things that I mentioned was that I will be examining the possibility of purchasing property in Ghana for a permanent home for HOMe and for WAMM-Ghana. A few months ago, this was merely a dream, quite frankly one about whose reality I was beginning to wonder.

grace and through the generosity of one of his children, has seen fit to give WAMM a rather sizeable, unexpected gift for the purpose of securing permanent facilities. We have taken this gift as direction from the Lord that it is at least time to get serious about looking for what is available. We are trusting that he who began this work, will bring it to completion.


That he might be pleased to show us, even this summer, the property he has in mind for us


That he would provide the remainder of the resources necessary to complete this thing we are trusting that he has begun.


And let’s thank him for the gift and the giver that have enabled us to get started on this project

So, please pray with us 1)

But now it appears on our summer to-do list in earnest. Why? Because God in his

That God would show us what he desires for us to do concerning WAMMGhana facilities.

We are excited to see what God has in store.

SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES If you would like to . . .

 Help create & maintain ministries in Ghana such as HOMe, WAMM’s Women’s Shelter, WAMM’s Guest House, etc.  Sponsor a Baby Bed at HOMe  Help Bring the McIntyre’s support up to 100%, insuring their continued involvement in WAMM  Partner with WAMM in planting mercy-ministering churches in Ghana With a . . .

 One-Time Gift of $_____________________________________  Monthly Gift of $_____________________________________  Annual Gift of $_____________________________________ Please fill out this form and mail it with your name and address to West African Mercy Ministries, P.O. Box 2028, Waukesha, WI 53187 Or Check out our Paypal option on the Website: WAMMGhana.org

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