ACPME Conference Comic Cheshire 2019

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The four stages of conference…

Sunday Night…

Tuesday Night…

Monday Morning…

Wednesday afternoon


Once again Simon’s photo of his 4o footer impressed the ladies

Not everyone was happy Loughborough won again…

It wasn’t every year you got Jason Statham at conference

There was the usual rush for the conference group photos

Under Jennie’s steely gaze everyone behaved themselves

new Careers Beckoned‌

Finger puppeteer

Teal Promoter


and Divas!

I bloody love you, you sexy woman!

Carl’s eyesight had never been great at the best of times and he refused to wear glasses

Big Stevie felt almost Regal

it was the last time Justin was Going to wear Lynx Africa

Kate Hull Rodgers was sure she could smell Lynx Africa

Rubbing Simon’s head was a well known aphrodisiac…

…and some people needed all the help they could get!

not very many people knew that simon had once been very successful in claymation.

after the previous nights drinking there were always a lot of delegates needing permission to go to the loo

practicing surprise when Loughborough won again could be taught

practicing surprise when paul tetley Bought a round of drinks could be taught

If he didn’t do exactly as she asked Ian would get Karate chopped!

nobody believed Big Stevie’s assertion of how big tunnock caramel log bars were in Scotland

topping up her pint of Bacardi with coke would keep Claire awake this year

Tim was the real power behind the conference…

…and Just as Simon finally remembered the words to ‘Dancing Queen’ Tim pressed the mute button.

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