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Life will go on as long as we keep breathing, it is our responsibility how we want to live it

We can constantly feel that we face time in a never-ending battle, which seems to slip through our fingers and only manages to frustrate us by making us believe that we have done nothing.


At a certain point in life, this feeling is powerful, as we see how others move forward while we remain parked or waiting for the traffic light of existence to turn green so we can continue; however, sometimes, we do not know how to continue or how to restart our path.

But let us remember that we are human. Although we are young, it is okay to get tired; it is okay not to know what to do; it is also okay to stop for a while to breathe and find ourselves, not to go in a hurry like everyone else. For the same reason that we are young, we should enjoy even more, life has many pleasures, and God wants you to enjoy them, to enjoy all that he has created, the gifts and talents. Still, he also wants you to enjoy fulfilling our purpose in his will.

We often fall into fatigue, disorientation and discouragement because we are not following our purpose and will, which robs us of energy. After all, he constantly renews our strength and courage when we follow our aim based on his will.

Through meditation on God and his word, we communicate with him or with creation because he always seeks to speak to and encourage us.

Life will go on as long as we continue to breathe; it is our responsibility how we want to live it, whether in our free will, stealing all our energy and falling into discouragement or being courageous, seeking his will to discover our purpose and give meaning to our life.

We thought that our purpose had been stolen from us or that we did not have it, but what is missing is to go and look for it in the heart of our father God, who knows what we have been like since he created us.

The Lord wants us to stop fighting with time and stop comparing ourselves with others; he wants us to have satisfaction in this life, to find our identity as children and individuals, and to love ourselves because he does not make exceptions for people.

It is essential to learn how he loves us so that we know to love ourselves, stop being so hard on ourselves, forgive our mistakes and failures and let go of what emotionally ties us to sadness or bitterness, stop fighting with ourselves and start by forgiving yourself, love God and learn to love yourself.