2023 ACPME Conference Comic

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The Cowboy Printer Convention / Hoe-down was officially underway

Stealing his horse wasn’t slowing Barry down at all…

Yeah Baby!

Every one’s a winner!

The Brokeback Mountain Boys Made it a more inclusive conference

Darren ran to get a box of matches as…

…A double portion of Barbecue beans propelled Liz and Spencer up the aisle

Specky, Woody, Welshy and Stumpy were the scariest cowpokes this side of surrey

Paul’s act was Harry potter meets Tommy Cooper… ‘just like that!’

John loved designing his own pizza toppings more than anything else…

Ian was just glad he didn’t have to rob anymore post offices to balance the books

‘Can I have half a pint and half a half pint?’ asked steve…

‘Cross me palm with silver and I’ll tell you your fortune’ said Michelle, who was always working a side hustle.

Paul was heading into Broken Back country

John Did his best to look interested

‘The Magnificent seven’ were reduced to ‘the Averagely ok Four’

Ian thought it would be fun to ‘sign’ his entire presentation

without warning the Barbecue Beans suddenly took effect…

He had a 10 gallon hat on a two gallon head

Lucy thought there were a lot of fringe benefits from being at conference

Steve could even drone without his controller

John Did his best to look interested

With their new glasses Avril and Janet could see more clearly

With a wave of his hand, Ted said, ‘These are not the droids you’re looking for!’

Contrary to popular belief; Van Diesel was neither fast nor furious…

Sam felt less hot when she went Commando…

Surrendering to the print cowboys wasn’t going to save Ian

Ian wasn’t impressed with Steve’s budget golf course.

Adam gave the secret sign to get him 5 x pints at the bar

McCann had a bad habit of biting singers on the bum

…and Somewhere Ian thought he could hear the faint gurgling sound of a phone ringing underwater…

Joanne showed everyone what XL looked like…

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