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123 e) It had been suggested that ‘SID’ should be ordered again. It was thought there would need to be a further training session. To be booked after 16 October on a Monday afternoon when four councillors would be available. 162.12. Correspondence received 1. A letter from a resident highlighted the increasing problem of vehicles parked on both sides of the road through the village and on Mill Road in particular. They were making it difficult for large agricultural vehicles to pass and creating a hazard for pedestrians. The councillors agreed referring to the fire engine which would be held up in an emergency. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the Police, Highways and Lynx Homes. 2. Notice of Electoral review of East Lindsey, possibly reducing members from 55 to 50. 3. Lincs Wolds offering funding for a sustainable project to be completed by February. Other items circulated. 163.12. Highways and Public Rights of Way Lincolnshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2- no comments on review. Notice of temporary traffic restriction on Station Road between 15/10/12 and 19/10/12 and 30mph Speed Limit Order on A 157 at Grimblethorpe from 15/10/12 to 7/12/2012. 164.12. Planning There were no planning applications to consider. It was noted that permission had been granted to Goodwin and Tucker Ltd N/042/00848/12. 165.12. Allotment Field- Small Holding and Allotments Act 1908 a) One half plot 17b had not been cut and the clerk was instructed to write and reclaim it. The tenants of plot 13 were happy to hand over as they were to move away. b) The insurance provider recommended amending the suggested addition to the Tenancy Agreement for clarity ‘The Council will not be liable for any loss or damage to Tenants property or for any injury, loss or damage arising either from the Tenant’s activities within their plot or from any vehicle which is taken into the area of the allotment gardens’. c) It was resolved unanimously that allotments should be available without restriction and No4 on the Agreement should be deleted. d) The clerk had queried the recommended distance for allotment gardens from the football pitch as there was no reference to this in the response from Came and Co. The officer replied that this was not a question that they are qualified to answer and recommended contacting Digley Associates regarding any concerns about adequate distance or whether fencing should be erected. Came and Co were informed that this had been done but the councillors objected as they considered the recommended fence would be unsightly. As Responsible Financial Officer the clerk asked for clarification as statements appeared to be conflicting and it was important to prevent the parish being at risk of not having adequate insurance cover. The reply was received as follows: “As discussed I can confirm that should any plot/crops be damaged by an errant ball and the allotment holder can successfully prove the Parish Council is legally liable the Public Liability insurance section of the policy will meet any subsequent claim. We expect Councils to take all reasonable precautions to manage risks and reduce the likelihood of claims being made. The advice of independent experts such as Digley Associates should be taken under advisement and their recommendations implemented. If the Council chooses not to heed Digley Associates advice and not erect a fence between the football pitch and the allotments the existing insurance will continue to indemnify the Council. I trust the above has clarified the matter”. The clerk was instructed to write and ask East Lindsey District Council for advice. e) A letter of application for one and a half plots, dated 9th September was delivered by hand to the meeting. There are plots now vacant and a new site is not needed at this time. f) It was agreed that the clerk would be available prior to the meeting on 22nd October to to collect payment due from 1st October 2012 to 30th September 2013 and to provide tenants with the revision to the Agreement clarifying that the Council will not be liable for tenants’ property or their activities within their plots.

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