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Donington on Bain Parish Council


The clerk’s notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 22nd April 2013 in the village hall beginning with the public session at 7.20pm. Present were: Cllrs M Fisher chairman, Mrs J Roantree, Mrs T Burnham, Mrs J Scutt, Mrs A Skitt, P Slinger and F Beaney, and the clerk Mrs A Hodgson. There were no members of the public. Cllr Fisher formally opened the Council meeting at 7.30pm. 56.13. Chairman’s remarks The chairman welcomed members and encouraged them to respond to East Lindsey District Council’s online Green Waste Survey. Clerk had forwarded details by email. 57.13. Apologies and reasons for absence- all members were present. 58.13. Localism Act 2011- to receive Declarations of Interests/requests for Dispensation. No Interests were declared. There were no applications for Dispensation. 59.13. Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 25th March 2013 to be approved as minutes. The notes having been circulated in advance were taken as read. It was resolved that the last line of minute 45.13-8 should be amended with ‘correspondence’ and ‘for clarification’ added and ‘to avoid harassment’ deleted. It was then resolved with five votes in favour and two abstentions due to absence, that the amended notes be approved and signed as a correct record of the minutes of the meeting. Clerk reminded members that notes/minutes can only be amended by resolution at a properly convened meeting and not by group email. Emails are convenient for forwarding information. 60.13. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding a) 45.13. It was resolved that the fee of £15 be paid for entry in the Best Kept Village Competition. b) 53.13.No response from Digleys. Came and Co informed the council that they were now recommending the services of the Play Inspection Company and provided details. The clerk was instructed to book an accompanied inspection with the additional cost to be approved in retrospect at the next meeting. Thanks to be recorded to T Burnham and F Beaney for putting up the tennis nets. c) P.F.154 used as access to paddock for horses. Countryside officer advised asking for it to be rolled if problem continued when weather improved. d) Cemetery-clerk reported a request from family members for a ‘double plaque’1ft x2ft to be placed on the two adjoining cremation plots of their parents. Councillors agreed that it could be allowed and that the small existing memorial could be retained. e) The contractor had informed the clerk that he could no longer cut the bank in the Allotment Field entrance due to mole infestation. Cllr Beaney said he was removing the debris weekly. f) Clerk reported light in the electric meter hut in need of repair as it was not switching off. Cllr Beaney offered to remove the bulb temporarily. g) Clerk had asked website owner if he would display Council address to discourage firms from sending mail to the village hall address. 61.13. Correspondence received 1. 45.13- letter from applicant referring to planning application circulated for members to read. 2. 45.13- opened letter requesting an allotment. Clerk had acknowledged. 3. Play facilities survey from Community Lincs completed accepting offer of help and support. 4. ELDC Green Waste consultation with details of service cost and request for views on line. 5. ELDC Scrutiny review- ‘Does Planning have the right tools to deliver- no action. 6. Correspondence folders returned to date- except November Other items for information previously forwarded by group email or in circulation folder with added training pages on duties and responsibilities of a chairman and the clerk; reminder to members of their responsibility under Localism Act 2011. 140

62.13. Highways and Public Rights of Way 141 1. Notice of temporary road closure for resurfacing of Old School Lane and Hollengs Lane- to include Mill Road. 2. Reply re. parking issue on Mill Road pointing out it would be extremely difficult to create off street parking for No 1 and 2 Neve gardens or the properties on Mill Road. The officer suggested that such village parking is quite commonplace and can offer advantages for example, by slowing traffic speed whereas without it speed can tend to be higher. In summary, the officer wrote that he would not suggest the parking be removed and he certainly would not propose parking restrictions to do that as it is only a minor inconvenience for drivers having to slow down to pass the vehicles or stop to give way to oncoming drivers. The clerk was instructed to reply that while the Parish Council agreed with most of the officer’s comments there have been instances where HGV’s and agricultural vehicles have had to make long detours or knock householders up so that they can proceed along the road. The PCSO to be asked if she will proceed with the promised letter drop. 63.13. Planning No applications had been received. It was noted that N/042/00183/13 for Mr A Butt had been approved. Governance 64.13. Localism Act Cllr Mrs Scutt to attend the in-depth all day councillors training course on 19 June at LALC office. 65.13. Annual Governance Statement- review of Risk Assessment aims 5-11. a. All members have a copy of the Council’s aims, risks and methods used to minimise the risks and 12, 13 and 17 were reviewed. These covered safeguarding children, carrying out adequate safety checks on properties and equipment and ensuring that weekly visual inspections are recorded, signed and dated to comply with insurance conditions and Health and Safety Regulations. Members need to understand the risks and the methods used to minimise them/action to be taken. b. To adopt policy as agreed at minute 65.12 (for the play park) to ensure an area is made safe as soon as possible when a fault is identified in any situation. Tape, chains, locks in shed. The clerk had prepared a draft Risk Assessment for action in an emergency prompted by the damage in the church yard, recommending cordoning off the hazardous area until repairs can be undertaken. The aim being to ensure it is made as safe as possible by minimising the risk. Cllr P Slinger volunteered to deputise if clerk not available. 66.13. Annual Parish Meeting. Mrs Shorland to speak on Neighbourhood Planning on Monday 29th April at 7.30pm. Clerk had forwarded notice of meeting for church newsletter. Members had been provided with a copy of the draft annual report and amendments were made. 67.13. Allotment Field- Small Holding and Allotments Act 1908 Members had been provided with revised copies of the Allotment Policy and application form with the changes as reviewed and agreed on 22-3-13. It was resolved unanimously to continue with the current Tenancy Agreement and to approve the Allotments Policy and application form with the request for a retained deposit removed. The clerk to provide copy of Tenancy Agreement and application form to the interested resident. 68.13. Churchyard P Costin had apologised for not replying and asked clerk for a letter to present to the PCC AGM. There was no meeting for the Council to approve a letter but the clerk agreed to prepare a statement of the facts to date in consultation with and the approval of the chairman. It was read to the meeting by Revd Costin and a letter in reply was sent by the secretary of the PCC. This indicated that the situation had been discussed fully at the meeting and agreed that the PCC could do nothing as it was a matter for the Parish Council to resolve. It was noted that a small part of the wall had now fallen and the clerk recommended cordoning the site off to keep the public back from the damaged area and contacting NALC for legal advice. 141

142 Councillors agreed that the mesh placed over the damaged part was adequate and members volunteered to repair the damage. The chairman asked for a vote and there were five votes in favour and two against. The clerk to inform the Diocesan officer. It was agreed that Stephen Vessey should be asked to provide the report the tree contractors had recommended as required under the Occupier’s Liability Act at a cost of £90. To be included on next agenda for approval of payment in retrospect. 69.13. Recreation Area /MUGA. Members had inspected the play equipment and M Fisher provided copies of the report he had prepared. No contract awarded for repairs as further inspection to be ordered- minute 60.13. M Fisher to check with Health and Safety re. guards recommended for the swings. No further action needed on the access track. 70.13. Financial matters: Income received: Lloyds TSB interest March Bills for payment: It was resolved unanimously that the following invoices be paid: 000707 Southern Electric 000708 Donington on Bain Village Hall 23-1-12 to 25-313 (hire rate increased to £10.00 per meeting) 000709 Best Kept Village entry


20.14 130.00 15.00

BW Maintenance invoice returned, not as quote. Football Club invoice sent MUGA hire £80, Floodlights hire 16x£3 £128. 71.13. Items for next agenda and confirm date for annual meeting on Tuesday 28th May 2013. J Scutt BMX track and others as listed. The meeting closed at 9.50pm.


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