Untamed Soul Magazine - November Issue 0003

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ask Mama Starr - musings of a soul junkie life alchemy - numerology - spiritual news

UNTAMED soul Issue 3 - November 2020

reconnect to your wildness & ignite your spiritual fire

Healing with


Healing Trauma WITH TAPPING

"how my surgery led to a deeper healing"

STORIES untold

l a r t s e c n A g n i l a e H

how to write your story

Rosehip Syrup Recipe


10% off all proceeds are donated to Operation Underground Railroad

e m o c l e W

Welcome to Our third issue of Untamed Soul. This month we talk about the cycles and patterns that we find in our lifetimes and of those that came before us. Some are big, some small. No matter the size, all are equally important. As with every issue, this one has been created with so much love and wisdom. Gratitude to the team and writers who have worked so hard this month and of course you the readers - Our Untamed Family. Enjoy!




Real & Raw

! e d i s n I s t' a h W



How Reiki Has Helped Me Heal Ancestral Wounding - By Jen Harle

Living in alignment with the seasons through colour - with Emma Halley

Mindful & Magic 17 SELF CARE FOR THE SOUL Our expert Mala Kennedy shares the importance of prioritising your self care

20 ASK MAMA STARR Mama Starr answers your questions using her oracle cards

30 LIFE ALCHEMY Leanne shares the importance of taking aligned action

32 HOLISTICALLY HAPPY & HEALTHY Michelle shares practical advice and Yoga for holistic health.


Our angel expert Yvonne shares how to 26 CRYSTALS FOR THE MONTH work with your angels to bring peace. crystals for ancestral healing - with 39 UP THROUGH MY SKYLIGHT Christine Healing by Secondary Intention Insights by Katie Hopkins

Community & Connection

48 NATURE'S KITCHEN 42 SOUL-ALIGNED BUSINESS Getting your business ready for the holiday period - by Jen Cochrane

Our foraging expert Jill’s recipe for Rosehip Syrup



The second part of Rob's Peru story

Our Expert Penny shares advice on how to get your story out in the world

56 NUMEROLOGY REPORT Monthly guidance brought to you by Denise Martinez~Rossini




! g n i v o l e r Things we' for NOVEMBER What we’re enjoying this month in the ‘Untamed’ HQ







1 Tropic, Age-defying Elixir. 2 Chakra Candle Set, Psychic Tree. 3 Strong Girls/Boys Club Patches, Muthahood. 4 I Love My World, Chris Holland. 5 Indian Bird String, The Source. 6 On Purpose Podcast, Jay Shetty. 7 Coconut, Ramen Noodle Bowls, Jungle Culture. 8 Mixed Stickers, Punky Pins.

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NOVEMBER Events To feed your soul... NOVEMBER AWAKENING EVENT November 7th - 14th 2020

Visit www.untamedsoul.uk


Hosted by: One Heart One Earth

November 12th, 7.30-8.30pm

November 2020 Awakening, Global Healing Event

Hosted by: Pranic Healing UK

Over 50 Facilitators from Around the World. Presentations and Live Q&A, Ascension Support

Lecture & Meditation on Twin Hearts with Les Flitcroft


FIND YOUR VOICE WORKSHOP Tuesday, November 3, 2020 AT 6–7pm Hosted by: Kim Dhatt If you are feeling ignored by loved ones, then this is the opportunity for you to change things for the better.

https://www.kimdhatt.com/produ ct-page/find-your-voice-workshop 6

Advertise your event!


CRYSTAL REIKI FOR REIKI PRACTITIONERS Friday November 20th, 2020 at 6:30-8pm Hosted by: The Training Centre of Wellbeing. This practitioner training is for Reiki Practitioners and takes place over 5 weekly classes on our virtual classroom platform.


Real life

REIKI How Reiki Has Helped Me Heal Ancestral Wounding - By Jen Harle of Real Life Reiki I have a memory from my teenage years of staying with my Grandma for a week during the Summer holidays. I was looking through old family photo albums in the bedroom where I was staying, and came across a photo of me as a baby, being held by my Mum while my Grandma watched us. I felt a pang as I looked at this photo. Firstly, it was pretty rare for me to see a baby photo of myself, we had hardly any at home. Secondly, my Mum was looking at me with love. I remember looking at this photo and thinking ‘What happened to that love?’

My mum has always struggled to express her emotions, her default setting being one of quiet neutrality. I couldn’t understand this when I was growing up, but as an adult I came to realise that I, too, struggled to express my emotions as I had been trained from childhood to repress them. I come from a long line of perfectionists, overachievers and impossible-to-live-up-to expectations. It’s exhausting. It caused me to suffer severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), and to spend over 10 years in a profession which was not my true calling. I also had recurrent tonsillitis, which I now know was as a result of my throat chakra being blocked due to not expressing myself and speaking my truth.


However, the more I tried to deal with this ancestral wounding, the more difficult emotions it would bring up. And the thing with emotions is, if you don’t deal with them, work through them and move them out of your body, all of that stagnant negative energy has nowhere to go and starts to create illness in the physical body. I realised almost immediately that I would have to up my game with my Reiki selftreatment and other methods of energy work to help disperse this energy.

It is only now, at the age of 36, that I am able to analyse and unpack my family history and trace the behaviours which have been passed down from parent to child, and especially mother to daughter. I don’t blame my mum for passing these behaviours on – after all, she was a victim of this pattern too. So was my Grandma. I love them both very much and try to maintain the best relationship with them I can. I realised that I needed to do extensive work on changing these behaviours so that I don’t pass them onto my 2 young sons.

One of the reasons that Reiki is my favourite modality is that you can use it on yourself, easily, every day. As long as your hands are on yourself – on your tummy, in your lap, hands on hips, wherever – the energy is flowing and the healing effect takes place. I started making sure I made time for a proper self-treatment each day, at least 10 minutes. One of the other reasons I love Reiki so much is that it is so easy to use alongside other healing modalities. I use crystal healing, sound therapy and colour therapy with my Reiki selftreatment for added benefits.

"the more I tried to deal with this ancestral wounding, the more difficult emotions it would bring up" 8

I analysed my family tree to see what the common themes were, who had passed what behaviours onto whom, could I trace back where these behaviours had come from? However, my knowledge of my family history only extends back a few generations, and beyond this I needed some divine intervention rather than logical analysis. So I meditated and asked my Reiki guides and Ascended Masters to help me to forgive my ancestors for any wounding they had passed down, and also asked for their help to heal my own wounding, and help me make conscious decisions that will prevent me from passing damaging behaviours onto my 2 young sons.

"it is important to approach this work with kindness and compassion to all involved, especially yourself" Ancestral wounding is not an easy thing to heal in my experience – especially if the wounding goes back several generations. It can bring up heavy emotions as you peel the layers of what it means for you, how it affects your view of yourself, your very identity. It can also affect your family relationships as new realisations are made, and it is important to approach this work with kindness and compassion to all involved, especially yourself, and those who have wounded you with whom you have ongoing relationships.


If you are attuned to Reiki, this can help you to safely disperse the emotional energy released by confronting your ancestral wounding. You can self-treat, and if you are attuned to Reiki level 2 you will be able to send distant healing to your ancestors, which can be very powerful. For those not attuned to Reiki, you will be able to find a practitioner near you for a hands-on treatment, or you could use other energetic work to disperse the stagnant energy. Crystal healing, sound therapy, colour therapy, walking in nature and hydrotherapy are all effective methods for getting the energy moving.

I still have several layers to peel off, and I suspect that this work will be ongoing for some time yet. It can be very challenging, very emotional, and yet incredibly rewarding. When I look at the changes I have made in my life over the last 2 years, and when I look at my young sons expressing themselves freely and happily, I know that the rewards are tangible.

Jen Harle is a Reiki Master Teacher and Self-Care advocate, having used holistic techniques to recover from depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) and an unfulfilling career as a solicitor.


Suffering from burnout in 2018, Jen made the decision to jump ship from her legal career to follow her passion for Reiki and all things holistic, and founded 'Real life Reiki'.

A Reiki Master Teacher for 8 years, Jen has added to her practice and now also offers crystal healing, colour therapy, life coaching, crystal sales and handmade Reiki-infused gemstone jewellery.

Now she uses her holistic skills to help others find their balance, and practices what she preaches as a busy, working mum to 2 young boys!

www.reallifereiki.co.uk jen@reallifereiki.co.uk www.facebook.com/reallifereiki www.twitter.com/reiki_real

s n o s a e S

ALIGNED I See Your True Colours. Living in alignment with the seasons through colour. As a Holistic Health Coach and selfconfessed ‘Green Witch’, one thing I have tried to do more than anything else is to be in alignment as much as possible with the cycles of nature. We see them everywhere we look and learning how to navigate them with ease, rather than resistance, has proven itself a huge factor in feeling ‘whole’, body, mind, and soul. There are so many cycles within nature that we can work on our alignment with, the first and most obvious being the seasons, and one of the simplest ways we can honour and recognise this cycle and the changes and challenges it brings, is through colour.

We all, consciously or unconsciously, associate each of the seasons with specific colour palettes. These colour palettes ignite certain things within us, and in the practice of aligning ourselves with the seasons through colour, we can take enormous strides towards living our best, most balanced lives. So, let’s talk about what these colours and connections are and, more importantly, how we can make the most of the seasons through colour with conscious actions.


Conscious Actions


Spend some time alone in meditation. Meditate on your connection to the divine and to your inner wisdom, ask for that connection to be ever stronger at this time.

As we head into winter, let’s look at this season first. Winter is one that is associated the cold blues and whites of wintery scenes in the snow and ice. These colours relate to the Higher Chakras; the Crown, Third Eye and Throat. They resonate with connectedness to each other and the universe. While we retreat into our homes to escape the harsh weather this season brings, it’s a chance to honour these connections both within ourselves and with those around us.

Pick up the phone. Connect with people you love, speak to them about just about anything. Your voice and your truth need honouring at this time and such a simple thing can bring so much joy, which will raise your vibration and make you feel great too.


Conscious Actions


Take a bath with pink Himalayan Salt, Rose Petals, Rose Quartz, and your favourite essential oils and allow yourself an indulgent self-care ritual to wash away the Winter chill and inspire your new adventures.

Nature bursts forth in spring with gorgeous vibrant greens everywhere you look, and the bright golden sun paired perfectly with yellow daffodils dancing in fields. We’ve moved onto our Heart and Solar Plexus for spring, where we focus on self-love, self-care, and self-worth. Now we honour the beauty and the potential that resides in us in as much abundance as the pink cherry blossoms we see blooming.

Set intentions. Do this somewhere outside, where you can connect with nature and let the theme of your spring Intentions be self-love.

"Nature bursts forth in spring with gorgeous vibrant greens everywhere you look" 13

Conscious Actions

SUMMER Season In Summer we carry over the colours of spring with added vibrancy and we add the golden orange glow of long summer sunsets and sandy beach shores. These colours resonate again with our Solar Plexus, and down into our Sacral Chakra too. We are abundant and creative. The days are longer, and we have all the time in the world to reap the rewards of our Winter made connections and our Spring set intentions.


Dive into this fabulous season by bringing your creative self to the forefront. Paint, write, draw, sing, bake, grow, create in whatever way resonates with you and brings you joy. Read for pleasure. Take advantage the longer days and follow your spring self-love theme by simply losing yourself in a good book or magazine.

Conscious Actions

AUTUMN Season Finally, we come to Autumn and the oranges, reds, and browns of the Lower Chakras. As the leaves turn red and fall to the ground and the roots of the tree, these colours resonate with our own Root Chakra and our sense of home, our safe space. We begin to return after a summer of adventures, and ready ourselves for the winter months, when we come full circle and begin again.

Meditate on releasing old energy and habit patterns. Be like the trees and let it all go. Light a fire. In your fireplace or firepit (safety first please!) light a fire and feel its warmth. Write down the things you are letting go of and toss them into the flames.

"We begin to return after a summer of adventures" 15

With each season, surround yourself with the colours associated to it. Wear them, paint with them, fill your home with them. Allow them to be a part of your conscious alignment with the changes throughout the year. Find your own ways to honour each season and create rituals that resonate with you, we’d love to hear about them over on our Facebook page.

Emma Halley is the face behind Happy Holistics Crystal Reiki. A Holistic Health Coach, Crystal Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Energy Healer and blended family mum, Emma teaches people Holistic and alternative ways to live their happiest, healthiest lives.

@happyholisticscrystalreiki @jewelleryforhealingInsta @happy_holisitics_emmajane 16

r o F e r a C f l e S

YOUR SOUL Our expert Mala Kennedy shares the importance of prioritising your self care.

Have you ever felt pain in your body and wondered where it came from? There’s a possibility it comes from somewhere you’ve never considered before. We spend 95% of our time living from our subconscious mind and only 5% in our conscious mind. Often this is because of traumatic events in our current life. Our subconscious mind can store emotional trauma from past lives too.

Our trauma may not even be ours. Our ancestors could have passed it down to us, a gift from our past. I say a gift because in healing it we are changing the patterns for future generations. The fact that we get to look within is medicine in its own right.


Have you ever considered your place in the historical scheme of things? You matter, and what you do, what you heal, could change the direction of your children’s, and their children’s lives. You get to break cycles, and change patterns. The witch wound is real. For generations, men have been persecuting women because they are women. It's impossible to quantify the number of persecuted women. Their trauma is our trauma. That ache in your heart could be remnants of their unhealed pain. Self-care matters. It’s not about us, it’s about healing for the women who have passed, and healing for those yet to come.


Healing occurs when we work on our subconscious mind. There are some incredible modalities that can support you with this. One of my favourites is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is also known as tapping. It works on your meridian points and clears subconscious beliefs. This may include the trauma we have carried from past lives. I recently used tapping to clear some subconscious trauma. I recently has a session with my mentor. During our EFT we discovered I often go into the freeze response (playing dead). This response can be useful, but in my situation it is often counterproductive. Tapping on this freeze response we discovered its relationship to unhealed sexual trauma. This is common. You may tap on a shallow issue revealing deep wounds. Your subconscious is the root of these wounds.

You may have heard the filing cabinet analogy. If not, imagine you are a filing cabinet with 1000’s of files. Within each file are 100’s of pieces of paper. As you tap on an area of concern you remove a piece of paper and declutter the trauma from within. Each time you remove a piece of paper you may discover another piece that you had long forgotten. This could bring up new emotions for you to process. It may seem like never-ending stream, but every emotion you tap on is creating space. If you persist, you will empty a file, the triggers will disappear and you can heal these old wounds.

Working on the subconscious can focus on territory that conscious work cannot. It’s about more than reciting affirmations, it’s about diving deep and uncovering your truth. The deeper you go into your own past and your ancestors, the more freedom you will create in your life. This is not about wallowing in your pain, it’s about facing it, and moving through it so you can feel free. Subconscious reprogramming is crucial to healing ancestral wounds. There are many modalities that can support this, EFT is one example. How are you committed to healing your past wounds?

Mala Kennedy helps women shift from self-doubt to self-love so they can feel confident. She is a life coach, EFT practitioner, writer, podcaster, and mama. mala@malakennedy.com www.malakennedy.com www.facebook.com/groups/ womenrisingtogethernow www.instagram.com/malaloves Elevate your Life and Soul


askMama Starr Sometimes you know you need to move forward but you can’t figure out which direction to choose. Mama Starr gently, but firmly guides you on your way.

Reader Question... SJ... I have been told I am a little psychic and I wondered what you can recommend I focus on to help develop that skill? 20

Ohhhh my darling SJ! First…this is a great question! And second…my guides are saying “A little??”. No, you are HIGHLY intuitive! Saying you’re a little psychic is like saying you’re “a little bit pregnant”. You are truly gifted! Intuitive or psychic gifts are something that everyone can learn to enhance. You are absolutely on the right track when you ask how to develop that skill! What you are calling “psychic” could manifest in a variety of ways. We call these things ”the claires”

claircognizance is “clear knowing” clairaudience is “clear hearing” clairvoyance is “clear seeing” clairtangency is “clear touch” clairempathy is “clear emotion” clairsentience is “clear physical feeling” clairsalience is “clear smelling” clairgustance is “clear tasting”.


Remember that ALL of your senses may come into play when you are beginning to discover your ability. When I teach people how to discover their gifts, I ask them to see if there is an image, taste, touch, smell, feeling etc. We go through ALL of the possible ways that you can know a thing.

Your first order of business as you explore your psychic gifts is to understand how you receive information. For me, I’m claircognizant…I just know. In a reading, I will often say that I “see” something, but that doesn’t mean that I actually see it with a vision. It simply means that I know what it looks like. Likewise, I will say that I can hear something…but again, it just means that I know what something sounds like. You may be gifted in one area more than others. As you develop your skills, other gifts may be introduced to you as a way of Spirit signalling that you have the potential for another gift to come in if you want it to. You always have free will and can refuse a potential gift if it doesn’t feel right to you.


The biggest lesson here is to be willing to be wrong. Quite frankly, I’m often amazed when I’m correct. I know that I can be wrong and I don’t ever expect that I won’t be. Because I am human, I can misinterpret or I can add my own “stuff” into the mix. These things are OK and it’s expected especially as you are learning! People who expect psychics to be “spot on” every single time simply don’t understand the process. So! Let’s see what the cards want you to know!

I’m feeling drawn to my Sacred Geometry Deck for you.

If you notice on the other two readings (October issue), I had a theme for each position like “past, present, future” or “know, do, challenge” but nothing like this was coming to me for your reading! Spirit is funny that way, sometimes you won’t receive an answer, sometimes the answer is “not yet”.

#29 - Healing This card is really about healing yourself emotionally and physically so that you can better tap into your intuition. It’s hard to hear the quiet still voice of your intuition if you are not feeling well. So bring that into balance. Think of “wholeness”. Heal the voices in your head that tell you that you can’t do something.

The message from Spirit in this case was “she asked what to focus on. This is the answer.” Part of our growth as intuitives is to realize that it doesn’t matter what we WANT to happen. Spirit is going to do what It does. It’s our job to just get out of the way and share the message.

1st Make sure you take care of your body because ALL of you is intuitive, not just your brain! When I teach my students how to connect with their Spirit guides, we go into each of our 7 energy centers (chakras) to find them! Get used to using your entire body to access your inner knowing and take care of yourself first and always.

#38 - Remembrance As I was working on this reading, I kept rubbing the spot on my forehead between my eyes…this is the 3rd eye. The physical activity of me doing so as I focused on you, tells me that you are strong in this area.


Look up information about the 6th chakra or 3rd eye to see if you are drawn to it, check in with your heart to see if it feels good to learn about it. You’ll know if it just feels “right”.


Remembrance is also speaking about past lives. Have you ever investigated this? I feel like you may have had ancestors who were equally gifted. I’m feeling a grandmother presence, which tells me that you either have a Grandmother who was gifted, or who wants to help you with this (or both). I don’t know if your grandmother is living…but I’m feeling this offer of help is coming from the spiritual more than the physical side.

I’m also being reminded to share with you that I didn’t know either of my grandmothers on the physical plane, but they help me from the Spiritual plane. The point is, you have ancestors and spirits who you may not know anything about, but they are still willing to assist. Trust me on this. I’m being told that you’ll know exactly what this means.

#32 - Merkabah Man! Talk about your confirmation! As I read the bit about “traverse into other layers of reality”, I’m thinking about dreaming.

Are you a lucid dreamer? Do you receive information from your dreams? Start keeping a dream journal and remember to write down your dreams as soon as you awaken. I honestly rarely remember my dreams, so this is not one of my gifts. But it’s certainly a place to begin your exploration.



The mention of Akashic Inheritance leads me to believe that you may be gifted in reading Akashic Records…or you may need to have an Akashic reading done for you! Since many who use Akashic records use a pendulum, this also might be a tool that resonates with you.

Remember…Google is your friend! Start doing some searches on all of the above! When you search, pay attention to how you feel in your body.

Do you feel excited? Follow that thread, keep digging. Do you feel bored, lethargic, or as my kids say “meh”…then it’s probably not for you at this time. Finally, the best and easiest place to start is to ask yourself yes or no questions. Take a deep breath and think about one of your favorite things; something you would always say ”yes” to. Picture the thing, and feel how that feels in your body. This is what a yes feels like. Then, clear your mind and think of something that you would always say no to. Picture it, and feel in your body what a no feels like.

Pay attention to how you receive your yes and your no. Did you hear the word? Did you feel an energy? Did you see a color? This will be the beginning of your lessons on how you receive information. Now that you know what your “yeses” and “nos” feel like, practice daily by asking yourself yes or no questions! Be patient my darling, it’s a new skill. Know that those of us who are gifted support you in this and we are always happy to answer any questions. Don’t worry, for now, about “coming out” as an intuitive. Share what you know with people who you know will support you, and don’t worry about anyone else. You can be a quiet intuitive while you’re learning and practicing. You don’t have to shout it from the rooftops unless and until you are ready.

Good luck!

Star Piercy is a Spiritual Life and Business Coach and Women’s Transformation and Empowerment Mentor. Serving women strong women who are ready to turn their strength into power. starr@yonderstarr.com | www.yonderstarr.com www.facebook.com/YonderStarr Group: manifestingformortals 25

CHRISTINE Crystal expert Christine Langdale shows us this month, how to work with crystals for Ancestral Healing Our Ancestors, our family tree, our roots, i.e. where we come from, are a huge part of our personality and responsible for our attitudes and experiences of life, both with our current family members and those in the past. How often do we hear ‘like father, like son’, ‘she’s just like Auntie Flo’, we see the same family traits pop up time and again throughout the generations. People we may never have known, but somehow we have their looks, their traits, their mannerisms, and we and future generations may also repeat their mistakes.


If we can start to heal our ancestors mistakes and clear some of their negative energy patterns, we heal ourselves and the generations that follow us. Try using one or more of these crystals to help dispel some of those negative patterns:

If we can start to heal our ancestors mistakes and clear some of their negative energy patterns, we heal ourselves and the generations that follow us.

SELENITE crown chakra Selenite is a very high vibration stone, its translucent white colour shining a light on the past, the present and the future, clearing negative thought patterns and energy. N.B. Selenite is a soft stone and should not be immersed in water.


brow chakra

Shattuckite is a highly psychic stone, it will allow you to have a strong connection to those who have passed and can remove energy blocks from them. It is also a stone for healing relationships, either current or past and can help to break any curses that where bestowed on previous generations.


LAPIS BLOODSTONE LAZULI heart chakra throat chakra Lapis Lazuli, often thought of as a stone for the Brow chakra, but used on the throat it will bring out past truths which may have been deeply buried, allowing them to be confronted and spoken about, once these secrets are out in the open they can be healed.

SUNSTONE solar plexus chakra Sunstone, a positive stone that removes connections to others, be it by way of auric cords or through the chakras, allowing you to sever those ties that no longer serve you. It will help lift out repressed emotions, letting them dissolve and replacing the darkness with glorious sunshine.


A stone of life that strengthens and supports us, on a physical level it purifies and stimulates our blood, and as such the bloodlines of our parents and grandparents that run through us. It can also allow us to access the ancestral realm and dissolve previous negative patterns.

BLACK OBSIDIAN root chakra

ORANGE CALCITE sacral chakra

Black Obsidian, the must have stone for any Ancestral Healing work, it magnifies negative energies in order that they may be recognised and released. It can feel like a harsh stone, bringing old wounds to the surface and forcing you to look at yourself, but once laid bare healing can begin.

Orange Calcite will help to balance emotions and is useful for healing past life traumas, be it your own or your family’s, it will raise your vibration and remove energy blocks, getting rid It balances and grounds the flighty of those old patterns of behaviour nature of the Selenite crystal. allowing you to break the repetitive cycles that run through every generation. A gentle Christine is a Reiki Master & Crystal Healer stone, it works to disperse living in East Yorkshire, UK those energies and bring about more awareness of This self-confessed crystal addict lives with the issues arisen.

other loves of her life: her 3 horses, cat & dog, and the husband gets a look in too sometimes!!



LifeALCHEMY with Leanne MacDonald

Our expert Leanne shares advice and tools to create a healthy, balanced and magical life. A decision is not a decision until you take action… Probably the most important message you will ever read!


We all make grand statements about life, create vision boards and sit and day-dream about how we want like to work out for us.

But I didn’t do anything, other than constantly have these dreams and desires.

Then 99% of the time we wait for the dream granter to ring our doorbell and present the perfect life in a box to us. Well I did – for years.

That not doing something was ‘something’ it was an action that went on to create my reality. A mirror image of life is not great…YET.

I had all the intentions in the world to live a better life to feel better about myself. But I didn’t do anything, other than constantly have these dreams and desires.

When we make a choice in life of the direction, we would like life to go, and we can make choices, every minute of the day, its not a choice until we do something about it.

"Until you start to take the action, its just words floating round''

Your energy changes around the choice when you take action and momentum builds. The emotional resistance will still happen, but that’s happening alongside this amazing energy shift.

Even if you do one thing every single day towards the life you would love to live you are changing the energy around your choices and changing the course of your life. The more action, the faster it happens. I started a daily blog for that very reason, it was not a strategic decision, I sat and pondered on the question – how can I share my message every day? I started to change the energy around my situation in that moment. And every single day that energy builds, every single time I pick up my laptop and I write. I am on day 82 now and I have received so many opportunities within the last 72 hours, its mind blowing.

Next steps... Get clear on what you actually want, explore this over and over until you reach that HELL YES this is what I want moment. Make a list and pop it where you can read it each day.

Until you start to take the action, its just words floating round, when you take action the stars align to bring that decision into your reality. This is not the law of attraction this is the law of creation! We are all powerful creators with the ability to bring into life anything we want, at anytime and it all starts with the choices you make. So, if you are sitting on a journal full of dreams that you keep writing about, wishing for or visualising and they have still not turned up yet – this is why. The action you are taking is keeping you in a belief that it’s not in your life yet and something you yearn for…. So, it will become an experience of exactly that! As you read your list ask yourself what step can I take today in the direction of that desire and take the step, even if that is just researching, planning or preparing, you are harnessing the energy around your dreams and desires and taking a step towards them each day keeps that momentum going.

Leanne MacDonald is a UK based Spiritual & Mental Well-Being Coach. She is passionate about awakening the pure potential within everyone, so they can go on to experience a life filled with absolute joy and purpose.



HOLISTICALLY y h t l a e h & happy Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer and Intuitive Coach, Michelle Taylor shares with us holistic routes to greater happiness and health. I’ve had issues with my back for as long as I can remember, long before I could blame it on age. “Inherited from your father”, my Mum will always say. But what else do we pass down through the generations? We seem to repeat beliefs and behaviours, patterns that pass down over and over again unless we actively choose to heal and release. To break the cycle. Our emotional and physical trauma, both present and past, ours and ancestral, seems stored in our body, ingrained in our very cells. Our body cannot distinguish between old wounds and new, real or imagined, our response is the same. Fight or flight. Tense and guarded.


In order to heal we need to get deep in to our body and minds, to heal our very soul.

“Emotions are held in the hips” - This is a phrase you may have head in yoga classes or from teachers, when we look at it in relationship to Louise Hay’s symptoms and causes, the hips are what carry the body in balance - any issues here can indicate a fear of moving forward or feeling we don’t have anything to move towards. Poignant for current times of such uncertainty.

If you’ve ever found tears streaming down your face lying in savasana or suddenly sobbing in child’s pose at a yoga class then you are not alone. Yoga works with your subtle, energy body as well as the physical body, you may think you’re working or stretching your muscles but you are also freeing stuck energy and releasing emotional memories that are trapped right there in your cells. For emotional healing, focus on yoga poses or mindful movement that open the hips and heart.

Yoga poses that open through the hips include: ● Pigeon pose ● Reclined butterfly ● Happy baby

Yoga poses for the chest and heart: ● Puppy pose ● Cobra or Upward Dog ● Camel






Healing with the mind Try this simple visualisation meditation for healing and releasing. Gently close your eyes and settle your breathe, in and out through your nose. Draw the breathe all the way down to your belly and feel it rise and fall.

AFFIRMATIONS FOR HEALING With every breath, I release all that is not mine I give myself time and space to heal. I choose to nurture my mind, body and soul.

As you breathe in, imagine a golden, You are surrounded and protected by healing light drawing down from the this healing light that can stay with you crown of your head all the way down to for as long as you need. your tummy. When you are ready, close the On the exhale imagine it expanding out meditation by with three cleansing and starting to expand throughout your breaths in through the nose and out body. through the mouth, repeating in your mind: With each breath the golden light grows and expands, filling every cell. “With this exhale I release all that is not mine� Gently blink your eyes open, Keep breathing this way, once your body knowing that you have healing light is filled with the golden light, imagine it surrounding you and have released seeping through your posers, expanding what is not yours to hold. out even further to create a protective bubble of golden light around you. Love & Light,


Michelle Taylor is a yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, intuitive coach and co-author of Amazon bestseller, The Divine Power of The Feminine Collective. Having overcome depression, negative body image and low self esteem with the power of yoga and personal development, she is dedicated to empowering women worldwide to manage their physical and mental wellness with a personalised holistic toolkit.

www.michellemaslintaylor.com @happyhealthytoday


Life with

THE ANGELS Our angel expert Yvonne shares how to work with your angels to bring peace.

One of the Angels I feel most around people is Archangel Michael. He has a very deep loving presence of protection and strength. He is very tall and flows on the rays of golden light and a beautiful cobalt blue. Have you every seen a gold or blue shimmer, In a moment of need? Maybe you passed it off as your imagination, when it was probably Archangel Michael.


When called upon, his presence fills the room, wearing a shield representing his protection, a sword which he uses to clear away any dense energy.

He closely works with those who are on a spiritual path as he is here to guide us, into the light of a new way of being. He honours our space while holding us on the path that we chose, to serve as beings of light. Once I was on the school run, and by chance! (I don’t believe in chance) I focused on the blue of a motorway sign, it reminded me to call upon Archangel Michael. Several miles later, I was in very slow traffic almost at a standstill. I pulled on my handbrake not something you would normally do. I was chatting with my daughter about the meaning of the warning signs on the back of the tanker we were behind. In that moment a car ran into the back of me. We were very shocked, I had whiplash but nothing more.


WISH MEDITATION The Angels would like for you to call on them more and asked we create a monthly wish Meditation. This month let us call on Archangel Michael, and make our wishes for protection or wish for guidance along your path. You can do this in your home or out in nature, Where ever you feel you can have a greater connection to the Angels.

Later that evening I remembered I had called on Michael, so I asked why wasn’t he there. His reply “was anyone hurt?” "No" I said, “then I was there” he said. My car was wrote off. I got a new car with the insurance money. Yes! I had been asking for a new car. Sometimes things may happen in the strangest ways, but we are always answered.

Have a journal where you can write to the Angels. Let’s begin our wishes. Dear Archangel Michael, I wish protection for...... (fill this is as you desire, for yourself or others). Michael is omnipresent your wishes can be many. Or you may want to wish for guidance.


Say "I invite in Archangel Michael". Take sometime of stillness as you feel his presence around you, then ask Archangel Michael to carry your wishes. You may say each wish out loud or silently from your heart. Feel his strength, see the colours of gold and blue flowing to whom ever or where ever you have wished for protection.

When you are ready, you may want to close your eyes. Begin by focusing on your breath. With each breath you take imagine you are letting go of stress and tension, relaxing and becoming more peaceful. Imagine you’re breathing in a soft golden light, filling your heart, which spreads throughout your entire body, filling the room or space you are in.

Yvonne is based in Taunton UK as a holistic and spiritual Healer. Yvonne combines her certified therapies with her empathic nature and spiritual wisdom to guide, empower, heal and support.

yvonne@healing-you.co.uk 38

Wrapping your self in these colours too, if it feels right, Ask Archangel Michael to remove all fear. If you wished for guidance, you may take the time to listen, or just know you will receive the answers at the right time. When you have finished thank Michael. Taking a deep breath, bring yourself back in to this present moment. If you ever feel the need for protection or guidance, you do not need to remember his name, just call on the Angel of protection or guidance, and Michael will be by your side. Until next month, I wish you a smooth and peaceful month.

. e n n o v Y

With love,

y m h g u o r h t p u g Lookin


Holistic coach and mindfulness expert Katie Hopkins shares her experience and insights. Healing by Secondary Intention. This is a medical term for secondary wound closure, it describes the healing of a wound in which the wound edges cannot be approximated. Secondary closure requires a granulation tissue matrix to be built to fill the wound defect. This type of healing requires more time and energy than primary wound closure and creates more scar tissue. This roughly translates as healing from the inside out. Which we all know takes time, energy, and self-care. How many of us are walking around with invisible, gaping wounds? Be them from heartbreak, divorce, abuse, death, grief, chronic pain from injury or illness or any other trauma resulting in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is a psychological reaction to the event.

These triggers, so deeply embedded, are set off causing in some, a physiological response which then makes it evident to those around us, but for most, no one is aware of the ‘wounds’ you carry around with you. This healing involves secondary intention and requires patience, understanding, empathy, compassion, time, and love to begin the healing process as you cannot approximate the wound edges deep inside.


18 months ago, I had surgery on my face. Now, I have never thought of myself as vain but having your face cut open – literally opens up so many emotions and questions. One of which is, ‘will I look the same once it has healed?’ The answer is a firm NO. You have been altered, not only by the surgical knife cutting your flesh but by the experience itself. And, as I found myself battling a raging infection afterwards, the neat scar I was meant to have, was now a deep crater – an open wound that would need to heal by secondary intention.


The emotions ranged from anger to despair to worry. The worry was waiting on the histology results to come back for positive – cancer or negative – all clear. Thankfully, my results did come back negative and I got the all-clear. I remember at the moment the doctor shared the results; my entire body relaxed. I recall letting out a shuddering sigh of relief. I had been holding on too tightly. By holding on too tightly, I had delayed my own healing process for the fear of further surgery.

Our wounds alter us, they make us stronger and they teach us lessons and eventually, with time and love they all will heal.

I had not allowed my wound to heal in case further surgery was required in the same spot. The negative result allowed my body to heal – no further surgery was required. All that I needed to do was to simply relax and let my body do what it innately knows what to do. Heal me. It took time. It was painful. However, I am alive, and the scars have started to fade. Ultimately, I am altered. The experience certainly changed me. I have learned to be uncommonly kind with myself. I am relearning (daily) to trust myself and those who love me. I have a deeper appreciation for healing by secondary intention and with that awareness, I use this gift of knowledge and experience in my interactions with my family, friends, and clients daily. Our wounds alter us, they make us stronger and they teach us lessons and eventually, with time and love they all will heal.

Katie Hopkins - I’m a free spirit (some may call crazy), who now calls Christchurch, New Zealand, home. I live with my soul-mate husband and three heart-children. I have travelled the world in search of purpose, and I talk to the moon! Self-education is a passion, so I am a Life, Positivity and Resilience Coach, a certified Specialised Yoga Teacher and a Mindfulness Facilitator. I rarely follow logic (much to the dismay of others) and I always trust that the universe has my back. My musings come from the Heart.

www.katielouwcoaching.com | khdhopkins@gmail.com


d e n g i l A l u o S r u o Y

BUSINESS Holiday Sale Ideas..

Our soul business expert Jen Cochrane shares her advice on getting your business ready for the holiday period.

It’s been a really tough year. Between complete lockdowns, reduced foot traffic, difficulties in importing merchandise, and overall general uncertainty and unease, many businesses have been experiencing reduced incomes. Holiday shopping is upon us, and customers will be working very hard this year to save as much as possible. But for many small businesses, the usual steep discounts that customers are accustomed to may not work for this year’s bottom line. So with that in mind, I have created a list of holiday promotions for you that offer amazing customer value without requiring you to “give away the farm.”


BOGO Discounts Value is all about perception, so the idea here is to create a high perceived value. If you offer a Buy One, Get One 50% Off sale, your discount on each item is only 25%, but the customer sees 50% and is encouraged to buy. Even a BOGO 75% off sale only discounts each product by 37.5%, and yet looks like a massive value to shoppers. This is an especially great promotion for guiltfree self-indulgence to use with the types of items that people really want for themselves (“I’ll give one to my mom and keep one for me!”).

Subscriptions “The Gift That Keeps On Giving.” Perhaps your customer wants to purchase something amazing for their loved one, but can’t afford anything too expensive. By allowing them to purchase a subscription, you allow them to give a desirable gift while also creating ongoing sales for your company well into the future. Make your subscription items appealing enough, and people will renew their subscriptions year after year. This type of promotion is also amazing because it also functions as an ongoing marketing campaign. Every month that the recipient receives your product or service is another time your business gets their attention.

Assuming they love their subscription items, that customer is also more likely to purchase subscriptions for people in their lives, and also recommend your business to others.

Offer Packages Almost every business has products or services that have a higher-than-average profit margin. Create a package that includes several of these together for a discounted price, or design a package that pairs a high profit margin product with a standard or low profit margin item.


Offer A Series Of Special, Limited-Time Offers (Flash Sales) Many businesses offer sales that last for a week or more on the same items.

Classes, Courses, and Other “Work-Once-Get-PaidMultiple-Times” Products If you can create a product that you can sell over and over again with little to no ongoing work involved, then you have a product that you can significantly discount while still earning profit with each sale. Books, courses, classes, selling prints of artwork, and membership sites are all good options. With a little creativity and a bit of time, just about any business can add at least one of these passive-income products to their offerings.

While this does give a bit more time for the word to spread, you should also consider limited-time “Flash Sales” to drive more people to your store. Rather than offering overarching discounts on many or all products you sell (ex- 35% off all items in the store), consider offering an exciting discount off of just one product in your shop, while offering a smaller discount off other items (if you even offer a discount at all). This “Loss Leader” strategy will encourage people to check your business frequently for your daily special, and chances are, while they are purchasing the flash sale item, they will also purchase a few other things from you as well.

This is the most unusual year that many of us have experienced in our lifetimes, and this holiday season may be unpredictable and stressful for everyone. 44

Start Early Traditionally, businesses begin their holiday sales on Black Friday. But for the last few years, many businesses have offered massive discounts starting on Thanksgiving, or even during the week leading up to Black Friday. You should consider starting your sales this early as well. But even more important than starting your sales early is promoting your sales! It is easy in the hustle and bustle of getting your business ready for the holiday season to remember to communicate your sales early and often to your customers, but with all the noise and all the other businesses vying for your customers’ attention, it is more important now than ever. Don’t feel like you are over-promoting or spamming your customers about your sales. You are not the only one advertising to your customers, and, really, everyone expects to be advertised to quite heavily during the holiday season.

You are offering your customers the chance to purchase great products and services from you- the kinds of gifts they will truly love to both give and receive. Share with pride in your business. This is the most unusual year that many of us have experienced in our lifetimes, and this holiday season may be unpredictable and stressful for everyone. Focus on offering your valuable customers an easy shopping experience, excellent delivery and/or pick up options, beautiful products, and as much peace and serenity as possible. Be creative and flexible, and focus on feeling all the good, oldfashioned “holiday feels.” Good luck, and happy holidays!

Jen Cochrane is a business coach, graphic designer, and course cocreation expert focused on helping people start and grow meaningful, fulfilling businesses that make the world a better place. Find even more business-related articles, free classes, and information about how Jen can help you with your business over at...



UNTOLD STORIES and how to tell them... Our expert writer, editor and speaker, Penny Thresher, shares how to write your story. How to start writing… So you want to write? But have no idea how to start? If you know what you want to write, great! But what do you do if the desire is there, but you have no idea where to begin. I like to think of writing as a muscle. One that needs regular exercise to keep it supple and healthy. Even in dry spells I will write something. I have lots of sentences, short paragraphs jotted down, things that I have heard, or have popped into my brain. When I am struggling to write, I will look through my notebook for inspiration. In my last column we talked about keeping a diary or journal and using that as a jumping off point. But there are other ways to get started or, if you


already write, to break a spell of writer’s block! These are some of the things that have worked for me.

Start with a title. Whatever you are writing, a blog, short story or a book. Give it a title. It doesn’t have to be the title you end up with, but it works as a starting point, a signpost.

Start in the middle. That first sentence can be the most difficult to write. I sometimes have a phrase in my head that I know fits my theme and I want to use. I build a paragraph around that phrase and go from there.

What do you want to achieve? What is the end game for your writing? How do you want your reader to feel after reading your words? Whether you want to entertain, empathise, or educate, knowing this can really help you find your voice.

Create a synopsis. If you are someone who likes a plan this really helps. Sketch out your ideas in a rough order and then flesh them out. This helps with longer pieces of writing. I can walk away when I need to, without losing my thread. And finally, my favourite!

Allow yourself to write badly! Every writer I have ever spoken to is a perfectionist. We have this idea of a wonderful piece of writing that we have been inspired to produce.

And nothing we set on the page seems to match up to our vision. The more despairing we become, the harder it becomes to write. We spend so much time beating ourselves up about it, that we become physically unable to write anything and sit staring at a blank page. Just write and worry about it later. You can tweak and polish as much as you want, once you have the rough structure! I love this quote...

“The scariest moment is always just before you start” – Stephen King Coming from someone who has written more than 60 books and over 200 short stories! I would love to hear what you are writing, or what you would like to write! Or if you have any questions you would like me to answer here in the magazine, you can email me at: penny@cornerhousewords.co.uk

Penny is a UK based coach, writer, editor and speaker. With a fierce passion for words and a desire to encourage everyone to find their voice, she combines her coaching skills and writing ability to help people speak up and shine brightly in the world! penny@cornerhousewords.co.uk | www.cornerhousewords.co.uk 47

Nature's KITCHEN

Our very own seasonal foraging expert and kitchen witch Jill Wheeler brings us her special recipe for Rosehip Syrup This month we are back to foraging. Grab your coat, wrap up warm and get out in the countryside for a walk. It may be tempting to stay inside all cosy, but you will feel the benefits of a cold and bracing walk, trust me. We are on the search for rosehips, so make sure to take a basket or bag with you and perhaps some gloves as they can be thorny friends. Rosehips have been used for centuries and even date back to findings from pre-historic settlements.


Their benefits and properties already identified by early civilisation. Early Christians considered the rosehip to be sacred and crafted the first rosary beads from them. They were identified as being medicinally important. The hips and seeds contain vitamin C, E, B and K, pectin, carotene, tannin, proteins and fatty oils and are an important antioxidant.

The importance of their Vitamin C content was recognised during the Second World War. When ships were prevented from bringing in fresh fruit, the government encouraged people to collect the rosehips from hedgerows in exchange for money. The rosehips were then used to make syrup to give to children to prevent scurvy. Citrus fruits remained scarce even after the war, and the syrup was still widely used, available from the local chemist. Although rarely seen now with the abundance of fruit available, rosehips still have amazing qualities that are beneficial today. Used regularly as a tonic, they help build the body’s defence again colds and flus, chest infections and sore throats. They can be taken in tea form, from the dried hips, and is said to be excellent to take after a course of antibiotics to help reestablish the good bacteria in the gut. Tea is also said to relieve exhaustion and soothe the nervous system. The rose petals and leaves also have further properties and the use of rose as an essential oil for many types of ailments. The pectin in the fruits can have a laxative effect and it is mildly diuretic. Some people can have an allergic reaction to large doses so proceed with caution. As with all natural remedies, build up your use slowly.

"Early Christians considered the rosehip to be sacred and crafted the first rosary beads from them" Any type of rosehip is fine for picking, although the dog rose or witch’s briar (rosa canina) is said to contain the highest amounts of Vitamin C, anything between 10 and 50 times more than your average orange! The name dog rose has several potential origins. The most popular appears to be the belief that it cured the bite of a rabid dog. A roman physician Piny the Elder told of a story of a woman who received a message in her dreams. The resulting decoction made from the root cured a mad dog’s bite. Another is with reference to the plant’s thorns, the old French word dague meaning dagger.


Also, that the rose had no worth in a garden, so dog was used in a derogatory sense. Field Rose (rosa arvensis) is another common wild rose found in the UK, equally ideal for making this month’s recipe. You will find dog rose in the wild, amongst hedgerows and the edges of woods. Small slender hips with a ruby red colour. The flesh can be hard until the frosts when they are softened. They can be picked from as early as August/September (but best frozen to soften them before use, it breaks down the cell walls of the fruit) and can be found right through winter if the birds haven’t got there first.


They are much easier to spot when the leaves have dropped in October and November. It’s important that your rosehips are soft to extract the most liquid and goodness. A word of caution, the seeds in the hips are an irritant (once used in foolery, seeds were put down the back of some unsuspecting victim to make them itch) and are used to make itching powder today. If you plan to consume them raw remove the seeds. For this recipe, the hips remain whole and the resulting syrup is strained leaving any seeds behind.

e p i c e R p u r y S p i h e s o R YOU WILL NEED... Cover the rosehips in a pan of water (about a litre), heat and then mash the hips to extract the juice. Leave to cool slightly then pour the contents of the pan through a piece of fine muslin, squeezing the contents into a jug. Return the pulp back to the pan and add half a litre of water and repeat the process. Transfer the liquid to a clean pan. For a litre of juice, you will need between 750g and a kilo of sugar depending how sweet you want the final syrup to be. Use 750g first then taste test, add more sugar if needed. Once all the sugar has dissolved decant to sterilised bottles. Keep the bottles in the fridge or freeze for later use (I put glass bottles in a zip lock bag in case of breakage).

750g of rosehips Approx. 1 litre to litre and a half of water Sugar

As well as taking by the spoonful you can add the syrup to your favourite desserts and pancakes or make it into a drink by diluting with cold or warm water. Add to a hot toddy instead of honey. Enjoy!

Jill Wheeler (Jilly) is a mum of two, vegan cook, who is passionate about cooking and foraging for food. Jill runs a preserves business ‘Jillys Homemade Preserves’, using produce she grows on her own allotment as well as locally sourced or foraged. She loves to share her knowledge on natural ways to preserve the seasons bounty, and to keep our history of preserving alive.

jillysjam@hotmail.com | www.jillyspreserves.co.uk @jillysjam


Musings of a


Hiya, here we go, hope all is well. Ayahuasca - So does it work? One ceremony down, 14 to go. Last month I described my first ever journey with Ayahuasca back in February 2019, how it scared the life out of me, loosing all sense of who and where I was that night, seeing my version of hell although it was also the beginning of my recovery from depression and anxiety.

Well, with 14 ceremonies remaining, the next 27 days taught me a lot of lessons and gave a lot of shifts and insights. I’d also loose 10kg in body weight. The shifts were almost countless. It’s as if all of those things you’ve heard or read in books a hundred times, yet can’t grasp in the darkness of your low vibration, struggling to integrate them, Ayahuasca fires it straight into your heart and you understand it for the first time, you feel it. It’s beautiful when that happens, “Oh, I get it!” Real ‘aha’s, sometimes several in a night, but that’s always the case of course. It was during such a night I started opening a dialect with her. I’d seen her spirit, keeping an eye on me, checking in on me occasionally from a distance.


"it was, a clear vision of my immediate future, the direction I’d craved these past few years when nothing was making sense to me"

“So what are my gifts then?”, I asked curiously. “Robert you have many gifts, go and have fun exploring them”, she answered immediately with a soft, loving and encouraging knowledge. “Huh!” I pondered curiously for some time before reengaging, “How is that sustainable?”. In pops a vision of tea shirts, along with the knowledge that I have in me, the ability to facilitate healing and add to that the hindsight that throughout my entire life, I’ve always tried to help those that struggled to fit in, those that would be bullied at school, work and in society. I probably connected with them well as underneath my successful masks, I felt the same and I always found them to be the ones with more depth.

Ooops, I digress, I do that, so where was I? Oh yes, and so there it was, a clear vision of my immediate future, the direction I’d craved these past few years when nothing was making sense to me. Something I believed in, something that resonated, new passions. It was time to step away from my life purely focussed on earning money with my cameras. This, was the beginning of Souljunkie. Thank you Ayahuasca. On my return I threw myself into learning the native flute, totally inspired by my experience in ceremonies. I learned reiki with the Amazing Zannah Mericks who’s also an amazing Ayahuascaro amongst everything else she does.


I quickly moved onto Shamanic Practice with Stacy Keast once I had launched the initial clothing range on a new website. I’ve just started more advanced shamanic practice with Stacy, my teacher, my friend, my Shamanamama. However don’t be fooled. It’s not all easy, you see Ayahuasca in my mind is no short cut. Instant integration yes, sudden realisations yes, direction also but you must take that info and work with it, you have to put things into action.


You will forget it all at times and have to work at remembering it too. Everything I’ve done since that day has not been without resistance, especially when up against my core programming. However I believe she continued to give me strength in all that I’ve done. You see it’s all so lovely and fluffy at a retreat, but its kinda like, you have been given all of that, but you now have to relearn it in society, apply it in 3D reality. I came home and started by making all of usual mistakes, almost trying to sabotage myself in some respects, to enable myself to then implement the lessons into real life. It’s a long, sometimes tough integration. She will hold you, support you, but she’s a tough love Mum, you can’t be lazy. She’s a sure thing, a true healer, but it's not a magic pill to take and just expect everything to change without putting work in, and wheres the fun in that anyway? That’s no journey. I still flunk now, I am actually in one at the time of writing, a low vibration, being pulled into my head, back towards a degree of depression and worry about this and that, heaviness, it sucks.

"she showed me the lessons, and I will act, and I will continue growing each time this happens, I will evolve and continue to shine my light and help others"

My ego just wants me to hide in the cupboard rather than continue to grow into all that I know I am, and I don’t often feel fully aligned as I figure out where all of this goes. Speaking on stage, holding ceremonies with sound, I can see it all but like us all, my fear is still a barrier and it’s deflating. But she showed me the lessons, and I will act, and I will continue growing each time this happens, I will evolve and continue to shine my light and help others. Will I drink it again, hell yes, I intend to do so for information and development as much as healing. I was back for a much shorter stay early this year, before whatever is happening in the world started to happen.

I will return to the jungle again too I am sure, though I have no immediate plans. Next time I shall go to a different retreat, deeper into the Amazon, with a different Shaman. I will miss Manny (Shaman at the Hummingbird) and his flute and whistling for sure, but I feel almost too comfortable there and wish to broaden my experience. She heals on levels we can’t always comprehend. It’s not for everyone, it’s not always easy but it definitely saved my life, gave me the strength and the hope and the inspiration to put in the work to a happier existence and brighter future. Lots of love,


Rob Leon is a Reiki and sound healer, Shamanic practitioner, photographer and founder of the clothing brand “Soul Junkie”. After a short army career and many years spent finding my talent, I finally discovered photography, and I was rather successful for many years. Then, battling depression and dissatisfaction for some time, for whatever reason, I threw away my whole life and started from scratch. The beginning of my awakening yes, the beginning of a breakdown also. I tried many things but finally discovered Ayahuasca and flew to Peru

as a last ditch effort to save my life. It’s at this point ‘Soul Junkie’ was born, a story you can follow in my group on Facebook. It’s all there in real time, on video.

www.souljunkie.co.uk connect@souljunkieclothing.com FB Group - Souljunkie Tribe FB Page - Souljunkie Clothing IG - souljunkie_clothing


Universal Guidance


November this year vibrates universally as a 6, known as "The Caring One". November is a month of beautiful and divine love. We all know that love is the highest energy of all. It is all encompassing whether you are giving love or receiving love it is the energy that will fill your soul with joy. Both November and December this year play a really important role in the ascending of spiritual awakenings that are currently on the increase across the whole world. November encourages us to be more open to receiving the vibrational flow of love.

The first two days of November are really high energy days of light and may also bring messages and signs for you. This influence will also help us avoid being carried along with the chaotic whirlwind that some are currently being drawn into. November also brings with it a deeper understanding and wisdom of our true selves and what we are capable of achieving. It will help us be aware more of our infinite power when we fully embrace our own uniqueness.

It may open up new inspirations that will prepare you for new enlightenments, psychic gifts and spiritual growth coming before the year end. November carries a beautiful divine feminine energy with it too. You can truly embrace this by connecting with Rose Quartz, Pink Opal, Morganite and Rhodochrosite crystals. The planet Venus also plays a wonderful role in this month’s vibrational flow. Venus is also a planet of love and helps this month by easing Mercury’s energy as it joins her in the dawn sky. Venus’s energy is almost like soothing the brow of Mercury’s sometimes icky energy. She will share this calming majestic influence until Mercury moves on in the third week of November. Your personal care and self-love should be a priority this month too. Make sure you find quiet time for yourself. Treat yourself to some pamper bathing sessions too. Soak yourself in a beautiful Pink Himalayan salt bath, you can even add your Rose Quartz tumblestones and some rose oil in too.

November is also a good time to embrace some Rose Reiki with its wonderful feminine healing energies. You can enjoy this for yourself or if you are Reiki attuned yourself teach and share this beautiful gift with others too. We are truly blessed with November’s gifts of love! November’s New Moon lands on the 15th. This is a moon that carries both a light and deep energy with its vibration. On one level it encourages us to let our inner child out to have some fun and a sense of freedom. But it also encourages us to look deep within ourselves and connect with who we truly are.

Venus’s energy is almost like soothing the brow of Mercury’s sometimes icky energy.

We should embrace this with love and let ourselves be truly seen and heard in own glorious vibrancy! Be sure to speak your own truth when you set your intentions with this New Moon. November’s Full Moon lands on the 30th.

This Full Moon doesn’t just encourage us to release old stories and emotions that no longer serve us. It also encourages us to finish up any tasks we still have outstanding and to tie up any loose ends that may stop us from moving forward. For some it will be a time of completion and this may involve a need for some self-healing before moving on to new beginnings. There is also encouragement to focus your thoughts on your core beliefs especially on selffocus. You may need to get out of your own way and see yourself for the incredible person you truly are. Allow the Full Moon flow to help you release and truly step up! Live in love, joy and abundance.

Denise Martinez Rossini

Success & Leadership 4th, 13th & 22nd Fun & Creativity 6th, 15th & 24th Grounding & Organisation 7th, 16th & 25th Freedom & Change 8th, 17th & 26th Love & Relationships 9th, 18th & 27th Spiritual & Self-Development 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th Manifesting & Abundance 2nd, 11th, 20th & 29th

Denise Martinez~Rossini I’m an intuitive numerologist and Spiritual Empowerment Mentor. I adore working with Numerology and have read thousands of charts for people worldwide. I love to teach Numerology and share the language of the Universe with those seeking its secrets and knowledge. I am thrilled to be bringing you a monthly forecast with insights into what the Universe has in store for you.

Compassion & Kindness 3rd, 12th, 21st & 30th

I will also give you the high vibrations of the month and dates for aligned vibration focus too for the rest of the month.

Inspiration & Enlightenment 5th, 14th & 23rd

I hope you learn to love Numerology as much as I do.

. .. th n o m t x e n C o m in g

s e l c y c g n i d n E

LETTING GO At Untamed Soul we are dedicated to helping stop child sex trafficking worldwide... That’s why we’re supporting Operation Underground Railroad and donating 10% of our profits More to come...watch this space!

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