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DONINGTON ON BAIN PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council Mrs A Hodgson Sycamore Cottage Torrington Lane East Barkwith Lincolnshire LN8 5RY 01673 858451 Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to the meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Monday 25th February 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Donington on Bain. There will be a ten minute open session for members of the public to ask questions and make observations from 7.20pm and your attendance is requested during this period. Please note members of the public are welcome to sit in and listen to the discussion of agenda items during the council meeting, but not take part. Alice Hodgson

Clerk to the Council

18th February 2013

Agenda 1. Chairman’s remarks 2. Apologies with reasons for absence 3. Localism Act 2011- to receive Declarations of Interest and requests for Dispensation 4. To consider clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 28-01-2013 to be approved as minutes. 5. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding. 6. Correspondence received and to consider how circulation of documents can be improved/monitored. 7. Highways and Public Rights of Way. 8. 1. Planning-to agree if any planning applications received should be considered and note any decisions. 2. To note application received between meetings: N/042/02597/12 from Mr R Osmond for creation of a new channel on the River Bain to bypass the existing mill- details emailed to members. 3. To receive an apology from Anne Shorland and agree if invitation to be extended to a future meeting. 4.To consider the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment consultation and the sites identified that are discounted and not discounted and any other sites in the parish which should be considered. (Will the member who has the folder please ensure it is returned to the meeting) 9. Allotment Field-Small Holding and Allotments Act 1908: to consider promotion and agree charge for administration for tenants who are not council tax payers (to complete Council Policy adopted 28/1/13) 10. Churchyard: to note that council is responsible for regular tree survey and agree action. 11. Football Club notice- to consider sign erected to deter dog owners from fouling the pitch. 12. Localism Act 2011- to agree dates when all members are available to offer to LALC for training on the Member’s Code of Conduct, in particular best professional/proportionate behaviour and the legal limits of what a Parish Councillor can and cannot do without formal delegation of authority to act for their PC. 13. Annual Governance statement, sec. 5, to show council considered the risks and dealt with them properly: 1. ‘We carried out an assessment of risks facing the council and took appropriate steps to manage those risks’. Council Risk Assessment 1-4, to review, consider and ensure members understand the risks, aims and methods used to minimise risks and agree the necessary action to be taken. (all members have copy) 2. To arrange for parts of Risk Assessment to be added to each agenda: re. Internal Auditor’s letter 25/5/12. “I would ask that the Council complete their part of the Annual Return honestly and with due care and attention”. Copy of insurer’s top ten list of areas currently giving rise to public liability claims attached. 14. Recreation Area/MUGA- to consider purchase of replacement bin before the tennis season and to instruct the clerk to request the Annual Inspection of both areas, due in January 2013to be undertaken. 15. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 -to resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Act to open and consider quotes received. If the resolution is passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage. If the above resolution is passed the members of the public present will be asked to leave the meeting. 16. Annual Inspection Report outstanding repairs: to decide if quote received after closing date should be opened and considered with any new quotes received and agree any action to be taken. 17. Access track: to decide if quote received after closing date should be opened and considered. The chairman to reopen the meeting to the public. 18. Financial matters: Income received and bills for payment. 19. Items for next agenda and confirm date of the next meeting on Monday 25th March 2013.

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