1 minute read


The Lord teaches us to know and enjoy the feeling that mobilizes humanity

Throughout the existence of humankind, human beings have searched in many places for true love. This month, the search for that feeling is increasing in the world, which at times makes us not understand our actions and attitudes and also puts us as a reference to couples who inspire us not to give up in our search.


So, taking care of this basic need to feel loved and to be able to love someone, today I am going to talk to you about the love that we all long for, which I found in God, and it is perfect, the same passion that makes me love and accepts myself as I am and that makes me love others.

If you have not experienced it, today I invite you to know that perfect love that suffers and is kind, does not envy, does not boast, does not boast and does not do anything improper, does not seek its own and is not irritated, does not hold grudges and does not enjoy injustice. God’s love in your life believes in all things, hopes in all things and endures all things.

That love is perfect if you decide to allow him to experience a feeling you have never felt; it will come and give you the best relationships of love and friendship, and it will lead you to seek the benefit of others and to exalt the qualities of others.

Amid every difficulty, his love will be the best gift and reward; like me, you can decide to experience it.