Gilbert Sun News 082122

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mecca. BUSINESS ............. 18 Suds galore now available in

However, some residents are calling the town out for the expense. “There was an option for four garish, outlandish fancy bridges,” said Terri Naddy, who spoke at a recent council meeting. “But I didn’t see an option for a plain one. You didn’t give the community an opportunity to spend less money.”

Tribune Good time homebuyersfor PAGE RE 1 NEWS ...................... 8 3 council races, 1 GPS board race resolved. see BRIDGE page 6 Ocotillo


BY CECILIA CHAN GSN Managing Editor T he Town wants to build the 545-footlong Ocotillo Bridge in south Gilbert as a statement piece with all the bells and whistles as part of a project that will cost $79 million. The bridge will cross over watercourses at Gilbert Regional Park to connect Ocotillo Road between Higley and Greenfield roads, improving response times for police and fire and giving a direct access to the 272acre recreational amenity.

Road. The neighborhood park for people of all ages is a massive outdoor playground featuring live mu sic, arcade and lawn games, a TV-lined bar for sports, gate area for dogs and a reservable party pod. Information: (David Minton/GSN Staff Photographer) O.H.S.O. fine BY CECILIA CHAN GSN Managing Editor Plus Power is proposing to build a standalone lithium-ion battery storage facility on 3.1 acres in the northwest corner of Gilbert that can stockpile enough electricity to power over 30,000 homes. The American-owned company, with offices in Texas and California, pitched the Superstition Energy Storage proj ect at a neighborhood meeting Aug. 17 that was attended by four residents, who did not ask any questions after the short presentation. Giant forbatterylithium-ionplanteyednorthwestGilbert YOUR EAST VALLEY HOME SPECIALIST!LOAN Leanna Gray NMLS Mortgage#1673286Loan www.leannagrayloan.comOriginator NMLS #ID 409001 Get $250 off closing costs see BATTERIES page 3 Big forchangestrack PAGE 24


An edition of the

cost ripped COMMUNITY ........ 16 Gilbert

Although Naddy is a county island resi dent, she faces losing a portion of her back yard under Gilbert’s plan to widen Ocotillo Road from 148th Street to Greenfield Road to two lanes in each direction with a center turnEllenlane.West called it a “Disneyland-style bridge,” adding “if it was like every other bridge that crosses that wash, we would save probably several million dollars.” And, Roy Morales said now was not the time to build the bridge. | GilbertSunNews.comEast Valley Road project’s $79M dollmaker’s studio artists’ Epicenter. People now have more activities to do in the Heritage District with the Aug. 10 opening of O.H.S.O’s The Park, 335 N. Gilbert

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BATTERIES from page 1

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“This will help provide reliability to the power grid,” said Molly Emerson, lead project developer. “It’s like a pace maker for the grid.” She said the company, formed in 2018, has over 7 gigawatts of projects under development – 1 gigawatt is enough to power about 750,000 homes. The 90 megawatt/ 360 mega watt-hour facility planned for Gilbert would hook up to the Salt River Project electrical grid. The site, at 510 N. Ithica Street near Commerce Avenue, is zoned for general industrial uses and is next to SRP’s Cor bell Substation. The planned location is surrounded by industrial and utility uses.

The project also includes the con struction of a roughly 440-foot-long, 230-kilovolt power line that would con nect the facility to the SRP substation. The facility would be screened by an 8-foot-tall masonry wall and landscap ing.Baugh also touted the project’s pos itives – very little if any emissions, no traffic and no operational water use or light pollution. And, the project would create ap proximately 30 to 40 high-paying con struction jobs for 12 months and two to three fulltime permanent positions, Baugh said. The project also would generate property tax revenue for Gilbert, he said, adding that most importantly the facility would operate for SRP for 20 years.Atthe end of the facility’s operat ing life, Plus Power would remove the battery system and restore the land to pre-existing conditions. And because the battery components contain valu able minerals, the system would be shipped away for recycling and salvage value, the company said. “This is a very clean facility,” Baugh said. “Everything is enclosed inside in a cabinet.”Emerson also emphasized that Plus Power “takes safety very seriously” but didn’t go into detail on it. A fire broke out at a lithium battery storage facility in Chandler in April. Another company owned that facility, which generated power for SRP. According to Plus Power, the Super stition facility would use “best-in class The lithium-ion battery plant would be located on 3.1 acres in northwest Gilbert. (Plus Power)

“The zoning already exists to allow us to put in a large-scale utility facility,” said land-use attorney Adam Baugh, who added that the company was seek ing a special use permit from the town, which can impose conditions. Baugh said the facility is essentially an outdoor storage of enclosed battery packs that would charge from the grid during times with excess energy and discharge during periods of high-de mand.The 9-foot-tall cabinets or enclo sures are modular and removable, as sembled and tested offsite and brought on location for installation on concrete pad foundations, according to Baugh.

“The original transportation master plan acknowledged that 95% of us use a car as our primary form of transpor tation and then almost in the next sen tence ignores that and says we need to instead talk about moving people in stead of cars,” September said. “And I disagreed with that and again I feel that the words have change but a lot of the content has not changed in this transportation master plan,” he addedSeptember said he wanted to see 95% of the plan focused on gas-powered ve hicles and was shocked to learn that less than 1% of the cars on the road to day are electric. “It’s not to say that there won’t be more in the future,” he said. “But I don’t know that putting a focus on that and how those will behave and act in traffic is something that we need to focus on now.”

“I would like to see a higher percent age of this master document address moving the cars safely safety at inter sections,” September said. He noted the importance of address ing multimodal and multi-use networks but they should be prioritized accord ingly and proportionately with where the Town’s concerns are for the next decade.


Councilwoman Kathy Tilque ques tioned if she was looking at the same document as she failed to see the con cerns mentioned by Yentes and Sep tember.“This took our entire transportation system and overlaid it so that we could see what is happening, what could hap pen and based on what could happen in the future, there’s recommendations where they clearly say should you come upon this situation, here are things that you need to address,” Tilque said. “You need to look at this very care fully,” Tilque continued. “Here’s some things that you’re going to have to con

This montage is meant by town officials to show that the transportation plan covers various types of mobility (Town of Gilbert) T.

Controversial transportation plan up for vote Gilbert Sun News is published every Sunday and distributed free of charge to homes and in single-copy locations throughout Gilbert. CONTACT INFORMATION Main number: 480-898-6500 | Advertising: 480-898-5624 Circulation service: 480-898-5641 Publisher: Steve

“Over 70 projects in the plan are streets related,” he said. “A lot of these are widening or extending existing roadways. So it is a very heavily focused plan on streets, congestion, capacity (and) safety.”

4 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022NEWS BY CECILIA CHAN GSN Managing Editor G ilbert Town Council is expected to adopt an updated transportation master plan Aug. 23 that includes projects to increase capacity, safety and improvements for drivers, pedestrians andThebicyclists.planning document provides a 20-year roadmap for project and pro gram recommendations with imple mentation depending on factors such as staff evaluation of project priority and demand, funding availability, pub lic feedback and council approval. The plan is on the consent agenda but could be pulled for discussion. Not all council members, however, were in support of the plan. At the Aug. 9 study session, Vice May or Aimee Yentes voiced the same criti cism she expressed at the May session, complaining the plan was not focused enough on vehicle use, which is the main mode of transportation in town.

“It seemed like most of those chang es were surface level,” Yentes said. “You know the front page we changed some wording.”KyleMieras, director of development services, said many projects proposed in the plan are actually vehicle-mobil ity-related or designed to make sure that congestion and safety are actually addressed.

He said studies showed that 67% of Gilbert residents want the town to fo cus on improving road conditions and that is where the investment should be prioritized.

“I actually had to go and look up data myself to try and find out and decipher what might be informing these deci sions.”

She added that staff and the consul tant failed to fully incorporate council’s feedback from May in the revised plan.

“Substantially the policies that are reflected in this document are not auto mobile-oriented – like 99% of the peo ple rely upon in our community to get around,” she said. She also called the plan “woefully in sufficient” with data. “We try to be a data-oriented city,” Yentes said. “And I look through this document and I see very little sourcing. I don’t see really any source seen on where we’re getting information.

He also said staff will clarify where the data came from. Councilman Scott September also was critical of the plan.

Strickbine Vice President: Michael Hiatt ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Display Advertising: 480-898-6309 Classifieds/Inside Sales: Elaine Cota | 480-898-7926 | TJ Higgins | 480-898-5902 | Steve Insalaco |480-898-5635 | Advertising Sales Executive: Jane Meyer | 480-898-5633 | NEWS DEPARTMENT Executive Editor: Paul Maryniak | 480-898-5647 | Managing Editor: Cecilia Chan | 480-898-5613 | Reporters: Ken Sain | 928-420-5341 | Get Out Editor: Christina Fuoco-Karasinski | christina@timeslocalmedia.com480-898-5631 Sports Editor: Zach Alvira | 480-898-5630 | Photographer: Dave Minton | Design: Christy Byerly | Production Coordinator: Courtney Oldham | production@timeslocalmedia.com480-898-5617 CirculationCIRCULATIONDirector: Aaron Kolodny | Distribution Manager: Brian Juhl | The content of any advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Gilbert Sun News assumes no responsibility for the claims of any advertisement. © 2022 Strickbine Publishing, Inc. Gilbert Sun News is distributed by AZ Integrated Media, a circulation company owned and operated by Times Media Group. The public is limited to one copy per reader. For circulation services, please contact Aaron Kolodny at An edition of the East Valley Tribune To Start or Stop delivery of the paper, please visit To get your free online edition subscription, please visit: see TRANSPORTATION page 5

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GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 5NEWS TRANSPORTATION from page 4 sider that may not be positive if you happen to go in that direction. I didn’t see anything in here that said we’re taking our eye off the ball on streets. “I didn’t see that. In fact, I felt like it was pretty clear the majority of this had to do with streets.”

Councilman Scott Anderson said he struggled with the plan incorporating recreation and wellness with safety and efficiency as he didn’t see they are compatible.

For instance, the report said to im prove bicycle facilities to be more com fortable and protected, the town would need trade-offs that could include re ducing the number of travel lanes, re ducing lane widths or reducing speed limits for vehicles, Anderson said. “I think that gives the wrong mes sage if we’re trying to make a statement that this plan is really oriented towards those in vehicles,” he said. “It’s telling us in this statement that plan for some inconvenience if you’re in a car because we’re going to do some different planning in the town.” Anderson said he wanted to see a cost analysis of amenities such as trails and bike paths. “It’s difficult for me to imagine mak ing the kind of investments that we may have to make to accommodate users that may not be there for six months out of the year,” Anderson said. “There’s no discussion in the plan at all about our particular and very unique climate where there are certain times of the year where these facilities will not be used at all and we need to know, if we’re investing in them, we need to know that there’s a there’s a return in that investment to us. “Just because the facilities are made available doesn’t mean they’re going to be used and we need to know who are the users of these facilities and if they’re there.”

“Installing a crossing at a trail just isn’t a huge investment for that. I do think that this plan is heavily focused on safety and congestion and the road ways and that’s absolutely I think on point for Gilbert.”

Mayor Brigette Peterson said she agreed with what Yentes said about the crash data and questioned if the town really took a deep dive into that. That said, she added, “I do disagree that we should not be looking at the trail crossings and the trails as part of this plan because as Councilmem ber Koprowski just pointed out that’s where we’ve had the fatalities.

“We’ve had a fatality crossing midblock, we’ve had a fatality on a trail crossing on Greenfield Road that now will be hopefully a trail crossing in the future.“Ithink those are an important part of the vehicle plan that we have for the Town of Gilbert for the future and something that we really need to con tinue to focus on as part of this plan. Ve hicles are No. 1 in this community and always will be. “We have large families, we have large vehicles we have large homes, we drive every place we go in this large town. So I don’t think that anyone is trying to re see

And, if it isn’t worth the town’s in vestment to have those facilities, he said, then the bulk of the plan’s focus should be directed toward users, which are people in cars. “One way maybe to do that is focus this plan on efficiency and safety and leave the wellness and the recreation aspects, which is the trails and the bi cycles in my mind’s eye, leave those in a plan such as the Parks and Recreation Master Plan,” he said. Councilman Yung Koprowski, a civil engineer, said safety should be No. 1 and “I don’t agree that safety and our trail systems are disconnected from our transportation.” She mentioned the Aug. 5 death of a 78-year-old woman who was fatally struck mid-block by a car at Vest Ave nue and Recker Road. “Twenty percent of our fatalities come from pedestrians and bicyclists getting hit by cars, 50% of our fatalities are motorcyclists,” Koprowski said. “These are vulnerable users and it’s part of our transportation system,” she added. “For every fatality the cost of that life is $9 million when you do a cost-benefit ratio.

The 545-foot Ocotillo Bridge is considered by town officials as a “statement piece” for motorists and makes a pricey statement for taxpayers too at an estimated $79 millionm for the entire project. (Town of Gilbert)

BRIDGE from page 1

“They’re rather large arches. They’re 40 feet tall and what they’re made out of is heavy steel, potentially concrete. They may need more support so we’ve been exploring what does it look like if we start adding the dif ferent columns and what not throughout so that’s another piece to this puzzle that we’re working through.”

TRANSPORTATION from page 5 move the vehicle from this plan,” Peter son continued. The mayor stressed, “There are other things out there too that we’re hearing from the residents.” Those things included trails, bike lanes, Bird scooters, …”how do we in corporate all of those together in a re ally safe manner,” she said, reiterating that no project gets adopted from the plan without each coming individually to the council for approval.

“We’ve started changing things like shade structures and looking at differ ent variations of the project,” he told the council. “There will be updates to come as we go through and refine the design.”

“We don’t need to be spending money on that bridge,” he said. “We’re in a re cession. We have inflation and we have a federal government out of control print ing“Imoney.don’tknow what that’s going to do to my child and my grandchildren be cause we’re taxing them. We need to be frugal with our money here in Gilbert.” Dozens of people on social media also criticized the bridge’s cost, calling it a waste of taxpayer dollars. According to the town, this area of Gilbert is unique as it connects commu nities through multiple modes of travel and extends through the future phase of the Regional Park, a destination spot for local residents as well as national and internationalCompletingtravelers.theproject with a “state ment bridge,” the town says on its web site, “further enhances the experience for all users and provides a landmark for Gilbert’s residents for years to come. “

Another po tential redesign is the themselves.arches“Beinginter twined, a lean ing arch is de finitively a very hard thing to make happen,” Rutkowski said. “We’re exploring that more and more as we get into the concepts. So, may be straightening them out, still having them offset (and) trying to stay true to the concept as much as we possibly can.”

The need for the bridge was iden tified in 2001 and the project reflects substantial public involvement and feedback, according to spokeswoman Jennifer Snyder. The bridge will have four travel lanes along with bicycle lanes and pedestrian pathways on both sides. Although the town has directed the public’s focus on the bridge that’ll have the Palo Verde design concept, there are actually a total of four separate bridges spanning the existing water channels. Those channels include the Roosevelt Water Conservation District Canal, East Maricopa Floodway, Chandler Heights Regional Basin and Queen Creek Wash, according to Snyder.

Rutkowski said some of the refine ment includes choosing a color for the lighting.“We’ve been thinking about how to light the bridge, what colors light best at night and just what colors weather better,” he said. And, they are looking at potentially changing the color of the arches or even go as far as changing the color of the bridge, according to Rutkowski.

After a second survey, the Palo Verde design continues to be the public’s fa vorite, according to David Rutkowski, project manager for Kimley-Horn.

“The only portion of the bridge that will feature the Palo Verde design con cept will be the main section located over the future phase of Gilbert Region al Park,” she said. “The current total budget for the 4 bridges and roadway improvements project is $79 million, which includes prior years as well, with a $66 million construction budget.”

“And another piece that we’re looking at as we move into kind of finalizing the concept is the number of columns,” Rut kowski said. “We’re getting more and more into the technical details, the engi neering details of the project and we’re thinking that the arches.”


They are also looking at adjusting the height of the pedestrian rail to prevent people from climbing on the arches and extending shade structures, he added. The firm is expected to submit 30% of its plan Sept. 8 and a value engineer ing session is scheduled for Sept. 26 to look at potential cost savings, Rutkow ski“We’resaid. hoping to see construction of the actual project start sometime late next year,” he concluded. The town in 2017 hired Kimley-Horn for $217,878 to perform the Ocotillo Road Bridge assessment. “The Town’s design budget for the Ocotillo Bridge is approximately $4.7 million,” Snyder said. “Kimley-Horn’s current design contract will take the design to 60% plans. A contract modi fication will be taken to council in late fall for final design and post design ser vices.”Snyder said the firm’s total contract amount is expected to stay within the existing budget of $4.7 million. The bridge is anticipated to open for traffic in fall or winter of 2025.

The plan, an update from the one adopted in 2014, includes five goals –effectively manage congestion, improv ing mobility choices, enhancing traffic safety, planning for technology such as automated vehicles and expanding existing multi-use path network to en courage bicycling, walking and jogging. Proposed projects included new roads, widening or extending roads, intersection improvements, trail cross ing improvements and transit improve ments.There are also recommendations for 28 miles of pedestrian projects and 26 miles of bicycle projects.

“Palo Verde was in the lead with the No. 1 survey and still in the lead with the No. 2 survey,” Rutkowski said. “That really led us to Palo Verde being the pre ferredThatconcept.”said,the concept is undergoing design changes, according to Rutkowski.

GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 7 PHX EAST VALLEY PARTNERSHIP APS STATESPERSONS’ LUNCHEON Keynote Speaker Ron Brownstein: All About the Midterms: A Look at Arizona’s Political Landscape 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 Doubletree by Hilton Phoenix-Mesa • (1011 W. Holmes, Mesa) Register today. Tables of 8: $1,000/Individual Tickets: $125 480.532.0641 or A Zoom option may be available. PRESENTED BY: The Midterms are approaching and Arizona is a state to watch. At this event, you’ll get unfiltered and nonpartisan insights on the state of politics in Arizona from Ron Brownstein, senior editor of The Atlantic, contributing editor for National Journal and a senior political analyst for CNN. Part journalist, part historian, and all shrewd political observer, Brownstein will de liver sharp analysis on politics, policy, the electorate, media and the range of issues informed by his strong sense of American political and national history. Following the keynote address, you’ll hear from candidates in key races share their plans for building on Arizona’s economic momentum while addressing our communities’ most pressing issues.

Chuck Bongiovanni Yung Koprowski Jim Torgeson Bobbi Buchili Bill Spencesee CANVASS page 12 BY CECILIA CHAN GSN Managing Editor One of the three open seats in the Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board race has already been de cided ahead of the Nov. 8 General Elec tion.Candidate Jesse Brainard, an Arizona State University student, was booted off the November ballot, leaving substitute teacher Ronda Page the sole candidate for the two-year seat, said Tim Sifert, spokesman for Maricopa County Super intendent Steve Watson. Because Page is the sole candidate, the county Board of Supervisors on Aug. 17 canceled the election and will appoint her Accordinginstead.toSifert, the appointment won’t happen until after the canvass of the general election results. Brainard’s removal came after Page successfully challenged the validity of some of the signatures on his nomina tionCandidatespetition. were required to gather a minimum of 400 valid signatures on their petitions and filed by July 13. The public then had 10 days, until July 25, to challenge the candidates’ signatures. In the court document filed July 25, Page alleged that at least 93 of the 455 signatures that Brainard submitted were invalid due to various legal defi ciencies. Pace submitted 644 signatures for her petition. Pace claimed the deficiencies includ ed signatures from 22 people not reg istered to vote, 53 people not living in GPS’ boundary and 23 people with in validPaceaddresses.askedthe court to remove Brain ard from the November ballot, not allow him to run as a write-in candidate pay her attorney costs. Following the July 28 trial, the judge sided with Pace, citing the County Re corder staff’s analysis. The analysis concluded that 75 of the challenged signatures were invalided for one of four reasons. The judge found that five signatures came from people who signed the pe tition twice; 20 came from people who were not registered voters, 49 were from people registered outside the school district and one signature came from a person who signed the petition before Brainard filed his Candidate Statement of Interest. The judge ruled that 74 of the sig natures were invalid, which dropped Brainard’s vote count to 381 and left him 19 signatures short to qualify for the ballot, according to court docu ments.The judge also agreed to prohibit Brainard from qualifying as a write-in candidate in November. However, Pace’s request for attorney fees was denied. Brainard appealed the lower court’s ruling with the Arizona Supreme Court, arguing that the county made numer ous errors that led to the invalidation of qualified voters. The four-judge panel, however, on Aug. 15 affirmed the trial court’s deci sion.“As a product of Gilbert Public Schools, I will not fade away,” Brainard said in a released statement. “I will continue to fight for our students and fight for the priorities I have highlighted.”

Political newcomer and business owner Bongiovanni received 21,530 votes or Retired12.66%.U.S.Navy veteran Spence, who was appointed to council in 2020 but lost the job later that year in an election, had 19,547 votes or 11.49%. And,Realtor Buchli received 18,919 votes or Former11.12%.DEAagent Mario Chicas got 18,384 votes or 10.81% landing in the No. 6 spot, followed by Councilman Scott September with 17,961 votes or 10.56%.Management consultant Bus Obay omi, who also ran in 2020, received 15,305 votes or 9% and business owner Michael Clark got 12,772 votes or 7.51%. Write-in candidate Garrett Glover received 405Onevotes.surprise that came out of the primary was the placing of September at No. 7. September and Koprowski generally vot

Brainard, a Gilbert High School grad uate, advocated more counselors to help with student mental health, more transparency and higher pay for teach ers and bus drivers. Page will finish out the remaining term of Reed Carr, who unexpectedly resigned last year.

Watson appointed William Parker to serve until the November election but

GPS 2-year board seat now a done deal see PAGE page 12

8 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022NEWS BY CECILIA CHAN GSN Managing Editor I t’s official: Councilwoman Yung Koprowski and candidates Jim Torgeson and Chuck Bongiovanni will take a seat at the Gilbert Town Council dais in January and the fourth seat is headed for a run-off. Bill Spence and Bobbi Buchli, who placed No. 4 and No. 5, respectively, will have a showdown at the Nov. 8 General Election, according to the Aug. 2 Primary Election results certified by Council at an Aug. 18 special meeting. Ten candidates, including a write-in, ran for the four four-year seats. Coun cil members Aimee Yentes and Laurin Hendrix opted not to run for re-elec tion.Gilbert relies on a complicated for mula to determine if a candidate wins the primary by totaling the votes each candidate received, divided by the number of seats, divided by two. The threshold to avoid a run-off was 21,218 votes.Civil Engineer Koprowski, appointed to her seat in 2020, won her first elec tion and had the most votes at 22,868 ballots or 13.45%. Trailing behind by 816 votes was business owner Torgeson, who ran unsuccessfully in 2016. He captured 22,052 of the ballots cast or 12.97%.

Gilbert Town Council certifies election results

GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 9NEWS VOTING COMING SOON! VOTING BEGINS SEPTEMBER 1ST AT NOON! 2022 Chandler • Gilbert • Mesa The votes are in. The people have spoken.It’sthe BEST OF THE BEST! EAST VALLEY VOTERS PICK THEIR FAVORITES! BEST of the BEST VOTE ON EASTVALLEY.COM lithium-ion cells based on battery chemistries similar to those used in cell phones, computers, and electric vehi cles.”Additionally, the system would use a variety of thermal management sys tems as well as remote monitoring strategies to maintain system stability, the company said. It added that Gilbert Fire would be fully engaged in design discussions as part of the special use permit applica tion and that first responders would receive training on proper techniques to use in the unlikely event of an emer gency. Baugh said the next step is to file the pecial use permit application and anticipated going before the Planning Commission for consideration in a pub lic hearing sometime in the fall. The permit does not need to go to Town Council. If the permit is approved, Plus Power expects to begin construction in 2023 and complete the facility in 2024. Plus Power also needs a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility from the Arizona Corporation Commission. The company anticipated submitting an application for that in September and having a decision issued by the commission during an open meeting in December.According to the U.S. Energy Infor mation Administration, the cost of in stalling and operating battery energy storage systems or BESS have been dropping in recent years leading to an increased use of that technology. An additional 10,000 megawatts of large-scale battery storage’s ability to contribute electricity to the grid is likely to be installed between 2021 and 2023 in the United States —10 times the total amount of maximum genera tion capacity by all systems in 2019, ac cording to a 2021 report by the federal agency.Formore information about the Su perstition project, go to superstitione BATTERIES from page 3 Fuchsiawww.fuchsiaspa.comSpaAhwatukee•480-534-73504025 E Chandler Blvd, Suite 3 • Phoenix, AZ 85048 Offer expires August 31, 2022. New guests only. FacialCustom $79ONLY Call within 24 hours and receive a FREE SKIN CARE GIFTTREAT YOURSELF! with Microdermabrasion plus LED light treatment

Enrollment is trending downward at eight Chandler Unified School District elementary schools. (CUSD) see

10 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022NEWS BY KEN SAIN GSN Staff Writer Chandler Unified School District’s intense growth spurt is ending and it faces a future of declining enroll ment.The governing board heard what the district is doing to prepare for that fu ture at its Aug. 10 meeting.


This map illustrates the locations of the eight elementary schools where declining enrollment is forcing Chandler Unified to study other uses for the campuses. (CUSD)

About an hour was dedicated to a space utilization study, where district officials are bringing together a com mittee to focus on what to do with eight elementary schools when enrollment begins to drop. The eight schools are Bologna, Hull, Frye, Galveston, Navarrete, San Mar cos, Sanborn and Shumway Leadership Academy. All eight schools are signifi cantly below capacity. Only Shumway, Sanborn, and Frye are at more than 50% capacity. The other five are at half capacity or below, with Galveston having the most space at 42% capacity.Districts use the 100-day mark be cause enrollment fluctuates throughout the year, so it’s a way to compare that is consistent. Shumway is at 67% capacity, the most of any of the eight schools. The board was told last spring that its demographics were changing. Homes are more expensive and younger fami lies cannot afford to live here. The city’s population is getting older and there are fewer children who will need to attend school.Chandler is not the only district facing that problem, as both Kyrene and Tempe Union school districts last year were told basically the same thing by a demogra pher.The decline in CUSD has already start ed at the earliest grades. Hull Elementary had 721 students at the 100th day of the 2016-2017 school year. Last year, at the 100-day mark it had 538. District officials project the number will be 448 for the 2030-2031 school year. “Over the last two years, our popula tion of students under … five years of age has steadily declined from 8.7% in 2000, all the way down to 6.5% in 2020,” said Leo Schlueter, CUSD executive director of elementary education. “We know that our district’s enroll ment is projected to decrease by approx imately 270 students per year without strongest enrollment declines happen ing between ’24-’25 and ’27-’28,” he said. Schlueter said this is not the first time the district has confronted declining en rollment at specific schools and found different ways to utilize that space. Goodman Elementary had 424 stu dents in 2007 and has 663 this year. The key to turning it around, was rebranding the school – which opened in 1988– as Chandler Traditional Academy-Good man in 2006. There have been other transitions. Erie became Arizona College Prep Erie. Knox became Knox Gifted Academy. CTA-Lib erty added a dual language immersion program for Spanish. Humphrey became CTA-Humphrey and Hartford Sylvia En cinas added TOP (Talent+Opportuni

ty=Promise) programming. Andersen is in the process of becom ing the district’s first elementary school to be International Baccalaureate certi fied. IB is a rigorous program that results in personal and academic development and can lead to a globally recognized di ploma. In each of those cases, schools with declining enrollment began to increase again.

Falling enrollment triggers study of 8 CUSD schools

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He’s also vowed to push back against “the onslaught of politically biased and divisive programs trying to indoctrinate our children and tear our community apart.”

Evans has four children who graduat ed from a GPS school and her youngest attend Highland High. She taught school for a year at a West Valley school district and wants to fo cus on student achievement, ensure fiscal responsibility and retain and at tract qualified teachers and staff. Thomp son, who has four kids in GPS schools, touts parental rights, fiscal asschooldoesn’tspendingconservativeandseechoiceathreat.

Jonas has three children attending GPS schools and is actively involved in GPS committees. She’s a proponent of fiscal respon sibility and wants to address learning loss from the pandemic and ensure a positive and challenging learning for students. owned and caringly the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. older gamble responsibly.

CANVASS from page 8PAGE from page 8 Parker decided not to run. Page, who has four children who graduated from GPS schools, has been a district volunteer for 20 years working in a number of areas, including room mom/weekly classroom volunteer to grade, read to students, book fairs, field trips, lunch bunch and HHS Concert Choir Booster Club Board. Her campaign platform includes im proving upon the excellence already es tablished, providing students with the best curriculum and effective programs and supporting teachers with the tools and resources necessary to create suc cessful classrooms.

The two four-year seats going for ward to election are contested with four candidates: incumbent Jill Humpherys, Collette Evans, Trina Jonas and Chad Thompson. Dr. Charles Santa Cruz opt ed not to run for re-election. Humpherys, who was first elected in 2012, also is a board member for the Arizona School Board Association and has five children who have graduated from GPS schools. She is a vocal advocate for public edu cation, testifying at the state Legislature for or against bills and as a board mem ber helped steer the district during the pandemic and consistently voted for teacher and staff pay raises .

No smoking. Must be 21 or

Jesse BrainardRonda Page see CANVASS page 13 Locally

to gamble. Please

12 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022NEWS ed with the council majority. His two years in office were without controversy until the morning of the election. He’s being accused of trying to swipe campaign signs that were against him and Gilbert police have forwarded their report to the town prosecutor.September is an incumbent with name recognition, had the backing of public safety and amassed the most money at $53,000, according to his pre-primary campaign finance report. He also served on the Planning Com mission prior to his 2020 appointment to council. But two weeks after the election, September still could not say why he performed poorly at the polls.

“I’m not an expert in political cam paigns but I had an experienced cam paign team with support from so many in the community and my family,” Sep tember said in an email. “We all worked very hard over the

“We wouldn’t have the support of kids that qualify,” Superintendent Frank Nar ducci said of the possibility of making all eight schools gifted academies, explain ing that the district has about 1,500 qualified gifted students. Narducci said they could probably find enough students who are current ly outside of the District to support an other gifted academy. He also suggest ed a possible performing arts academy, which he said has scored high in previ ous community surveys. The district could also expand the number of dual language immersion programs. Currently, the CUSD offers Spanish and Chinese Mandarin. It will be the committee’s job to decide what to do with those eight schools, how best to utilize the space. The committee will comprise five people from each of the eight schools, including the principal, two teachers or staff and two parents. The plan is to have them meet two or three times before November. Then they would present their recommendations to the governing board at its first meet ing in NarducciNovember.said it is possible the com mittee may decide a school could be re purposed for other uses than students attending classes. “That may be but that’s going to come from the committee,” he said. “So wheth er that’s the best use of that building or what’s best for that community?”

last eight months to share my message and vision for Gilbert,” he said. “I don’t think election outcomes can always be explained.” Asked if he would have done any thing differently in his campaign, he responded“Second-guessingno. your efforts in the wake of a poor outcome is normal and hindsight is 20/20,” he said. I took ev ery opportunity to meet with citizens, attend candidate forums and was de lighted by the engagement of the com munity to meet the candidates.”

Heather Anguiano, CUSD’s other exec utive director of elementary education, replied: “When we’ve worked with the princi pals and asked them to identify their site representatives, we had asked him to be cognizant of that and pick representa tives that really were going to represent their community and represent both sides.”


Before he leaves office in January, September said he will continue to pro tect neighborhoods and keep taxes low. “I would like to see the Northwest Corridor Redevelopment District es tablished to foster re-investment and bring high-paying jobs to the oldest and largest economic district in Gil bert,” he September,added.a regional manager for a telecommunications company, said when his term ends, he plans to spend time with his wife and sons before thinking about his next steps. “I don’t plan to run again but I do want to continue to serve this great town and I’m excited to see that take shape in the next year,” he said. Officials announced that the Aug. 2 races, which included state candidates, saw the highest number of ballots ever recorded in a primary election in Mar icopa County. It also was the highest number of pri mary ballots cast in Gilbert at 58,240. About 35.89% of the town’s 162,279 registered voters cast a ballot in the Primary Election. In previous primary elections, voter turnout in 2020 was 36.33% and 30.17% in 2018, accord ing to the Town Clerk.

CANVASS from page 12UTILIZATION from page 10 GetConnected Now in our 38th year! ARIZONA’S LONGEST-RUNNING EXPO IS HERE! Healthcare | Retirement Living | Financial Leisure | Home Repair | Education Casinos | Tour & Travel and More... (480) 898-6500 • (480) www.seniorexpos.com959-1566 Lots of PrizesandEveryINCLUDINGGiveawaysa$100CASHDRAWINGHour! Entertainment by MS. SENIOR ARIZONA FREE PARKING! FREE ENTRY! Wednesday, November 2nd 8am - 12pm Mesa Convention Center 201 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201 Title Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Bag Sponsor

Board member Lindsay Love asked if they are making sure the members of the committee look like the community they represent. “Are we cognizant of like, who’s show ing up?” she said. “And what the demo graphic data is there?

It’s a major milestone for the East Val ley and the airport, but for the children of Queen Creek’s Geoffrey Minor, who man aged the project for builder DPR, it will likely remain “Daddy’s tower.”

The climax of the entire build may have been when a crane hoisted up those massive pieces and placed them on top of the shaft in two separate picks in August 2021. “Just the physical act of picking that up” was challenging, Minor said, as well as making sure the two massive steel pieces were perfectly level and lined up with the connection points.

At the dedication, which is not open to the public, officials will announce the traffic control tower’s name, chosen to honor an Arizonan who worked hard to make the $30 million tower a reality.

“The rigging had to be perfect,” Minor said.Another key feature of the tower is be low ground. While the usable square footage of the tower is relatively small, the structure is “built like a high rise,” Smith said. “It will withstand 100 mph wind, earthquakes –it will stand the test of time.”

Contract towers are air traffic control towers staffed by employees of private companies rather than by Federal Avia tion Administration employees. Roughly half of the nation’s towers are contract. Airport spokesman Ryan Smith said the facility’s demands had exhausted the capabilities of the old tower.

The new tower will double the number of air traffic controllers who can occupy the control cab at the top, from four cur rently to eight, and includes two floors of space below the cab for training, breaks and meetings. Air Traffic Manager Doug Mack called the new tower “absolutely amazing.”

To resist lateral forces on the tower from wind and seismic activity, Minor said the tower is built on a 6-foot slab of reinforced concrete atop of 37 caissons –holes drilled 80 feet deep into the ground and filled with reinforced concrete.

“Every time I drive by the project, my kids point it out, ‘there’s Daddy’s tower,’” Minor said. “It’s a source of pride for me and a landmark for the community that it’s cool to have been a part of.”


The newly completed tower, which will go into service Aug. 26, is seen as a key step in the airport’s ambition to become a world-class hub. The existing tower has been in service over 50 years, and is one of the busiest contract traffic control towers in the U.S.

The new tower also occupies a better position at the airport, Smith said, giving controllers enhanced visibility for man aging aircraft all across the facility. The better visibility is important, he said, because PMGA currently handles such a wide array of air traffic: F-16 fight er jets, large commercial planes, small propeller planes, Apache helicopters and more. In July, space tourism company Virgin Galactic selected PMGA as the site of a fi nal assembly location for its spaceships.

Members of Arizona’s congressio nal delegation and dignitaries from the region will dedicate Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport’s new 199-foot air traffic tower.

So, the “and more” above may eventu ally include large Virgin Galactic “moth erships” carrying spaceships on their underbellies between Mesa and the com pany’s New Mexico spaceport.

The new tower took just under two years to build. Minor said the project has a lot of “unique features,” requiring “coordina tion like none other than I’ve ever partic ipated in in my career.”

One of the interesting features of the tower is the cab and offices on top of the shaft are made from just two pieces of prefabricated steel, weighing 206,000 pounds and 110,00 pounds, respectively.

New Gateway Airport tower to be dedicated


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You shouldn’t have to choose between filling your gas tank up and feeding your family.”

Join the movement to make life more affordable at: Paid for by Americans for Prosperity — Vanessa, Greensboro, NC

Two Pups Wellness Fund marks 5 years saving dogs see WILEY page 17

After the passing of her second of two rescue dogs, Silver decided she has seen the same scene two too many times and she called upon a good friend and former neighbor of hers to kickstart the Two Pups Wellness Fund — Bip Haley, the former owner of the Naked Horse Gallery on Marshall. see PUPS page 17

Artist Meri Wiley of Gilbert holds one of the many dolls she has made to earn her numerous awards for doll-making. (Melissa Hirschl/ GSN Contributor) BY ALEX GALLAGHER GSN Staff Writer

According to Nancy Silver, the co-founder of the Two Pups Wellness Fund, it started with a sick dog and a promise five years ago. As Silver sat in the waiting room of a veteri nary hospital, she was horrified by the number of pet owners she saw leaving the hospital feeling defeated because they could not afford to pay for the care their pets needed. “When my two dogs were sick, I would watch people go into the veterinary hospital and have to turn around because they didn’t have the money to help their dog,” Silver said. “I knew I had to do something about that.”

BY MELISSA HIRSCHL GSN AContributorn“Alice in Wonderland” vibe unfolds upon entering Meri Wiley’s studio in her Gilbert home. At the crossroads of a flea market, antique store, and gallery, her studio is a veritable treasure chest of whimsical art and vintage treasures. This artistic “rabbit hole” overflows with vibrant fibers, ribbons, handcrafted dolls, antique toys, artwork and altered books, for starters. Art supplies for every medium imaginable can be found on shelves or tucked in antique apothecary dressers, vintage cabinets, shelves, and closets. Scattered bowls contain nuts, bolts, spark plugs, fondue skewers, and dozens of other miscellaneous objects. “It’s amazing how many everyday items can be incorporated into altered art,” Wiley said. Each week on Thursdays and/or every other Saturday, a coterie of art ists and crafters have been coming to Meri’s home to work on current projects and pas sions.Others come just to glean inspi ration and share camaraderie. Since 2015, Wiley has been facilitating this cleverly named Meetup group called the Cre ative Original Artist Cartel (the cARTel).“Iam adamant that adults need to play and explore,” she said. In her group, artists engage in projects such as steampunk book making (a combination of Victorian art and industrial supplies), drawing, sketching, wood whittling, painting, book altering, collaging, doll-making, multi-media art and more. Wiley began the group informally over 20 years ago, and in 2015, her sister, artist Jennifer Rothstein, regis tered the group as a Meetup. “Once I know what members want to work on, I’m there to guide them through the process,” Wiley explained. “If I don’t know how to proceed, I’ll get you the “Someinformation.peoplecall me a ‘professional artist enabler’ but I love the experience of seeing people grow. I see members go from uncertainty about projects to eagerly pondering what else they can do.”When not providing input or inspi ration to the members, Wiley works on collages, miscellaneous art projects, or altered journals using vintage laces, linens, papers, and images.

Entering its fifth year as a nonprofit,Two Pups Wellness Fund and co-founders

Gilbert woman’s home studio is artists’ mecca

Nancy Silver, left and Bip Haley have saved the lives of over 10,000 dogs by funding life-saving procedures and care through state-wide animal rescues. (Orlando Pelagio/ Progress Contributing Photographer)

16 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 | @GilbertSunNews /GilbertSunNews COMMUNITY For more community news visit


“All I want to do is save dogs, that’s all I want to do,” Silver said.

PUPS from page A giant gecko on Meri Wiley’s studio wall is just one of hun dreds of unusual pieces that she has collected over the years. (Melissa Hirschl/GSN Contributor) “Bip originally had an art gallery across the street and my two dogs — Lacie and Mr. P. — would come out and sit at the top of the stairs and wait for Bip to bring them treats every day,” Silver said. Upon the passing of Mr. P. in 2017, Silver decided to treat Haley to a dinner where she gave her pitch of starting a wellness fund that would help fund animal shelters in providing care for their animals, fund surgeries and pay for pet’s medication.

An award-winning dollmaker, artist, and teacher, Wiley has been featured in numerous issues of “Somerset Studios and Art Doll Quarterly.” A juried member of the Professional Doll Makers Guild (, she has taught at the Phoenix Art Retreat and Art Unraveled. She is also a member of the International Art Doll Registry (“Ilovethisgroup,”saidmulti-media artist Linda Schroeder. “It’s a great place to learn new techniques and try them out. Meri is very patient and the energy in the room makes it a fun place to Wiley’screate.” “can do” attitude is the result of a “silver lining” that appeared early in life. “We didn’t have a lot of money,” she explained, “so we learned to create our toys and play environment. In addition, I spent an inordinate amount of time with my parents, who were both artistic. “My dad, who I consider a Renais sance man, taught me the process of lost wax casting, gem cutting/polishing, silversmithing, wood working, and pho tography. My mom, Doralie Johnson, was a very prominent watercolor and sketch artist in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Our group is dedicated to our par ents who enabled us to doHeranything.”lifejourney into the world of art started in her teens. She took every art class she could in high school and later sought out classes in pottery, pho tography and sculpture at the Tempe Center for the “TheseArts. endeavors came naturally to me,” she explained. “I remember going to art shows with my mom where I met other art ists. I just grew up in that environment.” As a high school senior living in Cal ifornia, Wiley assisted the California Shakespearean Festival by sewing and mending costumes. Years later, her whole family got involved with the Ari zona Renaissance Festival. “Along with my kids, parents, and sis ters, we participated in a small village, demonstrating cooking, woodcutting, fiber work, and weaving,” she said. In 2020, she and her husband Charles Wiley embarked on the arduous task of creating an art retreat on 40 acres of unspoiled land near the Colorado River near Holbrook. They intend to build a few Quonset huts, including a large studio, where artists will be invited to teach and share their knowledge. For more information about the project, visit Meri Wiley’s Facebook page. The cARTel will host an art show on Feb. 10-11 at the “OneOnOne” Gallery in downtown InformationMesa.on Meri Wiley: imag

“We went to dinner and I saw her vision and work and I knew who needed help out there,” Haley said. After toasting their glasses to a new venture, the two were quickly intro duced to the needs that animal rescues across the state were facing.

“Immediately when we started, we got a phone call that a dog was hit by a car and we were asked if we could help,” Haley said. “That was our first project and once word got out, it just started snowballing.”Haleysaid that when she and Silver started the Two Pups Wellness Fund, they anticipated funding two to three cases a month. But they have since been funding any where between 10 and 20 dogs a month who had myriad needs. “It can go anywhere if this dog is sick – if it needs complete blood work and exam shots to where it needs long-term medication for valley fever or heart worms or if it needs surgery,” Haley said. “Then there are special projects like when shelters go down with a disease and they have to quarantine,” she added. “We’ll go in there with the funds to treat those dogs.” Their reach over the past half-decade has spread far outside of the Valley as the fund has cut checks to 55 shelters and rescues state-wide. One shelter that found the Two Pups Wellness Fund to be a lifeline is the Glendale-based animal rescue, Stealing Hearts Rescue.

Info: Two Pups Wellness Fund accepts checks and grant funding. To contribute or find out additional information, visit



“Fortunately, with the Two Pups Well ness Fund It’s an easy form that says what you need and why and that’s it. Because of that, we can pay for medical procedures for dogs we would have had to Aseuthanize.”theTwoPups Wellness Fund enters its fifth year, the nonprofit is excited to announce it is bringing back its signa ture Booze and a Band event and Silver hopes to eventually take the nonprofit national.

WILEY from page 16

Call today to make an

“There are all kinds of grants that are open for shelters all over the place but trying to get them is worse than pulling teeth,” said Stealing Hearts Rescue founder and director Toni Cerepanya.

see BEER page 20 see RATS page 19

Beer Barn taproom now open in Gilbert

18 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022BUSINESS | @GilbertSunNews /GilbertSunNews BY GERI KOEPPEL GSN AContributorfarmhouse-themed craft beer bar from the group behind taproom The Sleepy Whale in Chandler and bar/restaurant The Golden Pineap ple Craft Lounge in Tempe opened Aug. 5 inBeerGilbert.Barn, with its weathered metal façade and reclaimed wood furnishings, is one of the first commercial spaces to open at Epicenter at Agritopia, a mixeduse development at 3150 E. Ray Road near Higley Road. The 3,000-square foot space is familyand dog-friendly, and features 32 taps and hundreds of beverages—including wine, mead and cider—to drink on-site or to go. Hours are 11 a.m. to midnight daily.Like The Sleepy Whale, Beer Barn has a casual indoor/outdoor vibe with picnic tables and roll-up garage doors but no foodInstead,menu. they encourage patrons to order from the many restaurants at or coming soon to Epicenter, including Bel ly Kitchen & Bar, Buck & Rider, Gadzooks Enchiladas & Soup, Matt’s Big Breakfast and Spinato’s Pizzeria. “I think it’s going to be a good fit in this neighborhood,” said Justin Evans of Gil bert, co-owner of the parent bar/restau rant group, On the House Hospitality, along with Tony Fatica of Tempe. Beer Barn has two additional partners: Bryce Hocking of Mesa and Chris Hubbard of Gilbert.Evans explained the concept partially grew out of his roots in the Midwest: “We named this location Beer Barn in cor relation to where I grew up in northwest Ohio. I grew up in a farm town of 5,000 people.”It’salso a nod to Valley entrepreneur Joe Johnston—who developed Agritopia as well as Epicenter—and the agricultur al background of southeastern Gilbert. Playing into the farm motif, Evans added, “We’re going to try to get a little more creative and create some fun new events…. We want to do some sort of pet ting zoo day. That’s been my goal since even starting construction.” Just like at their other beer-centric lo cations, Beer Barn will have occasional tap takeovers featuring all one style of brew, such as IPAs or sours, and themed events.Onthe House Hospitality has been a success story despite its rise just prior to and during the pandemic. Evans and Fat ica opened The Sleepy Whale in down town Chandler in May 2019, followed by The Theodore in downtown Phoenix’s Roosevelt Row in October 2019. As they were working on buildout for Sleepy Whale, Evans got a call from a friend who told him that Hops on Birch in Flagstaff was for sale. They took over in March 2019.

Valley firm invents birth control for roof rats


lovers, like Meagher, aren’t inContraPest, a new fertility control technology for managing animal pest populations, fits into a box with a hole for the critters to get into. (Courtesy of SenseTech)

Raising a toast in their new taproom, Beer Barn at Epicenter in Gilbert are, from left: Justin Evans, Tony Fatica, Bryce Hocking and Chris Hubbard. (Courtesy of the Beer Barn)

TContributorhelatest tool to solve your rat problem has arrived, but it’s not what you expect. Instead of eliminating rodents using poison or traps, a Phoenix company has developed a more humane method: “Rat birthSenesTech,control.”Inc. produces ContraPest, a new fertility control technology for man aging animal pest populations, primarily Norway and roof rats. It’s a non-toxic, non-lethal liquid dispensed inside tam per-resistant bait stations that causes infertility when ingested. And it is the only Environmental Pro tection Agency -registered contraceptive for both male and female rats. “It’s so good for the environment and just being a kind human,” said Kim Me agher, the founder of Wildhorse Ranch Rescue in Gilbert and an early customer of “ThereContrPest.are a lot of us who don’t want to harm critters, so it’s a really nice way to take care of your rodent population,” sheAnimalsaid.

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ContraPest works because of its two active ingredients. The first ingredi ent reduces the number of eggs female rats produce, while the second impairs sperm development in male rats. Although ContraPest targets the re productive capabilities of rats, it is not a sterilant. For the product to be effective, rats must regularly consume it. Though Siegel hasn’t seen an effect in other animals, he knows that if a non-targeted animal were to consume ContraPest then its effects would be temporary.WithContraPest not posing a danger Doses of the rat birth control are put into containers that then go into weather-proof boxes for roof rats to wander into. (Courtesy of SenseTech)

GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 19 terested in killing any. So, when Meagh er’s rescue of 27 years developed a roof rat issue, she searched for non-lethal ways to eradicate the infestation. That’s when she found ContraPest. “It took care of our population in a very humane way very quickly,” she said. Rats weren’t the only animals Meagh er was concerned about. She had seen a notice posted by Liber ty Wildlife, of Phoenix, about how roden ticide poisoning not only kills rats, but also the eagles, hawks, owls, livestock and other wildlife or pets that eat them. She was thrilled to have found a solu tion that doesn’t harm any animals and actually works. “You can poison or kill as many as you want all day long, but they’re still going to have babies,” Meagher said. “You’re not going to get them all. They’re going to reproduce faster than you can exter minate all of Conventionalthem.”methods of reducing rat populations simply can’t overcome their rate of reproduction. If left unchecked, rodents will do what they do best – reproduce rapidly. Two sexually active rats can be re sponsible for the birth of up to 15,000 descendants in just one year, accord ing to SenesTech CEO Ken Siegel. If the breeding isn’t stopped, then you can’t get a handle on the population. “One side of the equation is the birth rate, but the other is the death rate,” Sie gel said. “Rats become mature in a very short period of time and then they can have a litter of pups basically every six weeks.“The pups become mature and they have pups. You see a geometric explo sion in the population. If you’re simply relying on death, you can’t kill them fast enough or sustainably enough to offset how fast they reproduce. That’s why birth control is so important.”

Now, the company has gone a step further to eliminate roof rats in elevat ed spaces by designing the Elevate Bait System with ContraPest, which was ap proved by the EPA in March. “Elevate is a unique way to deal with a problem that no one has been able to tackle before,” Siegel said. “It enables for the first-time pest control to be easily deployed above ground. Up until this point, there was really no way to deploy poison or ContraPest above ground.

Then, “At the end of 2019 we signed the lease for the Golden Pineapple,” Ev ans said. “Little did we know, five months later, the pandemic was going to hit.” Everything shut down temporarily in March 2020, but The Golden Pineapple opened in Tempe in the former Riazzi’s Italian Garden in July 2020. On New Year’s Eve 2020, the Silver King Smoke house and Saloon opened in Superior. “I’m an opportunist,” Evans explained. “We have general ideas of where we would like to be, and sometimes some thing comes up, like Superior, Arizona. “You get a phone call. If we feel good about the neighborhood or area, usual ly there’s past job experience or living in the area. I lived in the East Valley for many years; I lived in the Arcadia area for multiple years; I worked in down town Phoenix when I moved here 12 yearsHockingago.” and Hubbard started at the Sleepy Whale, and Hubbard became the general manager there. “And then shortly after that,” Hubbard said, “Justin was talking to me about the opportunity that would be coming to Gil bert, so I asked if I could be a part of that as well, and they said absolutely.”

SenesTech was founded in 2004 to serve women’s health. It wasn’t until researchers developed a model for in ducing menopause in mice, which later became known as “mouseopause,” that they began looking at birth control tech nology.Development of ContraPest took sev eral years, but in 2016 SenesTech finally won approval from the EPA to market ContraPest for use against rats.

Hocking and Hubbard say they’re bringing to Beer Barn the same friendly feel as the other On the House Hospital ity concepts. “You walk in and the bar tender recognizes you the moment you walk in and has your pint sitting on the bar,” Hocking said. Speaking of suds, Beer Barn carries a long list of local favorites as well as craft brews you won’t find elsewhere in Ari zona.This is because of the “amazing rela tionships” they’ve made with brewers across the U.S., Evans said. Tap beers run $6.50 to $8.50 a pint. Concurrent with building the business, Evans and his wife have had four chil dren—now ranging in age from about two months to three years old—and he jokes that they’ve had “a baby per busi ness.” He also has a stepdaughter who is 12.“You learn so much about yourself” having kids, Evans said. “What I’ve learned being a father has helped me be more professional in the businesses and realize what is truly important in the businesses.”


The 3,000-square foot Beer Barn is family- and dog-friendly, and features 32 taps and hun dreds of beverages. (Courtesy of Beer Barn) to other animals or people, it’s no won der why it is being used by many zoos, animal sanctuaries, farms, businesses and homes around the country.

So, SenesTech wanted to develop a bet ter way to deploy ContraPest for roof rats.The Elevate Bait System uses the same contraceptive but with a different dispensing system that’s specifically de signed for roof rats in elevated indoor spaces.Thesuspended bait station is easily accessible by roof rats, but out of the way of people, pets, livestock and food storage areas. It is more than 90% effective in elimi nating rat populations, according to Se nesTech. This is especially important for Arizonans considering that Phoenix is ranked as one of the worst areas in the U.S. for roof rats.

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“So now there’s this groundbreak ing dispensing system that you can put where the roof rats are most likely to be.”Roof rats spend about 90% of their life four feet or more off the ground, accord ing to Maricopa County Vector Control. They can be found on power lines, fences, attics, garages, patios and more.

Information:; 480264-4086.

It’s not just consumers who are pleased with ContraPest, the rats love it too. “They fight over it,” said Meagher, who set up a rat camera to make sure that the rats were actually drinking ContraPest, and sure enough, they were. “ If it runs out before I fill it up, they’ll chew the container like, ‘Where is it?’ If one is drinking and taking too long, an other one will bump him out of the way like, ‘Hey, it’s my turn.’ They absolutely loveRatsit.” drink about 10% of their body weight in water every day, according to SenesTech. So, ContraPest was formu lated to satisfy their thirst. The sweet, fatty liquid formula has proven successful in reducing rat pop ulations, in turn preventing the serious property damage, dangerous food con tamination and disease spread caused byTorodents.learnmore or to order ContraPest or the Elevate Bait System with Con traPest, call 1-866-886-RATS or visit


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RColumnistealestate mar ket


conditionextremedepending,variesseasonalitybystateonwhichweatheryouare trying to avoid. While Realtors don’t really have black out dates in the Arizona real estate cal endar – considering we’re really only talking about avoiding higher tempera tures, some pesky wind and maybe a few extra bugs - the third quarter is typically our slowest season. And for the first time in three years, we are being reminded of what that feels like. An extreme deficiency in inventory fol lowing years of underbuilding, popula tion growth and artificially low interest rates in 2020 created one of the most unusual markets Arizona has ever ex perienced: Offers 10-20% over asking, waived appraisals, lease backs until your kids decided where they were going to college and everything but the first born. Investors picked up everything they could with the cheapest money around –and by investors I mean anyone who had access to a little cash or anyone in prop tech, real estate tech, tech tech or with the words “venture capitalist” in their name. It became an absolute market frenzy where not only did seasonality not play a part but neither did words like “compa rables” or “contingencies.” It was one of the most profitable times in Arizona real estate history for buyers and sellers but also very stressful and logistically com plicated.Nowthat seasonality is back in the pic ture – and so are more houses, more ne gotiation room, and still a net increase in property values for sellers of nearly 40% in the last few years – buyers have gotten back on the fence. Add in a few spikes in interest rates, gas prices and some PTSD from the market crash a decade ago and we’ve got some of the lowest buyer demand that we’ve seen inThehistory.good news, and there’s actual ly a lot of it, is that while our inventory went from 4,000 homes on the market to 18,000 in a blink of an eye, we seem to have stopped the flood gates – or at least plugged them a bit as we’re not seeing nearly the drop of new listings that we did in June and July. We’ve cycled our way through the sec ond homes, investment properties, and other expendable income properties and made our way back to our primary home owners – who for the most part will be buying if they are selling so they won’t be upsetting the inventory balance by much when they move. There’s no mass exodus from Arizona, no mass job layoffs, and we’re coming into our best weather of the year, which means we’ll get our tourists back again soon.InGilbert, pricing looks very similar to what it looked like back in February or March of this year. But instead of having to dig up $60$70K over asking in cash, you’ll likely be able to get into a house closer to list price and have it appraise. That means you can finance that difference over 15 or 30 years.Inventory has tripled in that time frame and we went from an average days on market of 19 to 32 with price changes increasing, contingencies more frequent, and the listing success rate falling – all normal signs of market deceleration. Remember, prices aren’t crashing, appreciation is slowing. The median house price in Gilbert two years ago was $370,000 and we’re now up to a whop ping $575,000. With annual appreciation still in the positive, new listings coming to market at a much slower pace and no Valley cities experiencing excessive supply, we should start to see less downward pressure on pricing on the horizon. Coupled with the fact that we’re ex pecting a ton of people ages 28-32 to Nemetz

Small Gilbert apartment complex sells for $3.8M

This two-story home, also in Ahwatukee, was among the top sellers in the last two weeks at $1.07 million. The 3,983-squarefoot house, built in 1996, has five bedrooms and four bathrooms, boasts 180-degree mountain views and sported numerous up grades. (Special to GSN)


A California investment firm bought this 12-unit apartment complex in Gilbert’s Heritage District for more than twice what the seller paid for it four years ago. (Special to GSN)

This two-story house in Ahwatukee recently sold for $825,000. Built in 1989, the 3,134-square-foot house has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, a family room with fireplace, a master bedroom with a sitting area and balcony overlooking the mountains. (Special to GSN)

In June, there was a roughly 31% de cline in sales in new-home developments compared with the same time a year ago, according to data from John Burns. The number of sales fell even further in July, according to preliminary data. That’s given builders pause. They don’t want to put up the money to construct homes if they’re not confident they can sell them. “Without a doubt, the first half of 2022 qualifies as a housing recession,” said Robert Dietz, chief economist of the Na tional Association of Home Builders. “Building had a big drop-off,” said Re Chief Economist Danielle Hale. “Unfortunately, with this pullback in building, that shortage is unlikely to be solved anytime soon.” Roughly 87% of builders are now plan ning to slow down their pace of con struction, according to Zonda. Bachman expects builders to take out 5% to 10% fewer permits for new homes next year. The largest homebuilder in the nation, D.R. Horton, reported that about 24% of orders for new homes were canceled


A company that includes the man aging partner of an international real estate investment group in Los Angeles earlier this month bought a small Heritage District apartment com plex for $3.8 million – more than twice what the seller paid for it four years ago.Heritage Ranch Owners LLC bought three single-story buildings housing a total 12 apartments in the 200 block of N. Elm Street, Valley real estate tracker a small but a typical ex ample of a trend in apartment complex sales in the East Valley over the past year that appears to be driven by es calating rents and Maricopa County’s soaring population. More than a dozen complexes throughout the region have sold in the past year for twice to three times what the sellers paid for them two to five years earlier. Built in 1963 and 1972 on about a half acre, the small Elm Street complex had been purchased by the Grupe Com pany in August 2018 for $1.5 million, according to vizzda. Heritage Ranch Owners LLC lists its partners as Gregory Heller, Sharon Heller and the Richard J. Heller Bypass Trust, all at the same Los Angeles ad dress, according to Arizona Corpora tion Commission filings. Gregory Heller also is managing di rector of the Harbor Group in LA, a global real estate investment and man agement company that boasts a portfo lio of multifamily, retail and office prop erties valued at a total of more than $19 billion.TheElm Street deal represented a price per unit of $318,750 and a square foot price of $408, vizzda reported.


Just a few months ago, builders couldn’t put homes up fast enough to appease the hordes of eager buyers. They boasted about lengthy wait lists, even holding lotteries to choose those lucky enough to purchase their newly constructed homes. Those days are now over as the housing market corrects after two years of run awayBuyersprices.are now canceling orders and extracting themselves from waitlists as higher mortgage rates have pushed their dreams of owning new construction beyond their financial reach. Sales are down, including in the Phoenix area. Builders are responding by throwing out incentives, like spaghetti against a wall, to see which ones attract buyers. Some have begun cutting prices, and the majority are slowing down the pace of construction—despite the nation’s dire housing shortage that’s hit crisis propor tions.“We should anticipate fewer homes be ing built over the next 12 months,” says Ali Wolf, chief economist of Zonda, a real estate consultancy. “The new-home mar ket is struggling right now. Demand has cooled more than you would imagine this time of Manyyear.”buyers were already reeling from record-high home prices. Add in higher mortgage rates, and suddenly many were unable to afford the monthly payments on a new home, which are often more ex pensive than older properties. Some would-be buyers have decided to sit tight for now to see if they can get a better deal down the line. “You raise rates to this level, and you’re going to have folks who can’t qualify” for mortgages, said Devyn Bachman, senior vice president of research at John Burns Real Estate Consulting. “There is a very large group of buyers who could buy but are choosing not to be cause they’re worried about a recession, inflation, and the national economy. Peo ple are afraid they’re going to buy a home and a year from now it will be worth less than it is today.”

Homebuilders backing off as sales start to plummet

GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 re3REAL ESTATE MINDY fRom page Re1 Serving the Valley, for over 15 Years! BuyingSellingor a Home? Erik Geisler REALTOR® Your Real Estate Agent Call Erik First! 1850 E Northrop Blvd #170 | Chandler AZ 85286 480-206-5592 cell | Join me in supporting my charity partner, CULTIVATE GOODNESS Cultivate Goodness is a nonprofit organization that focuses on helping with needs in our community. We invite members of our community to get involved and wrap arms around those that could use a lift. We believe if everyone puts in their piece, whatever the size, it adds up to be a mountain of good. Go to Melanie 480.221.3034Nemetz•

JUSTLISTED 3907 S Coach House Drive Power Ranch

Come see this great single level home offering 4 bedrooms & 2 baths with vaulted ceilings in the award winning community of Power Ranch. Call today to schedule your showing (480) 221-3034 come into the market, the reality that we are still sitting at about four million houses short nationwide for our popula tion growth, and the obvious factor that A LOT has changed about what we want and need in a home and its location in the last three years, Arizona will likely not sit in balance very long. Without being in the fortune-telling business and not knowing when or for how long these conditions will last, there is a sense of urgency to take advantage of the ease of making a move because that’s what’s changed for most of us over the last two months. Mindy Jones, a Gilbert Realtor and own er of the Amy Jones Group brokered by EXP Realty, can be reached at,orAmy from April through June. PulteGroup, the third-biggest homebuilder, reported cancellations were up to 15% in the sec ond quarter of the year—compared with 7% a year earlier. Orders for new homes dropped 23% from a year ago. “We are seeing increased cancellations, which is an early sign of distress in the new-home market,” said Bachman. In a sharp shift from earlier this year, homebuilders are now wooing prospec tive buyers with a slate of incentives. These perks vary by builder, but they can include companies offering to buy down mortgage rates so that their cus tomers have lower rates, shouldering some of the closing costs buyers are tra ditionally responsible for, offering fancier finishes and amenities, and ending the premiums they charge for corner lots and other locations with views. About 20% have cut prices, which many builders view as a last resort. This report was provided by Realtor. com.


Each office is independently owned and operated


The covered front porch offers a warm welcome to the home. Security screen door, shutters & sunscreens are an added bonus. 3 of the 4 bedrooms offer walk-in closets. Living & Dining rooms could make a great teen space or office. The open kitchen includes a spacious island, brand new stainless steel appliances, & pantry which is open to the family room & breakfast nook. The primary suite includes a spacious room with shutters & the bathroom offers dual sinks, a separate tub & shower, a walk in closet. Dog door & dog run on side of home with full size gate. The beautiful backyard includes two paver patios, one with a ramada to take in our Arizona outdoor living.

Along with Baugh and Case, Cloe Baugh, Zoe Tizard and Sophie Mann re turn for another season with the cross country team. Kathryn Sewell and Lind say Schlink, too. The girls also have several talented freshmen entering the program. Baugh and Case believe they can repeat as champions this season, and they will likely enter the season in September as the favorite with Desert Vista star Lau ren Ping transferring to Valley Christian in a different division as Highland. Baugh and Case still recall the mo ment last season when they came across the finish line and received the first-place team trophy. They’re eager to replicate that feeling. “In the moment when we found out, being with the team, that was special,” Baugh“Hugging,said. crying on shoulders,” Case added.Much like the girls, the Highland boys have had their fair share of top finish es. Last year, the Hawks were edged by Desert Vista, a perennial power under head coach Chris Hanson. Placing second has put a chip on the shoulder of the Hawks, who lost just one runner from last year’s team. Ju niors Lucas Witcher and Crewe Resen dez will be the leaders of this year’s team. It’s a role they have both taken in stride, especially Resendez. He has had three older brothers come through the cross country program. Only one of them won a state title. He believes he is already faster than all of them, and now aims to win two state championships before he graduates for some bragging rights. “I’ll rub it in their face,” Resendez said, which was met with laughter from Montgomery, Witcher, Baugh and Case. “I told them I wanted to get four rings. Now, that’s not possible. But I can get two. We keep getting better.”

While he may hesitate to admit it, Montgomery knows how special both the girls’ and boys’ cross country teams can be this fall. The girls return all seven runners that competed in last year’s state champion ship race. Emma Baugh and Kayla Case, who finished second and third, respec tively, are expected to lead the Highland team this season once again. “It’s super exciting,” Baugh said. “We didn’t lose a ton of people this last year. We know the girls really well. We get to improve together.” When together, the girls often laugh and joke around. Even during 5 a.m. prac tices they are lively and full of energy. In a way that keeps them going through the grueling summer workouts that then transition into the fall. It also helps having a coach that will get in on some of the jokes with them. That’s what has made Montgomery one of the most beloved coaches in the state. He finds ways to relate to his ath letes and cares for their well-being. His passion and attitude carries over to his athletes.“We’re known for being fast, but I feel like we’re known for being very friend ly and fun,” Case said. “That’s honestly what I strive for more. Just talking to other teams. We have so much fun.”

Family atmosphere helping Highland cross country

Every athlete involved in the High land cross country program is honored to represent the school. They take pride in having the school’s name draped across their chest at meets. Especially in cross country, it rep resents a program that for so long has been one of the best in the state and recognized outside of it as well. But it also represents a family, one that was established by Montgomery many yearsWhileago.expectations are high, Mont gomery constantly reminds the team that isn’t what it’s all about. He would rather them establish life-long connec tions with teammates and earn an op portunity to continue their athletic ca reers in college.

@GilbertSunNews /GilbertSunNews

The boys and girls find joy in cheer ing for one another and running along side each other in practices. Those early mornings have brought them together and made them a family. One that has become successful. “It’s really cool to continue to grow and to continue to show the new peo ple that join the team how to be a fami ly,” Witcher said. “Even with the classes before us, we’re continuing the legacy and passing it on to the underclassmen below us.”

From left: Highland junior Crewe Resendez, seniors Kayla Case and Emma Baugh, and junior Lucas Witcher are four of the top returning athletes for the Hawks this cross country season. The girls are looking to repeat as champions while the boys have a chip on their shoulder after placing second a year ago. (Dave Minton/GSN Staff)

Monty Montgomery’s main goal for his Highland cross country program every year is to pro vide an outlet for runners to compete and have fun in a family atmosphere. The success just happened to come naturally.He’sled the Hawks to two state titles on the boys’ side and just recently cap tured the girls’ first-ever championship last season. The Hawks also have mul tiple runner-ups and top-three place ments for both teams. Montgomery doesn’t focus on the win ning ways of his program. He approaches the spring track season with the same mindset as the fall, even though his class room at Highland is filled with trophies from various events. “Culture first then process, that’s my two things,” Montgomery said. “We don’t talk about meets. We don’t talk about times or winning stuff. I don’t care. What you do in the process translates to the meets. It works. “I have it made (at Highland). We don’t have grade issues. We don’t have disci pline issues. We’ve got great kids.”


Check us out and like Gilbert Sun News on Facebook and follow @GilbertSunNews on Twitter BY ZACH ALVIRA GSN Sports Editor

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Basketball Open Division

The AIA will host an Open Division basketball tournament for boys and girls to conclude the winter sports season this year. It will feature the top eight teams from the 6A-4A conferences and the next best rated eight teams from thoseThoseconferences.32willbe put into a bracket, with the first round taking place before other conference tournaments. The second round of the Open tournament will coincide with conference play-in games, which feature an additional 16 teams.Those who are eliminated from the Open Division will be placed back into the conference playoffs with teams that win play-in games. Those teams from the Open will maintain their original ranking before being taken to the Open tournament. The eight who remain in the Open will then play for a true state championship, much like the football format. Conference champions will still be crowned for 1A-6A. From the start of basketball playoffs through the first few days of March, the AIA will host 275 tournament games. All championship games will take place at Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.“It’sa humongous job but we’ve worked with the coaches and our schools, and we think we are going to have, basically, 30 days of state basketball,” Hines said.

The Open Division for football was introduced in 2019 to bring together the 6A-4A conferences and to crown a true state football champion. At the time, Saguaro was dominating at the 4A level. The Sabercats were moved up to the 5A level two years ago and again to 6A with the most recent update to the football classifications. That change also brought up teams like Cactus and American Leadership Academy - Queen Creek, two 4A schools that made the Open Division last season.

Hines said a vote in May by the 4A Conference committee to continue including the conference in the Open Division finished in a tie. But to offset that, new multipliers were introduced. All 6A teams will receive a multiplier of 10 after the regular season. Teams in the 5A Conference will have a multiplier of nine and 4A teams a multiplier of eight. Hines said this will even the playing field, to a certain degree. In retrospect, it will reward teams that play a tougher schedule in the higher conferences. And while it doesn’t fully eliminate 4A teams from contention, it makes their path to the Open harder. “Our process of reclassification has made a huge difference in the parity of high school football,” Hines said. “Even with the multiplier, if they’re good enough, a 4A team can still make the Open.”

Hines said the AIA will also introduce 335-second shot clocks for 3A-6A conferences this season. The 1A and 2A voted against them. During the regular season, shot clocks will be used if schools have technology in place. If they don’t, games will be played without them. In the playoffs, however, shot clocks are mandatory for all games. If a host school does not have the technology, the games will be moved to a different venue.“Allstate games, 3A through 6A, will use a shot clock,” Hines said. Girls flag football Girls flag football has grown exponentially in the last few years. The Chandler district crowned its first-ever champion after district-play between the six high schools last spring. With Chandler leading the way, other districts have now started recruiting student-athletes for programs at their high schools. Mountain Pointe, all Mesa schools and others have jumped on board this year. With that, the AIA has identified girls flag football as an emerging sport. If it continues to grow, it could officially become a sanctioned sport under the association as soon as next year. “We are going to have a committee together and start talking about that,” Hines said. “We are hoping to tie that to state football. The culminating event for that would be tied to our state football.”

26 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022SPORTS BY ZACH ALVIRA GSN Sports Editor The Arizona Interscholastic Asso ciation Executive Board on Mon day approved an extra state track division and a true state championship format.Theproposal was announced Aug. 12 during the first annual AIA media day held at the association’s offices in Phoenix. Executive Director David Hines also had updates on other sports, including football, basketball and girls flag football. “We will run a true state championship with a trophy and a banner,” Hines said. “We are going to have a California-style state meet where the elite of the elite get to go against each other.” State track will now have a fifth division. Currently, there are four divisions, with the fourth designated for schools in the 1A, 2A and 3A conferences.DivisionV will be for 1A and 2A schools and leave Division IV for 3A teams. The other divisions — I, II and III — would remain unchanged, servicing 6A through 4A schools. The proposal also included a new format for the state championship meet, which typically kicks off in the second week of May. The meet will now begin a week earlier and crown division state champions. Divisions IV and V would compete at one location over the course of two days. Divisions II and III would compete the same day at a separate site, and Division I on its own elsewhere. From there, the top 18 athletes and teams for all events in all divisions will be merged and move on to compete in preliminaries of the overall state championship meet. The top nine from each event would move on to the second day of the state meet. There, state championships for individuals and teams will be crowned. “We have done a lot of data on that,” Hines said. “At one point we would’ve had a 1A kid win the state championship, it was a girl that ran the 100. We had multiple kids at 2A and 3A that would be state champions and then of course four, five and six. It will be fun to watch.”

New for Open Division football

The Arizona Interscholastic Association on Friday announced a new proposal for state track that would crown a true state champion, much like in the Open Division for football and basketball, which will take place for the first time this year. (Dave Minton/AFN Staff)

AIA introduces big school sports changes



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Canadian metalcore outfit Silverstein is angry

Because of this, Told is anxious to kick off the cross-country trek Thursday, Aug. 25, at the Marquee Theatre and stand amid the roar of an audience singing his lyrics in uni son once more. “I’m looking forward to an action-packed hour or so of just the jams old and new, Af terglow,’” he said.



Canadian metalcore band Silverstein intends to jam a set full of screaming and storytelling into the Marquee Theatre when the band jaunts into town on August 25. (Courtesy of Wyatt Clough)

25 Where:

Ave. Tempe Cost: Tickets

Despite the dark nomenclature of the re cord, Told feels the record has been mutually cathartic for fans and himself. “When ‘Misery Made Me’ came out, the sentiment from our fans was, ‘We needed you to say this,’” Told said. “With our fan base, we help each other out. I give to them, and they give back to me. “The fact that the words and music that I’ve written has helped them through a dark time, in turn, helps me through a dark time because I know that what I’m doing makes a difference.”Although he’s fond of most of the songs, one special one may sneak into Silverstein’s setlist during its jaunt with the Australian post-hardcore outfit The Amity Affliction. “‘The Altar/Mary’ is a great example of storytelling and taking the listener through all the hardships that people have had — particularly millennials who have been beat en down economically and unable to make ends meet,” Told said. “That’s one track that we want to try to pull off live. It’s not going to be easy by any means with the energy of the first half and the synthesizers in the second half but we’re welcoming that challenge.”

. Guests will include Walt Johnson, who played lead trumpet for Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley; Tom “Bones” Malone, played on Saturday Night Live and David Letter man); and members of the Stan Kenton Legacy Orchestra and vocalists Ronnie Rose and Dennis Rowland. Mike Vax, the director of the Prescott Jazz Summit, was trumpeter in Stan Kenton Big Band for many years and now takes the Stan Kenton Legacy Band on tour every year. The events begin with a chance to meet the musicians and have light refreshments at the Hassayampa Inn, 122 E Gurley St. That will be followed by a concert titled “A Journey from South America to the United States” at the Elks Theatre, 117 E Gurley St., On Saturday night, big band music will be performed at the Ruth Street Theatre at Prescott High School, 1050 Ruth St. Sunday afternoon’s show, titled “A Jazz Journey from Broadway to Hollywood” will be held at the Hassayampa Inn. A special brunch will precede that concert, Proceeds benefit musical education of high school students. Summit musicians give clinics to stu dents on the weekend of the summit. Students will also get a chance to display their talents at the Saturday night show. The weekend concludes with a Sunday night jam session will be at Mur phy’sTicketsRestaurant.andmore infor mation: prescottjazzsummit. net or 925-872-1942.

Tickets are on sale for the 21st Prescott Jazz Summit, a weekend of music and fund, that will be held at three Prescott venues Aug. 26-29. | @GilbertSunNews /GilbertSunNews GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 29GET OUT

at 3 venues IF YOU GO What: Silverstein and The Amity Affliction w/ Holding Absence and Unity TX When:

Although Silverstein aims to tell a story with its lyricism, Told also said that the band marries stories with catchy choruses. “We want to be a hardcore band that has catchy singalong parts and over the years I think we’ve gotten better and better at writ ing melodies that stick in your head and lyr ics that people want to sing along to,” Told said.“It’s cool that we’ve become a singalong band because, sure, people can mosh to our songs, but it’s also great that they can sing along to them too.”

Prescott hosting weekend of jazz 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. Marquee Theatre 730 N. Mill start at $29.50

When the Burlington, Ontar io, metalcore outfit Silverstein sits down to write an album, its members try to take listeners on a journey through their Silverstein’slives.latest record “Misery Made Me” offers a glimpse into the last two years, which vocalist Shane Told admits has been miserable at times. “Over the last couple of years, with what we’ve gone through, there was no way we were going to be able to write a love song on this record,” Told said. “The reality is that we .. were frustrated, we were scared, our mental health wasn’t the best and this is what came out from us. We had to get (this) off our chest.”


“It won’t be like it was 25 years ago,” he said. “Hardly anybody ate. We were in my mate’s restaurant and, of the 75 people at the wedding, my mate told me only three of them have eaten. ‘What the hell do I do with 72 ri beyes?’ he said. It was a great do, and my wife is a wonderful woman whom I’m very lucky to Hishave.”goal with Peter Hook & the Light is to have the ability to play every New Order and Joy Division song live before he goes to the “guitar shop in the sky.”

This year has been bittersweet for Hook, whose longtime friend, Happy Mondays bassist Paul Ryder, died unexpectedly at age 58.“It’s immensely sad, considering we worked so closely together,” Hook said. “They’re the archetypical rock ‘n’ roll band that hit everything hard — the bottle, the drugs, the road and music. It’s almost a cli ché. But so many of them are disappearing.” He and his wife after planning a 25th anni versary party and are inviting “every person who’s still with us who came to our wedding 25 years ago.”


“It was such a rock ‘n’ roll dream. I’m so glad I got to live that rock ‘n’ roll dream that we decided on when we watched the Sex Pis tols and we’re still getting away with it.”

IF YOU GO What: Peter Hook & the Light When: 7:30 p.m. Aug. 29 Where: Van Buren, 401 W. Van Buren St., Phoenix Cost: Tickets Start At $32.50 Info:

Contact Cecilia Chan at 480-898-5613 or

When Peter Hook introduced his band, Peter Hook & The Light, to 300 fans at Factory Manchester in England 11 years ago, he was unsure of the future.The66-year-old musician hoped his meth od of celebrating the legacies of Joy Division and New Order – two bands he co-founded —–would catch on. “I was wondering if it was the first and last time I would ever get to play ‘Unknown Pleasures,’” he said about Joy Division’s 1979 debut“Now, I am taking it all around the world.”The North American leg of Peter Hook & The Light’s “Joy Division: A Celebration” comes to the Van Buren Aug. 29. The five-week tour features performances of Joy Division’s seminal two albums “Un known Pleasures” and “Closer” in full with additional Joy Division rarities and an open ing set of New Order material. The tour fol lows the debut U.K. dates for “Joy Division: A Celebration,” which commemorate the 40th anniversary of Joy Division and Ian Curtis’ continuing influence. “I’m getting to play in many wonderful places —places I’ve played before and had a fantastic time,” Hook said via telephone from Mallorca.“I’mthe happiest pensioner on God’s earth. It’s still a delight. My wife summed it up very well: ‘Whenever you come home, you have the biggest smile on your face. That nev er happened in New Order. I didn’t see it for a long, long time.’” He said he’s not blaming former band mates vocalist/guitarist Bernard Sumner, drummer Stephen Morris or keyboardist Gillian Gilbert—with whom he now has acri monious relationships. Curtis died by suicide and Sumner, Morris and Hook founded New Order with the later addition of Gilbert. “They always said it was me,” he recalls. “I suppose, in a funny way, you don’t get a lot of changes in life to make the wrong right again. “There is massive appreciation for Ian’s work and Joy Division’s work,” he said. “I’m with the people I want to be with the most – the people who love Joy Division’s music. For me, I am in exactly the right place. I abso lutely adore what we’ve created and I’m very, very proud of it.”

Musician Peter Hook will be bringing his electric sound to the Van Buren on Aug. 29. (Special to GetOut)

Peter Hook grateful to have been living his dream

Next up is 2001’s “Get Ready,” for which New Order primarily departed from its more electronic style and focused on more gui tar-oriented music. “I’m achieving my ‘boast’ or my dream bit by bit,” he said. “It’s just a treat to dig out these wonderful songs and watch the looks on people’s faces. I play seven New Order songs and change the set to Joy Division, play six or eight songs. I’m indulging myself and it’s wonderful to have that freedom to not have to look at those long faces and get on with it.

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32 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022GET OUT King Crossword Answers on page 34 ACROSS 1 Felines 5 Discoverer’s call 8 Brewer’s kiln 12 Owl call 13 Massage 14 Leg joint 15 Not-so-noble protagonist 17 Rat- -18 Green sauce 19 Realm 21 Penny 24 Help 25 Persian leader 28 Knitter’s need 30 Assoc 33 Bit of wit 34 Rehab process 35 -- chi 36 Even so 37 Slanted type (Abbr.) 38 Darned 39 Hollywood’s Lupino 41 Take five 43 Burning 46 Leslie of “Gigi” 50 Songs for one 51 Daughter of Oedipus 54 Mon. follower 55 Half of XIV 56 Send forth 57 Teeny 58 Ecol. watchdog 59 Pixels DOWN 1 Bloke 2 First-rate 3 Youngsters 4 D o needlework 5 Raw mineral 6 “B en- --” 7 Slender woodwind 8 Giraffe’s kin 9 Poison remedy 10 Char 11 Head, to Henri 16 Weeding tool 20 Tailless cat 22 Russian refusal 23 Early Mongolian 25 Covert agent 26 Coloration 27 Cuba, Jamaica, etc. 29 Actor’s quest 31 Cold and damp 32 Tonic’s mixer 34 Actress Cameron 38 Put on, as a play 40 Dagwood’s dog 42 High school subj 43 Wine region 44 B oxing match 45 Roof overhang 47 Former Dallas QB Tony 48 Taking action 49 Tennis barriers 52 Wee bite 53 Spanish aun Call for Your FREE Design Consultation (855) 227-0135 12 NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS *On Approved Credit* MO TH Custom storage solutions for your new or existing cabinets makes space for everything, so you can spend your time making memories. *Limit one o er per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/Designer Shelves. EXP 12/31/22 Independently owned and operated franchise. © 2022 ShelfGenie SPV LLC. Your granted.wisheskitchen50% OFF INSTALL! 1.50 APY 1 % ON ACCOUNT BALANCES OF $10,000 OR MORE. UMB RETAIL MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT SPECIAL OFFER 1. Annual Percentage Yield. All account applications are subject to approval. This Special Offer is available to new UMB Retail Money Market accounts opened in the following states: Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas; and, to new UMB Retail Money Market accounts opened as part of the UMB myPerks Workplace Banking program. The minimum opening deposit amount required to establish this Special Offer UMB Retail Money Market account is $100.00 in new money (funds not currently on deposit at UMB). The minimum balance required to obtain the 1.50% APY is $10,000.00 in new money (funds not currently on deposit at UMB). Limited time offer; UMB Bank reserves the right to discontinue this Special Offer at any time. UMB Retail Money Market Accurate as of August 16, 2022 Interest rates and annual percentage yields may vary by region and may be changed at any time solely at the discretion of the Bank, including after your account has been opened. Fees and charges could reduce earnings. Restrictions apply. Balance Levels Interest Rate APY $0.00 – $9,999.99 0.10%0.10% $10,000.00 – $24,999.99 1.49% 1.50% $25,000.00 – $49,999.99 1.49% 1.50% $50,000.00 – $74,999.99 1.49% 1.50% $75,000.00 – $99,999.99 1.49% 1.50% $100,000.00 – $999,999.99 1.49% 1.50% $1,000,000.00 and above 1.49% 1.50%

The mechanism on all sizes is very smooth and easy to operate with the king size version offering a unique split sleeping area allowing only one side to be opened if needed.

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Monika full size shown in silver fabric. The Monika series can be special ordered in a wide assortment of fabrics to suit your specific needs and style.

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Also, I’ve always cooked with shallots, but these days I’m realizing how much they bring to a dish. (They may be one of the most misunderstood vegetables out there—do they replace onions? Garlic? Can they be used with onions and garlic?)

While some folks replace onions with shallots, a shallot has its own flavor profile, and can add so much to a dish! (Try slicing them very thin and frying them to a deep golden brown, then sprinkle them over a salad or potato dish. Wow!!

Ingredients: 2 (15-ounce) cans of black beans, rinsed and drained3earsof corn, cooked and kernels removed from the cob 2 red bell peppers, charred and diced 1 large jicama, peeled and diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 TBSP shallots, minced 2 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 2 TBSP sugar 9 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil 1 TBSP Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon lime zest 6 TBSP fresh lime juice 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, plus more for garnish, chopped2avocados, chopped Directions 1. In a large bowl, combine the black beans, corn, red bell peppers, garlic, shallots, salt, pepper, sugar, olive oil, Dijon, lime zest, lime juice and ½ cup cilantro. Stir well to combine and refrigerate.

Over the top goodness!) The flavors of the Southwest permeate this salad with the addition of black beans, jicama, av ocados and cilantro.The dressing is lively, with the perfect combination of lime juice and zest, Dijon Mustard and a little sweetness to cut the tang. Over all, it’s a great main meal salad for the vegetarian, a tasty side for your grilled burger lov er or just spooned into little tortilla cups for a terrific appetizer! Tortilla cups are simple. Just cut 2-3 inch circles out of flour tortillas, tuck them into a greased cupcake tin and bake for about 15 minutes. Done! I love recipes that give you all the flavor and nutrition you need and are pretty darn effortless to create! Here’s to another hat tip to our won derful flavors of the Southwest!.


Veggie medley captures the look and taste of the Southwest With JAN D’ATRI GetOut Contributor

Picnics, parties, salads and sides. If you’re looking for a new dish that fits in all of those categories, this Chilled Southwestern Veggie Medley is theThisanswer!tasty, colorful plate of veggies is loaded with Southwest flavors and lots of It’scrunch.perfect for a make-ahead dish, it transports beautifully and couldn’t be easier to make. What makes the flavor? Fresh ears of corn that are grilled in a skillet or on the bbq, then sliced into niblets of charred goodness. Charring the red peppers before dicing them also adds a great taste.

2. When ready to serve, add the chopped av ocado and gently mix to combine. Garnish with remaining cilantro. Serves 8.

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38 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 Your leaks stop here! 623-522-9322 SAME DAY SERVICE 30 Years LicensedReferencesExperienceAvailableBondedInsuredROC286561 Senior & Military Discounts FREE ESTIMATES & MONSOON SPECIALS New Roofs, Repairs, Coatings, Flat Roof, Hot Mopping & Patching & Total Rubber Roof Systems Painting East PAINTERSValley Voted #1 Paint Interior & Exterior • Drywall Repair Light Carpentry • Power Washing • Textures Matched Popcorn Removal • Pool Deck Coatings Garage Floor Coatings • Color Consulting 10% OFF We Beat Competitors Prices & Quality Now Accepting all major credit cards Family Owned & Operated Bonded/Insured • ROC#153131 Free Estimates! Home of the 10-Year Warranty! 480-688-4770 PLUMBERS CHARGE TOO MUCH! FREE Service Calls + FREE Estimates Water Heaters Installed - $999 Unclog Drains - $49 10% OFF All Water Puri cation Systems Voted #1 Plumber 3 Years In A Row OVER 1,000 5-STAR REVIEWS Bonded/Insured • ROC #223709 480-405-7099 ROC 303766 ● 480 489 0713lizardpools.comWeeklyServicesNetting ● Brushing ● Emptying Baskets Equipment Check ● Water Testing Other Services Pump/Motor Repair & Replacement Sand/Water Change ● Repairs ● Acid Wash Handrails ● Filter Cleaning & Repair Pool Tile Cleaning ● Green Pool Clean Up Quality Pool Service, That is Priceless! Owners: Angela Clark, Chelsea Clark, & Homer Clark Weekly Services Netting • Brushing • Emptying Baskets Equipment Check • Water Testing Other Services Pump/Motor Repair & Replacement Sand/Water Change • Repairs • Acid Wash Handrails • Filter Cleaning & Repair Pool Tile Cleaning • Green Pool Clean Up Owners: Angela Clark, Chelsea Clark, & Homer Clark 480-489-0713 • ROC 303766 Interior/Exterior Painting 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Dunn Edwards Quality Paint Small Stucco/Drywall Repairs We Are State Licensed and Reliable! Free480-338-4011Estimates•SeniorDiscounts ROC#309706 HOME IMPROVEMENT & PAINTING Painting PAINTING Interior & ReferencesSeniorDrywallFreeResidential/CommercialExteriorEstimatesRepairsDiscountsAvailable (602) 502-1655 — Call Jason — Plumbing 20+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED HYDROJETTINGSEWERCABLE480-477-8842 BOOK ONLINE! STATE48DRAINS.COM COMPREHENSIVE, FULL-SERVICE PLUMBING COMPANY ROC 3297740 Pool Service / Repair Call Juan 480-720-3840at Not a licensed contractor. 25 Years Experience • Dependable & Reliable POOL REPAIR Pebble cracking, Plaster peeling, Rebar showing, Pool Light out? I CAN HELP! Juan Hernandez Pavers • Concrete • Water Features • Sprinkler Repair SPECIAL! $500 OFF COMPLETE REMODEL! Remodeling Cool Deck • Flagstone Overlays Stains • Epoxy Coatings Decorative Concrete Overlays Grind & Seal (602) 510-2255 www.miragedeckresurfacing.comLicensed•Bonded•InsuredROC#329254 602-363-2655|fredydelacruzluis@icloud.comFREEESTIMATES•COMPETITIVERATES Your best choice for shower walls & floor installation with all kind of materials like wood, laminate & more. 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE | RESPONSIBLE | QUICK RESPONSE *NOT A LICENSED CONTRACTOR Landscape/Maintenance ALL Pro TREE SERVICE LLC TREESLANDSCAPING,&MAINTENANCE Tree Trimming • Tree Removal Stump Grinding Storm Damage • Bushes/Shrubs Yard Clean-up Commercial and Residential Insured/Bonded Free Estimates Prepare for Monsoon Season! PMB 435 • 2733 N. Power Rd. • Suite 102 • Mesa 480-354-5802 Roofing Tiles, shingles, flat, repairs & new work Free Estimates • Ahwatukee Resident Over 30 yrs. Experience 480-706-1453 Licensed/Bonded/Insured • ROC #236099 Serving All Types of Roofing: • Tiles & Shingles • Installation • Repair • Re-Roofing FREE ESTIMATES 602-471-2346 Clean, Prompt, Friendly and Professional Service Not a contractorlicensed Plumbing Drain Cleaning Experts, water heaters, disposals, water & sewer lines reRapidpaired/replaced&remodels.Response. If water runs through it we do 602-663-8432it! Place 480-898-64653CallBusinessYOURHERE!forourMonthTrialSpecial!Classifieds:

NOTICE TO WILLIAM DODD The State of Tennessee, Department of Children’s Services, has filed a petition against you seek i ng to terminate forever your parental rights to Kassia n Nicholas Junior. It appears that ordinary process of law can not be served upon you because your whereabouts are un k nown. You are hereby ordered to serve upon Marlene Simpson, attorney for the Tennessee Department of Children Services, 1979 St. John Avenue, Suite F, Dyersburg, TN 38024, an Answer to the Petition for Termination of Pare ntal Rights filed by the Tennessee, Department o f Children’s Services, within thirty (30) days of the last day of publication against you pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. §36-1 117(n) and Rule 55 of the Tenn. R. of Civ. P. for the relief demanded in the Petition. You may view and obtain a copy of the Petition and any other subsequently filed legal documents at the Dyer County Juvenile Court Clerk’s Offic e in Dyersburg, Tennessee. You are also ordered to appear on September 16, 2022 at 9:00 am at the Dyer County Juvenile Court in order to contest the petition filed against you, and failure to appear or otherwise file an answer with the clerk of this Court before that date will result in a finding being entered against you by default. Entered this 25 th day of July, 2022. Jason Hudson Respectfully submitted, ______Mar lene Simpson, BPR # 025691 Attorney for DCS 1979 St John Ave., Ste. F Dyersburg, TN 38024 731-286-8304 CER

TIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and ex act copy of the foregoing pleading has been served via email on the 20th day of July, 2022 to the following: Mark Butler, Esq. PO Box 846 Dyersburg, TN 38025 _____ cc: Loretta O’Neil, DCS Representative Published: East Valley Tribune, July 31, Aug 7, 14, 21, 2022


Notice of Hearing SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY - NOTICE OF INITIAL HEARING ON PETI TION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENT-CHILD RELA TIONSHIP. Case JS518885. In the Matter of Opie Baker , Name of Minor Child. Notice is hereby given that the Peti tioner Kathleen Robles has filed a Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship with the Juvenile Department o f the Superior Court in Maricopa County regarding th e a bove-named child or children and: Christopher Baker , name of parent or parents whose rights are to be determined, as well as any other known parties' names. An initial hear ing has been set to consider the petition: Date: October 27, 2022. Time: 9:15am. Before Commissioner Bodow At the Maricopa County Superior Court (Juvenile Department) loc ated at: [X] Southeast Facility, 1810 S. Lewis St., Mesa, A Z 85210. Published: East Valley Tribune, Aug. 21, 28, Sept 4, 11, 2022 / 48548 Public Notices Superstition Energy Storage, LLC invites you to learn about and provide input on, the proposed Superstition 230-kilovolt (kV) Generation Intertie (gen-tie) power line project (Project).

REQUEST48162 FOR QUALIFICATIONS ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES : E ast Valley Men’s Center Bridge Housing Units , 2345 N Country Club Dr, Mesa, AZ 85201. A New Leaf, Inc. is accepting written statements of qualific ations to provide architecture and engineering ser v ices to plan and design bridge housing units an d other improvements at the site. This project will re ceive federal funding from the City of Mesa and oth er municipalities through the American Rescue Plan Act and other federal programs. Federal labor stand ards, Davis-Bacon prevailing wages, and Equal Em p loyment Opportunity regulations of the Housin g a nd Urban Development Act of 1968 for Employment and Contracting Opportunities will apply to the project. Small, minority and/ or women owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals. Sealed Statements of Qualifications will be received until 1:00PM Arizona Time, on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at A New Leaf, 868 E University Drive, Mesa, Arizona 85203. The Request for Qualifications may b e obtained electronically. Contact Keon Montg omery, Director of Real Estate at :, Tel 480-462-3967 A New Leaf, Inc., reserves the right to reject any and a ll Statements of Qualifications. An optional Pre Submittal Conference will be held virtually at 10:00 AM Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at which time t he client will be available to answer questions P lease contact Keon Montgomery to receive th e meeting link. Unless provided in writing, verbal authorizations or acknowledgments by anyone present will not be binding. Published: East Valley Tribune, Aug. 21, 2 8, 2022 / 48590

GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 39 Roofing aOver 30 Years of Experience aFamily Operated by 3 Generations of Roofers! Premier Tile, Shingle & Foam Roofer! 480-446-7663 Spencer4HIREROOFING Valley Wide Service FREE Estimates • Credit Cards OK ROC#244850 | Insured | Bonded Roofing ROOFINGPHILLIPSLLC Family Owned and Operated 43 Years Experience in Arizona COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL Licensed 2006 ROC InsuredBonded223367 623-873-1626 Free Estimates Monday through Saturday Roofing Licensed – Bonded – Insured – ROC187561 10% Discount for Ahwatukee Residents 100% NO Leak Guarantee Re-Roof & Roofing Repairs Tile, Shingles & Flat Roof 480-699-2754 • Notice of Creditors SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA MARICOPA COUNTY In the Matter of Estate of: Jeffrie W, Janoe, adult I Case Number PB2022-090630 NOTICE OF CREDITORS OF INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REP RESENTATIVE AND/OR NFORMAL PROBATE OF A W ILL NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT: 1. PERSONAL REP R ESENTATIVE: Jai Janoe has been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate May 9, 2022. Address: 9236 S 1 56th Plc, Gilbert, AZ 85234 2. DEADLINE TO MAK E CLAIMS. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. 3. NOTICE OF CLAIMS: Claims must be presented by delivering or mailing a written statement of the claim to the Personal Representative at (address) 2937 E In verness Ave, Mesa, AZ 85204 4. NOTICE OF APPOINT MENT. A copy of the Notice of Appointment is attached to the copies of this document mailed to all known creditors DATED: August 2, 2022 /s/ Jai Janoe PUBLISHED: East Valley Tribune/Gilbert Sun News, Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2022 / 48381

Superstition Energy Storage, LLC, a private utility company, is planning to build an approximately 440-foot-long power line on privately owned land in Gilbert, Arizona. The new power line would run from a privately owned parcel directly into the existing Corbell Substation and will not cross any other nearby privately owned land. The power line would connect the separate Superstition Energy Storage Project to the existing regional electrical grid, via the immediately adjacent existing Corbell TheSubstation.Arizona Corporation Commission (Commission) and Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee (Committee) are the permitting authorities for the Project. In September 2022, Superstition Energy Storage, LLC plans to apply for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) through the Committee and Commission to allow for construction and operation of the SuperstitionProject. Energy Storage, LLC is currently soliciting public and stakeholder input on the Project and is interested in hearing your comments. Questions and comments can be submitted via the forums listed below: Mail: Superstition Gen-Tie Project c/o SWCA Environmental Consultants 20 E Thomas Road, Suite No. 1700 Phoenix, AZ 85012 Telephone: (480) 581-5413 Email: Virtual Open House: A virtual open house will also be held to provide information about the Project and facilitate comment submittal: period will take place from July 29 to September 1, 2022, but additional opportunities to comment will extend past this period. Additional Project information can also be found online at We look forward to receiving your comments and answering your questions. Published: East Valley Tribune/Gilbert Sun News/Chandler Arizonan, Aug. 21, 2022 / 48532 Public Notices IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF DYER COUNTY, TENNESSEE IN THE MATTER OF: KASSIAN NICHOLAS JUNIOR, DOB: 08/14/2020 NO. 7746 A CHILD UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION It appearing to the Court from the allegations of the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights, Motion for Service by Publication and the Affidavit of Diligent Search that the whereabouts of William Dodd are unknown and cannot b e ascertained by diligent search; therefore, the ordinar y process of law cannot be served upon William Dodd. It is, therefore, ORDERED that William Dodd be served by pub lication of the following notice for four consecutive weeks in The Mesa Tribune, a newspaper published in Maricopa County, Arizona. It is further ORDERED that if William Dodd does not enter an appearance or otherwise Answer the Petition, further personal service or service by further pub lication shall be dispensed with and service of any future no tices, motions, orders, or other legal documents in this mat ter may be made upon William Dodd by filing same with the Juvenile Court Clerk of Dyer County, Tennessee.

40 GILBERT SUN NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2022 H E G F B GERMANN BELL RD. ST.56TH C A D Arizona’s Resort-Style Home Builder MASTER PLANNED CELEBRATED COMMUNITIES BY BLANDFORD HOMES Award-winning Arizona builder for over 40 years. Not all photos shown are representative of all communities. Terms and conditions subject to change without notice. Blandford Homes specializes in building master planned environments with a variety of amenities, parks, and charm. You’ll find the perfect community to fit your lifestyle. A STRATFORD NOW SELLING A Dramatic New Gated Community in Gilbert Vintage Collection • From the low $600’s • 480-895-2800 Craftsman Collection • From the mid $700’s • 480-988-2400 B PALMA BRISA – In Ahwatukee Foothills NOW SELLING A Dramatic New Gated Community Vintage Collection • From the high $600’s • 480-641-1800 Craftsman Collection • From the low $800’s • 480-641-1800 C BELMONT AT SOMERSET – Prime Gilbert Location CLOSEOUT Luxury estate homes and timeless architecture • From the low $1,000,000’s • 480-895-6300 D MONTELUNA – Brand New Gated Community in the Foothills of Northeast Mesa NOW SELLING McKellips Rd just east of the Red Mountain 202 Fwy • From the low $700’s E RESERVE AT RED ROCK – New Upscale Resort Community in the Foothills of Northeast Mesa COMING IN 2022 Stunning views of Red Mountain • From the $600’s F TALINN AT DESERT RIDGE – SALES BEGIN EARLY IN 2022 Spectacular location at Desert Ridge G ESTATES AT MANDARIN GROVE – In the Citrus Groves of NE Mesa CLOSEOUT 11 luxury single-level estate homes with 3- to 6-car garages plus optional RV garages and carriage houses • From the mid $1,000,000’s • 480-750-3000 H ESTATES AT HERMOSA RANCH – In the Citrus Groves of NE Mesa CLOSEOUT 12 single-level homes on extra large homesites with 5- to 6-car garages plus optional RV garages and carriage houses • From the mid $1,000,000’s • 480-750-3000

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