Tile International 1/2024

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coverings 20 24
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Sensi Nuance Collection,

Wohnkomfort mit Energiespareffekt

Living in comfort while saving energy

Schlüter-BEKOTEC-THERM schafft auf effiziente Weise ein angenehmes und gesundes Wohnklima. Besonders energiesparend ist die dünnschichtige Fußbodenheizung mit einem Oberbelag aus Keramik oder Naturstein, der die Wärme ausgezeichnet speichert und weiterleitet. Die milde Strahlungswärme des Keramik-Klimabodens kommt durch den flachen Aufbau schnell und gleichmäßig an der Oberfläche an. Dank seines patentierten Konstruktionsaufbaus spart das System zudem bis zu vier Wochen Installationszeit ein. Aufgrund der dünnschichtigen Konstruktion benötigt der Keramik-Klimaboden deutlich weniger Estrich – ein nicht zu verachtender Kostenfaktor. Dadurch ist BEKOTEC-THERM optimal für den Betrieb mit regenerativen Energiequellen – beispielsweise mit Wärmepumpen – geeignet.

Schlüter-BEKOTEC-THERM is an efficient way to create a pleasant and healthy living environment. The thin-layer floor heating system is especially energy-efficient because its covering of ceramic tiles or natural stone helps to retain and spread heat. Thanks to the slim structure of the ceramic thermal comfort floor, the gentle radiated heat reaches the surface quickly and evenly. The patented system assembly also saves up to four weeks of construction time. The installation of the thin ceramic thermal comfort floor requires much less screed – a cost factor not to be overlooked. That makes BEKOTEC-THERM an ideal choice for operation with renewable energy sources such as heat pumps.

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CONTENTS 5 TILE INTERNATIONAL 1/2024 COVER PICTURE: CERDISA RICCHETTI GROUP PHOTO BY GIANCARLO PRADELLI @ CERSAIE 2023 7 EDITORIAL - Waiting for new trends Gian Paolo Crasta 8 NEWS 18 CLERKENWELL DESIGN WEEK RETURNS TO LONDON ECONOMICS 22 The Global Real Estate Market in 2024 Milena Bernardi 24 2023 U.S. Ceramic Tile market update Andrew Whitmire, TCNA 30 Mohawk industries’ global ceramic segment weathers the storms Milena Bernardi 34 IN THE SPOTLIGHT: FOCUS ON USA Virginia Tile: a reference point for Midwest distribution Sabrina Tassini 40 TOP 10 TILE TRENDS FOR 2024 BY COVERINGS PROJECTS 48 Sackett Street Townhouse, Brooklyn 52 Mexico in Madrid 54 SS Apartment, Bucharest 58 A roof clad in natural ceramic 62 WHAT’S NEW - Ceramic tiles & laying technologies POWERED BY PROJECTS: 78 An apartment embraced by sky and sea 82 The new Magdalene College Library 86 FORT 137: an oasis in the desert 90 MATERIALS&DESIGN FOR ARCHITECTURE Advertiser’s list: pag. 7
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waiting for new trends

This first issue of the year kicks off with an overview of the global real estate market. According to forecasts by JLL, the sector will display the same resilience it showed in 2023, although the complexity of the macroeconomic climate will continue to trigger worldwide fluctuations.

We then zoom in on the US ceramic market, with the aid of the Tile Council of North America (TCNA), in search of a clearer understanding of why the industry has seen a slowdown for the second year running.

We also conduct an interview with Virginia Tile, one of the American Mid-West’s leading distributors, to discover the secrets of its success and

find out more about the differences in the surfaces market between one State and the next. Pending the unveiling of the ceramic industry’s latest offerings at Coverings, we also shine a spotlight on the 10 key aesthetic trends set to shape the styling of ceramics this year.

Lastly, with a look at some architectural projects and the most outstanding recently released materials, we renew our partnership with the online portal Surfaces International (www.surfacesinternational.com) to take a deeper dive into the latest interior design surfaces, case studies of real-world applications and reference projects destined to inspire professionals across the industry.

✕ ADVERTISER’S LIST Abk inside front cover DR Tecnica 13 Eco Design 39 Eterno Ivica 15 Gardenia Orchidea 4 Gruppo Romani 2 Hitit 33 Kale 47 Marocchi 15 Montolit 17 Pologres 75 Progress Profiles back cover Profilpas inside back cover Raimondi 11 Schlüter-Systems 1 Topcer 61 Verde 1999 6
Gian Paolo Crasta g.crasta@kairosmediagroup.it

VitrA joins Global Lighthouse Network

VitrA Tiles, a division of the Turkish Eczacıbaşı Group and a leading ceramic manufacturer, has earned a place in the Global Lighthouse Network (GLN), with Factory Lighthouse status, alongside 21 other new members of the World Economic Forum’s initiative for leaders in manufacturing innovation. This major achievement makes VitrA Tiles the first ceramic manufacturer to earn the recognition of the World Economic Forum for innovative use of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies.

For example, VitrA Tiles’ Bozüyük site channelled its digital transformation plan into developing intelligent process and production controls, resulting in a dramatic 19% increase in Overall Equipment Efficiency, a 56% reduction in scrap, a 14% reduction in energy consumption and a 43% increase in the use of recycled content last year. In the face of rapid technological progress, rising geopolitical tensions and escalating climate change, all of which are exposing global supply chain vulnerabilities, Global Lighthouse Network companies are adopting cutting-edge technologies to improve their productivity and sustainability.

For the eighth year running in Italy and the third in Spain, Marazzi Group has been awarded the prestigious Top Employers certification, which consolidates and testifies to the company’s commitment to implementing policies and strategies for social sustainability, professional development and employee safety and welfare.

The Marazzi Group’s corporate welfare programme, which is also aimed at the families of all employees, is divided in-

to 48 conventions operating across Italy in the areas of health, welfare, services, education and training, an inter-staff time bank, the option to convert performance bonuses into services, and various initiatives designed to enhance employees’ work/life balance.

Once again this year, Marazzi Group turned its attention to young people through the Young T.I.L.E. project, an immersive, experiential programme for talented people under the age of 30 already employed by the company, and Academy Duale, a project implemented in collaboration with local schools, which last year gave 38 students in their

final two years at the Istituto Tecnico A. Volta in Sassuolo a chance to divide their time between theoretical training and practical experience. At the end of the programme, seven of them joined the Marazzi staff.

Marazzi also provided a total of over 10,000 hours of training, for about 2,300 participants, on topics such as safety and environment, management, information technology, foreign languages, technical and specialist skills and personal development.

ABK Group plans 30 million euros of investment between now and 2025

ABK Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A. has announced the launch of an investment plan worth a total of 30 million euros. In the wake of Cleon Capital’s decision to take a stake in ABK, the Italian Group outlined its medium- to long-term growth plan, which involves a series of highly strategic, targeted investments to be made over the next 18 months.

Under the plan, the company will channel resources into developing three main areas: product innovation, to enhance its coverage of the premium end of the market; acquiring more office space and flagship stores, to extend its global presence, and increasing staff numbers and attracting young talent, to boost growth.

The group is also set to launch the ABK

Marazzi Group awarded Top Employers Italia certification again

Group STUDIO project, designed to meet the specific needs of design and architecture professionals: this will act as a physical library of the company’s products and will soon be set up in the first flagship store, which is due to be followed by other strategic store openings. The whole project will be supported by a dedicated digital platform. The initiative will be backed up by the opening of a new office hub in Fiorano Modenese, in the heart of Italy’s ceramic cluster.

The company’s plans for the future also include looking for strategic acquisitions to help it reap further market opportunities on a global scale, with a particular focus on Europe and the United States.

mapei involved in construction of first 3d-printed houses in virginia

Planitop 3D, Mapei’s latest-generation mortar/ink, played a key role in the construction of Habitat for Humanity’s first 3D-printed houses in Newport News,

Virginia, USA. Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organisation that helps communities worldwide build or improve their dwellings, promoted this innovative project. It was then implemented in partnership with Alquist 3D, using 3D printing technology from Black Buffalo 3D Corporation, which developed Planitop 3D with Mapei Corporation, the US subsidiary of Mapei. This represents a major leap forward in the application of innovative construction methods.

Planitop 3D, Mapei’s state-of-the-art mortar/ink, facilitated the precise and efficient construction of the houses provided by Habitat for Humanity. Planitop 3D’s compliance with ICC-ES AC509 – the International Code Council Evaluation Service’s standard for structural walls – demonstrates the company’s special focus on technology as a vehicle for setting new standards in the construction industry, and its contribution to the development of efficient, sustainable housing solutions. Both houses were painted with Mapei Elastocolor protective elastic paint to give them an extra level of protection as well as an extra level of style. This latest initiative is just one of many that highlight Mapei’s commitment to promoting innovation and developing the sustainable building community and its practices, with a view to securing a better future.

Roca sponsors Alinghi Red Bull Racing for the 37th America’s Cup

Roca will be an official sponsor of Alinghi Red Bull Racing in the 37th America’s Cup, due to take place in Barcelona from August to October 2024. This collaboration marks an important partnership between two companies equally committed to the pursuit of excellence. Alinghi Red Bull Racing is the Swiss team that stands out for its long expe-

rience in the world of sailing, combined with its technical innovation, which reflects Roca’s values of quality and high performance.

Alinghi Red Bull Racing Racing will also be taking part in the Youth & Puig Women’s America’s Cup, thus giving both teams a unique opportunity to support the three categories involved in the 37th America’s Cup, promote women’s sport and help develop the next generation of champions.

As part of the collaboration, Roca has fitted out Alinghi Red Bull Racing’s base in Barcelona Port Vell with the brand’s most advanced bathroom solutions, which mark the beginning of a new era of smart living. These include smart showers, taps and toilets, all perfectly integrated with Roca Connect, Roca’s intelligent cloud-based digital platform and framework, which enables real-time monitoring of individual products.

The team can collect and monitor relevant data and behavioural models within the bathroom facilities, thanks to the integration of IoT technology. This goes hand in hand with the sustainable practices that have already been put in place at the Swiss team’s facilities. The aim of this collaboration is to optimise cleaning and maintenance costs, while promoting responsible use of water resources.


Romani Group’s first Sustainability Report

Under the title “Future for Life”, Romani Group has published the first edition of its Sustainability Report in response to a growing need to provide all stakeholders with information about the company’s environmental and social impact in addition to its economic and financial performance. With 54 years’ experience in the manufacture of ceramic coverings made entirely in Italy, three production facilities, an export portfolio spanning 86 countries and total revenues of 148 million euros, the Romani Group has made major investments in reducing its gas and electricity consumption. It has installed solar panels on every surface that can be used to accommodate them, thus pushing the company’s present potential for clean energy generation to its limit. Furthermore, 100% of process water and by-products are recycled within the manufacturing process, thereby minimising waste and industrial refuse. Modifications made to the production plants at various levels and in various departments have led to an upgrade in the technology at the company’s disposal and an increase in overall equipment effectiveness, while at

the same time reducing processing waste. In 2022, the reporting year, Romani Group produced 7,545,362 square metres of porcelain tile and 247,465 tonnes of spray-dried body, while purchasing 211,416 tonnes of natural raw materials for ceramic body and 5,787 tonnes of glazes and additives. Material sourced from recycling amounted to about 64,000 tonnes, accounting for about 23% of total material used for production.

Supporting the local economy is another priority for the Group. 46.5% of its total spending is with suppliers based in the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Modena, 50.6% with other Italian suppliers and the remaining 2.8% with suppliers elsewhere in Europe.

The Group sees its staff as one of its key strengths and main resources for development, and the chapter entitled “Humans for Life” shows how closely it focuses on this close-knit, highly motivated team of employees, who are particularly responsive to the challenges of innovation and sustainability. The Group also sees professional, managerial and technical training as a crucial means of maximising the value of human resources, ensuring that their skills remain in step with the needs of international markets at all times, and achiev-

ing continuous increases in production quality.

Qatego by Duravit receives the Good Design Award

The Qatego bathroom furniture series designed by Studio F. A. Porsche for Duravit was awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum with the GOOD DESIGN® Award in the “Bathroom and accessories” category and published in the GOOD DESIGN 2023-2024 yearbook. The collection focuses on natural materials with tactile surfaces such as wood, ceramic and natural stone. The designers conceived the sink and cabinet as both a practical and creative unit. As Henning Rieseler, Design Director of Studio F. A. Porsche, says, “with Qatego we focused on the needs of people in the familiar and intimate environment of the bathroom. This is why it was important for us to give the elements a strong emotional quality that went beyond their functionality.” Great attention was also paid to the shape of the elements: while the furniture is linear and minimalist, the ceramics stand out for their rounded and welcoming shape for a “winning” result.


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ABK Group at Coverings 2024

ABK Group has kicked off 2024 with the introduction of several new collections to the ABK and Flaviker brand catalogues. Featuring advanced production technology and a stylistic fusion that reflects the prevailing trends in the global design landscape, these new collections are on display at Coverings, in booth #3544. Colour is the distinguishing feature of the new products from ABK, which continue to explore the world of marble. In particular, two new collections have been added to the SENSI range as part of an ongoing project that is constantly updated with innovative proposals and solutions.

SENSI Nuance is the result of in-depth research into coloured marble varieties and aims to meet all interior design requirements while keeping up with the latest trends. With five different colours and five veined textures, the collection offers ample opportunities to create elegant juxtapositions with other material effects present in the ABK catalogue. The collection is available in four different finishes - Soft, Soft 3D, Lux 3D and Naturale P.TECH - that enhance the aesthetic qualities of the surfaces and

cater to a wide range of stylistic, technical and design preferences.

SENSI Fantasy offers a creative, contemporary reinterpretation of marble decoration in porcelain stoneware. The unique surface stands out for its three-dimensional material effects and decorative patterns, and is available in large sizes ideal for customising residential, commercial and public interiors. The collection explores decorative themes such as naturalistic tropical-chic motifs, Art Deco-inspired patterns and exquisite graphic effects with contrasting colours that enhance the characteristics of any space. The surfaces of SENSI Fantasy stand out for their glossy Lux 3D finish and striking tactile effects, while each pattern is enhanced by low-relief edges created using ABK’s exclusive 3D Tech technology. The latest addition to the Flaviker catalogue is the new DOUBLE collection, which captures the understated elegance of Portland stone. Inspired by a limestone quarried on the eponymous island off the coast of Dorset and widely used in historical British architecture, the porcelain tile collection comes in two distinct yet complementary aesthetic versions: Plain, with a sleek and

compact appearance; and Linear, with a directional texture and slight variations in colour tone. By incorporating the Group’s most advanced and exclusive technologies into its production process, Flaviker has transformed the DOUBLE collection into a broad and versatile range of sizes, thicknesses and finishes ideal for use in interior and outdoor design and for creating customised furnishing elements. ABK Group displays also the latest offerings from ABKStone and Materia, the large porcelain stoneware slabs designed to be used to create customised kitchen countertops, furnishing elements and bathroom furniture. The new 2024 products draw inspiration from natural marble and stone, expanding their potential for use in architecture and interior design. They look more realistic than ever thanks to the numerous innovations introduced by ABK Group, such as the latest-generation FullVein3D technology capable of recreating the marble surface veining across the entire thickness of the slabs. The exclusive patented Cooking Surface Prime invisible induction cooking system, available exclusively with ABK Group brand slabs, will also be on display.


Kaleseramik: Going Global with Kalesinterflex

Kaleseramik, leading the ceramic tile industry in Turkey and ranked 5th in Europe and 17th globally, is excited to showcase its innovative brand, Kalesinterflex, at Coverings 2024, promising an inspiring experience for attendees. At the stand, the spotlight will be on Kalesinterflex large-size porcelain slabs, showcasing remarkable dimensions of 160x320cm and 162x323cm, with thickness options of 6mm and 12mm. Designed with outstanding features, they are perfect for kitchen countertops. This revolutionary product is set to redefine industry standards, offering a 20mm thickness option while also providing the flexibility of a minimum thickness of 3mm to meet the needs of the

String of successes for FILA Solutions in 2023

Last year marked an important chapter in the history of FILA Solutions, which celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2023 and joined Italy’s roll-call of Historic Brands of National Interest. On the back of constant expansion, the Group now has 103 employees, spread across its Headquarters, Innovation Centre, Logistics Area in San Martino di Lupari (Padua), and Experimentation Centre in Fiorano Modenese (Modena), in the heart of the Sassuolo ceramic cluster; plus a sales network spanning France, Germany, Spain, the USA, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates. Thanks to ongoing investment in innovation and a series of successful business strategies, FILA’s revenues have seen double-digit growth almost uniformly across all the countries it operates in. The most outstanding results have been achieved in the EMEA region, which has reported substantial growth compared to the previous year. All these results have

US market. Timur Karaoğlu, Kaleseramik’s General Manager, emphasizes that Kalesinterflex isn’t just an advanced ceramic solution but represents the future of sustainable living spaces.

Aligned with the “Care for Your World” initiative, Kaleseramik promotes sustainability through eco-friendly products like Kalesinterflex porcelain slabs, which outperform standard ceram-

been achieved in accordance with a strategy that puts sustainability centre stage: every product is made using low-impact technologies, the detergents contain up to 98% biodegradable ingredients, and water-based formulations account for 83% of total production, up two percentage points since 2022. This is part of a clear-sighted business plan that focuses on environmental sustainability, as confirmed by the fact that FILA has won the Sustainability Award for the third year running and the Ecovadis silver medal for the second year.

In its 80th anniversary year, FILA added another important element to its development strategy, in the form of a comprehensive service for medium and large projects, which involves not only supplying the products but, on request, also applying the surface care treatments. This has spawned a collaboration with Euganea Service and the formation of a new company, FILA Euganea Service, whose aim is to develop the supply of installation, cleaning,

ic production in terms of raw material, natural gas, water usage, and logistics. Taking part in Coverings marks a strategic step for Kaleseramik, as the company seeks to consolidate its position as a global brand. Its focus on innovation and sustainability will highlight the company’s commitment to contributing to greater corporate responsibility in the ceramic industry.

grinding, polishing and treatment services (including non-slip treatment), both in Italy and abroad. In addition, it offers routine and non-routine maintenance for indoor and outdoor surfaces and coverings on public and private premises. 2023 also saw the market launch of “SALVATERRAZZA® ECO”, a new water-based anti-seepage agent that takes account of environmental sustainability without compromising on quality. SALVATERRAZZA® ECO has also obtained Indoor Air Comfort Gold certification, a renowned endorsement that testifies to low VOC emissions in construction products.


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ph. Florian Andergassen

Cersaie 2024 and the interaction between architectural space, design and people

The 2024 edition of the International Exhibition of Architectural Ceramic and Bathroom Furnishings is due to be held in Bologna from 23 to 27 September, and the event will confirm its status as the best place in the world to discover innovative materials and solutions, share expertise with other trade professionals and gain a privileged view of where the future is heading.

The “centrality of design” is the concept that underpins the poster for the next edition of the trade show, which revolves around the myriad human interactions that take place within architectural space. That’s why the Cersaie logo rotates to become the floor, wall and ceiling of every indoor environment. This virtual perimeter provides the framework for creating the combinations needed to meet the multiple needs that dwelling space has to serve and to enhance the lived experience of different places at different times of day and times of life. Whether private or public, individual or collective, every dimension finds its place and its raison d’être within this framework. Here, the ergonometrics, sustainability and health-enhancing qualities of the environments, alongside the beau-

ty and harmony of the colours and pairings, are essential ingredients for creating a fully effective space.

The image is a graphic, conceptual depiction of what visitors find at Cersaie, namely a complex ecosystem of design products conceived to meet the needs of architects, contractors, interior designers and trade professionals from all over the world.

Art and technology for new ICG Gallery in Berlin

Iris Ceramica Group has opened a new ICG Gallery in the central Mitte district of Berlin, in the renowned Auguststrasse, also known as the “art district”. The new space is invisibly connected with the restyled ICG Gallery in London. Both feature clear allusions to the art world, but the Berlin iteration speaks a more personal aesthetic language, in tune with its setting in the German capital. The Berlin gallery expresses the full creative potential of Iris Ceramica Group, through its high-end ceramic coverings, which serve as an interactive vehicle for conveying visitors into the unique world built around the Company’s values, far beyond the traditional concept of a showroom. The Group’s core values include spirit of innovation, to create pioneering solutions; attention to detail, to ensure first-class quality; and a strong emphasis on sustainability – and ICG galleries turn all these values into a tangible experience. To step into the gallery is to embark on a journey of creativity, starting in a large technical and experimentation area dedicated to the creation of moodboards. The extensive Material Library enables visitors to create infinite, personal, exploratory combinations of ceramic surfaces, by juxtaposing them with each other on the magnetic wall made using Attract, the new magnetic dry-installation technology developed

by the Granitech Business Unit.

The journey continues with an area designed around human interaction and well-being: the meeting room, lounge area and kitchen offer an open view of the greenery in the inner courtyard, and feature an interior design that blends ceramic surfaces into everyday settings, in the form of both furnishings and coverings, which are made interactive through the use of Hypertouch smart surfaces connected to a home automation system.

The use of Active Surfaces®, an eco-active covering material, guarantees hygiene and well-being, and the ICG Play app provides insights into the material’s four superior properties. A virtual reality simulator transports visitors into another dimension, where they can explore the health benefits that these materials offer, both indoors and out. In the kitchen, 4D Ceramic is used to create a convivial environment in line with the values of sustainability that constitute ceramic’s fourth dimension.

The terrace extending over the inner courtyard garden fosters dialogue with the environment, by embracing a small bamboo grove that provides an oasis of peace in which to enjoy nature and take a contemplative look at the materials in a habitat filled with natural light.




Clerkenwell Design Week will make a triumphant return to London from 21 to 23 May 2024, marking its 15th year as a global design festival.

Building upon its record-breaking 2023 edition, which drew over 37,000 visitors, the upcoming event is set to elevate the experience with new venues, expanded exhibition spaces,

thought-provoking installations and a stronger-than-ever line-up of both British and international brands.

Expect more than 600 curated events spread throughout the EC1 neighbourhood, complemented by a robust network of over 160 local design showrooms and 300 exhibitors across 12+ venues.


The 2024 festival welcomes three NEW exhibition venues, including Contract and Work on Clerkenwell Green, a pop-up space at The Goldsmiths’ Centre, both showcasing the latest designs for commercial and workplace interiors, and The Edit in Bourne and Hollingsworth, featuring some of the world’s leading contemporary design brands.

This year also sees British Collection double its size taking over the entire crypt of St James’s Church, including the Tom Dixon-furnished vestry, which will also host the popular ICON Talks series.

Meanwhile, other returning venues housing an array of product-focused exhibitions comprise:

• Design Fields - home to contemporary furniture with an in-

ternational focus, including over 35 Italian furniture and decorative brands;

• Light - home to global lighting companies and installations with more brands participating this year, as well as Darc’s curated talks;

• Project - home to contract furniture and surface design;

• Elements - home to architec-


tural hardware and finishes;

• Detail - home to luxury interiors;

• Platform - home to emerging design talent and brands;

• Ceramics of Italy - home to Italian ceramic and porcelain tile brands; and

• Old Sessions House - atmospheric home to brand activations and presentations, as well as the festival hub offering CDW visitors free access between 21 - 23 May.

Together, these unique exhibition venues will present over 300 design brands and new talent, covering furniture, lighting, textiles, surfaces, home accessories and product design.

Moreover, as usual, local showroom partners, totalling over 160 established names, will host an extensive programme of product launches, talks and workshops.

In addition to the vibrant exhibitions and showrooms, various unique destinations across Clerkenwellincluding Paxton Locher House (which will host a selection of Danish design brands), Brewhouse Yard, Cowcross Yards (which will present the best of Ukrainian designs), and Marx Memorial Library (participating for the first time) - will be transformed by a curated selection of international brands and trade institutions.

The local architecture studio, Groupwork, led by Amin Taha, will once again be home to the latest presentation from the British furniture brand, Case Furniture.

An array of specially commissioned, site-specific installations will grace the streets of Clerken-

WEEK 2024

well, while activations from acclaimed brands will take over the whole of Clerkenwell Green during the festival.

Conversations at Clerkenwell, a schedule of daily talks exploring industry topics, will return - curated by brand consultant Katie Richardson. These talks will be hosted in a purpose-built theatre in Spa Fields, featuring expert speakers from the design, architecture and business sectors. The full line-up will be

announced in spring.

Meanwhile, hosted in a temporary structure next to Design Fields, Design Meets will feature representatives and speakers from trade bodies and associations, engaging in a series of intimate, industry-led talks.

Last but not least, over the three days of CDW, various design studios will invite visitors to take part in a whole host of creative workshops as part of the Fringe progra mme. ✕




In 2024, the global real estate market is expected to maintain the resilience shown in 2023, albeit with an uneven performance across countries. The macroeconomic scenario remains

complex and risks continue to be elevated, making forecasting difficult.

On a positive note, efforts to stem inflation had gained momentum in most major economies by the end of

According to the Global Real Estate Outlook 2024 compiled by JLL, a real estate consulting and advisory services practice headquartered in the UK and with branches around the world, economic growth is expected to be strongest among major countries in the Asia Pacific region, especially in India.

European economies – Germany in particular – are at highest risk of weak growth in the early part of the year, while the USA and Australia are forecast to see a moderate, albeit below trend, pace of economic expansion.

In this scenario, the 2024 forecasts for the various real estate sectors indicate a cautious but moderately positive outlook. Here’s what experts anticipate for the real estate market in 2024 and which sectors are worth monitoring closely.


Globally, the living sector will maintain its growth potential as an expanding world population, longer life expectancy and increasing urbanisation drive up demand for housing of various types and sizes. The trend towards deglobalisation will continue in 2024 with the aim of bringing manufacturing activities closer to customers.

The evolving global landscape of government incentives will bring new man-

2023. As a result, interest rates have now stabilised after peaking between 2022 and 2023 and are expected to begin falling towards mid-2024. In the USA, the Federal Reserve is

ufacturing into the advanced economies of North America and Europe, driving demand for industrial and logistics facilities

Consumer demand for ever-faster e-commerce delivery times will mean an intensifying focus on urban logistics.

Retail is poised for an evolving comeback in 2024. In the US, China and India, retail (especially grocery) is one of the top performing segments.

Another sector that is gaining market share is the global data centre market, which is forecast to grow through to 2026 across many geographies driven by the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and technological development.


ESG activities will play a key role in 2024, offering major opportunities for growth in the real estate landscape.

More than 50% of the largest companies have announced that future construction projects will be environmentally friendly.

However, in as many as 20 global markets, 65% of the total demand for low-carbon buildings will not be met by 2030 due to insufficient stock.

This opens up significant business opportunities for construction firms specialising in sustainable buildings. ✕

Milena Bernardi

expected to ease its monetary and fiscal policies from the first few months of 2024 onwards, resulting in a decline in inflation and interest rates.



The U.S. ceramic tile market contracted for the second straight year in 202 3, as the U.S. housing market with which it is closely linked continued to struggle due to

high mortgage rates, inflation, and labor shortages.

In the residential market, total new home starts declined in consecutive years for the first time since 2009

Existing single-family home sales in 2023 were at 3.66 million units, down 18.3% vs. the previous year and the lowest annual total since 1995.

In addition to high mortgage rates hampering sales, the average sales price reached a new all-time high of $394,600.

Existing home sales impact remodeling. The rooms most often remodeled are kitchens and bathrooms, which are also the spaces where tile is most frequently used.

Although new home sales rose for the first time in three years (+4.2% vs. 2022), they have still not recovered from the Great Recession and were down 47.9% from the record-high of 1.28 million units sold in 2005 (source: U.S. Census Bureau).

U.S. foreclosure filings, a key inverse indicator of the housing market’s health, were up 10.1% vs. 2022. While rising for the second year in a row, foreclosure filings remained at a very low level historically and were

during the Great Recession.

The 1.41 million units started in 2023 represented a 9.0% decrease from the preceding year.

According to U.S. Census Bureau,

down 87.6% from the peak level of 2.9 million in 2010.

The 357,000 foreclosure filings in 2023 affected 0.26% of all U.S. housing units (source: ATTOM Data Solutions). Mortgage rates rose significantly in 2023 and were at an annual average of 6.81% (30-year fixed).

This was the highest annual rate in more than two decades, or since 2001 (source: Freddie Mac).

On a positive note, total U S construction spending (includes private and public residential and non-residential construction) last year reached an all-time high of $1.98 trillion, up 7% from the prior year (source: U.S. Census Bureau).


Based on figures from U.S. Dept. of Commerce and Tile Council of North America, total U.S. ceramic tile consumption in 2023 was 264.5 million m2 (2.85 billion sq.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Whitmire, TCNA - AWhitmire@tileusa.com

single-family new home starts, which comprised 66.8% of total 2023 home starts, fell 6.0% from the prior year to 944,500 units. Multi-family starts were down

14.4% from 2022 to 468,600 units. Looking ahead, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) forecasts 2024 total housing starts to decrease 3.4% to

1.37 million units, with singlefamily starts rising 4.7% but multifamily starts decreasing 19.7% from 2023.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Source: U.S. Census Bureau


ft.), down 7.3% from the previous year.

The volume of domestically produced tile decreased from 87.3 million sq.m to 83.5 million sq.m, -4.4% from 2022. U.S. manufacturers shipped 78.7 million m2 (847.3 million sq. ft.) of ceramic tile domestically in 2023, down 4.7% from the previous year.

By volume, U.S. shipments’ share of total U.S. consumption was 29.8% in 2023, up from 28.9% the prior year, and was much higher than the shares of any individual country exporting to the U.S., with the next highest shares of total consumption belonging to India (14.2%), Spain (12.2%), and Mexico (11.8%).

In dollars, U.S. FOB factory sales of domestic shipments in 2023 were $1.50 billion, a 1.7% increase from the prior year. U.S. shipments were 36.9% of total 2023 U.S. tile consumption by value, up from 33.4% in 2022. The per unit value of domestic shipments in 2023 was $19.06/m2 ($1.77/sq. ft.), up from $17.86/m2 ($1.66/sq. ft.) in 2022.

U.S. ceramic tile exports in 2023 were 4.7 million m2 (51 million sq. ft.), up 0.5% from the previous year and the highest total on record. The vast majority of these

exports went to Canada (65.8%) and Mexico (19.7%). U.S. exports by value in 2023 were $53.3 million, up 1.4% from 2022.


According to figures by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, U.S. ceramic tile imports were at 185.8 million m2 (2.00 billion sq. ft.) in 2023, an 8.4% decline from the prior year.

While many of the largest tile exporters to the U.S. experienced double-digit year-over-year percentage declines, imports from India soared 42.6% by volume, from 26.4 in 2022 to 37.6 million m2 in 2023. With a 20.3% share of U.S. imports, India also became the largest exporter to the U.S. on a volume basis for the first time, replacing Spain, which had held the top spot since 2020.

Spain was the second largest exporter to the U.S. in 2023 even though its volume fell 19.4% compared to the previous year. Spanish imports held a 17.4% share of 2023 total U.S. imports by volume, down from 19.8% in 2022.

FIG. 4 - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN U.S. TILE CONSUMPTION AND NEW HOME STARTS AND SALES (Values in million of sq.ft and in thousands of units)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Mexico remained the third largest exporter to the U.S. by volume in 2023 with a 16.7% share of total U.S. imports. Imports from Mexico by volume declined 7.8% vs. 2022.

While Italy was the fourth largest exporter to the U.S. in 2023 by volume, its exports to the U.S. were down 20.5% vs. the prior year. Italy’s share of imports fell from 17.3% in 2022 to 15.0% in 2023, its lowest import share on record.

Brazil replaced Turkey in the fifth spot despite seeing its exports to the U.S. fall 18.6% vs. 2022. Brazilian tile made up 9.2% of U.S. imports in 2023, down from 10.4% the preceding year.

In 2023, the total value of ceramic tile imports decreased by 12.9% to US$ 2.56 billion. On a dollar basis (CIF + duty), Italy kept its place as the largest exporter to the U.S., making up 28.2% of 2023 U.S imports (US$ 722 million, -18.7%), followed by Spain with a 25.7% share (US$ 659 million, -16.5%) and Mexico with an 11.3% share (US$ 290 million, +8.6%).

Table 4 shows the average values of tile (CIF + duty) from the ten largest exporting countries (based on volume) in 2023. These values are significantly affected by the mix of tiles imported, with different types of tiles impacting the average value, in addition to differences in pricing for the same types of tile. Once again in 2023,

TAB. 1 - U.S. CERAMIC TILE SHIPMENTS, SALES AND CONSUMPTION YEAR SHIPMENTS IMPORTS EXPORTS CONSUMPTION % VAR. IN CONSUMPTION 2023 83.5 185.8 4.7 264.5 -7.3% 2022 87.3 202.7 4.7 285.4 -1.3% 2021 85.3 207.5 3.5 289.2 9.9% 2020 83.5 182.7 2.9 263.3 -3.6% 2019 83.2 193.0 3.0 273.2 -5.4% 2018 87.4 204.1 2.8 288.7 1.5% 2017 92.1 195.0 2.6 284.4 5.7% 2016 87.8 184.7 3.4 269.1 5.8% 2015 83.4 174.8 3.8 254.4 9.9% 2014 75.8 159.1 3.4 231.5 0.5% 2013 73.8 160.2 3.7 230.2 12.9% 2012 69.5 138.6 4.2 203.9 5.4% 2011 66.7 131.1 4.2 193.6 4.0% 2010 60.3 129.6 3.9 186.0 7.7% 2009 53.1 123.9 4.2 172.8 -18.1% 2008 58.9 156.6 4.7 210.9 -15.2% 2007 50.6 202.4 4.4 248.7 -19.3% 2006 58.5 253.8 4.2 308.1 1.8% 2005 61.1 245.1 3.4 302.8 3.5% Values in million sq.m. Shipments include exports. Consumption = Shipments - Exports + Imports. Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce & Tile Council of North America (TCNA)

Italian tiles had the highest average price of $25.94/ sq.m, up 2.3% from $25.36/sq.m in 2022. Spanish average value also increased by 3.6% from $19.64/sq.m to $20.35/sq.m.

On the contrary, the average price of Indian tiles decreased by 26.3%, from $ 9,34/sq.m in 2022 to $ 6.88/ sq.m in 2023.


According to figures from Statistics Canada, Canadian ceramic tile consumption last year was 31.3 million m2

(336.7 million sq. ft.), down 21.1% from 2022. As there is no significant ceramic tile production in Canada, imports approximately equal consumption.

The five countries from which the most tiles were imported into Canada in 2023 based on volume were: China (8.9 million sq.m, +6.3% in volume; and -2.2% in value); Italy (7 million sq.m, -20.3%; and -16.2% in value); Spain (3.9 million sq.m, -33.4%; and -11.2% in value); Turkey (3.4 million sq.m, -50.5%; and -39.7% in value); and India (3 million sq.m, -30.8% and -32.9 in value).

2 - US CERAMIC TILE IMPORTS BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, IN VOLUME COUNTRY 2021 (Sq.m) % OF 2021 TOTAL IMPORTS 2022 (Sq.m) % OF 2022 TOTAL IMPORTS 2023 (Sq.m) % OF 2023 TOTAL IMPORTS 2023/2022 % CHANGE India 20,244,836 9.8 26,389,778 13.0 37,618,975 20.3 42.6% Spain 46,039,420 22.2 40,167,573 19.8 32,379,141 17.4 -19.4% Mexico 33,407,540 16.1 33,728,212 16.6 31,110,135 16.7 -7.8% Italy 36,067,340 17.4 35,037,795 17.3 27,840,293 15.0 -20.5% Brazil 22,158,635 10.7 21,099,626 10.4 17,166,382 9.2 -18.6% Turkey 27,952,080 13.5 24,863,979 12.3 16,077,304 8.7 -35.3% Vietnam 2,927,432 1.4 3,756,176 1.8 7,177,018 3.9 91.1% Peru 3,453,571 1.7 2,682,353 1.3 3,322,276 1.8 23.9% Malaysia 2,891,742 1.4 3,811,992 1.9 2,988,265 1.6 -21.6% Colombia 1,210,786 0.6 1,598,039 0.8 2,656,273 1.4 66.2% All Countries 207,465,689 100.0 202,748,165 100.0 185,761,455 100 -8.4% Source:
US Dept. of

Import values include CIF+duty

Source: US Dept. of Commerce / TCNA

Source: US Dept. of Commerce / TCNA

TAB. 3 - US CERAMIC TILE IMPORTS BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, IN VALUE COUNTRY 2022 (USD) % OF TOTAL 2021 IMPORTS IN VALUE 2023 (USD) % OF TOTAL IMPORTS 2023/2022 % CHANGE Italy 888,570,800 30.2 722,042,915 28.2 -18.7% Spain 789,018,009 26.8 659,023,238 25.7 -16.5% Mexico 267,053,302 9.1 290,146,351 11.3 8.6% India 246,543,827 8.4 258,805,300 10.1 5.0% Turkey 263,242,545 8.9 181,422,038 7.1 -31.1% Brazil 193,194,489 6.6 160,944,940 6.3 -16.7% Vietnam 35,622,580 1.2 61,800,635 2.4 73.5% Thailand 34,404,576 1.2 34,537,964 1.3 0.4% Malaysia 37,291,082 1.3 28,792,790 1.1 -22.8% Peru 23,170,962 0.8 25,307,553 1.0 9.2% All Countries 2,941,979,020 100.0 2,561,227,971 100.0 -12.9%
TAB. 4 - AVERAGE VALUE OF IMPORTED TILES ($/SQ.M ) Country 2021 value ($/sq.m) 2022 value ($/sq.m) 2023 value ($/sq.m) 2023/2022 %Change Italy $21.92 $25.36 $25.94 2.3% Spain $13.77 $19.64 $20.35 3.6% Turkey $8.14 $10.59 $11.28 6.5% Malaysia $10.01 $9.78 $9.64 -1.4% Brazil $7.72 $9.16 $9.38 2,4% Mexico $7.33 $7.92 $9.33 17.8% Vietnam $10.62 $9.48 $8.61 -9.2% Colombia $7.28 $8.33 $7.74 -7.1% Peru $5.79 $8.64 $7.62 -11.8% India $8.13 $9.34 $6.88 -26.3% All Countries $12.06 $14.51 $13.79 -5.0%
Import values include


Mohawk Industries began to see signs of a slowdown in 2022, when net sales grew by just 4.8% compared to the 17.3% increase of 2021.

In 2023, the group was unable to avoid

a contraction, a result that was entirely foreseeable given the severe decline in demand that affected almost all global markets last year.

For the flooring giant and global

For the twelve months of 2023, net sales totalled $11.1 billion, a decrease of 5.1% from $11.7 billion in 2022 and slightly below 2021 levels. Adjusted net earnings also declined to $587 million from $823 million in the previous year. “We closed the year with a net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio of 1.5 times, free cash flow of $716 million and available liquidity of $1.9 billion. We are well positioned to manage current conditions and emerge stronger from this economic cycle when the rebound occurs,” said Lorberbaum

Global Ceramic segment maintains 2022 levels

The Global Ceramic segment regained momentum in the fourth quarter, reporting a 0.6% increase in net sales compared to the same quarter in 2022, thus helping to mitigate the losses of 2023. The year’s net sales

leader in the ceramic tile sector, this marked the second contraction since 2011 (the first was in 2020, the year of the pandemic), while the only other downswing in the last 30

remained almost unchanged at $4.3 billion (down 0.17% on 2022 following the previous year’s 10% growth) and accounted for 39% of Mohawk Industries’ consolidated net sales. The segment’s operating margin was 4.2% (adjusted operating margin 7%).

Various measures were implemented to contain costs, including increasing productivity, reducing overheads and implementing alternative formulations. Production was managed to align with demand, while inventory was significantly reduced throughout the year.

2023 was also the year of the integration of Vitromex in Mexico and Elizabeth in Brazil. In both countries, demand significantly declined last year due to rising interest rates and slowing economic conditions, which reduced the group’s results despite efforts to enhance sales, marketing and operational strategies.

In the US, Lorberbaum noted that the group is expand-

30 TILE INTERNATIONAL 1/2024 Milena Bernardi
Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum

years occurred during the subprime mortgage crisis between 2007 and 2010.

Commenting on the 2023 full year results, Mohawk Industries Chairman

and CEO Jeff Lorberbaum noted that the decline in revenue was less significant than anticipated due to a better-than-expected fourth quarter (down 1.4% on the same period in

2022) and the positive effects of cost containment, increased productivity and the gradual decline in energy and raw material costs.

ing its distribution through local service centres and offering new collections with premium Italian styling to improve its product mix. In Italy, the group is optimising its recent expansion of premium porcelain slabs to meet growing demand in both the residential and commercial channels.

The contraction in the group’s other two segments was more pronounced.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the Flooring North America segment’s sales declined by 3.6%, with an operating margin of 8.2%. Full year 2023 sales totalled $3.8 billion (down 9% over 2022). Despite reduced market volumes, the group continued to invest in innovative new collections and in initiatives to expand distribution and improve long-term growth. The residential channel slowed but the commercial channel outperformed


expectations, led by the hospitality sector.

The Flooring Rest of the World segment also declined, with a 1.5% decrease in net sales in the fourth quarter and a 6.7% decrease for the full year 2023 (reaching $3 billion), and an operating margin of 9.5%. The European building product category continues to experience stress, with consumers remaining cautious and retailers reducing their inventory levels, explains Lorberbaum.

The segment is nonetheless investing in new products while implementing tight cost controls.


believes that the industry is at a cyclical low and from this point on is bound to improve. “We expect seasonality in the first quarter to be more aligned he said. The group’s results should improve in the second half of the year due to more favourable market conditions and the results of actions initiated during the past eighteen months to improve the cost structure and integrate recent

Markets anticipate that central banks will lower interest rates, expanding home sales, residential remode-

“The pace of improvement of the flooring category will be dependent on inflation rates, consumer confidence

and the strength of home sales,” commented Lorberbaum “We believe the US and Latin American markets could improve before Europe, which could lag due to current geopolitical pressures. After past housing recessions, our industry has rebounded with increased sales and expanding margins for multiple years. Housing remains in short supply across all our geographies, and increased remodelling investments will be required to update the aging housing stock.”

Lorberbaum is confident that the actions initiated to date along with investments in new technologies and innovative products, targeted expansions and recent acquisitions will enable the Calhoun-based group to further expand its business in step with the market recovery.



Purpose, passion, and possibilities.

These are the pillars of Virginia Tile’s philosophy, founded in 1928 by the Stephenson Family in the

wholesale building supply industry. With deep roots tracing back to Virginia, the company presents itself not just as a tile supplier

Tile International: Virginia Tile has a long and growing history. Can you tell us more about the evolution of the business?

The company’s journey began during Detroit’s automotive boom, and it eventually found its home in Michigan. Under the visionary leadership of the Stephenson’s, Virginia Tile has flourished, differentiating itself through robust connections with the design community and global manufacturers.

In addition to their state side manufacturers, they ventured to tradeshows in Italy and Spain, capitalizing on the opportunity to forge strong ties and import premium tiles. Italy, renowned for high design and cutting-edge technology, has been a focal point, resulting in enduring connections that continue to thrive. Strategic additions to the leadership team, including Sean Cilona as VP of Product and Marketing, have further fortified Virginia Tile’s position in the competitive market.

Expanding beyond metro Detroit into Ohio and Illinois, Virginia Tile rapidly grew to eight locations by 2013, driven by an unwavering commitment to quality and service. Strategic decisions in 2014, including a partnership with a reputable equity firm, paved the way for substantial growth. The 2016 acquisitions of ISC and RBC propelled the company’s reach to 14 states and 18 locations across the Midwest.

Guided by CEO Sunil Palakodati’s dynamic leadership, Virginia Tile continues its upward trajectory by

but as a premier provider of porcelain, ceramic, stone, glass, metal, and mosaic design solutions.

investing consistently in state-of-the-art showrooms with vanguard displays, meeting the demands of the evolving market, and surpassing the offerings of competition. The recent opening of the first Indiana location in January 2024 and the relocation of the St. Louis branch to a cutting-edge Maryland Heights facility underscore the company’s commitment to setting new industry standards.

Virginia Tile’s dedicated sales teams, meticulously segmented by showroom, commercial sales, residential/dealer sales, and national accounts, are a testament to the company’s customer-focused approach. Showroom staff, equipped with degrees in design or extensive experience, embody the commitment to excellence. The leadership’s dedication to identifying and investing in top talent sales team reflects in the company’s success.

Tile International: In which countries are you most active?

Virginia Tile strategically positions its operations with three central hubs in the Midwest, ensuring a seamless and comprehensive customer support experience. While our warehouses are strategically located in the Midwest, our operational reach extends far beyond, effectively servicing clients from coast to coast, spanning California to New York. With strategic partnerships established worldwide, we effortlessly cater to customers not only across the entire United States but also on a global scale.

Sabrina Tassini

As Virginia Tile forges ahead, it anticipates not only maintaining but solidifying its prominent position in the dynamic and ever-evolving world

of tiles, showcasing a commitment to quality, innovation, and unparalleled customer service.

We talked with the CEO, Sunil

In the domain of tile sourcing, Virginia Tile has consistently embraced a global perspective that transcends national boundaries. Our commitment to sourcing premium tiles from Europe and Spain reflects our dedication to offering top-tier products. By tapping into international hubs, we curate a diverse and high-quality product portfolio, providing our customers with an ex-

Palakodati, and the VP of Product and Marketing, Sean Cilano, to find out more about the company’s activity and success.

tensive selection of superior tile options.

Tile International: As the premier tile distributor in the Midwest United States, which differences do you notice from state to state in terms of demand, and from residential to commercial sectors?

The demand for tile products can vary significantly from state to state and between residential and com-

Sunil Palakodati Sean Cilano

mercial sectors. Differences may include preferences for certain materials, colors, and sizes, driven by regional architectural styles, climate considerations, and local interior design trends. Commercial projects might prioritize durability, sustainability, and maintenance, while residential customers could focus more on aesthetics and personal taste.

Tile International: And about the situation of the real estate market in the Midwest?

In the wake of receding inflation rates in recent months, the real estate landscape is experiencing a resurgence in home building activities. This surge is propelled by the persistently low inventory, creating a favourable environment for prospective homeowners and builders alike. Demand for residential remodels has also witnessed a significant uptick in the past couple of months as economic conditions improve and uncertainties diminish. Commercial projects have shown steady growth year over year, signalling a re-

covery from the challenges posed by the height of the pandemic. Notably, National Accounts have played a pivotal role in establishing a solid foundation, providing a stable base upon which the industry continues to build and expand.

Tile International: How do you think the demand for materials has changed over the years and even after the pandemic? What main trends in interior finishing are emerging?

Amidst the unprecedented challenges of the crisis, a surge in home renovations unfolded, creating an urgent demand for readily available stock items at the right price. Under the strategic guidance of Sean and his team, Virginia Tile meticulously curated the Essentials program, handpicking top SKUs and best sellers in each segment. Demonstrating a commitment to excellence, Virginia Tile invested significantly in building an extensive stock of these products, ensuring a seamless and timely delivery of precisely tailored


solutions for discerning customers.

Facing the escalating prices of international containers, Virginia Tile showcased agility by swiftly pivoting to their European and domestic partners with local warehousing. This strategic move allowed them to mitigate the impact of rising costs due to material scarcity and container freight hikes, all without compromising on design and quality of Virginia Tile’s offerings.

In addition to the Essentials program, Virginia Tile introduced the deco program, a highlight in versatility in their collection. This carefully selected deco tile is ready to ship, offering a range of designs that effortlessly complement any project.

Virginia Tile continues to be at the forefront of industry trends with its latest partnership with NTCA. They are now offering free training on the installation of large panel porcelain. This initiative not only showcases Virginia Tile’s dedication to staying ahead of the curve but also underlines their commitment to supporting

contractors’ success by connecting them with professionals for installation training.

Tile International: The “customer-first” spirit has been in your DNA since the company was founded. How does this approach translate concretely into your daily activity? Which kind of services do you provide to your customers?

Our commitment to customer-first approach at Virginia Tile, has been ingrained since our inception. What sets us apart is not just the quality of our products but the dedication of our team, carefully selected for their alignment with our core values. Our leaders prioritize hiring individuals who embody our foundation of values, focused on the customer experience.

Committed to our employees’ success, we prioritize comprehensive training, creating a culture of continuous growth and hiring employees with the background and experience that sets us apart from our competition. The result has been a notable uptick in our reten-


tion rates as we refine our processes, underscoring our unwavering dedication to both our valued team members and cherished customers.

Tile International: Your company can follow and take care of every phase of the project, “from inspiration to installation”. What do you find most challenging in this process?

While we pour our creativity into the design process, witnessing the final product isn’t always guaranteed. As a wholesaler embedded in the supply chain, the intricacies of installation quality fall outside our direct control. Nonetheless, our commitment to delivering top-notch products and design assistance remains unwavering, ensuring that every project, though unseen by us, reflects the excellence that defines Virginia Tile.

Tile International: How do you stay up to date with global finishings industry news?

Virginia Tile selects a diverse team of their Sales team and Product managers to participate in global and US based tradeshows spotlighting technology and fashion trends to help cultivate their next product launch.

Sean Cilona, leads this endeavor bringing over two decades of invaluable experience in the tile industry. As a distinguished member of the board for CTDA, Sean has a wealth of knowledge, spanning products, manufacturers, and emerging trends. Recognizing Europe’s consistent trends lead by two years, Sean employs a strategic approach, staying in tune with in-

dustry vogue, gathering insightful field feedback, and meticulously assessing their product mix to bridge any gaps.

Tile International: In 2016, the company acquired two leading peers in the industry, ISC Surfaces and RBC Tile and Stone. What has this meant for Virginia Tile?

This strategic move marked a pivotal moment, catapulting Virginia Tile into a new era of unparalleled expertise, expanded offerings, and extended client reach. This acquisition empowered Virginia Tile to synergize the strengths of these esteemed peers, firmly establishing the company as an industry frontrunner. The combined knowledge, resources, and diverse product portfolios have elevated Virginia Tile’s capabilities, allowing us to provide an even more comprehensive range of solutions, strengthen our brand, and offer enhanced buying solutions to our valued customers. With RBC’s strong focus on the commercial segment, they brought a solid base of accounts to the table. Simultaneously, ISC’s emphasis on dealer relationships created additional opportunities for growth as a unified entity. Virginia Tile’s strategic vision and integration of these industry leaders have not only enriched their offerings but also strengthened their position as the preferred choice for comprehensive tile and stone solutions. commitment to be nimble with changing market trends so we can seize every opportunity. ✕



Coverings, the North America’s largest and premier international tile and stone exhibition and conference, has unveiled the top

tile trends for 2024, identified by Coverings’ three leading sponsors and international tile associations – Ceramics of Italy/

Confindustria Ceramica, Ceramic Tile Manufacturers Association of Spain (ASCER)/Tile of Spain and Tile Council of North America (TCNA).


With tile being a historically integral part of buildings, it is no surprise that architecture is a muse for tile manufacturers. Ceramic brands are partnering with industry designer heavyweights to put their own creative stamps on the classic material, while others are inspired by historic buildings and architectural details, from stained glass to Byzantine cut mosaics.

Ceramica Fioranese Decoratori Bassanesi


When texture, sheen and reflectivity with color can be digitally manipulated, it is not only possible to recreate anything through ceramics, it is also easy. Modern tile production is at a stage where artistic expression knows no bounds, even when taking on a natural reproduction. The layers of detail that are possible with printing techniques evokes truly visceral experiences. The ability to create fine variances in decorative adornments allows for a ceramicist to play with the characteristics of different substances or introduce other elements of interest in tile.

Chiara Bruzzichelli c.bruzzichelli@tiledizioni.it Ceramica Aparici Porcelanicos


To complement the raw beauty of contemporary architecture, designers are giving us fresh interpretations of modern cement in porcelain format. Exquisitely colored and perfectly sized aggregates give these designs a handcrafted concrete look and feel. Beautifully brutalist and understatedly elegant, these creative concrete looks embody modernity, sophistication and the bustling tapestry of urban living.


Innovative glazing technology paired with inspiration from rare natural materials give us surfaces so stunning, you’ll lose your gaze in them. Enhancing effects of light and reflectivity are reproduced in luminous finishes, giving the beauty and depth of marble with the durability of porcelain in color ranges wider than those of natural stone.

Portobello Stonepeack Ceramics Anatolia


The world is witnessing and embracing the availability of production-ready versions of full-body porcelain panels. This achievement signifies a momentous milestone as it fulfills a longstanding request from fabricators and specifiers since the mainstream adoption and installation of large-format tiles. These full-body pieces offer the remarkable qualities of heat, stain and scratch resistance, while being sustainable and free from toxic chemicals. What’s more, manufacturers are turning up the volume on this trend with the look, style and allure of natural stone, spanning many collections mimicking the world’s rarest marble and showcasing evocative amalgamations with bright colors and luminous veins. Distinguishing them from vying materials is their capacity to be worked with, using traditional fabrication techniques, making them a cost-effective and versatile choice for exceptional architecture and design applications.

Grupo Lamosa


When balance and complementary interactions are fleeting, tile makers look to the birthplace of yin-yang and wabi-sabi for inspiration. While we see ample textile designs translated into ceramic renditions, there is one standout repeated by many this year, “stick mosaics.” Manufacturers are offering their take on this classic Japanese porcelain style, enhancing new lines with gracefully flowing pottery glazes. The appeal of fragmented pieces lies in the delicate interplay between precise straight lines and a gracefully undulating imperfect charm of the coatings.


Tile manufacturers are wholeheartedly embracing the infusion of rich textures throughout new ceramic collections. As architects and designers explore a growing interest in outfitting built environments in raw and rugged materials, the incorporation of tangible surfaces enables one to adequately interact with and navigate a space. Tiles impressed with deep grooves, subtle fluting, billowing curves and scored strokes are meant to be experienced both visually and physically.

Estudio Ceramico WOW Design Realonda


These looks draw inspiration from the magnificent beauty of the Earth’s ancient geological past Masterpieces of nature, like limestone, bluestone and slate, are represented with such precision and include characteristics like veining, coal lines and visible fossils. The visual richness of their textures, nuances and details are maintained and paired with the practicality of ceramic.

Landmark Ceramic Portobello America Azulejos Benadresa


Ceramic tile companies are looking to the third dimension as the next frontier of design. New collections feature a plethora of 3D tiles from fluted and protruding surfaces to reliefs with explosive patterns. As manufacturers work toward producing tiles that look and feel like natural stone, marble prints are now paired with low relief veining for an incredibly realistic appearance.


From misty forests to overlapping sheets of corrugated metal, tile manufacturers are producing a range of mind-blowing optical illusion effects on porcelain. Given the technical benefits of porcelain, designers can use these digitally printed tiles to their advantage, creating a shower that appears to be enclosed by billowy drapes or the floors of a spa covered in grooved wood-look planks.

Ceramica Bardelli Ceramica Del Conca Naxos Flaviker

Kalesinterflex redefines living spaces with its next generation porcelain slabs. Experience the evolution of style, function, and beauty.


100x300cm - 120x360cm - 160x320 - 162x323cm 3mm / 5mm / 6mm / 12mm / 20mm


Covering Material
GA / April
B - Booth 1744
& Thickness Options
/kalesinterflexsocial — /kaleinternational



The recently completed Sackett Street Townhouse project, by Barker Associates Architecture Office of New York, offers a refined blend of contemporary interior design, 20th-century pieces and designer coverings.

Refreshed by the contemporary touch of Barker Associates Architecture Office, the Sackett Street Townhouse is a sophisticated Brooklyn home incorporating a perfect fusion of high-end design, retro accents and latest-generation functional systems.

The architects’ extensive remodelling of the home involved adding a new floor to an existing wing to create a sumptuous master-suite and a third bedroom.

The adaptation and consequent extension of the areas was prompted by changing family needs, some of which trace their origins back to the long periods of time spent at home during the pandemic.

Environments and materials

The clients wanted an open space with clearly defined boundaries, and the architects achieved this with aplomb by designing semi-enclosed environments marked out and clearly delineated through the judicious use of different materials, colours and lighting.

The blue-grey volume of the entrance, for example, transitions into an elegant, red-dominated space that separates the adjoining dining-room. Well-judged details, like the iconic Anony luminaires above the dining-table and a display-case containing artistic ceramics, help create a warm, personalised atmosphere.

The heart of the home is the kitchen, marked out by a blue-grey, ribbed wood surround, with cut-outs that offer intriguing views into the dining-room and living-room. The interior furnishings, featuring white oak and patterned ceramic tiles,



strike an ideal balance between aesthetics and practicality. The living-room, with its large windows overlooking the courtyard, is the essence of contemporary luxury: the Marenco sofa by Arflex, the Hinterland walnut coffee-table with ceramic leg, and the Philippe Malouin rug for cc-tapis elegantly define the conversation area.

The private areas of the home, first and foremost the bathrooms, also testify to close attention to detail. The secondary bathroom, concealed under the staircase, is a gem in a deep resin-effect blue with a yellow concrete washbasin by Kast, whereas the main bathroom,

with an illuminated vaulted ceiling and Shades porcelain tiles designed by Gordon Guillaumier for Ceramiche Piemme, is an oasis of comfort and originality.

The upper floor houses the new main suite, whose harmonious styling is dominated by oak and soft colours. The sleeping-area and wardrobe are separated by a multi-functional volume, while a window-seat frames the view over the rear courtyard.

On the lower floor there is a secondary living-area separated from a work-space by sliding, floor-to-ceiling, fluted glass panels.




A house with an exquisitely retro flavor that draws on the colorful Mexican atmospheres using small ceramic formats in different chromatic variations.

Conde Duque is a cheerful, bohemian, carefree district in the heart of Madrid, with emerging new commercial activity in the form of shops with a modern yet vintage air. An apartment in one of the district’s narrow streets was refurbished throughout by interior design studio Sierra + De La Higuera, using tiles by WOW Design.

The owners of this 150m2 apartment are a well-travelled young couple, he from Galicia and she from Mexico, and so they wanted to stamp the hallmark of their roots on their new home.

As the interior designers stated, “This project is the outcome of a quest to find colour in Madrid, a characteristic inspired by the travels and origins of the apartment’s owners.”

The interior design studio was hired to revamp the


whole apartment, changing its layout completely. Originally, it consisted of a series of rooms which flanked a long windowless corridor. The main aim of the design project was to create a more open-plan layout, with big living spaces, eliminating the corridors and maximizing the amount of natural light.

Colours to bring Mexico to Madrid

The interior designers opted for vibrant colours, such as bright yellows, greens, blues and reds, in order to create a cheerful atmosphere while also making a powerful impact. For this purpose, they chose small-format tiles by WOW from the Bejmat collection in different colours and sizes, used throughout the whole apartment.

“We opted for tiles because ceramic is a highly expressive, artisanal material, available in a wide variety of colours, allowing us to bring a little piece of Mexico to Madrid through colour,” the interior designers told.

The design of the entrance hall revolved around arch-shaped wood panels, used to separate two different parts of the house. One part is the kitchen-diner, inspired by things typical of Mexico and clad in emerald green tiles. The other part is made up of the terraces and living room, inspired by Singapore. White and yellow tiles were used in the latter, where they make even more of an impression when exposed to direct sunlight. In some places, the colours of the tiles were also used on other furniture to create a sense of unity. For instance, the green in the kitchen ties in with the upholstery of the same colour used on the living room couch.

In this last room and in the two bathrooms, finished off in red and blue respectively, tiles were used to create striped decorative skirtings which mark off different areas. ✕

Chiara Bruzzichelli



This project by Laboratorul de Arhitectura is a hymn to light and contemporary living. Marble effects, wood and neutral tones adorn a penthouse overlooking the city.

With its majestic 19th-century buildings rubbing shoulders with imposing, ultra-modern skyscrapers, Bucharest is a bustling city with a vibrant cultural scene and lively shopping districts.

Against this urban backdrop combining history and modernity, the architect Cristina Stroe of Laboratorul de Arhitectura has designed an open space featuring clean lines, neutral palettes, luxury materials and the most advanced technologies applied to interior design.

Large-format marble-effect panels from The Top Marble Look collection by Marazzi form the centrepiece of the design. These vast surfaces reproduce the tones and patterns of the world’s rarest and most sought-after marbles, and are ideal for creating tops, backsplashes, tables and bespoke furnishings of all types.

For the wall coverings in the living-area, the designers opted for The Top Marble Look Capraia, which draws inspiration from premium Versilia marble, with an ivory-coloured background shot through with highly expressive vein patterns ranging from slate-grey to bronze, in the lux version, to further enhance the spatial effect of the volumes.

The Top Marble Capraia is so exceptionally versatile that it was also used to customise the kitchen countertop, the table and the central column: this design choice visually enlarges the space, while maintaining elements of aesthetic continuity between the different areas of the openplan environment.

Marble-effect large-format panels are al-

Chiara Bruzzichelli c.bruzzichelli@tiledizioni.it PH. KATERYNA ZOLOTUKHINA



so the focal point of the bathroom. Since this room lacks the abundance of natural light enjoyed by the living-area, the designers opted for Grande Marble Look Golden White, whose vein patterns and colour tones are less contrasting than those of Capraia: elegant and understated, Golden White in size 120x278cm was also used as a wall-covering and to create the large square washbasin that forms the centrepiece of the bathroom.

The designers chose

The Top line of ceramics by Marazzi both for its aesthetic impact and its outstanding versatility.

Available in panels with a thickness of just 6mm, the product is strong, ductile and easy to install and customise in any context, giving architects the opportunity to explore new frontiers and meet complex design needs. ✕




Traditional 20x20cm natural-look extruded stoneware pavers follow the curves of the roof, conjuring up images

of the rooftops of small local villages. A project by Galician architect Rodrigo Currás Torres.

In the small village of Guisande, on the beautiful wild coast known as the Costa de la Muerte (La Coruña, Galicia, Spain), Galician architect Rodrigo Currás Torres has built a detached villa that stands out for its curved roof, clad in extruded stoneware pavers by Gres Aragón: a traditional product used in a unique way.

The villa is divided into different overlapping volumes which link up the interiors and the home’s different uses, striving to capture the essence of the local setting, where a linear wood stretches out at the end of a clearing. These juxtaposed volumes combine to form an ensemble unified by its ceramic rooftop.

The home’s space cells are its rooms, conceived as

places where it must be possible to carry out the most basic functions required in a home, combining comfort with spaciousness and seclusion. Its interiors are based on the notion of juxtaposed settings, so that the day-time part of the villa–the living spaces and areas for relaxing–lead through to the more private night-time areas, the bedrooms.

Traditional extruded stoneware pavers form waves on the roof

The tiled roof traces differing curved shapes, echoing the curved ceilings inside the volumes. The villa’s fragmented design includes a prism-like main volume, with a perforated rectangular ground floor, flanked by courtyards that let the sunlight in.



The single-pitch roofs are designed to bring to mind the traditional rooftops of a small village. To achieve this, a natural clay material was chosen, whose colour and laid pattern would conjure up these traditional rooftops.

The Galician architect chose tiles known as “tijoleiras” in the local language: emblematic 20x20cm square paving tiles by Gres Aragón that follow the curves of the roof, blending in with the landscape.

The natural-coloured ceramic pavers unify the different volumes, evoking the essence and origins of the local backdrop.

The chosen stoneware is from the Natural collection: a

timeless, simple, traditional extruded model.

The pavers stand out for their high resistance and lasting beauty, still very much up to the minute.

As the name of the collection indicates, the appearance of the pavers reflects the colour of the clays used to make them.

The villa also stands out for its ceramic screens, used to create transitions between its interiors and exteriors, closing off private areas while also allowing for a slight permeability between different settings. The ceramic screens, courtyards and angled views help to ensure privacy, while also filtering the light and contributing to different uses.


VERDE 1999

Eclectic yet refined, contemporary yet traditional: the Cosmopolitan collection from Verde 1999 has its roots in a natural agglomerate-type stone complemented by an original, elegant and very current marble effect. Porcelain stoneware gives life to a perfect replica of a natural stone with different sized pebble inclusions artfully blended with sublime veining. The combination is a natural marble look, both sophisticated, somewhat vintage, and modern.

Cosmopolitan has a range of six exclusive and trending colors including three warm colors, Crema, Taupe, and Tortora, and three cool tones, Ghiaccio, Grigio, and Nero all of which are available in two finishes, matt and “wax”, which is new and has finely brushed, soft touch. There is a wide offering of different sizes from small to large with an assortment of mosaics and special accessories including an extra-large format, rounded edged hexagon complete with contrasting color star-like dots. It’s a treasure chest of options to create personalized installations, for both commercial and residential settings.



The new PRODESO HEAT GRIP 5 SYSTEM eliminates the need for radiators by distributing pleasant heat in selected areas, even from a distance.

This electrical heating system patented by Progress Profiles is designed to be installed only in the areas that need to be heated, without having to cover the entire surface. This concept offers several advantages: not only do rooms reach the desired temperature more quickly, but it also reduces construction or renovation time and costs. The system can also be remotely controlled, making it easy to switch it on and off from a distance, thus avoiding energy wastage. Extremely slim, the PRODESO HEAT GRIP 5 SYSTEM is ideal for both floors and wall coverings, leaving room for the imagination to decorate interiors as desired.

The system is made up of three elements: PRODESO® HEAT GRIP 5 MEMBRANE, PRODESO® HEAT GRIP 5 CABLE and PRODESO® HEAT GRIP 5 THERMOSTAT KIT. The company has recently updated the geometry of the membrane, which is only 5 mm thick, to ensure excellent performance. Thanks to its uncoupling and waterproofing properties, it can also be installed on cracked supports or those still in the hygrometric withdrawal phase. The latest generation of cables, with resistances in parallel circuit, have been designed so that even if damaged, they do not interrupt the entire system’s heat transmission. Finally, the digital thermostat connects directly to Android or Apple devices via a WiFi, allowing the system to be conveniently controlled from a smartphone or tablet.

The system is available in the PRODESO® HEAT GRIP 5 STICK self-adhesive version for perfect results on existing floors, plywood or metal. Lastly, PRODESO® HEAT GRIP SYSTEM can also be powered by renewable energy sources, meeting the demands of consumers who are increasingly aware of the responsible use of resources.



The new Double porcelain stoneware collection draws inspiration from the restrained elegance of Portland stone, a limestone quarried on the eponymous island off the coast of Dorset and widely used in London’s historic architecture. While recreating the distinct characteristics of natural stone, the collection offers architects new design opportunities.

Its name derives from the fact that the original stone can be cut either with or against the vein and consequently comes in two different versions: Plain, exhibiting a sleek and compact appearance; and Linear, featuring directional veining with subtle hue variations. Utilising Flaviker’s advanced production technologies, Double comes in a choice of surface finishes: Lux 3D, created using exclusive 3D Tech technology, and P.TECH, providing both slip resistance and ease of cleaning. This versatility allows for indoor and outdoor applications in residential, commercial and public spaces. The X20 versions with a 20 mm thickness are particularly suitable for exterior applications.

The collection also includes a number of chic minimalist decorative pieces available in 120x280 cm and 60x120 cm sizes and featuring original tactile textures and geometric patterns.



ECO Design presents some of the latest stands and showrooms designed and built for its customers. The company has been supplying professional solutions for over 30 years, thanks to its team of skilled Architects, Designers, and Technicians. Advanced customization options are available too thanks to a state-of-the-art production plant near Sassuolo in Italy. A turnkey service is available for fitting out showrooms or shops and for the design and installation of exhibition stands. ECO Design is proud of the reputation for high-quality display-systems it has acquired in the ceramic tile industry worldwide. The product range includes racks and cradles, drawer-units or sliding panels, tile-stations, slab-displays, technical walls for concept-boards, and much more besides. All items in the range are designed and made for maximum functionality, safety, and durability.



The beauty of unexpected encounters combined with ABK’s cutting-edge production technology yields astonishing aesthetic results. SENSI FANTASY represents a distinctive fusion of technology and style, seamlessly blending creativity through a contemporary reinterpretation of marble decoration with the SENSI collection’s rich colour palette. The unique surface stands out for its three-dimensional material effects and decorative patterns, and is available in large sizes ideal for customising residential, commercial and public interiors.

SENSI FANTASY explores decorative themes such as naturalistic tropical-chic motifs, Art Deco-inspired patterns and exquisite graphic effects where contrasting colours alternate to create spaces with a unique character and personality. The elegant porcelain surfaces have a glossy Lux 3D finish and striking tactile effects, while each pattern is enhanced by low-relief edges created using ABK’s exclusive 3D Tech technology.

This ceramic collection comes in two sizes catering for the latest interior design trends, a large 120x280 cm slab and a more practical 60x120 cm format. Exceptionally versatile, it is ideal for both floors and walls and can be used in mix&match projects in conjunction with the multitude of material effects available in the ABK catalogue.



“PP Level Duo Maxi” is a new range of adjustable supports for raised outdoor flooring, which can be used for all types of installation, including ceramic tiles, decking and single-format and multi-format floorboards.

With “PP Level Duo Maxi”, Profilpas offers a complete system of solutions for compensating slopes of various gradients (up to 5%) and creating totally flat, stable surfaces.

Furthermore, thanks to the “Fixed Head Ring” integrated directly into the base, you can turn tilting supports into fixed supports in an instant: simply remove the ring from the base and seat it in the appropriate position to lock the head according to your installation requirements. “PP Level Duo Maxi” really is maxi in every respect because it provides the maximum flexibility, stability and versatility, for quick, easy installation and a professionally finished result. The support head has a built-in rubber noise-damper and a support surface measuring 130mm in diameter. This support surface, combined with the 100mm diameter screw and the smooth base with a surface area of 330cm2, delivers maximum strength and stability, to make raised flooring safe and solid.Consisting of four extendible supports and an extension piece, the range offers a wide variety of heights for compensating any type of slope. Furthermore, you can use the special adjuster key to adjust the height with millimetric precision from above, so as to obtain a totally flat surface even after the flooring has been installed. “PP Level Duo Maxi” is available with a variety of different heads to meet a full range of installation requirements. There is a head for ceramic flooring, with removable tabs for joints of 2, 3 or 4mm; a head for decking, for screwin fastening of all types of joist; and a head for single-format and multi-format ceramic floorboards, for use with special aluminium joists equipped with a track for the spacer. By using these joists, you can build a substructure with even higher stability and load-bearing capacity. Profilpas also makes a comprehensive system of accessories for all its lines of support, designed and manufactured to meet every imaginable need.

These accessories include vertical infill clips, perimeter spacers, adjuster keys, rubber mats and vertical perimeter profiles made of metal. What’s more, three new tools have been introduced to facilitate the installation phase: the multi-purpose electric suction cup, the adjustable handle for lifting large-format panels and the handle for lifting tiles.

These accessories make it safer, quicker and easier to install tiles and large-format panels.



A surface that offers visual and tactile impressions that recount a land rich in traditions, Italica is the latest porcelain stoneware project where ceramic takes on the bold character of terracotta. The aesthetic of the collection inserts contemporary notes into a timeless material composition, amid evocative and striking shades of colour, developing offerings for elegant and versatile interiors and exteriors. The seven colours of Italica make up an impressive palette, open to the most original creative ideas, where stylistic research finds current answers for residential and commercial design. Intense and distinctive, Terra Bruciata allows the material inspiration of the entire project to shine through via the warm, red dominants, softly toned down by the shade variations of the product. Warm and enveloping tones are also found in the Terra Dolce proposal, which is reminiscent of intimate spaces and romantic atmospheres, a colour featuring delicate shades inspired by the brightness of dawn.

Neutral par excellence, the white of Italica is Terra Salina, a sophisticated shade that lets the originality of the texture emerge and fosters pairings with colours and material effects. Primordial energy and uncompromising character can be found in the impressions of Terra Arsa, the darkest colour of the collection, open to style contaminations thanks to its modern elegant and sophisticated tones. And then Terra Salmastra, a neutral, luminous and soft shade, which bestows a pleasant sensation of warmth.

Eclectic nuances. Terra Verde and Terra Blu evoke alpine grandeur and the depths of the Mediterranean Sea, concluding this exciting chromatic journey across Italy. Italica’s design potential is enhanced by the presence of various decorative surfaces that tastefully mix available colours inside graphic patterns that can be combined as one pleases.



Ceramic tiles and natural stone pavers can play an important role in reducing the energy consumption of heating systems. When used as the top covering in efficient floor and wall heating assemblies, tiles create a highly responsive, energy-efficient radiant panel heating system that quickly spreads cosy warmth. Due to its minimal assembly height and innovative heating technology, the water-based Schlüter-BEKOTEC-THERM floor heating system can function with very low supply temperatures. The assembly also allows for especially energy-efficient night temperature settings. That not only saves heating costs, but also makes it a perfect fit for renewable energy sources - a major advantage in times of rising energy and raw material prices. Compared to conventional floor heating systems, the ceramic thermal comfort floor can save up to 9.5% energy in conjunction with a heat pump.

Users not only benefit from the responsiveness of BEKOTEC-THERM during the heating season - the controls can also be set to cooling mode to provide gentle cooling of up to 3 degrees C in the summer. In this manner, the system quickly creates a pleasant room temperature in any season.

What is more, BEKOTEC-THERM stands out for saving up to 6 weeks of construction time compared to conventional floor heating assemblies. The installation also consumes much fewer valuable resources such as cement, sand and water than floor heating systems with a standard screed height. That makes the system an especially sustainable and resource-efficient choice, starting from the installation.



With several years of experience in the production of various display solutions and different destinations, DR TECNICA gained an attention to details and a capacity for customization that have become the hallmarks of its productive soul. In addition to the ability to develop each customer’s idea, the approach to materials is also a strength of DR TECNICA: research, innovation and experimentation of the materi-

al are guidelines to ensure aesthetics and functionality adequate to the purpose and intended use.

The new latest generation Digital Print system completes the company offer with big format prints on graphic sinoptic panels made of different materials, from faced chipboard to forex, corrugated plastic or others, with punctuality and accuracy.



Fireclay is a new ceramic collection that reinterprets terracotta, one of the classic materials of Italian architecture.

With its contemporary colours, modular formats, ground edges, three-dimensional textures and innovative non-slip surfaces, Fireclay is an ode to the intrinsic beauty of the material. The elegant combination of craftsmanship and modern styling gives every item in the collection a strong character with refined graphic details and high reliefs that catch the eye of anyone who appreciates the profound beauty of texture.

The intense colours help create enveloping coverings that are well-suited to both interior and exterior architecture, while the mosaics accompanying the series are fully fledged works of art, which enrich the overall visual experience.

In-house industrial machining processes using state-of-the-art machinery yield high-precision ground edges and perfectly squared corners, making installation easy and reducing the width of the joints to a minimum.

The modular formats are one of the strengths of Fireclay, which can be used for multi-format installations of pieces from the same collection, as well as perfect mix & match patterns encompassing different collections. Fireclay is also available with the multi-specific Cross surface, an innovative finish applied before firing, which makes the collection ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications (e.g. pool surrounds).

As well as showcasing the company’s aesthetics, Fireclay is also emblematic of its commitment to sustainability. Every square meter of GCR porcelain tile contains no less than 23% of recovered material, thus contributing to a significant reduction in environmental waste. Furthermore, by re-using almost 5,000 tonnes of processing waste per year, Fireclay qualifies as a “sustainable option”, making it eligible for statutory tax benefits.



Seeing and touching the wooden texture of trees, one of the most impressive elements of nature, has always been a favorite activity of humankind. It has been an essential component for home decoration, considering both aesthetic and psychological elements.

Hitit Seramik offers wood-look porcelain tile items in various textures and colors resembling tree trunks,

available in dimensions of 15x60cm, 60x60cm, 20x120cm, and 60x120cm. With options suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, this collection caters to all expectations.

Atlanta, Marquetry, Dock, and Orlando are among the best wood-effect ranges offered by the ceramic company.



In response to the need to support ever larger and heavier tiles while carrying out delicate cutting operations, Brevetti Montolit is proud to present Atlas, the universal elastic support.

Because Atlas is height-adjustable, it is fully adaptable to all tile cutters on the market, but its key feature is its adjustable compression setting: use a firmer setting to support large or extra thick tiles, or a softer setting for slim large-format panels or delicate ceramic tiles.

Atlas gives your tiles the right support on the cutting table even if they are overhanging or you are cutting them diagonally and off-centre, without compromising the quality of the cut or forcing you to work in awkward or impractical positions. Designed to solve everyday problems, the device incorporates a series of smart solutions that make it an essential accessory for every tiler. Atlas acts as a progressive shock absorber that adapts to changing technical requirements, helps you get the tile in the right position for cutting and gently lowers the cut piece upon separation by providing the elastic support that holds the key to optimum results.

Thanks to its versatile design, Atlas can be used with all professional tile cutters currently on the market, and since it is made of fully recyclable ABS, it is almost indestructible in the face of knocks, while offering outstanding weather-resistance.

Each pack contains two sprung supports designed to provide stable support for all tile formats.

Like many other Brevetti Montolit products, Atlas is covered by an international patent.



The company presents itself with the innovative Kaleseramik’s innovative brand Kalesinterflex, focused on the production of large slabs in redefining standards in design and architecture. In line with the “Care for Your World” movement initiated by Kale Group for a better world, the brand will also highlight its sustainable and innovative production technology, environmental attributes, and benefits in terms of energy, water, raw material consumption, and carbon emission.

On display is a collection of porcelain slabs produced in 3, 6, 12, 20 mm thicknesses and 100x300cm,160x320, 163x323 cm sizes. With Kalesinterflex, which has new dimensions and surface alternatives using 7 different production technologies, the company touches not only the conventional application areas such as interior and exterior wall and floor coverings, but also other surfaces of living spaces. Kalesinterflex meets all the trends in the world ceramic and furniture/decoration sectors with different sizes, colors and 3D pattern options and offers ease of use in many areas from kitchen countertops to facades and furnitures with its resistance to heat, impact, scratches, its non-porous structure and flexibility features. At Coverings, Kale also presents the kitchen countertop solution, which is a combination of innovation, aesthetics, advanced technology, and performance that eliminates the limits in modern kitchens with Kalesinterflex’s 12, 20 mm thickness, 162x323 cm dimensions.



From the classics to imaginative reworkings by graphic designers, marble is the source of inspiration of the new La Marmoteca range of ceramics. La Marmoteca is an encyclopaedia of surfaces, designed to bring elegance and character to the floor- and wall-coverings of the most diverse spaces.

The collection offers a choice of formats (from 120x280 cm large-format panels to sub-multiples), finishes (Lux, Lux 3D, Soft, Soft 3D and P.tech R10) and thicknesses (6 mm and 8.5 mm), with a wide range of marble effects.

The 6mm tiles from the La Marmoteca collection are simple to install because they are lightweight and easy to handle. They are also a sustainable choice because the limited emissions involved in their production and transport give them a low environmental impact.

Offering 22 different ceramic marbles, La Marmoteca is the perfect range to use in conjunction with other collections by Gardenia Orchidea, and is ideal for prestig-

ious residential spaces and for the contract, hospitality and hotel sector.

Whites, blacks and neutrals are the predominant colours in the most widely known marbles from which the collection draws inspiration. Calacatta Elegance, Antique Brown, Sahara White, Statuario Premium and the new Statuario Spider, Frozen and Pure Onyx illuminate interiors with a beauty that goes beyond the fashions of the moment, while Grey Stone, Sahara Noir and Marquina Black create sophisticated, atmospheric environments. Changing colour tones and magnified effects are the hallmarks of the variants that opt to interpret rather than replicate the natural material, such as Onyx Flow, Golden Carbon, Cosmic Ivory, Blue Denim, Pearl Deluxe and Deep Green, plus the new Verde Picasso and Grey Wonder. The bookmatched versions of Onyx Bronze, Emerald Quartz and Dreaming Rosè create breathtakingly imaginative graphic effects.



Raimondi presented many new products at Cersaie Exhibition in Italy last year. We introduce here just a few. Among these novelties, RLS SOS (the rescue clip) is a truly innovation on the market. It is an “emergency” leveling system which allows to complete the leveling of the tiles in the event of breakage of a clip of the “main” leveling system. It is the solution to an unsolved problem; up to now. RLS SOS (patent pending) is simple to install and remove, it does not chip or scratch the tiles.

UP! (The Tiler Pad) is definitely something new in the market too. It is a multifunctional support made of natural rubber on which to place tiles to perform cuts, holes, incisions, spread glue (and much more) with ease. UP! (patent pending) measures 58x58cm. For larger tiles, just use more UP! together.

TSX and TSS are both devices for safely handling tiles up to 120x120 cm and up to 3 cm thick. So, with a focus on outdoor flooring, but also useful indoors (especially TSS). Both improve ergonomics and postural comfort for the installers.

TSS is equipped with a manual pump suction cup while TSX has a battery-operated suction cup. TSX can be used both with and without wheeled cart.

Raimondi also introduces PROTECTOR (patent pending), the new platform that prevents breakages/chips and scratches when leveling very delicate tiles, especially rectified and/or polished ones.

PROTECTOR works with all clips of RLS Raimondi wedge/clip system, including the super-thin 1 mm and 0.5 mm clips. The latter, which generates a joint of just 0.5 mm, features a combination of unique design and particular polymer which provides impeccable performances (coherently with Raimondi’s high standards) despite the extremely thin joint it creates. These and all the other products will be displayed at Coverings, at Raimondi stand (HALL C – Booth 8025).

Protector UP! SOS TSS TSX


Marble coverings project elegance into every corner of a light-filled dwelling with views over Capri. Occupying a hillside location in Posillipo, overlooking the enchanting landscape of Capri, this home

designed by interior designer Biancamaria Santangelo of Nabi.Interior Design, gives the impression that it is hovering above the sea, unhindered by the laws of gravity.

Marble provides the common thread that links the entire interior design. The fluid vein patterns and shades

of white of the Statuario “Extra” floor coverings mirror the white of the clouds and of the foaming waves, ushering visitors into an almost dreamlike dimension that blurs the boundary between interior and exterior.


Its stand-out feature is the harmony it strikes between its natural setting, the layout of its spaces, its use of bespoke furnishings and its embrace of prestigious materials, like the

The kitchen surfaces, by contrast, are in the Black Cosmic granite variant, whose aesthetics evoke the volcanic nature of the surroundings.

Following in the footsteps of the shared spaces,

Antolini natural stone coverings that adorn the rooms, filling them with light and a twist of sophistication.

Photos: Carlo Oriente

marble sets the tone for the bathrooms too.

Here, the designers have used Natural Quartz Cristallo Iceberg wall coverings to create an ice-like effect that fills the space with natural light and gives the impression of being inside an iceberg.

The floor coverings in the shared spaces consist of Do-


ver White “Selected” marble, which strikes a contrast with the cream-coloured walls, generating an elegantly understated effect, accentuated by the furnishings and the refined finishes of the taps and accessories.

“I have a preference for natural materials. When clients share this preference, my design language consists entirely of wood, metal and natural stone. On those rare occasions when I have to use “imitation” materials, I find it a struggle. The intrinsic beauty of natural stone is just amazing. Even more so when you use it in a project that is essentially clean, simple and elegant, but includes technically ambitious features such as floor- and ceiling-mounted radiant panels and a curved layout. Working with Antolini means you can choose and have an entire block at your disposal. Once cut, this provides slabs with the same vein patterns, which my team and I were able to graphically reconstruct on the floor, in sequence with the layout of the space to generate a unique effect.

We had the sea and the sun in our arms and in our eyes. It was just unthinkable to use anything other than a natural material. We opted for Statuario Extra to amplify the sunlight in the house, thanks to the frameless sliding doors that help you forge a direct link with the landscape. We used Statuario Extra on the terrace too, because its vein patterns mirror the patterns of the sunlight. We chose materials that would interact with nature’s own input. The result is a contemporary home for people with refined tastes, who love beauty and quality. For me, marble is a natural work of art that the joint effort between us, Antolini and the excellent local marble suppliers have perfected, unveiled and magnified.”

Biancamaria Santangelo, Nabi.Interior Design



Designed by Níall McLaughlin Architects, the new library at Magdalene College, Cambridge meets contemporary needs while honouring the rich surrounding history. Located alongside the Fellows’ Gardens, an open green space overlooking the River Cam, the new building replaces cramped and poorly

The building also meets ambitious technological goals, including the maximum use of natural light and passive ventilation strategies so as to reduce dependence on artificial lighting and avoid the need for air conditioning systems.

A regular grid of brick chimneys supports the floors and book stacks and carries warm air up to ventilate the building. Between each set of four chimneys, there is a roof lantern bringing light down into the spaces below: air rising and light falling. Load-bearing brick and timber were the materials of choice for the new library, which consists externally of a series of three-storey square modules.

equipped facilities in the adjacent Grade 1 Listed 17th century Pepys Building.

The project is inspired by the history of the surrounding architecture and is combined with contemporary elements and designed with a strong focus on sustainability.

The architecture firm worked closely with British brickmaker York Handmade to reproduce a variety of bricks in colours ranging from black to pink that would precisely match the original materials in the Pepys Library. For this prestigious project, York Handmade supplied more than 300,000 high-quality bricks in 40 different sizes and special shapes.

The internal volume is articulated vertically and horizontally through a series of double and triple height voids, and a mix of open plan and partially and fully enclosed study areas.

From floor to floor, the large windows overlook the surrounding greenery and create pleasant, brightly lit

Chiara Bruzzichelli c.bruzzichelli@tiledizioni.it Ph. Nick Cane

spaces that improve student well-being.

The timeless building is designed to last “at least 400 years”, which was one of the reasons that led the Royal Institute of British Architects to award it the RIBA Stirling Prize 2022, the prestigious award honouring the UK’s best new building.

Additional criteria include design vision; innovation and originality; capacity to stimulate, engage and delight occupants and visitors; accessibility and sustainability; how fit the building is for its purpose and the level of client satisfaction.

According to the jury statement: “The new library at Magdalene College is sophisticated, generous, architecture that has been built to last. Creating a new building that will last at least 400 years is a significant challenge, but one that Níall McLaughlin Architects has risen to with the utmost skill, care and responsibility.”



Daniel Joseph Chenin Ltd., a multi-disciplinary, multi-award-winning firm of architects, has designed an oasis of comfort in the desert on the

Built for a family with an active lifestyle and a penchant for immersive experiences in the natural environment, Fort 137 offers panoramic views of the surrounding Red Rock Canyon and is designed as a warm, contemporary home that nonetheless blends seamlessly into the rugged beauty of its natural setting.

While offering an interior with a master suite, a second suite, three bedrooms and a large living-room with open-plan dining-area, the property turns its main focus to the exterior, which includes a circular tower, a shaded courtyard and a walkway overlooking the desert scenery.

The circular tower can be seen from the driveway into Fort 137 and pays homage to the old forts built by early settlers, which once dotted the desert landscape

fringes of the Las Vegas Valley, having previously won numerous industry awards for its thoughtful, innovative design.

of the Las Vegas Valley. Standing some 8 metres high, it acts as a transitional zone between the heat of the desert outside and the cooler interior, with a conical shape that strikes a contrast with the straight lines of the living-spaces. As you enter the circular tower, the sound of running water from the stone fountain on the level below greets the ears like a refreshing aural mirage, and a spiral staircase leads to a rooftop lounge with a fireplace and sweeping views of the desert. After a cooling break, the stroll from the outdoor area to the interior of the house starts with a fully shaded and sheltered courtyard, which is ideal for dining and relaxing with the family, and in the background lies a 75-tonne boulder, sourced from a nearby quarry. Inside the house, two double-layer side walls, run-

Ph. Stetson Ybarra, Stephen Morgan, Daniel Joseph Chenin
Chiara Bruzzichelli c.bruzzichelli@tiledizioni.it

ning north to south, provide protection from the outside elements and mark the boundaries of the dwelling unit. Between the perimeter walls there is a large lounge with dining-area, a kitchen, a home-office and a home-cinema, while the more intimate spaces, including the bedrooms, are on the outer sides.

An interior designed for comfort

The living space at Fort 137 is spread over three complementary volumes, each designed to maximise thermal comfort, energy-efficiency and the minimalist, relaxing atmosphere. Set between stone walls, an array of large, steel-framed sliding windows provide panoramic views from both the northern and southern aspects. They are strategically positioned to provide cross-ventilation and draw plentiful sunlight into the rooms, while still affording ample protection against the most extreme conditions of the desert sun and wind.

Every space, from its orientation to the design of its intrinsic features, is intended to bring an outstanding sense of well-being to the inhabitants. The discreet luxury of the interior is a further expression of this design philosophy, which embraces the use of natural

materials and finishes that pair harmoniously with the landscape, such as travertine flooring, stucco ceilings, veneered vertical panels made of reconstituted wood, and brass details such as the bespoke door handles and furniture, which mirror the colours and textures of the adjacent Red Rock Mountains.

The construction of Fort 137 had limited environmental impact. The team of architects applied a wide range of design strategies to offset the home’s environmental footprint and reduce its energy dependence. A system of photovoltaic panels and a gravel-ballasted roof were installed, together with insulation, passive cooling and radiant heating systems, to enhance the building’s performance. The choice of wood cladding, made from reconstituted sawmill waste, and the use of locally sourced materials, alongside rocks and earth extracted from the site, also serve the purpose of sustainability. The architects also opted for materials such as weathering steel, hot-rolled steel and travertine because of the attractive way they age and develop a time-worn, sand-swept patina, adding further colour and texture to an environment that is destined to blend even more deeply into its surroundings as the years go by. ✕




“Giardino all’Italiana” designed by Cristina Celestino for Fornace Brioni who has been in charge of the company’s creative direction since 2016, is conceived to “redesign nature” and unveil the human capacity to shape natural materials following the laws and suggestions of geometry.

The collection reconsiders the traditional character of terracotta, exploring its expressive potential in a play of harmonious shapes. An irresistible attraction emerges in the contrast between linearity and curvature, contributing to the creation of a new iconographic alphabet.

The significant innovation lies in the extension of this design to the outdoor realm. The Tivoli cladding, originally designed for indoor use only, transforms to adapt to new contexts. Now engineered to withstand atmospheric agents, it becomes ideal for pool, water-exposed surfaces, and high-traffic areas such as hotels and public spaces.

The new version of Tivoli is crafted from colored technical clay, ensuring not only an extraordinary aesthetic but also exceptional resistance to the elements.



Monitillo1980, the Italian company specialized in the processing of marble, granite and stone, presents the collections of two prestigious international designer studios: Studiopepe and Atelier Daaa. The City Collection designed by Studiopepe is an expression of soft yet precise geometrics. The line includes dining tables, consoles, stools and accessories evoking skylines refined in their design and rooted in the earth.

Atelier Daaa’s Ville Collection (pictured) has instead linear style with rounded corners aims to simplify the way spaces are interpreted by focusing on the use of quintessential materials.

Monitillo1980’s production includes also a Walls&Floors line, with the collections designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune such as Vela and Parallelo. Moreover, Punto, by designer Andrea Maffei, features round metal accents integrated into the marble surfaces, thereby creating intriguing geometric patterns with a combination of different materials.


Inspired by a place of solace in the middle of the desert where a thick flora raises in protection, versatile designer Sara Ricciardi imagines for Bosa a view made of palms, papyrus, lotus and paradisiacal birds with vivid and playful colours that get represented as vases or small ceramic tables, full of textures, decors and precious details.



British design house Deus ex Gardenia launches Little Eden, a brand new wallpaper design that is all about a joyful flourish of wild plants. The illustrated motifs are made up of exotic Palms, climbing Jasmine and Andira tree flowers, which surround the focal point of ripe orange forbidden fruit. This detailed botanical garden creates an immersive experience in any space.

Available in three colours, Night, Meadow and Tansy in a matt finish in a 70cm x 10m Roll in addition to Eden in a pearlescent finish in a 2 x 52cm Roll Set.



Tosco Studio, led by designer Joana Esteves, is a Portoguese design studio working with concrete, transforming an age old material into art pieces. Based in Lisbon, it explores forms and colours to create irreverent pieces of furniture objects and even flooring and slabs. Each project is unique, with its singularities, details and imperfections.

Tosco Studio makes original shades mixing natural pigments. As with colours, patterns are in constant development to promote creative freedom.



Takaoka City, in Toyama Prefecture, has been known for over 400 years as a major center for production of castings, including copperware. mentum Factory Orii was originally founded precisely in this area in 1950. Since then, the company has worked with various copper products such as Buddhist ornaments, bronze statues and other arts and crafts. The company’s current goal is to create new value for Japanese traditional copper-coloring techniques based on the skills and experiences culti vated so far. ln order to strengthen the bonds between the pleasure of craftsmanship with traditions and culture of Takaoka, the brand constant ly seeks new ideas and challenges that break through stereotypes and conventional frameworks.

In this wake Momentum Factory Orii has launched a new collection of multicolored tiles that open possibilities for space design. “Orii Marble” is a copper and brass surface colored by thin metal plates made one at a time by a craftsman. The coloring developed through trial and error lends a unique depth to metal and can be combined to accent walls, ta bles, doors and other surfaces. This new material applies traditional tech niques to a modern Iifestyle and opens new possibilities for space design.



The fine porcelain surface of the latest line designed by Giacomo Totti for De Marchi Verona draws inspiration from the architectural features and ancestral symbols of the South American civilisations, in an interplay of natural motifs that span earth, sky and everything in between.

Pieces of very different shapes can be laid in multiple configurations to create geometric patterns and mazelike compositions, where the joints –whether wide or narrow – contribute to the final aesthetic.

Each three-dimensional piece features an irregular, slightly flared cut that highlights the nuances of colour and reflects light variably, to amplify the richness of the collection.

The colours, some of which are iridescent, can interact to create pairings or contrasts with each other and with the joints.

www.cersaie.it 23-27 / 09 / 2024 International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings Promoted by In collaboration with Organized by With the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation A space for architectural design



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