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"Phakama" , is an isiXhosa word meaning, Arise. IAMPASSION is more than just an organisation, it is a movement that not only holds stories of triumph but champions the bravery of passionate young people who are arising to make the world and their communities a better place. In a world where purpose is absent and passion is fleeting, IAMPASSION exists to fuel young people to become passionate hope carriers and purposeful leaders.

Tony Erasmus Editor

Follow us on Editor - Toni Erasmus Copy Editer - Nicole Golding Designer - Purple Tree

iap_yc IAP Youth Cafe - Mitchell's Plain

02 Cover Story 04 HEALTH & BEAUTY 05 Beauty & the Beet 07 Hey You! 10 All things Beautiful 14 HUSTLE & GRIND 15 Entreprenuer Highlight 16 Finance 101 19 LIFE HACKS 20 Cell Phone Privacy tips 22 Social Media Safety Tips 25 TESTIMONY 26 New Beginnings 29 THOUGHT PIECE 30Â Has Law trumped humanity?


By Nicole Golding

“Young people will surprise you with the things they are capable of, given the right opportunity”, Uncategorised, multi-talented, author and Inspirational Misfit – Bradley Van Reenen, director of IAMPASSION, is a social entrepreneur and leadership coach with over 17 years of experience within personal development,




inspirational transformation. His passion of building others to see people become the best





demonstrated his personal resilience.As a director, he runs a unique business model in that it is operationalised by youth for youth. The I Am Passion Youth Café located in Mitchell’s Plain; Counter Culture Hub; and online platform, Idea Warehouse was all birthed





towards seeing this generation excel.


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“Young people will surprise you with the things they are capable of, given the right opportunity”, says Van Reenen, who strives to equip a generation of credible and passionate innovators through his unique methods of mentorship. These efforts have been commended by the Department of Social Development, Community Chest, Rlabs and other partners.

Idea Warehouse is known for expert advice and unpacking genius minds to position any business as a topclass and competitive one. Most recently, business incubator, Idea Warehouse was launched as a solution to the global pandemic. Idea Warehouse is an unconventional platform that sparks creativity to drive solutions that will exponentially shift individuals and entrepreneurs into creative advancement for an unpredictable future. It is known for expert advice and unpacking genius minds to position any business as a topclass and competitive one. Bradley continues to add value wherever he goes as his desire is for individuals to flourish and become catalysts of global change.


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Share your skin journey with us and tag @iap_yc on Instagram if you try any of the below remedies at home. Remember that you are beautiful, regardless of the condition of your skin. More than being characterised by chemical-free products, true “clean” beauty radiates from a pureness of heart first!


'BEET' By Nicole Golding

The “Natural” beauty industry explodes, as

have been spent on finding the best fit

more women begin to embrace their fresh-

for my now acne-prone skin. To my

faced, frizzy-haired selves. We’ve ditched

surprise, the things that have worked are

the chemicals and ‘bared’ it all to bring you

not any of the over-the-top and overly-

our top tips and best, organic beauty buys for

priced offerings currently on the market.

this season! Instead, I’ve switched out high-end As someone who seems to be experiencing

products for nature’s best. Below are

pubescent breakouts long after high school,

three things my skin cannot do without:

much of my young-adult years


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WATER Funny enough, I’ve experienced far less breakouts once I stopped using a face wash, I now only use cold water and a face cloth to cleanse. Most face washes contain parabens and other irritants that harm more than they heal. Give your skin a breather for a week or two or switch out your face wash to one that is paraben-free! Drinking lots of water also promotes a healthy gut which means clearer skin. Experts recommend a daily amount of 3.7 litres of water for men and 2.7 litres for women.


Aloe has cooling properties and is anti-inflammatory which is great for treating and calming breakouts that tend to be itchy and irritating. The gel forms a protective layer for the skin and helps to retain moisture. If you’re lucky enough to have an aloe plant in your backyard, learn all about extracting the gel from the plant here. Alternatively, you can find great creams and gels containing aloe in stores. Examples include, the Aloe Unique 2-in-1 Light Everyday Facial Lotion which retails from R124 and the Nivea Aloe and Hydration range, with retail prices starting at R54.95 at Dis-Chem.

ROOT VEGETABLES such as Beetroot, Turmeric and Ginger – These vascular plants, or root vegetables as we know it, aid in giving the skin a natural glow. Beetroot acts as a great blood purifier, turmeric helps reduce scarring, and ginger is said to fight signs of ageing or fatigued skin – this combination of uses may help your face clear up from breakouts. All three can be incorporated into a homemade, organic mask and applied topically to the face. You can find great recipes here to try at home! Although, I strongly suggest incorporating these roots into your daily diet instead, especially if you have sensitive skin – try to include them when cooking or simply add it to a fresh, raw juice every morning. Local entrepreneurs, Friends, sells great health juices and immune boosters, I’ve been drinking the Vitamin C shot (consisting of turmeric, ginger and orange) every morning for the last week and it works like a bomb! AUGUST 2020

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HEALTH AND WELLNESS Here is some advice to keep your immune system strong during winter and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


By Lance Beyers

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NOURISHING YOURSELF IN A WAY THAT HELPS YOU BLOSSOM IN THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO IS ATTAINABLE, AND YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT. —DEBORAH DAY GO TO BED, MAN! Give your body enough time to recharge as well as refuel to keep your immune system strong. Rest is important because it allows for stronger immunity to fight against viruses. KEEP CARBO-LOADING! Decent or fair Carbohydrate diets should be followed. As carbs play an important role in fighting diseases and viruses. Although, too much of a good thing is bad for you.


AN APPLE A DAY, KEEPS THE DOC AWAY Children are taught to eat the rainbow at early school level. This can be applied and is good to follow at any age, as it provides your body with important vitamins and minerals which plays a vital role in the strengthening and maintenance of a healthy and strong immune system. Consuming a wide variety of fruit and vegetables will especially provide high amounts of Zinc, Vitamin D. So be a kid again and keep chasing those rainbows. In this case, when you do find it, eat it while you’re at it. page | 08

WATCH IT! Stay away from processed foods as far as possible! Those chips, bread, sweets as well as any other fried foods are all nice and yummy, but bad for the tummy. Rather resort to nuts and raisins for snacks, as well as lean protein like fish and chicken.

GET OFF THE COUCH! A daily workout of 30 minutes - 60 minutes of low to intermediate intensity never hurt anybody… well it probably does but hey, it’s important too. A workout too intense can also make the body weak, so avoid trying too hard. Exercise does play an important role in the wellbeing of your body and your health. So, before you tune in to Suidooster, go for a walk.

YOU CAN DO IT! This was one of the standout quotes in one of the most iconic films, titled “Waterboy”. You should love water as much as Waterboy loved water. Therefore, aim to drink up to 8 glasses of water daily. Water at either sidesof meals is a good idea and helps specifically with digestion. Water is your best bet to keep hydrated as well as helps concentration levels so you can function optimally.


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With the recent horrific increase of Gender Base Violence in our country I find it of utmost importance that we not only protect, but also celebrate women of all ages, cultures, races and different walks of life. As a young adult women myself, I love seeing my fellow queens, especially young adult women of colour breaking limitations and pursuing their dreams. In this next article I have a chat with a final year cosmetology student and entrepreneur, Shante Smith who has conquered insecurities and branched out to even being well-known for her big and beautiful, kinky crown.


"I LOVE SEEING MY FELLOW QUEENS, BREAKING LIMITATIONS AND PURSUING THEIR DREAMS." Shante’, admits that her love for beauty happened rather spontaneously after battling between career choices in real estate, physiotherapy and veterinary. She then set out to be successful in the career of her choice of cosmetology, especially since it was not the popular choice for many.

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She admits to being a make-up enthusiast and part of her 10-year vision plan includes owning her very own cosmetic line and skin care range. Her sole objective is to run her own make-up studio in which she’ll avail services to hopeful females like herself who would want to upskill themselves in beauty therapy.



She advises that any masks containing avocado oils is perfect for dry skin



(As a homemade remedy) is perfect for blemishes, as it has a toning and tightening effect on the skin. Shante’ advises that this is good for oily skin types and blackhead impurities.



Generally, works perfect as a mask and contains potassium and is great for sensitive skin.



This popular household remedy works as a toner and cools your skin. It’s good for all skin types.


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This works as a very good base for masks. Things such as avocado can be applied on top of the yoghurt mask.



Cleansing lotions are good for more congested, oily skin types. Shante’ advises that we keep an eye out for those products that specifically makes mention of it being a cleansing cream or product. She says that this refreshes the skin.



Generally, alcohol free and has a strong action which removes excess oils from the skin.

Recommended masks for specific skin types Sensitive Skin Should only use yoghurt based masks, no added preservatives are necessary. Dry Skin The banana masks are ideal, grinded almonds and a teaspoon of olive oil are ideal with this mask. Oily Skin The egg white and lemon juice is recommended. This removes blackheads.


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To connect with Shante and the services offered by Beyond Beauty you can engage her on her social platforms @shantesmith




Growing up, Shante’ admits to damaging her hair by relaxing due to the culture at the time portraying straight and sleek hair as beautiful. She soon realised that by trying to fit in, she was caused a lot of damage to her hair. This realisation caused her take a bold step and go natural. Over the years she admits to realising that as women, we should not try to fit the mould of what beauty is to someone else, but instead embrace all your flaws and unique qualities. In addition, she also adds that the only reason she changed was to feel more confident for herself, not anyone else. This is what lead to the launch of her own business called “Beyond Beauty”. She started freelancing at the beginning of the year and offered her services at events like matric dancers, weddings and theme parties or festivals.



In her industry hygiene is of utmost importance and with regards to her work she always wears a mask and ensures that both herself and her clients follow general lock down protocols. This includes washing hands before and after consultation and treatments, as well as cleaning surfaces during consultations with a client. Shante’ would like all our younger sisters to remember that we are all in a process. She says, “The process is often difficult and hard to figure out, however you have to allow yourself to experience the journey. I never loved my hair, but I surely do now, I never liked wearing certain clothing, now I embrace certain fashion trends that appeal to me. I hardly even touched make-up, but now I have countless ideas with regards to make-up and the industry.”

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Money Matters and Business Boosters


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“It is important to have a mentor who can guide you through times of uncertainty.” BUSINESS BOOSTER


In today's society more and more people are losing their jobs. This has made it even more important for people to find ways of becoming self-sufficient and innovative.

MEET JUSTIN an entrepreneur who started his business at the young age of 21. He launched Soul Nosh as a platform to live out his passion for food and cooking.


He said that he also wanted to build something that would last for a long time and even build an inheritance of wealth to pass down to future generations. He says his passion came from seeing the satisfaction on people’s faces after they tasted the food he had made. Starting his business was exciting and the biggest challenge Justin faced was the execution of his vision, stating that he had a little bit of fear - fear of going into uncharted waters and starting something new.

Something that Justin lives by is a notion that comes from Bradley Van Reenen and Idea Warehouse which is "build your desired outcome". Whatever you want out of life, your business, your health or even your finances, you have the power to build it and to create the desired outcome for your life.

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FINANCE 1O1 By Andrew James Stewart

We are in a time and a space where this generation wants to know and understand finance and money - how it works and how it flows. This seems to be the best kept secret of the previous generation.

indication on your character and personality unless you allow it. It should never change you, but always increase you and transform you into a better person so that all around you may benefit and increase as well.

The main reason for this, I believe, is that it will lead to independence and having confidence. It must be understood that money and finances do not have any

Here are a few basic understandings that may help us to better understand how we should navigate through and in the economy.


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ECONOMICS is the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transference of wealth. It also refers to how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute the end products to all in the society or community. It can also be explained as the system.

MONEY is a resource and the most modern form of exchange. Beyond it having buying power it is the way in which we transact in the economy. In other words, trading resources we have for the resources we want.

INVESTMENT is the action or process of investing money for profit; which is placing your money or resources into a project or purchasing an asset, with the goal of earning a profit, capital appreciation or a regular future income.

INCOME Income is when we receive money. We receive money generally by exchanging time for money, at our jobs. This is the most common way of generating an income. Many are also, in this time, increasing their streams of income by selling goods or services as informal businesses. Income is what you will need for your sustainability and livelihood. We also need to understand that we are not limited to a specific income unless we decide it. We can increase our income to the level we want our lives to be at.


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EXPENSES are the things we give money out for - needs or wants. It is also the process of trading our resources (Money) for the goods and services we need to enhance and enjoy our lives. Income directly influences the amount of expenses you are able to incur.

SAVINGS is the act of taking part of your income to keep it aside, (technically decreasing your income) however on the flip side increasing your overall wealth. It should be money that you do not need right now, but that you use at a later stage to make a relatively big purchase without having to get yourself into debt, e.g. TV, Radios, Fridge, Lounge suite, holiday or a car.

DEBT is taking money from others or an institute to make certain expenses that your income cannot cover right now. Debt in most instances has an interest charged as commission, as a fee for the money you borrowed. So, if you borrow a R 100, there could be a interest of R10 on that R100, therefore you will pay back R 110 (The amount borrowed + an interest fee)

We now have a good basic understanding of what Finance 101 means. We can use the above-mentioned elements to accurately navigate us into a good and stable financial status. It will, however, take some sacrifices by saying "NO" now in order to have your bank account saying "YES" to something of substance later on. So, if you are able to say "NO" to that pair of Jordan’s now, your bank account will potentially be able to say yes to that car you like in about a year's time. We need to invest into substance rather than things. Things will disappear and lose value, while substance will increase and inherently add more value to you and your surroundings. Let’s invest into those things that will give us increase and growth in our lives.


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LIFE HACKS Tips and Tricks


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The easiest thing for you to do is to put a password on your phone. Having a password will make it harder for someone to pick up your phone to scroll through, access your accounts, or install viruses. In the event that your phone gets stolen or you lose it, it’ll make it a bit harder for others to get into your phone. Most phones these days come with even better ways to lock your phone from finger prints scan to face recognition which is ever handy.



Most phones use GPS to help locate where you are and help find locations for you. With this capability, many applications may collect and share your location information. However, many smartphones give you the option of managing your location. You can pick and choose which applications may access your location or you can just have it turned off. Switching off the location access can also help increase the battery life on your phone. If your phone doesn’t offer specific location-sharing settings, be careful to install apps that require GPS usage.




Bluetooth allows your phone to communicate with other devices, such as the hands-free option in your car or your printer. If accessed by someone else though, they could misuse it to access your information or intercept your calls. Turn off the Bluetooth on your phone and turn it on only when you need to connect with other devices. Many phones also allow users to set passcodes or additional security levels on their Bluetooth as well. Use all available options to increase your privacy.


Most smartphones have settings that will help you manage your privacy and safety. You can find these controls through the settings on your phone or through the settings of a specific app. These settings may allow you to limit an application’s access to the data on your phone, including access to your location, pictures, contacts, notes, etc. You may even be able to block cookies and limit what data your mobile browser collects



Know the apps that are on your phone, and if you have an unfamiliar app, delete it. Apps are easy to download and easy to forget, but depending on the app, it could be accessing private information or could be a monitoring program that someone surreptitiously installed.

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One of the convenient features of having a smartphone is to quickly access your emails or social media accounts with just a tap of a finger. However, this also means that you are always connected to accounts that may contain sensitive information. Consider logging out of certain accounts, if you can, so that others can’t access those accounts if they are using your phone. Keep in mind that depending on the type of phone you have, you might not be able to log out of some accounts, such as email accounts, but may have to remove the entire account from your phone. In this case, make your decision based on your own privacy and safety risk. While it may be inconvenient to access the account through the browser, it may be safer.




Although it may be tempting to store information such as passwords, account numbers, or personal information on your phone, the less sensitive information you have, the less likely someone else can access it. You might even want to consider deleting sensitive text messages or voicemails so they’re not stored on your phone.



Keep in mind that even if someone doesn’t have access to your phone, it might be possible for them to access your online account. Online accounts can include your wireless carrier account, call logs, your email or social media accounts, your Google Play/Apple AppStore, or iCloud account. Update the passwords and security questions for those accounts to ensure someone else can’t get access.



After years of warnings, we are fairly used to ensuring that we have antispyware, anti-malware, and antivirus programs on our computers. This software should also be used on our smartphones as well. Search for programs in the app stores and discuss them with your wireless provider. Some phones come with built-in software that you won’t want to override.



There are many “personal safety apps” available for download that offer to increase the users’ personal safety. Several of these apps are designed and marketed specifically to survivors of violence. Before relying on any safety app in an emergency, be sure to test it out with friends and family to be sure that it works correctly for you. Your trusted friend may not receive your location with your emergency call or may not receive your call for help at all. Many phones have a quick emergency call button that you can even dial without entering the phone’s passcode.. page | 21


10 FACTS &

Be cautious of predators:

Don’t post revealing photos, updates, or content that would make you a target of sexual predators and other criminals. Never share information that could endanger yourself or your possessions – such as details of your physical locations, your daily schedule, dates when you’ll be going on holiday, and


what security precautions you’re taking.

0 2 Know who your friends are: It is unwise to make friends with complete strangers on social media sites like Facebook as you can never be sure what their motives are.

MEDIA By Michael Halloum This article was adapted by


Be aware of posting your location

Foursquare, Twitter and Facebook all have location settings (these can be turned off on Facebook and Twitter). These location settings can show your exact location to within a few metres. Don’t check in on social media, especially when you’re by yourself and/or in a remote location.

0 4 Be aware of what you share Sharing your cell phone number and address online are risky things to do – you can control who sees what on your profile, and you should limit who sees your information.


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0 5 Know how to use security settings... on all the sites you have accounts on. It may seem like a drag, but it could save your life. Make sure strangers can’t harvest your details and use them against you.

0 6 Assume the world is watching you: If you don’t want something widely broadcasted, don’t post it. Regardless of your privacy settings, some people may still be able to access content you’ve restricted.


Everything that gets on the web, stays

Be it in caches, cookies or saved as a screenshot to someone else’s computer, once you post something, consider it permanently published, even if you delete it.

0 8 Protect your personal information Never reveal sensitive personal information like your bank details. Also never share the passwords you use, or information that could give clues to your passwords – such as your pet’s name or date of birth. Never betray the confidentiality of others who have shared information with you.

0 9 Assume your mom & boss are viewing your posts Things you write or show can come back to haunt you, so be careful of what you say. Don’t share photographs of yourself in compromising positions, and never post extreme views related to race, religion, or politics. Also, don’t publically air complaints or extreme views relating to your academic or professional career – such as your institution, job tasks, employer, employees, colleagues, rivals, or anyone in your professional life. If you’re particularly emotional, first take some time to settle down, and then post only if you’re sure that there won’t be negative repercussions later on.


Beware of virus links on social media

Beware of receiving an enticing email or tweet that contains a hyperlinked URL which when clicked on takes you to a site that either prompts you to log in or dumps a virus as you land on it. Often twitter accounts that have been hijacked (hacked) start sending out the click jacking messages to their followers. The best thing to do if you fall prey to click jacking is to change your password and make sure it is a strong one.


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1. Use a strong password. The longer it is, the more secure it will be. 2. Use a different password for each of your social media accounts. 3. Set up your security answers. This option is available for most social media sites. 4. If you have social media apps on your phone, be sure to password protect your device. 5. Be selective with friend requests. If you don’t know the person, don’t accept their request. It could be a fake account. 6. Click links with caution. Social media accounts are regularly hacked. Look out for language or content that does not sound like something your friend would post. 7. Be careful about what you share. Don’t reveal sensitive, personal information, ie: home address, financial information, phone number. The more you post the easier it is to have your identity stolen. 8. Become familiar with the privacy policies of the social media channels you use and customize your privacy settings to control who sees what. 9. Protect your computer by installing antivirus software to safeguard. Also ensure that your browser, operating system, and software are kept up-to-date. 10. Remember to log off when you’re done. This Article was adapted by AUGUST 2020

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2015 definitely was a year I was not at all ready for. Post matriculating, it was a year I just did not want to face, having so many no’s smacked in my face I was ready to give up. I actually did! It was my second year in college and I just started off my year with the news that not only did I fail all 3 of my major modules, but I lost my fully funded bursary as well.


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I WAS AT A DEAD END. I was at a dead end and I knew that my hopes for studying further was impossible as my household is run by my single mother. The very same day I got the devastating news, I remember meeting up with both Coach and Mrs. Jay for an alternative meeting engagement; and I remember, out of nowehere, bursting out in tears mid-way through the meeting! Both Coach, director of IAMPASSION and Mrs Jay’s (Administrator of I Am Passion) faces were in utter shock. I then continued to tell them exactly what my day was like and what I had been going through. I clearly remember the first words from coach were, “Okay….so?...I failed too!”. He then got interrupted by Mrs Jay feeding me grapes, whilst verbally nodding along and agreed, “Hmmmn, I failed too!”. I will never forget coach's words that followed, “No matric certificate can validate your value and no result can ever define who you are. Failure is a great opportunity to learn. Failure is never fatal!” Those are the words that simply changed my life forever. I spent the remainder of the year under coach’s guidance, assisting him on various high school camps. It was then that I discovered my passion to not only help uplift teenagers and young adults, but more specifically speak hope into the many girls that I had met. It's insane to think that by encouraging them I became even more inspired to achieve my own dreams. The very same girl that was frightened to dream eventually started dreaming again. Mrs Jay has coined the phrase, “Leadership is a healing modality”. I became that very living example. Being more exposed to the camps ignited a passion that was previously extinguished. The more I seemed to help these young individuals the more I seemed to help myself out of my very own circumstance. I had to rewrite my matric, not once but twice and continued to re-apply to the very institutions that gave me a no. After 5 lengthy years of pursuit, the very institution that gave me my first rejection letter called me to offer me the opportunity to complete my studies! Oh, and did I mention that my studies are fully funded? I am not just studying any course, but my actual choice of study!


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My process was quite a lengthy one but...

That single handily is quite unbelievable. I am currently in my second year, pursuing my degree in politics. IAMPASSION gave this once insecure girl, something to look forward to and something to dream about. I am currently a full-time IAMPASSION employee and own my very own clothing brand. My process was quite a lengthy one but I would not exchange it for anything. I eventually got two opportunities through IAMPASSION that I could only dream of. Not only have I met many influential people, but I met people who are intentional about being the drivers of change in our very own communities.


I wake up every day with purpose. My dream has become my reality through touching and connecting with my very own people; giving them hope; and ensuring them that the impossible is really possible if you just keep on keeping on. IAMPASSION is a vehicle that fuels the passion of anyone that desires to change not only their lives but the lives of those they are connected to it. It is a platform that turns the ordinary individual into a future world changer, starting first within our local communities. I can say with confidence that I wholeheartedly choose to jump in and hold tight onto this journey of hope, where my tomorrow is in fact better.

I wake up every day with purpose.

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South Africans have just exceeded a little over 100 days of our COVID-19 Lock-down and thus experienced either the wrath or kindness of the human heart. It is in my experience that this global pandemic either revealed the best or the worst in us. We have seen many challenges that were either forgotten about or suppressed for generations now being exposed on global scales; one of many examples include the historic, Black Lives Matter global protest movement. Amidst the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus this protest drawered half a million people across 550 places in the United States. We saw people from all ages, races and cultures risking their lives for the greater cause of black human life, that for generations until presently have either suffered at the hands of slavery, mass murders and homicide.


Now, if we draw our attention a little closer to home, South Africa has had its fair share of the pie as our very own police minister Mr Bheki Cele stated that within the very first week of our national 21-day Lock-down there were over 87Â 000 Gender Based Violence, rape and murder reports. The most recent incident that enraged South Africans was that of Tshegofatso Pule, a twenty-eight-year-old women, who was eight months pregnant! Sadly, South Africa was now seemingly revelling in its given title of being the lead capital of rape world-wide.

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If this was not devastating enough, we saw land evictions taking a turn for the worst as Bulelani Qholani, a 28 year old male from Khayelitsha, an informal settlement in the Western Cape, was dragged naked from his from his home and manhandled by law enforcement. The incident was recorded and spread like wild fire across social media. When asked about the incident, Mr Qholani said that he asked the officers about his and his children's rights, , however they responded in saying that there would be no discussion about the evictions. The only response he received from them was that the City of Cape Town sent them, whilst they continued to dismantle his home. As a result, four of these law enforcement officers were put under suspension. According to Chris Nissen, from the SA Human Rights Commission the City Of Cape Town, the law enforcement was not allowed to proceed with evictions during the national lock down period, regardless of whether or not the eviction order was secured. Mr Nissen then confirmed that commission would go to the equality court to represent Mr Qholani to ensure that he receives the justice he deserves.

"there is none stronger than that of the human heart." These unfortunate incidences taking place locally and globally allow us to see the vast challenges we have succumbed to globally. In many cases, it has also confirmed the extent to which the human heart is willing to go to protect and fight for complete strangers if need be. With the latter being said I therefore believe that there is none stronger than that of the human heart. The human heart has a great ability to love and care beyond the means of race, culture, gender and demographical location. This became evident in our own country when we saw thousands of women of various races, cultures and ages, taking to the streets of Cape Town in mass protest against femicide.These passionate and provoked women risked getting mishandled by police, being thrown with teargas and being shot at with rubber bullets. We saw this mass protest towards parliament not only gain the attention of many globally, but also that of our very own president, Cyril Ramaphosa. We saw that when anything draws on the human heart, every indifference or injustice, whether by means of culture, race or gender, cannot prevail. None said it better than our very own Coach, Bradley Van Reenen, in his “I Got It” book, “If you're not clear about something, you will walk through it not giving it your all, but when you are certain, you will risk everything”. AUGUST 2020

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be brave & bold. AND GO CONQUER

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