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Donington on Bain Parish Council


The clerk’s notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 25th March 2013 in the village hall beginning with the public session at 7.20pm. Present were: Cllrs M Fisher chairman, Mrs T Burnham, Mrs J Scutt, P Slinger and F Beaney, and the clerk Mrs A Hodgson. There were no members of the public present. Cllr Fisher formally opened the Council meeting at 7.30pm. 40.13. Chairman’s remarks The chairman welcomed members. 41.13. Apologies and reasons for absence Mrs J Roantree had given her apologies in advance to the clerk and the reason was circulated in confidence. It was resolved unanimously to accept the reason. Mrs A Skitt was not present and it was understood she had been delayed by the weather. 42.13. Localism Act 2011- to receive Declarations of Interests/requests for Dispensation. None were declared. There were no applications for Dispensation. 43.13. Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 25th February 2013 to be approved as minutes. The notes having been circulated in advance were taken as read. It was resolved with four votes in favour that the minutes be signed as a correct record. One abstention due to absence. 44.13. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding a) Clerk had contacted East Lindsey asking for care to be taken when the glass is removed at the recycling centre. The bins are not changed on a specific date but if a member of staff is informed someone will be sent out to clear up any broken glass which is left behind. b) A resident had reported that industrial waste including broken tiles had been tipped on the access by the MUGA. (Deferred to agenda item 14) 45.13. Correspondence received 1. ELDC improving communication questionnaire- agreed this could be mainly by email. 2. ELDC giving notice of Small Business Rate Relief – no charge for 2013 to 2014. 3. LCC notice of election and poster 4. CPRE Best Kept Village Competition application forms £15 charge-to be on next agenda. 5. W Hammond Associates offering re cleaning, resurfacing tennis court. 6. SSE notification of recovery of Feed in Tariff Charges. 7. November correspondence folder still missing- no ideas for monitoring circulation. 8. The January folder had still not been fully circulated, no suggestions made for improvement. Other items (for information only forwarded by email) or circulated in folder. Two envelopes addressed to the Parish Council, one opened, one unopened were passed to the clerk by a member for attention at next meeting as policy. All members to be provided with a reminder copy of council policy to avoid harassment. 46.13. Highways and Public Rights of Way Quote obtained. (agenda 15c) P. Slinger asked to be informed by text message if flood boards needed on 07743332308. 47.13. Planning There were no applications or decisions to note. The clerk reported on a call received from an applicant who had written to ask if he could speak to the Parish Council regarding his proposal. The letter had not arrived and he had apparently used the village hall address from the village website. Now too late as observations made. The clerk informed him that all contact details for the Parish Council are on the notice boards and ELDC/CountyCouncil websites. T Olsen to be asked to clarify Parish Council contact address. 138

Governance 139 48.13. Localism Act M Fisher had contacted the Monitoring Officer who had reminded him that training would benefit all councillors. Her letter was a recommendation only and it was agreed members would choose an appropriate training from the list provided by LALC rather than a special training session for all. 49.13. Annual Governance Statement- review of Risk Assessment aims 5-11. All members have a copy of the Council’s aims, risks and methods used to minimise the risks and reviewed 5 to 11 covering account books, payments, budget, precept, salary and contract payments, year end accounts and assets. To be prepared by clerk/RFO for Council to confirm in Annual Return. 50.13. Annual Parish Meeting. Mrs Shorland to speak on Neighbourhood Planning on Monday 29th April at 7.30pm. Break for coffee (clerk offered scones-members coffee) then annual assembly for all local electors. Notices to advertise-date does not allow time for leaflet drop with church newsletter. 51.13. Allotment Field- Small Holding and Allotments Act 1908 New draft Allotment Tenancy Agreement from LALC had been circulated. The clerk recommended continuing with the existing Agreement as the reduced period of notice suggested for tenants would be of no benefit to the Council as there were vacant plots. Minute 09.13 was also reviewed as councillors had not understood what they were voting for. It was agreed that the deposit submitted with the application form would be the rent for the first year of a successful tenancy and refunded minus an administration charge of £5 if it did not proceed. It was noted that an additional charge could not be made to non council tax payers so the application form will be adjusted for consideration/approval at the April meeting. 52.13. Churchyard Three quotes had been invited for trimming branches of three trees. Only one received as the tree surgeons previously contacted to inspect and quote had not responded again. The clerk had reminded the PCC secretary of the promised reply but was told Revd Pam Costin was dealing with it. P Costin had not replied to email or telephone messages. Clerk to investigate again. 53.13. Recreation Area /MUGA. There had been no response from Digleys- they had not received the letter and would inform the Council when they were to be in the area to carry out an inspection. It was agreed that a quote for repairs received after the closing date could be opened. The supplier of the equipment indicated that a quote for repairs could not be provided but offered help if needed. M Fisher had not inspected the independent report and repairs needed and it was agreed that all members would have a site meeting before awarding the contract. Clerk reminded Council that the quote invited in January was just valid for two months. The repairs were mainly outstanding from the 2010 and 20011 inspections and there were no trained volunteers. Report to be presented to April meeting. It was agreed to earmark £2,000to pay for repairs in year end accounts. P Slinger reported that he had tipped builders rubble on the access track near the MUGA but it was still too wet to be repaired. Members to inspect and suggest improvements at next meeting. Tennis nets due to be set up for 1st April – F Beaney volunteered to assist J Roantree if needed. 54.13. Financial matters: Income received: Lloyds TSB interest February


Bills for payment: It was resolved unanimously that the following invoice be paid: 000705 Clerk’s salary to 31st March to comply with HMRC year end 213.98 Southern Electric invoice deferred for check of units used. BW Maintenance quote for cutting/strimming public footpaths £145 per cut. There were no offers for the grass letting. 55.13. Items for next agenda and confirm date for meeting on Monday 22nd April 2013. As listed. The meeting closed at 9.25pm. 139

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